Daily Titan - Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2012

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Video Exclusive


Leadership Scholars connect students OPINION 4

Prop. 37 will label what we eat DETOUR 6

The band Best Coast performs Daily Titan News Brief - Get up-to-date coverage on top campus news stories.

Vo l u m e 9 2 , I s s u e 2 5


Men’s soccer hosts CSUN

W E D N E S D AY, O C T O B E R 1 7 , 2 0 1 2



CAMPUS | Watch party

CSUF students watch political titans face off Romney and Obama ignite fierce debate in town hall-style debate Tuesday in Hempstead, New York RAYMOND MENDOZA Daily Titan

ROBERT HUSKEY / Daily Titan Democratic contestant Jay Chen will attempt to take down incumbent Congressman Ed Royce, who has represented Fullerton in Congress since 1992.

Jay Chen reaches out to CSUF Hacienda Heights native and democratic challenger talks to students about education, jobs and the importance of learning foreign languages in public schools BEVI EDLUND & ADREANA YOUNG Daily Titan

With only weeks until election day, congressional hopeful Democrat Jay Chen visited Cal State Fullerton Tuesday to talk to students to gain their support to defeat incumbent congressman Ed Royce, who showed a commanding lead in the June primary. “Students make up the core of my campaign, and this campaign I really see it as a way to inspire students to action. Not just for me, but just for themselves because they don’t really see people who look like them, or their age, running for office and talking about these issues,” said Chen.

The non-partisan event was sponsored by the Economics Association at CSUF, whose members invited Chen to tell his story of success. “We hope this will inspire students that with the right passion and skills you can go as far as you dream,” said Diane Romero, president of the Economics Association. Born in Kalamazoo, Mich., Chen began his life as a first-generation American after his parents immigrated from Taiwan. Chen went on to open his own business and gain a seat on the Hacienda-La Puente School Board after he graduated with honors from Harvard University. Chen said he implemented edible school gardens to get healthier foods in schools. In addition, he also advocated for a Mandarin language class in order to

teach students a second language. Now running for the 39th District for Congress, Chen said he will work to get students and young people more involved in the voting process. “I think one of the problems is when you turn 18, you’re in a big transition in your life. You might be leaving home for the first time, you’re in a new city so you might not feel as connected to this city,” Chen said. “I think the decision would be much more moderated if young people were voting, so that’s why young people have been such a big part of our campaign.” Chen said he plans work to keep loan rates for students down. SEE CHEN, 2


DETOUR | Musicians unite

CAMPUS | Great Shakeout

Students prepare to shake out

The Bolts strike at the TSU Underground Pub

The five members of the modern rock band will start their jam tomorrow at noon

Activities in the Quad help train students on earthquake readiness and preparedness for the “Big One”

DEANNA TROMBLEY For the Daily Titan


Students at Cal State Fullerton gathered in the Quad Tuesday to experience the Quake Cottage, part of a preview leading up to the Great Shakeout on Thursday. The Quake Cottage is set up to simulate the intensity of a magnitude 8.0 earthquake. Four people at a time enter and are seated in a trailer set up to look like a house and are treated to 30 seconds of rocking and rolling. “It felt really authentic,” said Charlie Salas, 22, a psychology major. “It definitely gave you an idea of what you could expect if it was to be the real thing.” Some students, such as Hilda Nieto, 18, an undeclared major, were surprised by the intensity of the simulation, seeing as such a major quake has not happened in California within their lifetimes. “In the beginning, I felt a little fright,” Nieto said. “But then you get over it because mentally you know it’s fake.” Alongside the Quake Cottage were volunteers standing by with maps and fliers, explaining fault lines and safety procedures to students looking to learn more. Information was available on securing a home, preparing supplies and creating an earthquake checklist.

It may have been called a town hall meeting, but the presidential debate Tuesday night could be called a spitting match due to the constant disruptions between the candidates. The atmosphere of the Pub in the Titan Student Union Underground was similarly rambunctious with cheers and jeers as Titans watched the debate. The evening’s questions started simply enough, with topics such as employment opportunities, gas prices, clean energy and taxes, but with candidates who were noticeably more lively compared to their first debate. Both candidates fired back at one another, with Gov. Mitt Romney calling out President Barack Obama’s failed promises and the high rate of unemployment nationally. When asked about the increasing prices and production of oil during Obama’s presidency, Romney said Obama’s policies have halted oil production on federal land. “Let’s look at the president’s policies as opposed to the rhetoric because we’ve had four years of policies being played out,” said Romney. “As a matter of fact, oil production is down 14 percent this year on federal land and gas production is down nine percent.” But Obama answered Romney aggressively on several occasions, accusing him of being mistaken or misinformed. “There’s no doubt that world demands gone up and our production has gone up and we’re using oil more efficiently,” said Obama. “Very little of what Governor Romney just said is true.” At the Pub, the crowd laughed and clapped during Obama’s more hostile moments, especially when the president mentioned such hot topics as Romney’s “47 percent” comments and proposed tax cuts for the rich. Monica Dekany, a human services major, laughed at some of Romney’s claims and said much of what he said differed from some of his past claims. “I found the debate entertaining because of the fact that every time Mitt Romney speaks, he contradicts himself,” said Dekany. “There are videotapes (and) transcripts of him saying one thing and then he gets on national television and says something completely different.”


(Left to right) Skylar Valles, McKenna Armstrong and Furuh Khan experience a simulated 8.0 magnitude earthquake in the Quake Cottage in the Quad Tuesday.

