2007 04 17

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Online DailyTITAn


Since 1960 Volume 84, Issue 36

College Lessons

Iraq Veterans

What students really learn while in the classroom oPINIoN, p. 5

CSUF students share experiences with war ThE hUB, p. 4

Daily Titan

Tuesday April 17, 2007

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

32 Slain in Virginia Tech Shooting University Prepared for Crisis Situation

Gunman Opens Fire on College Campus



Daily Titan Staff





(AP PhoTo/ThE roANokE TImES, ALAN kIm)

CAMPUS HORROR - An injured occupant is carried out of Norris Hall at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Va., Monday, April 16, 2007. A gunman

opened fire in a dorm and classroom on the campus, killing at least 30 people in the deadliest shooting rampage in U.S. history. After the slayings, the gunman turned the gun on himself. after the first emergency call at 7:15 phone calls to warn students during EST a.m. and about 15 minutes after emergencies. the second shooting at around 9:15 “We would use whatever tools we a.m. Three more e-mails were sent, have at our disposal to let students each growing in urgency, through 11 know what is happening,” Salas a.m. said. Gehrls said Staff, faculty and CSUF has a pub- We would use whatev- campus communilic address system go through er tools we have at our cators to inform people extensive emergency of what is go- disposal to let students awareness training, ing on should an know what is happen- Selleck said. Speemergency occur. cifically, police “aning. The police can use ticipate and conduct – Kandy Salas worst-case scenario it internally, exterDean of Students training.” nally or in specific buildings or areas “We are lucky to of campus to cohave a full-time poordinate people sition dedicated to away from danger. emergency preparedness,” she said. Paula Selleck, public affairs news “Each incident is handled on a casedirector at CSUF, said the informa- by-case basis. We take our lead from tion technology department also campus police.” has the ability to electronically send “In any catastrophic event, your

hough it occurred nearly 2,500 miles away, the massacre at Virginia Tech raises the question: “How would Cal State Fullerton respond to something like that?” CSUF Police Lt. Tom Gehrls said the school has an active shooter program in place that was instituted following the Columbine High School shooting eight years ago. The program is designed to curtail any carnage caused by a wayward gunman as quickly and efficiently as possible. “[A gun] is a defensive weapon,” Gehrls said while motioning to his holster. “now, if you’re going to engage a shooter you need to be on the offense, and stop them quickly. To do that, you need high-powered rifles, which the department has.” The active shooter program also means that university police are capable of responding immediately rather than waiting for specialized officers, like a SWAT team. “Our officers have specialized equipment to actively engage him and minimize injuries and fatalities,” Gehrls said. University police can respond as quickly as three to five minutes after any emergency call is placed, Gehrls said. After the threat is contained, CSUF police would defer to Fullerton Police if a homicide or extensive crime scene occurred. Upon opening their e-mail accounts Monday morning, Virginia Tech University students received a message urging students to “be cautious” and asking them to contact police with any information of suspicious activity on campus at 9:26 a.m. The e-mail came over two hours

response is always in waves,” Salas said. First responders find out if anyone is hurt and get him or her medical attention. Campus officials involve local service area responders like Fullerton Police, Fire Department and even staff in the Health Center to help, Salas said. The second wave consists of notifying family or next of kin where family members are located so they know where to meet their relatives, according to Salas. The third wave includes responding to the event after some time has passed. “Often a campus wants to respond with campus gatherings or community forums,” Salas said. “The campus is a home for many of us.” SEE SAFETY- PAGE 3


Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

The Meng Concert Hall was filled Saturday night with a crowd of 400 people who attended a tribute Horace Silver, considered one of Jazz’s most influential musicians. Cal State Fullerton’s Music Department along with the California Institute for the Preservation of Jazz presented “Silver’s Serenade,” a twoday event to honor the jazz legend. Amid a dim glow, the Cal State Fullerton Jazz Ensemble 1 made their way to the stage. After tuning their instruments, the Ensemble opened the event with the Horace Silver melody, Little ‘A,’ a song Silver

wrote for his son. The Ensemble played various Silver tunes as well as other arrangements from such composers as Bill Holman and Tim Gill. “I felt real good about the house,” said Charles Tumlinson, director of Jazz Ensemble 1. “ there was a good representation of people out to honor Horace.” Tumlinson is in his sixth year as director. Students under his direction have gone on to perform with Maynard Ferguson, Count Basie and the Airmen of note. For the past five years, the California Institute for the Preservation of Jazz and CSUF have honored someone who has contributed to jazz in a significant way and who has been a California resident for more than 20 years. This year, former Horace Silver Band members hit the stage to honor their former bandleader. The audience applauded as the

May 3, 1984: A Cal State Fullerton philosophy professor, Richard L Smith, was arrested and charged with homicide in the shooting death of Dolald L. Matters, a Long Beach construction employee. Oct. 16, 1984: Minh Van Lam, a 20-year-old CSUF student murdered professor Edward Cooperman with an automatic pistol From Daily Titan Archives

Women’s Center hosts lecture on how men deal with depression By Grace J. Lee

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

BY rEzA ALLAh-BAkhShI/Daily Titan Staff Photographer

HARD BOP - Cal State Fullerton’s Jazz Ensemble 1 played a tribute con-

cert on Thursday night along with the 2007 Horace Silver Tribute Band. lights dimmed around 9:30 p.m. ver wrote for his first son, and the and the 2007 Horace Silver Tribute funky “nutville,” a faster-paced Band performed. Randy Brecker, on composition. All the band members trumpet; Rickey Woodard, on saxo- were showcased by playing solos. phone; Mulgrew Miller, on piano; “You have to pay attention to the Tony Dumas, bass; and Ralph Pen- music, it can seem messy at times, lan, on drums have all played with but you have to decipher it,” said Silver at one time or another. Francisco Medina, a retired teacher Brecker led the band through such tunes as “Serenade to a Soul Sister,” SEE JaZZ - PAGE 3 “Gregory is Here,” another tune Sil-

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EVENT CoVErAGE Arboretum to host biggest plant sale in Southern California.

