Daily Titan March 3, 2011

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Vol. 89 Issue 17

March 3, 2011

From bullying to lead singer of Suffokate .........................................6

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dailytitan.com The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

In defense of higher education

Passionate protesters demonstrate throughout the day rallying against California budget cuts

Renowned professor discusses the importance of examining American culture


Students united in front of the Humanities Building for the Teach in Rally Wednesday. The rally was a follow-up to the state-wide demonstrations held last year on March 4 throughout university and college campuses after massive layoffs, furloughs and budget cuts dented CSU campuses. According to the press release from the “Defend Education” movement, the California State University has lost some $1 billion, laid off 3,000 faculty, slashed course offerings and tripled student fees. Since then, the CSUs are facing more budget cuts, including a possible $500 million in cuts, according to the press release. Amber Ibbs, 19, a psychology major, stepped up to the megaphone during a rally at noon in defense of public education. Her hand shook with apprehension, but after hearing all the other irate students speak she gathered up the courage to let her voice be heard. “I know I’m not the only one who feels this way,” said Ibbs. “What’s a psychology degree going to get me these days? Nothing. A teacher’s salary isn’t enough for someone to live on.” Ibbs knows what a teacher’s salary is like. Her mother is a first grade teacher. She has to buy all the educational material for her classroom. Ibbs doesn’t get financial aid because even on a teacher’s salary her moth-

WHAT’S INSIDE NEWS Student journalists go abroad to Vietnam ............................... 2 OPINION Frisk Me: Sex leads to a baby .......................................4 FEATURES Downtown Fullerton Art Walk celebrates one year ........................................6 SPORTS Softball returns home for opening series ........................................8


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Analyzing American studies


FLOR EDWARDS / Daily Titan English and philosophy major Brian Norton makes his voice heard at a rally to defend public education held Wednesday at noon in front of the Humanities Building.

er still makes “too much money.” “My family has to make car payments, pay bills and the stupid government stole our house from us.” Steven Jobbitt, assistant professor of history at Cal State Fullerton, helped coordinate the rally along with a series of weekly We! workshops that will be held every

Wednesday until the end of the semester. “The Teach in is intended to raise awareness about the current crisis in public education in this state and throughout the country,” said Jobbitt. “But more than this, it is to show that we, as Cal State Fullerton students and professors, stand in

solidarity with people fighting for democracy and social justice.” History professors, students, faculty members and bystanders gathered around the event held by We! to raise awareness for defense of public education. “We came together on Wednesday to show quite simply that we

care,” Jobbitt said. “We refuse to remain silent anymore about these and other issues of social, global, environmental and educational justice.” See PROTEST, page 2

World-renowned American studies scholar George Lipsitz opened with inspiring words Wednesday during his visit to Cal State Fullerton. “Today we meet under conditions where the world seems to be falling apart,” he said. His lecture, titled “Midnight at the Barrelhouse: Why American Studies Matters Now,” discussed how American studies encompasses all issues cultural or otherwise. Issues such as fee increases, rise in crime, environmental conditions and economic structure are all reasons why American studies is important, Lipsitz said in his lecture. “His lecture on why American studies matters is an important question not just for our department, but for any member of American culture who is interested in where our culture is headed and how to critically examine what is going on,” said Carrie Lane, a professor of American studies. The lecture, held in the TSU Pavilion and organized by the American Studies Student Association, featured a decent turnout of faculty and students alike. Professor Lipsitz, a professor of black studies at UC Santa Barbara, was chosen by popular demand on behalf of the students in the program. See LIPSITZ, page 2

Students airing on Titan Radio Broadcast program brings priceless experience JESSICA DRUCK Daily Titan

Switchboards light up, microphones are checked, notes are skimmed over and headphones are put on as Daniel Valenzuela and Natalie Bonilla prepare themselves to go on air at Titan Internet Radio. “Jungle Boogie” plays as they introduce their radio show “Phat Leche,” a mix of funk and world music, every Wednesday afternoon for the Cal State Fullerton community. “Phat Leche” is one of many shows put on by the CSUF community this

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spring. Titan Radio provides an outlet for CSUF students with an interest in radio broadcast and production, allowing them to volunteer at the station and work behind the scenes or DJ their own show. Students can submit ideas they have for a show the first four weeks of the semester before management approves them and puts them on air. CSUF currently airs a wide range of music, sports and talk shows online Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Friday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Michael Klein, 22, a radio-TV-film major at CSUF and general manager for Titan Radio, believes this is one of the best opportunities for anyone who has an interest in radio. “It’s a great starting point,” said Klein. “With internships at radio stations, you get coffee, you push buttons all day or you just listen to shows and press ‘beep’ when they say a bad word; you don’t get actual hands-on experience of being a broadcaster, a director or a general manager, which is what you can get at Titan Radio.” The hands-on experience students receive at the station is one of the best things volunteers walk away with. Jonathan Rushing, 22, a radio-TVfilm major at CSUF who has been airing a comedy show, “The David and Rush Show,” for four semesters, said working with Titan Radio gave him an edge in his broadcast classes and opened his eyes to the industry, an experience he wouldn’t have gotten if he didn’t volunteer. See RADIO, page 5

JONATHAN GIBBY / Daily Titan Sophomore shortstop Richy Pedroza slides into third base. Pedroza ripped two of the Titans’ six hits, including one hit for an RBI, in the victory.

Baseball snaps Lions’ winning streak The Titans hold LMU to four hits for their third straight victory WESLEY RUSCHER Daily Titan

Under the illumination of the brand new video display board in left field Tuesday night, the No. 7 Cal State Fullerton baseball team defeated the Lions of Loyola Marymount University, 5-1, in non-conference play. Right-handed junior Jake Floethe (1-0) earned his first victory of the year, holding LMU to just one run on three hits in seven innings of work. “It was a good team effort out there,” said Floethe. “We brought out a lot of new guys to get some ABs (atbats) in. It felt good to a W under the belt.” The Titans didn’t wait long to get their bats going against LMU. Leading off in the first inning, Titan sophomore Richy Pedroza roped a shot into left field for a stand-up double.

“He wasn’t throwing so hard,” said Pedroza, referring to LMU pitcher John Lally. “He ended up throwing me a change-up, and I kept my hands back and ended up driving it down the line.” After moving over to third on a sacrifice, Pedroza came in to score when junior designated hitter Blake Barber dropped down a sacrifice bunt. The Titans added another run in the inning when junior Anthony Trajano, who had reached on a fielder’s choice earlier, scored when the throw to catch him stealing at third flew into left field. The Titans increased their lead to 3-0 in the second when Trajano hit a comebacker up the middle to drive in sophomore left fielder Ivory Thomas. Thomas got the Titan offensive started in the inning with a one-out double. See TITANS, page 8




