Daily Titan September 16, 2010

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Vol. 88 Issue 9

September 16, 2010

Legal battle continues for same-sex couples Proposition 8 makes its way up the legislative ladder to the Supreme Court. Cal State Fullerton houses support for the LGBT community on campus through the SafeSpace program. See SAFE SPACES, page 3

WHAT’S INSIDE OPINION How to spot a hipster ........................................4 DETOUR Quick Pick: Concert students are most excited for ........................................6 SPORTS Triple Crown race heats up as season comes to an end ........................................8

dailytitan.com The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton


Proposition 8 blurs religion and politics

Husband & Husband

The definition of marriage causes many religious institutions to actively campaign for Proposition 8 KEITH COUSINS Asst. News Editor

They stood on street corners. They urged passing motorists to honk as a sign of solidarity. They brought their children and pets. They held signs to make their message clear. “Protect Marriage – Vote Yes on Prop 8.” The supporters of Proposition 8 often stood just across the street from their opposition, who held signs with a different message. Scenes such as these were prevalent in Southern California during the weeks and days leading to the November vote. Proposition 8 divided the state and became the highest-funded

campaign of any state ballot measure in United States history, according to the Associated Press. For Tuly Huntington of Mission Viejo, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the proposition felt like a second chance after the reversal of Proposition 22 in 2008. “I was involved with Prop. 22 in 2000,” Huntington said. “It definitely prepared us for Prop. 8.” Organized Religion Gets Involved It didn’t take long for organized religion to get involved with support – both monetary and non-monetary. Groups such as the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, Focus on the Family, as well as a group of Evangelical Christians led by Jim Garlow and Miles McPherson, officially backed the measure. See RELIGION, page 2

A marriage recognized in Canada not California Road Map to the U.S. Supreme Court American studies professor John Ibson married his partner of 32 years this past summer in Canada SOFIA ISLAS Staff Writer

John Ibson and Steve Harrison were dressed casually in sport coats standing in front of the fireplace that served as an altar within the uppermiddle class home in North Vancouver, Canada. The only witnesses were the wedding commissioner, her husband and their son, making this an intimate civil ceremony that, while routine in Canada, is a luxury not afforded to them in their home country. Ibson, 66, is a professor of American studies at Cal State Fullerton and has been teaching for 38 years. This summer Ibson wed Harrison, his partner of 32 years, while on vacation in Vancouver. “We enjoyed the lawlessness that came with not getting married,” Ibson said. “We didn’t need government approval to enjoy our lives together.” Marriage was not something that Ibson thought he needed in life. His relationship with Harrison was wellbuilt and made strong by the love and respect they had for one another. There were times when Ibson and Harrison mulled over the idea of getting married, especially during the short window that California allowed

same-sex marriage but nothing ever came into fruition. For this year’s summer vacation, Ibson and Harrison decided to tour the Canadian Rockies. While planning their trip, Harrison brought up the idea of getting married simply because marriage was legal in Canada. It took Ibson a few moments of hesitation before answering “yes.” Before they knew it, they were simultaneously planning their vacation and wedding, making sure to secure a wedding commissioner by booking their services via the internet and researching where to get their marriage license. “I wasn’t prepared with how much (getting married) would mean to me… it was so refreshing and we were as happy as 19-year-olds,” Ibson said. Soon after their ceremony, Ibson felt that his relationship with Harrison had begun anew. It was inconceivable to both of them that their relationship would heighten to a new level and getting married was an experience that allowed Ibson and Harrison to rediscover one another. “Since the wedding, there has been a surprisingly settled feeling that even the previous 32 years hadn’t brought,” Harrison said.

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See IBSON, page 2

February 12, 2004

March 11, 2004

November 4, 2008

August 4, 2010

Mayor Gavin Newsom instructs city officials to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, the first action of its kind in the nation. Dozens of couples are married as city offices stay open late to accommodate long lines.

The California Supreme Court unanimously orders San Francisco to stop marrying gay couples and announces that it will rule on the legality of the city’s actions within the next few months. In four weeks, nearly 4,000 gay couples received licenses.

California voters pass Proposition 8 -- which amends the state Constitution to ban gay marriage -- with about 52 percent of the vote. A 2000 ballot initiative banning gay marriage, Proposition 22, had passed with 61 percent of the vote but was later struck down by the state’s high court.

A federal judge in San Francisco rules that gays and lesbians have a constitutional right to marry, striking down Proposition 8, the voter approved ballot measure that banned same-sex unions. U.S. District Chief Judge Vaughn R. Walker said Proposition 8, passed by voters in November 2008, violated the federal constitutional rights of gays and lesbians to marry the partners of their choice. His ruling is expected to be appealed to the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and then up to the U.S. Supreme Court.



EXCLUSIVES www.dailytitan.com A Lesbian Couple’s Struggle Get a glimpse Scan to view into the lives of Katie and Sasha at dailytitan. com/katie-sasha

Information Courtesy of The Los Angeles Times




September 16, 2010


U.S.-Iraqi raid kills seven in Fallujah neighborhood IRAQ – U.S. and Iraqi forces raided a neighborhood in the longtime Sunni Muslim insurgent stronghold of Fallujah early Wednesday, Iraqi officials said, killing seven people in the deadliest joint operation since President Barack Obama announced the end of the American combat mission in Iraq two weeks ago. The incident underscored how American forces remain engaged in offensive operations despite Obama’s declaration that the fewer than 50,000 remaining U.S. troops would focus on advising and training the Iraqi military and police. Iraqi police officials said that the raid, which also wounded three people, began when the U.S.-Iraqi team set off explosives about 40 miles west of Baghdad. American military helicopters supported the joint operation, according to residents.

NATIONAL Oil found in sediment raises questions, experts say WASHINGTON – The chief scientist of the first research cruise that found

oil on the sediment at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico said the oily brew was toxic even in low doses and had the capacity to alter the genes of marine organisms That University of South Florida cruise in August found oil in the water and in the sediment at the edge of the continental shelf in waters that are highly productive for plants at the bottom of the food chain. The findings so far raise the question of whether federal scientists should broaden their idea of what concentrations of oil can cause damage. Meanwhile, the chief of national ocean science, Jane Lubchenco, told reporters Wednesday that the government was intent on searching for oil in an effort to figure out where the oil went and what impact it’s having.

STATE Swastika painted on Kings mural in Sacramento SACRAMENTO – The Sacramento Police Department is investigating a

possible hate crime graffiti painted on a mural of Sacramento Kings players in the midtown area. Police Department spokesman Officer Konrad von Schoech said a report was received about noon Wednesday that a swastika had been painted on a plywood mural at 16th and R streets. The backward swastika was painted on the forehead of Kings player Omri Casspi, who is from Israel.

