2005 11 10

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C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n


T h u r s d a y, N o v e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 0 5

w w w. d a i l y t i t a n . c o m

The Buzz


Sarah Silverman

Parasites: Guinea worm threatens lives

She is comic magic See Insert


This Issue Sports

Titans host first round

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Camp Titan gives back to community Holiday toy drive to bring underprivileged children presents By JENNY STAR LOR Daily Titan Staff

Underprivileged children will receive presents this Christmas through donations accepted by Cal State Fullertonʼs Sixth Annual Camp Titan Holiday Toy Drive, from now

until Dec. 9. “I feel the majority of CSUF students are privileged in life,” said Alex Chung, co-director of camper management. “This is a way to give back to the community.” Camp Titan, the Associated Students Inc. official charity, was established in 1969 to help expand the relationship between the university and the community, and has since served over 3,900 children, according to the ASI Web site. Every June, Camp Titan embarks

on a weeklong camping trip to the San Bernardino Mountains with a staff of 50 CSUF students and 150 children. Once there, children ages 7 to 14 participate in activities such as archery, swimming, arts and crafts, and hiking. Counselor-in-training positions are available to students who would like to be involved in Camp Titan. “This is a great opportunity,” said Sara Danner, Camp Titan marketing manager. “It is a good cause for people to

help out underprivileged children in need,” she said. Parents who want their children to participate in the program must fill out an application because of limited space. Factors like age, income and medical history are taken into consideration when determining which children need the program most. Danner said in an e-mail interview that the annual toy drive has been a standing tradition for ASI for many years. “We are happy it has been so suc-


Proceeds benefit annual philosophy symposium during spring semester

Editorial Murder charges thrown out for Andrea Yates

By NATALIE MURILLO For the Daily Titan



1-2 ft. ankle- to knee-high with occasional 3 ft. and poor conditions.

San Clemente

1-2 ft. ankle- to knee-high and poor conditions.

Compiled from surfline.com

Weather Thursday PM Showers 69º/53º

GABRIEL FENOY/Daily Titan Photo Editor

Shelley Alongi, a graduate student studying history, volunteers at a snack and coffee stand in McCarthy Hall for the Campus Outreach club on Wednesday. Alongi, one of several blind students at CSUF, also volunteers her time with several other campus-based organizations.

Titan claims unfair treatment

Visually impaired student barbecues, ignites controversy By DANIELLE TORRICELLI Daily Titan Staff

Miscommunication between a Cal State Fullerton club and Environmental Health and Instructional Safety regarding barbecue cooking regulations may have sparked controversy Friday, Nov. 4. Graduate student Shelley

Alongi, 39, was grilling burgers for the weekly Hamburger Fellowship in the Quad when Environmental Health and Instructional Safety Director Tom Whitfield approached the eventʼs coordinator and said Alongi could not cook hamburgers without supervision. His concern stemmed from the fact that Alongi, unlike the eventʼs other cooks, is blind. Alongi, who has been heavily involved in various CSUF clubs and organizations as a student and employee since 1984, has been one of the

Darkest truths exposed through theraputic forum

Saturday Sunny 74º/52º

By JENNY STAR LOR Daily Titan Staff

Sunday Sunny 77º/54º Monday Sunny 79º/54º Compiled from The Weather Channel

U.S. military deaths in Iraq (March 2003-Nov. 9, 2005)


The Associated Press

eventʼs main cooks since last semester. The event, which is sponsored by four CSUF religious clubs – Campus Outreach, One by One, True Vine and University Praise – gives away free hamburgers and offers counseling for students who wish to talk about any personal problems they may have. Alongi said requiring her to be supervised is discriminatory since it isnʼt required of her sighted peers. Although she doesnʼt want to pursue the issue in court, Alongi

said she would if pushed. “They donʼt have a legal leg to stand on,” Alongi said. “There is nothing in writing [about conditional food handling permits].” After talking to Whitfield about the situation on Nov. 4, Alongi sent an e-mail describing the situation to several local newspapers, school officials and activists for the blind. Alongi, who obtained the required Food Handlerʼs Permit last year and had it displayed COOK 4

Cal State Fullertonʼs Philosophy Club is holding a book sale through Friday to raise money for the 36th Annual Philosophy Symposium, taking place next spring in the Titan Student Union. “We have some amazing people lined up [for the symposium],” said Shari Starrett, faculty advisor for the event. The theme of the symposium is “Women in Philosophy and Intellectual Activism,” and guest speakers for the event will discuss philosophy and notable philosophers. Philosophy professors from all over the nation such as Margaret Simons, Richard Bernstein and Debra Bergoffen, along with grad student Annika Thiem, are all scheduled to speak at the symposium. Simons has published many articles about Simone de Beauvoir, who is one of the philosophers that will be discussed at the symposium. “[Simons] even had the pleasure of interviewing Simone de Beauvoir three times before her death,” said Beata Bujalski, president of the philosophy club. PHILOSOPHY


Secrets revealed over Internet

Friday Mostly Sunny 70º/51º

Last Wednesdayʼs death toll 2,035

cessful each year,” she said. Students and faculty wanting to help Camp Titan can go to the Titan Student Union lobby and choose a child from the display to purchase and wrap an age-appropriate gift for. On Dec. 10, Camp Titan will host their annual holiday party in the TSU Pavilion where gifts will be distributed. With a record-setting 575 presents donated last year, Camp Titan is hoping for similar results this year.

Book sale to uphold long time tradition

NCAA tournament to hold first two rounds at CSUF’s Titan Stadium

Surf Report

Vo l u m e 8 1 , I s s u e 4 1

Provided by Postsecret.com

Anonymous senders mail post cards like this one to Frank Warren and are featured on his Web site.

Harboring secrets is difficult to do. Keeping secrets inside for so long can take a toll on a person. Imagine the only way to relieve the pressure without telling a soul is to write it down and send it to a complete stranger. Thatʼs what people do at PostSecret.com. On a 4-inchby-6-inch postcard, secrets are unlocked at the house of Frank Warren, creator of the Web site, carrying messages of heartbreak, humility, regret, fear or erotic desire. What started off as a project for an art exhibit festival in Washington D.C. last year unexpectedly spawned into a calling Warren felt he had to

By the end of the month, fulfill. “This exploded my expecta- Warren received about 150 tions,” the Maryland resident secrets. And now, they just said. “Itʼs a connection people keep coming. have with the project.” Every Sunday, new secrets The exhibit “Artomatic” are posted on his Web site in took place in November the form of a painting, photograph or written statement all 2004. Warren distributed 3,000 on the size of a postcard. They convey conblank postcards at fessions too I’ve been giving subways, deep for veroral sex to a pastor bal acknowlbookstores for the past five edgement. and restauyears. He’s rants with O n e instructions example: married. I don’t to “be brief, “Iʼve been believe in god. be legible, giving oral be creative,” sex to a pasAnonymous PostSecret entry tor for the and mail past five their secrets years. Heʼs to 13345 Copper Ridge Rd. married. I donʼt believe in God.” Germantown, MD 20874. Warren said he receives The response Warren first received was low. About one overwhelming secrets about or two would trickle in the remorse, anguish and sorrow. first several weeks. But soon “Thatʼs why theyʼre secrets,” enough, more postcards start- he said. “Happy and joyful, ed coming in. thatʼs what we sing about in

songs. But the shameful and humiliating experiences are what we keep to ourselves.” PostSecret gives people a safe, dignified and non-judgmental way of revealing a piece of themselves, Warren said. “Itʼs like a form of therapy almost,” said Eleanore Nguyen-Locke, a Cal State Fullerton business major. “People build up secrets and they canʼt tell anyone because theyʼre afraid to be judged. People who see the secrets [on the Web site] wonʼt judge because they wonʼt know who itʼs from.” PostSecret allows people to express themselves in a way that could release the burden of keeping secrets. Marketing major Saadia Khan agrees. “Everyone has secrets,” she said. “This is a way of getting out what people really feel SECRETS 3

2 Thursday, November 10, 2005

News IN RIEF World



news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415


Musical reflection

NOV. 10, 2005


Today thru Nov. 18: Titans can save up to 25 percent by trading in apparel from other universities during the Titan Pride Closet Takeover. Today: Career documentary series Roadtrip Nation visits the CSUF campus during their Southern California tour. Titans can look for the big lime-green RV at the Quad at 1 p.m. and then can head on over to the Titan Theater at 5:30 for the screening event. For more information visit www.roadtripnation.com.

