1998 05 01

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C alendar & B riefs R ape A wareness S pecial O pinion



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U N I V E R S I T Y ,


You want to ask President Gordon what?


Not all men turn into panting dogs when it comes to women. —See Opinion page 6.

M AY 1 , 1 9 9 8

Indian gaming spawns debate n POLITICS : Pact to regu-

late gambling on reserves spawns initiative for no government control. By JEREMY SCHERER Daily Titan Staff Writer

JEFF CHONG/Daily Titan

Laura Mazzarino asks a question to be taped for President Gordon to answer on a locally televised show.

By MARYANNE WARDLAW Daily Titan Production Manager

A revision of the general education curriculum’s goals came one step closer to approval by the Academic Senate at Thursday’s meeting. Debate continued on three fronts: a clause which will add a writing requirement to all general education classes; suggested amendments to the Lifelong Learning section; and clarification of the cultural diversity requirement. An attempted revision to the writing requirement for all core classes was narrowly defeated in a 14-13 vote, ending a suggestion to qualify it with an “as appropriate” clause, which would allow an exception in areas such as performing arts, where writing skills are not critical. Supporters of the clause objected to a blanket requirement, which was approved as follows: “. . .general education courses will include student writing assignments that involve the organization and expression of complex data or ideas; careful and timely evaluations of writing so that deficiencies are identified and suggestions for improvement are offered; and assessments of the student’s writing competence in determining the final course grade.” Some senators argued for the clause, saying that a writing requirement might take time away from the central purpose of certain classes. Other senators countered that the classes used as examples by proponents of the clause—theater arts and music

see SENATE/ 2

faculty, emeriti and staff have donated money to CSUF this year through the “It’s Our University” program. By LAURIE SCHULTZ Daily Titan Staff Writer

A new trend in higher education finds universities relying more on private money to support themselves, said Jim Young, a Cal State Fullerton emeritus. He and other emeriti started a program six years ago that reflects this trend. He said they started the program, “It’s Our University,” after learning of an experience President Milton Gordon had. “The president was going to various sources and asking for financial support. One CEO said to him, ‘What about the people who work at the university. Why don’t they donate money?’” Through “It’s Our University,”

emeriti, staff, faculty and members of the community donate tax deductible money. They designate where they want the money to be spent, often donating the money through payroll deductions. Most of the donors have designated the money to be spent on the library for such items as books, periodicals and electronic resources. Susan Holman, chair of the Theatre and Dance department said the money has been spent in her department for scholarships, student recruitment, and conferences. It has also been used to buy specialized pieces of equipment for shows or productions, she said. C. Eugene Jones, chair of the biology department, said the money from “It’s Our University” had been used to fund speakers for seminar series, job interviews and events of the biology club. Bob Emery, chair of the Speech Communications Department, said the money from the program had been used for scholarships. About 300 emeriti, staff and faculty have donated money through this pro-

Number of faculty and staff donors v. number of community and emeriti donors to the “It’s Our University” camFaculty/staff paign Community/Emeriti 270



gram this year for various reasons. Young said, “Most people don’t think of giving to their workplace. But we have dedicated our lives here. We are interested in young people who need equipment to support their (educational) programs.” “A frustrated faculty member who

Registration gets reprieve n ENROLLMENT : Registering

for classes in July may benefit students by allowing them more time to choose classes and pay fees. BYJOE FLORKOWSKI Daily Titan Staff Writer

Cal State Fullerton students have traditionally been able to register early in May each spring. Now, they have two more months to plan for what courses they will take or decide how they will pay. ‑The deans of the schools, working with several committees on campus, decided two months ago that moving registration back to July would work better for the university. The deans then presented their recommendation to university officials, who approved the plan. The various deans based their decision

on four major reasons and one minor reason. Low English Placement Test and Entry Level Mathematics test scores were cited in the council’s decision. This year, the Cal State University Chancellor’s Office instituted Executive Order 665, stating that a student could not enroll until the university had the results of their EPT and ELM scores. “We’re under particular pressure this year and will be in continuing years in regards to the placement tests, the ELM and EPT,” said James Blackburn, director of Admissions and Records. “We want to give freshmen the best shot at a good start in college that we can. If they haven’t taken or become exempt from the EPT or ELM, then they can’t register for English or math courses. It’s very important that students get those basic courses early.” Blackburn said that the later registration gives the schools time to plan ahead. “Quite often, the dean and department chairs are not aware of what their budget

is until a little later in the year than April or May. By having the registration later, we are more certain that we’ll have the resources to back up what we offer,” he said. Blackburn added that between 900 and 1,100 students are academically disqualified each semester. In the past, those students took up valuable seats by registering in May, before they became ineligible. With registration in July, after students have received their grades, more seats are open for students. Noting another reason, Blackburn said registering in July also will give the financial aid office a little more time to award money. The minor reason for later registration is the fact that CSUF was one of only two or three CSUs that offered early registration. “That’s not a good reason to do or not do something, because everybody else is doing it, but that certainly suggested to us that we might learn something from the