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... Continued from page 1 According to a New York Times article published Nov. 14, 2008, “the Mormons were the last major religious group to join the campaign, and the final spice in an unusual stew that included Catholics, evangelical Christians, conservative black and Latino pastors, and myriad smaller ethnic groups with strong religious ties.” In the article, entitled Mormons Tipped Scale in Ban on Gay Marriage, Mormon church leadership in Salt Lake City received an invitation from the San Francisco Archdiocese to join other organized religion in supporting the measure. The result was a letter issued by Mormon leadership to be read to California congregations on June 29, 2008. A call to action ended the letter. “We ask that you do all you can to support the proposed constitutional amendment by donating of your means and time to assure that marriage in California is legally defined as being between a man and a woman. Our best efforts are required to preserve the sacred institution of marriage,” the Mormon leadership said in the letter. Latter Day Saints members throughout California reacted to the letter and began to actively campaign for the proposition. The Campaign “Our church challenged members to consider support of Prop. 8 with time and if possible means,” Huntington said. “We chose to dedicate our time, for others it was easier to contribute money as opposed to making phone calls and knocking on doors.” Huntington served as the organizer for her neighborhood area in Mission Viejo for LDS members who wished to contribute their time to support the measure. She said she got people to knock on doors and make phone calls, as well as help organize the street corner rallies. Jeff Flint, a strategist with the Project Marriage coalition, estimated that Mormons such as Huntington made up from 80 to 90 percent of the initial volunteers that committed their time towards supporting the campaign. “Our area was pretty supportive, a lot of people had already made up their mind about it,” Huntington said. “We were mainly informing people who were confused on what it meant to vote yes or no.” Huntington, as well as other members, faced challenges due to their public support of the measure. “The hardest part was dealing with people against the proposition,” Huntington said. “Stuff was thrown

at people waving banners, signs were stolen and we personally received a lot of hate mail.” Huntington said the sheriff’s department was at her house a great deal throughout the campaign. Her son’s car was keyed, they received hate mail, and a large sign that was on their front yard was stolen multiple times. Church officials gave active participants such as Huntington “strict rules” on how to interact with instances such as these. They were told to never be combative and always leave things to proper authorities. In spite of these challenges, Huntington and her fellow LDS members were committed to spreading their message. “In the beginning, a lot of people were frightened to show their sup-

came from individual Mormons, with all donations of over $1,000 being reported to the California Secretary of State. The grandson of a former president of the Mormon Church, Alan Ashton, donated a million dollars in response to an urgent appeal by Protect Marriage strategists for more funds. Mormons, however, did not play the deciding factor in getting Proposition 8 passed. Frank Schubert and Jeff Flint of Schubert Flint Public Affairs – the public relations firm that handled the Yes On Prop 8 campaign said that, “Members of the Mormon faith played an important part of the Yes On 8 coalition, but were only a part of our winning coalition. We had the support of virtually the entire faith community in California.”

Money donated to Yes on 8 campaign

Total: $40 million

Individual Mormons: about $20 million

Other contributions: $18 million

Alan Ashton: $1 million Project Marriage (Loans): $200,000

port,” Huntington said. “But then it became clear that – forget the car, forget our businesses – we have to get involved. The Donations The Protect Marriage coalition was one of the largest groups that gathered money in support of Proposition 8, in total, the group raised more than $40 million. This does not include loans and non-monetary donations (contributions of equipment, supplies, or other resources), which totaled about $200,000 in loans and $600,000 in non-monetary contributions. The LDS church donated about $190,000 in non-monetary contributions. According to the website MormonsFor8.com, 75 percent of the contributions to Project Marriage came from Californians. Utah contributed about 7 percent of the total contributions. About half of the $40 million total


75% from Californians

Project Marriage: $600,000

LDS Church: $190,000

In the same February 2009 issue of Politics magazine, Schubert and Flint said, “Prop. 8 didn’t win because of the Mormons. It won because we created superior advertising that defined the issues on our terms; because we built a diverse coalition; and, most importantly, because we activated that coalition at the grassroots level in a way that had never before been done.” Religion and Politics Collide “My church is a strong influence in the subjects that matter a lot to me – my God, my family and my country,” Huntington said. “When those are in jeopardy, it becomes a moral issue. Hence why it is easy for me to say, ‘within the legal boundaries, I will sacrifice whatever it takes.’” Proposition 8 brought religious views to the forefront of California politics. From the official letter read to California LDS members to Pastor

Rick Warren of Saddleback Church issuing a video to his congregation officially supporting the proposition and explaining why – religious leaders that tend to stay away from politics openly urged their congregations to support the bill. “We’ve spoken out on other issues, we’ve spoken out on abortion, we’ve spoken out on those other kinds of things,” Michael R. Otterson, the managing director of public affairs for the LDS church said to the New York Times. “But we don’t get involved to the degree we did on this.” The increased involvement of religious institutions is contrary to what several students on campus feel about religion and politics. “Religious institutions should not be able to establish basic human rights,” said Isabel Cabello, an anthropology student. “Especially when those religious institutions are manmade establishments that purport to spread the word of God. It seems to me that no one religion has the ultimate truth, why attain to the fanatical beliefs of just one group?” Another student, Carolina Franco, 19, echoed the previous statement. “My religious beliefs do not determine what I vote on. I consider myself a religious person because I believe in a higher being, but I also believe that he gave you your own mind and conscious so that you can make your own educated decisions and form your own opinions,” Franco said. Aftermath After Proposition 8 was overturned by the California Supreme Court, the LDS church issued the following statement: “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints regrets today’s decision. California voters have twice been given the opportunity to vote on the definition of marriage in their state and both times have determined that marriage should be recognized as only between a man and a woman. We agree. Marriage between a man and a woman is the bedrock of society.” “We recognize that this decision represents only the opening of a vigorous debate in the courts over the rights of the people to define and protect this most fundamental institution— marriage.” “There is no doubt that today’s ruling will add to the marriage debate in this country, and we urge people on all sides of this issue to act in a spirit of mutual respect and civility toward those with a different opinion.” Advocates for Proposition 8 and establishing the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman feel that the fight is far from over.

IBSON: TIES THE KNOT ... Continued from page 1 Their Canadian wedding was executed smoothly, which surprised Ibson. He and Harrison enjoyed their honeymoon without being heckled or even judged. They were, in fact, congratulated by many strangers and their hotel even sent congratulatory gift baskets. “There was a certain effortless quality of it all… getting married in Canada wasn’t complicated, it felt like Canada was easier about things,” Ibson said. The ease with which he got married and the happiness he felt made Ibson feel that every same-sex couple should be able to experience what he did. Ibson said marriage is in the process of a redefinition, heading towards a situation in which people of the same sex and opposite sex will be allowed to marry. His rationale is that since marriage is changing, there are people who feel uncomfortable with the transition. “The issue of gay marriage isn’t about protecting marriage; allowing gays to marry would strengthen the institution that is in plenty of trouble and could use some support,” Ibson said. As an American studies scholar, Ibson looks at this issue through a histor-

ical lens so as to not base his argument on his own personal feelings. He sees history as a liberating subject because it teaches society that things can be different; he cited examples of slavery and women’s suffrage as ways history presents change and progress. He says that marriage can and will change, that the simple lack of historical precedence should never be an argument against some proposed change as it happens however some scholars believe there is some precedence for same-sex marriage. And of course same-sex marriages are now occurring in several states, the District of Columbia and now throughout Canada. His wedding experience and views on the debate over gay marriage prompted him to write an op-ed for the Los Angeles Times entitled “The Honeymooners.” His article was printed on Aug. 8. “It’s really hard to find solid, sophisticated debate opposing gay marriage. The best (the opposition) can come up with is that marriage is based solely on reproduction… some heterosexual couples don’t get married for that… My response is ‘Come on, you could do better than that’,” Ibson said. In his Times article, Ibson brought

SHANE WESTOVER / Staff Photographer Cal State Fullerton American studies professor John Ibson shared the story of his marriage.

up how American culture in the last century and a half has tended to confuse sexual identity and gender identity. So that when people are struggling with gender roles they will sometimes use gay men and lesbians as scapegoats. A former student of Ibson’s, John Dominquez, remembers his time in Ibson’s class. “His ability to engage a class of students is excellent, and his respect of opinions of great diversity is an asset to his students,” Dominguez said. Soon after the opinion editorial was printed in the Times, Ibson received dozens of e-mails, letters and phone messages. Many of them were heartening and encouraging, but one particular phone message was saved on Ibson’s answering machine. An elderly individual left a message saying that he was impressed with what Ibson had written and had experienced a lot of diversity in his own family in regards to marriage. The elderly man was so struck

by the op-ed piece Ibson wrote that he had bought extra copies of the Times for his family members. “Gestures like those are what make me believe everything is going to turn out alright eventually and not without a lot of struggle,” Ibson said. Dominguez commented on Ibson’s marriage and same-sex marriage in general. “I can’t think of many couples (gay or straight) that deserve to be married more than them. The love, support, and affection they have for each other defines what it means to be in a committed relationship,” Dominguez said. “I absolutely believe that samesex marriage should be legalized in the United States. It’s an affirmation that marriage should be based on love. If opponents of same-sex marriage were truly looking to preserve the ‘sanctity of marriage,’ there are many examples of opposite-sex marriages in contemporary society that deserve their attention.”