Suicide bombers kill 57 at Jordan hotels AMMAN, Jordan – Suicide bombers carried out nearly simultaneous attacks on three U.S.-based hotels in the Jordanian capital Wednesday night, killing at least 57 people and wounding 115 in what appeared to be an al-Qaida assault on an Arab kingdom with close ties to the United States. The explosions hit the Grand Hyatt, Radisson SAS and Days Inn hotels just before 9 p.m. One of the blasts took place inside a wedding hall where 300 guests were celebrating - joined by a man strapped with explosives who had infiltrated the crowd. Black smoke rose into the night, and wounded victims stumbled from the hotels.

Today: ASI Productions is presenting a free synth-rock show at the TSU Underground Pub. The band Shiny Toy Guns will be playing from noon to 1 p.m. For more information, call (714) 278-4216.

Blair suffers major defeat on terror bill

LONDON – In a political blow to Prime Minister Tony Blair, British lawmakers on Wednesday rejected tough anti-terrorism legislation that would have allowed suspects to be detained for 90 days without charge. The House of Commons vote was the first major defeat of Blairʼs premiership and raises serious questions about his grip on power. Blair had staked his authority on the measure and doggedly refused to compromise.

Today thru Dec. 15: Titans can donate toys to children as the Camp Titan Toy Drive starts. For more information, call (714) 2782468.


Friday: CSUF students and Rec Sports members can compete in the Intramural Sports Co-ed Flag Football Tournament. Entry forms are due to KHS 159, in the Kinesiology Building, at 5 p.m. The cost is $10 per team, and players must have a valid TitanCard. For more information, call (714) 278-4382.

Senators push for cameras in court WASHINGTON – Judges would have the power to televise federal court proceedings under a bill approved Wednesday by the House. Senators considered doing the same, despite President Bushʼs opposition. The House, by a 375-45 vote, passed a courthouse security bill that included the broadcast provision. The legislation faces an uncertain future because of the White Houseʼs concerns. “While the administration understands the public interest in viewing trials, the Administration believes (the policy) has the potential to influence court proceedings unduly and to compromise the security of participants in the judicial process,” the White House said in a statement. The House bill, sponsored by Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, was intended to improve courthouse security by imposing mandatory punishments, from 30 years to death, on people convicted of harming judges and other courthouse personnel.

Friday: Erin McNally stars in “A Day Just Like Today,” a onehour cabaret. The event is at the Grand Central Theatre on campus. Tickets cost $15. For more information, call (714) 567-7235. Saturday: CSUF and the Latino Advocates for Education are teaming up to honor veterans, past and present, at the ninth annual Veterans Day Celebration: A Tribute to Mexican American Patriots of World War II. The event starts at 11 a.m. For more information, call (714) 225-2499.

Local Feds indict 2 in missile-smuggling plan LOS ANGELES – A federal grand jury indicted two men Wednesday for allegedly conspiring to smuggle surface-to-air missiles into the United States for use abroad. Such missiles are designed to bring down aircraft. The U.S. attorneyʼs office said the charges marked the first time a 2004 anti-terrorism law has been used. The law calls for a mandatory minimum sentence of 25 years and the possibility of life in prison without parole if convicted.

Schwarzeneggerʼs initiatives rejected

LOS ANGELES – In a stinging rebuke from voters who elected him two years ago, Gov. Arnold Schwarzeneggerʼs efforts to reshape state government were rejected during a special election that darkened his prospects for a second term. Voters also decisively rejected an initiative that would have required parents to be notified when minors seek abortions. All four of the Republican governorʼs signature ballot proposals were rejected in Tuesdayʼs election, which pitted him against two of Californiaʼs powerhouse political forces – public employee unions and Democrats who control the Legislature. Reports compiled from The Associated Press


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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSUF System. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. Copyright ©2005 Daily Titan

GABRIEL FENOY/Daily Titan Photo Editor

Senior business major Chad Dinnen applauds the band Liqdzunshine in the Pub in the TSU Underground on Wednesday. Liqdzunshine recently released the album Audiopleasure and is currently busy recording their next album.

Did you


Dog Flu spreads to Southern California By BOBBIE WANG For the Daily Titan

Cold weather usually means runny noses and sore throats. This winter, not only do Cal State Fullerton students need to worry about their own health, they need to worry about the health of their four-legged pets. The dog flu, also known as canine influenza, is a horse virus that mutated to infect dogs. The virus began on the East Coast and has slowly made its way to California. Just like the human flu, the dog flu is highly contagious and potentially fatal. The virus attacks dogs ranging from six months to 10 years of age. Symptoms of the

dog flu are severe coughing, fever and often, nasal discharge, said Grace Matsuura, staff veterinarian at the Yorba Regional Animal Hospital. “Itʼs a very debilitating disease where they just feel very sick, donʼt eat and then donʼt do well,” Matsuura said. “Itʼs similar to people flu. They just feel really bad.” So far, there is no known cure for the disease, so all treatment is supportive, Matsuura said. Supportive treatments consist of giving intravenous fluids or supportive fluids to prevent dehydration, and antibiotics to prevent secondary bacterial infection. “There is no specific treatment for the virus itself,” Matsuura said. “They have to build their own immunity to it.” The dog flu is very infectious and is spread through viral particles in the air from sneezing and coughing, or directly from secretions such as saliva or nasal discharge. Kennels, shelters, dog parks and places where many dogs are kept in close quarters are high-

risk areas for dogs. Matsuura advised that dog owners to be current with vaccines, to steer clear of public places and to keep their dogs as relaxed as possible. Stress can lower a dogʼs immune system. Dog owners should not take their pets to public areas like dog parks, or subject their pets to stressful situations, Matsuura said. “Other than that, I wouldnʼt lock your dog up or keep them in a bubble,” Matsurra said. If going to the dog park is a favorite pastime and just canʼt be avoided, Matsuura advised that dog owners bring their own water and water bowl, and avoid prolonged sniffing and contact with other dogs. The dog flu is very similar to the kennel cough, which is a curable viral and bacterial disease with similar symptoms. Testing is the only way to distinguish between the cough and the flu, and UC Davis began testing for the virus in California. The dog flu has many dog own-

All events are free and on campus unless otherwise indicated. To have a specific entry added to the calendar section, please send an email to news@dailytitan.com. ers concerned. “We live at the beach and our dogs love to play with other dogs,” CSUF professor Philippe Perebinossoff said. “It would be hard to deny them their walks, though we have an enclosed backyard where we could ʻquarantineʼ them.” Jason Wu, a CSUF alumnus, refuses to take his cocker spaniel puppy to the dog park or let it play with other dogs until the disease is under control, expressing concern about the dog flu spreading to humans like the bird flu has. “The World Health Organization reported 61 people have died from the bird flu, and since dogs are a lot closer to humans than birds are, I think the Department of Health should notify all dog owners of the disease,” Wu said. Matsuura said it is not likely for humans to contract the virus. Until the epidemic is over, dog owners should be aware of the symptoms and to take their dogs to a veterinarian immediately if the symptoms occur, Matsuura said.


