Daily Titan - Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012

Page 1

Online Exclusive

What’s Inside: NEWS 2

Stem cell solutions presented OPINION 4

Work deferral a risky proposition FEATURES 5

Students appear on The Price is Right Daily Titan News Brief - Get up-to-date coverage on top campus news stories.

Vo l u m e 9 2 , I s s u e 2 2


Volleyball looks for three-peat

T H U R S D AY, O C T O B E R 1 1 , 2 0 1 2



CAMPUS | Remote desktop

IT dept touts access and convenience Students can use school servers to use programs like Maya and Adobe for free RAYMOND MENDOZA Daily Titan

For many students at Cal State Fullerton, there are two things that are coveted above all else: the need of a quiet place to study and affordability. Unfortunately, computer software is not cheap and computer labs can be both crowded and distracting. However, with the CSUF Virtual Computer Lab (VCL), students can now use a variety of programs on their PC or Mac at any time of day at any location where the Internet is available. The VCL, run by CSUF’s Information Technology Services, has more than 20 types of software available for student and faculty use, including Adobe Photoshop CS5, IBM SPSS 19 and Office 2010 edition. SEE REMOTE, 3

LOCAL | Clergy and activists


Mariachi Continental, a mariachi group from El Monte, serenade passing students in the Quad as part of National Hispanic Heritage Month.

Latino culture showcased

Props weighed with morality Local religious leaders and activists rally together Wednesday in Orange

Mexican traditions, including mariachi, tied in with National Hispanic Heritage Month ERIC FARRELL Daily Titan

With their matching wide-brimmed hats and embroidered charro outfits, the Mariachi Continental group garnered student attention Wednesday in the Quad during an event that was part of the larger celebration of Latino culture this month. “El Mariachi Showcase,” organized by the student group Mesa Cooperativa, featured Mariachi Continental, of El Monte, playing various songs through the ages of mariachi history, with Victor Oropeza narrating the story of Mexico’s famous genre of music. “The whole point of today is to show students how

mariachi bands came to be, and how today they’re integrated more into the U.S. mainstream,” said Oropeza. In his presentation, Oropeza described how the earliest mariachi bands did not feature a brass section. They also didn’t wear the matching Charro, or horseman, outfits that mariachi bands are known for today. To demonstrate, select members of Mariachi Continental performed an early song without the brass section while wearing the mixed outfits characteristic of the time. “The most important revolution in mariachi music took place when trumpets were incorporated, creating the unique and brassy accent distinctive of mariachi,” Oropeza said.

PROFILE | Overcoming obstacles

Student undeterred by blind disability JAZMIN SANCHEZ Daily Titan

A double major in political science and philosophy with a minor in religious studies, Cal State Fullerton student Jestin Samson, 23, is not your typical student. Not only does he possess the ability to excel in three different areas of study, but he is also one of 60,000 people affected by the genetic condition aniridia. The term “aniridia” translates to “without iris”—this means that a person born with aniridia is born without a fully developed iris (the colored part of the eye). Aniridia is a panocular condition, meaning it can also affect the cornea, retina and lens of the eye. Glaucoma, foveal hypoplasia, nystagmus, strabismus, dry eye, corneal degeneration and cataracts are all conditions that can develop as a result of aniridia, according to VisionForTomorrow.org. “I guess the way to describe this is if you walk into a movie theater your pupil acts as a camera lens,” said Samson. “Since I have no pupil and it’s always dilated, when I go in (somewhere) from dark to light and vice versa a whole host of light comes into my eye. I hate glare.” Samson also has glaucoma, which he describes as pressure in the eye.

“To be fair I’ve had better vision earlier in life,” Samson said, “but it’s kind of deteriorated over time. The best way to describe what I see now is about—I’ve been told by individuals—my vision is between 5-15 percent.” Samson has never let his vision hinder his social skills or affect how he interacts with others. “I’m very blessed to have people who understood me and people who tried to understand me. People who actually make the effort to try to talk to me,” Samson said. As a public speaker for the Disability Awareness Foundation, Samson is able to go to schools and talk to children about disabilities. “(We help others) to see that even though people look different or do things different they are still able to do the same tasks (as people without disabilities),” Samson said. “So I kind of tell the students, for example, how do you get from point A to point B? You drive a car. What if I said I take the bus? Is that any different? I still get from point A to point B. Same thing with writing, I use braille. I’m still doing the work it’s just done differently,” Samson said. SEE SAMSON, 6


One such song that featured the trumpets was “Ella,” originally written by José Alfredo Jiménez, who Oropeza said was one of the most famous Mexican composers. “Ella” is a song about a man “who got dumped,” and subsequently went to drink at the nearby cantina, Oropeza said. “Mariachi music has a wide array of different styles. The most popular ones are rancheras, which would be the same as country music. They have waltzes, polkas and huapangos. There are many different styles that encompass all of what mariachis actually play,” Oropeza said. SEE LATINO, 3


Faith leaders and community activists spoke for and against propositions Wednesday in a statewide day of action called Faith Out Front at the Orange County Labor Federation headquarters in Orange. Leaders and activists focused on Propositions 30, 32, 34 and 36, they believe the outcome of these propositions have the greatest effect on the community and California. “We are putting our Faith Out Front by calling on voters and politicians to better serve and protect all Californians,” said Wendy Tarr, executive director of Clergy and Laity United for Economics (CLUE) Justice in Orange County, and organizer of the interfaith public event, in a statement. SEE INTERFAITH, 2

DT EXCLUSIVE: SIT-DOWN WITH GARCIA President Mildred Garcia, Ed.D., has agreed to sit down with the Daily Titan to discuss her past, current projects and vision for the future of the university. After serving as president of Cal State Dominguez Hills, Garcia succeeded President Milton A. Gordon when she was appointed as the seventh president of Cal State Fullerton in June. She remains the first Latina president in the CSU. Garcia will hold a town hall meeting Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Portola Pavilions in the Titan Student Union. Her exclusive interview will be featured in Monday’s issue of the Daily Titan.


FOR THE RECORD: Wednesday’s article, “Patrons fight to ‘save Twilight,’” was written by Daily Titan Staff Writer Loren Manning, not Jonathan Winslow.





