2006 03 15

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C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n

THE DAILY TITAN W E D N E S D AY, M A R C H 1 5 , 2 0 0 6

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Vo l u m e 8 2 , I s s u e 2 0



Titan softball loses to the University of Utah Page 4

Parents slough responsibily, government picks up the slack Page 3

CSU Overseas Education Not Out of Reach

Annual Business Week Is Underway

Broaden horizons by enrolling in one of four study abroad programs

Students looking to get a foot in the door network with field professionals

By Cindy Tullues

By Jessica Escorsia

Daily Titan Staff Writer

Daily Titan Staff Writer


he Business Interclub Council and the College of Business and Economics kicked off Business Week 2006 with their annual networking breakfast Tuesday morning. Teddy Bourgeois, recently elected president of the council, said the Cal State Fullerton Latino Business Student Association and the American Marketing Association were able to host a successful event. “There was a lot of energy put in from a lot of people,” Bourgeois said. The theme headlining Business Week this year is “Leadership and Ethics.” The networking breakfast is a good opportunity for students to get their foot in the door, Bourgeois said. Several executives representing different companies, such as Lending Tree, Target, Apple, Enterprise and Balboa Capital, networked with Fullerton students in an informal setting for potential internship opportunities. The breakfast began with a few words from Bourgeois and Anil Puri, dean of the College of Business and Economics. First time attendee Rishi Desai, a senior finance major, said he enjoyed the informality of the breakfast and was pleased with the companies that attended. Victor Chen, a senior finance major, has attended previous networking breakfasts and noticed the setting was different than past years. “I think the informal setting might be more friendly,” Chen said. Both students did not come prepared with resumes but thought attending the networking breakfast was a good way to meet people while supporting the council. While the networking breakfast can be a good opportunity for employers to take a look at resumes and give advice, Bourgeois said, “Itʼs not really a resume workshop.” Bourgeois said students should come to events with an open mind, dressed to impress, and prepared to talk to employers. He explained by saying that many students come and see companies like Enterprise and think itʼs just a place to rent cars. What they donʼt realize is that there are really several different job opportunities available within the company. David Normandin, vice president of sales for Balboa Capital, was very pleased with how the event turned out and mentioned that they are hiring 63 sales representatives SEE NETWORK = PAGE 2

Photo provided by jeff kelley

AN AMERICAN IN IRELAND: CSUF student Jeff Kelley poses on a seacoast in Ireland, where he is studying abroad for the semester.

Lights Out for Solar Energy Plan Parking considerations overshadow electricity, money saving proposal By Natalie Murillo

Daily Titan Staff Writer


al State Fullerton reneged on a yearlong project to install a solar panel canopy over the Nutwood Parking Structure – a move that not only would have shaded the structureʼs upper level, but also would have produced 250 kilowatts of onsite renewable energy. The program was halted because the projectʼs construction would have taken 500 parking spaces away from students and some faculty and staff parking. But advocates of the project say the opening of the State College Parking Structure would have supplement the loss. “We worked our tails off for four days to save it,” said Tylor Middlestadt, environmental affairs officer for the California State Student Association. He said if the project had gone through, CSUF would have been No. 7 among the Top 10 largest solar projects on a university campus. Recently the Board of Trustees approved a new policy that required a total of 10 megawatts of onsite renewable energy by 2014 for the 23 CSU campuses combined. The renewable energy project that was turned down would have supplied approximately 3 percent of the 10 megawatts needed, said Middlestadt, who is also the Associated Students Inc. president for Cal

