2007 05 29

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007



Blu-ray or HD?

Set in stone - The Memeorial Grove Plaque, set in stone, names those slain in the 1976 CSUF library shooting. The Grove can be found north of the Pollak library.

Two new disk formats promise a better picture with a higher pricetag By Johnathan Kroncke Summer Titan Assistant News Editor

Growing strong, tall and with a purpose


In the 1970s, JVC’s new VHS video format and Sony’s Betamax duked it out for the controlling stake of the video market. By the ’80s, VHS had become king of the mountain. Now, with demise of VHS and the advent of the DVD, a new battle has begun. Sony is once again backing another horse in this technological race and this time they are packing heat with a new format, the Blu-ray Disc. This upgrade from the current DVD format has a major competitor, and that is the HD DVD. So far, there is no clear-cut winner between the two formats. Although sales of Blu-ray players appear to be higher, this is still anyone’s game because of the quality of each product. Blu-ray and HD DVDs share some similarities, including offering high-definition picture quality by using a blue


By Asa Barnla For The Summer Titan


Photos By Cindy cafferty/Summer Titan Photo Editor living memory - The Memorial Grove’s seven symbolic trees commemorate the seven lives lost in CSUF’s 1976 library shooting.

The trees that stand in the grove on the north side of the Pollak Library can easily go unnoticed. “They just look like regular trees to me,” said Devi Wiseman, Cal State Fullerton student. But these are not just regular trees. They provide a living tribute called Memorial Grove, dedicated to the tragedy that occurred at the library on July 12, 1976, when 37-year-old library custodian Edward Charles Allaway shot and killed seven university employees and wounded two more.

“I’ll look at these trees differently from now on,” kinesiology major Aurelio Ramirez said, who eats his lunch at the grove every Monday. Allaway entered the library basement from the west doors with a brand-new rifle and shot nine people in the basement and first floor, The Los Angeles Times reported. Witnesses said that Allaway seemed to be distraught over his recent separation from his wife and that his remarks during the shootings indicated that he felt his victims were responsible for his failed marriage in some way.


Giving board rooms the feminine touch By Aleksandra Wojtalewicz For The Summer Titan


Although greatly underrepresented, women are rising up in the political and corporate world and are starting to “wear the pants.” “It is important that women gain access to these positions because we need more diversity of opinions in how businesses and politics should be run,” said Women’s Studies professor Donna Gough in an e-mail interview. “Plus, there is nothing that proves women cannot be great leaders. It’s just that they haven’t been given the opportunity.” For instance, Hillary Clinton is a strong Democratic candidate for the 2008 presidency.

“The challenge now is to practice politics as the art of making what appears to be impossible, possible,” Clinton said in a 1969 commencement address at Wesleyan College, as if foreshadowing her run for the presidency and proving that the presidential seat is not only a man’s domain. As the first female senator from New York, Clinton introduced almost 500 congressional bills and won the 2006 congressional re-election with 67 percent of the vote. Similarly, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has broken political glass-ceiling barriers by becoming the first woman Speaker of the House. “It’s harder for women to reach the top because of the glass ceiling and sticky floor phenomena where women who have the same credentials and work ethic are prevented from moving up in an organization because they lack access to the ‘old boy’s network,’” Gough said. “The other thing that makes getting to the top difficult is the idea that women

have to balance work and family life. anything,” Faust said in the Harvard Which means, for some organizations, Crimson, the campus’s newspaper. “And that women can’t devote 100 percent of that includes being the president of Harvard.” their energies to their jobs.” Although they are few in number, But Pelosi managed to raise five children and be a member of a number of women are taking positions in almost every sector of socigovernment commisety – even among the sions before becompews. ing the Speaker of the There is nothing that church Bishop Katharine House. Jefferts Schori beYet it is not just proves women cannot came the Episcopal in the political be leaders. It’s just Church’s first female world that women bishop last year. are climbing up the that they haven’t been “Jesus would sit ladder into the top given the opportunity. and eat with anyone. positions. Drew Gil– Donna Gough To me that says the pin Faust became Women’s Studies Professor church is meant to Harvard’s first female be inclusive of all hupresident earlier this manity,” Schori said year, even though in an interview with former Harvard president Lawrence H. Summers said Glamour magazine. According to Forbes, one of the most that gender differences explain the low number of women in mathematics and influential TV personalities is a woman. From a small town in Mississippi, the sciences. “Women have the aptitude to do Oprah Winfrey scrambled up to the


Memorial Day

Some barbecued, others remembered the veterans. See pages 5 and 8


Joining campus organizations enriches college experience. See page 6

Women are showing up as company leaders and heads of state

windy city and into the limelight, becoming one of the most-recognized leading women on television. The billionaire hosts her own show; has her own magazine, Oprah; launched Oprah & Friends, an XM Satellite Radio network; and recently gave $40 million to the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy in South Africa to give girls of poor families an education. In 2006, women only held 15.6 percent of officer positions in Fortune 500 companies. That is a decline from 2005, where women held 16.4 percent of the top ranks. “For a very long time, women were thought of as best suited for private, domestic life, while men were better suited for work in the public sphere. Such assumptions are based on faulty beliefs about natural gender roles, themselves based on struggles for power and wealth,” said Women’s Studies professor



Judi King

CSUF’s police chief does a lot more than just ticket cars.