March 3, 2011

LIPSITZ: American studies matters


half of the black community by giving through music and later through politics. He became a fierce activist “We made a list of possible lec- for civil rights in the ‘60s. Lipsitz turers that are local and might be stated Otis was a product of Ameriinterested in coming to CSUF,” said can culture and someone who tried Stacey Moultry, 23, co-President of to change it. Lipsitz added Otis’ life the American Studies Student Asso- is about the communities we come ciation. “(Lipsitz) was our number from and the roles all of us must play one choice and we are honored that in society. he agreed to the event.” “We hope Professor Lipsitz’s talk Lipsitz’s lecwill challenge ture focused and provoke on the story students to “We hope Professor of legendthink in new Lipsitz’s talk will ary musiciancritical ways turned-socialabout the field challenge and provoke activist Johnny of American students to think in new Otis and his studies,” said critical ways about the fight for racial John Marquez, field of American studies.” a graduate stuequality. “Midnight at the dent in Ameri- John Marquez Barrelhouse” can studies. “I American Studies Grad Student is the title was asked to of Professor introduce LipLipsitz’s book sitz’s lecture to that details Otis’ story as a music the faculty and students. It was an legend and his activism for civil honor to introduce the scholar who rights. The lecture drew many com- convinced me to pursue a career in parisons to the issues Otis faced. American studies.” Though he hailed from a Greek At the end of his lecture, Lipsitz household, Otis found himself more discussed the concept of the past and involved and connected with the how it matters. Whether speaking black community than his own. As about micro issues or macro ones, it immigrants in the ‘20s, America was is important to look into the past of seemingly unwelcoming to Otis and each topic. Lipsitz stated although his family. However, he found soli- you can’t see the traces of the past darity with the black churches and easily, they were once there. And people. that’s what is important and what In later years, Otis spoke on be- matters.

Weekend Wildlife Volunteers Needed

...Continued from page 1

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FLOR EDWARDS / Daily Titan Protestor and rally coordinator Brian Norton and student David Ingam held signs with messages encouraging students and faculty to unite.

PROTEST: Rally raises awareness about budget cuts ...Continued from page 1 Several students got up to speak, including Ibbs. Brian Norton, 19, an English and philosophy double major, helped coordinate the rally and is one of the founders of We! Norton said We! tried to get Associated Students Inc. to support the rally, but were met with little success. Lobby Corp, a campus organization that does various outreach activities such as bringing resolutions to legislators, approached ASI. Norton said ASI refused to either discuss the matter or bring students out to the Board of Trustees meeting in Long Beach. “ASI has potential, but they don’t use it,” said Norton. “They’re too distracted by things that don’t concern the majority of students. (They’re) more concerned with

Greek life and having homecomings.” Carie Rael, a history major and rally coordinator, said ASI doesn’t support the same values as students at the rally. “They don’t seem to support a quality education. It seems like they’re more concerned with helping the university make a profit rather than helping students learn,” said Rael. John Belleci, vice president of Student California Teachers Association at CSUF, said the organization is trying to get more students to care and be involved in their education. Belleci said SCTA could use help from campus organizations. “We started a coalition of student groups because we’re basically splintered, we’re fractured,” said Belleci. “We’re all upset about various issues so we’re trying to come together, but what we are lacking is a voice from

the student body and ASI’s been basically quiet on tuition hikes and we’re concerned about that.” Jobbitt said there’s an assumption that students and professors are apathetic. “The more we talk to people and do these kinds of things, we realize they’re not apathetic, they’re concerned. They care like we care,” Jobbitt said. When Norton got up to speak, the megaphone boomed with a mixture of anger and a call for action. “I have a deep concern about the rising tide of neo-conservatism,” Norton told the crowd. “We are rebels for a cause to improve our education. A market truly is never free. It is stained with the blood of sweatshops. The sweat of faculty members is drenching the free market. We forget the excessive role business plays in governing our lives. At the end of the day we are all students.”

Domestic violence addressed through film RYAN LASKODI Daily Titan

The Women’s Center in conjunction with the Verizon Foundation hosted an event dedicated to raising awareness of domestic violence Wednesday night in the Titan Student Union Theatre. The event featured a showing of the documentary “Amy’s Story,” which is about a former Verizon employee in a domestic violence relationship who was eventually murdered by her husband. Other events included a student telling her story of domestic violence, a brief workshop and a panel on domestic violence. “Amy’s Story” is a documentary produced by the Verizon foundation. It’s about the four-year relationship between Amy and Vincent McGee. Amy worked for a Verizon store for two years before her hus-

band murdered her. According to Susan Leavy, acting director of the center, they were able to have this event because of Verizon. They wanted to do college showings of this documentary and Cal State Fullerton was one of the schools on the list. Leavy said it was an idea they were really interested in. Normally, they have a conference on domestic violence, but it wasn’t able to happen this year. However, with this event people would still be able to get some insight on domestic violence. “Domestic violence prevention is our national focus, and we felt this was an important documentary to produce to raise awareness about the issue,” said Ken Muche, spokesperson for Verizon in California. Muche also said he hoped those who attended the event would take away two things from the documentary: that they would learn some controlling behavior of abusers and take action to become more educat-

ed on the issue. He also talked about the need for volunteers at shelters. After the movie was over, human services major Erika Magdaleno took the stage and told her personal story of domestic violence. She was abused both physically and verbally by her boyfriend and father of her children. At the end of her story, she said she left her boyfriend, got her high school diploma, went to Fullerton College, transferred to CSUF and will be graduating this spring. When her story was done, Robert Diaz, community educator for Human Options, an Orange County organization that helps victims of domestic violence, gave a quick workshop on domestic violence. Some things he mentioned included the age one is most likely to be in an abusive relationship, between 14 and 24, and an average abusive marriage lasts either 11 years or seven attempts to leave the relationship. “Before, I wasn’t very aware. I knew what it was but I really didn’t have too much information about it… Now I know more about it and what you can do to help somebody out or what you need to do if you are in that situation,” said Karen Lopez, a senior psychology major.

Project Earth, an event held by the Student Volunteer Center, is seeking volunteers for March 5, from 8:30 a.m. to noon at Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary located in Modjeska Canyon. Participants will help with the restoration of the natural habitat, so come prepared to get your hands dirty. An appreciation lunch prepared by staffers of the 12-acre park will be served immediately after. Organizers of the event say to wear comfortable clothes and closed-toe shoes. The location can usually accept about 20 to 25 volunteers, so it is necessary to e-mail your participation interest to volunteer@f​ ullerton.edu or call 657278-7623 to verify that a spot is still open and receive directions. Participants can take advantage of the carpool by meeting at 7:30 a.m. at the VSC, Room 2, in the basement of the Titan Student Union. There will be four more Project Earth events during the spring semester. The next one is taking place at Shadetree Nursery Saturday, March 26, from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. where breakfast will be served. Participants will help prepare tree seedlings for eventual planting in local communities, in addition to staking, weeding and raking. Brief by Arianne Custer

Music Dept. Kicks Off New Festival CSUF’s Department of Music and Pamela Madsen, artistic director, kicked off the “New Music Festival: Strings in the 21st Century” Wednesday evening in the Meng Concert Hall, featuring the JACK Quartet. The quartet is comprised of violinists performing new works. The Los Angeles Times described the quartet as “mind-blowingly good.” The festival will continue through March 6 with tickets ranging from free to $25 per person. Performing tonight in the Meng Concert Hall at 8 p.m. will be the Grammy-winning ensemble Eighth Blackbird with Missy Mazzoli. According to the College of the Arts website, this ensemble is said to present a theatrical flair, highlighting the kaleidoscopic diversity of recent classical music. This year’s festival will also include performances by Cornelius Dufallo, composer-in-residence Missy Mazzoli, composer Paola Prestini, the CSUF New Music Ensemble with student performers, faculty and guests artists, the University Symphony Orchestra and much more. Lecture demos, panels and various sessions will also be offered. According to Joseph Arnold, dean of the College of the Arts, the college offers performance spaces benefiting students, faculty and staff, encouraging them to pursue and achieve professional and creative excellence. Brief by Jessica Rubio

March 3, 2011




Supreme Court backs businesses

UCI dean of law discusses corporate funding SARAH SMITH Daily Titan

OSCAR ROMERO / Daily Titan Melissa Hoon, a graduate teaching assistant, volunteers while in Vietnam during last year’s trip. This will be Hoon’s second trip with Prof. Brody’s Specialized Reporting Class.

