Daily Titan November 16, 2010

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Vol. 88 Issue 42

November 16, 2010

A Rivalry Continued:



OPINION U.S. ranks higher in confidence than education ........................................4

See CSUF and LBSU, page 8

Irvine campus to open

DETOUR Delorean brings electrodance music to Hollywood ........................................6

Fitness center will be available to students, faculty and staff and will open at the beginning of the spring semester See IRVINE, page 3

SPORTS For some athletes, too much emotion brings pain ........................................8

CSUF athletes share their stories about their conference opponents

new recreation center

dailytitan.com The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

Student overcomes hardships FRANCINE RIOS Daily Titan

With a warm smile and genuine look in his eyes, senior Kevin Villicana greeted a passing friend while he sat outside of Yogurtland. “Hey man, what’s up? Hit me up soon!” said his friend, interrupting a telephone conversation to acknowledge Villicana. “That just made me look cool, but I’m really not that cool,” Villicana joked as his buddy walked out of sight. Anyone who knows Villicana will say this is a typical example of his down-to-earth demeanor, but Villicana himself will say that this attitude is a result of a difficult past spent in the foster care system. “I’ve spent a lot of time being negative,” Villicana said. “Now I’ve decided that I’m going to be happy.” With the help of the Cal State Fullerton Guardian Scholars program, which offers full-ride scholarships to emancipated wards of the court, Villicana is on his way to a brighter future.

all the people involved. The play selection committee, which is arranged to determine what will play when, is all about the funds. The group consists of faculty representatives from each department; the department chairman, business managers, marketing people, set designers, lighting, actors and directors all with the goal to come up with an affordable and carefully tailored semester show list. For each play, the following factors are included; how many cast and crew will be required, whether or not it’s a period piece that will demand lots of wardrobe and set, and what the royalty requirements are.

Born into the system Villicana’s journey began in the northern California town of Madera. His biological mother had a drug and alcohol addiction, which was the reason Villicana was born with detectable amounts of drugs in his body. “I was born into the system,” Villicana said. “Being born into the system, I feel, put me at a disadvantage. Growing up, I always had to have a back-up plan. It felt like everyone else was already ahead in life.” While his mother battled her demons, the infant Villicana was sent to live in a home. He says that he doesn’t remember much from those days because he was so young. But he was placed back in his mother’s care by age six, only after she was deemed healthy enough to be a parent again. However, this would not last very long. Soon, Villicana and his five siblings, who all have different birth fathers, found themselves caught up in their mother’s old habits of drinking, drug use and partying for the next seven years.

See THEATRE, page 5

See VILLICANA, page 3

JOHNNY LE / Daily Titan Staff scenic artist Gaye Willson Berger paints a set window for the theater performance of Rent, the musical, which premieres on Friday, November 19. Berger oversees set painting for the Department of Theatre and Dance.

Theater thrives through sales Box offices sales help keep the Theatre and Dance Department running while state funding continues to be cut from the program HEATHER REST Daily Titan

The halls of the Performing Arts Building come alive at night after the mundane drone of the afternoon is over. School books and assignment sheets are stuffed out of sight, setting the artistic students free to do what they love. Rehearsal stages are packed with lighting and costume checks, and random outbursts of beautiful singing fills the air. While the economic downfall has affected almost every person in this country, the community of art lovers in Orange

County has kept the Theatre and Dance Department afloat through its box office sales. State funding is almost non-existent, as pennies have been pinched, but as a result, some of the most meaningful art has emerged. This proves that art, and possibly very few other things, lives above the financial iron fist. “Money doesn’t make art,” said Jim Volz, a full-time faculty member of the Theatre Department. “It can help facilitate the visionary process of the art, but you can do theater on a shoe string that is just as poignant and just as brilliant.” As the production of each show gets closer to opening night, the concept of a budget moves further away from the minds of

CSUF goalie helps lead Titans to first finals Goalkeeper finishes the season fifth in the nation in saves per game with an average of 5.95 per contest WILLIAM CHEN For the Daily Titan

He bends his knees to squat. His back arches forward. The Titan goalkeeper is ready to pounce. He has to make a decision in moments as the opponent quickly advances towards him. The opponent kicks a bullet. He lunges left, palming the ball with both hands and tucking it securely to his stomach as he lands. Another goal prevented. Junior goalkeeper Trevor Whiddon began his soccer career at a young age. His dad played soccer at San Diego State University and encouraged young Trevor to follow his steps. His mom drove him to practices and games and purchased the equipment necessary for Whiddon. He was also trained and nurtured by coaches and teammates that shaped him into the formidable goalkeeper he is today. Whiddon began playing soccer at five and competitively at 10. There was no moment of epiphany for Whiddon that caused him to pursue soccer seriously. Rather, he devoted himself to watching soccer with his dad at a young age and trained persistently. He particularly remembers

ALAYNA DURAN / Daily Titan Titan junior goalkeeper Trevor Whiddon finished the 2010 campaign with 12 saves against UC Santa Barbara Nov. 13, the 10th best in the nation for one game.

training with his little brother. “We’d always go to the park and kick the ball around,” Whiddon said. “We would also have the neighborhood kids that played on the same club team join us as well.” He was not originally a goalie in those early years. Prior to being a goalkeeper, Whiddon played the forward position. He explains that

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in the tender years of childhood a kid can be molded into any position. “I started off as a field player,” Whiddon said. “And when I was 10 a coach called my dad and asked if he could convert me into a goalie.” From that point on he guarded the area between the posts. College soccer brought more challenges than he has ever faced be-

fore. For one, nothing in his life has compared to the physical conditioning in college. “There’s a thing called ‘The Cooper’ where you have to run two miles in 12 minutes,” Whiddon said with a sigh. “We also do goal-to-goal sprints where we run about 220 yards in 37 seconds. It’s pretty bad.” In addition, Whiddon has to calibrate his reaction time and up-down movement as a goalie through specialized training. But all this conditioning did not go to waste. In a home game Sept. 29 against UC Santa Barbara that resulted in a 1-0 Titan win in overtime, Whiddon performed phenomenally by nabbing 10 saves. “It seemed like every five minutes I was on the ball,” Whiddon said. “Not many goalies have that many saves in a game.” In an interview after that game, he humbly deflected the glory by saying it was a team effort. “He basically was the man of the match,” said Titan Head Coach Bob Ammann referring to the game. “There have been a number of games that Trevor’s played very well in.” See WHIDDON, page 8


Debate continues over future of violent games CHRISTOPHER PARK & ALVAN UNG For the Daily Titan

Earlier this month, Supreme Court justices debated on the subject of violent video games, with justices seemingly split on whether or not to uphold a law in California that would prohibit the sale of violent video games to minors. California Deputy Attorney General Zackery Morazzini appeared in front of court arguing for the measure,

comparing violent video games to sexually-explicit material, which states can and have restricted the sales of. Morazzini was met with resistance and support from the justices. “We do not have a tradition in this country of telling children they should watch people actively hitting school girls over the head with a shovel so they’ll beg with mercy, being merciless and decapitating them, shooting people in the leg so they fall down,” said Chief Justice Roberts, according to a transcript of the hearing. See GAME, page 2




November 16, 2010


DTSHORTHAND Court upholds in-state tuition


Voter registration begins in Sudan for referendum CAIRO - After decades of war, ruin and dashed aspirations, Southern Sudan moved a step closer to independence Monday as thousands registered to vote in a referendum that early next year could split Africa’s largest country in two. The voter registration drive - marred by delays and political wrangling - began at about 2,700 centers around Sudan. The bulk of the turnout was in the semi-autonomous south, dominated by animists and Christians, which on Jan. 9 is expected to secede from the mostly Muslim government in the north controlled by President Omar Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir.


