2001 02 22

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U N I V E RS I T Y ,

F U L L E R T O N Men’s basketball plays Idaho tonight at the Titan Gym

INSIDE NEWS: “The Diary of Anne Frank” 2 ndebuts at Brea’s Curtis Theatre March 2

—see Sports page 7

Chris Rock acts heavenly in 5 nhisDETOUR: new film “Down to Earth”

T h u r s d ay

Vo l u m e 7 2 , I s s u e 5

F e b r u a r y 22, 2001

Traffic citations planned

MTV Rock n’ Jock

nCAMPUS: Officers will determine disciplinary measures for students rather than giving fines By Amy Rottier

Daily Titan Staff Writer

Rapper Redman swings for the fences during MTV’s Rock n’ Jock Basebrawl but comes up empty handed.


Companies come in search of employnEVENT: Business Week 2001 attracts students looking for internships and fulltime jobs By Sara Stanton

Daily Titan Staff Writer Over 60 companies from Southern California met with students, accepted resumes and discussed career opportunities at Business Week 2001 held at Titan Student Union. Co-sponsors Business Inter-Club Council and the College of Business and Economics planned the three-day event since October of last year. Jerry Brian, a 23-year-old economics and philosophy major, and president of BICC, was pleased about the number of students that attended and participated in Business Week 2001

thus far. “I’ve been getting a lot of positive feedback,” he said. The largest event of Business Week was the Career Expo in Portola Pavilions yesterday, bringing a variety of businesses to the students of CSUF. Tables and booths were set up in the pavilion, some granting on-thespot interviews. Students were encouraged come to the expo dressed in business attire with their resumes completed. “Half of this is getting companies here, and the other half is showing them the quality students that we have here at Cal State Fullerton,” Brian said. “We’re want to show our credibility as a strong business school.” Theresa Purtle, a 30-year-old liberal studies major at CSUF, was a representative of AFLAC, American Family Life Assurance Company, one of the companies at the event. “There were a lot of people interested in the businesses here, and they‘re all asking lots of questions,”

Purtle said. Though she has already found her career with AFLAC, she says that she still wants to get her degree, which is why she is still a part-time student at CSUF. Michael A. Dellisant, vice president of investments for Salomon Smith Barney Incorporated, a financial planning company, was surprised that many students weren’t looking for full-time jobs. “It’s funny because there are so many seniors that are asking for internships, when I think that they’re ready for the real thing,” he said. On Tuesday, BICC hosted “Breakfast With the Professionals,” where 100 students and 50 companies had breakfast together and discussed job opportunities, employment trends and any other questions that students had. BICC also brought in speaker Vice President and CFO Gabriel Tirador of Mercury Insurance. Wednesday’s events also con-

sisted of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Meeting. Today’s itinerary includes speaker Julie Puentes, executive vice president of public affairs from the Orange County Business Council. A keynote luncheon follows, where 100 students and professionals will have lunch together before the keynote speaker, Dennis Kneale, managing editor of Forbes Magazine. Ray Murillo, assistant dean of the college of business and economics, and advisor to BICC, said that most of the companies that attended the Career Expo recruited for internships, part-time, and full-time career positions. He also said that the Career Center was a major player in assisting with Business Week 2001. BICC coordinates and provides assistance and recourses to all college of business and economics clubs and organizations. CSUF’s business and economics program is the largest accredited business program in the

nENTERTAINMENT: Outdoor concerts will be held every Wednesday outside the TSU Daily Titan Staff Writer AS Productions is holding outside concerts every Wednesday at noon at the Becker Amphitheater located between the Titan Student Union and bookstore. The series starts the second week of every semester and ends the week before finals. Each show lasts about an hour and is free. Performers include touring and local bands and DJs who play anything from trance to pop. Although some performers attract a larger

audience than others, about 100 students attend the shows. March will bring Electric Youth, 5 Fingers of Funk, and Death on Wednesday to the amphitheater. AS Productions also holds a concert or comedy show every Thursday at noon at The Pub. A few dates still need to be filled and Norma Gonzalez, administrative director of AS Productions, encourages performers to drop off a demo tape. For a listing of shows, call 278-3503 or log on to their Web site at http://asproductions.8k.com.

Lorraine dominguez/Daily Titan

Business Week 2001 provided the chance for students to find jobs.

