Daily Titan March 22, 2011

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Vol. 89 Issue 27

March 22, 2011

Smoking hookah on campus ..........................6


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Do you vote in ASI elections? See what percentage of students are voting at Dailytitan.com/ asielections2011

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Polling location mix-up

The many pieces of the ASI machine

Tomato and sweet pepper sale in the Arboretum

Complications arise over where students will be able to cast their ballots on campus

CSUF’s student government is composed of many decision making branches



Newly appointed Elections Commissioner Dominick Prieto and Associate Dean for Student Life Programs Esiquio Uballe, are in the process of finalizing the locations of polling stations across campus for the upcoming ASI election. Their plans conflict with the proposal that was presented to the ASI Board of Directors by former Elections Commissioner Jay Jefferson. This proposal included plans to add three polling locations across campus: one in College Park, one on the campus side of Steven G. Mihaylo Hall and another at the south end of the Titan Walk, between the Performing Arts Center and the Pollak Library. Prieto is not planning on using the proposed polling station at the south end of the Titan Walk, cutting the total number of proposed polling locations to six. “We got a budget for seven, and it wasn’t determined that we would use all seven,” said Prieto. “This semester we are just going to go to six, and next semester we will push for the seventh one.” Prieto cited a limited amount of equipment and manpower as the reason for the reduction. See POLLING, page 2

WHAT’S INSIDE NEWS CSUF club dedicated to ending breast cancer ........................................3 OPINION Wasteful Wars: Why we shouldn’t intervene in Libya ........................................4 FEATURES Alumnus turned local blues musician gains spotlight ........................................6 SPORTS Gymnastics wins two titles and earns two regionals berth ........................................8


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Daily Titan

ARIANNE CUSTER / Daily Titan Locals shop for organic tomato plants grown at the Arboretum during the “Monster Tomato and Pepper Plant Sale.” Customers purchased seeds and baby plants for growth in their home gardens. For full story see TOMATOES page 6.

U.S. Intervenes in Libya As the Libyan uprising continues, the military is charged with disabling Kadafi’s air defenses FLOR EDWARDS Daily Titan

The unrest in the Middle East goes on as Libyan leader Moammar Kadafi continues to battle rebels in Misurata, which has prompted a military response from the United

States, France and Great Britain. According to the Los Angeles Times, President Barack Obama said the U.S. military is “already stretched” after the initial strikes that disabled Kadafi’s air defenses and “other countries would be taking over the military campaign in Libya in a matter of days.” The transfer is being referred to as

a “transition” and is set to take place in “a matter of days, not a matter of weeks.” Scott Spitzer, a political science professor of American political development at Cal State Fullerton, said, “The good part is that it isn’t the U.S. by itself. The U.S. is a supported role, but it’s an essential role.”

Spitzer finds that what’s going on in the Middle East right now is fascinating. He said there are a lot of answers to why the U.S. is getting involved, mainly Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Condoleezza Rice’s push to get involved. See LIBYA, page 3

Associated Students Inc. is the intricately organized form of student government here at Cal State Fullerton. It is an organization run for and by students that consists of many branches of groups working to serve and make decisions for students, whether they realize it or not. “ASI is similar to ASB in high school,” said Megan Martinez, the chief administrative officer and candidate for the 2011-12 executive vice president. “ASI helps students find scholarships, promote school spirit or give students a burger or hot dog on their way to class.” The organization of ASI is directed from the Board of Directors as well as the ASI Executive Staff and Senate. The board consists of representatives from each of the eight academic colleges on campus, two from each department. It sets policies for ASI and approves all funds and allocations to programs and services. The board meets Tuesdays at 1:15 p.m. in the Titan Student Union and is open to all students and guests. See ASI, page 2

Health association Baseball suspends eight hosts blood drive

Following a series win, the Titans get disciplined for misbehavior

SHPA makes a change while networking AMY LEADBETTER Daily Titan

As dozens of people gather around Pavilion A waiting to donate blood, there is a student association enthusiastically running the blood drive who is passionate and determined to make it a success. They coordinated the drive with the American Red Cross and rented a room in the Titan Student Union. From there they had to advertise and recruit students to ensure the word of a blood drive was circulating on campus. The Student Health Professions

Human Services Student Association offers students a way to get involved. See what the HSSA has to offer at Dailytitan.com/ humanservices

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Association (SHPA) coordinates semi-annual blood drives. They have been doing so for the past three decades and continue to be amazed by the drive’s turnout. This semester SHPA collected 184 units of blood. Each unit saves three lives. “Being a part of SHPA is a tremendous experience,” said Alex Nguyen, a biology major and vice president of SHPA. “Not many opportunities come around when you get to do something like this and give back to the community. We recently helped save over 500 lives.” Nguyen is the key coordinator of delegating and organizing the blood drives SHPA hosts and is responsible for ensuring they run smoothly. He says the organization has helped him through school and has propelled him to go to medical school. Although SHPA members go out of their way to make sure the blood drive is the biggest volunteer event they host all semester, these drives aren’t the only thing they participate in to be involved and help the community. They also work closely with CSUF’s Health Professions Advising Office and volunteer at the Orange County Food Bank, participate in walk-a-thons and host bake sales. Daniel Moon, a biology major and president of SHPA, says that the organization is a pre-professional association network. They volunteer, provide information and have health professionals come in and speak biweekly. Moon gives credit to the SHPA when talking about his decision to become a physician. See SHPA, page 5


After a disappointing road trip that saw the No. 13 Cal State Fullerton baseball team suffer its first four-game skid since 2007 and the team commit 11 errors between LSU and Texas A&M, troubles continue to follow the club. Titan Head Coach Dave Serrano announced Monday that eight players have been suspended for their upcoming weekend non-conference series against the University of Hawaii. The players have been suspended for violation of team rules, according to a press release issued by Mike Greenlee, assistant Media Relations director of Cal State Fullerton Athletics. Titan starters, shortstop Richy Pedroza, junior third baseman Joe Terry, senior utility player Walker Moore and junior starting pitcher Colin O’Connell will not make the trip Thursday to Honolulu. Relief pitcher Ryan Ackland and catcher Zach Tanida, both seniors, and utility player Casey Watkins and designated hitter Carlos Lopez, both sophomores, will also be suspended for the weekend series. “We broke a rule. (Serrano) told us all of our consequences if we break rules at the beginning of the year and this is one of those consequences,” said a suspended player. This is not the first time baseball players have been suspended for violating team policies. Four Titans were suspended in the 1999 NCAA super-regional against Ohio State University for one game. See TITANS, page 8




POLLING: Station change controversy ...Continued from page 1 “Right now we feel that we are best effective with six with the amount of laptops we have and the amount of polling assistants,” Prieto said. In addition to labor and material resources, Uballe cited other factors in determining adequate polling locations. “You have to consider the traffic flow; you have to consider whether the wireless connection is good and whether you have electricity,” said Uballe. Christopher Labrot, 22, a technical theatre major and board member, suspected other reasons. “My understanding is that it’s because at the end of the Titan Walk, the Titan Walk has the tables for the students to campaign at, and my understanding is that polling booth was (removed) because there is a part of the bylaws that says you’re not allowed to campaign within 50 feet of a polling place,” said Labrot. “Since all of the tables had already been booked, those tables are within that 50-foot mark.” Jay Jefferson, a vice presidential candidate in the upcoming election, cited proximity issues as well. “I spoke to Dr. Uballe about it and he said that he has some concerns about its proximity to the tables on the Titan Walk, and I guess the candidates use those tables to campaign throughout the election period. He was concerned that it was too close,” said Jefferson.