September 16, 2010

Campus & World


Fostering safe spaces

Prop 8: Timeline A look into the history and future of a controversial legal issue FRANCINE RIOS Staff Writer

The latest hold on the Proposition 8 appeal has furthered the saga on this hot issue. While opponents and proponents alike are relentless in seeing their goals through, this is only the tip of the controversial iceberg. While many think that Proposition 8 first stirred up Californians in 2008, its origins actually stem from Proposition 22, an initiative that showed up on California ballots in 2000. Proposition 22, which passed with 61 percent approval, was a measure rallied by gay marriage opponents to ban same-sex marriages in the state, according to the Los Angeles Times. In May 2008, the state Supreme Court later ruled the measure moot under the state constitution’s equal protection clause. Fast-forward to the November election of that same year, and Proposition 8 appeared to voters, with the purpose of rewriting the California Constitution to explicitly define marriage as a union only occurring between heterosexual couples. Proposition 8 passed with 52 percent of the vote. During the 2008 election, 57 percent of Orange County voters were in support of Proposition 8. Steven Stambough, assistant professor of political science, believes there’s a lot to consider when taking into account why a certain area votes the way it does. Stambough has taught on campus for seven years and specializes in campaign and election courses. When it comes to the political climate of a given area, Stambough says a few factors come into play. “It mostly has to do with population issues, which involves both culture and diversity,” Stambough said. “It also has to do with migra-

tion patterns. With California being so large, we’re going to have a wide variety of opinions. Because we have the option for direct democracy, which most states don’t have, we’re more likely to deal with issues on ballots.” But that wasn’t the last anyone would hear from Proposition 8 opponents. In fact, Proposition 8’s enactment was what ignited the appeals process within the state federal court systems. This past summer, all eyes were on San Francisco as U.S. District Chief Judge Vaugh R. Walker struck down Proposition 8. In excerpts taken from Judge Walker’s Aug. 4 ruling, he stated that, “Proposition 8 fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license. Indeed, the evidence shows Proposition 8 does nothing more than enshrine in the California Constitution the notion that opposite sex couples are superior to same sex couples. Because California has no interest in discriminating against gay men and lesbians, and because Proposition 8 prevents California from fulfilling its constitutional obligation to provide marriages on an equal basis, the Court concludes that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional.” Nhi Truong feels that Judge Walker’s ruling was just. “I think that Prop. 8 supporters didn’t really bring a good argument to the table,” said Truong, who is a double major in Biology and Anthropology. “They were just going off of the argument that they are right because 58 percent of California already did not agree with gay marriage. Those against Prop. 8 had experts and witnesses come to the stand. They backed up their argument, making for a better case.” There, however, is also the controversy over Judge Walker himself. Walker is gay. “I think the fact that the judge is gay provided a conflict of interest,” said Patrick Ryan, a second year accounting and finance major. “It would have been more appropriate

Workshops sensitize faculty and staff on LGBT issues

Become an LGBT SafeSpace Ally To become a SafeSpace Ally, faculty and staff attend two informative workshops: 1) SafeSpace LGBT 101: Teaches basic level of awareness about LGBT issues, with an intro to terminology, historical context and cultural aspects of the LGBT community. 2) SafeSpace Ally Training: Practice being allies, with case studies. Highlight the expectations of allies, and focus on the coming out process, which is unique to each student. There is also a student panel discussing LGBT experiences on campus. To sign up, contact the Multicultural Leadership Center: multiculturalcenter@fullerton.edu.

to let someone else take the case.” Stambough sees things differently. “Being gay or straight wouldn’t make for a bias,” he said. “That’s like saying that a female judge can’t rule on abortion, or that a black judge can’t rule on issues of race, or that a wealthy judge can’t rule on issues of business.” There’s always the option of changing the word marriage to something different when it applies to same-sex couples. “The only problem I have with gay marriage is the word,” Ryan said. “The definition of marriage is

between a man and a woman. They should be allowed to have gay marriage, because they should be granted equal protection under the law.” Freshman Jennifer Alvarez, on the other hand, does not think changing terms will make a difference. “To me, it’s still wrong,” Alvarez said. “ According to my religion it’s wrong because they are still two people of the same sex. No matter what you call it, it’s still going to be the same thing as marriage.” There is a lot to consider with Proposition 8, but perhaps the next, and most important step, is if and when this issue will lead up to the Federal Supreme Court. “It will likely end up in the Supreme Court,” said Kristin Beals, associate professor of psychology. Beals, who is raising her two children with her wife of three and a half years, is optimistic on the decision that the Supreme Court could make. “I think marriage equality has a good chance of prevailing in the Supreme Court,” she said via e-mail. “It always helps to be on the side of equality, fairness, and progress.” Stambough does not think the decision will be so easy, however, noting one justice in particular who could make or break Proposition 8. “It all depends on what Justice Anthony Kennedy says,” Stambough said. “There are about four left-center justices who will definitely vote that gay marriage will be allowed. And then there are the others who will vote against it. Anthony Kennedy is right in the middle.” Stambough also suspects that Judge Walker has clued in to this possibility. “The last judge (in San Francisco) heavily cited Anthony Kennedy’s previous rulings on privacy needing protection. It was a way of telling Kennedy not to overrule himself, and to show Kennedy that the (Judge Walker) based his ruling on Kennedy’s line of thought,” Stambough said. If and when that time arrives, regardless the outcome, it will be a turning point for the country.


The SafeSpace Program is one of the many support services available to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered community at Cal State Fullerton. The program offers workshop training for faculty and staff to become familiar with issues facing the LGBT campus community. After completing a two-part training program, faculty and staff are certified as SafeSpace Allies. The training sessions educate faculty and staff on the current research related to the LGBT community issues and the student perspective. Irma Rivera, graduate assistant at the Multicultural Leadership Center, said the SafeSpace training turns the participants into advocates for the LGBT community and offers support to students. People without the proper education can still help, but Rivera explained that they may carry misconceptions about LGBT issues and lack information about resources on campus. Rivera said education is the most important component of the SafeSpace program. “As LGBT myself, I feel very strong about this program and hope I can contribute to the development of LGBT awareness on this campus,” Rivera said. Besides a certificate of completion, campus employees are also given a decal they can display in their offices, signaling their position as a SafeSpace Ally. The decal is an image of Tuffy the elephant popping out of an upside down triangle. Carmen Curiel, Director of the Multicultural Leadership Center, said that the triangle is a symbol reclaimed


by the LGBT community. It was first used in Nazi Germany during World War II to brand gay and lesbian prisoners. Curiel said that 124 faculty and staff members have completed SafeSpace training. The SafeSpace program was created by the Lavender Working Group, who seek to increase campus support, visibility and pride for the LGBT community. Anthony Ragazzo, one of the presenters in the SafeSpace program and adviser to the student organization Queer Straight Alliance (QSA), said at the Lavender Welcome, that there is about a total amount of three and a half hours worth of training that occurs over two different workshops. Jerald Adamos, a SafeSpace Ally recalled that part of the training involved a student panel, where different issues were discussed, such as Proposition 8. Adamos said the student panel helped him understand a new perspective and that overall the training was beneficial. “It’s something I’m gonna be able to take with me wherever I go,” Adamos said. Curiel said that faculty and staff aren’t paid to attend the SafeSpace program. QSA President Katie Claburn said that Ragazzo came to their first club meeting this semester to talk about the SafeSpace program. “I know the faculty that have gone through the training are very proud of it,” Claburn said. She also praised certified SafeSpace Allies for their understanding and openness. “QSA plays the role as one of the safe spaces on campus,” said Chris Brown, public relations representative of QSA. He said that the student organization operates in a similar fashion, providing students a safe space for discussion. “We educate them on what’s going on in LGBT community, so they can have a place to connect to,” Brown said.

