2007 02 14

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Online DailyTitan


Since 1960 Volume 84, Issue 9

The A-List

The Advocate

Student talks about lack of love on Valentine’s Day OPINION, p. 4

Alvin Anol gives his take on sports SPORTS, p. 6 in February

Daily Titan

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

Fullerton Lets the Dogs Out By Jenny Houser

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

The city of Fullerton has many parks and recreational centers, but none that cater to man’s best friend, at least, not until now. The Fullerton Parks and Recreational Commission has recently begun construction on a dog park for both small and large dogs. The gated park, located adjacent to the Hunt Branch Library, will provide over an acre of space for off-the-leash canines. The park will open on a trial basis that will last between six to 12 months to see how the local neighborhood adapts to the new facility. “We’d like to see the community get behind and support the dog park, adopt it, and use it in a fashion that will help us make it a permanent facility,” said Dave Alkema, Fullerton’s parks manager.

Teacher Doesn’t Want Tenure

Alkema was instrumental in creating a successful dog park in Costa Mesa. He said he hopes to see the same amount of success and popularity at Fullerton’s new dog park. “We think this could be a very big improvement for the city,” Alkema said. Chris Gerry, the park’s project manager, said he has seen a lot of support from the local neighborhood. After sending out proposal letters to residents within a 350-foot circumference of the new park, Gerry said he has received e-mails and letters from excited dog owners. The park’s commission is looking for supportive dog owners to serve on a special volunteer advisory committee. The committee will be responsible for establishing a set of rules for park participants to follow. They will also be “park ambassadors”

Dedicated professor is rewarded by teaching tomorrow’s doctors. By sylvia masuda

For the Daily Titan



Asian Exhibit at Arboretum By Sarah Gammill

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

The Cal State Fullerton Arboretum is honoring the Asian American community in an exhibit titled “Sowing Dreams, Cultivating Lives: Nikkei Farmers in Pre-WWII Orange County,” that focuses upon the Nikkei community. In an exhibit 10 months in the making, and hosted by the Orange County Agricultural and Nikkei Heritage Museum, the journey and lives of Asian Americans will be showcased. The Anthropology, History, Biology and Art departments, and the Center for Oral and Public History, helped to setup the exhibit. Curator Stephanie George, and exhibit designer Carlota Haider, also contributed to the exhibit that opened on Saturday to the public. “The Japanese American community here in Orange County and else where lived by the philosophy, that the group is more important than the individual,” said Arthur Hansen, CSUF professor of history and Asian American studies, and director for the Oral and Public History Center. This museum exhibit was due in large part to the help of the late Clarence Nishizu, who helped to raise funds upward of around $750,000 around 1995, and support among the Nikkei community, said Hansen. After Japanese immigrants made their way to the United States in the era before WWII, they settled in Orange County. Beginning around 1882 after the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act, the Japanese began their journey to America. “They got here, they came over on a boat, and then they one way or another, were able to take a piece of the land and work it by growing crops on it, and that’s how they sustained their livelihood, “ said Greg Dyment, director of the Arboretum. Around the 1900’s they began to lease, sharecrop the land, and cul-

tivate it, leading to many types of farms in Orange County after their journey. The Nikkei, along with the Issei, and some Nisei, (which are generations born after WWII), began to grow fruit, vegetables, raise poultry, livestock, and even goldfish. Henry Kiyomi Akiyama had a goldfish farm that produced amounts of up to 300,000 fish. The exhibit also focuses on how Japanese Americans began to set up and raise their families in Orange County by establishing roots. It begins to show how, after their families were established, they acquired and maintained their permanent communities in Orange County, and became a fixture throughout the community through their farming, marrying, raising of families, and social groups. At the period before WWII the Nikkei could account for about 13 percent of Orange County’s wealth. Their crops such as vegetables, strawberries and peppers were producing much needed supplies, and were making upwards in the millions. By 1940, Orange County was rated one of the richest agricultural counties in the United States, said Hansen. Uprooting lives, is the last section of the exhibit, and shows how around 2,000 of the Japanese Americans were taken out of their homes and farms during the outbreak of WWII and placed into camps. “They went through internment. They were ripped out of their homes with maybe a weeks notice, left crops standing in fields,” said a tearful Molly McClanahan a member of the Friends of the Arboretum. “We’ve been hearing about these things, but then when you visible see it you comes out with a different feel,” said George Kato, an attendee born after WWII. The exhibit will run though July 29 and will be open Saturdays and Sundays from noon to four. It can also be shown upon special request. Admission is free.

By karl thunman/Daily Titan Photo Editor onward march - Protesters marched trough the Little Saigon District of Garden Grove on October 14, 2006 in protest of North Korea’s descision to detonate a nuclear bomb. Protesters marched down Garden Grove Boulevard with signs featuring slogans such as “Stop Nuke Test,” “Stop Sunshine Policy!,” and “Kim Jong-il - Wanted For Crimes Against Humanity.”

