2005 09 26

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C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n


Monday September 26, 2005


This Issue Opinion

Server speaks out

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Vo l u m e 8 1 , I s s u e 1 4

Salutes for CSUF recruits At ceremony before Angels game, students and cadets reaffirm oaths to U.S. Army

“They get the chance to talk to people whoʼve been on the same boat as them and so the recruits wonʼt feel like they are doing this alone,” Rodriguez said. The new recruits that Rodriguez arrived with are high school seniors ready to graduate and go By LISAJOYCE VERGARA to basic training. Daily Titan Staff “Itʼs a good feeling to be here. People Iʼve Angel Stadium was overtaken by an “Army met at this event were very helpful and informaof One” as Cal State Fullertonʼs ROTC and the tive about what I should expect in the Army,” Fullerton Recruiting Company were honored in said Martin Martinez, a 17-year-old student at center field just before the Angels took on the Anaheim High School. Texas Rangers on Thursday. Esmeralda Cueva, 17, from Horizon High Cadets and future soldiers had the chance to School in Anaheim went to the event to socialreaffirm their Army oath before the crowd of ize with people in the Army and to relieve her 36,588 fans. Lt. Col. William Howard was in shyness talking with Army affiliates. Cueva was planning to go to college and charge of administering the oath of enlistments. decided the Army was the way “It was a great opportunity to recognize future offito do it. We need more cers and soldiers that are “The Army pays for everything, and I get to do something getting ready to serve our young people to for myself that I feel proud of,” great nation,” Howard said. be cadets and do Cueva said. “I havenʼt had that “It was a great success to what you’re doing push to go to college until I see the many future soldiers for this great learned of the Armyʼs great benand cadets on the field. The nation. efits. I decided on my own to be crowdʼs response was posiTracy Cutler tive.” successful in life.” Fullerton Recruiting Company Roberta Rikli, dean for A brief recognition took place the College of Health and to honor cadets who received Human Development, was scholarships. Then, special present in witnessing the oath. thanks were given to those who contributed to “I was extremely proud to be a part of this the event. Sgt. Tracy Cutler, from the Fullerton ceremony,” Rikli said. “I am thankful that we Recruiting Company, was one of the honorees. have young men and women who are willing “This event was a personal thing from the to dedicate their lives to this important service bottom of my heart,” Cutler said. “We need to our country and am proud to have the ROTC more young people to be cadets and do what program as part of the College of Health and youʼre doing for this great nation. Now letʼs go Human Development.” out to the field and make it happen.” Prior to the ceremony – under the Big A After the order, troops marched out from the – cadets and recruiting officers gathered for to Big A into the stadium in preparation for the cermeet and greet. It was a colorful atmosphere, emony. The color guards bore flags and rifles, with uniforms of all designs and colors. There and the cadets and newly enlisted recruits strode with a sense of pride. were box loads of pizza and chicken. During the national anthem, the participants Cadet Mariana Bernardo, a freshman majoring in criminal justice, was excited to take part. were shown on the screen. “Weʼre here to give moral support to the Throughout the third and fourth inning, newly recruited cadets. Our jobs as potential CSUF and the Fullerton Recruiting Company officers is to make them feel comfortable since conducted an Army pushup challenge. For one we know what itʼs like because weʼve experi- minute, Angels fans, first men and then women, enced it before,” Bernardo said. competed for autographed Angels memorabilia. Edgar Rodriguez, a recruiting officer from “The cadet command did a great job putting the Anaheim Recruiting station, brought his this event together,” said Josh Carlson, the cadet new recruits with him to get familiarized with squad leader, who came to the event on his day other soldiers. off to support his CSUF battalion.

Provided by Lucasfilm Ltd.

Restaurant worker gives customers 10 ways to stay in the good graces of eatery staffers 5

News Documentary about desert race shown in Titan Student Union 3

BELAL SIMJEE/Daily Titan Staff

Cadets Jeff Griswold and Natalie Tasch take part in the pre-game ceremony to honor CSUF’s ROTC program Thursday night at Angels Stadium. (Cadets James Griffith and Frederick Do are hidden behind the flag of the United States.

Seeking gallons of help for evacuees

Sports Titan women’s soccer team beats Loyola Marymount Lions, 2-0; sets sights on NCAA tournament

Black student clubs set up water jugs to collect relief funds


Surf Report Huntington 3- to 4-feet – waist- to shoulder-high, with occasional 5-foot sets; fair conditions San Clemente 3- to 4-feet – waist- to shoulder-high, with occasional 5-foot sets; fair conditions

Weather Monday Chance of T-storms 86º/62º Tuesday Partly cloudy 82º/60º Wednesday Sunny 84º/60º Thursday Sunny 84º/60º Friday Sunny 82º/61º Compiled from The Weather Channel


Ride Share Week promotes alternatives for solo drivers Orange County Transportation Authority to provide information for student, faculty commuters

The event, sponsored by companies including Metrolink, Southwest Airlines and Hyatt, gives alternative-transportation-seekers a chance to win a different prize each day of the week. Winnings include a 91 Express Lanes pass good for one year, 50 car wash coupons courtesy of Beacon Bay, and a Southwest By AARON BONK Airlines roundtrip airfare valued at $400. Participants Daily Titan Staff can fill out an application and enter to win from Oct. The disproportionate amount of single drivers 3 to 7 at www.octa.net. versus carpoolers is seldom more evident than when But OCTA is not limiting Rideshare Weekʼs scope standing at the corner of Nutwood and Commonwealth simply to carpooling. The organization, which also avenues just around 9 a.m. Sport-utilsupervises Metrolink and owns the ity vehicles make their way into Lot 91 Express Lanes, is encouraging E. They arrive by the dozen – most Orange County residents to try any There’s no reason transporting only solo drivers. alternative form of transportation, for two cars to sit The reasons not to carpool seem including commuter trains, buses and on the 22 Freeway bicycles. endless: the inconvenience, the hassle, the schedule conflicts, the inflexPascal Gyger, CSUF freshman and then ... search ibility; there are hundreds more, geology major, is among the many for a parking many of which are likely used by campus commuters who opt for bicyspace. cling over driving. Cal State Fullerton students. Ryan Francisco “I came down from Northern The Orange County Transportation Student carpooler California without a car, but riding Authority aims to put an end to the my bike is much more convenient excuses. Oct. 3 marks the beginning of the transportation authorityʼs anyways,” he said. annual Rideshare Week – an event that promotes Gyger also pointed out the money he saves on parkcarpooling and other forms of alternative transporta- ing and gas and the convenience of not having to hunt tion but that offers more than just some seat time in for a parking space. someone elseʼs ride. 4


