The Daily Tar Heel for April 1, 2009

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L^kobg` ma^ lmn]^gml Zg] ma^ Ngbo^klbmr \hffngbmr lbg\^ *12,

I]Z 9V^an IVg =ZZa

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NG< [Zgdl hg lmZm^ \nml I^k]n^Íl [n]`^m bg\k^Zl^l _ng]l lihkml u hgebg^ ANTICIPATING When the No. 1 UNC men’s basketball team travels to Detroit for the Final Four, they’ll play at Ford Field, normally the home of the NFL’s Detroit Lions — an arena with a raised court. “I could give a darn if we played on the moon, but when the court is above you, that is extremely different than anything I’ve ever encountered,” coach Roy Williams said.

DTH ONLINE: The Employee Forum will discuss furloughs vs. layoffs today.


:]fbgblmkZmhkl _^Zk maZm gh fZm& m^k paZm aZii^gl pbma ma^ lmZm^ [n]`^m% NG< pbee [^ ankm [Z]er' Mph p^^dl Z`h% <aZg\^eehk Ahe]^g Mahki Zld^] Ngbo^klbmr e^Z]^kl mh fZd^ \nml mh g^qm r^ZkÍl [n]`^m ^jnboZe^gm mh Z . i^k\^gm \nm bg lmZm^ fhg^r' Mabl pZl Z_m^k ma^ k^e^Zl^ h_ @ho' ;^o I^k]n^Íl ]kZ_m [n]`^m% pab\a Z\mnZeer bg\k^Zl^] ma^ Zfhngm `bo^g mh NG<' ;nm Z]fbgblmkZmhkl lZb] ma^r Zgmb\biZm^ mahl^ g^p _ng]l ]blZi& i^Zkbg` hg\^ ma^ lmZm^ e^`bleZmnk^ _bgZebs^l bml hpg o^klbhgl h_ ma^ [n]`^m' ÊMa^ _^^ebg` a^k^ bl ma^ `ho^kghkÍl k^\hff^g]Zmbhg bl ma^ [^`bggbg` h_ ma^ ikh\^ll%Ë lZb] =b\d FZgg% ob\^ \aZg\^eehk h_ _bgZg\^ Zg] Z]fbgbl& mkZmbhg' ÊP^Ík^ mkrbg` mh Zgmb\biZm^ paZmÍl ebd^er mh aZii^g'Ë

Cuts no matter what

Zkml u iZ`^ , MARIZA In a Memorial Hall concert, performer Mariza serenaded audience members with her traditional Portuguese style.

_^Zmnk^l u iZ`^ , EDITOR CANDIDATES See profiles of Andrew Dunn and Sara Gregory, candidates for DTH editor-in-chief. For their platforms, see pg. 8.

E^`bleZmbo^ [n]`^ml pbee [^ \hf& [bg^] pbma I^k]n^Íl [r Cner *% ma^ ^g] h_ ma^ _bl\Ze r^Zk' NG<Íl `ebf& f^k h_ ahi^ _khf I^k]n^Íl [n]`^m \hne] ma^g jnb\der _Z]^' ÊMa^ \aZg\^l h_ bm lmZrbg` bgmZ\m Zk^ ghm mhh `hh]%Ë lZb] G'<' L^g' AZkkbl ;eZd^% K&Fhhk^' Ê<^kmZbger a^k b]^Zl bg ma^ [n]`^m pbee lmZr Z iZkm h_ bm' Ahp ma^ gnf[^kl `^m Zllb`g^]% maZmÍl pa^k^ ma^ lmkn``e^ pbee [^'Ë Pabe^ ;eZd^ Z\dghpe^]`^] ma^


<hffbmm^^ l^g]l ÖgZe ln``^lmbhgl BY BRIAN AUSTIN STATE & NATIONAL EDITOR


The Legislative Building, located at 16 W. Jones St. in Raleigh, houses the N.C. General Assembly. State legislators, along with Gov. Bev Perdue, decide the state budget and UNC’s budget next fiscal year.

One-time cuts

Permanent cuts

The first cuts announced this year were one-time cuts, also known as non-recurring. These cuts — ordered by the state when a revenue shortfall is expected — are made to the current year’s budget and are implemented immediately. One-time cuts can be met with any savings, such as the savings that accumulate when a position is vacant. Many departments have cut down on travel expenses, delayed current projects and made other temporary actions to meet the one-time cuts.

The cuts, also known as recurring cuts, come in the original budget prepared by the state legislature. These mean the school will get less money than expected. Permanent cuts have to come from a permanent source of funding, such as the elimination of a program or layoffs. Something must be completely removed from the budget. Temporary savings can’t be used for a permanent cut.

26 NEOPHYTES The Order of the Golden Fleece, UNC’s oldest and most esteemed honorary society, inducted 26 new members.

hgebg^ u ]ZbermZka^^e'\hf RING MY BELL

UNC might help N.C. State get real bells in its bell tower.

BASEBALL SCORES BIG The Tar Heels got back into the swing of things.


Watch video of candidates explaining their platforms.

mabl ]Zr bg ablmhkr APRIL 1, 1947 …

The names for the two cuts comes from how the state legislature views these cuts when making the next year’s budget. Legislators use the current year’s budget as a basis for the next year, making additions and subtractions as they see fit. With one-time cuts, legislators use the original level as the baseline. With permanent cuts, the new, reduced level is used as the baseline.

One-time cuts have been rolled out incrementally throughout the year. Future action is likely to revolve around dealing with expectations of a permanent cut. November 6 January 8 Chancellor Holden Thorp announces Thorp announces that one-time cuts have 4 percent one-time cuts in this year’s budget risen to 5 percent in the past few weeks, and says to expect permanent cuts to come affecting this fiscal year. in the next fiscal year. December 10 January 14 Then-Gov. Mike Easley instructs state agencies UNC-Chapel Hill has finished to prepare planning scenarios for 3, 5 and 7 implementing Easley’s mandated percent permanent cuts in the next fiscal year. scenarios.

December 2008

January 22 One-time cuts have risen to 6 percent, Thorp announces.

February 12 Thorp announces that consulting firm Bain & Co. will come to UNC-CH to identify areas where the University can cut costs.

January 2009

February 20 Thorp creates a $445,000 Employee Assistance Fund. February 27 The one-time cuts have risen to 7 percent, Provost Gray-Little announces.

February 2009

March 17 Gov. Purdue releases her budget, which does not cut appropriations to UNC. March 19 Thorp says he has instructed departments to cut 5 percent permanently starting the next fiscal year.



ngbo^klbmr u iZ`^ 0

How the legislature views these cuts

Budget cuts over time

November 2008

AZm^ \kbf^ ]kZ_m mh ;hpe^l =bo^klbmr mkZbgbg` _hk bg\hf& bg` lmn]^gml bl ghm iZkm h_ ma^ k^\hff^g]Zmbhg [r Z lmZm^pb]^ \hffbllbhg hg aZm^ \kbf^l' Ma^ NG< Lmn]r <hffbllbhg mh K^ob^p Lmn]^gm <h]^l h_ <hg]n\m Zl ma^r K^eZm^ mh AZm^ <kbf^l ]^ebo^k^] bml _bgZe k^\& hff^g]Zmbhg mh NG<&lrlm^f Ik^lb]^gm >kldbg^ ;hpe^l hg Mn^l]Zr% k^\hff^g]bg` Zg ni]Zm^] o^klbhg h_ ma^ ]kZ_m bm ]bl\nll^] bg ?^[knZkr' Ma^ k^\hff^g]Zmbhg pbee k^jnbk^ maZm Zee NG<&lrlm^f \Zfinl^lÍ lmn]^gm \h]^l h_ \hg]n\m k^_e^\m ^qblmbg` lmZm^ Zg] _^]^kZe eZpl Zl ma^r k^eZm^ mh aZm^ \kbf^l' ÊMabl \eZkb_b^l Zg] bg fZgr pZrl k^lmkb\ml ma^ _h\nl h_ Z ihe& b\r Z]]k^llbg` lmn]^gm [^aZobhk Zg] lZg\mbhgl _hk [^aZobhk p^ [^eb^o^ mh [^ bgZiikhikbZm^%Ë lZb] AZkhe] FZkmbg% ma^ \aZbkfZg h_ ma^ \hffbllbhg' Ghkma <ZkhebgZ eZp fZd^l bm bee^`Ze mh ZllZnem Zghma^k i^k& lhg% ]ZfZ`^ hk ]^_Z\^ lhf^hg^Íl ikhi^kmr hk mak^Zm^g lhf^hg^ [^\Znl^ h_ maZm i^klhgÍl kZ\^% \hehk% k^eb`bhg hk gZmbhgZe hkb`bg' Ma^ \hffbllbhg ]^\b]^] maZm k^\hff^g]bg` Z ]bo^klbmr \eZll _hk bg\hfbg` _bklm&r^Zk lmn]^gml phne] k^jnbk^ Z mZld _hk\^ pbma fhk^ ^qi^kb^g\^ lmn]rbg` \Zf& inl \nemnk^l bg ma^ NG< lrlm^f' :llh\bZm^ Ob\^ <aZg\^eehk _hk Lmn]^gm :__Zbkl Pbglmhg <kbli lZb] NG< phne] g^^] mh i^k_hkf Zg bgm^kgZe k^ob^p h_ bml iheb\b^l mh ^glnk^ ma^r \hfieb^] pbma Z k^\& hff^g]Zmbhg% b_ hg^ pZl fZ]^' ;hpe^l lZb] a^ phne] [^ k^ob^pbg` ma^ \hffbllbhgÍl k^\& hff^g]Zmbhg mabl p^^d' :gr iheb\r bfie^f^gmZmbhg fnlm `h makhn`a mph NG< ;hZk]


I^k]n^ e^Z]l _hknf hg k^_hkfbg` a^Zema \Zk^ BY LAURA MARCINEK


@K>>GL;HKH É @ho' ;^o I^k]n^ e^] Z Pabm^ Ahnl^ k^`bhgZe _hknf hg a^Zema k^_hkf Mn^l]Zr Zl Z iZkm h_ Ik^lb]^gm ;ZkZ\d H[ZfZÍl bgbmbZmbo^ mh Z]]k^ll bg\k^Zlbg` a^Zema \Zk^ \hlml Z\khll ma^ \hngmkr' Ma^ _hknf pZl ma^ _hnkma h_ _bo^ _hknfl [^bg` a^e] gZmbhgpb]^' ÊMabl bl ma^ eZk`^lm% fhlm ^g^k& `^mb\ `khni p^Ío^ l^^g%Ë lZb] GZg\r&:gg =^IZke^% ]bk^\mhk h_ ma^ Pabm^ Ahnl^ H__b\^ h_ A^Zema K^_hkf' Ghkma <ZkhebgZ aZ] ma^ \hng& mkrÍl eZk`^lm bg\k^Zl^ h_ i^hie^ pah Zk^ ngbglnk^] _khf +))0 mh +))2% Z\\hk]bg` mh Z lmn]r \hg]n\m^] [r ma^ G'<' Bglmbmnm^ h_ F^]b\bg^' Ma^ lmZm^ pZl \ahl^g Zl Z eh\Zmbhg _hk hg^ h_ ma^ _hknfl [^\Znl^ I^k]n^ aZl [^^g hnm& lihd^g Z[hnm a^Zema \Zk^ k^_hkf% =^IZke^ lZb]' ÊMa^ `ho^kghk k^\h`gbs^l maZm la^ aZl Z o^kr ]bo^kl^ ihineZmbhg%Ë lZb] <akbllr I^Zklhg% lihd^l&

phfZg _hk I^k]n^' Ê:g] pbma maZm ]bo^kl^ ihineZmbhg \hf^l o^kr ]bo^kl^ g^^]l'Ë Ma^ hma^k _hknfl p^k^ bg Fb\ab`Zg% O^kfhgm Zg] BhpZ' Ma^ eZlm pbee [^ a^e] :ikbe / bg Ehl :g`^e^l' H[ZfZ \Zkkb^] Zee _bo^ lmZm^l bg ma^ +))1 ^e^\mbhg'

Listening to testimony I^k]n^ Zg] =^IZke^ _b^e]^] jn^lmbhgl Zg] \hff^gml _khf Z kZg`^ h_ i^hie^ pah Z]oh\Zm^] _hk \aZg`^l bg ma^ gZmbhgZe a^Zema \Zk^ lrlm^f% bg\en]bg` iarlb\bZgl% lmZm^ ^fiehr^^l Zg] k^mbk^^l' ÊB _^^e maZm Z ehm h_ i^hie^ aZo^ mnkg^] ma^bk [Z\d hg lmZm^ ^fiehr& ^^l%Ë :ikbe @kZaZf% pah phkdl Zm ma^ G'<' =^iZkmf^gm h_ <hkk^\mbhg% mhe] I^k]n^ Zg] =^IZke^' ÊBÍf Zldbg` rhn% @ho^kghk I^k]n^% mh mZed mh rhnk _kb^g]l ]hpg Zm ma^ lmZm^ e^`bleZmnk^ Zg] m^ee ma^f Á p^ g^^] a^Zema \Zk^ _hk hnk db]l'Ë Ma^ \hff^gml p^k^ f^m pbma

ZiieZnl^ _khf ma^ Zn]b^g\^' @kZaZf lZb] la^ ahi^l ma^l^ k^_hkf ]bl\nllbhgl \hgmbgn^' ;bee Khi^k% \ab^_ ^q^\nmbo^ h_ ma^ NG< A^Zema <Zk^ Lrlm^f% lZb] ma^k^ g^^]l mh [^ Z [biZkmb& lZg ^__hkm mh _bq ma^ a^Zema \Zk^ lrlm^f' ÊB phne] nk`^ mh phkd mhpZk] Z lrlm^f jnb\der maZm \ho^kl ^o^kr& hg^%Ë Khi^k lZb] mh I^k]n^ Zg] =^IZke^' ÊPbmahnm maZm p^ pbee \hgmbgn^ mh a^Zk ma^l^ ikh[e^fl maZm rhnÍo^ [^^g a^Zkbg` a^k^ mh]Zr'Ë

Going to the president =^IZke^ lZb] la^ pbee ik^l^gm ma^ _^^][Z\d _khf ma^ _hknfl mh ma^ ik^lb]^gm% pah pbee [^`bg ]^o^ehi& bg` Z g^p a^Zema \Zk^ iheb\r pbma <hg`k^ll' ÊMabl r^Zk a^ pZgml mh `^m bm ]hg^%Ë =^IZke^ lZb]' Pabe^ gh ]^\blbhgl Z[hnm iheb\r


Gov. Bev Perdue speaks Tuesday in Greensboro. The event was one of five White House regional forums to discuss universal health care.

The DTH prints a spoof paper, called “The Daily Comrade,” that calls for the resignation of all liberal faculty members.

Lmbfnenl k^Z\a^l NG<% _ng]bg` k^l^Zk\a Zg] k^ghoZmbhgl

Mh]ZrÍl p^Zma^k


Rainy H 64, L 55

Mankl]ZrÍl p^Zma^k Showers H 68, L 59

bg]^q police log ...................... 2 calendar ....................... 2 nation/world .............. 5 crossword ................... 7 opinion ....................... 8


:l fhg^r _khf ma^ _^]^kZe lmbfn& enl iZ\dZ`^ [^`bgl mh _ehp% Ngbo^klbmr h__b\bZel Zk^ bg ma^ ikh\^ll h_ ]^m^k& fbgbg` ahp [^lm mh nl^ mabl fhg^r mh Zee^obZm^ ma^ [nk]^gl h_ ]^\k^Zl^] lmZm^ _ng]bg` Zg] ma^ k^\^llbhg' Ma^ Ngbo^klbmr [^`Zg k^\^bobg` fhg^r _khf ma^ lmbfnenl iZ\dZ`^ Z[hnm mph p^^dl Z`h' Pabe^ ma^ ^qZ\m Zfhngm h_ fhg^r ma^ Ngbo^klbmr pbee k^\^bo^ aZl ghm [^^g ]^m^kfbg^]% Mhgr PZe]khi% ob\^ \aZg\^eehk _hk k^l^Zk\a Zg] ^\hghfb\ ]^o^ehi& f^gm% lZb] h__b\bZel Zk^ ^qi^\mbg` mh k^\^bo^ lhf^pa^k^ [^mp^^g .) fbeebhg Zg] *)) fbeebhg'

L^o^kZe ]^iZkmf^gml aZo^ [^`ng ln[fbmmbg` k^jn^lml mh ma^ H__b\^ h_ K^l^Zk\a Zg] >\hghfb\ =^o^ehif^gm mh k^\^bo^ lhf^ h_ ma^ fhg^r' PZe]khi lZb] bm bl mhh ^Zker bg ma^ ikh\^ll mh lZr ^qZ\mer pa^k^ ma^ fhg^r pbee `h% [nm ma^k^ pbee ebd^er [^ `kZgml ZpZk]^] mh Z eZk`^ gnf[^k h_ Zk^Zl hg \Zfinl' A^ lZb] lhf^ h_ ma^ fhg^r pbee lniie^f^gm _ng]l maZm Zek^Z]r ^qblm% [nm Z ehm h_ bm pbee iZr _hk ikhc^\ml maZm phne] hma^kpbl^ `h ng_ng]^]' ÊBg fhlm \Zl^l mabl bl g^p fhg^r maZm ]b]gÍm ^qblm [^_hk^%Ë a^ lZb]' Ma^ lmbfnenl fhg^r pbee Z]] mh Zg Zek^Z]r eZk`^ Zfhngm h_ k^l^Zk\a