Weather 5-day Forecast


May 29, 2007

Big wheel keep on turnin’

Today Wednesday

WEDNESDAY: “Herbs and Spices – Not Just for Cooking Anymore” from 1 to 2 p.m.: Workshop to teach alternative medicine, including herbal remedies and the ways herbs react with prescribed medications. Located at College Park. Los Angeles Area Jonathan Club Event at 6 p.m.: The Alumni Association’s annual mixer at the members-only Jonathan Club in downtown Los Angeles. Admission is $20 per person.

Partly Cloudy / High: 73, Low: 57

THURSDAY Mostly Sunny / High: 73, Low: 58

FRIDAY Partly Cloudy / High: 73, Low: 58

SATURDAY Partly Cloudy / High: 76, Low: 60

46..&3 5*5"/

THURSDAY: Fullerton Market from 4 to 8:30 p.m.: Open market featuring farm-fresh produce, craft booths, children’s activities and a beer garden for adults. Located at the Downtown Plaza. Admission is free.

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Joe Simmons

jsimmons@dailytitan.com News Editor jcrisalli@dailytitan.com Assistant News Editor

May 29 - June 5 TODAY: First day of Summer session classes.

Partly Cloudy / High: 72, Low: 57

Julianna Crisalli


By Cindy cafferty/Daily Titan Photo Editor The Grand Wheel could be seen spinning from miles around as Garden Grove hosted its annual Strawbwerry Festival. The festival is a Memorial Day Holiday favorite for Orange County families offering rides, treats and crafts for children and adults alike. Festivities ended Monday at 8:00 p.m.

Johnathan Kroncke

FRIDAY: Cal State Fullerton’s Titans baseball, at 4 p.m.: Playing in 16thstraight NCAA tournament in San Diego against Minnesota. Ticket prices are $10 to $15. SATURDAY: Cal State Fullerton’s Titans baseball: Tournament continues. Opposing team and time depend on the outcome of the first game.


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rsage@dailytitan.com The Summer Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday and Wednesday from May 28 through July 5. The Summer Titan is a subsidiary of the Daily Titan, which operates independently of Associated Students, Inc., College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSU system. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by an advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in The Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. Copyright © 2007 Daily Titan

Brazil to subsidize birth control pills SAO PAULO, Brazil - Just weeks after Pope Benedict XVI denounced government-backed contraception in a visit to Brazil, that country’s president unveiled a program Monday to provide cheap birth control pills at 10,000 drug stores across the country. President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said the plan will give all Brazilians “the same right that the wealthy have to plan the number of children they want.”

California prisons trying to reduce suicides FOLSOM, Calif. - Every 30 minutes, day and night, guards walk the tiers of the isolation unit at California State Prison, Sacramento, checking inmates to make sure they don’t kill themselves. The guards have been doing so since October, when the prison system instituted a series of reforms to cut the high

rate of inmate suicides. The steps were prompted by a federal judge’s finding that a disproportionate number of suicides occurred in the isolation cells used to segregate inmates for disciplinary or other reasons.

U.S., Iran end 27-year diplomatic freeze BAGHDAD - The U.S. and Iran broke a 27-year diplomatic freeze Monday with a four-hour meeting about Iraqi security. The American envoy said there was broad policy agreement, but that Iran must stop arming and financing militants who are attacking U.S. and Iraqi forces. Iranian Ambassador Hassan Kazemi Qomi told The Associated Press that the two sides would meet again in less than a month. U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker said Washington would decide only after the Iraqi government issued an invitation.

Flags replaced with swastikas in Washington ORCAS ISLAND, Wash. - Vandals burned dozens of small American flags that decorated veterans’ graves for Memorial Day and replaced many of them with hand-drawn swastikas, authorities said Monday. Forty-six flag standards were found empty and another 33 flags were in charred tatters Sunday in the cemetery, authorities said. Swastikas drawn on paper appeared where 14 of the flags had been.

TV networks trying to keep viewers from skipping ads NEW YORK (AP) - Some of the most creative thinking in television these days has nothing to do with comedy or drama. It’s about the commercials. Fueled by a growing sense of desperation, networks are inserting games, quizzes and mini-dramas into commer-

cial breaks. They’re incorporating more product pitches into programming. Two experimental programs without traditional commercial breaks will premiere this fall. NBC has even called on Jerry Seinfeld for help. This is all being done to stop viewers with DVRs from fast-forwarding through advertisements or to circumvent those that do.

