2001 02 27

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U N I V E R S I T Y ,

F U L L E R T O N Men’s basketball lose to Long Beach State by one point

INSIDE Death of student leaves family 3 nandNEWS: friends in mourning The use of cell phones in 5 ntheOPINION: classroom is rude and annoying to all

—see Sports page 7

T u e s d ay

Vo l u m e 7 2 , I s s u e 7

F e b r u a r y 27, 2001

Performing Arts theater to be constructnCAMPUS: The university received $42 million from private donations and public funds to help pay for the new 1200-seat auditorium By Elana Pruitt

Daily Titan Staff Writer After 15 years, a 1200-seat Performing Arts theater is finally in full view for Cal State Fullerton. Community donors have contributed $4 million towards the $38 million the state has granted for

construction. Though July 1 is the set date for the incoming funds, the laboring task of constructing this multipurpose theater will take about two to three years, said President Milton Gordon. The Auditorium/Fine Arts Instructional Facility will be the

official title under the Board of Trustees, said Jay Bond, the associate vice president and campus architect. Bond is the overseer for the modeling and labor of this project. The new building will feature one large 700-seat hall that is intended for each department within the College of the Arts to share and display distinctive talent, with smaller quarters rooming faculty meetings, community involvement and professional performances. The green, grassy field behind the

Performing Arts Center is the designated area for the new complex, which will be directly connected to both the Little Hall and the Recital Hall. Aware of student leisure and various activities that usually dominates the space, Gordon is looking forward to moving the student comfort to the empty field between the Engineering Center and the Health Center. “This theater will allow us to showcase our students in theatre, arts, and orchestra — all performing

nLAWSUIT: A civil trial is still pending although sociology professor is cleared of any criminal wrongdoing

nCOMMUNITY: Fullerton Community College student Lynsie Ekelund was last seen Feb. 16

By Kathleen Gutierrez and Amy Rottier

By Rita Freeman

Daily Titan Staff Writers

Daily Titan Staff Writer



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dent of academic programs when the campus was still known as Orange County State College. Eventually, he felt that the theater and dance facilities were of poor quality and was hardly able to accommodate theater majors or North Orange County. “I felt that in the administrative structure, there needed to be a voice for the arts,” Young said. So he decided to jump on board and offer ideas in improving facili-


Court dismisses criminal charg-

Placentia resident missing

After visiting friends in San Diego on Feb. 16, Lynsie Ekelund never made it to her house, police said. Matthew Reynolds, police services manager for the Lynsie Ekelund Placentia Police Department, said the 20-year-old Fullerton Community College student returned around 4 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 17 after having dinner in San Diego. A male friend dropped her off about two houses from her home from the corner of Valparaiso Drive at Rose Drive in Placentia. “She didn’t want to wake up her mother, so she had him drop her off right on the corner,” Reynolds said. “He said he last saw her walking toward her house and he just made a U-turn and left. The gentleman that dropped her off doesn’t recall anything out of place.” Ekelund’s mother Nancy said she was not expecting her home that night so she did not suspect anything. But after not appearing to work or school on Feb. 19, she reported the 20-year-old missing to the police.

areas,” Gordon said. Contrasted to the remote performing halls in the Performing Arts center, CSUF did not originate with performing theaters or classrooms at the time of its establishment in 1959, according to Jim Young, the retired founder of the theater department. Young remembers the early days when college classes at CSUF were taught at Sunny Hills High School and plays were performed in parking lots. He was the associate vice presi-


The Library Oasis, located on the first floor of the Pollak Library, allows students to use the Internet.

Library updates technolnINFORMATION: New proxy server allows students to research at home without Titan Internet Access By Kelly Mead

Daily Titan Staff Writer Libraries are no longer just for books and magazines. This year the Pollak Library is making changes so that online databases and manuscripts are more accessible to students. One of the new technologies, a proxy server, will allow students to access library databases from their home no matter what server they use. In the past, students could only access library databases like Lexis-

Nexis, Biology Digest and Historical Abstracts, if they were using library computers or had subscribed to Titan Internet Access (TIA). The new system implemented gives access to TIA to students overseas, at Mission Viejo or in Garden Grove. The system is also to aid students doing research at home but does not wish to sign up for TIA. “We’ve been wanting to do this for quite a while,” said Patricia Bril, the associate university librarian. Over winter break the library conducted tests with faculty and staff to see how the system would perform under normal use. This semester the service is going into the second stages of testing. Students can now register with this service on the library Web site. Cal State Los Angeles and San Diego State have already tested and been using a proxy server. “We’re trying not to re-invent

the wheel and to learn from their mistakes and their successes,” Bril said. San Diego State was the testing site for the original model. “We’ve had a really good experience with it,” said John Ross, the director for information systems technology at San Diego State. “Before we had major unhappiness with faculty and students trying to get access.” Since it began in January, the proxy server has given mostly positive results said Bril, but some search engines accept the program easier than others do. The library is working on overcoming the obstacles the new service has presented. “We’re still trying to build a database on what kind of problems (users) are having,” said Allen Hsiao, who works at the information desk in the CSUF library.


Criminal charges filed against Cal State Fullerton professor Clarence E. Tygart were dismissed by Fullerton Municipal Court last Thursday. A former student accused Tygart of assault and battery for allegedly hugging and kissing her in his office last year. The student, Esther Bin Im, filed a civil lawsuit in Orange County Superior Court on Feb. 6, which is still pending. Tygart’s lawyer, Jerome Goldfein and Im’s representation at the Fullerton District Attorney’s office agreed that if no other criminal charges were filed within six months, they would enter a plea bargain to dismiss the case. In her civil lawsuit, Im is suing both Tygart and the CSU trustees for violating the CSU sexual harassment policy, failing to prevent sexual harassment, assault, battery, slander, and intentional emotional distress. Included in the lawsuit are letters that Tygart wrote to Im where he overstepped the boundaries of a student-teacher relationship. According to Im’s lawsuit, no action was taken by CSUF when she complained of Tygart’s harassment. In the letters, Tygart makes many references to possibly beginning a personal relationship with Im. He wrote, “When you came into my office, I had not prepared my eyes. Your beauty and the dress you wore completely captivated me. I had such wonderful feelings of complete love

and I emotionally fell to pieces.” According to the CSUF pamphlet regarding sexual harassment, comments about one’s body or clothing is a form of harassment. On the CSUF Web site, the interpretation of this policy states, “The university will not tolerate sexual harassment and will take action to eliminate such behavior.” No action has been taken by the school, more than a year after the case began. In one of Tygart’s hand-written letters to Im, he admits to breaking the boundaries of a student-teacher relationship. “The love became so strong that it burst out of the student-teacher relationship to a complete and deep emotionally disturbing love. The very thought of you would put me on an emotional high for hours, and even days. My love is unconditional and without reservation.” A policy against amorous relationships between any two people of unequal power on campus exists. Examples listed in the pamphlet are: professor-student, supervisoremployee, teaching/laboratoryassistant. Im was both an employee and a student to Tygart at the time of the letters. She was his intern and was also enrolled in the independent study course he supervised. When Tygart began the letters, she dropped the courses. More than once, Tygart wrote that although he loved Im, he knew they could not be together. He also wrote that he was aware of his wrongdoings and asked for her forgiveness. “Please destroy this letter…I am very sorry for everything. It’s my fault, please forgive me.” The district attorney was unavailable for comment. Im’s civil lawsuit will be handled by outside counselor Pegine Grayson. CSUF counselor Pat Carrell is representing both Tygart and the CSU Trustees.