ASI candidates will be campaigning at tables nine, 10 and 11 – the three closest tables to the south polling station. The reservations for these tables were made Friday, 20 days after Jefferson proposed the three new locations to the board. Even though the location was proposed for the south end before the candidates reserved their tables, Uballe said the candidates had the right to do so. “They have a right to that table. There is nothing that says that you cannot have it there because we had not finalized the polling locations,” said Uballe. According to Uballe, he and the elections commissioner have the final say on the location of the polling stations, not the board. “When you reserve something on campus you have to get it approved by the university. I represent the university. ASI is a corporation. ASI can request something, but when (Jay Jefferson) went (to the prospective location), (it) had not been approved as a site. He was only proposing it. It was not a done deal yet.” Uballe cites Jefferson’s resignation as a reason for the disorganization within elections. “I’m sorry that Jay has taken on this position (of vice presidential candidate) because he was doing such a good job as an elections commissioner. It’s his prerogative for him to run for office. By him resigning, it certainly did create a little bit of a lose in planning because of the transition,” Uballe said.

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March 22, 2011

CSUF students raise awareness for cancer Colleges Against Cancer create event to paint campus the color of hope “The disease is not going anywhere... It’s a personal, silent battle. But it doesn’t have to be,” Rangel GABRIELLE ABUTOM said. “Everyone has had or will have a connection to Daily Titan someone battling cancer.” Danielle Riniolo, a creative photography major Cal State Fullerton students will be painting the and event co-chair, is no exception. After her cousin campus purple to raise awareness for this year’s Ful- was diagnosed with cancer, Rinolo felt helpless. lerton Relay For Life. “I’m not a doctor, how The American Cancer Socould I help her?” Riniolo ciety Colleges Against Cansaid. “I feel like Relay for cer created this event to help Life gives me the chance to people affected by cancer on help people.” campus, in the community Riniolo said students forand across the nation. get that they too are at risk of According to Relayforlife. developing cancer. org, purple is the color of “It doesn’t discriminate,” hope. For one week starting she said. “People in their 20s Two years ago my uncle today, colleges and univerare not immune. Why not sities across the nation will take the steps to prevent it passed away from stomach Paint the Campus Purple to now?” cancer. This is my chance to show their support. Funds raised on the Titan Teams participating in ReWalk are for the relay and go help prevent people going lay For Life April 16 will have directly to cancer research, through everything my family tables set up along the Titan patient services, education Walk from noon to 3 p.m. and advocacy programs. and I had to go through on our The volunteers will be “Imagine if everyone on own. hosting fundraisers and accampus donated just $1,” tivities to promote the relay Riniolo said. “$50 gives a -Diana Rangel and encourage students to cancer patient five rides to join the fight against cancer. their chemotherapy appointEconomics Major Along with purple ribbons ments and back.” and baked goods, Luminaria Paulina Villalbos, a psywill be available for a small chology major and member donation. of the Relay For Life team During the relay, the Ludevelopment, said Paint the minaria Ceremony gives peoCampus Purple is the last ple the opportunity to dedichance to get students’ attencate a candle-lit bag in honor tion. of someone who is a survivor, “I want everyone to know currently battling cancer or it is not too late for them to in memory of someone who sign up for the relay,” she has lost the fight. Special said. “Cancer affects everymessages are written on the bags and placed around one; I have seen how much suffering it causes. I am the track to light up the night. sure students are interested to help but just don’t Diana Rangel, an economics major, said she hopes know how to go about doing it. This is their chance.” painting the campus purple will get students interThe Relay For Life is one of the American Cancer ested and involved in the upcoming relay. Society’s community-based events focused on honorHer personal experiences fuel her passion to en- ing cancer survivors. courage her peers to get involved. This year’s Fullerton Relay for Life will be held “Two years ago my uncle passed away from stom- from 10 a.m. to 10 a.m. April 16 to 17. ach cancer,” said Rangel. “This is my chance to help The 24-hour event will take place on CSUF’s track prevent people going through everything my family and field. and I had to go through on our own.” Last year around 600 people attended the relay and According to the American Cancer Society, there raised $29,000 for the American Cancer Society. were an estimated 157,320 new cases of cancer in Volunteers hope Tuesday’s Paint the Campus PurCalifornia alone last year. The same year, 55,710 can- ple event will inspire students to join the fight and cer patients died. leave CSUF covered with the color of hope.

ASI: What government does for you and Cal State Fullerton ...Continued from page 1 The ASI Executive Staff recognizes student’s interests to CSUF’s faculty and administration. They manage day-to-day proceedings of student programs and initiate projects that directly benefit students. The staff members include Joseph Lopez, president and CEO, Andy Lopez, executive vice president, as well as the vice president of finance, the chief administrative officer, the chief communications officer and the chief governmental officer. The ASI Executive Senate is composed of the leadership of all student-run councils and programs that ASI funds. The Senate builds the communication between all aspects of ASI. There are also 10 intercultural clubs that work with the Senate to help direct money to each club. Also functioning under ASI are groups such as ASI Productions, Titan Tusk Force, Association for Inter-Cultural Awareness, ASI Lobby Corps, the ASI Leader and Development, the Titan Rewards Program and Camp Titan. ASIP is one group that students can directly benefit from. ASIP hosts events and shows for students on campus like karaoke in the Pub, the Spring Concert, All Night Study

DTSHORTHAND AT&T Buys Out T-Mobile USA Deutsche Telekom sold TMobile USA to telecommunications giant AT&T after accepting an offer of $39 billion, according to a press release issued by T-Mobile. The company will release 100 percent ownership of T-Mobile, which has been agreed upon by both companies. According to AT&T’s press release, the merge will be a benefit to customers. “This transaction will increase spectrum efficiency to increase capacity and output, which not only improves service, but is also the best way to ensure competitive prices and services.” Brief by Kiran Kazalbash

Volunteer for Shadow Day Event Student volunteers are needed to help with the “TRIO Shadow Day,” an event that allows high school students to experience college classes and to meet students they can identify with. According to the Talent Search and Upward Bound Program flier, “The college student will serve as a mentor to show students that college is a possibility. CSUF volunteers are an essential part of this important event. Without enough volunteers, many students will not have the opportunity to participate.” Anyone interested in volunteering can contact the TSUBP by Wednesday at 657-278-8473 or by emailing Evelyn Soqui at esoqui@fullerton.edu. Students will need to attend a short orientation Friday, as well as attend a class that they can take a student to Tuesday, April 5, between 10 a.m. and noon. Brief by Arianne Custer

ETC TV and Film Panel to be Held The Entertainment and Tourism Club is hosting a TV & Film Industry Panel Wednesday at 7:30 p.m in Steven G. Mihaylo Hall, Room 1406. The panel will include industry professionals from DisneyABC, the CW Network, Warner Bros. and Pantelion Films. Students and those interested in working in the entertainment and tourism industry are welcome and will have the opportunity to network with working professionals, ask questions, get informational interviews and exchange business cards. The free event will have drinks and refreshments and is open to all majors. Any questions can be sent to etc.csuf@gmail.com. Brief by Jessica Druck