Venezuelans protest as TV station shuts down CARACAS, Venezuela - Venezuelan police fired tear gas and plastic bullets Monday into a crowd of thousands protesting a decision by President Hugo Chavez that forced a TV station critical of his leftist government off the air. Police fired toward the crowd of up to 5,000 protesters from a raised highway. Protesters fled amid clouds of tear gas. They later regrouped in Caracas’ Plaza Brion chanting “freedom!” Some tossed rocks and bottles at police.




May 29, 2007

DVD: Next-generation formats now come in two flavors From page one light to read and write large amounts of data. They also each offer single as well as dual-layer discs. Both formats are also backwards compatible, meaning that regular DVDs can be played on Blu-ray and HD DVD players. This is a huge asset as many consumers have already invested in their own personal DVD library and may have been unwilling to transfer to a new format that they could not use. However, the differences between the two formats are far more significant. Single-layer Blu-ray discs are able to hold up to 25 gigabytes of information while the dual-layer discs can hold up to 50 gigabytes. HD DVDs, however, hold 15 gigabytes on the single-layer version and 30 gigabytes on the dual-layer.

This means that the Blu-ray format can hold nearly twice the amount of information that HD DVDs hold. With the popular notion that bigger is always better, the pressure is on the HD DVD market to fill the gap between the two formats. The other significant difference is that several big names in the movie industry have lined up behind the Blueray format. Along with the format’s creator, Sony, companies such as Fox and MGM, as well as DVD distribution giants Panasonic, Samsung, Pioneer and others, have all cast their ballot in favor of Blu-ray over HD DVDs. Warner Bros. and Paramount are backing both formats for now while Universal is the only movie company that exclusively supports HD DVDs. “Backers of both are trying like crazy

to get the Hollywood studios to release on their respective formats, the idea being that whichever format has the most movies available will become the format of choice,” Fink said. “Hollywood, of course, doesn’t want to have to spend the money to release movies on two different formats, so the studios would prefer that the marketplace settle first on a single format.” It seems that these differences between the two formats are already affecting the sales figures even at this early stage of the battle. Sony is currently outselling its competitors, with Blu-ray players in more homes than HD DVD players. However, the statistic can be a bit misleading when considering that Sony’s PlayStation 3 doubles as a Blu-ray player, causing sales figures of the players to rise.

However, the HD DVD format is supported by a few technological giants, including Toshiba, Intel and the biggest of the big, Microsoft. Just as Sony incorporates Blu-ray players into the PS3, Bill Gates and his buddies have released a new HD DVD player attachment for the Xbox 360. Priced at under $200, it is by far the cheapest HD player on the market. Price is another area where Blu-ray and HD DVDs do not see eye to eye. Sony’s Blu-ray Disc player was priced between $1000 and $1500 while Toshiba’s HD DVD player, the HD-A1, came in at $500. These high prices may keep customers away for now, but new technology always carries a hefty price tag. However, what will keep many people from investing in these new machines is the simple fear of spending so much

Terminating Global Warming Women: By LAURA KURTZMAN Associated Press Writer

SACRAMENTO (AP) - Since he made California the first state to limit greenhouse gases, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has been signing agreements with other governments to address global warming. He has struck deals with Arizona, Oregon, New Mexico, New York, Utah and Washington. He signed one with the United Kingdom even before the California law came into being. And he’s done them with a state in Australia and a province in Canada, where he travels this week to sign two more. But the Democrats who wrote and passed the global warming bill Schwarzenegger signed into law are hardly celebrating the governor’s deal making. While they appreciate the attention he is bringing to the issue, they say the splashy memorandums of understanding are distracting from the hard work that must be done to put California’s law into place. Moreover, they worry that the governor is using the agreements to help shift the emphasis of the law from strict regulation toward an emission trading system favored by businesses that could weaken it. Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez recently warned Schwarzenegger in a letter that his push for a carbon trading market that could include other states and countries was “premature and unnecessary.” “Much of your administration’s recent time and attention is singularly focused on establishing a cap-and-trade

program,” wrote Nunez, referring to a system that would allow businesses to reduce their contributions to global warming by purchasing credits from other firms. “This was not the intent of the Legislature.” Schwarzenegger will sign memorandums of understanding this week with Ontario and British Columbia during a three-day visit to Canada that begins Tuesday and includes stops in Toronto, Ottawa and Vancouver. He also will promote California products and tourism with the state’s second-largest trading partner. Discussing ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will be one of the main topics. The state’s global warming law requires industries, such as utilities, oil and gas refineries and cement manufacturers, to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions over the next 13 years to what they were in 1990. Scientists say the gases, mostly carbon dioxide, are trapping heat that is melting the polar ice caps and could lead to coastal flooding, drought and other environmental calamities. While Schwarzenegger acknowledges the dangers, he says companies need flexibility to meet their emissions targets to stay competitive. And he has favored carbon trading markets, like the one being developed in Europe, over the regulatory approach in California’s law. Under a cap-and-trade system, companies that cannot meet their reduction targets would be allowed to buy credits from firms that exceeded their goals. California’s law allows such an approach to be studied, but it says developing regulations to cap emissions takes

