2006 07 26

Page 1




Rock ‘N’ Roll

Vans Warped Tour Rockin’ in Pomona, Page 6

Rock ‘n’ Wrestling ‘80s Grapplers Revisited: 20 years later on Page 4

Zeppelin’s Red Snapper Rockstar Demands, Tantrums and Orgies on Page 8




Week of July 26-AUG. 2, 2006


Shred That Ax

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Protests the Hero’s guitarist, Tim Millar, plays to the crowd during the Vans Warped Tour stop in Pomona, Calif.

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For more Warped Tour coverage, see page six.

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Photo by Kevin Rogers for the Summer Titan.

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Type of Event: Art Show Starts: July 2, 2006 at 11 a.m. Ends: Aug 20, 2006 at 7 p.m. Edward Colver has photographed Southern California punk rock events for more than 25 years. This retrospective covers his career at the Grand Central Gallery and Program room at 125 N. Broadway, Santa Ana. Admission is free. Show times are from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday and Sunday, and 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Friday and Saturday.

TITAN YOUTH SPORTS Type of Event: Youth Programs Starts: June 26, 2006 at 9 a.m. Ends: Aug 4, 2006 at 5 p.m. Titan youth Sports Camp is an allday camp that offers various sport-related activities to children from kindergarten to 8th grade. Camp runs from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. with extended care options from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Campers can also register for morning or afternoon sessions only. Six one-week sessions available. For more information, call (714) 278-PLAY.

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rlsage@fullerton.edu The Summer Titan is a student publication, printed every Wednesday from June 8 through Aug 17. The Summer Titan is a subsidiary of the Daily Titan, which operates independently of Associated Students, Inc., College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSU system. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in The Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free.. Copyright  2006 Daily Titan

University News


The Doha Development Agenda ended Monday after five years. The talks, aimed at increasing the prosperity of poor nations through trade, ended with bitter claims of American stonewalling and protectionism. European Union Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson said the United States didn’t offer deep enough cuts in its domestic farm subsidies program, which seriously hampers the ability of farmers in poor countries to compete. American lawmakers in both parties

claimed that the incentives and cuts other countries were offering simply didn’t match the sacrifices the United States was being asked to make. U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab said she was looking for ways to revive and continue the talks. The United States spends $20 billion a year on farm subsidies.


A Republican senator from Pennsylvania has said he would have a bill ready by the end of the week allow-

ing Congress to sue President Bush in federal court. Sen. Arlen Specter claims that the president’s use of signing statements is unconstitutional. The statements typically include a president’s comments or concerns about a bill, but have been used by Bush to claim the right to later revise, interpret or ignore laws based on constitutional or national defense issues. According to some estimates, Bush has used the signing statements on between 750 and 800 bills, more than every other president combined.


On Monday, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger ordered California state offices to cut electricity usage by 25 percent in the face of skyrocketing temperatures. The heat wave, in its third day on Monday, produced temperatures of up to 104 degrees in Los Angeles. Air conditioning helped drive California energy usage to over 49,036 megawatts on Friday, shattering previous energy consumption records. Briefs compiled from the AP.



Week of July 19-Aug. 2, 2006


Thousands Lose Power in the Heat

Courtesy of www.arttoday.com

Egyptians Partied Hard, Too

Evidence shows Egyptians were not resistant to sex, drugs or rock ‘n’ roll By Yvonne Villarreal

For the Summer Titan

New evidence uncovered in the land of the pyramids has shown that the relationship between sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll – or at least music – was not the product of big hair bands of the ‘80s or single-handedly connected to Gene Simmons. Rather, the three were intertwined before most of us were a twinkle in our parents’ eyes. Betsy Bryan, chair of Near Eastern Studies at John Hopkins University, presented a lecture on July 8 at the Bowers Museum entitled “Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll in Ancient Egypt.” During Bryan’s latest excavation at a temple in the precinct of Luxor – dedicated to the goddess Mut – Bryan and her team unearthed remnants of a column drum dating from 1470 to 1460 B.C. from a tradition know as the Festival of Drunkenness, making it the first evidence linking the festival to an Egyptian leader. Bryan described the Festival of Drunkenness as an event that allowed Egyptians to “achieve an epiphany with the goddess” once inebriation led them to an altered state. The desire to reach this altered state stems from a myth in which the the sun god Ra decides to kill all of mankind. In the myth, he turns his daughter Hathor into a lioness and sends her down into Egypt. She develops a lust for blood and eats any human she comes in contact with. Eventually, Ra decides he doesn’t really want to kill everyone, but Hathor’s rampage is unstoppable. To stop her, Ra floods all of Upper Egypt with beer that he has mixed with red pigment to look like blood. Hathor drinks it until she is completely inebriated, and mankind is saved. “What makes it stand out, is all of the deities associated with festival of drunkenness are lioness goddess. Only female deities, only lioness deities,” said Bryan. “Hathor, Mut, are all associated with that myth of making the goddess drunk in order for her to stop doing evil or begin to do good.” “The Goddess Mut is a goddess who can get angry and needs to be taken care of,” Bryan said. “The cult of Mut is frequently about making this goddess happy so she’ll do for you what you would like her to do.” The festival took place about 20 days after the annual farmland flooding in August, Bryan said. Excessive drinking, dancing, and promiscuity were associated with the festival. Such activities would be deemed immoral in other contexts. Some even combined their drinking

with the drug lotus to quicken the inducement, much like today’s teenagers mixing OxyContin with a few shots of Jagermeister. The only difference is that the god seen during hallucinations today rewards users with a splitting headache and continuous vomiting. The participants would gather in front of the temple’s court at dusk and begin to drink. As the evening wore on, music was played and people passed out in the courtyard. In the morning musicians entered the courtyard and heavily beat their drums to wake everyone up. At the moment their eyes opened they experienced the goddess directly. “They saw her and recognized her,” Bryan said. “And she recognized them.” Examples of Egyptian art featured participants so intoxicated that they vomit on the person beside them and an image of a woman preparing for an orgy with her legs spread wide as she applied lipstick to her mouth with a mirror in hand. “Sex definitely does follow as a result of all this drinking,” Bryan said. “Egyptian pornography seems to derive from these festivals.” Bryan also noted that it was common for there to be a “master of ceremonies” present who would lead the service and remain sober so those consuming alcohol were watched over and taken care of in their drunken state. There were even ancient Egyptians who were doomed to be the designated drivers as their counterparts got wasted, had sex and listened to music.