ESL Parents Talk About Difficulties

WILLIAM CAMARGO / Daily Titan The ASI Board of Directors meets at least once a week to discuss pressing issues pertaining to ASI bylaws, budgets and other issues concerning the student body at large.

and free movie showings. “ASI works for the students to make sure students enjoys their time in college,” said Thomas Kocina, ASI chief communications officer. “ASI benefits students in that it offers involvement and employment opportunities as well as scholarships.” Scholarships offered by ASI are not restricted to any major. The ASI scholarship puts emphasis on community involvement because it is a non-profit, student-based organization. Two important factors to ASI are the budget and elections. ASI provides funding for administration and programs operated by the corporations, a variety of college-level clubs and cultural groups. Each year, the budget development begins in October and ends in May. ASIP, funded and funding councils, and other clubs and organizations can request funding for the upcoming year. “The $74 that every student pays every semester is allocated to student research, travel to conferences, concerts, symposiums and (myriad) other things that the university is unable

to provide,” said Henoc Preciado, the ASI vice president of finance. Preciado also develops and implements non-profit corporate fiscal policy and oversees $15 million in operating budgets. ASI elections occur twice per year in the 11th week of each fall and spring semester. During the fall ASI elections, students vote for one of two representatives from each of the colleges on campus. The representative will serve for one year, spring to spring, on the board. Less than one month from now, students will be voting to elect the student body president and vice president during spring ASI elections. These two positions serve as the head of ASI who oversees the operation of all programs. The president and vice president will then appoint members to their executive team. Students will also be voting for the second representative from their college who will serve a one-year term of office, from fall to fall, also on the board.

The Los Amigos of Orange County held a conference to bring the parents of Englishlearning students together with teachers to open the conversation on pathways to college. The conference, held Friday in the Titan Student Union Pavilions, aimed to help both parents and teachers learn the ways they can help students who have problems speaking English. The eight-hour conference was broken up into sections, with PowerPoint presentations filled with facts, guests speakers and a preview of the short film Immersion. The room held over 30 tables, each assigned to a school district in Orange County, ranging from Buena Park to Laguna Beach. Key guests included Minerva Chavez, Ph.D., of CSUF, William Habermehl, Ph.D., of the OC Department of Education, and Amin David, the president of Los Amigos. Silas Abrego, Ph.D., the vice president of Student Affairs, opened up the event by saying, “I’m really looking forward to hearing the results of this conversation because in the end I think your input, your ideas are going to have the greatest impact on how we prepare young people to succeed.” Brief by Ashley Loera

March 22, 2011




MARK SAMALA / Daily Titan There are many opportunities for students to hop on a plane and study overseas.

Courtesy of MCT Insurgents continue their battle against Kadafi’s forces. A coalition of French, American and British air forces have been conducting raids in the country to create a no-fly zone.

LIBYA: More conflict in the Middle East and the impact it has on America ...Continued from page 1 “The two of them pushed for the U.S. to get involved,” Spitzer said. “Their interest in acting was because of their experience with Rwanda (and the U.S.) not taking action in that case. Watching all these people being killed is not really easy to do.” Spitzer said that although Rwanda and Libya are very different, “(in Lybia there) is no genocide” and by intervening maybe the U.S. could prevent more killings. The LA Times reported that Obama said he had no regrets about launching a military strike abroad, and White House officials said the president was “personally and deeply involved in this everyday.” Spitzer said “the financial commitment and the fact that our military is already stretched makes it very difficult and a risky move,” but that “on a world stage this might be a very good move if the U.S. wants to have a bigger role in the Arab world.” According to the LA Times, House Speaker John Boehner said Obama “must do a better job of communicating to the American people and to Con-

gress about our mission in Libya and how it will be achieved.” National Security Adviser Tom Donilon said Obama has been “absolutely clear with the American people” and is calling this a “targeted mission.” Exactly what that “targeted mission” is remains unclear. The LA Times reported Donilon as boasting that the “United States’ contribution to this mission is quite targeted and it is limited in scope and duration, and it is the unique things that the United States can bring.” Spitzer said “targeted mission” could mean that the U.S. is not there to “establish democracy or something broad like that, but simply to intervene to stop the violence.” “It might be absolutely essential that we remove Kadafi,” Spitzer said. He called it a “humanitarian mission to stop violence.” Spitzer said there remains the question, under what circumstances does the U.S. intervene? “How come we intervened here and not in Sudan where there is a genocide happening. I’m not saying we should intervene militarily. It doesn’t seem like there’s any doctrine for how to decide that.”

Steve Jobbitt, a CSUF professor of world history, said “the big story behind Libya is the rhetoric that we’re hearing.” “The big story is how they’re able to tie this to democracy and free markets,” Jobbitt said, referring to a statement Obama made reported in the LA Times that “America has a full commitment to democracy and open markets throughout the Western Hemisphere.” “If the United States is committed to democracy and free markets then they wouldn’t be supporting regimes like Kadafi’s regime or Mubarak’s regime in Egypt,” Jobbitt said. “There’s a history of this that goes back 100 years.” Jobbitt said it’s important to look at the history behind the rhetoric. “Why was the American government so reluctant to intervene or say anything about Libya or Tunisia or Egypt?” Mark Hinton, 23, a senior at CSUF, does not support the United States’ involvement in Libya. “I think Libya should fight it out amongst themselves.” When asked if he thinks there will ever be peace in the Middle East, he said, “I wish.”

Raising awareness for breast cancer CSUF’s Pink Ribbon Club works to support and fundraise for research opportunities hand in hand with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation and Susan G. For the Daily Titan Komen foundation, an organization An 18-year-old Cal State Fullerton supporting breast cancer research. Some of the future events planned freshman continued with her passion of raising awareness for breast cancer for the club are walks, fundraisers and by creating a new club to raise funds fun activities. Soon the club will have for the cause and research opportuni- its first fundraiser with TOMS Shoes, ties for students who want to get into where each team member will buy a pair of white TOMS to decorate the health profession. Auriana Arabpour along with two them. All the profits will go to the other freshmen founded and estab- Pink Ribbon Club Foundation. “We know there are a lot of clubs lished the CSUF Pink Ribbon Club. It is a newly formed club on campus that are concerned with the cancer allowing students the chance to get cause, like the American Cancer Soinvolved with the community, fund- ciety. We want to collaborate with raise and have a fantastic time meet- them and do a variety of events to increase campus involvement,” said ing new people around campus. “When I was in high school, Quinn Howard, vice president of the club. “Also, we Jane Sussman’s want to have an daughters creatannual event just ed the first Pink specific for our Ribbon Club, club, like a fashso I joined and ion show.” my involvement continuously inStudents who creased getting get involved in I wanted to join a Pink closer to them,” the club are able Ribbon Club here in said Arabpour, to enhance their collegiate experipresident of the CSUF, but Fullerton did club. “I wanted ence and, most not have one, so I said to join a Pink i m p o r t a n t l y, Ribbon Club they will become ‘Why not start one?’ here in CSUF, student leadbut Fullerton ers among their -Auriana Arabpour did not have peers. President of the CSUF one, so I said “I met the ofPink Ribbon Club ‘Why not start ficers last semesone?’” ter, and they are Pink Ribbon a fun group to Club will be be friends with,” working with said Eric De JeJane Sussman, sus, a pre-busiexecutive diness major and rector of team member. the Pink RibSo far in the bon Club Founclub there are dation and a breast cancer survivor. a variety of students from differThe foundation is a non-profit or- ent majors, such as public relations, ganization that provides community physiology and biology. Arabpour opportunities and raises funds in the and Howard are hoping to increase fight against breast cancer. the number of members by the end “One of my friend’s mothers has of the semester. Students of all majors breast cancer, and I had a first-hand are welcome to join. experience in witnessing how much Meetings for the Pink Ribbon it affects those close to that person,” Club are held every other Tuesday. said Jessica Perez, a team member. The next meeting will be held March “There wasn’t a thing I could do be- 29 at 3:45 p.m. in the Gilman-AB cause I really don’t know what the room in the Titan Student Union. future for the person with cancer will If you want to join or learn more be.” about the club and its future events, Not only will the club be working visit Facebook.com/CSUF-Pinkwith Sussman, but it will also work Ribbon-Club. MOISES PARDO