precedence. Administration officials say they can develop the new regulations while also fostering future carbon trading markets around the world. But the state’s nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office has raised concerns similar to Nunez’s. It advised the Legislature to limit funding to the California Air Resources Board, which is implementing the law, to prevent it from moving too fast toward a carbon trading program at the governor’s behest. Many environmentalists are suspicious of emissions trading, especially if it means companies are buying credits from faraway places where it is hard to know whether actual reductions have taken place. “It’s a little bit like going on a diet and buying calories from other people,” said John White, director of the Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies. “The question is who is going to start eating less?” Because no other state has adopted California’s emissions caps, the agreements are largely symbolic, and their effects, if any, are years away. Administration officials acknowledge the memorandums of understanding are not legally binding. But they say Schwarzenegger is pushing other states and countries to act on behalf of the environment. The previous agreement with British Columbia, for example, is part of a collaboration with Oregon and Washington to extend a hydrogen highway from British Columbia to Baja California. Fueling stations would be built along the way, so that by 2010 a hydrogenpowered vehicle could travel that route.

Running companies From page one

Marjorie Jolles in an e-mail interview. “We are still battling those beliefs and as a result, a lot of people are resistant to the very concept of a woman in positions of public power.” Yet a number of CSUF students have put their gender issues aside. “As long as they’re qualified for that position, it doesn’t matter what their race or gender is,” said 22-year-old Julio Sandoval, business major. Although there is a shortage of women in corporate leadership positions, women are in charge of a number of the top corporations in the nation. Indra Nooyi is the CEO of PepsiCo, helping the company keep its strong profits and $108 billion stock market valuation, according to Forbes. Xerox, the copy and fax company, is lead by Anne Mulcahy, who along with the help of another woman, Ursula Burns, the SVP and president of Xerox Business Group Operations, have kept the $15.7 billion company growing. “I am pleased to see a large number of women getting into top leadership positions,” Gough said. “It’s a testament to women’s tenacity and the work done by feminists to make others aware of how vitally important women are to our society beyond motherhood and being a wife.”

money for something that may end up becoming obsolete very soon. No one is quite sure which format will win out in the long run, but companies are already trying to incorporate Blu-ray and HD DVD players and drives in just about everything they can. Toshiba has released the Qosmio G35, their first laptop computer to be equipped with an HD DVD drive instead of the traditional DVD drive that had been in existence since 1996. In the spirit of competition, Dell as well as other companies are working on replacing the DVD drives in their products with Blu-ray Disc drives. This is certainly a risky move now as no one is quite sure which format will win out, but Dell and others are backing Blu-ray and do not seem to be wavering in that dedication.

Grove: For Victims From page one Allaway was apprehended at the Hilton Inn in Anaheim, where his estranged wife worked, just after his five-minute shooting spree. Allaway’s wife described him as speaking calmly just before the police arrived to arrest him on suspicion of killing seven people. Allaway pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity and was found to be mentally insane in 1977. He was sentenced to life in a mental institution and remains incarcerated in one today. In October 1978, a Stone Pine tree was planted at Memorial Grove for each of the seven victims who were killed during Allaway’s rampage. The trees still stand today between the kinesiology building and the library over a commemorative plaque dedicated to the memory of the seven victims. “I didn’t really know about it,” Michelle Lopez said about the 1976 shooting. Memorial Grove is still used as a gathering place for dedications and vigils. On April 25, a candlelight vigil was held at the grove in remembrance of the Virginia Tech shootings.




May 29, 2007

Let the prisoners decide Become a better By Johnathan Kroncke Summer Titan Assistant News Editor


The California Department of Corrections has agreed to spend $19 million over this year and next to improve conditions in our state’s prisons. Unfortunately, these improvements will only affect those prisoners suspected of having suicidal tendencies. That’s right, instead of giving those hard-earned tax dollars to prison guards, a thankless job, or setting it aside to fund any one of a hundred different projects in the corrections system, our beloved state is throwing it away on criminals suffering from depression. I am certainly no advocate for suicide; I place an exceptionally high value on human life. I am against the death penalty, war and any situation where people are put in a position to be killed. That being said, I cannot see the logic in preventing prisoner suicide. There are over 172,000 inmates currently residing in California correctional facilities, nearly double the intended capacity. Yet every year, the state, and indeed the country, spends millions upon mil-

