2006 02 06

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C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n

THE DAILY TITAN W E E K O F F E B R U A RY 6 - F E B R U A RY 1 0 , 2 0 0 6

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Vo l u m e 8 2 , I s s u e 2


Students juggle lives to create personalized businesses Page 9

Female veterans are honored at a Chino Airport event Page 10

Front, Center With Knight Gladys Knight sings at CSUF scholarship fundraising event By Christina Rodriguez Daily Titan Staff Writer Gladys Knight joined Cal State Fullerton students to perform in the 11th annual Front and Center event at the Arrowhead Pond on Saturday. The event is designed to thank CSUF contributors and to help fundraise for the Presidentʼs Scholarship. CSUF alumnus Jose Mota, a broadcaster for the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, emceed the event. Mota said the evening was about thanking the many people who make it possible for CSUF students to receive an education. “Never did I think I would be here. I am glad to be here representing higher education, culture and integration. Iʼd like to thank CSUF, Titan Baseball and the Communications Department for believing in me,” Mota said. The event also gave President Milton A. Gordon an opportunity to invite the audience to visit the campus as well as update them with the progress of the university. “Our campus is now the largest CSU campus with fall enrollment at 35,000,” he said. Gordon talked about the opening of the CSUF performing arts center and the upcoming building for the College of Business and Economics, the Steven G. Mihaylo Hall, which will open in fall 2008. The Orange County Register and the Freedom Orange County Information received the Orange County Titan Award for its long relationship with the College of Communications. The newspaper provides internships for students. Publisher and CEO Christian Anderson III received the award. SEE FUNDRAISER = PAGE 3

Steelers Win Super Bowl XL

The Associated Press

SUNDAY MANIA: Pitsburgh Steelers celebrate its 21-10 victory over the Seattle Seahawks in Detroit last night. Football fans everywhere tuned in to watch the game and the commercials which debuted last night. See news story on Page 3 and sports stories on Page 13.

Union Pickets CSU Leaders Faculty group rallies at meeting to demand pay raises, end to fee hikes By Jimmy Stroup Daily Titan Staff Writer

The California Faculty Association, a union composed of 23,000 instructors in the California State University system, led a student-involved protest against CSU Chancellor Charles Reed, and the 25member board of trustees in Long Beach on Wednesday. Demanding pay raises, more funding and a review of what they view as a series of cutbacks, 150 union members and supportive students chanted slogans and brandished signs, such as “Stop the

Rip-Offs!” and “Keep the CSU Affordable and Accessible.” Alan Nestlinger, a CSUF math lecturer and faculty association member, was at the forefront of the Fullerton delegation. He said the refusal of the chancellor and the board to raise instructor salaries – when seen in conjunction with student fee hikes and administrative raises – was “insane.” “Itʼs a big problem. Whatʼs going on in California is part of a nationwide effort to privatize everything,” Nestlinger said. “At CSU, our task is to create credentialed professionals. And to try to hammer that into a right-wing, corporate model is a bad thing.” The Fullerton association representative, sociology professor G. Nanjundappa, said the union was also at the board meeting to try to get the trustees to see the wisdom in hiring more tenure-track professors, as well as advocating for students within the CSU system and would-be students who are being turned away.

“We have concerns about student fee increases, as well. All eligible students ought to be able to get into the university,” he said. Ten members of the association spoke before the board, voicing instructor and student concerns. John Halcon, Cal State San Marcos professor of education and cultural diversity and vice president of that schoolʼs union chapter, spoke at the meeting asking the trustees to take the associationʼs suggestions seriously. “The association is not against the CSU, but we as faculty are concerned with the cost of living at the universities,” he said. “There are thousands of faculty who agree with the association. It is our goal that you take a fresh and objective view of whatʼs presented to you today.” Students and instructors traveled from CSU campuses all over the state to be at the board of trustees meeting – one of only seven the board holds each year.

Cal State Dominguez Hills was especially well represented, as recent accreditation problems and financial hardships have plagued the students and faculty at that campus. “In the fall, I heard about the chancellor and the board of trustees getting raises, while at the same time … [students] had our fees increased,” said Margarita Gomez, senior human services major at Cal State Dominguez Hills, adding that increased costs have lowered registration levels on her campus. “I would like to see more funding come into the system,” Gomez said. “They need to make it more accessible.” The chancellor and the board of trustees were largely silent as the association members spoke their minds, cutting in only to remind them that the time allotted for public speakers at the meeting was dwindling. Calls to the chancellorʼs and the board of trusteesʼ offices for this story were not returned.

Arboretum Applies New Technology to Thwart Thefts Devices are for iPods, laptops; but plants need protection too By Jimmy Stroup Daily Titan Staff Writer

In the nearly nine years that Greg Dyment has been the director of the arboretum at Cal State Fullerton, the theft of the rare plant species in the arboretum has been an infuriating – if inconsistent – problem. To help try to combat the loss of irreplaceable plant specimens,

Dyment has concocted an out-ofthe-box solution: Data Dots. When MicroID Technologies distributor Ken Walton came to Fullerton to demonstrate the product to faculty and staff in September, he pitched the idea to Dyment as a way to fight some of the arboretumʼs losses. “In the meeting, it became evident that they were being stolen, these rare and exotic breeds,” Walton said, and he suggested Data Dots might be a way to stop it. After some thought, the arboretum purchased 12,000 of the little dots – about six times the amount of dots available in the student kit



From March 2003 to Feb. 5, 2006 Compiled from the Associated Press

now for sale at Titan Shops. Mindful that trees and iPods are not made of the same material, Dyment says without hesitation that this is an experiment. But one he hopes can help avoid future plant losses. “I wondered if … [the Data Dots] would work on the bark, since it exfoliates,” Dyment said, likening the tree covering to the constant shedding of human skin. “My big concern is plants leaving here. Once theyʼre gone, we never see them again.” Plant theft at the arboretum has been sporadic. A few years ago, Dyment said, 10 plants, valued at


$20,000 or more, were nabbed. “Weʼve had plants taken out of here that are taller than you are,” Dyment said. “Theyʼre dug out of the ground, uprooted and taken.” The plants taken in the past include cycad species and segos, a kind of fern. Some of the plants that have been taken were rare and irreplaceable. Some are considered endangered, making them illegal to buy and sell, but also making them more attractive to unscrupulous collectors, Dyment said. “If youʼve got, say, a rare cycad, or a type of barrel cactus – and itʼs on the endangered species list – you canʼt buy it,” Dyment said.


RESPONSIBLE SEX Greeks promote safety for Sexual Health Responsibility Week


MONDAY Partly Cloudy High: 80 Low: 49

“Itʼs unfortunate, but if youʼve got money and youʼre a collector, and you canʼt have it legally, youʼll find a way to get it.” Dyment said the rarity and irreplaceable nature of the stolen plants drives up the price of their sale on the black market. And, he said, unlike car stereos and televisions, the stolen plants arenʼt sold on the street, making them harder to track down after theyʼve been taken. Thomas Eltzroth, a horticulture professor at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and the director of the universityʼs Leaning Pine Arboretum, echoed what Dyment said about theft being a sporadic but unfortu-

nate occurrence within the industry. “Over the past eight to 10 years, we may have had only 15 to 20 plants stolen, and all were plants in a nursery staging area waiting to be planted into the garden. That type of plant is easy to lift and move because itʼs in a container, thus easy to steal,” he said. “We donʼt know who stole the plants but we assume the thief was knowledgeable about plants because it was mostly expensive or fairly uncommon SEE ARBORETUM = PAGE 3

WEATHER TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Mostly Sunny High: 78 Low: 51

Partly Cloudy High: 80 Low: 51

THURSDAY Partly Cloudy High: 75 Low: 50


WEEK OF FEB.6 – FEB. 10, 2006


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Protesters Torch Mission

WEDNESDAY: Welcome reception for all faculty will hosted at noon in the Academic Senate Chambers on the first floor of the Titan Bookstore. Lunch will be provided. To RSVP, call (714) 278-2827.

BEIRUT, Lebanon – Muslim rage over caricatures of the prophet Muhammad grew increasingly violent Sunday as thousands of rampaging protesters torched the Danish mission and ransacked a Christian neighborhood. At least one person reportedly died and about 200 were detained, officials said. Muslim clerics denounced the violence. Copenhagen ordered Danes to leave the country or stay indoors in the second day of attacks in the Middle East.


Terrorist Escapes Prison SANʼA, Yemen – An al-Qaida operative sentenced to death for plotting the USS Cole bombing that killed 17 sailors in 2000 was among a group of convicts who escaped from a Yemen prison last week, Interpol said Sunday in issuing a global security alert. Officials set up checkpoints around the capital of Sanʼa, where the prison was located, to try to catch the escapees before they could flee to the protection of mountain tribes, according to a Yemeni security official speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the press.


Suspect Dies From Shootout MOUNTAIN HOME, Ark. – A teenager suspected in a brutal rampage at a Massachusetts gay bar died Sunday from wounds suffered a day earlier in a shootout with Arkansas police after he fatally shot a police officer who had stopped his car and a woman he had picked up in West Virginia, authorities said. The slain officer, Jim Sell, 63, did not know the 18-yearold he had stopped for a traffic violation in the small northern Arkansas town of Gassville was Jacob D. Robida who was wanted in the hatchet-and-gun attack Thursday that left three men injured at a New Bedford bar more than 1,200 miles away, investigators said.

Specter Criticizes Spying WASHINGTON – Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has not adequately justified why the Bush administration failed to seek court approval for domestic surveillance, said the senator in charge of a hearing Monday on the program. Sen. Arlen Specter said Sunday he believes that President Bush violated a 1978 law specifically calling for a secret court to consider and approve such monitoring. The Pennsylvania Republican branded Gonzalesʼ explanations to date as “strained and unrealistic.”


Wetlands Open to Public LOS ANGELES – A new half-acre artificial wetland carved out of a park in South Los Angeles is giving inner-city residents a taste of the outdoors while also potentially helping to reduce the amount of storm runoff that gets into the ocean. The $240,000 project was opened to the public on Saturday. The wetland is part of a campaign by city officials to clean up the Los Angeles River. Reports compiled from The Associated Press

WEDNESDAY: Comedian Pablo Francisco will be headlining at the Brea Improv through Sunday. Tickets $20. For more information, call (714) 482-0700. Christina House/Daily Titan Photo Editor

LIFTING SPEECH: Anjali Nath, a member of The Third Wave of Feminism

Club, recites “The Bitch Manifesto” in an elevator of the Humanities Building last Tuesday. Members of the club stood in selected elevators across campus to recite poetry and monologues in effort to bring about awareness of their movement.


BLOTTER Monday - A call for medical aid was placed at 4:24 p.m. for a wrestler who sustained a neck injury in the Kinesiology Building. The individual was breathing and conscious. He was taken to the Student Health Center. Tuesday - A white adult male, who appeared to be between 19 and 20 years old, was found sleeping on the first floor of the Titan Student Union in the Alumni Lounge at 2:01 a.m. The individual had a bag with him and has been sleeping on and off in the TSU. Campus police cited the individual and left him with a verbal warning.

- At 9:50 p.m., campus police were called to Associated Road and Yorba Linda Boulevard to investigate a blue sedan that contained an elderly man with his head down. Wednesday - Graffiti was discovered in the menʼs restroom on the secondlevel, student organization wing, in the Titan Student Union. - A medical aid was called at 11:16 a.m. to the campus bookstore after a female collapsed. She was breathing and conscious. Thursday - University police were called to Briarwood Apartments, located east of the Cal State Fullerton campus, at 5:20 p.m. in response to reports that a bald, heavy-set male was threatening passersby. They were unable to locate the

man. Friday - Graffiti was discovered in the menʼs restroom, and between the second and third stairwell in Langsdorf Hall.