Stem cell lecture presents solutions City of Hope’s senior investigator visits CSUF to speak in a seminar RAYMOND MENDOZA Daily Titan

Joseph Najbauer, Ph.D., from the City of Hope National Medical Center as well as the Beckman Research Institute, spoke about stem cell-based therapies for cancer to a packed room in Steven G. Mihaylo Hall Wednesday. One of the main organizers of the event was David Dyer, Ph.D., director of the Center for Applied Biotechnology Studies’ (CABS) Program for Applied Biotechnology Studies at Cal State Fullerton, which hosted the event. According to Dyer, CABS is meant to provide tools for protecting intellectual properties made on campus and finding an industrial partner to help that development grow. Dyer champions several researchers in the center who are conducting important studies on a regular basis, some of which pertains to Najbauer’s subject for the seminar. “We have some great people working in the biology department,” said Dyer.

“Some people working on neuroscience, stem cells and microbiology applications too.” Dyer said he has known Najbauer for 22 years and that he is a good friend who will share expertise with biology students who want to know about this groundbreaking science. His favorite theme is working on applications of stem cells to mediate cancer, Dyer said.

“I’ve always been interested in cancer research, and working at City of Hope gave me a great opportunity” JOSEPH NAJBAUER, Ph.D. City of Hope Medical Center Najbauer is a senior investigator at the City of Hope National Medical Center, a non-profit clinical research center, hos-

FOR THE RECORD It is Daily Titan policy to correct factual errors printed in the publication. Corrections will be published on the subsequent issue after an error is discovered and will appear on page 2. Errors on the Opinion page will be corrected on that page. Corrections will also be made to the online version of the article. Please contact Editor-in-Chief Anders Howmann at 657-2785815 or at dteditorinchief@gmail.com with issues about this policy or to report any errors.

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pital and graduate medical school. U.S. News and World Report ranked the facility in Duarte, Calif. in the top 20 best hospitals for cancer treatment in the country. “I was very honored when Dyer called me a month ago and invited me to speak here,” said Najbauer shortly before the seminar began. Najbauer used pictures and graphs during a slideshow to explain his studies, including ones involving the cancer known as Glioblastoma. This cancer is particularly aggressive and invasive, according to Najbauer, as those diagnosed often survive less than a year. Najbauer says that by using stem cells, treatments can be delivered to the doorstep of the cancer cells, leading to more efficient battles against cancers such as Glioblastoma. Even though Najbauer spoke about stem cells, he has an interest in a broad field of science. He was actually originally trained as a physicist, and studied biophysics at the University of Budapest. Eventually, he settled at the City of Hope nine years ago for his scientific pursuits. “I’ve always been interested in cancer research, and working at City of Hope

RAE ROMERO / Daily Titan

Joseph Najbauer, Ph.D., demonstrates his research on cancer and stem cell treatments to seminar atendees in a slideshow of pictures and graphs.

gave me a great opportunity,” said Najbauer. “There was a young faculty member coming from Harvard University. Her name is Dr. Karen Aboody. She was building a lab, basically from scratch, at City of Hope and I was looking for a job. I was the first she hired.” Raul Perez, 21, a biology major, attended the seminar and said he was grateful that Najbauer made an effort to make the subject easy to understand for undergraduates as well as those more experienced on the subject.

“It’s very important that we have people like him,” said Perez. “Without research, physicians would not be like they are today. They wouldn’t be able to do anything but wrap wounds. We need the research behind it. That’s the backbone of what medicine is today.” Najbauer has only visited CSUF twice, but is already looking forward to his next visit. “What I’ve seen, I really like it. It seems to me there’s a vibrant student life here,” Najbauer said.

INTERFAITH: Voters called to bring justice The Rev. Sarah Halverson, of Fairview Community Church in Costa Mesa, said she believes all religions should stand together and fight for justice, including Jews, Catholics and Muslims. “We know that we cannot remain silent in a state of such injustice in our state,” said Halverson. “We will fight for and against those propositions which have negative effects upon our state and our communities.” Kimberly Claytor, president of Newport Mesa Federation of Teachers, was there to support the passing of Proposition 30, which seeks to tax the wealthy and put more money into education and public safety. Claytor said she thinks it is essential for students that Proposition 30 passes. “Newport Mesa Unified school district would have a $16 million problem if Proposition 30 fails, and we’re in better shape than most districts,” said Claytor. Since the the budget downturn, teachers have reported that they’ve taken more money out of their own pockets to provide the same high quality education for students, Claytor said. “If our district is hit with a 16 million dollar budget problem, there will be no way for our teachers to make ends meet with that.” Pastor Zac Harmon-McLaughlin of the Community of Christ Church in Orange spoke on the faith perspective of Proposition 30, he said it’s important to care for those most vulnerable, and to stand in solidarity with those

who are pressed. “We must have strong schools and safety net services to help those to insure the future of California… and ask those who are financially

“We will fight for and against those propositions which have negative effects upon our state and our communities.” SARAH HALVERSON Reverend, Fairview Community Church well-off, those making more than $250,000 a year, to step up through temporary tax increases, it calls on them to be a blessing to the children of the state of California,” said HarmonMcLaughlin. “I believe those who have the capacity to give, should give, so that others can also have a chance to also succeed through quality education,” Harmon-McLaughlin said. Associate professor of philosophy at Biola University, Thomas Crisp, Ph.D., spoke on

behalf of Proposition 36, which will reverse California’s “Three Strikes” law, which was intended to put violent criminals in prison. He said that in the pursuit of safety, values have been compromised. “We treat our neighbors in a way that disrespects their dignity, as fellow humans, that treats them in a harsh and loveless way that we’ve gone too far in our pursuit of safety,” said Crisp. The “Three Strikes” law is recognized as the harshest sentence in law in the United States, and it has gone too far, he said. By voting for Proposition 36, “We can give those inmates serving life sentences, for minor non-violent crimes, the chance for a more humane sentence, a chance to serve their time, be rehabilitated and return to their families,” Crisp said. “As people of faith, people who believe in our fundamental obligation to one another, especially to the weak, the vulnerable, the imprisoned, is love.” With only a few reporters and no other bystanders showing up to the speech, Tarr said this was not meant to be a rally but only to allow the leaders to give their positions on the propositions. CLUE Orange County is a network of clergy and congregation leaders committed to walking alongside low income and immigrant families in struggles for justice. They use a faithrooted organized model that is guided and shaped through their faith.