Red Cross stops by Cobb Residence

AS Productions give weekly performances By Amy Rottier

A police officer directs traffic in a crowded campus parking lot. While he is signaling for the young driver in front of him to stop, the driver looks the other way and nearly runs into the officer. Generally, the officer only has two options: cite the 18-year-old with a misdemeanor or do nothing at all. The officer does not want to taint the inexperienced driver’s record with a misdemeanor for an honest mistake, yet he doesn’t want the driver to go unpunished. The situation can be handed directly to the campus judicial affairs. This fall, campus police are now given the option of issuing campus disciplinary citations instead of placing every mistake or offense through the criminal process. In the past, when a student was arrested or written a ticket on campus, the offense went through the criminal process as well as to judicial affairs. The offender had to pay the fine and answer to the university. The judicial affairs Web Site states: “When students enroll at Cal State Fullerton they voluntarily choose to associate with the university and are therefore bound by the responsibilities as well as the rights

of that membership.” The goal of judicial affairs is to help students learn from their mistakes and understand the effects of their behavior on the community, others and themselves. “The process gives flexibility to use lots of different punishments with more focus on a learning experience,” said Community Services Corporal, John Brockie. Discipline is determined by the offense and can be anything from community service to probation. “I think that students take this type of action more seriously than a regular ticket because it could possible affect their career and goals of completing college,” Brockie said. “It really hits home.” The offender meets with Sandra Rhoten, associate dean of students, where they have a chance to tell their side of the story. Rhoten often calls up the campus police to make sure she understands the situation clearly so she can make the fairest decision possible, Brockie said. Instead of just paying a fine and forgetting about it, students are talked to about the reasons their actions were wrong. “Our job is to uphold the standards of the campus community,” Rhoten said. “Students need to responsible for their behavior.” Campus disciplinary citations are issued at the officer’s discretion. About eight alternative citations have been issued this year. Brockie says the officers are still getting used to the new system. “It’s really going to turn out to be a positive program,” Brockie said.

nHEALTH: Students participate in donating blood and help reach the 60-donation quota on Wednesday By Kelly Mead

Daily Titan Staff Writer


Matt Westmoreland donates a pint of blood in Residence Hall. http://dailytitan.fullerton.edu

“I’m going for my gallon donation,” said 20-year-old Cal State Fullerton resident Eric Wang with a laugh. He tries to make donating blood “ a regular habit.”

Dorm residents showed up between 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Wednesday in order to give blood to the Red Cross. The event, organized by resident advisor Jessica Hughes, is the first blood drive held in the Cobb Residence Hall. “I’ve always given blood, and so I thought it would be a good idea to give students an opportunity to get involved,” Hughes said. To guarantee the Red Cross’ 60donation quota, Hughes knocked on dormitory doors two weeks before the event in order to get students to


2 Thursday, February 22, 2001


A guide to what’s happening

BRIEFS Brea’s Curtis Theatre performs “The Diary of Anne Frank” The Curtis theatre will present a performance of “The Diary of Anne Frank” beginning Friday, March 2 and continuing through March 18 at 8 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays and at 2 p.m. on Sundays. A Curtis Theatre original production, the perfomance will feature Anaheim’s Danielle Kincebach as Anne Frank and Dennis Baker from Azusa as Peter Van Daan. The cast also includes Richard Comeau from Anaheim in the role of Otto Frank and Cynthia Deere from Brea as Mrs. Van Daan. The Curtis Theatre will also host an exclusive event in collaboration with the Brea Gallery’s concurrent exhibit of “The Anne Frank Story.” On March 9, junior high and high school students will attend a special 10 a.m. matinee engagement, receive a complimentary admission to the gallery’s exhibition and receive a noteworthy presentation at the end of the performance from guest speakers—actual survivors of the Holocaust. The Curtis Center, along with other local businesses will generously contribute to the mid-day events to create a beneficial and enlightening experience for the young citizens of Orange County. Tickets are $17 for adults, $15 for seniors and $10 for children. Discount rates are available for groups of 15 or more. Box office hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 11a.m. to 2 p.m. For ticket reservations or more information, call (714)990-7722.

Contact lenses still more popular than Laser surgery as an alternative to eyeglasses Despite increased competi-

Denise Smaldino Vu Nguyen Joel Helgesen Collin Miller Gus Garcia Seth Keichline Darla Priest Marlayna Slaughterbeck Raul Ascencio Damian Calhoun Magda Liszewska Jamie Ayala Lorraine Dominguez David Rivera Lori Anderson Samantha Gonzaga Debra Santelli Darleene Barrientos Kari Wirtz Robert Kelleher Jeffrey Brody Editor in Chief Managing Editor News Sports Main Photo

278-5815 278-5814 278-5813 278-3149 278-2128 278-2991

tion from laser eye surgeries, soft contact lens use grew 8 percent in 2000, according to research reported in Contact Lens Spectrum. The Contact Lens Council (CLC) reports that there are now more than 34 million contact lens wearers in the U.S. alone, with more than 80 million worldwide. Ed Schilling, executive director of CLC, is not surprised. “The heavy advertising and marketing efforts of laser eye surgery practices have increased interest in alternatives to glasses,” he said. “We’re hearing from everyone: manufacturers; eye care professionals; and consumers who call our information line or visit our web site; people looking for alternatives are increasingly turning to contacts as the vision correction option of choice. Eye-care professionals report that advertising may, in fact, be driving more patients into the exam room asking about laser eye surgery. However, they also suggest that many of their patients are opting for contacts instead, after learning about the risks, limitations and cost of surgery. Risks are not the only reason patients are switching to contacts. Boomer-age candidates, particularly those with early presbyopia, also known as “aging eyes,” often require glasses even after laser eye surgery. Dr. Barry Weiner, an optometrist and advisor to the CLC, said he believes these patients are opting to forgo expensive surgery in favor of contacts. “When surgery doesn’t achieve perfect vision for them, my patients are asking for contacts to compensate…rather than undergoing additional operations,” Weiner said.