Copyright ©1998, Daily Titan


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eral education requirements debate may end soon if certain compromises are met.

n DONATIONS : Nearly 300




Faculty helping fund students’ education


War over Gen Ed writing needs

In 1987, the United States Supreme Court ruled that American Indians were free to regulate their own gambling establishments on their reservations without any interference from states. Governor Pete Wilson agreed Monday to a pact with San Diego County’s Pala Indian band to regulate gaming operations that has outraged many of the states gaming tribes. The pact was made after many of the electronic gaming devices on Indian reservations were ruled illegal by the courts and a new device has been suggested to replace them that works on a lottery system as opposed to a normal slot machine. The Pala Band is pleased with the decision and now plans to open a new 45,000 square foot to 60,000 square foot casino within the next year located on the banks of the San Luis Rey River north of Escondido.

Danny Tucker of the California Nations Indian Gaming Association has expressed his disgust with the Pala Compact to the San Diego Union-Tribune, “Clearly we are gravely disappointed and angry that the voice and opposition of more than 54 tribal governments was ignored.” In response to recent squabblings between the state Legislature and Indian tribes, the Californians for Indian SelfReliance (CFISR) group has proposed a self-governing initiative called the Tribal Government Gaming and Economic Self-Sufficiency Act of 1998. The measure regulates what control tribes would have over their gaming establishments and operations. The new measure allows tribes to introduce games such as Blackjack and off-track horse betting, games that are not currently allowed on reservations. The CFISR insists this new measure would establish new rules for the operation of Indian casinos, restrict casinostyled gambling to reservations and help establish a Tribal Assistance Fund that will give funds from gambling operations to other tribes lacking gambling. The CFISR has aggressively spent

doesn’t have the right equipment provides the money and gets a tax break. Everybody is a winner,” he said. He said “It’s Our University” also encourages faculty, staff and emeriti to strengthen their commitment to the university; develops camaraderie among themselves; and makes them feel as


though they are a “campus” family. Loydene Keith, dean of students, donates money through the program. “It is a good way for people who are part of the university establishment to give back to the organization. A lot of people don’t realize all the support

see IOU/ 3


Everyone needs to be aware. See special Rape Awareness Month section pages 6-7 (Due to a printing error, this section from Thursday is being run again today.)





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Exceptional Student Fellowship Award

Bernadette Borgelt, a business admistration major was honored with the Exceptional Student Fellowship Award from State Farm Companies Foundation. The award is presented yearly to 50 full-time university juniors or seniors studying in the field of business. The winners are selected on the basis of scholastic performance, business leadership skills, extracurricular activities, volunteer work and letters of recomendations from university faculty. Borgelt will receive an award paying a one-year stipend of $3,000 toward her first year of graduate studies. She plans to attend University of San Diego to obtain her master’s degree in business administration. She is in the Beta Gamma Sigma honor society and the Alpha Gamma Sigma honor society.

One European Currency Europe as one, at least an all in one currency. The new European currency ‘euro’ is the buzz word for an upcoming lecture given by Deputy Consol of France Philipe Vinogradoff, based in Los Angeles. Vinogradoff has served as part of France’s Foreign Affairs Department in the French Embassy in numberous countries, including Kenya, Brazil, Panama, Mexico and Chile. The lecture will inform people in America about the history and reasons for a one currency Europe. Those traveling abroad will discover the pains of changing currency in every country across Europe will soon be a

frustration of the past. The currency lecture on Tuesday at 11 a.m. in the Titan Student Union-Titan Theater is open to the public free of charge. School of Humanities and Social Science, Foreign Languages and Literatures Department, AIESEC, Phi Beta Delta, French Club and the Program Council for International Business sponsored the new abroad deal. For more information contact Dr. Linda R. Andersen-Fiala, professor of foreign languages and literatures at 278-2137.

South County MBA Program Working professionals in Orange County can complete an M.B.A. at Cal State Fullerton without the pains of commuting to campus. The School of Business Administration and Economics is offering its fully accedited M.B.A. program at the Irvine Spectrum. Each class will cost $651 and will be held at Toshiba America Information Systems Inc., 9740 Irvine Blvd., Irvine. Courses are offered in eightweek terms with six terms offered in the program is “Financial Accounting 510” on the accumulation, organization and interpretation of financial and quantitive data relevant to the activities of a business enterprise. Special provisions have been made for prospective students to enroll now with the university, in order to join the program. For more information and registration call Ligaya Lim in the School of Business Administration and Economics at (714) 278-3010.

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May 1, 1998


CALENDAR  OF  EVENTS Theatre and Dance Department presents “Vanities,” a bittersweet comedy exploring the friendship of three southern women. The play runs through Sunday. For more information contact the Performing Arts Center at 278-3371.

Danzantes in the Quad on Monday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sponsored by MEChA.

from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m in the President’s Conference room in Langsdorf Hall 906.