N. Korea Halts Nuclear Program Tiny nation agrees to stop making weapons in exchange for oil By Alexa olesen Associated Press

BEIJING (AP) - A hard-won disarmament pact that the U.S. and four other nations struck with North Korea on Tuesday requires the communist nation to halt its nuclear programs in exchange for oil while leaving the ultimate abandonment of those weapons projects to a potentially trouble-filled future. In a sign of potential problems to come, North Korea’s state news agency said the country was receiving 1 million tons of oil for a “temporary suspension” of its nuclear facilities _ and failed to mention the full disarmament for which the agreement calls. It wasn’t clear if the report represented an attempt by the government to backtrack on the deal, or was simply a statement of bluster for a deeply impoverished domestic audience that Pyongyang has rallied around the nuclear program as a cause for national pride.

And by tackling so many issues in a process likely to take years, the deal could unravel, pulled apart by differing agendas of its six signers, which also include China, South Korea, Russia and Japan. “We have a lot of work to do,” U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill told reporters. “It’s certainly not the end of the process, it’s really just the end of the beginning of the process.” Nevertheless, the agreement marks a turnabout for North Korea, which rattled the world only four months ago when it tested a nuclear device. If Pyongyang follows through with its promises, they would be the first moves the communist state has made to scale back its atomic development since it kicked out international inspectors and restarted its sole operating nuclear reactor in 2003. “These talks represent the best opportunity to use diplomacy to address North Korea’s nuclear programs,” President Bush said in a statement. “They reflect the common commitment of the participants to a Korean Peninsula that is free of nuclear weapons.” Robert J. Einhorn, a former State Department official who visited North Korea with then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, said Americans should applaud the agreement, but he predicted it would come un-

Tomorrow Introspect

Dancers, storytellers, and drummers

AzzzzZ recap of this past weekend’s African hertiage festival held in Long Beach

der heavy questioning from both the right and the left. He said, “I think a number of people are going to ask the question, `Couldn’t this deal have been concluded three or four years ago before North Korea conducted its nuclear test and acquired enough additional plutonium to build anywhere from six to 10 nuclear weapons?’” On the right, former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton said the agreement rewards North Korea for bad behavior while encouraging Iran to ignore international demands that it roll back its nuclear program and hold out for a better deal. Within that time, more talks are planned on ending the hostilities between North Korea and the United States and Japan that have made northeast Asia a tense corner of the world. In return, North Korea will receive 50,000 tons of heavy fuel oil, a modest down payment on a promised 1 million tons in oil or aid of a similar value if it ultimately disarms. One million tons of oil would be equivalent to more than twothirds of North Korea’s entire oil consumption in 2004, according to the CIA Factbook. Hill said the aid package was worth about $250 million at current prices

weather For the record The Daily Titan erroneously reported the title of human communication department chair kurt Kistleman in the Feb. 12 edition. The Daily Titan erroneously reported the names of the Chicago band members in the Feb. 8 edition; their names are Keith Howland (left,) and Jason Scheff (right.)


Harold Rogers clutches his father’s hand as Dr. Nathan Rogers creeps closer to his last breath. Dr. Rogers’ wish for his son was to enter the medical field. “Look at your hands,” Dr. Rogers, an ophthalmologist, once said to Harold, who had the uncommon skill of keeping his hands perfectly still. “You should be a surgeon.” On Dr. Roger’s deathbed, Harold promised his father he would become a doctor. “‘There will be another Dr. Rogers in this family,’” he said. And he kept his promise. Harold Rogers became a doctor of chemistry. Even at a young age, Harold said the interactions between chemicals fascinated him. At 6 years old, Harold was already working in his mother’s lab – the kitchen. He was vulnerable to severe food allergies, and Harold’s mother, Beatrice, cooked the family’s dinners “to death” to accommodate for it. If Harold was going to eat stuff he wanted, he was going to have to cook it himself, he said. He started with easy recipes: scrambled eggs, French toast, grilled cheese sandwiches. These days, he’s whipping up Pozole soup made with fresh pork shoulder, peppers and chilies. He fries lemongrass and shrimp Lumpia with bamboo shoots. Harold’s passion for cuisine is obvious. His voice rises with excitement as he explains what a star fruit is, and how to pick ripe lychees. Whatever the subject, Harold is genuinely thrilled. It can be about the alchemic history of phosphorus. Or bagpipes, his current musical undertaking. Even something as simple as cats, which he calls “the sexiest of all animals.” But learning – that’s different. Harold is more than enthusiastic about it; he lusts for knowledge. “When I wake up, I ask myself what more can I learn today,” he said. “I love to eat problems for breakfast. It’s like an adrenaline junkie who’s going to snowboard down a fresh avalanche,” Harold said. “(Learning) is living, it’s vitality. Working with young people is vitality,” he said. “I refuse to grow up. Maybe I suffer from Peter Pan syndrome.” His inner child shows. Harold’s wardrobe consists almost entirely of casual jeans and whimsical T-shirts, some science-related, some from Hot Topic. And he’s a big Monty Python fan. He owns a plush Holy Hand Grenade, a fictional weapon from the Monty Python film, and a black knight with detachable arms and legs. Next on his wish list: a pair SEE ROGER - PAGE 2