Daily Titan


Thursday, November 10, 2005 3

news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415

Titans turn into Turkeys in 5K trot, prizes given

from page 1

inside.” Some students, however, feel differently. “This puts the public at risk because what are they going to do with the secrets that they see?” said nursing major Dephanie Hwe. “It puts more problems on the minds of the viewer.” Although these secrets are expressive – both artistically and emotionally – it reaffirms the reality that people, regardless of status or prestige, may have skeletons in their closet. “I would be scared because it could be the person sitting next to me in class,” Hwe said. Warren said he finds a deeper satisfaction in the Web site that has become his life mission. He said he even receives postcards from places like Australia, the United Kingdom, South America and Africa. Postcards are written to him in many languages, including Braille. PostSecrets has even been in music videos. The All-American Rejects featured some PostSecrets in their “Dirty Little Secret” video. According to the Web site, the band was given full consent to use PostSecrets in their music video, in which they donated $2,000 to the National Hopeline Network against suicide. In all its success, some visitors hope PostSecret wonʼt go mainstream. According to Guardian Newspaper, Warren received an email from one person hoping “Oprah doesnʼt hear about this site.” “It would take away the value of a secret if displayed on TV,” Hwe

CSUF Rec Sports to host innaugural event for By CINDY TULLUES For the Daily Titan

Provided by Postsecret.com

said. “Too many people will be exposed to [the secret].” Honored for the recognition of success with PostSecret, Warren feels conflicted with posting the secrets on television, he said. Untouched and unaltered, some secrets contain explicit pictures too provocative for television viewers. “There is a rawness to the Web site that doesnʼt transfer on TV too well,” Warren said. With about 10,000 postcards stored, 12 million growing hits on

the PostSecret Web site, and named the second largest Blog on the Web by Technorati.com in less than a year, Warren is now coming out with a book. “It will allow me to share these secrets in another way,” he said. The 288-hardcover, colored-page book will feature 300 secrets, many of which have never been seen. “PostSecret: Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary Lives” by Frank Warren comes out nationwide on Nov. 29.

In anticipation for Thanksgiving break, the Rec Sports Center offers Cal State Fullerton students and faculty an opportunity to participate in this yearʼs first 5K Turkey Trot on Wednesday, Nov. 16 at noon. The Turkey Trot is a fitness event where participants have the choice to either run or walk the estimated three miles around the intramural fields. All competitors will receive a free participation Turkey Trot Tshirt that reads: “I am a turkey in the Turkey Trot” as well as a surprise. First place runners and walkers will each receive a special intramural champion Tshirt as the grand prize in addition to the participant freebies. The Turkey Trot winnersʼ names and pictures will also be posted on the Associated Students, Inc. Web site, as well as the on the intramural board located in the Kinesiology building. “Itʼs a great way for people to meet others who have the interest

in jogging,” said jogging instructor John Pearson, who added that some extra credit might be awarded to students in his walking and jogging classes as an incentive to participate in the event. Creative thought to this event is attributed to Jessica Smillie, intramural and sports club coordinator. “Finals are around the corner,” she said. “It a chance for students to forget about [the stress] and have fun.” Eligible participants must be current students, faculty, staff or Rec Sports members at CSUF with a valid Titan Card. Admissions to the event without a legitimate Titan Card will not be permitted. All participating students are required to fill out an application form, which they can find on the ASI Web site or at the recreation office in the Kinesiology building in Room 159. Completed applications, along with a $10 sign up fee, must be submitted to the recreation office prior to the scheduled Nov. 14 deadline. The Rec Sports Center does not gain any funding from this event. The application fee collected will cover the costs for the T-shirts, prizes and staffing the event. Smillie said, however, that money is not an issue, as the Rec

Sports Center has other means of funding. “My first expectation is for students to have fun in a different setting,” Smillie said. “It is about having a good time.” While many people from previous runs, such as the Rec Sportssponsored Ghost Run, participate in these events for the competitive nature, others participate for the opportunity to exercise; others still do it simply for fun. “I would love to see some frat boys walk like turkeys,” Smillie said, explaining that more men than women tend to participate in the intramural events. Smillie said her greatest concern is that the event takes place at noon on Wednesday when a lot of students are in class. She does, however, still anticipate a large turnout. “Itʼs all about coming out and being a big dork,” Smillie said. “Itʼs also great stress release.” Criminal justice major Joseph Low has set up a personal goal for himself to run the estimated three miles under 20 minutes. “At first I was thinking of winning, but now I just want to do the best I [can],” said Low, a former high school cross-country runner. “When you run itʼs not about talent, itʼs about how much heart you have.”

Movie possibly ‘Beyond Treason’ Oil companies Gulf War experiments investigated in film; screening to inform By COURTNEY BETH PUGATCH Daily Titan Staff

In the grand tradition of movies like “Fahrenheit 9/11” and “In Plane Sight,” another documentary has surfaced showing the darker side of government activities. This time itʼs “Beyond Treason,” a movie focusing on the governmentʼs experimentation on military troops. On Friday the movie will be screened in Los Angeles in honor of Veteranʼs Day. The event is sponsored by radio station KPFK 90.7, and talk show host Joyce Riley will not only be making an appearance, but she will also be hosting the

event. Riley is a spokeswoman for the American Gulf War Veterans Association, which provides education and information for Gulf War veterans and their families. She said her goal is to find treatments for the illnesses that thousands of Gulf War veterans suffer from. “Someone needs to be held accountable for the actions that were done,” said William Lewis, director of the film. “Thatʼs why this film was made. Someone had to show what was happening to the troops and bring that to the table. Weʼre doing this screening to get the word out that the government is doing something that isnʼt right, and they need to be held accountable.” The film notes that beginning in 1991, around 425,000 troops have since become ill or have died from what the Department of Defense

calls a “mystery disease.” Since discovering this oddity, no one has done anything about it; this lead Lewis and Riley to create the 89minute documentary in hopes of spreading information and eventually get the situation resolved. The film won acclaim since it was released last summer. Positive reviews have surfaced on several Web blogs, and the film was named the Grand Festival Award Winner at the 2005 Berkley Film Festival. While copies of the movie are available for purchase, Lewis felt that it would be best to do a public screening for veterans and those who want to learn more about the “clandestine activities of the government.” By utilizing a larger setting, he felt there would be much discussion and a call to action afterwards. “All of our information was gathered through using the Freedom of

Information Act, and we have proof of the full events that have happened,” said Lewis. He also mentioned that the government was “fully aware of what was going on, however still experimented on troops.” “In the first Gulf War, the military reported that they were ill within 48 hours,” said Leuren Moret, a geological scientist and international radiation expert working closely with Lewis and Riley on the film. “They had no idea that they were using depleted uranium weapons and were unaware of the harmful effects.” The event starts at 7 p.m. at the Immanuel Presbyterian Church, located at 3300 Wilshire Blvd. in Los Angeles. The cost for admission is $25 per person; however students and seniors are half price. Veterans with Military I.D. are free of charge.

defend profits during recession Executives in hot seat; Senate suspects possible foul play The Associated Press

WASHINGTON – The Senate hearing had yet to begin when a dispute erupted over whether the top executives of five major oil companies should testify under oath about their record profits. Democrats wanted it that way, but Republicans balked, calling such a move a needless photo op that smacked of grandstanding. So no oath was taken. In the three hours that followed, the executives, whose companies and parent corporations earned $32.8 billion during the last quarter, provided little beyond what the industry has been saying for weeks: Their profits are huge because the industry is huge; the companies are ready to invest billions of dollars to get more oil; and if Congress tries to punish them by imposing a windfall profits tax, it will only lead to fewer such investments. The oil executives found little sympathy from senators, who said their constituents are suffering from high energy prices while Big Oil makes big

profits. Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., cited multimillion-dollar bonuses - atop multimillion-dollar salaries and stock options - the executives are getting while “working people struggle” to pay for gasoline and face the specter of soaring home heating bills. “People are concerned about fairness and justice at a time of sacrifice,” Boxer told the executives. “Your sacrifice appears to be nothing.” None of the executives responded. There is a “growing suspicion that oil companies are taking unfair advantage,” said Pete Domenici, R-N.M. “The oil companies owe the American people an explanation.” Talking to reporters after the executives were dismissed, Domenici praised them for answering all the questions but added, “The question of gouging still remains” a mystery. Lee Raymond, chairman of ExxonMobil Corp., the worldʼs largest publicly traded oil company, acknowledged the high gasoline and home heating prices “have put a strain on Americansʼ household budgets,” but he defended his companyʼs profits. Petroleum earnings “go OIL 4