U.S. hunger rate slows, but remains high WASHINGTON - U.S. agriculture officials said Monday that the nation’s 15 federal nutrition programs helped keep hunger in check in 2009 even as the number of unemployed Americans soared. After a record one-year increase from 2007-08, the number of U.S. households facing food shortages increased only slightly last year to roughly 17.4 million, according to a new report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The share of households with members who went hungry or cut their food intake because of money also held steady in 2009, albeit at the highest levels since the data were first collected in 1995. The annual survey found that 85.3 percent of U.S. households had enough food for all their members in 2009, about the same share as in 2008.


San Bernardino to begin enforcement of new alcohol law

SAN BERNARDINO - Liquor merchants are living under a new set of rules. The city has dispatched notices to sellers that a new alcohol-control law is in effect. The law is called a deemed-approved ordinance. In plain English, that translates to a means for City Hall to crack down on liquor stores that become hot spots for nuisances like public drinking and vandalism. Policymakers intend for the law to work as follows: All liquor stores — regardless of whether they have a conditional-use permit — are deemed to have the city’s approval. Any liquor store, however, where conditions are not up to the “performance standards” outlined in the law can be penalized. The standards declare that stores must not allow such nuisances as illegal drug use, public drinking, prostitution, gambling and harassment of passersby.

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MARK SAMALA / Daily Titan Students talk before lecture in the ‘Cultural Pluralism in Schools’ course, which prepares students for cultural differences in educational settings.

Educators strive for success Future teachers’ struggle to find jobs in a time of economic hardship JENNA WEST Daily Titan

Her dream is to become a kindergarten or first grade special education teacher, but for child adolescent studies junior Aubree Erhart, finding a job could be her biggest obstacle. “Knowing that there are very limited jobs in the education field is quite frightening,” Erhart, 20, said. “I hope that by the time I finish school and have my credentials the economy will have improved and there will be more jobs available.” Last May it was reported by CBNNews.com that more than 23,00 teachers in California received pink slips due to state budget cuts. Although the pink slips do not guarantee termination, about half of the teachers did not return to school in September. As a result, the layoffs have caused many districts to freeze hiring processes for new teachers until those given pink slips are hired back. For college graduates this means more competition in a field with a scarcity of jobs. Program Coordinator for the Multiple Subject Credential Program and professor, Christine Mayfield answers the question of how many Cal State Fullerton graduates are finding jobs but she also sees students who are more driven than ever despite the job market. “With regards to multiple subject, there are so many variables involved that we don’t have the exact numbers of how many teachers are being hired,” Mayfield said. “However, the students we are getting are very passionate about teaching. While they seek traditional teaching positions, they are actively pursuing graduate degrees and alternative teaching positions. These alternatives include receiving multiple and single-subject credentials, master’s degrees, working in private

and charter schools, substituting, afterschool programs and even teaching overseas. Phillip Campos is one CSUF student who has looked to these alternatives. He has completed his bachelor’s and the credential program and is now working on his Master of Science in Elementary Curriculum and Instruction. “I didn’t want to sit around waiting for a job offer while my skills slowly deteriorated. I’m pursuing higher education because my future students deserve the best possible version of me,” Campos said. “I want to be a teacher and not even an ominous job market can shake my conviction.” Campos’ love for teaching emerged when he was working at an afterschool program run by the City of Fullerton in order to pay his way through college. Before he knew it, he was a teacher. With no degree or credential he still was in a teaching environment and gives this advice to future teachers. “(Teaching) is an underpaid, isolating position that is terribly under appreciated in society. A good teacher realizes that their sole role is to facilitate the betterment of his or her students. Volunteer in a variety of classrooms to get an idea of what you’re in store for,” Campos said. CSUF alumna Jaclyn Odom was fortunate to find a teaching position in history with Pioneer High School a couple months after graduating from the credential program in 2009. Many of her classmates, however, were not so lucky. “There were about 25 of us in my specific subject credential class and that I’m aware of there are approximately six of us who have full-time teaching positions,” Odom said. One aspect that set Odom apart from other candidates is experience in the AVID program during her student teaching. She is currently teaching a section of AVID along with her history and Advanced history courses. “Go above and beyond to make yourself open to anything new such as coaching opportunities, starting a new club on campus, and different programs such as AVID or AP classes. You

must be willing to take on whatever they throw your way,” Odom Said. Like Campos and Odom, many students are looking to spice up their resumes. The College of Education and Student California Teachers Association, are trying to accommodate the increase of students’ needs. The multiple subject department has added a Spanish Language and Culture Certificate for those teachers who are not bilingual but seek to work in schools with a high English learner population. Also, SCTA provides professional development, community service, and networking opportunities. SCTA faculty advisor and professor Jennifer Ponder is one of many faculty members who seek to explore the hard number of how many students find teaching jobs after graduation. Ponder emphasized the benefits of receiving additional teaching experiences through programs provided on campus. “It helps to be an active part of your community and SCTA helps students to get involved, because teaching is much more than just the four walls of the classroom,” Ponder said. Associate Director of the Career Center Sean Gil is supporting activities for the College of Education. Gil works closely with recruiters from all districts from Orange County to Los Angeles County and invites them to events such as the Teachers Job Fair and the Math and Science Meet and Greet. “I have spoken with a lot of senior administrators in the school districts and they all say (the job market) going to open up,” Gil said. Luckily for Erhart and future teachers the job market for educators should open up, even though CSUF does not currently know how many students have found jobs after graduation. For many students this is not holding them back from their career goals. “To me teaching isn’t just a job, it is about working with children individually to help them reach their maximum potential. Working with younger children gives you the ability to change lives, and that is something that I have

GAME: SOME UNINFORMED ABOUT GAMES ... Continued from page 1 Roberts was referencing the video game Postal 2, which has gained notoriety for its depictions of violence. Even with such vivid examples, Roberts was met with differing opinions from other justices, who sometimes questioned why video games were being singled out for its rendering of violence. “If you are supposing a category of violent materials dangerous to children, then how do you cut it off at video games? What about films? What about comic books? Grimm’s fairy tales?” said Justice Antonin Scalia. The hearing divided the justices on whether or not this law would violate First Amendment rights. Alan Kajikawa, an electrical engineering major, said that parents should be aware of what their kids are playing. “Retailers should not be fined for selling games. They have the right to

sell,” Kajikawa said, adding that the $1,000 penalty was “a bit much.” Kajikawa said that First Amendments rights are being impacted. “The people who are scrutinizing video games are uninformed,” Kajikawa said. The effects of consuming violent games, Kajikawa said, is the player’s responsibility, not the game developers’. Kajikawa added that if passed, the law would open the doors to “lawsuits and fixes” to the point that video games may practically become nonexistent. Emily Sanchez, an undeclared major, said that game developers should remain able to create games as they want. “It’s their right... their creative outlet,” Sanchez said. Sanchez added that people are too sensitive to violence. “The law has good intentions,” Sanchez said. “But it’s up to family and parents to draw the line, not government’s job or the developers job.”