THURSDAY: The 46th CARQUEST Auto Parts NHRA Winter nationals will take place in Pomona. First race of the season, will continue through Sunday. Tickets range from $10-$62. For more information, call (800) 8846472. FRIDAY: The 20th annual Fascination of Orchids International Orchid Show and Sale begins in Costa Mesa. It will run through Sunday. Tickets cost $3. For more information, log onto www.fascinationoforchids.com.

Saturday - A six-foot male of medium build, wearing a brown sweater and beige pants was reported to be inside the womenʼs locker room in Kinesiology. The individual left the locker room heading toward the Intramural Sports fields five minutes prior to the call.

SATURDAY: A Psychic Fair will be held in Anaheim. There will be a shopping bazaar and free lectures. The cost of admission is $2. For more information, call (714) 533-2311.

Sunday - University police were called to the Off Campus Pub at 1:52 a.m. after six to ten males and one female attempted to enter the facility after being kicked out the pub earlier.

FRIDAY & SATURDAY: Burt Bacharach will be performing both nights in Segerstrom Hall at the Orange County Performing Arts Center in Costa Mesa. Tickets range from $28 to $132. For more information, call (714) 556-2121. SATURDAY: Internationally renowned Empire Brass Quintet will perform at the Performing Arts Center at 8 p.m. Tickets cost $45 and $20 for students.


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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSUF System. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. Copyright ©2006 Daily Titan

If you would like to submit an event to Out nʼ About please email news@dailytitan.com

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FUNDRAISER FROM PAGE 1 “The future is bright. The future of this university is so bright. Our support as a community has never been so important,” Anderson said. Despite the awards, Knightʼs performance proved to be the highlight of the evening. Knight sang to the audience as they clapped along with the music. She sang her hits “Friendship Train,” “Neither One of Us,” and “Midnight Train to Georgia.”


WEEK OF FEB.6 – FEB. 10, 2006


“This was a great night. I feel that this was a way of sharing blessings. I feel blessed to be serving as an example that regardless of where you came from, you can break that mold and get that degree,” Mota said. Student and performer Justin Michael Duval, a senior musical theater major, was overwhelmed and privileged to be involved with the event. “It is a pleasure to work with someone like Gladys Knight. Itʼs just amazing. This is my third year doing Front and Center, and I really appreciate the university giving me the opportunity to showcase my talent,” he said.

ARBORETUM FROM PAGE 1 plants that were taken, rather than the more common or inexpensive plants located in the same area.” Dyment said he hopes the Data Dots will deter any future theft. To notify would-be plant snatchers, the arboretum gates may soon be adorned with a sign that reads, “Warning! Plant life is protected by the Data Dots security system!” Though thefts are a concern, the loss of the rare plants lessens the beauty of Fullertonʼs plant sanctuary and the ability of the arboretum to provide a place where green thumbs can see plant life thatʼs been around since the time of the dinosaurs.

Kevin Rogers/Daily Titan

ALCOHOL-FREE SUPER BOWL PARTY: Members of the Rockharbor church watch an alcohol-free Super Bowl at the Shark Club in Costa Mesa Sunday during the very slow first quarter.

Praying for Football Win

Church congregates for nonalcoholic Super Bowl party By Lisa Chung Daily Titan Staff Writer

Jimmy Stroup/Daily Titan

STOLEN: Greg Dyment, arboretum director, stands near a plant that is similar to the one stolen several years ago.

Typically, a lot of praying takes place during the Super Bowl. Fans around the country plead with God to let their team come out on top, or for their favorite receiver to catch that Hail Mary pass to win the championship. Rock Harbor is taking that concept to a whole new level. As one walks into the Shark Club in Costa Mesa on Super Bowl Sunday, it seems like a typical game party. There are big screens everywhere and fans from rivaling teams munching on nachos and drinking

soda. But the large wooden cross right below that main television leads one to believe there is a little something more going on here. This Super Bowl party is what Rock Harbor, a Christian church in Costa Mesa, describes as a connecting event. Joe Morgan is the pastor at Rock Harbor. He specializes in the services that take place at the Shark Club every Sunday at 11:15 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Morgan came up with the idea for the Super Bowl party because he knew the game would be going on in between the service times and saw it as “an easy way to do community, to have a place for people to hang out, basically an easy excuse for a party.” It may seem odd that the Shark Club – which is usually packed

with scantily clad go-go dancers and cocktail-carrying club-goers – a makes the transition to a church on Sundays, but itʼs been happening since April of 2005. “The Shark Club is a unique experience for Rock Harbor,” Morgan said. “We ran out of room, anWd then God gave us this place. People that wouldnʼt normally come to church can feel comfortable in this non-threatening environment.” The congregation and football fans seem to agree. Jackie Horyza from Costa Mesa, who has been attending Rock Harbor for a year, came to watch the game at the Shark Club because she didnʼt want to sit at home. “I donʼt care who wins; Iʼm just watching for the commercials,” Horyza said. That was the general feel of this

party. There wasnʼt much jumpingout-of- chairs enthusiasm for either team, but the people were still having a good time socializing. The lack of fanatic behavior might have had something to do with the fact that there was no alcohol being served, which creates a unique environment for a Super Bowl party. Seventy percent of this churchʼs congregation is under 25, Rock Harbor Celebration Director Adam Anastasi said. Most of the people at the party appeared to be college-aged. The crowd was spread all over the club, some playing pool on the tables, others intently watching the game, and still others just hanging out. Most of them had either attended the 11:15 a.m. church service or planned to stick around for the one at 7:30 p.m.


WEEK OF FEB.6 – FEB 10, 2006


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Political Student Groups Split over Alito Approval

Samuel Alito’s confirmation pleases campus Republicans; school’s Democrats worry about justice’s loyalty to precedent By Jimmy Stroup Daily Titan Staff Writer


n line with the polarization that has separated political parties in Washington, D.C., Cal State Fullerton student groups are equally divided over the recent confirmation of the newest addition to the U.S. Supreme Court, Samuel A. Alito. Alito, now the 110th Supreme Court justice, endured a week of scrutiny in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee followed by an up-or-down vote before the entire body, before being confirmed and sworn in Jan. 31. The Fullerton College Republicans are more or less content with President Bushʼs second confirmed Supreme Court pick – the first was Chief Justice John Roberts five months ago – for the nine-member panel of the nationʼs highest court. “Iʼm pretty happy with it. I think heʼs a good, fair judge,” said Brett Harbegger, 18, a general engineering major and a member of the college Republicans. “He seems qualified,” Harbegger said. “He doesnʼt seem to be interested in dictating law from the court – he seems to want to interpret the law.” Alitoʼs decision to remain silent during his confirmation hearing over issues that may come before the Supreme Court in the future irritated Democrats in Washington and here. Javier Gamboa, a 19-year-old sophomore and the vice president of the CSUF College Democrats, said Alitoʼs silence made supporting him all the more difficult, considering the importance of the Supreme Court and the length of time justices usually serve. “He didnʼt really say much at the confirma- about Alitoʼs appointment. tion hearing – he didnʼt give an indicator of how “Weʼre somewhat concerned that Judge Samuel heʼd vote, and thatʼs something that worries us,” Alito will flip the balance of the court further said Gamboa, a political science major. “We wish to the right and not follow precedent,” Gamboa President Bush had nominated someone more like said. Sandra Day OʼConnor, since the swing vote is, at Just before the Senate voted, 58-42 – largely times, the determining vote.” along party lines – to confirm Alito, Senate OʼConnor, who announced her decision to retire Democrats mounted a filibuster against the nomiat the beginning of July, was originally meant nation. The filibuster – which means that Senate debate to be replaced by Chief Justice Roberts. The death of former Chief Justice William Rehnquist remains open indefinitely until a vote for closure, a vote in favor of ending debate in September, though, moved by three-fifths of the Senate, is Roberts into a position to replace “The court has been fulfilled – has historically been him. asked a couple of time used to stall a vote or action for OʼConnor remained on the so long that it becomes null and court until Alito was nominated since Roe to overturn void. and confirmed. it... I think what’s sigLed by Democratic senaViewed by most as a modernificant... is how the ate conservative, OʼConnor was tors Edward Kennedy and John considered the so-called swing Kerry, both of Massachusetts, the two new justices feel vote, delivering the fifth vote in filibuster of the Alito confirmaabout how important tion was quickly ended in a clo5-4 decisions many times over precedent is.” ture vote of 72-25. Californiaʼs the course of her 25-year career Democratic senators, Barbara as a Supreme Court jurist. She Todd Brower Boxer and Diane Feinstein, voted was appointed by Ronald Reagan Law Professor, in favor of the filibuster. in 1981. Though it failed, the filibuster Todd Brower, a constitutionWestern State University al law professor at the Western proved to be a point of pride State University School of Law, for Democrats on campus. Derek said Alitoʼs confirmation is significant on its own, Paz, 26, is a member of the Larouche Political but that his appointment – when taken in stride Action Committee, a Democratic activist group with the recent confirmation of Chief Justice that frequently has a table near Titan Shops. Roberts – becomes more powerful. He said that though Alitoʼs confirmation isnʼt “You have to see the Alito confirmation in com- something he was pleased about, the filibuster bination with the Roberts appointment,” he said. attempt was a step in the right direction for the “One change can make a difference more or less, Democratic Party. but not as much as two people.” “One good thing about this: The Democratic During the confirmation process of both new Party showed some backbone,” Paz said. “The justices, the question of Roe v. Wade – the 1973 party was strengthened by this. They were fighting case that affirmed a constitutional right to abor- on principle, and thatʼs whatʼs important.” tion – was brought up by Democratic senators. Brower said Alitoʼs Supreme Court opinions Brower said the possibility of Roe v. Wade being may change. Frequently, he said, time and tribulaoverturned is not a question of law, but one of tion change the way a justice thinks, behaves and rules. precedent. “Whatever is the pressing topic of the day “The court has been asked a couple times since Roe to overturn it – they changed bits but didnʼt eventually stops being the pressing topic,” he overturn it,” he said. “I think whatʼs significant for said. “Sometimes the justice changes over time, the question of Roe and abortion is how the two but sometimes the times have changed around the new justices feel about how important precedent justice.” At 50 years old, Samuel Alito should have plenis.” Itʼs that very question that has the CSUF ty of opportunity to watch the times change. College Democrats and their vice president uneasy

Samuel Alito

U.S. Supreme Court Justice

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Giving Publishers Dose of Sarcasm Student government provides ‘thank-you’ cards to book printers

“Weʼve been averaging over 100 [cards] a day,” Hawkins said. Students spend an average of $900 on textbooks annually, according to a survey conducted By Jessica Horn by the California Student Public Interest Research Group. Daily Titan Staff Writer “Many students think the bookstore is the problem, when Cal State Fullerton students the bookstore is actually tryhave the opportunity to give ing to solve the problem,” said textbook publishers a piece of Hawkins. their mind from now through Charles Kissel, director of Titan Thursday, courtesy of Associated Shops, collaborated with the ASI Students Inc. board to contribute facts and aid Arya Hawkins, director of in the thank-you card program. statewide affairs for ASI, along “Our hope is that publishers with Lobby Corps, a committee will listen and consider the feedthat tracks the state and federal back that students, their end-user issues related to students, set up a customers, provide regarding the booth outside Titan Shops where cost of textbooks,” said Kissel. students can fill out a thank you “Titan Shops continues to be card to Pearson PLC, a textbook committed to providing affordpublishing company. able course material options for Students can stop by today students. Currently rental and digthrough Thursday from noon to ital textbooks are leading the way 5 p.m. saving students These thank up to 70 peryou cards give cent. We hope “The cost of my books students the that these cards so far equals 35 perchance to tell will encourPearson PLC cent of what I paid for age publishers, how the comtuition” like Pearson, to panyʼs textbook participate in prices have Jesus Trujillo these types of affected their bookstore proFullerton Student lives. grams,” Kissel Students are adds. Pearsonʼs cus“The cost of tomers, Hawkins said, and should my books so far equals 35 percent get feedback on student opinions, of what I paid for tuition, and I especially if they have adopted still have more books to buy,” the policy: the customer is always said Jesus Trujillo, a junior and right. Students can also partici- a business major. “Thatʼs kind of pate at the executive offices in crappy. I didnʼt ever realize that. the Titan Student Union, Room Thanks for making me think of 207 or online at: asi.fullerton. that.” edu/leadership/thankyou.asp. Many colleges across the “As of Feb. 1, 2006, we have nation are participating in a simicollected 316 signed thank you lar feedback program with each cards,” Hawkins said. school putting a different spin on This total does not reflect the the project. amount of thank you cards filled Other colleges are sending out online; those have yet to be Valentineʼs Hearts as a thank you counted. The original goal of to Pearson PLC. To learn more cards was 200, but many students about the national campaign, visit contributed early on, which cre- www.maketextbooksaffordable. ated a new goal of 500. com.