LOS ANGELES (AP) – About 26,000 people across the city were in the dark Tuesday as record energy demand and high temperatures strained power grids and caused hundreds of transformers to explode, authorities said. Nearly 500 people, including some in the San Fernando Valley, faced their third day without electricity, said Carol Tucker, a spokeswoman for the city’s Department of Water and Power. Meanwhile, about 5,500 DWP customers were without power for up to two days. The utility serves 1.4 million customers. While crews scrambled to fix hundreds of broken transformers, Tucker said they were challenged because

the high power demand caused many newly installed transformers to fail. One reason is the transformers were not built to handle the high demand resulting from consecutive days of triple-digit temperatures. “We have enough power to meet the demand, it’s the equipment that can’t handle it,” Tucker said. The heat during the night was another reason so many transformers failed. People cranked their air conditioners all night, giving the taxed systems less time to rest before sunrise. After they fix the burned-out transformers, Tucker said, DWP engineers will assess power use in the blackedout neighborhoods to determine whether to install larger transformers. “There has been an ongoing in-

crease in power usage in the city, not because we’re building new homes, but because people are using more electricity,” Tucker said. She noted that newer technology, including plasma and LCD televisions, require more electricity. The state’s power consumption peaked Tuesday afternoon at 49,762 megawatts, shy of the record 50,270 megawatts set on Monday, state officials said. Power officials renewed calls for consumers to keep air conditioners and other energy grabbers idle. Conservation, they said, was critical to relieving strain on energy grids already surging with 40 percent more electricity than during the state’s 2001 energy crisis.

Israeli Bomb Destroys U.N. Post BY HUSSEIN DAKROUB Associated Press

BEIRUT, Lebanon – An Israeli bomb destroyed a U.N. observer post on the border in southern Lebanon yesterday, killing three observers and leaving another feared dead, officials said. U.N. chief Kofi Annan said Israel appeared to have struck the site deliberately. The bomb made a direct hit on the building and shelter of the observer post in the town of Khiam near the eastern end of the border with Israel, said Milos Struger, spokesman for the U.N. peacekeeping force in Lebanon. One of the dead was identified as Chinese U.N. observer Du Zhaoyu, China’s official Xinhua News Agency reported. The Chinese Foreign Ministry said Israel’s ambassador to Beijing was summoned this morning and asked to convey China’s request that Israel fully investigate the incident and issue an apology to the victim’s relatives. “We are deeply shocked by this incident and strongly condemn it,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao said in the statement. The other three observers were from Austria, Canada and Finland but it wasn’t clear which two were confirmed killed, U.N. and Lebanese military officials said. Israel’s U.N. Ambassador Dan Gillerman expressed his “deep regret” for the deaths and denied the post was in-

tentionally targeted. Rescue workers were trying to clear the rubble, but Israeli firing “continued even during the rescue operation,” Struger said. “I am shocked and deeply distressed by the apparently deliberate targeting by Israeli Defense Forces of a U.N. Observer post in southern Lebanon,” Annan said in a statement. Annan said in his statement that the post had been there for a long time and was marked clearly, and was hit despite assurances from Prime Minister Ehud Olmert that U.N. positions would not be attacked. “I call on the government of Israel to conduct a full investigation into this

very disturbing incident and demand that any further attack on U.N. positions and personnel must stop,” Annan said in the statement. Gillerman called the assertions “premature and erroneous.” He said Israel would investigate the bombing. “We do not have yet information what caused this death: it could be the [Israeli Military], it could be Hezbollah,” he said. In the meantime, the envoy assured that, “Israel remains committed to protecting the safety and security of U.N. personnel on the ground.” The U.N. Security Council was expected to receive a briefing on the bombing on Wednesday.


FEATURES The Way Things Were: Wrestlers in the ‘80s www.dailytitan.com

Some glam-era brawlers have kept up with the times, but others were left behind BY adam levy Summer Titan News Editor

Similarities abound between the worlds of rock stars and professional wrestlers. They’re encompassed by packed arenas full of adoring fans, garish hairdos and outfits, long stretches away from home, a party-friendly atmosphere on the road and a constant pressure to keep the fans happy so you can keep taking the checks to the bank. In the mid-1980s, the advent of MTV combined with the burgeoning popularity of the World Wrestling Federation would make the circus-like attraction an integral part of pop culture. Mainstream media outlets began pointing their spotlights towards the “squared circle” and the result was 1985’s WrestleMania, the inaugural installment of the comapny’s annual centerpiece event. The wrestling card featured some of the most popular celebrities of the era, including Cyndi Lauper, Liberace, the Rockettes, Muhammad Ali and Mr. T, as well as the huge, spandex-clad stars of wrestling such as Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant and “Rowdy” Roddy Piper. Not only did it help establish the pay-per-view television format in its infancy, but the event was a smashing success that would make pro wrestlers household names in their perpetual

Week of July 26-Aug. 2, 2006

gimmicky battles of good vs. evil. The sport’s mass appeal reached such a zenith, the company began bumping NBC’s franchise program “Saturday Night Live” with their own program “Saturday Night’s Main Event,” which drew huge television ratings during the ‘80s heyday. Now, with wrestling on the air again, it’s time to turn back the clock 20 years and revisit some of the crazy real-life cartoon characters that dominated the tube in the decade of excess.