Poly San Luis Obispo.“We would summer, however, Middlestadt be one of three campuses to have said it would be more costly to them,” said Arya Hawkins, direc- start later. tor of Statewide Affairs. He said He said they were interested in the solar project wouldnʼt have pursuing the project later – perbeen an inconvenience to stu- haps during summer break – but dents because the construction they acknowledged the projwould have taken place during ect would be more costly later spring break when there are fewer because the school would not qualify for certain cash rebates if students on campus. Hawkins said that he felt stu- itʼs not completed by June 13. dents would be tolerant of the The construction was intendsituation and that the cost did not ed to start during spring break, Middlestadt said. outweigh the benefits. He added that Hawkins said the new parking “It’s always dishe tried to save the structure would solar project by be open by then appointing when calling all of the and would supwe let an opporply students with Board of Directors tunity like this 1,500 new parkand asked them ing spaces by the to call Associate slip through our completion of the Vice President fingers.” solar project. for Facilities Ferrer said he Management Jay Tylor Middlestadt was told the new Bond and CSUF Environmental Officer State College President Milton Structure will A. Gordon to show open April 3 and they advocated the will be subject to solar project. Hawkins said 60 to 80 stu- inspections and certification for dents called the offices to sup- occupancy. port the project. He also said last He said the elevators would not Wednesday was the deadline for be opened for several weeks after the structural steel bid. “The proj- the opening forcing students who ect would require temporary loss park there to take the stairs. of parking spaces in the Nutwood “It would not have been a Structure as a construction lay- prudent decision to support the down area and construction site,” photo-voltaic project and its Joe Ferrer, the director of Parking potential parking impacts knowand Transportation, said in an ing that the final inspection and e-mail interview. He declined certification for the State College an in-person interview. He also Structure have not been completsaid the faculty and staff parking ed and the elevators inoperable,” area would be mildly impacted Ferrer said. Middlestadt said he realizes because the materials for the project would be lifted from there. He said it would be better if the construction began during the SEE SOLAR = PAGE 2





Puppy mills are a breeding ground for animal cruelty



The Daily Titan advertising staff wins three national awards


Students who seek to enrich their academic career are encouraged to take advantage of study abroad programs offered by Cal State Fullerton. More than 15,000 CSU students have studied abroad since 1963, according to the International Education and Exchange Web site. Currently four different programs are available at CSUF. Students can choose from the CSU international program, the CSUF exchange program, the CSUF departmental program and non-CSUF programs. The CSU international program, which is available at all 23 CSU campuses, is affiliated with more than 70 universities and academic institutions in 19 different countries around the world. Over 100 majors are available to students in the CSU international program. “It is a very competitive program,” said Matthew Walters, study abroad adviser. “We receive between 1,200 and 1,700 program applications on average [but] there are between 680 to 700 open slots available each year.” Within the CSUF exchange program, the university has the opportunity to send students to other campus affiliated universities or institutions in Germany, France, Mexico and Japan, in exchange for their students who wish to study at Fullerton. Japan currently has the highest exchange rate with CSUF. Host campus fees “are exactly the same cost as CSUF,” Walters said. But students are responsible for living and personal expenses. Departmental study abroad programs only currently apply to the College of Business and Economics and the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. “I have always wanted to experience the Italian culture,” said CSUF senior Laurel Exon, who will be traveling to Italy this summer with


Salvador Aguilar/Daily Titan


Daily Titan staff photographer, Songha Lee was honored by the Press Photographers Association of Greater Los Angeles with the College Photographer of the Year Award Sunday night at the Sportsmenʼs Lodge Hotel in Studio City.


WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Mostly Sunny High: 66 Low: 44

in the departmental study abroad program. “This will be the first time that I will really be on my own, so hopefully I will get a real sense on how to be independent.” The independent study abroad program is available to all students who wish to participate in an accredited program outside CSUF approved programs. There are currently 400 to 500 non-CSUF study abroad providers throughout the nation, with over 4,000 academic programs available to students, Walters said. “The most interesting thing Iʼve learned through this program is about Irish/European culture and how motivational it can be to be taken out of your familiar environment,” said CSUF student Jeff Kelley in an e-mail interview. “Everything is new and exciting.” Kelly is currently independently studying abroad at the University of Limerick, Ireland for one semester. Students are advised to meet with a study abroad advisor for program approval before selecting a nonCSUF program to ensure that academic credit will be awarded. “It is important that if students decide to go outside the program that they contact my office first,” Walters said Study abroad programs require students to meet specific CSUF requirements. “The biggest mistake that students make is assuming they will be able to simply sign up for study abroad,” Walters said. “In reality, there is a great deal of work and preparation to find the right program for each student that will fit their major, their budget and their time frame.” Students who plan on participating in a study abroad program are encouraged to begin all financial, academic and personal preparations at least one year in advance. “You go with your stereotypes, prejudices and assumptions,” Walters said. “If you have not done your homework, that is when you get in trouble.” Academic advising and planning is only one of several preparation steps for all exchange programs.