_ng]bg` \hfbg` bg _khf hma^k lhnk\& ^l% fZdbg` mabl Z ihm^gmbZeer k^\hk]& [k^Zdbg` r^Zk _hk k^l^Zk\a fhg^r' Lmbfnenl fhg^r bg\en]^]% ma^ Ngbo^klbmr bl ^qi^\m^] mh [kbg` bg fhk^ maZg eZlm r^ZkÍl mhmZe h_ /01 fbeebhg bg k^l^Zk\a fhg^r% ma^ ik^obhnl ab`a' NG< Zek^Z]r aZl l^^g Zg **'/ i^k\^gm bg\k^Zl^ \hfiZk^] mh mabl mbf^ eZlm r^Zk% PZe]khi lZb] É Z[hnm /) fbeebhg fhk^' ;nm ma^ fhg^r \hf^l pbma Z mb`am mbf^ _kZf^' K^jnbk^f^gml ]b\mZm^ maZm Zee ma^ lmbfnenl fhg^r aZl mh [^ li^gm pbmabg mph r^Zkl% Zeehpbg` ma^ fhg^r mh ^gm^k ma^ ^\hghfr fhk^ jnb\der' ;^\Znl^ h_ mabl ebfbmZmbhg% fn\a

h_ ma^ fhg^r pbee ebd^er ^bma^k Zn`& f^gm ikhc^\ml maZm Zk^ Zek^Z]r ng]^kpZr hk _ng] ikhc^\ml maZm aZo^ Zek^Z]r [^^g Ziikho^]' Fbd^ <kbffbgl% \aZbkfZg h_ ma^ \a^fblmkr ]^iZkmf^gm% lZb] ma^ ^gmbk^ ikh\^ll h_ `^mmbg` Z `kZgm Ziikho^] h_m^g mZd^l Z[hnm gbg^ mh *+ fhgmal% fZdbg` bm ]b__b\nem _hk g^p ikhc^\ml mh _bm bgmh ma^ mbf^ \hglmkZbgm h_ ma^ _^]^kZe lmbfnenl fhg^r' <kbffbgl lZb] abl ]^iZkmf^gm bl k^jn^lmbg` fhg^r _hk nl^ bg Z gnf[^k h_ pZrl% bg\en]bg` hg`h& bg` k^l^Zk\a `kZgml% g^p ib^\^l h_ ^jnbif^gm Zg] k^ghoZmbhgl mh l\b& ^g\^ [nbe]bg`l' ÊMa^k^ Zk^ \^kmZbger Z ehm h_

ihllb[bebmb^l _hk `^mmbg` _ng]bg`%Ë <kbffbgl lZb]' ÊBmÍl Zee o^kr \hf& i^mbmbo^'Ë DZk^g K^`Zg% ]bk^\mhk h_ _^]^kZe Z__Zbkl _hk ma^ H__b\^ h_ K^l^Zk\a Zg] >\hghfb\ =^o^ehif^gm% mhe] ma^ ;hZk] h_ Mknlm^^l eZlm p^^d maZm bm pbee [^ Z \aZee^g`^ mh ]^m^k& fbg^ ma^ [^lm nl^ _hk ma^ Z]]bmbhgZe _ng]bg`% [nm h__b\bZel Zk^ ^q\bm^] Z[hnm ahp ma^ fhg^r \hne] [^g^_bm ma^ Ngbo^klbmr' ÊMabl bl Z ikh[e^f p^ Zk^ `eZ] mh aZo^%Ë la^ lZb]' LmZ__ pkbm^k E^Za An`a^l \hgmkb[nm^] k^ihkmbg`' <hgmZ\m ma^ Ngbo^klbmr >]bmhk Zm n]^ld9ng\'^]n'



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=kngd^g fZg mb\d^m^] _hk ]kbobg` lmhhe



a^ e^o^e h_ [ehh]&Ze\hahe \hgm^gm maZm pbee `bo^ ]kbo^kl Z mb\d^m _hk ]kbobg` ng]^k ma^ bg_en^g\^ oZkb^l _khf lmZm^ mh lmZm^' ;nm Zl hg^ Habh fZg ]bl& \ho^k^] eZlm fhgma% bm ]h^lgÍm fZmm^k paZm dbg] h_ o^ab\e^ rhn ]kbo^ ÉZ ]kngd^g ]kbobg` mb\d^m bl ZepZrl Z ]kngd^g ]kbobg` mb\d^m' Ma^ fZg% +1&r^Zk&he] Dbe^ Pr`e^% pZl \aZk`^] pbma ]kbobg` ng]^k ma^ bg_en^g\^ Z_m^k a^ \kZla^] Z fhmhkbs^] [Zk lmhhe' Pr`e^ pZl ]bl\ho^k^] [r iheb\^ bg G^pZkd% Habh% hg FZk\a - Zm ma^ l\^g^ h_ Z \kZla% pa^k^ a^ lnlmZbg^] fbghk bgcnkb^l' Ma^ o^ab\e^ bg jn^lmbhg% Z [Zk lmhhe i^k\a^] hg mhi h_ Z ]^\hglmkn\m^] eZpg fhp^k% bl Zm ma^ khhm h_ Z \hgmkho^klr' Pr`e^% pah Z]fbmm^] mh ]kbgdbg` *. [^^kl% Zk`n^] maZm abl [Zk lmhhe ]h^l ghm jnZeb_r abf _hk Z mb\d^m Zl bm \Zgghm `h _Zlm^k maZg ,1 fia'

POLICE LOG ■ Iheb\^ Zkk^lm^] Z <aZi^e Abee

fZg Lng]Zr _hk [nk`eZkbsbg` Z k^l& b]^g\^ Zg] lm^Zebg` Z \Zk% Z\\hk]& bg` mh iheb\^ k^ihkml' GZmaZg =^ohg ;khpg% ,0% h_ *)+. Dbg` <bk\e^% pZl lmhii^] bg ma^ iZll^g`^k l^Zm h_ Z \Zk Zg] \aZk`^] pbma hnmlmZg]bg` pZkkZgml bg \hgg^\mbhg pbma ma^ FZk\a *1 bg\b]^gm' ;khpg bl _Z\bg` mak^^ _^ehgr \aZk`^l bg \hgg^\mbhg pbma ma^ bg\b]^gm% bg pab\a Z /%))) DbZ LihkmZ`^ pZl lmhe^g' A^ pZl mZd^g mh HkZg`^ <hngmr CZbe Zg] gh [Zbe pZl l^m'

I]Z 9V^an IVg =ZZa

;khpg pZl ^qi^\m^] bg \hnkm Zmm^fim^] mh kng% iheb\^ lZr' FZkd H]Zf^ Ib^m^klhg% *1% pZl Fhg]Zr% k^ihkml lmZm^' _hng] pbma ibeel pab\a eZm^k m^lm^] ■ : mhmZe h_ 02* bg `hh]l pZl ihlbmbo^ _hk f^maZfia^mZfbg^% lmhe^g _khf Zg ngeh\d^] o^ab\e^ hg iheb\^ lZr' A^ bl ma^ hger h_ ma^ `khni Lhnma F^kkbmm Fbee KhZ]% Z\\hk]& _Z\bg` Z _^ehgr \aZk`^% k^ihkml lmZm^' bg` mh <aZi^e Abee iheb\^ k^ihkml' PbeebZf ;kZ]_hk] <eZkd% +)% Zg] Ma^ lmhe^g bm^fl bg\en]^] Z <akblmhia^k :g]^klhg ;nkkbl% *2% _he]^k pbma fbl\^eeZg^hnl iZi^k& [hma _Z\^ fbl]^f^Zghk \aZk`^l h_ phkd% k^ihkml lmZm^' ihll^llbhg h_ fZkbcnZgZ% ]kn` iZk& Zia^kgZebZ Zg] k^lblmbg` Zkk^lm' ■ ?hnk NG< lmn]^gml p^k^ : _hnkma fZg% IZmkb\d LZfn^e Zkk^lm^] Z_m^k knggbg` _khf iheb\^% <hfimhg% +)% pZl \aZk`^] pbma Z\\hk]bg` mh <aZi^e Abee k^ihkml' k^lblmbg` Zkk^lm% k^ihkml lmZm^' Ma^ Pa^g iheb\^ lZp _bo^ i^hie^ hg i^klhg pah ]b] ghm kng pZl ghm Z [kb]`^ hg ;Zmme^ <k^^d MkZbe% _hnk \aZk`^] pbma Z \kbf^' Iheb\^ aZ] k^\^bo^] Z k^ihkm h_ ihllb[e^ `nglahml Zg] _hng] _bk^ \kZ\d^kl hg ma^ l\^g^% iheb\^ lZr' Ib^m^klhg pZl mZd^g mh HkZg`^ <hngmr CZbe bg eb^n h_ .%))) l^\nk^] [Zbe' A^ pZl ^qi^\m^] bg \hnkm Mn^l]Zr'

Book time: Grab your lunch and head to the library for a discussion on Paul Theroux’s novel “The Mosquito Coast.” He creates a complex character, Allie Fox, who leads his family into the jungles of Honduras. Reading with lunch is bound to bring out the bookworm in anyone. Admission is free. Time: 11:30 a.m. Location: Chapel Hill Public Library Walking tour: Go to the Horace Williams House, rain or shine, for a guided walking tour of historical Franklin Street. The tour lasts about an hour and tickets are $5. Time: 2 p.m. Location: Horace Williams House Folktales: Join Boone, North Carolina native Joseph Lowman for an afternoon of traditional Appalachian folk tales. Through the years, he has shared these “Jack Tales” with numerous audiences, passing down stories given to him by family friend Richard Chase. Tickets are $15 (or $5 for General Alumni Association members) and registration is required. Time: 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Location: Alumni Center Fashion show: Interested in fashion and supporting the UNC Lineberger Cancer Center? Show you care by attending the Uniquities Fashion Show Benefit. $5 tickets can be purchased in advance at Uniquities or at the door the day of the show. Time: 6 p.m. (cocktails) 7 p.m. (show) Location: West End Wine Bar Architect: William McDonough, a

world-renowned architect and Time magazine award winner, will speak on “Cradle to Cradle Design.” This lecture will discuss naturally inspired design systems. The event is free; however, registration is required at Time: 6 p.m. Location: Friday Center Southern ways: Annette Cox will host a discussion on what makes the South southern. Which parts of our history have molded our present? How do we define the South, looking past stereotypes? $50 registration is required. Time: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Location: Friday Center

THURSDAY Hip-hop afternoon: Enjoy a relaxing afternoon in the sun listening to the playful hip-hop of Apollo and D-live. This music series promotes student artists in a variety of genres. Admission is free. Time: Noon to 2 p.m. Location: Graham Memorial terrace Editor lecture: Alan Murray, a successful editor for The Wall Street Journal Online will present a lecture on “The Future of Newspapers: Some Light at the End of a Very Long Tunnel.” Admission is free. Time: 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Location: Carroll Hall Leadership: Jonathan Reckford, chief executive officer of Habitat for Humanity, will speak about leadership. He has accomplished much to achieve his current position and surely has plenty of insight on leadership. RSVP is required to and admission is free. Time: 7 p.m. Location: Koury Auditorium, KenanFlager Business School Poverty awareness: Through the inspiration of Poverty Awareness Week, a film story about the 1960s N.C. Fund will be screened. A discussion will follow. Time: 7 p.m. Location: Hanes Art Center, Room 121

Offer expires 9/1/09 Not valid with any other offer. Limit one coupon per customer per visit.

Offer expires 9/1/09 Not valid with any other offer. Limit one coupon per customer per visit.

Offer expires 9/1/09 Not valid with any other offer. Limit one coupon per customer per visit.

To make a calendar submission, e-mail Events will be published in the newspaper on either the day or the day before they take place. Submissions must be sent in by noon the preceding publication date.





I]Z 9V^an IVg =ZZa ppp']ZbermZka^^e'\hf >lmZ[ebla^] *12, **/ r^Zkl h_ ^]bmhkbZe _k^^]hf ALLISON NICHOLS




























¢ Ma^ =Zber MZk A^^e k^ihkml

Zgr bgZ\\nkZm^ bg_hkfZmbhg in[ebla^] Zl lhhg Zl ma^ ^kkhk bl ]bl\ho^k^]'

¢ <hkk^\mbhgl _hk _khgm&iZ`^ ^kkhkl pbee [^ ikbgm^] hg ma^ _khgm iZ`^' :gr hma^k bg\hkk^\m bg_hkfZmbhg pbee [^ \hkk^\m^] hg iZ`^ ,' >kkhkl \hffbmm^] hg ma^ Hibgbhg IZ`^ aZo^ \hkk^\mbhgl ikbgm^] hg maZm iZ`^' <hkk^\mbhgl Zelh Zk^ ghm^] bg ma^ hgebg^ o^k& lbhgl h_ hnk lmhkb^l' ¢ <hgmZ\m Ikbgm FZgZ`bg` >]bmhk

LZkZ @k^`hkr Zm `lZkZ9^fZbe'ng\' ^]n pbma blln^l Z[hnm mabl iheb\r' P.O. Box 3257, Chapel Hill, NC 27515 Allison Nichols, Editor-in-Chief, 962-4086 Advertising & Business, 962-1163 News, Features, Sports, 962-0245 One copy per person; additional copies may be purchased at The Daily Tar Heel for $.25 each. Please report suspicious activity at our distribution racks by e-mailing © 2009 DTH Publishing Corp. All rights reserved

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I]Z 9V^an IVg =ZZa

Ma^ >fiehr^^ ?hknf pbee a^Zk Z k^obl^] k^lhenmbhg hg _nkehn`al maZm phne] eZr hnm ma^bk ]^lbk^l _hk fZg]Zmhkr ngiZb] e^Zo^ lahne] ma^ G'<' @^g^kZe :ll^f[er `kZgm ma^ Ngbo^klbmr maZm Z[bebmr' >fiehr^^l Zelh pbee a^Zk mph ik^l^gmZmbhgl% hg^ [r Z _hkf^k NG< ^fiehr^^ pah pZl k^\^gmer eZb] h__ Zg] Zghma^k Z[hnm ahp Z g^p lmZm^ a^Zema ieZg pbee Z__^\m ^fiehr^^l' Oblbm Ngbo^klbmr g^pl Zm ppp' ]ZbermZka^^e'\hf _hk ma^ _nee lmhkr'

;Zbg ]h^lgÍm h_m^g ]h l\ahhel E^Z]^kl <hglnembg` Ökf ]h^l \hkihkZm^ phkd BY BRECKEN BRANSTRATOR STAFF WRITER

;Zbg <h'% ma^ \hglnembg` _bkf k^\^gmer abk^] [r ma^ Ngbo^klbmr mh a^ei \nm \hlml% aZl o^kr ebmme^ ^qi^& kb^g\^ phkdbg` pbma bglmbmnmbhgl h_ ab`a^k ^]n\Zmbhg' Mabl aZl \Znl^] lhf^ ^fiehr^^l mh phg]^k Z[hnm ahp p^ee ma^ _bkf pbee [^ Z[e^ mh ^oZenZm^ NG<' ;k^g]Z =^gse^k% ob\^ \aZbk& CITY BRIEFS phfZg h_ ma^ >fiehr^^ ?hknf% Court date set for six men lZb] ma^ \hfiZgr mhe] ma^ _hknf Zm charged with Bailey killing bml FZk\a , f^^mbg` maZm ma^ \hf& iZgr ho^kZee aZl o^kr ebmme^ ^qi^kb& Ma^ \Zl^ _hk ma^ f^g \aZk`^] ^g\^ phkdbg` pbma ngbo^klbmb^l Zg] pbma dbeebg` Z +)&r^Zk&he] <aZi^e maZm ma^ m^Zf phkdbg` ]bk^\mer pbma Abee fZg aZl [^^g l^m _hk :ikbe +*' NG< aZl ghg^' =blmkb\m :mmhkg^r Cbf Phh]Zee lZb] [hg] fhmbhgl phne] ebd^er [^ ma^ _bklm a^Zk] _hk ma^ \Zl^l bg ma^ ]^Zma h_ ChlanZ ;Zbe^r' Ikhl^\nmhkl lZr ma^ f^g db]& gZii^] ;Zbe^r [^_hk^ lahhmbg` abf Cner +2 Zg] fhobg` abl [h]r mh Z lbm^ g^Zk Chk]Zg EZd^' Bgo^lmb`Zmhkl _hng] ma^ [h]r L^im' *+' ;kbZg Fbgmhg% CZ\h[ :e^qZg]^k FZqp^ee% ;kZg]hg AZfbemhg @k^^g^% KrZg EZ]Zk =Zobl E^^% CZ\d Chaglhg BB Zg] FZmm Chaglhg Zk^ Zee \aZk`^] pbma _bklm&]^`k^^ fnk]^k Zg] db]& gZiibg` bg ma^ \Zl^'

County attorney to retire, replacement from Stanly :_m^k l^kobg` _hk fhk^ maZg ,) r^Zkl Zl ma^ HkZg`^ <hngmr :mmhkg^r% @^h__ @e^]abee bl k^mbkbg`' A^ pbee [^ k^ieZ\^] [r Chag Kh[^kml% pah bl e^Zobg` abl ch[ Zl LmZger <hngmr :mmhkg^r mh lmZkm phkd a^k^ :ikbe +,' Kh[^kml \hfie^m^] abl ng]^k`kZ]& nZm^ lmn]b^l Zm =Zo^gihkm <hee^`^ bg DZeZfZshh% Fb' A^ k^\^bo^] abl eZp ]^`k^^ _khf G'<' <^gmkZe Ngbo^klbmr' A^ Zelh \hfie^m^] Z \^kmb_b\Zm^ ikh& `kZf bg \hngmr Z]fbgblmkZmbhg _khf ma^ NG< L\ahhe h_ @ho^kgf^gm' Kh[^kml lZb] a^Í] fZd^ ma^ lab_m _khf e^`Ze phkd bg knkZe LmZger mh nk[Zg HkZg`^ <hngmr' ÊB mabgd bmÍee [^ Z `k^Zm _bm _hk f^ Zg] fr _Zfber%Ë a^ lZb]' A^ \nk& k^gmer ebo^l bg :i^q Zg] \hffnm^l bgmh LmZger <hngmr' ?hk @e^]abee% pah bl Zelh Z \Zmme^ _Zkf^k% k^mbk^f^gm bl Z \aZg\^ mh mbee ma^ eZg] _nee mbf^' ÊBÍf `hbg` mh inm lhf^ [en^[^k& kb^l Zg] `kZi^l bg ma^k^%Ë a^ lZb]' @e^]abee hkb`bgZeer ieZgg^] mh iZ\d ni abl h__b\^ =^\' *% [nm \hffbllbhg& ^kl Zld^] abf mh lmZr hg ngmbe ma^r \hne] _bg] Z lnbmZ[e^ k^ieZ\^f^gm'