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Former teammates of seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong allegedly informed the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency of the tactics he used to beat drug tests. According to CNN, Former U.S. Postal Service member Tyler Hamilton stated, ”…there was no penalty until you had missed three tests. So, avoiding testing was just one more way we gamed the system.” A 200-page document stated that the team staff was capable of accessing classified information about drug tests, such as when they would take place. Armstrong’s lawyer has always accused the agency of being part of a “witch hunt,” but Armstrong himself stopped contesting the charges. He is at risk of losing his titles. The teammates also confessed to using enhancers such as erythropoietin and testosterone as performance enhancement because they are natural to the body and are harder to detect. The team also confessed to smuggling drugs past antidoping officials to give it to Armstrong. Brief by ARJUN MALHOTRA

Rocket car to set world record in ‘13


Toyota recalls 2.5 million vehicles Japanese automaker Toyota recalled 2.5 million vehicles in the U.S. due to faulty power-window switches linked to at least nine injuries as well as hundreds of smoke and fire reports. According to CNN Toyota’s recalled vehicles include the 200709 RAV4, Tundra, Camry and Camry Hybrid. It also includes the 2008-09 Scion xD, Scion xA and Sequoia as well as the 2008 Highlander and Highlander Hybrid, and the 2009 Matrix and Corolla. A Toyota Camry passenger was burned trying to put out a fire caused by the switch. In addition, Toyota will inspect 7.5 million cars worldwide. To prevent future fires, the automakers will lubricate the switch with a special fluorine grease that reduces the stickiness of the device. Owners of the recalled vehicles will receive a notification letter for the window switch repair in late October.



Armstrong’s team confesses drug use

A British rocket project, nicknamed “Bloodhound SCC,” commenced its first round of testing a hybrid rocket Oct. 4. Bloodhound hopes to break the world record for fastest speed ever recorded by a land vehicle in 2013, according to CNN. The rocket will be manned by Royal Air Force pilot Andy Green on a test track in South Africa, where British engineers hope that breaking the record will encourage up and coming British engineers. The rocket car runs on a type of synthetic solid rubber to fuel its engine capable of producing 750 horsepower. In order to break the current world record, the rocket will need to travel faster than 763 miles per hour. The project leader, Daniel Jubb, 28, said he hopes to attract the attention and imagination of British youth and end the drought in British engineers. In addition to setting a new world record, Bloodhound will be breaking new ground in the fields of aerodynamics, sustainable energy and computational fluid dynamics.



Mariachi band Mariachi Continental performs for students in the Quad, Wednesday, in honor of Latino Heritage Month. They played songs that historically represented mariachi bands and music.

LATINO: Students celebrate culture


Mariachi Continental also performed a paso doble, the style of music typically played during bullfights in Mexico and Spain. “Mariachi music has been in the Mexican culture for years,” said Karen Mier, treasurer of Mesa Cooperativa. “For the Latinos, when they hear the mariachi music, it kind of livens up their spirit and brings out joy.” “In their music, they’re storytellers. So a mariachi has been known to be the people that tell the stories of a whole entire country and culture,” Mier said. Celebrating Latino culture is key to events like these, as Mier pointed out how at Cal State Fullerton, Latinos are anything but a minority. “For us, it was really important because although we are considered a minority, on campus we are a majority. We should be proud that there are so many of us here,” Mier said. “Especially in Southern California, there are so many of us here. To see our extension and our growth in a positive

way really shines a light on us.” Mariachi has permeated into American popular culture, both in music and on the screen. Oropeza said their music has be-

“For the Latinos, when they hear the mariachi music, it kind of livens up their spirit and brings out joy.” KAREN MIER Treasurer, Mesa Cooperativa come part of the multicultural landscape in the United States and musical icons such as Elvis Presley, Carlos Santana, Los Lobos and Ritchie Valens all have their roots in the style.

Oropeza also pointed out how former President George W. Bush had hosted mariachis in the White House, and the significance of using this one aspect of Latino culture to “appeal to the Latino vote.” With Oropeza translating for one of the Mariachi Continental members, he said how the El Monte, Calif. based group has been around for over 50 years. The events will continue Thursday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a Chicano/Latino pep rally in the Quad. Norman Zeledon, vice president of Mesa Cooperativa, said students can expect comedy, spoken-word poetry and encouragement. “Being Chicano or Latino, it can mean a million different things for a million different people,” said Zeledon. “What we’re trying to do at Mesa Cooperativa is to let the people in the Chicano-Latino community know that there is a community for them and that there is an identity. Everyone’s identity will be different, but we want to give them the initiative.”

Along with giving students a chance to use the computer lab facilities at any time, students can also use expensive programs for free. The system requirements are minimal and can run on both 32 or 64-bit Windows or on Mac operating systems. For use of the VCL on a Mac computer, users must download a remote desktop connection client, which can be found on the FAQ section of the VCL website. The VCL started out as a project by North Carolina State University and IBM, which was then given to the Apache Software Foundation. In 2010, CSUF was given the chance to gain use of the VCL for student and faculty use. CSUF then sent network analysts Sepehr Sobbani and Jim O’Dell to North Carolina State University to learn the program. “In a nutshell, what it does is it allows students, faculty, staff to access computing resources with whatever software we’re allowed to share on campus from anywhere,” said Rommel Hidalgo, senior director for infrastructure services at CSUF. “You can be in a different country, you can be at home and you can be on campus.” Hidalgo said when signing up for certain programs, students can either choose to log in right away or they can schedule an appointment for a certain date and time. If the student chooses to use the VCL right away, he or she will have to wait for the programs to be available. If a certain program is being used to capacity, students will be notified that the program is unavailable, similar to waiting in line to use a computer. The VCL uses the Internet to essentially give students remote control of the computer lab resources without ever needing to actually be in the computer lab. Jim O’Dell, network analyst and VCL architect, said CSUF is the first campus on the west coast to implement a VCL for student and faculty use and the first campus in the nation to implement the VCL for Mac use. “It’s quite interesting how it works, essentially what it does is it gives you a remote desktop to a machine that is someplace else,” said O’Dell. “You can sit down, request a reservation of several different image builds. Say you want Windows