4 Thursday, November 10, 2005



news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415


from page 1

during the barbecue, said she was never told her permit was conditional. “Itʼs discrimination against blind students,” said Steven Gould, president of Campus Outreach and One by One. Scott Bourdon, the manager of occupational health and safety, is the regular inspector who ensures that all food handling is up to code. Bourdon, who is away on paternity leave, told Whitfield that he had to correct the Hamburger Fellowship several times about Alongiʼs unsupervised cooking, Whitfield said. “Written reports are required for places like M.J.ʼs Coffee and Carlʼs Jr.,” Whitfield said, “but not for student groups.” On the day of the incident, Whitfield received a complaint that Alongi was cooking without supervision so he went to the Quad to observe the barbecue. “I observed her for five minutes,” Whitfield said. “She was behind the grill, and no one was assisting her that I could tell.” Bourdon makes regular stops at the Hamburger Fellowship, Alongi said, but she has never been told that she needed to be supervised. “He said ʻIf I see her cooking again Iʼm going to close [the


from page 3

up and down” from year to year and are in line with other industries when compared with the industryʼs enormous revenues. It would be a mistake, said Raymond, for the government to impose “punitive measures hastily crafted in response to short-term market fluctuations.” They would probably result in less investment by the industry in refineries and other oil projects, he said. ExxonMobil earned nearly $10 billion in the third quarter. Raymond was joined at the witness table by the chief executives of Chevron Corp., ConocoPhillips Co., BP America Inc. and Shell Oil Co. But senators pressed the executives to explain why gasoline prices jumped so sharply in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, when prices at the pump in some areas soared by $1 a gallon or more overnight. Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., asked why the industry didnʼt freeze prices, as it did after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. “We had to respond to the market,” replied Chevron chairman David OʼReilly. Raymond said that after Sept. 11 “the industry wasnʼt concerned about whether there was adequate supply,” as it was after this yearʼs Gulf storms. By keeping prices


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De Beauvoir was born in 1908 and died in 1986. She was a French philosopher, novelist and essayist. She was also the lifelong companion of Jean Paul-Sartre, another philosopher. Starrett said student planning for the symposium is going on right now and the philosophy club is looking for any students – philosophy majors and non-philosophy majors alike – who are interested in

event] down,ʼ ” Alongi said. Anyone who wants to barbecue on campus – faculty, staff or student – must have a Food Handlerʼs permit to do so. To obtain a permit, the person has to go through a one-hour training class and pass a test afterward. Paul Miller, director of Disabled Student Services, has known both Alongi and Whitfield for years, said Alongi is overacting. “There is no intent to discriminate against her,” Miller said. “[Environmental Health and Safety] has to ensure that if she does cook, itʼs in a safe manner.” There have been no allegations that the hamburgers Alongi has cooked have caused any illnesses, Miller said, but that doesnʼt mean Environmental Health and Safety canʼt ensure that what is being served is cooked in compliance with state codes. With outbreaks of bacterial diseases such as E.coli, Environmental Health and Instructional Safety strictly enforces Orange Countyʼs food preparation policies under state law. When Alongi was given the permit, Whitfield said, Gould told Environmental Health and Instructional Safety that she would only be assisting with food preparation, not cooking. “Anyone can take the class, blind or deaf,” Whitfield said. “Itʼs not a blind issue, itʼs a public safety issue.” Under Environmental Health

and Instructional Safety policies and procedures, red meat must reach 165 Fahrenheit before it can be served and all hamburgers must be cooked until gray or brown throughout to prevent pathogenic E. coli infections. Although Alongi isnʼt able to read a meat thermometer, she said she uses different methods to test for properly cooked meat. “It takes about four to six minutes for each burger to be done,” Alongi said. She said she can tell if the meat has cooked long enough by its density and texture when prodding it with the spatula; she also observes if the patty has shrunk or if the edges are crusty. Supervision isnʼt the only option available to Alongi, Whitfield said. To satisfy Environmental Health and Instructional Safety, Alongi only has to demonstrate to them that she can cook the meat properly. Other methods Whitfield suggested were cooking on high heat for a mandated length of time or using a talking thermometer. “If they provide a talking thermometer, Iʼll be more than happy to use it,” Alongi said. A meeting between Alongi, Whitfield, Miller and Esiquio Uballe, associate dean of student life, is scheduled for Friday to resolve the issue. “I donʼt want another blind student to go through this,” Alongi said. “It needs to be resolved now.”

higher, adequate supplies were assured, he maintained. Democrats said that during the storm some ExxonMobil gas station operators complained the company had raised the wholesale price of its gas by 24 cents a gallon in 24 hours. Raymond said his company had issued guidelines “to minimize the increase in price” but added, “If we kept the price too low we would quickly run out (of fuel) at the service stations.” “It was a tough balancing act,” said Raymond, who said ExxonMobil was not price gouging. A number of Democrats have called for windfall profits taxes on the industry. Other senators, including Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., have said it may be time to enact a federal law on price gouging. Some Republican and Democratic lawmakers have suggested that the oil companies should funnel some of their earnings to supplement a federal program that helps low-income households pay heating bills. That brought a cool reception from the executives. “As an industry we feel it is not a good precedent to fund a government program,” said James Mulva, chairman of ConocoPhillips. The head of the Federal Trade Commission said a federal pricegouging law “likely will do more

harm than good.” “While no consumers like price increases, in fact, price increases lower demand and help make the shortage shorter-lived than it otherwise would have been,” FTC Chairman Deborah Platt Majoras told the hearing. “Thatʼs an astounding theory of consumer protection,” replied Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore. Mulva of ConocoPhillips said, “We are ready open our records” to dispute allegations of price gouging. ConocoPhillips earned $3.8 billion in the third quarter, an 89 percent increase over a year earlier. But Mulva said that represents only a 7.7 percent profit margin. “We do not consider that a windfall,” he said Mulva. Chevronʼs OʼReilly attributed the high energy prices to tight supplies even before the hurricanes struck. He said his company is “investing aggressively in the development of new energy supplies.” Shell earned $9 billion in the third quarter, said John Hofmeister, president of Shell Oil Co., but he said the companyʼs investment in U.S. operations over the last five years was equal to its income from U.S. sales. “We respectfully request that Congress do no harm by distorting markets or seeking punitive taxes on an industry working hard to respond to high prices and supply shortfalls,” said Hofmeister.

the symposiumʼs topic. “We are looking for students to participate in reading groups that will start in December and go until March,” Starrett said. The symposium greatly benefits students by giving them an opportunity to plan and participate in a national academic conference with a 35-year record of excellence, Starrett said in e-mail. “Many of our past students who gave presentations at the symposium in response to our distinguished speakers have gone on to graduate and professional degree programs,

and continue to be involved in the alumni contributions to ongoing symposia,” Starett said. Bujalski added that the symposium is a great opportunity for students from the school to interact with great contemporary thinkers, and that the book sale has already raised $200 for the event. “All the books were donations from the faculty,” said Albert Flores, chairman of the Philosophy Department, adding that a wide selection of books is still left. The book sale is located in the Humanities buidling, Room 311.