Afro-Ethnic Studies Community Ensemble nBLACK HISTORY MONTH: The group celebrated AfricanAmerican culture last Thursday in the Quad By Trinity Powells

Special to the Titan Lifting their voices in celebration of African-American history and music, the Afro-Ethnic Studies Community Ensemble made its first on-campus appearance in the Quad last Thursday. The ensemble, featuring a fourpiece band, a choir of CSUF students, faculty, and members of the community, performed music from four distinct genres in African-American music: pre and post emancipation spirituals, gospel, rhythm and blues,

and jazz. The musical selections varied from the African-American Anthem “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” to the R&B groove, “Street Life.” The ensemble also performed songs originating from the AfricanAmerican history of slavery including “Didn’t My Lord Deliver Daniel” and “Long John,” led by Dr. Stan L. Breckenridge, an Afro-Ethnic studies lecturer, and founder and director of the ensemble. In addition to musical performances of songs, the ensemble incorporated narratives explaining the many African-American contributions to music from basic rhythm, to doo-wop and boogie-woogie. The ensemble has ambitions of eventually taking its performance on tour both nationally and internationally. In the future, Breckenridge said the ensemble will also expand its repertoire to encompass dance, theatre, and a more complete six piece band.

The choir sang various kinds of songs such as gospel, rhythm and blues, jazz along with pre and post emancipation spirituals Photo by Adam Byrnes The AESCE is a non-profit organization sponsored by the Afro-Ethnic Studies Department, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, and the office of the vice president of


student affairs. Breckenridge said the ensemble’s goal is to show the broad spectrum of African-American music and was formed as an outreach to young peo-

ple of all different ethnical backgrounds. “ … I see so much diversity—I


2 Tuesday, February 27, 2001


A guide to what’s happening

BRIEFS Cal Grant Deadline approaching Sen. Chuck Poochigian (RFresno) announced last week that the deadline for students to apply for the Cal Grant for the upcoming academic year is fast approaching. Poochigan was the joint author of Senate Bill 1644, which recently reformed the Cal Grant Program. The newly implemented law guarantees financial aid to those students meeting eligibility requirements, and for the first time, requires academic achievement as a condition to receive an award. Starting with the 2000-01 high school graduating class, high school seniors and community college transfer students who meet certain criteria will be guaranteed grants. The new entitlement awards range from $576 per year for books and tuition to an award for all fees being paid at CSU, UC, or community college or partial fees of a private college—depending on the student’s grade-point average, income, and campus attended. The deadline for applications is Friday, March 2. Interested students may obtain applications from the California Student Aid Commission’s web site at www. csac.ca.gov, as well as from their local high schools and colleges.

Web Portal Launched to help medical school applicants prepare for MCAT exams The Medical College Admission Test(MCAT) pro-

Denise Smaldino Vu Nguyen Joel Helgesen Collin Miller Gus Garcia Seth Keichline Darla Priest Marlayna Slaughterbeck Raul Ascencio Damian Calhoun Magda Liszewska Jamie Ayala Lorraine Dominguez David Rivera Lori Anderson Samantha Gonzaga Debra Santelli Darleene Barrientos Kari Wirtz Robert Kelleher Jeffrey Brody Editor in Chief Managing Editor News Sports Main Photo

278-5815 278-5814 278-5813 278-3149 278-2128 278-2991

gram, sponsored by the Association of American Medical Colleges(AAMC), announced the online availability of a new site for medical school applicants. The site is designed as a community site for students who are using the Internet to prepare for the AAMC’s MCAT, a standardized, multiple choice examination designed to assist medical school admission committees in predicting which of their applicants will be able to surmount the many challenges of medical education. Each year over 55,000 people take this exam. “The MCAT site is an exciting new way for prospective medical students to gain valuable information about the test,” said AAMC President Jordan J. Cohen, M.D. “The portal also represents the AAMC’s continuing effort to provide students information about medical education in a user-friendly way.” The site provides access to online registration for the upcoming test administrations in April and August. The site also offers the option of purchasing official MCAT publications, the newest of which is MCAT Practice Test Five, the first practice test to be available electronically. This electronic version offers capabilities beyond the traditional paper format for the same cost as the paper version. Both cost $40 each or $60 for both formats. Automated scoring and diagnostic feedback can help students more efficiently determine areas of weakness allowing them to conduct a more focused review in those areas. The Web site address is www.aamc.org/mcat.

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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Tuesday through Friday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSU system. The Daily Titan and its predecessor, the Titan Times, have functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The mail subscription price is $45 per semester, $65 per year, payable to the Daily Titan, College Park 670, CSUF, Fullerton, CA 92834. Copyright ©2001 Daily Titan

news CALENDAR  OF  OF  EVENTS EVENTS Campus Financial Aid workshops are scheduled through March. 2, the Cal Grant deadline. For more information visit www. fafsa.ed.gov. Titan Shops is holding “Redemption Week” through March 4. Students who bring a stamped receipt to the store will receive a $5 gift certificate for every $100 they have spent. The Cal State Fullerton Newman Catholic Club is hosting an Ash Wednesday Mass on Feb. 28 at noon in room Alvarado AB in the Titan Student Union. The Society of Professional Journalists, CSUF chapter, will be hosting L.A. Times Sports

Columnist T.J. Simers on March 8 at 4 p.m. in Humanities 223. All students are invited to the free event. Associated Students Production is presenting its Spring Concert Series at the Becker Amphitheater on Wednesday, Feb. 28 at noon. The music of composer Jeremy Beck will be represented in the Recital Hall on March 2 at 8 p.m. Tickets are available for $8. Discounts are also available. For more information call (714) 278-3371. The Student Leadership Institute Workshops will be presented through April 20. For more information call (714) 2784938.