Plugged in How to use Virtual Computer Lab


Visit vcl.fullerton.edu “Proceed to login”


Login Enter campus username and password


Reserve Click ‘New Reservation’ button


Select Software Choose an application for use

with SPSS 19 or you want Unix… or you want Mac OS.” The result gives students the capability to use these programs at any time of the day or night. However, Willie Peng, assistant director for infrastructure services at CSUF, said the specific software that a student can use depends on the major of the student. Peng also mentioned that the VCL helps the campus cut down on electronic waste since CSUF reuses old, out of warranty computers for VCL purposes. So instead of throwing out relatively new computers, the VCL allows CSUF to reuse the old hardware that is normally not in the computer lab. “For me the most exciting piece is the reuse of the hardware,” said Peng. “After five years, (computer manufacturers) don’t want to warranty that piece of hardware anymore, but we can put that particular hardware into use… they have enough juice left where we can reuse them in a different way.” As an added incentive, if a student does not have access to a computer and they are taking a class that uses the VCL, the CSUF computer lab can issue a university-licensed computer. There is no fee to use the laptop, however there are $25 late fees and a $250 fine for a lost or damaged laptop. More information about the VCL can be found at Fullerton. edu/vcl.







Work program is too risky Obama’s attempts to help illegal immigrants find work opens them up to danger IRMA WONG Daily Titan

Cross Reference DAVID HOOD

Immaculate misconceptions It is a generally accepted conception that no one enjoys or is keen on being misrepresented. Yet in the course of growing up and experiencing “life,” these misconceptions manifest. Most would argue that the goal of education is to expose oneself to different ideas so that these misconceptions can be properly reconciled. Simple Google searches or keyword searches at Cal State Fullerton’s library can help with the exposure to gain better insight and assist in the reconstruction of these ideas and concepts. But in a politicized age and a more and more polarized society, the rifts of misapprehension only widen. This reporter had the opportunity to speak to a class regarding this column two weeks ago where he gave an account of a street preacher in the Quad. In the article, he argued that the intention of the preacher should stand out more prominently than his fiery words because of his desperate attitude of getting his message out. But what was brought up in the class was a slew of misconceptions students had about Christianity. While it is important to note that the determination and thus the correction of these alleged misconceptions is no one’s prescribed duty, as

mentioned before no one is keen on being misrepresented. One student asked, “How can you pick and choose what to believe in the Bible?” With more time, it could have been explained that there is an entire academic profession called literary analysis and exegesis dedicated to analyzing, observing, interpreting and applying the text properly. With any level of basic research, the student would have realized that this is the job (yes, in most cases paid) of theologians to determine. Moreover, the nuances between sects of Christianity were also glossed over. It seemed that “Christian,” “church” and “The Holy Bible” were only synonyms for the Westboro Baptist Church or other extremist groups thought to be hateful; a misconstruction to say the least. Even without research or reading a book, God promises over and over again that a genuine, inquisitive, even doubtful and cynical heart can find out who He really is and who He promises to be and if He even exists. It is written that God told the prophet Jeremiah while the Israelites were in exile in Babylon, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29.13). The passage talks about the ancient

Israelites returning to God and the Law of Moses as a way of deliverance out of captivity. God tells Jeremiah that the people of Israel will find their identity and deliverance when they seek Him out. To us today, the same basic principle applies: God promises a response. If people do their best to seek out the character of God, they will find Him for who He truly is: a healer, a counselor, a guide. But it is easier to be cynical and bitter. For those who do not understand, it is a simpler, more convenient life to buy into the negative misconstructions that are fed to the public. So we see shirts like “Jesus f****** Christ,” with all its visual grandeur as the embodiment of the misguided sense of acceptance and “tolerance.” The details like salvation and joy from the appropriate representation of Jesus are largely ignored. Centuries of theological study and billions of people’s unfathomably deep experiences are also ignored on a whim. The overarching question, it seems, is to ask why does this occur? The answer lies in a lazy place called comfort, where presuppositions are not challenged and growth stagnates. No wonder that in this culture, and no doubt in the coming election, we will see rifts of misconception open up to new levels.

Imagine yourself living in a home for more than half your life and then being forced to go back to your previous address. Obviously people move for a reason, as do those immigrants that leave their homeland to come to America. Everyone asks “Why?” The main reason seems to revolve around the idea that more opportunities will await them in our great country. But how much can they benefit from it if they are labeled “illegals” and are prevented from obtaining things like a drivers license— a piece of plastic from the DMV granting permission to drive—and having to fear getting deported if caught without one. We learn in school that since the founding of this nation immigration has been a topic of debate in the United States. Now in 2012, an election year, this remains one of the hottest issues, especially with President Obama’s administration’s change to U.S. immigration policy. Back in June, Obama announced that starting mid-August illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. before they were 16—and are younger than 30—would be able to apply for a temporary work permit that would defer their deportation for two years. Applicants for the work permit must have no major criminal offenses, have been in the country for at least five continuous years, have graduated from a U.S. high school or earned a GED, or served in the military. The program, along with the DREAM Act, makes illegal immigrants eligible for a driver’s license, a Social Security number, a professional license and financial aid for college for a mere $465 fee. Although the benefits provided are valuable for those who are eligible, these changes are not permanent and the intentions behind it are questionable. First and foremost these temporary changes to the country’s immigration policy can change if a new president is elected. Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has stated several


Fullerton College student Angel Martinez applied for deferred action, which would grant him a work permit. Fewer applied than expected.