Michael Chan, a music major, said that the case is not about First Amendment rights because the law does not prevent the development of violent games. “Alcohol is a beverage, soda is a beverage. But there’s different audiences for them,” Chan said, noting that parents need to be aware that children are not the audience for violent video games. “(This case) is a start. It should get bigger. (Other mediums) will face a lot of scrutiny as well,” Chan said. The bill, signed in 2005, would have banned the sale of violent video games to minors, with fines of up to $1,000 if violated. The bill was slapped with an injunction before it could be put into effect, however, as California Judge Whyte said that video games were protected by the First Amendment, calling the bill unconstitutional. Similar measures in different states have met the same fate.


graduate programs offered at the campus including a masters in taxation, master of social work and fully-employed masters of business administration. There are also credentialing programs for those in the education field. Cooper said the masters programs use a partnership approach, meaning the students start and move through their program with the same people. “It provides a support system, and students say they really like that,” Cooper said. “Similar to a medical school cohort, they take the same classes and stay together through the entire program.” The new campus will offer more amenities than the current location, housed in a building that was

The California Supreme Court unanimously ruled Monday that illegal immigrants will continue to be eligible for in-state tuition rates as opposed to paying out-of-state rates at colleges across the state. California law permits illegal immigrants to receive in-state tuition rates as long as they attend high school and graduate in the state. About 25,000 illegal immigrants receive the in-state tuition rate. “I’m glad to hear it was upheld,” said Brenda Lopez, a 19-year-old liberal studies major. “Being an AB 540 student, I’m not able to receive financial aid nor get any grants, which means I have to pay out of pocket or through scholarships.” An AB 540 student is a person who was not born in the U.S. but is able to pay in-state tuition through a state application process. A group fighting illegal immigration challenged the law, contending that U.S. citizens that do not claim residency in California have to pay the higher out-of-state tuition fee. The group won in lower court and the state appealed. The lawsuit argued that the law is illegal because of a federal prohibition against giving educational benefits to undocumented immigrants based on residency. Undocumented college students are not allowed to receive any sort of governmental financial support. “A lot of students can’t pay out of pocket because they can’t work here (legally),” Lopez said. Brief by Christopher Potrykus

Facebook fuses messages, e-mail Facebook reveals a new messaging system that combines e-mail, text messaging and chats into one all-inclusive system succinctly known as messages. “Now when you view a conversation, you’re actually looking at a complete history of all the communication you’ve shared with that person on Facebook -it’s like having an ongoing record of your friendship,” the social networking website described. Mark Zuckerburg, Facebook’s founder, said the changes should make things easier for users. Zuckerburg said that that regular e-mail was “too formal” for today’s generation. “We think we should take features away from messagingit should be simple.” However, not everyone is happy with the new changes. “I just wish they would stop constantly changing things,” said Sophia Mostatbi, an advertising major. “I’m tired of having to learn something new as soon as I’ve learned the last thing.” Facebook’s post also revealed a bevy of functions for the new system including e-mail, use of Microsoft docs, subscribing and unsubscribing. Zuckerburg said in a press conference that the new features “are not an e-mail killer” and that people should not immediately go shut down their e-mail accounts. He said that there are features that e-mail has that the designers felt should be left out, saying that was not the way they felt the future of communications was going. The other presenter said that if users “want to use Gmail, that’s fine” as the system also is compatible with the e-mail system. “If we do a good job, some people will say this is the way that the future will work,” Zuckerberg said. Brief by Luke Cherney

Pizza with Irvine campus dean Daily Titan

On a chilly evening last week in the courtyard of the Cal State Fullerton Irvine Campus, Dean Susan Cooper offered free pizza as she answered inquiries from students about the campus. Cooper also shared information about some amenities on the new campus opening for the spring semester at 3 Banting in the Irvine Spectrum. She said some of the most commonly asked questions regarding the Irvine Campus include students asking if they can complete a major and other required courses exclusively in Irvine. Currently, there are several

formerly part of the Marine Corps Air Station at El Toro. “Students expressed they are excited about certain services, especially that there will still be ample parking,” Cooper said. Other amenities will include a fitness center, new technologies, larger study areas, more tutors, a larger student union and library, and two public rooms available for lectures, receptions and fitness and dance classes. “The new campus will be more visible to commuters and local businesses,” Cooper said. “Being in the middle of the Spectrum is a huge plus because potential graduate students, those who want to complete their bachelor’s or get a teaching credential will know we are close by.”

November 16, 2010


NEWS 3 New fitness center at Irvine campus CSUF’s Irvine campus will open a recreation center in January MARYANNE SHULTS Daily Titan

JANELLE CONNER / Daily Titan Cal State Fullerton student Kevin Villicana is a part of the Guardian Scholar program on campus. Villicana is a kinesiology major and wants to be a physical therapist. Villicana participates in intramural soccer and softball on campus.

VILLICANA: BEATS THE ODDS ... Continued from page 1

Weeks passed by with Villicana’s mother being absent from their home. “The first few times it happened, we would call her and say, ‘Hey, when are you coming home? We’re hungry.’ She would always tell us that she was coming home that night,” Villicana said. “But she never would. That’s when we started realizing there was a problem going on.” Villicana recounts that fending for himself included learning how to cook. “If we messed up our own dinner, we had to eat it anyway, even if it didn’t taste that good, because it was all we had,” Villicana said.

licana said. Zubiate was able to take in Villicana and Paul thanks to her friendship with a social worker. “(The social worker) knew of two boys who really needed a place to stay,” Zubiate said. “They sounded like really good kids, and it sounded like we could help.” That’s when the boys went to live in Fresno with the Zubiates. “It was tough at first,” Zubiate said. “We tried to make them feel as comfortable as possible. But it took time.” Eventually, things began to turn around, and Villicana started to blossom. “He really began to open up,” Zubiate said. “He was always very opinionated, whether it was wanted or not. But it was a good thing, because I knew that was what it would take for him to make it down south in L.A. I knew he had it in him.”

A turning point At around the age of fourteen, it seemed that Villicana had had enough of his mother’s neglect. He was ready to get out. “It was two weeks into my sopho- The good ol’ college try more year, (of high school) and I was With Zubiate’s encouragement and failing everything,” Villicana said. “I rewards for good grades, Villicana’s was still trying to care for my broth- academic potential also began to excel. er, yet still having problems with my “My foster mom was big on acamom. That’s when I realized that the demics,” Villicana said. “She knew my only way to really get myself out that education could take me farther than whole situation was through my edu- athletics could.” cation.” Villicana has loved baseball his enVillicana and his younger brother, tire life and played while in high school. Paul, went to live He proudly roots with their older for the Atlanta sister Krystal and Braves. My foster mom was big her then-foster “It was less on academics. She knew my time parents, whose for me to marriage ended education could take me be at home,” Vilin divorce not licana said of his farther than athletics. long after. early baseball ex“High school perience. “It hid - Kevin Villicana got me out of what I was really there, and I know living.” that college will Perhaps the get me out of that lifestyle that some most eventful moment of Villicana’s of my family is still living in,” Villicana high school career, however, was his said. graduation. As luck would have it, the next few Not only had Villicana received his families that Paul and Villicana would diploma, a milestone that many in his be sent to live with would, for one rea- situation do not reach, he was also able son or another, all end in divorce. to meet his biological father that same “We felt like, ‘oh my gosh, we’re the day. divorce kids,’” Villicana said. “We felt “It was the most emotion I’ve ever like we were cursed.” felt at one time,” Villicana said. “There The process of going back into I was, I had just graduated high school, foster care was difficult as Villicana and then 100 feet away, I was about to and Paul would continue to bounce meet my biological father.” around from home to home. Villicana’s father only speaks Span“I would say that I hated my mom,” ish. While the two were able to mildly Villicana said, describing his emotions communicate, it didn’t matter to him. at that time. He was just happy to meet the man he To this day, Villicana does not speak had heard so much about all his life. to his mother. Villicana had always been told that “I know he was devastated when his he looked and acted like his father, so mom (went) back on drugs,” said Joyce he was relieved that he got those traits Patterson, Villicana’s aunt and one of from his father. the many families he would live with. “When I asked why he had never Villicana notes that he began to tried to contact me, he said it was show academic improvements from because my mom tried really hard to the moment he left his mother’s care. keep him away,” Villicana said. “It was “But, I think for him to realize that nice to see the other part of me standto be the best he could be in life, he ing right there.” would need to distance himself from Villicana and his father are still in his mom. But I think that has a lot to contacts despite the language barrier. do with how well he’s doing now,” Pat“I’ve talked to him about learning terson said. English, and I want to try and learn Little did he know, one woman he Spanish,” Villicana said. would soon meet would help perfect Enter: The Guardian Scholars his academic goals and facilitate his deVillicana’s desire to attend college sires for higher education. had been in his head for a while, however it was just a matter of making it Better days ahead happen. Villicana and Paul, who Villicana “I helped in any way that I could, calls his best friend, had lived in eight but the scholarship was definitely a foster homes by the time Villicana was way for him to get out of an environsixteen. ment that most kids don’t come out Luckily for Villicana, once he of,” Patterson said. crossed paths with Sandy Zubiate, it Villicana came across the the would be the last time until college Guardian Scholars Program after lookthat he would have to be the new kid. ing intow the CSUF baseball program. “She taught me in three years what I “You know, it’s funny, because I should have learned in a lifetime,” Vil- always thought about coming here to