CSUF’s foreign correspondents Students travel to North Vietnam to volunteer and capture the culture and spirit of the people ANDERS HOWMANN Daily Titan

A group of Cal State Fullerton journalism students will leave for North Vietnam Thursday. The class of about 13 will be volunteering for the non-profit organization Project Vietnam Foundation and will write stories on the culture and people of Vietnam. They will be going as part of the Comm 438T class, “Specialized Reporting: Reporting About Minority Affairs.” The class, taught by communications Professor Jeff Brody, gives students the opportunity to practice their journalism skills abroad and develop their portfolios. “It’s a two-fold thing,” said Brody. “A third of their time they’ll learn compassion. They’ll be taking part in a great humanitarian gesture. The other 2/3 of their time they’ll be developing and finding really great stories about the people of Vietnam.” Students will be developing a class website to showcase their work. They will be blogging, uploading stories and putting together video packages throughout the trip.

“We are first and foremost reporters,” said Melissa Hoon, a graduate teaching assistant. “We’ll get stories from within our volunteer work as well as outside of it.” Hoon said the students will be practicing “immersion journalism,” meaning they will learn all aspects of the Vietnamese culture and way of life by experiencing it firsthand.This will be her second trip to Vietnam and she is looking forward to it. “Besides being a phenomenal learning experience, it’s certainly a fun time,” Hoon said. “You’re across the world with your friends and writing peers.” Brody is selective of the students that he takes with him. Students must apply for the class and a group of faculty selects students on their journalistic ability. Students have also been preparing for the culture shock. Hoon said the class has been reading about the culture, developing presentations for the class and visiting local Vietnamese cultural events, such as the Tet Festival in Westminster, Calif. Brody hopes the interaction with the people of Vietnam through volunteer and journalistic work will provide these talented students with a new perspective on the world.

“I want them to learn and absorb the flavor of being in a foreign place, in another country, experiencing the taste of Vietnam, the people of Vietnam, expose themselves to culture, develop intercultural communications skills, as well as learn empathy for people who are less fortunate as they are,” Brody said. For the volunteer work, students will be assisting medical teams working in the provinces of North Vietnam. The foundation is split into three teams: primary care, dental and surgery. Students will be split into the primary care or surgery groups. Larissa Bahr, 21, a photo-communications major, sees the trip as a life-changing experience. “Personally I’m looking forward to how much (I’m going to grow) as a photographer and a person,” said Bahr. Not only will the trip help students grow as individuals, it will give students a leg up on finding a job in the selective journalism field. “The idea is that the kids can come back with outstanding stories that they can use to develop their careers,” Brody said. The students’ work will be published to Dailytitan.com/category/blogs/vietnam-blog/ throughout the trip. They will be returning March 15.

Erwin Chemerinsky, the dean of the UCI law school, spoke to a full house about the recent court decision that allows corporate funding of political broadcasts in candidate elections. The lecture, held Wednesday in the Titan Student Union, entitled “Robert’s Court and the First Amendment,” touched on a number of recent court cases that couldn’t be limited by the First Amendment. Chemerinsky focused mainly on the conservative majority decisions of the court, bringing about a lively discussion of constitutional law. While Chemerinsky did incorporate humor into his speech, he also gave a lot of factual information and brought up several decisions by the courts that have affected the U.S. political and business climate. In 2010, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission came before the Supreme Court. The Court decided businesses could fund political broadcasts in candidate elections and couldn’t be limited under the First Amendment. This means corporations can now use money from their business to sponsor political campaigns despite the opinions of their employees and shareholders, according to Chemerinsky. He questioned if that ruling may end up distorting the political process in the long run. “Money talks, but perhaps this is taking that saying too literally,” said Chemerinsky. He talked about other First Amendment cases on which the court voted conservatively, such as Beard v. Banks, where the court upheld a Pennsylvania law that states maximum security in-

mates could not have access to any printed materials, including books, magazines, and even family photos. The tone of the talk made it seem like Chemerinsky did not approve of the Supreme Court’s consistently conservative voting, though he did not specifically say that. He did, however, repeatedly cite instances where the court has overturned previous decisions and even a few where the court brought up earlier cases to overturn, an unusual occurrence in a body that usually waits for issues to be presented before it will act, according to Chemerinsky. “The Supreme Court has created new rules regarding free speech,” he said. The presentation was wrapped up with a discussion about newly confirmed Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan, the only justice now serving who has not had previous experience as a judge. This means her political philosophy and decisions cannot be anticipated, Chemerinsky said. “If you’re conservative, you may want to rejoice. If you’re a liberal, you may be glad that they only take about 76 cases per year,” Chemerinsky said. The speech was full of information about the current court and its views on the First Amendment and free speech. Even though the speech was lightly publicized, the audience filled every seat in the pavilion. Students were seen sitting against the walls and in the aisles. “I saw the advertisement (for the lecture) on a stairwell in the Humanities Building,” said Nick Hartmann, 23, a philosophy major. “It’s incredibly impressive that Cal State Fullerton has this. The college makes a lot of mistakes, but this, the speakers, is great. If CSUF is doing anything right, it’s this.”

Hunger Coalition reaches out The Volunteer and Service Center gives hygiene products to O.C. homeless GREG WOODSON Daily Titan

Cal State Fullerton’s Hunger Coalition out of the Volunteer and Service Center is setting out to help the homeless population of Orange County. Toothbrushes, razors, towels, toothpaste, deodorant, tissue and any other hygiene accessories are being solicited by the Fullerton Interfaith Emergency Service on campus. The drive, which ends March 7, encourages the CSUF community to help by donating hygiene items for those who are less fortunate. For those who would like to donate and support this good cause, hygiene drive donation bins are located in the Volunteer and Service Center (TSU-2), the Women’s Center (UH-205), the Student Life Programs and Student Organization Resource Center (TSU-247) and the Office of Disabled Student Services (UH-101). According to co-director of the Hunger Coalition Sue Lagarde, 21, a communications major with a concentration in photo journalism and a minor in kinesiology, the hygiene drive is one of many one-time monthly volunteer events the group organizes to help the homeless and those in need. “We thought the idea to do a hygiene drive was unique. Not a lot of people do hygiene drives and the people we serve need more than just shelter and food,” said Lagarde. “The hygiene drive will help these people stay clean and healthy like most individuals want to be.” The proceeds of the drive will be donated to the FIES, a cooperative community organization the Hunger Coalition volunteers with. FIES, established in 1975, is a nonprofit agency that focuses to provide support services to the hungry and homeless in northern Orange County. The proceeds of the drive will be given to homeless and struggling people who go to the FIES food banks, according to April Johnen,