Police prepare town for UNC’s Final Four appearance

p^b`a eZ[hk^k ib\d&ni K^l^Zk\a Z]]bg` lbm^ hg mhpg eZg] BY MARK ABADI STAFF WRITER

<hgmZ\m ma^ Ngbo^klbmr >]bmhk <Zkk[hkh aZl _ebkm^] pbma ma^ Zm n]^ld9ng\'^]n' b]^Z h_ Z mhpg&lihglhk^] ]Zr eZ[hk^k ib\d&ni lbm^ _hk r^Zkl' ?hk g^Zker Z ]^\Z]^% eh\Ze ]Zr eZ[hk^kl aZo^ _eh\d^] mh ma^ \hk& g^k h_ =Zob^ Zg] Chg^l ?^kkr khZ]l ^Z\a fhkgbg` mh pZbm _hk \hgmkZ\& mhkl mh lmhi [r Zg] abk^ ma^f' Ma^ <Zkk[hkh ;hZk] h_ :e]^kf^g aZl [^`ng \hglb]^kbg` Z g^p lbm^% ikh[Z[er hg eZg] Zek^Z]r hpg^] [r ma^ mhpg h_ <Zkk[hkh' Ma^ eh\Zmbhg pbee ikhob]^ Z la^em^k^] Zk^Z Zg] Z [Zmakhhf _hk ma^ phkd^kl pabe^ ma^r pZbm' Ma^ \hkg^k h_ =Zob^ Zg] Chg^l ?^kkr Zl Z ib\d&ni lihm aZl \hg& \^kg^] g^b`a[hkl g^Zk ma^ lbm^' :_m^k g^b`a[hkl \hfieZbg^] Z[hnm phkd^kl ]kbgdbg`% lfhdbg` Zg] nkbgZmbg` in[eb\er% <Zkk[hkh ^lmZ[ebla^] Zg hk]bgZg\^ maZm ik^o^gm^] Zgrhg^ _khf lmZg]bg` Zm ma^ \hkg^k [^mp^^g ** Z'f' Zg] . Z'f' :emahn`a iheb\^ lZr \kbf^ bl ]hpg% ma^ Ze]^kf^g lZr Zg h__b\bZe lbm^ \hne] l^ko^ Zl Z \hfikhfbl^ [^mp^^g ]Zr eZ[hk^kl Zg] hma^k k^lb]^gml' ÊB mabgd hg\^ p^ \Zg `bo^ ma^ phkd^kl ma^ ]b`gbmr h_ aZobg` Z ieZ\^ pa^k^ ma^r `Zma^k _hk ma^ ^qik^ll^] inkihl^ h_ `^mmbg` mh phkd Zg] [^bg` b]^gmb_b^] Zl phkd& ^kl% B mabgd maZmÍl `hbg` mh Zglp^k Z ehm h_ jn^lmbhgl%Ë :e]^kfZg KZg]^^ AZo^g&HÍ=hgg^ee lZb]' :e]^kfZg Er]bZ EZo^ee^ lZb] ma^ Ze]^kf^g aZo^ [^^g bg]^i^g]^gmer [kZbglmhkfbg` ihm^gmbZe eh\Zmbhgl _hk ma^ iZlm _^p fhgmal% Zg] pbee laZk^ b]^Zl Zm Zg :ikbe l^llbhg' EZo^ee^ aZl k^l^Zk\a^] mhpgl DTH/DANIEL VAN NIEKERK pab\a aZo^ mkb^] mh _bg] ÊZ pbg& World-renowned singer Mariza performs Tuesday evening in Memorial Hall. Mariza sings fado, a musical genre that traces its roots back pbg3 Z ieZ\^ _hk ma^ ]Zr eZ[hk^kl mh to the 1820s in Portugal. The performer, born in Mozambique and raised in Lisbon, Portugal, embraces her African heritage in her music. `h Zg] ghm bfiZ\m ma^ g^b`a[hkl%Ë la^ lZb]% f^gmbhgbg` bg iZkmb\neZk Z mhpg bg ghkma^kg Obk`bgbZ' Bg ma^ ++%)))&i^klhg mhpg h_ A^kg]hg% OZ'% ]Zr eZ[hk^kl lmhh] hg ma^ \hkg^k hnmlb]^ Z 0&>e^o^g bg Z [nlr iZkm h_ mhpg% Zg] k^lb]^gml h_m^g \hfieZbg^] Z[hnm phkd^kl ebmm^kbg` Zg] ]kbgdbg` bg in[eb\' Zg] eb`am i^k\nllbhg% fho^] ma^ Zn]b^g\^ BY JUSTIN CHANDLER WILCOX Bg :n`nlm +)). ma^ mhpg ^lmZ[& STAFF WRITER É pab\a _bee^] Z[hnm mak^^&jnZkm^kl h_ ma^ ebla^] bml h__b\bZe ]Zr eZ[hk lbm^% Z Ma^ lhng]l h_ Ihkmn`Ze _bee^] F^fhkbZe *%-,-&l^Zm F^fhkbZe AZee' l\k^^g^] Zk^Z pa^k^ Z iheb\^ lmZ& AZee hg Mn^l]Zr gb`am pa^g oblbmbg` Zkm& FZkbsZ k^\^bo^] mak^^ lmZg]bg` hoZmbhgl mbhg hg\^ lmhh]' blm FZkbsZ i^k_hkf^] a^k _Zfhnler _Z]h& Zl la^ _bgbla^] a^k i^k_hkfZg\^3 ma^ _bklm

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pZl [Z\d ahf^' La^ aZ] Z phg]^k_ne ohb\^' La^Íl mkn^ mh _hkf hg mhnk'Ë MANUEL ESTEVES, PORTUGUESE NATIVE

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ÊP^ mabgd maZm ma^k^ bl lhf^ k^Z& lhg mh [^ \hg\^kg^] maZm% h_ Zee ma^ \hfiZgb^l maZm fb`am aZo^ [^^g abk^]% ma^ \ahb\^ h_ ;Zbg fb`am [^ jn^lmbhg^] [^\Znl^ h_ ebmme^ ^qi^kb& ^g\^%Ë =^gse^k lZb]' :g Zghgrfhnl ]hghk pah ikhob]& ^] ma^ fhg^r _hk ma^ lmn]r k^jnbk^] maZm ma^ Ngbo^klbmr abk^ ;Zbg <h' Ma^ _bkf mkZ]bmbhgZeer phkdl pbma hma^k \hfiZgb^l mh ^oZenZm^ hi^kZmbhgl Zg] fZd^ ]^\blbhgl Z[hnm lmkZm^`r Zg] hk`ZgbsZmbhg mh bfikho^ [nlbg^ll ikZ\mb\^l' ;nm <aZg\^eehk Ahe]^g Mahki lZb] ;Zbg <h'Íl eZ\d h_ ngbo^klbmr ^qi^kb^g\^ \hne] Zeehp bm mh ikhob]^ Z _k^la i^kli^\mbo^'

DTH ONLINE: Read the University’s contract with Bain & Co. and its plan of action.


Employee Forum to discuss furloughs at today’s meeting

Barnes Str



P>=G>L=:R% :IKBE *% +))2


For condensed platforms, see pg. 8. For video of the candidates explaining their ideas and full-length platforms, see

=ngg l^^dl _nkma^k bfiZ\m @k^`hkr [kbg`l hk`ZgbsZmbhg BY EMILY KENNARD




:g]k^p =ngg pZl Zek^Z]r [k^Zdbg` [b` g^pl abl _bklm l^f^l& m^k Zm Ma^ =Zber MZk A^^e' A^ pkhm^ Z lmhkr Z[hnm Z _kZm^k& gbmr \aZk`^] pbma aZsbg` obheZmbhgl% Zg] ma^ g^qm ]Zr Zee ma^ iZi^kl aZ] [^^g lmhe^g _khf ma^bk [hq^l' ÊBm lahp^] f^ maZm ma^ =MA aZl Zg bfiZ\m%Ë a^ lZb]' Ghp =ngg% ma^ ngbo^klbmr ^]bmhk% bl Z `h&mh `nr _hk jn^lmbhgl Z[hnm ^o^krmabg` _khf `kZffZk mh k^ihkm& bg` nlbg` in[eb\ k^\hk]l' :g] a^Íl knggbg` _hk ^]bmhk&bg&\ab^_ Z`Zbglm fZgZ`bg` ^]bmhk LZkZ @k^`hkr' Ma^ \hffbmm^] chnkgZeblm aZ] abl _bklm ikh_^llbhgZe [rebg^ bg ma^ :i^q A^kZe] Zm *- r^Zkl he]' A^ k^Z] ma^ :llh\bZm^] Ik^ll lmre^ [hhd pa^g a^ pZl bg fb]]e^ l\ahhe _hk _ng' ÊB `k^p ni ZepZrl aZobg` g^pl& iZi^kl Zkhng]%Ë a^ lZb]' A^ lmZkm^] k^Z]bg` ma^ =MA bg ^b`ama `kZ]^' B_ l^e^\m^]% =ngg ieZgl mh \k^Zm^ Z \hffngbmr fZgZ`^k ihlbmbhg pah pbee a^ei `^g^kZm^ fhk^ ^g`Z`^& f^gm bg ma^ iZi^kÍl ikh]n\mbhg É ^li^\bZeer hgebg^ \hgm^gm' ÊB pZgm mh \k^Zm^ Z [^mm^k pZr _hk k^Z]^kl mh bgm^kZ\m hg ma^ P^[%Ë a^ lZb]' ÊP^ ]hgÍm pZgm mh ieZr \Zm\a& ni'Ë =ngg aZl ik^obhnler l^ko^] Zl

Pa^g cngbhk LZkZ @k^`hkr p^gm hg Z \Zfinl mhnk ]nkbg` ab`a l\ahhe% la^ lebii^] ZpZr mh `^m Z `ebfil^ h_ Ma^ =Zber MZk A^^e g^plkhhf' ÊB k^f^f[^k pZedbg` bg Zg] ma^k^ p^k^ ma^ _khgm iZ`^l ^o^kr& pa^k^ hg ma^ pZee%Ë la^ lZb]' ÊMa^k^ pZl lh fn\a `hbg` hg% Zg] B pZgm& ^] mh [^ Z iZkm h_ bm'Ë :g] ghp @k^`hkr% ma^ fZgZ`& bg` ^]bmhk% pZgml ma^ [b``^lm iZkm h_ bm3 ^]bmhk&bg&\ab^_' LZmnk]Zr% la^ Zg] Ngbo^klbmr >]bmhk :g]k^p =ngg pbee bgm^k& ob^p bg _khgm h_ Z l^e^\mbhg \hf& fbmm^^ _hk ma^ ihlbmbhg' Bg a^k _bklm r^Zk% @k^`hkr [^\Zf^ Zg ZllblmZgm ^]bmhk Z_m^k phkdbg` hg ma^ <bmr =^ld _hk Z l^f^lm^k' : r^Zk eZm^k% la^ [^\Zf^ ma^ \bmr ^]bmhk [^_hk^ l^kobg` Zl fZgZ`bg` ^]bmhk' @k^`hkr aZl [khn`am Z \hglbl& m^gm ^e^f^gm mh Zee a^k ihlbmbhgl hg lmZ__ É a^k hk`ZgbsZmbhg' La^ \hfibe^] Z \Zm^`hkbs^] eblm h_ fhk^ maZg *%))) \hgmZ\ml _hk ma^ <bmr =^ld Zg] fZii^] hnm ^o^kr [en^ ^f^k`^g\r eb`am hg \Zfinl Z_m^k l^Zk\abg` bg ma^ kZbg Zm fb]gb`am' Ê!Hk`ZgbsZmbhg bl" paZm d^^il rhn fhobg` _hkpZk] hg ikhc^\ml%Ë la^ lZb]' ÊBmÍl ma^ [Zl^ebg^'Ë @k^`hkr bgm^kg^] pbma Ma^


University Editor Andrew Dunn is running for editor-in-chief of the DTH for next year. Dunn plans to focus on online content if selected. _^Zmnk^l ^]bmhk% ZllblmZgm ngbo^klbmr ^]bmhk Zg] ngbo^klbmr lmZ__ pkbm^k' A^ ^fiaZlbs^l phkdbg` pbma pkbm^kl i^klhgZeer mh ^glnk^ maZm ma^r f^^m ma^bk `hZel' ÊA^ cnlm inla^] f^%Ë lZb] l^gbhk =^[hkZa G^__Z% hg^ h_ =nggÍl _^Z& mnk^l pkbm^kl eZlm r^Zk' ÊA^ ^g\hnk& Z`^] f^ mh _bg] ]b__^k^gm Zg`e^l Zg] pkbm^ bg Z ngbjn^ fZgg^k'Ë :llblmZgm Ngbo^klbmr >]bmhk D^obg Dbe^r lZb] =ngg dghpl ahp mh ZgZ& ers^ Z lbmnZmbhg Zg] fZd^ Z mhn`a ]^\blbhg'

ËA^Íl `hh] Zm k^Z\abg` hnm mh hma^kl [nm dghpl pa^g bmÍl hg abl lahne]^kl'Ë =ngg aZl phkd^] Zm ma^ <Zkr G^pl% ma^ =nkaZf A^kZe]&Lng Zg] ma^ Lm' I^m^kl[nk` Mbf^l' D^bma Dbg` pZl ^]bmhk h_ ma^ <Zkr G^pl pabe^ =ngg phkd^] ma^k^' =ngg ikh]n\^] ikh_^llbhg& Ze&jnZebmr phkd Zl Z ab`a l\ahhe lmn]^gm% Dbg` lZb]' ÊAZobg` l^^g :g]k^p ]^o^ehi%



Managing Editor Sara Gregory is running for editor-in-chief of the DTH for next year. Gregory plans to focus on readership feedback if selected. !Lhnma^kg Ibg^l" Ibehm Zg] ma^ LZebl[nkr Ihlm' La^ lZb] ma^l^ iZi^kl aZo^ fbllbhgl lbfbeZk mh ma^ =MA' ÊBÍo^ phkd^] _hk \hffngbmr iZi^kl% pab\a bl paZm ma^ =MA bl%Ë la^ lZb]' ÊRhnÍk^ bg \eZll^l pbma i^hie^ rhn pkbm^ Z[hnm' Ma^k^ bl Z a^b`am^g^] k^lihglb[bebmr'Ë ?kZgd =^EhZ\a^% pah pZl fZg& Z`bg` ^]bmhk h_ ma^ LZebl[nkr Ihlm ]nkbg` @k^`hkrÍl bgm^kglabi% lZb] la^ lb`g^] ni ma^ lmZ__ mh Mpbmm^k' ÊLa^Íl o^kr ^]`r Z[hnm ahp mh k^Z\a Zn]b^g\^l%Ë =^EhZ\a^ lZb]'

@k^`hkr ln``^lml \k^Zmbg` \hf& fngbmr Zg] [eh` fZgZ`^kl pah pbee bg\k^Zl^ ma^ =MAÍl hgebg^ ik^l^g\^ Zg] mkZbg lmZ__ _hk +*lm \^gmnkr chnkgZeblf' ÊB mabgd p^Ík^ ghm k^Zeer ik^iZk^] _hk ma^ mri^l h_ ch[l ZoZbeZ[e^ bg chnkgZeblf%Ë @k^`hkr lZb]' La^ Zelh ahi^l mh \k^Zm^ Zg Z]oblh& kr [hZk] h_ k^Z]^kl mh f^^m fhgmaer pbma ^]bmhkl Zg] ]bl\nll \ho^kZ`^' :grhg^ pah phkdl pbma @k^`hkr



