2006 04 05

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C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n

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Vo l u m e 8 2 , I s s u e 2 8



From crack to ping: the changing sounds of baseball Page 6

On American soil or abroad, government torture is wrong Page 4

Asst. Dean Receives 2 Awards

Science, Learning Center Renamed

Lisa Jones recently named a ‘Distinguished Educator’ by American Society of Civil Engineers

Largest alumni donation in university’s history provides $4.2 million

By Jimmy Stroup

Daily Titan Staff Writer

By Jessica Horn

A During part three of the series, smokers quit for good. By this time if smokers havenʼt quit smoking altogether they should be having only one or two cigarettes a day. “We talk about ways for them to handle stress in social situations when theyʼre having nagging urges,” Garcia said. “We want them to be a support group for each other.” Weight gain and relapse effects will be addressed during the fourth part. “During this time we encourage them to exercise regularly, drink a lot of water and eat a healthy diet,” Garcia said. “We talk about the whole picture. We donʼt want them to switch from one addiction to another, such as caffeine. We want them to be addicted to something healthy, such as exercise,” she said. The ex-smokers will celebrate on the last night of the series. They will receive a certificate and loved ones are invited to come.

recent recipient of two awards from local engineering associations, Lisa Jones, assistant dean of student affairs for the College of Engineering and Computer Science, is only doing things the way sheʼs become known for among colleagues and students alike: above and beyond the call of duty in every respect. In direct recognition for her efforts in organizing last yearʼs American Society of Civil Engineers Regional Student Conference, which was held at Cal State Fullerton last spring, the society awarded Jones the Distinguished Educator Award in February. The conference she was Lisa Jones awarded for helping organize drew more than 700 Asst. Dean of participants and featured Student Affairs engineering competitions and speakers. “The ASCE students wanted to hold a regional conference and I was lukewarm about it. I was not as enthusiastic about it as the students,” said Raman Unnikrishnan, dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science. “Lisa took charge of organizing the students and that was one of the best conferences anyone had seen in years. I think without her, the students would not have had the opportunity to participate in such a major event.” Just after that, Jones received the Outstanding Service Award from the Orange County Engineering Council, an umbrella group that supports professionals and educators from all types of engineering fields. She said the awards were probably given to her because of her close relationship with students and professionals who know her and are active in the different associations. “I didnʼt know about the award until they



Daily Titan Staff Writer


al State Fullertonʼs Science Laboratory Center will be renamed Dan Black Hall, by a recent approval of the CSU Trustee Board. This name change is in recognition of CSUF alumnus Dan Blackʼs $4.2 million donation to CSUFʼs College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. This is the largest donation to this department in CSUFʼs history. “This is also the second largest gift received to the campus [as a whole],” said Steven Murray, dean of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Black, who graduated from CSUF in 1967 with a bachelorʼs degree in physics, donates annually to the department to support student scholarships and the Dan Black Program in physics and business. “Mr. Black donates $75,000 a year to the program which he established in 1999. The Dan Black Program in physics and business combines both of those disciplines,” said Linda Caplette, public affairs for the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. “The curriculum has core classes in physics, but instead of elective classes in physics, students take classes in economics, accounting, marketing, finance, and business communications. Students are also required to complete two summer internships.” Roger Nanes, chair and professor of physics, said the Dan Black Program is believed to be the only one of its kind in the nation. “The [Dan Black] program is an emphasis in the B.S. degree for physics majors who are interested in entrepreneurship and a career in business,” Nanes said. After graduating from CSUF, Black built many businesses from the ground up, becoming a successful entrepreneur. In 1998, Black sold one of his companies, Advanced Medical Nutrition, for more than $16 million. Black is currently president of Prothera Inc., a nutritional supplement company that is based in Reno, Nev. Black said he is financially secure enough at this point in his life to give back to the school. He also said CSUF changed his life in a major way and he wants to remind students that they have to give back. Students couldnʼt do it on their own without the help they receive from their college, Black said. SEE BLACK HALL = PAGE 3


Third Wave Feminist Club members Uchka Dorj, Jamie Flanagan and Beatriz Rodriquez stand in silent protest for violence against women on Tuesday afternoon.