Family ties severed Documentary shows the impact that migration has on Chinese life ERIN BRADLEY Staff Writer

The Visual Anthropology club hosted the Wednesday premier of Lixin Fan’s award-winning film, Last Train Home, a documentary following a migrant worker family in China. Every year, 130 million migrant workers leave cities to head back home for Chinese New Year. Chinese Canadian filmmaker Fan tells the story of Changhua and Sugin Zhang, who left their family in rural Huilong to find work in Guangzhou 16 years earlier. The couple leaves their clothing factory once a year to make the three-day train ride home to their family. “Migration is a complicated social issue,” said Fan, who answered questions at the screening. “When parents work away from home, relationships between parent and child become estranged.” The Chinese economy relies heavily on exports of manufactured goods made for American companies. The government has limited labor laws in effect in order to keep business in the country. The jobs created by the factories give millions of Chinese people steady income; something they cannot get from working the farms in their ru-

ral villages. People seeking a better life leave the farms and go to industrial cities, like Guangdong province, where the Zhangs work. But it is a vicious cycle. The Zhangs move out of their village, work in the factories and send their money home to fund their children’s education. Victoria Ford, an anthropology student, was surprised by the lack of emotion and affection shown by the people in the film. “I wanted to see more emotional connection. It seemed so economically driven; they’re just drones,” Ford said. The Zhangs’ melancholic story made Ford think about the people behind the clothes she buys. Barbara Erickson, adviser to the Visual Anthropology Club, showed the film to expose students to different cultural beliefs and to encourage them to be more open-minded and tolerant. “(Last Train Home) is a good example of changes happening so quickly. A lot of traditions have disappeared,” Erickson said. “Traveling home (for Chinese New Year) is the last important tradition.” The film, which took over three years to produce, shows the harsh reality of Chinese life. “It tells the real story,” said Chaochen Chen, president of the Visual Anthropology club and a native of China. “It tells the backside of China. The products labeled ‘Made in China’ are made by real people.”





September 16, 2010


Should the legal drinking age be lowered to 18?


Before someone shoots down the idea of lowering the drinking age to 18, they should consider this: the United States is only one of four countries with a legal drinking age of 21. In fact, the majority of countries have a legal drinking age of 18. But my argument is not that the United States should lower the drinking age because “everybody else is doing it.” I’m suggesting that we should lower the age to 18. Some may say drunk-driving rates would rise significantly if the legal drinking age is lowered, solely based on the accusation that younger people are the biggest culprits of DUI convictions, but DUI statistics prove otherwise. Data collected by the California Department of Alcohol and Drugs Programs indicate that in 2007, the average age of a convicted DUI offender in California was 30. Furthermore, the same report says nationally, people aged

25 to 34 had the largest amount of drivers with a BAC (blood alcohol content) level of .08 or higher. This contradicts the accusations that youth determines who is more likely to drive drunk. Another reason the legal drinking age should be lowered, and one of the more popular arguments, is that if someone is old enough to fight (and die) for his or her country then he or she should be able to drink legally. Teens enlisting in the military after high school are supposedly mature enough to make this decision. So shouldn’t 18 also be considered mature enough to drink alcohol? I’m not arguing that 18-yearolds are as mature as 21-year-olds, but there is a hypocrisy in the U.S. that people fail to recognize. The meaning of the word maturity should not vary just to support one’s beliefs.My last argument is the healthy perks of alcohol. A moderate amount of alcohol can improve a person’s heart health, according to a report by the Mayo Clinic. The reports says that alcohol in general can have positive results, not just red wine. These health- related benefits should not be restricted to people only over the age of 21. The point of my advocacy on lowering the drinking age to 18 is so people can stop assuming that the proposition is full of consequences. The idea is not as foreign as people think. It is time for the public to take it into consideration.


Lowering the minimum legal drinking age is not a safe decision for California. Since a basic living requirement for California includes wheels, the problem with lowering the drinking age is mixing reckless youth and the open road with alcohol. During the 1970s when certain states across our nation decided to lower the minimum drinking age to 18 for beer and 20 for liquor, they did not have our California drivers in mind. According to the National Institute of Health during this time alcohol was a factor in over 60 percent of traffic fatalities with two-thirds of traffic deaths among persons aged 16 to 20 involving alcohol. This result was consistent across the board, when the drinking age went down fatalities among youth went up. Voting, fighting in the war and buying lotto tickets are all luxuries of turning 18 years old, but that doesn’t constitute the fact

that they should be able to legally drink at that age. Most 18-yearolds are far too immature to know when to stop drinking anyway. America lacks self-control as a nation; from super-sized fries to three-day movie marathons, so how can we expect any 18-yearold to put down their beer and say enough is enough. At such a young age, very few can say they’ve had enough life experiences to make informed decisions. Lowering the drinking age, knowing the risks it poses to other drivers, is careless. There’s a reason why it failed the first time we tested it: safety became a very serious concern. In the mid-1980s all states had taken up 21 as the legal drinking age. Since that time the National Institute of Health reports that alcohol related traffic deaths have been cut in half, with the greatest declines in persons 16 to 20 years old. History often repeats itself but that doesn’t mean it should. When the minimum legal drinking age was brought back up to 21, death and injury declined in youth. If someone wants to drink they will find a way to get alcohol, regardless of their age or any law in place. But for the individuals who will listen and make responsible decisions, keeping the legal drinking age at 21 will save lives. Guaranteed, everyone wants to see more young California drivers stuck in that grid hour traffic, rather than in a hospital bed.

Identifying humanities hipsters

Courtesy of Flickr user Ret0dd

ALLY BORDAS Staff Writer

I shake my head in hilarity as I stroll past the obvious hipsters. They are always there, next to Humanities, sitting on the benches underneath the beautiful trees obscuring themselves from the rest of the campus in a haze of smoke. The Fullerton hipsters only sit on the northern Humanities benches, next to University Hall and what used to be MJ’s coffee house. I recognize a few of the regular hipster students, always with a cigarette in one hand and either a coffee or reusable water bottle in the other. I see you and I am calling you out. Curious as to what exactly a hipster is, I found that Urban dictionary defined hipsters as: “hippies of the 2000s. They listen to ‘undiscovered’ bands, wear retro clothes from thrift stores, and only hang around other hipsters. They try to look as though they don’t have a lot of money, while still looking trendy”. Since hipsters don’t like to admit they’re hipsters, (since it’s conforming to a certain “type,”) it may be tricky identifying them. I have come up with a fool-proof list I use to identify them that I will kindly share with you.