“A lot of people have been coming out and learning what they need to prepare for earthquakes,” said Alex Lemmon, 22, a civil engineering major and volunteer for the Great Shakeout. Lemmon pointed out that the most important part of being prepared for an earthquake is to have a plan and be ready to carry it out. This includes having food and water ready, as well as any other supplies one might need to essentially camp out in the event that their home is compromised during an earthquake, such as batteries, flashlights, fire extinguishers and so on. The idea behind the Quake Cottage is to simulate the effect of “the Big One” that has been looming in the minds of Californians for many years now. The Great Shakeout is aiming


to prepare people for this through the Cottage and their main event Thursday. Even though CSUF is well away from the fault line, in the event of “the Big One,” a massive amount of energy would be pushed in the direction of the campus following movement on the San Andreas fault. All buildings at CSUF have been retrofitted to withstand major earthquakes. “The buildings around here are pretty sound,” Lemmon said. “Of course there will be minor damage to the buildings, that’s anticipated, but I wouldn’t expect any major failures.” University experts have said all the buildings on campus have been retrofitted to meet the requirements of the CSU. SEE SHAKEOUT, 3

With the perfect mixture of classic and modern rock, The Bolts give contemporary rock a fresh new face. The beautiful fusion created by each of the five uniquely talented and memorable band members leave music junkies starry eyed. The band is as charismatic as The Beatles and as energetic as Modest Mouse. Known for their enthusiastic performances, The Bolts will jam at the Cal State Fullerton Pub in the TSU Underground from noon to 1 p.m. Thursday. The Bolts formed in the garage of band members (and brothers) Austin, Heath and Addam Farmer in 2007. The five-man band also includes Matt Champagne and Ryan Kilpatrick, a CSUF student. The band has skyrocketed since winning a battle of the bands competition in 2008. Their win allowed them to perform at the Bamboozle festival at the Verizon Wireless Ampitheatre in Irvine.

“We submitted stuff to KROQ, 98.7 FM,” said Austin Farmer, keyboardist and vocalist. “They played some of our music which was recorded in our house, they were demos, and it’s just kind of surreal to see all this stuff happening.” In the five years since, The Bolts have continued their journey. The band recorded with producer Andy Johns, who worked with legends such as The Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin. They also worked with Keith Everette Smith, who worked with Jack White and other talented musicians. Smith produced their fourth project, an EP titled Play The Music. Their latest EP Fall was released this year with four songs to gear up to the band’s first full-length debut album that is set to release by the end of the year. “I really love ‘This Can’t be Real,’” said Austin Farmer. “I love how the guitars just totally drive the song and I think the chorus is uplifting in a very mysterious twisted way... the song’s lyrics are talking about an outcast in society.” The Bolts plan to tour in the West Coast area until the release of their upcoming album. SEE BOLTS, 5






Fight for the 39th Ed Royce

Jay Chen About


• Democrat, born in Michigan. Graduated from Glen A. Wilson High School, Hacienda Heights. Received a Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania.

• Republican, born in Los Angeles. Graduated from CSUF in Business Adminsitration



• Economy and jobs: encourage small business to create jobs

•Create jobs: giving tax credits to companies for domestic companies

•Spending cuts: Reduce the federal deficit by cutting “useless and duplicative programs.”

•Education: Make higher education more accessible by “reinvesting in our universities.”

•Energy independence: Remove “regulatary burdens” from energy companies to allow businesses to “flourish.”

FOR THE RECORD It is Daily Titan policy to correct factual errors printed in the publication. Corrections will be published on the subsequent issue after an error is discovered and will appear on page 2. Errors on the Opinion page will be corrected on that page. Corrections will also be made to the online version of the article. Please contact Editor-in-Chief Anders Howmann at 657-2785815 or at dteditorinchief@gmail.com with issues about this policy or to report any errors.

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Anders Howmann Gilbert Gonzalez David Hood Ian Wheeler Kymberlie Estrada Raymond Mendoza Adreana Young Vanessa Martinez Nereida Moreno Alvan Ung Blanca Navarro Tim Worden Peter Pham Chris Konte Andie Ayala William Camargo Robert Huskey Rae Romero Eleonor Segura Matt Atkinson Ricardo Gonzalez Erinn Grotefend Sima Sarraf Yvette Quintero Adrian Garcia Justin Enriquez Angel Mendoza Gabrielle Martinez Cara Seo Patrice Bisbee Janelle Arballo Julissa Rivera Ethan Hawkes David McLaren

•Veterans: Provide job opportunities and healthcare by reallocating defense spending.

CHEN: Students ‘core’ of campaign CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

“I am going to fight to ensure that your student loan rates do not double, as is what almost happened with this last congress,” said Chen. “I think it’s unacceptable that we’re giving loans to companies, big businesses, at one percent (interest) or less, that’s practically free to lend money to companies, but we’re asking our students to pay up to seven percent for their education and that just cripples us.” Chen also said undercutting education and spending more on the prison system is doing students and the state a disservice. “It costs about $50,000 to incarcerate someone—it costs about $10,000 to educate someone, but for some reason our priorities have gotten completely out of line. Now we’re spending more on the prison system than our higher education,” Chen said. According to Chen, education continues to be cut because younger people, students especially, are not as likely to vote. “When Congress makes cuts

they’re going to make cuts to those who aren’t going to make any noise,” Chen said. “That’s why it’s so important that you vote… If you don’t vote, you’re not going to have a voice. So I really hope that I see your vote in politics and you take responsibility for your own future and voting in the coming election.”

“I am going to fight to ensure that your student loan rates do not double... it almost happened with this last congress.” JAY CHEN Candidate (D) 39th District Amani Johnson, 19, a nursing major, agreed with Chen’s perspective on education and schooling.

“I graduated from high school about two years ago and I always thought about how much they could have changed things that they taught us,” said Johnson. Johnson agreed with Chen on the need for more programs that will teach different languages. “It’s more important to have (different languages) going out into the business world, for example people who speak Spanish and English have more opportunities,” Johnson said. “It’s more important to have different languages going out into the business world, for instance getting a job, people who speak Spanish and English have more opportunities.” Chen’s also said he supports Proposition 30, which will raise sales tax and upper-income taxes. The extra revenue is intended to go back to elementary and secondary public schools in California. “We have to pay for what we use, and if we want to have an educated workforce, we need to have a public school system that’s financed and that needs to be paid for,” Chen said.


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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, Inc. College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSU. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free.



Microsoft unveils tablet release date Microsoft has unveiled the final details and release date of their tablet, Surface. The device can be preordered now for its release date on Oct. 26 to coincide with the release of the Windows 8 operating system for PCs. The price starts at $499 for the 32GB model and $699 for the 64GB model, with both versions only compatible with Wi-Fi for Internet connectivity. The Touch Cover, which also doubles as a keyboard, costs an extra $120 if bought separately. The 64GB version comes with the cover by default. The Surface is packed with a 10.6-inch HD screen, 2 GB of RAM, a 1.5 GHz processor, an SD card slot and cameras on the back as well as the front for video chatting and self-portraits. It will also come with a preview version of Microsoft Office 2013, which has been specifically changed to take full advantage of the tablet’s capabilities.

