Daily Titan April 20, 2011

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Vol. 89 Issue 40

April 20, 2011


EXCLUSIVES dailytitan.com

Controversy surrounds recent ASI Elections................4

See what students are doing to persuade Gordon to sign the Declaration to Defend Public Education at Dailytitan.com/ protestcoverage

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Protest Continues The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

Student sleep-in at Langsdorf Hall pushes into third day without a clear resolution

JONATHAN GIBBY / Daily Titan Two students find a way to pass the time during another night of protest in Langsdorf Hall. Over 100 students and faculty were camped out with supporters coming from Cal State Long Beach, Cal Poly Pomona, CSU Northridge, Fullerton College and other schools.

The Two Sides Both President Milton Gordon and the activists have taken strong stands on the issue.


Protest Numbers

Campus sleep-in continues while students and faculty plan their next move

60+ hours

camped out in Langsdorf Hall & faculty 100+ students in attendance


10 schools

Daily Titan

If you don’t think that I don’t want quality education here on campus, it would be a shame. Refuses to sign Declaration to Defend Public Education. Left campus Tuesday around 5 p.m.


Students for Quality Education

Students, faculty and staff are tired of trying to do all the work and the admin just sitting back and watching. Has helped organize the sit-in at Langsdorf Hall. Students and faculty have been in LH for 60 hours.


Sleeping bags and blankets lined the halls of the second floor of Langsdorf Hall as students, faculty and staff readied themselves for a second night of protest as a result of President Milton Gordon’s refusal to sign the Declaration to Defend Public Education. Veronica Herrera, a senior English major, feels “it’s not right that President Gordon is not standing with the students” and that “his signature would mean a lot of support to the students.” “I’ve been to board meetings, and it doesn’t seem like he cares,” said Herrera. Herrera joined over 100 other students from Cal State Fullerton, Cal Poly Pomona, Cal State Northridge, Cal State Los Angeles, Cal State Long Beach, UC Irvine, Mt. San Antonio College and Fullerton College as they passed out copies of the Declaration and received signatures of support. Professors, faculty members, community members and local businesses also reached out to the students, asking if they needed anything and offered to bring food, water, coffee and snacks. “Sacramento State held a rally for CSUF,” said Cameron Mahdad, a sophomore business major, an intern for the California Fac-

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Cal State Fullerton. CSU Dominguez Hills. CSU Long Beach. Cal State Los Angeles. UC Irvine. Mt. San Antonio College. Fullerton College. Cal Poly Pomona. Sacramento State. CSU Northridge.


JONATHAN GIBBY / Daily Titan Campus Police patrol the student-lined hallways of Langsdorf Hall during what has so far been a peaceful protest.

ulty Association and member of Students for Quality Education. “They called me during the rally from their administration building chanting ‘Fullerton’ and raised $55 for pizza.” Mahdad’s role in the protest was questioned yesterday when Gordon and acting Vice President for Student Affairs Silas Abrego refused to sign the Declaration because they thought it was drafted by the CFA. “Yesterday Abrego asked, ‘Who is the CFA intern that is getting paid?’ and everyone knew he was talking about me, but I am not getting paid,” Mahdad said. “If that is the issue, I will resign from Stu-

dents for a Quality Education.” Although the CFA and SQE work closely together in many circumstances, they are in no way affiliated with each another. “Abrego was saying that (statement) to turn students against one another,” Mahdad said. “This protest is driven entirely by students, faculty and staff. I am paid by the CFA through a time sheet, but this is all my free time and I am willing to give up my internship if that is a problem.” Sleepy from spending the night at Langsdorf Hall, he still participated in radio and television interviews throughout the day.

“It is inspiring to a lot of people when a small group of people get together and a big thing can happen,” a smiling Mahdad said. “I feel like change is happening. I feel like people are finally being aware of what’s really going on and not by false assumptions, and we are going to mobilize even more people for the next day.” Mahdad said he will spend the rest of the evening going over a new strategy for the morning and he is thinking about revising the Declaration. See PROTEST, page 2

NEWS The benefits of studying abroad for college credits ........................................2 OPINION Various viewpoints voiced on budget crisis protest ........................................5 DETOUR Comic books take over the box office ........................................6 SPORTS Women’s tennis Senior Day in a heated battle for the win ........................................8




April 20, 2011

PROTEST: Students and faculty spend another night in Langsdorf Hall awaiting President Gordon

Show You Care at the iCare Festival

...Continued from page 1 “This protest puts the students in control because the administration is becoming fearful of the media attention, because they weren’t expecting that,” Mahdad said. “The students who are here, they are exercising their First Amendment rights as citizens to air their own ideas,” said Professor Mouggo Nyaggah, president of the California Faculty Association. “The classes are not available for students to graduate in a timely manner.” Nyaggah believes Gordon will not be budging on his refusal to sign anytime soon. “I think President Gordon is going to ride this out because the problem is beyond signing the declaration,” Nyaggah said. “This problem extends from here to the Chancellor’s Office to Sacramento.” Nyaggah also thinks the problems in the Cal State are “bigger than what President Gordon can solve by signing the petition.” “The message will go out to the public so they can see the future of the state,” Nyaggah said. “The future of this state of economy depends on power of the men and women. We need accountants, chemists and teachers. This is the time not to lose our sight on our goal, which is to keep the state vibrant.” Jarrod Lovell, a professor of criminal justice and the vice president of the CFA, does not blame Gordon or the administration, but points out that the problems “are structural” within the state of California. “Students today deserve (the) same quality that their parents had and their parents’ parents had,” said Lovell. “The chancellors are asking students to make sacrifices.” After 60 hours of protesting, Muhdad is still energetic and motivated about the future. When asked how much longer the group will protest for, Lovell answered, “You should ask President Gordon that question.”

JONATHAN GIBBY / Daily Titan Chirag Bhakta, a member of Students for Quality Education, sleeps outside of CSUF President Milton Gordon’s office in the second day of the sit-in held in Langsdorf Hall.

Social Work Nat’l Accreditation JONATHAN GIBBY / Daily Titan Spirits remain high while CSUF student Bryan Norton plays guitar throughout the evening.

LUCIO VILLA / Daily Titan History Professor Wendy Elliot Seheinberg, grades papers during the second night of the sit-in held in Langsdorf Hall.