Anti-Smoking Program Kicks Butts City of Fullerton Senior Multi-Service Center will host five-series workshop By Alicia David

Daily Titan Staff Writer


he Fullerton Senior MultiService Center will host a five-week series called “Just the Facts” to help people quit smoking. The workshop takes place Thursday nights from 6 to 7:30 p.m. “The series is sponsored by Anaheim Memorial Medical Center and is open to the public,” said Vickie Wiles, programs assistant at the center. “All ages are welcome, but they have to register ahead of time,” she said. The five-week series aims to help smokers kick the habit for good. “There are five parts,” said Laura Garcia, a registered cardiovascular nurse of the tobacco cessation program at Anaheim Memorial Medical Center.

“The first part deals with the actual habit.” Smokers will talk about why they want to quit smoking. Garcia will teach behavioral techniques so they can become aware of their addiction patterns. The participants will keep a daily smoking diary to expose these patterns. During the first part of the series Garcia will ask smokers to set a quit date. “Theyʼre really encouraged to quit or at least cut down half the amount by the second week since we only have a short time to work with them,” Garcia said. The second part of the program will teach the “Four Dʼs” to help smokers get ready to quit. In a round table setting, smokers will identify what triggers their cravings. “The Four Dʼs are: distract yourself, drink water, deep breath and delay – wait five to 10 minutes before smoking,” Garcia said. The smokers will then pledge to quit by signing a contract and reward themselves with a small gift.

Men’s Week Lecture Centers on Male Violence Author discusses why battered women stay in relationships, three stages of abusers By Jessica Escorsia

Daily Titan Staff Writer

Over 150 students filled the Titan Student Union Theatre Tuesday to listen to Alyce LaViolette, author of “It Could Happen to Anyone: Why Battered Women Stay,” lecture on males and violence. The lecture was part of a weeklong Kevin Rogers/Daily Titan series of events the Womenʼs Center held SPEAKING OUT AGAINST VIOLENCE: Author Alyce LaViolette, speaks at the TSU in connection with Menʼs Week. Theatre on Tuesday about the messages in society that glamorize the weak versus strong Ninety-five percent of homicide inciview of the world that dominates much of male behavior. dents between partners is male violence





Mighty Ducks hope to S.C.O.R.E. with younger fans


Songha Lee/Daily Titan


Is promoting newspaper readers worth the extra cost?




WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Showers High: 60 Low: 47

toward females, said Barbara McDowell, director of the Womenʼs Center at Cal State Fullerton. With such staggering statistics she felt it was important to give males equal time, but also address the topic to students in general. “As men begin to explore barriers of being males in society itʼs important that they take a look at the statistics of males and violence,” McDowell said. LaViolette, who also counsels at a violence prevention center in Long Beach, said there is a correlation between violence and the feeling of power. “They think anger is acceptable to cover

Sunny High: 68 Low: 48



Mostly Sunny High: 67 Low: 50

Partly Cloudy High: 68 Low: 51


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THURSDAY: An indie-rock concert is in the TSU Underground Pub at noon. Free for students. For more information, call (714) 278-4216.

Hussein Accused of Genocide

BAGHDAD, Iraq – Iraqi authorities filed genocide charges against Saddam Hussein on Tuesday, accusing the ousted ruler and six others in a 1980s crackdown that killed an estimated 100,000 Kurds in northern Iraq. In alleging Saddam sought to exterminate the Kurds, the prosecutors are for the first time accusing him of the sort of farreaching crimes that the Bush administration has used to justify the war in Iraq. The former Iraqi president returns to court Wednesday in his current 6-month-old trial, facing a possible death sentence if convicted in the killings of more than 140 Shiites.

THURSDAY: “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” will be shown in the TSU Titan Theatre at 6 and 9 p.m. Free for students. For more information, call (714) 278-3502. FRIDAY: Professional director Donn Finn lends his skill to Cal State Fullertonʼs modern-dress version of Shakespeareʼs unfinished drama “Timon of Athens.” Scholars may not be able confirm that Shakespeare actually wrote the piece, but it does contain one of his best quotes: “We have seen better days.” Tickets cost $9, $8 for students. Check out the schedule at www.fullerton.edu/arts/events for more information.

Youths Protest New Law PARIS – Rioting youths swarmed across a downtown Paris plaza, ripping up street signs and park benches and hurling stones and chunks of pavement at police at the end of the largest of massive but mostly peaceful protests Tuesday across France against a new jobs law. Riot police fired tear gas and rubber pellets and made repeated charges into the crowds of several hundred youths at Place dʼItalie on the Left Bank, carrying away those they arrested.