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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Tuesday through Friday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSU system. The Daily Titan and its predecessor, the Titan Times, have functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The mail subscription price is $45 per semester, $65 per year, payable to the Daily Titan, College Park 670, CSUF, Fullerton, CA 92834. Copyright ©2001 Daily Titan


Campus Financial aid workshops are scheduled for Feb. 22, and 23 on campus. Today’s workshop is at 1:00 p.m. in EC-124. Workshops are scheduled through March 2. For more information visit: www.fafsa. ed.gov Business Week 2001 is being presented on campus this week. Today’s Keynote Luncheon is from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. in Portola Pavillions A. Bring resume. Network opportunities. For more information call (714) 278-4220.

An “Underground” pub series performance featuring a local band will be presented today in the TSU Round Table Pizza at noon.

Today Movie night is in the TSU Titan Theater from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Admission is free. A class on Creative Topiary is scheduled for Feb. 24 at the Fullerton Arboretum from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. For more information call (714) 278- 3579.

Institute Workshops will be presented from Feb. 26 through April 20. For more information call (714) 2784938.


The music of composer Jeremy Beck will be presented in Recital Hall on March 2 at 8 p.m. Tickets are available for $8. Discounts available. For more information call (714) 278-3371.

The exhibition “The World of Reggae,” featuring Bob Marley is at the Queen Mary all spring. It is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. For information call (562) 499-1620.

A Men’s Volleyball Tournament will take place in Titan Gymnasium on Sunday Feb. 25 at 4:00 p.m. For more information call (714) 2783978.

A Madonna convention will be held at The Palace in Hollywood on Sunday, Feb. 25, from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. Tickets are $25. For more information call (714) 778-4966.

The Student Leadership

is performing at the Bradford House in Placentia on Feb. 25 at 3 p.m. It is located at 136 Palm Circle. For more information call (714) 993-2470. “The Diary of Anne Frank,” will be presented at Brea’s Curtis Theatre from March 2 through 18. Performance times are at 8 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays and at 2 p.m. on Sundays. For more information call (714) 990-7723. “The Salt That Saved The Kingdom,” will be presented by the Cal State Fullerton Department of Theatre and Dance, March 10 through 17 at the Grand Central Theatre in Santa Ana. For more information call (714) 278-3538.

The Santiago String Quartet


Western State University 4*5

Lamppost Pizza 4*5


Thursday, February 22, 2001

MTV presents:

Rock n’ Jock BASEBRAWL

‘01 Photo by Chris Tennyson

Above: Redman runs through his warm ups before the big game. Right: New Chicago White Sox pitcher, David Wells, gets bombarded by fellow teammates. Below: Players horsing around.

Photo by David Rivera

Lower Left: Players line up down the first base line as they are individually introduced. Below: Star of “That ‘’70’’’s Show,” Mila Kunis, and Kimberly Pressler, host of MTV’’’s “Senseless Acts of Video,” pose for cameras.

Photo by Kira Horvath

Photo By Chris Tennyson

Photo by Chris Tennyson


4 Thursday, February 22, 2001



n from page 1 make appointments. Seventy residents were expected to show up. Students who gathered in the multipurpose room went through a 45-minute process that ended in each student giving the standard one-pint donation. After students checked and went through a health evaluation, which consisted of questions and a short physical, they were put on one of four tables designated to give blood. After five to 10 minutes of blood drawing, students ended the process by snacking on energy-boosting cookies and juice. For Eugenie Shang, the resident director of student housing, putting the drive in Cobb Residence Halls was a logical idea. The building’s multipurpose room holds a large uncluttered space. The only objects the Red Cross demanded was a few chairs and tables, items abundant at the dorms. “Here it’s their home, so it’s convenient if they need to rest,” Shang said. “Plus it’s an awareness thing.” Most of the students who gave blood walked away feeling as healthy as they did before they walked in the room. “I didn’t even need the cookies,” said Matt Westmoreland, an 18-year-old sophomore at Cal State Fullerton. “I could have given twice as much today and skipped out of here.” Despite horror stories of people falling over when they give blood, Oscar Cardenas, a medical specialist for the Red Cross, said only a small percentage of people have a problem. “If we have 50 people coming in, I would say about three pass out,” said Cardenas, who is one of the 150 workers who conduct blood drives in the Los Angeles and Orange County areas. Cardenas feels the benefits of giving blood outweigh the worry of getting queasy. He pointed out that one pint of blood can save anywhere from three to five lives. Most pints are divided into sections, such as red blood cells and clotting agents. This way a patient who only needs plasma, for example, will not waste the other components of the blood. Sixty five percent of the Red Cross blood supply comes from mobile drives. Thirty-five percent comes from donors who seek out Red Cross facilities, said Julie Juliusson, the communications manager for the American Red Cross Blood services in Southern California. All the blood donated Wednesday will go directly into the Los Angeles and Orange Counties. Juliusson notes a special need for Southern California residents to donate blood. In fact, since only three percent of Southern California residents donate blood, 40 percent of the blood used in the area is imported from other parts of the country. Compared to other major metropolitan areas, Southern California ranks last, Juliusson said. According to the Red Cross Web site, Orange County residents donated 76,415 pints of blood to patients in the area between 1999 and 2000. Blood drive events, such as the KLOS blood drive in August, can gather as much as 3,000 pints.