Courtesy of MCT The Volunteer and Service Center is accepting donations of toothbrushes, razors, towels, toothpaste, deodorant, tissue, soap and any other hygiene products through March 7.

manager of the FIES distribution center. Johnen said if there are any leftover hygiene supplies, they will go to individuals and families at FIES transitional shelter locations. “It’s been great working with the Cal State Fullerton Volunteer and Service Center, and the Hunger Coalition. We produce a lot of publicity through the Cal State Fullerton community and bring in a lot of much needed items,” said Johnen when expressing how projects like the hygiene drive are of much benefit to the FIES. According to an article in the Feb. 4, 2010, issue of the Orange County Register, there were an estimated 37,000 homeless people living in Orange County. Projects such as the Hunger Coalition’s hygiene drive can have a significant effect on the lives of many individuals and families within the county. Project director of the Hunger Coalition Erin Overton, 23, a double major in health science and

biology, said the drive is important because many people forget about the small things that matter like hygiene materials, which are just as important to people as food and clothing. “I’ve always wanted to be in the medical field. That’s where I think my drive comes from to want to help people,” said Overton when asked about why she decided to get involved with organizing volunteer projects such as the hygiene drive. “I just wanted to volunteer, so I went to the Volunteer and Service Center and got involved with the Hunger Coalition. The hygiene drive is just one of many projects that we organize to benefit the hungry and homeless in the Orange County community.” For more information on the Hunger Coalition’s upcoming volunteer events, please contact the Volunteer and Service Center at 657-278-7623 or volunteer@fullerton.edu. dailytitan.com/news




March 3, 2011

RE: Where’s our white club? Your article is very interesting. I was born in Poland and immigrated to the United States 18 years ago, and after enrolling at CSUF, could not identify myself with any of the cultural clubs. I am not a Latina. I am not black. I am not Asian. I am 95 percent Polish and 5 percent Lithuanian 100 percent white. I wondered why we do not have a European student club. I do not think that per se “white club” is a good idea, but creating a European Heritage Club would be great as many students on campus have European roots and can discuss the issues together. I am graduating in May, but I will be willing to join such a club for the few months this semester if it helps establish it. And I am sure there are students with European heritage that are not 100 percent white, so not keeping “white” in the name but just reflecting on heritage would be much better. Please let me know where to sign up if this club is formed this semester.

Elzbieta Nowis Finance and accounting senior

Frisk Me

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Daily Titan welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must include the sender’s first and last name. Students must include their majors, and other writers must include their affiliation to the university, if applicable. The Daily Titan reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar and spelling. Send letters to Isa Ghani, the Editor-in-Chief, at DTEditorInChief@gmail. com.


“Let’s Get Personal”

The other ‘A’-word

Results of unintended pregnancy, annual estimates

14,000 women choose adoption.

Abortions are abused “Going through with the pregnancy will put my health and my life at risk.” “The baby has a strong chance of being born with a physical or mental disease.” “I was raped.” These are three legitimate reasons to get an abortion. If I heard these words escape any woman’s lips, I would be more than happy to give my support and lend a shoulder for them to cry on, if they needed it. Instead, all I seem to hear from the women I know who do get abortions are: “My parents would kill me if they found out.” “I don’t want everyone in school seeing me pregnant.” “I don’t want to put on all that weight.” “I can’t afford to take care of it.” “The dad doesn’t want anything to do with it.” “I’m not ready for this kind of responsibility.” And the more I hear this crap, the less I start referring to them as “reasons.” They sound more like excuses to me. Ridiculous, pathetic, unacceptable excuses. Newsflash: The point of sex is solely to create babies. I know, shocking, right? The function of an erect penis thrusting into a woman’s vagina is so that the man may have an unbelievable orgasm that releases millions of sperm to fertilize the woman’s egg. The egg becomes a zygote, the zygote becomes a fetus, the fetus becomes a baby. A screaming, crying, pooping baby. And our legacy continues. Our body doesn’t know that sometimes we want to have sex just because it feels incredibly amazing. We would like for our bodies to automatically know when we’re trying to create babies and when we’re not, but they haven’t evolved that far yet. It just responds in the way that it is biologi-

1.2 million women choose abortion.

1.4 million women choose to keep the child.

Source: Guttmacher institute, “National Reproductive Health Profile: Pregnancies, Births and Abortions,” available at http://www.guttmacher.org/datacenter/profiles/US.jsp (last accessed October 6,2010).

cally supposed to, and during the act of sex, it will do what it can to encourage reproduction. The general sexually active population will try to be smart about having sex by using one or more methods of protection. I take my little pink Yaz pill every evening and have my partner wear a condom every single time. But accidents happen. I’ve had the unpleasant shock of a Trojan breaking on me, but the pill saved me from potential pregnancy. It wasn’t my fault, nor was it my partner’s. It was an accident. No one means for them to happen, but they do. And unless you have been raped, you are at fault if you’re pregnant because you made the conscious decision to have sex. How would you deal with that? A know a lot of women who have decided to go through with the pregnancy and take responsibility for the next 18 years of the child’s life. I think that’s admirable, but it’s something I personally couldn’t do. My job doesn’t pay enough to support a baby (and trust me—they’re the most expensive things you’ll own), it will interfere with my career, it’ll cut my dating options to an extreme minimum… oh yeah, and I absolutely hate kids. No way in hell would I be keeping the damn thing. I’d put it up for adoption—the third option that only 1

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percent of women knocked up before marriage tend to choose, according to AmericanProgress.org’s 2010 adoption report. It baffles me; I will mention adoption to some of my female friends who had considered abortion and their response was, “That would be so much harder than aborting the baby.” Translation: “If I can’t have my baby, no one can.” Women with this mentality need to shut their mouths as well as their legs. Knowing that there are plenty of infertile and gay couples out there with steady incomes willing to love and care for the child as much as I would, I can’t bring myself to believe that my baby would be better off aborted, or at the very least, living a mediocre life. If I were to get knocked up right now, yeah, it would suck spending the rest of my life thinking about the kid I let go. But that’s the risk I take for having that one night of fun I could have easily avoided. The guilt of giving up your own flesh and blood to another can never amount to the guilt of depriving it of what could be an amazing life. Taking any other route would make me a coward if all I had were “excuses.” Don’t call it “pro-life”; call it “protake-some-damn-responsibility-foryour-actions.”

À la Mode


“Served with a Side of...”