SATURDAY: High school seniors, community college students and their families can explore educational opportunities at Welcome to Cal State Fullerton Day from 9 a.m. to noon. The event includes campus tours, informational workshops and a resource fair. The Saturday morning event is open to the public free. For more information, call (714) 278-2086.


Ethics Scandal Alters GOP WASHINGTON – Tom DeLay leaves a troubling legacy for Republicans as they face re-election. The Texan, once one of the most powerful and feared leaders of Congress, joined Newt Gingrich in helping to lead Republicans to power in 1994. But he became a symbol of the widening ethics scandal that now clouds GOP prospects for continued control.

Obesity in Women Peaks ATLANTA – More American children are getting fat, with more than one-third now overweight. More of their dads are getting heavy, too. But the percentage of women who are overweight seems to have peaked, leading some experts to wonder if the U.S. obesity epidemic may soon be leveling off. Overall, larger proportions of the U.S. public are overweight than ever before, according to the governmentʼs most accurate recent check of the nationʼs girth. But women – who as a group are more obese – seem to be holding steady.


‘Idol’ is Costly for Family LOS ANGELES – Millie Hundley is shelling out for airline and hotel costs. Clyde Pickler Sr. is getting by with a little financial help from friends, while Kenneth Daughtryʼs boss gave him time off and even paid his way from Virginia. A seat in the studio audience for “American Idol” is free, but contestantsʼ family members – and sometimes those around them – are paying a price to lend moral support to their favorite singers. Reports compiled from The Associated Press


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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSUF System. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. Copyright ©2006 Daily Titan

Irvina Kanarek/Daily Titan


Joanna Yang and Johnny Lee study inside Langsdorf Hall awaiting the end of the heavy rains on Tuesday afternoon.


TEHRAN – Iranian police have caught seven young men who were trying to emigrate to Hungary by

masquerading as members of the national wrestling team, the official Iran newspaper reported Monday. Airport police arrested the seven men after a tip-off from the Iranian Wrestling Federation that warned 15 imposters would attempt to slip out of Iran under the pretext of attending a Greco-Roman wrestling

contest in Hungary. Getting visas to leave the Islamic Republic for European Union countries is a very difficult process for most Iranians. “Seven out of the 15 phoney wrestlers were arrested and warrants have been issued for the arrest of the remaining eight,” the newspaper quoted prosecutor Ataollah Roudgar as saying. He said the men carried sports bags and wrestling suits but had not got their stories straight. “Amongst those arrested was a young man who weighed about 60 kg (132 lb) and claimed to be the 120 kg contender,” Roudgar said. Iranʼs Wrestling Federation said it became suspicious when its members saw an Iranian team entered in the Hungarian bouts, a competition that hadʼnt been on Iranʼs schedule.

OFF CAMPUS TODAY: Shop for local designer jewelry, fashions and handbags from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the Shebeen Lounge of the Mozambique restaurant in Laguna Beach. Special prices on select cocktails and fine wines during the event and hors dʼoeuvres are offered from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Admission is free. FRIDAY: Titan baseball plays UC Irvine at Anteater Ballpark at 6 p.m. FRIDAY: The Angels lead off the 2006 season with a home opener against the New York Yankees at 7:05 p.m. FRIDAY: Chapman University hosts this public discussion entitled “Global Conflict and Insecurity Post-9/11” featuring a whole slew of experts who will aim to answer the question, “Are we at war?” Call (714) 997-6871 for the time. If you would like to submit an event to Out nʼ About please e-mail news@dailytitan.com

