Daily Titan September 12, 2011

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For the Record: In the article titled “College Town Construction Underway,” the headline and content of the story implied that the College Town project had already been approved by the city of Fullerton and is already being developed. College Town, however, is still in the early planning and community outreach phases and is awaiting approval by the city. The subject of the article, “University House Fullerton Development Project,” is not part of the College Town project and is owned privately by Inland American Communities Group Inc. Contact Us at dtnewsdesk@gmail.com




September 12, 2011

Community comes together

Firefighters ride to New York in remembrance of 9/11 Riders arrived in New York City Friday after cycling from Hollywood, Calif. JESSICA RUBIO Daily Titan

WILLIAM CAMARGO / Daily Titan An attendee touches the damaged fire truck after the 9/11 remembrance ceremony Sunday. Carnations and U.S. flags were placed on the truck and World Trade Center steel.

9/11 ceremony marks 10th anniversary

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Always remember. Heroism. These were just a few words that were repeated in the East Room of the Nixon Presidential Library in Yorba Linda Sunday morning. “It’s a wonderful time to stop and reflect on the core values of our country and the unity that makes us one great nation,” said Marilyn Moore, a choir singer at the event. The 9/11 remembrance ceremony focused on those who lost and sacrificed their lives and American patriotism today. Outside the library were remnants from the 9/11 terrorist attacks, including 17.5 tons of steel from the World Trade Center and a damaged New York City fire truck. The remnants were brought by Freedom’s Flame Foundation, a nonprofit organization that has been showing the fire truck and steel to various cities across the U.S. since 2002. More than a thousand people from all over Orange County attended the ceremony. Some came hours earlier to ensure themselves a seat. Many others had to line up along the walls and in the hallway. Those in attendance included Rep. Ed Royce (R-Fullerton), OC Sherrif Sandra Hutchens and 9/11 survivor Joe Torrillo. The three were also speakers at the ceremony. “It rekindles a sense of community and camaraderie,” said Royce of the event. Pride. Freedom. Patriotism. In addition to speakers, Villa Park High School’s Symphonic Ensemble Band, Orange High School Concert Choir and Chamber Singers, and Orange Community Master Chorale performed patriotic songs between speeches. Michelle Cuyler, a Cal State Fullerton alumna, said listening to the choir sing “Battle Hymn Republic” was the most moving. “(The song) speaks to our patriotism. It speaks to our faith. It speaks to our endurance … You may have knocked us down a little bit, but you haven’t knocked us

over,” said Cuyler. The song vibrated throughout the room and a few stood up to sing with the choir. After the ceremony, attendees were given carnation flowers and asked to place the carnation on remnants from the terrorist attack. After placing the flower, many lingered to take in the historic sight. Some took pictures in front of the fire truck and steel and others took pictures with the United States Marines who presented the colors at the beginning of the ceremony. Never forget. 9/11. Each person at the ceremony knew exactly what they were doing on Sept. 11, 2001. Some were working, while

It’s a wonderful time to stop and reflect on the core values of our country and the unity that makes us one great nation. Marilyn Moore Choir Singer

others were getting ready for school. Jessica Chapman, 23, a recent CSUF graduate, said while she didn’t fully realize what had happened the day terrorists attacked the World Trade Center, touching the damaged fire truck made her emotional. “Touching (the fire truck) made me feel like (9/11) was something I was actually a part of,” said Chapman. Unlike Chapman, Cerritos resident Mario Tovar said he knew exactly what had happened when the second plane hit. “I was thinking, wait a minute, this is not an accident,” said Tovar, a former 411 operator. Based in Colorado at the time, he didn’t expect to get calls forwarded from New York and Pennsylvania. “People were frantic,” he said. “People were crying.” It was very emotional for him and others at the call center. “It’s not like we were there, but our ears were there,” Tovar said. An event commemorating 9/11 has been hosted at the library every year since the attacks.

Randall Wright, 29, a Los Angeles County firefighter and paramedic, rode his bicycle 3,300 miles across the country in six weeks. Accompanied by five other fulltime riders and five part-time riders from his department and the Fullerton Fire Department, he cycled to New York City to honor the lives lost 10 years ago during the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. The team started its journey after a send-off prayer July 24, 2011 in Hollywood, Calif. After spending hours on their bikes and making their way through hundreds of cities, Wright and the team finally reached their destination at the FDNY Firefighter’s Memorial Friday. The team made it just in time to visit as many FDNY stations as they could and attend ceremonies that honored victims of the 9/11 disaster. “The events of 9/11 really demonstrate the risk (Randall Wright) and his co-workers face around the county. Additionally, this ride demonstrates the compassion, dedication and capability the next generation brings to our county as their focus is to never forget (9/11) and those (who) it touched,” said George Wright, Randy Wright’s father and a Cal State Fullerton alumnus. One of the most emotional and difficult parts of the team’s journey was when it passed through Shanksville, Pa. to “stop by the site of the downed American Airlines Flight 93 plane and to the Pentagon,” according to the Pacific Palisades newspaper. From Hollywood to NYC, the team of firefighters wore commemorative biking uniforms donated by a sponsor. But Wright was always the easiest to spot, wearing his signature orange sunglasses, groomed mustache and white bike. Wright’s father George recorded some of the weather extremes, high temperatures and climate challenges the team experienced along the way. Clocked by Arizona Highway Patrol, the riders reached more than 41 mph on a downhill slope. The tallest climb was to an 8,100-foot summit, the strongest headwind was measured at 35 mph and lightning in Oklahoma gave the team a definite struggle. The highest temperature was 122

degrees going across the California desert toward Parker, Ariz., not to mention that riding through lightning, rain and hail for about 30 minutes going into Scottsdale, Ariz. made for a tough but rewarding journey for the team of six firefighters. Although Wright did have a collision with a filming truck during his expedition that called for stitches, a day of rest and some prayers, the obstacles that he and his teammates faced motivated them even more as they remembered the 343 firefighters that died on 9/11, running up and down stairways trying to save people. To make the tough conditions of the journey fun, Wright’s father said the riders had a bet that the rider with the most spills buys everybody

We went to all these small towns and these (firefighters) would give up their beds for us. It was the cliche of what brotherhood was. Randall Wright Rider for 9/11

dinner in New York one night. Riding through each city, the riders gained more and more support from locals and fans following the team’s journey. Aside from the cuts, tight muscles, lack of sleep and hunger the team faced, not being with their families really took a toll on the team of firefighters. “It’s hard not seeing your family for so long,” said Wright, who comes from a long line of Titans. Wright’s dad, George, has a B.A., M.B.A. and M.S. from CSUF and his mom has a B.A. and M.A. from CSUF, and one of his three brothers recently graduated with a B.S. from CSUF. Although the team’s families were not able to cheer them on along the way, they were always congratulated and welcomed by hundreds of people each time they entered a new city. “Getting a lot of local people coming out and cheering them on everywhere they go – I guess they are near celebrities when they pass through all these small towns,” George said. See 9/11 Ride, page 3

Courtesy of George Wright Randy Wright (front) and his team on their way to Oklahoma City with their “rock star” style bus following them with equipment and supplies.