Please stop yelling at me I have respect for those who fight for what they believe in ... as long as they do it away from me. I’m one protest away from becoming a gun-toting NRA member. On my way to class on Wednesday, I was bombarded with people putting signs in my face, telling me to do things like “cut from the top” and asking me questions like, “What about our future?” I let that slide; the protest was for a good cause. Honestly, I’d have been out there marching with them if I didn’t have class. Then I wondered, don’t they have class? It dawned on me that students were skipping their classes to protest a number of different things, one being the need for more classes. Is anyone else confused? Cal State Fullerton President Milton A. Gordon addressed Gov. Jerry Brown’s call for a $500 million reduction in a state report for 2011–12 on the school’s website in January. He explained that CSUF students would face even more reduced classes and services. Last year, Gordon announced that undergraduate fees would increase from $3,685 per year to $4,662, admissions would be reduced, salary and hiring freezes would be instituted and furloughs would be negotiated. According to the school website, last year Gordon wrote that the budget deficit is the largest in the CSU’s history and is a result of the state’s lack of support to the CSU in the face of California’s $26.3 (now $25.4) billion budget gap. Now, I’m all for freedom of speech. The First Amendment protects our right to peaceful demonstrations, and

we should not take these budget cuts lying down. So don’t get me wrong, I’ve been at the front of marches, and I encourage everyone to fight for what they believe in. But understand who your audience is. When I see students marching together, standing up for their rights and taking a stand, I feel proud and inspired. When I see students waving signs and hollering on a campus filled with students and faculty who are all affect-

When I see students waving signs and hollering, it takes every ounce of self-restraint to keep me from grabbing their megaphone and telling them to get out of my face... ed by the issue, it takes every ounce of self-restraint to keep me from grabbing one of their megaphones and telling them to get out of my face. Because we know! We all know! I get it, you’re mad, but you’re preaching to the choir. Maybe it’s just me, but trying to hear a professor lecture over foghorns and shouting gets old fast. Protests are taking place statewide. According to San Jose Mercury News, UC Santa Cruz protesters gathered to spell “Free Education” with their bodies. ABC 7 reports CSU Northridge students protested all of Wednesday

and the Associated Press reports students are staging walkouts and rallies nationwide. It’s all pretty mild so far; let’s try not repeating the 2010 budget cut protests. Last year, the New York Times reported that more than 150 people were arrested after stopping traffic along an interstate in Oakland. At the University of Wisconsin, 16 people were arrested when protesters tried forcing their way into administration offices while throwing ice chunks at campus officers. Now is that really necessary? It’s one thing to spread awareness; it’s another thing to disturb classes. Los Angeles Times reported incidents during the 2010 protests at UCLA where human chains blocked entrances to buildings. Way to fight for your public education while disrupting everyone else’s. And walking out on classes to protest for public education seems a little ironic, doesn’t it? Sounds like a waste of money, much like all the taxpayers’ dollars spent on hiring extra shifts of police to monitor the demonstrations. Frankly, protesting on campus is counter-productive. Quit telling students and quit skipping class. Missing classes hurts no one but you. Take your protest to the regents, the state legislature, our governor, anyone else. Write letters! March peacefully! Just not here. Complaining about budget cuts to the students and faculty affected by them is like protesting U.S. occupation by marching around Afghanistan. We know. We’re in the same boat. Please stop yelling at me.


March 3, 2011

Comparing spiritual clubs



Contrasting and juxtaposing the various religious student clubs and organizations at Cal State Fullerton CYNTHIA RODRIGUEZ Daily Titan

Students studying in the Alumni Lounge in the Titan Student Union would not know the Korean Campus Crusade for Christ was holding a service in the Titan Theatre. Songs being sung along with drums and guitars could only be heard once the doors were opened to enter the theater. It is here Esther Lee, 20, a human services major and president of the KCCC, and other members of the group meet every Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. Walking into McCarthy Hall 457 on a Monday between the hours of noon to 1 p.m., students will meet Naeem Ataian, 25, a sociology graduate student, along with other students behind desks forming a circle as ideas and answers are bounced off each other from questions asked from book two of the Ruhi. Meanwhile, the Muslim Student Association meets every other Tuesday, their room filled with the aroma of Little Caesar’s pizza as they discuss the different events the club will carry out throughout the semester. Afterward, first the women and then the men go down into the quiet room of the Underground to pray. There are many religious clubs on campus where students get to express and share their beliefs with others that share similar interests. Paul Levesque, chair of the Department of Comparative Religion, said “religion is a component in the lives of many students.” These religious clubs on campus help students “express and ask questions” with their peers. “The religious clubs on campus provide an opportunity for people to learn more about their own cultural roots and those of others,” Levesque said. “Students can form connections with like-minded students and hopefully also grow in their respect of religions other than their own.” KCCC is a part of the Campus Crusade for Christ on campus, but Lee said because the culture is different so is the ministry. KCCC has a “Korean setting” that would make people more comfortable gathering together. However, KCCC is not limited to just Asians. “Our meetings are open to anyone,” Lee said. “You don’t have to

be Asian or Korean to join.” Lee is not surprised there are many religions because they are “a huge part of individuals.” She said it is important to have these clubs for the different beliefs on campus. “Whether I do or don’t share the same belief/worldview with students of other clubs does not change the fact that having a social circle that share the same interests is vital in thriving socially as a college student,” Lee said. Ataian said he chose sociology as his major because he likes the founding principles, such as universal education, which are similar to the beliefs of the Baha’i faith. “A lot of sociology is about fighting for the basic rights of people,” said Ataian. According to Bahai.org, the Baha’i faith believes God is setting historical forces that are breaking down the barriers between race, class and nation, ultimately uniting all civilizations. When first hearing about the Baha’i faith, it is a bit difficult to grasp what their beliefs are. This is why Ataian said the club decided to read the Ruhi books during the meetings so new members can get a better understanding of the faith. The Ruhi is made up of quotes from Baha’u’llah and the students study the quotes to gain a better understanding of Baha’u’llah’s revolution. Johnathan Matson, 23, an economics major, is a new believer and said Baha’i is like a lot of different religions.

“The Baha’i faith looks at other religions as right,” said Matson. “The prophets are a reflection of God.” Baha’i is unlike other religions, where children tend to follow the religions their parents grew up in. Soha Sobahanian, 26, a biology graduate student, said the followers of Baha’i encourage children to “make up their own minds.” “It is strongly encouraged to make sure you were born in the right path,” said Sobahanian. Ozair Mohamedy, 23, an accounting major and president of the Muslim Student Association, said their events are intended to educate the Muslim and nonMuslim community and to get rid of the stereotypes and misconceptions. “People on campus are more educated and that is key to getting rid of the stereotypes,” Mohamedy said. He also said educated people are generally “a lot more open to different religions.” Levesque said there are many reasons why there are so many different religions, and one is that most are created by experiences in one’s culture, which may have been influenced from other religious traditions. So while some may feel comfortable thinking there’s no need for meaning in life, all the religious clubs on campus have one thing in common: to form a community for anyone wanting to connect with others with similar beliefs or just to satisfy an empty stomach.

Comparing campus religious organizations


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See what religious clubs and organizations on campus are doing at CSUF at Dailytitan.com/ campusreligions

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JESSICA DRUCK / Daily Titan Show hosts at Titan Internet Radio work on the air. Titan Internet Radio offers students the opportunity to have their own radio shows or to hold a position on the radio staff.