Courtesy of MCT

Dodgeball tournament The American Marketing Association plays host to a fundraising tournament for its club JOE McHALE

For the Daily Titan

“Don’t step on the lines” was just one of the yells heard at Cal State Fullerton’s First Annual Dodgeball Tournament Saturday. The rivalrous spirit of attending students from various clubs caused many heated arguments between the designated referees from the American Marketing Association. “I got mad because we’re really competitive,” said Mark Levine, 21, an accounting major. “But it was all in good spirit. Members of AMA put together the event for students, as well as participated in it to raise money for their club. Three teams paid the $40 admission fee in hopes to win the grand prize of $120 to Taps Fish House or $80 to Target. In the end the Latin Business Student Association took home the grand prize, while the runners-up chanted “ENT” to show the pride of their club. The third competing team, however, did not walk away emptyhanded thanks to the events sponsor, Monster Energy, who gave them the consolation prize of an entire case of their new product. Everyone was a winner. By bringing in Monster, Lisa Nguyen, 22, the vice president of membership for AMA, hoped the brand would bring a lot of excitement and buzz to the tournament, while Asif Kapasi, 23, the brand

ambassador for Monster, had other intentions. “We wanted to keep everyone awake and focused on the game,” said Kapasi. Although AMA ended up losing money in putting on this event, they still considered it a success because it brought the CSUF club communities together and raised more awareness of their cause, thus giving the event new meaning. “In the end it ended up being something more about just kind of hanging out with the other clubs,” said Josh Kim, 25, the vice president of fundraising for AMA. “Getting to know LBSA and ENT and other marketing students, that’s what it ended up being.” Although funds were not accumulated for their original purpose, the 33rd Annual New Orleans Conference in two weeks is still a go for Fullerton’s AMA. The group is excited to take part in the conference where there will be key professional marketing speakers, a case competition, a career fair and networking and team-building sessions. Despite some “potholes in the road,” as Kim would put it, the overall reaction AMA members and students involved in the tournament had was nothing short of optimistic. The lines that marked the boundaries of the dodgeball court were crooked, resembling the overall outcome of the event – imperfect, but not lacking in purpose.

Endless choices to study abroad Fair showcases the many opportunities KATHLEEN ROSELL Daily Titan

The opportunities to study abroad were endless as the first Spring Study Abroad Fair put on by the International Education and Exchange Office set up along the Titan Walk. Studying abroad is a dream for many students, but the process is so complex that many do not even bother finding out about it. These fairs are meant to showcase the many different aspects to study abroad and the countless choices and programs available to every student and every major. “The point of the fair is to inform students of the opportunities that they have, especially since this is such a big campus,” said Nancy Diaz, a study abroad student assistant. “We really want to get the study abroad programs out there and show (students) that they do have this opportunity.” In the past years there has only been a Study Abroad Fair in the fall, which promoted the upcoming semester and the next academic year for the students. This fair, however, was aimed at promoting the opportunities for programs that were still accepting applications for the upcoming summer and next semester, as well as informing students for the future. “I think that the fair is a great outlet for the students,” said Mark Tran, an international business student who spent last year in Japan. “You can go to the websites, you can see all of the information, but to actually see the vendors out here helps the students get that one-on-one contact and get all of the information and still feel that they are confident with what they are choosing.” Although many of the deadlines have already passed, the students

who took the time were still excited about the prospect of studying abroad at any point in the future. “Studying abroad is a great chance for students to experience the world and learn a lesson about the people from different countries,” said Trinh Nghiem, a business operations student. “I am thinking about studying abroad because we have our youth only once, and we need to take advantage of it as much as we can. We need to go out and see the world and enjoy it. I think that the more places you go, the more you are going to learn.” No matter what the question was, the table representing the IEE Office or the different tables that represented study abroad opportunities were ready and willing to answer the questions. The Office of International Education and Exchange is trying to promote the idea of going abroad to any student. Workshops are held regularly in the office where students can be advised about studying abroad and what it takes to qualify and apply. Students who have already experienced time abroad are also available to help with students’ questions, give advice and share stories about their year abroad. “Being on the other side of the table gives me an understanding of what the students are going through,” Tran said. “I think that I can connect with them, and that is a big help for the applying students because they want to talk to someone who understands.” The main goal of the fair was to inspire and inform the students of what opportunities are out there. From that point the students have to make the decision to study abroad and begin the application process. Information sessions are held weekly by the IEE Office in UH 244. The next Study Abroad Fair will be held in October.





A wasteful war

March 22, 2011

Fullertoon: ASI Elections BY S



Putting other countries’ needs before our own PETER CORNETT For the Daily Titan

As the United States actively engages in military conflict with yet another poor Middle Eastern nation, President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have been strongly supporting the attack on Libya. In a demonstration of our unbridled passion for human rights and respect for property, the United States fired more than 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles into Libya to “protect” Libyan civilians. Though Libya presents no direct military threat to our territory or people, the United States has joined a coalition of advanced Western democracies (and their allies) in an attempt to eradicate Libya’s government. To avoid more wasteful undertakings like Iraq and Afghanistan, we need to speak up before this newest adventure becomes another quagmire that drains American blood and treasure. In the middle of a recession and with a gargantuan national debt, can we really afford to be wasting resources on another frivolous war with undefined objectives? No, we can’t. Though U.S. officials strangely seem to be claiming that this action had nothing at all to do with oil (though oil contributes to 95 percent of Libya’s earnings through exports), the United States has no legitimate reason to attack this underdeveloped North African country. We also happen to be completely broke and must literally print money to afford the attacks. Presumably to provide support for military intervention, the United Nations adopted Security Council Resolution 1973, which authorizes U.N. member states to “take all necessary measures” to protect Libyan civilians from their own government. In the resolution, the U.N. suspended the assets of Libya’s national oil company and central bank. Bloomberg reported yesterday that Libyan rebels have created a new oil company and central bank that will operate as replacements for those under revolutionary leader Moammar Kadafi’s control. Judging from U.S. interventionist history, the new oil company and central

bank will likely be quite cozy with the States. As always, the oil must flow. Those of us with a functioning memory have noticed that the same story about war crimes given to justify our removal of Saddam Hussein has been used to justify our attack on the Libyan leadership. 4,400 dead American soldiers and over $750 billion later, the American people still have not seen any benefit from the ridiculous foreign policy adventure that is the Iraq War. No one is disputing the fact that Libya’s leader is a murderous control freak who has been solidifying his own power through violence. The problem is there are many other dictators that are as viciously tyrannical as Kadafi, and the United States cannot possibly afford to invade or bomb all of them. I sincerely hope this assault on the Libyan government doesn’t extend to the many petty tyrants plaguing the rest of the African continent. The recent global recession has served as a needed wake-up call for the American people. Many of us have reined in our spending and have begun to reduce our personal debts. In contrast, the federal government under Obama is acting as if it is exempt from the basic principles of economics. As our dollar devalues and our debt skyrockets, the Obama administration continues to blindly spend mountains of borrowed cash on projects that totally fail to benefit the American taxpayer. The destruction of the Libyan government is just such a project. I am sure many of you have noticed that we seem to be in a perpetual state of undeclared and unconstitutional war with various Third World countries. Libya is simply the latest target in a string of attacks on Islamic nations that are defenseless against the might of the U.S. military. It has become clear that Obama is blindly continuing former President Bush’s policies of regime change and spreading American democracy by force. I just find it ironic that we are getting more of the same moronic foreign policy from a president who was elected on the platform of change. President Obama: It would be really nice if you stopped attempting to forcibly lead Libya and focused instead on fixing our own economy.