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McDowell believes women are more prone to care about the status of the relaFROM PAGE 1 tionship and tend to deal with anger emotionally rather than physically. A red flag should go up when the punup pain and rejection,” LaViolette said. ishment doesnʼt fit the crime, Le Violette LaViolette discussed the three different said. ranges of violence: the abuser, the batterer She added that women stay in these and the terrorist. situations because of relationship inertia LaViolette said in the early stage the – when the person fears change and wants abuser exhibits a lot of impulsiveness. things to stay the same. Someone who drives “Just the thought of recklessly or has a lot of changing everything is road rage would be classihuge,” she said. fied within this first range. Finding out things in “Women stay After a breakup many conversation like if your people donʼt want to let partner likes their family, because they are go of their partner so they if they have any long-term afraid. But at the might drive by their partfriendships, and what they beginning, women think is an appropriate reacnerʼs house to see if theyʼre stay because they tion to anger are key queshome, call them just to hear tions women should ask their voice or go to a place are emotionally their partners, LaViolette they frequent, she said. connected.” said. But, the abuser or batterer will tend to stop these Yuro Haito, a junior “stalker” actions once they human services major, continue to be rejected. went to the lecture for an Alyce However, the terrorist extra credit assignment. LaViolette will continue to stalk and “I think itʼs interesting continuous rejection can how males and females Author trigger even greater and deal with violence differently,” she said. “I think it more violent actions. has to do a lot with social LaViolette also discussed learning.” the topic of her book about McDowell said there are a large number why women stay in violent relationships. “Women stay because they are afraid. of resources providing services around But at the beginning, women stay Orange County and CSUF. LaViolette gave students three imporbecause they are emotionally connected,” tant steps to remember: avoid violent LaViolette said. She went on to say that women stay situations; if you find yourself in a violent situation, think your way out of it; and very connected with their values. “Those values are bigger than the value remember that physical aggression is the last resort. of ʻI wonʼt get hit,ʼ” she said. ON THE WEB


The Radio-TV-Film Department will offer two new courses to Cal State Fullerton students beginning this semester.

In the article “Keeping Under the Influence in Check” (April 4): Lt. Doug Cave is the manager a grant issued by the Office of Traffic and Safety.

Cabrillo Marine Aquarium director speaks about Grunion fish on Southern Californiaʼs coastline. www.dailytitan.com

In the article “Has it been Eight Minutes Yet?” (April 4): Grace Hunter is a female.


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Photo provided by public affairs

GIVING BACK: Alumnus Dan Black (third from left) with wife Kathy Chao, President Milton A. Gordon (far left) and Steven Murray, dean of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics during a recognition for Blackʼs $4.2 million gift to CSUF. mechanism in helping many people to become millionaires. He said he lives up FROM PAGE 1 to promises and has made dramatic differences in many peoplesʼ lives. Blackʼs recent donation will be used CSUF President Milton A. Gordon, to continue funding for his program as said there are discussions about the well as refurbish the lab, purchase new importance of producing more math and equipment and continue to provide scholscience graduates, and Blackʼs donation arships to students, Caplette said. The donation will advance faculty will greatly aid in accomplishing this efforts and support science and math goal. Black said the key to success is sim- students, Murray said. ple: Hire good people who love their job, “The Board of Trustees approved the treat them well and let them do the job name change and weʼre planning, for they were given. September, a major celebration,” he He is also very proud to have been a said.


JONES FROM PAGE 1 invited me to the ceremony. In both cases, I knew some of the Cal State Fullerton faculty who are engineers and are involved with the organizations,” she said. Jones should be getting used to being awarded for her dedication, though, having also been the recipient of the CSUF

Titan Excellence Award and the Outstanding Staff Award for the 2004-05 academic year. Oddly, Jones success in the engineering field came by way of an education in education – sheʼs not an engineer herself. But early jobs at the Florida Institute of Technology, where she was in career services, and at the Georgia Institute of Technology, where she directed the cooperative education program, familiarized her with the field and helped her create a niche where she feels her work can help make a difference. “I had a good experience as a college student, and it was

rewarding to finally choose the right career path. I wanted to help students figure out what to do with their careers, as well,” she said. “I thought it was an excellent career choice and I can be very confident in recruiting students to the field because I know theyʼll have good career opportunities.” Too humble to talk about her own accomplishments, Jones is more than happy to talk up the engineering program at Fullerton, but spreads the recognition around as widely as she can. “It really takes everyone – faculty, staff, students – to put something like this together and make