lions of dollars on suicide counselors and psychotherapists in an effort to dissuade prisoners from losing faith. According to a recent AP article, the majority of suicides occur when prisoners are placed in segregation cells, usually to prevent or put a halt to the violence that takes place between prisoners sharing the same cell. And it is here that the $19 million is being spent. New light fixtures and vent covers are being installed to cut down on hangings. Prisoners suspected of being suicidal are placed in quilted, smock-like uniforms that do not tear, making it more difficult to hang or cut themselves. All of this, of course, adds to the already inflated corrections budget, over $5 billion as of 2004. But the solution seems so simple: let them do as they please. If a convicted criminal suddenly feels that life just isn’t worth living anymore, why not let him or her shuffle off this mortal coil? From a moral standpoint, the idea of doing nothing to aid depressive prisoners may seem a bit unethical. But the prison world is not, and should not be treated like the rest of society. Most of those incarcerated deserve

their punishment, most notably the restriction of rights otherwise guaranteed to free citizens. When someone on the outside is suffering from depression or is at risk of being suicidal, it is society’s job to respond. But if that person happens to find themselves in a questionable mental state behind bars, guess what? Too bad. The one thing every person should be free to do, regardless of their current living arrangements, is choose what to do to themselves. Some prisoners choose to spend their time exercising, improving their bodies. Prisoner suicide should be looked at no differently. If the Department of Corrections really wants to make drastic changes to lower suicide rates, leave them in the cells with their bunkmates. If they feel the violence is too intense, move them to the segregation cells and risk the prisoners taking their own lives. This is the kind of situation where you simply can’t have your cake and eat it too. It is seems utterly hypocritical that an institution that executes the worst offenders devotes so much towards preventing prisoners from carrying out that very task.

person: listen to jazz and love jazz By Jake Kilroy For the Summer Titan

news@dailytitan.com I was a punk until I knew better, and I was a poet the next day. When I was 15, I gave up on the integrity of revolutions at the fiery throws of angst and began to culture myself. Since I had grown up on the classics Hollywood had tossed onto the ever-sinking world, I found myself enamored with jazz. But without buzzing guitars and heavy vocals, I wondered what merit it would serve a young teenager who hadn’t yet hit his stride. But, once I dirtied myself with jazz, it swept me in entirely and I let it be the soundtrack to my lows, highs and, every once in a while, my middle grounds. My mother once said, “If you find jazz albums you want, your father and I will pay for them.” She thought my interest in jazz was possible but laughable nonetheless, given the anarchy symbol a friend of mine had tagged in our old wooden garage. Dead set to prove my solemn nature, I wandered the local library, bingeguessing names of possible jazz artists I could find solace in. I randomly checked out Jazz ‘Round Midnight by Chet Baker and I’ve been a decent man since, a good man at best. Songbirds and drunkards were the same on some albums. Billie Holiday broke my heart one time and John Coltrane rebuilt my spine another. That’s what these human beings were, seemingly always silhouetted in purple light, always in dark colors, always to convey something mysterious about the way they had and hadn’t loved. They were the hap-hearted patriots of a genre that could break hearts and rebuild spines. They moved quietly, doused in their own tenderness, in blue light and sang in a glow that could resonate with any poet laureate or forlorn lover. They broke their knuckles on pianos, blew kisses into trumpets, mas-

saged stand-up basses, tickled guitars, whispered into saxophones and let their hands do some dancing on the drums. They were the patron saints for lost souls who wanted to make damn sure their last song on Earth was to be played in a smoky dive bar while makeshift poets swooped in on women (or vice versa, where the hard women take the men for a ride in the dark) or a record player while soft humans drink. So, at 16, I caught myself reliving the 1920s in my head without the party backdrops and saint-like sinners, bouncing off the cobblestone streets to their loft with a rusty fire escape, ready to keep drinking and loving. I kept the 1930s quiet, since it was a hard time for musicians. But the 1940s were good to my skull, with big band, swing and ballrooms of well-dressed lovers were striking pride at home while their country was at war. The 1950s were nothing but romance through the sounds of lulling trumpets and crooners holding the microphone so close to their lips, you’d think they were the heartbeats he spoke of in the song. The 1960s came with a wind that changed the genre, putting the records of the greats to rest. Legends and fans will argue the point and cite melodies that they claim saved their life, but that decade saw a lot of greats die off or float out of the scene. The entire genre fascinates me. The lifestyle it causes, the moods it brings and the balance of old-fashioned selfdestruction with melody and beauty. It triggers your heart valve to beat for everything you should be living for. It’s the soundtrack of my highest highs and my lowest lows, always with a disheartening joy or a pretty sense of misery. It’s always piercing your nerves and you don’t want it any other way. When the needle drops, let those trumpets, drums, basses, guitars, saxophones, pianos and songbirds’ rupture your heart and eardrum. Jazz will rebuild you, stronger and better.