Get ready, the big one is coming A natural disaster is bound to affect California, but is it time to panic? GREG DOWNEY For the Daily Titan

The question of whether or not a natural disaster will occur and affect thousands of people in Southern California is not a matter of if, but when. We sit atop the San Andreas Fault, which scientists repeatedly say is ready to go at any time. And it could hit a magnitude 8.1, as Ron-Gong Lin II mentioned in a recent Los Angeles Times article. Judging by recent events in Japan, though, and how caught off guard they were, 8.1 might just be a conservative estimate. Some of us are complacent about our faults, but we should be anything but with regard to our biggest one of all: the 810-mile San Andreas, and its nasty southern segment. Previous generations will recall using their school desks as cover during the dark days of the Cuban Missile Crisis. While that event from the Cold War era was man made, the recent catastrophe in the Far East was not. And it has some members of the Cal State Fullerton community understandably asking how prepared this campus is for a similar disaster. So what can you do to prepare? Being in a haven of learning, I think the answer is obvious: Get educated! Inform yourself of how best to prepare. Growing up in Southern California, and with my father being the constant worrier, my family always had an ample supply of water stored in the garage just in case. Lady Fortuna may be shining brightly now, but her light can go out at any time, as my father, who worked in insurance his entire career, knew all too well. There are ample resources out there to inform yourself and others of what to do when fortunes have changed for the worse. One great resource I recall hearing about on the radio some years ago is a website called 72Hours. org. Contact Us at dtopinion@gmail.com

Courtesy of MCT A photo captures the ruins from the powerful earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan last week as seen from the Sendai neighborhood.

Self-admittedly, I have spent next to no time on this site in my time on this planet. But it has great nuggets of information. For instance, do you know the first thing about switching off your utilities in a disaster, according to 72Hours.org? If you do, good for you. If you don’t, you know where to look! Part of being prepared is doing damage control. Getting educated about rare but extreme events is part of doing our part. If we all do our part, damage may be minimized. We can never know with certainty that no one will break into our homes or cars. Yet we still buy alarms. We still buy locks. We do what we can. That is what education is about. Many of us wonder about the relevance of things learned in school. But I have a feeling the family members of those washed to sea

from that immense tremor on the other side of the Pacific pond are wishing the powers that be were better prepared for a tsunami, the likes of which we haven’t seen in six and a half years. Oops, forgot about that one. Did we really have that short of a collective memory? When it comes to natural disaster preparedness, don’t look around for others to do something: Take action yourself. I was walking through the UC Berkeley campus a couple years ago and saw written on a banner tied to a light post a quote from a former student. It ended in saying “...to never stop questioning.” Question your level of preparedness. Question another person’s level of preparedness. Question the safety procedures. Question assumptions. Whatever you do, never stop questioning.


March 22, 2011

CSUF alum gains local popularity Jesse McLeod follows the footsteps of his father by playing blues music KACIE YOSHIDA Daily Titan

With a haircut that brings attention to his defining eyes, Jesse MacLeod is the definition of blue-eyed soul. His voice mimics the most talented and innovative soul singers in the past century of American history. When MacLeod steps up to the microphone nearly every night, he slips a piece of heaven into the ears of all audience members and bares his soul for people not to only hear, but to become a part of. “I started playing guitar about three and a half years ago,” said MacLeod, 26. “I had a tough time sleeping one night and decided to drive home to my parents’ house to borrow my dad’s Charles Fox guitar. I bought a beginning guitar DVD from Guitar Center the next day and here I am.” Over the past few years, MacLeod has made a nice impression on the local music scene and has made friends with some of the most talented and respected musicians in the area. From playing open mics at downtown Santa Ana’s Gypsy Den Mondays and Thursdays, MacLeod was intro-

duced to a slew of local singersongwriters and within months was in demand at restaurants. “When I met him, he’d only been playing for six months and he was getting a good feel for the guitar,” said Danny Maika, an Orange County Music Award nominee. “I was impressed that he had come so far in such a short amount of time. He’s a natural.” While MacLeod grew up in the South Bay Area, he transplanted himself to Orange County to attend Cal State Fullerton in 2002. His twangy voice reflects the likes of a southern gentleman and his punchy delivery while singing is reminiscent of his earlier attempt at a different musical genre: hiphop. Currently as a folk singersongwriter, MacLeod’s influences include Amos Lee, Ben Harper and Ray Lamontagne. “The biggest difference with hip-hop and folk music is the movement of the crowd. A seasoned folk artist has the ability to grab the attention of every person in the room during his/her song and bring everything to a hush. Everyone is frozen, intently listening to every word,” MacLeod said. It’s not uncommon for MacLeod to immediately win over audience members with his striking good looks, personality and hearty vocals. Last year he released his first EP titled “In Between Homes “and has since performed at countless venues across Los Angeles and Orange County.



SHPA: Health group boosts careers

Courtesy of Jesse McLeod

“I believe the soulful inflections and blue notes you hear in my voice set me apart from many people,” MacLeod said. “I can thank my old man for playing all of those blues records in the house when I was a boy.” From his humble persona, one would never realize that MacLeod’s father is an internationally renowned veteran delta blues musician. When Doug MacLeod fans find out that Jesse is his son, they are often awestruck. “I was over at the Pint House and (Jesse) was playing there,” said Miles Mahan, a fan. “I’ve been aware of Doug MacLeod for years. They were like local heroes of mine in Long Beach. I couldn’t believe that Doug MacLeod was

this guy’s dad.” And while MacLeod usually shies away from letting people in on his little secret, later this year he plans on opening for his father in Los Angeles. It would be no surprise to watch this local musician and CSUF alumnus make an impact on the airwaves within the next year or so. His songs are touching and well arranged. And while he is a rookie in the eyes of veteran local musicians, MacLeod has made a strong impact on those who listen to his music every night in venues and restaurants across Orange County and Los Angeles. To find Jesse MacLeod’s music and show schedule, go to JesseMacLeod.com.

ARIANNE CUSTER / Daily Titan The Student Health Professions Association coordinates semi-annual blood drives on the Cal State Fullerton campus.