Goat Hill Tavern 1*6

Raytheoon 5*9

Cingular Wireless 5*12

6 Thursday, February 22, 2001


planned Parenthood 2*3

Bernanico Pineiros Consumer Services 2*4

Collegiate Funding 4*21 Bobby McGees 2*8

arts & entertainment February 22, 2001

Heaven must be missing a comedian Chris Rock showcases his comedic talent as he loses his body and regains his soul in “Down to Earth.” By Elana Pruitt

Daily Titan Staff Writer Chris Rock proves that a comedic backbone is effective in supporting the nature of mature themes, such as reincarnation and racism. The humorous drama "Down to Earth," features fair acting, the alternative philosophy in dealing with mortality, and that skin color should not be a factor in the name of love. Plus, it will crack you up. Based on the film, "Heaven Can Wait," written by Elaine May and Warren Beatty, the movie deals with the idea of dying before one's time and making amends with important relationships. "Down to Earth" stresses the significance of closure to important relationships before death. Lance Barton (played by Chris Rock) is a bike messenger and a wanna-be comedian on the side who disastrously competes at the Apollo. He continuously strives for laughs with weak jokes, despite the audience's negative reaction and has earned the nickname "Booey." Whitney Daniels (Frankie Faison) is Lance's coach and fatherly guidance. He desperately tries to talk Lance into giving up the stage act or finding new material. Once Lance hears from Whitney that the Apollo is shutting down for good and they are having one last show with five open slots for amateurs now he considers it his chance to prove how funny he actually is! Rock is so funny that even his attempt

at portraying an untalented character makes viewers laugh. The actor and the character have such similar lifestyles, it was hard to differentiate their roles. Rock was funny just acting like he wasn't! Crossing the street, he stops thinking about the big night and checks out a woman walking in the crosswalk. Their eyes meet, smiles melt, and both brains retain one another's image because that would not be the last time their paths would cross. Even though the previews reveal that Rock’s character will die, the unfolding of the story is still interesting. Two characters, Keyes (Eugene Levy) and King (Chazz Palminteri), soon become Lance's worst nightmare and best friends. King is a charming angel with a tough-guy facade and Keyes is his anxious, klutzy, assistant. Keyes actually had Lance killed later than it was scheduled, so King decided that Lance will be able to find a dead body and become its soul. It is that catalyst that will eventually allow Lance to continue to compete at the Apollo and eventually unite with the beautiful woman, Sontee (Regina King), who witnessed his death. As Whitney continues to tell him, Lance is much funnier offstage than on. That proves to be true. Once he tours heaven, which is a freaky dance club, his real humor soars. Especially when Lance finds the new body to cover his soul. He becomes Charles Wellington (Brian Rhodes), a wealthy, white, middle-aged businessman. The remainder of the movie is hilarious and quite clever. We don't get to know the character of Mr. Wellington, which would have helped in understanding his evil motive of capitalism, though we are told by the shocked reaction of others that Lance's soul has changed him. Lance miraculously transforms all of Wellington's ideals into liberal intentions; saves the Brooklyn public hospital for low-income families; reveals to the

public that his fellow business partners are crooks; and turns his estate into a ruff-ryders anthem. Maids and butlers get past their concern for the change because they enjoy the new Wellington and become more culturally open to new music and lifestyles. My favorite aspect of the movie is that viewers only see Lance as Mr. Wellington, but everybody else in the movie sees him as a ridiculous white man throwing up west-side signs and bobbing his head to rap. Though, we get to put our imaginations to rest at those certain moments when he is making a fool of himself. Blacks on the street and in the comedy clubs become insulted by Wellington's attitude of black power, dancing to rap songs and trying his luck doing standup stints using Lance's old acts, only to come across as racist. The movie is quite short, but it is long enough to include light-hearted conflict and a happy ending. I won't give away the entire story, but I will say that you'll laugh. You may even start to question your own beliefs on the afterlife as well as question why cultures can make fun of themselves using derogatory words, but when an outsider does the same thing it comes across as racist. Rock's acting is impressive and the best done yet. You can find him also in last year’s "Dogma," a Bible-story meets Generation X, where he plays the 13th apostle. Though, because that movie is based on religion, there was no room for personal development of his character. "Down to Earth" features Rock as a man who is searching for his talent and grows more knowledgeable of the world. From earth to heaven and back, his original failure on stage turns into success granted the opportunity to live through someone else. The other actors also contribute to the success of the movie, especially the emotional characters Whitney and Sontee. But Lance

Spanish guitarist enchants Margarita Escarpa returns to CSUF for a successful show.

