2000 12 05

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U N I V E R S I T Y ,

F U L L E R T O N Ike Harmon scores 28 points to lead men’s basketball

INSIDE OPINION: Doctors will be allowed to 3 nperform euthanasia in the Netherlands

—see Sports page 5

An Arboretum class teaches 4 nhowNEWS: to add color to shade gardens

T u e s d ay

Vo l u m e 7 1 , I s s u e 4 7

D e c e m b e r 5, 2000

CSUF promotes World AIDS Day nAWARENESS: Various health organizations provided HIV/ AIDS education By Peggy Gomez

Daily Titan Staff Writer

Trisha Insheiwat/Daily Titan

Jay Friedman, who lectures the college circuit, adds humor to the serious issue of AIDS by demonstrating how to put on a condom with a hat-sized example.

Art exhibit focuses on nMUSEUM: Sculptures by Alison Saar deal with images of the female body By Jamie K. Ayala

Daily Titan Staff Writer A new exhibition is aiming to increase the knowledge and understanding of the female image in American and African art. “Body Politics: The Female Image in Luba Art and the Sculpture of Alison Saar” opened on Nov. 12 at the UCLA Fowler Museum. It features sculptures of Saar, a Los Angeles-based artist, and 18th-century artifacts from the Central African Luba

Kingdom, borrowed from private and museum collections. Although the two types of art were created for different reasons in diverse environments, they are linked through similar themes. The comparisons offer varying perspectives of the female role. Interpretation of image is left open for speculation. Co-curators are Saar and Museum Chief Curator Mary Nooter Roberts. Themes that are presented include body ownership, scarification, secret sanctuaries and the anatomy of dreams. “There are only a few men portrayed in the exhibit — Saar calls them our token men,” said Roberts at an open dialogue on Sunday. Saar’s sculpted man is lying down and his head pops open to expose a

brain of glass. If looked into carefully, behind the glass fissures is a woman. This piece represents the influence of a woman in a man’s thoughts and perhaps decisions. Roberts, who gathered the Luba art, said that the culture requires women to scar themselves and their skin becomes canvasses or maps of life. “The eroticism about this tradition is its tacticity,” Roberts said. Roberts said that women are considered very strong. For instance, she said mediums are always women because only a “woman has the body to carry a spirit.” Scarification is prevalent amongst Saar’s sculptures as well. A quote by Saar in the display reads, “A lot of the work is about women’s resistance to pain and the ability to

“I recently found out that a close friend of mine has AIDS, and that made this day so much more meaningful to me,” Esther Lim said. Cal State Fullerton celebrated and honored World AIDS Day by offering free HIV/AIDS testing, providing free safe sex kits and ensuring students that “Love Matters.” “It is a day when the world is dedicated to educating people about AIDS,” Lim said. Two AIDS remembrance quilts were rented for the day at $500. “The rental fee goes directly to AIDS research and gives the students a chance to see them up close,” said Lim, union and special programming coordinator for Associated Students Productions. Up to a hundred students took advantage of the free HIV/AIDS testing provided by the Health Center. A service provided by the Health Center year round for $17. “We want to reach people that haven’t been tested to increase awareness and have people screened,” said Bonnie White, health counselor. OraSure, the HIV/AIDS test offered, was a painless test. Without using a needle, oral fluid is extracted from the mouth onto a swab and tested for the HIV antibody. According to White, the results are 98 percent accurate and can be made available within one week. “A good attitude people have today

go beyond the pain…you can always push beyond those boundaries that are presented because you realize that the job still needs to be done.” Secret sanctuaries refer to the women’s breast. In the Luba culture of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, royal emblems have women. Some have them gesturing to the breast. This isn’t a sexual gesture, it is a symbolic way referring to the power held inside. Saar’s works reveal what’s inside, such as the piece of a bird. Dreams and dreamlike states are also themes. One of Saar’s life-size pieces has a nude woman with a bent head. She said that this is a woman functioning on a different plane. “Many emblems are made by men for male office holders,” said Roberts


about testing is that it is an initial screening, because you never know,” White said. The Orange County Health Care Agency participated in the World AIDS Day events by promoting reproductive health education and screening. “In terms of infection rates, the 18-24 year age group has the highest increased number of HIV infection rates,” said Thuan Tran, community health assistant for the Orange County Health Care Agency. According to Tran, it is very important for people of the college-age population to be screened for various diseases. Males in this age group are at risk for testicular cancer and so should be aware of their anatomy. Females are encouraged to be aware of their breast anatomy in breast cancer prevention. The agency was also providing free condoms and information on alternative forms of contraception. Tran pointed out the feeling of invincibility when the issue of HIV/ AIDS arises. Because of the cocktails and drugs available, people are living longer with the disease, but they are not being cured. People are beginning to forget that the disease is being passed and feel invincible. “Love Matters” was the topic of a speech presented by college circuit speaker Jay Friedman. He provided three conditions to ponder before having sex with someone you know, love or lust. First, he pointed out affirmation. Prior to intercourse, if one cannot look longingly into the other’s eyes while the lights are on, then they are not ready to have sex. “That is the intimacy of love,” Friedman said.