TOMorrow Sunny Skies High: 64 Low: 43

Sunny Skies High: 68 Low: 46


February 14, 2007

opinion Titan Editorial

Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

Obama Inhaled... On a 60 Minutes inter- dressed it with candor sepaview Sunday night, presi- rates him from rival politidential hopeful Barack cians, who traditionally give Obama acknowledged that half-truth canned answers he smoked marijuana and about past indiscretions. snorted cocaine in high For all of his accomplishschool and college. “That’s ments, Bill Clinton will part of the journey that I’ve never live down his ridicut a k e n ,” lous “I nevObama er inhaled” said. He line. And said that The best defense is while it has his can- a good offense. It never been dor about confirmed, past mis- was no secret that longtime takes is Obama had inhaled. whispers to set an emanating example from the for young Lone Star people state indiand that he does not antici- cate Obama may not be pate major ramifications to the first presidential candihis chances as a result of his date to lean over the white revelations. lines. The past drug use The best defense is a isn’t something to be trumgood offense. It was no peted, but his competency secret that Obama had in- in dodging a PR bullet is a haled – he had previously testament to his rising star. written about it in his 1996 The fact that he was able book, “Dreams From My to extinguish a potential Father: A Story of Race campaign-killing scandal and Inheritance.” In that without raising so much as memoir, Obama wrote of an eyebrow speaks volumes his younger self: “Junkie. toward his leadership. Pothead. That’s where I’d The more we see of this been headed: the final, fatal guy, we like his swagger. role of the young would-be We’re definitely intrigued, black man.” though not ready to fully The fact that he has ad- commit yet.

by Jason Kornfeld

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinon@dailytitan.com

Unlike the many Cal State Fullerton students who are stressing about what to get their better halves today, I do not share this dilemma. Fortunately, I will be busy celebrating Single’s Awareness Day. Valentine’s Day is surely one of the most overrated holidays, admirably competing with Starbucks coffee for the biggest waste of money. Is it not just another excuse for women to get pampered and achieve that attention they so desperately desire? Don’t get me wrong, I am all about keeping the ladies happy. But do they really need an entire day dedicated to complete worship of them? I’d much rather date people with no strings attached than have to worry about competing with every other guy to get the “most romantic boyfriend” award for a V-Day performance. When you are single, you have the freedom to talk to women without having to look over your shoulder to see if your girl is waiting with an axe to castrate you for your sins.

Like I said, it is important to keep the ladies happy, but I think the holiday puts way too much pressure on people who already have plenty of worries. By staying single all you have to worry about is impressing yourself and not others. I know nobody in their right mind really wants to deal with the pressure of surprising their significant others or the ensuing letdown if they’re disappointed with your efforts. Which brings to mind another thing you can avoid: drama. The funny thing is, everyone seems to aspire to obtain what they don’t have. There are plenty of people in relationships that question how good of a thing they have going on while there are also a number of single people that are jealous about what the people in relationships have. Either way, when you are single, you are ready to mingle, and that is a beautiful thing. This holiday is only here to try to get you to spend money, and by remaining single you are sticking it to the man. So tonight you can catch me at the Slidebar celebrating my stressfree solitude.

Celebrating a Special Someone By Andrew Snyder

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

The big day is here and the pressure has been building. Should I get her chocolate? What kind of flowers should I get her? Does she even like flowers? The pressure of Valentine’s Day has fallen upon my shoulders and I have the responsibility of making this night with my girlfriend one to remember. Let’s not forget, the memory she is left with has to be one of us both smiling in the end. For whatever reason, this single day is glorified as the day for ro-

mance. Twenty-four hours of showing that special someone how much she means to me. All my single friends are giving me a hard time because I’m spending money on something they define as “unnecessary.” They tease me, try to embarrass me and try to make me feel like less of a man because I am selling out to a holiday that, to some, isn’t a real holiday to begin with. Although a holiday such as this seems a little overrated, I know affection is expected and it is tradition. So the one question that remains, and perhaps the most important to a night like this, is how will all this romance happen? Do I send the flowers to her place with a delivery guy or do I deliver them myself? Do I say that I have to work that night and then completely surprise her by showing up unexpectedly? How can I make this night romantic and not cheesy? I’ve made reservations at her favorite restaurant (which isn’t the easiest task in the world considering that everyone else wants to eat there too) and I know exactly what I will surprise her with. I want to show her how I feel and I’m actually getting nervous approaching this special occasion and. I’ve been planning for this day and the anticipation of her reaction is giving me butterflies in my stomach and an anxious feeling. Will she like what I have planned? I hope so. When the time comes and she sees the effort I have put into this night), all I hope is that she is happy. To see her eyes light up and to see her beautiful smile would mean everything. I can’t wait to make her happy and that is what Valentine’s Day is supposed to be about.