...Continued from page 1 “I don’t think I would have ever chosen the path I’m on today if I was not part of SHPA,” says Moon. “Our club focuses a lot on students who are unsure about what career path they want to take and provides them with the opportunity to interact with professionals and experience different fields.” SHPA is a student-run association that provides a forum for those who have a desire to gain insight, wisdom and knowledge required to become a health professional. It is aimed to assist those who are interested in pursuing a career in the medical field but are

unsure of the various opportunities of professions available. “Being a member of SHPA has strengthened me to choose the allopathic medical route,” says Jacqulyne Sylvia, 21, a biology major and allopathic medical chair of SHPA. “We work hand-in-hand with other medical professionals. Because the club incorporates an assortment of medical professions, no matter where our expertise lies, we all have the same drive and are all motivated to help others.” SHPA welcomes any students who are interested in pursuing a career in the medical field. They meet Fridays at 1 p.m. For more information visit their website at Fullerton.edu/health_professions/ shpa.

Big Bear: A nearby winter getaway A look into the travel options the close-by mountain range has to offer for visitors JESSICA DRUCK Daily Titan

If you’re like me, a middle-class Southern California resident who grew up sans the luxuries of Mediterranean vacations and European getaways, then you probably frequented places closer to Orange County that didn’t require a plane ticket for vacation. I knew Big Bear well as a child because it was close by, cheap and my parents didn’t have to worry about getting all their kids shots to ward off foreign diseases. Now, as an adult who isn’t jaded by collecting rocks and squirrels, I still frequent Big Bear. It’s a great getaway - even if for just a day - because it takes a little over an hour to get to (if you live in Orange County) and if you like winter sports, fresh air, nature, eating and hanging out, this place is for you. My favorite time of year to go is during the winter to take advantage of the snowy scenery that surrounds the lake. Big Bear is home to two ski resorts: Bear Mountain and Snow Summit. For anyone serious about winter sports, this is your place and if you’re serious about watching people, be serious about winter sports; they have great ski lodges with breathtaking views of the slopes for you to sit back and watch. Lodging is plentiful as visitors

It’s a great getaway –even if for just a day– because it takes a little over an hour to get to (if you live in Orange County) and if you like winter sports, fresh air, nature, eating and hanging out, this place is for you.

can enjoy affordable hotels, cabins or condos within walking distance of each resort and the town. Or get something a little farther away and utilize the shuttle access for boarders and skiers. Each resort hosts events throughout the peak of its season (typically in March). Bear Mountain is teaming up with Analog Clothing and KROQ to host events like boarding competitions and handing out free paraphernalia throughout the month. If you’re trying to save money, you can find plenty of discounts. Bear Mountain offers free snowboarding

JESSICA DRUCK / Daily Titan Big Bear offers snowy landscapes for sports, such as skiing and snowboarding during the winter, and fresh nature hikes and camping options during the spring and summer.

on your birthday as well as plenty of other ways to save online, because believe me, us college kids try to save a buck wherever and whenever we can. If you’re not into boarding or skiing, Big Bear does offer snow tubing: a safer, cheaper and more embarrassing alternative that you don’t have to tell anyone about. If you want to stay dry but still active, there’s the Bowling Barn: a big red barn you can’t miss off Lakeview Drive. The barn offers bowling - glow-inthe-dark bowling that is - a jukebox, a full bar and menu, and if I remem-

ber correctly, a guy named Hal offering free love advice after his love life failed miserably. The Village in town - a few blocks of restaurants, shops, movie theaters, cafes and bars - provides entertainment as well. Sink your teeth into something savory at the Copper Q, located on Pine Knot Avenue. It will satisfy your java tooth and make your mouth water with its high-end baked goods, such as scones, quiche, cookies and even homemade marshmallows. If you’re looking for a good place to eat that’s fun, comfortable, affordable and doesn’t involve four tiny

forks making you guess which one to start with, check out Azteca Grill Mexican Restaurant on Big Bear Avenue. It has happy hour, casual attire, Mexican food that suffices (you’re not in Puerto Vallarta, what do you expect?) and the noise level is right in the middle so you will feel OK about having two too many margaritas and using your outdoor voice inside. At night, the view of the ski slopes are a sight as the lights of the chairlifts cascade down the snowy hillside, making a beautiful depiction of a winter escape. You can’t help being transfixed. The nightlife is pretty good during the peak of the season. The Village is home to a few local bars that are homey and welcoming. Chad’s Place, located on Village Drive, has everything you would think a typical mountain bar would have: several pool tables, a mini stage for a band to play and lots of booze. You might even run into some of your favorite snowboarders or skiers when events are going on. Just around the corner is Murray’s Saloon and Eatery, an old “dive” bar no bigger than a two-car garage with everything you’d think a mountain dive bar would have: karaoke, old guys and old guys hitting on drunk

girls singing karaoke. It’s entertaining, I promise. The small room makes for a warm and cozy atmosphere and hey, you might run into one of your favorite boarders because he got kicked out of Chad’s Place. Whatever you do, don’t ever leave Big Bear without stopping by Grizzly Manor Café. It’s a local breakfast spot; it’s tiny, you will probably have to eat in line while waiting to eat breakfast, but trust me, it’s good. The portions are ridiculous; pancakes come in stacks hanging off the edge of the plate and they have a meal called “the mess,” which incorporates a mess of breakfast (let your mind go there). It’s cheap, it’s loud and it will fill you up until 8 p.m. so you can save money on not eating lunch or dinner. Big Bear is a beautiful city beside a lake. If you aren’t going in the winter, enjoy it in the summer as well when you can hike its trails, camp in one of the several sites scattered throughout the mountain or enjoy the lake with its fishing, boating or wakeboarding opportunities. Information on snowboarding deals can be found at BearMountain. com, SnowSummit.com or Ticketmaster.com. dailytitan.com/features



March 22, 2011


Tomatoes for sale on campus The Fullerton Arboretum hosts ninth annual “Monster Tomato and Pepper Plant Sale”


If you missed out on the Fullerton Arboretum’s “Monster Tomato and Pepper Plant Sale,” you still have a chance to get in on a variety of organic plants at the Potting Shed. Although the hot and sweet pepper plants sold out on the second day, there are still over 100 varieties of disease-resistant and easyto-grow tomato plants to choose from. The ninth annual sale occurred this last weekend, bringing in hundreds of customers including home gardeners, farmers market sellers, chefs and even a horticulturist from the San Diego Zoo. They came to select from over 250 varieties of tomato plants, almost 60 varieties of hot peppers and 50 selections of sweet peppers. Nursery manager Evie Tyra said growers came to their sale not only because they had the largest selection in one place, but also because all the plants are grown from seeds without the use of pesticides or herbicides. She also said, “We’ve built up a clientele. People come year after year.” A friend recommended the sale to Vivian Medina and her husband Jason because the Monster Sale included harder-to-find plants such as heirlooms. “We usually do our own gardening. The tomatoes that you grow in your own garden taste so much better than the ones in the grocery store,” said Vivian. “This was our first time here. We were looking for things to do around the area, and we’ve always been interested in growing things ourselves,” said Jason. “Next year we’ll be sure to come early because all of the peppers were gone.” People came out as singles, couples and as families to shop during the Friday through Sunday sale. Some purchased only a single plant or just a few, while one gardener took home 200 plants. “They have more vitamins, nutrients and anti-

