2005 09 14

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C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n


We d n e s d a y, S e p t e m b e r 1 4 , 2 0 0 5


This Issue

w w w. d a i l y t i t a n . c o m

Vendors invade Quad, walkways

Morning commute


Horn right on track

Pedestrian traffic halted by unauthorized campus solicitors, petitoners By KIM ORR Daily Titan Managing Editor

At 12 p.m. the Main Quad at Cal State Fullerton is booming with pedestrian traffic, as the usually wide-open pathways become crowded with pacing bodies. Students weave in and out and back in again: over the Education Classroom Building bridge; around the Humanities building; then right on the path leading towards McCarthy Hall. All of these extra steps, apparently just to avoid one familiar sight: Solicitors. Whether its anti-abortion, club promotions or on-campus organizations, students

Cross country runner red-shirts in hopes of winning championship next season


Dealerships unable to fill publicʼs high demands for better-mileage vehicles

Word on the street: students speak on rising cost of gasoline prices

By DESDEMONA BANDINI For the Daily Titan



A semi truck toppled over and spilled nearly 21 tons of trash onto the 57 freeway yesterday morning. Driver Marco Guzmam of Anaheim was en route to the Brea Canyon Landfill when he lost control of his vehicle at the 57 and 91 freeway interchange. Witnesses said Guzman was driving at about 55 to 65 miles per hour when his truck spilled over. There were no other vehicles involved in the accident, and no injuries were reported at the scene.

President Bush’s Supreme Court nominee John Roberts not too young to fill Chief Justice shoes 4

Surf Report Huntington

2-3 ft. knee- to waist-high and fair conditions.

San Clemente

1-3 ft. ankle- to waist-high and fair conditions.

Compiled from www.surfline.com

Weather Wednesday, Sept. 14 AM Clouds/PM Sun 77º/58º Thursday, Sept. 15 Mostly Sunny 79º/58º Friday, Sept. 16 Partly Cloudy 75º/56º Saturday, Sept. 17 Sunny 77º/58º Sunday, Sept. 18 Sunny 77º/56º Compiled from The Weather Channel

constantly spend their treks to class interrupted by individuals who are on a mission to get their message heard or make a quick buck. “Some lady came up to me earlier today trying to sell some hair salon membership,” said student Laura Wedertz on Tuesday afternoon. “I told her I was happy with my salon. Iʼm just trying to read.” While certain vendors are approved through either Titan Shops or the Dean of Students Office, others walk on campus illegally and spend hours convincing students to indulge in their products or promotions. “I usually donʼt make eye contact or I just listen and say no thanks,” Wedertz said. Vendors that choose to set up tents on campus are asked to complete a “Patio Vendor Agreement Form” issued by Titan Shops. VENDORS

California drivers hot for hybrid cars



Vo l u m e 8 1 , I s s u e 8

In this climate of soaring gas prices, the existential question on many peopleʼs minds is: To buy or not to buy – a hybrid car, that is. The savings on gas mileage is the main benefit to buying a hybrid. Hybrid vehicles use a gasoline combustion engine with an electric motor that enables the engine to switch from gas to

electric power, creating better gas mileage and lower emissions. The special cell battery powers the electric motor and stores energy for future use. However, hybrid cars may not save some drivers as much money as they have anticipated if they are used for more freeway driving than surface street driving. Different models vary, but in general, the hybridʼs electrical engine will kick into gas use when the vehicle exceeds a higher speed of around 40 to 60 miles. For commuters this could lessen the savings substantially. The big hype right now is the carpool lane, but not all hybrid vehicles qualify for it. Only hybrid vehicles that get 45 miles per HYBRID

‘Harmony,’ earthquakes balance perfectly

Geology intern gains knowledge about life on fault research trip By BRYAN BARNETT Daily Titan Staff