Eight Signs They’re A Hipster 1. They are chain smokers (or act as though they are). 2. They wear glasses that are considered nerdy (even if they have perfect vision). 3. They wear sunglasses that are either overly huge or Ray-Ban Wayfarers. 4. They use satchels. 5. They write in Moleskine journals that are kept in their backpockets. 6. They wear TOMS shoes without knowing why. 7. They preferably have no hips or body fat. 8. They wear jeans that are skin tight with “natural” holes in them and wear flannels or old school rock T-shirts. I could go on and on with you hipsters! Don’t even get me started on their hair, which is just as important, if not more so, than what they wear. WikiHow gives advice to wannabe hipsters (side note – if you have to look up how to be a hipster, you will never be one) : “Knowledge of obscure music is crucial to becoming a true hipster, namedrop often, insult a lot of bands... remember to use perhaps the most important hipster line: ‘I liked them before they were cool...” Now, WikiHow is a credible source. I feel like hipsters usually have re-

Contact Us at opinion@dailytitan.com

ally rand-o names (“rand-o” is a hipster term, it is shortening the word “random”). All the hipsters I know are called: Doak, Oak, Crosby-Hale, Maya, Yasi, Audrey, LeNoir, Michael Ford Dreads, Simone, Dora.. what is up with that? They were coined hipsters at birth by their hippie parents; anyone with names like those have to be Ray-Ban wearing, flannel rocking, mohawked isolated hipsters. A few days ago I was forced to walk past the hipsters yet again. Since I was on break, I decided to sit near them and eavesdrop. Nervously, I put on my cracked aviator sunglasses and slouched my way over to the northern benches of the Humanities Building with a scowl on my face; totally hipster. I sat far enough away from the main group of hipsters so that they would not suspect anything but I was still close enough to listen to their conversation. I heard a boy with long hair comment about his philosophy class,

watched out of the corner of my eye as a couple smoked about four cigarettes in 10 minutes and heard a girl with one super long dreadlock and a mess of layered jewelry discuss the band “Grizzly Bear.” I am not joking. This was all in a time span of about 30 minutes. When I started to pack my bag to get ready for class, I heard someone, a boy, laugh and quote Jack Kerouac. Yup, I had enough. I shagged ass out of there as fast as I could. I could really go on and on with this topic... So maybe I am being a little rough on hipsters, but a true hipster would never read this article. A true hipster also does not consider themselves “hipster” in the first place, so who are they? They’re who Jack Kerouac calls, “the beat generation.” Well, that time is over. We are all wannabes living in a world where anti-conforming doesn’t exist; we all conform to society’s expectations every day.

For the record Articles written for the Daily Titan by columnists, other Cal State Fullerton students, or guests do not necessarily reflect the view of the Daily Titan or Daily Titan Editorial Board. Only editorials are representative of the views of the Daily Titan Editorial Board.

Letters To The Editor The Daily Titan welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must include the sender’s first and last name. Students must include their majors, and other writers must include their affiliation to the university, if applicable. The Daily Titan reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar and spelling. Send letters to Isa Ghani, the editor-in-chief, at dteditorinchief@gmail.com.

UP Jim Thome


DOWN Stanley Neace

Courtesy of Flickr user themonnie

Courtesy of MCT



Minnesota Twins’ designated hitter, Jim Thome, is climbing up the all-time home run list leading his team into first place in the American League Central Division. Thome hit his 23rd home run of the year on Saturday, Sept. 11 against the Cleveland Indians, passing Frank Robinson for individual ownership of eighth place on the all-time home run list. Thome signed a contract with the Twins at the beginning of the year and according to TwinsBaseball.com, along with his 23 home runs, he has 53 runs batted in, a .407 on base percentage, and a .641 slugging percentage. He is currently at 587 home runs, close to 600! Only seven other players are included in the “600 Club” (Barry Bonds, Hank Aaron, Babe Ruth, Sammy Sosa, WIllie Mays, Ken Griffey Jr. and newest member Alex Rodriguez). You can bet Thome will be back next year to join this illustrious and prestigious club. Thome is a Hall of Famer on and off the field in my book!

I have never killed anyone over a poorly made breakfast before, but apparently Stanley Neace thinks it’s an acceptable way to settle a dispute. He killed his wife, his stepdaughter and three neighbors before he killed himself after his wife didn’t make his eggs correctly. That’s definitely not a valid reason to kill your wife and neighbors. It’s not as if all five people conspired against him to make his eggs incorrectly. Boy did he wake up on the wrong side of the bed. The Neaces lived in a trailer park in Kentucky Neace received monthly disability checks but his landlord never knew he had a mental condition. There is a lesson to be learned here: watch your back. Watch what you say and who you say it to. As we have now learned, it is also important to watch how you make those eggs. We live in some dark times. It is getting increasingly easy to get murdered these days. At least Neace won’t be hurting any more people.

Staff Writer

Staff Writer

The 5 Ws When

She wore the food on Sept. 12 at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards.


Only in America would we see someone wearing meat when there are probably people starving right outside the VMA’s. PETA is pissed, the usual. Courtesy of Flickr user kate_xo



Lady Gaga – that’s all I need to say for you to know this is going to get a little weird.


She wore a dress made entirely of raw meat accessorized with meat boots, a meat hat and a meat purse. Normally, this would be creepy and the person would be confined to a room with sponge walls but it’s Lady freakin’ Gaga, this is pretty standard.


MTV suggested she was expressing her distaste for U.S. military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. I suggest they have no idea what they’re talking about. On the Ellen Show she explained, “If we don’t stand up for what we believe in pretty soon we’re going to have as much rights as the meat on our own bones.” Wait, what? I don’t speak crazy so I narrowed it down to a few possibilities: the designer sold out of cloth, to have snacks on her incase she got hungry, to show starving children what a year’s supply of food looks like, to get everyone to stop talking about Katy Perry’s stupid cupcake bra. I’m gonna’ go with she likes to party.


September 16, 2010

Band grows on students KIRAN KAZALBASH Copy Editor

& JENNA WEST Staff Writer

The effervescent of sound of the New Limb resonated through Becker Amphitheater Wednesday. Despite some mishaps with the band’s keyboards caused by the heat, the New Limb remained energetic and kept the crowd thoroughly entertained. Cal State Fullerton’s Associated Students Inc. presents performances every Wednesday at Becker Amphitheater. Sophomore Javier Navarro, 18, a Radio-TV-Film major is the ASI concert coordinator who brought The New Limb to perform at CSUF. “We look for bands based on student demands. Indie Alternative is a big demand for students,” Navarro said. “I approached (The New Limb) to play because they won Best Indie Artist for 2010 in Music Awards.” This was The New Limb’s first performance at CSUF. Playing songs off their first full-length album released April 3, Sounds People Can Hear, The New Limb also played a new song that has not yet been performed in front of a live audience. They also covered the song “The Weight by The Band”, which the audience really seemed to enjoy. “I checked them out on their MySpace, and they were pretty good so I came specifically to see them,” said Michael Marquez, 21, a biology major. The New Limb has been together for two years. The band was named Best Live Band of 2009 by OC Weekly. Brothers Adam, drummer, and Joey Chavez, lead vocals, have been playing

