The Daily Titan - April 30, 2012

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April 30, 2012

Vol. 91 Issue 46

CSUF Cigar Club Cal State Fullerton’s Cigar Club has had a successful first year, but now it must find alternative ways to spread education knowledge on cigars after the CSU smoking ban takes effect Aug. 1, 2013.

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LOCAL | Students against debt

SQE declares hunger strike Deliberate starvation to take place across several CSU campuses AMBER STEPHENS Daily Titan

Students organized Speak Out Against Student Debt in the Humanities Quad Thursday, which included spoken word artist Matt Sedillo from Occupy Los Angeles. Campus chapters of Students for Quality Education (SQE), We! Alternative Voices for an Alternative Future and the Social Justice Global Project participated in the event that featured large graffiti boards for students to write about their opinions and experiences with student debt. About 100 students sounded off on tuition increases, the lack of jobs for college students and graduates, and other issues relating to the current economic crisis. At the event, SQE announced a hunger strike that is to take place at six Cal State University campuses. Students involved said the hunger strike is in response to CSU Chancellor Charles B. Reed and Chair Bob Linscheid’s failure to adhere to the statewide group’s demands that include greater funding toward instruction and capping executive and administrative pay. “When you raise our tuition in order to ‘make up for what you lost,’ all you are doing is making those who cannot afford those ridiculous prices unable to attend those campuses,” one student wrote. There were several other comments written on boards and left anonymously by students. “The funds for a quality education exist, but they are placed elsewhere: prisons, war, big business,” wrote another student on the boards in the Humanities Quad.

“In my youth (70 years ago), we educated our citizens,” another commenter wrote, “now we exploit them for profit that goes to transnational corporations that pay no taxes.” David Inga, a history major and representative for SQE, said the event was to create dialogue about the student debt crisis. The day before the event, it was reported by numerous media outlets that the student loan debt has reached $1 trillion. “There was a broad range of issues being addressed on the boards,” Inga said. “(There were) personal examples of student debt that people were experiencing. There were numbers on the board ranging from $9,000 to over $120,000 in student debt.” Sedillo performed his spoken word pieces on issues relating to working class issues and immigration. The Diamond Bar resident said he came out because he believes education is a right, and wanted to contribute his voice about the student debt crisis to the Cal State Fullerton campus. “The economy has to run on something and the economy is not running on production, it’s running on debt,” Sedillo said. “The housing crisis was a big thing and now it’s student debt. This economy is a house of cards, and the students are the next to fall.” Steve Jobbitt, assistant professor of history, said he noticed on the boards the stories of students being crushed by student debt and anxious about whether or not they will be able to afford the job they are studying for. He said there were working students at the event who wrote about taking on multiple jobs in addition to student loans to make ends meet. See DEBT, page 3

Daily Titan File Photo Fullerton Police Department has been facing various activist groups since the controversial death of Kelly Thomas in July 2011. Two officers have been charged in the incident.

Department focuses on clarity Kelly Thomas’ father says department is uncooperative in case MARK PAYNE Daily Titan

In an effort to be more open under the leadership of acting Police Chief Dan Hughes, the Fullerton Police Department invited the Daily Titan to visit the downtown police station and take a tour of its facilities. The tour was led by Sgt. Jeff Stuart, the new officer in charge of community services and public

information. He has been in the new position for three weeks and replaces the previous public information officer, Sgt. Andrew Goodrich. “I’m cautious to say that we weren’t transparent before, but I think (Hughes is) pushing to be more accommodating to the public,” said Stuart. “To let (the public) know, ‘Look, not only are we here, this has always been here, but please come now. We want you to be part of this as well, and we want you to understand.’” The tour was interesting and informative, and the Daily Titan was made to feel comfortable as guests

of the department, as well as being allowed to ask direct questions and receive direct answers. The paper was given an extensive look at how the department works on a daily basis. Some of the more noteworthy aspects of the tour were the newly updated dispatch area, the cameras located throughout the city that allow officers to keep an eye on problem areas and the shooting range, where officers are trained in the use of deadly and non-deadly force. The department has been under attack by various activist groups for almost a year since the beating of

37-year-old Kelly Thomas on July 5, 2011, which led to his death five days later. His death was allegedly caused by Fullerton police officers. Two of the officers have been charged in the incident. Officer Manuel Ramos has been charged with one count of second-degree murder and one count of involuntary manslaughter, and Officer Jay Cicinelli has been charged with one count of involuntary manslaughter and one count of excessive force. See POLICE, page 2

CAMPUS | Educational Summit

LOCAL | Victim’s Rights March

Online learning now essential, speakers say

Activists honor the plight of victims

About 8,000 CSUF students in online courses this semester

Families seek justice for those caught in the middle of violent crime



Senate Republican Leader Bob Huff (R-Diamond Bar) hosted the 2012 Educational Summit on online education Thursday at Cal State Fullerton. The event was co-sponsored by CSUF’s University Extended Education. About 30 people attended the event in the Titan Theatre to hear the panel discuss the future of technology in the classroom. Judi Carmona, a school board member for Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District, was among the attendees. “I know that Sen. Huff is on the education committee in the senate, so what he has to say about education is of keen interest to me,” said Carmona. Huff began the panel by acknowledging that while the economy is still struggling, 21st-century changes need to be made in California classrooms. “We certainly know we have limited resources, and that is frustrating to everybody. But we just thought this was a great opportunity to highlight some changes that are going on in education,” said Huff. The discussion began with Keith Boyum, CSUF interim executive assistant to the president who gave an overview of online learning in the U.S., with some special reference to the CSUF campus. “This university, as every university, is embracing online learning, and we simply don’t know where it’s

The families and friends of victims of various crimes joined together Friday at the Fourth Annual Orange County District Attorney’s Victim’s Rights March and Rally to remember those whose lives were lost to crime. The event was held at the Orange County district attorney’s office in Santa Ana. After the opening reception, attendees carried posters with pictures of loved ones. Then a rally was held at the Orange County Courthouse. The march is held to support the victims of crime, said Susan Kang Schroeder, chief of staff at the district attorney’s office. “We (the D.A.’s office) file approximately 70,000 cases a year out of 80,000 cases that we look at. Most of them are misdemeanors and then we have felonies as well, and many of them have victims of crime,” said Schroeder. “Although we don’t technically represent the victims in the sense that we’re not their attorneys, but it is the reason why we do what we do. We are here to protect

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STEPHEN McGLADE / Daily Titan Peter Stewart, senior vice president of school development at K12, Inc., discusses the future of online education at the Education Summit held Thursday at the Titan Theatre in the TSU.

going to go in the future,” said Boyum. Boyum outlined the different types of education a student can receive. From traditional learning, which includes absolutely no online activity, to online learning, where 80 percent of learning is via the internet. “It is a great opportunity, we think, for enhancing learning and shedding costs … Online learning is an essential part of our future. It will grow,” Boyum said. In 2010, one-third of all students in American higher education took an online class. Currently, in spring 2012, 8,000 students at CSUF are enrolled in at least one online course, Boyum said. Boyum plans to adapt the campus library to a 21st-century students’ needs location.