Hulk Hogan The leading man in professional wrestling’s rise to prominence was undoubtedly Terry Bollea, aka Hulk Hogan. The blond-haired muscleman with the Fu-Manchu mustache was the company’s foremost superstar. His likeness adorned every piece of merchandise the company manufactured, he had his own Saturday-morning cartoon, and starred in a series of major studio motion pictures. Bronzed and built in his sleevelessand-shredded yellow shirts and tilted headbands, Hogan stands out as an icon of the ‘80s as much as Ronald Regan or E.T. He boasted to his fans, dubbed “Hulkamaniacs,” about his 26-inch pythons, bellowing in his inimitable testosterone-laced sermons to “train, say your prayers and take your vitamins.” These days, Hogan is still a television personality, letting the cameras shine on his and his family’s lives in

Courtesy of AP

Terry Bollea, better known as Hulk Hogan, poses with his daughter, Brooke, at the 2004 Video Music Aards. VH1’s reality show, “Hogan Knows Best.” “People have seen a bald, screaming wrestler for 25 years,” said Hogan in a December 2005 interview with Scripps Howard News Service. “There’s a curiosity of what I’m really

like, and you can see how my family functions. We’re a normal family with normal problems.” Clearly the most successful and globally recognized professional wrestler of all time, the 52 year old has maintained his popularity while never relinquishing the limelight – or the mustache for that matter.

“Macho Man” Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth Randy Poffo, known as the “Macho Man” Randy Savage and the top badguy character of the era, made a name for himself with the showy, sequined capes he would wear as he made a pageantry-packed procession out to the ring with his theme music “Pomp and Circumstance” bellowing from the rafters. At his side was always his beautiful valet, Miss Elizabeth. The “Macho Man” was the epitome of masculine flamboyance, putting his opponents away with an elbow drop from the top rope that would spur thousands of camera flashes as he gloated atop the ring, effectively establishing himself as the yang to Hogans’ yin. Smaller and less brawny, the Sara-

sota native was equally charismatic while far more athletic and skilled between the ropes. The bearded brawler made a name for himself for his feuds with Hogan and George “The Animal” Steele, with subplots centered on jealous love triangles between his opponent, himself and Elizabeth, his reallife wife. In an ironic twist so often found in the world of wrestling, rumors swirled that Hogan and Elizabeth had engaged in a sexual relationship during the ‘80s, causing a permanent rift between the grapplers and ultimately Savage and Elizabeth’s 1992 divorce. The 53-year-old former-beef-jerky pitchman has kept himself involved in show business throughout the past few years, appearing as a wrestler in the mega hit “Spiderman” in 2002 and releasing a rap album entitled “Be a Man,” a direct jab at Hogan, in 2003. The “Macho Man” is slated to appear on the 2006 season of VH-1’s “The Surreal Life.” Elizabeth Hulette passed away in 2003 as the result of an accidental drug overdose, mixing a variety of prescription medications and vodka. She was found at the house of wrestler Lex Luger, who himself was arrested on charges of domestic violence two weeks before her death. Luger was later found guilty of 13 felony counts of drug possession following an investigation after her untimely death at 42.

Jake “The Snake” Roberts A wrestler embodying the dark side of humanity was Aurelian Smith Jr., known in wrestling circles as Jake “The Snake” Roberts. He was a lanky combatant who used excellent psy-

Courtesy of the World Wrestling Federation

chology to become one of the decade’s most popular performers. A skillful orator in his devilishly piercing interviews, the Stone Mountain native walked briskly and purposefully to the ring with a large can-

www.dailytitan.com vas sack, the contents of which were his jumbo-sized python Damien. The lurking Roberts would pummel his opponent into the mat with his signature DDT move before unleashing the python atop the chest of his fallen opponent. The stunt became his trademark that fans clamored for. Jake is currently identified in the public eye as much for his longtime battle with drugs and alcohol as for his wrestling days. The grappler’s addiction to crack cocaine was a prime storyline of 1999’s documentary expose of the wrestling business “Beyond the Mat,” where Roberts was portrayed as a lonely drug addict, burned out by his grasping appetites and the nomadic lifestyle of the wrestling business. Though Roberts has since lashed out at the producers, claiming he was misrepresented, he has gone on the record in many other forums about the demons that have turned him into something of a tragic figure. Aside from working sporadically in the small-town venues of pro wrestling’s independent circuit, the 51 year old reunited with the company last year to work on a DVD documentary of his career entitled “Pick Your Poison.” He remarried in February of 2006.

The Ultimate Warrior Resembling a combination of a rock star, bodybuilder and superhero, Jim Hellwig, aka the Ultimate Warrior, quickly made himself known as one of the most identifiable characters based on his colorful, larger than life image and his muscle-upon-muscle physique. No other wrestler of the era, even Hogan, could claim to have such an awesome physical presence, as the


wrestler stood as a glittering orangetanned mountain of muscle, face paint and tassels, all drenched in a the flashy colors of the day. The Warrior made himself a superstar, sprinting to the ring with a frenzied energy to his fast paced, heavy-metal theme music. A coarse bodybuilder turned wrestler, the Warrior relied on his pre- and post-match theatrics, as his wrestling skills were raw and unpolished, heavily reliant on feats of strength as opposed to skill. The Warrior’s career reached its peak in 1990 when he defeated Hulk Hogan for the World Wrestling Federation championship in front of a Toronto Rogers Center crowd of 67,678 fans. These days, the Warrior has made headlines for his outrageous antics as a right-wing public speaker on the college circuit. He garnered national attention for a 2004 diatribe at the University of Connecticut, in which he made offensive remarks aimed at homosexuals. Hellwig told the audience of students that “queering doesn’t work,” his crude way of stressing that homosexuals cannot reproduce. The 47 year old sued the World Wrestling Federation in Arizona in January of 2006 over his depiction on a 2005 documentary titled “The SelfDestruction of the Ultimate Warrior,” which characterized the enigmatic performer as an unprofessional employee who was short on talent both on the microphone and in the ring. The film mocked him further with repeated vignettes of his unintelligible, stream-of-consciousness interviews. Warrior currently resides with his wife and two daughters and plans on releasing two books in 2007: one based on his conservative ideologies

and the other on his wrestling career. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.