Leniency granted to Cubans

Holly Ocasio Rizzo

Amanda Fessenden Kimiya Enshaian Tiffany Le Hugo Arceo Jerry Kou Lizeth Luveano Eric Van Raalte Jessica Martinez Sarah Nguyen Ana Godinez Ivan Ng Chelsea Norrup Kailyn Topper Houston Whaley

A new planet with four suns was discovered by a team of amateur astronomers and scientists, according to NASA. The group of volunteer scientists first discovered a double-star planet, which aided to the discovery of an additional pair of distant stars orbiting the planet. The scientists are from Planet Hunters, a Yale-led program that NASA allows to review astronomical data for signs of planets in movement using the orbiting Kepler telescope. There are six known circumbinary planets. The planet, given the name PH1, is the only known planet to be in the orbit of four stars. PH1 is a bit larger than the Neptune and is believed to be a gas giant. It orbits its host stars every 137 days. “I celebrate this discovery as the fruit exemplary human cooperation—cooperation between scientists and citizens who give of themselves for the love of stars, knowledge, and exploration,” said Kepler scientist Natalie Batalha.


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Planet with four suns is discovered


Students at CSUF gather at the Pub in the Titan Student Union Tuesday to watch President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney’s performance during the second presidential debate.

DEBATE: Candidates get aggressive CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

After the debate concluded, Political Science Department chair and professor Stephen Stambough, Ph.D., and assistant political science professor Matthew Jarvis held a short panel, where they weighed in on the outcome of the debate. Both Stambough and Jarvis agreed that both candidates had their strong points and weak points. Stambough said he thought Obama performed significantly better than in the first debate. “(Obama) wasn’t asleep this time,” said Stambough. “He was more animated, feisty all of that… It was a little more like the VP debate, which was incredibly entertaining if nothing else.” While Jarvis also agreed that Obama did a better job in this debate, he was still unsure of who could be considered the winner of the debate.

“I think Obama was definitely more aggressive,” said Jarvis. “I don’t necessarily trust myself on this stuff—I sat up here two weeks ago and said that I thought the first debate was boring… apparently I was wrong and everyone thought Romney’s aggressiveness served him well.” While both candidates had their strong talking points, Stambough said he believes that both candidates both went off topic too much and that the CNN on-screen approval rating went down every time a candidate dodged a question. “The weak part for both among those with the (approval rating dials) is anytime they moved away from the question and started attacking each other; it just tanked,” Stambough said. With the election approaching next month, both candidates still have one more debate on Monday, which will focus on foreign policy.

The Cuban government announced Tuesday that it would end exit visa requirements as of Jan. 13, which will allow Cubans to depart the country for a period of time, or forever, with only a passport and visa from their country of destination. According to the New York Times, the move represents the latest significant step by the Cuban government to eliminate restrictions on Cuba’s population while still maintaining substantial control. Doctors, scientists and other professionals, who have historically faced heavy government restrictions on travel, may be ineligible to leave. Analysts have said the government is encouraging more Cubans to travel and earn money elsewhere, which will introduce foreign capital to the island’s stagnant economy, according to the Times. The government has reserved the right to deny travel to dissidents against the government for “defense and national security” reasons. Brief by IAN WHEELER



Job outlook and advice lined up for event Friday




Drugs linked to meningitis cases Two more drugs made by the New


Center (NECC) are believed to be involved in the meningitis out-

Business students anticipate networking with Anaheim Ducks executive and others

break that is responsible for 15 deaths, according to ABC News. The Food and Drug Adminis-


tration is investigating a menin-

Daily Titan

gitis case related to an epidural

Leadership Scholars at the Mihaylo College of Business and Economics on Friday will host business students and present the opportunity to listen to business executives’ advice and insight regarding jobs and the importance of leadership. Students have the option to listen to insight from guest speakers and socialize and network after the event. Speakers will include Jay W. Scott, Anaheim Ducks vice president of human resources, and Ian DiOrio, a professor at Hope International University and young adult pastor of Eastside Christian Church. “I think that 50 percent of business is networking. You hear about jobs from your peers and the people you know, you can’t do everything by yourself,” said Roresa Mojo, 20, an accounting and finance major. “So this is really helping you to develop those skills and that’s the purpose.” At the same time, Mojo said, students get to talk to the people and get insight as well as the opportunity to swap business cards and talk about leadership, business and shared interests. Anna Moreno, 25, a business administration major and vice president of marketing for events, said Friday’s event is a good event to look forward to. “You’ll get a lot of really good insight especially if you’re into sports marketing management,” said Moreno. Moreno said this is the first semester that the Leadership Scholars made their debut as a program hosting these types of events for the students of the College of Business and Economics. The event is supposed to connect business students to local Orange County businesses and their executives. “One major problem that we have here is that there isn’t a lot (of ) global interaction with a lot of students for actual executives and this is going to be an oppor-

injection of triamcinolone acetonide, a topical treatment used to relieve various skin conditions. Fungal infections were reportedly found in two transplant patients who were given cardioplegic solution, which is used to paralyze cardiac muscle during an open-heart surgery, by the NECC. “The sterility of any injectable drugs… and cardioplegic solutions produced by (the) NECC

Coutersy of Leadership Scholars Program

are of significant concern,” according to an FDA release. These cases add to to the number of fungal meningitis cas-

TOP: Members of the Leadership Scholars Program from the Mihaylo College of Business and Economics seek opportunities to organize speaker and networking events for business students.

es that have spread nationally. The meningitis outbreak has been linked to the mold Exserohilum rostratum, used to control back pain through spinal injections. All drugs made by the NECC suspected to cause fungal dis-

RIGHT: Two Leadership Scholars Program members attract business students to their booth next to Mihaylo Hall.

eases have been recalled. “Patients who received these products should be alerted to the potential risk of infection,” the FDA said. Brief by KYMBERLIE ESTRADA

tunity for all business students to come by,” said Korhan Ereren, 21, a business management student and member of the leadership scholars program for business students. Rafael Aleman, 32, a business marketing major, said the event will be personable. “That’s one of the things we focus on in the leadership scholars, is the ability to speak directly to the person,” said Aleman. “Our name tags will have our name and

the year that we graduate.” “Not only do you meet the person and they know your name, but they know when you’ll be graduating… keep you in mind and you have an opportunity there,” he said. “That’s really what it’s about, we focus on the ability to spend time with the executives and ask questions.” There is also a dress code enforced at this event, which will be in the Titan Student Union Ontiveros ABC on Friday

at 2:45 p.m. “It’s really more about a professional environment, it prepares students, especially business students… What it does is it brings these students into this professional environment where you dress up and you’re supposed to look the part,” Mojo said. Information on future Leadership Scholars events can be found at MihayloWeb. fullerton.edu/centers/leadershipcenter/.