music with guitarist Dan Perez, 25, for 10 years. Keyboardist Lauren Salamone, 24, met Adam and Joey at Vanguard University and has been playing with them for three years. Bassist Dave Berg, 26, is the newest member of The New Limb who has been playing with the band for three months. Being the only girl in the band and living with four guys, Salamone has adapted to the teasing by her band mates. “Its fun. I’ve gotten used to it. They make fun of me because they like me, it’s just like grade school,” Salamone said. Her experience with four sarcastic guys has given her thick skin. When her keyboards became overheated during the performance at the amphitheater she did not show any sign of distress despite what was really going on in her head. The band stayed calm during their technical difficulties by showing the audience their wittiness as they bantered back and forth with each other. “I kept thinking don’t freak out and remember to smile. I was praying please make my keyboards work,” Salamone said. Artists inside and outside of their genre influenced the New Limb band members. Drummer Adam Chavez, 25, grew up listening to classic rock, which helped foster his musical interests. “I listened to bands like Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, and Cat Stevens,” Chavez said. “But (through) my own musical journey I listen to Arcade Fire, Radiohead, and even Bjork, so there is a wide variety of influences.” The writing process behind The New Limb’s music is a collaborative effort involving each member of the

band. Salamone said one member usually has an idea for lyrics or a melody and they work from there to put everything together. “Writing a song is very expressive. It is calming in a way getting out an idea and getting it out correctly,” Salamone said. The New Limb hopes to tour internationally, produce more albums and expand their fan base. The New Limb will be playing tonight at La Cave in Costa Mesa. The band wants fans to explore their musical interest, which is why they vary their own sound. “Music that you enjoy doesn’t have to sound like everything else. We want it to be a real creative process,” Perez said.


The band Silent Planet draws influence from bands not just in their genre but a wide range of musicians. The band has no intention of targeting a specific age group and is thankful to all those who are willing to listen to the music they are putting out.

Silent Planet makes noise Staff Writer

Up-and-coming Scan to view band, The New Limb, plays the Becker Amphitheater for a crowd of eager students.



Courtesy of Kandis Howell


The New Limb plays the Becker


Among the clamorous drums, deep shrill vocals and inventive use of keyboards, Silent Planet is not a conventional hardcore band. The motivating factor behind their big sound is their Christian faith. Nathan Benedict, 20, a business major at Cal State Fullerton, has played keyboards for Temecula-based Silent Plant for a year and a half. Benedict always had a passion for music; his passion for performing developed in college. Although he met his band members through different situations, he said they have their faith in common. “Each one of us had been given a desire to play music to glorify God and that desire brought us together,” Benedict said. Their faith is manifested deeply into Silent Planet’s lyrics. They each use their musical talents and personal experiences to contribute to the band’s writing process. The lyrical inspiration of lead vocalist Garrett Russell, 20, comes from personal experiences and “being humbled

by forgiveness despite my mistakes.” Silent Planet’s musical influences vary from bands within their genre, such as Refused and Dillinger Escape Plan, as well as musicians from different genres and decades. They strive to write music on that same level of musicianship. With songs titles such as “Eucharist,” Silent Planet is not an ordinary hardcore band. The band’s name was inspired by Christian author C. S. Lewis and his cosmic novel, Out of the Silent Planet, which addresses issues of racism, colonialism and religion. The novel has been influential to drummer Jason Scribner, 30, throughout his life and wishes to share “the hope, love and grace of our God that waits to be realized when all our scheming fails to build a perfect future” with the band’s audience. Outside of the musical aspect, the band, comprised of Nick Marshall (vocals and guitar) and Jay Learue, both 23 years old – strives to give time to their fans and show them love. Silent Planet is available to their young fans, so they have the band members to listen to them and help them through their struggles.

“Within the lyrics, you will find information on where that love comes from and what we all believe in, “ Benedict said. “Our motivating factor is Jesus Christ and the stories that tell of his life – the Bible.” Although Silent Planet’s genre attracts a younger audience, the band does not have a specific target audience other than anyone who is willing to listen. “We want to listen to all who listen to us,” Scribner said. “The more eclectic, the better so that we may share in very different walks of life.” Music is more than entertainment or a hobby for Silent Planet. “Music is beautiful and infinite,” Scribner said. “It provides the transcendence every human being seeks everyday. It is just a matter of finding the genre that lifts your spirit.” After paying their dues in writing and in the studio, Silent Planet’s focus is on performing. They hope to play shows once a week and create new music. “We would love to travel and have the opportunity to share with the world what we’ve experienced,” Benedict said.

JC Vera / For the Daily Titan The band The New Limb performed for the first time at Cal State Fullerton’s Becker Amphitheater. The performance started with a few electrical glitches due to the heat, but the band stayed calm and eventually were able to perform for the eager crowd.

JC VERA / For the Daily Titan The New Limb has been playing together for two years and last year were named “Best Live Band” by OC Weekly. Each member of the band shares equal part in the collaboration process, helping to make their sound unique and interesting.




September 16, 2010


Detour Quick Pick: Phoenix concert What upcoming concert are you most excited for? ANDREA AYALA For the Daily Titan

Smooth. Funky. Retro-alternative. Indie band Phoenix has been hitting the charts like Bruce Lee to a block of wood. With that considered, I can’t wait for their Sept. 18 concert at the Hollywood Bowl. Phoenix, which consists of Thomas Mars, Deck D’Arcy, Christian Mazzalai and Laurent Brancowitz, has released four albums since their start in 2000. They have received wide praise for United, their first album, and especially for their latest album, Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix. Their psychedelic, trance-like melodies combined with eclectic sound and rhythms have become a musical favorite to fans around the world. “I have listened to (Phoenix) since before they were so massively popular and I love them as much now as I did back then,” said Armando Pensado, 20, of Irvine. “‘1901’ is the best song.” Catchy hits like “Listzomania” and “1901” have gained mainstream success for the band and have merited Phoenix status as one of the biggest indie bands today. Fifteen years ago, Phoenix was prac-

Courtesy of Flickr user Alexandra Tinder R&B performer Mike Posner releases his first studio album, 31 Minutes to Takeoff.

Album: 31 Minutes to Takeoff by Mike Posner

ELLIOT COOK Staff Writer

Courtesy of Flickr user Kmeron The band Phoenix, natives of Versailles, France, recently won a Grammy for “Best Alternative Album” for Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix. Although the band grew up speaking French, their music is sung mostly in English for a more universal approach.

ticing their tunes in the garages of their suburban homes in Versailles, France. Although they grew up speaking French, their music is widely sung in English because the band has tried to accomplish a universal approach to their music. “I think Phoenix’s music is about hitting home,” said David Tomov, 20,

of Irvine. “I think they chose to sing in English so that more people could be personally affected by their music, since English is such a popular language around the globe.” Earlier this year, Phoenix won a Grammy for “Best Alternative Album” for Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix. “There’s just something about the

“I’m really looking forward to Trey Songz (and)Taylor Swift performing in LA!”

“I’m excited to see Mariachi Divas at the Anaheim Heritage Forum in October.”

way Phoenix captivates me that is unlike any other band,” said Robert Radar, 20, of Los Angeles. “Phoenix is my go-to band when I’m feeling energetic.” Amidst the lights, fresh air and Hollywood Hills backdrop, Phoenix will play alongside Grizzly Bear and Girls at the Hollywood Bowl concert.

Student Answers “I’m looking forward to the school Spring Concert. It’s the only concert I go to.”

“I (was) excited for Daddy Yankee’s concert...because I love his style of music.”