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“At CSUF, we have plans to repurpose much of the physical space for learning support. We’re going to push to the side, we’re not throwing away, but we’re going to compactly store the increasingly less used print resources,” Boyum said. One issue that resurfaced throughout the night was the role of the faculty in online education. “Presently, the delivery of online instruction is not cheaper in the terms of faculty labor costs, it appears to be more expensive,” Boyum said. “At the same time, other costs may be diminished, and we owe ourselves and the taxpayers a healthy investigation of exact ways to do that.” See SUMMIT, page 2

victims’ rights. And we want to make sure that we remember what they have gone through and honor their efforts and their sufferings.” Families and friends were gathered at the march and rally to pay homage to their lost loved ones and to help each other through their situations. “It’s for people who have been victims of crime. Some of them are living in the sense that they were sexual assault victims, robbery victims or things like that. Other people are people who have family members that were killed as a result of crime,” Schroeder said. Among those who were at the event was Maribel Grajeda. Her son was killed in June 2010. “He entered the wrong street, wrong time, wrong place and they shot him in the car he was in. The bullet hit him in the face and he passed away,” said Grajeda. Grajeda wants to spread the message of nonviolence to the community. “I want the violence to stop. Serve justice. Just because they have short hair (doesn’t) mean they’re another gang member,” Grajeda said. “I just need justice for my son.” See RIGHTS, page 2


April 30, 2012


RIGHTS: Families fight for justice ...Continued from page 1 Kay Brenneman, a victims’ advocate and the mother of Benjamin Brenneman, also attended the rally. Benjamin was murdered in 1981 by a known child molester, said Brenneman. Benjamin was 12 years old when he was killed. “I work for victims’ rights,” Brenneman said. “It’s a passion for me. It’s not a matter of I’m boohooing on all the time. In the early years it was hard.” Brenneman has been dedicated to her work and has traveled throughout the state to places like Sacramento and has helped vote on laws that seek to protect the people. “That’s what I want, something good out of something bad,” Brenneman said. Maria Flores supports her friend whose son was shot to death. Flores held a picture of her friend’s son at the rally. “My story is (that) I’m here for my best friend Debbie and this is her son Jonathan, who was shot down in a gang-related shooting … We’ve come together and we’re here to support her through this horrible situation,” said Flores. Victims of crime are in the same position and need help from one another to overcome, Flores said.

“Whether we’re strangers or friends when it comes to this, we’re all a family. We’re here to support each other, whether we know each other or not,” Flores said. “They’re all in the same situation and they need all the support they can get to know that they’re not alone at a time like this.” Flores said she too wants justice for all the people who have become a victim of a crime. “I hope to see that they find justice for all these people who have lost people so innocently — you know, just being at the wrong place at the wrong time, whatever the case may be — that they find justice for all these innocent people,” Flores said. Schroeder said historically, victims didn’t have the same rights that they do today. “We have victims come and give their impact statement. They have the right to speak at a court. They have a right to be told when the perpetrators are being released,” Schroeder said. “They deserve a lot of sympathy and recognition for everything they’ve gone through.” Schroeder said this event reminds people that good will triumph over evil. “You get inspired by these people who have been through so much, and they have gone through some of the most unspeakable things … (It) inspires you to work harder,” she said.

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...Continued from page 1 Boyum said student and faculty transportation costs, capital expenditures for buildings and parking, and the demand for on-site services such as dorms and campus police may all be diminished if online teaching was embraced. In response to technological advances, CSUF is offering the system’s first two bachelor degrees that are fully online as of fall 2012. They are degree completion programs for students who fulfilled their general education requirements and would like to pursue a degree in sociology or business. “They are designed to allow the student who got 60 units at the community college, and then didn’t go farther, to finish fully online. They don’t ever have to come to Fullerton,” Boyum said. Also on the panel was Diane Donnelly-Toscano, coordinator of innovative programs at the Anaheim Union High School District, who discussed how the baby boom generation is teaching a technologically advanced generation, which creates some tension. “We are in another historical moment of the way that we are gathering

information and communicating, but we also realized really quick that there is a divide between the instructors and the kids,” said Donnelly-Toscano. In her digital learning program, about 1,000 students are enrolled at a time. Donnelly-Toscano said not every student is right for online education and that it should be used for students who meet certain requirements. “They must have persistence, self-motivation … they need to be independent learners, good written communication skills, effective management skills and a willingness to ask questions,” Donnelly-Toscano said. State Sen. Gloria Romero was in attendance to discuss the landscape of online education in California. “What has been described here, I don’t believe is the norm in California … there has been much resistance to taking a look at moving into the digital area,” said Romero. Romero said there is a juxtaposition between what students are capable of, and what instructors are allowing them to do. “Our students, when they enter kindergarten, they know how to use technology and walk into the portals of a 20th-century public school system, which basically tells them ‘turn off,’”

Romero said. “How do we encourage and work with our children, our students, our faculties, our mentors to retrain, rethink, to not be afraid of technology and to turn on and use it in an educational forum?” Romero shared results from a study that showed America as a whole performing poorly. Last year at a conference sponsored by the national campaign Digital Learning Now, every state was issued digital learning report cards. California was in last place, and only performed well for 14 out of the 72 rubrics. Romero said public education is not just a California issue, but a national issue that needs to improve. “We are in a global economy. The basis of a global economy has got to be the strengths and merits of progress of a public education system to boost us in commerce and culture and technology. As a nation, we’re not doing well,” Romero said. Huff ended the panel with a quote from Lance Izumi, the Koret Senior Fellow and Senior Director of Education Studies at the Pacific Research Institute to sum up the feelings of the panel members. “Digital learning is not just the wave of the future — it is the tidal wave of the future,” Huff said.

POLICE: Department continues trying to be transparent ...Continued from page 1


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SUMMIT: Not every student is right for online classes

“The problem right now is that the department has become the focus of problems because of things that have happened in the city, and that things haven’t necessarily changed from the previous level of transparency, but right now it’s our job, in some respects, to be advocates for the department,” Stuart said. Ron Thomas, Kelly’s father, disagrees with the department’s claim that they have been transparent and that they are trying to become more open and visible to the public. “They’re still hiding under the cloak of the Peace Officers Bill of Rights,” said Thomas. “They tell you that they’re going to tell you everything, but (they say), ‘We can’t tell you that because of (the Peace) Officers Bill of Rights,’ and, ‘I can’t tell you that either because that’s in the officer’s personnel file.’” “When you get right down to it, they haven’t told

me anything other than, ‘We’re willing to talk to you, but we can’t,’” Thomas added. During the tour, several on-duty officers stopped to speak on the subject. “I don’t know if I would necessarily say morale (has been affected), but I can say the leadership has really stepped up in this department to make this place a better place and to make the relationship better with the public, which is what every department needs to do, regardless of the situation they’re in,” said Cpl. Dave Heying. Stuart said the last year has been trying for the Fullerton Police Department, but when you look at their track record versus other agencies, they do a good job. “We want people to come down. I’m proud of this department … We are a good department,” Stuart said. “If you look at the number of calls we handle every year and the number of complaints we get in relation to those calls, (they) are minute — they’re infinitesimal.”