WEEK OF FEB.6 – FEB 10, 2006


Weighing Book Costs

Textbook prices put to the test when compared to websites, Titan shops, mom and pop stores By Lisa Chung Daily Titan Staff Writer

It seems as though the years of muttered words of woe concerning textbook prices has led to a revolution of sorts. Gone are the days of being forced to buy from an overpriced campus bookstore, or trying to get through college algebra without the books, or sharing a communal Introductory Psych text with Stefanie Short/For the Daily Titan your entire fraternity. HEADLINE: Tamara Naber listens to her iPod while searching for the correct book Thursday afternoon. Students have options. There are texts available online, sometimes for dramati- and we are very service oriented. Communications 233: Mass cally discounted prices. Mom ʼnʼ Our lines are never more than Communications in Modern pop shops are sprouting up near ten minutes long.” Society campuses and offer competitive Of course, those who have no The Media in Your Life: prices. And believe it or not, patience for lines of any kind An Introduction to Mass there are university bookstores can always purchase books on Communications (Jean Folkerts) with programs designed to help the Internet. This service has its CSUF: 45 / 33.75 students save precious pennies. advantages and disadvantages. LP: 30.90 (used only) The Titan bookstore addresses The savings can be unparalleled, Amazon: 81 / 42.50 the realistic limits of the average but as with any online purchase, college studentʼs budget. Chuck the quality of the product canKissel, director of Titan Shops, not be guaranteed until the book credits the ideas to the twice- actually arrives. Business Administration 201: Lastly, there is always the yearly student surveys that ask Business Writing how the campus bookstore can good, old-fashioned way of simBusiness Communication: Process ply cutting out any and all midbetter serve the students. and Product (Mary Ellen Guffey) From those surveys, the ideas dlemen. CSUF: 125.35 / 94.05 This year, Terry Johnson, fifthfor the book rental program and LP: 118.90 / 89.90 digital textbooks were born. year kinesiology student, wanted Amazon: 126.95 / 89 Now, those programs have the to make the most profit for sellability to save the buyers 70 per- ing back his copy of a biologicent off new books. cal science text. He noticed that Titans also have the option of Andy Thoumm, first-year biothe Little Professor, which is just chemistry major, was in need of English 101: Beginning College around the corner from campus. that particular book. Writing The two struck up a deal in CSUF faculty have joined forces Prentice Hall Guide for College with this family-owned business, which Johnson made about twice Writing (Stephen Reid) and in recent years, the shop has the profit he would have from CSUF bookstore: $52 new, $39 been a strong presence in the selling the book back to the used minds and wallets of the student store, and Thoumm walked away Little Professor: $54.50 new, body. Mike OʼConner, whose with virtually a new copy of $40.90 used parents opened the store in 1973, the text and an extra $30 in his Amazon: $60.66 new, $27.03 said, “Our prices are competitive pocket. used Political Science 100: American Government American Government (Welch) CSUF: 106.70 / 80.05 LP: 101.90 (new only) Amazon: unavailable

Mathematics 115: College Algebra Explorations in College Algebra (Linda Algrem Kime) CSUF: 105.35 / 79.05 LP: 74.90 (used only) Amazon: 87.51 / 68.95


WEEK OF FEB.6 – FEB 10, 2006


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Goin’ Greek: Guide to Frats, Sororities By Cindy Tulles Daily Titan Staff Writer Thirteen sorority and fraternity houses surround the Cal State Fullerton Campus, some of which have become a landmark in many studentsʼ nightlife. Teri Place is one of the most well known party streets among Fullerton students. Home to Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Sigma Tau, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Nu and Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, the street has since become CSUFʼs signature Fraternity Row and is often times the topic of conversation of many students on Friday and Saturday nights. The Delta Chi house does not stray too far from the action and is located right around the corner of fraternity row off of Associated. But the oldest and most distinctive is the Phi Kappa Tau house, better known as “the Barn.” Phi Kappa Tau was the first CSUF fraternity founded in 1960. Currently, each fraternity has approximately 60 to 80 active members. Adding to CSUFʼs growing Greek community are the six Panhellenic sororities: Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Chi Omega, Gamma Phi Beta, Delta Zeta, Sigma Kappa and Zeta Tau Alpha. Some of the sororities are larger than the fraternities and generally have between 80 to 100 active members. Alpha Chi Omega, the first sorority on campus, was also founded in 1960, and is one of the largest member houses. Unlike the fraternity houses, sorority homes are randomly scattered around the University campus and are guided by strict house rules and regulations. All houses are “dry” which means no alcohol is allowed inside the house. Parties are discouraged at sorority homes but the sisters are allowed to host social events outside the house.

Pi Kappa Phi

Phi Sigma Kappa

2117 Teri Place Fullerton, CA 92831 Philanthropy: Push America Founded: December 10, 1904 Mascot: The Birds Symbol: Star shield Approximately 123 chapters

2125 Teri Place Fullerton, CA 92831 Philanthropy: Special Olympics International. Founded: March 15, 1873 Approximately 90 Chapters

Delta Chi 2100 Associated Road Suit A1 Fullerton, CA 92831 Philanthropy: Boys and Girls Club Founded: October 18, 1890 Mascot: Martlett Symbol: Knight errant Approximately 120 chapters

Lambda Chi Alpha 2124 Teri Place Fullerton, CA 92831 Philanthropy: North American Food Drive Founded: November 9, 1909 Symbol: cross and crescent Approximately 300 chapters

Sigma Phi Epsilon 2116 Teri Place Fullerton, CA 92831 Founded: November 1, 1901 Approximately 260 chapters

Phi Kappa Tau 1950 State College Fullerton, CA 92831 Philanthropy: The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp Founded: March 17, 1906 Mascot: Unicorn Symbol: Star

Zeta Tau Alpha 1101 North Lemon St Fullerton, CA 92831 Philanthropy: Breast Cancer Research and Awareness. Motto: “Seek the noblest.” Founded: October 15, 1989 Mascot: Bunny Symbol: Five pointed crown and strawberry. Approximately 235 chapters

Ashley Fisher and Joy Lynch/Daily Titan Illustrators

Gamma Phi Beta 600 E Chapman Ave Fullerton, CA 92831 Philanthropy: Camp Fire USA Motto: “Founded upon a rock.” Founded: November 11, 1874 Mascot: Tomatoes Symbol: Crescent Moon

Alpha Chi Omega 700 E Chapman Ave Fullerton, CA 92831 Philanthropy: Victims of Domestic Violence Motto: “Together let us seek the heights.” Founded: October 15, 1885 Mascot: The Lyre Symbol: Three Stars

Sigma Kappa

Alpha Delta Pi

2100 E Wilshire Ave Fullerton, CA 92831 Philanthropy: National Partnership with Alzheimerʼs Association. Motto: “One Heart, one way.” Founded: “November 9, 1874 Mascot: Dove Symbol: Heart Approximately 105 college chapters.

2207 E Commonwealth Ave Fullerton, CA 92831 Philanthropy: Ronald McDonald House Motto: “We live for each other.” Founded: May 15, 1851 Mascot: Lion Symbol: Diamond Over 130 chapters

Sigma Nu 2101 Teri Place Fullerton, CA 92831 Philanthropy: Kyle S. OʼBrien Scholarship Fund Founded: January 1, 1869 Mascot: Serpent, Knight Symbol: book, sword, shield Approximately 250 chapters

Delta Zeta 2652 Balfour Fullerton, CA 92831 Philanthropy: Speech and Hearing Impaired Motto: “Individually unique, together complete.” Founded: October 24, 1902 Mascot: Turtle Symbol: Roman Lamp Approximately 165 College chapters Photos by Phil Gordon/Daily Titan


WEEK OF FEB.6 – FEB.10, 2006


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Many Smokers Put Outside for Nicotine Fix By Rory Jurnecka Daily Titan Staff Writer

Songha Lee/Daily Titan

HEADLINE: Natalie Tsai, 4, of Rancho Cucamonga, gallops away on her stick horse in a stick horse race at the Equine Affaire in Pomona Friday (top); George Morris, a coach for the U.S. Olympics show jumping team, demonstrates how to tame and ease a newly ridden horse. Many horse lovers attended the Equine Affaire at the Fairplex in Pomona from Feb. 2 - 5 (right).

See Related Story On The Web

Itʼs no secret to anyone living in the Golden State that California is cracking down on public smoking. Beginning with state buildings and hospitals, and progressing to restaurants and bars, and even movie theater lines and beaches, smokers are finding it more and more difficult to light up in public places. In recent years, college campuses have also jumped on the anti-smoking train and have made it more and more difficult for students to get their nicotine fixes between classes. Scott Bourden, the campus manager of occupational health and safety said that the smoking policy at Cal State Fullerton is rather simple: Donʼt do it indoors or within 20 feet of a building. Other than those two regulations, smokers are free to wander the campus – lit cigarette in hand. “This is stricter than it was a few years ago,” Bourdon said, citing changes made in 2003 that increased the distance smokers must keep from buildings to 20 feet from 15. Some buildings, such as College Park, even have designated outdoor smoking areas complete with tables, benches, and ashtrays, although smokers are by no means limited to them. In sharp contrast to CSUF, Fullerton College mandates that all smokers stay within the seven designated smoking areas on campus. Fullerton College health educator Deanna Farsakh estimates that approximately 25 percent of the collegeʼs students are smokers. Despite such a large population

Related Story Read pro and con opinion pieces about smoking in public places. Page 17 of smokers, non-smoking students who desire a healthier campus have affected school policy. “There are a lot of complaints about student smoking, and thatʼs why the students have chosen to do this,” Farsakh said. Farsakh referred to recent examples of smoke-free beaches and parks in California as a growing trend to eliminate smoking in public locations. “Itʼs getting very, very popular now,” Farsakh said. “The smokefree campus is still very hard to do, but there are a couple community colleges out there that are smoke free.” Hope International University is one such example. Smoking, or the use of any tobacco product including chewing tobacco, is not permitted anywhere on the school grounds. Mark Comeaux, vice president of student affairs and enrollment management at the university, estimates that the schoolʼs smoke-free policy is three to four years old and has been met with great success. “We have not had much in way of complaints for smoking or the use of tobacco,” Comeaux said. The policy “is understood and adhered to.” Comeaux said that though a small number of Hope International students are smokers, they are cooperative in leaving campus before lighting up. CSUF has no plans to make its smoking policy any stricter than it is, Bourdon said.