July 12, 1976: A custodian named Edward Charles Allaway shot seven co-workers in and around the library


Depressed Men Suppress Feelings

Silver Serenade honors Influential Jazz Musician CSUF music department and jazz society pay tribute to Horace Silver

Homicides at CSUF

BLACKSBURG, Va. (AP) - gunman massacred 32 people at Virginia Tech in the deadliest school shooting rampage in U.S. history Monday, gunning down his victims in two attacks two hours apart before the university could grasp what was happening and warn students. The gunman’s suicide brought the death toll to 33. Investigators gave no motive for the attack. The gunman’s name was not immediately released, and it was not known if he was a student. “Today the university was struck with a tragedy that we consider of monumental proportions,” Virginia Tech President Charles Steger said. “The university is shocked and indeed horrified.” Wielding two handguns and carrying multiple clips of ammunition, the killer opened fire about 7:15 a.m. on the fourth floor of West Ambler Johnston, a high-rise coed dormitory, then stormed norris Hall, a classroom building a half-mile away on the other side of the 2,600-acre campus. Some of the doors at norris Hall were found chained from the inside, apparently by the gunman. Two people died in a dorm room, and 31 others were killed in norris Hall, including the gunman, who put a bullet in his head. At least 15 people were hurt, some seriously. Steger was faced with difficult questions about the university’s handling of the emergency. Some students complained that they received no warning from the university until

rAP CoNTEST Listen to Associate Dean of Students for Judicial Affairs rap in a Podcast at dailytitan.com

Associate Professor of Counseling David S. Shepard presented a lecture on the relationship between depression and men to almost 20 Cal State Fullerton students and faculty. “Statistics show that women are more depressed, but it’s not true,” Shepard said. The event was sponsored by the Women’s Center. Shepard discussed the different symptoms and behaviors that keep men from seeking help when experiencing depression. “no one gets to really see when a man is depressed,” Shepard said.



Depressed men do not express their feelings openly with others, whereas women cry out for help to either friends or a counselor, Shepard said. “Men hide it because they’re supposed to be more masculine,” said Gloria Garcia, 49, human services major. Shepard said depressed men who do not seek help are more likely to be involved in domestic violence. He also discussed how women just want to help men when they ask questions, not nag as many men believe. When men clam up and fail to share their problems, women are bound to think the men are not emotionally available for them explained Shepard. There are four core reasons why men tend to keep their problems and struggles to themselves. Shepard said men are brought SEE mEN - PAGE 6

Tomorrow Mostly Sunny high: 71 Low: 53

Partly Cloudy high: 71 Low: 50


april 17, 2007

Page two

IN otHeR NewS

INteRNatIoNaL NewS Pope Benedict XVI Turns 80 VATICAN CITY (AP) - Pope Benedict XVI marked his 80th birthday Monday by lunching with cardinals and listening to music by one of his favorite composers, Mozart, in a relatively low-key celebration in keeping with the quiet pace of what he has said would be a “short” papacy. Benedict spent the morning meeting with well-wishers from his native germany, including the governors of Bavaria and Schleswig-Holstein, and a representative of ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, the spiritual leader of the world’s orthodox Christians. gifts poured in, including 80 bottles of Bavarian beer from the archdiocese of Munich, a birthday cake from some seminarians in Rome, and a giant stuffed teddy bear, which the pontiff donated to a local children’s hospital. Benedict, a trained pianist, attended a Mozart concert in his honor Monday evening in a Vatican auditorium.

YouTube Picks of the Day Title: The Best of Steve Terada

NatIoNaL NewS Women Accused of Killing Husband NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. (AP) - a woman accused of killing and dismembering her husband was betrayed by the men in her life, hounded by investigators and physically incapable of the crime, her attorney said Monday during his closing argument. “There is no proof that Melanie Mcguire murdered her husband,” said the defense attorney, Joseph tacopina. “This case is a result of a tragic rush to judgment. They saw what they wanted to see. They heard what they wanted to hear.” Prosecutors contended during the six-week trial that Mcguire, 34, drugged and killed her husband, then dumped his body in the Chesapeake Bay in three suitcases so she could have a more serious relationship with her lover, Dr. Bradley Miller, her boss at the fertility clinic where the two worked.

LoCaL NewS Three California Newspapers Win Pulitzers LOS ANGELES (AP) - Pulitzer Prizes in reporting, photography and criticism were awarded to three California papers on Monday. Reporters Kenneth R. weiss and Usha Lee McFarling and photographer Rick Loomis of the Los angeles times won for explanatory reporting for their stories on the world’s distressed oceans. Renee C. Byer of The Sacramento Bee was honored for feature photography for her portrayal of a single mother and her young son as he loses his battle with cancer. Jonathan gold of La weekly, a free tabloid format publication, won a criticism award for restaurant reviews. times’ staffers cheered the announcement of honors for its five-part “altered oceans” series about how sea life is being killed by trash and other human impacts. It’s the 38th time the times has won journalism’s top prize.

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Duration: 3:47 How we found it: Searching You Tube Flying kicks and upside down flips make up most of this clip of Steve Terada. Terada seems to gracefully kick his feet up into thin air with effortless ease. As you watch Terada perform his trademark karate moves, you start to wonder if you might be able to also fly up into the air and kick a few times without falling on your face. Whether it’s in the gym or in a stadium, Terada never falters to show his best. His talent always shines through whether he’s standing in front of hundreds of people, a camera crew, or just his friends. Throughout the whole video, Terada looks like he’s bouncing off of a trampoline the whole time. If you’re like me, you might be wondering if Terada would stand a chance against Bruce Lee. If you’re looking for something extraordinary to watch on You Tube, this video is definitely worth the watch. -Grace Lee