Cinco De Mayo Celebration with Brandon Perla Azul at noon on Tuesday in the Quad. Sponsored by MEChA.

School of the Arts presents “Romeo and Juliet” thru Sunday in Little Theatre. Admission is $8 ($6 with advance Titan discount). For information on running times, contact the Performing Center Box Office at 278-3371.

Los Sabios Del Norte will play dancing tunes on Wednesday at noon in the Quad sponsored by Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan.

Orange County Supervisor Todd Spitzer will be speaking on Wednesday at 6 p.m. in Titan Student Union Ontiveros A and B. Sponsored by the College Republican Club.

Cinco de Mayo Tlatelolco will be a pre-Cinco de Mayo party with a DJ, vendors and

A reception honoring marketing profesor Irene L. Lange ,who received an honorary doctorate from Kaunas University of Technology in Lithuania, is being held Wednesday

El Mariachi Zacatecas will be creating tunes at noon in the Quad on Thursday. Sponsored by MEChA. University Singers will perform in the Little Theatre on May 8 at 8 p.m. For more information call Performing Arts Box Office 278-3371. Admission $8

($5 with Titan Discount). Women’s Choir perform an All-Baltic music concert in the Little Titan Theatre on May 10. For more information call Performing Arts Box Office 2783371. Admission $8 ($5 with Titan Discount). The All Night Strut, a sassy musical with blues, jazz and bebop will open on May 8 at 8 p.m. For more information call Performing Arts Box Office 2783371. Admission $25 and $20 ($2-with Titan discount).

Fame, not fortune, for Campus DJs n MUSIC : College DJs work

hard to offer a variety of music selections and opportunities for students. By Caryn Rousseau University of Missouri

Perhaps you have seen them: Groggy-eyed student DJs roaming campus at odd hours, wearing headphones and mismatched, wrinkled clothes. Those frumpy-looking smart-alecks are at just about every college and university across the nation, and they will do anything to make their shifts a hit on campus even if it means heading to or from work at 3 a.m. They are the masters of spin among the first to pick or pan the latest releases, and among the last to receive praise for the long hours they spend trying to make their listeners smile. But they hang in there, ever hopeful of landing a big job with an impressive station or of finding the next R.E.M., Dave Matthews Band, Live or Hootie and the Blowfish. “We judge (how many peo-

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courses—were geared toward certain majors and not typically part of the list of general education classes affected by the proposal. The debate reflected general concerns the General Education Committee has been addressing as it revises the class requirements all CSUF graduates must meet. Tom Klammer, associate vice president of Academic Programs, spoke to the senators before the vote yesterday,

ple are listening) by phone calls because ratings are too expensive,” said Korry Keeker, a senior at the University of Missouri who has worked for the last four years at KCOU 88.1 FM. “We get collect calls from the prison all the time. They’ll say ‘Mariah Carey’ instead of their names, so we know to play a Mariah Carey song and send out a shout to the Boone County Prison.” For many campus radio stations, resources are tight. DJs at WPUM 90.5 FM—which employs 30 of the 1,000 students attending St. Joseph’s College near Chicago— chip in $5 every so often to help the station pay for CDs and equipment. Even the most popular college DJs are not immune from having to dig into their pockets to cover expenses. “We pay for supplies. You know - everything down to the cookie and coffee for our guests,” said Wolfe Kincaid, who, along with roommate Lee Overstreet, have run the No. 1 college radio show in the country for the last two years, according to the National Association of College Broadcasters. The Lee & Wolfe Show operates

out of WVUA 90.7 FM, or V-91, at the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa every Friday night between 5-8 p.m. and has quite a following—including the city’s mayor. “I get people from all walks of life who say, ‘You’re one of the guys from the radio,’” Kincaid said. Overstreet added, “I long for the day that I don’t have to worry about technical stuff and can work on the show itself. I can’t wait to do this and get paid.” Paychecks are not an option for most college broadcasters, who are simply grateful to have a place where they can hang out at all hours, airwaves from which they can launch their careers, and the chance to expose their listeners to music mainstream stations are not likely to play. “We don’t operate with competition in mind,” Keeker said. “We’re offering something no one else does - totally new bands.” To promote the local college music scene, campus radio stations produce a wide variety of shows. KCOU boasts of its College Music Report, and KWVA 88.1 FM at the University of Oregon says its most

popular program is “Live at Five from a Dive.” The University of Wisconsin at Madison is eager to join the effort to support college bands - and, of course, to give students another opportunity to be heard. Though the Federal Communications Commission has given the school permission to post a radio tower within a 1-mile radius of campus, townsfolk in and around Madison say they don’t want the thing marring their scenic landscape. While battling for the right to hit the airwaves, UW students have taken their station to the Internet. “The (web) is nice and all, but we can’t have more than 100 listeners at a time,” said Bill Oakley, assistant station manager and DJ at UW’s WSUM. “We want to hit the airwaves. This is the start of a real radio station.” It is determination like his that keeps student DJs walking around campus at 4 a.m. “It really is about the student voice,” Keeker said.

