2006 02 21

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C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n

THE DAILY TITAN T U E S D AY, F E B R U A RY 2 1 , 2 0 0 6

w w w. d a i l y t i t a n . c o m

Vo l u m e 8 2 , I s s u e 7



Baseball takes two of three in weekend series with UCI. Page 6

Ever eaten a Rose of the Prophet Muhammad? Page 4

Fullerton Plans Classrooms Convert to Clicker Clique Crisis Training for Residents Many at CSUF becoming familiar with new grading, attendance-taking devices By Jimmy Stroup and Erika Dresser

Daily Titan Staff Writers

Emergency preparedness is to help people survive if authorities respond slowly

est things we found both in the national reports and several local reports was that coordination, communication and interoperability is critical,” Schultz said. “There are a By Paolo Andres lot of programs out there but weʼre Daily Titan Staff Writer going to have to talk together and coordinate together.” Cal State Fullerton will coordiThe city of Fullerton will imple- nate with the cityʼs volunteer proment a citywide emergency training gram giving assistance and shelter program in hopes of preparing its if needed. residents for emergency and disaster CSUFʼs emergency preparedness situations. coordinator, Quentin Frazier, said Called Community Response the series of volunteer training proVolunteers, the Fullerton Fire grams will cover emergency proceDepartment is spearheading the pro- dures that deal with disaster fire aid, gram and will train its residents fire prevention and fire control. The with basic emergency procedures to series of eight-hour training sessions assist emergency personnel in case will also deal with how to properly of disasters. assist in catastrophic and emergency “Weʼre building a program that situations. will empower the community to be The program gives residents able to take care of themselves for “some knowledge to be professional respondthose first two ers within or three days “In a large disaster, the the scope of until the emergency services their ability,” Fire Department ... will be can get back Frazier said. overwhelmed initially ...” on their feet,” “Were giving said Fire Capt. citizens some Tom Schultz Tom Schultz. empowerFullerton Fire Department ment to help The fire Captain themselves and police and be able to departments are still responsible for immediate help their neighbors.” Despite the various emergency emergency assistance, but the program creates a more self-sufficient preparations by the Fire Department, community until professional help the volunteer program is only as arrives. strong as the people in the program. “In a large disaster, the Fire “No matter how many you reach, Department and the emergency staff itʼs how many are going to think that will be overwhelmed initially [while] this is worth their effort to attend taking care of the most severe part and participate,” Frazier said. “All of the disaster, and the community you can do itʼs make them aware it has to rely on themselves for at least exists and itʼs important. Itʼs up to 72 hours,” Schultz said. the individual to decide that this is Lessons learned from Hurricane worth their time.” Katrina played a major role creatFullertonʼs volunteer program is ing how the Fullerton program will based on Los Angelesʼ Community coordinate with similar volunteer Emergency Response Team, which programs throughout the county. was established in 1986. Through the interweaving of volHuntington Beach, Brea, unteer organizations, the Fullerton Placentia, Tustin, Irvine, Newport Fire Department hopes that suffi- Beach and Anaheim have similar cient assistance will be provided in emergency volunteer programs. case of crisis. Training sessions will begin in “Post-Katrina, one of the larg- May.

As yet another example of technology usurping usual methods of teaching, some of the departments at Cal State Fullerton have begun to incorporate a radio-frequency device that could replace current forms of quiz and test taking. One of the devices being used

at CSUF is the Response System Keypad – commonly known to the students and instructors who are using it as “The Clicker” – distributed by educational publishing giant, Thomson. Itʼs a simple radio transmitter designed with numbers in a pattern much like a telephone keypad. Another type is the InterWrite Personal Response System by GTCO Calcomp, which is similar. With either device, students log in to the proper frequency as the class begins and key in their responses to an instructorʼs prompt, usually a PowerPoint presentation running with the clickerʼs software

By Paolo Andres

Daily Titan Staff Writer

Imagine a seven-course reception of culinary delights – a grand banquet of such magnitude that vast international cuisines are sampled for gastronomic pleasures. Many would expect to pay top dollar for such an extensive meal. In fact, few could only imagine experiencing such culinary festivity. But at the local Costco, such a feast occurs almost every day. And the best part is that average men and women can join without having to shell out an arm and a leg. The two secret words: free samples. To many, Costco is synonymous with bulk items and being a haven for spend-

aggravation to use these clickers,” she said. Love said one of the benefits is the ability to take attendance in larger classes, where some might get lost in the shuffle. “[If] you take attendance via signin sheets, inevitably you will have students who come in late or forget to sign,” she said. “The clickers will ensure accuracy in attendance, particularly in large classes.” This is the first semester the Communication Department has used the clicker, but the Department SEE CLICKER = PAGE 3