Study abroad programs enable students to gain real-world experience Editorial

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Bring out your running shoes and an extra pair of new or slightly worn shoes to Cal State Fullerton’s first iCare Festival for exercise and a vendors fair Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. While the active runner can put their shoes to use in either the youth 1k or 5k run/walk, Soles4Souls will have a variety of locations set up for students to donate shoes to people in need in over 125 countries. Sports Gift will also have collection locations set up so students with unwanted sports equipment can support active lifestyles to those in need. The iCare Festival is intended to encourage students and community members to live green and active lifestyles. The vendors fair will showcase the eco-friendly clubs and organizations on campus and have a children’s play area. The marathon takes the runner around campus with various water stations to keep hydrated. After the race, participants can relax with complimentary chair massages by the SRC pool, enjoy organic wine tasting and Green Truck, Donchow Tacos will provide organic and savory food. To register for the 1k or 5k run/walk or for more information visit Asi.Fullerton.edu/ iCareFestival. Brief by Cynthia Rodriguez

Students learn internationally Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor News Editor News Editor News Assistant News Assistant Content Editor Opinion Editor Opinion Assistant Sports Editor Sports Assistant Sports Assistant Features Editor Features Assistant Detour Editor Detour Assistant Copy Editor Copy Editor


Isa Ghani Rachel David Keith Cousins Kiran Kazalbash Anders Howmann Jessica Rubio Kelsey Laney Gabrielle Abutom Charlotte Knight Gilbert Gutierrez III Michellee Cooper Elliot Cook Katie Evans Carmen Varner Anna Gleason Krystle Uy Kyle Martinez Gilbert Gonzalez


Steve Duran, a senior business major, said studying abroad was a oncein-a-lifetime opportunity that enriched his college experience. “I think from the moment I arrived in Beijing, I realized that my life would never be the same when I left the country,” said Duran, who is studying entertainment tourism and management. Duran studied abroad during the 2009-10 academic year. He said that studying abroad allows you to apply life skills you might not use here in the states and said if the opportunity presents itself, students should take advantage of studying abroad. However, Cal State Fullerton students seem to overlook the study abroad programs entirely. According to communications Professor Dean Kazoleas, who runs a study abroad program, the percentage of students sent by private universities to study abroad is about 30 to 40 percent, compared to CSUF where the total number is 0.3 percent of students. Study abroad adviser Kathryn Morrissey said last year the university sent only 150 students to study abroad.

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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSUF System. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. Copyright ©2011 Daily Titan

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However, this year the projected numbers appear to be 250, which is a big increase, but she would still like to see more. Morrissey also said these numbers tend to align with national figures. According to the Institute for International Education Open Doors survey, 260,000 students from the United States study abroad in other countries. CSUF allows students to participate in any study abroad program that is accredited, which means the courses students take need to be accredited by some organization, usually the ministry of education for that country. There are approximately 9,000 study abroad programs and the study abroad website breaks them down into four distinct categories. The first category is exchange programs. CSUF has agreements with 10 different universities. CSUF sends a student to study at one those universities and they send somebody over here. These run for either a semester or a full year. The second category is the international programs. These are a part of the whole CSU. Some of them are exchange programs where they send a student and the other university receives a student. But some are traditional exchange programs where they just send a student and don’t receive. Duran participated in one of these types of programs. The third category is department programs. These are programs that are offered by the different colleges at CSUF. The colleges that do these the most are the College of Business, College of Communications and College of Humanities and Social Sciences. The last category is non-CSUF programs. This is where the majority of the 9,000 options come into play. It’s essentially any program that is not affiliated with CSUF. “Pretty much as long as you are going to get transcripts from an accredited college, we are going to let you go,” said Morrisey. There is no way to give a precise estimate for an overall cost of a study abroad program. There are different factors such as the location, the university, the length of time and the spending habits of each person. Kazoleas’ study abroad program to Korea is $3,800 and that includes room and board for four-and-a-half months as well as airfare to and from Korea. That is on top of tuition to CSUF. In his program, Kazoleas takes students to study at the Dong-Ah Institute for Media and Arts in Korea. He started the program back in 2002

when he was teaching at Illinois State, and he brought back the program in 2009. Kazoleas believes there are three criteria for a good study abroad program: it has to be useful for a student’s degree, it has to be affordable for students and there needs to be a fun factor for the students as well. He said if programs build on those three, they tend to work. “I would never recommend a student go abroad if they are not making progress toward their degree … Rather what I suggest is that they go abroad and take classes that are going to help them grow both professionally in their major and both developmentally as a person,” Kazoleas said. The students that have gone, according to Kazoleas, seemed to have really enjoyed the program. Many of them have actually gone back to Korea. Kazoleas’ program is open to students of any major, although at the moment it is mainly communications students. Examples of classes students can take include media ethics, video production, post-production, public relations writing, international public relations, research methods, photography and there are also two 40-hour internships. There are also performing arts classes and graphic design. “It’s eye-opening in terms of a global perspective … When you see how other people live, you see how other cultures vary, you see how things work differently in different countries. It really changes your perspective of the world,” Kazoleas said. The study abroad class Duran took was Mandarin, so he said afterward he came back with a better understanding of the language. “Personally, it made me a more mature person. I had to make my own decisions and handle my finances better than how I did here. Also, I feel like I learned a lot about the culture and gained a respect and admiration for the people I interacted with,” Duran said. According to Duran, the whole experience cost him about $25,000. This included air travel to and from Beijing, tuition fees, living expenses like food and cell phone minutes, and travel both within and outside China. He did receive a scholarship from the international programs that helped supplement his financial aid. When asked why students don’t participate in study abroad programs, Morrissey said there are five main reasons, which she called the five F’s, and those are family, friends, fear, faculty and finances. However she said the benefits outweigh the cons.

Cal State Fullerton’s social work program received national accreditation from the Council on Social Work Education. This accreditation is a four-year process that CSUF’s social work program completed in a timely manner. The program and students now join 208 other accredited Master of Social Work programs throughout the country. According to the article “Stamp of Approval” on the campus website, this authorization is considered the top appreciation of the university’s social work program. The program currently has 108 students. David Cherin, the director and professor of social work, claims that 80 percent of their graduating students are currently employed. The graduate program requires 60 units, 1,000 hours of off-campus work and the completion of two years in the program. The article stated that just last year the university offered this program to part-time students. Internships in Orange and Los Angeles Counties are gained with the help of the 14 member faculty that teach in the social work program. Internships include but are not limited to working with at-risk children, helping the homeless and dealing with poverty-impacted communities. The newly accredited Masters of Social Work program continues to teach students to work effectively in their communities, helping those in need and less fortunate, and understanding the many barriers that those people face. For more information, please visit the program on the College of Health and Human Development’s Master of Social Work website at Hhd.Fullerton.edu/ Brief by Jessica Rubio

FOR THE RECORD It is the policy of the Daily Titan to correct any inaccurate information printed in the publication as soon as the error is discovered. Any incorrect information printed on the front page will result in a correction printed on the front page. Any incorrect information printed on any other page will be corrected on page 2. Errors on the Opinion page will be corrected on that page. Corrections also will be noted on the online version of the Daily Titan. Please contact Editor-in-Chief Isa Ghani at 657-278-5815 or at execeditor@dailytitan.com with issues about this policy or to report any errors.