September 12, 2011


Morning of mournings


9/11 ride: Cycling for fallen heroes ...Continued from page 2

Students and faculty reflect on where they were and how they felt after the terrorist attacks JAMES BEAN Daily Titan

Ten years and a day have passed since Sept. 11, 2001, and Cal State Fullerton students still remember where they were and what they were doing when they heard about the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Although CSUF students come from different backgrounds, are different ages and originate from different places around the world, their reactions to the attacks all follow the same vein. “I was in third grade,” said Kymmy Okamoto, a freshman and international business major. “I was at home and I didn’t know what was going on, but my parents were freaking out. I didn’t think it was real.” Most students felt they were too young to fully understand what they were seeing. “I was at home, waking up and getting ready for school,” said Andrew Kuhl, 25, a computer engineering major. “It didn’t seem real. I didn’t know what was going on.” “I’ll be very frank,” Kuhl said. “The anniversary itself doesn’t mean much to me XYZ years after, but I know that on that day my world view changed in a way that I will live with for the rest of my life.” Amber Zahoryin, a history major, remembers interpreting the events a little differently. “At first I thought it may have been an accident,” said Zahoryin. “My brother woke us up, so I knew it was important. If it wasn’t important, he wouldn’t have cared.” Zahoryin went on to discuss that

it didn’t seem real until she saw her teacher’s reaction at school. “I saw the teachers reacting to it; seeing them shaken up made it more important. I knew something was wrong,” Zahoryin said. Many students have similar memo-

The anniversary itself doesn’t mean much to me XYZ years after, but ... on that day my world view changed in a way that I will live with for the rest of my life. Andrew Kuhl Computer Engineering

ries of going to school and seeing the shocked faces of their teachers. “It was September, so I didn’t know anyone in my class,” said Michael Masci, a freshman. “My teacher was shocked, we heard the president do his speech, then we were pretty quiet all day.” While some teachers made sure their students heard the president’s speech and watched the events of that day, other teachers tried their best to make it through their established lesson plan. “I was in seventh grade, and I remember in my first class my teacher was almost in tears. I remember it was really difficult for her,” said Veronica Przybylowski, a radio-TV-film major. “We did the Pledge of Allegiance and I remember her emphasizing that. She wanted us to understand the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag on that particular day.” Przybylowski, like many students at CSUF, remembers hearing the news

just moments before she had to be in school. “We never watched TV in the morning,” Przybylowski said, “but my sister turned on the TV in the guest room for some reason. She called me into the room and we watched until my parents came in. We watched until we couldn’t anymore–we had to leave for school.” Andrea Desmond, a kinesiology major, remembers a similar experience. “My parents were sitting there in front of the TV,” said Desmond. “I was mad because we were going to be late for school. I remember my mom saying, ‘I think a lot of people are going to be late for school.’” Bruce Goodrich, CSUF’s Depart-

ment of Theatre and Dance chair, remembers what that day was like on the CSUF campus. “I was walking over here,” said Goodrich, gesturing to the Clayes Performing Arts Center. “This wasn’t built yet, and I remember everyone walking toward me because they had just announced that the campus was closed.” Goodrich asked what was going on and heard the news first from a student. “Then I went home, and I don’t think the television was off for two days.” “I think the scariness came from ‘What’s next?’” Goodrich said.


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According to part-time riders from the Fullerton Fire Department, their largest celebration was in Kent, Ohio. Over three city blocks were lined with cheering people from every street corner for about 15 miles. “We went to all these small towns and these (firefighters) would give up their beds for us,” Wright said. “It was the cliche of what brotherhood was.” As a way for the followers, friends and family to support “Ride for 9/11,” a goal of $100,000 was set to split equally between two charities, the Leary Firefighters Foundation and the Wounded Warrior Project. The Leary Firefighters Foundation provides equipment and training to firefighters, ensuring a safe work environment for firefighters across the nation. According to Fox Sports West, the team rode a train to New York Wednesday night for a special screening of the series finale of Rescue Me about the lives of firefighters. It stars Denis Leary, founder of the Leary Firefighters Foundation in 2000. The second charity for “Ride for 9/11,” the Wounded Warrior Proj-

ect, was founded in 2004 by a team of veterans and supports injured servicemen and women in their healing from war in Afghanistan and Iraq. As Wright and his teammates arrived to NYC Friday, Wright sent his father a text message explaining his initial reaction to accomplishing his journey and reaching his destination: “Made it to New York City and was greeted by a bunch of Los Angeles County firefighters ... My legs are sore, my body is broken, my spirits are high and my heart is full!” Wright said via text message. Wright compared his initial experience in New York to Groundhog’s Day. “It was almost surreal,” Wright said. “It didn’t hit me until we got on the George Washington Bridge and saw how big New York was.” Wright’s father has been waiting six long weeks to receive that message from his son. “This has been a very bonding experience for our family and a lifetime memory for Randy,” George said. The “Ride for 9-11” team members have raised money and achieved their long-awaited goal: reaching the FDNY Firefighter’s Memorial in NYC and honoring the lives that were taken on the Sept. 11 tragedies in NYC.

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Courtesy of George Wright The six Los Angeles County firefighters pose in front of the Oklahoma Memorial Cemetery on their long journey to the FDNY Firefighter’s Memorial in New York.

University police remain vigilant in a post-9/11 world

CAMILLE TARAZON / Daily Titan University Police has worked closely with the Placentia Police Department and local fire departments in order to be prepared for a potential terrorist threat on campus.

CSUF stands prepared for a potential terrorist threat due to specialized training and increased communication among law enforcement agencies ANIBAL ORTIZ Daily Titan

Security and awareness has changed immensely since the attacks on the World Trade Center and the United States 10 years ago and since 9/11, the Cal State Fullerton University Police has increased training. On 9/11, CSUF joined schools and universities across the nation

in evacuating their respective campuses. In the event of such an occurrence, the university is prepared to evacuate the campus in a safe and organized manner by setting up a command post, issuing directions and setting up a parking pattern that would efficiently empty the campus, according to Lt. John Brockie of the University Police.

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University Police trains for different types of responses. On average, campus police train about twice a year for active shooter scenarios, said Brockie. In July, the campus police at CSUF trained with Fullerton and Placentia Police Departments as well as multiple fire agencies for response to an active shooter event. “We have procedures for unusual occurrences. We train to respond for

active shooter, bomb threats, suspicious packages; we have procedures for that,” said Brockie. University Police has different procedures for different incidents, he added. Certain situations would require evacuation, while others would ask the public to shelter in place. University Police is working to schedule training with the Orange County Sheriff’s Bomb Squad, the lead agency that would respond to any suspicious package or type of bomb threat, according to Brockie. The training, a necessary precautionary step to ensure safety on campus, would allow outside agencies to train on the campus. This would allow University Police to train with them so there is a familiarity when a response is needed. “We also train as just the (University Police),” Brockie said. “We vary the training.” The exercises can help them evaluate where they stand or serve as a pure training environment where new tactics are taught or practiced. “Since the 9/11 attacks, probably the biggest change throughout the region has been increased training for identifying possible terrorism activities,” Brockie said. He credits that to the greatly improved sharing of information between law enforcement agencies. Information about suspicious activities throughout the city and on different campuses is quickly shared so they can look out for that same type of activity.