DTBRIEFS Latino Showcase Features Gala The Newport Beach Film Festival will highlight Latino film and culture as a part of its international spotlight series Wednesday night. The event is called The Latino Showcase and will show films from three countries. As a part of the event, there will be a public gala featuring filmmakers, actors and local entertainers, according to The Orange County Register. Some of the films that will be a part of the showcase are “Here Between Us” (“Aqui Entre Nos”) of Mexico, “Heleno” of Brazil and “Blue Bay” (“Bahia Azul”) of Chile. The showings will be held at staggered times at the Edwards Big Newport theater. After the films conclude, the public gala will be held at Fashion Island in Newport Beach. Tickets for the showcase are $15 for a single film, $25 for the gala or $35 for admission to a film and the gala. Tickets can be purchased at Mary Behrens, a co-coordinator of the event, said that there are several other films being shown in Orange County that may be of interest to Latino and other moviegoers. Brief by Lance Morgan

Hunger Strike to Begin May 2 Students from six Cal State University campuses have announced a hunger strike in protest of six years of tuition increases in a row. The hunger strike, set to begin Wednesday, will involve at least 13 students from CSU Dominguez Hills, Fullerton, Long Beach, Northridge, Sacramento and San Bernardino. They will supposedly fast until an agreement is made to meet demands such as a freeze in tuition and an administrative roll back in administrative and executive salaries. The students are also asking for more free speech rights on campus, as well as an elimination of housing and car allowances for the presidents of each of the 23 CSU campuses. According to the Los Angeles Times, CSU has had to cut classes, lay off faculty and staff members, deny the entry of thousands of students and lost nearly $1 billion in funding since 2008. A 9 percent fee increase this fall will raise the rate to $5,970 for undergraduates. Cal State University officials have not said whether they plan to intervene in the hunger strikes. The students don’t appear to have a clear understanding of the issues, said spokesman Mike Uhlenkamp. Brief by Roxy Telles

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April 30, 2012


Emeritus status for Hagan Academic Senate awards Willie Hagan and discusses online policy MICHAEL MUNOZ Daily Titan

After a quick break to honor Interim President Willie Hagan for his accomplishment at Cal State Fullerton, the Academic Senate went back to business, specifically creating a policy for online instruction. Academic Senate Chair Jack Bedell began the meeting by asking Hagan to approach the Senate podium to announce a resolution, but it was all a ruse. Hagan was really called before the Senate to accept an award of recognition. The award was given as Hagan, who has served five active terms with the Academic Senate, prepares to begin his position as Interim President at Cal State Dominguez Hills, starting June 11. “During his tenure in the Academic Senate, he was elected in the executive committee … where he served with diligence, distinction and aplomb,” said Bedell. “Willie’s interim presidency has been characterized as boldness of action, a plethora of decency and no shortage of everything we’ve come to expect and love about Willie.” Bedell concluded his speech by saying that one of the first actions of incoming President Mildred Garcia should be to grant and confirm emeritus status to Hagan. Emeritus status will allow Hagan the use of an emeritus professor’s office, special faculty facilities including library privileges, service on thesis committees and service as substitute teachers. Emeritus status also grants the recipient regular

faculty discounts on all campus activities and entertainment events, only with the consent of the Associated Students, Inc. Emeritus status can only be give to a faculty member who has held a full-time position at CSUF for at least 10 years. It is often given to faculty who are retiring or who die while still teaching full-time. The exception to these two rules is that the president may grant emeritus rank on qualified individuals, like Hagan. Garcia, who was in attendance for the award, officially granted Hagan emeritus status. “Together we will work together to teach each other,” said Garcia. Garcia said Hagan taught her about CSUF while she taught him about Dominguez Hills. Both of them worked together to ensure “the sister institutions will be the best in the system.” Hagan was surprised to receive the award and also grateful. He acknowledged that the task ahead of him of transitioning from CSUF to CSUDH will not be as smooth as he thought. Hagan recently addressed the CSUDH’s Academic Senate and was caught by surprise. “What struck me was that I’ve been here long enough to know everybody around this table as colleagues and personal friends,” said Hagan. “What struck me when I was in Dominguez Hills was (that) I don’t have 16 years to develop those kinds of relationships there.” However, Hagan said his fellow colleagues have already talked to faculty in CSUDH and put in a good word for him, which will help make the transition smoother. Preceding the award, the Senate launched into creating and amending the policy for online instruction.

The biggest concern of the Senate, which has been working to revamp the policy for three years, is “truth in packaging and truth in presentation.” When the executive committee was looking at the former policy, they asked for students in the Information and Technology Committee for their take on the online instruction that is currently held at CSUF. “We tried to revise things, thinking this will be easy. Everyone can look at categories and (be) happy, and the students were like, ‘We keep having to come to classes on campus, (yet no one) tells us that when we sign up for online classes,’” said Senator Sean Walker. Walker, who is part of the executive committee, found that almost all the students he asked in his classroom said the same thing — that there is no mention when they sign up for online instruction that it will be required for students to come to campus, yet they’re still expected to show up anyway. The new policy states that there must be a clear indication in which type of online instruction format the professor will take. It must be clearly stated so the student can be made aware of. Online formats ranged from hybrid instruction, which blends traditional and online instruction, online instruction with required course meeting, meaning 80 percent of the class will be online and students will only attend the campus for various course activities such as taking a test, and fully online instruction, which will be 100 percent online. After debating and hearing suggestions on how to modify the policy, the executive committee will reconvene to redraft a policy more to the Senate’s liking.

Children experience a day as Titans Faculty toured the campus and did on-the-job shadowing for the event ANGEL MENDOZA Daily Titan

The first ever “Take a Child to Work Day” at Cal State Fullerton took place Thursday. Dozens of individuals aged 8 to 18 were given the opportunity to see what their parents, relatives or friends do at the university on a daily basis. Aaron Thomas, one of the coordinators of the event, emphasized the importance of the day for the CSUF community and potential students. “Take a Child to Work Day is the perfect opportunity to connect with potential future Titans. All students participating in the event could one day be CSUF students, and we want to provide them with critical information to make their educational journey a success,” said Thomas in an email. “More importantly, this event reiterates the importance of going to college. The day’s activities center around this theme and promote continued education.” The day started off at 8 a.m. when each child was given a tour of their parent’s or sponsor’s workplace through a morning job shadowing. Tami Foy, Ph.D., who is the research grants officer at the College of Education, said the morning session was a good way to show her grandson a taste of what her job was all about. “I took him around my office, let

him meet the dean and we actually had a professional staff day which worked out … He got to meet my other staff and (I) just kind of explained to him what I do and (what) we do at the College of Education,” said Foy. Check-ins for group campus tours began at 9:30 a.m. at the student housing near the Gastronome. Andrew Brown, a senior history major and volunteer tour guide, made the elementary school children feel at ease with his playful attitude and constant jokes. At one point during the tour, he told the kids the history about the pieces of the replica “David” statue by the Pollak Library. “This statue once stood in Forest Lawn Memorial Park, then there was an earthquake in 1987 and it broke the statue. The statue came tumbling down and so they were about to get rid of him,” Brown said to the group. “Then an art professor on campus said, ‘You know what, whether David is in one piece or many pieces, he is still art,’ and went and brought him here to the university.” He also mentioned the myth that rubbing the buttocks of the statue brings good luck during finals week. Some children erupted in laughter — others looked away in disgust. Toward the end of the tour, Brown mentioned the importance of doing well academically in middle school and high school in order to make it to a university like CSUF. “Over 35,000 students applied for