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WEEK OF FEB.6 – FEB. 10, 2006


Free Snacks Attack at Irvine Campus By Sara Havlena Daily Titan Staff Writer

Sara Havlena/Daily Titan

SNACK ATTACK: Brett Robertson (left) and Larry Martin hand out treats at the Irvine Campus to welcome back students to the new semester.

Cal State Fullerton students at the Irvine Campus received a treat Wednesday during the Irvine Campus Snack Attack. The event was part of Weeks of Welcome and was organized by the Dean of Students office. Free bottled water, chips, cookies and candy were available to Irvine students and faculty in the central courtyard from 3:30 to 7 p.m. The Weeks of Welcome events are held the first two weeks of the spring and fall semesters to welcome back new and continuing students. The Irvine Campus Snack Attack has been held every year since the Irvine campus first opened in 2002. The students appreciate the Snack Attack, which letʼs them know they are not forgotten, said Brett Robertson, coordinator of the New Student Programs.

Discoverfest Showcases Student Organizations By Lori Martinez Daily Titan Staff Writer Discoverfest, part of CSUF Student Affairsʼ Titan Weeks Of Welcome, will take place Wednesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Quad. The event is co-sponsored by Student Life and New Student Programs. The acting coordinator of Student Life, Andi Sims, said about 110 clubs and organizations will attend, as well as 38 of the various student services and departments. “Traditionally, it is a time for students and organizations to recruit, networking, explore and get involved with campus life,” Sims said. It is also a way for clubs and organizations to attract studentsʼ

interests. “Itʼs an opportunity for all the clubs and organizations to showcase themselves and put themselves out there,” said Brett Robertson, New Student Programs coordinator for Discoverfest. “So that students can know about them, know what our campus has to offer and really get a sense of the diversity of all the different groups we have, and all the opportunities they have to get involved.” Robertson suggests that students look into organizations that are based on their major or their college. Many of the organizations give students insight into their career field, create contacts for networking in the future and can even help students get employment directly

after college. This semester there are some new organizations on campus including the CSUF Swim and Water Polo Club. “Joel [Larimer] and I recognized the need for an aquatics program on campus. With strong support from Dr. Lenny Wiersma, Alyson Wittwer and Heather Graham, the club officially started in September 2005,” said Alex Nieto, the clubʼs president. The goal of the Weeks of Welcome is to get students involved, whether by joining a club or even by getting an idea to create one of their own. “Thereʼs always something that we can get the students connected to, to help them see why it is important to have this involvement,” Robertson said.

“They love it, they feel the love,” said Larry Martin, a New Student Programs staff member. “They are glad there is no catch.” Robertson and Martin promoted the snacks, handed out fliers for upcoming Weeks of Welcome events, and answered studentʼs questions. The biggest rushes came before the 4 p.m. classes and at the end of the event before the 7 p.m. classes. Some students assumed it was a gimmick and seemed uncertain that the snacks were free. Others wondered what they had to sign up for to get the free snacks, and one student offered money for a bottle of water. Most students came to the table with a smile and a “thank you” while helping themselves to the treats. One student optimistically asked if the snack table would be there every night. “This type of gesture gives me a sense of belonging as a student,” said

student Omid Mousavi. “The intent is great.” By the end of the night there was still plenty of bottled water but only two small boxes of cookies left. Both Robertson and Martin deemed the event a success and seemed pleased with the feedback and amount of students who participated. The Irvine Campus provides a closer option for students who live in South Orange County. With smaller classroom sizes, available parking and less crowding, it is more convenient for some students. “I love it, this is my first semester,” said Reyna Brunier, an Irvine Campus student. “I donʼt have to fight for parking.” New Student Programs was also responsible for setting up the information stations at main campus the first two days of school to answer any questions from students. This year they had over 3,000 contacts at the information booths, Robertson said.


WEEK OF FEB.6 – FEB.10, 2006


N E W S @ D A I LY T I T A N . C O M

Air Show Honors Women Veterans World War II female pilots reunite during air exhibition By Philip Gordon Daily Titan Photographer

Philip Gordon/Daily Titan

BACK AGAIN: WASP Dawn Seymour is back in the left seat of the B-17 “flying Fortress,” that she used to fly between 1940-1944. The B-17 is being restored to full service by the “Planes of Fame Museum,” Chino, Ca

The fog was thick driving out to the Chino Airport on Saturday, where a flight demonstration took place in honor of World War IIʼs women pilots. Visibility was down to a few feet; the thick fog clung to the ground. Approaching the airport, somehow you get the feeling that you are being transported back in time, as the silhouette of a B-17 Flying Fortress comes into view. The historic B-17 stands guard at the entrance to the Air Museum Planes of Fame. The museum highlighted the role of the Women Air Force Service Pilots, (WASPs). WASPs were used to ferry new bombers and pursuit planes to the various airbases throughout the United States during the 1940s. Mary Lou Neale, Dawn “Dawnee” Seymour, and Iris Critchell – who served in the 6th Ferry Group of the Air Transportation Company in Long Beach – were among those honored. As pilots, the women flew every aircraft in the Air Force inventory. Seymour told the crowd of more than 200 that “more than 25,000 women applied for WASP duty … 1,830 were selected, of which 1,102 became pilots,” Seymour said. Critchell of Claremont was also once a member of the 1936 U.S. Olympic Swim Team. In 2000, she was inducted into the National Association of Flight Instructors Hall of Fame and developed an aviation curriculum at Harvey Mudd Collge in Claremont. SEE PLANE = PAGE 11

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WEEK OF FEB.6 – FEB. 10, 2006


PLANE FROM PAGE 10 She said her favorite aircraft are the P-38 Lightning and the P51 Mustang. Steve Wallace – an Air Force veteran, volunteer at the museum and an advocate of the restoration of the museumʼs B-17 Flying Fortress – said his father “personally knew a few of the WASPs, and they were fearless and the best pilots out there; they just did their job.” During their service, 38 women died. The museum was established in 1957 as a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation, restoration and display of aviation history for future generations. The museum has two facilities – one in Chino and the other in Valle, Ariz. More than 150 aircraft that span the history of flight are on display. On Dec. 7, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, which spurred America into war. Thousands of men volunteered to stop the Japanese and to halt Nazi oppression. Women, on the other hand,

worked in the factories as America prepared its military machine for war. Under U.S. Army Air Force Chief of Staff Henry “Hap” Arnold, designs were in place to have women fly military planes. But politics of the day harbored a reluctance to allow women to perform such a task. According to the U.S. Centennial of Flight Commission, First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt called the women, “a weapon waiting to be used.” Because of the efforts of pilots like Nancy Love, and Jacqueline Cochran, in 1942 the Womenʼs Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS) was formed under Loveʼs command. The Womenʼs Flying Training Detachment (WFTD) was formed under the command of Jacqueline Cochran. In 1943 the two groups merged and became the WASPs under the command of Jacqueline Cochran. By noon Saturday, the fog had lifted, and the crowd was treated to a flight demonstration of the P38 Lightning, similar to the ones flown by Critchell.

GOOD OLʼ DAYS: (clockwise from upper-left) Sgt Roy Test, door gunner;Lt Clay Wescott, pilot; and Dawn Seymour WASP pilot reminence about the “good olʼ days. while flying the B-17 “Flying Fortressʼ; Former WASP pilot Iris Critchell and Steve Hinton pilot and president of the “Planes of Fame Museum.” Take a moment in front of a working and quite flight worthy P-38 Lightening. One of Irisʼs favorite aircraft is the P-38; A vintage P38 Lightening, used as a pursuit fighter escort for the big bombers, is being prepared for a nostalgic flight demonstration at the Planes of Fame Museum, Chino California.

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WEEK OF FEB. 6 – FEB. 10, 2006


Steelers: 2006 NFL Champions Pittsburgh wins Super Bowl XL; Seahawks break down The Associated Press

Mick Jagger moved up and down the field at halftime more easily than the Pittsburgh offense did for most of the game. In the end, though, Jerome Bettis, the Steelers and their thousands of rowdy fans wound up the big winners on Super Bowl Sunday. Save for a few big plays that changed the game, style points were hard to come by on Americaʼs annual football holiday. But to Pittsburgh, the 21-10 victory over the Seattle Seahawks was beautiful _ a gritty grind of a game that included just enough flair to transform a blue-collar team playing in a blue-collar city into champions. In a stadium brimming with thousands of Pittsburgh fans waving Terrible Towels, the Steelers finally captured their fifth title, that “One for the Thumb” that the Steelers have been waiting for since 1980. Title No. 5 for Pittsburgh was the first for jut-jawed coach Bill Cowher, a 14-year veteran, and for Bettis, The Bus, who said he would end his 13-year career with a win in his hometown, only a few miles from where he grew up. “I played this game to win a championship,” he said. “Iʼm a champion and I think the last stop is here, in Detroit.” When it was over, Cowher found himself drenched, with water from the traditional dousing given to him by his players _ and with tears, as he hugged his wife and daughters. It was a scene much different than one 10 years ago, when the Steelers lost in the Super Bowl and Cowher had to do most of the consoling.

The Associated Press

SUPER SIZE: Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger looks to see the ruling on his touchdown run that helped his team beat the Seahawks in Super Bowl XL. Two plays made a difference in this one: Willie Parkerʼs record-setting 75-yard run for a touchdown right after halftime and receiver Antwaan Randle Elʼs 43-yard touchdown pass to Hines Ward on

a trick play that put the Steelers up by 11 early in the fourth quarter. Before that, it was Jagger and the Rolling Stones making most of the best moves. Jagger strutted his stuff during

a three-song set, two of which contained obscenities that the NFL chose to bleep out. There would be no reprisal of the Janet Jackson “wardrobe malfunction” this year thanks to the networkʼs decision

to air everything on a five-second delay. The Stones were stars of a halftime show the NFL had been seeking for years _ so long, in fact, that the league turned a celebration of

the Motown sound that has long defined Detroit into a pregame-

ing public with some of the most entertaining and expensive advertisements in television history. The Super Bowl is not only a highly anticipated match-up between the NFC and AFC champions, it is the biggest day of the year for advertisers, who view the game as a chance to promote their products to one of the largest television audiences in the world. The Super Bowl, which even draws in non-football fans thanks to musical performances and flashy shows, has routinely been near the top of the highest rated shows of all time. It is

broadcasted to over 225 countries and territories worldwide, comprising a viewing audience of over a billion people. This yearʼs Super Bowl advertising included dancing Whopperettes, another scandalous Go Daddy. com commercial, football playing horses, and cavemen trying to send mail. Other commercials featured stars such as P.Diddy, Jackie Chan, Jay Mohr and Leonard Nimoy. Blockbuster movies, including Mission Impossible III and V for Vendetta were also advertised during the game.

Advertisers face a stiff challenge trying to impress the viewing audience, since advertising space for the Super Bowl is extremely pricey. A 30 second ad for this yearʼs game went for between 2.5 and 2.6 million dollars, or about $83,333 per second. For some, the Super Bowl could potentially make or break their advertising efforts for the entire year. Anheiser Busch, the official beer sponsor of the Super Bowl for the last 18 years, had 10 commercials scheduled to air during this yearʼs game for a total cost of about 26 million dollars.