Up-and-coming R&B sensation Mike Posner accomplished a lot in the past year; graduated from Duke University, toured the United States promoting his mixtapes and recorded his first studio album, 31 Minutes to Takeoff. The album consists of mostly pop tracks and choruses that make you want to sing along. Posner’s first single, “Cooler Than Me,” has been all over the radio and peaked at number six on Billboard 100. Posner, 22, a Detroit native, begins the album with telling his listeners, “It was just a matter of time,” which is the name of his first mixtape. After the intro, Posner launches into his next surefire hit, “Please Don’t Go.” With a techno-ish beat and hard drum patterns, this will definitely be a song that stays in your head all day. On the album, after Posner’s second single comes, his probable third, “Bow Chicka Wow Wow,” which boasts a powerful chorus. Posner’s current smash, “Cooler Than Me,” rounds out the first set of the album. After the group of singles, Posner

slows it down with “Déjà Vu,” featuing Boys II Men. Blending the legendary group so smoothly into his album, Posner’s production skills are clearly remarkable, especially for being such a young man. “Gone in September” is one of Posner’s deeper tracks. Although staying true to his pop demeanor, Posner sings about having to leave his significant other because he doesn’t really love her. Posner then pours his heart into probably the deepest song on the album, “Cheated.” In the song, he reveals that a girl he loved was cheating on him the entire relationship, and that he should have been the one doing the cheating. If that wasn’t bad enough for his ex, he sings, “Carolyn Stevens, this song is for you.” Continuing to mellow down the album, Posner sings about his family life in “Delta 1406.” Posner sings, “Things with mom have got so weird now / I gotta book hotels for my Detroit shows.” The album has been a huge success for Posner. He started by making beats in his bedroom and now has a debut Top 10 Billboard album. He has proved to be right when he promised, “It’s just a matter of time.”

Album: The Wild Hunt by

The Tallest Man on Earth


-Gautam Dua, biochemistry

-Brenda Lopez, liberal studies

-Kenya Garay, undeclared

-Sofia Guerrero, undeclared

Film: The War Boys ASIA NELSON For the Daily Titan

In the extraordinary film, The War Boys, Peter Gallagher (The O.C.), Benjamin Walker, Brian J. Smith and Victor Rasuk, display a modern representation of the United States’ current illegal immigrant issue. The film begins with three childhood friends, David (Walker), Greg (Rasuk) and George (Smith). David, home during suspension from his freshman year of college, is the son of a wealthy trucking business owner, Slater (Gallagher). Calling themselves “the war boys,” the three friends drive next to the border for fun to try and catch illegal immigrants. Often harassing illegal immigrants, the viewer learns the young men’s individual issues with immigrants and why they feel and act the

way that they do. David seems to have had a close relationship with his father. As David grows up, the dreams he has for himself and what his father expects from him conflict, causing him to rebel against his dad. The war boys hijack David’s father’s truck, which supposedly contained televisions to make a quick buck. They then find themselves in a situation they never thought they would be in, fighting to overcome their own personal demons. Greg, of Mexican descent, laughs and follows as his Caucasian friends call immigrants “beaners” and joins in their hunt harassing immigrants. He refuses to speak Spanish, being entirely fluent in the language and living with his Hispanic family. Later, the viewer finds out his love for a woman twice his age and his quest for her heart. Only speaking to him in Spanish, she helps

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him gain confidence in his ethnicity and he finally stands up for his people, realizing he is one of them, and no matter how he tries to act or present himself, he cannot hide his Hispanic background. Early George’s issues accepting his younger, adopted Mexican sister are apparent. Comparing their skin colors, he tries to make her feel like she does not belong. Venting to his parents about his issues with her, they explain to him that they love her and that they are a family no matter what skin color differences they have. Filled with love, twists and endless surprises, The War Boys is an instant classic. Similar to the film Crash, it displays bits of racism and uncertainty within one’s own self that later come together in a heartfelt ending of openness and understanding of each other.

Courtesy of Flickr user qbac07 Peter Gallagher of The O.C. stars in The War Boys, a story of three young men who patrol the border for illegal immigrants.

If you’re looking for an amazing acoustic record, look no further than The Tallest Man on Earth’s second album, The Wild Hunt. The album combines folk, witty lyricism and a balanced blend of tracks to create a piece of art that will turn heads and catch the ear of any music lover. Lead vocalist Kristian Matsson is perfect for the band’s acoustics with his Bob Dylan-esque raspy voice that is gut-wrenching and mixes nicely with the album’s toe-tapping guitar riffs. After releasing their first album, Shallow Grave, in 2008, The Tallest Man on Earth stood out to audiences when they opened for Bon Iver later that year. The band was an instant hit and has enjoyed a growing fan base as they continue to tour. Matsson’s musical genius has received national recognition and praise. According to The New York Times, The Tallest Man on Earth’s songs are “a rush of images and paradoxes that find their own coherence.” The Wild Hunt will likely help build the band’s fan base. The 10-track album

tells of life’s ups and downs, encompassing both the triumph and despair that Matsson has endured. Matsson refuses to hold back his emotions as he invites listeners to join him on his journey. “Love Is All” stands out, as it begins with simple guitar strumming, creating a comfortable niche where listeners can relax. The passion and heartache in Mattson’s unrelenting, piercing vocals and somber, yet subtle, lyrics are evident as he sings, “Love is all from what I’ve heard / But my heart’s learned to kill / Oh, mine has learned to kill.” The record has upbeat tracks too, like “King of Spain,” Matsson quickens the tempo by rocking out on guitar, preparing listeners for a ride on what is arguably the best track on the album. Matsson’s vocals are uplifting and remind listeners that not everything in life is impossible as he enthusiastically sings, “I wanna be the king of Spain.” The track comes to a close with a numbing bellow from Matsson, which is a breath of fresh air for the listener. Matsson’s vocals should be enough reason for somebody to give the record a listen. Combined with clever lyrics and catchy guitar riffs, The Wild Hunt should stand out in the competitive music industry.


September 16, 2010

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Sudoku brought to you by dailysudoku.com

Gemini (May 21-June 21) Rapidly developing circumstances force you to adapt to social demands. In the process, an idea transforms and you discover opportunities.


Cancer (June 22-July 22) If you want the spotlight today, you can have it, but only if you overcome an objection from a close associate. You can share, if you’re willing.



Daily Sudoku: Mon 13-Sep-2010

6 5 8 2 4 1

8 2 1 9 5 4

4 6 3 7 8 2

7 4 5 8 9 3

1 3 9 5 7 8

5 7 2 6 1 9

9 8 4 1 3 6

1 4 9 3 5 2 6 8 7 5 8 7 6 9 1 4 3 2 Daily Sudoku: Mon 13-Sep-2010


5 1

4 3 2 2 9



8 9 2

6 1

3 7 8 2

How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2010. All rights reserved.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) You don’t have to take the spotlight today. In fact, others benefit when you allow them to have their say and reserve your response for another day.

8 9 2 6 2 1 7 3 6 5

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Creative requirements at home put you on notice that you’re skills are in high demand. Shop carefully for the best bargain and quality. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) You want to shout your news from the rooftops. Call the essential parties first. They deserve to know in advance. Then issue a press release.


3 9 6 4 2 7

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) You may need to spend money today on others. Listen to demands, and then figure out what can be done to accommodate them without breaking the budget.


(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2010. All rights reserved.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Apply your creativity to concrete problems with a sibling or neighbor. It’s better to have a great plan than to rush forward without one.

9 3 7 8


Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) The course of love doesn’t run smooth for someone in your family. You can soothe ruffled feathers by telling jokes and being utterly silly.

7 4 3 2 2 5 1 8

4 3

8 9 3 7 1 6 2 4 5

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) You want change, and you’re willing to run right out and make it. Younger people may seem inflexible on at least one point. Be patient.

9 8 4



Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) What you think you want in the morning changes dramatically halfway through the day. Others offer alternatives that seem more appealing. Now you have choice.


(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2010. All rights reserved.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Your need for independence may lead to travel away from home. A friend suggests an unexpected destination that suits your mood beautifully.