Songha Lee/Daily Titan


John Trevathan of Anaheim, left, watches Becky Ingram, a member of the Fullerton Historic Theatre Foundation, make popcorn. The foundation held a screening of the original “King Kong” film Thursday evening at the Fox Fullerton Theatre. See Page 3

Costco Freebies: Poor Man’s Buffet Trip through warehouse store is fine dining for mooching munchers

program. The responses are then collected and compiled into a database that separates each clickerʼs response by a pre-registered code, individual to each clicker, and are graded on the spot – no waiting. “No matter how careful you are, when youʼre grading 225 quizzes with five questions each, you get tired and you can make mistakes. The clickers donʼt make mistakes,” said Gail Love, one of several professors in the Communications Department whoʼs using the Thomson clicker in her large classes. “When you have over 200 students, it saves a lot of time and

thrifts. But to many, the store is a place to dine on free restaurant-quality food. “I like Costco because you get more for your money. When you buy in bulk, you automatically save a ton of money in the long run,” said AzureʼDe Wilkins, a Cal State Fullerton student and Costco shopper. “And letʼs not forget the free samples down every aisle. I can go to Costco hungry and leave on a full stomach.” The free food samples are a staple in most Costco stores, and many customers expect to have a culinary experience during every shopping occurrence. But to a few daring patrons, each visit to Costco is primarily a hunt for delectable complimentary goodies. Costco shopper and CSUF student Mindy Navarrete has roamed the aisles of the store with little regard for what is being sold. Her focus is the free samples. The free samples are sometimes too much for some non-card-carrying people. And this desire for free food leads to efforts in trying to elude the Costco guard,

who tries to keep non-members out of the store. “I [once] went through the exit,” Navarrete said. “I think someone told me, ʻExcuse me maʼam,ʼ but I just continued walking.” But there is a moral dilemma that lingers for those who take advantage of the Costco samples. Although the complimentary items are designed to sell the sampled item, many feel hesitant in taking a second or third helping of a particular sample. “I feel bad sometimes because the ladies look at you like ʻI know you were here already,ʼ but theyʼre not going to tell you that you canʼt have another sample,” said Costco shopper and student Ashley Roberts. But those who are persistent usually find ways to get that extra serving. “I usually end up making my brother get a [second] sample for me,” Roberts said. “He SEE COSTCO = PAGE 2






Good offense, defense combine for win over Eastern Washington

Graphic design professor shares his passion for creativity



Ethel Waters Film Festival Begins Wednesday in TSU Organizers will show movies all day, beginning at 9 a.m.; music, refreshements are provided

“We have chosen to honor Ethel Waters because of her pioneering efforts.”

By Lori Martinez

Daily Titan Staff Writer

Steven Gould Film Festival Designer

The Ethel Waters Film Festival will feature the films from the groundbreaking singer and actress of the 1920s to the 1940s as part of the festivities of African American Heritage month. The festival, which starts at 9 a.m. Wednesday, will be held in the Titan Student Union theater. The event – sponsored by the Association for Inter Cultural Awareness, One by One and Campus Outreach – will also include a reception at noon in celebration of Ethel Watersʼ birthday.

TUESDAY Sunny High: 64 Low: 40

Ethel Waters was born in Chester, Pa., in 1896 to a 12-year-old rape victim and was soon adopted by her grandmother who raised her and her mother as her own children in violent, impoverished Philadelphia. Shelley Alongi, Campus Outreach film festival coordinator, said that Waters worked as a maid, a waitress and a SEE WATERS = PAGE 3




Partly Cloudy High: 67 Low: 41

Sunny High: 71 Low: 43

Partly Cloudy High: 73 Low: 46


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WEDNESDAY: The 88 play an hour-long set in the Becker Amphitheatre at noon.

Rescues Continue After Slide

GUINSAUGON, Philippines – Rescue workers refused to give up hope of finding survivors in an elementary school buried by up to 100 feet of mud, digging into the night Monday after detecting what the provincial governor called “signs of life.” Sounds of scratching and a rhythmic tapping were picked up by seismic sensors and sound-detection gear nearly four days after a mountainside collapsed and covered the farming village of Guinsaugon, killing up to 1,000 people.