“Safety on campus is everybody’s duty,” Brockie said. “It’s our primary duty and our primary responsibility. We’ll always take the lead on that, but we really need the assistance of all the faculty, staff and students.” Jocelyn Renteria, 18, a Spanish major, said she would carry pepper spray for self-defense. “We can’t just depend on others,” said Renteria. Ultimately, everyone on campus should be mindful of their surroundings, Brockie said. Fallen branches on campus and unsafe obstructions can be reported as well as

Safety on campus is everybody’s duty. It’s our primary duty and our primary responsibility. We’ll always take the lead on that, but we really need the assistance of all faculty, staff and students. Lt. John Brockie University Police

suspicious behavior to help ensure the safety of the community, added Brockie. Suspicious behavior that can be reported would include someone who walks around and peers through car windows to steal items or a person who is entering suspicious or restricted areas, or photographing the structural frames and piping of buildings.

“It’s challenging because we are a public institution,” Brockie said. “We’re open to the public. Anyone can walk on during normal business hours, walk onto campus, walk into a building and use the facilities.” What makes it even more difficult is that everyone looks like a student, according to Christopher Buoye, 21, a mechanical engineering student. Buoye added that a compact CSUF campus is safer than other campuses, and he admitted that the campus is really not that safe. “Until a bomb actually goes off, all the precautions are not put into play,” said Buoye. The campus emergency preparedness section of the CSUF website provides helpful tips and information for different emergencies. Evacuation procedures, emergency numbers, chemical spill scenarios and instructions on how to be notified through the electronic notification system are just a few of the sections that can be found on the website. Faculty, staff and students should update their emergency contact information as regularly as possible, Brockie recommended. Students can access and update their information through the Student Center section of Titan Online. In addition, the front page of the CSUF website will change in the event of a major incident, such as active shooters and earthquakes, according to Brockie. The campus emergency preparedness section can be found online at Prepare.Fullerton.edu.




OPINION Grand Strategy by


“Winning Hearts and Minds” “There are but two powers in the world, the sword and the mind. In the long run the sword is always vanquished by the mind.” Napoleon Bonaparte Emperor of France

Ten years after a band of sadistic bastards leveled part of the New York City skyline, bin Laden is sleeping with the fishes and alQaida has been scattered – two victories buried in the disproportionate response to a single terrorist attack. Because the United States lacked a cohesive response strategy, our country has expended enormous amounts of blood, money and political capital on militarily fighting the War on Terror, and has incurred deadly costs to our global position as a direct result. One effective alternative to military responses to terrorism is

the use of psychological operations (PSYOP). A recent study by Brown University found that more than 8,300 American soldiers and military contractors have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, with 150,000 being wounded. The financial cost is estimated to be between $3.2 trillion and $4 trillion, and continues to increase daily. Obviously, the military should be deployed judiciously and with much strategic forethought. If you don’t think these figures will directly affect you, think again. It is our generation that will be

September 12, 2011

required to foot the bill for every destroyed Humvee and dead soldier lost to the deserts of Iraq and Afghanistan. Of course, there were far better alternatives than fumbling and costly methods which we employed. After being confronted by the gruesome images of helpless people jumping out of the burning towers, Americans naturally came together to confront the terrorist threat. Most of us can remember precisely where we were at the time of the attacks ten years ago, and certainly can recall the climate of fear which al-Qaida was intending to produce. We were glued to our televisions as members of Congress and President Bush shook their fists and directed their rhetoric toward the Taliban and Iraq, which were not linked to the 9/11 attacks. Celebrating the deceptively positive results, we cheered at the images of the American military marching victoriously into Baghdad amidst falling statues of a violent dictator. Our nation was witness to the tactical prowess and formidable power of the U.S. military, to be sure. But, where was the strategy behind extending the conflicts in the Middle East beyond the annihila-

brightest of their society in many ways.” Sadly, terrorists are simply men caught in ideological prisms and social structures which make their horrific behavior quite predictable. As psychologist Philip Zimbardo wrote in his book The Lucifer Effect, “any deed that any human being has ever committed, however horrible, is possible for any of us – under the right or wrong situational circumstances.”

would help to deter the spread of radical Islam. Without a violent belief system and a social structure that supports it, many of the men who would otherwise become terrorists should be able to peacefully say prayers toward Mecca without the obligatory “death to the infidels!” Maj. Ed Rouse of the U.S. Army (retired) is a former PSYOP specialist and runs a website detailing the intricacies of psychological operations.

We were glued to our televisions as members of Congress and President Bush shook their fists and directed their rhetoric toward the Taliban and Iraq, which were not linked to the 9/11 attacks. In Zimbardo’s famed prison experiment, he showed that perfectly normal people could become monstrous and abusive simply based on their environment and social support structure. Understanding this, it is clear that the best way to stop terrorism is to stop terrorists from being made; terrorists are made, not born. The use of PSYOP tactics against crazed clerics and their ilk

He writes, “Utilization of PSYOP can prevent needless bloodshed, destruction and misery. That is why we say, with conviction, that psychological operations, or PSYOP, is truly a humane weapon.” Psychological operations may not be as effective as Jedi mind tricks, but the best way to dampen religious fanaticism is with a healthy dose of science and a bit of insight into the human brain.


Literature of Life by

tion of al-Qaida and its affiliates? Nation building, infrastructure modernization and social activism are neither proper nor effective reasons to deploy our armed forces. Clearly, if there was a strategy from the start of the conflict, it was obscured and badly distorted by political interests. Military interventions that are unfocused in such a way are costly and largely ineffective. A more effective mode of warfare should have been used as a primary method of deterrence against al-Qaida and the extended terrorist networks of Islamic radicals: psychological warfare. When analyzing the 9/11 attacks, we must keep in mind that the attacks were carried out by civilians, through a civilian infrastructure, against civilian targets. Otherwise normal men were snatched from the harsh realities of life in their home countries and radicalized to participate in alQaida’s mission of jihad. Forensic psychiatrist Marc Sageman found in his study of 400 al-Qaida members that they had “normal psychology” and “normal group dynamics.” He added that “the right normal people, given the right circumstances or right set of friends, can become suicide bombers,” and that “these are the best and


“Read ‘em and Weep” What will end the great crusade? When enemy graves are justly made? Blood is rightly spilled for blood What’s another drop unto a flood? A history of Holy missions Of which no side is without The poor are told to find provisions While we fight the Divine Bout In words that can please the ear Our minds are crafted and trained to fear Foreign people! Strange beliefs! We all wear boxers! Kill those in briefs! Perhaps I stand to be corrected Find a bag not inspected By the man with the right description Now that’s terror infliction Leaders find it fulfilling Let’s remember the dead by killing? Treasure life as gold or jade That’s a worthy and noble crusade