Title: Snorting Wasabi

Duration: 2:53 How we found it: Searching You Tube The first thing that comes to mind when watching this video might be: why would anyone snort wasabi up his or her nose? The video shows the pain and suffering of a guy snorting wasabi up his nose in front of radio show hosts. You might wonder why he did it? For a little money perhaps or maybe he just likes to do mindless, foolish things that cause him overwhelming pain. His little stunt of attention is all caught on tape and everyone watching him suffer– laughing, not helping–except at the end when they give him a cup of water. He spits out mucus and looks like he’s having a seizure almost throughout the whole video. For this kind of torture, the radio station should really hook the poor kid up with some concert tickets or lots of cash. -Grace Lee SEND US YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBE VIDEOS; SEND TO NEWS@DAILYTITAN.COM

CaMPUS CaLeNDaR TODAY Pub tuesday open Mic 12 to 1 p.m. at the tSU Pub Spring talent Show auditions 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.: talent show auditions are being held in the Student Diversity office UH-183. For more info call (714) 278-4575 Free Billiards tuesday 3 to 7 p.m. at the tSU Underground WEDNESDAY Spring talent Show auditions 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.: talent show auditions are being held in the Student Diversity office UH-183. For more info call (714) 278-4575 event Planning at the Fullerton arboretum 12 to 1 p.m.: a presentation on the arboretum for those looking for a location to plan the next party or wedding. titan toastmasters 12 to 1 p.m.: a workshop to help people become effective communicators without becoming nervous before a crowd. Hosted at the Pollak Library. Dollar wednesday Bowling Nights 6 to 10 p.m. at the tSU Underground THURSDAY Irvine Campus Student grad Fest 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. The 3 C’s of Credit Reporting 12 to 1 p.m.: Learn how credit bureaus operate, how to correct errors on a credit report (the legal way), and what to do in case of identity theft. Lecture located at College Park. Spring talent Show auditions 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.: talent show auditions are being held in the Student Diversity office UH183. For more info call (714) 278-4575 women’s tennis vs. UC San Diego 2 to 4 p.m. at the tennis Sports Complex. admission is free. Free glow Bowling thursday 3 to 7 p.m. at the tSU Under-

ground FRIDAY Baseball vs. Pacific 7 to 10 p.m. at goodwin Field. Students with current CSUF ID receive free admission. adult general admission is $7. StePINg oUt by Richard Harris 8 to 10:30 p.m. at the Performing arts Center Young Theatre. admission is $8 in advance for students with current CSUF ID. adult general admission is $9. The play will run until May 5. SATURDAY Baseball vs. Pacific 6 to 9 p.m. at goodwin Field. Students with current CSUF ID receive free admission. adult general admission is $7. StePINg oUt by Richard Harris 8 to 10:30 p.m. at the Performing arts Center Young Theatre. admission is $8 in advance for students with current CSUF ID. adult general admission is $9. The play will run until May 5. SUNDAY Baseball vs. Pacific 1 to 4 p.m. at goodwin Field. Students with current CSUF ID receive free admission. adult general admission is $7. StePINg oUt by Richard Harris 2 to 4:30 p.m. at the Performing arts Center Young Theatre. admission is $8 in advance for students with current CSUF ID. adult general admission is $9. The play will run until May 5. Jubilant Sykes with University wind Symphony 7 to 10:30 p.m.: The Fullerton alumnus will sing in his signature baritone voice at the Performing arts Center Meng Concert Hall. general adult admission is $35.




BOWLING GREEN, Ky. (AP) - an assistant biology professor at western Kentucky University suspects an increase in manmade sounds underwater make fish deaf. Michael Smith cited U.S. Navy sonar and oceanic shipping as possible noise pollution for fish, which use sound to find their way around and listen for predators. The study will expose locallybought rainbow trout, silver perch and goldfish to various sound combinations at a special sound booth at the wKU Complex for engineering and Biological Sciences.

PARIS (AP) - For sale: a 15,000-year-old Siberian mammoth skeleton. on Monday, Christie’s auction house in Paris, which usually sells fine art and furniture, is hosting an unusual auction of paleontological curiosities, including several prehistoric mammals. Skeletons of a 10,000-yearold, 13.5-foot-long rhinoceros and a 7.5-foot-high cave bear are also going under the hammer. The skeletons are currently owned by a private collector, but buyers may include museums or artists, said Christie’s spokeswoman Capucine Milliot.

FReewaY CLoSUReS aLL weeK

Northbound I-5 closed from 91-/ I-5 connector to Artesia Use: westbound 91 to Northbound 605, north to I-5 Southbound I-5 closed from Artesia Boulevard to Beach Boulevard Use: artesia Boulevard exit, south Knott avenue to east 91, east to southbound I-5 Westbound 91 to northbound I-5 Connector Use: westbound 91 to northbound 605, north to I-5 Northbound I-5 Orangethorpe Avenue on-ramp. Use: orangethorpe avenue west,

north on Dale, west on artesia, north on Firestone, to Valley View northbound I-5 on ramp. Northbound I-5 Beach Boulevard on-ramp Use: auto Center Drive, north on western avenue, west o artesia avenue, norh on Firestone, to northbound I-5 Valley View on-ramp. Southbound I-5 Artesia Boulevard on-ramp. Use: travel east on artesia Boulevard to Beach Boulevard. take Beach Boulevard south to the southbound I-5 on-ramp. Limited lanes on northbound I-5 from Brookhurst westbound 91/northbound I-5 connector. Use: alternate open lanes.

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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSUF System. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. Copyright ©2006 Daily Titan