Partly Cloudy High: 69 Low: 48



Showers High: 64 Low: 48

Showers High: 58 Low: 43


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N E W S @ D A I LY T I T A N . C O M






ON CAMPUS TODAY: ASI will host the Spring Texas Hold ʼEm Classic in the TSU Underground at 4 p.m.

87 Corpses Found in Iraq

BAGHDAD, Iraq – Iraqi authorities discovered at least 87 corpses – men shot to death execution-style – as Iraq edged closer to open civil warfare. Twenty-nine of the bodies, dressed only in underwear, were dug out of a single grave Tuesday in a Shiite neighborhood of Baghdad. The bloodshed appeared to be retaliation for a bomb and mortar attack in the Sadr City slum that killed at least 58 people and wounded more than 200 two days earlier.

Militant Leader Captured JERICHO, West Bank – Israeli troops using tanks, helicopters and bulldozers pounded a Palestinian-run prison in the West Bank on Tuesday to seize a Palestinian militant leader and his accomplices in the assassination of an Israeli Cabinet minister. The dramatic 10-hour standoff ignited an unprecedented spasm of violence against foreigners across the Palestinian areas. Aid workers, teachers and journalists took refuge at Palestinian security headquarters in Gaza as militants attacked offices linked to the U.S. and Europe, burning cars and torching the British Council building in Gaza City.


Witnesses Banned in Trial ALEXANDRIA, Va. – The judge in the Zacarias Moussaoui trial dealt a serious blow to the governmentʼs death-penalty case Tuesday, barring roughly half of the prosecutorsʼ key witnesses because a federal lawyer improperly coached several of them on their testimony. U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema rejected a Moussaoui defense request that she go further and dismiss the governmentʼs death-penalty bid for the al-Qaida conspirator outright.

Four Dead in Texas Wildfire MIAMI, Texas – The charred bodies of four oilfield workers were found a short distance from their car. A cow that had tried to push through a barbed wire fence was discovered burned alive. And 10,000 other cattle and horses were feared dead across the smoking landscape. The grisly toll from one of the stateʼs worst outbreaks of wildfires became ever clearer Tuesday as the blazes continued to burn across the dry Texas Panhandle. At least 11 people have died and 1,900 others have been forced to evacuate since the weekend. The windblown fires have raced across more than 1,000 square miles.


SAN JOSE – A federal judge said Tuesday he intends to order Google Inc. to turn over some of its Internet records to the U.S. Justice Department, but expressed reservations about requiring the company to divulge some of its most sensitive data – the actual requests that people enter into its popular search engine. U.S. District Judge James Ware told the Justice Department it can expect to get at least some of the information sought from Google as part of the Bush administrationʼs effort to revive a law meant to shield children from online pornography. Reports compiled from The Associated Press


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Rosy Amaya, a sophmore theater major, arm wrestles Lupe Cruz, a senior kinesiology major, at the Quad on Tuesday. Participants paid one dollar to “arm wrestle a feminist” for the Third Wave Feminist Clubʼs fundraising event. See www.dailytitan.com for full story

DT Advertising Nationally Recognized By Nicole M. Smith

Daily Titan Executive Editor

The Daily Titan advertising staff won first place for its classified page, while the Web site and weekly entertainment section earned second place finishes at the College Newspaper Business & Advertising Manager Conference in Philadelphia. “I was thrilled,” Professor Robert Sage, the advertising staffʼs adviser, said of The Daily Titanʼs recognition on a national scale. “The staff has done a wonderful job and they deserve all the credit.” Emily Alford, The Daily Titanʼs assistant advertising and classified director said last year the classified page finished in third place, and she felt good about this

yearʼs improvement. Unlike many universities that employ as many as 10 students to sell advertising and design layout on classified pages, Alford said she is the only student who works on the page for The Daily Titan. “I should get a bonus,” Alford said of her first place accomplishment. The national competition, which took place last week, pitted Cal State Fullerton against such universities as Yale, the University of Pennsylvania, the University of North Carolina and Florida State. The Daily Titan found itself at the center of controversy, as students and faculty from other schools expressed concern over the newspaperʼs advertising content, which consistently includes advertisements for bars, hookah and smoke shops, and strip clubs,