April 20, 2011


Runoff Election investigation Dean of Students looks into controversial comment that implies foreknowledge of results

questioned regarding the possible release of election information. “That was an hour-long meeting, I would say … They had Daily Titan questions about the whole issue, Less than one week after the the likeliness of what would have announcement of the ASI Runoff happened, and they just interroElection results, Eric Niu and Jay gated me on the whole thing,” said Jefferson, the ASI president and Kulkarni. ASI President-elect Eric vice president-elect, face investigations related to the election out- Niu,denies there was any knowlcome, as well as statements made edge of election numbers prior to by the candidates following their the official release of information by the election commissioner. victory. “My campaign was completely Esiquio Uballe, Ph.D., the associate dean of Student Life, cited clean, the election was completely the remarkably slim margin of six fair, we were following the bylaws,” said Niu. votes as warrantAissa Caning a validation chola, chair of request for the “My campaign was the Board of election results. completely clean, the Directors and “We’re in the the former canprocess of validat- election was completely didate for ASI ing those results,” fair, we were following president, was said Uballe. “It the bylaws,” unhappy with shouldn’t take - Eric Niu what Jefferson’s long, it’s just a ASI President-Elect quote may have matter of getimplied. ting a report “I think that from (Informait’s very disheartening to know tion Technology).” In an interview published in that he had access to election rethe Monday edition of the Daily sults before anybody is allowed Titan, Jefferson said he was trail- to. I know that definitely changes ing by 100 votes in the first day things, and it’s just very disappointing to know that he was able of voting. “We had a brief meeting about to get any type of information how we felt about Wednesday. We from wherever he got that inforwere out there talking to people mation,” said Canchola. Canchola and Megan Martinez all day, so we kind of got a feel about how things were going, and ran against Niu and Jefferson in to be honest, we didn’t really feel the Runoff Election. “We have faith in the integrity good about Wednesday,” said Jefof this organization,” Canchola ferson in the article. However, the potential implica- said. “We expect and we know tion that Jefferson may have had that our vice president of Student foreknowledge of the election re- Affairs office will make sure that sults would be a violation of ASI the election is fair. We have faith election bylaws and has drawn the in them entirely.” Investigations by the board and attention of the office of the Dean of Students, who is now investi- the Dean of Students’ office on this issue are ongoing. gating the issue. The Daily Titan will continue Nikhil Kulkarni, assistant to the election commissioner, was covering this story as it unfolds. WESLEY NEASE & ANDERS HOWMANN

ARIANNE CUSTER / Daily Titan During the summit, a display was mounted in the TSU which showed a string of about 60 plastic water bottles depicting how many water bottles are used by Americans every day.

Plastic soup in Pacific Ocean Social Justice Week event explains the importance of ending the dependence on plastic ARIANNE CUSTER Daily Titan

During the recent Social Justice Summit workshop “Rise Above Plastics: Protecting the Ocean Environment from Single Use Plastics,” attendees learned the importance and ease of choosing alternatives to singleuse water bottles and grocery bags. A humorous movie put on by the nonprofit Surfrider Foundation featured satires on how consumers are willing to repeatedly buy plastic bottles of water rather than buy a reusable container for $10 to $15. According to the Clean Air Council’s website, “Forty-four percent of ‘purified’ bottled water sold in the U.S. started out as municipal water.” Playing on that in the movie, if you thought paying to drink tap water from a disposable plastic bottle was a good deal, they’ve got a better deal for

you–$5 for a breath of fresh air. “We try to have a little fun when raising awareness so it’s not all doom and gloom,” said Bill Hickman, who has been with the foundation for over five years and is the new coordinator of their Rise Above the Plastics campaign. The short film also poked fun at people who make excuses and think it’s too much bother to remember to bring their reusable bags to grocery stores. To them, “You don’t forget your key when you get into your car. How hard is it to remember your bags?” Ocean Conservancy found that plastic bags accounted for one out of every 10 items removed and tallied in the 2009’s International Coastal Cleanup results. It’s one of many plastic items responsible for the garbage patch floating in the Pacific Ocean. According to Hickman, “It’s tough to tell how big it is because it’s a plastic soup of broken down, small pieces of

plastic. Some people say it is as large as Texas. The main thing for us to do is to stop feeding the garbage patch.” One of the clips shown in the workshop displayed the stomach contents of a seabird which was full of plastic bits, a concern to environmentalists such as Ally Bordas. Bordas, who was on the Student Planning Committee for the SJS and is the president of Student Environmental Activists, said, “The environment, planet and oceans sustain us. Animals can live and feed on their own. They’ve survived millions of years. We leach on them. We need to give back and help as much as we can.” According to Hickman, “We’re always going to have education and public outreach, but at the end of the day it’s public policy that offers the most protection for the environment.” For those who don’t feel ready to help bring about change in legisla-

Courtesy of Pi Kappa Phi Members of the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity on campus will host the Pedals For Push event Thursday and Friday this week to raise money for people with disabilities. The event is hosted by Pi Kappa Phi fraternities all over the country.

Bike-a-thon for a good cause Campus fraternity to hold stationary bike fundraiser in the quad DARCY BOSANKO Daily Titan

Pedals for Push is a yearly event put on by the Pi Kappa Phi fraternities all across the United States to raise money and awareness for people with disabilities. This year’s event will take place in the Quad from 11:30 a.m. Thursday to 11:30 a.m. Friday and is a bike-a-thon on stationary bikes. Approximately 10 bikes will be set out in an effort to have someone riding each bike consistently for 24 hours. A donation of $10 must be made in order to ride a bike. Vince Velasquez, a Pi Kappa Phi member, is the organizer for this event. “Pi Kappa Phi founded the organization Push America in 1977. Its purpose is to enhance the quality of life for people with disabilities,” said Velasquez. “Push America is heavily involved in the constructing of accessible environments nationwide on campus, in communities, at camps for people with disabilities and even individuals homes. Push America also raises over $500,000 every summer with a cross-country cycling ride.”