DON COLE/UCLA Fowler Museum

“Female Figure” by Alison Saar.

American studies offers tour of nHISTORY: Professor Michael Steiner gives an annual walking tour of downtown Los Angeles to explore cultural and historical aspects of the city By Sabrina Sakaguchi Special to the Titan

sabrina sakaguchi/Daily Titan

Professor Michael Steiner stands in front of the original L.A. Times Building.

Some Orange County residents have never seen the city that is an approximate 45-minute drive away. “We’ve lived in Orange County for 25 years, but we’ve never seen or been to Los Angeles,” said Cal State Fullerton student Mary Beyer, 67, about her and her husband Charlie’s, failure to explore the city. Others are trying to make Los Angeles more desirable to visit. “People need to see the real Los Angeles, the ordinary people,” Michael Steiner, CSUF American studies professor, said.

Since 1978, Steiner offers the annual tour of downtown Los Angeles to CSUF students, alumni, faculty, staff and their friends. Steiner offers a unique opportunity to view the city he considers “a difficult city to walk through.” Difficult not so much because of dangers, but because someone could easily get lost in the large metropolis. At this year’s tour, held on Saturday Dec. 2, 18 CSUF students and friends accompanied Steiner from the Amtrak station in Fullerton to the Union Station in Los Angeles and through the streets of downtown, for more than four hours of walking, seeing and learning. Steiner said many people who have taken his tour expressed some fears prior to starting the tour of getting lost in the city or meeting dangerous people. Through his tour, Steiner hopes to disprove these stigmas while guiding participants through the majestic and historic landscape and architecture of Los Angeles. This year’s participants saw Union Station, Oliveras Street, Pershing Square, the Biltmore Hotel, the Bradbury Building, the Grand Central http://dailytitan.fullerton.edu

Market and the lively streets of downtown Los Angeles. Steiner said he tries to make every year a little different and focuses on different sights. Over the 22 years Steiner has been offering his tour, downtown Los Angeles has gone through some dramatic changes. The Grand Central Market has been improved. The aged theaters and other buildings are falling and no longer safe to view from inside. But according to Steiner, one of the greater changes is the diversity found in Los Angeles. Steiner said the city was quite diverse when he first started his tour, but today Angelenos are even more of a spectrum of cultures. Steiner has been able to watch the 220-yearold city change and grow. While walking through the Union Station, Steiner commented, “I’m seeing more traffic at the station and that’s good.” He added that for a time the station was not widely used as Southern Californians chose to drive themselves everywhere rather than use public transportation, a service Steiner strongly supports.


Growth expected for CSUs nEXPANSION: Plans may include the use of the El Toro base to augment the university By Samantha Gonzaga Daily Titan Staff Writer

Cal State Fullerton is not the only campus experiencing the squeeze of a growing enrollment. In a report given at the November meeting of the Board of Trustees, CSU universities are expected to add 130,000 students in the next 10 years. CSU Executive Vice Chancellor David Spence and Executive Director of the California Post-secondary Education Commission Warren Fox predicted that the enrollment will be expanding from 1998’s 350,000 students to over 479,000 in 2010. The 2000 fall’s enrollment number is at approximately 369,000 - 50,000 more than that of 1994. According to the study, the improvement of education, coupled with the coming of age baby boomer’s children are factors affecting the rising numbers. Strategies to accommodate the growth include converting of government facilities to new campuses, more night classes and the development of distance education. These echo CSUF’s Master Development Plan, which aims to address the campus’ student growth and attend to limited facilities. The acquisition of the El Toro base as part of CSUF’s off-site learning centers mirrors means by which other CSUs will make room for future growth. “One of the strategies is the use of the [El Toro] Marine base,” said CSUF’s Vice President of Facilities Management Jay Bond. “We have expressed our interest to appropriate authorities.” The base’s usage, however, has been a hot topic of debate. While there are proponents to have part of it converted into educational facilities, there are also those who hope to use it as an airport. The status of El Toro as a possible off-campus center is still being debated. Year-round operations were also an option that CSUF and other CSUs might use. State-supported instruction may offer a window to help alleviate the student crunch. Summer school may get more affordable for students, CSUF’s Vice President of Academic Programming Keith Boyum said. “We believe that the governor’s budget, which will be released in January, will include money toward the CSU universities,” Boyum said. “If it does, CSUF will be one of the



extras online n Check

out the Daily Titan online this year at http:// dailytitan.fullerton.edu. New features and sections will be available this year!

u p co m i n g n

For our last daily issue of the semester we will be presenting a special section on Doomsday. — Dec. 8