Militants Attack Oil Pipeline LAGOS, Nigeria – Militants holding nine foreigners hostage launched attacks Monday on a pipeline and a boat in Nigeriaʼs swampy delta region, vowing to spread their campaign across the petroleum-rich south from where most of the African oil giantʼs crude is pumped. Attacks on oil installations in recent days by the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta have now cut about 20 percent of daily oil output in Nigeria, an Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries member and Africaʼs leading producer of crude.

Iran Refuses Nuclear Offer

MOSCOW -– Iran took a tough stance in high-profile talks Monday on an offer to enrich uranium in Russia, seen as a last chance for Tehran to stave off international sanctions. Iranʼs top negotiator dismissed Russiaʼs call for his country to freeze its domestic enrichment program, and the two delegations ended the day of nuclear talks without any apparent breakthrough. The Russian offer, backed by the United States and Europe, was widely seen as the final opportunity for Iran to address the Westʼs concerns before a process begins that could lead to U.N. Security Council sanctions.


Bush Plans Energy Changes MILWAUKEE – Saying the nation is on the verge of technological breakthroughs that will startle most Americans, President Bush on Monday outlined his energy proposals to help wean the country off foreign oil. One proposal would expand research into smaller, longerlasting batteries for hybrid cars. He highlighted that initiative with a visit Monday to a Milwaukee-based auto-parts supplier.


Study: LAX Prone to Attack LOS ANGELES – Crowded public areas at Los Angeles International Airport are attractive targets for terrorist bombs, according to a report released detailing airport security. The 64-page report released Friday recommended that airlines add ticket agents and that the federal Transportation Security Administration hire more screeners to speed travelers to secure gate areas. “Unfortunately, two categories of vulnerability at LAX have not changed,” the studyʼs 13 authors found. “First, the terminals are still overcrowded at times that are easily predictable by a terrorist. Second, there is nothing to stop or deter a terrorist from driving a large truck or car bomb into the” central terminal area.


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Sheera Ehrig, Casey Lipka and Sheric Gibson (from left to right) listen to the reggae beats at the 25th Annual Ragga Muffins Festival at the Long Beach Arena Saturday. See The Buzz this Thursday for the full story


Daily Titan Staff Writer

If youʼve taken a class with Professor Ron Romain, or have had the pleasure of getting to know him, one thing is certain: Heʼs a genuinely nice guy. Heʼs caring and thoughtful. But, hearing what his favorite movie is may come as a bit of a surprise. Itʼs the mobster classic “The Godfather.” A word to the wise: Complete his assignments on time and try not to interrupt his lectures, or he may turn into Professor Corleone. He started teaching graphic design at Cal State Long Beach shortly after graduating from the university. He says he wasnʼt a very good teacher at first because he didnʼt have any experience. That was almost 25 years ago. Today, he relishes the mentoring aspect of teaching, and says itʼs unequal to any other thing in his life. “I find it incredibly fulfilling – I find it very gratifying. I love to be involved in the environment,” Romain said. Heʼs now a part-time graph-

Ron Romain Graphic Design Instructor ic design instructor at Cal State Fullerton, and thatʼs just fine with him. He can simply show up and do the thing he loves – teaching and not have to deal with the administrative duties that come with full-time status. He was previously a partner for a large graphic design studio, but he later discovered the corporate environment wasnʼt for him. The job required him to oversee staff, business operations, and design. He reached a point where he felt burned out and dreaded going to work. “I tell my students in the class: if you get to a point in your life where you are truly miserable, donʼt ignore it. Find away to get out of it because you spend too much of your life working for it not to be mainly a joyful thing,” he said. He then took a chance and started a Web-based business, Art Parts, with his best friend. Itʼs a Web


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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSUF System. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. Copyright ©2006 Daily Titan

doesnʼt mind going twice.” But despite some customersʼ exploitation of the storeʼs sample items, Costco reaps the rewards of having customers taste the merchandise

site that sells images and illustrations to help companies sell their products. Take a tour on www. ron@ronandjoe.com, and youʼll find an array of humorous illustrations and attention-grabbing graphics. Romain describes the companyʼs sensibility as “quirky.” Itʼs been more than 10 years since Art Parts was launched, and is set to expand with a new line of greeting cards personally written by the professor. He tells his students that it takes more than creative talent though to excel in a creative profession. “Itʼs a combination of discipline and creativity, which is not natural…. But we exist in the business world, where we have to have this combination and ability to balance our creativity with structure,” he said. Romain said balancing the two was not always easy for him when he was in college. “It used to take me hours to get in the right frame [of mind], but it becomes a form of meditation. You just kind of learn how to get your mind into a certain place. You just kind of learn how it feels like. You may have a trigger to get your mind there. For me, itʼs music,” he said. When Romain is not being creative or teaching students how to be creative, he spends his time with his wife, Robin, and his 7-year-old son, Oliver.