The Advocate BY Robert


Love and Loneliness Love is perhaps the most autistic differ in the ways they commonly discussed, pondered express love and show affection, and philosophized subject in the but it does not make the feelings world. For those involved with less real or less wonderful and the treatment of Asperger, as beautiful. Love created the uniwell as those who have it, love verse, which is reflected in the is still a topic for discussion and eyes of those we love. thought. Being a male student on a The city on a hill is the perfect campus that is 64 percent femetaphor to describe the Daily male does have its advantages Titan newsroom. With its loca- – to which the remaining 36 tion on the sixth floor of Col- percent can attest – but on the lege Park, it is other hand it like that city on has its disada hill where stuLet’s For those involved vantages. dents, through face it, most hard work, can with the treatment of autistics are enjoy the fruits Asperger, as well as men and most of their labor those who have it, love men never reand all the acaally understand demic and per- is still a topic for dis- women, least sonal successes. cussion and thought. of all autistic. Yet it can defiI choose to nitely be lonely express myself at the top. Sucthrough words cess, in my esand actions, timation, is meaningless when and I have found saying “I love there’s no one to appreciate it. you” is much more powerful With Valentine’s Day coming than giving out candied hearts up, love is on the minds of ev- on Valentine’s. Words are more eryone. With Asperger’s the dis- powerful than any gesture. cussion is less philosophical in Yet love is something that anynature. The conversation is more one wants and deserves. People about “can we love?” as opposed assume that whenever a disabled to the very nature of love itself. person mentions the things they The question is irrelevant. deserve, they often mistakenly Can you breathe? assume that we deserve those We are capable of love like things because we are disabled. any other human being. The In contrast, it is not because we ability to love by both Aspie, (a are disabled but because we are diminutive name for someone human. with Asperger’s) and non-autisAs I spend my time in this tic alike is what makes us hu- city on a hill, the world seems man. that much bigger and just that Aspies such as myself choose much more isolated. Perhaps to express love in a way that does being such an extreme man has not fit the ordinary definitions had a part in that. But that disof love. Even those who are not cussion will have to wait.

To Be Or Not To Be Single

Robert Moran writes a weekly column on life as a disabled student living with Asperger’s Syndrome. He is available to answer any questions and provide information and resources for those interested. Email him at opinion@dailytitan.com

Fight the System for Those You Love Valentine’s Day is not a holiday for love, it is just a big marketing ploy By Sarah Gammill

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

Valentine’s Day is here and to that I say – bah humbug. I’ve never been much for a holiday that designates only one day to let those you care about know you love them. And you can’t just say those three simple words, buy them things. Buy them diamonds, teddy bears, cards and the alluring box of chocolate. I find it disturbing that companies try to target individual emotions and that the consumers allow them to. I don’t buy into it. Why do we need a holiday to remind people we love them? Can’t we express our love all year long? We show our love with gifts because we are consumers who rely on gifts to prove our love and security. Gifts verify that people care, and it’s sad. Maybe if we showed our loved ones we care everyday of the year, this holiday would have a different connotation, like a celebration of the love shared all year. Some. like myself, might not even see a reason for the holiday, except to honor St. Valentine. Instead, we listen to the propaganda about Valentine’s Day and we eat it up. I tell my boyfriend I love him all the time and he does the same to me. I see no reason why extra money, which we don’t have, should

be spent to show we love each other more on this day. I just don’t get the allure behind Valentine’s Day, or why so much effort is used to make it as big as it is. No more money will be given to the marketing and advertising companies trying to tug at my heartstrings and dig into my wallet. The gift of everyday love is more than some could ever hope for, and so that is what I give. I show my love everyday of the year. I don’t love someone more or less on any given day, and I expect the same from everyone else. There is a quote, which says, “Love and be l o v e d .” Nowhere in that phrase does it mention to buy gifts to express affection and love. Money, as we all know, cannot buy love. It is the companies producing the cards and candy that are trying to convince us of this. Well, I encourage anyone to step out of the box. Don’t buy into a holiday designed to rob you. Don’t get me wrong, I am not a man hating, lonely, never-been-inlove type of girl. I have never been marred by a bad relationship and I’m currently in a three-year relationship. Yet I am still baffled by the emphasis of this holiday. Valentine’s Day has become a complete consumer holiday and nothing more. Let’s change the meaning of this day. Instead of buying cards, show more love in everyday life and say a kind word on any given day, rather than force feelings on Valentine’s Day.

February 14, 2007


Student body

Getting That Naughty Gift Doesn’t Have to be too Dirty By Jessica Doles

Daily Titan Staff Writer maneditor@dailytitan.com

The time is 7 p.m. and dinner is cooked and ready to be served. Cliche red rose petals are scattered along the hallway, a few are on the dinner table, more spotlight a path to the bedroom, and the rest lie exposed on the comforter. The candles are lit and the aroma of vanilla fills the air while tickling those nostril hairs. The presents: a box of chocolates, the card in a reddish-pink envelope and that little surprise wrapped with a bow for

later. Wink, wink. Not a scene from a movie, but an event that will most likely take place on that one special day in February. No, not Presidents Day on the 19th. Special day, code name: Valentine’s Day. With the 14th fast approaching, where would be a great place to find a last-minute gift or even a personal gift for the singles this couples’ holiday? The answer, sex shops! Yes, sex shops. “It’s one of our busiest times, especially for last-minute buyers,” said Fullerton Erogenous Zone manager Tawny, who wished to keep her last name confidential. With love in the air for couples, or maybe just smog and pollution for the singles, Valentine’s Day is a great way for the naughty and the nice to come out.