April 17, 2007





an e-mail was sent more than two hours after the first shots rang out. At an evening news conference, Police Chief Wendell Flinchum refused to dismiss the possibility that a co-conspirator or second shooter was involved. He said police had interviewed a male who was a “person of interest” in the dorm shooting, but he declined to give further details. “I’m not saying there’s a gunman on the loose,” Flinchum said. Ballistics tests will help explain what happened, he said. Sheree Mixell, a spokeswoman for the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, said the evidence was being moved to the agency’s national lab in Annandale. At least one firearm was turned over, she said. Mixell would not comment on what types of weapons were used or whether the gunman was a student. Some students jumped from windows in panic. Some carried out the wounded themselves, without waiting for ambulances to arrive. Many found themselves trapped behind chained and padlocked doors. SWAT team members with helmets, flak jackets and assault rifles swarmed over the campus. A student used his cell phone camera to record audio of the bullets echoing through a stone building. Alec Calhoun, a 20-year-old junior at Virginia Tech, said he was in a morning class when he and classmates heard a thunderous sound from the classroom next door – “what sounded like an enormous hammer.” Screams followed an instant later, and the banging continued. When students realized the sounds were gunshots, Calhoun said, he started flipping over desks for hiding places. Others dashed to the windows of the second-floor classroom, kicking out the screens and jumping from the

ledge of Room 204, he said. “I must’ve been the eighth or ninth person who jumped, and I think I was the last,” said Calhoun, of Waynesboro, Va. He landed in a bush and ran. Calhoun said that the two students behind him were shot, but that he believed they survived. Just before he climbed out the window, Calhoun said, he turned to look at the professor, who had stayed behind, perhaps to block the door. The instructor was killed, he said. Trey Perkins, who was sitting in a German class in Norris Hall, told The Washington Post that the gunman barged into the room at about 9:50 a.m. and opened fire for about a minute and a half, firing about 30 shots. The gunman first shot the professor in the head and then fired at the students, Perkins said. The gunman “had a very serious, but very calm look on his face” and is believed to be about 19 years old, Perkins said. “I think the university has blood on their hands because of their lack of action after the first incident,” said Billy Bason, 18, who lives on the seventh floor of the dorm. Steger defended the university’s conduct, saying authorities believed that the shooting at the dorm was a domestic dispute and mistakenly thought the gunman had fled the campus. “We had no reason to suspect any other incident was going to occur,” Steger said. Steger emphasized that the university closed off the dorm after the first attack and decided to rely on email and other electronic means to spread the word, but added that with 11,000 people driving onto campus first thing in the morning, it was difficult to get the word out. He said that before the e-mail went out, the university began telephon-

ing resident advisers in the dorms and sent people to knock on doors to alert the student body. The e-mail had few details but warned students to be cautious and to contact police about anything suspicious. “I think as many means as the university has at its disposal would be ideal [to notify students], not to rely on just one method,” said Paula Selleck, Cal State Fullerton’s Public Affairs News Director, when asked about the e-mailing method. The massacre Monday took place almost eight years to the day after the Columbine High bloodbath near Littleton, Colo. on April 20, 1999. Founded in 1872, Virginia Tech is located in southwestern Virginia, about 160 miles west of Richmond. With more than 25,000 full-time students, it has the state’s largest fulltime student population. A White House spokesman said President Bush was horrified and offered his prayers to the victims and the people of Virginia. “The president believes that there is a right for people to bear arms, but that all laws must be followed,” spokeswoman Dana Perino said. After the shootings, all campus entrances were closed, and classes were canceled through Tuesday. The university set up a spot for families to reunite with their children. Counselors were also made available for students. Police said there had been bomb threats on campus over the past two weeks but said they had not determined a link to the shootings. Among Monday’s dead was Ryan Clark, a student from Martinez, Ga., with several majors who carried a 4.0 grade-point average, said Vernon Collins, coroner in Columbia County, Ga. “I knew when the number was so large that I would know at least one

person on that list,” said Walton, a banquet manager. “I don’t want to look at that list. I don’t want to. While members of the Cal State Fullerton community are miles away from the shootings, they may still feel its effects. “When it happens somewhere it hits home here,” Gehrls said. “We’ve lived it—We have a special feeling for those people based on our own history.” “Even though we’re not there [at Virginia Tech], there are people who are affected in different ways depending on their histories, their sensitivities to other traumas,” said

Counseling and Psychological Services offer counseling to help students cope after traumatic experiences. Gehrls said that if someone were to start firing on campus, the best thing to do would be to “get out of their line of sight; get around a corner.” CSUF students were divided in their answers when asked what they would do if a shooter began to attack. “I’d try to be a hero and go after him,” said 22-year-old history major Ronnie Coughlin. “That’s the kind of person I am.” Kinesiology major Kim Pierron said, “I might get out of range, but afterward I’d make sure everyone was OK.” Jessica Rowley, an 18-year-old theater major said she would run in a zigzag fashion away from the shooter because she was told it lessens the chances of a fatal blow. “It’s either fight or flight and obviously a human being can’t fight against a gun,” said 20-year-old graphic design major Lauren Boebinger. Paul Alvarez, a 21-year-old comparative literature major and selfproclaimed Christian said, “My first reaction would be to pray.” On a tranquil spring day, the campus was quiet as CSUF students discussed how secure they feel while here. 20-year-old business major John Nagelhoef said, “I always see cops around here so I feel pretty safe.” Some were a little less secure in proclaiming CSUF a safe haven. “I think anything can happen anywhere,” said Pierron. Music major Bill Fritz, 21, took a skeptical approach in light of the Virginia Tech incident. “I’ve never seen anything like this,” Fritz said. “The campus is so wide open that it could pose a problem.”

Senior’s members plan Battalion Organizational Day at the beach

Do, an MSIV cadet. Do said the day at the beach was a good way to relax before the cadets go to Camp Pendleton for their toughest training this semester, where they will spend a weekend learning land navigation and training techniques. The Battalion Organizational Day, set up by the senior cadets, required a mandatory attendance for cadets in the program. Between the food and games that were provided for the team-building event, the ROTC instructors also joined in on the fun. While some chose to participate in football and volleyball games, others laid out on the sand and socialized.

“[The training] allows them to socialize only to a certain extent,” said Alex Marashian, a senior cadet attending UC Irvine as a political science major. “Getting together like this lets us all come together, relax and get to know each other better. It’s a camaraderie thing. It also relieves a little stress since we are at the end of the semester.” The Battalion Organizational Day was not just a day of fun, said Master Sergeant Dan Sturgell, it was also used as a tool for senior cadets to learn how to organize a get-together event. “When they all become lieutenants and they go to a unit, chances are they get put in charge of setting up an

organizational day,” Sturgell said. But once the cadets kicked off their sandals and laid out their towels, it was time for the games to begin. A game of two-hand touch football quickly began as others gathered around the volleyball nets for a tournament. Even the instructors joined in on the fun. “We had a volleyball tournament at the beginning, which we had squads set up going against each other,” Marashian said. After eliminating all the other teams, Alpha squad 1-1 was declared the winner of the tournament. Shortly afterwards, the senior cadets played against their instructors.