When Harmony Colella was 7years-old, an earthquake destroyed the backyard of her La Mirada home. It was 1987. The ruin of that day brought with it a lingering fascination of earthquakes to Colella. She decided to follow that interest during her education at Cal State Fullerton. In the early humid days of June, Colella, a senior, found herself on the Metrolink headed towards the University of California, Riverside. She felt excited about her impending three-month geology internship and the unknowns of the future fluttered around in her stomach. “Science is such a competitive, male-dominated field,” she said

later. “I didnʼt want to disappoint.” helped kill her remaining nervous Colella arrived in Riverside with jitters. her bike and rode two miles through Using a program called Dyna the not-so-good part of town. As 3-D, she and Oglesby simulated she neared the campus, the old, gray many kinds of earthquake scenarios streets gave way to newer, remod- – including rupture propagation and eled buildings and slip-partitioning. sidewalks. Via these computer-generated mod“I felt like a Science is such els, they meant to freshman all over a competitive, find out where an again,” she said. male-dominated earthquake goes “You know, walking onto a campus and what it does field. I didn’t want and you have no once it starts. to disappoint. idea where youʼre Once they going.” nucleated a focal Harmony Colella Colellaʼs internpoint, they were Fullerton Student ship, entitled able to watch “Dynamics of the after-effects an Oblique Sliponscreen - much Branched Fault System,” involved like the ripple effect from a rock two people: Dave Oglesby, who has dropped on a glassy lake. a doctorate in geological sciences, To get even more hands-on experience, about 30 of the interns took and herself. “We discussed what we wanted a trip out to the James Reserve in to get out of the summer, and he the San Jacinto Mountains where calmed me down. He made me feel the Anza earthquake originated smart,” she said, adding that he earlier in the year. With scien-

‘Big One’ predicted to hit California by 2024 Researchers say 80 to 90 percent chance of large quake hitting Southland By CHRISTINA SCHROETER Daily Titan Staff

After the Federal Emergency Management Agencyʼs slow response to Hurricane Katrina, some Southern Californians have questioned whether the government can come to their aid in the event of “the big one.” California has its share of natural disasters, but the costliest - in both dollars and lives - is earthquakes. Since seismic tremors cannot yet be predicted, Southland residents must always be prepared for disastrous quakes, said David Bowman, a geology professor at Cal State


tists from the Southern California Earthquake Center as their guides, they were able to study the apparent effects of earthquakes up close. From there, the interns visited part of the San Andreas Fault near where the Yucaipa earthquake originated in the summer. “We got to go into a trench on the San Andreas,” Colella said. “It brought all the interns together.” In a presentation during a geology department seminar on Wednesday, Colella outlined the properties of past earthquakes - like the 2001 Kokoxili earthquake near Tibet and the 2004 Sumatra earthquake that caused the massive tsunami, killing over 150,000 people. “My advisor and I are putting together a paper on the research weʼve done over the summer,” she said. “This project technically is over, but I am still working on it with my advisor…we want to learn more.” Starting her college education at Arizona State University as a civil



engineer major, Colella planned to use her degree to finish grad school in an earthquake related study, but her plans took an unexpected turn. “I decided to try a different route,” she said. “Geology was the way to go.” This is Colellaʼs third semester at CSUF and already she feels she is ready to embark on the next level of her education. “I felt like they made me a better scientist. I feel excited about going to grad school and a little more prepared than I might have been without this experience,” she said. “I definitely recommend, as an undergrad, to get involved in a research project if you can.” To Colella, a research project means constantly questioning your results. “Just because you get something, doesnʼt mean that one, its right; or two, that it gives you an answer. A lot of times, more often than not, it leaves you with more questions,” she said.

Watching like a hawk

Fullerton. “We live on one of the worldʼs major plate boundaries, so there is a threat of a moderate to large earthquake at any given time,” Bowman said. “Southern California is probably the most prepared place in the world, but there is still a lot that should be done.” Although an earthquake strikes a much smaller area than that of a hurricane, it can still do major damage. Southern California Earthquake Center researchers said there is an 80 to 90 percent chance an earthquake of magnitude 7.0 or greater will hit Southern California before 2024. At that time, 62 percent of California residents will be living in zones of high-earthquake danger. With California oil and gas lines crossing the San Andreas Fault, the Southern



Bobby Kosch watches his fraternity teammates from Pi Kappa Phi play flag football against Sigma Nu on the CSUF recreational sports field yesterday. Pi Kappa Phi won the game 44 to 0.