May 29, 2007

Titan Editorial

Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

Charity should equal beauty

Forgetting to remember

Photo Courtesy of arttoday.com

By Julianna Crisalli Summer Titan News Editor


“I love Memorial Day,” I overheard a little girl say to her mom. “Why, sweetie?” her mother asked. “Because we get to barbecue and we go to Disneyland!” Although the evening news is filled with images of Memorial Day parades with colorful banners honoring the troops of past and present, for many it is just a day of play. According to the United States De-

partment of Veterans Affairs, Memorial Day, or Decoration Day as it was originally called, was established in 1868. It was the day for the nation to decorate the graves of those lost in war with beautiful spring flowers. There are still those who choose to decorate graves, but the traffic jams on every highway starting at about 2 p.m. on the Friday before Memorial Day aren’t people on their way to the cemetery. Las Vegas, the flashiness of TV sales and the comfort of families gathering to stuff their faces with barbecue is Memorial Day to most Americans.

Since 2003, we’ve gained many more veterans to remember on this Decoration Day; but nevertheless, a paid holiday is all people care about. Even the number of sentimental commercials from the army, marines and veteran groups pales in comparison to the three-day holiday furniture sale advertisements. So, I hope you enjoyed your day, remembered your napkins and sunscreen. Maybe you’ll think about the troops next year when there’s hundreds more to remember and thousands more to decorate.

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Miss Japan is now Miss Universe. Riyo Mori was crowned in Mexico City with a $250,000 tiara studded with diamonds and pearls. However, the more interesting pageants were outside the complex, where protesting women held “Miss Marijuana,” “Miss Sexual Health” and other contests of their own. Those protestors were saying something that seemed to have been lost on the Miss Universe organizers – that women don’t have to be “well-mannered” (one of the apparent requirements to be a Miss Universe contestant) or look good in a bikini (something that knocked five of the models out of competition) to have value. But I guess being “Miss Human Rights” doesn’t really mean much

unless she can dance – or at least fall on her rear, like Miss America did. We still got fifth place, so we must have done really well in the swimsuit competition. There’s nothing inherently wrong with beauty and talent competitions, as shallow as they are. What’s annoying is assigning inherent value to looks, to hold them up as some sort of example of virtue. When the love of beauty is paired with a love of domesticity, the whole event looks downright insulting. But at least some good may come of the whole affair. Mori gets to travel the world for a year on the Miss Universe dollar, supporting various charitable causes. Maybe she can start by selling her gem-encrusted tiara.




May 29, 2007

Booking it on campus news@dailytitan.com

Not many students know that the Titan Student Union offers a center for group events. The University Conference Center at the TSU offers a pavilion, theater, dining, catering, meeting rooms and outdoor settings. The conference center provides space for any occasion, from banquets and seminars to workshops and weddings. “You have it, we will do all events,” said Jeff Fehrn, conference and meeting services manager for the TSU. “Come into our door and we will accommodate you.” But many on campus are unaware of all the different amenities that the TSU offers. “I didn’t know it existed, I knew about the TSU but not about the conference center,” said Jackie Klabacha,

24, criminal justice major. “If I know anyone that has an event to plan, I’ll mention our school.” However not all students have been

I knew about the TSU but not about the conference center. If I know anyone that has an event to plan, I’ll mention our school.

– Jackie Klabacha Criminal justice major

By Jacquelyn Rodriguez For The Summer Titan

kept in the dark about the conference center. Some have even taken advantage of the space. “I just went there for a conference. I

was impressed, it’s nice and big,” Jordan Jenison, linguistics major, said. The Portola Pavilion is the largest room available. It offers banquet space for 600 and seating for 1,200, making it ideal for receptions and lectures, according to the conference center’s pamphlet. Other rooms are also available for functions. The Titan Theatre is equipped with a large video screen, built-in stage and seating for 174. If a smaller space is needed, the center has 21 meetings rooms to choose from, all ranging in capacity from 13 to 88 people. If a more-intimate setting is desired, the outdoor garden patio and courtyard is available. The garden includes heaters, fountains and ambient lighting, along with sculptures, to create a relaxing atmosphere. Dining for all events is also offered. The conference center partners with CSUF Campus Dining, which works directly with customers to provide a specific menu for any event. Informal catering is also available, including box lunches, continental breakfasts and coffee service. For those who have made a long trip for a conference, campus accommodations are located at the Fullerton Marriot Hotel, found on campus and within walking distance of the conference center. While the conference center provides for on-campus events, off-campus organizations are also welcome to schedule their meetings at the center as well.