AS Productions is continuing their “Underground” Pub Series on Thursday, March 1 at the Round Table Pizza Pub in Titan Student Union. The concert begins at noon. Titan Pride Dinner Night will be held Thursday, March 1 at 7 p.m. The dinner helps students learn how to get involved on campus and show CSUF pride. The dinner is a combination of meeting new people and attending sporting events and other on-campus activities. For more information call (714) 2784224.

Community “Why Computers Are Not Good At Reading Aloud,” a lecture that explores the difficulty

in making computers sound natural, will take place at UCLA on Tuesday, March 6. The hourand-a-half-long lecture begin at 7 p.m. in the University Hall, Room 246. Peter Ladefoged, Ph.D., from the Phonetics Lab will speak. The exhibition “The World of Reggae,” featuring Bob Marley, is at the Queen Mary all spring. It is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information call (562) 499-1620. “The Diary of Anne Frank” will be presented at Brea’s Curtis Theatre from March 2 through 18. Performance times are at 8 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays and at 2 p.m. on Sundays. For more information call (714) 990-7723.

CALENDAR  OF  EVENTS COP BLOTTER Monday, Feb. 19 A mother reported her suicidal son missing at 5:37 p.m. The mother last spoke to her son when he was on campus around 2:30 p.m. She reported her son as an alcoholic whom recently started drinking again. The missing son showed up at home later in the evening.

Tuesday, Feb. 20 A tan Toyota truck from Santa Ana was recovered from Lot G at 2:42 a.m. The truck had no noticeable damage and both license plates intact. Fullerton Tow was called. A female ran into the men’s

bathroom door on the fourth floor of McCarthy Hall and cut her head at 9:11 a.m. When an ambulance arrived she was conscience. She was taken to the health center. A habitual parking offender was confirmed for seven cites totaling $280 at 11:07 a.m.

Wednesday, Feb. 21 At 9:40 a.m. a tan Ford was pulled over. The driver did not have a license. Campus police arrested a person in the quad for resisting an officer at 1:08 p.m. Unauthorized access to a com-

University Village 2*5

puter at Public Safety at 4:08 p.m. At 4:43 p.m. vandalism to a silver Nissan Altima was reported in Lot G.

Thursday, Feb. 22 A habitual parking offender tried to pay his $280 fine twice between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. He was advised to come back at 7 a.m. when someone could take the boot off his car.

died of natural causes around 3 p.m.

Saturday, Feb. 24 A vehicle was stopped at 1:27 a.m. driving eastbound on Madison from Placentia. The officer requested a tow truck and returned to the station with a prisoner at 1:42 a.m.

A drunk driver was pulled over at 2:02 p.m. driving westbound on State Campus Blvd.

A strange burning smell was reported at the Science Laboratory Center at 1 p.m. A refrigeration unit’s fan burned out and the duty manager was notified.

An 80-year-old Torrance resident was visiting Pollak Library when he collapsed in Lot C and

At 2:59 p.m. a black Dodge was stopped in Lot I and someone was cited for possession of

Folger’s Cafe Sip n’ Sic 2*5

Western State Univ. 4*5


Tuesday, february 27, 2001


Student dies in auto accident nOBITUARY: The 21year-old biology major planned to go into medicine and was a great college athlete By Heather Blair

Daily Titan Staff Writer William Phillip Reeves, a Cal State Fullerton student, died after he fell asleep at the wheel of his 1994 Nissan Sentra said Christine Reeves, his mother. On February 9, the 21-year-old was driving on the 405 freeway when he crashed into the center divider near Seal Beach Boulevard and totaled his car, Reeves said. Will, as everyone called him, was known as a very active guy to friends and family. With taking a full course load at school and working full time at The Paradise Pier Hotel, Christine Reeves said he was always busy with something. “All of the stuff he was involved in proved to be too much,” Reeves said. Will was a biology major who debated about going into pre-med. He always tried to arrange his schedule so he would only have to go to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Reeves said. He had

transferred from Mt. San Antonio College after being inducted into the national honor fraternity, Phi Theta Kappa. He was on the track and field team for two years at the community college and also enjoyed being a part of the sport in high school. “He was always an A-/B+ average student, and very involved with sports,” Reeves said. “He was good at anything he did.” At Schurr High School in Montebello, Reeves played basketball in addition to track and field. In 1997 his high school named him the “most valuable field athlete” and he was inducted into the track and field hall of fame. Reeves was also active in the Montebello YMCA, and Reeves said he loved it. He would always help out as much as he could. In junior high, Reeves received the Cathy Hensel Youth Volunteer award for all of his time and energy he had given to the organization. He then became a certified lifeguard and began teaching swimming lessons to all ages at the YMCA facility. He taught private and group classes, which prepared him for his work at the Disneyland Hotel as a lifeguard. In October 2000, Reeves changed jobs. He became a bellman at the Paradise Pier Hotel in Anaheim, where he received top honors for excellent service. Reeves said he got what was known as “high-fives” on customer comment cards all of the

time. Reeves said he was also very active with his church, the Grace and Truth Church in Montebello, and she said he brought a lot of people to Christ. “I have no doubt that he is with the Lord now,” Reeves said. Henry Truong, a close friend of Reeves, said his death was a misfortune for many people. “Will had an energy that emoted love and friendship,” Truong said. Reeves had called Truong the night that he died. He had asked Truong if he wanted to hang out, but Truong was working and he said he didn’t think he would be finished for a while. Truong and Reeves had met through mutual friends and became very close. Truong, 28, is an alumni of CSUF. He graduated last year with a bachelor’s degree in marketing. Despite the difference in age, the two had attended many parties together. “He was a very happy people person,” Truong said. “I know he was always very interested and happy with his volunteer work at the YMCA and his church.” As for Reeves’ death, Truong said he was not sure whether or not he believed that Reeves had fallen asleep at the wheel. “It sounds suspicious that he went from the far right lane to the center divider without hitting any cars,” Truong

said. “But I was told that he fell asleep at the wheel.” The Westminster department of the California Highway Patrol could not confirm any information, including the cause of the accident, until its investigation is completed. Reeves said she still doesn’t believe all of this is real yet. With some days being better than others, she said she has a lot of support from family and friends but nothing seems to be enough. She plans to return to her new job at the Regional Center of Orange County on March 5, after taking a leave of absence since the accident. “I’m lucky because I have a really strong support system,” Reeves said. “Through this experience, I’ve learned of others who have lost children as well. I hope no one ever has to experience the pain of losing a child.” Will had no siblings but is survived by many people, including his mother, aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. According to his mother, Will was especially close to his grandparents. Reeves father died about two-and-a-half years ago in a work-related accident. The Montebello YMCA has set up a memorial fund in memory of Will. Reeves said they have to work out the details for what the fund is set up for, but she said it would probably be for a scholarship of some sort.