advocating writing requirements for all 51 general education units. “One of the most important characteristics of an educated person is the ability to write well,” Klammer said afterwards, pointing out that the amount of writing, and the weight it has on the final grade, is still up to the instructor. Saturating the curriculum with writing will result in more literate graduates, he said, distinguishing the effort from remedial courses designed to help unprepared incoming students cope with college-level courses. Discussion on the new general

education goals may end as soon as the next academic senate meeting, if the new lifelong learning and cultural diversity requirements are agreed upon. Once passed by the senate, the document will await approval by President Milton Gordon. The GE committee began its work to make the general education requirements more coherent after Western Association of Schools and Colleges— CSUF’s accrediting agency—criticized the curriculum three years ago for being fragmented. The committee hopes to address

this concern by creating specific goals for each section. The writing competency requirement is part of three goals for the core competency section, the other two being critical thinking and oral communication. The written communication requirement caused a stir because the explicit wording mandated its inclusion in general education classes across the board.



The May 1, 1998


Athletes still pop pills despite dangers n DRUGS : Experts are

concerned about the consequences resulting from increased use of Creatine, an over-the-counter health supplement, used by athletes. By HANK GOLA

Knight-Ridder Newspapers NEW YORK - Tens of thousands of Americans determined to pump up their physiques are consuming increasing amounts of a diet supplement touted as a miracle muscle builder -amid warnings that no one knows its long-term effects. While medical professionals and sports training experts are divided over the wisdom of using the supplement, Creatine. It has become a craze even among high school and college athletes. The rage to use Creatine has been fueled by endorsements by sports superstars as well as by run-of-the-mill fitness enthusiasts who tell of quickly building muscle mass and strength after taking the supplement. Creatine’s advocates include Dallas Cowboy Troy Aikman, Baltimore Oriole Brady Anderson and Denver Bronco Shannon Sharpe. And Olympic sprinter Michael Johnson credits Creatine with helping him win his gold medal. Skeptics are just as plentiful. “There are too many unanswered questions for us to even begin getting behind the product,” said David Lightsey of the National Council Against Health


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money by targeting registered voters by phone and direct mail to acquire enough signatures for the initiative to pass. The


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others,” Blackburn said. The later registration may aid some students who don’t quite have the money to pay for college at this time. Some CSUF administrators did not agree that a change was needed. Chuck Moore, director of Enrollment Management, saw the early registration as helpful to student needs. “When I assumed the position as enrollment manager in 1995, one of the things I wanted to do was determine whether or not an early registration allowed us ample time to change course offerings. If the students respond early,


Fraud, a consumer advocacy group. “We’re concerned (about) what’s going to happen a year and two years from now to these kids who are taking this product, especially to the ones who are going through their major growth changes.” There are also reports of a variety of side effects, including diarrhea, nausea, dizziness and muscle cramping. An amino acid that occurs naturally, Creatine is sold over the counter, much the same as any other health food product. First marketed in the United States in 1993, creatine’s sales jumped from $3 million in 1996 to $25 million in 1997, said Grant Ferrier of the Nutrition Business Journal. Many of the users are fitness-crazed teen-agers. Lou Scala, a junior quarterback at Tottenville High School, recently paid $30 for a batch of 40 Creatine pills at a store on Staten Island. Ingesting eight pills a day during a four-day “loading period,” Scala began having occasional stomachaches. He also noticed that he was growing stronger. In a matter of weeks, his weight increased 12 pounds and he was able to hike his bench press load from 155 to 205. “A lot of guys have seen what it did for me and are taking it now,” he said. “I feel a lot stronger.” The supplement’s popularity is no doubt helped by Dave Ellis, the strength and nutritional specialist at the University of Nebraska, who has turned Creatine into a centerpiece of his training regimen. Ellis estimates that 80 percent

of last season’s Nebraska football team used creatine at one time or another. Yet even he warns: “The potential for mismanagement is great.” The supplement received negative attention recently after three college wrestlers died in separate incidents while trying to lose weight. Two of them were reported to have used Creatine, although not at the time of their deaths. The concerns about Creatine underscore how little is known about a supplement that is sold in the form of powder, pills or liquid. “I find that people want Creatine, but they don’t exactly know what to do with it,” said Rob Ramundo, owner of the American Fitness Gym in Fairfield, N.J., where he says he sells creatine to 60 percent of his membership. “They all hear they can gain muscle and strength, but they don’t know why.” Clearly, Creatine use is dividing the sporting world. “Rumor notwithstanding, the stuff is safe,” said Steven Plisk, director of sports conditioning at Yale University. But Mark Juhn, a sports physician at the University of Washington, said athletes should not favor winning at the expense of potential health concerns. “As a physician, what’s our motto? Do no harm,” Juhn said. “Here, what I’m seeing is perhaps the attitude that the possible benefit in your sport overrides the potential risk to your health.” Phil Hossler, the trainer at East Brunswick High and the president of the New Jersey Athletic Trainers Association, estimates that the “curiosity level” about Creatine among high school athletes is at