“By this time everyone should probably have quit smoking,” Garcia said. The tobacco cessation services offers community classes, hospital courses, telephone services and one-to-one individual counseling in four different languages including English, Spanish, Vietnamese and Korean. “Private employers also offer our services to their employees in order to have a smoke-free environment,” Garcia said. “The class is offered usually during lunch time so employees donʼt have to use their free time to come to a class,” she said. The information for these services is easy to obtain. “People interested can call 1(866) NEW-LUNG,” said Anabel Garcia, health educator with the Tobacco Use Prevention Program of the County of Orange Health Care Agency. “Theyʼll be asked to give some information, such as how long have they been smoking, and then they will be put in contact with their nearest provider,” she said. The services are free and offered in several locations in California. Although quitting may be hard, she said these services make finding help a lot easier. it work,” she said. Dean Unnikrishnan is more pointed about what Jones has done to improve the program in the four years sheʼs been at Fullerton, crediting her with increasing enrollment into the program with aggressive campaigns and involvement in recruiting programs with professional industries in the local area. “ ʻNoʼ is not in the vocabulary of an engineer – only a delayed ʻyes.ʼ You have to have a can-do attitude and she has that,” he said. “Sheʼs not an engineer, but she should be. Sheʼs a natural fit with the college of engineering and computer science.”


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Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960



ept. 11 and its subsequent aftermath caused the United States and its western allies to realize just how small the world had become and how our policy affects lives and inflames political passion worldwide. In effect, the policy that we enact has the power to anger those around the world to violent action. It would seem logical then to approach foreign policy and law enforcement with transparency and to promote the cause of freedom at home and abroad. But since the terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center, the CIA has been allegedly using “black site” prisons – in the incarceration and interrogations of terror suspects. These prisons are hosted by countries that do not hold as high a regard for human rights as the United States claims it does. Amnesty International released a report Monday detailing the way that the CIA has been using these sites. They claim that the agency used loopholes in international aviation laws to circumvent authorities and transfer prisoners to sites where they could be mistreated – err, interrogated – out of the view of the general public. The document details the accounts of three men who

were apprehended in Tanzania, Indonesia and Jordan, and were held for 13 months without charges, and faced extensive interrogation. There was no allegation of torture as has been the case with such reports in the past, but rather allegations of “mistreatment.” Once the CIA had finished with these men, the report claims, they were transported to Yemen, where they were tried for traveling on forged documents. The political leanings and whether these men associated with suspected terrorists are moot points. The United States doesnʼt have the authority to gallivant around the world enforcing “thought-police” policies. But widespread global knowledge of U.S. action could cause a backlash against our principles of liberal democracy and human rights. The United States should focus on whether its policies are promoting global advancement in human rights and open government. This policy does neither. Itʼs designed to promote the safety of the American people, but instead it promotes secrecy, torture – a highly ineffective interrogation technique – and animosity. If the federal government approached its global authority without such evil techniques, perhaps we could prevent future wars by not allowing global animosity to fester.

Editorial Board Philip Fuller, Opinion Editor Nicole M. Smith, Executive Editor Kim Orr, Managing Editor In deference to the paradigm established by venerable Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, unsigned Titan Editorials strive to represent the general will of the Daily Titan editorial board and do not necessarily reflect the view of the university.


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POINT & COUNTERPOINT Is New ASI Program a Waste of Student’s Money? PRO By Sara Havlena

Daily Titan Staff Writer

Cal State Fullerton students now have much-needed options of where to get their news on campus. As of Monday, students can choose between The Orange County Register, The New York Times, USA Today and of course The Daily Titan available free of charge. The complimentary papers are part of a pilot program started by the Collegiate Reader Program, designed by Penn State in 1997. The program works with USA Today and other major publications to provide free papers to college students. If the four-week pilot program is successful it will be permanent starting in fall of 2006. The three papers available were chosen by ASI President Mona Mohammadi, who spoke with students to figure out which publications they wanted. The ASI and TSU governing board will split the cost and the school will not have to pay for the papers not picked up. The service has been offered at the Irvine campus for the past year. But, now it is available to the larger student population on the main campus. Many students pick up a paper to read during their breaks or lunch, and now they have options for what they want to read along with the Daily Titan. Also, many students, especially communications majors, are required to read one of the major papers for their classes. Now they can obtain them without having to subscribe or stop and pay for them from a vending machine. The papers, hand-picked by the students, should help them