Courtesy of the World Wrestling Federation

“Ravishing” Rick Rude Hated and loved by fans at the same time, Richard Rood, known between the ropes as “Ravishing” Rick Rude, carved out his niche as an arrogant Don Juan, capable of beating a man to a pulp before taking his lady home for the night. He’d strut to the ring while blaring Chippendales’ music. Before making an inflammatory speech about the “fat, out-of-shape” fans in the audience and doffing his robe to reveal a magnificently chiseled build – often to the delight of women and latent homosexuals in the audience. Clad in spandex tights with loud designs consistent with the period,

Week of July 26-Aug. 2, 2006

Rude would then invite a lady out of the audience and into the ring, and plant French kisses that would bring the hapless females to the mat with hot flashes. In the ring, he battled other top stars such as Piper, Roberts and the Warrior to endless sold-out arenas, as fans ached to see the guy they hated and envied get his just due. As if it even needed to be said, it is a given that most of the aforementioned physiques were not the sole result of “training, saying your prayers and taking your vitamins.” In a day when Barry Bonds and Mark McGwire were skinny rookies just looking to stick in the big leagues, professional wrestling was a lightning rod for steroid controversy, essentially promoting the use of the harmful drugs with their weekly procession of artificially swelled strongmen. Rude served as a casualty to this movement, dying of heart failure connected to steroid abuse in April of 1999 at the age of 40. Other former wrestling stars who prematurely passed with steroid- or painkiller-related drug abuse alleged as the cause of death include “The British Bulldog” Davey Boy Smith in 2002 at the age of 39, “Mr. Perfect” Curt Henning in 2003 at the age of 44, Michael “Hawk” Hegstrand in 2003 at the age of 46, and Ray “Big Bossman” Traylor in 2004 at the age of 42.

“The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase In a day personified by avaricious greed, DiBiase was the federation’s answer to Gordon Gekko, known for his long stretch limousines, bellowing evil laugh, and oft-repeated catchphrase, “Everybody’s got a price!”


The beady-eyed wrestler, accompanied to the ring by his stone-faced slave Virgil, sported lavish, sequined tuxedos that pulled away with one swoop to enable Dibiase easy access to his wrestling trunks. He gained notoriety with his antics, which typically included inviting fans out of the audience and having them perform degrading tasks, such as kissing his feet, for hundred dollar bills. Having traded in his dollar signs for a cross and bible, Dibiase, a bornagain Christian, founded the Heart of David Ministries in 1999. These days, Dibiase is an ordained minister who currently leads a wrestling promotion and traveling ministry group called the Power Wrestling Al-

Courtesy of the World Wrestling Federation

liance. The PWA is an organization composed of Christian pro wrestlers who look to the “Million Dollar Man” as a sage in both wrestling and spirituality. DiBiase gives sermons at these events after the wrestling show is over.




Week of JuLY 26-Aug. 2, 2006

One Warped Tour The Vans Warped Tour in Pomona, Calif. hosts bands both famous and obscure

Kevin Rogers / Summer Titan

Bassist Chris Sorenson and Vocalist Cove Reber of Saosin serenade the crowd with their post-harcore rock at the Warped Tour in Pomona.

Drummer Brandon Barnes rocked away as their set progressed. Demanding a huge pit, the band went into one of my favorite songs, “Paper Wings,” again off their “Sirens” album. BY lesley wu With a great set, I was yet again imFor the Summer Titan pressed. In their second year at Vans Warped A blazing hot sun, overpriced food Tour, Plain White T’s made a huge imand sweaty strangers. pact on their fans, despite performing Those were the downsides of this on one of the side stages. year’s Vans Warped Tour, held in PoLead singer Tom Higgenson sermona, Calif. enaded the female fans with the acousBut the idea of over 40 talented tic ballad “Hey There Delilah.” bands performing on six stages would Another Chicago band, Plain White overrule a $10 hamburger any day. T’s is sometimes compared to the betWhen you throw in some skateter-known Jimmy Eat World. boarding shows, endless merchant Their set included many songs from tents and band signings, you have the their album “All That We Needed” recipe for one kick-ass rock show. which was released in early 2005. Highlights of the show included one With smooth lyrics and a soothing of my favorites – The Bouncing Souls sound, it was safe to say that Plain from New Jersey. White T’s carried out their perforThe impatient fans repeatedly mance successfully. chanted “Ole!” as the band members New bands on the tour like Against took the stage. Lead singer Greg AtMe!, hellogoodbye tonito graced the and Senses Fail fans with a white “I was totally pooped made a huge imsuit and tie with pact on their loyal the words “so rad” out, burnt to a crisp, my fans, some rocking painted across the out better than the front. feet hurt, I was sweaty main stage headTheir set inliners. cluded songs from and in dire need for some Joan Jett and the their new album Blackhearts were “The Gold Album” cold water. a surprise to this and many old clasyear’s lineup. Joan sics like “Say Any- Walking to my car with Jett was previously thing” and “Kate most famous for is Great” off their a limp, I was totally her song “I Love self-titled album. Rock ‘N’ Roll” in The energy from satisfied.” the 1980s. bassist Bryan KienThere were a len and beat of the lot of other bands drums from Michael McDermott crethat I had never heard of before but ated an impressive performance for all that didn’t stop me from checking out the fans. their sets. The songs had commenced The band ended their set with the around noon, but by three o’ clock, I popular “True Believers” and Attonwas already on sensory overload. ito crowd surfing through his fans – Walking around the perimeter, varienough to satisfy my Bouncing Souls ous tents were scattered. appetite. They randomly housed the sponHaving seen the Chicago band Rise sors, record labels, and bands. Some Against several times, I still had the of the kiosks housed companies like urge to be in the front watching lead Cingular Wireless, Hot Topic, Volcom, singer Tim McIlrath scream his heart Monster Energy Drink and Myspace. out. com. Showing off his new haircut, he Record labels had tents representstarted with the song “State of the ing their bands. Popular labels like Fat Union” off their album “Siren Songs Wreck Chords constantly had lines of of the Counter Culture.” fans waiting to buy merchandise. They also performed several songs Vagrant Records had their own from the new album “The Sufferer and stage with some of the indie bands the Witness.” strumming away on their guitars. To This high-energy band can be dethe side of one of the main stages was scribed as punk rock with flair of harda skateboard ramp with skaters landcore. ing tricks. Various bands had signings at their tents every hour or so. I had walked past a line for Underoath, where fans had the band sign everything from CDs to some girl’s cleavage. This year, the tour’s planners had chosen to place the two main stages really far apart. Because of this, fans were forced to walk from stage to stage through huge traffic jams. Food vendors lined the outskirts of the stages with foods varying from Chinese, American, Hawaiian, and Mongolian. I was totally pooped out, burnt to a crisp, my feet hurt, I was sweaty and in dire need for some cold water. Walking to the car with a limp, I was totally satisfied with the outcome of the day. I bought some cool merchandise, took some great pictures, and watched some awesome bands play unforgettable music.