There’s much kinkiness to be cants and instructional books, like found inside a sex shop, from the Erotica. Those are some of our less overpriced tapes stored way in the racy items,” Tawny said. Sex shops back to the scary-yet-fascinating aren’t just about whips and chains, tools, gadgets and she added. batter y-operated These shops have modern marvels romantic sides as displayed in the People should go well. For example, corner. the Kama Sutra to sex shops all the These fun places line has an array of time ... Good sex is also carry products products ranging for the less adven- essential to a good from oils to pleaturous. For many, relathionship. suring balm. The entering into an – Katie West brand even has an X-rated store can CSUF Sociology Major item called “Kama be intimidating, Sutra Weekender so there are more Kit.” This includes conservative and Oil of Love, Plealess drastic pleasure suring Balm, Mint items. Tree and Wild Clove Bathing Gels, “We carry a variety of lotions, Honey Dust and a feather tickler. massage oils, flavored oils, lubriTalk about sex in a bag.

An exciting Valentine’s Day can start with a trip to your local sex shop

Not the type of gift that would impress the significant other? Well, other ideas have been launched with cupid’s arrows throughout campus. “If I were to get a gift for Valentine’s Day from a sex shop, I’d probably want something funny like penis-shaped pasta or sex enhancement sugar pills,” said Helen Hoang, 21, a human services major. “Nothing too scandalous, something that would give me a good laugh.” In response, Hoang’s boyfriend Raymond Fernandez, who has never visited a sex shop, said, “A good gift from a sex shop, especially for Valentine’s Day, would be something that both people could use like whips, handcuffs or body oils.” Other gifts that can be purchased at sex shops include penis-shaped lollipops (usually a great crowd pleaser

for bachelorette parties), sexy lingerie and how-to position books that come complete with drawings. The shops also cater a variety of pleasures. For example, the shops have oils and lubricants for the romantics, handcuffs and whips for the pain givers and movies and toys for everyone else in between. “People should go to sex shops all the time. They’re awesome! Good sex is essential to a good relationship and a good relationship with good sex should happen all year long, not just one day a year,” said 22-year-old sociology major Katie West. So with that said, Valentine’s Day is just a boring bouquet of roses away or a sensual Kama Sutra kit away – a day that will have some smiling from ear to ear or others marking it off as just another Wednesday.

Counseling Services can Ease a Worried Mind Whether stressing out to a mental breakdown, there’s a place to turn to By Caitlin Clift

Daily Titan Staff Writer maneditor@dailytitan.com

Mental health and personal issues can make it difficult for students to succeed in school and other areas of their lives. Counseling and Psychological Services offers free short-term counseling to help students get through rough times and improve their overall mental health. Services Director Gail Pakalns said depression; stress and relationship problems are the three most common reasons students seek help from counselors. Pakalns added that students see

counselors for a wide range of issues, including getting help with decision making, dealing with loss and coping with crises. “Some students mistakenly think that you have to be extremely ill or really falling apart in order to make use of our services. But that’s not true at all,” Pakalns said. The service offers up to 12 free counseling sessions in an academic year. Pakalns said many universities offer only eight or 10 sessions. Couples counseling is also offered free of charge as long as both people in the relationship are Cal State Fullerton students. “Sometimes even when people are having problems they may still be hesitant to seek help because they think it will mean they are crazy or too weak to get through things on their own,” Pakalns said. “If someone thought they had a broken arm, they are unlikely to hesitate about

going to a hospital or to the Health Center to have it looked at and Xrayed and treated. But some people don’t yet treat their emotional pain or the things that disturb them emotionally and in their relationships

Photo Courtesy of arttoday

with the same seriousness,” Pakalns said. Psychologist Deborah EdelmanBlank said the services specialize in brief counseling so some students might only need to go to one session

to discuss a particular situation or stressor. “A lot of times people just need somebody they don’t know and they won’t have to deal with the rest of their lives to bounce ideas off of; someone with no bias, no pre-existing opinions about the person. We really welcome people to come in for as little or as much they need help with,” Edelman-Blank said. Pakalns said another reason students may be reluctant to seek help is for fear that their discussion with counselors will not be kept confidential. The service operates under the same regulations and ethical requirements as any private practice or hospital system. A student’s record is not shared with anyone, including faculty, deans, friends or family members, without a student’s specific permission. Pakalns said that the only in-

stances in which the service must release a student’s record is by court order; if there is a question of a student’s safety or the safety of others; or if the student is unable to function. In the 2005-06 academic year over 4,000 students scheduled an appointment with one of the service’s six counselors or three graduate trainees, said Pakalns. Graduate student Rebecca Arevalo, 48, is getting her degree in counseling. Traditionally people like to solve problems on their own, she said. “They usually don’t seek help until the problem has become unmanageable and are adversely affecting their lives. The counseling center is an invaluable resource for students at Cal State Fullerton,” Arevalo said. The Counseling Center is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