Dr. Gail Love, Assistant Professor of Advertising in the CSUF Communications Department explains that advertisements in the Super Bowl can lift a company tremendously. “Many advertisers use the game as a launching pad,” declares Love, who has worked in the advertising field for over 20 years. “It is truly the Super Bowl of advertising. The popularity of Super Bowl commercials has never been higher. The NFL has announced that commercials that aired during this yearʼs game will be re-aired on the NFLʼs

cable network, NFL.com, and the On Demand cable channel. Advertisers will offer films about the making of their commercials, which will also include deleted scenes, something that is usually reserved for movies on DVD. So what did fans think of this yearʼs commercials? “They were much better than last year,” said 21-year old Brad Lindseth of Norco. “The Budweiser

Seahawks fans forced to wait another year for championship

famous terrible towels, but that did not deter the Seahawksʼ faithful followers. “I think Seahawksʼ fans have taken the twelfth man award to heart and even if we are outnumbered we still feel proud and the need to be loud,” said Seahawk Joseph Low at the Titan Student Union. “We will try to make everywhere we go our own personal Qwest Field.” Throughout the season, Seattle has had to deal with less media exposure than the other teams in the NFL. Though Seahawk fans would like to have their team immortalized and adored, many are not overly concerned by it. “Seattle fans bond so well that they could care less about the media exposure and respect they get from the rest of the country,” Stewart said, “ʼCause in Seattle, itʼs all about what goes on in the city.” Winning the Super Bowl would have been great, but Seahawksʼ fans still are proud of the success that the team had accomplished this season “Even though we lost, I am still proud of the team and I am sure every other Seahawk fan is as well,” Sarah Perez said. “Just getting to the Super Bowl is a great accomplishment with in itself that no matter the outcome fans never forget.”


Advertisers Find Ways to Entice on Super Sunday

Commercials used to reach more viewers, demographics By Jason Eichelberger Daily Titan Staff Writer

During most football games, a break in the action on the field is a chance to grab a snack or make a quick bathroom run. However, for one game during the season, commercial breaks provide the view-

Local fans cheer Pittsburgh to win Steelers fans show pride, joy for winning team

Geoff Scott, a Seahawks fan. At the ESPN Zone in Anaheim, football fans chanted for their favorite football teams. One Steelers fan waved his gold and black towel, called the “terBy Stacy Serna rible towel.” Some chose to show their alleDaily Titan Staff Writer giance in more interesting ways. CSUF alumnus Moses Diaz grew out a mustache in commemoration From rabbitʼs foots to wearing of the Steelers Head Coach, Bill that same old dirty T-shirt, football Cowher. fans “Every year when the Steelers across the globe celebrate with go to the Superb Bowl, I grow superstitions and traditions for out my musSuper Bowl XL. tache because Whether every time they they rooted have won and “Every year when for the Seattle it seems it still the Steelers go to the Seahawks, remains true,” who still have Super Bowl, I grow out Diaz said. never won a O t h e r s my mustache because Super Bowl or rooted for the every time they have for the Super Seahawks. Bowl Champion won ...” “I was going Pittsburgh for the underSteelers, who dog,” said have won their Lorenza Wilson, Moses Diaz fifth, football a Seahawks fan. Steelers fan fans enjoy the “The Seahawks game in different have never been ways. One of in the Super the most popuBowl and this lar traditions for is their time to prove why they football fans is tailgating, where belong, but it looked like the fans celebrate the occasion in park- majority won.” ing lots before the game. Another year, another Super “Iʼm a fan of Shaun Alexander Bowl as new superstitions and because he is from my hometown traditions start as fans watch the of Mobile, Alabama,” said annual game faithfully.

Seattle’s 12th Man No Help

By Tim Young Daily Titan Staff Writer

Kevin Rogers/Daily Titan

FALSE HOPE: Seahawks fans didnʼt have much to cheer about as their team lost to the Steelers in a one-sided match almost from the beginning. The 12th man still showed up in sports bars like the Off Campus Pub to root for their team.


After 30 years of sports frustrations the Seahawks gave the city of Seattle a great boost with a trip to Super Bowl XL. Though the Seahawks lost the Super Bowl, 21-10, to the Pittsburgh Steelers. The championship drought and frustration still goes on, but at least the Seahawks can be removed from the list of teams that have not played in any Super bowl event [Arizona, Detroit, Cleveland, Houston, New Orleans, and Jacksonville]. Whether Seahawk fans live in gloomy Washington State or in sun-filled Southern California, getting to the Super Bowl was something very special. “It kind of sucks being down in Southern California cause I know how much of a party the city of Seattle has been having and will continue to have even though the Seahawks lost,” said Seattle native, Jeremiah Stewart at the ESPN Zone in Anaheim. “The team has given the city more than it could have ever hoped for...” Pittsburgh fans tried to muffle the cheers of Seattle fans with their


WEEK OF FEB. 6 – FEB. 10, 2006

Bowl Good, Not Super THE TRUC STOP So the nice guys finished second. The Seattle Seahawks proved they lack the toughness that world champions need. It shouldnʼt Henry have been a surTruc prise for those paying attenDaily Titan tion though. Sports Editor The Pittsburgh Steelers won the mental battle days earlier when Seattleʼs Jerramy Stevens made a harmless remark that Pittburghʼs Joey Porter blew out of proportion. How did the friendly Seahawks respond? Head Coach Mike Holmgren came out and threw his player under the bus and ordered his team to keep their mouthes shut. Meanwhile, the Steelers were free to mouth-off as they desired. That fact right there decided the game; not the mental breakdowns that the Seahawks showed right before halftime and at the end of the game, or the phantom touchdown that Ben Roethlisberger “scored” or Willie Parkerʼs 75-yard run or Hines Wardʼs MVP performance. The game itself was as anti-climactic as predicted but I have to admit that when I saw Bill Cowher soaked in Gatorade and his eyes swelling up as he was hugging his wife and daughters, it kind of gave me the chills; the good kind of chills. Not the bad kind of chills like I get when I inadvertently get a glimpse of Bettis sucking down the oxygen tank after two carries. Speaking of Bettis, did you know he was from Detroit? Why didnʼt anyone talk about this? Did anyone get more hype going into the game and produce less? The media, as it always does with the Super Bowl, spent the two weeks going into the big game discussing the same two stories over and over . Then, instead of searching deeper for good stories, they actually made a story out of how there was a lack of good stories from the two teams. Amazing. And you know what? As a member of the media, I could not agree more. The NFL, I think, dropped the ball in this Super Bowl. I think that since there was such a lack of interest going into the game, the NFL should have intervened and replaced the Steelers with the Indianapolis Colts or the in the


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CSUF Coach Reaches 400th Win Titans beat Long Beach State at home; milestone reached By Dominic Kingdamo Daily Titan Staff Writer Fullerton head coach Dr. Maryalyce Jeremiah earned her 400th career win in exciting fashion Saturday night as the Titans upset Long Beach State, 62-61. “It couldnʼt have been sweeter, winning against Long Beach,” said Jeremiah after the game, “This really means a lot and it was at home.” The game came down to a last second shot by Long Beach State guard Jeannie Saunders, who had a chance to win after coming out of a timeout with six seconds left in the game. Saunders was able to get off a shot from the free throw line before the buzzer, but the shot rimmed out as time expired. Fullerton, who held the lead for most of the first half, started out slow but eventually picked up steam. Long Beach scored the first four points of the game, but then Fullerton responded by scoring seven straight to go up 7-4. Long Beach came back to tie the game, but trailed the remainder of the half after Fullerton regained the lead by going up 10-7 after a three-point basket by Andrea Adams. Adams, who led all scorers in the first half with 17 points, finished the game with a seasonhigh 19 points. “Coach told me they were going to pressure me harder in the 2nd half because of the points I had in the previous half,” said Adams, who scored only two points in the second half, “So I just looked for the other players to get good

shots.” Free throws played a big part in the game. Fullerton was in the penalty early in the first half, with 8:02 still remaining. Long Beach shot 21 free throws to Fullertonʼs 12, but only made eight while Fullerton made eleven. Fullerton starting center Amber Pruitt had a big second half for the Titans, scoring 10 of her 12 points in the second period. It was her strong efforts which helped Fullerton pull out the victory, as both teams came out of halftime looking sluggish. “In the first half, I was just struggling with trying to get open and get a good shot,” said Pruitt, “In the second half, I focused on just trying to make a good cut and get open so I could get a better shot selection.” Long Beach State started the second half with a 5-0 run to erase their 36-33 halftime deficit. They took the lead for only the second time in the game going up 38-36. “I think we played hard tonight,” said Long Beach State head coach Mary Hegarty, “but I was upset, because I think we must have missed 25 to 30 layups.” “We didnʼt shoot the ball very well. It really wasnʼt a wellplayed game by either team,” said Jeremiah, “But I donʼt think anyoneʼs going to catch them. I think what it does mean is that our kids have the confidence that they can beat almost anybody here.” With the milestone victory, Jeremiahʼs overall coaching record improves to 400-191 and has led the Titans to a 137-146 record. She is second behind Billie Mooreʼs 140-career victories, among Titan womenʼs basketball head coaches. Jeremiah, in her second stint as Titansʼ head coach, has coached for 25 seasons overall. She began coaching at her alma

Matt Petit/Daily Titan

MILESTONE REACHED: CSUF coach Maryalyce Jeremiah lead the Titan womens basketball team to a win at home Saturday, reaching her 400th career victory. mater, Cedarville University in Ohio, 36 years ago in 1970. Before her time in the Titansʼ

program, Jeremiah also coached at Indiana University and at the University of Dayton.

The Titans improve to 8-13 overall and 5-4 in Big West Conference play.

CSUF men’s team loses to UC Riverside at home in overtime

From then on, the game was tight as both teams exchanged baskets back and forth until the Highlanders finally tied the score with four minutes remaining in the game. With about a minute and a half left, the score was tied, 66-66, and remained that way until the final buzzer sounded, sending the game into overtime. Riverside started out strong in overtime with a three-point play from senior forward Klaus Schille in the first 20 seconds. Bobby Brown answered back with a 2-pointer and the game was eventually tied up again with 2 and 1/2 minutes remaining. At that point, the Highlanders took the lead and kept it to win the game. “Losing in overtime is always difficult,” Burton said. “Itʼs amazing how bad weʼre playing at home.” Bobby Brown finished the game with 21 points and three assists. Senior center Jamaal Brown scored 19 points and took in 12 rebounds for the Titans. Fullerton senior guard Jermaine Harper and sophomore guard Frank Robinson both had 7 points and four assists. Senior guard Vershan Cottrell put up 9 points and junior forward Justin Burns contributed 8 points and two blocks before fouling out in the first 20 seconds

of overtime. For Riverside, Schille finished with 23 points and nine rebounds, while junior guard Dedrick Bates had 23 points, seven rebounds and four steals. The Titans lacked in both offense and defense as they shot 25 for 65 from inside the arc, 10 percent from beyond the arc and had 19 turnovers. “We were just as bad offensively as we were defensively,” Burton said. Bobby Brown agreed by saying, “We have to get better defensively and we have to rebound. We need to get more looks and better shots at the basket.” ESPN2 is coming to Fullerton on Thursday to broadcast live from the Titan Gym, where the Titans will be playing Pacific at 8 p.m. “ESPNʼs radio station will be on the steps to the Titan Gym and I think that will bring out a lot of students,” CSUF Athletic Director Brian Quinn said. There will also be a barbeque in the gym lobby before the game and Quinn said that hopefully thereʼs been enough publicity to draw a big crowd. When asked how the team was going to get ready for their nationally televised game, Burton lightheartedly said, “They need a lot of makeup and new hair.”