Week of JuLY 26-AUG. 2, 2006


A Word With Joe Principe The bassist for Chicagobased Rise Against talks about life on the road BY Lesley wu For the Summer Titan

It was the year 1999 when newcomers Rise Against took Chicago’s punk rock scene by storm. Their fourth album “The Sufferer and the Witness” debuted this month. With the new album under their belt, they graced this summer’s Vans Warped Tour main stage in Pomona, Calif. I was able to chat with bassist Joe Principe about the new album and life on the road. LW: What can we expect from the new album? The only way I can explain it is Rise Against times ten. It is developed on so many differently levels. It is a really solid and structured album. It still has a punk rock and hardcore sound, but there is definite progression. LW: What will be the first single? The first single will be a song titled “Ready to Fall.” LW: Will there be a video for it? Yes. We started shooting the video in Vancouver. The video was really important for us to make. Hopefully the people watching our video will see what is really done to our wildlife and environment. LW: What is your favorite track on the album? It has got to be this song called “Bricks.” It sounds like old Bad Religion. LW: What bands influenced you as a musician? Hmm … that will have to be Minor Threat, Bad Brains and Fugazi.

LW: Are you guys doing any more tours after the Warped Tour? Yes, we are actually going to be hitting the road with the band Thursday sometime in October. We will both be headlining. LW: What do you eat the most on tour? Probably veggie burgers. Those are the only things that can fit in our microwave that actually tastes good. LW: How’s the atmosphere on the bus? Is it positive? Yes definitely. We keep each other positive. We have scooters that we like to ride around. LW: Do you guys have any favorite cities to perform in? Probably L.A. for sure and Toronto. Toronto usually has a pretty cool crowd. LW: Do you have a favorite band on Warped Tour? They were on the tour earlier, but the Buzzcocks are probably our favorite. LW: So why did (lead singer) Tim cut his hair? He was probably got sick of people calling him a dirty hippie all the time. LW: Tell me a random fact about yourself. It would have to be that I am addicted to diet coke. It just tastes so good. LW: Do you have any plans after the tour? Go home to the wife and maybe go to Europe. That always sounds fun. LW: Any last words? Yeah, check out our new album “The Sufferer and the Witness” and come to our booth for signing at 5:30. For more information about Rise Against visit www.riseagainst.com.

Kevin rogers / Summer Titan

Thousands of screaming fans fight the scorching heat to see some of their favorite bands perform at the Vans Warped Tour’s Pomona, Calif. stop.




Week of JuLY 26-Aug. 2, 2006

The Hardest Rockin’ From the Hardest Rockers

Excessive even by today’s standards, old-school rock bands knew how to party BY maggie hauser For Summer Titan

Where have all the real rock stars gone? These modern-day pop tarts with their bad haircuts, wholesome images and the wannabe bad-asses of hip-hop bore me. Where’s the overindulgence and debauchery of groups like Led Zeppelin or The Who? Long before rockers had Web sites with downloadable MP3s, these were guys who partied hard on and off the stage. They added the sex and drugs to rock ‘n’ roll. For those who don’t remember the bands who threw everything from tremendous temper tantrums to furniture from penthouse balconies, here are the five of the most legendary rock-band blowouts.

Van Halen

The guys in the band had a contractual clause where if there were any

brown M&Ms in their dressing room, they’d refuse to play the show and subsequently trash the dressing room. Van Halen lead singer David Lee Roth divulged the gory details of his chocolate-coated rampages in his in his 1997 autobiography “Crazy from the Heat.” “I found some brown M&Ms, I went into full Shakespearean ‘What is this before me?’… you know, with the skull in one hand … and promptly trashed the dressing room. Dumped the buffet, kicked a hole in the door, twelve thousand dollars worth of fun.” When I was a kid, I used to fantasize about being so famous that I could act like that much of a jackass. Since then, brown M&Ms have always held a special place in my heart.

The Who

They were notorious for how they treated their hotel rooms, dressing rooms and Keith Moon’s drum kits. Moon also enjoyed driving cars into hotel swimming pools. In 1970, the non-driving drummer killed his chauffeur Neil Boland when Moon acciden-

tally ran Boland over with a limousine outside a UK disco. Their frequent episodes of destruction got the band arrested on at least one occasion in Montreal, resulting in the band getting banned from the Holiday Inn hotel chain for many years. Wait a minute – The Who stayed at a Holiday Inn? What the hell was their booking agent thinking? Couldn’t they at least have afforded The Four Seasons? But I digress.