oxidants when picked fresh versus when they sit at a grocery store for awhile,” Tyra said. Brett Gaviglio and his two young daughters enjoyed picking out 12 varieties of tomato plants just before the sale rained out on the last day. A worker at a local Home Depot recommended the sale to him when he was buying supplies to work on his yard. He looked it up on Google and then decided to bring the family along for the experience. “We’re growing organic, and we have all sorts of vegetables in our garden. We wanted to get something that we couldn’t get at a regular store, something exotic,” said Gaviglio. He added that typically he can only find beefsteak or cherry tomato plants. Gaviglio also said that being able to get a lot of varieties at the sale definitely helped because you never know how it will grow in your garden depending on the soil and light. He and his two girls picked out a dozen plants, including Hillbilly, Green Giant, German Pink and Japanese Plum. “It’s important that they understand the process of how it gets from the ground to the table,” said Robin Russell, master gardener and volunteer. “Growing their own food can add a level of stability to families during these economic times.” Russell added, “It’s good to get the word out to people on how to grow their own food. Events like these allow urban gardeners to do potted containers and still experience the joy of gardening even if they don’t have the yard space.” Tyra said growers can get a few of the tomato plants elsewhere but not all the varieties that the Arboretum offers. Their selection yields white, yellow, orange, pink, purple, red, green and striped fruits. Tyra said the lighter ones are less acidic for those who need to consider that in their diet, whereas some people like the taste of the deeper colors. Tyra recommends beginner gardeners stop by and check out their selection because not only is it the season to start planting, it’s also

JESSICA DRUCK / Daily Titan The Entertainment and Tourism Club meets monthly to discuss events and networking.

ETC: The social network


ARIANNE CUSTER / Daily Titan The Fullerton Arboretum sold tomato and sweet pepper plants to customers interested in planting their own seeds in their home gardens.

simply hard to kill a tomato plant. The Arboretum expects to have a good selection of tomato plants for a few more weeks, with each one costing $3. The plants are sold at the Potting Shed which is open Tuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. In addition to the leftover plants from the recent sale, there is a small selection of eggplants as well as their usual stock of flowers and plants, including vines,

Smoking hookah on campus The Hookah Smoking Society formed as a stress relief and now brings bonding ALNAS ZIA Daily Titan

Pretty soon you may happen to see a group of students smoking hookah on campus. No, it’s not the latest student service offered by the Titan Student Union. Formed during the stressful finals week last semester, the Hookah Smoking Society is all set to fully launch this semester. “Everybody has loved the idea. I wanted to smoke hookah first on campus before having a bunch of students doing it,” said Robert Tyler, president of the Hookah Smoking Society. “My friends and I did it the week before finals last semester in the Titan Walk, and we got a lot of positive response from the students walking by.” The 22-year-old business major understands that the nature of his club may raise some eyebrows because it aims to bring together students on campus for the purpose of smoking. “It’s totally legal. When I came up with the idea (for the club), I knew that people might look down upon us. I met with the dean to make sure that everything we did was by the book,” Tyler said. The club’s interim adviser, Associate Dean of Students Esiquio Uballe, also expressed his initial concern when Tyler approached him with an idea of a hookah-smoking club. “I seriously considered not approving the recognition of the club because members would engage in an unhealthy pastime,” said Uballe. But at the same time he realized that although smoking cigarettes on campus is regulated, it is not prohibited. “To me the primary reason of this club is to sit down and smoke together while following the campus regulations,” Uballe added. Tyler developed his fondness for hookah during the time he worked at a hookah bar and realized that it is a great way to relax and bond with friends. The club’s treasurer, Ryan Streck-

CYNTHIA RODRIGUEZ / Daily Titan Daniel Casey, 22, a business major, was one of the many students who stopped by for a quick smoke. He says smoking is a social thing and a way to relax with friends.

fus, 22, a political science major, believes that the Hookah Smoking Society is no different in its aim than other organizations on campus. “Hookah is our medium to bond; other clubs use various other mediums to do so,” said Streckfus. Hygiene is an important issue for Tyler, and he makes sure that all the club members are provided with their own filter tips to smoke from the hookah pipe. The duo believe that contrary to the common belief, smoking hookah is not dangerous to health. “There really hasn’t been much medical research into it. I have gone several weeks without smoking hookah, and I never had an urge to smoke it,” Streckfus said on whether

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or not he believes hookah is addictive. His viewpoint is echoed by Tyler who thinks that there have been “no conclusive studies that link hookah to anything bad.” Tyler relates to a personal experience to emphasize his view. “Smoking anything stops bone regeneration, so when I broke my collarbone I couldn’t smoke hookah,” he recalls. “I went that much time, a couple of months, and I wasn’t craving hookah.” All Cal State Fullerton students over the age of 18 are welcome to join the club for free. The club has a sufficient number of hookah sets and a variety of different hookah flavors to cater to a large number of students.

succulents, herbs and Californian natives. The next largest selection at the Arboretum will be during the “Green Scene Plant Sale and Garden Show” April 16 and 17 featuring 100 vendors with a wide variety of regional plants and garden accessories for sale. There will also be hundreds of plants on sale during “Herb Weekend” at the Fullerton Arboretum May 14 and 15. For more information, visit FullertonArboretum.org.

In most cases, social networking involves a laptop, a cropped picture of yourself and a list of things you “like.” In the Entertainment and Tourism Club’s case, social networking involves mingling at mixers, TV tapings, award shows and industry panels with working professionals and shaking hands instead of sending friend requests. Every Monday night ETC members fill a small conference room in College Park, discussing planning tactics, events, new ideas and ways to critique the image and future events of the club. ETC was founded six years ago and comprised only of students in the entertainment studies concentration. As time passed and the Entertainment and Tourism program grew, the club expanded into other segments supporting students from all fields in the Colleges of Business and Communications and also went from three members to 130 in the past four years. Taylor Somera, 21, president of ETC, said their main goal is to help students interact with working professionals and other students. “We post events on campus for students to network at and meet professionals in different industries,” said Somera. “Each month we focus on different industries; we’ve had sports panels, TV and film is coming up, and other events as well.” Anne Pelczar, the vice president of relations feels these events are crucial for students unsure what they want to do yet. “They are certainly beneficial for entertainment students since most of

what we do is geared toward all kinds of entertainment. Our sports panels cover entertainment, as do the music, TV and film, or special events panels,” said Pelczar. Students also get the opportunity to hear from CSUF alumni now involved in the entertainment industry during Communications Week. “We bring out CSUF alumni who are in the ETC industry to talk to students about what CSUF students can do and allow them to mingle,” Somera said. ETC allows students to see a wide spectrum of various job opportunities in the entertainment industry, a perk they may not get on their own. “Our club offers the best chance to learn about all the fields within the entertainment industry and many positions within several fields,” Pelczar said. “Our panelists include everyone from accountants over marketing managers to producers or catering managers; literally everything gets covered during the year.” Joining ETC has made a lasting impression on the members, like Paul Gauci, 22, vice president of ETC. “I would probably be totally lost and worried graduating right now if I wouldn’t have joined ETC,” said Gauci. “I probably wouldn’t have any idea what I wanted to do or have any contacts to hit up when I graduate.” Anyone can join and as a member, the club emails students with weekly internship updates and opportunities. Above all, students get the chance to become part of the campus. “Every student should be involved in extracurricular activities,” Pelczar said. “It’s a way to get involved on campus and actually make it your home; it’s a good way to find friends on (a) campus as large as ours.”