Continual state of terror The task of the United States government following the attacks in New York 10 years ago was to ensure the safety of its citizens from terrorism, be it foreign or domestic. If anything could be learned from that tragic morning, it is how horrendous an act of terror can be, shaking up an entire country and leaving it scrambling for cover. Policies have been implemented to help ease the anxiety of another attack on American soil, as evident in the evolution in airport surveillance since 2001. But have these measures created by the country’s elites actually worked in extinguishing the fear of terrorism? The continual use of practices that seem to suspend the amount of privacy given to individuals suggests that a terrorist attack is still a possibility and that these measures are essential for safety. Therefore, if this is the current state of the country, one’s fear of terrorism is Contact Us at dtopinion@gmail.com

still likely to exist. Think of the changes the country has withstood. Just a few months ago President Barack Obama extended several provisions of the Patriot Act, the controversial law that enabled the government to wiretap telephones or obtain computer records. And the Transportation Security Administration’s new “pat-down” technique angered many individuals who felt it was invasive to their personal space. Even in sports arenas, fans are regularly patted down or must walk through metal detectors before they are allowed in. Though Disneyland doesn’t yet employ these safety procedures, it seems just a matter of time until it too insists it must know exactly what its guests are bringing into the park. After all, those living near Disneyland could probably remember the rumors following the attacks on 9/11 that Anaheim

was a possible destination for another attack. All of these policies exemplify how tentative the country still is and, with every new policy, how we are still not where we need to be to ensure nationwide security. And it seems that the lack of confidence in domestic security has affected other groups of people who are accused of being the perpetrators of American well-being. One group who has been affected is Muslim-Americans, who have been stereotyped as religious fanatics who align themselves with the attackers of 9/11. This group has overcome hate crimes, death threats and bullying the past 10 years and has unfairly been labeled as treasonous to the U.S. Studies even show that MuslimAmericans feel the U.S. government is among those promoting this injustice. A recent survey conducted by the Pew Research Center indi-

cated that 52 percent of MuslimAmericans said they believe they are targeted by the government for terrorist surveillance. The survey further states that 43 percent of those questioned had personally experienced harassment within the past year. If these claims are accurate then how can nationwide safety be ensured for all citizens? The fear of another international attack has clouded the judgment of the country and caused the safety of Muslim-Americans and similar groups that have been mistakenly associated with terrorists to be jeopardized. It is clear who is causing terror in the country. With never-ending policies being passed to strengthening national security and mistreatment of innocent citizens, it seems as if the country still has work to do until its decade-long goal can be attained.

September 12, 2011



Have more faith in our government Popular Conspiracy Theories

Al-Qaida did not orchestrate the events of 9/11: Some say that 9/11 occurred due to “passive allowance” by a Bush Administration that was eager to go to war in the Middle East.

The collapse of the World Trade Center was the result of a controlled demolition: How can an airplane bring down a building as big as the World Trade Center? It’s reported that jet fuel from the planes melted the steel beams damaging the infrastructure, but some experts say that jet fuel is not hot enough to melt steel.

A missile, not a plane, hit the Pentagon: All the public really saw of the Pentagon damage were small holes that looked too minor to be caused by a massive plane. Also, high security levels at the Pentagon limited outside reporting.

Suspected insider trading: According to reports, before 9/11, an extraordinary amount of put options were placed on United and American Airlines stocks. Some believe that the trading insiders may have known in advance of the coming events.

Air defense standdown theory: There is a claim that the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) scrambled fighters late, allowing ample time for the planes to reach their targets. Some believe that NORAD had the capacity to locate and intercept the planes beforehand.

People who invent conspiracy theories have less credibility than they let on JAMES BEAN Daily Titan

Conspiracy theories have existed for centuries. For as long as events have transpired behind the scenes, people have theorized that there is secret information that will never see the eyes of the public. Of the most pertinent are the conspiracy theories that surround the events of Sept. 11, 2001. There is a whole conglomerate of people who hold the belief that the official, released version of the day’s events may not, in fact, reflect the truth. A prominent website in this community, 911Truth.org, sets out to examine the facts to possibly expose what they believe to be the truth behind the attacks. “Since this administration benefited so mightily from these crimes, a reasonable person (or investigation) might find it prudent to at least question its possible complicity,” wrote the anonymous webmaster of 911Truth.org. They argue that there is reasonable evidence to suggest that in the weeks leading to the attacks, high officials preemptively disabled the “few working parts of the government that might have been able to thwart (the terrorists’ successes)” by canceling Counterterrorism Task Force meetings, retooling air emergency response protocols and failing to acknowledge foreign warnings. Accompanying the website is a list of sister sites that claim to have members of major connected professions that attest to the information given on the website. Among these are “Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth,” “Firefighters for 9/11 Truth” and “Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth,” the last of which has yet to receive a testimonial. Although these sites do a great job of highlighting how presidential administrations could have benefited from the attacks, there is the looming doubt that is caused by the absence of actual evidence. They instead rely on a series of testimonies and speculations. One of their featured stories, “The Top 40 Reasons to Doubt the Official Story of Sept. 11, 2001,” offers no citations accompanying its statements and simply poses questions designed to make the reader “think about the facts.” 911 In Plane Sight, a documen-

tary detailing the potential conspiracy, uses photographic evidence and government-released data to arrive at its conclusions. The documentary proves to be a little more convincing than the mass of websites devoted to the idea. Although, like the websites, it offers very little in actual references and citations. You’ve probably seen the low resolution photographs detailing the alleged explosions at the base of the towers moments before they fell. They circulated via email shortly after the attacks and have been posted in conspiracy forums worldwide ever since. Their origin is sketchy at best, and yet the photos (which a novice Photoshop user could have altered in about 20 seconds) have received massive acclaim as proof that the attack was actually a planned demolition. No one, of course, can claim to know every secret the government no doubt hides from the public on a day-to-day basis, but at what point does one claim not to trust anything released by the government? Much of the proof offered up by the websites are simply hypothetical questions and theorists have no qualms in connecting the dots, even when they aren’t numbered and are in different coloring books. We all have that family member who claims that a 747 shouldn’t have been able to collapse a building, but at what point do you look at the events of one of the scariest days in American history and assume that everything you are seeing has been staged? The assumption that a government would intentionally devastate its economy, its safety and its people in a last-ditch attempt to score oil is a pessimistic and limited view at best. Countries have done this before to be sure, but in most situations it was under a dictatorship or an aristocracy, not a democracy. If it is unveiled that the conspiracy theorists were right and the American government intentionally staged the biggest and most deviant con in history, or maybe if actual, citable and concrete evidence that suggests this is unearthed, then maybe there will be cause to panic. Until then, our efforts may be better served by remembering and mourning the lost, providing for the families of those affected by the attacks, providing care for the heroes who ran into the buildings while everyone else was running out and remaining ever vigilant against possible threats in the future.