SILENT PRAYER - Virginia Tech cadets mourn at the Viginia Tech War Memorial Pylon during a candle light vigil Monday, April 16.

Gail Pakalns, Counseling and Psychological Services director and licensed psychologist. “They may have known people who were shot or who were involved in some kind of tragedy.” Specifically, the service staff will be handing out a flier, “Helping Yourself and Others After a Traumatic Event.” “So far we haven’t had individual students presenting with that but sometimes people present with other issues—losses, grief, anxiety—that may be triggered or exacerbated by these events even though they don’t

CSUF’S rOTC Cadets Take Their Training to the Sand By JeNNy HOUSer

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Instead of the usual Friday training, Cal State Fullerton’s Army ROTC dropped the guns and gear and pulled out the sunscreen and swimsuits. Cadets and cadre gathered at the Corona del Mar State Beach for a day of fun in the sun. “It’s nice not to do training every Friday,” said business major, Freddie

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By JeNNy HOUSer/Daily Titan Staff Photgrapher

BEACH DAY - Senior cadet, Alex Marashian instructs the Army ROTC cadets at their Battalion Organizational Day at Corona del Mar State Beach where members enjoyed a day of relaxation and volleyball.


April 17, 2007

the hub

Fighting in Iraq, Learning in Fullerton By John SakaTa

Daily Titan Staff Writer maneditor@dailytitan.com

On a morning still cloaked in shadow, with dawn barely broken, the hazy silhouettes of Fullerton ROtC members assemble in the darkness before breaking off into three groups to begin exercise drills on the Matador Soccer Field. The mornings end differently than they used to for Sgt. berenice Rivas and the half dozen or more members who served in Iraq. exercise begins at 6:30 a.m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday, under the guise of a new day. That much is pretty much the same. For Rivas though, the incentive is no longer to get back indoors before the heat rises to a blistering 140 degrees like it did in Iraq. Medical Sgt. Chris Redding reported to exercise from a u.S. base in Germany before heading to Landstchul Medical hospital, where he was surrounded by the sights and sounds of the war. From June 2003 to October 2004, transportation Sgt. Antonio Limcaco would begin Monday exercising but it would end roaming through Iraqi towns in a truck, on alert for any IeDs – improvised explosive devices – suicide bombers or roadside explosives. “I would sweat so much. I drank a lot of water,� said Rivas, who was with 223rd Finance with the National Guard, 15 miles outside of baghdad. “I know a lot of soldiers who would faint because it was so hot. The heat was one of the biggest threats.� In Kuwait, Medical Sgt. David Wurbel, 25, watched the war from a hospital where he treated patients as a medic. he was attending Orange Coast Community College before being deployed to Kuwait in February 2003, before the u.S. invaded. In Kuwait, once the war was underway, Wurbel said he would nor-

mally see between 200 and 300 patients a day. A mass casualty accident could bring as many as 500 soldiers to the hospital in two hours. “As the war progressed, we started seeing more actual combat injuries: gunshot wounds, shrapnel wounds, multiple fractures from car accidents, multiple shrapnel wounds from the IeDs,� Wurbel said. Redding, deployed to Germany in 2004, said because of the of his role as a medical sergeant, he needed to arrive each day sharp and ready regardless of what was seen the previous day. Though he said he talks about his experiences occasionally with his wife, he said most people “wouldn’t understand.� “It’s very mentally draining seeing casualties every day. If you are downrange, I would suspect you would see casualties frequently but not 24-7,� Redding, a history major, said. “You rely on your friends a lot to keep you motivated. With technology today – e-mail, phone calls – we were fortunate. All of us had our own family support systems. but our individual friends over there are what we really rely on to keep us motivated.� Wurbel said his war experience could be broken down into three phases. In the beginning, before being deployed, he said it was reminiscent of WWI with all the parades and celebrations. After one of the medics was killed when his ambulance was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade, Wurbel’s experience entered the second phase, becoming “a real war and our friends can die. Then it became more of a personal war because you knew somebody who had died,� he said. The final phase began when a father of an Iraqi girl brought in his daughter, who was badly burned, to one of the facilities. “Then it became more,� he said. “It’s not just the soldiers but everyone is affected.� Sgt. Andrew Adams was deployed in September 2004 with the Ma-

Jazmine Graza/Daily Titan Staff Photographer tough course - Berenice Rivas and Chris Redding prepare for thier ROTC midterm the morning of March 23.

rines. u.S. forces aborted an attempt to seize control of the insurgent stronghold in April after a compromise was reached between the two sides, but re-engaged in battle on Nov. 7, 2004. Adams was part of the second offensive. Leading up to the battle, Adams participated in convoy operations and guarded the main supply route on the Iraqi highway, looking for insurgents and IeDs. The expectation going into the battle was 80 percent casualties, Adams said. “So I kind of figured I would die,� the 24-year-old history major said. “I am kind of religious, so I just prayed to God and made things right with the Lord and whatever happened, it will be done. If it was my fate to die with the team, I’ll die for it.� It would be two weeks before u.S. forces gained control of the city. As a fire-team leader with 3rd battalion

5th Marines, Adam’s team kicked down doors and cleared the area, building by building, in search of insurgents and weapons. In his searches, Adams said he found automatic weapons, grenades and “tons of explosives.� he would remain stationed there until the end of his deployment. Several friends he knew died in the battle, he said. “every day was intense,� he said. “From the beginning of the day, we would load up our rifles. We were clearing rooms, clearing buildings. each door you kick in, you never know if that will be the last one you will be kicking in because somebody could be waiting on the other side. In some of them ... they were there waiting, and they got smoked [if they didn’t surrender].� As a part of transportation Company 211, Limcaco was in Iraq on Dec. 15, 2003, when news arrived

that Saddam hussein was ambushed by military forces where he hid inside a cellar 10 miles south of his hometown of tikrit. Limcaco remembers patrolling the base when he heard the news. “It was pretty bad, it got hectic� in the days that followed, Limcaco said. “There were a lot of riots. There were gunshots everywhere. There were people mad, people angry because we captured their leader. There were people happy because they were free from his dictatorship.� Though the capture of Saddam hussein was broadcast worldwide as a victory, Limcaco’s enthusiasm was muted by not knowing when he would be able to return home. Limcaco’s term was extended several times, he said. “In your heart you were celebrating, ‘yeah, we caught him.’ One of our main objectives was to catch