play baseball,” Villicana said, “but I instead came here because I was in the foster care system.” The Guardian Scholars Program at CSUF was established in 1998 by alumni Ron Davis, who was also involved with Orangewood Children’s Center, a haven for foster youth. Guardian Scholars Coordinator Giulii Kraemer remembers Villicana’s application standing out from the 150 applications. “What stood out for us was his passion to go to college,” Kraemer said. “He overcame many obstacles. He made it very clear that college was a big dream of his.” When his sister left him a voicemail to tell him that he was one of nine recipients chosen for the full-ride scholarship to CSUF, Villicana was bewildered. “I was speechless,” Villicana said. “But it was one of the best feelings ever.” But all of that was four years ago. Villicana, is now a kinesiology major and wants to become a physical therapist. He would also like to travel but is undecided about having children, is now simply trying to make it through school, like most of his college peers. Yet, despite Villicana’s described “stressful” days, he still manages to impact those around him. Kraemer said Villicana is a very compassionate and sensitive Guardian Scholar. “A lot of students in the program admire him,” Kraemer said. Villicana is also a foster care advocate through the California Youth Connection (CYC). Through CYC, Villicana has lobbied in Sacramento for the expansion of foster emancipation, which is now set at age 21 instead of 18. “There are a lot of flaws with the system,” Villicana said. “We’ve been through it. We know what works and what doesn’t.” Villicana is working to pass the Family Planning and Engagement Act for foster youth who desire to live with their extended families rather than with strangers. “It’s really rewarding,” Villicana said. “If we don’t like something, we can change it, and there are people up and down the state who will support us.” Outside of CYC and Guardian Scholars, Villicana loves participating in intramural soccer and softball. “He’s a great guy and he’s one of my best friends,” said Chris Andrade, who is a former Guardian Scholar and Villicana’s former roommate. “He’s been there with me through a lot. I love the guy, and I look up to him,” Andrade said.

When students enrolled at the Irvine Campus begin the spring 2011 semester, not only will their classes be located at the new building, but the facility will now allow them an onsite opportunity to improve their health and relieve stress. The new facility, located at 3 Banting in Irvine, will feature its own fitness center. Current Cal State Fullerton students may use the center at no extra charge once registered. Omar Trujillo, 26, is an accountant for a business in the northern end of the Irvine Spectrum and is a student in the Fully-employed MBA (FEMBA) program. His cohort all take classes at the Irvine Campus. “I canceled my gym membership because I had equipment at home, but I wasn’t using it. I didn’t want to wake up and work out,” Trujillo said. “Now I can work out after work before my 7 p.m. class.” Registration is simple. To complete the process a valid TitanCard and Campus-wide ID are required. The Irvine Campus held the first of three pre-registration opportunities last week in the courtyard. “There is lots of student interest,” said Victor Hernandez, membership service coordinator for Titan Recreation. “But it’s only the first night of sign-ups and more will sign up once the campus opens and they see the facility.” Hernandez said that more students will sign up when they discover the facility-use cost is included in the student fees paid each semester. Non-CSUF student memberships are available for $60 per semester or $180 annually to currently employed CSUF faculty and staff, students enrolled in CSUF’s Extended Education, and Irvine Valley Community College students taking classes at the Irvine Campus. They also offer membership for $50 per

MARK SAMALA / Daily Titan Dane Wetmore works out his arms on the Deltoid Fly machine in the recreation center.

academic session to non-enrolled continuing CSUF students. Amenities will include treadmills, ellipticals, bikes, kettle bells, fixed and free weights, and a stretching area. Lockers, showers and workout towels are also included. A towel service will provide a shower towel for $10 a semester or $1 per visit. Some students registering to use the fitness center had been unaware the campus would offer a fitness center, but were excited about the opportunity and its benefits. Elizabeth Bishop and classmate Tanya Jump stopped to grab the free pizza, chat with Dean Susan Cooper, and to pre-register to use the center. The re-entry students are both in the special education credentialing program at the Irvine Campus. Both currently work full time in the education field. “I didn’t know about the new campus, nor that it will have a fitness center,” said Jump. Bishop was delighted to no longer have the excuse of no time to go to

the gym. Both agreed that exercise is the best way to relieve stress. “It’s one stop and there’s no more excuse to not go to the gym because I have to go to school,” said Bishop. “I’d like to take yoga or something like dance. It helps relieve the stress. Anything to get the stress out.” Arena Pereira, 29, a criminal justice major who works full time for the Department of Homeland Security said she takes classes at the main campus but has never used the fitness facility at the Recreation Center. “I like to keep myself in shape,” said Pereira. “Now I can do that with a 30-minute workout after work before my evening classes.” The Irvine Campus fitness center will officially open on Jan. 24 and will be open Monday through Thursday from noon to 10 p.m. Titan Recreation is also offering student jobs at the new center. For employment opportunities, check the website or visit Human Resources on main campus in the Titan Student Union, Room 227.

The baseball game Out of all of the events of Villicana’s life, both positive and negative, there is one event he said means a lot to him. It was high school baseball playoffs, and Villicana’s team, Clovis East, was poised to battle out its rival, Clovis West, for a championship title. “We worked so hard to prepare, and we were ready,” Villicana said. The game was tight, with the other team putting up a good fight and going back and forth. Ultimately, Clovis East defeated Clovis West, 6-5. “It was so symbolic for life to me: If you put in all the work, the results will show. We were ready for that game, more than the other team,” Villicana said. If Villicana’s outlook is right, it seems that he is set to beat any other team in the game of life who attempts to challenge him. dailytitan.com/news






L FE of


Final Gate


I ascend the steps to set a man on a journey afar One you cannot return from as punishment of the state For though it is they who are punished, I bear the scar To be him who passes them through the final gate Onlookers all gaze through the forest shade The mask serves as no shield to deepest scorn The committer of the deed forbade Try to forget faces forlorn The bottle did not dull me At first when I awoke Fulfill the decree Down came the stroke Final view And then Through

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Daily Titan welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must include the sender’s first and last name. Students must include their majors, and other writers must include their affiliation to the university, if applicable. The Daily Titan reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar and spelling. Send letters to Isa Ghani, the editor-in-chief, at dteditorinchief@gmail.com.

Contact Us at dtopinion@gmail.com

November 16, 2010

We may not be smart but we are confident U.S. students rank number one in confidence, but not as well in education ALLY BORDAS Daily Titan

Being educated is not important. As long as our government is confident, as long as we are confident, then we will make it in this world. Confidence is much more important than any education system. What good is education really? I mean, seriously, with the budget cuts, ridiculously low employment opportunities and a worsening economic downturn, what is the point of school? According to Open Innovation, education does not teach you the joy of living, “it only creates people who can earn their livelihood but it does not give any insight into living itself. It is not only incomplete, it is harmful too because it is based on competition.” John Schulte, a retail tycoon, said “just because you don’t go get a degree does not mean you can be ignorant on your subject matter, it only means you’re not paying the university or college to tell you to read books on the subject.” Let me tell you, it’s not a joy when I am sitting on the floor in a lecture class crammed wall to wall with people while my professor reads off of the Power-Point slides that I can clearly read myself. Like I can’t read two sentences on a larger-than-life screen with my own two eyes? Way to insult my intelligence. I learn more from protesting the educational system than sitting in

Courtesy of MCT a classroom learning about it. The educational system seems to capitalize on the student population, creating business drones that can quote statistic books but cannot hold a conversation about Marxism or history. Our government is confident in us as American citizens so being educated is a footnote on the many lists of U.S. “successes.” Dr. Roberts from Global Research said, “The U.S. owes its image of success to: (1) the vast lands and mineral resources that the U.S. ‘liberated’ with violence from the native inhabitants, (2) Europe’s, especially Great Britain’s, self-destruction in World War I and World War II, and (3) the economic destruction of Russia and most of Asia by communism or socialism. The U.S.