February 14, 2007

Page two

Rogers: Staff Profile From page 1

gone on to earn doctorate degrees and university faculty positions; one of rabbit slippers. student is involved in molecular di“That’s why I wanted to be in vision in Germany. academics: it keeps me young,” the Despite the honors, he’s not a tenMIT graduate said. “I love what ured professor. He doesn’t want to people have to offer. I learn as much be one. from [students] as they do from me. “I’m not in it for the money, fame It becomes a twoor fortune. I’m in way street.” it for the gratificaHarold has been tion I get for lightteaching for almost ing students’ eyes. three decades. His Technology has accel- That’s my reward: teaching method to see students who is all organic, com- erated everything come to my class go pletely hand drawn people are doing. on to become denand hand written. tists or doctors or He refuses to use – Nathan Rogers pharmacists.” computers in his For Harold, the Opthalmologist lessons. knowledge he and “Technology has his students acquire accelerated everythrough their “twothing people are way street” is absodoing,” he said. “People are not tak- lute in its staying power. ing long enough to absorb, to really “Two things that no one can ever appreciate the world around them.” take away from you are your knowlHarold has won several prestigious edge and your truth,” Harold said. teaching awards. His students have “Simple, maybe, but it works.”

YouTube Picks of the Day

On the night of Jan. 28, 1985, the ensemble video phenomenon was born. A diverse group of more than 40 top recording artists made a beeline from the American Music Awards to producer Quincy Jones’ studio to record the smash-hit, Grammy-winning single “We are the World,” a single to raise money for Africa. In that time, subsequent songs were release under Quincy’s formula: take a good cause, an ensemble of superstar performers and a catchy tune. So how did the later releases compare to the granddaddy of them all? Let’s take a look…

Title: We are the World Duration: 7:09 Summary: The 1985 group effort serves as a time capsule of its’ decade, with some of the most memorable performers chipping in to create a catchy melody that few have forgotten 20 years later. Back then, Lionel Ritchie didn’t have to worry about his four-year-old daughter snorting coke, Bob Dylan didn’t have to worry about his son making bad music and Dionne Warwick was actually known for her singing. And let us not forget about Michael Jackson, who was in full “King of Pop” heyday mode in 1985 – this is the way people should remember him. Other notable crooners featured include a swaying Stevie Wonder, screeching Bruce Springsteen, the curly mullets of Hall and Oates and red-hot 80’s pop princess Cyndi Lauper. Totally rad, man! -Adam Levy

FREEWAY CLOSURES ALL WEEK Northbound and southbound I-5 closed from Artesia Blvd. to Beach Blvd. Use: Southbound- Artesia Blvd. exit, south Knott Ave. to east SR-91, east to southbound I5. Northbound westbound SR-91 to northbound 605, north to I-5 Southbound I-5 Beach Blvd. on ramp Use: southbound Beach Blvd. to eastbound SR-91 on-ramp, merge to southbound I-5 Westbound SR-91 to northbound I-5 Connector Use: westbound SR-91 to northbound 605, north to I-5 Northbound I-5 Orangetho-

rpe Avenue on-ramp Use: Orangethorpe Avenue west to Valley View St., to north I-5 Southbound I-5 Artesia Blvd. on ramp Travel east on Artesia Blvd. to Beach Blvd. Take Beach Blvd. south to the southbound I-5 onramp Northbound I-5 Beach Blvd. on-ramp Use: Auto Center Drive to Western Ave. North to Artesia Ave., west to northbound Valley View I-5 on-ramp Limited lanes on northbound I-5 from Orangethorpe Ave. to Artesia Blvd. Use: Alternate open lanes


Title: Choir - Give Peace2 A Chance 1991 TitlePeace of Todays Video

Duration: 3:49 Summary: With the onset of the Persian Gulf War in January 1991, Yoko Ono wanted to make a political statement – so she butchered a John Lennon classic. Actually, the remake is not that bad, but the Peace Choir is anemic in star power compared to its predecessor. Superstars like Lenny Kravitz, Tom Petty, Peter Gabriel lynchpin the video, which is also filled with a ton of early 90’s music stars milking that fifteenth minute of fame: Skid Row’s Sebastian Bach, one-hit wonder Alannah Myles and money-manager extraordinaire M.C. Hammer. The stars are not collectively in a studio, but rather featured individually against backdrops of the desert and peace signs. Her fame had cooled off considerably by 1991, but Cyndi Lauper made it into the video, presumably because no one else from the original would return Yoko’s calls. -Adam Levy