times that he does not agree with Obama’s change or his use of an executive order to implement it. Romney has not blatantly announced that if elected he would reverse the work permit and deportation deferral program, but executive orders like this policy change can be overturned. Dave Kraljic, a writer for Votetoracy.com, explained in one of his analysis that Obama overturned an executive order George W. Bush put in place regarding abortion. Kraljic writes that it has “become a form of tug of war between the Republican Party and Democratic Party.” With a total of three over turnings from succeeding presidents after Ronald Reagan in 1984, the same can happen to Obama’s executive order to change the U.S. immigration policy. This controversial issue could be the next “tug of war” between the two parties. It is no wonder that immigrants fear that if they do apply for a work permit that their personal information might be held against them if the policy does not continue. Applicants are scared that their information, and their family members’, might get them deported in the future. Personal information applicants must provide on the six-page application requires them to prove they meet the program’s long list of requirements. In a recent Los Angeles Times article it was reported that, “Some people seeking old work records or pay stubs face resistance from employers fearful that their businesses could be prosecuted for hiring an

illegal worker. Undocumented workers who submit paperwork with fake Social Security numbers are in a gray area.” Exposing these illegal actions may cause problems in the future for immigrants that were just trying to make an honest living and employers who wanted to help. It is not unreasonable for illegal immigrants to have this concern and explains why less than half of the people expected have applied for the deportation deferral program. According to the LA Times article, “U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services officials had prepared to process 300,000 applications from young illegal immigrants by Oct. 1. But only about 120,000 people have applied so far.” After Obama’s executive order I have also noticed that legal services and lawyers have increased their promotion of immigration services. It seems like a rather large coincidence. The reality: legal advertising increased because immigrant’s fears are justified. Americans question if this change was something on Obama’s agenda or just a stunt to expand his voter base. This is why legal services are focusing in on the work permit policy and collecting as much information to protect immigrants. Coming from a family with members who immigrated from both Mexico and China I can see where these concerns are coming from. As of now it seems there’s a risk immigrants are taking applying for this. These short-term benefits will not be a long-term solution.


RE: Buying... with money we don’t have

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So tuition increases and all of the other issues that campuses are dealing with in regards to the massive budget cuts of the past several years are completely independent of this action. Similarly, revenue generated from the sale of the bonds cannot be used for educational operations of the CSU—i.e., they cannot be used for the purposes for which general fund appropriation and student tuition is used for. Instead these funds are used to meet the operational needs of all of the Systemwide Revenue Bond proj-

ects and are pledged directly to the Systemwide Revenue Bond program. So to sum it up, the availability of revenue through general funds has nothing to do with Systemwide Revenue Bond projects and it’s actually against the Ed Code to use funds from those bond projects for educational operations.

MICHAEL UHLENKAMP Director of Media Relations, CSU Office of the Chancellor


Master of Social Work

901 E. Alosta Ave.

In regards to the recent piece, “Buying extra land with money we don’t have,” I appreciate the opinion, but I think there may be a misunderstanding of the process and how it is funded. CSU Trustees approved this project as part of the Systemwide Revenue Bonds program. That program allows the CSU to sell bonds to obtain funding to purchase the property— that purchase has nothing to do with general funds (neither state funding nor revenue from tuition fees).

The Daily Titan welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must include the sender’s first and last name. Students must include their majors and other writers must include their affiliation to the university, if applicable. Letters must refer to an article published within the last week. Once a letter is submitted it becomes property of the Daily Titan. Publication of letters is based on the validity of content and may be edited for length, grammar and spelling. Letters may be sent to dteditorinchief@gmail. com.






Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston answered questions about her internment camp experience, which influenced Farewell to Manzanar. She also signed copies of her book for interested listeners.

WWII internment remembered IRMA WONG Daily Titan

Society is separated by divisions of people and throughout history there have been significant moments of prejudice and tragedy, such as the internment of Japanese in America during World War II. These issues of race and democracy were discussed at an event hosted by the Fullerton Public Library’s Fullerton Reads program on Sunday, which welcomed Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston, the author of the book Farewell to Manzanar. Farewell to Manzanar is Houston’s personal memoir of her experience in a Japanese internment camp during World War II. The book is a recount of the events that begins at the young age of seven. The event, hosted by the Fullerton Library, was made possible by their collaboration with the California Center for the Book and Cal Humanities, which aims to bring Californians together to explore important topics through reading and discussion. “Searching for Democracy” is this year’s theme for the readership program focusing on what democracy means, strives for and requires for its success, said Maureen Gebelein, the Fullerton library director. The choice of Farewell to Manzanar focused on democracy, as citizens of Fullerton engaged in an intellectual conversation about Houston’s experience. “I came out because I teach Asian-American studies and Mrs. Houston’s book is the first book that I read that: one, talked about this internment or incarceration experience and, two, that talked about the great antiAsian racism that occurred during the war as well as the entire 20th century,” said Jennifer Yee, an assistant professor of Asian American studies at Cal State Fullerton. Yee said the book was one of the reasons she became an educator. At the event, Houston discussed how her family and other Japanese people had to make the most of living in a confined space for years.

“We were rounded up, lost our property and put into concentration camps because we looked like this... this was a violation of the Constitution of the United State of America,” said Houston. She also talked in depth about issues that continue to take place in today’s modern society. Houston explained how politicians, as well as many others, blame immigrants for things that may not be their fault. Problems immigrants continue to face include the blame they receive for the shortage of jobs and a depleting economy. Houston calls this blaming game “scapegoat thinking.” Houston made it a point to discuss how difficult it was to share her story, which is why she didn’t write her book until she was 37, she said. Many Japanese-Americans, like Houston, hid this part of their lives to forget the terrible times they had to endure. The mother of a former CSUF faculty member, Kiyo Young, who was also in an internment camp, kept quiet about her experience. “We really knew nothing... my mother sat us down, she laid out maps and everything on the bed and wanted to show us, but at that time we weren’t interested... so when I see Japanese people here they think I know certain things and I don’t,” said Young. Her lack of interest came from her parents raising her to assimilate to the American culture and not talk about anything that would make them stand out. They were taught to blend in. The Fullerton Reads program successfully gathered a roomful of people for the two-hour event. The experience was one of a kind for fans of Houston that were not only able to speak with her, but get their books signed and picture taken as well. Even though not everyone at the event had family or some type of attachment to this certain chapter in history, they still had one thing in common, the appetite for expressing their thoughts on the subject.