90 percent. But Hossler says that students should take a conservative approach with Creatine. “It is a gamble,” he said. “You don’t know what you’re going to have 10 years from now because of what you did 10 years ago when you were in high school. There’s no truer statement than, `it’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.”’ Taken with juice, Creatine first seeps into the intestines, then the blood to the muscles. It stimulates protein synthesis, muscle volume and regeneration of adenosine triphosphate, a source of quick muscle energy. The majority of the 50-odd creatine health studies suggest that Creatine is not dangerous, and can be beneficial. “About 80 percent of studies show that Creatine results in statistically significant improvements in exercise performance,” says Dr. Richard Kreider, a researcher at the University of Memphis, who has tested Creatine for more than four years. “None of the studies have shown any adverse effects.” But others question the sanctity of those conclusions. Mark Asanovich, the strength coach for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, who has banned Creatine from his team’s locker room, says that many of the studies are sponsored by manufacturers. “You have to take a look at the paper trail,” he says. “It’s skewed. Small numbers (of test subjects) were used ... and it tested football players, who were told that at the end of the study, they’d be given a free can of Creatine.”

campaign has gathered 800,000 signatures, almost doubling the 433,269 signatures required by law. Under the Pala Compact, tribes are now forced to obey guidelines and restrictions, like limiting gambling machines. The proposed initiative would

reverse the compact and allow the tribes to govern their operations. The state Legislature has decided to use the Pala agreement as a state model for all of the current gambling operations and has informed them they have until May 13 to agree with the terms or

be shut down. California’s US attorneys have issued a letter stating that they have given the operations 60 days to comply and that they will not extend the deadline even if the US Secretary of the Interior rejects the Pala compact.

I’ve got more room to see what people want. “I think we’ve done real well with having registration done in the spring. Our students know what classes they’re going to have in the fall,” Moore continued. “Very few of them are having to

run to a community college and take that class because they’re uncertain about what they’re going to get in fall. Fran Zareh- Smith, Coordinator of Student Academic Services, is waiting to see the effect of the late registration upon students.

“This our first year of doing this. I don’t have any student reaction yet,” she said, “In a way, I think it is good for incoming freshmen, because it can give them time to take the EPT and ELM between the time they’re admitted and enrolled.”

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the organization provides us with. It is cyclical. We are investing to support ourselves,” she said. Keith said the program is necessary because state funds are depleting, while more students are attending, and technology is becoming more and more expensive. “CSUF like other universities, must find other ways to support itself, she said. Rick Pullen, the dean of the School of Communications, serves on the “It’s Our University” steering committee. “I support the program because it gives faculty, staff and alumni and community members an opportunity to support


projects in particular areas, especially those that need a boost and gives complete support to those programs that would not exist without it,” he said. Pullen said money designated for the Communications Department in general, goes to scholarships. He said the university thrives when it fosters loyalty among faculty, emeriti and staff. It is Young’s dream that in the future, more people in the community that never attended CSUF but still benefited from it, will contribute money to the program.

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April 7, 1998



The April 7, 1998



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February 10, 1998



The February 10, 1998




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February 10, 1998



The February 10, 1998




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Feb. 10, 1998



The February 10, 1998




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February 10, 1998


Friday, May 1, 1998

Spring brings out ‘lust monster’ men


Mitch Greenwood, hanging out.

t’s that time again. Spring is here, which means miniskirts, tight fitting shorts and low-cut dresses. Every time the weather gets warmer, you are guaranteed to see some women wearing less clothes. Which raises the question, why do women bash men for looking at them if they expose more of their bodies? It is only natural that a woman who reveals more of her body will capture a lot of attention from men. It makes me angry that many women label me

and other men as dogs, pigs, leeches, and lust monsters, but they don’t take into consideration how much they contribute to these stereotypes by wearing less clothes. Yes, a woman has the right to wear what she wants, but she must understand the responsibility that comes with dressing provocatively. I feel that it is OK to appreciate a woman’s physical beauty. Like a bee is attracted to pollen in a flower, so it is in a man’s nature to be attracted to a woman. Most males have a desire for females and men tend to be more physical than women, which is OK as long as the man has self-control. But a man’s self-control is challenged when a woman is obviously drawing attention to her body by wearing as little as possible. Even more amazing, she will complain when men stare at her or make comments about her legs or other parts

of her body. What do women expect? If a woman emphasizes her physical beauty, she must realize that is the part of her that men are going to focus on. If a woman wants to be known for more than her body she should concentrate on bringing out the other qualities that she wants to be appreciated for. Also, women should be aware that men tend to be more visually stimulated than women. I do believe that it is wrong for a man to look at a woman as a sexual object; however, the physical beauty of a woman is what men notice first. When I look at a woman I am careful to appreciate her beauty and not lust after her. The minute my thoughts turn towards lust I turn away and focus my attention on something else. I can’t speak for all men. I am sure there are men who have problems with lust and enjoy seeing as much flesh as possible. I just hope that I would not be identified with these types of men just because I take a look.