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4 7 1 6 2 5

5 9 2 8 4 1

8 4 3 5 6 7

5 6 8 3 4 1 9 7 2 2 4 7 8 5 9 3 6 1 Daily Sudoku: Mon 27-Sep-2010



7 4 5 1 7 9 2 4 1

4 8



9 2 3

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Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Relationships flourish, both publicly and privately. Each person maintains independence, while joining together to share old memories and make new ones.

6 2 7 4 8 3

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Group members come together to choose a unified direction. Enthusiasm builds as the work begins. An older person tracks the progress. Play your role.

7 8 6 3 9 2

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Take time today to plan a social outing. You don’t need to break the bank to have a wonderful time. Choose a spot you haven’t tried before. Love blossoms.

How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Keep your eyes peeled for the chance to do something new today. Independent thinking provides unusual opportunities for you and others. Keep an open mind.

Daily Sudoku: Mon 27-Sep-2010

2 1 5 9 7 4

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Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) If you were by yourself, you’d enjoy getting your work done without stress. Others want you to play now. Get them to help with the work first.

3 5 9 2 1 6

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Don’t waste time arguing. It takes something to generate helpful conversation, but the results are worth it. Just handle the situation gracefully.

4 8 2 3 7 4 5 1 7 9 2 8 4 1 8 9 1 3 8 7 5 9

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Although your mind may be on the weekend and family activities, remain focused on work. The rewards come when the job is done. Enthusiasm moves it forward.

9 1 3 7 6 4 5 1 9

9 6 4 1 3 8

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Accept every opportunity that comes your way with enthusiasm. You may not be able to do it all, but your productivity will surprise you. Share time with friends later.



very hard

Cancer (June 22-July 22) Others fill your work environment with discussion and even argument. What seems obvious to you inspires lively conversation, which enriches the outcome.


7 2 4 6 1 5 8 3 9

Gemini (May 21-June 21) Even though you wish you could act independently, today you get better results working closely with a partner. Employ tried-and-true methods.

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Daily Sudoku: Mon 27-Sep-2010

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Your desire to take independent action is supported by your bosses. Put your energy into changes that transform the philosophical landscape.



Aries (March 21-April 19) An older individual has the knowledge you need. Now grasp the theory and apply it yourself. Add your unique touch to the final product.




March 22, 2011

Moving up the ladder

Titans claim two titles and two regional berths

JESSICA Mc COY Daily Titan

Cal State Fullerton gymnastics took home major honors in the Western Athletic Conference Gymnastics Championships in San Jose on Saturday. “I believe with the level of intensity that we had we reached our highest point, and it showed because we hit our highest score, and I’m proud of all the girls,” said Megan Farris, a sophomore floor specialist. Titan Head Coach Jill Hicks was named the 2011 WAC Coach of the Year for the second time. “To sum it up, it was amazing,” said Hicks. Senior all-around gymnast Alaina Baker dazzled the crowd, taking home first place individually, all-around posting a total score of 39.125, nearly matching her career best and taking first on floor with a near perfect score of 9.900. “I was really happy, and I knew all the hard work had paid off, and I was happy to share that moment with my team because it was our last meet of the regular season,” said Baker. Senior Shelly Cooper and Baker were named first team All-WAC honors for floor where Cooper finished with 9.825. Baker also earned first team in allaround. Cooper showed confidence and never competed in regionals. “Everyone loved Shelly’s routine for floor; the crowd responded extremely well,” Hicks said. Cooper also earned second team AllWAC for vault and tied for first place against San Jose State freshman Cassandra Harrison. Cooper also landed second team for all-around having the highest total score of 38.775 as an individual, beating out No. 21 Spartan Thomasina Wallace who scored 38.675.

JONATHAN GIBBY / Daily Titan Titan sophomore shortstop Richy Pedroza was one of the eight Titans suspended for four games for violating team rules.

TITANS: Serrano lays down the law ...Continued from page 1

DANIEL ENOS / For the Daily Titan Titan senior all-around gymnast Alaina Baker won two titles at the WAC Championships.

With tension, excitement and determination going into the championship, Hicks was very surprised by her seniors. “I am very proud of both of them because it was a lot of pressure and I knew they were capable, but I did not know they had the mindset, and they handled it beautifully,” Hicks said. The pressure was on for the Titans because even to qualify for regionals, the NCAA must count three away meets, and the Titans only had two this season, not including this meet. “I had to cancel two away meets because we were short, so going into this meet the girls knew how well they needed to do, and they did,” Hicks said. Many Titan fans traveled to San Jose to show their love and support. “A bunch of parents came to support and there were tears of joy; a lot of people thought we were crying because

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we finished last, but we were crying because of how much we had accomplished during that meet,” Hicks said. It took a certain mentality to perform, and Baker knew what she was able to do and exceeded expectations. “Go out there with confidence, not worrying about anything but giving your all and supporting your teammates,” Baker said about the pressure of dealing with the championships. This was the last regular meet for Baker and Cooper. “Going out there we both knew it was not about ourselves but for the team. Not being sure if the program would still be around, we gave it our all for Titans gymnastics,” Baker said in regards to her last meet with her teammates. The individual NCAA Women’s Gymnastics West Regional will be hosted by Oregon State April 2 at 4 p.m. PDT in Corvallis, Ore.

Typical of other major collegiate athletic programs, the suspension the eight Titan players received can usually be attributed to behavioral or curfew violations, but Serrano was unavailable for an official comment on the situation. “The school, department and program have no other comment. It is an in-house issue that is being taken care of with the one-weekend suspension,” according to Greenlee. The series begins Friday night at 9:35 PST at Les Murakami Baseball Stadium. A doubleheader will take place Saturday among the teams, with the first game set for 6:05 p.m. PST and the second game still to be scheduled. Sunday at 4:05 p.m. PST the Titans will close out the fourgame series. The team will stay intact for the Tuesday and Wednesday two-game DeMarini West Coast Challenge against the visiting Arizona State Sun Devils. Baseball America has the Sun Devils currently ranked sixth in the nation, with an overall record of 15-4. The Sun Devils, winners of their last five out of six, are coming off two impressive home wins last week against the No. 9 Oklahoma

University Sooners. The players will be reinstated after the series against the Rainbows, Tuesday night for their midweek affair with the visiting No. 24 UCLA Bruins at Goodwin Field. “If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t do what I did; none of my teammates would,” said one of the suspended players. “We’re really sorry and regret all our actions.”

CAMILLE TARAZON / Daily Titan Starting third baseman junior Joe Terry will be riding the bench this weekend.

DTSHORTHAND Track Laps Around Trojan Meet

Cal State Fullerton track and field’s Jayson Perez and Ciara Short had victories Saturday at USC for the Trojan Invitational. Perez took the men’s 3,000 meter with a time of 8:41.66. Anthony Castellon came in seventh, Brian Aleman in 11th, Kyle Lintz in 14th and Jason Haase following behind him. Short won the women’s 400-meter dash with a time of 52.90. Katie Wilson came in sixth in the 400 with a time of 56.25. For women’s 3000-meter run, Grace Gonzales came in third, clocking in at 10:15.96. For women’s pole vault, Ginny English came in third, leaping 11 feet, 5 ¾ inches. For the men’s 4X 400 relay race, Javon May, DeAndrae Woods, Ryan Hankes and Giovanie Salinas all came in with a time of 3:25.19. For men’s pole vault, Shawn McNany reached a height of 15 feet, 1 inch. The next meet will be at Titan Track for the Titan Twilight Open Friday at noon. Brief by Jessica Mc Coy

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