2007 09 12

Page 1


OPINION: Global warming is a worldwide effort that needs to be addressed by international leaders, page 4


Soccer team has high expectations Since 1960 Volume 85, Issue 8

SPORTS: Columnist Andrew Snyder looks forward to the USC vs. Nebraska game this Saturday, page 6

Daily Titan

Wednesday September 12, 2007

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

DTSHORTHAND ASI hosts ‘50sthemed block party Join ASI at the ninth annual ASI Block Party on Sept. 13 highlighting the programs and services of the Associated Students Inc. This all-day event will feature an information fair, food, giveaways and music at various locations in and around the Titan Student Union. In celebration of Cal State Fullerton’s 50th anniversary, this year’s event will feature ‘50sthemed activities, including a ‘50s Diner dinner, and a student luncheon celebration to kick off the 50th anniversary weekend for the university. For more information, visit http://asi.fullerton.edu/blockparty.

Russians celebrate baby-making day Russia (AP) – Make a baby. Win a car. Don’t be surprised if the streets are empty and curtains drawn in this central Russian region Wednesday as residents take up an offer by the regional governor to help stem Russia’s demographic crisis. Ulyanovsk Gov. Sergei Morozov has decreed Sept. 12 a Day of Conception and is giving couples time off from work to procreate. Couples who give birth nine months later on Russia’s national day – June 12 – will receive money, cars, refrigerators and other prizes. More than 500 women signed up for the contest in 2006 – resulting nine months later in 78 babies, or more than triple the region’s daily average. So far this year, the region’s birth rate is up 4.5 percent compared to the same period last year.


Sarah Silverman, host of the 2007 MTV Video Music Awards, rips into Britney Spears after her embarrassing performance to open the show. She jabs at Spears’ career and her kids before acknowledging celebs in the crowd. Duration: 4:25

Correction Due to a reporting error, the University Spokeswoman was misidentified in the article in the Monday, Sept. 10 issue entitled “Former CSUF employee pleads not guilty.” The speaker was actually Paula Selleck from the Department of Public Affairs. The Daily Titan regrets this error.



High: 89 Low: 65 SUNNY

TOMorrow High: 85 Low: 65 SUNNY

Boarding Grounded


kateboarding, a popular way of getting around on campus for many Cal State Fullerton students, will soon be restricted. Although a few signs are already posted restricting skateboarding, University Police says it will not start ticketing skateboarders until more signs are placed on the CSUF campus. — For more on the future of skateboards on campus, look on page 3.

Third Wave makes a silent statement loud and clear Feminist groups come together at the quad to protest war and violence By ELISABETH DONOVAN

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Clad in black with their lips sealed, Cal State Fullerton feminist students and faculty members protested against war from 12:30 p.m. to 1 p.m. in the quad Tuesday. Sixty-five participants from the Third Wave feminist activist organization, Women’s Studies Student Association (WSSA), and women’s studies department gathered to support human rights. Through 30 minutes of silence and reflection, the protesters captured the attention of most passers-by. According to Third Wave, they held the event on Sept. 11 not only because of the date’s significance, but because it makes a strong statement. The protesters wore black to symbolize sorrow and represent the destruction war brings. Their silence represented the tragedies across the globe. Women’s studies Program Coordinator Renae Bredin was one of the many faculty protesters. “Our silence gives voice to the women affected,” Bredin said. She said that women in other countries are raped, tortured and killed during times of war.


“Many times, rape is used as a tool of war,” Bredin said. “Women in the world face this because of religion. We’re representing them today.” As the protesters lined up, their faces wore expressions of grief and dismay. When students asked about the event, they didn’t speak a word. Natalie Ricento, 22, a women’s

studies major, stood amid the feminists. “Today I’m recognizing all the women who have been victimized,” Ricento said. “It’s important to recognize not only our war with Iraq, but the wars across the world,” she said. Amy Pacheco, president of WSSA,

proudly participated in the event. She feels people should examine the war from a different angle. Pacheco said that women face many atrocities as a result of war. “People in our country tend to focus on the military and not what’s happening around the world,” she said. “Sometimes people forget that

CSUF employees honored by the governor for response Three team up to clean up a lab where water and chemicals had mixed up By JADE LEHAR

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Main line: (714) 278-3373 News desk: (714) 278-4415 Advertising: (714) 278-4411 E-mail: news@dailytitan.com