Bush Cracks Down on Porn

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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSUF System. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. Copyright ©2006 Daily Titan

songha lee/Daily Titan



CSUF has a big problem with parking, however the project would have really helped Fullerton in the long run. CSUF student Carrie Flattum, 21, said she would rather save energy than have the 500 parking spaces available especially if the new parking structure would reopen when students came back to school. She also said she felt that parking is a major problem at CSUF but that the costs would outweigh the benefits in the project. “Itʼs always disappointing when we let an opportunity like this slip through our fingers,” Middlestadt said. He said he hopes that the committee will be committed to do something in the future.

Alford said. Can Senzeger, The Daily Titanʼs advertising sales director, said Fullerton is the only school that has run L-shaped advertisements, referring to the “California Girls” ad, which ran twice weekly during the fall semester. Also recognized were The Daily Titanʼs Web site and weekly entertainment guide The Buzz. Both won second place for Best Electronic Banner Ad and Best Special Section, respectively. The Buzz was judged on its advertising and editorial content, so it was a victory for both sides of the paper, Senzeger said. Next year, he said he would like to see the advertising staff take more risks and continue to push the envelope when conceptualizing advertising campaigns. “Itʼs good to be edgy,” Senzeger said. “The edgier, the better.”


Christina House/Daily Titan Editor

ALL BUSINESS: Stephen Bernier of Con-Way Western Express shakes hands with CSUF senior Tony Song at the networking breakfast.


Students are responsible for their living arrangements, as housing may not be included in some programs. Housing options paid by students typically include home stays – staying with another family – apartments or dormitories. Program housing procedures may vary. Students are also responsible for all other additional personal expenses. “[There are] realistic limitations that your budget puts on your experience. There are so many places to go and see, and you canʼt realistically do and see it all,” Kelley said. “Bad or good, every experience here can be learned from.” Between 165 and 200 CSUF students participate in the programs

TODAY AND THURSDAY: Executives from a variety of fields share their knowledge and experience about leadership and ethics with students during the College of Business and Economics Business Week 2006. Speakers will include the executive director of Morgan Stanley and the president of the Disneyland Resort. Check out the event calendar at www.fullerton. edu for the event schedule. THURSDAY: Bowl for free during Glow Bowling for students in the TSU Underground from 3 to 7 p.m. FRIDAY: Deadline to enroll in student health insurance plans. For information, go to www.fullerton. edu/shcc/AboutHC.htm#health_ insurance. FRIDAY: Check out the Intramural Sports Dodge Ball Tournament at the Intramural Fields from noon to 3 p.m.

OFF CAMPUS TODAY: Be at the Brea Improv at 8:30 p.m. to see up-and-coming comedic talents compete to be chosen for a spot on Comedy Centralʼs new stand up show, “Live at Gotham.” Tickets are $12. THURSDAY: Korn will perform at the Long Beach Convention Center at 7 p.m. Tickets cost $29.50.

and about eight to 10 interns for the summer. Normandin also said that Balboa Capital offers corporate mentoring that is more of a contribution role for students to get professional advice and training. “Itʼs great to see more and more companies engaging in it,” Normandin said. Chen has not obtained a job or internship from previous networking breakfasts he has attended, but said he knows students who have. Both students agreed that they would like future networking events to include more companies. He said he hopes next year they will have more time to plan so that the college can team-up with the Career Center, who hosts a similar event, for a larger networking breakfast.