Titans try to win at Price is Right Two students get their time in the spotlight on the popular TV game show LOREN MANNING Daily Titan

A large room went alive with booming applause and excited screams and squeals. A man took off running circles around the eager crowd, encouraging the men and women to get loud and crazy before the cameras went live. Although no one could hear what name was announced, a cue card held up the winning contestant who then jumped out of her seat and ran down to the podium. Two Cal State Fullerton students, Lauren Vanderhorst, 23, and Nadine Henricks, 24, were given the opportunity to win big on The Price is Right, the world’s longestrunning game show on TV. Although others have endured long hours just to see their name on a cue card, few actually find their way down to the podium. Vanderhorst, a student in the teaching credential program, whose airdate is set for today, was one of those girls who grew up in a household where The Price is Right was on television every morning. “It’s been my dream to be on the show. I’ve been obsessed with it since I was a little kid,” said Vanderhorst. She had already made her bucket list, and her number one wish was to someday become a contestant

for the game show. She never guessed it would be one of the first to be accomplished so early on in life. It was June 19, Vanderhorst’s birthday was coming up and she couldn’t think of any better way to spend it than waiting in line to attend a taping of the show in Hollywood. The show is free to attend, but the only catch is waiting in a single-file line to get in. “It’s super easy to go. It’s just a long day and a long process,” she said. However, Vanderhorst knew that if she could manage to get a large group to go, the show would allow for a reservation in order to cut waiting time. So with that, she managed to gather a large enough group and proceeded to make her dreams come true. Although Vanderhorst was somewhat prepared because of her slight obsession, another contestant, Henricks, an art major, whose airdate is set for Friday, was far from it and describes her experience as somewhat comical. Like Vanderhorst, Henricks was part of a large group from work that decided to take a couple days (the group had to be split in two) to attend the show. While many of her coworkers were up late studying and observing re-runs, Henricks decided to go to bed early without any worries about the game show. “I was the one who was sitting there and was like, I have to get up early. I’m

going to sleep,” said Henricks. She had never imagined that out of everyone in her group, including those who took it most seriously, her name would be the one to appear on the cue card. She describes her moments on national television as awkward and nerve wracking. When it came to spinning the wheel, she said she got booed because she couldn’t get the wheel all the way around the first time. “It’s a really heavy wheel,” Henricks said. She said that the show was much different than what you see on television and there’s a lot that goes on behind-the-scenes. “The producer actually pulled me aside and told me I looked like I was going to pass out,” Henricks said with a laugh. Courtney Smith, a public relations representative for the show, encourages other students to test their luck as well. “The Price is Right is very popular with college students and we always welcome student groups to come to the studio,” said Smith. Contestants can win anything from laptops to cooking utensils to an all-expense paid vacation, which Smith considers ideal gifts for any college student. As for the prizes won by Vanderhorst and Henricks, students will have to tune in this week to The Price is Right to discover what each contestant walked away with. VISIT US AT DAILYTITAN.COM/FEATURES



Titans receive free clinical health service Cal State Fullerton offers a program to give students statewide health benefits JAZMIN SANCHEZ Daily Titan

Each semester every student enrolled at Cal State Fullerton pays approximately $353 in campus fees. In addition to the cost of tuition, an estimated $70 of this total goes toward a “Health Center Fee,” which includes free or reduced-cost health care services at the Student Health and Counseling Center (SHCC) on campus. The SHCC provides a variety of services including general health services and Counseling and Psychological Services (known as CAPS), which include individual or couples counseling, group therapy, psychiatry and crisis intervention. Another program offered is Family PACT, a state-funded program that provides “family planning and reproductive health services at no cost to California low-income women and men,” according to Fullerton.edu/shcc. Laura Rockwell, administrative support coordinator of SHCC, said Family PACT is a beneficial health service that many students can profit from. Rockwell said the SHCC advertises the program through the use of campus outreach, student orientations, fund groups and residence hall presentations. However, much of this information can get lost in translation on account of all the information CSUF students are exposed to. She said most students learn about the program from friends on campus through word-of-mouth. “(Students) aren’t always aware (of the services the SHCC provides) but as soon as they walk into our building here, our front desk checks to see if they are Family PACT eligible and refers them to fill out a form in the program,” said Rockwell. J.T. Townsend, 24, a CSUF graduate with a degree in biology, said he signed up for the program the first time he walked into the SHCC. “I’ve had the (Family PACT) card since I transferred here,” said Townsend. “It’s cool because the checkups and tests are free.” The program, established in 1997, is administered by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and provides family planning services to students who are either underinsured or uninsured. “I’m there every other month,” said Daria Raines, 23, a child development major, “Family PACT is the best. I get everything I need for free.” Family PACT supplies students with general knowledge about reproductive health and provides free



Services include: - Basic reproductive health assessments - Contraceptive methods and supplies - Cervical cancer screening (Pap) with repeated periodic follow-up exams - Pregnancy testing with counseling - HIV testing and counseling - Referrals for services not covered by the program at CSUF clinical health services, such as contraceptives, gynecological exams, STI and HIV testing and pregnancy tests, to name a few. “There are a lot of reasons why students should enroll (in Family PACT),” Rockwell said. “One of them is just for their own health... and also education.” Rockwell said students who wish to enroll in Family PACT need to undergo a two-step process. “Once they fill that form out, they have a meeting with me where we go over the form and see if they qualify. (Qualifying applicants) then receive their (Family PACT) card and I explain the program a little more (depending on what services they need),” Rockwell said. In addition to being completely confidential, students who are not on their parents’ health insurance and have no coverage at all can especially benefit from Family PACT, Rockwell said. “This is a way they can get the medical coverage they need and the medical treatment they need,” Rockwell said. “And it’s very confidential. No matter what they come in for, it’s kept confidential and private.” Family PACT services are also available at community clinics such as Planned Parenthood and other health departments throughout California, meaning students can receive a Family PACT card from Cal State Fullerton and use it elsewhere to receive the same free services. “It’s a state program so there are Family PACT locations usually nearby,” Rockwell said. Prescriptions given at the SHCC can be filled at any Family PACT affiliated pharmacy in California. Students can call the Student Health and Counseling Center at (657) 278-2800 or visit Fullerton.edu/ shcc to schedule an appointment.



Jestin Samson is one of approximately 800 students that use Disabled Student Services as a resource. The office caters to Titans who have a disability that affects their educational process and offers registration and classroom assistance.