RADIO: Exploring the radio broadcast program on campus ...Continued from page 1 “We had no experience at all. They showed us how to do it and now we feel like we’re pros at it,” said Rushing. “It’s a good environment for you if you’re totally unfamiliar with radio, and they guide you how to work the booth.” You don’t have to be an RTVF major to have a show. Shows are on a volunteer basis and open to anyone. The staff is eager to hear all ideas—except self-help and anything conflict engaging—so those who have the slightest interest shouldn’t feel apprehensive about pitching a show. “For people who aren’t full on into radio, I still suggest you come in and try it,” said Emily Hock, 19, a radio-TV-film sophomore at CSUF and music director for the station. “Some people wonder if they can be a DJ so even if you have that little interest in it, it’s a fun experience and it looks great on your resume.” The learning experience isn’t the only thing Hock feels the station has to offer. She prides herself on the great family environment. “The best thing about it is the staff,” Hock said. “We get along

really well and it’s a big family; it doesn’t feel like work, even though it’s still a job. Overall, it’s a fun thing to do.” Sitting amongst the DJs for 10 minutes, I shook hands with just about everyone who came in because they hadn’t seen me before. There’s a real welcoming nature in everyone who is a part of Titan Internet Radio that isn’t forced and it is apparent in their shows. People who may feel apprehensive or intimidated shouldn’t worry. The station is all about teaching. “If you mess up, you can learn (from) your mistakes without the harsh reality of being at a wellknown radio station,” said Althea Wagoner, 20, a broadcast journal-

ism sophomore and host of her own Indie music show “Such Great Heights.” “It really builds up your confidence level and you find your voice.” The station often gives away concert tickets to local shows and movies, covers CSUF sporting events and encourages anyone to call in with music requests or input. Listeners can not only tune in to Titan Internet Radio, but can also watch a live broadcast at TitanRadio.org. Also, find them on their Facebook and Twitter to learn more about promotions, stay up to date with shows and stay tuned for an iPod app coming soon.

Child and adolescent studies gives back to community AMY LEADBETTER Daily Titan

The rising sun was hidden behind clouds, loud music consumed the park and the drizzling sky made Disneyland glisten. But underneath the gloom marched a crowd of almost 14,000 energetic people, determined to walk for a cause. Among the thousands was a group of 50 students who raised $3,000 and sported ash-gray shirts with “CSUF CASSA” on their backs while proudly holding signs that said the same. It was the Child and Adolescent Studies Student Association’s (CASSA) fifth year participating in the annual 5K CHOC walk, one of the many volunteer events the association partakes in. “Despite waking up before sunrise and walking in a constant drizzle, everyone was cheerful and happy to be contributing to the cause,” says Lindsey Ellsworth, a child and adolescent studies major and CASSA vice president. Ellsworth says the purpose of CASSA is to enhance the lives of the children they volunteer with, even if their influence is relatively small. Jessica Gutierrez, 21, a child and adolescent studies major and CASSA president says, “This year at the CHOC walk, it hit us hard as we were walking

with the thousands of people alongside us. We were walking for helpless, innocent children who needed us most.” With nearly 200 active members, CASSA is one of the largest student associations on campus. Its members contribute to the community while gaining professional development and networking. CASSA regularly volunteers at Orangewood Children’s Home where they plan activities and interact with children who have been removed from their home because of unfortunate circumstances. Last fall, they participated in the construction of a playground dedicated to the children and families of Colette’s Children’s Home, a local homeless shelter for women and children. They also host monthly donation drives and fundraisers throughout the semester. Every other week, the association has guest speakers who are generally professionals from a variety of different backgrounds that lecture on their personal experiences working with children and help students explore different career paths. Along with speakers, CASSA also offers its members special workshops. When talking about her career path and admitting she is now aware that becoming a teacher is not her only option, Whitney Robinson, 22, a child and adolescent studies major and CASSA community projects manager says, “Through volunteer work and guest speakers, CASSA has opened the eyes of the members and helped them realize that there are other areas to work in after graduation, such as nonprofit organizations.” Partnering up with local organizations and volunteering is not only rewarding, it is a great way to explore one’s major or career interests and a great way to meet people with similar goals. The association is not limited to only students majoring in child and adolescent studies. Anyone who is interested in working with or volunteering to help children is invited to join. “The CHOC walk saying was ‘every step counts for kids,’” Gutierrez said. “That saying alone sums up what CASSA is about - everything we do is for children and that’s why we’re a part of this association.” CASSA meets every Thursday in EC 122 from noon to 12:45 p.m. For more information you can visit their website at Hhd.Fullerton.edu/cas/ CASSA. dailytitan.com/features



March 3, 2011


Tech Time by ARVIN DANG

Lectures, Relics of the Past Lectures today are still based on old practices and old technology. While lectures continue to function, at the rate technology is growing outside of school, you’re still graduating behind the times. Here are a few methods and tools for both teachers and students to begin rethinking the way we use technology as a learning technique. Courtesy of Flickr user kevincortopassi Ricky Hoover, lead singer of the metal band Suffokate, was once a bullied teenager at a Fullerton high school, but now performs on stage at sold-out venues internationally in Europe and Canada.

Bullying yields success Bullied Fullerton youth becomes internationally famous metal musician FRANCES LEE Daily Titan

The first time I met Ricky Hoover was the first day of school at Parks Junior High School, and he was being pushed around by a group of boys our age until he fell in a pile of dust. They laughed and kicked his books until the bell rang and they sauntered away. I ran to Ricky and helped him up, picked up his books and we introduced ourselves. He became my first friend at that school and we remained friends until high school, where we lost touch. During our years spent at Parks and Sunny Hills High School, I watched Ricky, a sweet and charming boy, be punked by the various groups of boys. They teased him relentlessly about what he wore, the style of his hair or for no reason at all. I watched Ricky as his sweet charm and disposition drained from his eyes and, sadly, his soul. After high school we lost touch as he ended up dropping out and graduating from another program. Almost ten years later, thanks to the electronic boom and popularization of social networking, I was able to get in touch with Ricky again through a Facebook add. At first I couldn’t recognize him, but there he was, all 6 feet 3 inches of him covered head to toe in tattoos and round wooden ear plugs dangling from his ears. Ricky had turned from an overlooked and misunderstood teenager into the lead singer of Suffokate, a largely popular heavy death-metal rock band. His band tours mostly Europe and Canada to sold out shows and thousands of fans. Websites are made worshipping his band and music. Fans write letters idolizing his angry lyrics, tattooing them on their bodies. His music tops the death-metal charts consecutively and he is often called “the best death-metal voice of time,” a “hero” and “an inspiration.” And this all happened to a boy from Fullerton, Calif. After years of being the brunt of bullying, Hoover turned his adolescent experiences into angry poetry and now sells them worldwide. “When I was young, I had ADHD so my doctors put me on Ritalin. Right away I felt different,” said Hoover.