FRIDAY: ST. PATRICKʼS DAY! Check out Irish rockers the Fenians at the House of Blues in Anaheim for $20, or see the Young Dubliners at the House of Blues Sunset Strip for the same price, or go the less traditional route with Bone Thugs Nʼ Harmony at Vault 350 for $29.50.

each year. “I encourage students to do the one-year academic program,” Walters said. “Not only is it a lot cheaper than summer programs, but allows students to have a better cultural understanding.” A three to six unit summer program can cost up to $10,000, whereas a one-year program costs approximately $22,000, earning a student up to 30 units. “Certainly a summer program is better than nothing at all. But it is not going to be as rich of an experience,” Walters said. Not only does CSUF send students on an academic adventure, but it also receives approximately 32 students from other international academic institutions every year. “Our campus is very diverse,” said Walters. “We have people from every walk of life.”

Lay Tuan Tan, associate director of International Education and Exchange, said most incoming exchange students are mostly from Asian countries. “It reflects the national trend in the U.S.,” she said. “[Many] come for the English language program.” The College of Business and Economics is the popular department studied by CSUF exchange students, followed by the College of Communications, according to the International Education and Exchange Web site. “Our campus attracts students to the majors they are interested,” Walters said. “[Exchange students] also find that they can take more classes at [CSUF] outside their majors more easily.” Walters added that Californiaʼs sunny weather is also a contributing factor. Students interested in studying abroad are encouraged to complete an online information session. Additional information can be found on www.fullerton.edu/international. “I would tell anyone who is considering studying abroad to take a chance and go! Iʼve been here for four weeks, experienced so many new things, met so many great people, learned a lot about myself, and have had an absolute blast!” Kelley said. “[I have] three months to go and itʼs still as thrilling as day one.”

SATURDAY: The CSUF chapter of the National Press Photographers Association is hosting a student photo gallery and silent auction at Steamers Café in downtown Fullerton at 3 p.m. If you would like to submit an event to Out nʼ About please e-mail news@dailytitan.com

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Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960


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Puppy Mills Are Breeding Cruelty



here have been few pastimes that Americans hold so dear as looking at pornography, and due to Internet technology Americaʼs lustaffair with dirty pictures is now a $10 billion a year industry, with most porn-producing companies residing in California. Americans arenʼt alone with their passion for smut. Ancient Greeks, Romans, Indians, and Chinese have all produced pornographic material. Almost from its inception, hand-wringing morality-enforcers have sought to restrict access to it. Their reasoning has ranged from the idea that pornography produces violent and socially maladjusted individuals to the notion that it is potentially harmful for children and should therefore be restricted. The latter line of logic was used by the U.S. Department of Justice this week in an effort to force search-engine giant Google Inc. to turn 5,000 over search query records over to the government so it can build a case for porn restriction, as the federal government is apparently incapable of conducting their own research. Their case states that filtering software doesnʼt protect children from the dangers of Internet pornography. The Department of Justice is trying to resurrect the failed 1998 Child Online Protection Act, which seeks to prevent children from viewing pornographic images online. The act

was ultimately ruled unconstitutional by federal courts, and later upheld by the Supreme Court, because it would also limit the access to legal pornography by adults. Some civilliberties groups worry that this version of the act will also. It seems troubling that the federal government wants to focus on sex rather than violence. Violent material is far more easily accessed by children than is pornography. Videogames, cartoons and movies can all contain a heavy dose of violence, for which there doesnʼt seem to be such an exaggerated governmental concern. But regardless of which form objectionable content takes, the key issue at hand is whether we need the federal government and society in general to help raise children. Should we be forced to give up those things that make our existence slightly more bearable because it poses a potential risk to a childʼs mental, emotional, or moral development? No. Responsible citizens should be able to choose their own moral-value system, and whether they want to view violence, pornography, or any other offensive material. The people who make the babies need to raise their babies. We canʼt allow lazy parents to lord their delicate little ones over collective society, demanding that society conforms to the needs of their parenting.

Editorial Board Philip Fuller, Opinion Editor Nicole M. Smith, Executive Editor Kim Orr, Managing Editor In deference to the paradigm established by venerable Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, unsigned Titan Editorials strive to represent the general will of the Daily Titan editorial board and do not necessarily reflect the view of the university.