FOR THE RECORD Articles written for the Daily Titan by columnists, other Cal State Fullerton students, or guests do not necessarily reflect the view of the Daily Titan or Daily Titan Editorial Board. Only editorials are representative of the views of the Daily Titan Editorial Board.

nation is a failed state,” Roberts said. Uhm, should we really be confident in the U.S. with all those bomb fails? Maybe we should stay in school? Anyone? “After 20 years of off-shoring U.S. production, which destroyed American jobs and federal, state and local tax base, the U.S. unemployment rate, as measured by U.S. government methodology in 1980, is over 20 percent. The ladders of upward mobility have been dismantled,” Roberts said. Oh of course one could not forget the war against terrorism: EPIC FAIL. According to Roberts, “The ‘war on terror’ completed the constitutional (and) legal failure of the U.S. The U.S. has also failed economically. Under Wall Street pressure for short-term profits, U.S. corporations have moved offshore their production for U.S. consumer markets.” The extent of these failures is all hearsay, but in general, our country as a whole did not slam-dunk all of these wars and other issues. Our government has installed fear in order to gain control. Now, a terrorist threat is “a creation of (our) own government (and) is sufficient justification for naked aggression against Muslim peoples and for an agenda of world hegemony,“ Roberts said. I mean how can the government function while drenched in blind con-

fidence and narcissism? It’s disgusting. Now we are left with no confidence and no need for education. That weight is the realization that our rights have become sickeningly limited. That weight is the realization that we are doomed. So what can be done? Roberts gives us the pessimistic version, “The American people are lost in la-la land. They have no idea that their civil liberties have been forfeited. They are only gradually learning that their economic future is compromised. They have little idea of the world’s growing hatred of Americans for their destruction of other peoples.” Ouch. That hurts, especially if you are not “educated enough” to understand what that means. We can go to school and become one with the grad school kids that use their degrees to be top-notch bartenders. We can educate ourselves on… I can’t remember what my lecture professor has taught me thus far. But then again, we are the country of dreams, so my unending optimism forces me to believe that my college degree will aid me in some way. Yes, our government is very arrogant, but I am forced to believe that in the end, education is a great tool to aid me in becoming a confident being, ready to throw down against ignorance.


November 16, 2010

THEATRE: THRIVES DESPITE BUDGET CUTS ... Continued from page 1 Cal State Fullerton’s award-winning Theatre Department produces around five shows a semester. The majority of the budget for productions is spent on royalties for the playwrights. On average, the cost for a drama is around $1,000 and large-scale musicals, such as Rent top the charts at over $10,000. The negotiations are worked out with playwright companies, agents or lawyers. “They want to know the size of the house,” said Carole Cotter, production manager. “Some want to know what plays we’ve done recently and how much we’ve paid, and then they send us a contract. So it’s a lot upfront before we even start.” In the past, the department was limited to only one musical per year. But because of the overwhelming swell of box office sales, based largely on the increasing creditability of the department, the selection committee now has the means to allow one per semester. “We’ve been on a steady climb for the past 19 years,” Volz said. “When I first came here, our box office income was between $48,000 to $52,000. Now it’s over $300,000. It’s a huge ticket income for an undergraduate theater – probably one of the best in California, if not one of the best in the United States.” Currently the department is performing the award-winning play Equus written by Peter Shaffer. The play opened Friday to a sold-out crowd in the Young Theatre, and closed to a standing ovation. For some of the cast and crew, the work began early this semester; for others it began last spring. The set design

team received a budget of $3,600 to create a set that would satisfy the needs of the highly controversial play. It took two weeks to build, one week to paint and one week to load in. While director Patrick Pearson pitched this idea to the play committee because it is one of his longtime favorites, its approval may have had a relationship to the minimal needs of costume and set. “Our budget every year seems to be cut by 10 percent,” said Joe Holbrook, a graduate student, staff member and Equus set designer. “This year was cut by 10 percent from last year and 10 percent from the year before. That seems to be the norm. This year has been a little easier because we didn’t have to deal with faculty and staff furloughs.” The play deals with hot-button topics like religion and sex, and throughout the play the audience is asked to ponder what is normal and what it means to be passionate. “There is something about (Equus) that just is – I don’t know if I can put my finger on it – it’s so beautifully written, a compelling story,” Pearson said. “It’s a mystery and I love mysteries. There is something incredibly human about this show, which is funny because there are such big lofty ideas. But I can, or people can, hopefully connect with at least some, if not all, the characters in the show.” The play won a Tony Award for “Best Play” in 1975, and recently experienced an award-winning revival, while staring Daniel Radcliffe of Harry Potter on the West End of London and on Broadway. Most characters do not leave the stage

the entire length of the play and the CSUF set is designed carefully to be seen as a stable, office, hospital and family home. Brian Rickel, acting graduate student and marketing assistant to Volz, stars as Martin Dysart the psychiatrist, and while he has noticed the budget being trimmed, he does not seem to mind. “I personally think it’s made us focus a little more on the art of making theater,” Rickel said. “We still have an audience to answer to – you’re always going to have an audience to answer to.” Since the expansion of the Performing Arts Building in 2006, and even before, the Theatre Department has had the ability to act like a self-sufficient repertory theater. Faculty, staff and students put in more hours than ever before to produce top quality work. The CSUF Theatre program is ranked by the Macmillian Books as one of the Most Highly Recommended Undergraduate Programs in the nation, paralleling such prestigious schools as Julliard, New York University, Boston University and Northwestern University. Money is too tangible to determine what is good art; something far deeper must be accessed. “It is something that communicates with the audience, and that provokes the audience to communicate back, whether they are laughing or crying or sighing or moaning or clapping,” Volz said. “I think it’s that two way communication between audience and actor that is the heart of the theater.”



Courtesy of Dreamworks Animation Megamind, the Dreamworks’ superhero and super-villain film, stars Will Ferrell, Brad Pitt and Tiny Fey, debuted Nov. 5.