By Karl Thunman/Daily Titan Photo Editor The Third Wave feminist organization were joined by the Women’s Studies Student Association and also the women’s studies department in a protest. “Our silence gives voice to the women affected,” women’s studies Program Coordinator Renae Bredin said.

war has a huge effect on women. They’re often left to pick up the pieces after the men die.” Although Third Wave and WSSA organized this protest at CSUF, feminists around the world participate in this event. “Women in Black isn’t just a silent protest we do on campus,” Pacheco said. “It’s becoming a big political statement in many different countries.” According to the Women In Black Web site, the movement is an international peace network that formulates action. The vigils began in 1988 by women protesting war in Israel. Since then, Women in Black has become a global network. Overall, Pacheco was pleased with the student turnout for the protest. “Some people perceive CSUF students as apathetic,” Pacheco said. “I was glad to see so many people respond to this important issue today.” Third Wave and WSSA are campus organizations geared towards women’s rights. Both clubs inform the public of women’s issues and help bring about change. “Even though this event seems small, it can have a tremendous effect on people,” Bredin said. “If we were all to stand together and protest war, maybe global policywould change,” she said. Fore more information on the Women in Black Movement, log onto http://www.womeninblack.net

Water began to pour from underneath the lab door into the secondfloor hallway of the Dan Black Hall building at Cal State Fullerton. Dave

Ostrowski, a campus building services engineer, was first on the scene after taking a call from public safety at about 9:30 p.m. Ostrowski contacted John Lang, a custodial supervisor, and Todd Baker, an electrician, to the scene to figure out where to go from there. “The overhead pipe in the ceiling was busted,” Lang said. “It was almost the end of my shift. The three of us examined it as much as we could, but then we had to contact [CSUF Radiation Safety Officer] Sue Fisher to

make sure it was OK to start cleaning up.” The trio had to be careful on the evening of March 9, 2006, before the water mixed in the chemical lab downstairs creating a potentially dangerous situation. “There could have been amazing damage if we hadn’t got to it when we did, if the chemicals had mixed there’s no telling what could have happened,” Lang said. Besides all of the damage to the rooms, there was also valuable science

equipment that could have been ruined. “It could have certainly caused a tremendous amount of damage to the rooms below if they hadn’t gotten to it when they did. There is tens of thousands of dollars in equipment in the rooms, not to mention the researchers’ notes, time and money that could have been destroyed,” Fisher said. The workers were able stop the flood in time, but the work had only just begun. “Cleanup was the hardest part,”

Baker said. “Those were some of the hardest hours.” Fisher also joined in to help with the cleaning despite not being one of the maintenance personnel. “It was a process of rolling up our sleeves and pitching in and doing an awful lot of work,” Fisher said. Employees from several different CSUs were honored on Aug. 24 for their commitment to health and safety. In the ballroom at Sacramento State University, they were presented See Safety Awards, Page 2

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INTERNATIONAL NEWS Transcript released details Guantanamo Bay prison abuses

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) – Detainees flinging body waste at guards. Guards interrupting detainees at prayer. Interrogators withholding medicine. Hostility and tension between inmates and their keepers at the Guantanamo Bay prison are evident in transcripts obtained by The Associated Press. These rare detainee accounts of life inside the razor wire at the remote U.S. military base in Cuba emerged during Administrative Review Board hearings aimed at deciding whether prisoners suspected of links with the Taliban or al-Qaida should continue to be held or be sent away from Guantanamo. The Pentagon gave the AP transcripts of hearings held last year in a trailer at Guantanamo after the news agency sought the material under the Freedom of Information Act. Amid the tensions, the transcripts also show a few relaxed encounters between detainees and their guards and interrogators. The military has said Guantanamo is relatively calm compared to last year. But a report released by the detention center last month shows mass disturbances are up sharply.

NATIONAL NEWS President Bush to announce plans to cut Iraq presence WASHINGTON (AP) – President Bush will tell the nation Thursday evening that he plans to reduce the American troop presence in Iraq by as many as 30,000 by next summer but will condition those and further cuts on continued progress, The Associated Press has learned. In a 15-minute address from the White House at 9 p.m. EDT, Bush will endorse the recommendations of his top general and top diplomat in Iraq, following their appearance at two days of hearings in Congress, administration officials said. The White House plans to issue a written status report on the troop buildup on Friday, they said. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because Bush’s speech is not yet final. Bush was rehearsing and polishing his remarks even as the U.S. commander in Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus, and U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker were presenting their arguments for a second day on Capitol Hill. In the speech, the president will say he understands Americans’ deep concerns about U.S. involvement in Iraq and their desire to bring the troops home, they said.