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All students participating in the event could one day be CSUF students, and we want to provide them with critical information to make their educational journey a success. Aaron Thomas Event Coordinator

fall 2011, so we do have a lot of students that want to become Cal State Fullerton Titans … Do as well as you guys can in your classes … make sure you fulfill those requirements and you guys give yourselves a good chance of coming to this great university,” Brown said. After lunch, the elementary school children and their sponsors went bowling at the Titan Student Union Underground and followed that with rock climbing at the Student Recreation Center. Middle school and high school students were given information on preparing for college. A student panel also discussed their college experiences and took questions from the groups. Larry Martin, the associate dean of students for New Student Programs, is hopeful that CSUF continues with the “Take a Child to Work Day” event. “There’s definitely lots of interest, and folks have really been excited to see it take place this year,” said Martin. The day concluded with an ice cream social and afternoon job shadowing.

VANESSA MARTINEZ / Daily Titan Cal State Fullerton’s Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) held their “Flappers and Fedoras” event Wednesday night in the Titan Student Union. Attendees enjoyed food and casino-related games at the event.

Comm Week proves effective Events planned by a task force were meant to inspire students’ creativity and careers


Communications Week at Cal State Fullerton ended Friday after a week filled with many informative and fun events for students. A variety of events were made available to students, especially within the College of Communications. Lea Jarnagin, Ph.D., dean of students said the most impressive part of Comm Week was the leadership shown. The student coordination committee, which is made up of a group of about 25 students, was one of the best parts, Jarnagin said. Samantha Durbin, chief executive officer of the executive team for Comm Week, said there were many challenges over the week. “Comm Week is definitely a challenge leading up to it,” said Durbin. “We began in January … but once we got to the actual week … it was absolutely amazing to see it all come together.” James Sabala, director of the scheduling committee, said there were a few problems during the week, including the balloons during the PRSSA event that were accidentally sent up into the air, but it was still worth it. “We had a couple bumps in the road,” said Sabala. “Overall, it was a really smooth experience.” Kevin Wong, chief operations officer of the executive team for Comm Week, said the planning was not easy, but it was important. “No event goes (perfectly). When you step back and look at it as a whole, your struggles are just so minor,” said Wong. This year’s Comm Week stood out from that of previous years, particularly for its marketing

and outreach to students, Jarnagin said. She said she has been at CSUF for 13 years and does not remember a year when she saw it so popular. Comm Week’s marketing was important, she said, because there is no other event like it on campus that is intentionally structured for communications students. “Those kind of learning opportunities for me are something that this kind of week really contributes to the campus; it’s learning that students wouldn’t get a chance to have if we didn’t have something like a Comm Week,” Jarnagin said. “Classes are great, but what about something that complements that?” Jarnagin said Comm Week is also an opportunity for students to take leadership positions in a major event on campus. “The students get a chance to step up and make this a reality,” Jarnagin said. “Their vision and their dream, because of their hard work and dedication, becomes something this amazing.” Seeing the fruit of their work was important to the leaders that were involved in Comm Week as well, such as Durbin, who said she met many people excited about the internship fair and the possibility of internships because of it. Many of the events held at Comm Week were meant to spark a creative side of students and to make them look at their careers in another way. Durbin said the speaker panel Monday was important to her since it emphasized finding a passion for a career. “I found it really relevant that the students decided to have a poetry slam … It makes it personal; it gives a venue and a stage for students who want to express themselves in that way to be heard,” Jarnagin said. “There are many ways to take a degree … or a minor … and operationalize that into how one lives and works and thrives in a career.”

DEBT: A hunger strike against hikes is planned ...Continued from page 1 A few students wrote responses on the boards such as “Stop complaining” and “I have no sympathy for any of you, work for your money like the rest of us.” Jobbitt said those kinds of comments “reflect the mean-spiritedness and the lack of compassion that is driving political rhetoric.” “(Mitt Romney) comes out and says

‘students should be taking loans out from their parents,’” Jobbitt said. “Now this is ridiculous because as a parent, if my children were to start school this year at a university, I couldn’t afford to send them to the school I work at,” he said. The kick-off for the SQE hunger strike action on campus will take place Tuesday at 11 a.m. The hunger strike, with Inga as the only confirmed participant so far, will take place starting Wednesday at midnight on campus.


April 30, 2012


A hunger for education

Turn it down, politicians

The action shows the need for student voices to be heard

When songs are used for political campaigns, it should be appropriate and used with permission of artists


For the Daily Titan


When you think of the Kanye West and Jay-Z collaboration smash single “N***as in Paris” what comes to mind? Fish Filet? Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen? Or maybe even a French presidential candidate? Maybe that last one was a stretch, but French presidential hopeful François Hollande is hoping you will soon find a correlation between the two. In a recent video to demonstrate his support of the Parisian suburbs, during the run-off election between Hollande and French presidential incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy, Hollande chose the album Watch the Throne as the soundtrack for his political campaign. I have to admit the ad is really cool. It might be even better than the seizure inducing video of the original song by Jay-Z and Kayne West. It has many supporters of Hollande showcasing their voting receipts, cheering him on through the campaign trail and even being starstruck by him riding the subway. This ad almost makes Hollande look like a rock star. What does not work is the inappropriate song use. What was this man thinking? Just because the song has the word “Paris,” Hollande uses it to strike a chord with voters. To quote the catchy lyrics of the song, “That s*** cray.” Did Hollande even listen to the song? The song is about excessive spending. If Jay-Z has to ask, “What’s 50 grand to a m-f-r like me/Can you please remind me?” you know he is not having the same money issues like the rest of us and/or even some Parisian suburb residents. Watching the video, I can’t help but steer away from the message Hollande is trying to display as a man among the people in France. Does he live like Kanye and Jay-Z? Does he “got that hot b*** in his home”? Should we not “let him get into the zone”? I’m confused, should they or shouldn’t they vote for you? I’m thinking Hollande just hired a swagger coach and did this to tap into the youth vote, but he comes out looking old and out of touch. Hollande is not the first politician using popular music to try to deliver a political message. Recently, the French political party Le Front National used M83’s “Midnight City” in an ad campaign. M83 lead singer Anthony Gonzalez (who is also French) wants nothing to do with the political party or any politics. In a statement, Gonzalez said, “They are doing this without my permission, and I am appalled at their lack of artistic respect. At the very least, artists should be asked if

Courtesy of MCT Kayne West (front) and Jay-Z performing“N***as in Paris.” The hit song was used in a video for a French presidential campaign.