Film: Megamind ALYSSA WEJEBE Daily Titan

Megamind, the fun-filled superhero parody, hit cinemas Nov. 5 providing audiences of all ages with poignant moments and comedic amusement. The film opens like a Superman story, with alien parents blasting their kid off into space to a planet not about to be sucked into a black hole. Though this time it’s not a conveniently appearing humanoid alien, but a hairless blue infant with a head too large, even for his age group. The more traditional Superman baby whose planet was also destroyed enjoys great popularity, often at the expense of the blue one. Now with a chip on his shoulder, the blue alien grows to be the nefarious super villain Megamind, and of course, he battles with the grown super alien who so frequently outclassed him, now named Metroman. And he still does – like so many other super-villains and superheroes before them, Megamind always loses to Metroman, with the reporter

Roxanne Ritchi (comparable to Lois Lane) getting captured so many times to the point of boredom. Will Ferrell is the voice of the titular super villain. His acting effectively hides, at times, the big-name comedian that’s voicing the character. Combined with stunning character animation and Ferrell’s tone from a super villain fixated on presentation, to an outsider longing to be normal, Megamind makes for an effective protagonist to root for. Every super villain needs a right hand, and Megamind’s no different with his subordinate and friend, Minion. Besides his interesting and weird visual (essentially an alien fish in a bowl with a cyborg body for an extra super villain intimidation factor), David Cross gives him a loyal affability. Tina Fey brings certainty to Roxanne Ritchi’s personality even as she deals with her own battle between optimism and cynicsim. The final straw for Ritchie is her veritable geeky stalker with a crush, her cameraman Hal, who is later Megamind’s candidate for the next superhero. Jonah Hill voices Hal

with increasing creepiness, as he lets his newfound superpowers go to his head and bring out his inner psycho. Given his back story, Metroman is surprisingly and refreshingly not a complete jerk. Brad Pitt voices the superhero with a certain respect for his archenemy. Megamind is not on the level of Dreamworks’ other hits, such as Kung Fu Panda and How to Train Your Dragon, but it’s a fine watch, with a lot to offer audiences, and even more to those who know their superheroes. Some have said that Megamind is too similar to Despicable Me, mainly due to the films both having a supervillain protagonist with a redemptive arc. But there are differences, such as the contrast between a romance and parenthood being the redemptive factor. The film’s director, Tom McGrath, isn’t new to Dreamworks – he’s also behind the studio’s Madagascar series. Brent Simons and Alan J. Schoolcraft wrote Megamind full of parody and with a surprising amount of heart.

Video game: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II SOPHIA ISLAS Daily Titan

MARK SAMALA / Daily Titan The Theatre Department produces award-winning plays, like Equus, despite obstacles posed by statewide budget cuts.

He’s acrobatic in his motions and uses his force powers to crush, kill and destroy his enemies. Every kill gets him closer to a showdown with Darth Vader. When Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II was unveiled at E3, the trailer revealed a stunning computergenerated action sequence showing Starkiller fighting a mob of Storm Troopers. The graphics were promising and fed tons of hype to fans of the first Unleashed title, which introduced Starkiller, the protagonist and apprentice to Darth Vader. Unleashed took place between Star Wars: Episodes 3 and 4, creating an original story that bridged the gap between both the old and the new trilogies. Starkiller first worked for Darth Vader following his orders and doing certain tasks that would enable Vader to take the control of the empire away from Emperor Palpatine. But after completing a mission that involved rescuing members of a fledgling rebel alliance, Starkiller learned that the Empire was evil and decided to go after Vader and disrupt his plans of total control. When Starkiller confronted Vader,

he was killed. In his death, Starkiller was credited for starting the Galactic War between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance. Unleashed II takes place seven months after the first, and there is a huge disconnect in the story that should be mentioned. The beginning of Unleashed II reveals that Vader cloned Starkiller, so the character you’re playing within this game is a clone of the original Starkiller from Unleashed. The Starkiller in Unleashed II also retained all the memories from the first game, which is both convenient and confusing. As the “new Starkiller,” your mission in this game is to rescue Starkiller’s love interest, Juno, take down waves upon waves of Storm Troopers and attempt to defeat Vader again. The fact that you play as a clone from the first game is a red flag and reveals that there was no need for the creation of this sequel. Since we know that Vader doesn’t truly die until Star Wars: Episode 6, the final film of the trilogy, having Starkiller come back from the dead to rescue his girlfriend and to try to defeat Vader again is both redundant and pointless. There is no motivation when playing this game since the story leads nowhere, which is evident by the game’s six-hour running

time. Aside from the lack of a cohesive storyline, the game has fluid controls that run a lot smoother than the first, allowing for a more minimal gaming screen. The stream of text that explained how to do certain combos no longer clutters the screen and there is an absence of a mini map on the left corner, two components that were included in the first game. The way you can execute and unlock combos has been made easier. Instead of having to pick and choose what combos you want to unlock, like the first Unleashed, players now get to spend points they have collected throughout the game to upgrade their Force Talents. Also, there are hidden lightsaber crystal Holocrons in each level that, when collected, allow you to upgrade your lightsaber. Yet even with these upgrades, the game fails to deliver. It isn’t challenging enough and there are hardly any puzzles. Also, if you’re waiting for the scenes that you’ve seen in the commercials showing intense battles between Starkiller and Vader, you’ll be left waiting for an eternity because all those were just for show, and you don’t even get to play those levels.


November 16, 2010




Delorean rocks Hollywood crowd KRYSTLE UY Daily Titan

Courtesy of MCT Saturday Night Live might be less humorous since it lacks certain segments, like “Weekend Updates” by Tina Fey and Jimmy Fallon.

Declining humor on Saturday Night Live


The other day, I woke up to a question on the morning news that has been nibbling at my mind for a few years now: is Saturday Night Live still funny? SNL was my favorite show from the early 2000s until about 2008, post-Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg’s “Dick In a Box” skit. After the 2007 season, the comedic level started going downhill and it hasn’t stopped rolling. I miss “Will Ferrell Jeopardy.” I miss not being able to “have the Mango” with Chris Kattan. Most of all, I miss my Jimmy Fallon and Tina Fey “Weekend Updates.” Of course, this is just one decade of the nearly four SNL has had. Chris Stigall, radio host of the “KMOC Morning Show” in Kansas City and blogger for the Big Hollywood website, ripped into SNL last year, saying that the show’s parodies of political figures like Sarah Palin and Barack Obama contribute to “comedic irresponsibility” in America. “It is that lack of honest information and intolerance for substance that empowers variety and comedy shows to shape national opinion,” he said.

Stigall went on to criticize the Daily Show, and came to the conclusion that this era of comedy itself is devoid of truth. “Comedy without that grain of truth just isn’t funny,” he said. While I don’t want to agree or disagree with Stigall, I don’t doubt there are countless other politically-minded Americans who would agree, and probably hate SNL for it. It seems that SNL has a tendency to go through these phases of comedic dry-spells in the eyes of different SNL fan generations. Gary Pollitt, a Cal State Fullerton English professor, was 14 years old when SNL premiered in 1975. “It was a phenomenon,” Pollitt said. “They really pushed the limits for what comedy was. And the charisma of the actors was what drew me in, and the writing was good.” Pollitt cites Chevy Chase and John Belushi as his favorites from that era. Once the 1980s hit, however, Pollitt began to loose interest in the show. “I got kind of bored with it,” he said. “The writing got less funny, and they stuck to the same formulas of comedy, and that tends to get old.” Yet, Pollitt was also able to see it from the writers’ points of views, noting the difficulty in comedic

writing. “I think people forget that making something funny is really hard,” Pollitt said. “When something’s good, that’s when the magic is happening.” Alex Walters, 19, a history major, began watching the show at age 10. He too misses Will Ferrell. “My dad had all of the SNL DVDs from the ‘70s,” Walters said. “I watched some of the more current SNL episodes, but once Will Ferrell left, I felt the show really declined.” Walters also brought up an interesting point about our generation of comedy consumers. “With sites like You Tube and Funny or Die, we want comedy that’s instant,” he said. “We don’t have to wait around for Saturday night anymore.” SNL appeals to certain people at points of their lives, particularly when they’re no longer rolling around laughing at Rocko’s Modern Life and are ready for the more adultgeared comedy that SNL offers. “I guess I’m turning into an old guy or something,” Pollitt said. “But now, I get up early, and I don’t like to stay up late. So I don’t watch.”