STATE NEWS Governor mulls signing withdrawal advisory bill SACRAMENTO (AP) - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger faced a ticklish decision Tuesday about whether to allow Californians to vote on an advisory measure that urges President Bush to immediately withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq. The Republican governor had until midnight to sign or veto a bill by Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata, D-Oakland, that would put the withdrawal question on California’s Feb. 5 presidential primary ballot. If the governor failed to act by midnight, the bill would become law and go before voters without his signature. Schwarzenegger’s press secretary, Aaron McLear, said he didn’t know what the governor planned to do with the bill or when he would act: “Stay tuned,” McLear said. A signature is likely to anger many of the governor’s fellow Republicans, who are more supportive of the war than Democrats and independents. A veto almost certainly would trigger criticism from the war’s opponents. A Field Poll conducted last month found that 58 percent of Californians who were questioned supported setting a deadline to begin withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq by next spring.

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September 12, 2007

Appropriately dealing with faculty dying Teacher deaths usually have no effect on the continuation of classes By CHristy orgeta

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Death. This five-letter word will visit everyone in time; some early, some late, with many hoping it will never appear at all. Though death can be a tough subject for some to discuss, the fact that people pass away is not one that cannot be ignored. With the recent deaths of two Cal State Fullerton faculty members, one could speculate what would happen to their classes. Though both did not have classes at the time, it has happened before that a faculty member passed with classes to teach. Each college handles the passing of faculty independently. “The dean of the college will assign another faculty member with the same expertise or a new lecturer,” Mary Jo Medyn, assistant to the vice president for undergraduate programs said. “There is no cancellation, class will always be covered.” Kurt Kitselman, the former chair of the Department of Human Communication Studies, experienced this firsthand when two faculty deaths occurred about a year and a half apart from each other in 2005 and 2006. As the chair, Kitselman worked with the college to hire new professors. During his experience, Kitselman saw faculty members volunteer their time to fill the vacated positions. “People volunteer,” Kitselman said. “Loads of people just step forward to volunteer, one takes a class, another takes a class, they’ll fill in for days or

By Karl Thunman/Daily Titan Photo Editor When a faculty member dies, it doesn’t usually mean their classes are emptied and the course is cancelled for the semester. “The dean of the college will assign another faculty member with the same expertise or a new lecturer,” Mary Jo Medyn, assistant to the vice president for undergraduate programs said. “There is no cancellation, class will always be covered.”

a week or two until we find [someone] part-time for the rest of the semester.” Kitselman said that for one professor, it was especially hard to fill the spot he vacated. “The professor was one of the top three in the nation,” Kitselman said. “It discouraged people from applying so we got a poor pool.” From Kitselman’s experience, the rehiring process takes about a year to complete. “The process starts with summer advertising, then you recruit,” Kitselman said. “The pool of applicants is then enriched and interviewing be-

gins during fall semester. The overall goal is to fill the position by December so the faculty member could begin teaching next fall.” Steven Murray, dean and professor of biological science, has not had the experience of rehiring after a faculty death. Murray however, knows what procedures his department would take under such circumstances. “What you, as the college, would attempt to do, is work with the department who are going to identify faculty who take care of those courses,” Murray said. “Sometimes, we at the college would attempt to provide resources for subs.”

Murray said it was the job of the college to provide funds, while the department would take care of the hiring process. “The college would literally work with the department chair who tries to find a qualified person to take duties,” Murray said. “Sometimes it’s one of their own, sometimes it’s offcampus. Both department and college try to keep instructional integrity maintained. They try to find persons with credentials.” Ultimately, Murray would look to find the best for his college. “The goal is to find a highly qualified instructor to fill the position vacated by death.”