Apple to launch iPad Mini event Apple has all but confirmed the existence of the iPad Mini, with an event announced to take place Oct. 23 in Silicon Valley. The current rumors pin the tab-

SHAKEOUT: Stage set for statewide drill Thursday


The main event on Thursday, the Great Shakeout, will include a duck and cover drill, as well as an evacuation drill for the entire campus. Last year, the campus was adorned with props and actors to present the illusion of a major quake. “Fallen debris” was placed in certain locations and some participants lay on the ground covered in fake blood to illustrate the dangers of falling objects during an actual earthquake. The Great Shakeout at CSUF is part of a state-wide program that is supported by organizations such as the United States Geological Survey and Federal Emergency Management Agency. The program includes branches for many other states, and even other countries like Japan. The Great Shakeout is set to begin 10:18 a.m. Thursday.


let to be between seven and eight inches in screen size, with the resolution expected to fall short of

Earthquake Safety Checklist


Students in the Quad Friday endure the the Quake Cottage, which simulates the intensity of a magnitude 8.0 earthquake for 30 seconds.

• Flashlight • Portable, battery-powered radio • First aid kit • Fire extinguishers • Medication • Sanitation and hygiene items • Moist towelettes and toilet paper • Emergency plans for people with disabilities • Cash • Copies of credit cards, ID, important documents • Tools (crescent and pipe wrench) • Extra clothes per person (including shoes) SOURCE: FEMA

the “retina display” caliber found in the current 10-inch iPad. Observers in the tech community also predict that the price will fall in the $300 range to compete with the bestselling seven-inch tablets from Amazon and Google. Incidentally, the invites for the event were sent out the same day that pre-orders opened for the Microsoft Surface tablet, which is expected to compete with the regular iPad. The same event is also expected to have announcements for the 13-inch MacBook Pro with “retina display” as well as an upgraded Mac Mini, a computer designed for thrifty users who already have their own keyboard and display. Brief by NICHOLAS RUIZ




OCTOBER 17, 2012




Prop 37 requires genetically modified food to be labeled

Courtesy of MCT The U.S. already depends greatly on GMOs; as much as 85 percent of the nation’s corn is modified.

People have the right to know when their food has been modified

GMOs are safe and require no additional labeling



Passing Proposition 37 in California could change consumer benefits in the food industry that may eventually influence the rest of the country. California has the opportunity to be the first to implement an initiative that would require the labeling of food made from plants or animals with altered genetic material and prohibit marketing such food as “natural.” The effects of this proposition will be positive—research has proved this. Proposition 37 does not bring a completely new idea to the world’s table. In fact, there are currently 61 countries in the world that require labeling for foods containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs), including all 27 member states of the European Union; 11 of which are considered to be in the lineup for the world’s top 20 healthiest countries. These countries include Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Cyrpus, Austria, France, Greece, Ireland and Beligum, according to Bloomberg.com In addition to the obvious health benefits of labeling foods with GMOs, consumers will also gain the information they need about foods that are linked to allergies and other health risks without the help of physicians and scientists. Instead of questioning a doctor about the food they consume, Californians will be able to read the back of a label and know that it is truthful and states the appropriate facts. Additionally, it will not only provide consumers with information they should know about the foods they’re buying, but also provides the necessary exemptions. The law exempts the following: certified organic, unintentionally produced with genetically engineered material, processed or containing minimal amounts of genetically engineered ingredients, or sold for immediate consumption in a restaurant, among others. Opponents argue that label revising will add costs to consumers and that it is an unnecessary burden.


The truth is that companies would have 18 months to implement the new packaging law and it would be at no additional cost to consumers or food producers, according to CaRightToKnow.org, the organizers of Proposition 37. The sale of any foods will not be banned, either. Instead, it enforces that all foods be appropriately labelled; if a food product is made with GMOs it should be marketed that way, leaving the choice to buy up to the consumer. Unsurprisingly the opposition companies include pesticide and junk food brands, such as Monsanto (a multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation), PepsiCo Inc., Coca-Cola, Kellogg’s, Hershey’s and General Mills. According to CaRightToKnow.org, Monsanto, which contributed over $7 million to the “No on 37” campaign this year, ironically produced a series of ads in Europe in the 1990s supporting the labeling of GMOs. Keep in mind the biggest supporters of the “No on 37” are corporations who own most of the GMO seed patents. Supporters of Proposition 37 include small natural food companies like Organic Valley, Nature’s Path organic foods and Amy’s Kitchen, who believe that consumers have the right to know which foods include unsafe GMOs. As of October 14, 2012, those in support of Proposition 37 have raised $7.7 million while those in opposition have raised a much larger sum of $35.6 million. This may be one of few cases where the numbers lie. While the “No on 37” campaign may have the monetary support of some big-booming corporations, these corporations are not looking after the health of consumers but are instead hiding their “ingredients.” There should be no harm in appropriate labeling ingredients in food, even GMOs. Proposition 37 is the only way that the Food and Drug Administration can support the people of California and require the appropriate labeling of foods.

GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, are the result of scientists taking one gene from one species and implanting it in another, creating a beneficial effect in the latter. Most Americans have been eating these GMOs for about 15 years now, whether it was to their knowledge or not. Over about 15 years, not one person has died from some disorder or disease that was triggered by GMOs. Not one person has become noticeably sick from their ingestion, according to studies by the World Health Organization. Proposition 37 would make California the first state required to label its products that have been genetically modified, supporting the consumers’ “right to know.” However, there’s simply no need to suddenly start labeling these foods when they have been around for more than a couple of years, and have been digested in the human body more times than one person could possibly count. Labeling that exists today on products such as cigarettes and alcohol, suggest that the consumer needs to be aware of what they are purchasing, mostly because it poses a risk to their health. However, GMOs don’t fall under this category, not to mention that they’re found pretty much everywhere. In fact, the Center for Food Safety reports that up to 85 percent of corn produced in the U.S. is genetically modified, and a whopping 91 percent of soybean crops are as well. Not only is it unnecessary, but labeling would cost the nation more money than it’s actually worth. The state Legislative Analyst’s Office estimates that labeling GMOs would cost “a few hundred thousand dollars to over $1 million annually.” Why spend the money to label something that is extremely beneficial to the country and is consumed on a daily basis? Many crops have been genetically modified in order to be produced with great qualities at mass quantities to feed the growing U.S. population; the Census Bureau reports the

population could increase to about 439 million people by the year 2050; an increase of almost 128 million. That increase will demand an equal, if not greater, increase in food demand. GMOs can play a significant part in that demand by not only toughening up crops to fight against pests and harsh weather conditions, but also by giving them a much longer shelf life. For those determined to see labels, well, that’s what the organic section of the supermarket is for. All-natural veggies and other foods are already available for those with real concerns. It’s simple logic using the process of elimination. What doesn’t have an organic labeling on the package isn’t organic; it doesn’t need a label stating the obvious. What’s more, this law is too specific. It doesn’t focus on other problems with food production, such as growth hormones, pesticides and horrible animal treatment; these are issues that actually could pose health risks for consumers. Yet only GMOs are targeted by Proposition 37, despite being one of the most accepted and safe modifications that one can make to our food. Supporters of food labeling aren’t interested in educating the public. They don’t have hopes that sticking a label on a food product will further inform the consumer on what is healthy. The health advocates backing Proposition 37 simply want to push for their preferences in the market and for their initiatives to be known. Instead of jumping on the bandwagon and fearing genetically modified food, consumers need to use their own heads rather than someone else’s. All it takes is a computer and a small amount of research to uncover the true facts about GMOs. Instead of labeling food products that have shown no risks to human health and shouldn’t even spark an issue in our struggling economy, maybe America should label its own people as foolish followers of phony campaigns.





BOLTS: Want their music to inspire many CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

Playing together as a band has improved their musicianship and the group collectively, Austin Farmer said. With passion in every show they play, The Bolts have set high aspirations. They dream of one day headlining Wembley Stadium. “We don’t want to stop for anything, even when we’re old hags we just want to keep on making music,” Austin Farmer said. The Bolts always have different messages in their songs. They hope their music will inspire fans and listeners across the world. Austin Farmer said the band hopes to bring joy to fans and help them experience any kind of deep emotion through their music. The Bolts have managed to become successful because each member has incredible talent that

allows them to stand alone as impressive performers and musicians. Each is able to provide their voice to the band. Austin Farmer commented on the various unique talents of his brothers and bandmates. He said Addam has a lot of harmony ideas that help the rest of them work through it by using pen and paper. Addam’s range can also hit high falsetto notes. Kilpatrick has a powerful stage presence, said Austin Farmer. He added that when Kilpatrick sings, he has a certain twang that gives him a rock aura. Ryan also has awesome guitar tone ideas and a very strong tenor voice, said Austin Farmer. Champagne is given the title of “the best drummer I’ve ever heard” by Austin Farmer. His talent on the drums is described by Austin as solid and powerful.

“He breaks a pair of drumsticks every show,” he added. On the creative side, Austin Farmer mentions that Heath has a unique songwriting trait. He often comes up with very catchy melodies and implementing them in the songs. As for Austin Farmer’s talents, he has an electric stage presence. “I love putting out fronts for some of the songs,” he said. “Interacting with the crowd is so much fun. I just hope to entertain people, give them a show.” If given a chance to have tea and crumpets with any deceased musician, Austin Farmer would have chosen John Lennon. “I feel like he could teach me very cool piano tricks,” he said. To experience their show in person, visit the Pub on Thursday, and for more information on the band, visit Facebook.com/thebolts.

Phoenix and Hoffman gear up for a confrontation. (Courtesy of MCT)

FILM: Men on the verge THE MASTER


Courtesy of Xenia Dunford

The band members are currently in the process of recording their first full-length album. They are collaborating with East Coast producer Charlton Pettus, whose input has been vital for the band.

Eastern Exile desires quality creation With a blend of jazz and rock, the quartet’s song, “Killing Kind Of Love,” is featured in the trailer for the ABC show Revenge DAVID LEOS

For the Daily Titan

When you envision people who pack up and venture out west to “give it a go” in the music business, you probably also assume the main motivation in that process is commercial success. For Xenia Dunford and The Eastern Exile, the desired end result of writing songs, recording music and playing gigs is simply creating a quality product that most people can relate to. The band’s immediate goals are to travel and bring their music to as many people as possible—off the Sunset Strip. “We are much happier creating the music that we are creating and bringing that to people, real people, all over,” said Dunford after a performance at The Viper Room in West Hollywood on Sept. 17. The band hails from Boston, Mass., the birthplace of indie powerhouses like the Pixies, The Breeders and The Lemonheads. Dunford and co. are also influenced from artists outside of beantown, including Carole King, Etta James, Johnny Cash and Laura Nyro. “There are moments of my favorite songs that I can’t explain but I know are simply magical,” Dunford said. “That is something I take with me and try to recreate with my own music. That is my ultimate goal as a songwriter.” The four-piece ensemble consists of Dunford (piano and lead vocals), Scotty Mlodzinski (lead guitar), Forrest Pettengill (bass) and Adam Farley (drums). On record the quintet shakes out spices of jazz and country over its rock ‘n’ roll core. The sound of up-tempo tracks are airy and crisp, characteristics that would represent their native New England well. On the other hand, their slower songs resonate passion and mystery and sound downright haunting at times. Nonetheless, all of the tracks stand out as completely original compositions, a quality that is rare in music these days. In the studio, Mlodzinski played a disciplined style of guitar. Mainly acoustic and clean sounding electrics, which captured the solitude and twang of the east. Pettengill played a mellow style of bass that enabled his bandmates to weave instrumentally in and out of his sequences. Farley, a locally-seasoned session drummer and artist, played at an impeccably subtle rate, heightening the band’s jazz flavor. On the dimly-lit stage, audiences are captivated and

