September 28,2011 Daily Sundial

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California State University, Northridge FREE

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

since 1957

Suspected gunman in custody

The suspected gunman faces a pillar in front of the Oviatt Library. He was said to have been screaming profanities. A student provided this photo to the university.

Samantha Tata News Editor


he suspected gunman whose suspicious behavior prompted the Oviatt library to close Tuesday is in custody after turning himself into police, said Carmen Ramos Chandler, CSUN director of news and information. A man, whose identity has not been released, came forward shortly after 8 p.m. Tuesday after his photo was circulated through the Internet and on-campus fliers, Ramos Chandler said. He is being held with CSUN police, said Christina Villalobos, campus police spokeswoman.

Law enforcement searched the library and monitored campus perimeters after city police were notified at 10:27 a.m. of a possible gunman on campus. Students received the first automated message over an hour later at about 11:45 a.m. Five automated updates followed throughout the day. The suspected was described as a white male, 5’8”, wearing jean shorts and a white t-shirt with the words “human rights violation” and donning short spiky hair, according to the first message. He was seen outside of the Oviatt Library before the campus-wide alert was issued, accordin today’s


Volume 53 Issue 19 • A financially Independent student newspaper

Tessie Navarro / Visual Editor

A police officer asks everyone in front of the Oviatt Library to move away from the Oviatt lawn on Tuesday.

ing to an eyewitness report. Sarkis Mkrtchyan, 24, said he saw a man who fit the suspect’s description screaming profanities next to a stone pillar by the front of the building, and saying he was “doing a lot, not getting credit for it, and there’s no recognition.” It is not confirmed whether the suspect is a CSUN student. Student Raymond Paguia, who was on the first floor of the Oviatt at the time, said the fire alarm went off shortly after and students were evacuated immediately. The library was cleared using the fire drill system after the alleged gunman told a library staff member he had a gun and authorities were called, said Police Capt. Fred Fernandez. Every available police officer was dispatched to the scene, including trainees, said Dean Arnold, the music and media supervisor at the library. Police searched the campus perimeters from Bayramian Hall to the west, the planetarium to the east, Sierra Tower and Eucalyptus Hall to the south, and the education building to the north. Police, K-9 Units and a bomb squad entered the library for the first time at about 3:35 p.m. Tuesday, said Kirk Albanese, commanding officer operations Valley bureau. Some students said they were leaving


Online coverage of gunman threat

Scan the code above to read the coverage from throughout the day watch student reaction interviews, photo slideshows and video coverage of the campus emergency.

10:27 a.m.: Police are notified of a man threatening to harm himself and others, according to student witnesses. Oviatt library is evacuated soon after. 11:48 a.m.: Students are notified about the incident through an automated CSUN phone call, text message and email. 12:40 p.m.: A campus search by LAPD and California Highway Patrol (CHP) does not find anything suspicious and the campus remains open, said Carmen Chandler, director of news and information. 1:13 p.m.: The first emergency update is sent to students. 2:04 p.m.: Bomb squad is called to the Oviatt, said LAPD Officer Pearce. 2:14 p.m.: The second automated update and a photo of the suspect is sent to students.

3:09 p.m.: Four K-9 Units arrive at the Oviatt Library. 3:35 p.m.: Police, K-9 Units and bomb squad enter the library for the first time since it was evacuated, said Kirk Albanese, commanding officer, operationsValley bureau. 3:47 p.m.: Third emergency information update is sent. 4:10 p.m.: Police enter the Library at approximately 3:40 for a second search of the building. 5:12 p.m.: Fourth emergency information update is sent. 6:30 p.m.: The bomb squad and K-9 unit leave the Oviatt library. 8:40 p.m.: Fifth automated message informs students the suspect is in custody. Ashley Soley-Cerro Live News Editor

See gunman, page 4




Students react to suspected gunman

Istanbul Adventures, Part 2

p. 2

p. 6

ONLINE: Kershaw’s outstanding year should earn him Cy Young

ONLINE A.S. gives ‘Big Show’ budget a raise. Scan the code to read more

2 News September 28, 2011 • Daily Sundial • CSUN •

Campus Voice

joelle katz / daily sundial

How did you hear about the gunman on campus and did you follow social media for updates?