2 Tuesday, December 5, 2000



A guide to what’s happening

BRIEFS Geography Department holds competition The Geography Department will hold the first “All Points of the Compass Student Map Competition.” Details regarding the competition have been released to allow potential contestants to have ample time to send in their final maps by April 13, 2001. The maps must be completed as part of a course assignment. Groups of three students or less, as well as individuals, can submit a map to the competition. The final maps should include descriptions of map objectives and how decisions were made regarding the design. They will be judged on originality, creativity, overall design, and how effective the map is in conveying its information. Prizes include $100 for first place as well as $50 and $25 for the next two runners up. John Carroll is in charge of the competition and all final entries should be turned in to him. For more information, contact him at jcarroll@fullerton.edu. — Mike Henderson

Applications being accepted to fill Brea City Council vacancy Applications are currently being accepted to fill a twoyear vacancy on the Brea City Council. The vacancy was created by the resignation of Councilwoman Lynn Daucher, who was elected to the California State Assembly in the 72nd District. Those interested in applying should contact Brea City Clerk Elaine Capps to receive the application and interest statement. Applications must be completed

Fermin Leal Raul Mora Denise Smaldino Joel Helgesen Brian Haney Tennille Hopper Jessica Peralta Darleene Barrientos Rita Freeman Caesar Contreras Seth Keichline Vu Nguyen Gus Garcia Mayra Beltran Kristina Huffman Trisha Insheiwat Lori Anderson Darla Priest Kari Wirtz Lisa Berghouse Barbara Lake Craig Hashimoto Robert Kelleher Jeffrey Brody Executive Editor Managing Editor News Sports Main Photo

278-5815 278-5814 278-5813 278-3149 278-2128 278-2991

and submitted to the city clerk’s office no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 13. Based upon review of the information, those applicants who are determined to be most qualified will be invited to participate on an oral interview. Tentative interview dates are Dec. 18 and 19. The Brea City Council will review applications and appoint a new council member based on background, experience, community involvement and other necessary qualifications. For more information, contact Capps at (714) 990-7755.

“The 2000 Election: An Examination from Different Perspectives” Faculty members from business, criminal justice and political science will examine how recent presidential election and its aftermath may change the role of the legal system, international relations and the government’s role in the economy. The public panel discussion is on Wednesday, Dec. 6 from noon to 1:30 p.m. in Room 513 of McCarthy Hall. The panel will include Edward Bird, associate professor of economics; George Dery, attorney and associate professor of criminal justice; Phillip Gianos, professor of political science; and Choudhury Shamin, associate professor of political science and former Bangladesh delegate to the United Nations. The Division of Political Science and Criminal Justice sponsored the event. For more information, contact Alan Saltzstein, chair of the Division of Political Science and Criminal Justice, at (714) 278-

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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Tuesday through Friday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, School of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSU system. The Daily Titan and its predecessor, the Titan Times, have functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The mail subscription price is $45 per semester, $65 per year, payable to the Daily Titan, Humanities 211, CSUF, Fullerton, CA 92834. Copyright ©2000 Daily Titan

CALENDAR F EVENTS C ALEND AR  O OF  EVENTS Campus Cal State Fullerton’s December Family Business Workshop presents Jennifer Dreyer, managing partner of Tamayo Consulting Inc., to speak on “Leadership From the Inside Out,” at the Turnip Rose Conference Center on 300 S. Flower Street in Orange from 7:30 to 11 a.m. For more information, call (714) 278-4852. Find your stocking stuffers at the Ceramics Club Sale, in the Quad in front of McCarthy Hall from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Dec. 5 through Dec. 7. For more infor-

Monday, Nov. 27 8:03 a.m., a hit-and-run parked vehicle was reported in Lot B. A maroon Ford pickup reportedly hit a white Mercedes Benz. The driver left a card and told the victim to contact the station. 11:15 a.m., habitual parking offender was reported with six outstanding tickets in the amount of $280. 9:44 a.m., habitual parking offender was reported in Lot I. All fines were paid and boot was removed.

mation, call the Ceramics Club at (714) 278-3824. Enjoy “Twelfth Night,” one of Shakespeare’s rowdiest romantic comedies ever at 8 p.m. Admission is $8 and $6 with advance Titan Discount. For more information, call (714) 278-2434 or visit http://www.arts. fullerton.edu/events. The Women’s Choir and Men’s Chorus, directed by Vance D. Wolverton and Ricardo Soto, respectively, will be performing well known hymns by classic composers on Sunday, Dec. 3 at 4 p.m. at the Little

Theatre. Admission is $8, and $5 with advance Titan Discount.

Community “Glassworks 2000” opens on Saturday, Dec. 2, featuring work by local glass artists Lucy Chamberlain, Mindy Jaress and Tanya Regan. This exhibit will be open through Jan. 14, 2001 at the CSUF Grand Central Art Center on 125 N. Broadway in Santa Ana. For more information, call (714) 278-7750 or visit the College of the Arts Web site. “Kelly and Du,” a serious

and thought-provoking drama surrounding the issue of abortion, through Dec. 16 every Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 5 p.m. at the Vanguard Theatre Ensemble on 699-A S. State College Blvd. in Fullerton. General admission are $15, with $2 discounts available for students and seniors. For more information, call (714) 526-8007. Enjoy “The Velvet Hammer: A Peep at the Neo-Burlesque Show,” through Jan. 21 at the Grand Central Art Gallery in Santa Ana. For more information, call (714) 567-7233.