By Jessica Horn

Daily Titan Staff Writer

Imagine yourself in a hallway filled with darkness, where cages are lined side-by-side and stacked one on top of the other. Inside these cages, creatures shiver in the corner, their food and water bowls empty, as they have been for possibly days, and the floor around them is filthy. This is the only square inch where the ground is not soiled; where they roll up into a ball to protect themselves from the harsh cold of night.If you guessed that this is a scene out of some kind of twisted Wes Craven film or the next Quentin Tarantino movie, youʼre wrong. This description is of a puppy mill, a mass breeding facility for puppies where pet stores get their “shipments.” Even the most crazed animal lovers arenʼt aware of the term puppy mill, but if they knew that pet stores are linked to the place like the one described above, they would never dare never set foot in one again. Pet stores have a kind of aura that seems to pull people in, especially the biggest of animal lovers. I must admit, as an avid animal lover myself, I have a hard time resisting the temptation to grasp the handle on the pet store door, and, as I did when I was a kid, approach the glass and squish my nose right up against it, viewing every angle of the creatureʼs cage. Unfortunately, it was only recently brought to my attention that the pet stores I once loved so much are anything but pet friendly. For decades, puppy mills have been in the business of churning out as many puppies as they can. Itʼs obvious math: More puppies means more money. Female dogs in puppy mills are used to their maximum breeding potential. They are taken away from

their mothers at the earliest age at their feet in an attempt to and begin their life anew strict- free themselves from the wire in ly as puppy-breeding machines. which they are trapped. As you Females are forced to reproduce can imagine, a puppy mill is a until their fragile bodies can no loud place to work in. With hunlonger reproduce – often by the dreds of unhealthy and unhappy age of 5 years – and they are then dogs, there is a lot of barking discarded because they are not going on. It has been found that deemed necessary for anything workers sometimes “debark” a dog, not by the routine veterinary else. Newborn puppies are often sep- method, but by ramming a steel arated from their mothers when rod down their throat and rupturthey are 5 to 8 weeks old, and ing their vocal cords. From season to season, dogs shipped off to pet stores around living in puppy mills must try to the country. The animals that escape the adapt to the weather, seeing as horrible confines of the puppy how there is no heat or air conditioning. Many mills so early in times dogs their lives are freeze in the fortunate. “Females are forced to winter or get The lives of reporoduce until their heat stroke dogs inside puppy fragile bodies can no longer in the summills – and some reproduce...and then they mer months. do live out their are discarded” Unfortunately, lives though not Jessica Horn there are a full life – are approximately tantamount to life Daily Titan Staff Writer 5,000 federinside the gates of ally licensed hell. These dogs puppy mills in are not given nutritional food. Instead, they eat the United States currently operthe crumbs of anything edible that ating. These facilities are supposed to can be scraped together. Nor do these dogs receive vet- abide by the rules of the Federal erinary care because luxuries like Animal Welfare Act, but many that cost money, and the cheapest times the rules are not strictroute is the best way to maximize ly enforced. The United States profits. That is why so many dogs Department of Agriculture is in that are sold to pet stores from charge of overseeing puppy mills these facilities develop serious because they are commercial diseases and illnesses, and their businesses. But with only 96 inspectors new families inherit the vet bills. Personally, from working in a nationwide, who oversee not only veterinary hospital, I have seen puppy mills but also zoos, cirthe plight of pet store animals. cuses, laboratories and animals One pet store near the vet where transported on commercial airI was employed had a new dog in lines, itʼs hard for rules to be every weekend, with a new illness strictly enforced. Puppy mills are able to “bend or broken body part from being so fragile. Puppy mill workers are the rules” by selling directly to not so generous as to give each consumers, thereby avoiding the dog its own cage either. Dogs federal licensing requirements. are cramped into tiny quarters, Their puppies are also sold on where dogfights often occur or the Internet and in the newspaper where anxiety-ridden dogs gnaw classified ads.