Eduard cabanan political science

patriccia ordonez sociology

zach alamoodi mechanical engineering

“I was in the library when it happened. They sent a message over the intercom telling everyone to head to the first floor but everyone just left. There is a CSUN group on Facebook that was blowing up about it”

“I got a bombardment of phone calls and emails from the Police Department. No.”

“From friends and the public. It’s hard not to know the story by now”


Students look to social media for detailed threat updates joelle katz daily sundial


ocial media played a key role in keeping the CSUN campus informed Tuesday as officials searched for a suspected gunman. English major Eduard Cabanban was in the Oviatt Library when the police were first contacted and the building was evacuated. Cabanban said he was writing an essay on the third floor when he heard a fire alarm and joined other students and headed outside. “There were police at the exits watching us leave,” Cabanban said. “People were confused and just grabbed their stuff and left. I was just real concerned about what was going on.”

At first Cabanban thought there was a fire since the fire alarm sounded and the voice over the intercom did not specify the situation, he said. Soon after the evacuation, university officials sent automated calls to students and Cabanban went on the CSUN Facebook page for updates. Many students shared their fear and curiosity through Facebook and Twitter as events unfolded during the day. Media officials and the campus community made CSUN a hot topic. Lorena Carrillo, an English literature major, also went on Facebook after hearing about the threat. She said she was not on campus when it first happened but figured her friends who go to CSUN would have more information about the unfold-

ing story. Though Carrillo received the automated warnings, she said she didn’t take it seriously. “When I got here and saw patrol cars and the bomb squad, then I got scared,” she said. “I saw the yellow tape and that made it scarier.” Sociology major Nayma Guerrero said she also updated herself using her Facebook news feeds. Since Guerrero lives on campus, an hour away from her family in Inglewood, she said her mother and father were worried. “I was nervous,” she said. “My mom told me she saw it on the news and I was scared since I couldn’t go home.” Guerrero said a friend’s post about the warning added to her nerves.

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September 28, 2011 • Daily Sundial • CSUN •


4 News September 28, 2011 • Daily Sundial • CSUN •

Simon Gambaryan / Daily Sundial

Police officer gears up to approach the lockdown situation at the Oviatt Library.


Continued from page 1 campus because of the elevated threat levels, however because police deemed the threat confined to the Oviatt Library, the campus was not on an enforced lock-

down said Ramos Chandler. Classes were not cancelled, but anyone who felt uncomfortable were told they could leave campus as long as they notified their professors or supervisors, according to an automated message from CSUN police sent to students around 1:30 p.m. About 30 students were

escorted back into the library at about 4:45 p.m. to retrieve their belongings left behind during the evacuation, said Augustine Castaneda, CSUN security guard. The Oviatt Library will not reopen until 7:45 a.m. Wednesday, said library dean Mark Stover.

Reporting contributed by Andres Aguila, Anthony Carpio, A.J. Circhirillo, Jessica Estrada, Liana Hofer, Andrew Lopez, Caitlin Martin, Mariela Molina, Irene Moore, Tessie Navarro, Hansook Oh, Katherine O’Neill, Mary Pham, Ron Rokhy, Ashley Soley-Cerro, Alonso Tacanga