Title: What’s Going On? By the MTV All Stars

Duration: 4:17 Summary: What better way to get the nose back up on a hurting America in the fall of 2001 than with another star-studded remake? This video mixed a slideshow of post-9/11 images with a parade of dressed down pop stars filing into the recording studio to lay down their track. Overall, it is a well-produced cover that captured its’ respective time period, albeit with a 30-year-old song. Not quite USA for Africa big, but a pretty formidable roster that is still atop the charts more than five years later (that’s eons in the music business): Justin Timberlake sans box, same for Britney Spears, your favorite Titan Gwen Stefani, and Nelly Furtado back when she was like a bird. Cindy Lauper was escorted off the studio property vy security guards. -Adam Levy

For the Record It is the policy of the Daily Titan to correct any inaccurate information printed in the publication as soon as the error is discovered. Any incorrect information printed on the front page will result in a correction printed on the front page. Any incorrect information printed on any other page will be corrected on page 2. Errors on the Opinion page will be corrected on that page. Corrections also will be noted on the online version of the Daily Titan. Please contact managing editor Joe Simmons at (714) 278-5693 or at jsimmons@dailytitan.com with issues about this policy or to report any errors.

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park: expected soon From page 1 to oversee the conduct within the park. “Dog parks are a lot like playgrounds in a sense,” Alkema said. “If dogs get into a hassle, the owners act like parents of children that have gotten into a hassle. So we need people that have the skills to smooth out a situation and be able to explain the rules and get others to voluntarily follow those rules.” The biggest concerns for the committee are owners not picking up after their dogs or bringing overly aggressive dogs into the park. “Folks using the park have to realize they have to clean up after their


dogs or they will lose the park,” Alkema said. Alkema said he believes the park has great potential to become permanent, and it may lead to the city building more dog parks in the future. “There are groups of people who have been running their dogs offleash in some parks, and it’s a violation of the municipal code. The dog park will provide a spot in the city where people can lawfully bring their dogs and run them off-leash,” Alkema said. “These things do get extremely popular, and it won’t be long before a lot of people use this facility.”


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Roller Hockey Making Inroads

February 14, 2007


A List



The Month of Unimportant Games


Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

Though you won’t find any Sidney Crosbys or Teemu Selannes in the Western Collegiate Hockey League, you will find athletes who are out to have fun, playing a game they love. The WCRHL is home to 26 universities and colleges throughout the state and one team from Nevada, which includes the Cal State Fullerton roller hockey club. The game is played using most of the NHL rules with a few exceptions such as no icing or offsides. Along with the changes in the rules there are other differences compared to the NHL. The rink is smaller and is divided into only two zones, unlike the NHL, which has three. The teams play four-on-four with one goalie. The game has three 12minute periods, with a one-minute break in between periods. Unlike the NHL, which allows hitting, if you hit someone in this league, it will cost you two minutes in the penalty box. Billy Stretch and his father started the club on campus. The two ran the club for the first two years, then Billy left. The reigns were then handed down to current club president and player Chris Jett, 23. The CSUF Roller Hockey Club has been around for three seasons but only have been recognized as an official club in the last two years with stats and scores being kept. The team is sponsored by the university and receives help with travel and league fees. The team also attends weekly meetings with some of the other teams on campus. In the WCRHL there are four divisions, the Titans are in Division II of the WCRHL. Some of the 10 other schools in the same division include USC, Long Beach State and Cal Poly Pomona. The current season is beginning to wrap up its regular season and is heading towards the playoffs. The regular season consists of five tournaments with each tournament team playing four games over a one or two-day period, eventually totaling between 20 to 30 games each year. The season starts in the middle of October and finishes at the end of March. “We’re hoping to make the playoffs and hoping to come in at least the top three,” Jett said. The division championships this year will be held in Anaheim. While each team usually has 10 players, the CSUF team only has eight. The club is active on campus and is part of the sports club system, recruiting 30 people last week at the SC-ICC festival, held on the Titan Walk. Some of the players like Joaquin Torres, 22, started playing since middle school and roller hockey has been a passion since then. “I’ve been playing about 13 years, hockey is just fun sport especially roller hockey, it’s a little cheaper than ice,” Torres said. “It’s a nice workout to just go skate around with your buddies and hang out after. Its always a good time.” A couple of players, Jett and Alex Tisdail, 23, who play goalie for CSUF have had experience playing against one another. “I played against this guy (looking at Jett) for a long time when we were little, big rivalries we’d fight back and forth,” said Tisdail, who has been playing for 10 years and won a national championship in Las Vegas. The team played part of a tournament last weekend in Huntington Beach and beat CSU Monterey Bay and tied against University of San Diego, which left them in seventh place overall. The team will finish the rest of their tournament at Coast to Coast Hockey in Huntington Beach on Saturday. “It’s a little system we got growing right now at Cal State Fullerton,” Jett said of the CSUF sports clubs. Game times can be found at www. wcrhl.com under Division II schedules and results.


By carlos delgado/Daily Titan Staff Photographer

CLUTCH SHOT - Cal State Fullerton men’s basketball player Frank Robinson goes up for the game winning three-pointer during the Titans’ 78-61 victory over UC Irvine at the Bren Events Center in Irvine on Jan. 20. The junior from Los Angeles is averaging 12.1 points per game along with 5.4 rebounds per game. After winning two road games last week, the Titans (18-5 overall, 8-3 Big West) will battle for first place in the Big West, hosting local rival Long Beach State (17-6 overall, 8-2 Big West) tonight at the Titan Gym. According to a CSUF athletic media relations release, the last time first place was at stake for the Titans this late in the season was in 1976. Long Beach State’s record against CSUF is 56-36. Tipoff time is at 7:05 p.m.