There are seven states in the country that are tagged as “Puppy Mill States,” including Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Pennsylvania. The reasoning behind advocating the shutdown of puppy mills is this: There are millions of worthy animals living in shelters today that are deserving of homes. By purchasing an animal from a pet store, not only are puppy mills allowed to stay in business, but another animal living its life in a shelter has lost its chance at getting a home. It is also estimated that 25 percent of dogs in shelters are purebred, if that is an important factor in choosing a dog. So many more animals are bred than there are homes for. At the rate we are breeding, we wonʼt have enough homes for almost half the dogs being born.I understand the horrible conditions of the animals living in puppy mills and feel for these animals that are in need of homes. I currently work at a cage-free doggy daycare and we have a Yorkshire terrier named Ronnie who stays with us. Ronnie had lived most of her life in a puppy mill until her current owner rescued her. She spent nine years living in a cage alone. Ronnie can only walk in circles, is blind and deaf, and is afraid of everything. I know there are people out there, who thought that buying their puppy or kitten at the local pet store was a good thing; they were just giving a new home to a deserving life. But for as long as pet stores are making profits, the cycle will continue. Itʼs hard to pass up that doggy in the window, but by doing so and going to the shelter instead, soon that window in which the doggy sat wonʼt be there, and puppies wonʼt continue to be born without a family to go home to.

SPORTS Titan Bats Fail to Heat in the Cold 4

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S P O R T S @ D A I LY T I T A N . C O M

Utah softball team visits Fullerton and earns 1-0 win with a one-hitter

“It was a good pitching duel, both pitchers pitched a great game,” Titan sophomore first baseman Katie Gollhardt said. “I just think we didnʼt back up Marzan By JON CASTILLO with the bats.” Daily Titan Staff Writer Utes pitcher Meghan Dyer did not make it any easier for the The smallest mistake can mean Titans. She went five innings, the difference between a win and allowing no runs and only one hit. a loss. This was the case Tuesday She struck out eight. Utah pitcher Karina Cannon night when Cal State Fullertonʼs softball team (14-13) lost a pitch- came in relief, to close out the win ing duel, 1-0, in a non-conference for Utah, earning her second save game as the Titans were one hit by of the season. Gollhardt was the only Titan to Utah at the Titan Softball Complex get on base with a hit, when she on Tuesday. Titan senior pitcher Marissa doubled off Dyer in the second inning. Marzanʼs (4“They are 4) only mistwo different take came types of pitchwith two outs ers, so they mix “It was a good pitching in the first inning, when duel, both pitchers pitched well together,” said Utah Head she allowed a great game.” Coach Kyle a solo home Magnusson run against of Dyer and Utahʼs right Cannon. “Itʼs fielder Jessica a good mixture Shiery. Katie Gollhardt to give the hitMarzan ters a different pitched a Titan First Baseman look.” complete CSUF had game giving runners in scorup one run ing position on three hits. She did not allow a runner past in the second, third, and seventh first base until the seventh inning, innings but were unable to get the where Utah was only able to get as much-needed clutch hits to drive in any runs. far as second base.

Roemer Grabs Weekly Honor

SALVADOR AGUILAR/For the Daily Titan

SEE YOU LATER: Titans outfielder Molly Perez watches as the ball Utahʼs Jessica Shiery hit clears the fence in the first inning for a home run. It was the only run scored in the 1-0 loss for the Titans. It appeared that the Titans might have been able to tie the game in the bottom of the seventh inning when Titans right fielder Ashley Van Boxmeer reached first on a walk to start the inning. Gollhardt then followed that up with a sacrifice bunt that advanced Van Boxmeer to second base. The

The Associated Press




potential comeback came to an end as the Titans grounded out and struck out to end the ballgame. “Marissa pitched good enough for us to win that ballgame, but one hit is definitely not going to score lots of runs for us,” Titan Head Coach Michelle Gromacki said. Both teams were looking to set

a tone for the Judi Garman Classic that begins play today at the Titan Softball Complex. Magnusson said that the win was a good way to start off for the Utes. “To beat a team of the caliber of these guys [Titans], that is big to us especially,” Magnusson said.

Japan Pounds Mexico, 6-1

BRILLIANT: Junior Nicole Lim performs on the balance beam during a gymnastics meet vs. Stanford at Titan Gym. Lim and her teammates wrap up their season Friday.