in our best efforts to try to help as many people as we could.” Alton said the best way to help was to put on a fundraiser. So far, the organizations have raised $1,700. By DIANIKA ABBOTT “We donʼt have a set amount; we Daily Titan Staff just want to raise as much money as Though the immediate disaster of possible,” he said. Hurricane Katrina may be over, the Candelaria said this event not aftermath is far greater than anyone only benefits the Hurricane Katrina may have anticipated. victims but also helps provide a Millions of men, women and sense of community. children are with“Not only do out food, clothing we need to donate ... my heart and shelter – the money, we also bare necessities. have to increase immediately Thatʼs why sevconsciousness,” went out to all the eral black clubs Candelaria said. people who had and organiza“If we can crelost everything. tions have banded ate consciousness with all of together to bring Ryan Taylor the AfricanOperation Water CSUF freshman American stuRelief to Cal State dents on campus, Fullerton. Theyʼve more people will placed a table and two 5-gallon water jugs, which be inclined to help out.” Alston said he gives volunteers await donations, in the Quad. This three-week relief drive – credit for the eventʼs success. “We presented the idea at the sponsored by the National Society of Black Engineers, the Afro-Ethnic black [club and organization] mixer Student Association, the Alliance and people came together in a strong for the Preservation of African effort to help us,” he said. “We had Consciousness, SisterTalk, and var- people who werenʼt a part of the ious black fraternities and sororities various clubs donating their time to – is an endeavor to raise money to sit in the Quad and help.” donate to the American Red Cross. Ryan Taylor, a freshman, knew Joshua Candelaria, secretary of he wanted to help the victims and the Afro-Ethnic Student Association decided to help the organizationsʼ and a psychology major, said it is relief efforts. imperative for people to contribute “When I first heard about the to the relief fund. disaster, my heart immediately “Itʼs a major tragedy, and the went out to all the people who had people can use all the help and sup- lost everything; it was devastating,” port they can get,” Candelaria said. said Taylor, who is double majoring The National Society of Black in French and Japanese. “How can Engineersʼ vice president, Michael we help others if we are not strong Alston, said the organization felt enough to help our own communities? We need [to] give financially compelled to help. “Thatʼs why we immediately so that we can help jump start their outlined a proposal and presented lives.” Alston said the clubs and organito our club members and the various other clubs and organizations,” zation are trying to find other ways Alston said. “We knew that it was to help.

2 Monday, September 26, 2005

News IN RIEF World



news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415


Happiest protest on Earth

SEPT. 26, 2005


Today: ASI will be hosting Monday Night Football at the TSU Underground. For more information contact (714) 2782144. Sept. 27 to Sept. 29: The Society of Health Professionals Association will be hosting a blood drive in the TSU to help benefit Katrina Victims.

Gulf Coast emerges from battering PERRY, La. – For the storm-shattered Gulf Coast, the images were all too familiar: Tiny fishing villages in splinters, refrigerators and coffins bobbing in floodwaters. Helicopters and rescue boats making house-to-house searches of residents stranded on the rooftops. But as the misery wrought by Hurricane Rita came into clearer view – particularly in the hard-to-reach marsh towns along the Texas-Louisiana line – the lasting signs that emerged a day after the stormʼs 120-mph landfall were of an epic evacuation that saved countless lives, and of destruction that fell short of the Katrina-sized fears.

Sept. 29: The Career Center will be sponsoring a Graduate and Professional School Fair. For more information call (714) 278-3121. Sept. 28 to Sept. 29: Take a guided tour through various haunted digs in Fullerton. Explore the Plummer Auditorium, the basement hallways of the Fullerton Police Department and other scary haunts. Cost is $12. For more information please contact the Fullerton Museum Center.

Hurricane exposes evacuation problems WASHINGTON – The 14-hour lines of traffic fleeing Houston – complete with cars that ran out of gas – show that four years after the Sept. 11 attacks, it is difficult to evacuate a major metropolitan area. Experts say the consequences could be far more deadly in the event of a radiological or other terrorist strike.

Israel Kills Militant Chief in Offensive

Sept. 29: M Cabaret presents a night of murder, mystery and dinning at the Maverick Theater in Downtown Fullerton. The show starts is from 7:30 p.m. 10 p.m. for more information call (714) 526-7070.

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip – Israel pressed forward with a broad offensive against Islamic militants on Sunday, killing an Islamic Jihad commander in a pinpoint air strike in the Gaza Strip and rounding up more than 200 wanted Palestinians. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon promised to use “all means” against the militants, and Hamas later said it would halt rocket fire. Early Monday, the Israeli military carried out two air strikes in Gaza.

Sept. 30: “An Evening of Song” with CSUF Vocal Faculty and Friends will be held at the Performing Arts Centerʼs Recital Hall at 8 p.m. Tickets are $20 ($12 with advanced Titan discount, $9 with advance CSUF student discount.) For more information call (714) 278-3371.

At least 24 killed in Iraq BAGHDAD, Iraq – Gunmen loyal to radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr ambushed an Iraqi patrol in an eastern Baghdad slum Sunday, and U.S. forces joined the 90-minute battle, killing as many as eight attackers in the first significant violence in the neighborhood in nearly a year. Elsewhere in Baghdad, armed men pulled off a daring armored car robbery, killing two guards and escaping with $850,000, and a suicide car bomber slammed into a convoy carrying Interior Ministry commandos, killing seven of them and two civilians.

Sept. 30: The Cal State Fullerton Big Band performs at the Brea Jazz Festival in Downtown Brea. For more information visit www.ci.brea.ca.us.

Nation Big Easy clean-up resumes after Rita NEW ORLEANS – The mammoth tasks of restoring power to much of New Orleans and removing heaps of debris, interrupted when Hurricane Rita rammed the Gulf Coast, resumed Sunday as the mayor pushed his plan to reopen parts of the city this week.Even those areas newly flooded this weekend by Rita could be pumped dry again within a week after levee damage is repaired, far sooner than initially predicted, a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers spokesman said Sunday. “All indications are all operations are getting back to normal,” said Ted Monette, deputy federal coordinating officer for Katrina recovery. Monette said federal officials had been coordinating with Mayor Ray Naginʼs effort to begin allowing evacuated residents to return and were supportive of his plan.

Reports compiled from The Associated Press


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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSUF System. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. Copyright ©2005 Daily Titan

GABRIEL FENOY/Daily Titan Staff

Peace demonstrators march near Disneyland on Saturday. The Orange County Peace Coalition sponsored the march, which went through Anaheim. More than 150 demonstrators walked in the march, which began at Stoddard Park and included a demonstration at Katella Avenue and Harbor Boulevard.