transfixed by the essence of Dunford’s delivery and the spontaneous nature of the three musicians behind her. “It’s all about being in the moment,” Dunford said on her band’s tendency to shake things up. Dunford viewed this as an advantage over other bands. She added that listening to each other live helps her and her bandmates contribute to the overall development of the band. On the night of their show at the Viper Room, the band chose to only play new songs. “It has so much depth and it leaves very few musical stones unturned,” Dunford said about her new material. The members of The Eastern Exile are now in the process of recording their first full-length album, in addition to the critically acclaimed Lonely Streets EP, which was released earlier this year. Their song from their Xenia Dunford EP, “Killing Kind of Love,” is used in the current trailer for the hit show Revenge on ABC. The band is collaborating with East Coast producer Charlton Pettus, who recently worked with Tears for Fears’ co-founder Curt Young on his solo projects. “He’s affected how I play. I’ve learned a lot from him,” said Pettengill on working with Pettus. Mlodzinski added that Pettus has been great for the band and his input in the recording process has been vital. “He’s done this for long enough to know what’s the best way to come about a certain song,” said Mlodzinski. “Just having that experienced ear (in the studio) is important.” Of the new cuts in the repertoire, there are two that stand out in particular. The first song from their new material is “More Than You Know,” a bluesy, mid-tempo, subconsciously optimistic number with a chorus that robustly proclaims over and over, “They will see, they will see…” “(The) song is about getting in touch with what is real; relationships, nature, all of the good stuff that we look over,” Dunford said. The second song is “Rhyme and Reason,” which reveals itself in a more shadowy light than its predecessor. This song is one of Dunford’s personal favorites because it consists of heartache and regret. Dunford said the song is definitely a look into relationships and why some people just can’t get it right. But adversely, she admitted the song is a “sun is always shining behind the clouds” type of song. The central theme of “Rhyme and Reason” seems to be acceptance. Acceptance of life, acceptance of others, and the acceptance of self. A lesson that she and her bandmates have humbly learned over the last couple years. As a traveling band, they might just roll through your town. Xenia Dunford and The Eastern Exile can be heard on Spotify, iTunes and via their website XeniaDunfordMusic.com.

Paul Thomas Anderson has had a career as varied and methodical as any other in the industry. He takes several years between his films, if need be, and it especially shows in The Master. If there is one theme that carries through Anderson’s filmography, it would be men on the verge. Naturally, the director has chosen talented actors for this motif in the past, such as Daniel Day-Lewis, Don Cheadle and Tom Cruise. Currently, it’s Joaquin Phoenix and Philip Seymour Hoffman in The Master. Phoenix is Freddie Quell, a man almost seemingly embracing posttraumatic stress disorder and sexual rampancy after returning home from World War II. He goes from job to job, lost in anger directed at anyone. Even innocent bystanders and fellow workers in his various occupations. The tone is scattered early on in the film, but it’s something to go along with rather than fight tooth and nail. A more tangible story thread picks up when Quell literally stumbles onto the yacht of one Lancaster Dodd, Hoffman as dedicated to a role as ever. It’s almost uncanny how Phoe-

nix gets captured by his onscreen persona, while Hoffman seems to take Dodd as his own. Both methods are a boon to the picture, as intended. Dodd is a self-proclaimed Renaissance man, a jack of many trades and master of them all, including the creation of a movement known as The Cause. Soon after introductions are made, Dodd subjects Quell to “processing”, which brings out the emotional traumas of his past. The scene is laborious in the strongest way possible. The room is dark, camera cutting from Dodd to Quell as the questioning ramps up. No blinking is allowed, or else Quell must begin answering the questions again. These are two acting powerhouses bringing the walls down; director Anderson letting his players own every breath they give for the art form. From the get go, Dodd sees potential in Quell. They travel together along with the other followers of The Cause, even if not all of them support the new partnership. Almost lost in the shadows of the industry legends is Amy Adams, playing Dodd’s hostile wife Peggy, who rejects Quell from the beginning as a loose cannon. Adams continues to show range. Her voice can be the gentlest around in one picture, then house a bitterness in another and still not have anyone doubt the conviction of performance. The skepticism from Peggy is a

valid concern, as even if Quell believes in the cult, it doesn’t prevent his violent outbursts. In a twist of fate that wouldn’t surprise those familiar with religious extremism, the cult actually exacerbates the rage. Even when Quell leads to trouble for The Cause, Dodd believes in him. Motives in this story aren’t explicit, so this faith in Quell goes unexplained. This is for the better, as it would clout the journey of two men unthinkingly clinging to each other in a time of transition for the United States. As far as can be inferred, Quell yearns for some sort of peace in the beat of his own drum, while Dodd seeks to change that beat to one of his own. This challenge doesn’t stop Dodd, and neither does his incredulous son, who tells Quell in one instance that his father is making it all up as he goes. It poses a serious accusation about the nature of religion, as it is ultimately a tool of people for either good or bad. The nature of religion is on trial in The Master, and there is no final verdict. What is certain is the power of the final confrontation between Dodd and Quell. The two wildly different spirits finally clash for the last time, an unstoppable force hitting an immovable object. It all leads to an implosion of the ages, and a film worthy of eternal praise.






Best Coast duo pops into the Observatory The indie band performed to a mosh pit full of fans at the Santa Ana venue on Saturday night VANESSA MARTINEZ Daily Titan

The sound of the words mosh pit, brings to mind images of rock or metal shows, but hundreds of Orange County surf pop fans proved it could be done even to the slow tempo songs of Best Coast. The band played an exciting setlist for a full audience at the Santa Ana Observatory on Saturday night. The majority of the audience members were female. They weren’t afraid to get into the pit and mosh to the indie beats of vocalist and guitarist Bethany Cosentino and Bobb Bruno, who was on guitar. The set, which ended early compared to other concerts at the Observatory, consisted of 14 songs along with four others from their encore performance. Fan favorites included “Something in the Way,” “Crazy for You,” “Mean Girls,” and “Boyfriend,” which energized the audience and the mosh-pitters, who took out their lighters and swung them to the slow beat of “Mean Girls.” Even during slow tempo songs fans moved around in the mosh pit, although it meant doing so to a slower beat. Selina Singh, a student at UC Riverside, said she enjoyed the show put on by Best Coast, who she’s only begun listening to recently. “I definitely made a good decision in buying that ticket last minute,” said Singh. Cosentino and Bruno put on a stellar show for their fans by interacting with them and seeming to enjoy themselves onstage while Consentino took small from a beer cup from time to time. Bruno, who plays various instruments for the band, said he had a good time performing for the fans. “The crowd was really energetic and we’re really grateful and we love them,” said Bruno. “I’m really touched that they came out to see us and were so enthusiastic—it was awesome.”