Led Zeppelin

The Zeppelin boys are famous for throwing the contents of an entire hotel room out of the window. From 15 stories up. They also enjoyed driving motorcycles through hotel hallways and introducing their groupies to the wonderful world of fornicating with fresh seafood in Seattle’s Edgewater hotel during the summer of 1969. “It was a red snapper and the chick happened to be a f---ing redheaded broad with a ginger p----,” said Richard Cole, Led Zeppelin’s road manager, according to snopes.com. “And she loved it. It was like, ‘You’d like a bit of f---ing, eh? Let’s

see how your red snapper likes this red snapper!’” Whether they were indulging in a potpourri of illicit drugs and booze, annihilating hotel rooms or engaging in debauchery that would embarrass Caligula, these were no half-assed efforts. Women wanted them and men wanted to be them. It doesn’t suck to be famous.


Formed in the early 1970s, when rockers were lewd sexist circus animals and groupies were perplexingly appreciative, Aerosmith practically wrote the book of rock ‘n’ roll excess. Eventually, they literally did so with their 1997 autobiography “Walk This Way.” The book, a superior how-to handbook of depravity, includes anecdotes about the band being happy recipients of countless dressing-room blowjobs. Afterwards, the band would carefully pour Jack Daniels over their private appendages in the hopeful, and false, belief that doing so would prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Their tour equipment also included

a chainsaw for more proficient hotel room vandalizing and extra-long extension cords so that the televisions they hurled from hotel windows would explode as they hit the swimming pool.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

That’s right, Mozart. If you’ve seen Amadeus, then Mozart trashing a hotel room and hitting on groupies actually seems pretty in character. One of the earliest recorded destructive musicians, Mozart had a pretty volatile temper and had quite a thing for trashing hotel rooms. What’s more, he hated to clean up after himself. He would trash a room and just get another. In a day and age when people were put to death for shoplifting, Mozart was committing fairly serious crimes and was getting away with them. The musical virtuoso became an inspiration to all aspiring rock stars the world over with his rebellious attitude. This trailblazer had everything: a funky wig and a dirty room. Keep on rocking in the 18th century, Wolfie.

Requests of the Rich and Famous From Astroturf to fried chicken, stars can get anything in their dressing room BY shawn trondsen For the Summer Titan

Imagine being at work all day, then taking a break and having whatever your heart desires at your grasp within the employee lounge. That is what it’s like to tour as the headline act when you are a rock star. Whether it’s a specific meal, decoration or amenity, rock stars want their dressing room to be just right for each concert they play on tour. Much has been made of Jennifer Lopez and her alleged demands to have an all-white dressing room from the drapes to the couches, walls and flowers. But J-Lo is not the only pampered artist. The ladies of Destiny’s Child allegedly refuse to drink from plastic or Styrofoam cups. They also request a jar of honey and fresh ginger root

when on tour. of man’s best friend, but because she Pop icon Mariah Carey hired a spe- brings her own bomb-sniffing dog incial attendant just to hand her towels case of threats. in her dressing room. She also reportTim McGraw and Faith Hill reportedly demands posters of pop rivals be edly like to kick off their boots and taken down in the room. walk barefoot in dressing rooms lined Speaking of her pop counterparts, with Astroturf. Britney Spears demands one box of Dressing room demands are not exmints, one bag of Doritos and seven clusive to just the ladies of rock, howdressing rooms for ever. her entourage. Men have unusual Other pop prinor diva-like requests cess Christina written into their Aguilera allegedly contracts as well. insists that a police Metallica, the escort accompany kings of metal, deher to shows so she mand a consistent can avoid the daily serving of bacon traffic. with each meal Pop singers are while on tour. Alnot the only stars legedly it is written with unusual dein their contract that mands in their it is “very important Courtesy of www.arttoday.com contracts and dressing bacon be served at evrooms. ery meal.” Country superstar Shania Twain Aerosmith would have a problem likes to be warned if there are any dogs with bacon on the side of their eggs, at her concert venues. Not out of fear however. Their contract specifically forbids any processed meats in the band’s vicinity while they are touring. Eminem might be the most demanding of all when it comes to dressing room amenities. He demands buckets of Kentucky Fried Chicken at his concerts. Besides chicken, the rapper has also reportedly asked for low-carb protein bars, meal-replacement formula, and low-carb protein shakes. Not only does Eminem demand extraordinary amounts of food, but his dressing room is every young boy’s dream. His arcade-like room must have a big screen TV, video games, a pingpong table and basketball hoop. The room also must be big enough to comfortably accommodate eight people. The stressed rapper-producer-actor also allegedly asks that the services of a masseur be available to him at all times. So while most of America must fight for a company-paid refrigerator to be installed in their break room, rock star dressing rooms are decorated to their liking free of charge. Their dressing rooms just give us one more reason to be both fascinated and jealous of our platinum pop stars.



Week of JuLY 26-Aug. 26, 2006

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Courtesy of Fox Entertainment

You Thought Your “Ex” Was Bad “My Super Ex-Girlfriend” doesn’t impress and rarely makes any impact at all BY Joe simmons Summer Titan Staff

In a cute way, My Super Ex-Girlfriend delivers exactly what it promises: a sweet nothing that entertains just enough to keep boredom at bay. The farce centers on Matt Saunders (Luke Wilson), an architect who dates a neurotic Jenny Jameson (Uma Thurman), not knowing that Jenny is the cover identity for the super-powered heroine G-Girl. Targeted by G-Girl’s arch-nemesis Dr. Bedlam (Eddie Izzard), torn by feelings for his co-worker Hanna Lewis (Anna Faris) and driven to the edge of sanity by Jenny’s irrational behavior, Matt breaks off the relationship and incurs G-Girl’s wrath. Ex-Girlfriend is a cute date movie, and knows it. The characters are one dimensional; the plot is thin and feels contrived; and many of the jokes fall flat. Still, it’s not a terrible film. Director Ivan Reitman (Evolution, Six Days Seven Nights) manages to keep the movie brisk; scenes never dawdle on to long, and the movie’s focus never strays too far. It would have been easy for ExGirlfriend to become a watered-down super-hero flick or a mercilessly cruel comedy like Meet the Parents, but it manages to avoid both those pitfalls. Reitman’s direction isn’t perfect, though. A few scenes, including one with a chainsaw-wielding G-Girl, feel like they’ve been shoehorned into the film. The few sex scenes in the movie, while tame, are so much cruder than the rest of the movie that they are especially jarring. It’s clear that they were added to entertain boyfriends or husbands who had been dragged in by their significant others. Special effects are used sparingly and to great effect in the first half of the film. Some of the most charming scenes of the movie are supported by well-placed computer-generated images. Thurman is definitely the star of the film. Her acting as Jenny is over the top, but the clever juxtaposition of her super powers and Matt’s complete av-