Courtesy of Paramount

Long live Bob Marley Fans of all ages gather to celebrate music of the king of reggae

By Elana Pruitt

By Sara Stanton

Daily Titan Staff Writer An anxious and diverse audience awaits the solo performance of a renowned Spanish guitarist and the creation of beautiful music, while the empty stage echoes whispers of excitement. Margarita Escarpa, a professional Spanish musician, enchanted a swooned audience last Friday evening at the Performing Art Center’s Recital Hall on campus. By about 8 p.m., the scheduled time of the recital, tickets were sold out. Escarpa has performed in various international music festivals in Europe, North America, and Asia. She is not foreign to Cal State Fullerton, where she previously and successfully performed. Escarpa is also an educator in Spain at the "Conservatorio Superior de Musica de Vigo." She grandly walked on stage with a curvaceous creamy-brown guitar in hand and bowed respectfully to the audience. After the audience applauded her presence and the complementary purplish-silver dress that sparkled with her smile, the show started. The recital lasted for about an hour and a half and everyone was attentive to her musical power. The audience ranged in age, occupation, and culture. Ages ranged from about 18 to 75. Many were grouped students supporting their major in the Arts admiring a talented professional. Adults and families seemed familiar with the Recital Hall. The "music appreciation" aura led the dressed-up crowd to their seats. Escarpa’s music brought together various ethnic groups by relating everybody to creativity. Holding the guitar at a slight angle and sitting on a black cushioned piano bench with one foot on a step stool, Escarpa silently welcomed the audience into her soulful world. Her manner was relaxed and I imagined her sitting in a courtyard amusing passing village people. The program consisted of two general parts, separating two distinct genres. European composers aroused the traditional classical pieces in the first part, while Spanish composers brought her close to home with variety in the second part. Escarpa began with "Quatre Pieces Breves," meaning "Four Short Pieces," by English contemporary composer Frank Martin. Like chapters in a book, these selections have individual personalities and complete a sound story. "Prelude," "Air," "Plainte," and "Comme une Gigue" are the introductory chapters to an upcoming drama of quiet sounds

Chris Rock gets his grove back as Lance Bartonin in “Down to Earth.”

Daily Titan Staff Writer

Margarita Escarpa entertains the and increased dynamics. She then dove into more intense and stimulating sounds of Johann Sebastian. Bach, a German composer from the Baroque period who wrote "Sonata No.2, BWV 1003." Compared to Martin’s four distinct compositions, the four sections in the "Sonata" are dependent sections constituting one whole piece. Throughout the performance, Escarpa smoothly transitions from tune to tune. Plucking guitar strings and admiring her own speedy fingers dancing on chords, Escarpa seemed so in love with her music that nervousness and embarrassment have no room to play a part. The first part of the program was interesting as it had perfect sound and style that was seemingly correct, but culturally, it was not nearly exciting as part two. Part two continued with fancy finger work, as Escarpa played Spanish composer, Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco’s "Escarraman." After this short piece, the best moment of the show was the "Suite of Spanish Dancers from the XVI century." It was a homage to Miguel de Cervantes and an honor to watch her play. These four sequential dances were musically captivating. The first dance, "El Rey Don Alfonso el Bueno," is a fun

Courtesy of CSUF Recital Hall

audience during her concert. repetitive story about a good king. The jostling dynamics told us that the king must have been in good spirits with his people. "Gallarda" shifted feelings into romanticism with Escarpa closing her eyes as soft sounds released itself from an intimate guitar. "La Guarda Cuydadosa," is the last of the Spanish dances, telling the story of a soldier in love. Escarpa produced melodies that embraced a gallopy soldier dancing around with joy. This piece had a masculine tone and Escarpa’s fingers would occasionally interrupt the fluidity of the guitar scales with choppy intensity. It sounded as if the dear ol’ soldier just lost his love and is faced with conflict. Then the drama continued in a serious tone in "Capriccio Diabolico", while "Fantasia Sobre La Travieta" switched to an upbeat whimsical song swimming in escapism. The audience cheered with an enthusiastic applause, as I did after each full piece. As the end drew near, Escarpa stood up, full of relief and joy, bowed and walked backstage. She instantly came back for two encores and hopefully she will come back to CSUF for another enchanting evening.