SAMSON: Student aims to succeed CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

Samson first learned how to read braille when he was in fifth grade. It took him about one year to learn basic braille and about two years to catch up to standard grade level. At CSUF, Disabled Student Services is a free service program available to all qualified students with disabilities that affect the educational process. The program provides registration assistance, a computer lab, disability management advising, counseling, research assistance, support groups and advocacy workshops, to name a few. Rosalind Blackstar, office manager of Disabled Student Services, estimates more than 800 students are affiliated with the program. Overall, Samson described his six years at CSUF as a good experience with many understanding professors. Samson said his Introduction to Christianity class with Paul Levesque, Ph.D., in fall 2009 was one of his favorite classes. Levesque, a comparative religions professor at CSUF, said he remembers Samson as a fine student who was always eager to participate in class. “I do show a number of videos (in my classes) and I often say (to students) tell me something you saw or heard (in the video). I stressed asking the question, ‘What did you see?’ With other students answering that question, that gave the information to Jestin,” said Levesque. Levesque, who has had multiple students from the program in other classes, said he believes that students without disabilities can also benefit from tailoring classes to better fit those with disabilities. “There have been some professors I’ve had in the past that really just didn’t know how to deal with students with disabilities and maybe some people around campus too,” Samson said. “If there’s one thing I’d advise, I guess, it’s just better disability awareness.” In addition to taking four classes this semester, Samson is also working on an independent study with an associate, Mark Redhead, which he describes as “independent research.”


Samson uses technology, such as the Braillenote M-power to facilitate his education.

“My particular topic is on democratic theory and inverted totalitarianism, so basically (I research) issues on power, democracy and corporate capitalism,” Samson said. At the end of his research, Samson will have to write a paper, which he hopes he will present at the Western Political Science Association, a large academic conference. Samson does most of his research on the weekends, which involves listening to audiobooks or surfing the Internet by using a screen reading software called Jaws, which reads the Windows environment, Samson said. He also uses a Braillenote M-power, made by Humanware, which has an interchangeable display menu, speaking capability, and refreshable braille. Samson is able to do all papers, homework assignments and exams using his Braillenote M-power. “I’m very flexible when it comes to that stuff (using different types of technology),” Samson said. Samson also has his phone speak to him by reading text messages, missed calls, and other notifications out loud at a fasterthan-usual speed. “I think what makes Jestin such a successful student here (at CSUF) is his unique skill set,” said Aliah Mestrovich Seay, coordinator of support services and student services professional at

Disabled Student Services. “He is someone who really knows how to use a lot of different types of assistive technology.” Seay also describes Samson as an active participant in the program, whom she regularly sees. “It’s more of a collaboration than me going in and prescribing accommodations. That’s the way it should be, because he’s the expert in his disability, I’m not,“ Seay said. Seay, who has over 300 students on her caseload, describes working with Jestin as a special experience. “I know him. He’s made a point in making that communication even more possible,” Seay said. “I can’t say enough positive things about Jestin.” Samson would like to get a Ph.D. in political science with a speciality in political philosophy and an emphasis in democratic and critical theory. In addition, he would also like to get a juris doctorate and become a civil attorney specializing in constitutional law or be an instructor at an institution of higher learning. “If politics is my calling, I’d like to run for public office,” Samson said. “I would like to do everything as humanly possible.” A man with many goals and a bright future ahead, Jestin Samson’s disability does not define him—he defines his disability.


October 11, 2012



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ACROSS 1 Breakfast brand 6 Omega, to an electrician 9 Stage 14 Hippodrome, e.g. 15 Yellow ride 16 Come again? 17 Pound 20 Ocean flatfish 21 Half a dance 22 Beginnings 23 Church title: Abbr. 24 Ship destroyer in Sinbad’s fifth voyage 25 Pound 34 Dilemma for Jonah 35 Eggs 36 Coastal raptor 37 Astrological Ram 38 Econ. yardstick 39 ZZ Top and Cream 40 Campus military org. 41 Hat with a tassel 42 __ City, Oklahoma 43 Pound 47 Homer’s neighbor 48 Chaired, say 49 Degenerate 53 Rte. provider 54 Astrological edge 58 Pound 61 Capital on the Aar 62 Holiday __ 63 Church centerpiece 64 Place 65 One may have a sitter 66 Small world? DOWN 1 Bar obligations 2 Longtime Hydrox competitor 3 Freshwater duck 4 Chip in a new pot 5 Principle

6 Common choir music book size 7 Chemistry Nobelist Otto 8 CEO’s degree 9 Ride proudly 10 Haws’ partner 11 Top 12 Cooking fat 13 Overthrows, maybe 18 Coffee, tea or milk option 19 Fuss 23 Whiskey orders 24 Invitation initials 25 Group in a hive 26 Severe pang 27 Eastern yogurt condiment 28 Smart guys? 29 “Great” Muppet daredevil 30 “Vive __!” 31 Camera-totelescope adapter 32 Methuselah’s father 33 Posed again


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Aries (Mar. 21-April 19) Get down to the actual work for the next two days. Get your ideas into action without delay. You’re gaining respect. Pay attention to details. Love flows both ways. Taurus (April 20-May 20) Take more time for play over the next couple of days and be rewarded. Or at least take everything with a grain of salt and a good sense of humor. Consider all possibilities. Question authority. Gemini (May 21-June 20) Stay true to your vision and commitments, even as you revise them. It’s a good time to find a bargain. Allow your feet to take you where they want. Cancer (June 21-July 22) Study the situation for a while. Meet with an important client or family member, and listen as if you’re paying gold for every word. Practice something you love.

college life. remixed.


Sudoku brought to you by dailysudoku.com

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Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Tap another source of revenue, looking at all possible angles. The upcoming days are quite profitable (and you’re very popular). Don’t fall for a sob story. Think about the future. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) You have extra confidence starting today. Your actions speak louder than words, so make them count. Gather practical information and advance. Remember an important appointment. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) You’re entering a pensive phase. It’s easy to get sidetracked (which can be useful sometimes). Focus on taking actions you’re especially qualified for, even if it means postponing play. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Play, but remember your budget. If it seems too good to be true, it may be. Consider consequences. You have more friends than you realized. Follow the rules. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Work requires more attention (and is more rewarding) for the next few days. Learn so you’re stronger and wiser next time. Crossing a body of water looks interesting.

How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Use today and tomorrow to plan the actions for the rest of the year. Do the necessary research, but don’t believe everything you read. Keep the money in the bank. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Make sure you’re linking up with an expert, especially around funding. There’s power in numbers. Provide yourself with what you need, but don’t get complacent. Travel light this time. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Let go of stale fantasies. Invest in the right tools to save money in the long run. There’s a change in plans; take care. Outdoor walks are especially romantic.