Daily Titan

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Thursday, November 10, 2005 5

The Guinea worm

Photo provided by the Carter Center

A boy turns his head in pain as a Guinea worm is pulled from his ankle. The worms are contracted from unsanitary drinking water and often leave gaping ulcers on thier victims.



t starts with the formation of a large, hard blister on the foot. The blister develops into a swollen, painful ulcer, accompanied by fever, nausea and diarrhea. The blister burns and becomes so excruciating that the foot must be immersed in a pool of water to hopefully alleviate some of the pain. When the ulcer is under water, a thin thread appears in the open sore. The thin thread is actually the parasitic nematode Guinea Worm, and as it emerges from the sore it releases thousands of larvae into the water. The nematode, or roundworm, causes a disease called Guinea worm disease, or fiery serpent because of the intense painful burning its victims suffer. It has existed since ancient times. How it infects: The parasite relies on a continuous cycle to survive. A person with a Guinea worm ulcer places their foot in a pool of standing water. When the worm emerges and releases its larvae in the water, tiny crustaceous copepods, commonly called water fleas, eat the microscopic larva. Another person drinks that same water, along with the copepods that carry the larvae inside of them. The acidity of the stomach kills the copepods but then releases the larvae, which survive. The larvae work their way through the intestines, maturing and growing along the way. In the abdominal tissue, the mature male and female worms mate. The male dies, but the female, now about 2 millimeters wide and 3 feet long, works her way through the tissue and ends up in the humanʼs legs, feet or ankles. After a year, the female emerges from the skin, causing burning ulcers. The human host puts his foot in standing water to relieve the pain, allowing the female to release her larvae into the water and start the cycle all over again. Affected areas: At one point in history, Guinea worm disease could be found in nearly every part of the world. As safe drinking water became more accessible, the disease became more isolated. In the beginning of the 20th century, Guinea worms were found throughout Africa, the Middle East and parts of Asia. In 1984, a worldwide campaign was launched to completely eradicate Guinea worm disease. “There used to be 20 countries with

of health promotion and education at Cal State Fullertonʼs Student Health Center. “We can mostly handle study abroad [immunizations].” There is no vaccination or immunization for Guinea worm disease. An individual can contract the disease over and over again throughout the years if he continues drinking from contaminated water sources. The CDC cautions travelers destined for West Africa to avoid ice cubes and drinking water that is not bottled or boiled. What is being done about it: With a collaborative effort between government health ministries and non-profit organizations around the world,Guinea worm disease has been taken firmly under control. “We have reduced the disease by 99 percent since 1984,” said Epstein. Thirty-five million cases of Guinea worm disease were reported in 1984 when the worldwide eradication effort began; today there are over 16,000 reported cases of the disease. Since there is no vaccination or cure for Guinea worm disease, the only way to remove the worm from an infected person is to slowly wind the worm around a stick as it emerges from the ulcer. Pulling out the worm can take weeks or even months if there are multiple worms. Worm removal must be done slowly lest part of the worm breaks off and the remaining piece retreats into the body, causing severe inflammation. Eradication efforts conPhoto provided by the Carter Center sist of educating residents in the affected areas about safe keep themselves hydrated. During drinking water and mobilizing infectthis time of year, more people are ed individuals before the disease can bedridden because of the disease spread. “This will be the first parasitic disand the agricultural activity suffers. Young children canʼt to go to school ease to be eradicated,” Epstein said. Simple cloths 100 microns by because they are debilitated from the 100 microns wide (1 micron equals disease. “The [affected] people are the 300,000ths of an inch) are used to poorest of the poor and they donʼt filter water, effectively removing the have safe drinking water to drink larva-carrying copepods. Water can and no medical care nearby,” said Dr. also be boiled for purification. The chemical Abate larvicide is Ernesto Ruiz-Tiben, technical director for the Guinea Worm Eradication also added to stagnant pools of water Program for the Carter Center. to kill the copepods and is completeThe Carter Center, founded by for- ly safe to humans. mer President Jimmy Carter, is a lead“Interventions seem simple and ing non-profit organization in Guinea straight forward,” Ruiz said. “[They worm eradication efforts, along with are] empowering people to take the World Health Organization, action.” UNICEF and the World Bank. At the World Health Assembly in “Ghana represents 27 percent Geneva on May 19, 2004, leaders of cases today and was the second from several health organizations, most highly endemic country after including The Carter Center, the Sudan,” said Daniel Epstein, press WHO, UNICEF and International officer for the Pan American Health Commission for the Certification Organization. of Dracunculiasis Eradication, met United States cases usually involve with the ministers of health from the people from Africa who are already countries that suffered from Guinea carrying the disease. In the late 1990s worm disease. There, they signed the two such isolated cases were report- Geneva Declaration, which stated ed. that through a collaborative effort “We do have travel immunizations Guinea worm disease would be comhere,” said Mary Hermann, director pletely eradicated by 2009.

Guinea worm disease, now 13 of them are free [of it],” said Daniel Epstein, press officer for the Pan American Health Organization, a regional office of the World Health Organization. The disease is still prevalent in countries in West Africa, including: Sudan, Niger, Ghana, Nigeria, Mali and Togo, according to a memorandum from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is not the worm itself that directly wreaks havoc on infected individuals. Instead, secondary infections, such as abscesses, tetanus, and arthritis cause the biggest problems for individuals and their communities. Guinea worm disease now only occurs in poor, rural areas where safe drinking water is not available. These small, affected communities rely on agriculture as a primary source of income. Guinea worm disease occurs mostly during the hot, harvest season, when people drink more water to

The bioterrorism threat By ERIC SANDERS


Daily Titan Staff

ollywood accounts of bioterrorism tend to follow the same universal script: Military soldiers swarm into cities, wearing gas masks and wielding assault rifles as they create barbwire barricades. A frenzy of military vehicles drive up and down streets. Scared and frustrated citizens appear confused while a distant voice commands they return to their homes. A sea of lab coats and chemical suits flood into makeshift hospitals where contaminated patients fill rooms from wall to wall, and doctors comfort the infected behind sheets of protective plastic. Fictionalized accounts of bioterrorism tend to center on entertainment, but local, state and federal governments take chemical threats seriously, training and preparing for any chance of attack. Bioterrorism is “the intentional use of microorganisms or toxins derived from living organisms to cause death or disease in humans, animals or plants on which we depend,” according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A division of the CDC, the Epidemic Intelligence Service, was established after World War II to protect the United States against bioterrorism. It conducts investigations into different cases of outbreaks – whether intentional or not – to help improve state and local governmentsʼ reaction response and preparation training. All local governments follow the same federal standards, but it is the training and equipment thatʼs important, said Howard Sutter, a spokesperson for the Orange County Health Department. “We are continuously working on response plans, especially regarding several biological agents that the CDC considers most likely to be used in bioterrorism,” he said. “What has happened over the last several years is that money has come from the federal government to the state and counties. Funding has increased significantly after 2001.” This funding helps local health departments and first-respond teams to be better prepared in case of an attack. “We have to make sure we have enough vaccines or medicine, and have all the equipment and training to handle a large number of people,” Sutter said. “We have additional and improved capabilities that we did not have prior to the increase in funding. Each situation is different but the training, equipment and preparation are a multi-hazard approach.” On campus, safety officials follow state and federal standards, but also go through a scenario called a tabletop exercise, said Robert Gill, environmental compliance manager at Cal State Fullerton. “We pretend that the situation is happening and then go through the normal emergency response,” Gill said. “Then we sit down with an outside party that critiques our effort and discuss what to do better or differently if the real thing should occur.” Quentin Frazier, emergency management coordinator for CSUF, said when dealing with an emergency like bioterrorism, the important aspect is communication and investigation. “What scares people about bioterrorism is that it can get bigger than you can imagine before people even know thereʼs a problem,” Frazier said. “It usually takes several days to present itself; the first indication is where people are showing signs of symptoms.”