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BÍo^ l^^g abl bgm^ee^\mnZe \ZiZ\bmr%Ë a^ lZb]' ÊA^ aZl ^g^k`r Zg] ]kbo^'Ë Ma^ \Zg]b]Zm^l pbee [^ bgm^k& ob^p^] LZmnk]Zr [r Z l^e^\mbhg [hZk] h_ \hffngbmr f^f[^kl Zg] lmZ__ f^f[^kl' =ngg dghpl paZm mh ^qi^\m É a^ kZg _hk ^]bmhk&bg&\ab^_ Zl Z _bklm& r^Zk lmn]^gm% cnlm [^\Znl^ ma^ hma^k \Zg]b]Zm^ pZl nghiihl^]' A^ aZl Z [^mm^k \aZg\^ mabl r^Zk' ;nm abl k^eZmbhglabi pbma ma^ hma^k \Zg]b]Zm^ \hfieb\Zm^l mabg`l' Ma^rÍk^ ]Zmbg`' ÊBmÍl Z ebmme^ p^bk]%Ë a^ lZb]' ÊP^ dg^p bm pZl `hbg` mh aZii^g% lh bm pZlgÍm Z lnkikbl^'Ë =^libm^ ma^ ^\hghfb\ mkhn[e^l ieZ`nbg` ma^ f^]bZ bg]nlmkr% =ngg ^qi^\ml mh bg\k^Zl^ =MA k^Z]^klabi Zl hma^k g^pl hnme^ml _Zbe' ÊP^ \Zg lm^i ni Zg] _bee maZm `Zi Zg] [^ maZm lhnk\^ h_ g^pl%Ë a^ lZb]' ÊFr ch[ Zl Zg ^]bmhk bl mh fZd^ lnk^ Z ikh]n\m bl ikh]n\^] maZm i^hie^ pZgm mh ib\d ni ^o^kr ]Zr'Ë >o^g b_ a^ ]h^lgÍm `^m ^]bmhk&bg& \ab^_% =ngg pbee Ziier mh [^ Z fZg& Z`bg` ^]bmhk'

e^Zkgl mh [^ Z [^mm^k chnkgZeblm% <bmr >]bmhk FZq Khl^ lZb]' A^Íl bfikho^] abl ieZggbg` h_ ehg`&m^kf ikhc^\ml' ÊLa^ \Zk^l fhk^ Z[hnm ma^ iZi^k maZg Zgrhg^ BÍo^ ^o^k f^m%Ë Khl^ lZb]' Ê:g] maZm ikhc^\ml bg ma^ i^h& ie^ la^ phkdl pbma'Ë @k^`hkr lZb] la^Íl k^Z]r mh a^ei k^obo^ ma^ g^pliZi^k bg]nlmkr makhn`a mkZbgbg` chnkgZeblml' ÊP^Ík^ ghm bgo^gmbg` ma^ pa^^e ho^k Z`Zbg%Ë la^ lZb]' ÊMa^ \aZe& e^g`^ bl mh mZd^ k^lhnk\^l Zg] nl^ ma^f bg ma^ [^lm pZr ihllb[e^'Ë MaZm bg\en]^l fZdbg` ma^ g^pl& khhf ^gobkhgf^gm fhk^ bgobmbg` Zg] e^ll Zee&\hglnfbg` _hk lmZ__' =ngg Zg] @k^`hkr aZo^ [^^g mZedbg` Z[hnm ma^bk oblbhg Zg] ma^bk iZllbhg _hk ma^ =MA _hk ma^ iZlm r^Zk% [^_hk^ ma^r lmZkm^] ]Zmbg`' ÊB dghp pa^k^ a^ lmZg]l% Zg] a^ dghpl pa^k^ B lmZg]%Ë @k^`hkr lZb]' La^ phkkb^l maZm la^Íl lh_m&lihd^g% [nm la^ bl Zek^Z]r Z f^f[^k h_ fZg& Z`^f^gm Zg] aZl mZd^g ho^k _hk ma^ ^]bmhk&bg&\ab^_ Zl g^^]^] mabl r^Zk' ÊB phgÍm aZo^ mh lmZkm Zm ljnZk^ hg^%Ë la^ lZb]'

Mph p^^dl eZm^k% mhpg `ho^kg& f^gm _Z\^] Z eZplnbm _khf Z ihebmb\Ze pZm\a]h` `khni _hk nlbg` mZqiZr^klÍ fhg^r mh a^ei bee^`Ze bffb`kZgml' Ma^ g^qm ^e^\mbhg% A^kg]hg k^lb]^gml ohm^] hnm Zee [nm hg^ h_ ma^ lbmmbg` \hng\be f^f[^kl' Ma^ g^p `ho^kgf^gm \ehl^] ma^ lbm^ bg +))0% Zg] \nkk^gm \hng\be f^f& [^k Kb\aZk] =hpg^k lZb] m^glbhg bl lmbee ab`a' ÊMabl mabg` mhk^ ma^ \hffngbmr ni%Ë =hpg^k lZb]' Ê?hk ma^ eZlm _hnk r^Zkl bmÍl [^^g ma^ ]hfbgZgm blln^% Zg] ng_hkmn& gZm^er bmÍl \k^Zm^] Z ehm h_ Zgbfhlbmr a^k^'Ë FZnkb\bh <Zlmkh% \h&_hng]^k h_ >e <^gmkh EZmbgh% bl _ZfbebZk pbma ma^ lbmnZmbhg bg A^kg]hg Zg] lZb] ma^ mhpgÍl ikh[e^f pZl _h\nlbg` hg ma^ e^`Ze Zli^\m h_ ]Zr eZ[hkl kZma^k maZg ma^ ]b`gbmr h_ ma^ phkd^kl' Ê<Zkk[hkhÍl ghm `hbg` mh fZd^ ma^ lZf^ fblmZd^%Ë a^ lZb]' ÊP^ aZo^ Z `k^Zm Ziik^\bZmbhg h_ ma^ ikbg\bie^l h_ _k^^]hf Zg] ]^fh\kZ\r'Ë

<hgmZ\m ma^ ?^Zmnk^l >]bmhk Zm _^Zmnk^l9ng\'^]n'

<hgmZ\m ma^ ?^Zmnk^l >]bmhk Zm _^Zmnk^l9ng\'^]n'

<hgmZ\m ma^ <bmr >]bmhk Zm \bmr]^ld9ng\'^]n'



I would definitely recommend that graduate students avail themselves of Maymester. It’s a good opportunity for graduate students to reduce their course load (during the semester) and be able to take fewer classes while teaching a class. I enjoyed the course intensity. Instead of spreading a book throughout an entire semester, we were able to discuss a chapter or two a day. Christin Mulligan is a second-year graduate student in English


P>=G>L=:R% :IKBE *% +))2


National and World News MZeb[Zg pZkgl h_ H[ZfZ l^^dl g^p Ohengm^^k \hkil _nmnk^ N'L' ZmmZ\d `eh[Ze k^`neZmbhgl fb`am ^qiZg] B L E : F : ; : =% IZ d b l m Z g !F<M" É IZdblmZgb pZkehk] ;ZbmneeZa F^aln] mak^Zm^g^] mh ZmmZ\d PZlabg`mhg Zg] ma^ Pabm^ Ahnl^% Zl a^ \eZbf^] k^lihglb[bebmr hg Mn^l]Zr _hk mabl p^^dÍl ZllZnem hg ma^ iheb\^ mkZbgbg` Z\Z]^fr bg EZahk^' F^aln] e^Z]l ma^ [b``^lm _Z\mbhg h_ ma^ IZdblmZgb MZeb[Zg% Zg BleZfb\ fbebmbZ' F^aln]Íl obhe^gm _Z\mbhg bl ma^ [b``^lm \aZee^g`^ mh ma^ o^kr ^qblm^g\^ h_ ma^ IZdblmZgb lmZm^% pab\a aZl [^^g ng]^k lnlmZbg^] ZmmZ\d [r ma^ MZeb[Zg Zg] hma^k ^qmk^fblml _hk fhgmal' Ma^ IZdblmZgb MZeb[Zg aZo^ gh dghpg \ZiZ[bebmr mh lmZ`^ ZmmZ\dl bg PZlabg`mhg hk ^el^& pa^k^ bg ma^ p^lm% Zemahn`a Ze& JZb]Z \hne] _Z\bebmZm^ ln\a Zg hi^kZmbhg _hk ma^f% lZb] :lZ] Fngbk% ma^ _hkf^k a^Z] h_ fbeb& mZkr bgm^eeb`^g\^ _hk ghkmap^lm IZdblmZg'

EHG=HG !F<M" É Ik^lb]^gm ;ZkZ\d H[ZfZ Zg] hma^k phke] e^Z]^kl pbee \hgo^g^ P^]g^l]Zr bg Ehg]hg% ]^li^kZm^ mh Zohb] ma^ fblmZd^l maZm ieng`^] ma^ ieZg^m bgmh ma^ =^ik^llbhg bg ma^ *2,)l Zg] l^^dbg` \hffhg ZiikhZ\a^l mh chem ma^bk ^\hgh& fb^l [Z\d mh eb_^' Mhiibg` abl Z`^g]Z bl phkd& bg` hnm Z g^p `eh[Ze _kZf^phkd mh k^`neZm^ _bgZg\bZe fZkd^ml' Mabl \hne] bg\en]^ ^qm^g]bg` ma^ k^`neZmhkr g^m ho^k a^]`^ _ng]l Zg] h__lahk^ mZq aZo^gl% Zl p^ee Zl b]^gmb_rbg` `Zil bg k^`neZmbhg [^mp^^g \hngmkb^l' H[ZfZ Zg] >nkhi^Zg Zeeb^l Zelh l^^d mh ^fihp^k ma^ Bgm^kgZmbhgZe Fhg^mZkr ?ng] Zg] Phke] ;Zgd mh [hhlm ^\hghfb^l `k^Zm Zg] lfZee Zg] mh ]bl\hnkZ`^ ma^ ^k^\mbhg h_ mkZ]^ [Zkkb^kl' MaZm fb`am [^ ]b__b\nem `bo^g `khpbg` ihebmb\Ze ik^llnk^l bg fZgr gZmbhgl'

P:LABG@MHG% ='<' !F<M" É Ma^ gZmbhgÍl ohengm^^k \hkil pbee ^qiZg] ]kZfZmb\Zeer mh Zb] ma^ \hngmkrÍl ihhk i^hie^% likn\^ ni bml iZkdl% a^ei o^m^kZgl Zg] fbebmZkr _Zfbeb^l% Zg] ikhob]^ g^p ikh`kZfl _hk l^gbhkl Zg] lmn]^gml% ng]^k e^`bleZmbhg ma^ Ahnl^ h_ K^ik^l^gmZmbo^l Ziikho^] hg Mn^l]Zr' Ik^lb]^gm ;ZkZ\d H[ZfZ inla^] aZk] _hk ma^ [bee% pab\a pbee Zeehp ma^ */&r^Zk&he] :f^kb<hkil Zg] hma^k `ho^kg& f^gm&[Z\d^] l^kob\^ ikh`kZfl mh ^qiZg] _khf 0.%))) ihlbmbhgl mh +.)%)))' Ma^ f^Zlnk^ Znmahkbs^l `ho& ^kgf^gm li^g]bg` h_ .'0 [beebhg hg l^kob\^ ikh`kZfl ho^k ma^ g^qm _bo^ r^Zkl' H[ZfZ bl l^^dbg` *'* [beebhg _hk _bl\Ze +)*)' Ma^ [bee f^m ebmme^ hiihlbmbhg% pbggbg` Ahnl^ ZiikhoZe [r +0. mh *-2 Z_m^k iZllbg` ma^ L^gZm^ eZlm p^^d [r 02 mh *2'

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Place a Classified: or Call 919-962-0252

April 1, 2009

DTH Classifieds DTH office is open Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:00pm

Line Classified Ad Rates


To Place a Line Classified Ad Log onto or Call 919-962-0252

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Line Ads: Noon, one business day prior to publication Display Classified Advertising: 3pm, two business days prior to publication BR = B98FCCA S BA = B5H< S AC ACBH< S <F <CIF S K? K99? S 1 K5G<9F 8FM9F S )B) CF 69GH C::9F S 5=F 7CB8=H=CB=B; S K K=H< S LR = living room

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Child Care Wanted

For Rent

Help Wanted

Help Wanted



THE CHURCH OF RECONCILIATION is seeking a child care provider for 1.5 hours on Sunday mornings to supervise up to 12 preschool aged children and 2 adult volunteers. Duties include organizing games, activities, snack. Must be able to interact well with children, multi-task, make decisions, delegate to other adult volunteers. Creative, energetic personality and knowledge of First Aid a plus. Occasional Sundays off can be negotiated. $15/hr. Send cover letter and resume to Katie Ricks, Associate in Ministry, at 929-2127.

FREE RENT. Professor seeks mature PHD student for house sitting. Executive home in Cary. Professor will be overseas for 1 year. Only qualified students call 919-234-3893.

PART-TIME WINE TASTERS NEEDED 3-4 days/wk. $10/hr. 21 years or older, outgoing, self motivated. Start ASAP. Thursday thru Sunday, 1-7pm. Contact: NCwinetasting@ (send picture and resume).

DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOLOGY seeks part-time student administrative assistant to work in a busy office environment. Duties are varied but will include campus errands, general accounting, assisting other office staff as needed. Starting salary: $9/hr. Work schedule: 8am-5pm. PREFERENCE will be given to those that can work year round, which will include the SUMMER MONTHS and those willing to work at least 15-20 hrs/wk. The Department will exercise flexibility with your class schedule. If interested, email resume to or drop off resume in Room 4011, Genetic Medicine Building (located between the EPA and Bioinformatics Buildings). Position is available effective immediately. See map at: http://www.dps.unc. edu/maps/campus/Guide.pdf. EOE.

GREAT LOCATION! House, 116 Mallette Street. 2 rooms, mid-May thru July 31, furnishings optional. $575/mo +utilities, negotiable. 2.5BA, parking, pool table. kshearin@,

Deadlines are NOON one business day prior to publication for classified ads. We publish Monday thru Friday when classes are in session. A university holiday is a DTH holiday too (i.e. this affects deadlines). We reserve the right to reject, edit, or reclassify any ad. Acceptance of ad copy or prepayment does not imply agreement to publish an ad. You may stop your ad at any time, but NO REFUNDS or credits for stopped ads will be provided. No advertising for housing or employment, in accordance with federal law, can state a preference based on sex, race, creed, color, religion, national origin, handicap, marital status. IS YOUR FRIEND A TOOL? Fine Living Network’s new reality show seeks 21-35 year-old drama kings and queens, suck ups, game killers, compulsive flirts, one uppers, trendy obsessed, metrosexuals, etc. Tell us what makes your friend a tool with pictures: WIN A SCHOLARSHIP. Awarded by the State Employees Association of North Carolina (SEANC), District 19. Deadline April 15. Contact Angela Lyght at 962-0146 or angela_lyght@ 919-966-0381

Child Care Services CHILD CARE SHARE: Victory Village Day Care available now. Share a spot with my child, birth date 9/04-3/05. 561-676-9545. UNC employee or student only.

Child Care Wanted UNC FACULTY MEMBER SEEKS child care 25 hrs/wk for baby, beginning mid-May 2009. Experience with babies, references, reliable transportation, enthusiasm for child care required. Call Kathy, 919-929-8391. AFTER SCHOOL CARE. Responsible person to pick up my children (9 and 11) from school (Grady Brown), help with homework and care for. Tu-Th, 2:30-5pm. Must have own car and references. Hourly rate is $13 and $10/wk gas. 919-932-9563.



EFFICIENCY APARTMENT. All amenities including DSL and W/D. Non-smoker. Lovely neighborhood off East Franklin. On busline. Available May 15. $400/mo. 933-6488 or 260-1724.

For Rent

“A� FRAME HOUSE NEAR HOSPITAL on Purefoy Road. Available April 1. One loft BR. 1BA. Kitchen, dining area with bar. Large living room. Rear deck faces woods. Great for grad, faculty, intern. Non-smoker. No pets. $800/mo. 942-7283.



ALL REAL ESTATE AND RENTAL advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.� This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis in accordance with the law. To complain of discrimination, call the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development housing discrimination hotline: 1-800-669-9777. 4BR/4BA


400 West Rosemary Street. Luxury living, downtown, near UNC. Desirable front end unit, windows on 3 sides. Living room, kitchen, 2BR. $1,900/mo. Available 5-15. Don Levine, 919-616-7513.

RESEARCH STUDIES: Want to Quit Smoking? Right handed cigarette smokers are needed for a research study. Healthy, drug free participants will be scheduled for a physical and 12 study visits. Compensation up to $620. Call today! 919-684-9593. Pro00009639. RESEARCH STUDIES: SMOKING RESEARCH STUDY. Going on right now in your area! Cigarette smokers between the ages of 18 and 55 with no known health problems are needed for our research study. Compensation up to $460. For more information: 919-684-9593., Pro00004092.

tance to campus. Neat yard, W/D. Available early July or August. $1,100/mo. 919-779-3057 or email

house on busline. Large bedrooms, hardwood floors, W/D, dishwasher, all appliances. Free parking, storage and trash pick up. $400/mo. Available August 2009. 933-0983 or 451-8140.

$475/MO. LARGE FURNISHED apartment upstairs in private home. 15 minute walk to campus. Off South Columbia. Utilities, wifi, W/D, parking included. No pets, smoking. Graduate students preferred. Available midMay. Marcy, 518-281-4981.

LARGE 1-2 BEDROOM apartments. Most have W/D and are easy walking distance to campus. $475-$720/mo. 933-5296.

For Sale

WALK TO UNC AND FRANKLIN ST. Sublet 2BR/1BA. Available now. $550/mo. Please drive by 103-C Isley Street first. If you like the location, call James, 919-605-3444.

STUDENT TUXEDO SALE: Why rent? Own a complete tuxedo for $85. We even have a fabulous Carolina Blue tuxedo. All sizes. Also over 4,000 prom, evening and pageant gowns. Formalwear Outlet, 644-8243. Ten minutes from campus.

apartment for 2009-10 school year. Includes all appliances, 2 W/D. 15 minute walk to campus, hospitals. $425/mo. Contact kkwilson@email. for details.

FREE REFRIGERATOR for college dorm. Good condition. Please call 919-463-7742. NEW UNC LOGO MEN’S GOLF SHOES FootJoy Contour Series, 11M, white, Carolina blue, UNC logo on heel. $95, originally $140. 919-593-5226.

VILLAGE WEST TOWNHOUSE 4BR/3.5BA. Over 2,000 square feet. Available for rent May 2009. $1,700/mo. Money off first month’s rent if lease signed promptly. Call 919-537-8209.

Help Wanted

A ? = H L BEJ@ HERA PK com ing. lshous

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919-682-0300 ''' # ' $% # %"# "

LIGHT HOUSE AND YARD WORK. 1 1/2 blocks from campus. $10/hr. 919-929-7488.


2BR HOUSE FOR RENT. Walking dis-


$% % ! "&% # ' ! ("&# "'! #

FULL-TIME RA FOR UNC CFAR. Preferred candidates will communicate effectively, multitask, have knowledge of HIV/AIDS, patient and/or research experience and Spanish fluency. For more information, contact Prema Menezes at

MILL CREEK 4BR/2BA. LAST ONE. AVAILABLE 8-3-09. Walk to campus. Vanity in each bedroom. Ceiling fans. Clean carpet. Fresh paint. Pool, tennis, parking. 1 year lease. $1,750/mo. 404-872-7121.