Evaluating religion MIKARI KUGA Daily Titan

Religion. It is a very sensitive topic and cannot be explained in one sentence. Thomas A. Idinopulos, a professor of religion at Miami University in Ohio, once said the more we learn about religion, the more complicated it becomes. If an expert of religion cannot define what religion is, how can we be expected to fully understand the essence of it? Religion can be used as a model of how we should act and think. For example, a priest could be heard preaching to his congregation that God is always with them; hence faithful Catholics will believe that God exists and that they should refrain from any actions that would be against God’s will. As for Shintoism, a Japanese religion, there is no absolute God, but multiple gods in nature and all objects, so the gods of Shinto are uncountably numerous. For example, there is one Japanese old tale about a god of the bathroom. All the gods came together and decided who was going to be a god of the mountain or a god of the river, but nobody wanted to be a god of the bathroom because the bathroom was not a beautiful place. However, one of them volunteered to be a god of it. He sees people who clean the bathroom and gives them fortunes. That is why people in Japan always keep the bathroom clean. Thus, religions and their beliefs have a huge effect on people’s concept of values and the way they think. Another aspect of the religion is salvation. As Bible-Knowledge. com states to its followers who live by the bible, “Admit that we are sinners, be willing to confess our sins before God and be willing to repent and turn from those sins.” Christians are taught they can be

saved by making confessions before God, and therefore they should live a life resistant of sin or else will not be well prepared when facing God. In Buddhism, followers pray for the Buddha to save them from their suffering and send them to a realm after death similar to heaven. Though not entirely similar to Catholicism, there are similar aspects between the religions when it comes to an afterlife, and so living a life that is “good” should be a priority. War is also an unavoidable topic when we talk about religion. Many wars were fought in the name of religion and many lives were lost in the name of gods. Even now, there is a military clash occuring in autonomous areas of the Palestinians. Does this mean that God affirms violence? Does he order people to kill others who have different religious beliefs? No, not neccessarily. Historically, religious wars were triggered by people in power. They misused religion and the name of the god for the sake of themselves and started the wars, and many lives were lost because of it. In lands without powerful rulers, religious extremism by groups who acted differently from what their religion entailed has resulted in wars as well. Each of us has different ideas of what the religions are. To evaluate the many religions is beyond my knowledge, but what I can say about religious beliefs is that it can be both helpful and hurtful. To the people with sound body and mind who act righteously, religion can be a good thing. However, for people who abuse what religion calls for, it can be warped into an evil device to cause terror.

Misplaced blame: Islam taking the heat for 9/11 SEAN VIELE Daily Titan

In nearly every religion lies a small sect of fanatical extremists who skew the religion into something sick and evil for their own hateful motives. Such is the case with the Islamic faith, which, since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, has been lumped together with the fanatical and has been scrutinized and discriminated against by the American public as well as much of the world. But in no way should Muslims or the Islamic faith be held accountable for the awful tragedy that unfolded on that historic Tuesday 10 years ago. Islam holds no responsibility for the 9/11 attacks. This past summer Anders Breivik, a self-proclaimed conservative Christian, was responsible for a mad scene of terror in Norway. Breivik planted a bomb in an Oslo government building which killed eight people and then moved on to Norway’s Utoya Island, where he murdered 69 people at a Labor Party youth camp. Breivik claimed the massacre necessary to save Europe from “Muslimization.” As disgusting a scene as this was, is the Christian faith to be held responsible for Breivik’s atrocious acts? Is Christianity now viewed as a religion of hatred and terror? The answer is obviously no. The

small number of extremists in any created a network of hate that has religion do not represent the faith had the ability to spread its ideolas a whole. ogy through grassroots organizaWhen al-Qaida attacked Amer- tions over the past 10 years, influica on 9/11, it hid behind the encing politicians’ talking points Muslim faith, and when the pub- and mainstreaming what used to lic needed someone to blame for be considered “fringe, extremist the attacks, Islam appeared to be a rhetoric.” good target. In July of 2010, former Speaker “Islam was hijacked on 9/11 Newt Gingrich told a conservative and this tiny segment of extrem- audience at the American Enterists have just prise Institute caused Islam that the practice immense pain of Sharia, or Isand harm,” lamic religious It’s a shame that said Benjacode, is “a mormany people tend to tal threat to the min Hubbard, Ph.D., believe most of the rubbish survival of freea professor of they hear or read without dom in the Unitc o m p a r a t i v e actually digging into the ed States and in religions at the world as we Cal State Ful- facts for themselves… know it,” accordlerton. “But ing to the report. This is comit’s hard for pletely absurd as people to see the Sharia is about charity, prayer that.” The media and certain politi- and moral practices. It has nothing to do with murder or blowing cians have been no help. The Internet is filled with blogs things up in the name of Allah. America’s attackers on 9/11 and articles that promote a phobia of Islam. It’s a shame that many were politically and ideologically people tend to believe most of the motivated. Their hatred for the rubbish they hear or read with- West is displayed in their extreme out actually digging into the facts views and actions. These are not for themselves to formulate their the views of Islam or any true Muslim. opinions. The attacks on 9/11 were not According to a 2011 report conducted by the Center for Ameri- motivated by Islam but by hacan Progress titled “The Roots of tred; Islam has no responsibility Islamophobia in America”, anti- for what took place on Sept. 11, Islamic pundits and bloggers have 2001. dailytitan.com/opinion




September 12, 2011

9/11: Looking back One student opens up about the morning she witnessed terrorist attacks on TV GILLIAN HADLAND Daily Titan

When I was a child the phrase “Where were you when?” was assumed to be about the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Asking that question to my mom and my teachers brought about the same kind of facial expression: a sudden faraway look in their eyes and a raw sadness that still looked fresh. As terrible as that moment in history was, I was never able to relate because I didn’t experience it. Because of this, I was always jealous that my mom had been able to be a part of something so historical. I wanted my own “Where were you when?” moment. Then it happened and the jealousy left me almost as fast as my innocence. Now, after the 9/11 remembrance Sunday, my moment has come to finally answer that phrase. Where were you during the 9/11 terrorist attacks? As usual, the television was on blasting the morning news. On most days I could hear my mom moving around the kitchen, clinking coffee cups, opening pantry doors and conversing with my older brother. That morning was different. The house was eerily quiet, save for the news, which was now on its highest volume. Wrapped in a bath towel, I peeked out of the bathroom to look into the

family room. I found my family staring at the television with fixed stares, their breath held in anticipation. I followed their gazes to the news, which showed two towers, one of which had smoke billowing out of it. “What’s that?” I asked my mom, who winced at the sudden interruption of the newscaster. “A plane crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers,” she replied. I had never heard of the towers be-

body shot up as if she herself felt the plane’s impact on her spine. The hair on my arms stood straight, and a fiery chill erupted in the confines of my stomach. Ten years later, whenever there is a documentary or special on the events of 9/11, I watch them and react the same way. I admit that while I watch, there’s a small amount of hope that maybe this time the towers won’t fall. The ending will be different this time.

The family room erupted in shouts of fear and disbelief. An array of “oh my gods” saturated the air, my mom’s body shot up as if she herself felt the plane’s impact on her spine.