VANESSA MARTINEZ / Daily Titan TOP: Bethany Cosentino crowd surfs over the wave of fans that flooded the Santa Ana Observatory on Saturday night at Best Coast’s show. The mosh pit was filled with fans of Cosentino, vocalist and guitarist, and Bobb Bruno, guitar. RIGHT: Best Coast will be opening for Green Day during their tour from Jan. 8, 2013 to Feb. 8, 2013. Bruno said it is an honor to work with a band that they both grew up listening to and are excited to spend time with them.

During their encore performance, the band covered and added a Best Coast twist to Nirvana’s “About a Girl,” generating cheers from Best Coast and Nirvana fans in the crowd. At the end of “Boyfriend,” the last song of the night, Cosentino dove into the pool of fans in the pit. This resulted in cheers from the crowd as she crowd surfed her way back to the stage as fans reached out to touch her or hold her hand. “I think Beth just wanted to do that,” Bruno said. “She tried to get me to do it but I was afraid I’d hurt somebody.”

Before crowdsurfing and before playing “Mean Girls,” Consentino tried to persuade Bruno to surf the crowd, improvising a short and melodic song repeating lyrics “Bob, Bob, Bob / Big, bad Bob,” over her guitar. Cosentino’s crowd-surfing was the highlight of the show for Bruno’s mom, Madeline Walder, and other fans in the audience. “It was cute, I liked it,” said Wynter Cruz, an Orange resident. Best Coast will be opening for the band Green Day’s 2012/2013. Bruno said they are psyched to work


with Green Day and that the members of the band are really nice. “We met them last year,” Bruno said. “I can’t wait to watch Green Day every night. They’re really nice people, so we’re excited to spend a lot of time with them.” Bruno said he and Cosentino have grown up as Green Day fans. “It’s an honor to be asked to tour with them. It’s a band that I listened to growing up and same with Bethany,” Bruno said. “It’s really crazy that they like our

band now and want to do shows with us.” Best Coast will join and open for Green Day, during their tour, from Jan. 8, 2013 to Feb. 8, 2013. Walder, who has seen her son’s band perform at least ten times, said she is excited every time and hopes to make it to their Las Vegas show with Green Day. “I think that they’re a great Southern California band and there’s a lot of inspiration in their music and it’s all clean, fun music,” Walder said.

The movie was produced by Jason Blum, producer of Paranormal Activity. (Courtesy of MCT)

FILM: Sinister twist on horror SINISTER

ALEX STATHIS For the Daily Titan

Ethan Hawke plays a true crime novelist who discovers a box of disturbing home movies in Sinister. There are certainly some twists and turns with Sinister, but some aspects have been done before. Hawke, mostly remembered for his Academy Award-nominated role in Training Day, makes a leap into the realm of horror. Horror movies always follow a generic structure to help the audience develop true fear (death, scary music, blood, ghosts, and suspense). This movie does help emit that needed fear and it is done the right way because of new twists that are not seen in past horror movies. Sinister may have some new twists, but there were countless aspects that were predictable, such as Hawke’s character being a writer. Countless horror movies incorporate a writer of some kind much like The Shining or Secret Window. Throughout the movie, the audience could guess what would happen. A frequently predictable movie is usually never good. However, there were some new CONTACT US AT DTDETOURDESK@GMAIL.COM

changes to reflect on as well, like the plot being more focused on the disturbing home movies that Hawke’s character is studying. The more he delves into the mystery behind the videos, the more the film reveals about an evil entity that is threatening his family. A majority of the credit for the scare-factor in this film should go to its structure and producer. The producer of Paranormal Activity, Jason Blum, also produced this film. Certainly, the audience will expect a specific type of movie knowing that. The style of the film is reminiscent of Paranormal Activity. Therefore there should be a large fan base that would enjoy watching Sinister. Writer-Director of The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Scott Derrickson, seemed to enjoy focusing on the nitty-gritty shots similar to Paranormal Activity. It seems that this style of movie making added to the feel of horror. Hawke’s character is relatable since, like most people, he yearns for success. His character published one top selling novel, but he hopes that the work he puts into this mystery will help him return to the top. Certainly, his needs overrule his wants, which lead to Hawke’s characters’ end. He wants to be able to write his

novel. However, all the evil that surrounds him and his family only feed into his family wanting to move. Since Hawke was the leading character, the focus is always on him. It would have been nice to see more attention on other characters. But there was a reason the audience was lead away from some of the other characters. In the end it paid off, very well. Audiences seemed to enjoy getting their thrills from this horror movie since it was number one in the box office during it’s opening weekend. The American public always love to be scared during October and Sinister definitely came at the right time and with the right cast and crew on board. The film has a good score to aid the sense of fear drilled into the audience. Music can make or break a movie. Sinister certainly benefitted from the choice for background sound effects and music. Much like a tragedy, there is no happy ending for the family in Sinister. The director made this movie the way he wanted it, but will everyone else enjoy tragedy as an end? Based on box office numbers alone, Sinister has a lot of promise and interest coming from audiences around the country. There are enough twists and turns around every corner in Sinister to give the audience the frights they yearn for.


October 17, 2012



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Aries (Mar. 21-April 19) Pay close attention. Success is particularly fun now. A female offers an opportunity; follow through. Talking it over helps. Catch up on communications. There’s good news.


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Taurus (April 20-May 20) Write a love letter or a romantic novel. Find a way to work smarter, and it seems easy. You advance through the kindness of others. Show your appreciation. Gemini (May 21-June 20) You’re especially charming. What you have to say is important. Don’t waste your energy in negativity. Listen to others, and ask questions. A female provides an answer. Cancer (June 21-July 22) You know what you’re talking about. Sort, file and discard for maximum productivity. Be unstoppable, and gather up treasure. Make sure your partner hears your ideas, too. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Generate creative brainstorming with your team concerning communications. There are excellent conditions for group discussion. Ask probing questions, and share what you see. Fall in love again. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Write down a dream. Arrange a social gathering, or join one already in progress. Initiate communications. Others help behind the scenes. Let them know what’s needed. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Completion leads to abundance. Questions lead to more questions. A female pitches in to help with the right words. Change your tune ... you’ll love the new sound. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Do your best work, and admiration results. Don’t forget to thank others for their input. Conditions are good for tender, in-depth conversation. Contact distant relatives. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Whenever you’re stuck, stop and listen. A female has a creative solution. Use your special sensitivity to advance, possibly together. Balance romance with career. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Spread your wings. Nothing can stop you now. Write down your experiences for future reference, a novel or a memoir. Others love your ideas. There’s good news from far away.