Kanye West says MTV exploited Spears Associated Press Kanye West blames MTV for Britney Spears’ less than stellar performance at the Video Music Awards. “Man, they were just trying to get ratings, and they knew she wasn’t ready and they exploited her,” the 29-year-old rapper said Tuesday on Sirius Satellite Radio’s “The Morning Mash Up.” The network made a “bad move” by having the troubled pop star open Sunday’s event in Las Vegas, said West, who feels he should have kicked off the show with “Stronger,” the first single from his new album,

“Graduation.” “They exploited her, they played me and I really don’t mess with MTV,” he said. Spears, 25, looked unprepared while performing her new song, “Gimme More,” to a bewildered audience of her music industry peers. She seemed nervous and, at times, stopped singing altogether. In a praise-filled statement released Tuesday afternoon, MTV said it “... has a long and collaborative relationship with Kanye and we hope and look forward to continuing that meaningful relationship.” West said he wanted to perform

“Stronger” on the show’s main stage, where R&B hotshot Chris Brown wowed the crowd with Michael Jackson-esque dance moves, but complied when he was asked to host a suite party. West said it was a blow to the ego when Justin Timberlake, who also hosted a suite party, ended up “on the big stage” to give the closing performance with Timbaland and Nelly Furtado. “Those are the big things, and you know what I do man, I really made the song `Stronger,’ you know, for stadiums,” he said. West, who threw a tantrum back-

stage after losing all five categories for which he was nominated, said he has bonded with 50 Cent over what they view as disrespectful behavior from MTV. “So why do you have me do `Stronger’ in a suite, but you end the show with Justin?” he said. “I looked at 50 like, yo, we need to help each other as much as possible.” 50 Cent has said he’d stop making solo records if West’s new album outsells his “Curtis” CD in their first week out. Both albums were released Tuesday. MTV is owned by Viacom Inc.


with the Governor’s Employee Safety Award, an annual honor that is awarded to state employees for exemplary contributions to safety on the job. For their efforts, Ostrowski, Baker and Lang were honored with the award for the way they handled the mini-disaster.

“The ceremony was great, they had a great layout. Arnold [Schwarzenegger] wasn’t there because he had to sign the budget, but the state secretary was there. It was a great event,” Lang said. All of the honorees enjoyed the event, but Baker felt it could have used a special guest.

“I was really hoping to meet the governor, but he was busy,” Baker said. The trio attributed their successful effort to repair the overhead pipe to great communication, and without that, they are certain that the damage to Dan Black Hall would have been quite severe.

“The communication that night was great, we work well as a team. I think we were afraid of what might happened if we didn’t,” Lang said. Fisher wasn’t surprised at how well the men handled the situation. “These men have a very high work ethic and they work very very well with each other,” Fisher said.

September 12, 2007



Skateboarding soon to be a crime on campus By Nathan Wheadon

Daily Titan Staff Writer

S Justian Chavez, a 21-year-old liberal arts studies major, performs a trick on his ride between the Humanities building and University Hall. For many students, skateboarding to and from class is a form of travel that is both easy and enjoyable.

Photos By Nathan Wheadon/ Daily Titan Staff A no skating sign near the Titan Student Union has been defaced. Though currently only a few signs are displayed around the campus, University Police said they hope to get more up soon to curtail skateboarding.


tudents who live to skate should think twice about skateboarding anywhere on campus at Cal State Ful-

lerton. Skateboarders might have to consider a different mode of transportation to and from class, unless they’re willing to have their names filed in the University Police database. Under California Vehicle Code public grounds 21113(A) and Section 12 of the CSUF Traffic and Parking Regulations: “Rollerblading, skating and skateboarding are prohibited in campus buildings and on university sidewalks, porches and patios at all times.” Police are not yet issuing citations for students who are using skateboards merely for transportation. However, those students who use the campus as their personal skate park will be issued a citation for both skateboarding on CSUF property and vandalism. For avid skaters, walking through the campus with smooth concrete and numerous ledges, stairs, boxes and gaps everywhere, the main campus area looks like a level from a Tony Hawk video game. Alan Hanson, a 20-year-old radio-TV-film major, rides his skateboard on campus “mostly everyday.” “It’s faster to get to class,” Hanson said. Hanson keeps safety in mind when he skates. “I’m not jumping off stairs or anything when I’m on campus,” Hanson said. “When I get around here [the quad,] I usually get off and walk when it’s crowded.” For Marco Gutierrez, a 22-yearold advertising major, and Billy Stepp, a 20-year-old marketing major, skateboarding is all about convenience. “I’m not skating aggressively, I’m not grinding on anything.” Gutierrez said. “It’s pretty convenient, just for transportation.” Although skateboarding on campus isn’t a crucial issue among students, this law affects many who choose to park off-campus, park in lot A, or live near campus.