“Even during elementary school, if anyone said anything to me (which was often) my first reaction would be to punch them. For some reason everyone in the school yard wanted to pick on me and I would come home bloody from fights.” Hoover recollects his mother picking him up from daycare after a fight and he was covered in blood. After being sent to see a therapist, Hoover taught himself to repress his anger. When Hoover was 18, he was jumped by Wah Ching, a ChineseAmerican gang based out of LA, and suffered severe head trauma. As a result of those injuries Hoover lost some short-term and long-term memories, including those of his adolescent years. “For some reason, everyone picked on Ricky growing up,” said Justin Franklin, a long-time friend. Franklin also witnessed Hoover’s bullying and was a victim himself. He was transferred from Sunny Hills High School to Sonora High School as a result. The Fullerton Joint Union School District’s policy states that if someone bullies another and the victim retaliates by fighting back, both are suspended. Bullying is defined as an “intentional and reoccurring act to harm a victim through a power differential through the use of physical force or words.” Today the most common force of bullying is called cyber-bullying, where kids use the Internet to threaten, hurt, single out and embarrass each other. “Bullying is a suspendable offense. There are laws and education codes. Our administrators fully investigate when there is a bullying (or cyber-bullying) claim. You never want to have a hostile environment for kids. It’s difficult to learn. Beyond that, it is very different how each student reacts to bullying,” said Jennifer Williams, director of Administrative Services for the Fullerton Joint Union High School District, which Sunny Hills High School is a part of. With over 80 percent of teenagers using cell phones with Internet access, cyber-bullying is the most popular and common form of bullying. Hoover admits he hated his time at Parks and Sunny Hills because of the faculty and how they gave up on students. “I really don’t have faith in human-

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ity as a whole,” Hoover said. “I write about angry and negative things, and my outlook on things is not necessarily the right outlook, but it’s real.” Hoover turned the emotions he carried through his teenage years into the angry music that penetrates the ears of listeners and encourages them to keep going through times of hardship. “Ricky’s music is about real-life situations,” Franklin said. “It’s about problems at home, parents fighting, people being assholes, heartbreak and pain. It’s relatable and it’s the truth and that is why he has such a huge following.” Hoover and Franklin both agree there will always be hateful people throughout life. The best way to deal with that is to ignore it and keep going. “You have to do you and not think about what other people want you to be,” Franklin said. “There are always going to be haters talking shit and trying to get you down, but you have to focus on yourself and your happiness no matter what.” Hoover is currently touring Europe and opened his tour to a sold-out show at Chain Reaction in Anaheim earlier this month. He also owns an ear plug company called Gotwood Plugs. Both Suffokate and Gotwood Plugs can be found on Facebook and Myspace.

What can teachers do?

Updates to tests, homework assignments and project deadlines can now find students, rather than the other way around. Promote class communication outside of the classroom using simple and free tools like Posterous Groups. This can offer a place for students to discuss questions, find answers, turn in homework and hopefully receive quick answers by the faculty. Setup a private group chatroom for your students using Convore (Convore.com) and promote its use during class. Allow assignment submissions via Google Docs, Ge.tt or other services to save the hassle, ink and paper.

If college is our introduction to the real world, then PowerPoint is the antithesis of this. What can students do? Just consider how many times you’ve sat in a lecture with nothing but bullet points. A student’s first goal has always been to And while it felt like a learn; here’s how to learn waste of your time alone, smarter. Consider using multiplying it by your mind maps to visually whole class leaves thirtypiece together concepts plus hours wasted. and discussions (MindHow can we offset meister.com). this? Record lectures from Just consider how First, promote open your computer or smartstandards and open acphone and scan handmany times you’ve sat cess to all the informawritten class notes with in a lecture with nothing tion used within your Evernote (Bit.ly/evibTE). classroom. All handwritten notes but bullet points. And Since Cal State Fulbecome searchable by lerton has already made text, and tagging helps while it felt like a waste of the smart decision to you keep all your lecture your time alone, multiplyadopt Google Apps, let’s notes and recordings orutilize it to share and emganized. ing it by your whole class bed presentations, class Take group notes sileaves thirty-plus hours notes, documents and multaneously during lecshare them openly as a ture with Google Docs, wasted. class. Posterous Group or Wiki. Use interesting lecture See firsthand how othtools like Prezi (Prezi. ers process information, com) to build more incomment within the teractive slides, use same sphere and search interesting imagery the web for prime examthanks to Flickr and ples of what’s being dislearn to tell stories with them. For those cussed to supplement your class notes with. non-humanity classes, find live demonstraIt may seem weird to consider the classtions, online videos or online talks that sup- room as a single learning unit, but each plement your lessons. classroom really should be considered a coTED Talks (Ted.com) are an unfath- hesive team, working together to achieve the omably great place to start. Offer an iCal same goal: to process and learn the material. subscription for students to add and follow Technology can help promote this by class updates with their calendars or smart- maintaining resources online and helping phones. apply them in more context during lectures.

Fullerton Art Walk celebrates anniversary KACIE YOSHIDA Daily Titan

Between the hustle and bustle of drunkards roaming the streets of downtown Fullerton emerges a haven for lovers of wine, art and culture. As a charming escape from the nightly Fullerton bar-hopping extravaganza, the Fullerton Art Walk attracts many from around the city to enjoy local art developed and presented by young and veteran artists each month. On March 4, the Downtown Fullerton Art Walk is expecting hundreds of residents and out-oftowners to enjoy the night’s festivities. To make the Art Walk’s oneyear anniversary special, over 30

local art galleries and venues will be participating in the evening’s events with free art activities as well as free refreshments. The Hibbleton Gallery, a downtown Fullerton hidden gem that often features live music for art events, announced the name of the new gallery as “F* It.” Jesse La Tour, Hibbleton co-owner, said this month the gallery will showcase artists who have taken on the challenge of tackling a new canvas. And while the Hibbleton isn’t offering music this month, their neighbors will have a DJ spinning as well as live music all night long to join the celebration. “There aren’t a whole lot amongst our generation with a passion for their local communities like the Hibbleton, especially in Orange

County,” said CJ Casciotta, organizer of Sounds Like a Movement, an organization that creates community through arts events. “We have been proud to partner with them in the past and are looking forward to seeing them continue to bring neighborhoods together with the common thread of art.” However, the Hibbleton is just one art gallery amongst the many that people are excited about. Among the many other venues are the Fullerton Museum Center, Max Bloom’s Cafe Noir and the Village Art Center. “I’ve only been to the Santa Ana Art Walk,” said Jessica Flores, a CSUF art major. “But I know that a lot of CSUF students attend the Downtown Santa Ana Art Walk in truckloads because the Art Depart-

ment has a gallery in the heart of the Artist District.” While it’s not difficult to enjoy the diverse bars, music and scene of the Downtown Santa Ana Art Walk with other CSUF students, it’s easy to forget how close the Downtown Fullerton Art Walk is. Furthermore, as an added incentive to go to the Downtown Fullerton Art Walk, there is a venuewide giveaway. To participate, art walkers pick up a passport from participating galleries and get it stamped at each venue attended. Makeovers, T-shirts and even free web hosting are just a few of the prizes. The free event takes place Friday, March 4. For more information please go to FullertonArtWalk. com.


March 3, 2011



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Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Stay close to home today. Opportunities arise for completing tasks and organizing space. A trip to the hardware store is in order. Make a list before you go.

7 9 5 1 3 8

1 2 6 8 4 7

5 1 4 7 9 6

9 3 2 5 8 4

2 8 9 6 1 3

8 2 9 6 4 5 3 1 7 5 7 1 9 2 3 8 6 4 Daily Sudoku: Wed 15-Sep-2010

2 1

4 3




4 1 8 3 9 7 9 2

4 3


(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2010. All rights reserved.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Your attention is on abstract problems or communication with distant associates. Don’t expect instant results. Work closely with a partner.

How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

8 7 3 4 5 2

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Today can really be fun. Enjoy the details, and practical problem solving. Social contacts up the ante, inviting you to present your skills. You’re up to it.

Daily Sudoku: Wed 15-Sep-2010

3 6 8 2 7 5

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Attention to philosophical motives helps relationships grow. Listen to a woman who’s researched a group goal. Her information opens opportunities for all.