American greed. No longer content with the past acceptable margins of profit, these greedy corporations want a bigger piece of the profit by paying less for production. Nike pays Indonesian workers 40 cents an hour to make shoes which sell for about $100$275 a pair. Nike chairman Phillip Knight claims Americans do not want to make shoes. In order for America’s economy to prosper, American companies need to invest in American workers. While America’s middle class disappears, Indonesia and Mexico benefit form new found employment. Really though, for 40 cents an hour, we can not label them as the Americanized, middle class. Filmmaker and activist Michael Moore’s newest film, “The Big One,” examines and dissects the footwear maker’s motivations for leaving the land of the free and the brave. Moore proposed to Knight to find American workers interested in producing the grand athletic shoes with the swish on its side. Knight promised he would hire them. As Moore returned with a shoe box full of

affidavits signed by eager, future shoe makers, Knight jumped into a pair of those fancy shoes and started running. No American workers were hired. In fact, Nike just announced that they would be laying off more than 1,000 white-collar American employees. The company cites the popularity of hiking boots as the reason for the layoffs. Is Nike attempting to make the general public believe that their $100-$275 shoes may not be moving off the shelves? Please! Spend one day at one of its national retailers, Nike Town, and you’ll see that the company is selling those shoes like hotcakes. However, if companies like Nike continue laying off American workers by taking production away from them, and in effect our economy, who will be left to purchase those fancy, swished shoes? Hopefully Knight and his wealthy, corporate friends plan on running a lot.

really care, actually; mistakes happen. People don’t drive dangerously on purpose. No, what bothered me was that honk. What was up with that, anyway? She was in enough control of her car to stop—thank God—and avoid an accident. But still she succumbed to that compulsion to slam her palm down on the center of her steering wheel. Isn’t the horn designed to be a warning tool, to prevent accidents? So why does it usually end up being used as an excess-anger release valve? Someone gets in your way, you beep. They do something stupid, you beep. They drive too slow, you guessed it: hand to the horn. It ends up being a weapon to punish those around you, a liberallyapplied audio spanking. It may make the driver feel better to “let that soand-so have it.” I can understand that. But there’s a problem with this kind of thinking. It’s going to get someone killed. I can see the scenario now: the queen of my little white hatchback is zipping merrily along when my faithful, but tired, 89 Toyota trundles out in front of her. Two things happen: a) one foot hits brake pedal, and b) one hand slams down on the horn. Hopefully in that order, but not necessarily. Maybe it’s just me, but doesn’t it seem that in

a potentially dangerous driving situation, it would be better to leave your hand on the wheel? So that you could, oh, I don’t know, say, STEER? I’m not saying you should never use the horn. It’s there for a reason, that being to warn people of your presence, like if they’re going to back up into you or something. But too often it ends up being used counterproductively: detracting from the user’s ability to drive, and distracting other drivers, who expect that the sound signals imminent doom. I’ve even known drivers who, upon seeing potential problems developing in the road ahead, move one hand over the horn so they can beep at a moment’s notice. Hopefully, not too many of us go that far. But there are a lot of drivers who could do with a bit more reluctant touch on that horn. So all I’m asking is that you give it a try. And fortunately it’s not that hard to do. The next time you get ticked off at someone on the road, don’t reach for that button; do what any mature, civilized adult would do. Follow them home and key their car.

MITCH GREENWOOD is a Daily Titan staff writer. Greenwood is blind.

Nike: a great American rip-off


Melinda Gann

ot unlike General Motors who closed their Michigan factories and moved to Mexico, Nike has moved its production outside the United States. Indonesia is the new home for the footwear maker. Unfortunately, these two companies are not an exception. By moving outside the United States, corporate America is selling out American workers. The only reason companies like Nike are using foreign production sites is plain and simple: all-

MELINDA GANN is a Daily Titan staff writer.

Be mature: resist the urge to honk at drivers, follow them home and key their bleepin’ cars

Jason Taylor was almost killed a few days ago. I was pulling out into westbound traffic on Chapman just short of State College Blvd. when it happened. Being the responsible driver I am, I looked both directions, scanned carefully for pedestrians, then proceeded cautiously into the road. I was greeted by the screech of brakes and burning rubber as a little white hatchback skidded to a horn-blowing halt a few feet from my door. I can only imagine that she must have been speeding, either approaching so fast that she came in from out of my field of vision in the time it took me to turn my head, or else pulling out of another nearby driveway and really punching it. I didn’t

JASON TAYLOR is a Daily Titan staff writer.