Daisuke Matsuzaka allowed one hit in five shutout innings and Japan beat Mexico 6-1 Tuesday in the second round of the World Baseball Classic, putting the United States in danger of being eliminated before it plays again. South Korea (2-0) can earn a berth in the semis by beating Japan (1-1). If that happens, the United States (1-1) would also make it by beating Mexico (0-2) on Thursday. But if Japan beats South Korea, the Americans could be eliminated from contention even before playing Mexico. That would happen if Japan wins in a nine-inning game and scores seven runs or less because of the complicated tiebreaker system being employed. The semifinals will be played Saturday and the finals Monday in San Diego. Matsuzaka walked two, struck out two, and threw 73 pitches in his second exceptional performance of

the Classic. He allowed three hits and one run in four innings in a 133 first-round victory over Taiwan. Tomoya Satozaki homered off Esteban Loaiza to cap a four-run rally in the fourth that provided Japan with all the offense it would need. Nobuhiko Matsunaka singled, Akinori Iwamura walked and Hitoshi Tamura sacrificed before Michihiro Ogasawara hit a tworun single. Satozaki followed by hitting a 3-1 pitch into the rightcenter field seats. Tamura hit an RBI single off Dennys Reyes in the fifth to make it 5-0. Miguel Ojeda led off the eighth by hitting a solo homer off Yasuhiko Yabuta for Mexicoʼs only run. Ichiro Suzuki added an RBI single in the ninth off Luis Ayala. Loaiza allowed seven hits and four runs in four innings. He threw 75 pitches. The game was played before an announced crowd of 16,591 at Angel Stadium.

The first two Japanese batters reached base in the second and third innings, but Loaiza pitched out of trouble each time with help from his defense. First baseman Adrian Gonzalez made a diving stop of Ogasawaraʼs grounder and threw him out from a sitting position to end the second. Mexico got a runner to third with one out in the bottom of the second on a throwing error by second baseman Tsuyoshi Nishioka before Matsuzaka struck out Ojeda and retired Mario Valenzuela on a liner to center. Jorge Cantuʼs first-inning single was the only hit off Matsuzaka. Juan Castro greeted Tsuyoshi Wada with a single to open the sixth, but Wada retired the next six batters. Akinori Otsuka worked a scoreless ninth for Japan, with Luis Alfonso Garcia grounding into a game-ending double play. Mexico never sent more than four batters to the plate in an inning, and stranded only four baserunners.

A complete-game shutout earned Cal State Fullerton hurler Wes Roemer Big West Conference Pitcher of the Week honors Monday morning as announced by the Irvine-based conference office. On the mound, Roemer shined as Cal State Fullertonʼs Fridaynight starter against the East Carolina Pirates. During the contest he struck out a career-high 12 batters and gave up eight hits, en route to a complete-game shutout, the first of his career. The righthanded sophomore extended his season-long streak to 45 innings pitched without a walk, as he carried the Titans to a 5-0 victory over the Pirates. Roemer, posting a 1.40 ERA, has compiled 46 strikeouts without allowing a free pass in six starts this year.

Gymnastics Titans Finish in Third Place Cal State Fullerton juniors Nicole Lim and Brittany Evans finished 12 on beam and the Titans posted a season-high 193.000 to finish third in a quad meet at Arizona on Saturday night in Tucson Ariz. The No. 15 Wildcats won the meet with a 194.725 to finish ahead of No. 19 Denver (194.300), Cal State Fullerton, and Southeast Missouri State (190.500). Lim won beam with a score of 9.825 and was followed closely by Evans on the apparatus, who scored a 9.775. Junior Erica Ficarrotta was the Titansʼ top all-around finisher with a 38.650 to place fifth as she finished tied for eighth on bars (9.675), 11th on floor (9.725) and beam (9.600), and tied for 19th on vault (9.600) The Titans close out the regular season on Friday as they head to Cedar City, Utah, to take on Southern Utah at 6 p.m. It is the final meet prior to the Western Athletic Conference Championships in Logan, Utah, on March 25. Information provided by CSUF Sports Media Relations www.Fullertontitans.com

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