Indie alternative dance band Delorean played a sold-out show at the Troubadour in Hollywood Nov. 9. In support of their third album, Subiza, the Spanish quintet’s sound burgeoned with sunny blissed-out electro dance music reminiscent of the club scene in Ibiza. Their Balaeric beats infused with house, techno and pop could fit in nicely with Swedish electronic bands, Tough Alliance and Air France, but also resemble the tropical Afro beats of Spanish sample-heavy musician, El Guincho. For all the dance influences that Delorean meld together, they were keen to transform the tiny space of the Troubadour into a nightclub, as fans cut the dance floor, drinks in hand. The crowd danced along with keyboardist, Unai Lazkano, who fed off of their energy, showing off his own riotous dance moves in tune with drummer, Igor Escudeo’s up-

beat delivery. With song titles like the textured “Seasun” and the keyboard-driven “Endless Sunset,” Delorean brought the sound of summer. The nasal pitch of the bassist and vocalist, Ekhi Lopetegi, was sweetly inviting, as he crooned, “And if you want to, we can run our way up into the sun,” in the poppy, repetitive harmonies of “Warmer Places.” Fans boomed with excitement when they recognized the shimmerspeckled keyboard beats and synthesized “ahhhs” of Delorean’s second single, “Real Love.” The tune drew up images of beach-side summer flings, as Lopetegi sang, “Will we ever meet again? Will we ever?” Throughout their entire set, the band struggled with the speakers not being loud enough, but it was no matter to the fans who were entranced by their effortless ability to bring them into dance exhaustion. San Francisco psychedelic-electro band Lemonade were openers along with Los Angeles indie-pop band, Superhumanoids.

Lemonade got the crowd riled up with their tropical beats, impressing them as all three members pounded on drums, erupting into a tribal percussive rhythm. Superhumanoids were content to bounce around on stage, mixing garage rock and dream pop at the expense of singer and guitarist Cameron Parkins’ guitar string which broke as he played the rest of the set with just five strings. In what was supposed to be standard fair for a dance rock concert, Delorean’s performance was anything but ordinary. Perhaps it was the dubstep playing between performances or the constant air horn sound echoing throughout Delorean’s set. Maybe it was the energy the fans and the bands relayed to each other as members of Lemonade were spotted up front watching Delorean play or running on stage to stage dive. It was clear that Delorean’s airy melodies and hypnotic beats succeeded in making the cool air outside seem like a summer breeze.

KRYSTLE UY / Daily Titan Delorean performed at the Troubadour in Hollywood Nov 9, with Lemonade and Superhumanoids as the opening acts.

Video game: Shaun White Skateboarding MARC DONEZ Daily Titan

I applaud the makers of Shaun White Skateboarding. I really do. It is difficult to create a video game, especially one that features one of the most popular extreme sports, skateboarding. Having to go up against other sports games, like Madden and NBA 2K is no easy task. Linking up the video game with Shaun White’s name was the smartest thing Ubisoft, the publisher and developer, could have done. Using the name taps into the market of extreme sport athletes who strive to eat, sleep and skate like the “Flying Tomato.” The game has its flaws, but also contains substance from a gaming standpoint. From the storyline to the graphics, Shaun White Skateboarding does a good job in keeping the gamer interested. With the potential to rival the Tony Hawk Skate series, Shaun White Skateboarding could only put up a good fight. As you play the game, you are in the skate shoes of your very own skateboarder, following Shaun White himself. Your job is to ride through fictional city New Harmony, landing tricks while earning points. These points are important in that they let you color New Harmony, a bland city with no personality. But that’s not the Shaun White way. So by teaming up, you grind and kickflip your way to the Shaun White utopia. It is neat to see colors popping up everywhere, as grass grows right before your eyes on a knoll you happen to be skating by at the moment. Not only do you paint the town, but also you bring life and personality to the Contact Us at dtdetourdesk@gmail.com

citizens of New Harmony. Your job as Shaun White’s sidekick is to skate throughout the gray and white town, land your tricks and create a colorful palette to allow the citizens of the city to become openminded about skateboarding. It’s a worthy attempt at creating a point system in a skateboarding video game. Graphically, Shaun White Skateboarding lacks, but makes up for it

in creativity. There was no realism to the game – something I have to come to expect with new games, especially on his Playstation 3, a major disappointment during my experience with the game. Another aspect of the game that has garnered attention is the audio, specifically the voice overs. You can make the argument that the actors went over-the-top with their skateboarding personas, but it wasn’t any-

thing out of the norm in the world of extreme sports. Personality is all over skateboarding and for the game to capture that was a nice touch. It crossed over to the musical selections in the game, which had me humming the entire time. This isn’t a game you can play continuously because your missions are the same – you would get bored after the fourth game.

Courtesy of MCT Shaun White Skateboarding has gained popularity for its audio aspects and creativity, but lacks in the quality of its graphics.


November 16, 2010

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Daily Sudoku: Mon 25-Oct-2010

5 6 2 1 3 7

6 5 8 9 1 3

8 3 4 6 7 2

4 2 1 7 8 9

5 6 4 7 9 8 2 1 3 2 3 8 6 1 4 7 9 5 Daily Sudoku: Mon 25-Oct-2010


4 1 7

4 1

6 3 7

6 9 6 8


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8 3 7

How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) If you have to work today, try to relax and go with the flow. An older person has organizational plans that you can use. Things open up from the action. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) When you share ideas, anticipate some emotional reaction. Others think they’ve got it together, but that might not be the case. Listening helps.


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6 3 4 7 1

2 7 3 4 6 5

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Now’s the time to reveal the results of your careful research. Others want to know how you arrived at your conclusions. Don’t hold back the details.

8 9 6

3 8 9 5 2 4

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Group activities achieve better results when intuition and logic come into alignment. To gather more data, break into committees if you have to.



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Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) A neighbor or sibling challenges you to a dual of practical words. Your best tactic is logic, as you respond to their emotions. Keep yours out of it.

8 3 7


9 1 7 3 5 6

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) A little research provides the answers you need. The best solution uniquely defines a principle and boosts your self-esteem. Choose optimism.


6 4 3 2

1 4 5 2 9 8

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) An associate surprises you with a plan that includes short-distance travel to a restful place. You need to de-stress. A good massage and a nap go a long way.

4 1

1 3

7 9 6 8 4 1

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) It feels like you’ll need to work hard today to get anything done. Actually, by sharing your list, you divide the work and have time for fun later. Reward the team.



Cancer (June 22-July 22) You almost see the finish line for a writing project. The editing process presents difficulties. Enlist the help of an older, more objective person.


3 7 2 1 8 9 4 5 6

Gemini (May 21-June 21) You can sense the lucky direction your ideas take at work today. With no visual cues, you have to really use your other senses. Choose words carefully.

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Daily Sudoku: Mon 25-Oct-2010

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Don’t plan on keeping secrets now. Even your feelings are out in the open and visible. This turns out to be fortunate in the long run. Go with the flow.



Aries (March 21-April 19) Spend a day with an older associate, before making changes. Today’s work will be invisible later but is essential for functionality. Complete it the first time.




DTSHORTHAND Baseball’s Rookie of Year announced

November 16, 2010

WHIDDON: NET DOMINATOR Celebrations lead to injuries on the field JOHN SOLLITTO

Major League Baseball announced its Rookie of the Year Awards for the American and National Leagues Monday. Buster Posey of the world champion San Francisco Giants was tabbed with the honors for the senior circuit after posting a .305/.357/.505 triple-slash during the regular season. Closer Neftali Feliz of the American League champion Texas Rangers took home the hardware in the junior circuit. The 22-year-old flamethrower allowed only 21 runs in 69.1 innings pitched during the regular season, quickly becoming the stopper out of the Rangers’ pen. He struck out over a batter per inning and earned 40 saves on the season. Feliz was also lights out during the playoffs. Brief by Stephani Bee

Gold Glove winners

On Nov. 9-10, Gold Glove winners for Major League Baseball were announced. In the AL, Mariners right fielder Ichiro Suzuki won his 10th consecutive title, while Yankees first baseman Mark Teixeira (fourth), second baseman Robinson Cano and Derek Jeter (fifth) all recieved the award. Award winners for the Tampa Bay Rays included third baseman Evan Longoria (second) and outfielder Carl Crawford. Catcher Joe Mauer of the Twins won his third straight, and White Sox pitcher Mark Buehrle won his second. In the NL, the Reds third baseman Scott Rolen (eighth), second baseman Brandon Phillips (second) and pitcher Bronson Arroyo took home the honors as did Rockies shortstop Troy Tulowitzki and outfielder Carlos Gonzalez. Cardinals catcher Yadier Molina won his third award, and teammate Albert Pujols won his second at first base. Outfielders Michael Bourn (second) of the Astros and Shane Victorino (third) of the Phillies also won. Brief by Stephani Bee

For the Daily Titan

ALAYNA DURAN / Daily Titan Whiddon dives for a ball during a 1-0 victory over UC Santa Barbara on Sep. 29th. It snapped an 11 game losing streak to UCSB.