Skateboarding allows students to “We’re just warning skatego from one end of campus to the boarders until new signage goes other in only a few minutes. into place,” Higgs said. “That By foot, the cross campus trek way it’s clearly posted and clearly can take about 15 minutes, maybe marked.” longer. The time-frame for the new sigStepp parks his car by the Uni- nage is still unclear so until then, versity Village, so the journey skateboarders can cruise to class across the school grounds is much without fear. easier with the aid of wheels and Once the new, no-skateboarding bearings. signs are posted, there will be no “If I have to walk, that’s such verbal warning or “education” of a far walk,” Stepp said. “[Skate- skateboarders. boarding is] really convenient, it Instead, anyone who rides a saves time and energy. It’s so much board will be cited. easier.” Stepp said that although he Stepp has been skateboarding skateboards every day, the only nofor about eight or nine years, he skateboarding signs he’s seen are said. the ones by the TSU. Skateboarding on campus has Like Stepp, the only signs Gutibecome routine for Stepp, who errez has seen are the ones by the said he skates whenever he has TSU and even those aren’t serving class, which is three days a week. their purpose. Skateboarding is Instead of seealso not allowed in ing them as a the parking lots or warning, Gutierthe parking strucrez saw the signs tures. as motivation to Unlike Stepp, skate. many of the stu“[The sign] says dents are not skilled go skateboardenough skateboarding,” Gutierrez ers to navigate their said. “Someone way through the put a ‘g’ on the sea of students that sign.” congregates in the No skateboard– Sgt. Thomas Higgs, ing injuries have quad areas. Campus Police Sgt. Thomas been reported to Higgs and the other the police, but the campus police are risk is still there. not out to ticket Even for expeskateboarders yet; they just want rienced riders like Stepp, Hanson to keep the campus safe. and Gutierrez, there is always the “The main concern is safety, element of danger. without a doubt,” Higgs said. For Hanson, the upper areas of “Safety for other people and pedes- campus, north of the library, are trians as well as themselves, it goes safe to skate, but in the quad, the both ways.” amount of foot traffic creates hazFor the University Police the ards. main problem areas are the quad, Stepp has been a skateboarder the parking structures and the since the fifth grade, so the sensafour-way stop on Gym Road be- tion of carving concrete is natural hind the Student Health Center. for him. “We want people to be more All the same he’s witnessed the mindful,” Higgs said. dangers of lesser skilled skateboardSkateboarding is not authorized ers navigating across campus. on campus, Higgs said. “Sometimes it can be [danger“We want to be fair, we want to ous], especially people who haven’t make sure the campus is educated,” been skating for long,” Stepp said. Higgs said. Everyone who rides a skateboard As mentioned, police will not should keep an eye out for new be issuing citations on first offense the new signs, some students may until more signs are placed around have to seek out alternate modes of campus in visible, high-traffic ar- transportation on campus to and eas. from class.

The main concern is safety, without a doubt. Safety for other people and pedestrians as well as themselves, it goes both ways.

The popular form of transportation may soon be limited for students



The Higher Ground Aleksandra Wojtalewicz This past weekend, 21 leaders met in Australia at a meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation to discuss climate change. Their goal was to reduce the use of energy by 25 percent by 2030 and increase forest regions by at least 50 million acres by 2020. Among those leaders were the presidents of the United States, China, Japan and Russia - not only the world’s largest economies, but also the largest emitters of greenhouse gases. Although the summit means well, I doubt anything will get done. APEC is based on voluntary approaches and its agreements are nonbinding and are vague since they do not propose a concrete plan on how

to achieve the environmental goals. So although each country will promise efforts of goodwill towards the environment, when it will come down to putting the bite behind the bark, each leader will run back to the doghouse and continue what they were doing before about greenhouse emissions—basically nothing. President Bush is one of the main backers of the summit. He is even planning on holding his own climate change summit in Washington later this year. Could it be that the President got a change of heart and now cares about the environment? Could it be that those tears he cries are for the threatened state of our planet? I doubt it. In 2005, President Bush refused to sign the Kyoto Protocol, which called for a cut in greenhouse emissions. So what’s different about the protocol and this summit that basically calls for similar goals? The summit is non-binding. With his popularity decreasing as the war in Iraq drags on, Bush needs something to make himself look good. But due to