Style Watch


fore in my life, but I was so fascinated I didn’t bother asking more questions. I remember specifically sitting on the arm of our sofa chair, gripping the towel close to my chest, my wet hair dripping down my back, when an image occurred that still frightens me to this day. I watched live footage of a plane flying into the second tower, and I remember my hand clapping itself over my mouth to stop the shout that had just erupted from it. The family room erupted in shouts of fear and disbelief. An array of “oh my gods” saturated the air, my mom’s

But all it does is force me to relive that fresh moment over and over again. For my generation, the ones who were just old enough to remember 9/11, we have aged 10 whole years. We are the new generation that will forever be asked, “Where were you during the Sept. 11 attacks?” We are now the ones whose faces glaze over, our eyes closing, acting as a panoramic camera, waiting for the wheel to run out of those burning images. I have a feeling that I’ll be waiting for a very long time.

Danae Gamboa, 25, an art student at Cal State Fullerton, is wearing vintage from head to toe. Her shirt and shoes are from Goodwill, and her highwaisted shorts are from American Vintage in downtown Fullerton. Her 1980s Dooney and Bourke bag was a diamond in the rough from Family Thrift in Orange. She completed her outfit with funky accessories like a wide-brim fedora from Villain’s Vintage Clothing in Orange and a gold pyramid ring from Orange Circle Antique Mal. She inserted her own prescription lenses into $10 frames she found at Office Depot. Danae’s outfit is a reflection of what a resourceful and stylish student she is, putting effort into dressing herself without breaking the bank.

JOEY BECERRA / Daily Titan


Kiet Fong, 18, a second-year undeclared student at Cal State Fullerton, was spotted on campus wearing olive trousers by Levi, a breezy shirt from H&M, boat shoes by Sperry Top-Sider and a belt from Chinatown. The pants and boat shoes are polished and preppy, tying the outfit together well while his light shirt and bright accessories keep a hint of summer as the fall temperatures approach. He describes his style as wearable for his current age range well up into his 30s. “Timeless,” he said, “and I want to be presentable at all times.” This look is a great look for various seasons to keep stylish and cool in these Calif. temperatures.

Sororities: What does it take? MARIBEL CASTANEDA

meetings. And there are certain events that you have to make, but a lot of them are not mandatory. The meetings usually recap on what you are going to do for the next week, if you have an event or a mixer.

Daily Titan

After being part of Zeta Tau Alpha PanHellenic, Hayley Roderick shares her story

Q: How is recruitment?

What would college be without bubbly groups of girls wearing matching T-shirts showing Greek letters transcribed across their chests, shouting at passersby and handing out fliers for events? Titan Walk would surely be quiet. Sororities, while they seem cliche and rather like the first 20 minutes of Legally Blonde, come in all categories and are great ways to get involved on campus. Hayley Roderick, 19, a business major and Zeta Tau Alpha’s Pan-Hellenic delegate, talks about her experience, rushing and what being part of a sorority involves.

A: The first day you meet all of the sororities. The second day you go on house tours. Each day you narrow a sorority down. It has to be mutual, you have to pick them but they have to want you

Our philanthropy is breast cancer. I wanted to be a part of something that was bigger than myself and I wanted to have a bond with sisters.

Q: Why did you rush? A: I got in because our philanthropy is breast cancer and awareness and I wanted to be a part of something that was bigger than myself and I wanted to have a bond with sisters. I commuted the first year so I wanted to know more people on campus. Q: What are some of your events? A: We had a Monte Carlo night last year and we raised over 10k.

ALVIN KIM / Daily Titan Cal State Fullerton student Hayley Roderick, 19, smiles while showing her sorority’s hand symbol representing Zeta Tau Alpha, to which she is a Pan-Hellenic delegate.

We also do “race for the cure,” we sell tickets for that and volunteer. It is a walk-run marathon about three miles. We have Pink Week, which raises awareness for breast cancer. We have formals and mixers with fraternities or sororities. Greek Week is also a big thing which raises money for Camp Titan.

Q: What kind of person can pledge? A: You can be anyone, because in every sorority there are different girls. Usually you find your niche somewhere. If you like to study a lot, we have study groups. Or if you’re into socializing, there are

groups for that, or raising money for your philanthropy or even building your resume. My sorority has people of every race, background and religion. Since you’re in a sorority you get to know all of them through activities and events; you are kind of forced to be able to open up to new kinds of people.

Q: What does it take to be in a sorority? A: It takes someone who is dedicated, who is willing to be a part of a group of people and strive for the same goal. Usually you have to make either Sunday or Monday

too. The last day is preference day, where you go and there is a special ceremony for each house and that is the last day you get to narrow it down between two houses. The day after that is bid day where you go to the house and you are accepted. After that, you are not an initiated member yet so you have to go through a process of initiation which is different for each house. Initiation for us takes about two or three weeks. After you’re initiated you can wear the letters, you get a badge that you wear and then you get your big sis.

Q: How much does it cost to be in a sorority? A: Every sorority has different amounts of dues depending on each semester because you do different things each semester. There is a payment plan that you can do. Sometimes it can be up to $700 a semester, but it’s worth it. One of our sisterhoods was to go on a yacht and you have a good time and that pays for a lot. You get shirts, outings, mixers and food. Q: What would you say is the most positive thing about being in a sorority? A: Networking, because after college there are alumni chapters all over the nation for our sorority. So if you move, there is always somewhere that you can go and network with people for your job or if you just want friends. That’s the biggest thing – it doesn’t just stop at college.

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September 12, 2011


Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Crossword Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis


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ACROSS 1 Improvise at the jazz club 5 Butt (in) 9 Oncle’s spouse 14 River to the Fulda 15 Its French name means “high wood” 16 Sun Valley locale 17 Move, briefly 18 Monument Valley sight 19 Many a Justin Bieber fan 20 When to say night-night 23 Former Mideast org. 24 Author of the Yiddish memoir “And the World Remained Silent” 28 Ohio Stadium purchase 33 Swiss Guard charges 34 Quick 35 Chinese tea 36 Prunes 37 Georgia of “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” 38 “Cinque, dieci, venti, trenta” in “The Marriage of Figaro,” e.g. 39 Yellowfin tuna 40 Estate home 41 Sounds content 42 Advance sale teaser line 45 “I love what you do for me” automaker 46 Big-house link 47 Dubious Himalayan headline—and phenomenon in 20-, 28- and 42Across 54 Peer in a box 57 Relinquish 58 Golfer Aoki 59 Japanese art genre 60 Oregon Trail team 61 Sommelier’s prefix 62 Lose it

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By Bill Thompson

63 Distance swimmer Diana 64 Pont __: Paris bridge DOWN 1 3-Down, e.g. 2 “Zip-__-Doo-Dah” 3 Blend 4 Yields 5 Man of La Mancha 6 Mind 7 See 12-Down 8 Bourbon order 9 They may be tufted 10 Magazine that highlights Clio winners 11 “Sorry, laddie” 12 With 7-Down, Bette Midler classic 13 Quite a span 21 Goes on and on 22 Volunteer’s offer 25 Like an encrypted transmission, in theory 26 Old anesthetics 27 Future J.D.s’ exams 28 Melodramatic cry

Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved

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29 Haughty 30 Greek New Ager 31 Goad 32 Feature of some fancy cakes 33 Magician’s secret cohort 37 Really worry 38 Term 40 Like some mail 41 Sumptuous 43 He has a cello named Petunia


44 Remnant 48 Tiny trash can, e.g. 49 Hot 50 Thought 51 “Mm-hmm” 52 Half a sitcom sign-off 53 Flub 54 Spree 55 The loneliest numero? 56 Drum edge

Do not let ambitions overshadow small success.