Saddam hussein,� Limcaco said. “but that doesn’t give you any concrete news that you’re going home.� he said the soldiers were informed in a straight-forward manner. “basically, you got to support your friends, your comrades you’re with,� Limcaco said. “When they’re down, you got to give them support. It was really tough.� On Jan. 31, 2005, Rivas, an environmental studies major, was in Iraq when the first free elections were held. In anticipation of the elections, Rivas said the base was put on alert out of fear that it might get mortared by Iraqi insurgents. “It was in the newspapers,� Rivas said. “everybody on the base knew that the elections were taking place so we were expecting something violent. but we actually didn’t experience anything violent.� Despite the debate about weapons of mass destruction that led Limcaco to Iraq, he said u.N. inspectors’ final verdict that no weapons existed did not mean much to him. The reason why the troops were there was not as important as following orders. “You have to support the president no matter what. Our mission is to follow the orders of the commander in chief and the officer appointed over us,� Limcaco said. “So when they tell us, we’re out there to find weapons of mass destruction, we have to support them – even if there are none found at the moment, our mission and our goal is to follow the orders of our commanders.� During boot camp, Rivas’ superiors drilled into her that she would eventually be deployed to Iraq. by the time she was deployed, the directives of the war had changed. “I think it was very ambivalent because there were different things going on. There was talk about democracy, elections, talks about no weapons of mass destruction, so what’s going to be our next step,� she said.


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April 17, 2007


opinion Titan Editorial

Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

A Media Blitz Wolf Blitzer is an old hand news networks showed was at Cnn. He’s been hosting a the same grainy cell phone news show for the network clip, the same 10 photos, the since 1998 and has been re- same five student interviews. porting since the ’70s. All day. over and over and All that experience doesn’t over again. seem to have told him when And what did we learn to back off from a story. from this repeated barrage? Yesterday’s Virginia Tech A “tall Asian” was involved shootings dominated his in the shooting deaths of 33 show. “The people. Situation That’s it. Room” filled iewers Viewers who watched whoVwatched the rest of Cnn’s air Blitzer’s newscast may B l i t z e r ’ s time, domi- have found out that 27 n e w s c a s t nated Fox have shots were fired ... those may news and found out g e n e r a l l y same viewers may have that 27 shots swamped all noticed the insensitive, were fired in the 24-hour bloody graphic under- that short newscasts. on-theL o o k s neath that number. scene video; like Blitzer’s those same not alone. viewers may T h e have noticed shootings are an important the insensitive, bloody graphstory. Consumers of news ic underneath that number. should both expect and deBut they didn’t find out mand new details as they about breaking developbecome available. on the ments in the Gonzales case. reporting side, new items nor did they hear about new should be broadcast or print- U.n. efforts in Darfur. And, ed as they become available. of course, they didn’t find out That being said, Virginia who did this or why they did Tech wasn’t the only news it. story that happened yesterThis kind of reporting day. perhaps the most impor- is sensationalism, pure and tant, but not the only one. simple. We should demand And yet, all the major more from our news sources.

Real Life 101: What You Really Learn in College Harmony in Conflict The most important life lessons are not always in the classroom BY JoHnaTHan KroncKe

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

The most important thing i have learned in college, no professor on earth could have taught me. There are no classes on it and no tests either, except one: life. i had to figure out as a brand new college student, oh so long ago, that i was now responsible. All that stuff that was always taken care of for me as a child? Gone i became the one to carry the burden. it was not easy when i first realized that fact and it’s certainly not easy now, but i am doing it and that is a good thing. College students need to be kicked around a little and told that life is hard. Because it is. no one is going to hand us anything in life from now on, which means if we want something, we have to be prepared to work hard to get it. More than anything else, college is a place to prepare you for the world. Sure, all that book learnin’ is great too, and costs more than a pretty penny, but what we as college students really take away from all of it is the invaluable sense of responsibility that we’ll carry through the rest of our lives. Every aspect of college life instills this life lesson on us. For those of you who live on your own in dorms or apartments, i don’t think i need

to tell you about how fast you suddenly have to grow and mature in order to survive. For the rest who still live at home, it can be even harder. Constantly shouldering the burden of your parent’s expectations coupled with the fact that they are standing right behind you, scrutinizing every move you make, can be suffocating at times. We have to become aware of every class we need to take and, as i recently found out, that is not always the easiest thing. it can be a tad difficult to get the classes you need when no one tells you that you need them. But that is all part of responsibility. i made the mistake of relying on others to tell me what i needed without checking into it myself. i can only say that i am fortunate that it happened here at school, where i can learn from it. it is also up to us to get what we want out of life. i always thought college was going to be wild and crazy with frat parties all over the place drunken coeds stumbling down the street on a Friday night. But when i got here, i found none of that. now that is not to say those things don’t happen, because as some of you know they do. But as a new guy in big place where every person on campus is a stranger, i was reluctant to make new friends and those experiences passed me by. it is only now, in my junior year, that i have finally realized that i am responsible for creating those lifelong memories for myself. i can only imagine what my life might have been like had i not gone to college.

LETTERS To THE EDiToR Any feedback, positive or negative, is encouraged, as we strive to keep an open dialogue with our readership. The Daily Titan reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar and spelling. Direct all comments, questions or concerns, along with your full name and major, to executive editor Adam Levy at alevy@dailytitan.com.