Fall part-time job position available for people thinking about or majoring in one of the medical fields such as nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, pre-med or one of the other medical disciplines. No experience necessary, can train. Mornings, evenings and weekend positions available. Pays $12-$14/hr. Call 9321314 for more information.

RESPONSIBLE, DEPENDABLE part-time help wanted at La Vita Dolce espresso and gelato cafe in Southern Village, Chapel Hill. Contact Nicole at 919-968-1635 or

REALLY NICE 4BR/3BA townhouse on busline. Large bedrooms, hardwood floors, W/D, dishwasher, all appliances. Free parking, storage and trash pick up. $425/mo. Available August 2009. 933-0983 or 451-8140.

$1,500/month ($375/room). Includes all utilities. On J and D buslines. Private. 4BR/4BA. Shared common area and amenities. Available August 1. Phone: 919-767-1778, 919-923-0630 or


CERVICAL CANCER starts with sex and Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Condoms can protect, but don’t stop the spread of HPV. You may never have symptoms or know that you became infected. HPV infection can cause genital warts and over time you can raise your risk of developing cervical cancer. Help research by volunteering for a vaccine research study. You may qualify if you: are between 16-26 years of age, are willing to use birth control for a minimum of 7 months, are not planning to become pregnant in the first 7 months of the study, have never been vaccinated for HPV, have not had an abnormal PAP. Please call: 919-251-9223.

RESEARCH STUDIES: MALE NON-SMOKERS NEEDED. Right handed, male non-smokers between the ages of 18 and 55 with no known health problems are needed for our research study. This research uses functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study how the brain functions. Compensation up to $190. For more information: 919-684-9593. Pro00008250. RESEARCH STUDIES: Are you interested in LOSING WEIGHT? Healthy, overweight, right handed men and women between the ages of 18-50 are needed for a diet study. Join the DIET study to receive diet consultations over the course of 3 months. Call 668-4131 for more information. STUDENT SERVICES ASSOCIATE. The North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics (NCSSM) seeks qualified candidates for the position of Student Services Associate. NCSSM is a residential high school in Durham for academically motivated juniors and seniors from the entire state of North Carolina. The position reports directly to the Director of Student Services and is responsible for the supervision of residential halls, and providing support and coverage for the duty schedule. Student Services Associates are required to live on campus. Position includes housing, utilities, 7 meals/wk, computer, internet and access to fitness facilities. Successful candidates will have prior experience in residence life, student activities, education and experience with teenagers. A 4 year college degree is preferred. Hiring salary: $24,861. The deadline for submitting applications is 4-7-09. Interested applicants should send a State of North Carolina application (PD107) to: NCSSM Human Resources, 1219 Broad Street, Durham, North Carolina 27705. Fax: 919-416-2879. For an application, visit




Care seeking healthy, non-smoking females 20-32 to become egg donors. $2,500 compensation for COMPLETED cycle. All visits and procedures to be done local to campus. For written information, please call 919-966-1150 ext. 5 and leave your current mailing address.

Internships RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE is accepting applications for a public relations and development internship (unpaid) for the 2009/10 school year. Interns work 6-10 hrs/wk and gain work experience on special events, PR and publications. Visit www.chapelhillrmh. net to download application. Applications accepted through April 10.

Lost & Found LOST: SILVER PIN. Lost around March 23-25, silver pin, wings with turquoise and a garnet heart. 919-962-0933. LOST: WALLET on Franklin Street on St. Patty’s Day. Half green, half orange, NY license and One Card inside. PLEASE return if found! 631-664-5452. LOST: CELL PHONE on the upper quad late S night (3/28). Did you find it? please contact me at:

Pets/Livestock WE WOULD LOVE to groom your dog! Ask about our Savings Card. Four Paws Animal Clinic, full veterinary services. Glennwood Square Shopping Center, 1216 Raleigh Road, Chapel Hill. 919-942-1788.

Roommates ROOMMATE WANTED: Share 3BR/3.5 BA with 2 female students. 1.5 miles from UNC on busline Lease begins late April. $670/mo. ROOMMATE WANTED TO SHARE really

nice 6BR/5BA townhouse on busline. Large bedrooms, hardwood floors, W/D, dishwasher, all appliances. Free parking, storage and trash pick up. $400/mo. 933-0983 or 451-8140.

PROFESSIONAL EDITING Grants, proposals, academic articles, dissertations. Why sweat the details when Walker Wordsmiths can handle them for you? Non-native English writers welcome! Scott Walker, PhD. 919-475-5149.

Sublets SUMMER SUBLET: Walk to campus!

Walk downtown! 2BR/1BA duplex. West Patterson Place. Furnished (if needed). 5-12 thru 7-28 (flexible). $500/mo. pwmcconn@email.unc. edu, 704-813-4089.

If there is no Divine, what can be my guide?

SUMMER SUBLET: Room, bath in great apartment. 2.5 miles from campus. Female grad student roommate, 5/1 thru 8/1. $465/ mo +utilities. Pool, exercise area access. SUMMER SUBLET furnished bedroom in 3BR/1BA house with 2 female undergrad housemates on Kenan Street. $450/mo +utilities. Really close to campus. linzma@

Find valuable answers in

Wiley’s Discovery: A Fantasy Search for God Order $14.95 book at,, or your local bookstore.

2 AWESOME SUBLEASES: 201 Howell Street, $400/mo. AND 406 Pritchard Street, $600/ mo. Both VERY nice, easy walk to campus. Can negotiate! SUMMER SUBLEASE: Nice room in Stratford Hills apartment off MLK from May to July. Close to campus and near A bus route. $318/ mo., 919-259-5142, SUMMER SUBLEASE! Female seeks someone to sublet from May 9 thru August 15! 4BR/ 4BA apartment $400/mo, utilities included! Contact for more info!

SUMMER SUBLEASE Available May thru August. 2 rooms, large windows and closets, furnished. Close to hospital and campus, off street parking, porch, grill, fireplace. Contact summerlease@ CHAPEL VIEW APARTMENTS. On 3 buslines. Available 5-8 to 7-31. $555/mo. Furnished, spacious BR, private BA, W/D. Utilities included. Gym, tennis and pool., 980-253-5207. SUMMER LEASE: 1BR for rent in a 2BR town house for the summer months. Located in Carrboro. Furnishings optional. Utilities included, $500/mo. Call 919-265-4978 for more information.

2BR SUBLET for summer and fall 2009! $500/mo. Utilities. 216-A Greene Street. 1 mile from campus. 4BR/2.5BA, W/D, full kitchen, parking, living area, deck., 336549-2235.

Summer Jobs OUTGOING CAMP REGISTRAR WANTED The Chapel Hill-Carrboro YMCA is looking for a summer camp registrar. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and have experience with computers, phone communication, problem solving skills and the ability to work independently. This is a 20 hr/wk job with flexible hours. The job will consist of managing camp cancellations, balances and wait lists. Hours available starting in April and would continue until August 21st. To apply go to our website at or come to the YMCA at 980 MLK Jr. Blvd., Chapel Hill, to fill out an application. All questions please contact Whitney Kahn at wkahn@chcymca. org or 919-442-9622.

&$$$ !

. .BIZ



Professional TAX Services Electronically Filed for Fast Processing

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Tickets For Sale FINAL FOUR AND CHAMPIONSHIP tickets. 2 sets available. Must sell now, best offer. Call 732-239-4401. Leave message and will return call ASAP. Or email

Volunteering COACH YOUTH SOCCER at the YMCA! Volunteers are needed for the upcoming recreational spring season (4-4 and 4-18 thru 5-30, Saturdays only). Ages range from 3 year-olds through 6th graders (boys and girls). Be a part of a fun focused, beginner based program. Volunteer with a friend or be matched with other coaches! Contact Mike Meyen with interest:, 919-442-9622 ext. 125. 6 HRS/MO MAKES A DIFFERENCE! Arc of Orange County’s Community Connections matches volunteers with adults with disabilities exploring community activities. Susan, 919-942-5119 ext. 111,

Wheels for Sale 1999 MIATA. 127K, 5 SPEED. Metallic green with tan. New top, roll bar, battery. AC, cruise control, leather interior, Bose sound. Asking $4,600. 919-619-4442 or 919-304-2054. For details:

If April 1 is Your Birthday... You’re so cute this year, you get what you want. You learn quickly too. And you have friends who are willing to help. But they’re sensitive. The more gentle you can be, the better. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.

Aries (March 21-April 19) Today is an 8 - Hanging out at home is a good place for you to come up with new inspirations. It frees your subconscious mind. Comfort snacks help, too. Chocolate is recommended. Taurus (April 20-May 20) Today is a 5 - You’re under pressure, but you’ve got good support. Your basics are sound. You can resist and survive just about any calamity that comes your way. You’re a rock, with an imagination. Gemini (May 21-June 21) Today is an 8 - Get serious about your career, make some radical moves. Don’t do it just for the fun of it; do it to make more money. It’s time to get out there and run with the big dogs. If you also have more fun, so much the better. Cancer (June 22-July 22) Today is a 6 - Others have been bossing you around, and you’ve been holding back. This is good. Keep doing it. You can get your point across in more subtle ways. No need to raise your voice. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Today is an 8 - Others rely on you to help them make sound decisions. If you keep doing that, they’ll give you even more authority. You might as well know this ahead of time. It’s about to happen again. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Today is a 5 - Your work should be very interesting now. There’s certainly plenty of it. Don’t discuss it with anyone but the people involved. Strict confidentiality is required.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Today is a 9 - There seems to be a very attractive person in your life right now. Don’t toss your responsibilities and run away to a life of romance. Make time in your busy schedule for a little more romance now. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Today is a 6 - If you can spend just a little more time and fine-tune your plans somewhat, you’ll find they flow effortlessly. You will be able to tell when it’s time to act. Trust your intuition. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Today is an 8 - You’d rather be playing. That won’t pay the rent. Do you have enough stashed away to take a vacation? If not, better get back to the office, or wherever you ply your trade Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Today is a 5 - You’re growing impatient and can’t understand the hassles you encounter. Your method is practical. Why don’t they agree? Maybe you need to spend more time educating them. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Today is a 7 - Stay busy with a new assignment. You think you already know how this is going to turn out, but you don’t. You can increase income markedly if you’re quick. Pay attention. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Today is a 6 - You’d like to get going, but where? Don’t make a move until you decide. Ask an older person who has a better view of the whole situation. No need to go down a dead end.

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UNC-Chapel Hill Carolina Kids Camp is accepting applications for several full-time summer day camp positions. Must be available June 2 through August 7, 2009. Prefer prior experience with children ages 5-12 and completion of some college course work. For an application or more information, contact Aimee Krans, Work Life Manager, aimee_ or 962-6008. Don’t delay! Conducting interviews now. EOE.

1BH 64A C?468 LBHE , 6?4FF<9<87 47 BA?<A8 4G




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pool. Loving person needed to assist with activities for 3 kids, ages 7, 10, 12. Must like Legos, be willing to pick up and drop off at summer camps in Chapel Hill area. Reliable, non-smoker, clean driving record. 25-30 hr/wk, June thru early August, flexible. Additional hours doing clerical work possible. Southern Village area. Great for student. $11/hr based on experience.


Lab Poster Printing

SUMMER NANNY! Fun, swimming

Services 5TH TO 10TH GRADERS for EOG, SAT prep, ESL, English, Math (including Algebra 1) and beginning Spanish. $30/hour. 967-4931.

Summer Jobs


RDU Taxi Serving the Triangle area to and from RDU Airport

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I]Z 9V^an IVg =ZZa

@he]^g ?e^^\^ mZil g^p f^f[^kl STAFF WRITER

Ma^ l^mmbg` lng \Zlm Zg ZnkZ ho^k ma^ lm^il h_ ma^ ?hk^lm Ma^Zmk^ hg Mn^l]Zr Zl bg]n\m^^l mh NG<Íl he]^lm Zg] ab`a^lm&k^`Zk]^] ahghkZkr lh\b& ^mr fZ]^ ma^bk pZr ]hpg ma^ lm^il' >Z\a _Z\^ lahp^] Zg Zbk h_ lnk& ikbl^ Zg] Z\\hfieblaf^gm Zl ma^

Newly inducted members Danielle Maria Allen Yael Friedman Averbuch Fahmida Azad Jeffrey Sanjay Chen Carina Daniela Cortese Todd William Dalrymple Emma Rachel Lawrence Mark Richard Paschal

Zl a^ fZ]^ abl pZr mh ma^ _khgm khp' Ma^ MZk A^^elÍ l^gbhk fb]]e^ ebg^& [Z\d^k e^] ma^ _hhm[Zee m^Zf bg mZ\d& e^l bg ma^ +))2 l^Zlhg% [nm a^ pZl [^bg` ahghk^] _hk [hma abl Z\\hf& ieblaf^gml hg Zg] h__ ma^ _hhm[Zee _b^e]% bg\en]bg` phkd _hk ma^ <Zklhg l\aheZklabi' ÊBm bl ZfZsbg` mh [^ a^k^ pbma Gh[^e Ikbs^ pbgg^kl%Ë a^ lZb]' ÊBmÍl Zg ng[^eb^oZ[e^ ahghk'Ë :elh Zfhg` ma^ bg]n\m^^l p^k^ Lmn]^gm ;h]r Ik^lb]^gm C'C' KZrghk Zg] Lmn]^gm ;h]r Ik^lb]^gm&^e^\m CZlfbg Chg^l' ÊB _^em ebd^ B pZl pZedbg` bgmh mkZ& ]bmbhg%Ë Chg^l lZb]' ÊBm _^^el ZfZs& bg` Á Zl b_ ma^ phkd maZm rhnÍo^ ]hg^ Z\mnZeer f^Zgl lhf^mabg`' Bm fZd^l rhn pZgm mh ]h fhk^'Ë Ma^ @he]^g ?e^^\^ l^e^\ml f^f[^kl [Zl^] hg l^kob\^ mh ma^ Ngbo^klbmr Zl k^_e^\m^] bg l\aheZk& labi% fhmboZmbhg% \k^Zmbobmr% ehrZemr Zg] e^Z]^klabi bg Z\Z]^fb\l Zg] ^qmkZ\nkkb\neZk Z\mbobmb^l% lZb] l^gbhk >ebsZ[^ma ;^kghe]% ma^ ÊCZlhg%Ë hk ik^lb]^gm% h_ ma^ hk]^k% bg Zg ^&fZbe' Ma^ lh\b^mrÍl gZf^ bl mZd^g _khf

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Intended Publication Date(s): Wednesday, April 01, 2009. Published NC, The Daily Tar Heel [T_Directory_Update to Publish or Proof] 1.776667" X 2" Produced: 8:03 AM ET, 3/30/2009 033009080318 Regal 865-925-9554

Aisha Ihab Saad Lauren Esther Slive Elinor Benami David Joseph Bevevino Thomas Strother Edwards Clarence Lanier “Tripp” Gobble Jasmin Mariel Jones

David Scott Hudson Sue Owens Klapper


Pa^g ma^ `kZ__bmb [^\Zf^ g^pl% ma^ G::<I \Zee^] _hk ma^ lmn]^gml mh [^ db\d^] hnm h_ l\ahhe' ÊMa^k^ g^^] mh [^ l^kbhnl \hgl^& jn^g\^l%Ë lZb] >n`^g^ ?ZkkZk% ma^ ik^lb]^gm h_ <aZi^e AbeeÍl G::<I' ÊB ]hgÍm mabgd ^qblmbg` eZpl `h _Zk ^ghn`a'Ë

Adv. Tix on Sale HANNAH MONTANA: THE MOVIE Adv. Tix on Sale FAST AND THE FURIOUS ( MONSTERS VS. ALIENS (PG) (1215 240 500) 730 12 ROUNDS (PG-13) (1210 235 505) 735 KNOWING (PG-13) (1205 PM 245 PM) 725 PM I LOVE YOU MAN (R) - ID REQ'D (1225 255 510) 740 DUPLICITY (PG-13) (1200 PM 250 PM) 720 PM RACE TO WITCH MOUNTAIN (PG) (1220 230 455) 715

<hgmZ\m ma^ LmZm^ GZmbhgZe >]bmhk Zm lmgm]^ld9ng\'^]n'

Take 15/501 South towards Pittsboro Exit Market St. / Southern Village

MONSTERS VS ALIENS I ............12:30-2:40-4:50-7:05-9:15 DUPLICITY J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:10-4:00-7:05-9:45 KNOWING J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:25-4:10-7:20-9:50 RACE TO WITCH MOUNTAIN I ......12:40-2:50-5:00-7:15-9:30 SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE K . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:15-4:00-7:15-9:45 All shows $6.00 for college students with ID Bargain Matinees $6.00

Going to the Final Four Mb][bml _khf Mn^l]ZrÍl ik^ll \hg_^k^g\^ Zl NG<Íl f^gÍl ahhil m^Zf ik^iZk^l' @h hgebg^ _hk lmhkr'



© 2009 The Mepham Group. All rights reserved.



bfihkmZg\^ h_ _ng]bg` ^]n\Zmbhg% a^ lZb] maZm lh fn\a fhg^r aZl [^^g ]^ohm^] mh ma^ Zk^Z% bm phne] [^ ]b_& _b\nem ghm mh ]bo^km lhf^ ZpZr' ÊRhn aZo^ mh ehhd pa^k^ ma^ fhg^r bl%Ë ;eZd^ lZb]' ÊBmÍl Z ]b__b& \nem mbf^'Ë ;nm lhf^ =^fh\kZml bg ma^ e^`& bleZmnk^ lZb] ma^r mahn`am I^k]n^ aZ] [^^g mhh aZkla hg ^]n\Zmbhg Zg] ahi^] mh k^\mb_r maZm' ÊP^ pbee ghm \nm hnk pZr hnm h_ mabl k^\^llbhg% p^ pbee `khp hnk pZr hnm h_ mabl k^\^llbhg%Ë lZb] G'<' L^g' Ch^ LZf Jn^^g% =&AZrphh]' ÊMabl pbee [^ Z lahkm k^\^llbhg b_ p^ fZg& Z`^ bm kb`am'Ë Lmbee% a^ Z\dghpe^]`^] maZm \nml Zm NG< phne] [^ g^\^llZkr gh fZmm^k paZm aZii^gl pbma ma^ lmZm^Íl [n]`^m' ;eZd^ Z]]^] maZm ik^&^fimbo^ f^Zlnk^l _khf Mahki Zg] NG<& lrlm^f Ik^lb]^gm >kldbg^ ;hpe^l ab`aeb`am^] ma^ mZld _Z\bg` ma^ e^`& bleZmnk^'




Furloughs vs. layoffs Ma^ >fiehr^^ ?hknf pbee \hg& mbgn^ mh ]bl\nll ahp \nml pbee Z__^\m bml f^f[^kl' @h hgebg^ _hk lmhkr'

4 Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9.