2 Wednesday, September 14, 2005

News IN RIEF World



news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415


Art in motion

SEPT. 14, 2005


Sept. 14 to 30: The ASI office is accepting donations for the Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund. Sept. 14: The College of Humanities and Social Sciences will have a study abroad information meeting in the Humanities Building Room 213 at noon. All majors are welcome to attend. Students accepted may study in London, Spring 2006.

U.S. forces capture al-Qaida militant BAGHDAD, Iraq – U.S. forces widened their operations against insurgents in northern Iraq on Tuesday, launching an attack on the Euphrates River stronghold of Haditha only days after evicting militants from Tal Afar. Residents also reported American air strikes in the same region near Qaim. The Americans called in bombing raids in Haditha, 140 miles northwest of the capital. They captured one militant with ties to al-Qaida in Iraq and killed four others.

Sept. 14: Cartel will be performing at a free concert at Becker Amphitheater from noon to 1 p.m.

Egypt-Gaza border swings open

RAFAH, Gaza Strip – The Egypt-Gaza border was open for business Tuesday: cheap cigarettes, live goats and Egyptian tourists flooded into Gaza, and Gazans celebrating their new freedom rushed to Egyptian seaside resorts. Any semblance of order along the once heavily guarded frontier disintegrated a day after Israeli troops left Gaza after 38 years. Israel told Egypt that it was growing concerned about possible weapons smuggling, and Palestinian police promised to begin sealing the border. The border hopping began soon after Israel pulled out Monday as Palestinian families went to see relatives in on the Egyptian side of Rafah and boys jumped over to buy cigarettes with plans to sell them at a profit in Gaza.



Susan Phelps turns the crank on “The Idea Process,” an interactive art piece created by Ryan Ross that is part of the “Lightwaits” exhibit on display through October 29 in the Atrium Gallery of the Pollak Library.

This week


Bush takes responsibility for Katrina WASHINGTON – President Bush for the first time took responsibility Tuesday for federal government mistakes in dealing with Hurricane Katrina and suggested the calamity raised broader questions about the governmentʼs ability to handle both natural disasters and terror attacks. “Katrina exposed serious problems in our response capability at all levels of government,” Bush said at a joint White House news conference with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani. “And to the extent that the federal government didnʼt fully do its job right, I take responsibility. I want to know what went right and what went wrong,” said Bush.

Roberts rebuffs Democratsʼ questions

WASHINGTON – John Roberts, Chief Justice nominee, repeatedly refused to answer questions about abortion and other contentious issues at his confirmation hearing Tuesday, telling frustrated Democrats he would not discuss matters that could come before the Supreme Court. “I think nominees have to draw the line where they are most comfortable,” said Roberts, who also sidestepped questions about civil rights, voting rights and the limits of presidential power in a long, occasionally antagonistic day in the witness chair. He did say past Supreme Court rulings carry weight, including the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion in 1973. But the principle of court precedents allows for overturning rulings, too, he said.

Nursing home owners charged

NEW ORLEANS – In a day of reckoning across battered New Orleans, the owners of a nursing home were charged in the deaths of dozens of patients killed by Hurricane Katrinaʼs floodwaters, the death toll in Louisiana jumped to 423, and the mayor warned that the city is broke, unable to make its next payroll. Mayor C. Ray Nagin said the city was working “feverishly” with banking and federal officials to secure lines of credit through the end of the year. Amid the discouraging news, there were also clear signs of progress on many fronts: The New Orleans airport reopened to commercial flights, and the port resumed operations. Reports compiled from The Associated Press


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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSUF System. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. Copyright ©2005 Daily Titan

cian Mae Jemison becomes the first African American woman in space. 9/13 1922: The highest temperature ever recorded, 58° C (136° F), is documented in Al Aziziyah, Libya.