Courtesy of HEnry Truong

Henry Troung (left) poses with Will Reeves in a recent photo.

YWCA auction raises sweet funds for local families nCOMMUNITY: Four thousand women and families in north Orange County benefited from the “Chocolate Fantasy” fundraiser. By Taylor Goldman

Daily Titan Staff Writer Tables laden with chocolate cakes, pies, truffles, chocolate covered strawberries and any other form of chocolate imaginable tempted guests at the YWCA’s “Chocolate Fantasy, An Evening at Mardi Gras” Friday evening. One of the club’s two major

fundraisers of the year, Chocolate Fantasy featured an array of prizes that were auctioned off through a live auction, a silent auction and a raffle to benefit over 4,000 women and families who are served through the YWCA of North Orange County, said Marsha Gallavan, a Chocolate Fantasy co-chair. Guests competed for prizes that

varied from a personal fitness trainer to a catered dinner for six people. Melissa Tellez, a member of the YWCA Board of Directors and a student at Cal State Fullerton, attributed the $3,500 sale of an historical visit to Williamsburg, Va. to the auctioneer’s showmanship. “The auctioneer was very funny and got people pumped up,” she said. Tellez said many of the pillars of the community of Orange County were among the bidders at the auction. The current, as well as former

mayors of Fullerton were among the guests at the event, held at Embassy Suites Hotel in Brea. Prominent members of the community, members of the YWCA and individuals that have participated in past events were invited, Tellez said. The YWCA also used this occasion as an opportunity to honor two community leaders who have made significant contributions to Orange County, bestowing them with the titles of Man and Woman of the Year. Chris Hunt, YWCA executive director, said that Molly


CSUF sexual harassment explained

Carrell was on vacation and would not return until today. Grayson refused to comment until next month when she said she would be willing to speak about the allegations. She made reference to a possible closure of the case, and is unwilling to jeopardize its prospects until all outlets have been exhausted. Tygart continues to remain silent regarding the allegations against him.

At CSUF, sexual harassment is a serious offense which may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal or expulsion. In addition, persons accused of sexual harassment in a civil or criminal proceeding may be held personally liable for damages to the person harassed. Sexual harassment can take many forms, including but not limited to: Demeaning references to one’s gender Comments about one’s body or clothing Repeated and unwanted staring, comments, or propositions of a sexual nature Jokes about sex or gender-specific traits Questions about one’s sexual behavior

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Many of the problems can be worked out easily. “Quite a few problems are because the users can’t follow directions,” Hsiao said. “Some people are missing one point here and one point there.” Students who sign up for the service will get access from their user name and student identification number. This method has possibilities for fraud, but Bril said they would cross that road when they reach it. “You hope that students won’t

abuse it,” Bril said. “If they do they make it bad for everyone.” Agreements the library has with the databases command that only currently enrolled students can use the services. If officials in the library detect abuse they will either eliminate the service or find ways to control the abusers. Another new option for students this semester is eBooks. Through the library Web site students can now download full texts onto their computer. The library is one of six CSU’s participating in a one-year testing period that began on Jan. 1. The service will allow students

McClanahan and Bob McNutt were being recognized for their outstanding service to the YWCA and to the rest of the community. McClanahan is a retired mayor of Fullerton and McNutt is the owner of Conveyor Technology Inc. Tellez said that at the end of the live auction, $8,500 had been raised, and the charity was anticipating surpassing the $42,000 profit it made last year. Hunt attributed the success and profit the YWCA made to the many donations that companies throughout Orange County contributed.

Numerous popular restaurants donated the food and chocolate served and the Adelphia Cable Company sponsored the event. The YWCA will use those profits to fund its ongoing program. The organization offers domestic violence shelters to women, youth employment service, mammography screenings, an Alicia Scholarship aimed at latino women and childcare for the community. “We are the biggest movement in the world and our mission is to empower women and girls and to eliminate racism,” Hunt said.

Conversations filled with sexually suggestive innuendoes or double meanings E-mail circulation of pornographic materials or harassing messages Display or transmittal of sexually suggestive posters, objects or messages Repeated non reciprocated demands for dates or sex Unwanted touching or attention of a sexual nature Physical assault Request for sex in exchange for grades, letters of recommendation or employment opportunity -“Sexual Harassment, Let’s Face It!: A Guide for Faculty, Staff & Students at Cal State Fullerton”

to read up to 4,300 books over the Web. Officials are using this period to determine what types of books students will use on the Web. Currently the selection is a blend of reference books and classic titles. The results of the pilot period will determine what types of books the library will expand with. “We don’t want to spend money on eBooks that people aren’t going to find useful,” said Gordon Smith, the director for the System Wide Library Initiative for all the CSU’s. On a wider scale, the CSU system as a whole is now experiment-

ing with new ways to link library catalogs. A service called Pharos will allow students to order books from all 23 CSU’s. The system has already been placed in CSULA and Cal State Bakersfield. Currently, students can borrow books from other CSU’s through Interlibrary Loans. Pharos will allow students to order the books instantly without having to send a request to the Interlibrary Loan offices. This month Pharos goes into another testing period. Fourteen CSU campuses, including CSUF, will receive parts of the

Nat’l Bartenders School 2*2

Brains 3*2

Silver Chopstix 2*3

Togo’s 2*3

Wasda Oregon “live & Learn 2*4

4 Tuesday, february 27, 2001


SOAR takes off for College of nORGANIZATION: The newly created inter-club council begins funding for communications clubs and programs By Alex Douvas

Daily Titan Staff Writer This has been a year defined by change for the College of Communications. Along with its move to the College Park Building, the college has established a new inter-club council (ICC), SOAR, to help fund and unite communicationsrelated clubs and organizations. SOAR, which stands for Student Organizations Accessing Resources, is the most recent ICC to be formed after breaking away from the Departmental Associations Council (DAC), which once funded all campus clubs and organizations. “Communications students and clubs weren’t accessing much of funding available to them because the DAC had so many clubs from so many different departments and majors that we started to get lost in the shuffle,” said Peggy Bockman, associate dean for the College of

Communications. SOAR Vice Chair Vincent Amaya said each major department was only given one vote in the DAC, which made it hard for the needs of clubs within each department to be met. The School of Business was the first to defect 10 years ago, forming the Business Inter-Club Council. The School of Engineering and Computer Science and the School of Natural Science and Mathematics each followed suit and created their own ICCs. Working off these examples, Bockman helped create SOAR last fall to serve the specific needs of organizations and clubs in the College of Communications. SOAR, like other ICCs, serves as an intermediary between Associated Students which allocates funds, and the campus clubs and organizations that seek funding for their activities. SOAR’s structure consists of one delegate from each of the 14 participating clubs, as well executive board members and appointed student members. Clubs request funds from SOAR according to their needs, and the delegates vote on how to distribute the money amongst the clubs, said Amaya, who manages and audits SOAR’s funds. SOAR was given $5,000 in it’s first year, when most clubs within the Communications College weren’t yet members. However, as more clubs