Daily Sudoku: Mon 13-Sep-2010

Aries (March 21-April 19) You must devise a creative plan that includes your partner and other important individuals. You won’t satisfy everyone, but will provide basic needs.




September 16, 2010

A crown fit for a king

NASCAR: A race for a checkered finish

MATTHEW PETROPULOS and driving with a chip on his shoulStaff Writer

The NASCAR Sprint Cup title starts Sunday with 11 other drivers looking to end Jimmie Johnson’s reign of four straight titles. Denny Hamlin has the momentum after dominating the last race of the season on Saturday Sept. 11 at the Richmond International Speedway. He is the leader in points after winning six races this year. In a quote from ESPN, “I’ve been in a lot of these chases,” said Hamlin, who finished third as a rookie in 2006. “I’ve made a lot of mistakes. Every year I feel like I’ve learned something. This year I’m more prepared than ever.” Johnson starts second for the chase and is determined to repeat for a fifth straight title. However, I think his time has come to an end because all 11 drivers will be gunning for him come race time. Kevin Harvick and Kyle Busch start tied for third, 30 points back. They both have double digits top 10’s with Kyle Busch having 14 and Harvick, 17. Both men should be a threat for the title if Harvick stays focused and Kyle Busch’s temper doesn’t get in the way. And that is a huge question for him! Kurt Busch is in fifth place, 40 points behind Hamlin. He will be strong but needs to keep a clear mind on racing, not his ongoing feud with Johnson if he intends to win. Johnson bumped him and took the lead from him with two laps to go in New Hampshire and was also wrecked by Johnson at Pocono. However, look for him to be focused

der. In an ESPN article, “I may not intentionally try to wreck him,” Kurt Busch said. “It’s tough to put it behind me because I look at the wrecked race cars.” Tony Stewart and Greg Biffle are tied for sixth place, 50 points behind Hamlin. Stewart is looking to regain his 2002 and 2005 forms where he won the championship, while Biffle has begun to race with more effectiveness and will need to start strong if he wants to be a contender. The last five drivers in the chase: Jeff Gordon, Carl Edwards, Jeff Burton, Matt Kenseth and Clint Bowyer, who will start 60 points behind Hamlin because none of them won a race this year but did enough to qualify. Gordon I believe has a chance to win it because of his experience and because his is second in top fives and would have won a couple races if it weren’t for some poor decisions. Edwards looked like a beast at the end of the season running together six straight top 10 finishes to end the season. Don’t count out Edwards because this finally might be his year. I don’t expect much from Burton, Kenseth and Bowyer. Kenseth is the only former champion of the group in 2003 and all of them are riding limited momentum heading into the chase and also have the disadvantage of 60 points. So what happens when Darrel Waltrip says “Boogity, boogity, boogity, Let’s go racin’ boys!?” My wild card pick for the title is Jeff Gordon. However, my real pick is Kurt Busch.

For the record Sept. 15, 2010: A photo caption for the article regarding Nadal and Clijsters recent win in New York listed Clijsters as the first woman to successfully defend a championship title. This is incorrect; Venus Williams also successfully defended her title in 2001. In addition, Joseph Szilagyi wrote the article titled “USA wins FIBA: New kids on the globe,” not Marc Donez.

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Courtesy of MCT Pictured above: Cincinnati’s Joey Votto, one of three players looking for a Triple Crown.


It’s one of baseball’s most hallowed achievements, and nobody has reached the sacred plateau since 1967, when the Boston Red Sox’s Carl Yastrzemski accomplished the feat. However, though recent events have made the chances of reaching the plateau far less likely, there are still three viable candidates to reach the hitter’s Triple Crown: Albert Pujols of the St. Louis Cardinals, Joey Votto of the Cincinnati Reds and Carlos Gonzalez of the Colorado Rockies.

The hitter’s Triple Crown consists of a player leading their league in counting stats: batting average, home runs, and runs batted in. No National League hitter has had a Triple Crown since the Cardinals’ Joe Medwick managed it in 1937. Baseball has evolved, with pitchers and hitters having their own specializations; instead of having a jack-of-all-trades, there are more role players in the majors than ever before. Some, like Adam Dunn of the Washington Nationals, are in uniform to belt home runs. Others, like Ichiro Suzuki of the Seattle Mariners, are employed to hit for a high average and get on base. So for this to happen, to have three men within shouting distance of topping their league in three offensive categories, is impressive. Who has the best chance of pulling off a Triple Crown season, though? Let’s take a look. It’s not surprising that Pujols is one of the contenders for a Triple Crown; he’s one of the top dogs in most offensive categories each year. However, the Red Bird is having a down year by his lofty standards. A recent homer binge has brought Pujols up to 39 jacks, five ahead of Votto and seven ahead of Gonzalez. A slump has knocked Pujols down to .308 in the batting average department, so it might be difficult for him to leapfrog Votto

and Gonzalez, who both have higher averages. Pujols’ NL Central rival, Votto, has also made a strong case for the Triple Crown. The winner of the NL All-Star team’s final vote doesn’t lead any of the Triple Crown categories, though with 103 RBIs, he is just one behind league-leaders Pujols and Gonzalez. He’s been a consistent performer all year, only posting an average below .314 once, during April, so Votto should be in the thick of the competition for highest batting average. What might be more difficult to make up ground in will be home runs. While the Rockies work to hunt down the San Diego Padres for the NL West title, Gonzalez will be a key component to their comeback. Since July, he has been a stalwart in center field and in the lineup, as his batting average has jumped from .302 on July 1 to .340, and since Aug. 25, he threw himself into consideration for the Triple Crown, as he clubbed six home runs in that span. A hitter needs to have runners on base to be able to knock them in. For Gonzalez, Pujols and Votto, who are relatively close in each of the required categories, it only takes a hot streak to surge up the charts. The race for the first hitter’s Triple Crown in 73 years may be one of the more exciting races to watch.

Think different. Think Simon: Moss, pay or trade

SIMON LIANG Sports Columnist

It always comes down to the money. For many athletes, they always have “their mind on their money and their money on their mind.” New England Patriots’ wide receiver Randy Moss is the latest star complaining about a contract extension. “Nothing has been discussed. There’s not been anything said. Not a letter. Nothing. I’m not saying that I want to stay here, but I love playing here. If the future of my job lets

me go to another team, then that’s what it’s going to be,” Moss said, after beating the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday. Moss, who is in the last year of his contract, has a right to be disgruntled, but his timing was ill-advised. All this was going on when his teammates were celebrating their season-opening victory against the Bengals. The minute he sat down for the postgame interview, the “16-minute Randy Moss Show” already overshadowed the week one victory. “I want to be here with the Patriots. I love being here. I just think that, from a business standpoint, this will be my last year with the Patriots and I’m not retiring; I’m still going to play some football,” Moss went on to say. No kidding, he got the rest of the football world focusing on an individual story. As a Patriot, Moss has arguably been the top receiver in the game.

His 47 touchdown receptions in the last three seasons are the most in the NFL. Aside from his two tumultuous seasons as an Oakland Raider, he’s consistent and one of the most feared deep threats in the league. I’m sure he’s not expecting an Andre Johnson payout (seven years for $73.5 million), because that would be ludicrous. Courtesy of MCT At age 33, he still Randy Moss accumulated 1,264 yards in receiving last season. has game-changing abilities and he deserves a contract sonable compensation? extension, but at what price? He is As long as Moss stays quiet and going to make $6.4 million this year lets his play do all the talking, the and with quarterback Tom Brady’s Patriots will have no choice but to new contract kicking in, are the Pa- pay up... or trade him (i.e. Richard triots going to have enough for a rea- Seymour, 2009).

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