Titans Tumble Down in Big West Standings

By Christen D’Alessandro Daily Titan Staff Writer


Phil Gordon/Daily Titan

TOUGH SHOT: CSUF junior guard Bobby Brown drives past a UCR defender for a layup. The Titans lost, 78-73. CSUF prepares for a home game against Big West rival Pacific on Thursday, televised on ESPN2.

The loud cheers coming from the observing Cal State Fullerton womenʼs basketball team werenʼt enough to help the Titanʼs men team to a victory. The Highlanders from the UC Riverside defeated the CSUF menʼs basketball team in overtime, 78-73 in front of 725 people in Titan Gym, Saturday. “We had a lack of effort, energy and defense,” Titan Head Coach Bob Burton said. “In the first half it looked like we were sleepwalking.” The game started out with backand-forth scoring from both teams until the Titans took the lead and held it for the majority of the first half. The Fullerton men walked off the court at halftime with a 41-38 lead. Half-way through the second half, the Titans had an 8-point lead until the Highlanders went on a short run, which included two free throws from a delay of game technical called on Titan junior guard Bobby Brown.

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show undercard. That didnʼt sit well in the Motor City during the lead-up to the game, but Detroit got its due. The NFL took a chance bringing its showcase game up North to one of Americaʼs great, old cities, but one under duress. Hurt by sinking population, growing unemployment and urban blight that doesnʼt go away easily, this proud metropolis was a happy host, eager to impress and hoping the NFLʼs magic and money wonʼt go away as soon as the teams and fans leave. In between the Stones, Pittsburghʼs big plays and a few


commercials were quite memorable. I also enjoyed the Go Daddy.com commercial. It definitely reinforces the theory that sex sells.” “I think this year ads were funny,” said Jon Price, a 23-year old CSUF senior. “They made up for the last couple of years, in which commercials were not that good in my opinion.” Love said that appealing to popu-


AFC. Thereʼs Peyton Manning and Tony Dungy. There would not be a complaint about lack of stories there. In the NFC, there isnʼt one person that cares about the Seahawks outside of Seattle. So who would provide a great story? Why Brett Favre and the Green Bay Packers, of course. It would be a great retirement story. The future Hall of Famer rides off into the sunset. And even though they didnʼt deserve it, the hype would be unimaginable. Then there is that whole Jerome Bettis coming back home and retir-

nice rumbles by Bettis, Americaʼs 140 million viewers got their taste of the always anticipated Super Bowl commercials, aired at a cost of $2.5 million per 30 seconds. The Steelers, who got this win despite a less-than-perfect game from their quarterback, Ben Roethlisberger and an offense that desperately needed the big plays it got to pull this out. Nearly half of Pittsburghʼs 339 yards came on three plays - Parkerʼs run, Randle Elʼs pass and a 37yard pass that Roethlisberger threw across his body to Ward to set up Pittsburghʼs first touchdown. An aesthetic masterpiece, it was not, although a workingmanʼs city like Pittsburgh and a blue-collar team like the Steelers will certainly take it. lar demographics is a key to successful advertising. “Companies such as Bud Light continue use of humor in very male dominated environments, which is undoubtedly very effective,” Love said. “The H-3 Hummer commercial (which feature a monster and robot couple giving birth to an H-3) was also very humorous while appealing to the male-targeted audience.” So as the Super Bowl becomes a faded memory, advertisers are already gearing up for their next opportunity to impress a truly global audience. ing story to make up for. So I say, the NFL should have brought back local-hero Barry Sanders and dropped him in with Favre and the Green Bay Packers. It adds a little talent to the roster. Another thing that I didnʼt like about the game was the length of time that I had to sit down to watch it. With such a great game AND the Super Bowl commercials, there is no time for me to leave the couch. So I propose that, since everyone loves the Madden NFL games, that we just put the two teams on the game and just simulate. Itʼd be perfect. The ideal Super Bowl. There would be no need to even play the game. Then we can have all the Super Bowl hype stories we want. Right. See you in the stands.


WEEK OF FEB. 6 – FEB. 10, 2006


Titans Wrestle Win Away From Menlo Oats CSUF scores victory at home during senior night By Tim Young Daily Titan Staff Writer The Fullerton menʼs wrestling team defeated the NAIA No. 9ranked Menlo Oats 28-12 on senior night, Friday, at the Titan Gym. After falling behind 9-8, the Titans were able to retake the lead 14-9 with the help of red shirt freshman Ryan Budd who at 174 pounds, pinned his opponent Gary Nelson 1:42 into the first period of their match. “In practice this week, we worked on the quick pin and scoring extra points for the team,” Budd said. “Tonight, it really paid off and I was able to really help my team.” The non-conference Oats never recovered after Buddʼs quick pin as seniors Jesse Taylor [184 pounds] and Chris Chambers [197 pounds] followed with decisive victories giving the Titans a 22-9 advantage. The seniors seemed to feed from the pregame ceremony where Taylor and Chambers received commemorative plaques along with fellow senior teammates Shawn Reilly and Risto Marttinen. “The fact that the team succeeded and I performed well made tonightʼs win even better,” Chambers said. “Iʼm excited of where the program is going and feel very lucky to be a part of it.” There were two overtime matches that were split involving Titan freshmen Matt Methling and T.J. Dillashaw. Methling was defeated by Ben Flores 3-1 at the heavyweight class and Dillashaw [133 pounds] defeated Alfonso Paez one in three overtimes after being tied 1-1.

Matt Petit/Daily Titan

SENIORITIS: CSUF freshman TJ Dillashaw (left) of the 133-pound weight class went into three overtime periods to score a win, and give Titan seniors a glimpse of the programʼs future. The only sour note for the Titans was that Reilly [157 pounds] had to forfeit his match after suffering a knee injury. Head Coach Dan Hicks was pleased with the teamʼs aggressive performance and even though Menlo is not in NCAA Division I sports, he thought it was well-earned victory. “We have had a rough schedule with plenty of bumps this season. After losing five seniors last year every win will help build confidence,” Hicks said. “The team really attacked well and individually handled Menloʼs top wrestlers very

well.” Being the last home game for the seniors, Hicks wanted to express the pride and gratitude for them and all their hard work especially Marttinen, who has been the mainstay of the wrestling team since Hicks took over the program. “When I first came to CSUF there was talk of pulling the plug on wrestling,” Hicks said. “Marttinen helped reestablish the program and make the team stronger.” All four seniors played a crucial role in helping the team this year. The coaches and players felt it was

good to see them acknowledged. “It was really good to see the seniors wrestle well and it helped give me more confidence,” Budd said. The team improved their record to 4-11 on the season, while Menlo fell to 2-5. The Titans go on the road next weekend for their final set of meets. They take on Air Force for their next match, Feb. 10. Afterwards, they then face Northern Colorado and then University of Wyoming the same day on Feb 11.


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WEEK OF FEB.6–FEB.10, 2006









By Lisa Chung Daily Titan Staff Writer Andrew Carr, who admits that he has no musical talent whatsoever, has somehow found himself running a music store-based charity that benefits local musicians and artists. Those who are closest to him arenʼt surprised. “Whenever I present Andrew with a task or just an idea, heʼs been able to make it happen,” said Darren Carr, West Coast Drums employee and Andrewʼs older brother. It sounds like a reasonable enough job for one healthy 26-year-old guy to do: dedicating numerous hours a week to getting a charity off the ground. But when he is in his last semester at CSUF, getting his masters in Information Systems, writing his thesis, working from 11 a.m. to 3 a.m. most days as a freelance technology and marketing consultant for small businesses, getting his Real Estate Brokerʼs license and still managing to sneak away to Las Vegas at least once every few months, the task seems a little more daunting. “Andrew is the go-to guy for not just the charity but for any off-thewall, out-of-the-box kind of ideas we come up with around here,” said employee Gabe Palmer, referring to the drum and music store where the idea for West Coast Music Foundation was first conceived. “We just tell Andrew and he makes it happen.” Last year, West Coast Drums sponsored a golf tournament, which hosted over 25 celebrities, gained national exposure and raised $13,000 for the Mr. Hollandʼs Opus Foundation. It was from that event that Andrewʼs charity was born. The charity was organized to raise funds for already existing charities that benefit local music and arts programs. The foundation sponsors events like dinners, concerts or golf tournaments, and all the proceeds go to organizations like Mr. Hollandʼs Opus or Drummers Against Disabilities. Andrew has taken this project on, in most part, by himself, Palmer said, owing the success of the charity in large part to Andrewʼs hard work. “I funded the start-up through donations from the shop and I help Andrew organize the events, but he is really the bread and butter of the foundation,” Carr said. Despite the opinions of those around him, Andrew remains modest in regards to the future of the organization. “The charity itself will probably grow and gain recognition the more events we throw.” he said. “Hopefully it will get legs of it own, and get run by real professionals who really know what to do with a charity.”




By Natalie Murillo Daily Titan Staff Writer

When Cal State Fullerton student Colin Graham and his friend Jon Garcia first decided to start their own clothing company, it was more out of a love for graphic design than entrepreneurship. Two years later, Graham and Garcia were selling hundreds of shirts to friends who couldnʼt resist the personalized style. “First it started out as a hobby. Me and him [Garcia] were just in the garage making shirts for ourselves and a couple friends,” Graham said. “Our friends wanted them, and their friends wanted them and their friends wanted them. I was even selling them out of my trunk.” Graham, a 22-year-old graphic design major, along with Garcia, created CONTAGION Designs in 2004. The company specializes in Tshirts, dress shirts, thermals and, at one time, tote bags. Graham and Garcia sell their products by word of mouth and at boutiques. The shirts cost from $20 to $25 depending on the work that is put into each one. Their first year Graham and Garcia sold about 150 to 200 shirts and more than doubled their sales the following year. “Weʼve probably done about 20 or 25 different styles with different colors in the past year and a half,” Graham said. And because the business doesnʼt have the prominence of mainstream labels, Graham and Garcia are able to customize their



clothing for individual customers. “Weʼre giving our art to people,” Garcia said. The name “CONTAGION” represents the spread of disease through a population, or as they define it, the spread of ideas from person to person. The two use their MySpace account (www.myspace.com/ contagiondesigns) to advertise, modeling their shirts with gas masks to go along with the idea of “spreading of the disease.” “Both my parents help [with the company]. My dad is a CPA, so he knows the ins and outs of having a business and what it takes and what you need to do both legally and financially,” Graham said. “When he started school he started as a business major and he didnʼt do well in business and we asked him, ʻWhy are you taking accounting? Thatʼs not you at all,ʼ” said Grahamʼs mother, Carol. “Starting a business is tough because there is a lot of out of your pocket [expenses],” Graham said. Professor John Drew, who teaches graphic design at CSUF, also said that graphic design requires a lot of hard work and that the only way to succeed in graphic design is by putting in a lot of work. Drew operated his own business with his father in the early ʻ80s and uses his experiences to help graphic design majors interested in business. Drew said that students interested in starting their own graphic design business should take a small business class for billing and job pricing, and partner up with someone who is involved directly or indirectly in the industry. When it comes to graphic design, the quality of a personʼs portfolio is important, Drew said. “Itʼs cool when people want your product. If you make it a hobby and you enjoy it, then you have that fulfillment, you really worry about the money and things like that. Those things just end up coming if your dedicated,” Graham said. “We spent 12 hours a day in a hot shop during the summer trying to fill orders,” Graham said. Although Graham and Garcia work hard, they still go out and have time to enjoy themselves. “Weʼre just trying to do our thing and have fun. As long as I [can] be creative with the rest of my life I think that would be cool,” Graham said.