“If you taste it and you like it, you buy it,” said Bill Eshleman Jr., a manager at the Fullerton Costco. “You can make up your own mind: If you donʼt like it, you donʼt buy it. Itʼs a really good service we provide for our members.” Many sample fiends fear the wrath of the sample suppliers who prepare and guard each sample. But they need not fear since the suppliers expect and want to have their items eaten more than once.

WEDNESDAY: A disaster preparedness lecture, the first of a series, will be presented by Dennis S. Miletti, a member of the Department of Homeland Securityʼs National Social Science Research Center on Terrorism and author of “Disasters by Design,” and former FEMA director James Lee Witt from 2 - 3:30 p.m. in Titan Student Unionʼs Portola Pavilion. SATURDAY: Titan baseball will take on UCLA at home at 6 p.m. on Saturday and 1 p.m. Sunday. The game is free for students with a student ID card. FRIDAY: Titan Rec Sports hosts a billiards tournament in the TSU Underground at noon.

OFF CAMPUS THURSDAY – SUNDAY : Saturday Night Live cast member Kevin Nealon will be performing at the Brea Improv. Tickets cost between $20 and $22. Visit www. improv2.com/brea.html or call (714) 482-0700 for tickets. SUNDAY: Blues and rock innovator Buddy Guy, who inspired Eric Clapton and Jimi Hendrix in the early 1960s, will perform at the House of Blues in Anaheim at 7 p.m. Tickets cost $35. SUNDAY: CSU Chancellor Charles B. Reed will address seven Los Angeles churches for “CSU Super Sunday,” an event designed to increase African American involvement in the CSU system. If you would like to submit an event to Out nʼ About please email news@dailytitan.com.

Sample vendor Diana Nakoieczhy takes great pleasure in providing patrons with great culinary delights. “Iʼm here [at Costco] because I like it here,” she said. “Not because I have to.” Despite the sample fiends, Nakoieczhy knows the business end of free merchandise. “Even if a kid grabs 10 samples, I know their parents will more likely buy it because their kid is eating it.”

Correction A story in Thursdayʼs Daily Titan – “Going to the Xtreme,” Introspect – should have said Shawn Crawford climbed Mt. Everest.

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F E B R U A RY 2 1 , 2 0 0 6

Original ‘King Kong’ Roars to Life at Fox Theatre To promote rebuilding effort, foundation shows classic film on theater wall By Andy Stowers

Daily Titan Staff Writer

Songha Lee/Daily Titan

PRIMATES AND PIE: Making it a dinner-and-a-movie night in their car, Miguel Hernandez, 17, left, and Eduardo Puga, 16, of Anaheim watch the 1933 “King Kong” projected onto a Fox Theatre wall.

CLICKER FROM PAGE 1 of Biological Sciences has been using similar technology since as early as 2000, said biology department faculty member Merri Lynn Casem in an e-mail. “The system provides for a more meaningful assessment of student understanding of a concept, topic or activity,” she wrote. “The typical professor line, ʻAre there any questions?ʼ or, ʻDoes everyone understand that?ʼ can be replaced by a real-time evaluation. I can create questions that challenge the studentsʼ understanding and diagnose misconceptions or misunderstanding within a matter of seconds.” Biology Professor Bill Hoese echoed Casemʼs sentiments, and said that the clickers have had a great effect on class participation. “Before, I would ask the students a question and maybe get one or two people who would raise their hands,” he said. “Now when I ask a question, I get responses from everybody.” Though Casem said sheʼs no longer using the clickers for quizzes – citing some scattered incidences of “copying” when one student would watch what another clicks in and then enter the same – she described the overall effect of the clickers as a valuable tool for students because they can get immediate feedback. Hoese is also not using the clickers for tests or quizzes but indicated similar benefits. As with any application of a new technology, the incorporation of the clickers requires some tweaking to deal with the actual hardware and software, Ben Murray, a biology professor who uses the InterWrite