Tuesday, Nov. 28

12:04 p.m., larceny theft reported in McCarthy Hall. Party stated her wallet was missing from her purse.

Wednesday, Nov. 29 4:40 a.m., medical aid reported at engineering. A custodian fell down three steps. He stated he wanted to go home but did not require paramedics. 7:12 a.m., petty theft reported in Physical Education Building locker room. Victim stated that yesterday, an unknown subject broke into his locker and stole money from his wallet.

2:21 p.m., petty theft of a soccer jersey from Mexico “Atlas” Team was reported at the Sports Complex. 6:06 p.m., a motor vehicle theft of a white Mitsubishi fourdoor was reported in Lot A.

Thursday, Nov. 30 3:05 p.m., citizen assist in Lot G. Owner of white Ford Bronco needed help in finding her vehicle.

Friday, Dec. 1 9:24 a.m., a medical aid was reported in the cafeteria area. The diabetic was transported to Kaiser Hospital.

7:45 p.m., a motor vehicle recovery was reported by party who had previously reported his vehicle stolen from Lot C. He located his vehicle through City of Fullerton.

Saturday, Dec. 2 5:20 p.m., a petty theft of food by three male juveniles was reported at Titan Student Union Building.

Sunday, Dec. 3 3:41 a.m., a vehicle stop on a blue Ford was reported on the second floor of the parking structure.


Tuesday, December 5, 2000

Hobbiest teaches gardening nARBORETUM: Guests learned how to add color to their shade gardens for the most attractive flower combinations By Cindy Armijo

Daily Titan Staff Writer Brisk weather, accompanied by a cool breeze, provided the setting for the Saturday gardening class at the Arboretum. Despite the few moments of warm sunshine, participants gathered outdoors and learned ways to add color to their shade gardens. Marilee Gray, a member of the Southern California Camellia Society, battled the weather and spoke about her favorite gardenaccessory camellias. “These of course are my fancy,” said Gray, holding up a box of the fuchsia-colored flowers. The fluffy and soft leaves resembled crate paper, or the skin on a fuzzy peach. Yuletide, the name of a small orange and red camellia, shone on the audience with holiday light. “This is a favorite of many gardeners,” Gray said.

A lifetime gardener, Gray spent the past 37 years becoming an expert on camellias. She also trains judges who vote in camellia contests. “She’s a person who really enjoys the journey of life,” said Theresa Short, an educational assistant at the Arboretum. “I think that she’ll help make the shade part of your garden spectacular.” Warren Bowen, creator of the Saturday gardening classes nearly six years ago, agreed. Bowen thought residents could use the weekend information. “Part of our [Arboretum] mission is education,” said Bowen, an affiliate with the Arboretum for 25 years. With the many examples of flowers Gray brought from her own garden, it wasn’t difficult for audience members to imagine the diverse color in Gray’s backyard. “It’s very hard to accommodate all of these cuttings in one yard,” Gray said. With a small smile and red cheeks, Gray admitted that people have said her backyard looks more like a nursery than a garden. But flowers flow through this gardener’s veins. The hour-long discussion proved not enough time to cover all the flower territory. “I have enough information for weeks and weeks of lectures,” Gray

said. Handing out free literature, Gray told the audience to read what information was not covered in the discussion. The gardener then talked about begonias, fuchsias, ferns and azaleas. “Most of the fuchsias I have are in hanging baskets,” Gray said. “I’m not much of a fuchsia connoisseur, but I do like them big and gaudy.” Gray advised gardeners to prune the vivid flowers, making sure that the plant stays within the rim of the basket. “You also want to keep in mind that there is more than just color, color and color,” said Gray, who uses an abundance of fresh greenery in her floral arrangements, said, “The scent of some flowers, such as azaleas, give off a sweet aroma.” But unfortunately for Gray, her eyes have to settle for the beauty rather than scent. “My nose doesn’t work anymore except to hold up my glasses,” Gray said. Despite the chilly weather, Gray concluded her lecture with her three key aspects to a successful garden: water, change of elevation and change of foliage. “And when it comes to flowers, plant what you like, not someone else’s favorite,” Gray said.


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of the Luba. “When you look at the pieces they don’t really mean what they appear to.” For instance, the support of a wooden stool is the body of a woman. It appears that she is distressed because she has to carry the seat of the stool. Symbolically, the woman is actually the support for the man who sits on the stool. Metaphorically, this piece says there cannot be a male ruler without a woman behind him. “I enjoyed this exhibit because I could relate to many of the pieces once they were explained,” said spectator Christine Madison. “Art is like that. A piece can look unusual and you won’t know what it means and you think that the artist is a nut, but once it’s explained, you know you’ve had similar thoughts or ideas as well.” Saar’s work is influenced by African ideas and themes, but has no relation to the historical Luba culture. She addresses sexual and racial stereotypes. Roberts, who studied Luba art for her dissertation, said that there was much resonance between the Luba and American art by Saar. The curators invite the public to view the exhibit and respond to the works. The responses will be included in a free all-day symposium on Feb. 24. The exhibit continues through May 13. For cost of admission and museum hours call (310) 825-4361.