Extracurricular activities available By Danielle Perry For The Summer Titan

news@dailytitan.com Students barely have time to eat between work, classes and friends, let alone join a campus club. But joining a club or organization on campus does more for students than just add to their to-do lists. Cal State Fullerton offers many services intended to make college life less stressful and more productive. Diego Rendon, former vice president of the Rugby Club, said he has his reasons for joining the club, despite his crowded schedule. For one, he gets to “hang out with the guys.” He also said he enjoys the experience and added that it is a great way to get exercise. Even while juggling 18 units and a part-time job, Rendon said he manages to squeeze in time for the game he loves. “Everybody’s got some free time,” he said. “They should just give it a try and if it’s not for them then, it’s not for them. At least they tried something new.” Besides the hundreds of club and organizations on campus, CSUF also offers many free services loaded with opportunity for students. “A lot of students don’t realize the

services the school offers them,” said business major Mike Aguila. “Since this is a commuter school no one has time to sit around and wait to go to the centers.” But taking time to visit student service centers can be very beneficial to students. Financial aid, health services, tutoring and leadership opportunities are just some of the services and programs open to students. And they’re open to students on a tight budget – they’re all free. It’s easy to find internship and job opportunities through the Career Center, and students can learn how to impress future bosses with free workshops. Student Academic Services Dean Jeremiah Moore, who oversees the Education Opportunity Program where students can utilize services like financial aid and counseling, said that although the programs and services might never fill every need, they have made a difference. “They seem to be paying off,” Moore said in a phone interview. While some students may feel uninformed about the services available to them, Moore said it’s “just a matter of them availing themselves to take advantage of them after they get here.”


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May 29, 2007

President, families remember veterans ARLINGTON, Va. (AP) - President Bush on Monday honored U.S. troops who have fought and died for freedom. He also expressed his steely resolve to succeed in the war in Iraq. “As before in our history, Americans find ourselves under attack and underestimated,” he said. Bush marked his sixth Memorial Day as a wartime president with a somber speech at Arlington National Cemetery. He said he hoped the U.S. will always prove worthy of the sacrifices fallen troops have made, and recognized the grief suffered by families and friends of troops killed in war, most recently in Afghanistan and Iraq. “Now this hallowed ground receives a new generation of heroes, men and women who gave their lives in places such as Kabul and Kandahar, Baghdad and Ramadi,” he said. “Like those who came before them, they did not want war, but they answered the call when it came. They believed in something larger than themselves. They fought for our country, and our country unites to mourn them as one.” The president’s motorcade was greeted at Arlington by scores of tourists who waved at Bush. Just before his limousine crossed over the Potomac River into Virginia, a man held up a sign with the words, “Bring our troops home.” Elsewhere in the country, veterans and active soldiers unfurled a 90-by100-foot U.S. flag as the nation’s top commander in the Middle East spoke to a Memorial Day crowd gathered in Central Park in New York. Navy Adm. William Fallon, com-

courtesy of arttoday.com mander of U.S. Central Command, said America should remember those whom the holiday honors. “Their sacrifice has enabled us to enjoy the things that we, I think in many cases, take for granted,” Fallon said. Across the nation, flags snapped in the wind over decorated gravestones as relatives and friends paid tribute to their fallen soldiers.

Helen Velasquez stood over her husband’s grave in Farmington, N.M., and said he never second-guessed his decision to enlist in the Marines. Frank Velasquez, 47, was disabled and died in March. “I think a lot of people don’t think of it until someone they love passes away,” she said. “Sometimes I feel they’re forgotten. I want them to know they’re

never forgotten.” In Kansas City, Brig. Gen. Larry D. Kay, the Missouri National Guard’s assistant adjutant general, told a crowd at the nation’s largest World War I monument about his grandfather. Kay’s mother saw the World War I veteran crying when she arrived home on Dec. 7, 1941, the day Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.

At Fort Bragg, N.C., the commanding general of the Army’s Green Berets said the troops who have died around the world were “soldiers we could count on when the going got tough.” Thirteen Green Berets who died during the past year were honored, as were 109 former Green Berets who died during the period. “We always could count on our Special Forces brothers to be there with us, regardless of the odds against us,” Maj. Gen. Thomas R. Csrnko said at a ceremony at the headquarters of the Army’s Special Forces Command. At a Memorial Day ceremony at the Kansas Statehouse, Cindy Butler placed a rose beneath the state’s official wreath in honor of her son, Sgt. Jacob Butler, the first Kansas resident and first Fort Riley soldier killed in Iraq. She was joined by Joe, Jacob’s twin brother. Jim Butler smiled thinking about his son. He said he thinks of “Jake” every day, dedicating one wall and the better part of a second to his memory at his home in Wellsville. “I wake up and say, ‘Good morning, Jake, have a great day,’ and say ‘Good night, see you in the morning,’ before I go to bed,” the elder Butler said. Elsewhere, Alabama’s Gulf Coast was once again packed with holiday goers after the damage from hurricanes Ivan in 2004 and Katrina in 2005 kept the tourists away. “It couldn’t have been better, use all the superlatives you want,” said Johnny Fisher, general manager of Lucy Buffett’s Lulu’s at Homeport Marina in Gulf Shores. “It was all perfect.”