Lawn chairs and blankets were all viewers needed on Thursday night to get out of the house and spend some time with family and friends. The Fox Fullerton Theatre in downtown Fullerton showed the classic 1933 version of “King Kong” on its outside wall at no cost. The event was to promote the Fullerton Historic Theatre Foundationʼs rebuilding of the theatre that was originally built in 1925. The picture gave it the oldtime movie house feeling as well as making the event age-appropri-

clickers, wrote in an e-mail. “In large classes, too many students attempting to respond at once can jam the system,” he wrote, indicating that heʼd solved this problem by directing one half of the class to click in its answers and then the other. He also wrote that using the clickers and incorporating them into his lectures effectively has required him to change his teaching style. At around $25 each, the clickers arenʼt quite as inexpensive as scantron forms and pencils. But, Love said, the greater cost of the clickers can be defrayed by the ability to reuse them in other classes, or to sell them back to the bookstore after the semester is over. “We are very sensitive to the burden of additional costs for students,” she said. “Books are so expensive, however, we think the trade-off in time and accuracy is worth it.” Students in classes using the clickers have various reactions – some seem to think itʼs fun, and some are frustrated with just another new thing to remember to bring to class. “Some like it, some hate it,” Hoese said. “The most common response is students telling me that they like the recognition that theyʼre not the only one in the class who doesnʼt know the answer.” Junior advertising major Chris Jaett, 22, is using the clicker in one of Genelle Belmasʼ communications law classes. He wrote in an e-mail that he hadnʼt used the clicker system before this course required it but that the new devices had given him some grief until heʼd gotten used to it. “Itʼs nice because you donʼt have to always have a scantron with you,” he wrote. “But I can see this being a problem for many students and taking a lot of valuable class time.”

ate. It marked the fourth movie shown at the theatre in recent months, and there will be a new one shown every other month until summer, said Fullerton Historic Theatre Foundation Executive Director Jon Wagner. “ ʻKing Kongʼ is a fun movie and with the new one having come out we decided to show it,” said Wagner. The event took up the entire outside parking lot, where moviegoers found seats and enjoyed the show. People brought food, beverages, and even portable fire pits to give it an almost-tailgate-party atmosphere. A concessions stand outside sold popcorn. The Fullerton Historic Theatre Foundation has just begun planning the rebuilding process of the inside of the theatre. The public is not allowed inside because the walls and ceiling are old and

WATERS FROM PAGE 1 dishwasher throughout the early 1900s, until touring on the black vaudeville circuit from 1919 through the 1930s. She also appeared in her own television series in the early 1920s called “Bulah,” which established her as the first African American woman on the small screen. “She is best remembered for her film roles, which lasted from 1929 until l963,” Alongi said. Since her death in 1977, she has been honored with a U.S. Postal Service commemorative stamp. Steven Gould, the film festival designer, said he admires Waters. He saw her perform several times before her death. “Former CSUF President Jewell Plummer Cobb called … [Waters] her personal role model,” Gould said. “We have chosen to honor Ethel Waters because of her influence on other black and white performers and her pioneering efforts in entertainment.” The film festival will show a number of Watersʼ films includ-

weak, making it a liability issue. That is why they will be showing the movies outside until the theatre is restored. “We donʼt have access to the inside yet,” said Wagner, “The walls are made of un-reinforced masonry and they need to be completely redone.” The city of Fullerton redevelopment agency recently gave the Foundation a loan of $1.65 million to aid in the rebuilding of the historic site. Still, the theatre needs a lot more than that. “We have about half of what we need right now,” Wagner said. Families and local businesses have given donations to help the cause. The show started off with an old “Pepe Le Pew” cartoon, followed by a “preview” of Marilyn Monroeʼs “Some Like it Hot,”

which will be shown in April. Next, “King Kong” took over, with a digital picture and great sound, projected by speakers placed throughout the parking lot. “It was a great setup,” said Fullerton resident Greg Turpin. “It made for a great drive-in experience.” Before and during the movie workers and volunteers asked viewers for donations and asked trivia questions. “I had a lot of fun, and I hope we come back again,” said Todd Palmer, a 9-year-old who attended with his family. “ʻKing Kongʼ was funny when he ate all the people.” The audience stood and cheered at the filmʼs conclusion. The foundation will continue to put on events and hopes to have the theater open again as soon as possible.

Film Festival Show Times 9:05 a.m. 12:05 p.m. 1:50 p.m. 3:10 p.m. 5 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 8:30 p.m.