9/11 1847: Stephen Fosterʼs song “Oh! Susanna” was performed in concert for the first time in Pittsburgh, Pa. 2001: Terrorists hijacked airplanes to deliberately crash them into the Pentagon in Arlington, Va. and the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, killing thousands.

9/14 1814: Lawyer Francis Scott Key wrote the lyrics to “The Star-Spangled Banner,” after being inspired by the defense of Baltimoreʼs Fort McHenry during the War of 1812.

9/12 1935: Howard Hughes set the worldʼs landplane record of 352.46 mph in an airplane he designed. 1992: U.S. astronaut and physi-

9/15 1928: Sir Alexander Fleming discovers a bacteria-killing mold that will later be developed into penicillin.

1978: Muhammad Ali becomes the first man to win the heavyweight title three times after defeating Leon Spinks.

Sept. 14: ASI will host a “Hawaii O-Five” block party at the Irvine Campus from 2-6 p.m. Entertainment will include a fortune teller, a caricature artist, and a ukulele greeter. Snacks – popcorn and snow cones – will be provided. Sept. 15: ASI will be hosting a support group on how to maintain healthy relationships with loved ones. Deadline to sign up for the event is Sept. 15. For more information, call (714) 278-3040

9/16 1620: A group of Separatists depart for North America aboard the Mayflower 1976: Women are permitted to be ordained as priest and bishops by the Episcopal Church.

Sept. 15: Mr. & Mrs. Smith will be playing in the Titan Theater at 6 and 9 p.m. Admission is free.

9/17 1630: English Puritans establish what will later be Boston on the Shawmut peninsula in Massachusetts Bay Colony. 1787: The Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pa. sign the new Constitution of the United States.

Sept. 16: CSUF will be hosting the 22nd annual Fall Celebration and Concert Under the Stars. For more information, call (714) 2785839

Compiled by encarta.msn.com

Sept. 15: Oslo will be performing in the Titan Pub from noon to 1 p.m. Admission is free.

Sept. 17: Families are invited to Bowling Family Night at the alley in Titan Student Union Underground from 5-8 p.m. Sept. 17-18: Tryouts for the CSUF bowling team will be held. For more information, call (714) 278-2144.


Daily Titan

Wednesday, September 14, 2005 3

news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415


can save time, money and lives if done before a major earthquake, from page 1 Bowman said. Even CSUF is taking precautions to ensure its buildings California Gas Company has con- are properly reinforced and up to tinuously upgraded the gas pipeline code. to withstand a major quake. “Much of the construction you Bowman said 60 to 70 percent see on campus is an effort to reinforce buildings of our water comes for earthquake from aqueducts that safety,” Bowman also pass through Much of the said. “There are the San Andreas construction you still plans to reinat many points. see on campus is force some of the However, Southern an effort to reinolder buildings, California conforce buildings for tains local water like McCarthy reserves that could Hall.” earthquake safety be used if a disaster The Education David Bowman were to cut off one Code of the Geology Professor or more of its water State Office of supplies, according Architect is pretty stringent, said Colleen Wilkins, to the Chicago Tribune. After the 1994 Northridge quake, an environmental health and safety California required the retrofitting officer. “While our buildings may suffer of hospital, police and fire buildings. The state granted five-year cosmetic damage, none of them extensions, making the deadline should fall,” she said. “Many of 2008, to emergency buildings that them have undergone seismic retrolack funds to make improvements. fitting over the last few years.” CSUF also conducts campusWhile the 1994 Northridge quake put 23 hospitals temporarily out of wide evacuation drills once a semesservice, the next earthquake could ter to ensure emergency equipment devastate these needed emergency is working properly, and to prepare students for a disaster like an earthbuildings even further. “A lot of the hospitals that were quake. “Since it doesnʼt do anyone any built in the ʻ60s are now out of date,” Bowman said. “So it is very good to race out of a classroom, do important for the government to a duck and cover,” Wilkins said. “If look at Katrina as a warning. There outside, get away from the buildings – about 150 feet is a usual is a lot that we need to do.” Retrofitting homes and buildings figure to use. Follow instructions