Velasquez saw a video from the chapter of Pi Kappa Phi at Arizona State University and also heard about it from the chapter at Long Beach State and decided to try out the event as well. This is their first big event, and they are excited for the support they have seen so far before the event has even started. Todd Bruno, a senior business major and member of Pi Kappa Phi, said, “All the members of the chapter here on campus are required to raise at least a $35 donation, and we have been reaching out to local businesses as well as sororities and fraternities on campus to help bring together the Greek community.” Outside of businesses, local organizations and Greek supporters’ donations, Pi Kappa Phi will be building a donation box out of one of their symbols, the shield, and having it at the event for people to walk up and be able to make a monetary donation. Fliers will be available at the booth for the Panda Express here on campus, which will donate 20 percent of your purchase to Push America. Not only is Pi Kappa Phi raising money, they are also teaming up

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this event with a slogan, “Spread the Word To End the Word.” This slogan strives to stop the r-word from being used in people’s everyday speech. “For people who cannot afford to raise or donate money, this is another way to get involved with the event,” Velasquez said. “They will be having paper pledges stating, ‘I pledge and support the elimination of the derogatory use of the r-word from everyday speech and promote the acceptance and inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities.’” People will be asked to simply sign their name and post these paper pledges onto their letters. The hope is that after the 24 hours, their letters will be completely filled with these paper pledges of people helping and pledging to spread the word to end the word. Sierra Vargas, a sophomore health science major and member of Sigma Kappa sorority, has already raised over $350 for the event. “Being a member of the Greek system, philanthropy is very important to me and I am extremely excited to participate in Pi Kappa Phi’s inaugural philanthropy event.”

tion, Hickman suggested, “The easiest way to help is to reduce, reuse and recycle. Those simple issues, when done by thousands and thousands of people, make a big impact.” According to Hickman, people can start utilizing that concept by choosing reusable bags and water bottles, “two things that people use pretty much every day.” As part of the SJS effort, “Nothing plastic was used today,” said Amy Mattern, the coordinator at the Volunteer and Service Center, which participated in organization of the event. Instead, reusable water bottles were given to the first 100 attendees free of charge and sold at the event. In addition, all of the utensils, plates and cups at the event were biodegradable and compostable, and the napkins were made from 100 percent recycled content, according to Mattern. For more information on the nonprofit organization Surfriders Foundation, visit Surfrider.org.

April 20, 2011

OPINION Titan Editorial: Sleeping In dailytitan.com


Common Sense by


Passionate CSUF students take a stand to get California public education changed

“Politics for the People”

Declare your support, damnit! When Cal State Fullerton President Milton A. Gordon was asked to sign the Declaration to Defend Public Education, he stubbornly refused to sign, even when the students offered to remove statements he found problematic. Mr. President, with all due respect (and I’m not sure how much is due), why the hell would you not sign a petition in support of public education? You savagely crushed the hopes of students who begged for your support in their efforts. Allow me to be blunt, Mr. President: You get paid $295,000 per year, live in a mansion the state provides and are further subsidized with a $1,000-per-month car allowance simply for doing your job. I know it may be difficult since your compensation package is valued at nearly three times the salary of a Bell city councilor (didn’t the Los Angeles Times just win a Pulitzer Prize for exposing their greed?), but you need to consider yourself a public servant. This means that when the students you serve approach you with a request to collaboratively issue a joint statement in support of higher education, you should comply without hesitation. Your position exists solely to provide our students an education; you would do well to remember that. Oddly, he wouldn’t sign the Declaration to Defend Public Education, but Gordon did leave the meeting to sign the Talloires Declaration, which is a declaration in support of environmental sustainability. Save the trees but screw the students? What kind of sadistic, shortsighted plan is that? It seems to me that our friendly neighborhood administrators are having trouble getting their priorities straight. In the Wednesday meeting, Gordon spoke out against the popular attacks directed at the captain of the CSU Hindenburg, Chancellor Charles B. Reed. Using statistics from the CSU website and the California Faculty Association, let us examine some of the effects that correlate with the appointment of Chancellor Reed, and you decide if Reed’s priorities warrant further attacks:

Chancellor Reed was appointed in 1998. During his relatively short reign of terror, student fees have gone up 224 percent, from $1,506 to $4,884. In order to accommodate the 18 percent increase in enrollment that occurred during this period, there was a 22 percent increase in management and administration that were hired to oversee the hordes of incoming students. Though the chancellor apparently found it necessary to hire more bosses, the increase in the number of tenure-line instructional faculty (who would have been able to serve the flood of new students by providing more classes) was a whopping zero percent. Yes friends, from 1998 to 2010, the CSU under Chancellor Reed has inserted hundreds of new administrative bureaucrats into the top levels of the system instead of hiring more qualified professors to become permanent contributors to our academic community. Presumably as a reward for his fantastic performance, Chancellor Reed received a 66 percent increase in his own salary over this same period. He now makes more than $421,000 and has housing and a car allowance bestowed upon him by the taxpayer. It must be good to be the king. University spokesman Christopher Bugbee claimed in the Los Angeles Times that the Declaration to Defend Public Education “represents one side of a labor-management negotiation, and the president can’t be expected to sign such a statement.” The only side of any negotiation that the Declaration supports is the student side. Quality faculty are necessary to providing a university education, or does the university leadership believe it can have President Gordon teach all its classes? Students, the time has come to actively involve ourselves in groups such as We! and ASI, who are mobilizing to defend our future. Let us get thousands of signatures and commitments from Californians who want an educated populace; why even bother trying to work with President Gordon?

LUCIO VILLA / Daily Titan

Joe Eggleston, a Cal State Fullerton history major, plays his guitar to the group of students from various colleges sitting in a protest on the second floor of Langsdorf Hall. Sixty hours and counting. That is how long over 100 students and faculty have been camped out in Langsdorf Hall awaiting President Milton Gordon to sign the Declaration to Defend Public Education. The students and faculty involved deserve commendation, not just because of the message they are conveying, but because they are doing what over 30,000 other students have not – acting rather than simply standing silent. Gordon also deserves commendation for allowing students and faculty the time to conduct a dialogue. Yes, he has his own line to toe, but the fact that he is willing to hear students out speaks volumes for Gordon’s passion for education. Taking a hard stance, standing behind your words and doing what you feel is right is one of America’s fundamental rights, as per the First Amendment. As an independent newspaper, the right to free speech and the truth is our calling and we commend the students, faculty and administration who are speaking out in a very public forum. Since last Wednesday, the two parties involved have dug their heels into the ground and faced off. A collection of students and faculty on one side, President Gordon representing the Cal State Fullerton administration on the other. The line in the sand? Public education. The California Master Plan for Higher Education is gone, and left behind are a bunch of angry, dejected and bewildered students who need their education. However strong their feelings may be, the students have made it clear – they are not here to fight. They just want open dialogue and to reach a compromise. On the other hand, the administration of CSUF (including the police) have been agreeable to letting the students spend two nights on the second floor of Langsdorf Hall. This is a far cry from the protests in the 1970s where CSUF students threw tomatoes at (then) Governor Reagan. As of publication, the two parties have not come to a resolution. The story is still developing, pieces are still falling into place and the outcome is still up in the air. With a resolute president and students who are willing to endure sleeping on the floor, the story of CSUF’s fight for public education has yet