“The Member of the Wedding” “The Heart Is a Rebel” “Cabin in the Sky” “The Member of the Wedding” “Cabin in the Sky” “The Heart Is a Rebel” to be announced

All shows are Wednesday ing, “A Member of the Wedding,” “The Heart is a Rebel,” and “Cabin in the Sky.” A short introduction and story will precede the first film, “The Member of the Wedding.” The reception will take place in the Gabrielino Room of the TSU, where cake and punch will be available. Throughout the day there will also be several performances by baritone Matthew Lofton, a CSUF vocal performance major, who will perform “Old Man River” and other Waters songs. The African-American Gospel choir will also perform.

“I knew who Ethel Waters was but not all the history and the struggles that she went through,” Lofton said. “Many times we know what our history books tell us about certain black leaders and different things that happened during slavery and so forth, but itʼs good to get into some of the 20th century heroes and see what they did.” Waters films will be showing throughout the day, with the last showing at 8:30 p.m. Students can come and go as they please, with movies showing at various times throughout the day. The event is free.


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Titans Take Loss at Home

Titans unable to overcome early deficit; loses to Anteaters at Goodwin

Solid shooting, defense leads CSUF to win over Eastern Washington

By Andy Stowers

Daily Titan Staff Writer

UC Irvine handed the Cal State Fullerton baseball team their first home loss, 7-4, of the season Sunday afternoon before a crowd of about 1,900 fans at Goodwin Field . As was the entire weekend, the team who scored first won the game. On Sunday not only did the Anteaters strike first, but they did so on the first pitch of the game. Anteater Taylor Holiday took that first pitch from Titan starting pitcher sophomore Jared Clark (0-1) over the left field wall to set the tone for the rest of the game. “I told the team today to throw the first punch and letʼs see what happens,” Anteaters Head Coach Dave Serrano said. “I told them after the game though, that it did not have to be the first pitch. The Anteaters finished off the first inning by scoring two more runs, the last one scored by a suicide squeeze. Titans Head Coach George Horton was forced to pull Clark before even recording an out in the inning. “Jared has a short leash on him right now, heʼs had two notso-stellar outings now,” Horton said. “Itʼs unfair to him that he is unfortunately not off to a good start, he needs to get his confidence back.” The Anteaters struck again in the fourth. After a controversial hit-batsman play called back by the umpire, Holiday doubled down the line scoring their fourth run of the game. Later in the inning Zach Robinson singled up the middle with two men on, giving the Anteaters a 6-0 lead. The Titans responded in the bottom half of the inning with a

Titans Bust Brackets, Eagle By Jason Eichelberger

Daily Titan Staff Writer

Phil Gordon/Daily Titan

LEAD OFF MAN: Titans junior first baseman Brett Pill tries to tag out UCI outfielder Matthew Morris after the Anteater strayed too far from the bag. two-run single by junior catcher John Curtis with two outs. The rally ended, however, when Titans junior infielder Blake Davis grounded out to end the inning. After a home run in the sixth inning by the Anteaters, the Titans made a late inning rally in the eighth to bring the score within 3 runs at 7-4. Curtis picked up his third RBI on the day with a single up the middle during the rally. The Titans finished the day out-hitting the Anteaters 11-10. “We hit the ball well today, just not with runners in scoring position,” Curtis said. “They played

great defense as well.” The Anteaters had great diving plays by second basemen Josh Tavelli and left fielder Brock Bardeen. Left-handed starter Glen Swanson also gave UCI a solid pitching performance. Swanson improved to 2-1 on the year, pitching five innings allowing two runs on six hits and striking out a game-high six batters. “Iʼve seen a lot of teams get beat twice by this team and just roll over on Sunday. We won today with our defense and pitching,” Serrano said. Despite the non-conference

loss, the Titans still won the weekend series after winning the first two games behind a strong offensive performance on Friday night, scoring 13 runs in the series opener at Irvine, and a strong pitching performance by junior Lauren Gagnier on Saturday. Gagnier pitched had seven strikeouts and gave up only wo runs and four hits in 7.2 innings pitched. The Titans will have another non-conference series next weekend when they meet UCLA. CSUF will first play an exhibition against Japanʼs Waseda University on Tuesday at 5 p.m, before they meet the Bruins.