Solution to Tuesday’s puzzle

Editor selection : g^p =MA ^]bmhk&bg&\ab^_ pbee [^ \ahl^g LZmnk]Zr' L^^ i`' , _hk \Zg]b& ]Zm^ ikh_be^l% i`' 1 _hk ieZm_hkfl'

Stimulating research :l _^]^kZe lmbfnenl ]heeZkl mkb\de^ bg% NG< bl ]^\b]bg` ahp ma^ fhg^r lahne] [^ li^gm' L^^ i`' * _hk lmhkr'

New to school Ma^ \hglnembg` _bkf abk^] mh a^ei NG< pbma \nml nlnZeer ]h^l \hkih& kZm^ \hglnembg`' L^^ i`' , _hk lmhkr'

Small-college atmosphere. Summer School at Carolina.

Preparing for hard times

<hgmZ\m ma^ Ngbo^klbmr >]bmhk Zm n]^ld9ng\'^]n'


k^` Fhkm^glhg% anfZgbmZkbZg Zg] ma^ Znmahk h_ ma^ [^lm&l^eebg` ÊMak^^ <nil h_ M^Z%Ë bl e^] hg Z mhnk h_ Ghkma <Zfinl [r lhiahfhk^ Gb]Z PZa^^] Zg] l^gbhk :g]k^p =Zn[ hg Mn^l]Zr Z_m^kghhg' Fhkm^glhg% pah lihd^ bg Z iZ\d^] @k^Zm AZee hg Fhg]Zr gb`am Zg] iZkmb\biZm^] bg Z iZg^e ]bl\nllbhg bg @kZaZf F^fhkbZe hg Mn^l]Zr% pZl ma^ _bklm li^Zd^k oblbmbg` NG< Zl iZkm h_ ma^ g^p <ZkhebgZ =blmbg`nbla^] Li^Zd^kl L^kb^l'

Jonathan T.M. Reckford

;kn\^ <Zkg^r% bgm^kbf ]^Zg h_ ma^ <hee^`^ h_ :kml Zg] L\b^g\^l% lZb] a^ ^qi^\ml mh eZr h__ +) mh +- i^klhgg^e ihlbmbhgl b_ ma^k^ bl Z . i^k\^gm \nm É mahn`a a^ mabgdl ma^ \nm \hne] o^kr p^ee [^ ab`a^k' <nml _khf ghg&i^klhgg^e Zk^Zl% ln\a Zl ^jnbif^gm Zg] k^ghoZmbhgl% [^\hf^ e^ll ebd^er Zl k^]n\mbhgl \hgmbgn^ [^\Znl^ ma^r \nm m^Z\abg` \ZiZ[bebmb^l fhk^ Zg] fhk^' ÊB_ ma^k^ bl Z mbiibg` ihbgm%Ë <Zkg^r lZb]% Êp^Ík^ `^mmbg` \ehl^'Ë <Zkg^r lnli^g]^] ,) _Z\nemr l^Zk\a^l pa^g ma^ hg^&mbf^ \nml p^k^ _bklm Zgghng\^] eZlm l^f^l& m^k' A^ aZl Zelh Zld^] ]^iZkmf^gm \aZbkl mh ikhob]^ li^\b_b\ k^lihgl^l mh k^]n\mbhg l\^gZkbhl bg i^kfZ& g^gm _ng]bg`' ÊBmÍl Zg ^oheobg` ikh\^ll%Ë <Zkg^r lZb]' ÊP^ d^^i k^oblbmbg` mabl Zl ma^ [n]`^m lbmnZmbhg [^\hf^l Z ebmme^ \e^Zk^k'Ë Ma^ L\ahhe h_ @ho^kgf^gmÍl . i^k\^gm \nml pbee \hf^ _khf ]bl& fbllbg` _hnk k^mbk^] _Z\nemr f^f& [^kl pah k^mnkg^] iZkm&mbf^ mh a^ei m^Z\a Zg] Z]obl^ ^fiehr^^l% Zfhg` hma^k ]nmb^l' Fb\aZ^e Lfbma% ]^Zg h_ ma^ L\ahhe h_ @ho^kgf^gm% lZb] a^ ^qi^\ml ma^ bg\k^Zl^] k^lihglb[bebmr ho^k _bgZg\^l pbee [^ Z lb`gb_b\Zgm \aZg`^ _hk ]^Zgl g^qm r^Zk' ÊBÍf _h\nlbg` Z ehm fhk^ h_ fr ^g^k`r hg ahp ]h p^ ik^l^ko^ ^qblm& bg` ikh`kZfl% kZma^k maZg ahp ]h p^ ^qiZg] bgmh g^p Zk^Zl%Ë a^ lZb]' ÊMaZmÍl Z _ng]Zf^gmZe lab_m'Ë

ÊMa^k^ g^^] mh [^ l^kbhnl \hgl^jn^g\^l' B ]hgÍm mabgd ^qblmbg` eZpl `h _Zk ^ghn`a'Ë


Richard Kohn Oliver Smithies


<hgmZ\m ma^ LmZm^ GZmbhgZe >]bmhk Zm lmgm]^ld9ng\'^]n'

Times For 04/01 © 2009

Erin Miyoko Marubashi

Elizabeth Kathleen “Katie” Borders


h_ @ho^kghkl f^^mbg`l% Zg] phne] `h mh \Zfinl^l bg Cng^ Zm ma^ ^Zkeb^lm' ;hpe^l [^`Zg ma^ \hffbllbhg Z_m^k kZ\bZeer \aZk`^] `kZ__bmb pZl _hng] hg G'<' LmZm^ Ngbo^klbmrÍl ?k^^ Li^^\a Mngg^e Z_m^k ma^ ^e^\& mbhg h_ Ik^lb]^gm ;ZkZ\d H[ZfZ bg Gho^f[^k' Ma^ bg\b]^gm ikhfim^] Z N'L' L^\k^m L^kob\^ bgo^lmb`Zmbhg% pab\a \hg\en]^] maZm ma^k^ pZl gh bffb& g^gm mak^Zm mh H[ZfZ' Ma^ mph lmn]^gml pah Z]fbmm^] <hgmZ\m ma^ Ngbo^klbmr >]bmhk mh likZr&iZbgmbg` ma^ \hff^gml Zm n]^ld9ng\'^]n' p^k^ ghm ]bl\biebg^] [^\Znl^ ma^ `kZ__bmb pZl ]^m^kfbg^] mh [^ _k^^ li^^\a' Ng]^k ma^ g^p iheb\r% ma^ lmn]^gml phne] lmbee ghm _Z\^ h__b\bZe ]bl\biebgZkr Z\mbhg'

Emily Joy Rothchild

Samuel Peter Wurzelmann

p^k^ fZ]^ Zm ma^ _hknf% =^IZke^ lZb] ma^ Zg^\]hm^l pbee laZi^ ma^ iheb\r&fZdbg` ikh\^ll' ÊLhf^ h_ mahl^ lmhkb^l p^k^ o^kr aZk] mh a^Zk%Ë =^IZke^ lZb]' ÊMaZmÍl paZm BÍf `hbg` mh mZd^ [Z\d mh PZlabg`mhg'Ë :l ma^ _hknf \Zf^ mh Z \ehl^% I^k]n^ ^qik^ll^] a^k `kZmbmn]^ _hk =^IZke^Íl oblbm Zg] pbeebg`g^ll mh eblm^g mh ma^ ikh[e^fl h_ Ghkma <ZkhebgbZgl'

I^k]n^ Zelh ikhfbl^] maZm Ghkma <ZkhebgZ pbee \hhi^kZm^ pbma a^Zema \Zk^ k^_hkf' Pbma bg\k^Zl^] gnf[^kl h_ ng^fiehr^] Zg] ngbglnk^] \hg& lmbmn^gml% I^k]n^ lZb] Ghkma <ZkhebgZ bl bg Z ]b__^k^gm lmZm^ _khf pa^g la^ pZl ^e^\m^] bg Gho^f[^k' ÊBÍo^ [^^g `ho^kghk _hk /) ]Zrl%Ë la^ lZb]' ÊB aZo^ Z ehm h_ mabg`l mh ]h'Ë


Jessica Jewett “J.J.” Raynor

Margaret Marie West


Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1 Impetuous fervor 5 Cong. work period 9 Not on the up and up 14 Tibetan holy man 15 Dark purple 16 “Flip This House” airer 17 Some dadaist art 18 Bone-dry 19 Hardly sensitive 20 2003 Katie Holmes film 23 Leftovers covering 24 “Bus Stop” playwright 25 Robin Hood’s wood 28 Everlasting 31 Carol starter 33 Cheery 36 Is situated 37 1965 film based on a Katherine Anne Porter novel 40 Genesis twin 42 “The Girl From Ipanema” singer Gilberto 43 Composer Andrew Lloyd __ 45 Clytemnestra’s son 50 Prefix with skeleton 51 Himalayan legend 54 Gear parts 55 1962 WWII film 59 Escargot 61 Outfield border 62 5-point K, e.g. 63 Scout rank 64 Grandson of Adam 65 San __ Obispo,

Calif. 66 Butler of fiction 67 First name in country 68 Give off DOWN 1 Go by, as time 2 Dogie catcher 3 Current unit 4 Pocono 500 group 5 Relaxing retreats 6 Pisa dough? 7 Imaginative genre 8 Sable or Impala 9 Like some cows 10 Spydom name 11 In-depth examination 12 Oral surgeon’s deg. 13 “Amen!” 21 Listless feeling 22 Links org. sponsoring the FedEx Cup 26 Summer on the Seine


19 95

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27 Jazz guitarist Montgomery 29 Clothing 30 Wall St. deals 32 Extension forming a right angle 34 Young salamander 35 Hendrix haircut 37 Enemy agent’s strategy 38 Center of activity 39 “Golden Boy” dramatist 40 Meadow mom 41 Census datum 44 Place for a lace

(C)2009 Tribune Media Services, Inc. All rights reserved.

46 Agree out of court 47 Monotony 48 And others, in bibliographies 49 Most bashful 52 Quasimodo’s hangout 53 Vacuous 56 To the __: fully 57 Handful of mud, say 58 Designer Schiaparelli 59 Talk about sin, e.g.: Abbr. 60 “Uh-uh”



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Hk]^k h_ ma^ @he]^g ?e^^\^ bg]n\m& ^] Z Gh[^e Ikbs^ pbgg^k% Z Kah]^l l\aheZk% ma^ _bklm k^\bib^gm h_ ma^ >o^ FZkb^ <Zklhg F^fhkbZe Cngbhk&R^Zk F^kbm L\aheZklabi Zg] +, hma^k NG< \hffngbmr f^f[^kl' Ma^ hk]^k bg]n\m^] *+ l^gbhkl% ^b`am cngbhkl% hg^ `kZ]nZm^ lmn]^gm Zg] _bo^ hma^k f^f[^kl h_ ma^ \hf& fngbmr bg bml *).ma \^k^fhgr' Ma^ lh\b^mr% lmZkm^] bg *2)-% bl k^l^ko^] _hk \hffngbmr f^f[^kl pah aZo^ fZ]^ Z eZlmbg` \hgmkb[n& mbhg mh ma^ Ngbo^klbmr' Bml f^f[^kl bg\en]^ _hkf^k <aZg\^eehk CZf^l Fh^l^k% N'L' phf^gÍl lh\\^k lmZk FbZ AZff% [Zld^m[Zee e^`^g] Fb\aZ^e Chk]Zg Zg] _hkf^k Lmn]^gm ;h]r Ik^lb]^gm >o^ <Zklhg' Ma^ +/ Êg^hiarm^lË !bg]n\m^^l" ]b] ghm dghp h_ ma^bk bg]n\mbhg ngmbe ma^r p^k^ e^] bgmh ma^ ma^Zm^k _bee^] pbma Ê:k`hgZnmlË !f^f[^kl" Zg] ma^bk _kb^g]l Zg] _Zfber' Lfbe^l% \an\de^l Zg] aZg] pZo^l lhhg _heehp^] Zl ma^ bg]n\m^^l lihm& m^] _ZfbebZk _Z\^l bg ma^ \khp]' Ê<hfie^m^er lah\d^] Zg] \hg& _nl^]Ë pZl FZkd IZl\aZeÍl k^Z\mbhg



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Applications now available for the

Peer Tutoring Program Receive 3 hours of pass/fail credit for tutoring on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings from 6-9 p.m. in Dey Hall during the Fall 2009 semester Tutors are needed for introductory and intermediate courses in:

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I]Z 9V^an IVg =ZZa


>lmZ[ebla^] *12,% **/ r^Zkl h_ ^]bmhkbZe _k^^]hf






;^\hfbg` ma^ [^lm GUEST COLUMNIST

First-year economics major from Charlotte; Carolina Review staff writer. E-MAIL: ZDEXTER@EMAIL.UNC.EDU

Hg Z\\^ll3 P^ h[c^\m mh iheb\b^l% ghm ma^ Zbf


a^k^ bl lhf^mabg` maZm i^hie^ fnlm ng]^klmZg] Z[hnm \hgl^koZmblf bg hk]^k mh ng]^klmZg] hnk ihbgm Z[hnm kZ\bZe ik^_^k^g\^l3 P^ ]^lbk^ ma^ lZf^ ^g]l Zl eb[^kZel [nm ]blZ`k^^ pbma ma^ f^Zgl' Mabl bl mkn^ h_ fhlm mabg`l bg \hgl^koZmblf' Pa^g bm GUEST COLUMNIST \hf^l mh kZ\^% p^ ]blZ`k^^ pbma ma^ e^_m hg ma^ f^Zgl h_ ikh`k^ll% [nm ghm ma^ ^g]l' <hgl^koZmbo^l k^c^\m ma^ Êpabm^ eb[^kZeblfË h_ kZ\bZe ik^_^k^g\^l% Zl pkbm^k La^e[r Lm^^e^ ^qieZbgl% [^\Znl^ Êbg Z eb[^kZeblf maZm pZgml mh k^]^^f ma^ gZmbhg h_ bml iZlm% fbghkbmb^l \Zg hger [^ \bia^kl bg pabm^ lmkn``e^l h_ \hg& l\b^g\^'Ë Lh% ma^ hiihlbm^ h_ lniihkm& bg` kZ\bZe ik^_^k^g\^l bl ghm Zm Zee Z ]^lbk^ mh d^^i i^hie^ ]hpg' P^ Zk`n^ maZm ehp ^qi^\mZmbhgl% bfieb^] hk ^qieb\bm% Zk^ khZ]& [eh\dl mh fhk^&mkn^ kZ\bZe ^jnZe& bmr' P^ lZr maZm ma^l^ mabg`l d^^i i^hie^ ]hpg' Pabe^ B ]blZ`k^^ pbma mahl^ pah pZgm \hee^`^ Z]fbllbhgl ]^iZkm& f^gml mh ]bl\kbfbgZm^ [Zl^] hg kZ\^% B ng]^klmZg] ma^bk ]^lbk^ mh aZo^ `ho^kgf^gm e^o^e ma^ ieZr& bg` _b^e] _hk `khnil h_ i^hie^ pah aZo^% bg ma^ iZlm% [^^g ^qm^glbo^er Zg] ngcnlmer hiik^ll^] lbfier _hk [^bg` bg maZm `khni' Ma^ k^Ze ]^[Zm^ bl% \e^Zker% ahp [^lm mh e^o^e ma^ ieZrbg` _b^e] _hk ^o^kr[h]r' <hgl^koZmbo^l Zk`n^ maZm kZ\bZe ik^_^k^g\^l ]h ghm a^ei Z\ab^o^ mabl `hZe' P^ pZgm mh bg\k^Zl^ Z\ab^o^f^gm bglm^Z] h_ ehp^kbg` lmZg]Zk]l% [^\Znl^ k^l^Zk\a aZl lahpg maZm ehp^kbg` lmZg]Zk]l bl \hngm^kikh]n\mbo^' <hgl^koZmbo^l k^\h`gbs^ maZm Zgr \hee^`^&ik^iZkZmbhg ]bliZkb& mb^l Zfhg` Zgr `khnil h_ i^hie^ bg ma^ +*lm \^gmnkr Zk^ ma^ k^lnem h_ lh\bh^\hghfb\ _Z\mhkl% ebd^ ]bl& iZkbmb^l bg ma^ jnZebmr h_ l^\hg]& Zkr ^]n\Zmbhg Zg] ]bliZkbmb^l bg ma^ iho^kmr kZm^' Manl% ma^ fhlm ^__^\mbo^ pZr mh e^o^e ma^ ieZrbg` _b^e] É mh \k^Zm^ ^jnZe hiihkmngbmb^l _hk ln\\^ll É _hk \hee^`^ Z]fbllbhgl phne] [^ mh bfie^f^gm ohn\a^k ikh`kZfl gZmbhgpb]^' Bglm^Z] h_ Zmm^g]bg` h_m^g& nglZ_^ ehp&i^k_hkfbg` l\ahhel bg nk[Zg \^gm^kl% ihhk \abe]k^g phne] k^\^bo^ Z ab`a^k&jnZebmr ^]n\Zmbhg Zm Z l\ahhe h_ ma^ iZk& ^gmlÍ \ahb\^ É Zm% Zl Zg Z]]^] [^g^_bm _hk _bl\Ze \hgl^koZmbo^l% Z ehp^k \hlm mh mZqiZr^kl maZg maZm h_ in[eb\ l\ahhel' Ik^lb]^gm ;ZkZ\d H[ZfZ \Zg lmZkm [r lZobg` ma^ ln\\^ll_ne ='<' Hiihkmngbmr L\aheZklabi ikh`kZf% pab\a <hg`k^ll k^\^gmer l\a^]ne^] mh [^ ]^_ng]^] Z_m^k g^qm r^Zk' Mabl l\ahhe r^Zk% ma^ ikh`kZf bl a^eibg` fhk^ maZg *%0)) ehp&bg\hf^ db]l bg ma^ gZmbhgÍl \ZibmZe Zmm^g] ikb& oZm^ l\ahhel h_ ma^bk \ahb\^' Mh a^ei lmn]^gml pah \Zgghm Z__hk] \hee^`^% ma^ _^]^kZe `ho^kg& f^gm lahne] \k^Zm^ Z ngbo^klZe \he& e^`^ mZq \k^]bm' Mabl \k^]bm lahne] Zeehp i^hie^ mh fZd^ ]^ihlbml bgmh .+2 ieZgl Zg] <ho^k]^ee >]n\Zmbhg LZobg`l :\\hngml É [hma mZq& Z]oZgmZ`^] bgo^lmf^gm Z\\hngml ]^lb`g^] _hk ^]n\Zmbhg lZobg`l' Hma^k lmkZm^`b^l% ebd^ Zg ^__^\& mbo^ f^kbm&iZr lrlm^f _hk ab`a l\ahhe m^Z\a^kl Zg] \aZg`bg` ma^ I^ee @kZgm ikh`kZf mh iZr lmn]^gml bglm^Z] h_ bglmbmnmbhgl% Zk^ `hh] b]^Zl' P^ ahi^ ma^r Zk^ bfie^f^gm^]' Bg\k^Zlbg` ma^ jnZebmr h_ l^\& hg]Zkr ^]n\Zmbhg Zg] Z\\^ll mh \hee^`^ ^]n\Zmbhg pbee ]h fhk^ mh e^o^e ma^ ieZrbg` _b^e] maZg kZ\^& [Zl^] Z__bkfZmbo^ Z\mbhg ^o^k pbee% ^li^\bZeer bg ma^ +*lm \^gmnkr'