BY Harmony Trevino

Nothing Sacred We’ve all heard the big story about about CBS and MSnBC’s decision to fire Don imus, ending his simulcast radio and television show after he made a racist/sexist remark about the Rutgers University women’s basketball team. Yet this controversy goes beyond the subject of imus’ racist remarks and stems from CBS’ delayed response to it. imus has only played a small role in the big picture. This isn’t the first time he has made derogatory comments toward a particular group of people. He has targeted other groups, creating a persona that has granted him ratings and notoriety. Even with the numerous complaints about imus’ crude personality, no action was taken because of the ratings he pulled in. in fact, he had just signed a five-year contract with CBS, set for $10 million dollars a year. Leslie Moonves, president and chief executive of CBS said, “There has been much discussion of the effect language like this has on our young people, particularly young women of color trying to make their way in this society.” But one wonders if money was a bigger priority than the problem Moonves addressed. not until his A-list sponsors, including American Express, Sprint, proctor and Gamble and General Motors, pulled ads from the show did CBS decide to take action. And they still deliberated after a number of complaints were made by prominent people. So, CBS’ response was heavily influenced by the loss of

money. it’s not a crime. it was just business. The other issue that stemmed from this controversy is rap music and its constant objectification of females. Rappers constantly make racist, derogatory statements in their music. Why isn’t anyone getting fired from the companies that allow such remarks in the music that gets constant airplay? one simple answer: money. one could argue that if you don’t like what’s being said, don’t buy the CD. if that were true, couldn’t CBS ignore the complaints imus generated, and tell their listeners to shut off their radios and television sets? of course not. They need ratings and sponsors to be successful. if the sponsors aren’t happy, CBS loses money. This isn’t a matter of corporate responsibility because, frankly, corporate responsibility is to make the consumers happy to keep that income flowing. The problem is us. Who listens to these shows and buys the CDs, condoning and allowing such prejudice to continue? We do. Men and women of all races are the ones these corporations depend on to continue their success. it’s a matter of supply and demand and marketing what sells. if the consumer is happy, so are the sponsors and the corporation, and the flow of money is not interrupted. in a system where excess amounts of money are people’s priority, all subjects like race and gender are expendable because nothing but the dollar is sacred.



Rappers Write Rhymes About Titan Integrity


Contest aims to promote academic honesty in a creative fashion

– were cheered by the crowd that gathered. “Being nervous sucks,” Opina said. “So I just shook the judges’ hands and tried to be confident … I brought confidence and happiness BY CINDY CAFFERTY … that’s what people want to see.” Daily Titan Staff Writer Kim and Nordstrom also said news@dailytitan.com they were unsure at first but took the same attitude as Opina –don’t In a brave show of support and let it show. encouragement for student rap con“I couldn’t be nervous. At least I testants, Associate Dean of Students couldn’t show it,” Kim said. “It was for Judicial Affairs Sandra Rhoten pretty fun [the competition].” took to the Quad’s stage and busted That’s what Rhoten said she was a few rhymes on Monday. hoping for. The Dean of Students, Judicial “The goal at the end of the day,” Affairs kicked off its “Integrity” Rhoten said. “Is to have fun with campaign with the contest and the lunchtime to get out the contest and opmessage – this portunity drawis important We want to help them for your success ing ranging from gift certificates to –here’s some in a proactive manAngels’ tickets. tools.” ner with promotions, The campaign, The tools she presentations ... incen- refers to come made possible with funding in the form of a tives. from the Unirevamped Web – Sandra Rhoten versity Planning site offering stuAssoc. Dean for Judicial Affairs Initiative, is a dents practical promotion by and accessible the Dean of Stuinformation on dents Office to everything from promote its updated Web site. The time management to citation stansite is aimed at helping students dards. When a student visits www. achieve success and avoid such pit- fullerton.edu/integrity, he/she will falls as plagiarism and prolonged find online tutorials in MLA, APA procrastination. and Chicago styles for writing; an Rhoten, who adjudicates com- assignment calculator and a plethplaints for the Dean of Students, ora of other sources for avoiding worked closely with a student pub- plagiarism. lic relations management group “We expect our scholars to be and Professor Andi Stein to plan honorable, we have resources to the event, secure sponsors and hand help them do that,” Rhoten said. out prizes. “We want to help them in a proacAlong with Rhoten, four students tive manner with promotions, precompeted as they performed origi- sentations … incentives.” nal raps with lyrics about academic The student public relations integrity. First place went to Derek management team has devoted the “D-Rok” Opina. All the contestants entire semester to helping Rhoten – Opina, Lars Nordstrom, Bonnie launch her anti-plagiarism camKim and Michael Vu, respectively paign.

April 17, 2007

up to be fearless, brave, courageous, competitive, powerful and successful. He explained how men are taught to be strong when times are tough and not ask for help. “Men experience depression differently than women,” Shepard said at the Thursday event. All of these core reasons displayed how men are different from women and how society cannot apply the same symptoms to men and women during depression. According to Shepard, some depressed people attempt to commit suicide, but men are more likely to

actually die because they go straight for the gun (instantaneous death) while women usually overdose on medicine or cut themselves. “Men kill themselves 10 times more than women kill themselves; even if they don’t really want to die,” Shepard said. One student expressed an interest in attending more educational seminars that could help her to understand men and people better. “It would be nice to have more topics like this—and hour is not enough,” said Maria Diaz, 29, human services major.