Jin Miyano/Courtesy of SOAR

During winter break, the newly appointed representatives of SOAR learn the inner workings of the council during a retreat in the TSU. gained representation in SOAR, the requests for funds increased substantially. The proposed budget for SOAR next year is approximately $25,000, to be spent on things ranging from guest speakers, to special events, to travel expenses for students to attend conferences. “Our budget for next year is a lot more than what we asked for last year,” Amaya said. “[AS] didn’t give us that much to work with since it

was only our first year in existence, but now that we are up and running we hope they put more trust in SOAR and allocate more money for the students of the college.” Bockman says that SOAR places a major emphasis on students’ professional development through participation in clubs and organizations. “A lot of people think that the idea of campus clubs is sophomoric,” she said. “I don’t believe that they are,

when the emphasis is on co-curricular learning. Students can learn things by going to a conference with other professionals that they might never learn in a classroom,” she added. In addition to financing club activities, SOAR also serves as an advisory board to Bockman and other communications faculty members, helping to keep them informed about what is happening in the clubs. AS Representative Adam Byrnes,


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who helped in the creation of SOAR, says that the ICC will play a key role in unifying the college and its different clubs and organizations. “SOAR helps provide students opportunities that they otherwise wouldn’t have just by going to class, and those out-of-classroom experiences I think will unite communications students.”

6 Tuesday, february 27, 2001


University considers moving classes to El Toro Marine Base

This is the Afro-Ethnic Studies Community Ensemble’s third oncampus appearance celebrating heritage since its inception.


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wanted to find a way to bring these cultures together,” he added. Breckenridge is not the only one who holds these views about the significance of cultural unity. “This choir is close to my heart,” said Brian Dandridge, faculty member in Administration and Records and a lead vocalist of the ensemble. “We’re a family.” Having had the idea for the ensemble for 26 years, Breckenridge said that it wasn’t until he received sponsorship and support in August of last year that the ensemble’s creation was possible. This support was evident with the gathering of family, staff, and students that the ensemble’s performance attracted. With granddaughter in lap, John Urbanowski, sat in a lawn chair a few feet from the stage to see his wife and newly acquired friends perform. “ I’ve seen them perform before.


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ties and the program, as well as becoming the stage director and theatrical professor. The temporary theater in the early 1970s was where the police department currently resides on campus, off Imperial Highway and parking lot A. “We used platforms and muslin drapes for the room,” Young said. “Though, even from the beginning it was very exciting.” Young retired in 1991 but is still involved with the campus. Now he is part of the faculty-planning committee. He is also a one-man show, traveling the world to countries like Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the Hawaiian Islands. Because the opportunity to build such a grand auditorium is mostly

I think it’s great,” he said, as his wife introduced to him another ensemble member and friend. Marie-Noelle Briggs, program assistant for Extended Education agreed. “Why they are singing is great. I love the way it all comes together.” Demion Lewis, 19, a kinesiology major supported the ensemble, acknowledging the small number of African-American associations at CSUF. “We don’t have a black fraternity. We have a BSU, but not a strong black fraternity.” The ensemble debuted at the “Music Celebrating Our Heritage” Black History reception held at the president’s home on Feb. 6. The on-campus appearance was the third performance since its inception. The ensemble is open to all CSUF students, faculty, and community members, and meets Thursdays from 7 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. in room 19 of the Ruby Gerontology Center. funded by a state grant, Gordon does not expect any opposition from students. Lack of parking spaces throughout campus, expensive tuition fees and other valid student concerns are separate financial issues for the university. “It’s expensive and it has to get used to the system,” Gordon said. “There are no objections, we just had to wait our turn,” added Gordon. “We would not get the money if it went to something else. It would have gone to another campus.” The building of a new complex on campus is also separate from the remodeling in the Performing Arts band room last semester. But according to university officials, it was CSUF’s priority to create a practical and attractive music, art, and theater outlet.

By Paul Wright

Special to the Titan Cal State Fullerton has an excellent chance of obtaining space for a satellite campus on the former El Toro Marine Base, according to a university official. “Our goal in the next three months is to move the Mission Viejo departments into leased buildings on El Toro,” said Jack Smart, CSUF project coordinator. “After that, we hope to gain some portion of the base as property,” Smart added. Programs in education and business would be offered initially, with upper division classes in all fields to come with property ownership. CSUF hopes that the new campus will fill a South County need for upper-division education and relieve some of the population problems at the Fullerton campus, Smart said. However, students at the new campus might have to deal with the noise and traffic that comes with an international airport.

not necessary. “The airport is dead if Measure F is reinstated,” Waters said. “And ETERPA is in favor of a CSUF campus in the event of a non-aviation plan.” The county said it too is in favor of a CSUF campus. “Board members have a keen interest in working with CSUF with regard to their use of buildings at El Toro, regardless of the final reuse issue,” said John Christensen, public information team manager for Orange County. Waters though, called the county’s plan for an educational facility lip service. She said that the county’s ultimate goal is an airport, and that —Meg Waters, the resulting traffic and noise would make the learning environment intolerable. Smart acknowledged these problems, but remained optimistic. “Obviously we would have more options without an airport,” he said. “However, we believe that we could coexist with one.”

The airport is dead if Measure F is reinstated and ETRPA is in favor of a CSUF campus . . .

blue jacket and jeans. She is 5’7”, weighs around 112 pounds, short, brown hair and hazel eyes. n from page 1 She has a left-arm and hand “We work together in the same impairment from an auto accident 11 office,” Nancy said. “She goes to years ago and a tracheotomy scar. No suspects have been named work during the day and school at night and she wasn’t at either on yet. He added that no names would be released until all interviews were Monday.” completed Police are say“In the intering that this disapviews and the pearance is highly re-interviewunusual because ing, all the Ekelund just vanstories seem to ished. be the same,” “Missing was the Reynolds said. clothes she had on “Both girls that day, Reynolds were dropped said. “None of her off before clothes are dis[Ekelund]. All turbed. As far as her the stories have mom can tell, she been consistent never entered the with his, and at house. this point we “None of her bank have no reason accounts have been not to believe touched, so she had him.” just had whatever Nancy said money she had on she was surher, which doesn’t prised from her appear that she had scads of money in —Nancy Ekelund, disappearance because this her purse or somewas out of her daughter’s character. thing.” “This is out of the ordinary Ekelund was last seen wearing a