Big show 2011 rules GUIDELINES: Admittance limited to ticket-holders only. Maximum occupancy rules will be strictly observed. CSUN is a non-smoking campus Shirts, pants and shoes must be worn at all times. Festival-style seating only. Special disabled seating section is available on a first-come/ first served basis.. Participate at your own risk. Minors must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older. We reserve the right to refuse admittance to anyone. No outside chairs or blankets permitted No Re-Entry /Ins & Outs (wristbands are forfeited on leaving the concert area) No overnight parking No overnight camping No refunds or exchanges No Moshing, Crowd Surfing or Stage Diving No unauthorized/unlicensed vendors allowed No unauthorized solicitations, handbills, sampling, give-aways, etc. PROHIBITED ITEMS No pets (seeing eye dogs or licensed assistance animals excepted) No laser pointers No pacifiers or dust masks No glass, bottles, cans, cups or coolers No markers, pens or spray paint No large chains or spiked jewelry No stickers, flyers, banners or posters No balloons, balls, inflatable balls or Frisbees No alcoholic beverages or containers. No illegal substances No drugs or drug paraphernalia No eye drops, Chapstick or lip balm No stuffed animals or dolls (including plush backpacks) No open packs of cigarettes or unsealed tampons (upon entry) No outside food or beverage of any kind. No weapons of any kind (includes pocket knives, pepper spray, fireworks, etc.) No professional recording equipment: photo, video or audio (no detachable lenses, tripods, big zooms or commercial use rigs) No video cameras. ACCEPTABLE ITEMS OK Fanny packs OK Non professional flash/still cameras OK Cell phones OK ear plugs OK sealed/wrapped tampons PLEASE BRING Your ticket to Big Show 11 Your ID - If you are under the age of 18, bring an adult 18 or over - you WILL be refused admittance if you are not with an adult.. Money for food, beverage and merchandise vendors

STROBE LIGHTS/LOUD SOUND Big Show 11 will feature the use of a variety of special effects lighting, including strobe lights. Anyone with a sensitivity to strobe lights, concert-style lighting, or loud sound should be aware that all these effects will be present at Big Show, and make their personal choice accordingly. ADULT CONTENT Please check out the performers at Big Show 11 prior to making the decision to attend If their lyrics or performance style don’t suit you, we respect your decision not to attend. Parents, please make informed choices about bringing anyone 17 and younger to Big Show. SECURITY AND ENTRY Everyone will be searched upon entry. You will need to empty your pockets and have all items examined. Uniformed officers will be working outside and inside the event. All narcotic and alcohol laws and university policies will be strictly enforced, and CSUN students violating those policies are subject to the disciplinary policy of the university. We reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone. SAFETY AND MEDICAL We make every effort to provide a safe environment. Campus and private security as well as university medical staff will be present throughout the event. If you or a friend need any assistance please look for the first aid tent, or seek out a Campus Police or event staff member. PARKING Parking for Big Show 11 is on the west side of campus only. Parking is free with a current, valid CSUN parking pass properly displayed, or can be purchased for $6 per vehicle from any of the yellow kiosks in the campus parking lots. Cars parked without proper permits may be ticketed and or towed at vehicle owners expense. FOOD & BEVERAGES A variety of LA's hottest street trucks will be on hand selling a wide array of delectable items to choose from. The University Corporation will be on hand selling bottled water, snacks and food items as well. ATM'S There will be ATM's available in the food and vendor area. Their locations are noted on the show map you receive when entering the event. MERCH BOOTHS Merchandise booths will be available just inside the show area LOST AND FOUND Lost and Found will be located inside the event, just to the right of the main entrance in the Volunteer area. PLEASE NOTE: If you attend Big Show, you are participating at your own risk.

Big Show featuring B.O.B - Oct. 1, 2011

September 28, 2011 • Daily Sundial • CSUN •




September 28, 2011

Istanbul studies part II: Travel Treasures

LETTER TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor, I have been puzzling lately over the abysmal condition of the restrooms on campus. It’s gotten so bad at the Oviatt Library that, from top to bottom, there isn’t a usable men’s restroom in the place. Is this a visceral example of the results of our state’s savage budget cutting at the CSU? Is it that men are even more disgustingly barbaric than I thought possible? Or is the truth somewhere in between? The horrific condition of our bathrooms may be a signal of our incipient decline at CSUN, and maybe in our nation as a whole to third world status. Perhaps you can assign a reporter to figure out how corners of our campus are becoming hellholes unfit for human use. Paul Russel Laverack Journalism Student



The Turkish game Backgammon is one of the oldest table-top board games, involving both luck and strategy.The board is not just a game or a souvenir from Istanbul. It also helped our traveler meet local people, understand the culture, and bond with the community.