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sabrina sakaguchi/Daily Titan

Steiner weeds his way through a crowded Los Angeles street.


n from page 1 One of the basic stops for Steiner is lunch at Cole’s. During lunch, walk participants learn the historic significance of Cole’s, which is the oldest continuously operated restaurant and bar in Los Angeles. Cole’s has survived the railways, Prohibition, stock market crash, earthquakes and world wars in its 92 years of operation. The interesting tidbits at Cole’s and many other historic spots are all part of Steiner’s tour package. Laura Perkins, 38, a graduate stu-


n from page 1 Acceptance of responsibility is the second condition to knowing if it is the right time to pursue a sexual relationship. “That’s birth control if your relationship needs it, disease control if your relationship needs it and obtaining consent to avoid the date rape problems that plague every campus today,” Friedman said. Assurance of mutual pleasure is the third condition. “You are not in it for your own pleasure,” Friedman said. He mentioned that providing your partner with pleasure is a necessary understanding the couple should have in the sexual relationship. According to educators participating in the events of World AIDS Day,

dent at CSUF, said the many facts Steiner had to offer made the guided tour more interesting. Perkins, a student of Steiner, added that he always has some kind of extra information to give. For foreign exchange student Severine Clerino, 23, downtown Los Angeles proved to be different than her expectations. “Los Angeles seems kind of empty,” the French native said. Steiner offers his walking tour once a year. The next tour will be posted on the CSUF American studies Web site under the “What’s New” section.

the theme was that it is important to accept responsibility for the consequences of sex.


first campuses in line for the state-supported programs.” The feasibility of the student enrollment rate has been met with ambivalence. The quality of education and the current availability of facilities are among the reasons underlying doubts. “I worry about how little attention students will get from teachers because of the ratios between professors and their students,” said junior Cheng Wu. “This is not only in the instance of [CSUF] but also the other CSUs that will be going through the same thing.” “I understand the purpose behind the growth,” said business major David Lemmon. “But the concern here is how well the growth is accommodated right now.”

Check the Daily Titan Classifieds for interesting jobs and buys

“Chaos in the Kitchen” by Alison Saar.


6 Tuesday, December 5, 2000


Tuesday, December 5, 2000

Netherlands approves euthanasia Even though the new law is still controversial, it is shown that the Dutch will support the new law By Terry Jolliffe

In India, it was once customary to throw old people into the Ganges. In ancient Sardinia, old men were clubbed to death by their own sons. Of course, we would all agree today those customs were barbaric and inhumane. Meanwhile, the Netherlands has just become the first country to vote to legalize euthanasia by a vote of 104 to 40 in the Dutch parliament. Approval by the upper chamber next year is seen as a formality. According to the BBC, doctors will adhere to strict criteria in carrying out the new law. · The patient must be suffering unbearable and unremitting pain. · He or she must have repeatedly requested help to die and a second medical opinion must be sought.

Daily Titan Letters to the Editor should be brief and are subject to editing. They should also include a signature and telephone number. Editorials are the opinion of the editorial board, comprised of the Executive Editor, News Editors and section editors. Columns are the personal opinion of the writer. They do not reflect those of the university, the faculty, or the

· The termination of life must be then carried out in a manner medically appropriate manner. Although opposed by some on religious and ethical grounds, polls have shown that a clear majority of Dutch people support the new law. Australia’s Northern Territory legalized medically assisted suicide for terminally ill patients in 1996, but this was later overturned. Other countries, such as Colombia and Switzerland have ruled that it is not a crime to help a terminally ill person die as long as they have given clear and precise consent, according to an article by Eric Onstad of Reuters News Service. Dr. Jack Kevorkian, the 70-year old retired pathologist who helped at least 130 terminally ill people to die in the U.S., is currently serving two terms of imprisonment. Kevorkian defended himself in court last year when he sought “jury nullification” on the grounds of humanity after helping Thomas Youk suffering from ALS terminate his life. But despite the age of enlighten-

ment and the sophistication of our 21st century, our ideals and laws concerning euthanasia are still mired in superstition, fear and misunderstanding. While there are those who see euthanasia as an act of compassionothers and see it as murder. Nevertheless, death with dignity, the right to choose the way to deal with ones’ own death, should be an option for the terminally ill. When a person’s body becomes so ravaged with disease with no chance of recovery, those patients can be hooked up to feeding tubes, while unconscious for months on end. Bedridden, comatose, or kept heavily drugged for pain, and very often unable to communicate his wishes, the terminally ill person becomes both an emotional and financial burden to the families involved. The toll this takes on families is immeasurable. Meanwhile, there are alternatives such as the Living Will, a formal document available to anyone. It states that in the event one becomes terminally ill where there is no chance of recovery, he or she does not wish to