Daily Titan

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ment room. “Cliff is like a super-hero,” from page 10 Garrido said. “He runs the equipment room while helping others “I really was all about me,”Hatter behind the scenes.” said about himself. “The book said Hatter said that Bruce Bowen that things are not centered around is one of the more remarkable and you, and that we all have to work determined athletes that he ever together.” came in contact with at CSUF. Hatter said if you spend your He said when Bowen played life doing good things for other basketball for the Ttans, “he was people, then good things will hap- rather skinny and that there was pen to you. not a person on the planet that ever “I think Iʼve tried to give of envisioned that he might play in myself to others,” Hatter said. “At the NBA.” least I hope I have.” Hatter said Bowen was a good, Patty Sexton, Fullerton Athletic hard working player who develDepartment Personnel Coordinator, oped himself into one of the best said Greg Nicholson, a custodian on defensive players in Europe. campus, worked “Low and with Hatter as behold, he ended a volunteer in up playing in the The university has the equipment NBA,” Hatter become my room. said. “First mistress. She’s Sexton said with Miami and that Hatter assistperfect because she now with San ed Nicholson in Antonio.” asks so little and securing his curHatter said gives so much to me. rent university any player in the position with NBA would tell Cliff Hatter Fullerton Head Equipment building servicyou that Bowen Manager es. is one of the “Cliff has most difficult been like a father defenders to play figure to Greg,” Sexton said. “He against. has just touched the lives of so “I mean he wonʼt score 10 points many people.” a game, but they always put him on Sexton said Nicholson takes the best player on the other team,” three buses from Los Angeles to Hatter said. get close to campus and that Hatter Hatter said he could not conceive and St. Clair would alternate pick- having a different career choice. ing Nicholson up at the bus stop. “I hope to be weaned away from “I have known Cliff for over 30 the position over time,” Hatter years,” said Nicholson, a CSUF said. “I would like to stay on for graduate. “Heʼs always been awhile in some capacity—if they there.” still want me.” Sexton said that Hatter prepared He said he never drove to the “quite a spread” for the umpires university wishing he didnʼt have each year the Fullerton baseball to show up to work. team hosted the Regional and “The university has become my Super Regionals, making it their mistress,” Hatter said. “Sheʼs perfavorite venue. fect because she asks so little and “Cliff shows [the umpires] a lot gives so much to me.” of Southern hospitality,” Sexton The day will come when Hatter said. stops coming to the equipment Augie Garrido, former Titans room. Someone else will set up the Baseball Head Coach, said Hatterʼs props so the players and coaches impact went far beyond the con- can put on the show. fines of the equipment room. The equipment will be handed “He is one of the most effective over when Hatter retires. It is the goodwill ambassadors on the part other things that Hatter gives to of Cal State Fullerton,” Garrido players, coaches and staff in the said. “He represented all sports, course of his 12-hour workday that whether with officials or other uni- will be missed the most. versities.” “Cliff is one-of-a-kind,“ Athletic Garrido said that Hatterʼs lead- Director Brian Quinn said. “He is ership ability enabled him to be the a guy weʼd love to keep around caretaker of more than the equip- forever.”

Thursday, November 10, 2005 8


PHIL GORDON/For the Daily Titan

Junior midfielder Lauryn Welch avoids the slide of senior midfielder Renee Shachetti and defensive pressure from her teammate, Angela Reling, in Sunday’s contest. Welch was named the tournament’s MVP.


six-straight shutouts. UCR Head Coach Veronica from page 10 OʼBrien, whose team made the tournament as an at-large bid, not met, USC Head Coach Jim said there is no clear-cut No. 1 Millinder has faced the Bulldogs team this year. before when “You canʼt he coached pick a national L o y o l a champion this You can’t pick a Marymount. year,” OʼBrien national champion He posted a 0said. “It used to this year. It used 1-1 record. be that you could to be that you Gonzaga pick them. set a schoolT h e could pick them. record this Highlanders are season with 12 the last team to Veronica O’Brien wins and beat defeat the Titans, UC Riverside Coach a top-10 team 1-0, in October. for the first “It can come time in Pepperdine University. down to an umpireʼs call,” The Bulldogsʼ defense has not OʼBrien said. “You got to have allowed a goal since Oct. 14 with everything going your way.”

DAVID PARDO/For the Daily Titan

Junior goalkeeper Karen Bardsley holds the Big West Conference Championship trophy after her team’s 4-1 victory. Bardsley had two saves in the game and was named on Tuesday to the All-Conference First Team with six of her teammates. She allowed a league-low 10 goals this season and had nine shutouts for the Titans.

Extreme sports for the extreme beginner Eye for the Extreme There are many extreme sports out in the world. Most of them are hard to participate in or have a skill level that takes years Marissa Weltmer to achieve. Daily Titan Windsurfing, Staff Writer however, is fun

and easy to learn, especially since Southern California is so beachy, its accessible. It is best to take a lesson from a professional. Most beginners boards are around 9ʼ5” and gear will most likely be included. Lessons can range from $99$120. “It is really important that beginners take lessons from a professional or a friend who knows what theyʼre doing, because if they donʼt they could hurt them-

selves,” said Tom Johnson of Captain Kirkʼs Windsurfing and Kiteboarding School. Windsurfing is also a great upper-body workout. Most beginners can stand-up within the first hour of proper instruction. The speed is relatively easy to achieve as long as the wind is up. For safetyʼs sake, wear a life vest just in case of injury. Wear sunscreen because the reflection of sun can create a severe sunburn. Make sure the board has a

harness, so when you fall off, you wonʼt loose it. The ideal location to begin windsurfing is where it is windy and the the water is flat. The most important thing to be careful of is if the wind is too high for your skill level. For more extreme sports to try and tips on how to do it, go to www. dailytitan.com for a full version of Marissaʼs column, which appears weekly in the Daily Titan.

2 Monday, Month 12, 2004


opinion@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-5814


Daily Titan

Fullerton looks for big finish Team comes down home stretch with rivalry match-up By BELAL SIMJEE Daily Titan Staff

Titan volleyball (12-13, 3-8) has had a lot to think about in the second half of the season. Having lost eight of their last 10 games, Fullerton will look to salvage victories in their final home stand of the season beginning this weekend against UC Irvine (9-16, 2-8) and Long Beach State (19-5, 8-2). Fullerton has had a rough season in Big West Conference play. During their final road trip, the Titans dropped games to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and UC Santa Barbara. This weekend, the Titans hope they will be in position to finish the season with an overall record above .500. “We certainly think that is an achievable goal,” Fullerton Head Coach Carolyn Zimmerman said. “We have to catch some breaks our way and establish a consistency to our game and the tone to which we want to play.” The Anteaters come into play Friday against the Titans riding a three-game losing streak. Irvineʼs last two losses have come by way of the sweep. “We just have to regain our focus a bit,” Irvine Head Coach Charlie Brande said. “Last time we faced [Fullerton], we picked up our first conference win. Maybe the girls can get motivated enough to end this losing streak against the Titans again.” The Titans remember the last time they faced Irvine and would rather this not be the case. “I felt like we could have won,” senior Sarah Morrison said. “We just beat ourselves near the end of the game. We were in it. We will definitely come out and play [Irvine] tough.” The Anteaters are led on offense by senior Amanda Vasquez, who has 321 kills on the season. Senior Keegan Featherstone leads the Anteater defense with 256 digs. Saturday, the Titans welcome second-place Long Beach State to Titan Gym. Fullerton will have their hands full contending with Big West Player of the Week, freshman Ali Daley. Daley was given the honor after posting two consecutive double-doubles last weekend against her opponents. Long Beach State, which swept the Titans earlier this season at the Pyramid, will look to win the Big West Conference title over Santa Barbara at the Titansʼ expense. “We have a job to do,” Long Beach Head Coach Brian Gimmillaro said. “Weʼre contending against a very tough Fullerton squad this weekend [that is] hungry for wins. But we know we have to stay on top of our game to challenge Santa Barbara and to do so we have to go out and believe we can win every night.”