Postcards from abroad

With Kat Russell


t’s no secret one of the great joys of traveling is traversing the crowded bazaars and promenades in search of that quintessential item that perfectly sums up what an amazing time you had. For some it’s a scarf or a new bag and for others it’s a piece of jewelry or some sort of art. My perfect travel treasure was a backgammon set. For days I scoured the markets, bazaars, and shopping promenades, turning my nose up at the typical cheap and cheesy

souvenirs, in search of the perfect set. I knew exactly what I wanted: large, wooden, elaborately engraved, and shiny with fresh varnish. I had to have one. Backgammon is a game that is near and dear to my heart. My best friend taught me how to play a few years ago and my love for the game was instantaneous. Many a night we would sit in his apartment, drink tea and talk and play. Those are some of my most cherished moments. In Istanbul, nights are similarly spent with groups of friends sitting in sidewalk


and waterfront cafes, drinking tea and smoking hookah to the repeated rolling of backgammon dice. Laughter and friendly heckling intertwine seamlessly with the tapping of game pieces and the clinking of tea glasses. Needless to say, I felt at home immediately. What I didn’t expect was for backgammon to function as a catalyst, integrating me into the Turkish way of life. Nightly games in these sidewalk cafes became a tool, which helped me to bond with the city, its people and their culture – one of many unexpected gifts I received during my trip. Istanbul taught me much about myself, about what is really important to me, and about the person I want to be. Being immersed in a culture that I knew very little about was an opportunity for me leave my judgments and perceptions at the door and allow the city and its people to show me what their lives and their beliefs were really about

– another unexpected gift. At the end of my trip, Istanbul had given me not only a shiny new backgammon set, but a group of friends whom I had grown to love, a drastic shift in perceptions and beliefs, memories that will always remain close to my heart, and, most importantly, a better idea of who I am and what really matters to me. I was simply in the market for a backgammon set, but what I found in Istanbul was so much more than I could ever have thought possible.

Letters should be no longer than 300 words. Students must include their full name, e-mail and contact number, and major. Faculty and staff must include position and department. All other submissions must include relationship to CSUN (i.e. alumni, parent). Letters written on behalf of a CSUN club or organization must be signed with student names. Individuals may not have more than one letter published within a one-week period. Anonymous letters and those attacking the writer will not be published. Letters that do not contain contact information will not be published. You will be contacted if your letter is a candidate for publication.


Want to share your own story from abroad? Contact us!

Important campus groups to follow:

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• @csunorthridge

• @OviattLibrary



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Online Editor ANDREW LOPEZ Social Media Editor BRIEN OVERLY





Recruitment Editor LIANA HOFER Publisher MELISSA LALUM General Manager JODY HOLCOMB Business Coordinator SANDRA TAN Web Consultant BENJAMIN GARBER

Published Mon.-Thurs. by the Department of Journalism at California State University, Northridge. Manzanita Hall 140, 18111 Nordhoff St. Northridge, CA 91330-8258 News (818) 677-2915 • Advertising (818) 677-2998 Fax (818) 677-3638 •

Sports 7 September 28, 2011 • Daily Sundial • CSUN •

men's soccer

CSUN kicks off Big West in Davis anthony carpio daily sundial



Andres Aguila / Daily Sundial

Following a 3-0 win over Seattle Sunday, junior forward Rene Anguiano and the Matadors open their Big West season at UC Davis today. FOR RELEASE SEPTEMBER 28, 2011

he Matadors (3-4-1) head north to face UC Davis (2-4-2) in their Big West season opener today despite a scare of an alleged gunman at school on Tuesday. The team finished practice on schedule, but was unaware of the developing news of a man possessing a gun near the Oviatt Library during their morning training on Tuesday. “(The team) didn’t realize until after I got home,” co-captain Joe Franco said. “We had no idea. We were practicing at the time when that stuff was going on.” CSUN assistant coach Peter Bomar said the team noticed helicopters hovering above campus, but the group was unaware of the news until they checked their phones after practice. Midfielder Rafael Garcia tried not to let the situation linger in his head for too long. “I was a little bit surprised,” Garcia said. “You don’t really expect these things to happen. But I just kind of went on with the rest of my day.” With only Davis in their mind, the Matadors took off for northern California thinking of adding to UC Davis’ misery of late. The