they agree, or disagree, with being associated with a certain image or brand … In general, the music of M83 is apolitical, and I refuse to be associated with any party, and particularly the Front National.” M83 claimed copyright violation and the Le Front National took down the song from their ad. What’s the best way to tap into the zeitgeist if not through pop culture? But if you’re going to do so, make sure you choose a song that’s appropriate and make sure you get permission from the artist first. The French are not the only ones plagued with ceaseand-desist letters. U.S. politicians have seen their fair share. Tom Petty sent a cease-and-desist letter to Michele Bachmann for using his hit song “American Girl” during her GOP run. Sarah Palin took heat from Heart from using their song “Barracuda.” This trend goes far back to Bruce Springsteen, issuing Ronald Reagan to dissociate from using Springsteen’s “Born in the USA” during Reagan’s reelection campaign in 1984. Politicians need to find artists who are willing to associate themselves and their songs with the politicians. For example, The National’s “Mr. November” was used during President Barack Obama’s first victory to the White House in 2008. Mitt Romney is currently playing Kid Rock’s “Born Free” at his political rallies. Musicians should have the final say on who uses their music, especially when it comes to political ads. They created it and should be consulted when it is used for political purposes. There are many musicians and bands, like M83, who don’t want to be associated with politics, and those decisions should be respected. Politicians should not be so concerned about being trendy either. We are not voting for you based on what’s on your playlist, voters are going to support you based on the issues in your campaign.

This Wednesday will mark the first day of a student-led hunger strike in protest of fee hikes, deterioration of our education system, and cuts to classes and student services. All of this is happening while Chancellor Charles B. Reed, the incoming CSUF president Mildred Garcia, and other executives reap lavish bonuses and salaries. A particular concern at CSUF is the $300,000 that has been allocated from the budget for President Garcia to renovate the eight bedroom historical house where she will live as well as her 10 percent pay raise. This should, on its surface, raise an alarm and certainly demand critical reflection. It seems many of us have been struck with a peculiar amnesia. We’ve forgotten that the education system isn’t for Mildred Garcia. Nor is it for Chancellor Reed. Cal State Fullerton is for you and me. Just as a marketplace can’t run without consumers, a school cannot run without students. CSUF is ours collectively, and it exists to serve us. Somehow we have more or less forgotten that the executives’ jobs are to serve us, not the other way around. Our education system has been hijacked, and it’s time to reclaim it. We need to stop rewarding those at the top for putting the system in the crisis we are in now. That is what the upcoming student hunger strike across the CSU system is about – hunger for quality education materialized in nonviolent student protests. On Friday, the Los Angeles Times published a piece covering the hunger strikes planned at six different campuses. Cal State spokesman Mike

This logic assumes that officials would not reallocate the budget and maintain stronger fiscal discipline to best serve students. In other words, it assumes that those in higher positions will not do the proper duties of the job before them — the job that is not properly being performed and for which they are being paid exorbitantly. Funding is not static and it is not as if students are asking for certain margins to change and others remain static and unchanged. There would obviously be necessary reallocations and proper adjustments made that come at the minimal expense of students in order to maintain funding. But in this discussion, it is as if this spokesman cannot fathom the possibility of an education system that works for the students rather than against the students. Additionally, spokesman Uhlenkamp argues that state-provided housing and housing allowances are necessary for properties in which to entertain and raise funds. Sure, that simple utterance might be written off as insufficient, since there are undoubtedly events that do raise funds for the school. However, more insufficient is the justification of housing allowances such as a $300,000 renovation for this fundraising. If this is legitimately the leading rationale that allows such an allocation to take place, then I’d love to see the number of dollars made from these events relative to the funding that was provided. And it is with that that I express solidarity with SQE, the student body as a whole, and those working to make the system better for the students it was established to serve. Let’s reclaim what is rightfully ours. Let’s reclaim our school. Together.

Men are affected by domestic abuse In society, both genders experience domestic abuse. RICHARD ANDERSON Daily Titan

When you think about the term “domestic disturbance,” the first thing you think of is a man abusing his wife or girlfriend. Your mind’s eye probably sees an image of OJ Simpson, Bobby Brown or maybe even Mike Tyson. In fact, the last thing you would think of is the exact opposite: A woman hitting or abusing her husband or boyfriend. This is because most police reports involving these domestic disturbances are instances of men abusing women. In fact, according to the website for Psych Central, domestic abuse often goes unreported when the victim is a man. When this happens, male victims are just as likely as female victims to develop posttraumatic stress disorder. Men are less likely to report a serious injury caused by a female partner, according to the website. For that matter, police officers are

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Uhlenkamp was quoted as saying, “The students don’t appear to have a clear understanding of the issues … we’re not saying that the students are all wrong in what they’re trying to say. It’s important for students to have a voice. But I think what they’re doing is going about it the wrong way.” Here the blatant paternalistic dogma of the administration comes out in full force: “Students, the youth, and those not engaged daily in the inner workings of the education system are too stupid to understand and make proper demands. Sure, they may have a voice, but only insofar as the overall system which pays off for those at the top at the expense of students is not critically challenged.” It’s logic like this that keeps high prices in place and reflection of critical issues to a minimum. And we internalize it, “We’re just students and could never understand budgeting processes! We have no power!” This shows a docility that operates through unwavering consent and parasitism upon bank accounts and our lives. The hours of hard labor spent to get an education should not be squandered for the unequal benefit of those at the top. Officials need to stop shortchanging, both metaphorically and monetarily, the student body. While I may not be directly involved in the daily workings of Students for Quality Education (SQE) and other participating organizations, I know people who are and have heard them prove competence, if not expertise, time and time again. Spokesman Uhlenkamp argues that if tuition is frozen, then there would have to be more cuts to students in the end. Here marks the critical failure of officials to recognize that public universities are for the students.

less likely to arrest female suspects. The problem is that domestic violence is largely seen as a woman’s issue that only affects women. However, it should be viewed more as a societal problem that affects both genders — and their children — for the most part, equally. What I don’t understand is this: Why is one considered more heinous than the other? Furthermore, why do female victims report abuse so much more often than their male counterparts? You can make the argument that the man wouldn’t want to face embarrassment because he was assaulted by someone who is supposedly from the weaker sex. Maybe he’d be seen as weak. or maybe he doesn’t want his friends to think, “She wears the pants in the family,” as the old cliched saying goes. However, there are more than enough female victims who don’t report domestic violence for one reason or another, usually out of fear. All the warning signs are there, though a common response to someone inquiring about a black eye is, “I walked into a door.”

Usually, abuse victims wear sunglasses or extra clothing to hide the physical abuse. One warning sign is if a victim wears a turtleneck sweater on a scorching hot day. However, abuse does not have to be physical. It can be mental, emotional or psychological. Abusive relationships can take all forms, but abusers are usually manipulative control freaks. Those are the kinds of people we should all avoid. They’ll manipulate you into isolation so that you can’t see your family or friends. An abuser might control you so that only you do what he or she wants to do. It might make sense that female abusers prefer men who are smaller than them, or who are easily controlled in relationships. According to a 2010 report by The Guardian, at least 40 percent of domestic disturbance victims in the United Kingdom are male, which contradicts the stereotype that victims were almost always women in the world. There are far fewer places male victims can go than places female victims can go, according to a report by Parity, a men’s rights group. The Guardian also quoted the report as having stated “Domestic violence is often seen as a female victim/male perpetrator problem, but the evidence demonstrates that this is a false picture.” According to Parity’s website, government and public policies continue to be largely based on this perception, even though there have been many studies all over the world that prove the idea that men are most likely the perpetrators of these types of crimes is wrong. There needs to be more support for male victims. There are fewer men’s shelters and support programs for male victims are vastly inferior compared to those same programs for female victims of domestic abuse. There should be more places where men can seek shelter from abusive wives and girlfriends. Above all, domestic abuse should not be tolerated. It doesn’t matter what the gender of an abuse victim is, or even what the age is. All domestic abuse crimes should receive the same level of punishment.