erage-ness really make her terrifying. It’s too bad the rest of the ensemble isn’t particularly dazzling. As Matt, Wilson plays the same disoriented, well-meaning everyman he does in most of his movies, but doesn’t have clever writing to buoy his performance. Faris does a passable job as the well-meaning love interest, but is totally underwhelming next to Thurman. Even in scenes designed to have us rooting for Hanna, Thurman’s presence just dominates the screen. Izzard, better known for his hilarious cross-dressing stand up routines, is totally underwhelming here. It’s not completely his fault; Bedlam is about as bland a character as can be written. Still, every scene he’s in is stolen from him by anyone else that happens to be on camera. When

a comic of Izzard’s stature is upstaged by a nameless slap-happy goon, something’s wrong. Of course, the weakest part of ExGirlfriend is the decidedly mediocre writing. For every joke that works, there is another that trips over itself or gets telegraphed from miles away. Major plot twists are so painfully obvious from the get-go that the movie never surprises or delights – it just mildly entertains. Ex-Girlfriend was designed to be a bit of meaningless, forgetful fluff, and it accomplishes that well. Unfortunately, that’s all the movie ever aspired to be; dragged down by unfortunate writing and unimpressive acting, most audience members won’t remember much of the movie by the time they’ve left their seats.

Last week at the annual G-8 litical leaders come off as sincere summit, President George W. as used car salesmen, it’s a nice Bush was caught in a moment of change of pace to see Bush tellindiscretion. ing it how he sees it without any Thinking the cameras were coaching or sugar-coating. pointed away from him as he Peppering in a little profandined on his lunch, he told Brit- ity just makes it seem that much ish Prime Minister Tony Blair in more honest. between bites of food, “The iroAnd while by no means does ny is what they need to do is get the use of four letter words grant Syria to get Hezbollah to stop do- the commander in chief or his ing this s--- and it’s subordinate any exover,” referring to tra credibility, it did “It was a refreshing the recent violence show a normal “one moment of candor to in the Middle East of the boys” side of between Israeli and actually see our leader ... the White House. Lebanese factions. It’s something give an unrefined insight that wouldn’t ever All political takes put aside, it was a be present at an avon the international refreshing moment erage Condoleezza conflict.” of candor to actually Rice press confersee our leader come ence. out and give an unrefined insight Being stoic was one of the chief on the international conflict. complaints about Gore during Regardless of the merits of his both his vice presidency and his statement, the offhand commen- campaign for president in 2000. tary reflected a refreshingly huIt may be difficult to call Bush man side of our president. reserved, but he’s had to follow Vice President Dick Cheney his own rules of etiquette and got in on the four-letter fun two dignity. This little outburst cut years ago, telling Vermont Sena- through all those mores. tor Patrick Leahy, a major critic of In this day and age, the public his business practices with Halli- is clamoring for politicians that burton, to “Go f---- yourself.” don’t rub off as programmed roIn a day and age when our po- bots.





Music’s Gone Too Corporate Too many musicians today want to make cash more than they want to make the music we all love BY Shaelan Bowers For the Summer Titan

When did music turn from an art form where people could express themselves and feel free to be creative and different to a complete money making machine? I feel compelled to talk about this because I am sick and tired of these bands that really don’t seem to give a damn about their fans, they just care about making money. I am seeing a trend in bands completely changing their style in a very short period of time to something that neither they nor I expected. These are bands that started out doing heavy music that was unique and experimental to a certain degree, and sometimes – in even less than two years – they find themselves doing music that appeals to only the mainstream, and that attracts those mainstream fans that happen to be mostly teenage girls. Now you might be asking yourself, why does this happen? The answer is simple: cold hard cash. This can come from the band’s own personal motivation to move toward the mainstream in order to gain a larger fan base. Their money-hungry record producers sometimes push them into doing so. Since most people who listen to mainstream music don’t really like the heavy stuff, the band is usually convinced to “lighten up” their sound in order to appeal to said audience.

Unfortunately the band usually won’t admit why they are changing their music, even though we all know it is to get a video on MTV and go platinum in the process. They usually say that they are growing and taking a new direction artistically. If you ask me, that is complete bull and a copout. There is a reason that a band starts out playing a certain style and a reason that they change that style. Whatever happened to caring about the music, or for that matter, the fans? There are so many bands that I used to love a few years ago that I now hate with a passion and this is why. They sold their souls to the top 40. I would love to see a band that didn’t just care about making lots of new fans, but also keeping the fans that have been with them since the beginning. It seems that in the last 15 years, people have been getting into music with the goal of becoming millionaires, not because they love to play music. Thankfully, there are a handful of bands out there that still love to play small clubs where 100 of their biggest fans pack in to see them and appreciate the fact that they haven’t let them down or left them behind. It is truly rare to come across bands like NOFX, Pennywise, and Bad Religion who haven’t compromised their music, their image, and their style just to chase the almighty buck. It’s a truly sad state of affairs today for music lovers such as myself.

Week of JuLY 26-AUG. 2, 2006

Five Bands You Should Hate Some bands are just irritating. Here’s five that have annoyed me from day one BY Shaelan bowers For the Summer Titan

In the vast landscape that is the music industry, there are going to be bands that we all love or hate for different reasons. Maybe they have stupid lyrics, a derivative sound, an inane image or maybe they are just plain irritating. These are the top five most irritating bands.