be kept alive by extraordinary meansgiving the patients the right to refuse life-prolonging treatment. Beside parts of the U.S., Denmark, Singapore, Canada and Australia also adhere to these guidelines. Additionally, Hospice, an organization formed in England in 1960 is very active and an invaluable asset to families dealing with a terminally ill family member. The purpose of qualified Hospice workers is to help patients live comfortably and painlessly as possible, thus keeping their integrity intact, during their last days. Hospice encourages the patient to remain at home as opposed to staying in a hospital, and they also honor the provisions made in living wills. With euthanasia as controversial a subject as abortion, the lines are once again drawn in the sand. Maybe this too, should be an individual and personal choice. —Terry Jolliffe is a Daily Titan Staff Writer

courtesy on cnn.com

Dr. Kevorkian assisted in the death of 33 patients since 1990.

Our government needs to worry more about

U.S. government repeatedly pushes money elsewhere instead of worrying about what is going on is their own backyard By Gus Garcia C o l o m b i a ’s government is driving a great deal on its community. Officials kicked off an ambitious program to eradicate drug crops in the heart of Colombia’s cocaine-producing region. This is something the U.S. government should really look into since our drug problem is perhaps getting more serious. During the weekend ceremony, in Putumayo,Colombia nearly 700 peasant farmers agreed to destroy their cocoa plants in return for government aid to adopt alternative, and legal, livelihood. So, basically getting a better life.

For the cocoa growers themselves, the deal is to wipe out their own crops and get even better benefits, or face the government coming in and destroying the remaining plants with aerial fumigation and getting nothing. There is more to the principle part of the deal that the government will be driving towards the growers; in return for seeds they will receive technical assistance, better roads and electricity. Also, communities with cocoa plants as their main source of income will now be able grow food crops and tend to chicken coops instead. They will be getting this within the year, according to officials. Later, the government will invite farmers into more lucrative longterm projects such as cattle-raising, fish farms and rubber plantations.

This is what bugs me; the U.S. government is also pledging more than $100 million to contribute to this cause since most of the cocaine brought into this country comes from Colombia. But I think we need to do more in our country. I probably have a good idea what you’re thinking while reading this. Why, do we need all this? We have all these things already. But what I’m trying to get at is this: I’m sure our government can think of something that will fit our community. Most of the people dealing drugs come from a low-income community. So, why not give them something in return to stop dealing drugs? Since money will also be going into this, I say we pass a law for stiffer penalties of drug crimes and

forget about this drug-program. All we’re saying by doing this is that we give up. We’re saying that there is nothing we can do about our drug problem and since we can’t just legalize them, and save us many headaches. Well, growing up in a community where drug pushing was very dominant, we need not to give up on this. This is a perfect example of the second part of the cliche, the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. The reason this is true is because of the people dealing these drugs. The drug dealers are usually poor and the people buying them, are in the same boat. So, it’s just one big circle with the same people harming each other. The rich really don’t see a lot of

this which is really why they bother to do nothing about it. But hey, we pay taxes, we abide the law, so why not help us out? The United States keeps on worrying more about what is going on overseas instead of their own back yard and we need some serious fixing in this country. However, I really don’t see anything going with this nor do I see the government making an honest attempt to really do something about it. So, I think the smaller courts, which may or may not be located in the low-income communities, propose some type of fixing and fight it to the higher courts. —Gus Garcia is the Daily Titan Opinion Editor

Tuesday, December 5, 2000

Softball lands AllAmerican catcher nSOFTBALL:Jenny Topping returns to Orange County By Caesar Contreras

Daily Titan Sports Editor With the 2001 Cal State Fullerton softball season less than two months away, the Titans got an early Christmas present on Tuesday in the shape of former University of Washington All-American catcher Jenny Topping. On Tuesday, Topping signed a grant-in-aid to continue her collegiate softball career at CSUF. Topping, a product of La Habra High School, led the nation last season in home runs (24), runs batted in (90), slugging percentage (.960) and was fifth in batting (.438). Her bat will be a big benefit to a CSUF team that went 45-15, won the Big West Championship and made an NCAA Tournament appearance in 2000. "We are extremely excited to attract such a proven young athlete to our program, " Titan Head Coach Michelle Gromacki said. "She’s the epitome of an impact player, plus she fills a need on our roster. Her numbers speak for themselves." Her numbers in 2000 not only led to All-American honors but also led the Huskies to a program-best 62-9 record and an appearance in the 2000 College World Series. But on Nov. 1, Topping announced her decision to leave the Huskies program citing differences in academic and athletic philosophies. "It is unfortunate that Jenny has decided to leave," Washington Head Coach Teresa Wilson said in a Nov. 1 press release. "We did our best to work through our differences but weren’t able to resolve them. She is a talented player and I respect her decision and wish her success in the future." Topping will be entering the Titans with three years of eligibility remaining. In 1999 she played in eight games for the Huskies before a knee injury sidelined her for the season. She obtained a medical hardship and regained the year of eligibility. The Titans will start the 2001 season on Feb. 2 at the New Mexico Tournament. On March 20 at the Titan Softball Field, Topping will face her former team in a 5:00 p.m. game. Last season as a Huskie, Topping hit a home run in a 9-0 mercy-rule win over the Titans on March 22 at the Titan Softball Field.