April 30, 2012

Titan Youth Summer Camp develops skills on campus CSUF hosts summer sports for youth for counselors in training MAEGAN CASTRO-FLORES Daily Titan

It’s getting close to that time of year when camp goes into full swing for kids during the summertime. Cal State Fullerton’s Titan Youth Summer Camp (TYSC) brings a host of summer programs to their young campers. These programs range from everything such as summer camp activities, sport skill development and a Counselors-in-Training program, according to the Titan Youth Summer Programs website. TYSC begins June 18 and will end in August. This will be the first summer in which the program will be extended into an eightweek program. The camp is broken into one-week sessions and after one week, counselors can see an improvement within the kids. The campers range from kindergarten students to eighth graders. The camp takes place in certain places around campus according to Ken Maxey, facility and equipment coordinator of the Titan Recreation Center. “Our camp typically takes place on the Intramural Fields, Titan Bowl and Billiards and the Student Recreation Center,” he said. The standard cost for TYSC is $209, but there are several discounts available, according to Maxey. He also said that discounts are available for students, faculty, staff and for families that sign up for several weeks before or for multiple children in the same household (that sign up). Janella Roxas, health science major and clerical assistant for programs in the Titan Recreation office, said the community is very informed of this program through the different ways the college

promotes it. “We send out stacks of fliers to elementary schools around the area,” said Roxas. We also email previous participants to remind them about the upcoming sports camp (and) posters are also posted on campus and outside of campus.” With TYSC continuously coming back every summer, it shows TYSC is making an impact in many ways. Farron Fowler, intramural coordinator and TYSC director, said that campers can find further success in their sporting endeavors. “Youth camps provide children with the opportunity for growth both in sports and personal development ... our camp will provide hands on skill specific training,” said Fowler.

Youth camps provide children with the opportunity for growth both in sports and personal development. Farron Fowler TYSC Director

“Our campers spend between 40 and 50 hours with their peers, counselors and other authoritative figures which helps them stay engaged mentally throughout the summer. In this type of environment children transition better into the following school semester,” he said. Campers have a lot of funfilled activities, said to Fowler and Maxey. Sports and skill development are a major part in a day in summer camp at CSUF, with their rotation rock wall climbing, basketball, soccer, and flag football, just to name a few. “We will begin to introduce different outdoor activities, which will range from scuba diving to kayaking.

The first year will be in moderation and we will continue to grow and bring more additions,” Fowler said Fowler said challenges are developed to help the campers learn new skills. “Each week we will host team games to allow campers to use those newly acquired skills,” said Fowler. In addition to the camp activities for kindergarten through eighth-grade students, another program is available for kids aged 14 to 18 called counselors in training (CIT). “This program offers high school students the opportunity to begin to develop their leadership skills … We will utilize our early morning activity times to allow the CITs to express not only their creativity but also ease them into a leadership role with the help of our staff. We will log their hours so they can put them on college applications,” Fowler said. CITs will have to meet daily with leaders. As a CIT, their assignments will be given to them in the morning. According to the TYSC website, they will assist and support the other counselors with changing with different activities and make sure that campers are having a great a memorable time. Camp can be a very important and notable point in a child’s life. Fowler experienced summer camp growing up and sums up how the development of camp can really help campers. “I grew up in the Boys & Girls Club programs in Arkansas, so I have lived and know the benefits of a summer camp. The staff interactions I had with counselors are relationships I still to this day utilize,” Fowler said. “TYSC will help each camper be a better overall individual and have a lot of fun,” he said. Campers are encouraged to bring water, change of clothes, a hat and some sunscreen.



Tummy Time by SEPIDEH NIA

French fries vs. sweet potatoes A revolution has taken place on the plates of Cal State Fullerton students. It can be seen in the menus of the Fresh Kitchen and Nutwood Café. French fries everywhere are being substituted for sweet potato fries. Why do so many students prefer the sweet flavor of the orange excuse for a French fry over the classic side dish that a hamburger can never be without? Sweet potato fries have a texture that leaves the palate of an unsuspecting customer grainy, yet mushy. However, some food patrons prefer them over the salty, fluffy, yet crispy flavor of a well-done French fry. Sweet potato fries can not even coexist with ketchup! Imagine all of the lonely ketchup containers around the world, out of work because of sweet potatoes. Ah, but they are more healthy you say? Sweet potato fries are just that — they are fries. And how do you cook fries? Deep fry them, my friend. Although it is thought that they are a good source of Vitamin A, the amount of grease that goes into making them is the same as in any other French fry. If you’re going to be eating something unhealthy, it might as well taste good. As much as I tend to side on behalf of French fries everywhere, I will acknowledge that they are not all created the same. There is a debate amongst California residents on whether or not In-N-Out serves French fries that reach the same caliber of taste as their infamous hamburgers. Although many believe that the fries served at Five Guys Burgers and Fries beats In-NOut — Seasoning, people! Some lesser-known fries are the spicy Cajun fries served at Boiling Crab. The thin, crispy, spicy fries are deviously charming in the fact that they entice you with their initial taste, and then burn your mouth. Bruxie Gourmet Waffle Sandwiches offers up an interesting alternative to French fries. You can have waffle cut fries (cooked in 100 percent peanut oil) with your waffle sandwich. They are good, but partnered with the already filling sandwich, a little overwhelming. Island Restaurant, however, offers subpar burgers with crispy medium-thick French fries that just get better with cheese and scallions. The crunch of the fries mixed with cheddar cheese and fresh scallions make them one of the best cheese-covered fries in SoCal (unless you can point me in the direction of something even better).

ANIBAL ORTIZ / Daily Titan Five Guys Burgers and Fries comes in both Five Guys Style or Cajun Style and are cook in peanut oil.

Red Robin (yum) is well known for the thick steak fries and special seasoning. However good the seasoning is, the fries could have more of a crunch to them. Although, they still go well with either ketchup or ranch — Take that sweet potato fries! McDonalds, the franchise that had all of us cringing with the idea of mystery meat, has caused the average Californian to run for the nearest In-NOut ever since the documentary Super Size Me came out. However, it is still curious how their French fries still remain as popular as they do. I, for one, am not a fan of the greasy concoction. However, I will tilt my hat to them and say that they do have some of the better fries in the fast food business — with the exception of In-N-Out. For something out of the box, Peter’s Gourmade Grill, a hole-in-the-wall restaurant attached to a gas station, takes fries and gives them a culinary twist. They offer Greek fries on their menus, which is basically a gyro, minus the pita bread, on fries. For those sweet potato lovers, they also have sweet potato fries with melted marshmallows on top. Whether you prefer your fries thin, crispy, soggy, seasoned, thick or even sweet, there are lots of SoCal eateries (some within minutes of CSUF) to satisfy your fried potato (sweet or not) cravings.