Cop Blotter 9/19 – 9/25 9/19 00:54 Arrest made at Placentia Ave. and Madison Ave in Fullerton at a routine traffic stop. 9/19 01:42 Disturbance reported at Dorm Willow on N. State College Blvd.

Subject with alcohol refused to dump it and refused to leave. No arrest made. 9/19 09:27 Traffic accident occurred at N. State College Blvd. and Arts Drive. Silver Toyota and silver Mercedes collided, officer advised unknown injuries. 9/19 11:11 Possible shoplifting occurred in library north at N. State College Blvd., Fullerton. Possible suspect Asian Female 5ʼ5” and police offi-

cer logged incident only. 9/20 03:11 Fullerton police assistedAnaheim police in pursuit at N. State College Blvd an Commonwealth. 9/21 10:26 Suspicious package containing a laptop was left in a classroom at Langsdorf Hall. Officers checked package and everything okay. 9/22 19:51 A car was vandalized at College Park on Nutwood Ave. and win-

Sept. 30 to Oct. 23: “Some Americans Abroad” by Richard Nelson will be playing at the Arena Theater of the CSUF Performing Arts Center. Call (714) 278-3371 for specific dates, times and ticket prices.

dow possibly smashed. A report was taken. 9/24 22:29 Blue phone emergency call received from Lot C on N. State College Blvd. No ones voice was heard. Police were unable to locate caller or any suspicious activity. 9/25 02:32 A golf cart with flashers crashed into bushes. Police was contacted by a grad student walking between McCarthy Hall on N. State College Blvd. Report was taken by police.


Daily Titan

news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415

Park enters 3rd phase

Developers compete for contract to build recreational area By CHRISTINA SCHROETER Daily Titan Staff

Those who havenʼt attended Cal State Fullertonʼs Irvine Campus have no idea how small it really is. One building, 21 classrooms and more than 3,000 students can make for a pretty stuffy learning experience. The redevelopment of Irvine Campusʼ surrounding areas, the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station, will greatly effect studentsʼ lives on and off campus, allowing them to relax between classes and to enjoy the natural charm that is planned for the Orange County Great Park. Although the park will not be finished for at least five years, the Great Park board will choose a designer as early as October, the Orange County Great Park Corp. has been urging Irvine Campus students and Orange County residents to involve themselves in a landmark that will become one of the largest metropolitan parks in the nation. From May to June, the corporation encouraged county residents, leaders and organizations to voice their opinions of what they would like to see in the Great Park through board meetings, surveys and online polls. The corporation found that many residents desired open fields, gardens, public swimming and sports facilities. This completed phase one of the parkʼs development. “I would like to feel that I can own part of this place,” Shane Yates of Foothill Ranch said. “I think that cafes … and the places for meeting people for just socializing, and parks with the benches facing each other for conversation, chess, and whatever it is that draws people from different cultures together is very important.” Phase two began with the selec-

tion of seven world-renowned design firms to compete to be the Great Parkʼs master designer. The information from phase one was presented to each of the firms, and each firm was given $50,000 to “think outside the box” and design a Great Park plan. “We had a jury of experts select the design finalists from approximately 30 statements of qualification and a second jury review the submittals of the seven finalists,” said Glen Worthington, Great Park environmental manager. “All of these professionals have spoken positively about the design firms that wanted to work

I would like to feel that I can own part of this place ... whatever it is that draws people ... Shane Yates Orange County Resident

on the project, and specifically about the submittals that are currently under review.” Each design firm has presented its view of what the Great Park should be. “A park needs to reflect the values of this community,” said Manuela Anne King, architect for Royston Hanamoto Alley and Abey. “And thatʼs another thing I find so incredibly exciting about this particular project.” Great Park design firm Abalos & Herreros of Madrid envision many water facilities in its plan for the Great Park. They mapped large, circular pools of various sizes in an asymmetrical arrangement alongside a large, modern water canal for swimming and rowing. Design firm Ken Smith Landscape Architect of New York foresees wetlands, lakes, ponds and an indoor Olympic-

size swimming pool. Another firmʼs plan includes very few water amenities within the park – only a shallow water mirror along one section of the former El Toro runway. Other firms visualize a very natural park, with natural-looking lakes, marshes and hiking trails. The firms also dreamed up unique attractions. “Our direction to the master design finalists was to create an integrated design for the public spaces,” Worthington said. “Some took that direction more liberally than others.” Ken Smith Landscape Architect advocated its idea of three large, orange hot air balloons tied to the ground so visitors could look down on the park from a birdseye view. These balloons would also act as Great Park icons to be seen from afar. King said her firm plans to work with scientific artist Ned Kahn to create unique icons throughout the park, including a fog forest. The forest would consist of a grid of tubes that emit a fog visitors can walk through to cool off on a hot day. “We also feel there is a strong need to memorialize the veterans,” King said. “It really represents, in some way symbolically, the people, the veterans themselves and the spirit of the veterans.” Her firm also plans to employ a bike-checkout system, similar to a libraryʼs checkout system. The bikes would be free to rent and enjoy throughout the day, as long as theyʼre returned. “The park is filled with activities,” King said. “Activities for the body, for the mind, and for nature.” Because the public voiced its desire for metropolitan and natural divisions of the park, the firms all included outdoor sports facilities for organized and unorPARK 4

Monday September 26, 2005 3

‘Dust to Glory’ to CSUF screen Filmmaker presents his documentary on off-road race in Baja By CHISATO KANEGAE Daily Titan Staff

On a quiet Friday evening on campus, an off-road race with motorcycles, trophy-trucks and Volkswagen Beetles took place. The TV Film Society hosted a screening Friday of “Dust to Glory,” a documentary film about the Baja 1000 off-road race in Baja California. Documentary filmmaker Dana Brown was the guest of honor, as he came for the end of the show and after-show interviews. The film played in the Titan Theater of the Titan Student Union for an audience of about 40. The film covered the entire race of the Baja 1000 from start to finish. Told through the eyes of the participants, “Dust to Glory” uncovers the dangerous terrain, the nervous riders and the happy faces after the race. “Iʼm a big fan of nonfiction,” Brown said during the questionand-answer session that took place in the On the Edge studio. Brown, who aspired to become a filmmaker when he was young, said his dad – a filmmaker who made the film “Honest Sunday” – influenced him. Brown said he never knew about the races until Mike “Mouse” McCoy, a participant in the Baja 1000, informed him about them. “The more I thought about it … the race had a story built in,” Brown said. “Itʼs got a beginning, middle and an end. Itʼs a one-of-a-kind race, where anybody can enter.”