to be told. Yet, the winner appears to be the right to speak up and fight for your beliefs. The contested document, the Declaration to Defend Public Education, argues for “fair and equitable access for all students to a full range of educational programs, resources, experiences and opportunities. The failure to support an accessible, fully-funded public education system will condemn many Californians to perpetual poverty and second-class status.” The California Master Plan for Higher Education has come to a screeching halt, and what is left behind are students who are willing to spend 60 hours sleeping on the floor to get a better education. If more students felt this way and were willing to do something about it, California may not be in its current bind. According to “California at the Edge of the Cliff” by Tom Mortenson, a guide prepared for the California Faculty Association, California ranked 49 out of 50 in public education, as of 2007. Seeing as how we are known nationally for having poor educational test scores, it seems more than fair to want to fight for better educational standards. With the help of passionate CSUF students like those camped out in front of Gordon’s office and administration that is willing to negotiate and speak with students, we can help California rise above our currently embarrassing and abominable educational standards. In a public statement, Gordon said he is “committed to continuing to work toward access to a high quality university education and to keeping the lines of communication open as we work through these difficult times together.” We all can learn something from the events in Langsdorf Hall. Peaceful action, while not necessarily yielding immediate results, will always open lines of communication. It may just be a first step, but it’s a step both sides should be proud of. To read the full text of the Declaration to Defend Public Education, go to WeRiseTogether.org.

RE: Campout in Langsdorf I commend students for their active engagement in critical issues facing our university and the CSU during these challenging fiscal times. I agree with and support many of the points of the Declaration to Defend Public Education and encourage all students to ensure that their voices are heard. Your amplified demands for quality education are timely and provide a significant opportunity to maximize the importance of this message to the people and government leaders in the state of California. In your recent call for action through peaceful demonstration April 13 and during our meeting that day, students exemplified the values we embrace at Cal State Fullerton — civic engagement, positive interaction and dialogue with faculty, staff and administration, as well as civility and respect for those whose opinions differ from your own. The state budget crisis is at the heart of the fiscal challenges we face. Lessening its effect on the CSU continues to be the highest priority of the CSU chancellor, the CSU presidents and other leaders of our system. Despite this year’s increase in tuition fees, the cost of a CSU education remains the lowest of comparable institutions around the nation. At the same time, one-third of these tuition fees are set aside for the neediest of students, which serves to preserve access to higher education for those who can least afford it. I am committed to continuing to work toward access to a high quality university education and to keeping the lines of communication open as we work through these difficult times together. Please continue to take an active role in support of providing quality public education for all deserving students. Dr. Milton A. Gordon President California State University, Fullerton

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Daily Titan welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must include the sender’s first and last name. Students must include their majors, and other writers must include their affiliation to the university, if applicable. The Daily Titan reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar and spelling. Send letters to Isa Ghani, the Editor-in-Chief, at DTEditorInChief@gmail.com.

RE: Campout in Langsdorf As students, faculty and staff, we are here in Langsdorf Hall united in defense of public education. We are waiting for President Gordon and Cal State Fullerton administration to either support our Declaration in Defense of Public Education or work with us to draft a new declaration that both sides can agree upon. We are willing to work with President Gordon, but he has continually denied his cooperation. We need his physical presence drafting this declaration rather than a back-and-forth correspondence because we feel face-to-face conversation will generate tangible, concrete results. We expect our president to represent the student body and faculty as our leader. We have no doubt a man who has dedicated decades of his life in support of public education does appreciate its value, but we are puzzled as to why he will not sit down with his students and faculty to work together and form a joint statement in defense of public education. We are hoping to bridge the gap between students, faculty, staff and administration so that we can form a unified front in defending public education on a state level. We have been extremely civil, respectful and peaceful in our demonstrations in support of public education, and we hope the same respect we have extended to President Gordon and the administration will be returned to us. President Gordon’s cooperation with us is a very symbolic gesture that our administration does care about its students, faculty and staff. This movement has been prepared by concerned students and has been supported by faculty, staff and supporters from other campuses. It is our sincere hope that President Gordon does not see us as adversaries, but allies who can work together and form a united front. We understand that we are in hard economic times, so now more than ever we need the support of the university as a whole, rather than fragmented pieces in order to make an impact on the state level. We need all aspects of public education, starting from preschool to graduates, to join together and feel supported by administrators statewide. We hope that President Gordon returns to his roots and works side by side with students, faculty and staff in support of public education and the greater good of current and future students. Cameron Mahdad CSUF student Students for Quality Education





April 20, 2011


Detour looks at hot new films, the current comic book movie trend and Elvis as a Jedi in concert




The new film looks at the life of a young girl trained to be an assassin


Courtesy of The American Film Company

Historical drama captivates The Conspirator


Set in the months after the Union victory of the Civil War, The Conspirator closely follows the trials of the murder of President Abraham Lincoln with compassion as one prosecuted individual is, unconstitutionally, tried and convicted. “In times of war, the law falls silent” continues to be a running theme throughout the movie as emotions overtake the courtroom and scapegoats are named. Fredrick Aiken, 28, played by James McAvoy (Wanted), is a young lawyer who was wounded while defending the Union during the Civil War. As an apprentice of a senator from Maryland, Aiken is forced to defend Mary Surratt, 42, the mother of one of the southern confederates who conspired to kill Lincoln. Tensions fly as Mary Surratt, played by Robin Wright, continues to hide the truth of the whereabouts of her fugitive son and her involvement in the situation. John Surratt, a dangerous, vengeance-hungry killing machine, hosted secret meetings in his mother’s

home. In Mary Surratt’s defense, she believed that these meetings were held in hopes to kidnap the president. However, during the heated months following the Civil War, the young confederates changed their plans. The group killed Lincoln, butchered the secretary of state and put all political figures, including Vice President Johnson, in danger with the help of famous actor John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theatre in 1865. The question throughout the film asks: Just how much information did Mary Surratt, who claims herself as innocent, know about the secret meetings? Rather than dismissing the case as unworthy, Aiken successfully applies for a writ of habeas corpus and brings hope to the Surratt household. Instead, the validity of the Constitution proves to be worthless as military officials overlook government documents and point fingers at the innocent. The Conspirator, directed by Hollywood veteran Robert Redford is not only a captivating “docudrama” that inspires audience members to appreciate the safety and strength of the United States Constitution; it is also a beautifully filmed movie. The film visits old American homes and aspires to capture moments with detail-oriented costumes, makeup and hairstyles. The most significant cinematic direction of the movie happens when Redford depicts government build-