By Jickie Torres Daily Titan Staff Writer


ighttime falls as a man settles into bed. Just before he falls into the deepest of sleeps, an eye bulges, protrudes and exits his head. The eye moves, travels and sees the world around it. The sleeping man sees it too, and in unsuspecting irony assumes it a normal nightʼs dream, oblivious to the incredulity of this renegade anatomical wonder. This wild and peculiar image is just one of many in the mind of filmmaker and Cal State Fullerton student, Vince Cabrera. Cabrera, 23, is a junior communications major with an emphasis in journalism, but his real passion is making films. “Itʼs very experimental,” Cabrera said of his avant-garde filmmaking style. Cabreraʼs statement is indicative of everything that encompasses himself, both as a person and as a filmmaker. Tall and lanky, he moves and speaks softly with a careful precision and clarity. Each word is deliberate and comfortable, but the sentences themselves are confrontational and thought provoking. In appearance, he is fairly mainstream and inconspicuous, yet his ideas are screaming to confound and provoke. Cabreraʼs current project was born out of this same paradox. During a routine walk from College

Park to CSUFʼs main campus, he was approached, as many students are, by a man asking if he believed in Jesus. The event inspired his film “He Has Been Sent First to Tempt,” a movie that follows a similar, dedicated, nice-guy Christian in his outreach attempts only to find in the last few scenes that he is a deranged murderer and necrophiliac who has a shocking way of keeping record of his more deviant activities. Itʼs themes like this that interest Cabrera and fuel his goals in filmmaking. “Basically, people are getting fed the same type of movie. So we have a different way of showing people something new,” Cabrera said. “Itʼs eccentric, itʼs oddball.” But itʼs more than that; itʼs controversial. “I like a little controversy,” Cabrera admits. “It might not make a lot of people happy when I have subject matter like Christianity and necrophilia.” He is quick to defend his beliefs and remind people that he may not be the only one who is attracted to incongruity. “People are focused on reality. [There are] a lot of reality shows right now,” he said. “There are happy realities and there are bad realities.” Student filmmaking is not an easy business, Cabrera said. His daily life is fraught with the same difficulties that other students face. He works full time at

Downtown Disney, and while he would rather be writing more scripts, he still has homework and studies to maintain. And there are other hurdles that only filmmakers can understand, particularly in the making of his current film. There were several recasts starting with Cabreraʼs first choice: the man who first asked him that fated question about Jesus. “I went back and asked that guy to be in my movie and he turned me down, saying that God told him not to,” Cabrera said. Rewrites also slowed down the filmmaking process. “When I was ready to distribute the script I got this virus and it wiped out everything,” he said. Everything from cursed first shoots with inexplicable camera malfunctions and weather interruptions to flat tires interrupted Cabreraʼs production. “It was our second shooting attempt and I got out to my car and found that I had a flat tire. Then Fred [my producer] called and he said he was not going to make it because he had a flat tire and he lives in Long Beach.” It was with that unlikely coincidence that Cabrera felt higher powers were making the process more difficult. Fred DʼAmelia, Cabreraʼs filmmaking partner and creator of Gas Mask Productions met Cabrera by coincidence, noticing they frequented the same places. “We started talking about film and

found we had similar interests and wanted to make similar movies,” DʼAmelia said. DʼAmelia graduated from Long Beach State with a major in film, and shares Cabreraʼs passion for pushing the envelope. “My view of life is that things are based on faith and you need to look at it subjectively,” DʼAmelia said. “If a little nudge will crush you, then that faith needs to be changed.” Christina Hedrick, an 18year-old English major at Chico State, met Cabrera at work and is set to star in his film. She is also a passionate fan of Cabreraʼs work. “I love it. I think itʼs fantastic, I think he has such a unique sense of thinking that I hope he just blows everyone away,” Hedrick said. But Cabrera said approval is not his measure of success. “If I am really happy then I am successful,” he said. “How happy I am when shooting, thereʼs nothing like it. The reality is that I may not make millions of dollars but in the end that probably wonʼt make me happy anyway. What makes me happy is doing what I want to do.” Cabreraʼs next goal is to enter the film festival circuit, gain exposure, a few fans and lots of networks. “Do what you want to do,” Cabrera said. “Do it. Donʼt just talk about it, but get it done. There are a lot of pipedreams out there that are a dime a dozen.”


WEEK OF FEB. 6 – FEB. 10, 2006


Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960



t the beginning of every new semester, the same promises are made with the same honest conviction and seriousness: “This semester, I swear Iʼm going to get straight Aʼs.” Students who have professors that add plusses and minuses to their grades may even be fortunate enough to capture the most elusive specimen to ever grace our university halls: the A+. Students receiving such an honor might ask themselves if the extra effort was worth it. Most likely, theyʼll find that it wasnʼt. After all that effort, toil, and time put in to bring reading, and tedious assignments, what is the result? Nothing. An A+ offers nothing more than a pat on the back to students who go the extra mile to get one. It is worth the same amount of grade points as its unadorned brother, the regular A. A small boost in pride seems hardly enough compensation for students who consistently go above and beyond what their professors require, and

what their classmates deliver. Shouldnʼt we be offering these students a little more? Perhaps by granting 4.3 grade points for such a stellar performance, the university could encourage students to consistently deliver A+ quality work. On the opposite end of the spectrum, a C- isnʼt just a benign slap on the wrist. In the case of GE classes, or classes towards a major, a C- is deemed an unacceptable grade. Courses must be passed with a grade of a C or better. If students are unlucky enough to get a C-, they have to repeat the course. In fact, a C- grade is also a hit to grade point averages. All minus grades carry a negative .3 grade point consequence. Thus, a C- would be worth 1.7 grade points instead of two. The university should use the grading system to focus on rewarding students who aim for the pinnacle of their personal achievement, rather than to punish those who can barely get by. By adding the extra .3 point bump to an A+ and encouraging us all to be better students, maybe they can reduce the university retention rate, too.

Editorial Board Philip Fuller, Opinion Editor Nicole M. Smith, Executive Editor Kim Orr, Managing Editor In deference to the paradigm established by venerable Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, unsigned Titan Editorials strive to represent the general will of the Daily Titan editorial board and do not necessarily reflect the view of the university.


O P I N I O N @ D A I LY T I T A N . C O M

First Day Tough For All

By Dan Roy for the Daily Titan Good morning! As you can see from the manila folder in my arm, I am your teacher. Please stare at me for the 30 seconds it takes for me to make my way to the front. There. Welcome to Omnistics 101; my name is Chris FunnySurname. Let me... write that up here for those that are somehow tardier than I am. You can call me Professor Chris, Dr. Chris, or just Chris - when you say Mr./Mrs. Funny-Surname, I think you mean my dad/mom! Yes, they are still alive. Let me tell you a little about myself while you stare at the board and wonder what the mean kids called me in grade school. Is anyone looking to add the class? Iʼm sorry, Iʼm afraid that

absolutely none of those who reg- ten by committee and is a worthistered before you are going to less educational tool but it has lots drop it. Youʼll have to leave. of pictures. Here is the syllabus - there The second, If Itʼs A Paperback should be enough for all but one Why Does It Cost A Tank Of Gas, of you. was authored by an associate of Please dismine and will tribute it in an therefore be our “...I am your teacher. unspecified primary source. Please stare at me for fashion. You should buy the thirty seconds it O f f i c e them both at the Hours off-campus booktakes for me to make T h e s e store because then my way to the front. should overyou stick it to the man. lap completely C o u r s e with your work Requirements schedule. If Dan Roy I donʼt believe you make an Fullerton Student that you learn appointment, by doing a lot of mine is the office with the anti-Bush cartoons busy work, so instead of regular homework there will be three on the door. essays/exams. I find this simpler Textbooks The first, Giant Hardcover You and more effective than having Will Leave in the Trunk, was writ- you do a bunch of long, drawn-out

exams/essays. Be sure to keep up with the reading because I have no way of making you. Attendance Policy Only the brave will learn whether I enforce this or not. Cell phones I will not tolerate cell phones going off in class unless you avoid eye contact with me while you answer it. In this case, I will pause until you are finished then proceed like nothing happened. Academic Honesty Unlike other universities, weʼre very serious about this. Plagiarism will result in an automatic F for those who are bad at it. Final All finals here at Fullerton are cumulative, so be sure to read the entire last chapter. Are there any questions? No? Well, I canʼt stall forever. See some of you next week!

Another Holiday for Hangovers? Push for holiday after big game is bad idea By Lisa Chung Daily Titan Staff Writer

Super Bowl Monday. No, not Super Bowl Sunday, Super Bowl Monday. Thatʼs right. This year, there has been a large movement, mostly online, to make the Monday after the Super Bowl a national, paid holiday. The website, which allows people to electronically sign a petition, describes the idea as, “a grassroots political campaign dedicated to making Super Bowl Sunday a new national holiday, with observation on Monday following the big game.” Wow. Theyʼre even calling it, “grass-roots.” When I hear that word, I think of things like civil rights, social justice and revolu-

tionary change for large groups of in the world who participate one American people who, before their way or another in sporting events, given movements, didnʼt have either by going to them, or watchmuch of a voice. Iʼm pretty sure ing them on T.V. *The American people work so the drunken football fanatics that I have served burgers and wings hard for so little; we need more time to spend to over my with our families past six years and friends. as a waitress “Everyone I know sits *Reflect how already have on the couch for four the NFL proa voice, and a motes Good loud, obnoxhours straight...” ious one at Sportsmanship Lisa Chung that. along with physiFullerton Student My gut cal fitness and instinct tells you can have a me that the legitimate holiwhole idea is ridiculous. However, day. The theme could be, “Today to be fair and open-minded, letʼs we celebrate great camaraderie, go ahead and look at some of the teamwork, and good will amongst arguments in favor of this pro- men.” posed holiday. Sorry, Iʼm still not buying it. These are all anonymous First of all, there are millions comments appearing on www. of athletes around the world that SuperBowlMonday.com. would definitely not be included in Making Monday a holiday, the “ALL” concept. would represent ALL athletes in In fact, were they shown the ALL sports for ALL their hard game and then told that there was training, and for ALL the people going to be a football holiday in

honor of it, there would be much confusion considering weʼre the only country that even calls this game football. Second, Iʼm not saying that American people donʼt work hard, but for so little? Really? Lastly, I want to reflect for a moment on what our other national holidays honor: things like those who died in war, the beginning of a new year, and the birth of Jesus. I find it just a little odd to include physical fitness in that list, especially when everyone I know sits on a couch for four hours straight, drinking cheap beer and stuffing their face with potato chips on Super Bowl Sunday. The proposed names for this holiday are the most laughable part of all: American Sports Day, All American Day, Athletic Day, and Day of Champions. I have a proposed name: Holiday for Hangovers. When you look at it that way, and by “that way” I mean honestly, realistically and without agenda, it really is ridiculous.

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WEEK OF FEB. 6 – FEB. 10, 2006


Smokers Should Invest in Lunar Real Estate

Cast out by society, smokers seek alternatives. By Rory Jurnecka Daily Titan Staff Writer

You know those companies that claim to sell real estate on the moon? I never took much interest in them, but the other day I realized that smokers should be buying up lots as if they could book a spaceflight tomorrow. If I was still a smoker, I know that I would be. I have a feeling that the moon may soon be the only place left where a smoker can light up. Of course the lack of oxygen could make things a bit difficult, but that would likely be an easier struggle than that of smokers rights here in the United States. Here in California, the ban began reasonably enough in stateowned buildings but it eventually progressed all the way to privately owned bars and restaurants. Many other states have followed suit, banning smoking in public and private locations alike. Itʼs only a matter of time until the ban extends to sidewalks, patios and parking lots. I understand why smoking has been banned in so many locations across the country. I donʼt particularly enjoy breathing in someone elseʼs second hand smoke. I know that tobacco smoke is harmful at best and deadly at worst and I know that it just plain stinks. To be honest, I am glad that my favorite restaurants and bars can be enjoyed smoke-free. But for the state to determine where people can and cannot smoke is unfair. Of course some places should always be smoke-free.