Student loses sleep, time in effort to make classes cup o’ joe Joe Florkowski should really start going to class. I don’t know if it would make my professors happy, but it would definitely make me happy. Somehow this semester, I’ve lost all track of time. I even think I’m supposed to be in class right now; I’m not sure because I’ve forgotten where the classroom is. In years past (actually two years ago) I was a happy freshman, who could sleep in, skip class, and go to the beach. Now, I’m pressed for time, and I no longer have time to go to the beach. I can’t remember the last time I slept in; it may have been last summer. I always thought I could juggle my responsibilities. I compared it to juggling six balls in the air. If I dropped one ball, that was OK, because I was still juggling five balls. That’s still pretty talented.

Lately, though, I’ve dropped more than one ball. At times, all I’ve been juggling is a single ball. I even have trouble keeping that one ball airborne. I know I’m not the only one with problems keeping all the balls in the air. I don’t know how students with families and relationships manage to keep afloat (which is another metaphor). I don’t envy them, but I do admire them. I have no advice to give on how to balance all the activities college students have. If anyone does, please write me! Or please, write my papers for me! With everything I’ve been trying to do, I’m forgetting to eat, sleep, and sometimes even breathe. I had to do a ride-along with the police the other day at 5 a.m. When I got there, I had to wait in the police lobby for two and a half hours. I ended up sleeping on the lobby couch for half an hour. It was really peaceful, except for the sirens. I’m going to take it easy next semester and take only nine units. It’ll give me a chance to relax and breathe. Maybe I’ll even sleep. Wait, I think I see my professor walking by! Maybe he’ll know if I’m supposed to be in class. I sure don’t.

JOE FLORKOWSKI is a Daily Titan staff writer. Get your fix every

Practice random acts of kindness

Random acts of kindness do not exist. Kindness is warm and calculated, thoughts strung together like beads on a rosary, each action separate yet dependent upon every other act. Kind people do not walk down the sidewalk looking for nice things to do, such as bringing in the neighbors’ trash cans or picking up an elderly woman’s newspaper, simply for the praise of assistance. Rather, kind people get up every morning and perform such acts because they are able and willing and because they were raised to do such things. Whereas mean people scowl at the neighbor’s dog, the average Joe helps the dog back into the yard where it belongs. An especially nice person might offer to walk the dog knowing full well that the owner might encumber a hardship performing

voices: how do you prepare for final exams?

even the seemingly easiest tasks. Normal people open the door for a wheelchairbound individual because that is what society dictates. But a thoughtful person gives up his seat in church so a mother and her toddler son can sit down. Do you see the difference? It is not enough to practice “random acts of kindness” and “thoughtless acts of beauty.” It is important to think things through and plan on helping those who would appreciate the assistance, especially those who do not fit the bill of “needy” by greater society’s standards. Pitch in and make this world a more corteous place to live. Practice thoughtful acts of beauty and well-considered acts of kindness. -Ed.


“I don’t usually prepare for finals.”

“I Get my notes organized and I cram.”

“I like to study in groups. It really motivates me.”

“I’m a last-minute studier. Go to class!”

“I study for four days before finals. The day before I go out and party, and there’s an A.”

-Rachel Stuck, English

-Fernando Salyrosas, Biology

-Darin Schnitzer, Communications

-Karen Davis, Speech Communications

-Raquel Hill, Communications

Columns are the personal opinion of the authors. They do not reflect the views of the Daily Titan or CSU Fullerton faculty, staff or student body. Editorials are the opinions of the Daily Titan editorial board. Letters should not exceed 350 words, and must include the author’s legal name, major, class standing or staff position (if any), and a phone number. Send letters to: Letters to the Editor The Daily Titan 800 North State College Blvd. Fullerton, CA 92834 Or e-mail us at: dailytitan@yahoo.com


Friday, May 1, 1998

Titans top the Big West n BASEBALL: The Titans

have won 17 of their last 18 games heading into Cal Poly SLO series. By LANDON NEGRI

Daily Titan Staff Writer At first glance, they seem like three harmless games. Just a bump in the road for a team on the roll. Cal State Fullerton’s baseball team, ranked 10th in the nation by Collegiate Baseball, plays a threegame series against Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, which is just hoping for a spot in the Big West tournament. But as Titan Head Coach George Horton is quick to point out, this is still a critical time for the Titans. “We’re going to try and run the gauntlet and win the rest of our games,” said Horton of the Titans, who have won 17 of their past 18

games. “I don’t know any other way to do it,” Horton said. Said third baseman Ryan Moore, whose home run provided the winning runs against Loyola Marymount: “We have to play hard against these teams, especially since we’ll see them again in the Big West tournament.” Still buzzing from a three-game sweep of Long Beach State that gave CSUF a three-game lead in the Big West’s South Division and midweek victory over LMU, the Titans (20-4 in the Big West, 37-12 overall) square off in a weekend series against the Mustangs. “A mature team doesn’t even remember things like the Long Beach series,” Horton said. “And this is a mature team. They’ve grown up since the beginning of the season.” CSUF will roll out its usual

weekend starting pitchers. Benito Flores (10-0, 2.94 ERA) will start Friday, Erasmo Ramirez (7-5, 3.68) starts Saturday and Greg Jacobs (32, 3.35) gets the call on Sunday. The Mustangs — who qualified for the Big West tournament last season — are hurting at 7-15 in the Big West and 16-35 overall. Last weekend, they were swept in a three-game series against another conference cellar-dwellar in UC Santa Barbara. And the Titans worked the Mustangs in a threegame series at San Luis Obispo on March 13-15. Jacobs continues to lead the Titans at the plate with his .409 batting average, five home runs and 42 RBI. Aaron Rowand also tops of the Titan offense with his 12 home runs. Myles Robinson/Daily Titan