ings like the White House and the U.S Capitol with historical significance. The Capitol Building is shown multiple times as a sole building in the middle of grass fields and trees, an interesting view for audience members who are accustomed to seeing the building surrounded by paved streets and nicely mowed lawns. Redford does a decent job at intensifying the mood of the movie by showing inter-tensions from both the North and the South individuals. However, without the emotional attachment that Aiken’s character develops over Mary Surratt, the movie would not work. Amongst long trial scenes and less-than-glorious monologues, the movie is bland and aches for human interactions that are more than lawyer talk and Southern accents. James McAvoy’s attempt at giving his closing arguments to the military officials during the trial seems amateur in comparison to that of Atticus Finch’s in To Kill A Mockingbird, where Gregory Peck easily delivers last century’s best monologue with precision and a candid sense of self. Audience members should go into this long movie with the sense of knowing it is an attempt at being a historical film and is not executed as pure entertainment. Rather, it should give Americans hope for future generations to live in a country where one’s rights are protected with written documents and an efficient government.

The comic book movie trend SARAH FERNANDEZ Daily Titan

Spiderman, Batman and The Hulk are just a few of the more famous comic books that have been turned into a motion picture within the last 10 years. If you thought Hollywood would run out of comic book characters, think again. Captain America is making its theatrical debut nationwide this summer July 22. However, it makes me wonder, have we as a society been oversaturated with comic book movies? Not to say that they are bad – well, maybe some of them. Many of them are quite entertaining and most of them are also considered “summer blockbuster hits.” Some comic book movies, or as referred to in the movie industry as CBMs, that have come out within recent years have been the following: *Catwoman *Daredevil *Elektra *Fantastic Four *Hellboy *Iron Man *Superman *Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Scott Pilgrim is the best comic book movie, followed by the two new Batman and Iron Man movies. These movies stay true to the comic books and are very accurate,” said Jessica Young, 23, a sociology major. These movies may be new for the current generation, but for those moviegoers of our parents’ generation, they are very familiar characters. Perhaps it is for this reason that the entertainment industry waits a generation or two before they embark on the road to remaking or rehashing an old story. However, according to people in the industry, the advent of the comic book movie is more than just bringing back an old idea. “Comic book movies are here to stay,” said Jeff Katz, the movie producer and comic book publisher who worked on films like X-Men Origins: Wolverine. “I would say, even though they technically fall into a lot of different genres, they’re actually like a genre unto themselves. And it’s one of the most desirable genres in Hollywood.” The reason for the popularity of this trend of movies seems to be the emotional experience that it brings to the viewer. According to Michael Green, who not only writes comics but also wrote

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the script for Marvel’s Fantastic Four and co-wrote the Green Lantern film, “Movies are doing the same thing now, where they’re asking people to join the hero’s dilemma, but the dilemmas are reality based. They’re not just fantastic.” Another reason for the ongoing trend in CBMs is the computerbased super technology that can be introduced as well. With today’s generation of special effects and computer technology, the movie viewer can be taken into another world. In addition, with the introduction of 3-D in recent years, it definitely makes for a unique and memorable experience. As movie producers and script writers today have admitted, none of this type of movie-making would have even been possible 10 years ago. Technological advancements have been so pronounced in recent years, giving the movie industry another dimension for entertainment. Going to the movies these days is more than just a cute story about two people who find love or sometimes lose it. It is an experience that takes us oftentimes outside the world we live in and projects us into the future, even if it’s just for an hour or two. So it’s safe to say, comic book movies are here to stay!

Consider the premise of Hanna. Hanna Heller, 16, has lived in a cabin in Finland with her father, Erik Heller, isolated from the rest of the world. Hanna’s father has trained her to become a top-notch assassin all her life, sort of like being home-schooled to become the ultimate killer. Eventually, Hanna is presented a challenge where she will finally utilize everything she has been working toward. Her father gives her an old transmitting device that, when the switch is flipped, sends CIA agents down to her shack like a rebel force. She’s caught, taken to the real world and goes completely berserk. CIA agent Marissa Vielger works toward killing Hanna while Hanna works toward killing Vielger. It’s the kind of concept that sounds so ridiculous that it could only really go one of two ways: It either takes a campy route, playing with cliches and acknowledging its silliness, or it gets really self-serious and hopes that it can work. Hanna runs with the latter and executes it so well that if you’re not gripping your chair or staring intently at the screen with wide eyes, then something is most definitely wrong. Hanna is exciting as hell. Thanks to Joe Wright’s (Pride & Prejudice, Atonement) taut direction and a solid screenplay to keep everything grounded, the film seemingly works when it looks like everything is going against it. Hanna shifts between two different gears – the film devotes time to Hanna finding out about the world she has been sheltered from all her life. Then it radically shifts into a

Bourne Identity vibe, where Hanna goes into badass mode, taking out everyone and everything that tries to take her down. It’s especially effective when the film settles down for a breather because despite her talents in the art of killing, Hanna is still a sweet girl underneath the layers of rough and tough training she’s had. Hearing music for the first time, making her first friend, her first kiss – despite never experiencing any of these prior to being caught, it is still an electrifying, eye-opening experience for Hanna. Can you imagine listening to your first melodic string of notes after never knowing what the hell music was for the first 16 years of your life? The film hits on those “first times” pretty often and it’s extremely effec-

tive. But of course, the action packs a wallop. “Cool!” and “Oooh!” are roughly the two main reactions to the action on the screen. It’s well choreographed and it can be hard to keep track of, but it’s supremely satisfying to watch, unlike most other action movies that get lost in the excessive edits of a film and just become an odd visual abstraction of “action.” If you’ve yet to be convinced that Hanna is worth watching, The Chemical Brothers provide the film’s soundtrack. It’s bouncy and loud, which is to be expected. Hanna is the kind of movie that you wished there was more of – an action-packed little number with that emotional oomph that makes it more than just another senseless hour and a half of fun.