of professors and building marshals – they wear orange vests – when they tell you to meet in a particular evacuation assembly area.” Since many CSUF students commute to campus, after a major earthquake students should listen to the radio before heading home to make sure the freeways are safe for driving, Wilkins said. “I donʼt know what Iʼd do if an earthquake happened. I donʼt have any plans,” CSUF business major Jose Lopez said. “I better start preparing because it could happen at any time.” Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country, a handbook on earthquake safety, suggests storing sturdy shoes, a flashlight, emergency cash, snack foods high in water and calories, bottled water, personal hygiene supplies, and other necessities in a backpack or small bag that can be easily taken when evacuating. The earthquake handbook also states that more earthquake-related injuries and deaths are due to toppling bookcases and unsecured objects than collapsing buildings. Billions of dollars were lost due to this kind of damage in the 1994 Northridge quake. According to the Los Angeles Times, a study conducted by the state said 92 percent of Riverside County, 99 percent of LA County and 100 percent of Ventura County live in high-risk earthquake danger zones.


at a dealership that is trained to work on hybrids,” Santos said. “There is a lot of charge in the engine, and if a mechanic cut the wrong wire, it could literally kill him.” Insurance cost reports also vary with some drivers claiming higher cost while others say it is comparable. Having an accident in a hybrid could be a problem because they are so new and fewer parts are available for repairs. “I have had a customer who has been waiting for three weeks and we still cannot find a side panel replacement for his Prius,” Mercury insurance re-inspector Alan LeMieux said. In 1992, the IRS created the Clean Fuel Tax Deduction that gave owners credit for up to $2,000. Last October, Los Angeles joined San Jose, CA; Albuquerque, NM; and New Haven, CT; in offering free metered parking for hybrids on a limited basis. The City of Los Angeles is currently converting its fleet to hybrid and electric vehicles, and also maintains a small fleet of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Additionally, Orange County is using hybrid buses. Ashley Boyer, a junior in human communication studies at Cal State Fullerton, said, “I just love them and I want one. I love the concept of not having to pay so much for gas.”

from page 1

gallon qualify. There are a few more snags for drivers seeking refuge in carpool lanes because the California Department of Motor Vehicles is only issuing 75,000 carpool-lane permits for hybrids with the law set to expire after one year and no current plans of renewing it. The DMV is receiving over 1,000 applicants a day, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. Toyota of Orange service manager Allan Santos guesses that over half of the permits have already been issued. Some hybrid drivers are dissatisfied with the carpool permits because of the large, bright yellow decals – ranging in size from 7-by-3 inches to 5-by-2 inches – that must be displayed on cars, according to the Los Angeles Times. Evidently, not all hybrid vehicle buyers are deterred by the oversized carpool permits. Telephone inquiries to several Orange County Toyota and Honda dealerships found that there were no hybrid cars on any of the lots. Many would-be buyers find themselves placed on a waiting list that could last from a few weeks to several months.

As if this wasnʼt enough of a hurdle to hybrid car ownership, dealers sometimes require a down payment. And forget about being able to test-drive a hybrid, because any that come in are already sold. Fladeboe Honda in Irvine reported selling 25 hybrid Civics in one week after the law was passed and do not expect much more to come in until next year. Salesman Tony Awwad of Toyota of Orange likens it to the Cabbage Patch Doll craze of the early ʻ80s. “If we had 100 of them, we would sell them all in less than a week,” Awwad said. “As soon as they get off the truck, they are sold. I wish I had more to sell.” According to Awwad and Carroll, there is no real threat of the hybrids depreciating because the demand continues to outweigh the supply. Hybrid performance issues include reports of hybrids stalling. “The only way the car will stall is if the driver let it run out of gas and kept driving anyway,” Awwad said. As for maintenance, that is another story. Toyota of Orange service manager Allan Santos said that in general, the basic maintenance is the same on a hybrid - like oil-changes. However, he does not recommend taking a hybrid anywhere except a dealership. “Hybrids should only be serviced