and self-proclaimed jazz lover. Mitchell and drummer Louis Hayes. Silver was born in Norwalk, Con- However, it was years later when SilRAPPERS’ DELIGHT - Derek “D -Rok” Opina busts out the winning rhyme necticut on Sept. ver would record at the “Making Integrity Count” rap contest in the quad. Four students vied for 2, 1928. His one of his most top place at the event to kick off the Dean of Student’s integrity campaign. father had imfamous songs, “The idea for a rap contest determine what CSUF students migrated to the the title track to There was a good repcame from the students,” Rhoten know or think about cheating, pla- U.S. from Cape his 1964 album resentation of people explained. “I would have never giarism and the like. They started Verde. “Song For My thought of that.” with handwritten surveys. After the As a teenager, Father.” It was out to honor Horace The management group through rap contest, students were directed he began playing inspired by Cape – Charles tumlinson a combination of fliers, prizes, and to the integrity Web site where elec- both piano and Verdean folk mupledges are aiming to get the word tronic surveys will be made avail- saxophone, insic, but with an FDirector of Jazz Ensemble 1 out about Rhoten’s site and deter- able where the group can determine fluenced by such minor Jazz twist. mine the measure of their success. whether people visited the site. styles as boogieSilver now “We’re excited we could help Although the rap contest was woogie to blues. lives in Calistart a campaign,” said public rela- a special event, making integrity Silver is known fornia, and has tions student Shannon McKnight. count is a full time job for Rhoten for contributing received much “And we thought ‘hey what about a and the Dean of Student Affairs. to a style known as hard bop, which acclaim as a venerable jazz icon. In rap contest?’” “This is what I try to do all the is an extension of bebop. 2005, he was awarded with the NaChristopher Knepper, another time,” Rhoten explained. “This sort Over the years Silver has played tional Academy of Recording Arts member of the group, went on to of University Planning Initiative with a number of popular jazz artists, and Sciences and has just completed explain how the team will tally up allows me the resources to get the including saxophonist Junior Cook writing his autobiography, “Let’s Get their effectiveness. First, they must word out to students.” and Hank Mobley, trumpeter Blue To The Nitty Gritty.” BY CINDY CAFFERTY/Daily Titan Staff Photographer


april 17, 2007

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Track and Field Sets Records

April 17, 2007


BY James Thompson

A Moment of Silence and Early Trends A moment of silence for the Virginia Tech students who lost their lives in the deadliest college shooting in United States history yesterday. A moment of cheer for the firings of Don Imus for his vile comments about the Rutgers women’s basketball team. Let’s take a break from the madness with a quick trip to fantasy land. Yankee Pitchers Mike Mussina, Carl Pavano and Chien-Ming Wang are all on the injured list so look to their backups and replacements if you need quick fill-ins. Toronto Blue Jays’ closer BJ Ryan sprained his elbow and will probably miss a month or so. Jason Frasor who had 17 saves as a rookie will likely replace Ryan, which makes him a must have. Staying with Toronto, second baseman Aaron Hill has been hot lately. So far he’s batting .370 with two dingers and 11 RBI. If you’re part of a keeper league you’ll want to take a serious look at Giants’ prospect Tim Lincecum, who is 2-0 in Triple A with 17

BY sHaWN TroNdseN

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

The Cal State Fullerton track and field team competed in both the Azusa Pacific Invitational and the Mt. Sac Relays over the weekend. One Titan highlight for the Azusa meet was the second place finish by the 4x100 women’s relay team. They completed the relay in 47.61 seconds, just two seconds longer than the winning Notre Dame Fighting Irish squad. CSUF freshman Jameena Hunt, one of the Titans’ bright young field performers, broke her own school record when she placed third in the discus with a throw of 150 feet, four inches. Her old mark was 149 feet, 8 inches. Among other Titans, senior Karen Bardsley placed fifth in the javelin with a throw of 38.2 meters. Scott Hutchison placed fifth in the discus for the men’s side with a throw of 185 feet and seven inches. Damien Nieves was third in the 3000 meter distance run at Azusa with a time of 14:58.57. More Titan highlights occurred at the Mt. Sac relays on Saturday and Sunday. CSUF men’s 4x100 relay team finished second, a mere oneone-hundredth of a second behind the winning Sacramento State team. The 4x400 men’s team finished with a similar fate, playing second behind Azusa Pacific by less than half of a second. The Titans’ Chris Epstein won his 200 meter dash section, but was seventh overall in the event with a time of 21.28. For the women’s 100 meter dash, senior Kandace Wilson set a school record and placed finished fifth with a time of 11.92.

Fantasy Fix

strike outs in 12 innings pitched and has yet to allow a run. If Russ Ortiz can’t get his ERA down (5.27) Lincecum may soon be getting a call. Chicago Cubs’ starting pitcher Rich Hill has got off the blocks quickly and is pitching well. He’s 2-0 with 0.64 ERA and 11 K’s and four walks. The Braves’ Tim Hudson is another pitcher worth having as he sports a 0.86 ERA with 16 strikeouts and has yet to lose a game. St. Louis Cardinals’ Chris Duncan is riding a hot streak hitting .412 with three home runs and five RBI. Dodger’s catcher Russell Martin has been flying high hitting .366 with a dinger and seven RBI and 11 runs. The most impressive stat is that he has four stolen bases! He’s a catcher ... pick him up and use him as trade bait before he puts on his lead shoes. Till next week fellow geeks.

James Thompson’s columns appear every Tuesday. sports@dailytitan.com

A Correction From the April 2 Issue BY carlos delgado/Daily Titan Staff Photographer

SHINING THROUGH - Cal State Fullerton’s Clark Hardman [#4] is congratulated by his teammates in the seventh inning after scoring a run against UC Irvine. Hardman was 2-for-3 with an RBI and run scored in CSUF’s 9-8 win against UC Davis on Sunday. The junior outfielder leads the No. 17 ranked CSUF baseball team with a .353 average this season after missing much of the last two years due to injuries. Hardman also leads the team with 53 hits, 36 runs scored and 73 total bases in 150 at-bats. The Titans are 23-12 overall in the season after sweeping UC Davis. They are 4-2 in the Big West Conference. This weekend, the team will host Big West Conference opponent Pacifc for a three-game set at Goodwin Field. Friday night’s game begins at 7 p.m., Saturday night’s game begins at 6 p.m. and the Sunday finale will start at 1 p.m.

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In a story about the Cal State Fullerton equestrian team on April 2, team member Katrina Ruzics was misquoted about funding for individuals. The following statement comes from the CSUF equestrian team. “If you need help finding a place to take lessons we can help you with that. If you don’t have the necessary

attire you can usually borrow it from someone on the team or someone at the show. Not having a horse or attire for the sport should not stop you from joining the team. We are part of the Sports Club ICC if we want help with the costs of the competitions we have to propose for it but no money/help with funding is guaranteed.”

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