Courtesy of Ardustry Entertainment

“The King” joins the Jedi forces RYAN LASKODI Daily Titan

How is this for an idea? Taking Elvis songs and changing up the lyrics to make them Star Wars themed. Does this sound like something that could possibly work? Believe it or not, it actually does work, and performer Jedi Elvis showed off this unique concept during a benefit concert for Japan Wednesday night at Frank and Son Collectible Show in the City of Industry. It’s certainly a strange concept, but one that he manages to pull off well. And that is because it’s obvious he is a fan of the material. Both influences can be seen in his show. However, a main issue with his act is his impersonation of Elvis. It’s very mixed. The jumpsuit he wore was pretty authentic and he did a lot of classic Elvis routines, such as coming out to the song “See See Rider.” But vocally, he does not sound like The King at all. And he doesn’t have any of The King’s dance moves either. In fact, his onstage performance consisted mostly of simply standing in a couple of different spots. But even though the impression was not that great, it is obvious that Jedi Elvis does have respect and admiration

for Elvis. Had he advertised himself as a pure Elvis impersonator, this would have been a huge problem. But for him it’s only half of the persona, so this flaw can be somewhat forgiven. The other half of his persona, the Star Wars aspect, is where things really shined. The music was fun and could put a smile on any Star Wars fan’s face. The opening song was a parody of “See See Rider,” in which he tried to provide an answer to the age-old question, who was shot first, Han or Gredo? “Jailhouse Rock” was changed to “Death Star Rock.” “In the Ghetto” was changed to “In the Desert,” and it summarized the entire life of Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader. “Johnny B. Goode” became “Vader B. Goode.” The last song, “Suspicious Minds,” was dedicated to Admiral Ackabar, which many remember from his infamous line, “It’s a trap,” from Return of the Jedi. It was just goofy, silly fun. One thing that really showed the audience he was a fan of the material was when, before starting one of the songs, he had asked the audience if they had seen Star Wars: Episode II-Attack of the Clones. When nobody really responded, he told the audience that they could admit it and that it was OK. Backing up Jedi Elvis for the night was his band, The Rebel Alliance. The band was pretty good despite some oc-

casional sloppiness.The most surprising thing about the band was the saxophone player, who looked like she was in middle school while the rest looked significantly older. By far the worst thing about the entire night was the lack of a crowd to enjoy the show with. There was a fairly decent crowd there, but the majority of the crowd seemed to be friends and family of not only Jedi Elvis, but also from NukeTheFridge.com, the website that organized the show. Frank and Sons always has a large crowd, and the space is large enough to host a show. But it seemed that a majority of people in attendance decided to avoid the event. On a positive note, the guys from NukeTheFridge.com did manage to raise over $1,300 for their cause, though the amount was short of their goal of $2,000. Overall, the concert was a silly, good time. Jedi Elvis knows what he is doing and does it pretty well. However, the Elvis aspect needs some work. The Star Wars-themed lyrics worked well and definitely displayed a love for the movies. It’s just a shame more people did not give the concert a chance.


RYAN LASKODI / Daily Titan The “Jedi Elvis” concert featured Star Wars remakes of some of “The King’s” biggest hits. Lyrics were cleverly re-worked to showcase aspects of the sci-fi franchise while allowing fans to listen to classic Elvis tracks. The performance helped to raise funds for Japan.


April 20, 2011

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8 9 7 2 6 1

7 1 3 8 5 2

1 5 6 4 7 9

7 3 1 6 5 8 4 9 2 9 2 8 4 1 7 5 6 3

Pisces (Feb. 19--March 20) Take yourself out of personal problems to help people who live far away. Whether through charitable work or family responsibilities, today’s efforts matter.

Daily Sudoku: Sat 16-Oct-2010

6 9 5 9 6 4 1

7 3

1 2 2 5 2 6


1 5 6

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How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

3 6 4 1 2 5

Aquarius (Jan. 20--Feb. 18) A social gathering involves males and females who aren’t necessarily partners. In fact, social mixing for networking is the desired outcome.

Daily Sudoku: Sat 16-Oct-2010

2 8 9 7 4 3

Capricorn (Dec. 22--Jan. 19) All your energy is concentrated in areas where you feel less grounded. Talk through your doubts. Someone else has the perfect solution.

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9 6 4

(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2010. All rights reserved.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22--Dec. 21) Pressures collapse your world, if you give in to negative thinking. Inspire yourself and others with lightness and humor, for renewed possibilities.

1 2 2 5 2 3 8 9 3 2 5 8 7

Scorpio (Oct. 23--Nov. 21) You really need to get a lot done today. Enlist as little help as possible. You can accomplish more that way today. Reconnect at day’s end.



6 7 5 3 9 4

Libra (Sept. 23--Oct. 22) Last month hard work now begins to produce noticeable results. Money may come from more than one source to supplement your income.

5 6 8 6 1 5

5 4 8 9 1 6

Virgo (Aug. 23--Sept. 22) Spend time with a neighbor dealing with a problem that neither of you could solve alone. It may cost more than planned. Just do it now.

1 6 9

4 9 7 3

4 2 1 6 3 8

Leo (July 23--Aug. 22) Household issues require your attention, if you want the day to go smoothly. An early trip to the hardware store may be necessary. Keep your eye on the nail.




Cancer (June 22--July 22) Any chores left over from yesterday must be completed now. The earlier you get it all finished, the sooner you can go play. Clean it all up.


5 7 2 1 6 9 3 4 8

Gemini (May 21--June 21) Social activities call like a siren song. Your challenge is to remain focused on romantic action. Keep it private to limit distraction.

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Daily Sudoku: Sat 16-Oct-2010

Taurus (April 20--May 20) Spend as much time as possible with your favorite people. They need your help, and have great ideas to help you. It’s a win--win situation.



Aries (March 21--April 19) Draw closer to a favorite someone, and wrap your arms around each other. You feel protected from the storm, and love infuses all your actions.




April 20, 2011

Tennis claws Highlanders

On Senior Day, Titans win 4-3 to send the seniors out on a high note and end regular season at home


The Titan tennis team was at it again, finishing up their last home game on the courts against UC Riverside, winning 4-3. The team played a great match and started off well in the double matches where the girls paired up in twos on three different courts. Serving was the team’s strong suit in this game. Every girl brought something to the game, allowing them to finish knowing they gave it their all. Sophomore Katie Nichols watched her team as they played their best game.