April 30, 2012


Softball team takes series over CSUN

The Titans compiled 30 hits and 4 homers over the weekend

TENNIS Titans Lose to 49ers in Finale


The weather heated up over the weekend and so did the Cal State Fullerton softball team’s bats as the women won 2-of-3 games to take the series against the Cal State Northridge Matadors at Matador Diamond. CSUF split Saturday’s road doubleheader before dominating the series finale Sunday afternoon to cap the series. The Titans slugged 30 hits over the weekend, including four home runs by three different players. With the victories CSUF moved to 19-25 overall and 7-8 in conference play. Game three Sunday saw the Titans’ bats explode for 17 hits en route to an 11-0 victory in five innings due to the mercy rule. Gabby Aragon had a Titan game-high three hits while adding two runs scored and one RBI on the day. Adri Martinez, Nicole Johnson, Morgan LeMond and Leesa Harris each added two hits apiece in the victory. Titan southpaw Desiree Ybarra got the victory in the circle in five innings pitched. Ybarra stifled the Matadors’ bats, allowing only one hit while striking out two and only walking one. CSUF jumped out to an early lead in the top of the third, sending nine batters to the plate. LeMond’s RBI single, Jena Rubio’s walk that scored a run, and Harris’ two-RBI single made it a 4-0 game. Ybarra held the Matadors scoreless in the bottom half of the third before the Titans would bat around the order and tack on seven more runs in the top of the fourth. Martinez led off the inning with a single and later scored from third base on an illegal pitch. Aragon and LeMond each put


ROBERT HUSKEY / Daily Titan Senior second baseman Adri Martinez swings at the ball during a game earlier this season. Martinez scored one run, had two hits and an RBI in the game three victory over the Matadors Sunday. The victory improved CSUF’s record to 19-25 overall and 7-8 in the Big West Conference. They will next play SDSU Wednesday night at home.

together RBI singles in the inning to give CSUF a 7-0 lead. Aragon later crossed home plate on a CSUN error for an 8-0 lead. The Titans went on to score three more runs in the inning to take an 11-0 lead, which was more than enough for Ybarra. In game two Saturday, the Titans mounted a comeback en route to a 7-2 victory behind three home runs, including Anissa Young’s sixth inning lead off blast that broke a 2-2 tie game. Aragon followed Young with a homer over the left field fence to extend the Titans’ lead to 4-2. Aragon’s sixth inning solo shot came after an illegal pitch took away an out and brought her back

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to the plate for another chance. The Titans secured the lead in the top of the seventh when Johnson’s three-run home run over the wall in left put CSUF up for good. Ybarra went the distance in the circle for the Titans and got the victory while only allowing six hits and two earned runs. Ybarra also struck out three and only walked one Matador batter. CSUF put together seven hits in the game and Ashley Carter led the Titans in the hit category with two on the day. Rubio and Harris also added a hit apiece for the Titans in the victory. Game one saw the Titans fall to the Matadors 5-2 in a game where

CSUF went scoreless through the first six innings of the game. Mia Pagano got the victory in the circle for CSUN in seven innings of work, allowing only five hits while striking out three. CSUF’s Katey Laben took the loss in 4.1 innings of work, allowing six hits and three earned runs. The Matadors scored first in the home half of the first inning on Mikayla Thielges’ RBI double for a 1-0 lead. Alyssa Ray’s squeeze bunt in the second scored Jessica Fridwall to make the lead 2-0. After a Titans throwing error extended the Matadors’ fourth inning, Madeline Sale came to

the plate and smashed a two-run home run over the left field wall for a 4-0 advantage. CSUN would later score another run in the fifth on a basesloaded walk to Ray. The Titans tried to mount a rally in the top of the seventh but could only manage to get two runs on Aragon’s two-run home run down the left field line off relief pitcher Brianna Elder. Pagano then re-entered and worked out of a jam to end the game. CSUF will next look to get revenge against San Diego State University on Wednesday at Anderson Family Field. The game is set to begin at 6 p.m.

After a thrilling 4-3 win against UC Riverside Thursday, the Cal State Fullerton tennis team looked to take that momentum into its 2012 Big West Tournament opener against Cal State Long Beach. Unfortunately, the top-seeded 49ers came out of the Indian Wells Tennis Garden with a dominating 4-0 win over the Titans. The Titans could not get anything going in any of their doubles matches. Monica Rodriguez and Kalika Slevcove fell to Anais Dallara and Klaudia Malenovska by a score of 8-1. Malorie De La Cruz and Avriel Tomaiko lost 8-0 to Sarah Cantley and Julie Luzar. The match between Titans Tiffany Mai and Morgan McIntosh and 49ers Laura Bernard and Rachel Manasse did not finish. The singles matches didn’t get much better for CSUF. Dallara downed Mai in straight sets 6-2, 6-1, Manasse dominated McIntosh 6-0, 6-0 and Malenovska defeated Slevcove 6-1, 6-0. The three other singles matches did not finish. The 49ers improved to 16-5 overall. The Titans ended their 2011-2012 season with an 8-13 overall record, their highest number of victories since the Titans finished 13-11 after the 2003-2004 season. Mai and McIntosh are both returning for their senior campaigns, which should bolster the line-up of this team next year. With no seniors on the current roster, next year should be a promising season for this group of Titans. Brief by Angel Mendoza


April 30, 2012

Crossword Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle FOR RELEASE APRIL 19, 2012

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ACROSS 1 Historical novel, usually 5 CCCII x III 9 Digital camera option 13 Show signs of age, as wallpaper 14 Gray with age 16 Ohio tribe 17 Ventura County city 18 Prepare to transplant, as to the garden 19 Swig 20 Phenoms 23 Trip letters 24 Breezed through 25 Cut 29 “Death, that hath suck’d the honey __ breath”: Shak. 31 Fitting 33 10-Down suffix 34 Peace in the Middle East 36 Ginormous 38 Env. info 39 Sardegna o Sicilia 41 Mine entrance 42 A little too clever 44 Physicist Tesla 46 64-Across spec 47 Shell game need 48 Durable cloth 49 Africa’s northernmost capital 51 Suffragette who co-founded Swarthmore 52 “Conan” airer 55 Trochee and iamb 59 Tombstone lawman 62 Fishing boot 63 Private jet maker 64 Nine West product 65 Muscat native 66 Periodic table fig. 67 It may be rigged 68 “After the Thin Man” dog 69 Oft-misused pronoun

C lassifieds , visit


will be kind to me for i intend to write winston churchill ,

former prime mini ster of england

2 How roast beef may be served 3 Some living legends 4 “Put __ on it!” 5 Exemplars of poverty 6 Capuchin, e.g. 7 Lacking sharpness 8 Waffle maker 9 Last critter in an ABC book 10 Raw mineral 11 Fry cook’s supply 12 Bumped into 15 Abbr. in a CFO’s report 21 “Do I dare to __ peach?”: Prufrock musing 22 This, in Tijuana 26 Some molars 27 Cybercommerce 28 Sedimentary formation 30 “Charlotte’s Web” setting 31 Chat room inits. 32 Museums for astronomy buffs 34 “Full House” actor

DOWN 1 Tough guy’s expression


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Daily Sudoku: Mon 16-Apr-2012 How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

5 3 4 7 8 1 9 2 6 2 6 1 3 5 9 7 8 4 1 5 3 4 6

5 9 7 6 3

3 8 1 2 7


7 5 7 1 4 5 4 5 6 1 9 8 3 6

6 9 3 1 7 8 2 4 5

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2 4 6 7 5



6 1 9 3 4


4 2 5 8 9


7 6 8 9 2

6 2

8 7 2 5 1


9 3 4 1 8

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Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) It’s easy to feel disoriented now. Don’t be afraid to ask for directions. Focus on what excites your spirit, and find comfort in friends. Hold on for support.