She goes to work during the day and school at night and she wasn’t at either on Monday

ADAM Byrnes/Special to the Titan

The Orange County Board of Supervisors approved a Community Reuse Plan for an airport at El Toro in 1996. In 1999, the board proposed its plan for an 18-million-passenger airport to be built on the 4,738 acre base by 2010. Measure F, approved by county voters last March, makes a two-thirds majority vote mandatory to move along major county projects such as airports, toxic landfills and jails. However, it was ruled unconstitutional and in violation of state law in December by a Los Angeles County judge. In January, the El Toro Reuse Planning Authority (ETRPA) asked the 4th District Court of Appeals in Santa Ana to overturn the ruling. Airport construction depends largely on whether or not Measure F’s unconstitutional status is upheld by the courts, said Meg Waters, a public relations agent representing ETRPA. A poll conducted by the Orange County Register on Feb. 20 showed that 57 percent of county voters think that an airport at El Toro is

because I have never known any aggression from her,” Nancy said. “She preferred to live at home while going to school, while all her friends lived on their own.” Neighbors who recently discovered Ekelund’s disappearance said they were shocked and dismayed this could happen. “This makes me sick inside to see this happen,” said Linda Kirchmann, a neighbor who lives down the street. “This is a nightmare for any parent because I have a daughter around her age. I feel for the mother.” Another neighbor, who has known Ekelund since toddler age, said that this was unusual happening in the neighborhood. “Lynsie is a sweet girl, it is hard to believe because this is such a quiet neighborhood,” said Linda Williamson. “Nothing like this has happened before.” Nancy said she was surprised at how much support she received. “I didn’t realize how many people loved her,” Nancy said. “I appreciate everyone trying to help find her. There have been 500 fliers made up and all her friends she was with that night have called themselves to see if she was found. She needs to be safe, that’s my only concern.” Ekelund’s mother said the unde-

Tone Reading Clinic 2*4 Collegiate Funding 4*9

OCDE 2*5

nCONTROVERSY: The potential educational facility is in limbo until Measure F follows its course through the courts

clared major enjoys psychology and speech classes. “Her left-side weakness hinders her a lot,” Nancy said. “But she is a real go-getter and she has had any problems that a normal 20 year-old would have but nothing that would justify leaving for.” Reynolds said that the police currently do not have any leads to her whereabouts and cannot speculate anything yet either. Reynolds said that this case is only coincidental to the death of Cathy Torrez. Torrez, a Cal State Fullerton student, was found dead in the trunk of her car in February 1994 in the parking lot of Placentia Linda Hospital. “There aren’t really any commonalties regarding these two cases,” Reynolds said. “At this point we don’t have anything that correlates these two cases together. It appears to be just a coincidence that Lynsie lived close to where Cathy was found. Cathy was not last seen in this area at all.” Police are urging anyone who has any information in helping to find Ekelund, to call the Placentia Police Department at 993-8146 or 9938164.

Tuesday,February 27, 2001

Cellphones put respect on the back burner n Beep, beep — the distraction is both annoying and disrespectful towards everyone By Heather Blair There is no question about distractions happening, especially if a teacher is giving a boring lecture. The idea is to not get caught off guard. Students usually try to cover up their distractions by giving a very vague answer to an obviously direct question. But what happens when your cell phone starts ringing? Do you answer it? This obnoxious distraction cuts into classroom participation and takes away from a teacher’s patience for absent-mindedness among students. Respect in a classroom has shifted these days. The classroom is a place of study, lecture or lab, not to socialize. When it comes to giving attention or respect for a teacher, some people give it and some don’t. I found out about respect a year ago when I received a ticket for making an illegal left hand turn out of parking lot B. I was irritated that I had to go to traffic school to pay my debt to society for something I already knew I shouldn’t have done. But I went reluctantly because I didn’t want my insurance to go up. So off I trekked to stand in line with all

the other rule-breakers of society. I never imagined that I would receive a teacher who was a rule-breaker as well. Being on time to any classroom is a must, but my teacher was late. Ironic of course because traffic school is notorious for punishment of tardiness. Not only did he arrive 20 minutes late, he proceeded to tell the class that he did not speed on the way to class. Yeah right. Fifteen minutes after he started teaching class, his cell phone rang. By this point most students would have fumbled for the phone and shut it off just before the teacher blew up. But he answered his phone! He ended up talking for five minutes, which is a long time when the class was sitting in silence like dumb-founded puppy dogs. I would have never imagined that I would have a teacher show the same disrespect for students as students would for their teacher. Although the class ended up being very interesting because of the topics that we discussed and movies we watched, I hope I never have a teacher that does that again. I know most people don’t care about traffic school enough to be bothered by a simple answered phone call. But I feel that

Campus Voices

if I am going to pay money for something, I want to get full use out of the product I paid for. This same sentiment can be carried into the classrooms, the movies or other public engagements. If I am going to pay money to get an education or be entertained, the last thing I want to do is listen to someone’s phone ring to the tune of the Samba or Ode to Joy. It is not that hard to reach into your backpack, grab the piece of automated plastic, and turn it to silent mode. If a teacher is going to hand me a course syllabus at the beginning of the semester that specifically states that cell phones are not allowed, I try to give enough courtesy to my fellow students and my professors by turning off the ringer. Until people get the hang of turning off their cell phones, I guess I will just have to listen to it. Maybe people will catch on before they anger someone enough to throw the cell phone out the window, like one of my teachers jokingly suggested. — Heather Blair is a Daily Titan Staff Writer. If you’d like to respond to this column, send an e-mail to dailytitan@yahoo.com;see criteria below

We want to hear from you. Do you agree or disagree with any of the stories in this issue? Do you have an opinion about a recent event or issue on campus? We want to know about them. Letters to the Editor should be brief and are subject to editing. They should also include a signature and telephone number. They can be sent to the Daily Titan, College Park 670, CSUF, Fullerton, CA 92834 or e-mailed to dailytitan@yahoo.com.

Difficulty in large group dynamBy Jamie K. Ayala Bonding with associates can generate ideas, promote team spirit and lift morale. Individuals can benefit on a personal

level. This can easily be accomplished at conventions, seminars or any other event where a group can collaborate. That is, maybe for a group of four or six people. Any larger and it gets a little tough. The Daily Titan staff recently went to a convention in which we discovered that we had to split up

into smaller groups in order to benefit from the experience. Just because you are attempting similar goals that doesn’t mean that you are the same. Everyone has different taste buds, places that appeal to them and attitudes. In a group of 15, you most certainly aren’t going to satisfy everyone because of those factors. It’s especially difficult when some of the players don’t want to cooperate and compromise. For instance, try picking a place to venture with five different ideas.