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7 9 2


Daily Sudoku: Fri 2-Sep-2011

7 2 3 6 4 1

6 9 4 5 3 7

4 8 7 1 6 9

9 7 4 6 2 3 8 1 5 6 1 8 7 5 4 9 2 3 Daily Sudoku: Fri 2-Sep-2011

6 8 2 2

3 1 9 5


1 7 8

7 9 2 5

9 8 3 4 7

How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.




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(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2011. All rights reserved.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Make changes with confidence. Take advantage of renewed energy. Your optimism helps you stay motivated and in action. Delegate and direct traffic. Others appreciate your leadership.

3 4 7 5

8 5 6 9 7 2

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Watch out for conflicts between your work and your personal life. Don’t think you’ve got more than you have. Profit comes from your imaginative creativity.


1 7 8 3 9 6

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Expect differences of opinion. Respectfully make your own choices. Competition has you pick up the pace. You have the skills required, so turn up the steam.


Tully’s coffee Worth discovering

4 9 8

9 1 2 4 5 8

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Today may be a good day to listen to Paul Simon: “Slow down, you move too fast. You gotta make the morning last.” Feel the love coming your way. Enjoy quiet time at home.

1 9 5 8 2 2

(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2011. All rights reserved.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Break some barriers. Take a trip. Today may be the exception to the rule: You’re lucky in love and games, but not necessarily with money. Don’t gamble.


2 6 5 7 1 3

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Today could very well be busier than usual. Get straight about your priorities. Excessive focus on work could dampen personal relationships. Go for balance.



5 3 9 2 8 4

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Be prepared, so you can move quickly when necessary. Stay objective. Consider the circumstances from a different perspective. Friends are available.

6 1


3 4 1 8 2 5

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Pay special attention to the details now. The rumors might not match the facts. Avoid useless distractions and unnecessary expenditures. Stick to your priorities.


very hard

Cancer (June 22-July 22) Stick to the schedule, and profit arrives with new responsibilities. Harvest what you can. When in doubt, look for inspiration in the little things. Keep your word, and things get easy.


7 6 9 3 4 1 5 8 2

Gemini (May 21-June 21) Love and truth get you past any rough spots. Avoid needlessly antagonizing someone. More money’s coming in, so take swift action when needed. It’s a good time to ask for a raise.

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Daily Sudoku: Fri 2-Sep-2011

Taurus (April 20-May 20) If you change your mind and direction, let everyone involved know. Follow intuition and a friend’s advice regarding a conflict between home and career. Your heart knows the way.



Aries (March 21-April 19) What seems doubtful and distressing this morning gets resolved by afternoon, and then there’s no stopping you. Plug a financial leak, and maintain momentum.

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September 12, 2011

September 11 and sports

Sports played a major role in the nation’s recovery following the terrorist attacks 10 years ago and looked back Sunday


Ten years ago Sunday the world of sports came to an abrupt halt. Both collegiate and professional sports were sidelined. Games were not important. The fate of the American public was. Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, four passenger jets were high-jacked by terrorists. One of the planes crashlanded in Pennsylvania. Another successfully hit the

Pentagon. Two more successfully hit the twin towers in New York City, both of which collapsed less than two hours after impact. The total casualties calculated to nearly 3,000 people. Millions all over the nation watched in horror. For the first time since President Franklin D. Roosevelt died in 1945, a full day of Major League Baseball was canceled. America’s pastime no longer existed to the citizens of the United States of

CAMILLE TARAZON / Daily Titan The color guard presented the flags before the women’s soccer game Sunday. A moment of silence was held for the first responders who died Sept. 11, 2001.

Titans defeat Green Bay Senior midfielder Kevin Venegas’ goal in the 72nd minute broke a 1-1 tie and led the Cal State Fullerton men’s soccer team to a 2-1 victory over Green Bay University to kick off the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Nike Invitational Friday afternoon. The win gave the Titans their best start since 2007 with a record of 3-0-1. Venegas scored the game winner on a penalty kick four minutes after Green Bay’s Tony Walls had tied it with a penalty kick of his own. CSUF opened up the scoring

on a Green Bay own goal when junior midfielder Oscar Aguero had his shot miscleared in the 30th minute. Goalkeeper Trevor Whiddon continued dominance with five saves. Green Bay outshot the Titans 15-11. The win Friday set up a matchup versus the University of San Francisco for the tournament title. It’s the second time in as many weeks that CSUF has reached the final game with the tournament title on the line. Last weekend, the Titans defeated UNLV 5-1 and tied defending national champion Akron. Brief by Rick Gomez

America. No one cared about Barry Bonds’ race to 71 home runs. Nobody cared who was in the playoffs and who was out of the running. Nobody cared about the beginning of the National Football League season. The first week of Monday Night Football just ended and no one cared whether there would be a second week. There were lingering questions in the air. Is it safe for professional sports teams to fly? Players were scared. Coaches and team managers were scared. It obviously was not safe to fly and with sports teams located in major United States cities, it was even more dangerous for them. Could 25,000 people gather in the same area and be safe? The public did not want to leave their homes. Being in a crowded stadium, where you were essentially a sitting duck for terrorists, was the last place people wanted to be. Just 10 miles away from the towers, Yankee Stadium was evacuated when the first plane struck

the first tower. The team was not yet inside the stadium but the staff was. Even minor league baseball was canceled. The second week of football was postponed and moved to the end of the season. The World Golf Championship was postponed. Major League Soccer was postponed. On the collegiate level, the Big West Conference announced that all conference events for that week were postponed. This meant that 2,800 miles away from New York, Cal State Fullerton sports stopped as well. A city so far away from the attacks realized the priority of the nation. A city that terrorists didn’t even have on the U.S. map. No volleyball games were played. No cross-country meets occurred. Everyone was in shock. The whole attitude of the American public was, “It’s only a game.” But is it really just a game? Without sports the United States wouldn’t have been able to bounce back like it did. It was soon realized that instead of

mourning, America should unite, come together and show its pride. And nothing shows pride more than real American sports. In the next game the New York Mets played after the towers fell, the players wore New York Police Department and New York Fire Department hats instead of their normal caps. They tried to do it again Sunday against the Chicago Cubs for the 10-year anniversary, before Major League Baseball inexplicably stopped them. Many other teams took a moment of silence, and all of them flew the flag proudly. Before the attacks, faithful sports fans would yell through the national anthem, and after, just silence. Even 10 years later, everyone at the stadium waits through the whole song silently. 9/11 changed the world of sports, and still confidently we gather to watch the games. It’s a part of America and when fans attend a game they feel more patriotic than ever. Before 9/11, sports needed America and after, America needed sports.