Ok we get it, you had a crappy childhood and you have a drinking problem. That’s real original; I think I’ve only heard the same thing from maybe 100 other bands. My advice: give up the whole whiny my daddy never loved me crap and do something original and unique. “Dysfunction” had some promise, but it has been all downhill from there.

Fall Out Boy

Like they have said themselves, people either love them or hate them. It’s a tough decision but I’ll choose hate. Has anyone ever seen these guys live? I don’t think I have ever seen a train wreck like that before. Guess what guys, even I can sound good in the sound room, so why don’t you take a little time to learn how to play your instruments and maybe, I don’t know, hold a note outside of the studio?


I really don’t know why I hate these guys as much as I do. Oh wait now I remember, it’s “The Reason.” I can’t remember a more overplayed song, ever. I have absolutely no respect for a band that performs soft, mainstream crap just to win over a bunch of 14-year-old girls and sell some records.

Good Charlotte

These guys are just flat-out hilarious. At least Fall Out Boy doesn’t have full-sleeve tattoos, spiked hair, and eyeliner while trying to act all bad ass. For the kind of music they do (and who buys their albums for that matter?) they should be wearing IZOD polo shirts, khaki pants, and loafers. They are not punk rock and they never will be, so they should give it up already and admit the fact that they’re just in music for the money and the adolescent groupies.


I know they broke up last year and we no longer have to worry about new stuff coming out that’s going to hit the radio. But I have to admit that I hate Creed so much that they would be number one any list of crappy bands for any reason. “With Arms Wide Open” is probably the most obnoxious, sentimental power ballad of the last 25 years, making Creed the most piece-of crap-band in recent history. I just want to scream it from the rooftops, but I guess this will have to do for now.



Dodgers Trade Disgruntled Perez to KC


Week of JuLY 26-Aug. 2, 2006

BY Beth harris Associated Press

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The Los Angeles Dodgers dealt pitcher Odalis Perez to the Kansas City Royals on Tuesday, nearly two weeks after saying they had no plans to trade the disgruntled left-hander. The Dodgers also sent minor league right-handers Blake Johnson and Julio Pimental and cash considerations to the Royals for right-hander Elmer Dessens. Perez, a former 15-game winner who spent much of the season in the bullpen due to ineffectiveness, accused the Dodgers of treating him like “trash” on July 13 after he gave up a game-winning home run to Albert Pujls in St. Louis. He said then he didn’t know why he had been demoted to the bullpen, adding, “If I’ve done something wrong, let me know, tell me. I want to know. I’ve been treated like trash.” Perez is in the second year of a three-year, $24 million contract and in his sixth season with the Dodgers. He had made just one start since midMay, had been used only twice since June 28 and is 4-4 with a 6.83 ERA. “Moving him was something we really needed to do for all concerned, including him,” Dodgers general manager Ned Colletti said on a conference call. “He lost his starting job, obviously. It’s probably best to cut ties and move on. We were not getting much productivity out of that roster spot.” Colletti said the Royals wouldn’t accept a straight-up trade for Perez, and demanded prospects and cash, too. “It hasn’t been easy,” he said. “If it was easy, it would’ve happened a while ago.” Despite the team’s recent public comments, Colletti had been in active discussions about trading Perez. “I’d rather not say exactly how long, but I’ll say quite a while,” he said. Perez won 15 games in 2002 and

Courtesy of Asoociated Press

Los Angeles Angels first baseman Kendry Morales fields a pickoff throw in a March 2006 spring training game while Kansas City’s Shane Costa, a Cal State Fullerton alumni, dives back into the bag. Morales was sent back down to the minors on Monday. 12 in ‘03, but was 7-8 in an injuryplagued 2005. The last-place Dodgers have lost 11 of 12 and were 5 1/2 games behind NL West-leading San Diego going into Tuesday night’s game at home against the Padres. Dessens returns for a second stint with the Dodgers, having appeared in 28 games for them last season, including seven starts. He had a 3.56 ERA in 65.2 innings. In 2004, the 35-year-old pitcher was 1-0 with a 3.20 ERA in 12 games following an August trade to the Dodgers from Arizona. This season, Dessens had a 4.50 ERA in 43 games for the Royals.

Titan Spiker Comes Home to Coach Former Titan Jennifer Aveda has been hired as an assistant coach and joined the staff July 17. “I am extremely happy to have Jennifer back with the Titans,” said Cal State Fullerton volleyball Head Coach Carolyn Zimmerman. “Since her graduation in 1997, she has worked extremely hard to build her coaching experiences at the club and Division I levels and now we can look forward to her contributions to our program.” Adeva, 32, started her collegiate coaching career at Santa Ana College in 1998 as the assistant coach of the Dons. She was named head coach a

year later. After a season as the skipper at Santa Ana, Adeva headed east for assistant jobs at Nicholls State in 2000-01, Tennessee State from 2001 to 2004 and UNC Charlotte from for the 2004-05 season. The former defensive specialist has coached at the club level, including the Carolina Juniors “Slam” team, an 18year-old national-level squad that captured the 18-Gold Div. Championship in the 2006 USA Volleyball Junior Olympics. Her team posted eight first-place finishes from 2004-05, including

championships at the Asics Nationals in Chicago, the East Coast Championships at Penn State, and the Asics Big South Qualifier in Atlanta. “As a player here she had great energy and work ethic so we feel she will be an excellent addition to the coaching staff,” said Zimmerman. Adeva played in 53 career matches for the Titans from 1994 to 1996, receiving a redshirt for the 1995 campaign. She posted 187 career digs and 15 service aces over two seasons. Prior to that she was a two-time All-Western conference selection for 1992-93 at College of the Canyons in Valencia.



WEEK OF JULY 26 - AUGUST 2, 2006



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