Phil Spector murder trial to enter forensic evidence phase By LINDA DEUTSCH AP Special Correspondent

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Five weeks into the Phil Spector murder trial, it’s time for the prosecution to change course, moving the courtroom drama from personal stories into the critical phase of forensic evidence. Fans of “CSI” are likely to be riveted. Now there will be discussions of blood spatter, fibers, gunshot residue, DNA and the path a bullet took when it killed actress Lana Clarkson. A coroner and crime lab technicians are due on the witness stand beginning today to explain how such evidence can offer insight into what happened at Spector’s castle-like mansion on Feb. 3, 2003. A gunshot that lasted a second will be dissected for days on the witness stand. “The prosecution has to show that the forensic evidence is consistent with their theory that Spector pulled the trigger or forced her to pull the trigger,” said Loyola University law professor Laurie Levenson. “This is a critical stage because this is where the defense has their focus,” she said. “They have to anticipate what the defense is going to do.” In opening statements defense attorney Linda Kenney-Baden said that science would be the silent witness. “We have one unimpeachable witness

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who has no motive to lie, no memory problems, no language problems and that witness is science,” said KenneyBaden, an attorney whose specialty is forensic evidence. Her husband, Michael Baden, a renowned forensic pathologist, is expected to testify for the defense. But first the prosecution will present an array of its own experts, mostly the staff of the police crime lab and coroner’s office. Prosecutors will call no outside experts although they could have some waiting to testify in the rebuttal. “Lana Clarkson will have to tell her story through the evidence and from the grave,” prosecutor Alan Jackson said in his opening statement. Kenney-Baden responded, “The science will tell you who did what and what happened here. The science will tell you Phil Spector did not shoot Lana Clarkson, did not hold the gun and did not pull the trigger.” Clarkson’s body, with a gunshot wound through the mouth, was found seated in the foyer of Spector’s suburban Alhambra mansion early on the morning of Feb. 3, 2003. She had met Spector at the House of Blues, where she was a hostess, and agreed to accompany him on a chauffeur-driven ride to his home. Jurors have seen gory photographs of her bloody face. Her mother and sister and two lawyers representing them have been present for every day of testimony. The women averted their eyes when

gruesome pictures of Clarkson’s body were flashed on a courtroom screen. Spector, whose once-flamboyant image is toned down with a series of frock coats in muted colors with coordinating silk shirts and pocket handkerchiefs, is a pale shadow of his former self. His hands tremble constantly, said to be the result of medication. His expression is flat. “He looks old and passive and not particularly threatening,” Levenson said. “He doesn’t look like a big bad murderer.” The prosecution built its case against him in three phases. The first focused on Spector’s past behavior, presenting four women who claimed that the legendary record producer threatened them at gunpoint in the 1980s and ’90s. The witnesses – Joan Rivers’ former manager, a music talent coordinator, a waitress and a freelance photographer – told of being terrorized by Spector after he had been drinking. Each said he pulled a gun when they said they were leaving. “He walked up, held the gun to my face between my eyes and said, ‘If you try to leave I’m going to kill you,’” witness Melissa Grosvenor testified. Prosecutors drew a parallel with Clarkson, who had her purse on her shoulder and appeared ready to leave his home when she was shot. Defense attorneys say she shot herself. The trial’s second phase focused on

the hours before Clarkson’s death with witnesses telling of Spector’s night on the town, visiting four different restaurants and clubs with different women, traveling in a chauffeured Mercedes and drinking liquor at each stop. Prosecutors called witnesses to tell how he met Clarkson, a hostess at the House of Blues, and they tracked their movements through Spector’s chauffeur, Adriano De Souza. The chauffeur offered the most damning testimony against Spector. He told of waiting for two hours outside Spector’s home for Clarkson’s expected departure, then hearing a “pow” around 5 a.m. Seconds later, he testified, Spector emerged holding a gun and said, “I think I killed somebody.” A defense attorney, stressing that English was De Souza’s second lan-

guage, tried to show the driver did not understand Spector. But the witness remained adamant and a videotape of his interview with police showed jurors that he easily handled questions in English. The first weeks of the trial were interrupted by an attorney’s illness and then by a series of hearings which culminated Wednesday in a ruling by Superior Court Judge Larry Paul Fidler, which cast doubt on the credibility of a key defense witness, forensic expert Henry C. Lee. In spite of the ruling that Lee withheld a piece of evidence from the prosecution, defense lawyers say they plan to call him to testify during their case. Spector, 67, rose to fame in the 1960s and ’70s, changing rock music with what became known as the “Wall of Sound” recording technique. Clarkson was best known for a 1980s role in Roger Corman’s “Barbarian Queen.”

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