DTSHORTHAND Men’s soccer champs again The Cal State Fullerton men’s soccer team won its second tournament title in as many weeks after defeating the University of San Francisco, 2-0, in the UNLV Nike Invitational Sunday morning. Fullerton now improves to 4-0-1 in the season and has yet to be defeated. Jesse Escalante and Nick Posthuma each scored for the Titans. Escalante received a pass at the top of the box and drove it in low at the far post in the 40th minute. Posthuma followed with a header in the 51st minute on the top corner. Escalante was one of four players to win all-tournament honors. Goalkeeper Trevor Whiddon, junior defender Roberto Vernaschi and sophomore midfielder Ritchie Gonzalez were the others. Fullerton seemed to be in control for the majority of the game, outshooting USF 16-6. In the first half alone, the Titans outshot USF 10-1. The Titans are now on a threegame winning streak. Brief by Rick Gomez

Women net win in extra time Sophomore forward Kishi Smith breaks Fullerton record and scoreless drought vs. Columbia

BLAKE FOGG Daily Titan

It finally arrived. After 397 minutes, sophomore forward Kishi Smith’s golden goal in extra time gave the Cal State Fullerton women’s soccer team its first goal in over three games and a 1-0 win against Colombia University Sunday afternoon. The orders were to shoot on sight as the Titans (2-4-1) peppered Colombia’s (0-4) goal, registering 30 shots throughout the match. Smith set a school record for shot attempts with 12, passing former Titan Kellie Cox with 10 in 2001. “If I have to take 12, I’ll take 12. Twelve for one, I’m cool with that,”

said Smith, the one-goal hero. It appeared the Titans would go five games without scoring a goal, apart from an own goal against BYU, but the winner came with less than a minute remaining. Freshman central midfielder Chelsey Patterson passed to open freshman forward Rebecca Wilson at the top of the penalty box, who then turned and split two Lion defenders with a pass toward Smith. The striker one-timed it from 12 yards out to beat active Lions junior goalie Lillian Klein. “I knew when (Wilson) was going to pass it, I was going to score. She made a brilliant pass, played it beautifully and all I had to do was push it in,” Smith said. Titan Head Coach Demian Brown was relieved the team was

able to score and come up with the result. “It’s a bit of a weight off our shoulders,” said Brown. The Titans’ goal-scoring woes started in 17th minute as senior left back Caitlin Mellano put in a long ball into box where junior Stacey Fox and goalie Klein crashed into each other and the ball bounced to Smith. The striker couldn’t control the ball the first time and tried to strike the ball above her waist and weakly shot it around the right post. In the 35th minute, the Titans had a driven-free kick by Smith parried by Lions goalie Klein with the rebound waiting to be scored. But the Titans’ Mellano left her scoring shoes at home and missed the goal right. Colombia threatened shortly after

CAMILLE TARAZON / Daily Titan Redshirt sophomore Kishi Smith looks to dribble past a Columbia defender Sunday during the Titan’s 1-0 victory. Smith also scored her first collegiate goal.

the second half restart by nearly cashing in on a miscue in communication between Titan junior defender Kellie Bohner and sophomore goalie Lindsey Maricic. The defender was letting an over-hit ball run out to Maricic, but the goalie wasn’t picking it up. Lions freshman forward Coleen Rizzo almost latched onto the rolling ball, but Bohner slid in to prevent a shot from being taken. In the 65th minute the Lions looked to score again as freshman defender Chelsea Ryan’s giant throw-in caused mayhem in the box with Maricic and junior midfielder Jennifer Smith blocking shots on the line. The Titans missed another great chance to score in the 81st minute as Mellano put in a cross that was met by the sliding freshman midfielder Adriana Gjonovich at the back post, but the midfielder could only roll the ball toward goal and was cleared off the goal line. The game went into extra time for the fourth time this season for the Titans, and they haven’t won since Aug. 21, 2008 against Cal. The Titans would break that streak as the two forwards Wilson and Smith hooked up for the game winner. “I just turned and saw a split and Kishi running and I slotted it in. She has a better chance than I do,” said Wilson of her assist. The matinee match was in honor of the first responders who assisted in the terrorist attack on 9/11.

1-0 victory snaps Titan losing streak The women’s soccer team scored early and hung on late for the win BLAKE FOGG Daily Titan

The Cal State Fullerton women’s soccer team couldn’t convert its numerous opportunities as Loyola Marymount University held on to an early goal and won 1-0 Friday night. The Titans outshot LMU 19-3 with LMU registering no shots in the second half. CSUF (1-4-1) dominated possession throughout. LMU’s (5-1-1) sloppy play went unpunished as its goal came from its first shot of the game. “We played excellent. Everything was good and we’re missing that last thing, which is scoring,” said junior forward Ann Marie Tangorra. The Titans are having a crisis finding the back of the net as of late; they haven’t registered a goal of their own in 289 minutes—the last coming from a home loss against Pepperdine three games ago. “It’s the fourth game in a row that we dominated in every aspect of the game except for the score line,” said Head Coach Demian Brown of the Titans’ troubles. “The unfortunate part about it is that it’s not good enough. We have to find a way to put the ball in the back of the net.” The lone goal from LMU came in the 12th minute when a long ball sent into the box was initially cleared by the Titan defense, but not far enough, as the ball fell to LMU freshman forward Brianne Medved at the top of the penalty box. The forward took a touch and placed it inside the left post where Titan sophomore goalkeeper Lindsey Maricic was left rooted at the spot. The Titans’ best opportunity in the first half came in the 27th minute when Tangorra beat two Lions players off the dribble and sent in a near post, crosscum-shot at sophomore goalkeeper Brittany Jagger. Junior strike partner Stacey Fox made the near post run and couldn’t redirect the cross. The run gave the keeper fits as she spilled the ball in front of the box, but no attacking player was there Contact Us at dtsportsdesk@gmail.com

to finish and it was cleared by a covering defender. Another opportunity arose at the end of the half when sophomore right back Summer Chavez fired a left-footed shot at the near post from the corner of the box, but Jagger covered well. In the second half the Titans had all the possession, but they were very unlucky not to score as they had two great chances to score midway through the second half. Fox had a close-range shot pinball toward goal and cleared off the line after a corner kick. Freshman center midfielder Chelsey Patterson had a long-range effort saved well by a diving Jagger as she palmed it around the right post. At the end of the game the Titans were desperate to score and were, again, denied by Jagger as well as the post. Chavez whipped in across from the right side that wasn’t dealt with by Lion defenders. The loose ball fell to senior left midfielder Caitlin Mellano and her shot deflected off Jagger’s right arm and hit the left post. CSUF wouldn’t threaten again. “Anyone who watches soccer would agree that there was one really good team out there today and that team lost,” Brown said. Players showed their frustration after the match of their futility. “We started off weak and then we definitely dominated the entire game, and once we started dominating we need to be selfish and that’s the main point to it. We had so many chances and we need to finish it,” said freshman midfielder Lauren Stupin. “We’re just getting extremely unlucky. We just had so many chances and couldn’t finish,” said Tangorra. Brown believes the goal drought will end in the next match against Colombia. “I feel bad for (Colombia) when we score that first goal because it could be six,” he said. The Titans next play on the road in New Mexico, but will be back on the 25th to play against UNLV.

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