Documentary filmmaker Dana Brown meets with students and members of the TV Film Society. His film, “Dust to Glory,” was shown in the Titan Student Union on Friday. Brown stayed after the screening for a question-and-answer session. The Orange County native described the costs of making the film as well as the conditions faced in Baja California. Brown said it took $1 million to make the film, and it took a year to make the final cut. He also said how the race took place in November, a time when conditions were harsh in the desert, with temperatures dropping below 32 degrees. Although the Baja California climate was somewhat severe, he knew there was a story in the race that had to be told. “We went down to watch the Baja 500,” Brown said. “Once you see it, itʼs obviously a movie.” Rene Hernandez, a member of the TV Film Society, was present during the screening and the interviews session. He said he found out about the screening when the club came around to his class to announce the

event. “I thought it was a rush,” Hernandez said. “The way he [established] the camerawork in the film makes the audience feel almost in a three-dimensional depth. It makes you feel like you were on that bike or in the car.” Hernandez, a senior, said he watched it out of curiosity because his friends also talked about the movie. “I had to come see [the film] because I wanted to see the character that was in my movie and his movie,” Hernandez said. “I watched the whole film, and it was phenomenal.” Brown calls his films everybodyʼs films, with no particular audience focus. “To me, documentary film is just anything thatʼs real, to be honest,” Brown said, “I donʼt think [of] it as much more.”


4 Monday, September 26, 2005


news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415

Comic artist draws Community prepares on Asian stereotypes disaster-readiness plan ʻAngry Little Girlsʼ serves as outlet for authorʼs frustrations By KARI HAMANAKA Daily Titan Staff

A petite cartoon girl raises both middle fingers as her eyebrows furrow into a scowl thatʼs partially covered by the buttoned blazer Lela Lee wore. Meet the comic heroine, Kim, Leeʼs Angry Little Asian Girl, who can be found on T-shirts, on tote bags and in the book and comics “Angry Little Girls.” In Kimʼs world, her parents expect her to be the perfect daughter, and people stereotype her as the typical Asian girl. All of this infuriates her, and it infuriated Lee, the creator of the comics and the book. Thursday, Lee discussed her book with a group of about 30 at a speech and book signing held in the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles. “Sheʼs incredibly creative and speaks both in and out of the Asian community about issues that are really human, sometimes painful,” said Sabrina Motley, the museumʼs director of public programs. “Thatʼs a rare, wonderful gift.” The issues Motley spoke of include stereotypes about the Asian culture or women and with universal feelings such as discontent, depression or happiness. Each of Leeʼs characters exemplifies one of these emotions. For instance, the main character, Kim, tends to go against her parentsʼ cultural traditions and the worldʼs stereotypes of her. There is Deborah, the girl with money and beauty but who canʼt find happiness. Kim is cynical and mad at the world. The character shouts, curses, cries, and above all, deals with life in a blunt but humorous manner. “Sheʼs funny and pretty

straight forward,” said Yutti Jirachachavalwong, a Pasadena City College student who had her book signed and had her picture taken with Lee. “Her bookʼs cool. It kind of reminds me of my own house, my own family, and I can relate to it.” Originally, the comic started as a way for Lee to express her frustrations about the world. “I guess the straw that broke my back,” Lee said of the comicʼs beginning, “was when I went to

MTV told me it’s really cute but there’s no market for Asians ... that excuse ... was fuel for the fire. Lela Lee Author, comic creator

” this film festival, and all the films were chauvinist and racist. So my friend challenged me to make my own cartoon.” With a set of Crayola markers and typing paper, Lee went on to draw her comics and turned it into a short film that she did not show to anyone until after she graduated from UC Berkeley. She received positive reviews after her friends submitted her film to newspapers, and Lee decided she might have something. After successfully selling out of a batch of T-shirts, Lee started a Web site, www.angrylittlegirls. com. Through the Internet, she has sold products and has featured her comics weekly. She later tried to submit her work to newspapers and book publishers but only received rejection letters. “MTV told me itʼs really cute but thereʼs no market for Asians,” Lee

told the audience. “That excuse, that reason that they gave me was fuel for the fire.” Though many associate Lee with a feminist or Asian-American agenda, she said the comics represent neither of those views in absolute terms. “Iʼm not really either of those things in the general, stereotypical way,” Lee said. “I just want to be able to express those parts of me as well.” An audience member at the book signing asked why Lee didnʼt add “American” to the “Asian” in the “Angry Little Asian Girl” title. Lee was silent for several seconds before responding, “ʼCause itʼs too long.” “It wasnʼt a conscious political name. Youʼre almost driving home the point that youʼre not a foreigner. It should be evident that Iʼm Asian,” Lee said. “Yeah, I speak English. [Asian-American] presses it to the point that it makes the noninclusion more apparent.” Many of the issues posed in Leeʼs comics are themes discussed in Cal State Fullertonʼs Asian-American Studies program or at the Womenʼs Center, where students learn to confront similar stereotypes. A campus Asian and Pacific Islander discussion group talks about time management, relationships and cultural issues. “Thereʼs a balance between culture and society,” said Rosalina Camacho, the centerʼs coordinator, “and we are continually talking about this with students. We are constantly asking students to look at how they balance the two.” Constructively using balance and lifeʼs frustrations is something Lee said she learned over time. “I have better control of my anger,” she said. “If something is unusual, Iʼll step outside of it as a third person. Before, I was a little angry in reacting to everything.”

Officials: Details of emergency response still in development By JORDAN MASTAGNI Daily Titan Staff

Itʼs another typical day with students sitting in Cal State Fullerton classes waiting for the big test to begin. Some are confident, some are very nervous. As the last test is handed out, all of a sudden the lights go out. The fire bell starts ringing repugnantly. Explosions appear outside the window. People are fleeing out into the Quad trampling others, while the students remaining inside the classroom are screaming and crying in sheer terror. Whatʼs next? Are students prepared for a disaster the likes of Katrina? The Fullerton Fire Department and neighborhood watch met last week to discuss issues of evacuation in case a catastrophe, similar to Hurricane Katrina, were to hit. Wolfgang Knabe, Fullertonʼs new fire chief, has been in town for two months and the work is piling up. There is no evacuation plan set in stone yet, but the fire chief is working diligently with his crew and the city to safeguard citizens in case of emergency. “Itʼs going to take a lot of time and it will not happen overnight,” said Knabe. Fred Johnson, president of the Fullerton neighborhood watch


from page 3

ganized recreation, modern symbolic icons throughout the park, and museums and learning centers. “We are confident that the Great Park will serve the needs of a regional audience and contribute in a positive manner to the quality of life in Orange County,” Worthington said. “It will be a place where peo-


from page 1

CSUFʼs parking and transportation services and the Web site www.commutesmart.info provide resources for would-be carpoolers. The universityʼs parking and transportation services Web site features an online message board for students, faculty and staffers seeking carpool partners. The board offers regional postings so users need only click on their city of origin to locate a match. CSUF also offers incentives to those within the campus com-