SPORTS Titans to host NCAA first round, Rebels Thursday, November 10, 2005 10

sports@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-3149

Womenʼs soccer tests nine-game winning streak against UNLV

history. Their 17 wins this season are also a school-record for the Titans. The Rebels are also coming off a successful season that saw them win a school-high six-straight By JUAN ACEVES games and their first Mountain Daily Titan Staff West Conference title. This is the Rebels secondFollowing, the Titansʼ victory straight NCAA appearance. Last over the UC Riverside Highlanders year, they made it with an at-large to make the NCAA Tournament, bid. This is the Titansʼ second Ali Khosroshahin said his teamʼs appearance. Their last came in 17-3 record is a “statement” of 2001 and ended in defeat against their strong season. UCLA. “Hopefully, the NCAA can Fullertonʼs history against recognize that and let us host a UNLV is brief with two losses. regional here,” the Fullerton head In 1999, the Titans lost 3-2 in Las coach said. Vegas. They lost again in 2000, Wish granted. 3-1, this time in Fullerton. On Monday, the NCAA took Forward Katie Carney leads notice of the the Rebels with No. 15-ranked 20 total points this Titans, allowing season. She has I don’t want us to them to host the scored seven goals go out there and first two rounds and assisted on be nervous. We’re of the tournaseven others. on a winning ment at Titan Big West Stadium. Conference tournastreak and I want ment MVP Lauryn The Titans to keep going. Welch said the will meet the Kandace Wilson team is concentratUNLV Running Fullerton forward ing on each game Rebels, while as they come. USC (12-5-2) “We are looking will face the University of Gonzaga (12-3-4) in to go as far as we can,” Welch the tournament opener on Friday. said. “We want to get in the first The USC-Gonzaga game will round, watch that game go, and begin at 5 p.m. The Titansʼ game then get to the second [game].” USC and Gonzaga have not met will start 30 minutes after the first game concludes. The winners will before in a soccer match. The Trojans finished third in the then meet Sunday to decide who Pacific 10 conference and were will advance to the next round. The Titans are riding a nine- ranked No. 16 in a recent Soccer game winning streak and are look- America poll. ing to make a mark in the tournaForward Amy Rodriguez leads ment. the Trojans with nine goals and “I donʼt want us to go out there seven assists, while goalkeeper and be nervous,” Titansʼ forward Veronica Simonton has posted a Kandace Wilson said. “Weʼre on a .87 goals-against-average and has winning streak and I want to keep 65 saves this season. going.” Although, the two teams have The nine-game winning streak POSTSEASON 8 is the longest in the programʼs

DAVID PARDO/For the Daily Titan

Senior forward Kandace Wilson, right, overpowers the Highlander’s Dani Geiger Sunday at Titan Stadium. Wilson scored her seventh goal of the year in the Titan’s 4-1 victory to win the Big West Tournament and advance to the NCAA playoffs. Fullerton will host the first round this weekend, starting with UNLV on Friday.

A legacy stepping down The mentor, the storyteller, the manager: celebrating 32 years of Fullertonʼs “Mad Hatter”

Big West Conference First Team Titan heavy

Part 3: Revered by many, a friend of most and respected by all, the man who prepared equipment for so long will hang up his hat.

WOMENʼS SOCCER – The Cal State Fullerton womenʼs soccer team dominated the 2005 AllBig West Conference postseason awards. Seven Titans made the all-conference First Team and earned numerous individual honors as selected by the coaches and released by the conference office, Tuesday. Individually, fifth-year Head Coach Ali Khosroshahin earned his second Big West Coach of the Year honor, sharing the award with UC Riversideʼs Veronica OʼBrien. Seniors Kellie Cox (six goals, two assists) and Kandace Wilson (seven goals, four assists) were named the Co-Big West Offensive Players of the Year, ranking sec-

By KEVIN COLE For the Daily Titan

Throughout his 32-year career, Cliff Hatter, Cal State Fullerton Head Equipment Manager, juggled his assigned duties with a smile and a story. He met setbacks and successes with the same calm resolve. Mel Franks, associate athletic director and media relations, said Hatter beat cancer nine years ago. He said his diagnosis was non-Hodgkinʼs lymphoma, a cancer in the lymphatic system. Hatter pointed at the framed photographs above the fish tank in his office “You can see who my heroes are. The Three Stooges, they are, theyʼre my heroes,” Hatter said. “If you know anything about the Stooges, if youʼve watched any of their films, you know they fail at everything but theyʼll stop at nothing.” Franks said that Hatter would tell stories when breaking in a new employee over lunch. “Cliff doesnʼt embellish the story, yet it is just as funny each time it is told,” said Franks, who was there with Hatter through most of the stories. “His positive attitude is contagious.” Franks said that one time a rental truck caught fire following a loss to the University of Florida football team as Gary Hazelitt, the assistant equipment manager, and Tim Murphy, the student equipment room manager, were returning it from the Jacksonville Airport to the rental yard. Franks said there was a time when Fullertonʼs team bus was coming up the 605 North to the 91 West freeways when one of the bay doors opened. He said all kinds of personal gear flew out at 55 mph. Jay St. Clair, former Fullerton assistant equipment manager, said long before the Athletic Department was successful, Hatter operated the equipment room under budget. He said Hatter would provide athletes



Cliff Hatter is carried of the field by former Titan football players after a game. with the best equipment at a time when companies were reluctant to work with the athletic department. Hatterʼs role in the development of the athletic department might never have happened if it were not for his decision to not move to Miami, Florida. Hatter said they were planning to move, but his wifeʼs sister was teaching at CSUF, so they decided to come visit her before they sold their home in Atlanta, Georgia. “We decided to stay a little longer because we didnʼt have a timetable to get to Miami,” Hatter said. “We fell in love with the place.” Hatter said when he was in his late 20s, he was climbing the corporate ladder and happened to pick up a book that someone left at the airport, “Its Not Your Word.” HATTER


ond and third on the team in scoring, respectively. Senior Marlene Sandoval, who helped the Titan defense rank first in nearly every major defensive category in the Big West this season, was named the leagueʼs Defensive Player of the Year. Redshirt junior goalkeeper Karen Bardsley came home with Big West Goalkeeper of the Year honors for the second straight season. Cox, Wilson, Sandoval, and Bardsley were all named to the All-Big West First Team and were joined by teammates Lauryn Welch, Lisa Kosena, and Erica Janke - all of whom were making their inaugural appearance. For Cox and Wilson, the 2005 season marked the third time in their careers that the duo has been listed on the All-Big West First Team while Sandoval and Bardsley made it for the second time in their careers. Seniors Rebekah Patrick, Erica Pryor, and Erin Shelton were named to the Second Team.


Daily Titan

opinion@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-5814

Thursday, November 10, 2005 7

Titan Editorial

Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

Help wanted Though many of us Californians view the Texas judicial system as one that hands out capital punishment sentences in overwhelming numbers, we at the Daily Titan applaud the stateʼs highest criminal court for its Wednesday decision. In it, the court threw out the murder convictions of Andrea Yates, who made headlines in 2001 for drowning her five children in a bathtub. Now, with the ruling, it is possible for her to seek a rightful retrial and also the desperate treatment she truly needs. Yates – who had suffered from years of both postpartum and clinical depression, attempted suicide and had been hospitalized in the past – pleaded insanity in her 2002 trial. But possibly because of an error-filled testimony from a forensic psychiatrist who moonlighted as a “Law & Order” consultant, the jury rejected her defense. For a country with so much

wealth and power, the fact of the matter is that we are last in the world for treatment of mental illnesses, according to findings published in Health Affairs. Whatʼs even more disturbing is the fact that only a third of Americans do not receive any help, even though the country has the highest number of people with emotional, anxiety and drug and alcohol problems. Yesterdayʼs ruling is a step in the right direction for Americaʼs 27 million who are mentally ill, so many of who cannot get the proper treatment they deserve. For example, after the judicial system failed Yates, she was stuck in prison instead of a mental-health facility, even though five mental health experts testified that the Texan didnʼt know right from wrong. Itʼs time to quit treating our mentally ill as people who are expendable and time to start taking responsibility for those who cannot care for themselves.