from page 1

The form asks for a copy of the vendorʼs resale license, a completed refund policy, a sample receipt that would be issued to customers, an information sheet detailing who will be present on the CSUF premises and a completed insurance waiver. Vendors who are approved through Titan Shops must operate under one of the blue tents that the bookstore provides for selling purposes, said Chuck Kissel, director of Titan Shops. Any vendors who appear on campus without a blue tent are asked to leave the premises or obtain a vendor permit. Individuals who venture onto campus without the intention to sell merchandise must follow a separate

procedure, which often falls short in the regulation phase. While blue tents allow approved vendors to be easily identified, others – petitioners, promoters and oncampus organizations – have no such marker. “Because this is a public university, we have to allow these people to come on campus,” said Esiquio Uballe, associate dean of student life. The Dean of Students Office asks that promoters and petitioners request approval to provide information on campus, said Uballe. But because petitioners are not selling anything they are technically protected under freedom of speech laws if they choose to venture onto campus without submitting a request. “Weʼre caught between a rock and a hard place,” Uballe said.

“They have a right to be on campus, but itʼs under debate as to whether we can dictate who can petition on campus.” And, because the Dean of Students Office has no way of clearly identifying who has been approved through the university, unapproved vendors continue to come to campus. “We try to monitor the campus,” Uballe said. “Some people just show up on campus but our staff is trained to call us if they see someone who is not supposed to be here.” At 6 p.m., after a day of students dodging solicitors, the Main Quad is fairly empty. The petitioners and promoters are gone, but the wind still carries small, colorful fliers in its wake that sweep through the Quad, past McCarthy Hall and over the Education Classroom Building bridge, tracing studentsʼ paths.

4 Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Titan Editorial

Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

Roberts doesn’t rock the boat September has been a media circus, with the controversy of Hurricane Katrina, the resignation of FEMA head Michael Brown, the anniversary of Sept. 11., and President Bushʼs statement yesterday that he was to blame for the slow recovery effort in New Orleans. Some have started putting the confirmation hearings of Chief Justice nominee John G. Roberts Jr. into the circus ring – although the U.S. Supreme Court doesnʼt begin its new term until Oct. 3. The lawyer-turned appellate judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia has passed all background checks, been blessed with intellect, and deemed by many as amiable and goodhumored. Democrats and opponents of the president have made it seem like Robertsʼ nomination as Chief Justice, propelled from his previous nomination as associate justice with the resignation of Justice Sandra Day OʼConnor, as some lifeor-death situation – with issues such as the rights of abortion, gay marriage and euthanasia supporters in peril. Many have been desperately trying to find some “paper trail,” even digging up the fact that Roberts tried to overturn Roe v. Wade when he was a lawyer. Although the moderately conservative, 50-year-old Roberts has been vague in interviews

and in this weekʼs meetings with the Senate Judiciary Committee, stating both that legal precedent and being groundbreaking were important, most justices have also been indirect in their answers when vying for one of the nine positions. Critics have also worried that with Roberts heading an already conservative court, the Supreme Court would deny liberal stances in most rulings. But, history has shown that justices do not always vote according to the political affiliation of the president who nominated them. Ronald Regan – a Republican – appointed Anthony Kennedy and OʼConnor to the nationʼs highest court. But neither voted the way Regan would have preferred in many cases. In Roe v. Wade, for example, both liberally ruled to uphold a womanʼs right to choose. As to claims that Roberts is too young to lead, it just isnʼt true – although it has been over 200 years since someone his age or younger was nominated. Chief Justice John Marshall, who went on to establish the Supreme Courtʼs ultimate authority in the Marbury v. Madison ruling, was only 46. The Daily Titan – often thought of as being “too liberal” or as “Bush-bashers” – doesnʼt hold any delusions of fantasy; we realize, like most observers of this current situation, that Roberts is a shoo-in. And contrary to popular belief, we donʼt mind.

Editorial Board

Julie Kim, Opinion Editor Nicole M. Smith, Executive Editor Kim Orr, Managing Editor

In deference to the paradigm established by venerable Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, unsigned Titan Editorials strive to represent the general will of the Daily Titan editorial board and do not necessarily reflect the view of the university.



opinion@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-5814

Word on the street How are you coping with rising gas prices?