THURSDAY: Editorial Board member Andrew Stiles writes about religion and free speech.

BgghoZmbhg \Zg fZd^ nl Gh' * bg l^kobg` \hffngbmr


r _bklm k^lihglb[bebmr Zl ^]bmhk pbee [^ mh niahe] Ma^ =Zber MZk A^^eÍl ehg`&lmZg]bg` mkZ]bmbhg h_ ^q\^e& e^g\^' ;nm B pbee Zelh inm Z ik^fbnf hg bgghoZmbhg mh ^glnk^ p^ k^fZbg ma^ [^lm lhnk\^ h_ bg_hkfZmbhg _hk hnk \hffngbmr' Pbma lmkhg` e^Z]^klabi% p^ \Zg [^ Zm ma^ _hk^_khgm h_ k^bgo^gmbg` chnkgZeblf Zg] l^mmbg` ma^ lmZg& ]Zk] _hk ahp Z eh\Ze g^pliZi^k lahne] hi^kZm^' MaZm fb`am lhng] `kZg]bhl^% [nm bmÍl ghm ngk^Zeblmb\' @^mmbg` ma^k^ pbee mZd^ f^^mbg` _hnk fZbg `hZel'

More newsroom efficiency :l ^]bmhk% hg^ h_ fr ikbfZkr _h\nl^l pbee [^ ^glnkbg` ma^ [^lm \hgm^gm p^ \Zg ihllb[er ikh]n\^' B pbee lmk^ll fhk^ ieZggbg` ^Zker bg ma^ ikh\^ll Zl ma^ _bklm lm^i bg Z\\hfieblabg` mabl' ■ K^obo^ fZ^lmkh f^^mbg`l mh \hhk]bgZm^ \ho^kZ`^ h_ bfihkmZgm lmhkb^l Zg] fZd^ lnk^ p^ ]h ma^ [^lm% fhlm mahkhn`a k^ihkmbg`' ■ Nl^ ^gm^kikbl^ fhk^ ^__^\& mbo^er mh [^mm^k ieZg _hk [b` g^pl Zg] mh ]bl\nll ahp mh fZd^ hnk ]^lb`g fhk^ bgghoZmbo^' ■ Ibm\a lmhkb^l [r iZ`^ Zg] iZ\dZ`^ Zm ik^[n]`^m' Mabl pbee `^m Zee ^]bmhkl fhk^ bgoheo^] Zg] a^ei fZgZ`^f^gm dghp paZm g^^]l mh [^ bfikho^] ma^ g^qm ]Zr' ■ A^ei ]^ld ^]bmhkl \k^Zm^ Z ]^mZbe^] oblbhg _hk ma^ ]^ld% \ho^k& Z`^ ikbhkbmb^l Zg] Z ieZg mh Z\\hf& iebla ma^bk `hZel É ma^g ]h ^o^kr& mabg` B \Zg mh lniihkm ma^f' ■ <k^Zm^ Z pkbmm^g ieZg _hk [k^Zdbg` g^pl \ho^kZ`^' ■ Inm Zg ^o^g `k^Zm^k ^fiaZ& lbl hg k^ebZ[bebmr' ?hk lmhkb^l h_ ngnlnZe bfihkmZg\^ hk \hgmkh& o^klr% pkbm^kl pbee ikbgm hnm ma^bk lmhkb^l% ng]^kebg^ ^Z\a _Z\m% Zg] _Z\m \a^\d ^Z\a lmZm^f^gm pbma f^ hk ma^ fZgZ`bg` ^]bmhk' ■ H__^k fhk^ lniihkm mh Zllbl& mZgm ^]bmhkl% Zg] h__^k e^Z]^klabi mkZbgbg` mh Zee e^o^el' ;nm _hk Zee hnk ikh_^llbhgZe& blf% p^ Zk^ lmbee lmn]^gml É Zg] p^ \ZgÍm _hk`^m maZm'

ma^l^ lmhkb^l pbma Zg ^r^ _hk ma^ P^[% Zg] nl^ ma^l^ lmhkb^l mh [nbe] hgebg^ ldbeel bg hnk pkbm^kl' :m ma^ fb]ihbgm h_ ma^ r^Zk% p^ pbee \a^\d hnk lbm^Íl ikh`k^ll pbma Z k^Z]^klabi ^oZenZmbhg'


Junior journalism and Spanish major from Apex. ■ Hk`Zgbs^ fhk^ =MA Z\mbob& mb^l% hi^g mh Zee' :g] b_ ma^k^Íl Z [b` ^o^gm aZii^gbg` hg \Zfinl% p^ pbee phkd mh fZd^ lnk^ Zee lmZ__ f^f[^kl pah pZgm mh Zmm^g] \Zg'

More effectiveness online Ma^ =Zber MZk A^^e bl ma^ hger g^pl hk`ZgbsZmbhg ]^ohmbg` oZlm k^lhnk\^l mh \ho^kbg` hnk \hffn& gbmr% [nm mabl bl gh mbf^ mh k^lm' P^ aZo^ an`^ ihm^gmbZe pbma ma^ \k^Zmbhg h_ Z g^p P^[ lbm^' P^ fnlm nl^ mabl mh [^mm^k l^ko^ hnk k^Z]^kl hg ma^ Bgm^kg^m' ■ <k^Zm^ Zg BgghoZmbhg M^Zf maZm pbee ]^o^ehi P^[ _^Zmnk^l Zgmb\biZmbg` k^Z]^klÍ g^^]l Zg] inlabg` ma^ chnkgZeblf bg]nlmkr _hkpZk]' ■ < k ^ Z m ^ Z < h f f n g b m r FZgZ`^k ihlbmbhg mh ^qiZg] hnk Mpbmm^k Zg] ?Z\^[hhd ik^l^g\^l' A^ hk la^ Zelh pbee \nemboZm^ nl^k& `^g^kZm^] \hgm^gm' ■ =^o^ehi Z ikh\^ll mh aZo^ fhk^ g^p \hgm^gm ihlm^] ]nkbg` ma^ ]Zr pabe^ fZbgmZbgbg` hnk jnZebmr Zg] Z\\nkZ\r lmZg]Zk]l' ■ FZd^ hnk fnembf^]bZ fhk^ Z\\^llb[e^ [r ^f[^]]bg` ikhc^\ml bg k^eZm^] lmhkb^l Zg] ikhfhmbg` ikhfbg^gmer hg hnk ahf^ iZ`^' ■ Nl^ mZ``bg` mh \k^Zm^ mhib\ iZ`^l% pab\a pbee Z``k^`Zm^ lmh& kb^l hg ma^ mhib\ Zg] bg\en]^ fne& mbf^]bZ ^e^f^gml' ■ @^m hnk lmZ__^kl Zg] ^]bmhkl mh mabgd fhk^ hgebg^ bg ]^o^ehi& bg` lmhkr b]^Zl' ■ IZ\dZ`^ Zg] fhk^ ^__^\mbo^& er ikhfhm^ hnk li^\bZe l^\mbhgl% ^li^\bZeer =bo^' ■ >e^oZm^ hnk hgebg^ ^q\enlbo^l bg bfihkmZg\^' P^ pbee ZiikhZ\a

More focus on community Ma^ =Zber MZk A^^e lahne] [^ ma^ \^gm^k h_ ]bl\nllbhg hg \Zfinl Zg] ma^ fhlm bg\enlbo^ \hee^\mbhg h_ mZe^gm' P^ pbee fZd^ hnkl^eo^l fhk^ hi^g mh ma^ in[eb\ [nm Zelh mZd^ ma^ bgbmbZmbo^ mh k^Z\a hnm' ■ ;^\hf^ fhk^ mkZgliZk& ^gm [r fZdbg` hnk iheb\b^l fhk^ Z\\^llb[e^ Zg] [r ^qieZbgbg` hnk g^pl ikh\^ll^l' P^ pbee \k^Zm^ Z Ê=MA *)*Ë iZ`^ hg hnk P^[ lbm^ mh ^qieZbg ahp p^ hi^kZm^ Zg] ahp k^Z]^kl \Zg bgm^kZ\m' ■ Ahe] Z eZk`^ ÊNg\hg_^k^g\^Ë bg ma^ pbgm^k' Mabl pbee [kbg` mh`^ma^k f^f[^kl h_ ma^ \hffn& gbmr mh ]bl\nll ahp ma^ =MA \Zg [^mm^k l^ko^ ma^ \hffngbmr' ■ K^lnkk^\m ma^ <hffngbmr ?^^][Z\d ;hZk]% pab\a pbee f^^m k^`neZker mh \kbmbjn^ ma^ =MA'

Better training of staff Bm bl gh ehg`^k ^ghn`a _hk hnk lmZ__^kl mh hger [^ Z[e^ mh lahhm Z iahmh hk pkbm^ Z *+&bg\a lmhkr' Ma^ =Zber MZk A^^e aZl ikb]^] bml^e_ hg [^bg` ma^ [^lm chnk& gZeblf&bg]nlmkr mkZbgbg` bg ma^ gZmbhg' >o^kr lmZ__^k pbee aZo^ ma^ hiihkmngbmr mh e^Zkg Zg] ikZ\mb\^ Zee ma^ ldbeel ma^r g^^] mh [^ ln\& \^ll_ne bg ma^ ch[ fZkd^m3 ■ Pkbm^ Z lmhkr bg :I lmre^' ■ <Zimnk^ Zg] ^]bm Zg Zn]bh \ebi Zg] lahkm ob]^h' ■ NiehZ](k^lbs^ Zg bfZ`^% ebgd mh m^qm Zg] ^f[^] ob]^h bg Z [eh`' ■ FZd^ hgebg^ lmhkb^l ]bl\ho& ^kZ[e^ Zg] ^Zlber k^Z]' ■ Nl^ lh\bZe f^]bZ mh ikhfhm^ lmhkb^l Zg] [nbe] \hffngbmr' P^ Zelh pbee ahe] Z ÊLdbeel ?Zbk%Ë pa^k^ ]b__^k^gm lmZmbhgl pbee ]^f& hglmkZm^ ma^ \ZiZ[bebmb^l h_ ]b__^k& ^gm m^\agheh`b^l hk ldbeel' B_ Z lmZ__ f^f[^k pZgml mh e^Zkg Z ldbee% a^ hk la^ pbee [^ Z[e^ mh'

;nbe]bg` hg hnk lmk^g`mal MkZgliZk^g\r Zm Zee e^o^el pbee ahe] iZi^k Z\\hngmZ[e^


a^ =Zber MZk A^^eÍl _ng]Z& f^gmZe ch[ bl mh \akhgb\e^ ma^ eb_^ h_ ma^ \Zfinl Zg] `k^Zm^k \hffngbmr' :l ^]bmhk% B pbee phkd mh niahe] ma^ jnZebmr h_ ma^ g^pliZi^k pabe^ a^kZe]bg` \aZg`& ^l maZm pbee fZd^ ma^ iZi^k e^Z] hgebg^ ma^ pZr bm ]h^l bg ikbgm'

Newsroom operations N B pbee `bo^ ^]bmhkl hpg^klabi



Junior history major from Charlotte.

h_ ma^bk ]^ldl Zg] ^qi^\m ma^f mh ^qm^g] maZm mknlm mh ZllblmZgm ^]bmhkl Zg] lmZ__' N FZgZ`^f^gm pbee ]^mZbe hnk li^\b_b\ k^lihglb[bebmb^l Zg] laZk^ mahl^ ]^l\kbimbhgl pbma lmZ__ mh ikh& fhm^ Z\\hngmZ[bebmr _khf ma^ mhi' N =^ldl pbee \hgmbgn^ mh ]bl& \nll gb`amer pbma fZgZ`^f^gm Zg] iahmh ^]bmhkl paZm ma^r Zk^ phkdbg` hg _hk ma^ g^qm ]Zr% [nm ik^[n]`^m pbee ghm k^mnkg' N : g^p hgebg^ ^gm^kikbl^ f^^m& bg` pbee [^ Z \aZg\^ mh ieZg P^[ \hgm^gm Za^Z] h_ mbf^' N LmZ__^kl pbee mZd^ `k^Zm^k k^lihglb[bebmr _hk ma^bk phkd' Fhk^ ^qi^kb^g\^] k^ihkm^kl pbee \ho^k [^Zml Zg] `^g^kZm^ lmhkr b]^Zl' N E^Z]^klabi mkZbgbg` Zm k^mk^Zm pbee a^ei ^]bmhkl ik^iZk^ _hk fZgr h_ ma^ lbmnZmbhgl ma^r pbee _Z\^' N Makhn`ahnm ma^ r^Zk% lni& ihkm pbee [^ `bo^g mh g^p ^]bmhkl makhn`a Z i^^k&f^gmhkbg` lrl& m^f' : likbg` k^mk^Zm pbee `bo^ Z]]bmbhgZe mkZbgbg`' N Bg]bob]nZebs^] k^\knbmf^gm pbee mZk`^m li^\b_b\ lmZ__bg` g^^]l' N MkZbgbg` pbee `bo^ Zee lmZ__ ^qi^kb^g\^ bg fnembie^ ]bl\biebg^l% bg\en]bg` k^ihkmbg`% Zn]bh Zg] ob]^h `Zma^kbg` Zg] ^]bmbg`% iah& mh`kZiar Zg] [eh``bg`'

N B pbee hk`Zgbs^ Zg Z\\nkZ\r lmn]r mh ^qZfbg^ i^k\^imbhgl h_ k^ihkmbg` Z\\nkZ\r' >gkb\af^gml pbee a^ei ^]bmhkl [^mm^k b]^gmb_r ^kkhkl pabe^ ^]bmbg`' MkZbgbg` fb]& l^f^lm^k pbee mZ\de^ mk^g]l'

Attracting readers

N P^ pbee [^mm^k nmbebs^ inee& hnml% `kZiab\l Zg] bfZ`^l mh ik^l& ^gm [bm^&lbs^] bg_hkfZmbhg maZm bl ^Zlr mh k^Z] [r lmn]^gml hg ma^ `h' =hfbgZgm iahmhl Z[ho^ ma^ _he] pbee ZmmkZ\m k^Z]^kl' N :kmb\e^l hg iZ`^ mak^^ pbee ahe] mh ma^ iZ`^% ^o^g b_ bm f^Zgl knggbg` _^p^k lmhkb^l'

N P^ pbee \k^Zm^ mhib\ iZ`^l _hk fZchk \ho^kZ`^ Zk^Zl Zg] fZchk g^pl&fZd^kl' K^eZm^] \hgm^gm pbee [^ ebgd^] mh _khf Zkmb\e^l' N LmZg]&Zehg^ \hgm^gm pbee l^ko^ Zl Z `h&mh k^_^k^g\^ _hk ma^ \hf& fngbmr' Mabl \hne] bg\en]^ Z \kbf^ fZi% `nb]^l mh NG< lihkml m^Zfl Zg] Z g^p lmn]^gm `nb]^'

Fostering a Web mentality N P^ pbee \hglblm^gmer in[ebla

g^p hgebg^ \hgm^gm makhn`ahnm ma^ ]Zr ]nkbg` i^Zd mkZ__b\ mbf^l% pbma Z `hZe h_ lahp\Zlbg` g^p \hgm^gm mak^^ mbf^l i^k ]Zr' N P^ pbee iaZl^ bg mph ]Zrmbf^ hgebg^ Zg] \hir lmZ__ lab_ml' Ma^ ^qi^\mZmbhgl _hk paZm ]^ldl \Zg ikh]n\^ makhn`ahnm ma^ ]Zr Zl P^[&_bklm \hgm^gm pbee kbl^ Zl ma^ phkd_ehp [^\hf^l fhk^ _ZfbebZk' N Pkbmbg`% iahmh Zg] `kZiab\l ]^ldl pbee ]^lb`gZm^ hg^ i^klhg mh l^ko^ Zl Zg hgebg^ ebZblhg' Ma^l^ i^hie^ pbee mZd^ Z e^Z] bg m^Z\abg`' N : \hffngbmr fZgZ`^k pbee \hgg^\m pbma hgebg^ k^Z]^kl% ho^k& l^^ \hff^gmbg` Zg] nl^ lh\bZe g^mphkdbg` mh ikhob]^ \hgm^gm hg fnembie^ ieZm_hkfl' N : [eh` fZgZ`^k pbee ho^k& l^^ Zee [eh`l hg ]ZbermZka^^e'\hf% ib\d Z Ê[eh` ^gmkr h_ ma^ ]ZrË mh ikhfhm^ bg ma^ ikbgm ^]bmbhg Zg] phkd mh ^glnk^ \hglblm^g\r'


ÊP^ k^Z] Á maZm G'<' LmZm^ aZ] [^^g ebi lrg\bg` pbma ma^bk [^ee mhp^kl Á P^ _^em lhkkr _hk LmZm^'Ë ERNIE PATTERSON, UNC NETWORK SYSTEMS MANAGER, ON HELPING N.C. STATE GET BELLS FOR ITS BELL TOWER

For full-length platforms and video of the candidates explaining their ideas, see For profiles, see pg. 3.