and CSUF physics professor, is extremely concerned with the safety of citizens and has made it his goal in preparing citizens for when a disaster strikes. “This has been our major mission: that each local block is self-sustained and organized, ready for emergencies and survival,” Johnson said. Johnson feels citizens of Fullerton are not prepared for a disaster the magnitude of Katrina, and he is working hard with other organizations to ensure that residents possess basic knowledge of evacuation

procedures. “Our window for preparation is very small and citizens of Fullerton are completely unprepared,” Johnson said. Quentin Frazier, emergency management coordinator for CSUF, feels the university is ready for all types of potential dangers. “We are prepared for both natural and man-made disasters,” Frazier said. Frazier feels that other than

the threat of earthquakes and fires; hazardous material leakage is possible because the 57 Freeway, train station and the science lab are all possibly harmful. “The goal is not to evacuate but to get students into buildings with no outside toxic fumes accessible to the inside,” Frazier said. Do students have too much on their minds to worry about evacuation procedures? With only two emergency drills per year, some feel a lack of preparedness. “I donʼt think people would know what to do in an emergency,” said Karyn Hernandez, public relations major. Hernandez worries about the crime that is involved after major tragedies like Katrina. “If a disaster like Katrina were to happen here, all I would need is a gun, bike, water and some toilet paper and Iʼll be fine,” Hernandez said. Hernandez feels the university has not done a good job in educating students on emergency response. “Someone should post signs around campus on where to go in case of emerClipart.com gency,” Hernandez said. The campus Web site offers an emergency preparedness link that is very detailed and includes an emergency operations plan which details the procedure and protocol of evacuation and lists essentials that should be stored away. The Web site also provides information on how to care for pets, and basically everything one would need in case of emergency.

ple will come to play, to relax and to enjoy a park experience on a grand scale.” The Irvine Campus is located in what the city calls the Education District of the Great Park, and what Heritage Fields calls the Life Long Learning District. However, no designer has incorporated an education district within its design plans. “When the board has selected

the master designer, we will work collaboratively with Heritage Fields LLC, the successful bidder for the entire base, to fit the concept into a mutually beneficial plan,” Worthington said. County residents can vote for their favorite designs online at www. ocgp.org and voice their opinions at the next Great Park board meeting, which will be held Wednesday at the Irvine City Council Chambers.

munity who take advantage of alternative transportation, according to Lupe Briseno Jara, CSUF Transportation Programs Manager. Discounted Metrolink and Amtrak fares, as well as free OCTA and Metropolitan Transportation Authority bus passes, are available to students, faculty and staff members. Faculty and staff members may also receive additional benefits, including a $30 bicycle tune-up reimbursement and cash incentives for recruiting co-workers to leave their cars at home and try an alternative form of transportation. Commutesmart.info is simi-

lar but allows users to search for carpoolers headed to destinations other than CSUF. The group provides resources to link up carpoolers all across Southern California. Junior communications major, Tracy Thomas and junior computer science major, Ryan Francisco carpool together regularly. “Heʼs too cheap to buy his own parking permit so we carpool together,” Thomas said jokingly. “I pay for the gas though,” Francisco said. “Thereʼs no reason for two cars to sit in gridlock on the 22 Freeway and then get to school and search for a parking spot.”


Daily Titan

sports@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-3149


The Falcons came right back at the Titans when junior forward from page 8 Damon Wong scored in the 71st minute by rebounding his first shot minute off an assist from junior - which hit the goalpost - and kick- midfielder Duncan McNabb. ing it into the net. Both teams showed no signs of Air Force returned fire when quitting as the style of play gradusenior forward Scott Muir scored ally became more and more physiin the 25th minute. cal. Numerous players on both The Titans, who were deter- sides suffered minor injuries and mined to not lose this game, struck were carried off the field. back in the 32nd minute with a With regulation ending in a 2-2 goal from junior tie and overtime on midfielder Arron the way, the match We were just sayCraggs - assisted was reminiscent by Alexander and ing to each other of the San Jose senior midfielder State game where what we were Yaron Shlomi. the Titans blew a [playing] for. This During half2-0 lead and setis where you show time, the Titans tled for a tie. The your heart. gathered on the Titans, however, field in a huddle had learned their Amir Shafii to remind each lesson. Fullerton Defender other about the “It was not ʻhere determination we go again.ʼ We and heart that were not going to they needed to show in the second let it happen,” Shafii said. half to come out on top. Two minutes into overtime, the “We were just saying to each Titans stuck the dagger into the other what we were [playing] heart of Air Force as Craggs scored for. This is where you show your the game-winning goal – his secheart,” said sophomore defender ond goal of the game - with an Amir Shafii, who Mistri said was assist from senior forward Jose beginning to stand out as a leader. Barragan. As if a balloon had popped, the fans erupted and Titan players on the sidelines rushed their teammates on the field, and in a split second, an orange mountain had formed on the green grass of Titan Stadium. “It feels good, itʼs good to win,” a high-spirited Craggs said after the game. “Itʼs been a long time coming.” On the other end, Falcon Head Coach Lou Sagastume was upset, not because he had lost to long time friend Mistri and his team, but because of the way the Falcons lost the game. “We played very well and we shouldʼve won if it werenʼt for the referee allowing the first goal,” Sagastume said. “The guy was 10 yards off-sides.” After reviewing game footage, Alexander was indeed ahead of the MATT PETIT/For the Daily Titan defender, but no call was made. The two coaches conversed afterFullerton midfielder Arron Craggs wards and Mistri was sympathetic scored two goals, including the to his friendʼs protest, but said he game-winner with 2:31 in overtime was not arguing either side. to defeat Air Force Academy 3-2 in “After coaching as long as I a non-conference game Friday at have, Iʼve been on the receiving Titan Stadium. The victory is the end and the giving end of calls like first for Fullerton this season. this,” Mistri said.

Monday, September 26, 2005 6

Hockey back with a Fury

Sellout Las Vegas crowd watches LA Kings heat up preseason in Frozen Fury

JACKLIN TERZIAN/For the Daily Titan

A capacity Las Vegas crowd of 4,074 wait in anticipation in the minutes leading up to the preseason game between the Colorado Avalanche and the Los Angeles Kings at Grand Garden Arena in MGM Grand, Saturday. The Kings, who lost the game 2-1, open their season Oct. 5 at Dallas, TX.