Titans get first victory behind Harmon’s nMEN’S BASKETBALL: Harmon scores 21 early points to lead the team past Notre Dame

By Fermin Leal

Daily Titan Executive Editor With the help of 28 points from Ike Harmon, Donny Daniels finally won his first game as Titan Head Coach and the Cal State Fullerton men’s basketball team earned their first victory in more than ten months. The Titans [1-3] last won on Jan. 26 against UC Irvine before defeating the College of Notre Dame 79-64 in front of 1,013 Saturday night at Titan Gym. There were no signs that the senior forward Harmon hadn’t played for all but six minutes this season before starting on Saturday. Harmon made an immediate impact to his team, scoring CSUF’s first six points, the first two only 30 seconds into the game. He single handily scorched the Notre Dame defense as he scored 21 of his team’s first 32 points and made nine of his first ten shots. "They could not guard Ike," Daniels said. "He’s a superior player, better than anyone they have." Harmon scored easily from inside the paint against the small defenders. The Argonuats had no player on the team taller than 6-5. He also proved that he still had his outside touch, draining several shots from distance. Notre Dame began the game playing a full-court press defense—something that proved effective against CSUF in the past. The Argonuat defensive scheme did give the Titans

trouble early, forcing them into several turnovers. "This defense gives us a lot of problems," Daniels said. Once the Titans managed to break the defense, they found baskets easy to come by against the undersized defense, allowing the Titans to build a 39-29 lead at the half. The teams exchanged baskets through the first part of the second half. The Argonauts nagging press defense continued to cause problems for the Titans in the second half. CSUF had difficulty getting the ball into the front court and again kept turning the ball over. The team’s 25 turnovers prevented CSUF from pulling away. Notre Dame could not capitalize on the turnovers as they shot only 40 percent from the field for the game. The Argonauts then began to turn the ball over themselves and the Titans did manage to turn those into baskets. CSUF began pulling away slowly as the Notre Dame defense began to ware down. Harmon, who had a hot shooting hand in the first half, scored only 7 points in the second half, leaving him with 28 points for the game. "Fatigue started to set in during the second half," Harmon said, who has only practiced with the team less than 10 times. "My legs started to feel like rubber bands. This game was more to get my feet wet." Forward Joaquin Pons led the Argonauts with 24 points and made 6 of 9 from behind the three-point line. Harmon added 11 rebounds and three blocked shots while forward Daniel Kohn grabbed 12 boards. As a team, the Titans outrebounded the much smaller Argonauts 40 to 22. CSUF plays on the road tonight against Loyola Marymount at 7:05

nMEN’S BASKETBALL: The Titans to travel to Loyola Marymount By Fermin Leal

Daily Titan Executive Editor

Kristina Huffman/Daily Titan

Ike Harmon scores two of his 28 points on Saturday at Titan Gym.

Women’s winless streak continues after difficult loss nWOMEN’S BASEKTBALL: Ehardt says team is improving despite five straight losses to open season By Fermin Leal

Daily Titan Executive Editor

Lorraine dominguez/Daily Titan

Freshman Nikki Lee (right) lays in two points in a recent game.

When the Cal State Fullerton men’s basketball team faces Loyola Marymount (1-4) tonight, they will again look to Ike Harmon to again provide an offensive lift. Nobody on the team, thus far, has even come close to putting up the 28 points that the senior forward put up against the College of Notre Dame. Titan head coach Donny Daniels doubts that no other player can even come near. "I don’t think that we have anyone else that can score 28 points," Daniels said. One Titan that the team will also look to provide additional offensive firepower will be junior Kevin Richardson. The 6-4 guard was the only player that offered consistent scoring before Harmon’s return. Richardson had been leading the team in scoring with 11 points-per-game. For tonight’s game, the Titans will travel to Gerstin Pavilion to face a Lion Team that has also struggled so far this young season. The Lions are led by junior Robert Davis. The 6-2 guard is scoring 15 ppg. The Titans will also seek to contain senior center Pablo Machado. Machado averages 11.5 ppg and grabs 5 rebounds-per-game. Daniels sees several similarities between the two teams and is expecting a close game tonight. “This will be a game that they can win or we can win, it’s going to be close,” Daniels said.