Daily Sudoku: Mon 16-Apr-2012

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Don’t delay completing new assignments while you can, as things are about to get busier. Daydreaming is not recommended now. Keep the pedal to the metal.



Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Travel conditions look good. Follow your schedule and the advice of a loved one. Entering a period of study and research. Don’t fall for a con game.

6 2 (c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2012. All rights reserved.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) You’re being tested, even if you don’t see it. Your reputation increases when you do what you’re really passionate about. Listen for acknowledgement, and keep cool.



6 4 3 8 1 2 7 5 9

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Support your friends in the pursuit of their dreams. They can come true. Get specific about what you want to achieve. Visualization helps more than you think.



9 8 3

2 8 5 9 7 6 3 4 1

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) You get more with molasses than you do with vinegar. Think over your plan. Before you share it, think about what’s in it for the other person. Provide substance.


1 4 5 5 6

9 7 1 5 3 4 6 2 8

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) You’re in expansion mode, and even more powerful than usual. Check in with the friends in your network who are already on the road you want to take.


1 9 2 4 6 7 5 8 3

(July 23-Aug. 22) Too much of a good thing create a new dilemma. Stick to the budget. Get a homebody phase, and consider personal comand well-being. Familiar faces and places soothe.




8 5 6 1 9 3 4 7 2

Leo can into fort


8 1

Cancer (June 22-July 22) Rules set the foundation for the structure you’re building. You’re even smarter than usual. Discover solutions that eluded you before.

35 “Farewell, chérie” 36 Coquettish 37 Munro’s pen name 40 Reggae relative 43 __ dixit: unproven claim 45 IOC part: Abbr. 48 Museum guide 50 Drive forward 51 Cursed alchemist 53 Lotto variant 54 Pol Thurmond

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Taurus (April 20-May 20) A difficult situation is making you stronger. You learn what you need. By evening, you enter an amorous phase, and everything eases. Love is the bottom line. Gemini (May 21-June 21) You may as well listen ... compromise could be involved. It could even get romantic. Let your sweetheart set the schedule. Cuddle at home.

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7 3 4 2 5 8 9 1 6

Aries (March 21-April 19) It’s getting busy. For the next two days, things are hopping. Stick to the rules, and then get creative. If you need help, ask for it. Work as a team.

4 1 7 6 8 9 2 3 5

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Thursday’s Puzzle Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved Solved

Daily Sudoku: Mon 16-Apr-2012


3 6 8 7 2 5 1 9 4




By Victor Barocas

5 2 9 3 4 1 8 6 7



56 Couple 57 Avatar of Vishnu 58 Weak spot 59 Last letter in most plurals (but not in this puzzle’s six longest answers, which are the only plurals in this grid) 60 Word of discovery 61 Palais resident


April 30, 2012


The Titans look for a strong push to Omaha CSUF is currently ranked No. 8 and sitting in first place in the Big West Conference MARK PAYNE Daily Titan

Cal State Fullerton has one of the most respected programs in college baseball and, so far, this year’s team has proven once again to be one of the best in the nation. The Titans are currently ranked No. 8 in the nation by Baseball America. They are 9-3 and are currently in first place in the Big West Conference standings. As the team heads into the final month of the season, they will be looking to finish strong in order to gain a coveted spot in the College World Series, and have a chance to host the opening round of the playoffs. With an overall record of 26-14, the Titans have shown they possess the talent necessary to compete against the top teams in the nation, and with improvements in some key areas, they just might get to Omaha for the chance to contend for the school’s fifth national title. For any team to reach its potential, leadership must be a big part of the equation, and Titan Head Coach Rick Vanderhook supplies that leadership. He is a hands-on type of manager who stresses the fundamentals and a strong mental approach to the game. Coach Vanderhook demands situational awareness from his players, so it’s rare for the Titans to beat themselves. It is a testament to the entire coaching staff that the Titans make very few of the kinds of mental mistakes that can cost their team the game. One of the Titans’ strongest assets is their starting pitching staff, which is arguably the best in the Big West, and leads the conference with a team ERA of 3.08. Starters Dylan Floro and Kenny Mathews are the workhorses of the staff with 10 starts apiece, and have combined for a record of 103, and an outstanding ERA of 2.98. No team can be successful without a proven closer, and CSUF has one of the best in the nation, Michael Lorenzen, who is 2-0 with 12 saves in 15 appearances with a miniscule 1.65 ERA. He also has 15 strikeouts and only four walks in 16.1 innings of work. Lorenzen was put on the midseason watch list as one of the favorites to win the National Stopper of the Year award, which is given to the

ROBERT HUSKEY / Daily Titan The Cal State Fullerton baseball team is currently ranked No. 8 in the nation and sit in first place with Long Beach State in the Big West Conference. The Titans lead the conference with a team ERA of 3.08.

best relief pitcher in NCAA Division I baseball by the National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association. The Titans’ defense has been another big part of the team’s success this season. The infield combination of Carlos Lopez, Richy Pedroza, Anthony Trajano and Matt Chapman can make the tough plays as well as the routine, and the four have combined for a .958 fielding percentage. Even though CSUF is in first place in the conference and has a good overall record, it will take some improvement by the team to reach its ultimate goal, which is to make that trip to Omaha for the College World Series. The Titans can improve their offensive numbers by raising their batting average with runners in scoring position and by bettering their power numbers. Extra base hits drive in more runs, it’s that simple. The Titans have mostly played station to station ball on offense this year, because they

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have had to rely too much on singles and drawing walks. Even though the Titans have outscored the opposition by 53 runs so far this year with this style of play, it has mostly been due to their pitching. If they get to the playoffs they are going to need to be able to score more runs against the better teams if they are going to be successful. The team has produced 367 hits up to this point, and only 79 of those hits have been for extra bases, and they have managed to hit just four home runs on the year. The four home runs rank as the second fewest in the Big West Conference. The goal at the beginning of the year for every CSUF baseball team should always be a national championship. The program is one of the best in the country. With a little improvement and good luck, the team could go all the way to Nebraska this year to bring home another championship trophy, which hasn’t been done since 2004.


Big West Conference 2011-2012 (as of Sunday) W L 3 9 Cal State Fullerton

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