Editorial Board

Julie Kim, Opinion Editor Nicole M. Smith, Executive Editor Kim Orr, Managing Editor In deference to the paradigm established by venerable Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, unsigned Titan Editorials strive to represent the general will of the Daily Titan editorial board and do not necessarily reflect the view of the university.

The Avian Bird Flu: the next big thing? By MARISSA WELTMER

kill millions? In addition, will the bird flu sweep the earth and eradicate the human race faster than any Disease is a constant thing the flu before it, or will it simply be human race fights against. The just another over exaggerated dismicroscopic unseen processes go ease that is not very contagious? If it hits the United States like through our bodies, and the majority of us have no clue what has predicted, then it could become happened. an epidemic, at least thatʼs what And now, the newest threat to scientists and doctors are predictthe human race is supposed to ing could happen. After all, even be the Avian Bird Flu, a flu that though the current strain of the occurs usually in birds but now Avian Bird Flu is not easily transcan be transferred from birds to ferable to humans, the fear is that humans. the strain could mutate and become Cases have been documented easily transportable since many from as far back of the worldʼs as 1997, and even population of Congress has sat birds migrate Should we listen on a plan for the from continent to the media? Or bird flu for over a to continent. is this really a teryear. But the influThe flu could rible epidemic that ence of the media, mutate, travel which have largely with the birds will kill millions? ignored the ailon their migraMarissa Weltmer ment until this year tion patterns and Daily Titan Staff when more and spread the Avian more cases began Bird Flu. to be documented Still, the West in Asia, is making the American Nile Virus was another virus that public almost paranoid about the was supposed to be an epidemic. bird flu. It did kill a few people, but then Congress is now pressured to the media hype went away. The do something about this upcom- SARS scare was also supposed to ing epidemic. Mike Leavitt, the be huge – and in Asia, it did have a secretary of Health and Human small impact – but it seemed to be Services, recently gave an inter- kept under control by strict Asian view, in which he said that the governments. For whatever reason, our news United States is very unprepared for the bird flu and the epidemic is outlets seem to thrive on introducing the latest plague every couple predicted to follow. Should we listen to the media? of months. Instead of worrying Is this just another hype? Or is this about every existing disease, let really a terrible epidemic that will the public judge for itself.

Daily Titan Staff


Speaking the love language Dating and mating Letʼs face it: Men and women speak completely different languages. One speaks a language of sudden phrases that are meant Virginia Terzian to cause the Daily Titan opposite sex to Asst. Production over-think every Editor action a thousand times, while the other tends to say things they donʼt mean anything in the pursuit of an all-important prize, just out of reach. But both are trying to get their point across while never saying what they are really feeling and what they really want. And this is for the simple reason that if they did, both parties would run for the hills. Hereʼs the problem in a nutshell: Men say things they donʼt mean while women mean things

they donʼt say. You canʼt really blame them. Women donʼt want to seem overbearing while men say those three ever-important words to women usually before, after or during a certain activity. Itʼs not that we females want to lie or mislead, but we simply assume both teams are playing the same game. In reality, no one knows the rules. So instead, women embellish – OK, lie. We say things we donʼt mean and cause both sexes to go through days, weeks, even months, trying to figure out what went wrong in those infamous post-argument hours. Case in point. Iʼm sitting at a Starbucks the other day, waiting on my chai tea latte, when I hear a couple at the table next to me having an argument. The problem: Only the girl at that very table and myself were aware that they were having an argument. The guy in question seemed to be totally clueless to the matter. Hereʼs how the argument went

down. The guy in question had been caught in a bold faced lie about his activities the night before and when confronted by his girlfriend, he said something to this extent: “Youʼre not upset, are you?” His girlfriend replied, “No, why I would be upset?” After which the female in question took one more sip of her coffee and gave him a rather dirty look before walking out of the shop in a huff. The guy, of course, scratched his head before following after her, only to realize a little too late that she had the car keys. You canʼt really blame them, but men are just oblivious to what women are really saying. Take, for example, when a woman says “Nothing” to the question, “What did I do that was so wrong?” My dear fellows, you did everything wrong. “Nothing” means that you didnʼt think, you didnʼt consider our feelings, you didnʼt ask for input or simply, you did nothing at all.

Now boys, while women are guilty of occasionally not saying what they want or what is really bothering them, you are guilty of saying just the right thing for the wrong reasons. Hereʼs a piece of advice to last you a lifetime: Women take things very seriously, so when you say words like love, like, care, future and marry, mean them when you say them or donʼt bother saying anything at all. And while some will question why Iʼve revealed these little secrets to the world, the answer is simple. Perhaps if men were a bit more aware of what women wanted and women were aware of what men wanted, then, well, the world would be a much more peaceful place. Virginia Terzian is a Cal State Fullerton senior majoring in communications. Her column appears every Thursday in the Daily Titan. To contact her, email opinion@dailytitan.com

Remove Rove for revealing too much Bush and his officials need to resolve the Karl Rove problem By PHILIP FULLER Daily Titan Staff

The current Bush administration is sinking in political quicksand. Social Security reform, Supreme Court appointment debacles, intelligence fiascos in Iraq, the indictment of several key congressional allies, and growing public dissatisfaction with the presidentʼs job performance are greedily swallowing the administration deeper and deeper. The more it struggles, the deeper it seems to sink. Indeed, these seem like dark days for Bush and his political cronies. And then thereʼs Karl Rove. Amid speculation that he may step down as the Deputy White

House Chief of Staff, which has been denied by the White House, Rove continues to be a target of special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald. He is in Fitzgeraldʼs scope for leaking the name of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame to a TIME Magazine reporter and to Robert Novak, the first reporter to use Plameʼs name in print. Itʼs a crime to knowingly disclose the name of a covert CIA operative. It should also be a crime for the Bush administration to keep Rove on its staff. As part of his job, Rove has access to highly classified information and, as such, should use the utmost caution in disseminating that information. Rove should have his security clearance revoked for obviously not exercising the extreme discretion that such a high level of security clearance demands. The fact that the Bush admin-

istration hasnʼt done so already is mind-boggling. Bush has denied demands by Democrats and other critics of his administration to revoke Roveʼs security clearance or fire him. The president says that he is waiting for special prosecutor Fitzgeraldʼs inquiry into the matter, but when the name leak occurred, Bush vowed to immediately fire the culprit. Rove says that he was not aware that Plame was a covert operative when he leaked her name to reporters. In addition, he claims that he learned Plameʼs name through other reporters, although information is beginning to surface through Fitzgeraldʼs investigation that points to the fact that Rove may have known that he was divulging classified information. For a White House official whose job depends on the processing of classified information,

this is inexcusable. How can the American people trust an administration with their safety when that administration canʼt keep classified information a secret? If his security clearance were revoked, Rove would have a difficult, if not impossible time, doing his job. He would have to step down as the Deputy Chief of Staff and be replaced by another appointee. But if special prosecutor Fitzgerald indicted him, political analysts expect him to step down immediately. Why should the administration wait for a formal charge? If it had the courage of its convictions, Rove would be cast aside in order to make room for a tight-lipped Deputy Chief of Staff. While this wonʼt solve all of the problems facing the Bush administration, it would allow the president to stay consistent in his promise to the American people.

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