enhance their knowledge of events occurring outside of CSUF. This is completely fair because it offers a much broader spectrum of information other than just the news that occurred on campus. For a student newspaper, the Daily Titan does a great job and has won many awards for its writing and design, but it cannot always hold up to professionals This is a great service provided by the school to encourage students to read papers more and be up to date on world events. The major newspapers provide national and world news everyday, along with specialized and more in-depth sections like entertainment and sports. The bigger papers are also able to get stories and sources that the school publications cannot. The bottom line is that the major papers are substantially longer and offer more variety of stories, but that does not mean no one will read the campus publications anymore. Students will still read the Daily Titan because it offers information that pertains to students and faculty, which they will not get from the larger papers. The only place they will be able to find out about specific events, programs and CSUF sports teams will be from the campus publications. The Daily Titan should be proud of its regular readers who read every issue Monday through Thursday, and trust that these people will still read even with the other options available. The Daily Titan might loose some readers, but the true fans will stay. In the crazy life of a college student, they can use all the help they can get to make their lives easier. Having the papers free of charge and easily available is a small ges-

CON By Jimmy Stroup

Daily Titan Staff Writer

The Associated Students Inc. has recently decided that it ought to spend a bunch of the reserve funding from our student dues to help finance a pilot program where USA Today, The New York Times, The Orange County Register and The Daily Titan would all appear on a new-fangled rack together, “free” for the taking. As of early this week, there were six of these racks split between Langsdorf Hall and the Titan Student Union. True, ASI shares the cost of this new program with the nations largest newspaper chain, the Gannett organization (which owns USA Today), so itʼs not nearly as expensive as it could be. Also true is that this isnʼt a totally new idea; the Irvine campus has had free USA Todayʼs available for several years. But itʼs more the principle than anything else that makes this a dumb idea. Newspapers like USA Today and the Register are not cost prohibitive. If you want a newspaper, 50 cents isnʼt a price tag you canʼt manage. ASI has, essentially, spent our money on something that no one was asking for, on something that students can afford without their help. People who want a newspaper are willing to buy one, and itʼs unlikely that many students would buy one anyway. ASI helping to make them free hasnʼt fulfilled a contingent of Cal State Fullerton students who really, really wanted a newspaper but couldnʼt afford one.

Moreover, why does this new rack want to place The Daily Titan in competition with professional newspapers that (a) fulfill a different purpose and (b) are out of its class? The Daily Titan student newspaper is self-published by an editorial staff that ends up working more for fun than money using funds earned by students working the phones in the advertising department who donʼt earn much in return. And the writers are unpaid students who hunt down stories they hope will appeal to an audience the Register largely ignores. The outcome of this work is a newspaper, free to Fullerton students, thatʼs created with them in mind – itʼs tailor-made to speak to their interests, their desires and to provide them with news that the larger community and county papers donʼt care to report. Students donʼt care all that much about what ASI does or doesnʼt do. That in mind, the money ASI is in charge of should be going toward big projects that will be of the greatest benefit to the largest amount of people. The TSU, for example, was a great way to spend student funds. The planned recreation center across from the still-unopened new parking structure is a good way to spend money. Tickling 25 people a day because they get to keep their pocket change and pick up the free newspaper they were willing to pay for is a waste of student funding that could be better spent on commissioning some new piece of art for the campus, or any dozen other projects that are broader in perspective.


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Maryland Emerges as Women’s Basketball Champions