“We just need to keep up our intensity,” said Nichols. “We have improved so much this year and I think we just need to keep up with that mentality.” On court number one, Tiffany Mai and Monica Rodriguez paired up to play a great game. The serves were right on, while their returns were just as great. Sophmore Malorie dela Cruz and senior Karina Akhmedova played on one court while the rest of the girls took to the other two. And last but not least, freshman pair Megan Sanford and Morgan McIntosh gave it their all. Assistant coach Chico Bonner talked about what the girls need to do in order to prepare for the April 28 Big West Conference tournament, as well as the strengths the team already possesses. “Their biggest strength is the unity of the team,” said Bonner. “Every team that does well has good unity. This team also has

Mud Run helps eye disease patients FRANCES LEE Daily Titan

ARIANNE CUSTER / Daily Titan Freshman Morgan McIntosh looks to return a serve in the match Tuesday. McIntosh went 40 minutes longer than any other Titan and closed out the win for the team.

great energy because they give 110 percent. As a tennis player, you can work on a lot of different shots.” Bonner is proud of his team and looks forward to the upcoming conference tournament. “You can’t teach an athlete, it comes from within,” Bonner said. Fans came out to support the girls. One student, Sophia Lopez, 22, explained why she loved coming to the matches. “I love tennis. It has been a passion of mine since I was a little

girl,” said Lopez. “I especially love watching the Titans play because they are very hardworking, and I have noticed a major improvement in their game this year.” The next four matches will be held in Indian Wells, Calif., at the Big West Conference Tournament. The Tournament begins April 28 and lasts through May 1. The Highlanders also concluded their last away game going to Fullerton before they head off to the Big West Conference tournament as well.

Men’s lacrosse beats UC Irvine, looks toward postseason JEFF PRENOVOST Daily Titan

In their last divisional game of the season, the Cal State Fullerton men’s lacrosse club cruised to a 16-3 victory over the UC Irvine Anteaters Thursday at Titan Track. The Titans (8-5, 3-1) were on their game early and controlled the ball, which led to a hefty time of possession advantage in the first half. They played keep-away from the Anteaters and did not allow them a single shot on goal until after halftime. The rout was underway at the end of the first quarter, putting eight goals in the back of the net in, and followed up with three more goals in the second to take an 11-0 advantage into the half.

“We won the faceoffs, we moved the ball well and controlled it well, and we took good shots,” said Greg Koehler, a junior defender. To switch things up, Titan senior Justin Kappeler replaced freshman starter Trevor Burns at goal during the half. The Anteaters (2-7, 1-3) scored first to start the third quarter, but Titan sophomore midfielder Chris Cole came back with a run down the middle and got a shot off that found the back of the net just before ending up flat on his back from a hard check. Senior attacker Mike Ansel brought the score to 13-1 with a goal for the Titans after bouncing off three UCI defenders, then forcing his way into the middle and shelving the shot into the top corner of the net. Junior attacker Ian Larson was able to sneak in a goal for UCI, coming

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off a rebound to bring the score to 13-3. The Titans closed the third quarter with an acrobatic interception on the sideline by senior midfielder Andrew Hauke, who made a quick pass to senior middie J.R. Grubert, which allowed him to score on a breakaway. “At halftime I talked to the guys and I said regardless of how bad we’re beating them we still need to play our game, make good passes and take good shots,” said Grubert. The Titans landed another goal from Cole when he slashed at his opponent to force a turnover, which he picked up and scored off a bounce shot. Junior middie Ryan Forrest got the last goal of the night, sealing up the victory at 16-3 for the Titans. The fourth quarter came to an end and the Titans claimed the victory to

go 3-1 in the Division II Southwestern Lacrosse Conference. They earned the No. 2 seed and clinched a home game to start the playoffs. The Concordia Eagles earned a bye with their undefeated (4-0) season in conference play and crucial one-goal victory, 13-12, over CSUF April 8. Ansel led the team in scoring on the night with seven goals, and Cole finished with four against the Anteaters. “Grubert threw it to my right hand, I switched left and I put it into the bottom-right of the net, and the goalie had no chance of saving it,” said Noel about his goal. The Titans will end the regular season at Biola. Going into the first round, CSUF will have have home field until they meet up with Concordia for a rematch they want.

On a glorious Sunday morning in Irvine, the sun was shining and the mud was glistening as thousands of participants trampled through the finish line at the Irvine Lake Mud Run. Every penny that was donated and raised from ticket sales to donations was given directly to the Gavin R. Stevens Foundation, founded for a 2-year-old who was born with Leber’s congenital aumorosis. This rare retinal disease causes severe to complete blindness to only 3,000 individuals in the country. “The doctors needed funding for clinical trials, so instead of waiting we decided to raise the money ourselves,” said Jennifer Stevens, Gavin’s mother. Last April, the Stevens approached Paul Rudman, a Cal State Fullerton alumnus who actively participates in the rugby program and directs the races. The 200-man team was called Gavin’s Groupies and evolved into a charity. “The reason we support Gavin is because they support our races and want to be around us,” said Rudman. “We were blown away when we met the mother and father because they looked like a couple of young kids, and to have one healthy child to be totally fine and to see one that can’t see is heartwrenching.” Rudman has two daughters. One was born with a lazy eye which was solved through a minor surgery. LCA is a disease that needs both parents to be carriers, so Gavin’s parents each had a 25 percent chance for their first son to carry it. “Our 7-year-old son is sighted (has the ability to see) and everything is night and day,” Stevens said. “I can give my 7-year-old a look across the room and he better behave, but with Gavin you have to be more verbal.” Stevens admits that it is tough to

find the right resources for Gavin’s growth, but they receive special assistance to help develop Gavin. LCA is considered a disability, so anyone under the age of three receives a vision impairment teacher to teach them Braille, an orientation mobility specialist that helps Gavin use a cane and an early intervention teacher who helps Gavin reach milestones. The family also attends the Blind Children’s Center in Santa Ana where Gavin receives specialty occupational therapy. Although the charity is a huge reason for the thousands of participants of the mud run, many CSUF students attended just because of the sheer fun and excitement of running in the mud. CSUF participants included the baseball club, the men’s rugby club and the entire TKE fraternity. Chelsea Lindwall, a senior biology major, participated in the Camp Pendleton Mud Run last year, but prefers the Irvine Lake Mud Run because it is “twice as much fun and less hardcore.” “My friends and I aren’t competitive runners but we placed 15th,” said Lindwall. “You don’t have to be a runner or be in perfect shape.” Lindwall’s friends attempted to sign up for the Camp Pendleton Mud Run this year, but the registration had sold out on the first day so she was surprised with tickets to the Irvine run. “It wasn’t just about running and little mud, but there was a lot of variety and obstacles,” Lindwall said. “I run five miles a couple times a week, but this is 3.8 miles of hills and obstacles. Going into it you know it’s nasty, but you have to be the kind of person that is OK with that.” Lindwall, who dressed like a pirate for the race of hills and obstacles, was nursing her cuts and scrapes with hydrogen peroxide later but still plans to participate in the mud run again next year.


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