Throughout the season, the Cal State Fullerton menʼs basketball team has been striving toward playing a complete game on both defense and offense. The Titans put both aspects together Saturday afternoon to produce impressive results. Junior guard Bobby Brown broke out of a slump to score a game-high 25 points and dish out nine assists, as CSUF dominated Eastern Washington in a 89-63 victory at Titan Gym on Bracket Buster Saturday. With the victory, the Titans improved to 12-11 overall, while the Eagles dropped to 12-13. Titans sophomore guard Frank Robinson and senior center Jamaal Brown each chipped in with 16 points, five rebounds, and two assists. Senior guard Jermaine Harper added 11 points. Harper and Robinson accentuated their strong offensive games with strong defensive performances, combining to limit Eaglesʼ star Rodney Stuckey to 19 points. Stuckey has been averaging 23.9 points per game this season, tops in the country among freshman and sophomores and eighth best in Division I. Senior guard Duce Smith scored 13 points for the Eagles, while freshman guard Matt Penoncello scored 10. The Titans controlled the game from the start, using ball movement and stingy defense to key a 17-3 run midway through the first half, building a 27-13 advantage. After a modest run by the Eagles that cut the deficit to 11

points, three pointers by Bobby Brown and Robinson ignited a 13-4 spurt to close the half, giving the Titans a 47-27 lead. The Eagles never trimmed the margin below 18 points for the rest of the game, as the Titans continued their offensive and defensive efficiency throughout the second half. Brown, who had been 2-22 on three-pointers over the last four games, went 4-7 in this contest and acknowledged that he has been putting in additional work to overcome his recent struggles. “Iʼve been putting in extra time in the gym and I came out early to get a rhythm going,” said Brown, who shot 10-15 overall from the field. “Fortunately, I was able to carry it over to the game.” Titans Head Coach Bob Burton was equally impressed with Brownʼs performance. “Bobby let the game come to him and didnʼt force anything,” Burton said. “We got good production from him.” As a team, the Titans shot a blistering 58.6 percent from the field, including 10-21 from three-point range. On the defensive end, the Titans held the Eagles to 45 percent shooting and forced 16 turnovers, something that Burton felt was a vital reason for the Titansʼ victory. “The key was our defense,” Burton said. “We tried to pressure the ball and their passers and I think we did a good job of that.” Jamaal Brown agreed with his coachʼs assessment. “Our defense was definitely the key,” Brown said. The Titans will now look to maintain their momentum on their upcoming road trip, where they will square off against Big West rivals, UC Santa Barbara on Thursday night and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Saturday afternoon.


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onvinced that the recent rioting and embassyburning tactics of Islamic protesters hasnʼt properly conveyed the anger felt by many Muslims over the blasphemous cartoons published in Danish newspapers, the Iranian Confectionerʼs Union issued an edict banning the term “Danish” in reference to the flakey pastries. Instead, pastry enthusiasts in Tehran must now ask for a “Rose of the Prophet Muhammad.” This isnʼt the first time that a nationality has been stripped from a food in a political propaganda war. Many recall that, shortly after France refused to extend a diplomatic hand to the United States as it pushed for U.N. sanctioning of an invasion of Iraq, Sen. Walter Jones (R - N.C.) called for removing the national moniker of one of Americaʼs favorite snackfoods: the french fry. Overnight, these apolitical little guys were thrust onto the global political stage. The name change didnʼt embed itself in the American popular lexicon, but rather turned the anti-French fervor in Washington into a laughing stock.

The laughable part of the debate is that danishes are just as much a product of Denmark as french fries are a product of France. Danishes are, in fact, a French pastry. While there is a debate among historians over the origin of french fries, most believe that they originated in Belgium. The United States isnʼt as different from Iran as either one would like to believe. Both are ardent supporters of the ridiculous idea that changing the name of a common food can bring political solidarity and actually make a difference. They also both believe that someone in their respective countries actually cares that the governments of the world take the time to quibble over semantics. One day after the Associated Press reported the pastry namechange, there were no reports of riots or burning Iranian embassies in Denmark. There were also no reports of Danes burning Iranian flags or political leaders in effigy. There were no reports of outrage anywhere in Denmark. But, in a show of political solidarity, the Danish may want to consider changing their name for Persian rugs.

Editorial Board

Philip Fuller, Opinion Editor Nicole M. Smith, Executive Editor Kim Orr, Managing Editor In deference to the paradigm established by venerable Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, unsigned Titan Editorials strive to represent the general will of the Daily Titan editorial board and do not necessarily reflect the view of the university.