Colorado Avalanche 2

When most people go to Las Vegas, they spend their time at nightclubs, bars, casinos or shows. On the other hand, I spent my first Virginia Terzian Vegas trip after Daily Titan turning 21 at the Asst. Production Editor MGM Grand Garden Arena watching my Los Angeles Kings take on the Colorado Avalanche, and I loved every minute of it – well except for the little incident in overtime, but weʼll just overlook that for the moment. Dressed in my 1994 Kings jersey, I marched along with my fellow Kings fans and stared down the enemy, Avalanche fans. Attending the NHL preseason opener is a time-honored tradition for many Kings fans – one that consists of getting there early, buying bad seats up near the rafters and enjoying the view from the top, literally. Sitting in the nosebleed section, though not the greatest view, definitely has its advantages; one has a chance to listen to the more vocal fans scream out insults at one another. In each section, one is awarded a

designated loudmouth, a guy who has had far too much to drink, knows far too much about both your team and the opponents, and makes it a point to vocalize every action taking place on the ice while yelling out threats to enemy fans. Preseason games for fans are the time for true fans to reflect on past season experience and prepare for the future of there favorite team. As any good sports fan knows the preseason is the time when the real fans come out. Bandwagon fans donʼt arrive until the season is half over and a winner is in the forefront. The true fan is willing to make the four-hour drive, and invest in a jersey to attend a game, which, in the big scheme of things, wonʼt matter in the standings. The true fans are the people who show up in droves, carrying a bottle of beer, and a black eye from a brawl with the enemy earlier in the day. They are the people who spout out words like “Blake is a traitor,” or “When was the last time you guys won a Stanley Cup?” And after losing an entire season last year in what we call the lockout from Hell, fans were very vocal about their approval of the return of the NHL at this yearʼs Frozen Fury. With this yearʼs game being held in Las Vegas, just a state away for

b o t h teams, fans showed up in large numbers to represent their teams and to boo the enemy. The animosity between the Avalanche and Kings fans have been around for years. Weʼre angry with the Avalanche because defenseman Rob Blake, deserted the Kings after being drafted by the team in 1988. Avalanche fans are angry with the Kings for years of Kingsʼ victories in the early to mid ʼ90s. But my favorite moment at this yearʼs Frozen Fury occurred when a piece of the protective glass around the rink got loose. As arena officials tried to fix it, Kings center Jeremy Roenick headed over and attempted to help speed up the repairs. He then began dancing around the ice to the music coming out of the speakers, amusing fans and taking their minds off of the 10-minute

delay. This yearʼs game started slow, with only one fight and a 0-0 score, until the third period. But by the third period, things got interesting. Kings player Dustin Brown scored the only Kings goal. But the Kings didnʼt hold the lead for long. Avalanche player Antti Laaksonen scored minutes before the end of the game. And then Avalanche forward Vitaly Kolesnik scored the deciding goal as the Avalanche won 2-1. While this Kingsʼ fan went home with a hoarse throat from all the yelling back and forth, squinting just a bit too much because of her nosebleed seats and definitely a little bitter over the loss, she is also looking forward to the start of the 2005-06 season. Go Kings, go!


but we stayed together.” The Titans kept their composure and stayed in the game. While working out their glitches, Opeka and Sarah Morrison - the two Titan seniors - stepped up big in their attempt to get back into the game. Morrison, who led the Titans with 14 kills in the game, ignited the Titans on a 27-18 run, leading to the three game sweep over the Matadors. Friday night, the Titans played host the University of the Pacific Tigers (6-8). The Tigers, with a 1-6 record before coming to Fullerton, were looking to start Big West Conference play on the right

foot. Instead, the Titans handed them a loss in three consecutive games, 30-25, 30-27, 30-22. Fullerton out-hit the Tigers, .269 to .181, and for the first time ever, won its conference-opening game. The Titans hung on to a 26-25 lead in the later stages of game one. Turning their fortune around quickly by utilizing two Pacific errors, The Titans pulled out the victory. Tigers senior Ashley Groothuis, who had 19 kills, tried to keep her team in the second game. The Tigers took a 13-12 lead over the Titans. The Titans retali-

ated by scoring 14 of the next 22 points en route to a 30-27 victory. Game three was an entirely different story from the previous two games with numerous scoring runs. The Titans, led by Morrison with 18 kills, started their run jumping off to an 8-0 lead. The Tigers responded by going on a 9-2 run of their own, pulling to within one point of the Titans. The Titans then retaliated with yet another run, scoring 11 points in a row and taking a commanding 23-11 lead over the Tigers. Titan sophomore libero Vanessa Vella helped in the winning cause with 26 digs.

from page 8

freshman Kayla Wright, who led her team with 34 assists, started off the game scoring quickly on consecutive kills. Much like the previous two games, however, the Titans were able to catch the Matadors, tying the contest up at three a piece. That is when the Titans went flat and the Matadors went on a tear, scoring six consecutive points. “They kept serving it strong,” Hitzeman said. “They were tough,

LA Kings 1,


2 Monday, Daily Titan Month 12, 2004c

www.dailytitan.com Monday, September 27, 2005 8

sports@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-3149

Women remain hot on the road

Graduate shines on gridiron

Wilson, Patrick lead team to 2-0 win over Loyola Marymount

Point Made American football, as it exists at USC and on other NCAA campuses throughout the nation, is regarded as a way of life Laurens Ong and a sport Cal Daily Titan State Fullerton Asst. Sports Editor fans may not even remember ever existing on campus. Still, when considering the single-best athlete the Titan athletic program has sent to the pro-ranks, former CSUF football standout Damon Allen has proven that he can thrive in a league of his own. When he was a Titan, Allen was an athletic dynamo, establishing his credentials in both football and baseball. On the gridiron, the quarterback set seven single-season records and won two football championships at Fullerton. In 1984, he finished in the top-20 in Heisman Trophy voting, the same year he played on the National Champion Fullerton baseball team. Finishing his college career, Allen found himself in the Canadian Football League as a free agent. Surprisingly, at 42, he continues to excel as a professional player on the football field when most his age are on the golf course or collecting their retirement checks. Long after the college program that produced him disbanded in 1991, Allen continues to work on his craft in a professional football league foreign to U.S.-based fans. He has excelled in 2005, leading the Toronto Argonauts to a 7-5 record. On Sept. 10, he led the Argonauts team to a 48-0 win over the Hamilton Tiger-Cats. He completed 14 of 26 attempts, passing for 247 yards and two touchdowns in the game. For the season, he has played in 11 games and has thrown 22 touchdowns. He has also rushed 49 times for 273 yards and one score. Last season, the Argonauts quarterback was named the Grey Cup Championship Most Valuable Player for the second time in his legendary career. Allen passed for 299 yards, completing 23 of 34 passes, throwing a touchdown and running for two more in a title game his team would win 27-19 over the B.C. Lions. While the CFL may not be up to par with the NFL, Allen continues to reach pro milestones. In 2003, Allen became the third quarterback to pass for 60,000 yards and is second all-time in pro football history. He is the only quarterback in CFL history to rush over 11,000 yards rushing and is fourth in the league among all-time leading rushers. In his time in the CFL, Allen has played for six different teams and made appearances in four Grey Cup games, winning three of them. While collegial football as we see it on Saturdays has since left the consciousness of Titan sports fans, Allen continues to build on his illustrious career and hopefully will be appreciated not only as a CFL great, but also a Titan one.