For many of the attendees at the annual Bob Marley Day Celebration at the Long Beach Arena last weekend, Bob Marley was dead before they were born. For others who had the opportunity to enjoy Marley’s music while he was alive, the Bob Marley Day Celebration brings people together in remembrance of a great musical soldier. No matter the race, age or creed of any person in attendance, the 20th annual Bob Marley Day Celebration brought thousands of people together in remembrance of Marley, who is known to many as the king of reggae music. Numerous performers took the stage with exuberant energy and enthusiasm in their support of the Celebration. Barbara Barabino of Ragga Muffins Productions, and one of the main presenters of the celebration, wrote a letter to the audience in the events program. According to the letter, the Bob Marley Day Celebration started 20 years ago in MacArthur Park in Los Angeles when “a small Los Angeles-based organization [called] ‘Reggae For Cultural Awareness’ made a commitment to become a reggae soldier,” she wrote. Since then, the Celebration has continued for two decades and reggae music has flourished within our society. Through the smoke-filled arena, fans shouted, danced and sang to the live performers on stage. For $30 to $45, fans could purchase tickets for

floor access, allowing them to be closer to the stage. For less money, spectators could purchase seats in the stands, limiting them only to the upper level view of the stage. Saturday’s key performers, primarily known as “dancehall” artists included Buju Banton, Capleton, Baby Cham, Red Rat, General Degree and Ghost. Dancehall music is considered to be a sub-genre of reggae music, classified by the upbeat synthesized beats. Sunday’s performers included Bunny Wailer, Shaggy, Wailing Souls and Ky-Mani Marley. These performers are more commonly known as “roots” reggae, with live bands behind the performers. Roots artists are also typically known to have a more political and humanistic message to their music. For those who do not follow reggae music closely, these names may not mean a thing. But when the artists took the stage with their upbeat energy and messages of freedom, the crowd of thousands danced together in energetic unity. Mannix Khelghatian, a 23-yearold graduate of Cal State Fullerton, has been attending the Celebration for the past eight years. “It’s cool coming to this and seeing so many artists come together to perform on the same day,” he said. “So many people are here for so many different reasons, whether it’s a political thing or a music thing, we’re all here together.” For those interested in more than a concert, there were hundreds of booths set up around the perimeter

of the arena, selling crafts, compact discs, clothing, jewelry, and paraphernalia. Hard-to-find reggae albums, hats, t-shirts, hemp necklaces, pipes, papers, and screens were common articles found at the booths. A variety of international food stands was also another venue that visitors could enjoy. Hungry attendees stood in long lines for jerk chicken, fried bananas, curry fish, sweet potatoes and a variety of other Jamaican culinary specialties. For those less adventurous, traditional hot dog and hamburger stands were available for consumers, though the shorter lines indicated that the majority of people preferred Jamaican foods. During the performances, people walked up and down the aisles passing out pamphlets and asking for donations. Arimanidu, a 52-year-old member of The Kings Chamber, an active Rastafarian organization, was one of these pamphleteers. “This is a good opportunity for the people to hear what we’re saying and to come together as one,” he said. “We look forward to this event as a way to get our message out to the people. Bob Marley Day will be here as long as there is reggae music.” This celebration came in timely accord with this year’s Grammy Awards, where Bob Marley was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award. Marley was also nominated with Lauren Hill for a Grammy for the collaboration remake of “Turn Your Lights Down Low.”

Festival recognizes the Pythons Members of the world-famous comedy troupe are honored during the event By Jennifer Mizzell Special to the Titan

In 1974, The Monty Python comedy troupe stormed into American pop-culture, distributing unbridled silliness into American households and launching an international cult following. During their time spent as a group, many of the Pythons embarked on a variety of solo projects, one of which is to be recognized at the William S. Paley Television Festival, Feb. 28 through March 13, at the Directors

Guild of America in Los Angeles. The Paley Festival, named for William S. Paley, founder of The Museum Of Television & Radio and CBS, honors creative and diverse television programming, offering the public an opportunity to view featured works and ask questions of the cast and creative teams involved in its production. The Rutles: All You Need Is Cash, a ninety-minute Beatles-parodydocudrama written and co-directed by ex-Python Eric Idle, will be featured Friday, March 9 at 7:00pm.

The Cast list includes fellow Python, Michael Palin and executive producer, Lorne Michaels of Saturday Night Live fame. Idle, as well as actor Neil Innes, and co-director Gary Weiss are scheduled to make a personal appearance. Tickets are priced at $13.00 an event with a student I.D., and are available through The Museum Of Television & Radio or via phone at (800) 225-2277. For more information on the Paley Festival, call the Festival hotline at (310) 786-1010.

8 Thursday, February 22, 2001


Members of Buckfast Superbee put listeners to sleep faster than a history book.

Courtesy of Walking Records

Band buzzes with mediWinners of the best alternative artist at 2000 San Diego Music Awards don’t satisfy listeners. By Kathleen Gutierrez Daily Titan Staff Writer

Is there really adequate room for yet another alternative pop/punk band? With all the one-hit wonders in the world, it's marveling that there isn't a national movement against such musical tragedies as Buckfast Superbee, a San Diego based band that puts listeners to sleep faster than a history book. Their second album, set for release in April, is titled, "You Know How The Song Goes." Call them prophets of the new millennium because man, they were not kidding! This album should be sold as a companion to whatever Learn Beginning Guitar video they rented from Blockbuster. It appears that there will never be an end to the three-chord rock band. There is no punk on this album.