By Jeff Crandall

Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

38 Opposite of hawed 39 Adorned in a prankish way 41 Lets go 44 Let go, as a prisoner 45 Show off 46 Fray, e.g. 49 Abates 50 Worry 51 Camper’s cooker


52 Europe’s highest active volcano 53 Promgoer’s concern 54 Basic organic unit 55 Golden rule word 56 Healing sign 57 Flammable pile 59 Trendy 60 Joplin piece




Volleyball hosts Big West foes


Men’s soccer takes on UCI Titans look to end their four-game winless streak with a victory on the road

This weekend the Titans hope to extend their conference winning streak against UCI and CSULB


ANDY WALLER For the Daily Titan

Winners of two straight games, the Cal State Fullerton women’s volleyball team looks to get back on track from a slow 2-3 conference start. They will have to continue to win as they play host to rivals UC Irvine and Long Beach State. With UCI coming in with a 3-3 record in conference, and Long Beach coming in with a 4-2 record, winning both games could help the Titans jump up in the standings as only the top five teams go on to the NCAA tournament. Home court advantage could be big for CSUF this weekend as they look to add to their opponent’s recent struggles. The Anteaters are coming off losing three out of their last four matches, while the 49ers’ only two losses in conference have both been on the road. The Titans have done fairly well against UCI, winning their last four matches against the Anteaters. The last time UCI beat CSUF was back in 2009. For CSUF to continue their recent winning streak against Irvine, the Titan offense will continue to rely on Kayla Neto, whose 64 kills over the past three games have helped the Titans go 2-1 on their recent three-game road trip to UC Davis, University of the Pacific and UC Riverside. Bre Moreland will be a key factor this weekend, as she brings her team-leading 10 double-doubles into play. While Neto and Moreland will look to the lead the Titan offense, the defense faces a tough challenge with Long Beach State. Leah Best and freshman Holland Crenshaw will look to slow down a 49er offense that is coming into this week’s action with four play-

OCTOBER 11, 2012

ALEX CALISH / For the Daily Titan

Junior outside hitter Bre Moreland attempts a spike in a game Sept. 2 against the Cal State Northridge Matadors. Moreland leads the Titans in double-doubles with 10.

ers having more than 100 kills on the season. Long Beach averages over 13 kills a set, led by Alma Serna whose attacking clip is second in conference at .346. The Titans have a huge monkey to get off their back against the 49ers. Cal State Fullerton has dropped their last 59 matches against Long Beach. Maybe luck will change this time around as CSUF’s last win against their rivals was Oct. 19, 1982, nearly 30 years ago. After this weekend, the Titans will be back on the road next weekend, as they will head to UC Santa Barbara and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, before returning home to take on UC Davis on Oct. 26. “Going 2-0 this weekend would put us at the top-half of the conference. We are playing


to win! We are competitors and want to win,” said Head Coach Carolyn Zimmerman. On a side note, Neto will need just 20 kills to pass Megan Sabo for fourth on the all-time kills list for the school. Neto currently has 1,359 kills as a Titan. Neto is also in the top ten in Titan team history in service aces, solo blocks, block assists, and total blocks. There will be promotions for both games this weekend. Thursday night, all high school volleyball teams are admitted for free. Saturday, all fans in attendance that wear orange shirts will receive a “Beat the Beach” sign. Both games will be 7 p.m. at Titan Gym. For more information on this weekend’s upcoming games and the volleyball team, visit FullertonTitans.com.

The Cal State Fullerton men’s soccer team (4-9-1) will look to get their season back on track this weekend as they go up against a lowly UC Irvine squad (3-9-1). Since their overtime win against San Diego State, the Titans have not tasted victory, going winless in their last four games. The CSUF offense has simply been nonexistent, scoring only two goals since beating the Aztecs. This season so far has been defined by streaks for the Titans. After starting the season 1-6, CSUF went on a three-game winning streak, with senior forward Jesse Escalante igniting the offense, scoring one goal in each game. The squad had garnered momentum, but it was gone in an instant. Since then, the Titans have been on a four-game winless streak. The last two games have been exceptionally hard to swallow for the Titans. Against Sacramento State, it was a tale of two halves. The Titans were utterly dominated in the first half, giving up a goal just 42 seconds into the match to freshman forward Nate Nugen. Junior forward Isaac Ikyurav took a pass at the edge of the box following a corner kick and crossed it into the area to Nugen who netted the ball past junior goalkeeper Robbie Hannon. It was the freshman’s first career goal. The Hornets then made it 2-0 in the 21st minute as senior midfielder Chris Sandoval took a cross and fired low and to the left for his fourth goal of the season. The score remained the same late into the

second half when Titan junior midfielder Andrew Afia headed home a cross from senior midfielder Gerzon Blanco for his first goal of the year. CSUF played much more competitively in their next game against UC Davis. Aggies junior midfielder Alex Aguiar made his presence known early as he scored off a penalty kick in the 37th minute to give UC Davis the lead at the end of the first half. The Titans responded with a goal of their own in the 63rd minute by way of sophomore Ian Ramos. Senior forward Jameson Campbell’s header was kept out by Aggies junior goalkeeper Omar Zeenni, but landed in the waiting foot of Ramos who one-touched it into the right corner. CSUF played well for much of the second half until junior midfielder Alex Henry scored the gamewinner in the 80th minute, a 35yard strike to the far right corner. Going into the UCI game, Escalante leads the Titans, scoring six goals on the season to go along with one assist and 13 total points. Ramos has also been an asset for CSUF, having scored two goals and a team-leading two assists. Senior defender Mario Alvarez has given it his all on defense, scoring a goal and dishing out two assists. UC Irvine’s most consistent threat this season is junior midfielder Gor Kirakosyon. So far, he has accumulated four goals, four assists and 12 points. Sophomore forward Cameron Iwasa is the leading scorer for the Aggies, having scored five goals. Sophomore forward Lester Hayes III has also been productive offensively scoring three goals and an assist this season. The Titans play at UCI on Saturday at 7:00 p.m. For more information on men’s soccer, visit FullertonTitans.com

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