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The Associated Press

Overtime belongs to Maryland. So does the NCAA championship. Freshman Kristi Toliver hit a 3-pointer at the end of regulation to cap a 13-point comeback, then made two free throws with 35 seconds left in overtime Tuesday night to give the Terrapins their first NCAA womenʼs basketball title with a 78-75 victory over Duke. Maryland (34-4) is 6-0 in overtime games this season – the first five on the road and the last in the championship to complete the second-largest comeback in a womenʼs final. It was the first time the title was determined in overtime since Tennessee beat Virginia in 1991. The Maryland players stormed the court twice – once after Toliverʼs basket forced overtime and again when Blue Devils guard Jessica Foleyʼs desperation, wellcovered 3-point attempt nicked the front of the rim at the overtime buzzer. Piling up on the court, hugging and bumping chests, the Terrapins reveled in the youth that had been the biggest doubt surrounding them coming into the tournament. “Age is just a number,” Maryland coach Brenda Frese said. “When you got kids that believe and they believe in each other and they got that kind of confidence, you can accomplish anything as a team.” Foley made two free throws with 18 seconds left in regulation to give Duke a 70-67 lead, then Frese called timeout to set up a play. Toliver, who had 12 turnovers in the semifinal victory over North Carolina, brought the ball down and veered over to the right before putting through the 3 with 6.1 seconds left and Dukeʼs Alison Bales in her face. “And I even felt her fingertips as I was holding my follow through,” Toliver said. “So, she did a great job contesting. I just had a lot of confidence. And I knew I wanted to take the big shot so I just took it.” Duke (31-4) opted not to call a timeout; Lindsey Harding brought the ball down the court and put up a desperation leaner from the right baseline that went off the rim. After that, the usually frenetic Frese just let her players take over. “I didnʼt have to say a word,” Frese said. “They just know that overtime is their time.” Duke took a 75-74 lead before Toliver sank two free throws to put Maryland ahead for good. Marissa Coleman, who bounced back from Freseʼs furious first-half tonguelashing to finish with 10 points and 14 rebounds, hit the last two free throws for Maryland with 13.4 seconds left before Foleyʼs 3 barely hit iron. All game long, Frese was walking the sideline and clapping, screaming out plays and in one case walking onto the court to rip into Coleman for the first 30 seconds of a two-minute timeout. Coleman got the message. After scoring just two points in the first half, the 6-foot-1 freshman battled against the 6-foot-7 Bales too keep Duke from using its inside edge to counter Marylandʼs speed. And thatʼs when Toliver, who had to give up the ball-handling against the Tar Heels, took over. Duke coach Gail Goestenkors wasnʼt surprised to see a pair of freshmen maintain their poise. “No, Iʼve seen it too many times,” she said. “Every time they go to overtime, theyʼve won.” The loss will sting back on the Durham, N.C., campus, which is already roiling in the aftermath of a lacrosse party that led to allegations of rape and racism. Coach G failed in her fourth trip to the Final Four to add a banner at Cameron Indoor Stadium along the three won by her better-known male counterpart, Mike Krzyzewski. “I just feel utter disappointment for my players and my seniors,” she said. “Itʼs killing me – not for me, but for my players.” Monique Currie, who came back for a fifth year to try to win a title, scored 22 points for Duke.

JEN MCCORMICK/For the Daily Titan

WAITING FOR HIS PITCH: Swinging a metal bat allows Titan catcher John Curtis [#35] the ability to make solid contact and contribute even if he isnʼt swinging the bat well.

Making Hits Count With the Ping

A staple in college baseball, non-wood bats have made the skill of hitting easier, though safety concerns are always an issue. By KIRK DINGLEY

Daily Titan Staff Writer

There arenʼt too many differences between a Titans baseball game and a Angels baseball game. Sure there are 40,000 more fans at Angel Stadium and nearly 3,500 at Goodwin Field, and you can drink alcohol in Anaheim, something that is no longer permitted at CSUF. As far as the game itself, it still revolves around a bat, ball, and four bases. After a home run, the crowds cheer, and after a bad call from the umpire, the crowds “boo.” But there is one defining sound that lets you know immediately that youʼre watching a Titans baseball game, and not the rich professionals playing down the 57 freeway. Itʼs the “ping.” The “ping” of course is the sound of the ball when it hits a metal bat, compared to the “crack” sound a baseball makes after hitting a wooden bat. For those who may only watch the Angels and Dodgers play, itʼs a very unusual sound the first time you hear it. Itʼs like hearing a “thud” after a swimmer dives into the pool, or hearing a “splash” after the basketball goes through the hoop.

The “ping” sounds industrial, and sticks out like a sorethumb amongst the traditional baseball sounds of roaring crowds, ushers yelling “peanuts,” and the angry fan screaming the occasional expletive at the umpire. “It is kind of a weird sound to hear at a baseball game. I never really thought about it before,” said Fatima Marvin, while sitting with her 3 children at a Titan baseball game. Titan catcher John Curtis said he wouldnʼt mind hearing the “crack” sound of wooden bats in the college game,

“Pitchers get hurt all the time in the Major Leagues, and they use wood bats.” Justin Turner