... Continued from page 1 Ammann knows personally the importance Whiddon has on the team’s success as an ex-goalkeeper himself. In addition to Whiddon’s extraordinary physical discipline and triumphant saves, he is also a humorous individual. “Trevor is just a funny guy,” said senior forward Celso Alvarez. “He’s the type of guy that comes into the locker screaming and getting everyone going. That’s something I really appreciate about him.” Alvarez doesn’t deny Whiddon’s work ethic that’s packaged with his humor. “He’s always dirty after practice,” Alvarez said. “All of us are just a little sweaty but he’s full of mud.” Despite his finely tuned motor skills, goalies at times still face haunting memories from goals allowed. Whiddon plans mentally beforehand to hold his head up and play through those games with perseverance. Soccer pumps profusely through his veins and he will continue to give his all for the team.

ALAYNA DURAN / Daily Titan Whiddon saved a total of 34 shots during the three games against UCSB this year.

When someone says an athlete is injured, the natural thought that comes to one’s head is that they were engaging in some miraculous catch, a herculean-feat of physical strength, or they were involved in some risky play that stretched their physical limits. Unfortunately, there are sometimes cases when the answers are much more anticlimactic, or possibly even more reckless. Celebrations, and even acts of frustration, can cause more harm than the game itself to players. Take, for example, first baseman Kendry Morales this year. The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim player pulled off a miracle in the game against the Seattle Mariners by hitting a grand slam May 29. Elated and rushing to congratulate their teammate, the Angels bench waited for Morales at home plate. Morales ran in and jumped in the air, and subsequently fractured his left leg as he landed at the plate. Sophomore Gavin Couvrey-Jacobs, a resident hurdler and sprinter on the Cal State Fullerton track and field team, shared his thoughts on the incident. “Some people get too caught up in the moment to realize, hey, this might be dangerous,” Jacobs said. As an athlete himself, Jacobs has to be conscious of everyday activities that could cause him, or a teammate, to be injured. When it comes to celebrations though, Jacobs thinks that athletes need to find more celebrations that express emotions, while keeping a safe environment for the players involved. But say Morales’ blunder was just an innocent accident. What about the other players who become so bent out of shape over one mistake or another, that taking their aggression out ends up hurting them? This happened to American League outfielder Carlos Quentin after hitting a foul ball against Cleveland in September of 2008. Quentin slammed his bat, resulting in a wrist injury. Junior Cole Hobson, a kinesiol-

ogy major who has countless hours of experience with physical therapy programs and athletic training facilities for student health at Edison High School, shed some light on the psychological aspect of the issue. Hobson, a former athlete himself, said that it is not a mental sickness issue, but merely a mindset. “Some people are just overly competitive, and when something goes wrong they get angry at themselves and the situation, and they may end up hurting themselves,” Hobson elaborated. That being said, celebratory injuries are derived from careless expressions of joy. But this phenomenon isn’t just for baseball players. Soccer fans know all too well that those goal scoring celebrations can lead to some serious injuries that derive from some over the top celebrations. And often times, they happen outside the sports arena entirely, like American alpine ski racer Lindsey Vonn at the 2009 World Championships. Vonn was celebrating her gold medal in the downhill skiing event when she cut her hand on a broken champagne bottle. However, this shouldn’t deter athletes from celebrating at all. Titan track and field javelin thrower sophomore Ian Sparks said, “Celebrations are what bring us home, and it helps you remember why you’re doing it.” If athletes thought about injuring themselves all the time, sports themselves would not be nearly as entertaining as they are. “You don’t think about it, it’s just natural,” Sparks said. In the end, there is an obvious need for athletes to watch themselves when it comes to getting too crazy with their celebrations, or censor themselves when their frustrations threaten to get the better of them, which was a suggestion Hobson provided. Yet these feelings are natural, and to fight these in athletes would be like fighting them in the fans themselves. Perhaps athletes should be more conscious of their actions, and express them within reason as to not damage their careers, or themselves.

CSUF and LBSU: the tradition of a rivalry MICHELLEE COOPER Daily Titan

Contact Us at dtsportsdesk@gmail.com

WILLIAM CAMARGO / For the Daily Titan Senior libero Cami Croteau has played Long Beach State a total of 10 times in her career.

“They know you and call you out by sey Maricic said she doesn’t like the name.” demeanor of the Long Beach soccer On the ice, it’s the same story. team and how they come out to play. “Long Beach and CSUF are super “I don’t like the fact they think close to each other and there is al- they can do anything they want and ways the battle of who’s better.” said think they are the better team,” Marhockey’s sophoicic said. more center JaOn the volcob Daniel. leyball court, I dont like the fact they “Now that that tension think they can do anything we have moved builds up and they want and think they are the up in conferrivalry ence, we’re congives extra inthe better team... ference rivals as centive for the well,” Daniel Titans to play - Lindsey Maricic said. to the best of Women’s soccer goalkeeper Teammate, their capasophomore bilities. “Long defensemen, Payne Sauer also said, Beach is always the team at the top “Long Beach is a lot better competi- of our list to beat and we are the one tion and we play each other a lot so underdog that can make them nerthat (rivalry) builds up.” vous,” said senior setter Genie FranNot only is there Conference ri- cisco. valry, but also because both schools “They know that they have targets are in the Cal State system, a lot of on their back no matter what team athletes have grown up with Long they play and especially now that we Beach players. are ranked higher, they know that “We’re both California schools when they step on a court with us and we have friends at both schools,” they need to really take care of busisaid hockey’s junior goalie, Alex ness,” Francisco said. Miller, “there is a grudge that has alWith the growing tension and ways been there and a hidden rivalry anticipation of these CSUF versus ever since we were younger.” Long Beach games, the biggest asset Freshman soccer goalkeeper Lind- the teams have is their fans.

Proximity, high school classmates, old teammates, power house athletics, Cal State schools and pride are all factors that pack the Titan Gym each year with blue and orange on one side and black and yellow on the other. “Long Beach sucks, Long Beach sucks!” A quiet chant breaks out amongst the crowd at first, until the thunderous roar of the fans overpowers the music, and soon, the collective body of students, family, friends, the Orange Curtain and long time fans all join in “Long Beach sucks, Long Beach sucks!” In 1974, the Cal State Fullerton Titans entered the Big West Conference whereas Long Beach State joined in 1969. Although Long Beach has been around longer in the Conference, Fullerton remains number one out of all the teams to have the most Division I National Championships, at 14, while Long Beach has only acquired 4. What makes these games so unique is the number of people in attendance whether it is in the Titan gym or on the 49ers home turf; everyone knows both teams have come to play. But what makes these games so special for the athletes? Men’s basketball player and senior shooting guard Devon Peltier said playing Long Beach is personal, unlike playing any other school. “CSUF and Long Beach are two rival powerhouses that have a lot of animosity and competitiveness against both schools,” Peltier said. Peltier said the sports teams are always head-to-head and because of how close the schools are to one another, the rivalry builds. When playing against Long Beach State, there is constant badgering from not only the crowd in the stands, but from the players on the court as well. “They talk a lot of sh** and always have something to say,” Peltier said.

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