the ranking get to us in any type of negative way.” It did not on Sunday. The Titansʼ goalkeepers recorded their fourth shutout of the season. This was payback for the Titans By JUAN ACEVES after the Lions defeated them last Daily TitanStaff spring. “LMU is a tough team. We Five days after cracking the played them last spring and lost to NSCAA/adidas Top 25 Poll, the No. them. Coming out and winning this 25 Cal State Fullerton Titans took game meant a lot,” forward Lauren on the Loyola Marymount Lions, Cram said. “They have something hoping to prove their ranking was to prove. Then again, we also have something to prove.” no fluke. Brown gives total credit for the Mission accomplished. Next goal: Titansʼ hot start to the team itself. NCAA tournament. “To get off to the start that we “This group is really focused on our goal and our goal is to get into have is a credit to the girls. It is a lot the tournament,” Fullerton Head of hard work,” Brown said. Weʼve been on the road a lot. We have been Coach Ali Khosroshahin said. The Titans beat the Lions, 2-0, battling a lot of good teams.” Although being ranked is nice, to improve their record to 7-2-0 the Titans try to stay and increase their humble, defender chances of makThis group is Erica Janke said. ing the tournaCram agreed. ment. really focused on “We came out After a scoreour goal, and our knowing about the less first half, the goal is to get into ranking, but that Titans cruised the [NCAA] meant nothing. through the sectournament. Our coach said we ond half by scorhave targets on our ing two goals Ali Khosroshahin backs. People want on their way to Fullerton Head Coach to beat us,” Cram another victory. said. “We are still F o r w a r d going to play the Kandace Wilson scored the first goal of the match, way we usually play, whether or not her fourth this season, in the 65th we are ranked.” The win comes after a stretch of minute. Midfielder Lauryn Welch three straight road weekend series. assisted with the goal. The second goal was scored by The Titans have not played locally forward Rebekah Patrick in the 82nd since their home-opening weekend in August. minute of the match. “Weʼve been on the road the “[LMU] has had a lot of tough breaks. It was obvious today [LMU] last three weeks. Itʼs a lot of travis a solid team. They had a couple eling that we have been doing,” of chances early, but we were able Khosroshahin said. “The time off to slow them down,” Khosroshahin has given the team a break as well an opportunity to catch up with said. Although the Lions are strug- other things in their lives.” After their loss, the Lions now gling, the Titans did not play down have a record of 3-4-3. It was the to their competition. “By getting ranked, it sets a stan- Lionsʼ first defeat in a regulation dard and gives other people extra game this season. The other three motivation to play well against came in overtime. The Titans will play the University you,” Fullerton Assistant Coach Demian Brown said. “Our mental- of Hawaii next on Thursday at Titan ity never changed. We try not to let Stadium. The game starts at 7 p.m.

MATT PETIT/For the Daily Titan

Titans scrap for first win

Arron Craggsʼ two goals ground Air Force 3-2 in overtime

By HENRY TRUC Daily Titan Copy Editor

Titan Stadium erupted with screams of elation and relief as the Cal State Fullerton menʼs soccer team scored the overtime goal against Air Force Academy to obtain their ever-elusive first win of the season, winning 3-2, Friday night. The Titans finally unleashed their offense, which had been struggling all season long. “I thought that the guys, for the first time,

showed the heart you need to play the game,” Fullerton Head Coach Al Mistri said. “Iʼm very proud of them because it is very difficult to play on the level we play at, which is the top of the line.” In a very competitive match, both teams traded blows – both metaphorically and literally – for over 92 minutes. The Titans drew first blood when senior midfielder Earl Alexander scored an unassisted goal - his first of the season – in the 10th SOCCER


CSUF jumps to top of Big West Fullerton beats Tigers, Matadors 3-0 to open conference schedule By BELAL SIMJEE Daily Titan Staff

The non-conferences matchesgames are over. Now the real season has begun for Fullertonʼs

volleyball team. The Titans (10-5, 2-0) let their assertive style play out on their home court Saturday night against the Cal State Northridge Matadors (3-10, 0-2). The Titans swept the Matadors in three straight games, 30-28, 3027 and 30-27. Northridge came out ready to play, keeping pace with the

Laurens Ongʼs column appears weekly. Contact him at: Long@dailytitan.com

PHIL GORDON/For the Daily Titan

Brittany Moore elevates above her teammates to attempt a spike in a game at Titan Stadium last month. The Titans are 2-0 in conference play.

Titans in the first game. Neither team could hold a sustainable run or take a lead larger than four points. “We went with some match-ups that we thought would work in our favor,” Fullerton Head Coach Carolyn Zimmerman said. “We werenʼt surprised how they came out and played.” Down the stretch of the first game, the Titans put the Matadors away, while the Fullerton fans stood up cheering the players on. The Titans attacked quickly in the second game. Titans senior Alyssa Opeka scored the first three points on three consecutive kills for Fullerton. Much like the first game, the Matadors came close to victory by going on a 6-3 run, keeping right on the heels of the Titans with back and forth play. A lack of communication by the Titans allowed for a shot to drop in between three players. Northridge took advantage of its opportunities and kept it close. “We tried to establish a rhythm,” Zimmerman said. “We had a lot of unforced errors, so [the Matadors] were able to play well and keep up.” Following a timeout, the Matadors played well to take the lead in the latter stages of the game. However, the Titans were able to pull together. “It was a team effort,” Opeka said. “We stuck together and played well.” The Titans did not take that momentum into the beginning of the third game, though. Matadorsʼ VOLLEYBALL 6

Angels streak bedeviled

Loss to Devil Rays is first in nine games for Halos, still lead West The Associated Press

Their winning streak over, the Los Angeles Angels still go to Oakland with a nice cushion over the Athletics in the AL West. Tampa Bay stopped the Angelsʼ win string at eight with an 84 victory Sunday, when Jorge Cantu and Aubrey Huff homered on consecutive pitches from Los

Angeles ace Bartolo Colon. Mark Hendrickson pitched eight solid innings to win his seventh consecutive decision. The Angels open a crucial fourgame series Monday night against the second-place Athletics, who are four games back after losing 6-2 to Texas on Sunday night. “You like to have a lead going into a big series, but thereʼs no coasting, no getting help from other teams,” Los Angeles manager Mike Scioscia said. “Thereʼs not going to be any backing into the playoffs, and thatʼs the way it should be.