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O P I N I O N @ D A I LY T I T A N . C O M

A New Plan For Families

California’s Governor makes a move in the right direction By Sara Havlena

Daily Titan Staff Writer

Part of a new plan prepared by Gov. Arnold Schwarzeneggerʼs administration officials would have women who committed nonviolent crimes moved out of highsecurity prisons and into neighborhood correctional centers. The plan was created to help ease tensions in overcrowded and understaffed prisons in California. The women will be near their families and in some cases prisoners will be allowed to have their children live with them. They

will also receive an education, day. It will assist the women in getjob training, and drug and alcohol counseling. This plan shows that ting back on their feet and resume finally Schwarzenegger is think- a productive life after they have ing about what served their time. is good for The new plan “...When women are women rather also allows for than oogling pregnant prisonseparated from their ers to live with and grabbing children, it hurts their babies for them at will. everyone involved...” up to 18 months His administration seems after giving Sara Havlena to realize the birth. Daily Titan Staff Writer importance The old rule of the family, only allowed the and that when women are sepa- mothers to be with their newborns rated from their children it hurts for a day or two. everyone involved, not just the The first few months are an criminals. important time for mother and Having the mothers closer will child to bond. keep some normalcy in their chilThe child should not be pundrenʼs lives, and will help them ished for something that the cope with the trauma of not hav- mother has done. ing their mother with them every Keeping them apart could

cause damage that might not be fixable once the mother is done serving her sentence. Allowing children to live with their mother is a human right that is taken from them the minute the mother makes a mistake. Having this link to the family is known to decrease the odds that an offender will commit crimes again, according the Los Angeles Times. Women who commit non-violent crimes should not have to live under the same conditions as violent criminals.This also enables prison staff to keep a better watch on high risk prisoners and will make room in the prisons. The sooner these women are back in society and in their normal, family-oriented lives, the more likely they will be to choose a crime-free lifestyle.

nuisance?” Perhaps you are right when you state that fraternities offer little in the way of aid to the school. But also consider that fraternities are not for the school but for the students. Fraternities, people, have earned their bad reputations. They are frequently havens of debauchery and vice, where the drunk come to mingle with the willing. All too frequently I have found myself plying the most spirited of spirits upon corn-fed country bumpkins fresh off the train from “Timbucktee.” Wanton carnality is a byproduct, free thinking is encouraged and clothing is optional. In fact, it would seem that the school, the city, and a certain mustachioed policeman, would be quite correct in condemning the fraternity system to the hell of an inert limbo called banishment, save for one thing. I call this one thing, “The

instantly thrust into the opportunity of a “J Factor” moment of their own. The simple beauty of the fraternity is that there is at least one guy at all times in any of the fraternities, willing and ready to drop whatever endeavor he is embarking upon to accompany you to the furthest reaches of the human psyche. If youʼve ever liberated a panda bear from a zoo, “The J Factor” is there. If youʼve ever wanted to dress like Batman and run through a cookie factory, “The J Factor” will be your Robin. Quite simply, “The J Factor” is the pure brotherhood you deserve from your college experience. So, people, join a fraternity, and seize control of another fine and largely neglected aspect of campus life, because you canʼt bail yourself out of jail for attempting to drive a steamroller to Canada… and beyond!

Chasing the Elusive “J-Factor” Jeff Cares It seems every so often, the university gets on a set course of screwing with someoneʼs good time. Last semester they did it to me by canceling my student Jeff Klima loans after they Humor forced me to Columnist get bad grades (itʼs a theory Iʼm working on). This semester they are going after the fraternity system. “Well of course they are, Jeff,” you say (though you and I are not on a first name basis), “the fraternity system offers no redeeming value to the school, city, or anywhere else save for collegehumor. com. Why wouldnʼt the school attempt to rid itself of a worthless

J Factor.” Being a member of the Sigma Nu fraternity on campus, I have all too conveniently witnessed first hand the saving graces of “The J Factor.” “The J Factor,” quite simply, is that cadre of brotherhood in each fraternity along “Frat Row” that will deliver an instant story right to your doorstep. Every person on Earth needs at least one story that begins with the equivalent of, “This one night, we were on Absinthe at a donkey bar in San Francisco …” It doesnʼt matter what the rest of the story is because every person on Earth, upon hearing an opening line like that, should be flashing back in his or her mind to their own ingrained spectacles of delirium and eye-bursting frothy grandeur. That is “The J Factor,” which the fraternity system provides to the individual. When a person joins a fraternity, they are near-

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