Titan Second Baseman

because “thatʼs what we use at the next level anyway.” Once players leave college and if they are lucky enough to move into playing professionally, they can no longer rely on the much lighter and quicker metal bats, and must adjust to wood in the minor leagues. “It takes a little while to get used to,” Titans first baseman Brett Pill said. Just last year, Physics Professor Daniel A. Russell, PH.D,

from Kettering University, authored a study titled “How have aluminum bats changed baseball?” According to his report, using an aluminum bat enables a batter to hit the ball almost anywhere along the length of the bat and still get the ball past the infield. With a wood bat the task is much more difficult. The NCAA currently enforces standards to curb the “liveliness” of metal bats, NCAA representative Damani Leech said through a telephone interview, “but there are no plans to switch to wood.” Leech says the main reason why metal bats are used in college baseball is because they donʼt cost as much as wood bats. He said smaller schools could not afford to replace wood bats that break often during the course of a season. As far as the safety concerns of the much more powerful metal bats, Leech said the NCAA continues to enforce guidelines to restrict the size and shape of metal bats. Titan second basemen Justin Turner prefers metal bats, and said wood bats can be just as dangerous. “Pitchers get hurt all the time in the Major Leagues, and they use wood bats,” Turner said. “I donʼt think it make much of a difference.” Pill also prefers metal bats, and said another reason why the “ping” off a metal bat is better then the “crack” off a wooden one is because it makes baseball unique at the college level. “It separates us,” Pill said. “It separates the college game from the others.”

Mighty Ducks Begin Inroads in Classroom Local team looks to build young fanbase through education and promotion of the basics of hockey By Tim Young

Daily Titan Staff Writer

In its first year of existence, the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim Fan Development Department, has reached out to the youth throughout Orange and Riverside Counties through education and extra curricular activities in hopes of creating a younger fan base. “We have never tried anything to this magnitude before and to get such a good response from the community and the ownership is a big boost,” said Matt Savant, Mighty Ducks Director of Fan Development. When the program began back in October of 2005 it was divided into two segments, the Scholastic Curriculum of Recreation & Education (S.C.O.R.E.), focusing on bringing hockey in to the classroom and the youth hockey league program, which targeted local hockey rinks. The Ducks have gotten into 20 schools and 12 hockey rinks in the six months of the National Hockey League (NHL) season and have the highest Kids Club membership in team history. Manager of Fan Development, Joseph Hwang, feels that itʼs important to show kids there are educational and fundamental aspects of hockey. Hwang has been at the center of the S.C.O.R.E program since its beginnings and

has seen the goals of the program reached faster than expected. “Itʼs been a big surprise because in the beginning we took a long term approach with not that many short term goals, but the kids have been very excited about what weʼve been doing,” Hwang said. “Their responses have exceeded our expectations.” Roughly 9,500 students and 85 schools attended the Ducks fifth annual First Flight Field Trip held at the Arrowhead Pond on Mar. 23. During the event kids from grades 3-8 and a few high schools saw the Ducks practice, followed by a skills competition. Students were able to follow along in a 32-page workbook to see how the basic principles of hockey can be reflected in math, science, geography and writing. Ducks forward, Rob Niedermayer, took part in teaching the children how use a hockey rink to show elements of geometry. Later goaltender Jean-Sebastien Giguere, forward Teemu Selanne and defensemen Ruslan Salei shared interesting facts about the language and geography of their native countries. The teachers and aids were very positive in what the Ducks were trying to accomplish in reaching out to the community and make education more interesting. “The catchier education can be made, the more kids will want to learn and relate to the material,” said Bernadette Howell, a teacherʼs assistant at Joan Macy High School in La Verne. Besides the programs success, the department has gotten some help from the playoff push the team has been making in recent

TIM YOUNG/Daily Titan

A MIGHTIER PUSH TO BE SEEN: A banner picturing Mighty Ducks players Joffrey Lupul [left] and Andy McDonald [right] hangs at the Arrowhead Pond of Anaheim. months. At the start of season the Ducks struggled, but since January 26, the team has gone 20-6-2 to move into a fifth place tie in the Western Conference. “You canʼt deny the kids are motivated by a winning team,” Hwang said. “However, our marketing programs have to be independent of winning and day in and day out, and stand on their own.”

As the NHL season winds down the department looks toward next seasonʼs goals. Team officials hope to improve to 30 schools and have better timeliness in the launch of their programs. “It was an open book when we started,” Savant said. “But Iʼm very happy the direction our department took and is headed,” Savant said.

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