Ok, you’ve picked the place after 40 minutes of discussing the pros, cons and other ideas. Now, how are you going to get there? Four to a cab. Nine to a van. Heck, just take the bus. It’s raining out anyways! Tired, hungry, cold, and anxious — we dealt with them all. At the end of the convention , we are happy to report that we at least had one evening together. Back in the newsroom we’ll all remember the adventure, laugh and build on our new found relationships. — Jamie K. Ayala is the Daily

Tuesday, February 27, 2000

Softball nabs 3rd in Texas

Titans’ winning claim seized by 49ers nBasketball: After posting their first win in over a month, CSUF was dealt a one-point heartbreak loss to By Mark Villarroel

Daily Titan Staff Writer

nTOURNAMENT: All in awe of Bruins who continued their unblemished reign during weekend By Caesar Contreras

Daily Titan Staff Writer The third time is the charm is how the saying usually goes. But for the Cal State Fullerton softball team, the third tournament of the season proved that statement false as the Titans posted a 2-2 record at the Texas Invitational Softball Tournament over the weekend. For the Titans (14-5), their weekend showing was good for third place in the tournament that was held in Austin, TX. A familiar foe took championship honors as the top-ranked UCLA Bruins went a perfect 4-0 at the Invitational and improved to 19-0 on the season (not including a doubleheader played Monday against Southwest Texas State). CSUF opened play in the tournament on Friday by facing the Bruins, a team that pounded the Titans by scores of 6-0 and 18-3 in early February at the Titan Softball Complex. Taira Mims and pitcher Amanda Freed did the damage to CSUF as the Bruins beat the Titans for the third time this season, 4-0. But 11th ranked CSUF bounced back later in the night as they took out the 22nd ranked Longhorns by a score of 3-1. Jodie Cox struck out nine and allowed only four hits while Jenny Topping added a two run home run in the first inning for CSU in the win. Saturday’s action brought the Badgers and Kerry Hagen’s third hit of the game, a two out single to left field, scored Diana Consolmagno for the winning run and the 2-1 extra inning win for the Badgers. The Titans did have an opportunity to score in the bottom of the ninth inning but Julie Watson and Oaks fouled out against Andrea Kirchberg and left Amanda Hockett stranded on third base. With the loss, CSUF fell into the third place game and a rematch with the Longhorns. Once again the Titans would prevail as Hockett hit a home run in the top of the eighth inning as CSUF nabbed a 4-3 extra inning win. Texas led throughout the contest but couldn’t protect the lead or muster any offense against Titan pitcher Christy Robitaille who pitched the final three innings for her first win of the season. Robitaille, who was returning from injury, only allowed one hit and struck out seven Longhorns. This weekend marked the first time the junior pitcher has pitched this season. Next up for the Titans is yet another tournament, but this time they will host as they will compete in the Worth Invitational at the Titan Softball Complex


Titan center Babacar Camara looks to get off a shot against two 49er defenders in Saturday’s loss.

A plight of the whole year in just one game was on display last Saturday night, when the CSUF men’s basketball team lost to Long Beach State 69-68. The Titans (4-21 and 3-11 in conference) built up a 53-46 lead with 11:24 left in the game when forward Matt Caldwell hit a 18-foot jump shot, the lead was to be short lived as Long Beach rolled off nine straight points putting the 49ers ahead to stay. It was just another case of what “would’ve, could’ve, should’ve” “Everyone played hard,” said Titan forward Ike Harmon who came off of the bench to lead the team with 22 points and nine rebounds. Harmon made eight of nine shots from the field and five of seven from the free-throw line in only 26 minutes. “I think we should’ve won this one, but Long Beach is a good team, and we let them get their momentum back in the second half,” Harmon added. Harmon was the only Titan to shoot better than 40 percent from the field. As a team, the Titans only shot 38.5 percent. The first half was dictated by streaks. Long Beach State jumped on top first with a 8-0 run, but the Titans went on a 14-0 run of their own to

take a 30-26 lead at halftime. Long Beach State shot only 38.7 percent from the field in the first half. After taking the lead late in the second half and stretching it to 64-56 the Titans got as close as three points but let their own mistakes get the best of them. “They almost gave it to us with those two opportunities, but we had too many turnovers,” Titan Head Coach Donny Daniels. “We just couldn’t get a basket.” Long Beach swingman Ron Johnson’s free throw with 17 seconds remaining gave the 49ers a 69-65 lead that proved to be decisive when Harmon hit a 3-point basket at the buzzer ending the game at 69-68. Guard Kevin Richardson chipped in 15 points and grabbed four rebounds but shot only 33.3 percent from the field. In fact it was a tale of two halves where the Titans shot an anemic 25 percent in the first and a very respectable 50 percent in the second half, but came up short in the end. Fullerton concludes its regular season Thursday with a Big West game at UC Irvine and a non-conference game against UC Riverside at home. Both the Idaho Vandals and the Titans are positioned in the eighth and final spot for the Big West Conference tournament. If both teams finish tied, CSUF has the tiebreaker advantage on the strength of two victories over Idaho. The Vandals have managed a late season charge for the tournament by defeating the Cal Poly Mustangs 8275 last Saturday. Both teams post a 3-11 record in the Big West Conference play.

Home field advantage disrupted by downpour nBASEBALL: After a soggy weekend and a drop in the national polls, the Titans are now set to take on the UCLA Bruins tonight at home at 7 p.m. By Damian Calhoun

Daily Titan Asst. Sports Editor In a weekend series that was billed as a showdown between the Cal State Fullerton Titans stingy pitching staff and the Arizona State Sun Devils highoctane offense, the only duel was with the weather. A driving and torrential rainfall cancelled the final two games of the series. An attempt is being made to reschedule the games at a later date. The only night that wasn’t affected by the rain, but was hindered by the cold, was Friday night. It was billed as a battle between two of the top left handed starters in the nation: ASU’s Jon Switzer and CSUF’s Jon Smith, but it quickly turned into a battle against the fundamentals of the game. Both teams combined for a total of eight errors, CSUF (6-7) committing a season-high five. Smith ran into trouble early, giving up two runs in the second inning. Jonah Martin drove in Dennis Wyrick

and Jeremy West scored when CSUF shortstop Mike Martinez misplayed a grounder off the bat of Chris Duffy. Four of Arizona State’s runs were unearned, lowering the Titans staff ERA to 2.65. Trailing 2-1 in the fourth, Kyle Boyer led off the inning with a single and scored on a triple by Martinez, who was followed by Mike Rouse’s RBI single to give CSUF a 3-2 lead. Smith and Switzer both pitched five innings. Switzer struck out nine and Smith gave up only four hits, two unearned runs, but walked six. ASU (13-2) added three runs in the seventh and eighth innings against Titan reliever Chad Cordero (1-2). Drew Friedberg (1-0) pitched three innings in relief for the victory. ASU moved up three spots to third in this week’s Baseball America poll and CSUF fell to 24th. If that wasn’t disappointing enough for the Titans, it was learned that starting catcher Brett Kay will miss the next 6-8 weeks with a thumb injury