Baker Picks Up Weekly Big West Honors Titan Media Relations Cal State Fullerton right-hander Candice Baker was named the season’s first Big West Pitcher of the Week on Monday after earning a pair of victories in the circle over the weekend at the Kajikawa Classic hosted by Arizona State. Baker won the award for the fourth time in her career, finishing the weekend with a 2-1 record and a 1.00 ERA with a pair of completegame shutouts. She held the opposition to a .116 batting average on the weekend, allowing just three runs on eight hits while striking out 28 batters and walking just five. In Fullerton’s season opener, Baker held Texas Tech to just two hits in a complete-game 5-0 victory, striking out 10 Red Raiders in the process on Friday. She pitched well on day two against Western Michigan despite

being stuck with the loss, allowing just three hits and striking out nine as the Broncos defeated the Titans, 3-1. Baker finished with a flourish in Sunday’s tournament finale as she held NCAA runner-up and No. 4ranked Northwestern to just three hits while striking out nine Wildcats in Fullerton’s 2-0 victory. Her 28 strikeouts on the weekend gave her 481 for her career, moving her into sixth place on the school’s all-time record list. Fullerton continues tournament play this weekend as the Titans travel to the desert once again to compete at the Louisville Slugger Desert Classic hosted by UNLV in Las Vegas. Cal State Fullerton opens play on Friday at 9 a.m. against Portland State. For more information on the tournament, please visit UNLV’s tournament page at www.unlvrebels. com.

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at Clippers Chicago at New Orl at Detroit at Seattle at Utah

NBA Point Spreads -8.5 -3 -4 -3.5 Pick -4.5


Atlanta at Charlotte Sacramento San Antonio Phoenix Cleveland

Upcoming Titan Athletics Schedule Men’s basketball - After a

2-1 road trip where they won at Pacific and Cal State Northridge, Cal State Fullerton [18-5 overall, 8-3 Big West] takes on rival Long Beach State at Titan Gym tonight, beginning at 7:05 p.m.

Women’s basketball

After a winning five of their last six


186 191.5 191 180 217 192

games Cal State Fullerton goes to UC Irvine to take on the Anteaters on Thursday night, beginning at 7 p.m. Titan senior forward Charlee Underwood was named Player of the Week by the Big West. She notched a pair of double-doubles in home wins against Pacific and Cal State Northridge.

Baseball - The No. 12 ranked Titans [5-1 overall] returns to play at Goodwin Field beginning Friday night as they host a three-game set against Arizona.

The month of February is commonly associated with love and dead presidents, but to the sporting fan February is a month filled with too many unimportant games. Headlining that list of unimportant games are the All-Star games of the NFL and NBA. The basic concept of the AllStar Game is to allow the “game’s best” to all perform at one time – creating a massive fan frenzy that is supposed to lead to big ratings and even bigger jersey sales. The problem is that once all the great talent is gathered in one area, they forget to do one thing. Play like great talents. The last time I checked, defense is essential to any winning team in any of the four major American sports (NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL). In the Pro Bowl, which took place Sunday and saw the AFC edge the NFC 31-28, teams are only allowed to rush their front four. No wild blitzes or crazy defensive schemes. The NFL set it up so that offenses could succeed, and so that no quarterback gets hurt from some weak-side safety blitz. Ironically, NFC quarterback Drew Brees dislocated his left elbow while trying to complete a pass. In the NBA, no one starts playing defense until midway through the fourth quarter. Fans expecting to see a basketball game will only see something resembling a Harlem Globetrotters exhibition for the first threeand-a-half quarters of an NBA All-Star Game. And don’t even get me started

on the NHL. In a sport that had to change its rules to increase the scoring chances in games, the NHL AllStar game featured 21 total goals. You would be lucky if you saw 21 total goals between two teams during an NHL playoff series. As for the MLB, they do get points for tying some importance to their All-Star game. After a shocking decision during the 2002 All-Star Game to end the game in a tie, the MLB decided to award home-field advantage in the World Series to the league that won the All-Star Game. But you won’t see the MLB’s best for more than two innings. Each player like New York’s Alex Rodriguez or St. Louis’ Albert Pujols is too “delicate” to play any more than a couple of innings, and the managers of each respective squad (the managers of each team in the previous year’s World Series) are too worried of drawing criticism for “overworking” other team’s players, particularly when it comes to pitchers selected to play in the game. So when the NBA’s All-Star weekend kicks off this Friday, fans will likely get more satisfaction watching the assorted competitions (three-point shootout, dunk contest) than the actual “culminating event.” And for those who can’t stand the sporting month of February, just think – it’s only two more weeks until March Madness. Happy Valentine’s Day.

Alvin Anol’s columns appear every Wednesday. sports@dailytitan.com

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