How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

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Titans welcome Matadors The men’s soccer team looks to end their five game winless streak with a victory at home ANGEL MENDOZA Daily Titan


‘Cause nothing lasts forever John Elway left the game that he devoted his life to in a way that most athletes dream about. Elway retired after winning his second Super Bowl in 1999. Many players talk about leaving their respective sports on their own accord and he accomplished that. However, for every Elway story there are hundreds of athletes that don’t quite get that luxury and we might have witnessed that in two bitter fashions this weekend. Derek Jeter is a living legend on the roster of the most legendary franchise in professional sports. For 17 years, Jeter’s hard work and play has earned him respect not only in New York but around the entire baseball league. A 13-time allstar, five-time Gold Glove winner, four-time Silver Slugger winner, and having more than 3,000 career hits, Jeter is in consideration to be the greatest Yankee of all time. On Saturday, Jeter fractured his left ankle in the 12th inning during game one of the ALCS against the Detroit Tigers. He had to be assisted off the field which was a shocking sight as Jeter has been relatively healthy and a mark of consistency over his entire career. At 38 years old, the image of Jeter carried off field by trainer Steve Donohue and manager Joe Girardi could be the last we see of him in a Yankee uniform. The very next day, Ray Lewis, middle linebacker of the Baltimore Ravens, tore his left tricep in a game against the Dallas Cowboys. On Monday, news came out that Lewis is going to be out for the season. Lewis has been in the league since 1996 and led the Ravens to a 2000 Super Bowl win, was voted into 13 Pro Bowls, and has racked up 2,051 regular season tackles. At 37, though slowed down, he

continued to play the game at a high level. There is no guarantee that if Lewis were to come back he could still perform the way he did in the “young man’s league” the NFL has become. These two incidents happening on consecutive days need to serve as a wake-up call for all sports fans to really cherish the superstars still performing at a high-level in the twilight of their careers. “Father time” is the only foe that has never been defeated and will continue to get to every athlete that has stepped on the field, ice, hardwood, or ring. Los Angeles Lakers shooting guard Kobe Bryant, Boston Celtics power forward Kevin Garnett, Tampa Bay Buccaneers cornerback Ronde Barber and Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning are seemingly all on the tail ends of their careers. They have all made significant contributions to their sports for over a decade at the highest levels, but they still go out and perform better than foes that were in elementary school when they began playing professionally. Conversely to the terrible injuries to Jeter and Lewis this weekend, we did see a superstar in the twilight of his career shine in the Ultimate Fighting Championship’s Anderson Silva. Silva dazzled in a performance in his home country of Brazil against Stephan Bonnar. Through sharp foot and head movement, Silva finished the fight with a flying knee to the sternum, dropping Bonnar and giving him his first loss ever by stoppage in 23 fights. Silva is widely considered the greatest of all time in the sport and winning 17 fights in a row definitely reinforces that concept. At 37, Silva may not have many fights left but he is a spectacle to watch every time he steps in the octagon.


Coming off a tough loss to a lowly UC Irvine team, The Cal State Fullerton men’s soccer team will look to put their recent struggles behind them and get a much needed win against Cal State Northridge. This season has been a battle for the Titans, to say the least. They are currently 4-10-1 this season and are 0-4-1 in their last five games. The Matadors on the other hand have been streaking, winning eight of their last nine games to go along with a 10-4 overall record. The Titans faced off against UCI on Saturday and got off to a good start, scoring the first goal of the game in the 49th minute. Senior forward Jesse Escalante put an end to his four-match scoreless streak by deflecting a hard cross from senior defender Jonathan Birt. The ball was netted past sophomore goalkeeper Michael Breslin for the Titans’ 1-0 lead. UCI was able to find the back of the net just a minute later, however, as freshman forward Pavle Atanackovic headed a rebound off a shot by junior forward Christopher Santana to tie the score at 1-1. Towards the end of the game, the Titans then went on the offensive, taking four shots off three corner kicks in a span of only two minutes but were unable make a dent in the Anteaters defense. In the 86th minute, UCI went up for good after a strike by junior midfielder Enrique Cardenas made the score 2-1. CSUF, looking for a much needed win, will now welcome CSUN to Titan Stadium. The Matadors come into this matchup ranked No. 14 in the nation according to Soccer America and No. 20 according to the National Soccer Coaches Association of America. The Titans are unranked.


Redshirt freshman forward Dyllan Stevens controls the ball in a game against Air Force. Stevens has played in 13 games this season for CSUF.

The Matadors are 4-1 in Big West Conference play and have outscored their opponents 28-10 this season. Sophomore forward Sagi Lev-Ari has been stellar all season for CSUN, scoring 10 goals and accumulating 20 points so far. Sophomore Edwin Rivas and junior midfielder Beto Velasquez have also played well, scoring six goals apiece. The team lead in assists goes to junior midfielder Carlos Benavides with seven. Senior goalkeeper Michael Abalos has played all but 93 minutes this season, posting 39 saves to go along with five shutouts. CSUN leads the all-time series against CSUF 18-14-2, with the Matadors going 12-2-1 in the last 15 meetings with the Titans. The Titans have not fared well against Northridge at home, going just 7-9-2 while losing

three out of the last four. The Titans’ last win in this series came in 2010 while their last win at home was by a score of 2-1 in overtime back in 2009. In 2011, the Matadors swept the season series against CSUF with a 3-0 win at home and a 2-1 win in Fullerton. Jesse Escalante leads the Titans this season with seven goals and 15 points. Sophomore forward Anthony Rosales and sophomore midfielder Ian Ramos also have two goals apiece. Junior goalkeeper Robbie Hannon has played well as of late, having accumulated 25 saves, an .833 save percentage and two shutouts. The Titans play the Matadors at Titan Stadium Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. For more information on attending this game and the men’s soccer team, visit FullertonTitans.com.

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