on his right hand. Kay is scheduled to undergo surgery. Kay, one of only three Titans to play every inning this season, was off to a solid start. The junior from Mater Dei H.S. was hitting .304 and has had two four-game hitting streaks this season. Kay suffered the injury during pregame warm-ups before the Titans’ game against Brigham Young last Friday. Not only did Kay play in that game; he went 2 for 3. Kay also played in the series finale, Feb. 17. Kay will be replaced in the lineup by junior college transfer Lachlan Thorburn. Also, freshman infielder David Garcia will be out indefinitely with a fractured right toe. Garcia suffered the injury during the Titans’ last road trip to Baylor, Feb. 8-11. Tonight at Goodwin Field, CSUF takes on the UCLA Bruins (10-4). The teams played twice last season, with the Titans winning both, 17-5 and 8-3. Kirk Saarloos (2-2, 1.41 ERA) will make the start for the Titans, he was scheduled to start Saturday against ASU. Saarloos will face a Bruin attack that has a .287 team batting average and is led by senior first baseman Eric Reece who is hitting .357 with


Shortstop Mike Rouse (.325) has become one of the Titans’ top threats.

CSUF soars past San Jose State Titans trounced by nGymnastics: Titan juniors take three first place spots, yet team falls from top five with only two meets to By Melanie Bysouth

Daily Titan Staff Writer Cal State Fullerton met and surpassed its goals when it scored a 195.050 and claimed a victory in a dual meet against the San Jose Spartans Friday. The Titans also enjoyed strong individual performances which allowed the team to go 24 for 24, dominating each of the four apparatus on their way to posting their second highest score in the 27-year history of CSUF gymnastics. “We had our goals of 195 and 24 for 24 (four events x six competitors with no falls) and everybody did their job,” co-team leader Stephanie Vittorio said. “We stayed focused and we did what we knew we could do.” And what they did was give the home crowd an electric and energetic display despite coming off a grueling schedule that should have left them

exhausted. with a score of 9.800 as well as in the “I was a little worried going in,” all-around with a score of 38.975. Head Coach Julie Knight said. “They Most pleased with her efforts on were tired as they have had nine the beam was Stephanie Vittorio who meets in seven weeks with no break. had high hopes for a successful rouBut they got the tine after a disapjob done.” pointing showing Gymnastics The Titans in Boise. Regional Rankings took first place in “I am so proud three events with of myself,” said junior’s Joanna Vittorio, who Hughes on the Rank Team AVG. earned a score of UCLA 197.01 vault, Katie 1 9.725 and set a Antolin on the 2 personal record. “I Stanford 196.25 uneven bars and 3 did the best I could Oregon St. 194.74 Megan Berry on 4 do on the beam. I California 194.37 the floor, with all gave 100 percent.” three competitors 5 Washington 194.13 Allowing the CSUF 193.90 earning a score of 6 Titans a greater 7 Boise State 193.21 9.875. sense of pride was 8 Pacific 189.89 Also happy with knowing the scores her performance 9 came without any UC Davis 189.06 10 on the vault was UCSB assistance from 185.89 teammate Kellie the typically tough Francia whose California judges. efforts earned her “The scores a 9.800 and second place. were tight. We didn’t get any favors,” CSUF dominated the uneven coach Knight said. bars claiming the top six spots, with Although CSUF made a strong Antolin, sophomore Jamie Moody showing at the meet, the team was (9.825), and Hughes (9.775) claiming aware that the 195.050 was not the first, second and third, respectively. only factor in the Titans’ regional Sophomore Kelly Mathiasen made ranking. an impressive showing at the meet “We hit all our goals,” Kellie where she took second on the beam Francia said, “but we will see how

everyone else does this weekend.” Unfortunately for the Titans, everyone else did well. Seattle Pacific and UC Santa Barbara also posted their highest scores of the season after which Seattle moved from 10th to eighth place and UCSB jumped from 12th to claim the final spot in the top ten. More detrimental to the Titans was the 196.875 earned by the University of Washington. The score, besides being another season high for the Big West region, allowed UW to power past CSUF, bumping the Titans from the fifth spot. As CSUF finds itself in sixth place, now more than ever the Titans must fight to increase their highest team score. With the top result being dropped, it is imperative that the team does not lose its 195.050. Only the top five teams will go to the regionals so the Titans must put all they have and more into the remaining meets of the season. It will be just under two weeks before CSUF returns to competition and although the rest is much desired, the Titans must remain energetic and focused if they want to reclaim their position in the top five. Upon their return, the team will face Illinois and Sacramento State in the Titans’ final home meet of the

cross-county rival By Jonathan Hansen

Daily Titan Staff Writer In a game where four UC Irvine starters scored in double digits, the CSUF women’s basketball team fell to UC Irvine 81-50 at the Bren Events Center on Sunday. Last week’s Big West Player of the Week, UCI junior Cindy Oparah, led all scorers with 19 points. Oparah also grabbed eight boards and nabbed three steals. Forward Wendy Gabbe added 17 points for the home team, scoring 15 in the first half alone. Her teammates Lisa Woznick and Brandy Hudson also scored in double figures for UCI. Reserve guard Katie McCluskey came off the bench for the Anteaters to score eight and pull down a game leading 11 rebounds. Tamara Quinn led the way for the Titans scoring 11 points and hitting 3 of 4 from beyond the three-point line. The freshman guard has been hobbled by a bad ankle but managed to contribute three rebounds as well. Center Allison Parks scored 10 for the Titans and pulled down a team high six boards. Parks is averaging

15 points over the past two games for the Titans. Chante Gifford scored nine points for the Titans, who were down by just nine at the end of the first half. Forward Heather Hansen, who is a leading rebounder in the Big West Conference, averaging 6.5 per game, managed just four rebounds in only 19 injury-shortened minutes. Hansen added two points and two assists. CSUF was competitive through the first half despite shooting 39 percent from the floor. In the second half, UCI opened up with a 16-0 run and cruised to victory. The Titans have been plagued by turnovers of late, but only turned the ball over 18 times against UCI, an improvement from last week when the Titans turned the ball over 68 times in just two games. CSUF has lost five in a row, falling to 1-24 overall and 1-11 in conference play. With the victory, UCI raises its record to above .500 at 14-13 overall and 5-7 in the conference, also extending its winning streak to three. With the regular season winding down, the Titans face Boise State at

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