In a battle of two winless teams, somebody had to win Saturday night. Unfortunately for the Titans, it wasn’t them. The Cal State Fullerton [0-5] women’s basketball remained without a victory after losing 73-59 to previously winless Portland State at Titan Gym. Neither team scorched the nets during the first half. Both teams scored only 25 points going into the intermission. The game remained close throughout the second half. The teams exchanged baskets through most of the half. At about the halfway point of the


second half, Viking guard Michelle Tuma drove down the lane and was fouled while making the basket. After making the free throw to complete the three-point play, Portland State took what to that point was the biggest lead in the game for both teams at 49-40. The Titans made a run in the closing minutes of the game. CSUF went on an 8-0 run started by a steal and breakaway lay-up by sophomore center Kandace Hunter and capped off by a 12-foot jump shot by forward Nikki Lee. With momentum on the opposing side and a one-point lead, Viking Alicia Russell hit an open three-pointer from the top of the arc to give her team some breathing room. Portland State then went on to score the next nine points and then cruised the rest of the way for the victory. "We played good defense in the first half," Titan Head Coach Barbara Ehardt said. " We didn’t have the same intensity in the second half." Portland State was led by Russell who scored 13 points. Nikki Petticrew also added 12 points, Tuma scored 10.

Neither team made a significant improvement in its shooting percentage in the second half. CSUF ended up shooting 35 percent from the field for the game while the Vikings shot 35.5 percent for the game. The game was decided at the freethrow line. Portland State made 25 of 29 at the line compared to the Titans who only made 11 out of 15. "They made all of their free throws and that was the difference," Ehardt said. Titan freshman guard Tamara Quinn led all scores with 17 points and six rebounds. Sophomore forward Heather Hansen added 11 points and six rebounds. Hunter chipped in with 10 points. Despite the difficult loss, Ehardt stayed optimistic about her team’s improvements. "We are finding success in other things besides wins," Ehardt said. "Our defense made a good jump tonight." The Titans again will look for their first victory of the season when they play against the Pepperdine Waves in Malibu on Wednesday night at 7 p.m.

o m m e n t a r y

NFL playoff picture begins to By James Moya

Don’t be a baby Read the Daily Titan

With the NFL playoffs looming in about a month, the smoke is beginning to clear and the picture is just about complete. In the NFC West, the defending Super Bowl Champs St. Louis Rams are in a tie for first place with the surprising New Orleans Saints at 8-5. The Rams get last year’s MVP quarterback Kurt Warner back from injury to make a late season push. New Orleans is without quarterback Jeff Blake for the rest of the year, but with unheard of Aaron Brooks adding a new face to the Saints’ passing attack, it may be a blessing in disguise. But they will need running back Ricky Williams back to contend. In the NFC Central, the Minnesota Vikings at 11-2 are in control with the Detroit Lions and Tampa Bay

Buccaneers both at 8-5 and just too far in the pack with only three games left in the season. Meanwhile, in the NFC East, the Philadelphia Eagles at 9-5 and the New York Giants at 9-4 are in a virtual lock for first are in first place. If the playoffs started today, the NFC division winners would be New Orleans, Minnesota and Philadelphia due to a better record. The wild cards would be the Rams, Lions and Giants. Minnesota would have the home field advantage. Other wild card hopefuls are the Buccaneers and the Washington Redskins. New Orleans and Philadelphia’s downfall will be injuries and inexperience as Tampa Bay, Detroit, and Washington will get in as the wild cards. Those teams lack offensive weapons to deal with St. Louis and Minnesota. If the Rams improve their muchmaligned defense and Minnesota Head Coach Dennis Green improves

his playoff record, it will be the Rams against the Vikings in Minnesota in the NFC championship game. Last year these two teams played in the second round in St. Louis, where the Rams prevailed. This year the Vikings will prevail with quarterback Daunte Culpepper leading the way. Over in the AFC, the Oakland Raiders, Tennessee Titans and Miami Dolphins are all in a home-field advantage lock with 10-3 records. The Dolphins lead the AFC East race at 10-3. The wild cards would be the Denver Broncos at 9-4, Baltimore Ravens at 9-4 and the New York Jets at 9-4. Other wild card hopefuls are the Buffalo Bills at 7-6, the Indianapolis Colts at 7-6 and the Pittsburgh Steelers at 7-6. With the exception of the Steelers, both the Colts and Bills are fading fast. The Broncos and the Jets are almost locks to get in. The Ravens, who are playing the best of any NFL team, will beat out the Bills to get in. It will be a battle for


home-field with the Titans expected to win out. Oakland will lose to Denver or anybody else for that matter with the playoff pressure. Baltimore’s inconsistent offense will be its downfall. Denver’s injuries to quarterback Brian Griese and running back Terrel Davis will derail them. Miami’s lack of running game should stop their tracks. The AFC championship will have the Jets against the Titans in which the Jets will prevail due to the Titans trouble with the kicking game. The Jets will play a full four quarters and defeat the Titans at home where they are tough to beat. The Super Bowl in Tampa Bay will have the Vikings against the Jets. If Minnesota’s defense steps up their offense should score enough to beat the Jets in the Super Bowl. —James Moya is a Daily Titan Staff Writer

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