4 1 8 3 9 1 7 4 4 6 2 (c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2010. All rights reserved.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Focus your attentions on research behind the scenes to discover what will work when you go public. You want it all neat and tidy when you present.

4 2

4 5 1 3 6 9

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) At last, you and a partner reconnect. Recent stress has kept you apart, but now you get to play together and enjoy the magic.

7 7 9 2


Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Imagine it to accomplish it now. Multiple opportunities for increasing both bank balance and self-esteem come with no strings attached. Choose.

2 1





Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) You fall into a discussion about a creative plan and how it fits with your emotional needs. Others play a practical part with suggestions and committed listening.



6 4 7 9 2 1

Cancer (June 22-July 22) Stay close to home and work on creative projects today. Do some research. Take care of details from the weekend before moving on to the next task.



3 8 4 1 6 9 2 7 5

Gemini (May 21-June 21) Most of your energy is directed at others. Work requires research before you tackle a project. Consider the long-term ramifications in your calculations.

(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2010. All rights reserved.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Spending time with a partner or associate opens up opportunities everywhere. Early in the day, a creative idea gets you started on a new track.

Daily Sudoku: Wed 15-Sep-2010

Aries (March 21-April 19) Your attention is on others today. This could be good if you maximize the opportunities that come your way while attending to other people’s concerns.

SPORTS Softball amped for home series


March 3, 2011



The Cal State Fullerton softball team looks to have a bounce-back season in 2011. Last season the team finished 14-39 overall and sixth in Big West Conference play with a record of 9-12. It was the Titans’ first season with over 30 losses since 2004 and the most defeats the Titans have had as members of the Big West since joining in 1986. It was only their second losing season in 25 years in the Big West. CSUF had a difficult schedule in 2010, having played 23 of the 64 teams who made the NCAA tournament, including runner-up Arizona and national champion UCLA. The Titans finished 2-10 against top 25 teams. “We need to rally around the 2011 team,” said Titan Head Coach Michelle Gromacki. Senior pitcher Ari Cervantes said, “The most important thing is to forget about last season. We’re working twice as hard and have each other’s backs.” “The team chemistry is completely different,” said senior outfielder Sammie Dabbs. “It’s like a whole different team.” The schedule will not be easier this season, with 16 of the Titans’ first 26 games against teams receiving votes for the preseason top 25. Gromacki said CSUF hosts two tournaments which bring in many top teams. When playing against these teams, Cervantes said, “It prepares us better before conference play and the postseason, which is ultimately our goal.” “We always play a tough schedule,” Dabbs said. “We’re a tough team.” The Titans have a goal of winning the Big West Tournament and returning to the NCAA Tournament. CSUF reached the NCAA Tournament five straight years from 2005 to 2009 and went 10 of the past 12 seasons. The team will have a difficult time without All-Conference sec-

JOY KUHNS / For the Daily Titan Above, senior starting pitcher Ari Cervantes 2-4 with a 3.47 ERA in 38.1 innings of work, including five complete games.

ond team shortstop Gabby Aragon, who will miss the season after undergoing shoulder surgery. Aragon played in 44 of the 53 games last season. “It was already planned for,” Gromacki said of Aragon’s injury. Junior Adriana Martinez has moved from second base to shortstop while senior Natalie DeLeese and freshman Lauren Mario alternate playing second. “She’s really picked up the slack,” Dabbs said of Martinez. “We have a solid group of freshmen.” “The girls are working hard,” Cervantes said before adding that Aragon has remained a positive presence despite her injury. “(Aragon) supporting us is great.”

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The Titans return 13-letter winners and eight starters, led by two-time All-Big West First Team senior outfielder Torrie Anderson. Anderson started all 53 games for the Titans last season, racking up 11 home runs with 86 total bases. She also led Cal State Fullerton in nearly every offensive category including runs scored, hits, runs batted in, and both slugging percentage and on-base percentage. Cervantes pitched in 35 games for the Titans last season, including 24 starts. She posted a 4.68 ERA over 154 innings and led the team with a .303 average at the plate. Gromacki, entering her 12th season as coach and an ‘87 CSUF alumna, begins the season 19 wins

shy of 400 for her career, which only three other coaches in the Big West have accomplished. She was unaware of the approaching milestone. “I don’t ever focus on myself, I just want to win,” said the twotime Big West Coach of the Year. “It better happen this year,” Gromacki added with a laugh. The Titans finished sixth in a preseason poll of Big West Conference coaches, the lowest ranking under Gromacki. The Titans starts a four-game set this Friday at Anderson Family Field, beginning with a doubleheader against Indiana University – Purdue University Fort Wayne at 3:45 p.m.

TITANS: Quickly setting the tone ...Continued from page 1 LMU answered back with a run of its own in the third, capitalizing on a couple singles. LMU second baseman Jonathan Johnson drove in the lone score of the inning with a sacrifice fly to right. Titan senior outfielder Walker Moore ended their chances to add further damage when he made a spectacular diving catch in right field for the inning’s final out. The Titans added a run in the fourth when Thomas knocked in junior third baseman Joe Terry with an RBI-groundout to second. Terry reached base in the inning with a single to right and advanced to third off a stolen base and wild pitch, respectively. “He didn’t pick at all the whole game, so the coach gave me the steal sign,” said Terry. “I just went really aggressive and got the steal.” LMU’s biggest threat of the night came in the fifth inning when the bases were loaded with two outs. A slow dribbler to Floethe, though, put an end to their efforts, letting the Titans escape the inning unscathed. “I felt like if I attacked them in that situation, I’d get a ground ball and use my defense,” Floethe said. The Titans’ fifth and final run came in the seventh after sophomore pinch hitter Austin Kingsolver blooped a leadoff double into


right field. After Kingsolver stole third, Pedroza drove him in with a single to left. “I was just trying to drive a ball through the infield or somewhere deep in the outfield, just to get that run in,” Pedroza said. “I got a good pitch to handle and drove it through the six-hole.” After seven strong innings of work for Floethe, the Titans turned to the bullpen for the final six outs. Relief pitchers junior Chris Devenski and sophomore Dylan Floro held LMU to just one hit and three strikeouts between them, closing out the victory for the Titans. The Titans’ next game will be at home this weekend for a two-game match starting Friday when they take on the USC Trojans at 7 p.m.

FOR THE RECORD ISSUE DATE: For the story titled “Spirit Squad finds its way to the top,” on March 2, the following are corrections: - The Spirit Squad is not making a donation to the Donate Life Run/Walk, they will be making an appearance to support the cause. - The Spirit Squad is also performing at the Dance of Hope hosted by Chino Hills High School Dance Team and the Let it Be Foundation. - The Spirit Squad performed in the movie ‘Easy A’ as a dance team. -The quote, “We try and get as many sponsorships, visit as many local businesses, some alumni have donated money, we do a lot of events within the community that we get paid for. We also performed in the film ‘Easy A’,” is wrongly attributed to Jennie Volkert. It was correctly stated by dance team member and captain Sarah Ellman. - This quote by Spirit Squad co-advisor Jennie Volkert was mistakenly left out of the story; “The athletic department does a phenomenal job in funding for us, especially in a time like now.”

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