“Honestly? I havenʼt been driving much. I make my brother drive me around.”

–Hoda Hajirnia Second-year, undecided

“Iʼm definitely driving less. I have my homies pick me up and keep my driving to a minimum.”

–Mikey Aguila Fifth-year, marketing

“I donʼt live around here. I just have friends who let me stay the night. I stay as much as possible.” –Shakira Hill Fourth-year, business

“What can you do? You have to get gas.”

“Well, I carpool with a friend and we split the cost of gas.”

–Enrique Lopez Fifth-year, mechanical engineering

–Kimberly Fragola First-year, communications

Photos and quotes compiled by Nicole M. Smith, Daily Titan executive editor. For more, visit www.dailytitan.com

Enjoy college; life goes downhill from there Jeff cares For me, this summer ended with a whimper rather than a bang. But thatʼs all right because Iʼm submissive. Bah dum chee! Jeff Klima But seriousDaily Titan Columnist ly, I didnʼt get to accomplish half of the many goals I set for myself this summer. And now with us students already several weeks into the new semester, Iʼm thinking it may be too late to even start. But this is all right in the long run since with the arrival of fall, I get to set a whole new list of challenges and goals for myself to accomplish. My goals for the fall semester include finding out what exactly is the difference between girls and

boys (fingers crossed, hoping) and burning down the Golden Gate Bridge. Now, I may only accomplish just one of these goals, but that isnʼt the important thing. The important thing is that I am willing to try something new. This same idea goes especially for the “newbies” here on campus. You people are now in college. This is your Independence Day, er, Independence Four Years. You have a unique opportunity for the next few years – or in my case, next many years – to do things that you would never do otherwise. The phrase “Iʼm in college” is a golden parachute. You couldnʼt do any better by flashing a pack of Mentos and a self-assured grin. I know because Iʼve tried both. Freshmen, sophomores and juniors – seniors, it is too late for you; your souls are already dead: Take advantage of being a stupid-smart college kid. Try things that you would never ever do

otherwise, except burning down the Golden Gate Bridge – that suckerʼs mine! Experiment with narcotics. Join a cult. Girls: Kiss other girls. Boys: Watch girls kiss other girls. Have sex with someone who didnʼt buy all his or her clothes at “Abercrombie & Hollister Gap.” Cheat on all your tests. Dare professors to throw you out of college (cough cough, suckers). Find a clothesline with underwear hanging on it and bite the crotch out. Join a fraternity; Sigma Nu worked for me, it can work for you - which, by the way, isnʼt one of its mottos. In short, risk your life, dare to explore the finite world with your eyes and ears, become involved in student government, and see what happens when you jump off the top of the library. For the next 40 years, you are going to be racing along with all the other rats, searching for a piece of cheese to call your own.

You will be stuffed into cubicles. You will be hunted by “fat cats” for your “sweet meats.” You will boast to complete strangers about how many air miles you have racked up. You will become an incarnate of your parents. You donʼt stand a chance no matter how badass your air guitar sounds now. These four years take some initiative, so have some fun and light a metaphorical and literal fire under your ass. Dye your pubic hair green. Even if you donʼt heed my words and you go on trying to look just like Mr. & Ms. MTV, please donʼt mock my hideous, green pubic hair. My sex cult made me do it. And besides, Iʼm in college. Jeff Klima is a Cal State Fullerton senior majoring in communications and radio-TV-film. His column comes out every Wednesday in the Daily Titan.


6 Wednesday, September 14, 2005


sports@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-3149

Men’s team to lead charge without Horn Cross country is short its best long-distance runner for this season By STEPHANIE PARK Daily Titan Staff

The Cal State Fullerton cross country menʼs team faces one of their toughest challenges yet; a season without their top runner, Jordan Horn. The senior red-shirt went from unrealized potential to becoming one of Fullertonʼs most achieved long distance runners. When Horn graduated from Alta Loma High School in 2002, he was a very successful runner, a top prospect. Head Coach John Elders recruited him for the CSUF cross country team after seeing his finishing time at the Mt. San Antonio College Invitational. “I made the call, the next week he visited and right after that he made the commitment,” Elders said.