There doesn't appear to be any pop, either. But there is an overabundance of post-grunge alternative noise just in case 1994 wasn't enough misery. Time is the theme of this album. It's just too bad it couldn't have been said in a shorter amount of it. The thesis is in every song and yet none of the lyrics suggest progression; the singer just keeps whining. It's a term paper gone awry. Lead vocalist TJ Tognazzini keeps wailing about wasting time and taking up space in the world. It's a shame he doesn't listen to his lyrics, go out, get a desk job, and stop making ears bleed across the nation. These songs are at once horribly written and ill-produced. Yet somehow these guys managed to be named Best Alternative Artist at the 2000 San Diego Music Awards. Maybe it was because they were the only band out there that still considered Alt rock cool. Track one, "4 Minutes From Here," screams that the same thing is going on but no one can hear. Unfortunately for the listener, it is quite easy to hear just how much of the same old thing is used to create this album. Think of bands like Gin Blossoms, Fuel, Fastball, and a

little Ben Folds Five. Welcome to Buckfast Superbee. There is one song on the album, "Apology in E," that could have been a real winner. It's simple, nice, pretty. And boring. The lyrics destroy it. It sounds great, as long as you don't listen to what he's saying. It's something about pretending to be someone he isn't. Most of the song is sort of a whisper, the rest is yelling, making it a strain to get the lyrics precise. Plus the lyrics are written in six point type in the liner notes, so it is rather difficult to know what gives promise that Superbee can be so much more than what they are on this album. Lyrically, this song is as defective as the rest of them. This pop/punk/alt amalgamation is for the bees. It is mediocre at best, slightly irritating and absolutely not worth the money. Not much can be said in favor of this album, but one thing is certain. When sifting through CDs to find that perfect party album, do not play Buckfast Superbee. It's a definite buzz kill.

Thursday, February 22, 2000

Titan gymnasts anticipate strong performance at home nGYMNASTICS: With team confidence high, CSUF looks forward to its second competition against 9th-ranked San Jose State By Melanie Bysouth

Daily Titan Staff Writer


Senior Ike Harmon and the Titans are in a must-win situation tonight against Idaho

Triumph may keep playoff hopes nBIG WEST: As the season winds down, CSUF and Idaho fight it out for last spot in conference tournament By Damian Calhoun

Daily Titan Asst. Sports Editor The battle for the eighth and final spot in the Big West Conference tournament will become a little clearer after tonight’s game between Cal State Fullerton and Idaho tonight at Titan Gym. Both teams enter the game from different ends of the spectrum. CSUF is currently on a six-game losing streak and Idaho recently ended its own six-game losing streak with a 70-67 win over Boise State. Beside the drama of fighting for the last spot in the tournament, beginning Mar. 8-10, the game will also be broadcasted live by Fox Sports Net at 5 p.m. Idaho is led by junior forward Matt Gerschefke (11.6 ppg) and senior guard Adam Miller (10.2 ppg). In the first meeting, Gerschefke only shot 4 for 12 for a total of

11 points. With only four games remaining for both teams, the winner will own the tiebreak. With the win, CSUF (3-20, 2-11) will have a season sweep against the Idaho Vandals (5-18, 2-10). If Idaho wins, they will own the tiebreak with a split against CSUF and a win over a higher team in the standings. In the first meeting between the teams on Jan. 13 in Idaho, CSUF defeated the Vandals 64-53 on the strength of junior forward Josh Fischer’s 13 points and 10 rebounds. Fischer shot 5 for 8 from the field and 3 for 5 from the free-throw line. Senior forward Ike Harmon led the Titans in scoring with 15 points. CSUF also had a decent night on the glass, outrebounding Idaho 38-29. Along with Fischer’s 10 rebounds, Daniel Kohn also cracked double digits with 11. Three of the Titans’ remaining four games are at home in Titan Gym, which isn’t as good of a thing as it may seem. CSUF has lost nine games in a row and 10 of 11 games at home. Dating back to last season, CSUF has only won one of the last 17 games at home. In Big West play, the Titans’ leading scorer is Harmon with 13.7 points.