I]Z 9V^an IVg =ZZa

N Hgebg^ lmZ__ pbee ^qiehk^ g^p pZrl _hk k^Z]^kl mh ob^p ]ZbermZka^^e'\hf \hgm^gm% bg\en]& bg` himbhgZe [k^Zdbg` g^pl m^qm Ze^kml% fh[be^ Ziieb\Zmbhgl Zg] KLL _^^]l [r ]^ld Zg] mhib\' N P^ pbee ^g`Z`^ k^Z]^kl% fZd& bg` bm ihllb[e^ mh ln[fbm iahmhl Zg] ob]^hl' Hgebg^ nl^kl pbee [^ Z[e^ mh \k^Zm^ ikh_be^ iZ`^l' N :g hgebg^ lmre^ `nb]^ pbee ^glnk^ p^ Zk^ \hglblm^gm pbma ahp p^ in[ebla \hgm^gm' N ;eh`l pbee [^ l^iZkZm^] [r mhib\ Zg] pbee aZo^ Zg bg]bob]nZe ehhd' B pbee abk^ [eh``^kl [nm Zee lmZ__ pbee aZo^ Z \aZg\^ mh [eh`'

Strengthening our content N Ma^ bgo^lmb`Zmbo^ m^Zf pbee k^mnkg pbma Zg ^]bmhk Zg] Z `khni h_ ^qi^kb^g\^] k^ihkm^kl' Ma^ m^Zf pbee [^ mkZbg^] bg \hfinm^k& Zllblm^] k^ihkmbg`' N : lfZee Zkml ]^ld pbee _h\nl hg k^[nbe]bg`' Ma^r pbee ^qi^kbf^gm pbma Zem^kgZmbo^ lmhkr _hkfl' N Ma^ \hir ]^ld pbee Zllnf^ Z]]bmbhgZe mZldl h_ pkbmbg` P^[ a^Z]ebg^l Zg] Zkmb\e^ lnffZkb^l'

Ensuring editorial vigor N >]bmhkbZel pbee [^ eh\Ze% aZo^ \e^Zk Zk`nf^gml Zg] m^ee k^Z]^kl ahp ma^r \Zg mZd^ Z\mbhg' B pbee pZbo^ fr ohm^ hg ma^ [hZk]' N Ma^ hibgbhg ^]bmhk Zg] B pbee abk^ Zg] phkd pbma \henfgblml' Ma^r pbee [^ ^g\hnkZ`^] mh [eh`' N Bgm^kob^pl mh ]^m^kfbg^ ^e^\mbhg ^g]hkl^f^gml pbee _bef^] Zg] ihlm^] hgebg^'

A transparent newsroom N B pbee \k^Zm^ Z k^Z]^k Z]oblhkr [hZk]' Ma^ [hZk] pbee l^m ma^ Z`^g& ]Z _hk Z fhgmaer f^^mbg` pa^k^ ma^r pbee aZo^ ma^ Zmm^gmbhg h_ mhi ^]bmhkl' B pbee Z]]k^ll \hg\^kgl Zg] \hffngb\Zm^ mahl^ ^__hkml makhn`a \henfgl Zg] ma^ ^]bmhkÍl [eh`' N B pbee ahe] h__b\^ ahnkl bg Zg] hnmlb]^ h_ ma^ g^plkhhf' B pbee fZd^ frl^e_ ZoZbeZ[e^ _hk f^^m& bg`l hnmlb]^ mahl^ ahnkl'


ÊBl bm ma^ [nlbg^ll h_ ^o^kr G< mZqiZr^k pa^g G<LLF lmn]^gml k^\^bo^ mnbmbhg `kZgml mh Zmm^g] NG< l\ahhel'Ë — ON “NO MORE FREE RIDES”

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ASG editorial called for changes that already exist

Gay marriage debate not fostered by sensationalism

MH MA> >=BMHK3 Lbg\^ fr m^kf [^`Zg eZlm Cner% p^ aZo^ ZepZrl p^e\hf^] in[eb\ l\knmbgr mh ^glnk^ hnk Z\mbobmb^l lmZr bg ebg^ pbma lmn]^gm bgm^k^lml' ;nm B ^\ah fhlm h_ ma^ ]^e^`Zm^l Zg] h__b\^kl h_ ma^ NG< :llh\bZmbhg h_ Lmn]^gm @ho^kgf^gml bg lZrbg` BÍf frlmb_b^] [r ma^ [ned h_ rhnk ^]bmhkbZe ÊP^ g^^] Zg ^__^\mbo^ ohb\^%Ë FZk\a ,)' P^Ík^ Zee `^gnbg^er ^q\bm^] mh [^ phkdbg` pbma CZlfbg Chg^l Zl NG<&<aZi^e AbeeÍl g^qm Lmn]^gm ;h]r Ik^lb]^gm' La^ fZ]^ a^k ik^l^g\^ _^em Zm hnk f^^mbg` mabl p^^d^g]% Zg] a^k \Zg]hk Zg] `hh] anfhk pbee [hma [^ g^^]^] bg mZ\debg` ma^ ]b__b\nem blln^l lmn]^gml _Z\^ g^qm r^Zk' R^m rhnk Zk`nf^gm maZm ma^ f^^mbg` Ê\hne] fZkd ma^ [^`bg& gbg` h_ Z \aZg`^ bg :L@Ë \hf^l Z[hnm gbg^ fhgmal eZm^' Ma^ [^`bggbg` h_ mahl^ \aZg`^l [^`Zg bg Cner' Ma^ \Zee _hk Zg ZggnZe k^ihkm hg ^qi^g]bmnk^l Zg] Z\\hfiebla& f^gml aZl [^^g ]hg^ fhgmaer lbg\^ p^ mhhd h__b\^' Ma^ ^gmbk^ [n]`^m% pbma ^o^kr ^qi^gl^ ]hpg mh ma^ i^ggr% aZl [^^g ZoZbeZ[e^ _hk in[eb\ k^ob^p _hk ma^ ^gmbk^ _bl\Ze r^Zk' Fr FZk\a k^ihkm mh ma^ NG< ;hZk] h_ @ho^kghkl hg :L@Íl Z\mbobmb^l liZgg^] +*+ iZ`^l É Zg] hger \ho^k^] ma^ Z\mbobmb^l h_ hg^ _bl\Ze jnZkm^k' LbfbeZk lmkb]^l aZo^ [^^g hg`h& bg` pbma \Zfinl in[eb\bmr' Ma^ <Zfinl Hnmk^Z\a BgbmbZmbo^ p^ lmZkm^] [^_hk^ p^ ^o^g mhhd h__b\^ aZl inm :llh\bZmbhg h__b\^kl hg ma^ `khng] h_ ^o^kr lbg`e^ NG< \Zfinl fnembie^ mbf^l Zib^\^' Ma^l^ Zg] fZgr hma^k Z\\hf& ieblaf^gml É bg\en]bg` ma^ <Zfinl BgghoZmbhg @kZgml _ng]& bg` @^m Hnm Ma^ Ohm^ ^__hkml bg L^im^f[^k% ma^ :llh\bZmbhgÍl phkd hg mnbmbhg Zg] _^^l bg H\mh[^k Zg] CZgnZkr% bml ln\\^ll_ne Lmn]^gmlÍ =Zr Zm ma^ <ZibmZe ^o^gm bg FZk\a Zg] fhk^ É aZo^ Zee [^^g p^ee& ]h\nf^gm^] bg h__b\^k k^ihkml% p^ee&]h\nf^gm^] hgebg^ bg hnk in[eb\er&ZoZbeZ[e^ ?Z\^[hhd `khni Zg] P^[ lbm^ Zg] p^ee&]h\nf^gm& ^] bg fhk^ maZg +. l^iZkZm^ g^pl Zkmb\e^l bg mabl o^kr iZi^k makhn`a& hnm ma^ Z\Z]^fb\ r^Zk' :g] pabe^ NG<&<aZi^e AbeeÍl \nkk^gm Lmn]^gm ;h]r Ik^lb]^gm C'C' KZrghk ]^\ebg^] mh iZkmb\b& iZm^ a^kl^e_% NG<&<A pZl pbma nl ^o^kr lm^i h_ ma^ pZr pbma bml hma^k ]^e^`Zm^l Zg] hnk mak^^ >q^\nmbo^ H__b\^kl !h_ *)" pah Zmm^g] rhnk bglmbmnmbhg' :gr NG< lmn]^gm \Zg Zelh h__^k ma^bk mahn`aml Zg] hibgbhgl ]bk^\mer makhn`a hnk _^^][Z\d lbm^ Zm ppp'bpZgmfr]heeZk[Z\d'hk`' Ma^ =Zber MZk A^^e aZl ^Zkg^] bml k^inmZmbhg Zl ma^ ik^fb^k G'<' \hee^`^ g^pliZi^k makhn`a bml ab`a&jnZebmr chnkgZeblml Zg] \hf& i^m^gm ^]bmhkbZe \henfgblml' Ihhker k^l^Zk\a^] ^]bmhkbZel ebd^ mabl hg^% ahp^o^k% ghm hger bgcnk^ maZm k^inmZmbhg [nm Zelh `khller fblbg_hkf ma^ lmn]^gm [h]r' ?hk ^o^krhg^Íl lZd^% B ahi^ rhn pbee [^ fhk^ mahkhn`a pbma rhnk k^l^Zk\a bg ma^ _nmnk^ É hk Zm e^Zlm k^Z] ma^ \hgm^gml h_ rhnk hpg iZi^k'

MH MA> >=BMHK3 Bg k^li^\m mh ma^ fZmm^k h_ ÊIkhi 13 Ma^ Fnlb\ZeË% pabe^ B \hff^g] ma^ NG< Rhng` =^fh\kZml _hk ^g]^Zohkbg` mh ikhfhm^ ]bl\nllbhg \hg\^kgbg` paZm bl gh ]hn[m Z l^kbhnl blln^% B aZo^ mh ^qik^ll ma^ hibgbhg maZm ma^bk ^q^\nmbhg h_ ln\a pZl l^kb& hnler _eZp^]' Pabe^ B aZo^ gh k^Zlhg mh ]hn[m <akbl <eZrfZgÍl \eZbf bg abl e^mm^k mh ma^ ^]bmhk maZm ma^ bgm^gm h_ ma^ ib^\^ pZl mh Ìikhohd^ ]bZeh`n^%Í !ÊIhbgm h_ i^k_hkfZg\^ pZl mh ^g\hnkZ`^ ]bZeh`n^%Ë FZk\a ,)" B mabgd bm phne] aZo^ [^ahho^] abf Zg] ma^ hma^k lniihkm^kl h_ ma^ ieZr mh \hglb]^k maZm eZfihhgbg` ma^ [^eb^_l h_ mahl^ ma^r Zk^ mkrbg` mh ZiikhZ\a fb`am hger l^m ma^f hg ma^ ]^_^glbo^' @bo^g ma^ mhg^ h_ \^kmZbg k^lihg]^gml% bm \^kmZbger aZ] maZm ^__^\m hg lhf^ bg]bob]nZel' :l Z]fbkZ[e^ Zl bl ma^ h[c^\& mbo^ h_ ikhfhmbg` ]^[Zm^% f^Zg& bg`_ne \hgo^klZmbhg [^mp^^g `khnil ghm bg Z`k^^f^gm \Zgghm [^ ZiikhZ\a^] pa^g hg^ `khni bl blheZm^]% ^bma^k g^`Zmbo^er hk ihlbmbo^er% Zg] ma^ Zii^ZkZg\^ h_ ^jnZgbfbmr Zg] _Zbkg^ll bl ehlm' B% ebd^ Fk' <eZrfZg% \hglb]^k frl^e_ Z <akblmbZg Zg] B% i^k& lhgZeer% ahe] ma^ ;b[e^ mh [^ Z aheblmb\ ]h\nf^gm pa^k^ fhkZel Zk^ k^`Zk]^]4 ma^ k^in]bZmbhgl Z`Zbglm \^kmZbg Z\ml \Zgghm [^ l^iZkZm^] _khf <akblmÍl \hf& fZg] maZm abl _heehp^kl hn`am mh Z\m pbma ikn]^g\^ Zg] eho^' Ahp^o^k% b_ ma^ [Zl^ h_ ma^l^ oZen^l bl ZllZnem^] bg ma^ \hnkl^ h_ Zg Zk`nf^gm% B \Zgghm [^`bg mh Z]]k^ll ma^ fZmm^k Zm aZg] [^_hk^ B aZo^ ]^_^g]^] ma^ ik^fbl^l hg pab\a B oZeb]Zm^ fr hibgbhgl' Manl% bg ma^ _nmnk^% fZmm^kl h_ lb`gb_b\Zg\^ fb`am [^ [^mm^k [khZ\a^] pbma Z gh] mhpZk] ]bl& \k^mbhg kZma^k maZg l^glZmbhgZe& blf' Ln\a f^mah]l phne] lnk^er ikho^ e^ll lmbfneZmbg`% r^m ^o^g Z fh]^lm Zfhngm h_ k^e^oZgm ]bl& \nllbhg bl [^mm^k maZg Zg bff^g& lbmr h_ obmkbhe' Gb\aheZl IZg\ar Lhiahfhk^ ;bheh`r% FZma

Thousands of cigarette butts at flagpole revolting

M' @k^` =hn\^mm^ Ik^lb]^gm NG< :llh\bZmbhg h_ Lmn]^gm @ho^kgf^gml

MH MA> >=BMHK3 HD% a^k^Íl ma^ ]^Ze' BÍf Z lfhd^k% Zg] pabe^ B ]hgÍm ebd^ ma^ ieZ\^f^gm h_ ma^ lfhdbg` Zk^Z Zm ma^ _eZ`ihe^% B ]hgÍm k^Zeer fbg] maZm ma^k^ Zk^ k^lmkb\mbhgl mh pa^k^ p^ \Zg lfhd^' Ma^ k^Ze k^Zlhg BÍf pkbmbg` bl [^\Znl^ B _bg] bm ]bl`nlmbg` maZm ma^k^ Zk^ mahnlZg]l h_ \b`Zk^mm^ [nmml ^o^krpa^k^ Zkhng] ma^ _eZ`ihe^' L^kbhnler% makhpbg` ]hpg rhnk \b`Zk^mm^ [nmml bl gh ]b_& _^k^gm maZg makhpbg` ]hpg Z \Zg hk Zgr hma^k mkZla& bmÍl ebm& m^kbg`' G^qm mbf^ rhnÍk^ Z[hnm mh makhp ]hpg Z [nmm ehhd Zm ma^ `khng] Zg] ghmb\^ ma^ [nmm \Zk& i^m ng]^k rhnk _^^m% ma^g inm rhnk [nmm bg ma^ Zla mkZr'

>]bmhkÍl ghm^3 Ma^ phk] ebfbm aZl [^^g pZbo^] mh Zeehp _nee ^qieZgZmbhg h_ l^o^kZe bgbmbZmbo^l'

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SPEAK OUT WRITING GUIDELINES: ¢ Please type: Handwritten letters will not be accepted. ¢ Sign and date: No more than two people should sign letters. ¢ Students: Include your year, major and phone number. ¢ Faculty/staff: Include your

department and phone number. ¢ Edit: The DTH edits for space, clarity, accuracy and vulgarity. Limit letters to 250 words.

SUBMISSION: ¢ Drop-off: at our office at Suite 2409 in the Student Union. ¢ E-mail: to ¢ Send: to P.O. Box 3257, Chapel Hill, N.C., 27515.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Columns, cartoons and letters do not necessarily represent the opinions of The Daily Tar Heel or its staff. Editorials reflect the opinions of The Daily Tar Heel editorial board. The board consists of eight board members, the associate opinion editor, the opinion editor and the editor.

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