September 12, 2007

Global warming will not go away the ineffective non-binding nature of the summit agreements, he does not have to do anything. So as the world experiences more droughts, beaches around the world begin to vanish and polar bears become extinct due to the melting ice caps (among hundreds of more problems associated with global warming), leaders need to step up and actually do something, and instead of looking towards the international arena, they need to take responsibility for the planet they share with others and start with themselves. Yes, reducing emissions would hurt every country’s economy because more smoke hailed from smokestacks equals more money. But a sacrifice needs to be made to ensure all citizens of a healthy quality of life in the future. People laugh that the liberal tree huggers are too extreme in their concerns regarding global warming. Yet the majority of the effects of global warming—large increases in water level and the endangerment and extinction of animal and plant spe-

cies—are said to occur within the next 50 years. In 1998, 70 percent of all corals in the Indian Ocean died from an increase in sea temperature, according to the World Wildlife Fund. And the United States Geological Survey projects that polar bears will become extinct by 2050 due to the thinning of sea ice. Government leaders may personally not care that animals are being threatened or that California might not enjoy its sandy beaches within the next couple of decades—they most likely won’t be alive to see these misfortunes. Yet nature is an irreversible thing which needs to be protected by humans since we disturbed it in the first place. Instead of wasting time on what seems to be a public relations ploy to better their image, governments need to stop with the fake promises and actually come up with ways to reduce carbon emissions, instead of just regulating the amount of emissions produced. The planet can’t wait much longer, and time is running out.

“The View” thrives in controversy By Damian Kelly

For the Daily Titan


The people behind the longtime ABC daytime talk show “The View” would be expected, after the brief but controversial period of Rosie O’ Donnell, to have replaced her with someone who was not as outspoken or controversial. When the L.A. Times Parade asked Barbara Walters why she hired Whoopi Goldberg, she said, “She’s more laid-back than Rosie. She’s essentially a kind person with great sensitivity and warmth. It’s a political year, and we’ll hear Whoopi’s views, but she knows there are ways of discussing politics without being confrontational.”

So much for not causing controversy. Instead of beginning smoothly and being subtle, Goldberg decided she needed to continue the trend of foot-in-mouth commentary in her debut on the show to address the criminal case against NFL player Michael Vick. She claimed that where Vick comes from, dogfighting is not unusual. Goldberg said dogfighting here is similar to cockfighting in Puerto Rico. She referred to where Vick came from as “the deep South.” Vick comes from Newport News, Virginia. “There are certain things that are indicative to certain parts of the country,” Goldberg said. Goldberg made it sound like certain things are okay to do if it is a

part of a culture. In no way does Vick’s crime become less of a crime because we know where he came from. I did not think Goldberg would come out and say something ridiculous on national television on her first day, but now I stand corrected. In addition, Goldberg went on to say that for many people, dogfighting is a sport. Yeah, it’s a sport in the minds of people who have nothing better to do with their time but torture and murder dogs. It’s a sport in the minds of people such as Vick, who are spoiled rotten with money and don’t know how to spend it, so they resort to dogfighting. The only reason I can think of for “The Sister Act” star to begin her first day with a dimwitted com-

ment would be to boost sagging ratings. An old and wornout show such as “The View” is fishing for ratings boosts so they throw Goldberg in the mix to stir things up a little bit. A great example of ABC’s guilt in ratings boosting is leaving O’ Donnell on the show for much longer than they should have. The main reason was to cash in on the high ratings. A day after her bone-headed comments, Goldberg attempted but failed to clarify the comments she made a day earlier. She talked about how she was not condoning Vick’s actions but wanted to create a discussion to understand why he did such a thing. She attempted to claim her comments were edited unfairly as if to say they were altered. Goldberg said you can’t go online and see what exactly she said. I don’t know what planet she is on or where she has been (probably under a rock), but I got news for her. On the Internet, you can find almost any kind of information you want. And in this case, I found, with very little effort, what Goldberg said, which is the source of my piece. It is obvious Goldberg knew that what she said would stir controversy and she was acting innocent, as if she didn’t know there would be public outcry for what she said. This has been one of the top stories of the summer, in case Goldberg was asleep somewhere, and when making a comment about such a hot button topic as this, you must make an effort to say that just because it’s part of a culture, doesn’t make it less of a crime. This move by the producers and Walters, the co-creator of the show, illustrates the desperation to keep the wornout show’s buzz factor high, especially after O’Donnell’s abrupt departure.