Daily Titan

opinion@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-5814

Letters to the Editor On school spirit: Dear Editor, I am writing in regards to Jeff Klimaʼs column entitled “Titans donʼt smell like school spirit” [published Sept. 21, 2005]. First and foremost, this piece should not even be graced with the title of a column because a column implies that the writing within it is going to be objective and well thought out. In reading the title of this piece, I expected Jeff to surprise me and have a plan to raise the

On the Iraq War: Dear Editor, I believe that students are disinterested or not supporting the Iraq War because history is repeating itself. Itʼs ironic that the leaders of our country today were our age during the Vietnam conflict. I support our servicemen and women who are currently in the theater of operations. If anyone believes I do not support the troops because I do not support this war, he is incorrect. During both the first Iraq War and the current conflict, my father – a

level of spirit on this campus. I understand that Jeff is using a porno analogy as a way to show that extreme measures need to be taken to get Cal State Fullerton students to have school spirit. But honestly, was a porno the best Jeff could come up with? It is common knowledge that sex sells, but a campus-wide porno is the dumbest idea ever to be printed in this newspaper. With that said, I challenge Jeff to come up with a new “spirit” plan – just to see if a hint of intelligence resides in

Marine reservist – was active both times. And today, my cousin is a Marine. I support their patriotic duty to our country. How many people who support the war actually have a family member or close friend that is in the military? I think itʼs not until you are in this scenario do you actually know how a military conflict affects you and your way of thinking. I also find it hypocritical that President Bush started another generationʼs war without serving in his generationʼs war. Oh, I forgot he was in the Air National Guard. I would say that is considered serving your

his body. If he cannot rise to my challenge, then I suggest that the editorial staff replace his column space with more pictures or cartoons, because at this point, a cartoon would be taken more seriously than this poor excuse of a reporter.

Titan Editorial

Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

High times at Cal State Fullerton Letʼs face it. Cal State Fullerton isnʼt Harvard. It isnʼt even UCLA. We donʼt boast an average GPA of 3.9, nor do we have a world-renowned chess club or even a string of fraternity mansions. We donʼt even have an existent football team. The school scrapes by on a quickly disintegrating state budget – subsidized in small part by generous donors (thanks, by the way) – and does pretty well. While CSUF may not be a household name outside Southern California, it still offers more than any “big name” or private school ever could. After all, CSUF has become a foundation in Orange Countyʼs economy. For example, we help bring in nearly three times as much revenue as every dollar California spends on the campus community. Students at Ivy League schools sit in classrooms, talking theory about how to implement change while graduates at CSUF are working to actually implement change.

Jackie Kimmel, CSUF sophomore Communications major

country, but when your father is then-Congressman George Bush, I believe his father pulled a few strings. Furthermore, I do not understand some of our fellow Americans. They mention how President Bush is a Christian man and how he is the epitome of morality. Yet if he is so Christian, should he not have used diplomacy with Iraq?

Paul Perez, CSUF senior Comparative religion major

Monday, September 26, 2005 5

Upon graduation, Titans are better prepared with more practical experience than our sometimes-pompous counterparts graduating from so-called superior universities. The school boasts a campus where minority students are the majority – they make up 66 percent of the student population – and has a reputation for awarding bachelorʼs degrees to black and Hispanic students – No. 6 in the nation, according to several education magazines. In addition, CSUF welcomes women learners; 60 percent of the campus is made up of female students. And who better to teach our collegial melting pot than our faculty, which consists of professionals, many of whom have ventured beyond the confines of academia to gain real workforce experience? Instead of becoming slaves to the private-school mentality by allowing fellow college students to scoff at the CSUF name, letʼs highlight the ways we rise above the academically elite.

Editorial Board


To send a letter to the editor, e-mail opinion@dailytitan.com. Letters will be edited for grammar, clarity and space.

Julie Kim, Opinion Editor Nicole M. Smith, Executive Editor Kim Orr, Managing Editor In deference to the paradigm established by venerable Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, unsigned Titan Editorials strive to represent the general will of the Daily Titan editorial board and do not necessarily reflect the view of the university.

Server dishes out restaurant manners By ASHLEY MAJESKI Daily Titan Staff

As a person who has worked in a restaurant for over five years, I have seen my share of annoying diners. In fact, the Orange County Register recently reported that about half of Americans have worked in the food service industry at some point in their lives. I have, after a few especially irritating nights, composed a list of the top 10 things you should be aware of when you eat out: 1. If you attend a restaurant on a busy night, be aware of how long you stay. Try to move to the bar or patio area if you are planning to just hang out. This will allow servers to have another table. If you want to stay, leave a little extra for servers to make up for the money they would have made had you left sooner. 2. If you are ever one of the last customers in the place and you want to stay a little longer, make sure you pay the bill. Chances are the server is just waiting for you to

pay so that she can go home. You can still hang out after you pay, but at least she can leave. Many of us have to wake up early the next day for school or our other jobs. 3. Donʼt be rude and talk through the special. If youʼll eventually ask, “Do you have any specials?” and look like an ass, you force us to repeat something that we have to say 30 times a night. 4. If you are too young or too poor to attend a nice restaurant, go somewhere thatʼs in your price range. Donʼt skimp on the tip instead. 5. Know that if you split a meal and just order water, you are more than likely going to get bad service. Iʼm sorry, but itʼs true – especially if itʼs a really nice place. 6. Donʼt ever snap your fingers at us unless you want a glass of red wine “accidentally” spilled on you. Oops. 7. If you have a question, ask. We are usually happy to help. However, donʼt waste our time by asking stupid questions such as, “Where are your coffee beans grown?” On a busy night, the last thing we want to do is run around try-

ing to answer your lame questions. You may have nothing else to think about – but trust me – we do. 8. Still tip 15 percent even if your bill comes out to, say, $47.99. Donʼt be an idiot and just round it to make an even $50. Youʼre not balancing a checkbook; youʼre helping us pay our bills. 9. Donʼt tip less because your food wasnʼt that great. Servers have no control over how your food tastes, especially if you never tell us. Remember: The tip is for the service, not the food. 10. And most importantly, never “dine and dash.” Walking out without paying seems harmless, right? The only one that loses is the big corporation, right? No! If you walk out, I pay for your meal out of my tips. Waiters are people who usually work two jobs, support families, or pay for school. And usually, we canʼt even afford to go out to eat ourselves. Imagine how we feel when we have to pay for a meal that we didnʼt even get to eat. Think of that the next time you are contemplating not paying.

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