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

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Aggies enter the Big West having lost their last three games, against Northwestern, Northern Illinois and Sacramento State. Aggies midfielder Eddie Manella has led his team this season with one goal and one assist. He has also had 22 shots, with nine on goal. Davis leads the all-time series against CSUN 6-2-2 and has won the last two matches. The last time the teams met, on Oct. 16, 2010, the Aggies came away with a 1-0 win in double overtime. Even though history is not on their side, the Matadors have done plenty of scouting to get their first Big West win against the Aggies. “We took a look at their tendencies offensively and defensively,” Bomar said. “We also took a look at what they do (on both sides) on set pieces and just added that little bit to our general routine and (we’re) just (getting) ready to bring it.” Bomar understands today’s match

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Say you saw it in the Classifieds!


By Bruce Venzke and Gail Grabowski

2 Tennis tactic 3 Bridge guru Culbertson 4 Vacation destinations 5 Brass band sound 6 Brown-haired boy 7 Trunk attachment 8 Chow chow 9 Affectionate gesture con los labios 10 Thorough 11 April 1605 pope 12 “Poison” shrub 13 Elemental bits 21 Greek vowel 22 “The Family Circus” cartoonist 23 “Bullying is __!”: school rule 24 Dickens’s Drood 26 Homecoming guest 27 Occupy, in a way 28 Roman numeral 29 Today, in Toledo 32 Help 33 Dolt 34 Bug bugger

is just one of many in the conference. “We know that, in the Big West, every game is a battle,” he said. “This is no longer preseason and this is where it counts. Every game that we’ve played so far leading up to Davis is going to be nowhere near as difficult as any game we play in the Big West.” Garcia, a senior, is looking forward to all of the conference matches. “It’s my last year, my last season,” he said. "I’m very excited with the direction the team’s going in right now.” With UC Irvine, Cal State Fullerton, and UC Santa Barbara leading the non-conference ranks, Garcia anticipates league play to be a tough challenge. “It looks as if it is going to be a very competitive year in the Big West,” Garcia said. “There really is no weak team, not that there (ever was). But this year more than ever, everyone’s playing great games.”

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Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

ACROSS 1 Olds compact 6 State secrets? 10 “Casablanca” character 14 Logger’s competition 15 Get to 16 Like Switz. in WWII 17 Bottomless pit 18 Strike callers 19 Major-__ 20 *Test that sounds easier than it often is 23 Fill with bubbles 25 Major stories 26 *“End of discussion” 30 Weather map figures 31 Symbol of strict control 35 Cycle opener 36 *Z’s 39 Compete 40 She has a memorable smile 42 Hamlet, for one 43 *Thing to do before a heist 47 Scrub, at NASA 50 Either “Cathy’s Clown” singer 51 What the first words of the answers to starred clues describe 55 Genesis victim 56 Swedish furniture giant 57 Egg holders 61 Hindu royal 62 Tumbled 63 Corkers? 64 Howard’s wife, to the Fonz 65 Offended, with “off” 66 Homework assignment

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sudoku (c)2011 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

36 November ticket 37 Embroidered word 38 Put to the test 41 Painter’s medium 42 Half-story windows 44 Cape May County weekly 45 Time for celebration 46 Foster’s dream girl


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8 News September 28, 2011 • Daily Sundial • CSUN •

All eyes on the Oviatt Library

Mariela Molina / Visual Editor

Andres Aguila / Daily Sundial

Building and floor marshalls stand outside the Oviatt Library keeping students away from the library due to reports of a suspected gunman on campus.

Dean Arnold, music and media supervisor and volunteer building marshall, stands on the Oviatt lawn telling students not to go into the library.

Andres Aguila / Daily Sundial

Kirk Albanese, LAPD deputy chief and commanding officer of operations for the valley bureau, speaks to the press and gives a recap on the day’s events.

Simon Gambaryan / Daily Sundial

K-9 units leave the library during Tuesday’s Oviatt Library lockdown.

Andres Aguila / Daily Sundial

LAPD officers take helmets out of the trunks of their vehicles behind the Oviatt Library.

Tessie Navarro / Visual Editor

A police officer collects information from Rueyling Tsay, instructional technology coordinator. Tsay is one of many who left belongings behind inside the Oviatt Library at the time of the evacuation.

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