Aaron Rowand makes contact with a pitch against Long Beach State. The Titans will battle Cal Poly San Luis Obispo this weekend, putting an 11-game winning streak on the line.

Post-season play almost impossible after sweep n SOFTBALL: A sweep by

the University of Pacific all but signals the end of postseason hopes for the Titans. By JEFF HOWE

Daily Titan Staff Writer

Mary Lou Glines/Daily Titan

Cal State Fullerton pitcher Jana Oetgen delivers a pitch Wednesday against the University of Pacific. The Tigars swept the Titans.

After the University of Pacific swept Cal State Fullerton Wednesday afternoon, the possibility of competing in the post-season looks almost impossible for the Titans. “We have to have wins,” said Titan Head Coach Judi Garman. “We have to beat the teams in front of us.”

In order to even be considered for regional play, a team has to have an above-.500 record. Currently, the Titans are mired at 2728, 11-15 in the conference after the double loss to the Tigers. But with conference games coming up tomorrow against UC Santa Barbara and Sunday against Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, the Titans have the opportunity to post some victories at the end of the season, then wait and see what happens. The Titans can find refuge in their offense, which has been strong of late. CSUF still holds on to the No. 2 spot in the conference in offense. Led by Brenda Iglesias and Nikki Hart, the Titan bats, at a combined .276

average, are barely behind conference leader Cal State Northridge at .281. Either Iglesias or Hart ranks in almost every offensive category. Iglesias, with a .349 average and seven home runs, anchors the middle of the Titan offense. Hart, meanwhile, carries her .347 average and heads the top of the lineup. Hart’s 13 doubles, 60 total hits and 36 runs scored are tops in the conference. More power comes from shortstop Christa Saindon. Her five triples are second only to Kelly Sack from Cal Poly SLO (7). But while the batters sit comfortably at second place in the conference, the pitching staff languishes at next to last with a team 2.78 ERA.

In fact, no CSUF pitcher rankes among the conference leaders in any category. Only Utah State is lower with a 3.08 ERA. However, Garman concedes that her pitchers have been playing extremely well as of late. “That’s all we’ve asked for our pitchers to do is to give us a chance,” Garman said. In order to be in the best position available for regional consideration, the Titans have to essentially sweep both UCSB and Cal Poly SLO. “We should beat them both,” said Titan pitcher Chrissy Hartman. “If everything comes together, we should beat them.”



Time ticking away as Titan Track looks to Big West Championships n TRACK: CSUF competes

39 athletes in more than 70 events at Steve Scott Invitational. By KERRY MURRAY

Daily Titan Assistant Sports Editor According to Titan Head Coach John Elders, the Cal State Fullerton track team is on the right track. No pun intended. The Big West Conference Track and Field Championships is three weeks away and counting. But before the Cal State Fullerton team reaches the climax of its season, it will compete in three more invitationals including the Steve Scott Invitational to be held at UC



Irvine on Saturday, culminating months of training. “We’re seeing a lot of times dropping, and scores continue to improve,” Elders said. With approximately a month left, Elders said the workouts are not as great in quantity, but the intensity and quality of the training are growing greater with each session. In the past weeks, the CSUF team has been separated with different athletes competing at different meets, but the Titans will reunite for this weekend’s meet at UCI. “Generally this meet has had okay competition, but they’re expecting a good turnout this year,” Elders said. “I heard it’s going to be a big meet.” The Titans will have 39 athletes compet-

May 1, 1998


ing in almost 70 events at the invitational. Top Titans on the men’s side who are expected to place high include Gary Charles who will compete in the 100m, 200m, and 4x100m relay; Omar Anderson in the 400m hurdles and 4x100m; and Quincy Sims in the triple jump, 800m and 4x100m. On the women’s side, Erin Remy will run the 5000m, Sarah MacDougall will run the 3000m and Alison Livermore will run the 1500m. In women’s field events, Deanna Mendibles, Loren Gualco and Helen Kale will all compete in the high jump. TreShawn Banford will compete in the triple jump, long jump and women’s 4x100m relay team.

Josh Menashes/Daily Titan

The Titans head to UC Irvine this Saturday to compete in the Steve Scott Invitational. Cal State Fullerton has three more weekends of competition before the Big West Conference Championships.

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