Hospitals, state or federal buildings, schools, day care centers these types of places. But for the guy that owns a bar down the street where 80% of his cliental smoke, it is absurd that the state places restrictions on his business. And the same goes for any privately run retail shop, restaurant, or bar. Why shouldnʼt a restaurant owner be able to decide whether or not smoking will be allowed

“...in reality, America (California in particular) just doesn’t like smokers.”

Rory Jurnecka Fullerton Student

in his business? Itʼs the ownerʼs restaurant! If you donʼt want to be in an environment where people smoke, then you donʼt have to eat there and you donʼt have to work there. Itʼs really as simple as that. Find another hangout or get another job. The government wants people to believe that this is all about the health issues; that itʼs all about secondhand smoke killing people. I strongly doubt that there are too many people suffering from emphysema right now because they had a drink in a smoky bar

every now and then. In a more aggressive approach, California has even recently deemed cigarette smoke a toxic pollutant. Diesel exhaust is a toxic pollutant as well, but there are millions of diesel-powered vehicles on Americaʼs highways every day. I guess we should ban those tootoo bad for the trucking industry. I think that in reality, America (California in particular) just doesnʼt like smokers. The nonsmokers think that people who smoke are rude, nasty, vile people who donʼt give a damn about themselves or anyone around them. Smokers should not be vilified like that. In fact Iʼll let all you non-smokers in on a little secret: Smokers DO care. That may sound silly, and perhaps it is a broad generalization, but when I smoked, I cared. I never smoked around kids or in environments where people could not get up and leave willingly. If I was on a restaurant or coffee shop patio where no one else was smoking, I wouldnʼt light up. If I smoked next to someone who didnʼt, Iʼd always hold my cigarette and exhale in such a manner so that they were not in the direct stream of the smoke. And if someone asked me to put out my cigarette, I always politely complied. Smokers know that their habit isnʼt all that pretty. They know that other people may take offence to their smoking. But smokers are often viewed as an underclass. I have never received so many nasty looks or caught so many mean comments as I did when I smoked. Now that the government is antismoker too, I canʼt imagine things getting much better. Get your moon house while you still can, smokers!

King Features Syndicate

Smokers Create a Public Menace By Paolo Andres Daily Titan Staff Writer The city of Calabasas has passed a groundbreaking ordinance to curb the ongoing pollution caused by the use of cigarettes. Mayor Barry Groveman is spearheading the effort to restrict smokers from smoking in certain areas where smokers and nonsmokers congregate. A Although the details of where smoking is allowed and forbidden are still being worked out, the ordinance was created to control the health hazards caused by the use of cigarettes. And rightly so. With the unbridled stench clearing the room, few things have annoyed and exasperated nonsmokers more than a whiff of the pollutant-ridden smoke from cigarettes. The 1,400 chemical additives and 60 known carcinogens packed in each cigarette substantiate many of the non-smokers demands for clean air. Cigarette smoking has posed more problems than just tainting

the air. Cigarettes butts have been reported to cause harm in the environment as well. Remnants of cigarettes can be seen everywhere. According to the report from the Cigarette Pollution and Litter Prevention Act of 2005, debris from cigarette use has caused a “significant and growing cost to taxpayers, public health and the environment.” Though much of the attention on cigarette use is focused on the air pollutants in the smoke, the report said that cigarette butts are the most common litter in California public places, accounting for “40 percent of items littered on California beaches.” With the California landscape being treated as an ashtray, the cigarette butts create havoc in areas of where they are being littered. Though they may appear to be made entirely of paper, the filters are made of plastic and could last as long as its non-biodegradable counterpart, according to the report. With each butt becoming a gateway for toxins to enter the environment, the chemicals in the butts can seep into water sources,

compromising the integrity of the water supply. The chemicals from the butts can also devastate the marine environment they have seeped into. Marine animals are also endangered since the toxins found in the butts, such as nicotine, have been found to be lethal to aquatic organisms, the report added. The cleanup efforts have also been economically devastating, costing the state over a billion dollars annually. Children have also been reported to ingest the remnants of cigarettes according to a 1999 spring issue of the journal Tobacco Control. The researchers have found 40 cases of cigarette ingestion from ages 6 to 24 months in their study. California should not be regarded as an ashtray. Despite claims that the cigarette can only harm the smoker, each one packs enough damage to affect more than the just the person inhaling the smoke. From second-hand smoke to the environmental devastation each stick can bring, cigarettes smoking should be confined to spaces where the damage can be controlled.


WEEK OF FEB. 6 – FEB. 10, 2006

Thanks for Trying, ASI Students should write in protest of publishers By Kirsten Alto Daily Titan Staff Writer The fact is books are expensive. As students, we might think this is unfair because we are forced to read these heavy bounded hardback books for our studies. And how much are these books really worth? As far as how much it costs to make them, not much. The reason books cost so much cannot be attributed to the bookstores or even our instructors, but to the publishers. From production to consumption thereʼs a chain of people who need to make a profit, and the publishing companies are at the top of that chain. Stop complaining to professors and start blaming the money hungry publishers for bleeding us dry. Students should blame the publishers when shelling out $100 for one class, as I did this semester. Publishers know we need books, and that we canʼt be in school without them so they can charge absurd amounts and we will still have to pay. But can we really blame someone for wanting to make as much money as they can in this world? Yes seems to be the general consensus, at least at CSUF, where students are trying to make a difference and help themselves get less expensive books. As far as Iʼm concerned, students have few options when it comes to lowering the cost on ourselves. One major way would be for all of us who have gone through a few semesters being eligible but never applying for federal grants or financial aide to actually apply. Come on, I know Iʼm not the

only one whoʼs made it to senior status being eligible and not applying. Another simple way to help ourselves would be to do what a lot of people try to do, which is head over to the Little Professor bookstore or Amazon.com and find books that are sometimes cheaper than Titan Shops, but not by much. If I went through Amazon this year I would have saved a meager $2 after shipping was added. Some students have gone so far as to photocopy an entire book and have it bound at Kinkoʼs. Others deprive themselves of owning the book because of the price and either check out the book on reserve in the library, or donʼt read at all and take their chances on tests. Weʼve all probably said some nasty things about the bookstore because they are easy to blame, but finally Associated Students Inc. has gotten the right idea to go directly to the publishers and voice studentsʼ concerns. With sarcastic thank you cards, ASI is hoping to urge one publisher, Pearson Learning Group, to become more involved in programs that lower the cost of books for students. The postcards have a prewritten note, which has been approved by the Titan Shops Bookstore that is ready for eager students to sign before and ship off to Pearson, a company that insists on making life extra hard on students at CSUF. This seems like a good idea now, and perhaps by next semester students may notice a drop in textbook prices. Probably not. Even if students can coax Pearson to cut the cost of books, other publishers will still continue to gouge our captive market. Students will always be struggling with the costs of books and school in general. So we just need to find ways to deal with it, try to get around the cost as much as we can.


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King Features Syndicate

CSU Faculty Forced to Seek Greener Economic Pastures By Cristina Rodriguez Daily Titan Staff Writer As tuition increases and parking remains a nightmare students and faculty endure another burst-ofthe-bubble as there is talk of losing some of our very best professors. It seems that the needs of faculty and students continue to go unheard. After the Board of Trustees meeting last Wednesday, it seems that Trustees are satisfied with sitting back and relaxing through protests and pleading. Student fees are increasing, administrative raises are being handed out like candy, and professors can barely rub two pennies together to make life work. Granted, most professors are teaching because they love it, not because it is a rock star-paying gig. However, they should be compensated fairly for their dedication to

helping students succeed. With our success in mind, how are we going to get to that dream career without a quality education? It is much more difficult to reach for that brass ring with never ending obstacles in my path. Itʼs hard enough picking classes, juggling jobs, and paying ridiculous fees. Now we might have a harder time getting the classes we want, and need, because our teachers are not being paid enough and are being forced to seek greener pastures. As the administration seems to get wealthier and wealthier, our professors are working hard to make ends meet. Going to college has become a hardship rather than a privilege. Students can barely afford to pay tuition, let alone for books. Now, with the horizon looking bleak, we have nothing to look

forward to. Nothing except overcrowded classrooms, limited classes, and longer waits to graduate. The average student no longer graduates on a four-year plan, but it is taking five even six years to get that much desired degree. How is it that the CSU system can afford to give the administration raises and neglect faculty and students? I, like many other students, pay for a quality education. I would not mind knowing that my tuition is going to awesome faculty who are going to teach awesome courses. However, it is hard not to feel ripped off when I need to take a course and there are only two sections offered, and only in spring. Chances are I will not get that desired course like the thousands of other CSU students who do not get their classes. If we do get our classes we are crowded into lecture halls, full beyond capacity,

with students seated on the floor because there is not enough room. So the questions remain: who do we blame and who do we approach? Do we blame our governor, our president, or ourselves for not becoming more involved in the issues that effect us? Pointing fingers is an immature approach. As for blaming ourselves, perhaps students need to voice their opinions. After all, we are the ones who complain the most. Yet there are only a few who stand up and do something about their concerns. Despite the few students and the faculty who attempted to be heard by the Board of Trustees, many of us are quick to complain and yet do nothing. Maybe it is time for an army of opinion. The Trustees might continue to turn a deaf ear as they have so gloriously attempted to do but isnʼt it worth the fight?

O P I N I O N @ D A I LY T I TA N . C O M



WEEK OF FEB. 6 – FEB. 10, 2006


Guide to Stars

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Overall, itʼs a good time for creative work and getting your ideas across to others. There are still some things left hanging in business, however. Tend to those as soon as possible. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Responsibilities at home base are easily dealt with. You could make major purchases while out shopping. Banking, estate matters, insurance and mortgages come under scrutiny. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) It seems someone is trying to pressure you into making a business or financial decision. Watch spending. Accent moderation in social life during evening hours. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Self-discipline gets you started, but when imagination takes over, you really make headway with creative work. Travel plans shape up nicely for you. However, look for bargains in this regard. LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22) Indecision could make you too willing to take advice. Things arenʼt yet clear, so wait a bit longer for your inner voice to tell you what to do. Inspiration strikes in the evening. VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) Judgment could be off with shopping and finances. An argument with a loved one could leave you frustrated, but wonderful chances for fun and romance occur after dark. You can patch things up. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) This is a time when shoppers could make a mistake in judgment. If someone seems too slick in business, seek advice. Guard against being extravagant. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) Efforts to raise extra capital probably wonʼt meet with luck.

Although a domestic matter needs further thought, you will still enjoy entertaining others. Youʼre quite the social butterfly during evening hours. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) There are those who exaggerate and those who prevaricate. In either case, take what you hear with a grain of salt. Some signals could be crossed after dark. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) Be the first to make up if you hurt someoneʼs feelings. Youʼre an independent soul, but you work best in partnerships. Accent cooperation. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) Youʼre excited about the dayʼs chances for success on the job and have a right to be. Do be careful, though, and donʼt be brusque with a co-worker. Be considerate of this personʼs feelings. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) Concentrate on improving income. Donʼt allow someone to talk you into unnecessary purchases. A travel plan or a legal matter needs further thought King Feature Syndicate

King Features Syndicate

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