The freshman runner was a good age up slowly,” Elders said. Despite being underdeveloped as fit, and everything fell into place. “He came in with high expec- a runner, Horn has a great personaltations, and only a couple guys ity and a strong work ethic. understood those expectations,” “I probably actually had to hold said Bryce Lighthall, Hornʼs former him back because he wanted to run teammate and a runner on the team the distances that the veteran guys from 2000 to 2003. were doing,” Elders said. Horn began his first year by movHorn concluded his freshman ing into the dorms season with a 27th place finish at the on campus where Big West Menʼs he said he played It’s a war of Cross Country video games all attrition. It’s not Championship. night and partied. His sophomore During the day, who’s ready right year was a lot he attended class now, but who’s harder, as he began and ran. ready next month, to take a different “It was a lot next year. approach to runof running, and ning. I wasnʼt used to Bryce Lighthall “I wanted to be running so many Horn’s former teammate the best runner in miles,” Horn the world,” Horn said. said. “I raised my Hornʼs high school program didnʼt demand the mileage too much for me.” He cut out the partying and kind of mileage that Elders was asking from his collegiate team. Instead drinking too, but it had already left of running 100 miles per week, its effect on him. Horn was used to running 20 to 25. “I was tired all the time and “We had to really build his mile- my running went down the drain.


Fullerton senior Jordan Horn came in from high school with the potential be one of the university’s greatest distance runners. He validated it last track season, setting a new school-record in the 5000-meter run.

School was probably the hardest for me that year,” Horn said. In 2003, he finished his sophomore year in 22nd place in the championship race. “It takes a strong individual to push through those plateaus and keep going. [Jordanʼs] not fearful of hitting a plateau,” Lighthall said. Last year in 2004, Horn changed his approach to cross country yet again. “I approached it more as having fun and training as hard as I thought I could,” Horn said. “[I went] back to the high school mentality of trying to run my guts out from the beginning.” His guts paid off. In track and field last spring, he broke the CSUF menʼs record for the 5,000-meter race with a time of 14:06.09. Despite this success, both Horn and Elders are not satisfied with Hornʼs running career. “The main thing that has been missing this far in his career is that … he just hasnʼt had that really great performance in the big championship meets,” Elders said. In 2004, he finished 12th in the Big West Conference individual standings and 33rd in the NCAA Regional West Championship. The next two years hold promise for both Horn and the menʼs cross country team. After careful consideration, Horn and Elders decided during summer training camp that Horn would redshirt this season. “His red-shirting was not forced; it was only a possible option,” Elders said. “I judged the potential of the team this year and potential of the team next year. We have a young team that can only get better.” Horn will still run the open invitationals and practice with the team. “I wanted to see the new guys, and if they werenʼt willing to work and run hard, I was just going to run [this season] and forget about the team. It sucks, but it happens,” Horn said. The sacrificed season is a “risk” that is never an easy decision to make, Elders said. “The red-shirting process will be good for him because he was such a young runner when he came in from


Although his red-shirt status prevents him from competing with with the men’s cross country team this season, Horn continues to have an impact as both a team leader and a motivational pressence during practice. an experience standpoint,” Elders said. Like in past years, Horn took on some new goals for training, like running 100 miles a week at no slower than a six-minute mile pace. “Itʼs a war of attrition. Itʼs not whoʼs ready right now, but whoʼs ready next month, next year,” Lighthall said. “Heʼs got himself so close to being a national caliber runner,” Elders said.

“Jordanʼs a really good guy. Heʼs pretty mellow,” said childhood friend Michael Tidell. “He goes with the flow. Heʼs a dying breed.” Horn has been more than just a great runner. He has been a great leader and pressence on the team. After spending so much time together, cross country teams become close-knit families. “You get to see them every day and itʼs more than just a team,” Horn said.

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