DTH Cartoonist Application Spring 2010 Name: Year: Major(s)/Minor(s): Phone: Email: Hometown: Semesters at DTH (if applicable): 1. Please list your expected personal or extracurricular commitments, your class schedule for next semester and the times you are available. 2. What role do you think the opinion page plays in the community — and how, specifically, does the cartoon fit into that? 3. How would you describe your political views? Please be more elaborate than just “conservative” or “liberal.” 4. What is your cartooning philosophy? From where do you draw ideas? 5. Include at least three (3) sample cartoons. They must be horizontal. Any file type is fine. *Individuals planning to run for office or to serve on a campaign in any capacity this year are not eligible. Please return this application to Harrison Jobe (harrisonjobe@gmail.com) by 5 p.m. Monday, December 7th, if you need additional time please let me know. Thanks! Feel free to email me or call (336.508.4286) if you have any questions.