After a series of strong meets and high team scores, the Cal State Fullerton gymnastics team is confident they will have a victorious and successful showing against San Jose State this Friday. “I feel really good about Friday,” senior Stephanie Vittorio said. “We have had a lot of really good practices.” Junior Joanna Hughes is also excited about the meet. “I’m really looking forward to it,” she said. “We are in good shape and we are really close to breaking the team score record.” Currently, the Titans are fifth in the region and to keep that spot, and qualify for the regionals, the team must match or beat their highest team score of 194.750. Although the goal is 195 points, the number CSUF is most concerned with is 24, more specifically 24 for 24. “We focus on 24 for 24 [four events x six competitors with no falls],” junior Megan Berry said. “If we hit that, the team score will take care of itself.” The objectives are certainly attainable as the mistakes, which affected the team in Boise, are easily remedied. “The mistakes that we had on bars were simply bad-hand placement at the beginning of the routine, it’s not that they can’t do the routines,” Hughes said. “And the problems with the beam, were a result of nerves.” Stephanie Vittorio, who will compete on the balance beam, is also positive about going 24 for 24 on Friday. “I was one of the falls in Boise,” she said. “I want to prove to myself and my teammates that I can do it and they can count on me.” Yet with the meet being at home, the Titans are not worried about nerves. Hughes said, “At home we tend to be more confident. It’s our own surroundings, so we know we will have a high scoring meet.” Junior Kellie Francia said, “Its been a few weeks since we have been home and it will be nice to perform for a home crowd,” she said. “We always do a good job in front of our friends and family.” But despite the confidence that comes with competing in their own gym, the team knows they must stay focused. “I feel more comfortable at home but I compete as hard as I would if I was away,”


Sophomore Nicole Kasson performs a solid routine on the balance beam and hopes that her performance will help lead the Titans to the NCAA Regionals. said all-around competitor, Kelly Mathiasen. With regard to San Jose State, the Titans know they are facing a worthy opponent and they know the Spartans will challenge them to compete at their best. “San Jose State’s recent scores have been climbing and are getting closer to ours, so it gives us something to work for,” Vittorio said. “We need to go hard.” Head Coach Julie Knight knows that the Spartans will help contribute to the Titans’ potential for success. “I think it’s a wonderful opportunity for us,” coach Knight said. “We used to be able to take San Jose lightly but they are very much improved.” Practices have been strong and with their

goals well in reach the Titans are confident they will be attending the regionals. “We want at least two more 195-meets this season to keep our spot [fifth in the region] because only the top five will get to go,” said sophomore Theresa O’Gara. With three meets left before the conference championships the team knows that a solid showing this Friday will help secure their position within the Big West rankings. The Titans are proud of their season thus far and they are well aware of the opportunity for their team score average to be its best ever. “I don’t think we’ve peaked yet,” Megan Berry said. “We have the potential to have our best season yet.”

CSUF looks to halt Anteater nWOMEN: Titans face unenviable task of rebounding from Wednesday’s onesided loss to UCSB Jonathan Hansen

Daily Titan Staff Writer


Tamara Quinn battles for a loose ball during a recent Titan game.

Coming off its fourth consecutive loss, the CSUF women’s basketball team will face rival UC Irvine Sunday at 2:00 p.m. at the Bren Events Center. The Titans lost Wednesday at UC Santa Barbara 79-24 and remain in last place in the conference (1-10, 1-23). Cold shooting has plagued CSUF as of late. The team shot a meager 11 percent from the field against, scoring only eight points in the entire

first half. Nikki Lee led the Titans in the scoring column with eight points, matching the team’s first half output. Sophomore Heather Hansen pulled down five boards and center Allison Parks had 10 rebounds. Hansen is sixth in the conference in rebounding, averaging 6.5 per game. The Gauchos 6-8 center, Lindsay Taylor, led all scorers with 16, adding five blocks and nine boards. While the Titans have lost four in a row, UCI (4-7, 13-13) is looking to extend a two game winning streak against the Titans. The Anteaters defeated UCSB and Cal Poly last week and had a week off to prepare for the Titans. CSUF must stop the Anteaters junior forward Cindy Oparah, who last week was named Big West Player of the Week. Oparah notched two double-doubles in last week’s road wins.

Oparah scored 16 points and pulled down 12 boards against UCSB and posted 15 points and grabbed 11 rebounds against Cal Poly in route to winning Player of the Week honors. She shot 80 percent from the field in the past two wins. UCI has a tough defense and leads the Big West in scoring defense, holding its opponents to 61.9 points per game. The Anteaters also lead the conference in rebounding defense (35.8) and turnover margin (+2.1). UCI’s offense is tough as well. The Anteaters have four of the top 15 scorers in the conference. Anteater Junior guard Maree Vincent is averaging 10.8 per game, 10th in the conference. The Titans lead the Anteaters in the all-time series 21-19. But, UCI beat the Titans 84-46 earlier this season at Titan Gym. The Anteaters’ 84 points were the most the team has

scored all season. UCI has won eight straight over the Titans over the past four seasons and 14 of the past 16 meetings between the two teams. The Titans must overcome cold shooting and reduce turnovers in order to overcome the Anteaters’ dominating defense and potent offense. In the past two games, the Titans have turned the ball over 68 times and must control the ball to win Sunday. Nagging injuries to budding CSUF stars have hampered the Titans in recent games. Freshman guard Tamara Quinn is nursing a sore ankle and sophomore forward Hansen is fighting a bad back. After Sunday’s contest at UCI, coach Barbara Ehardt and her squad will return home for a mid-week tussle with Boise State on Wednesday.

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