Titan Editorial Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

Oops...she killed her career Through her very public life, we all have witnessed the rise and fall of Britney Spears. The birth of her children, her very public divorce and a music career somewhere in the middle. But Britney, give up already! We’re begging you! Oh…you’re not? Are you sure? Have you seen you lately? It’s like we left a dog out in the rain…during a scary thunderstorm…who hasn’t been fed in two days…but is still barking over a rabbit it saw three hours ago, making us resent it…and though we still want to open the door, the lock’s broken, so we helplessly watch the smelly stupid dog suffer. You shave your head, you talk crazy, you show your “special spot” to photographers and clubbers, you befriend Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan (who is the personification of a train wreck, a plane crash and a ship sinking all in one tragic metaphorical accident), you stab cars with umbrellas, you have kids that you consciously neglect, you dress like you are consistently robbing half-assed cartoon characters and finally, you can’t even lip-synch anymore. How do you expect us to love you? Do you know how many male staffers at The Daily Titan worshipped your skin and sweat? All of us! Your music was terrible (except for “Toxic,” cause that was the dance anthem of the year), but we still wanted you to exist so we could see you sway in


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thick lust and temptation Ok, Britney, we won’t lie: you’re lucky that you have The Daily Titan staff. Do you remember the pop idol Tiffany from the 80s? No? Well, you were only like 7 or 8. Anyway, she went dignified. Here’s how you go the Tiffany route: -Leave pop music quietly. -Have kids in private. -Then, in about 15 years later, show up randomly on the cover of Playboy looking like hot, tasty sin. Don’t you miss the days when people loved you? Do you even remember those times? No? Wait, are you drunk right now as you read this? Britney! Come on! We just talked about you being awful! And then you hype up a comeback! But do you even move like a pop star? No! You shimmy like some beaten stripper looking to finish some businessman’s drink during your fourth performance of the evening! If you were even worth the effort, maybe 50 Cent would’ve tossed dollar bills at you, instead of laughing like Ja Rule got his nose broken. You know what? We at The Daily Titan can’t deal with this kind of stress. We have deadlines and quality papers to put out. Every time we see flames, we can’t assume its your career taking another fun-time dive. Baby, your next single should be your swan song ‘cause nobody is saying “Gimme More.”


opinion section of the Daily Titan. There are lots of people out there Response to Richard with different Tinoco’s piece titled “A backgrounds, call to arms and writdifferent exers” under the opinion periences, differsection in the Tuesday, ent perspectives, and September 11, 07 Daily therefore, different cares Titan Issue: in the world that, if they each shared from time After reading your opinion to time, could enrich all piece titled “A call to arms of our lives by bringing and writers,” I would have to attention things to to say that I both agree and which we would nordisagree with you, for a few mally not be exposed. reasons. Where I agree I followed your with you is that CSUF advice, this is is a very diverse camwhy I am takpus and the wealth of ing the time diversity should be made Art for the Daily Titan by Rocky Vidal to write you. known, especially in the But where I strongly disagree is with your stance on politics, and other very important issues facing our nation or other parts of the world (such as the war in Iraq and Hurricane Katrina), in the opinion section as, to put it in your words, simply subjects of “nonsense.” I very much enjoy reading different writers’ opinions on important topics such as these. By providing students the means to share their opinions and concerns regarding pressing topics that are not, unfortunately, brought up in daily, casual conversations, the door is opened for students to read what other fellow students think and feel about important, real life stuff. In my opinion, there is already enough space in this newspaper being taken up by trivial, mindless, sensational, and again, to put it in your words, “nonsense.” If people want to share their opinion on politics and whatever else, then please don’t bash on them for that. It’s no wonder why so many young Americans don’t vote, get involved in politics, or know what the hell is going on in the world, and at the very least, in their own country (and this 3131 Yorba Linda Blvd. is coming from myself, a young person, can you sense the desperation?). Fullerton, CA 92831 There’s a reason why I’d rather pick (Next to Vendome Liquor & Gems Meat Store) up the Daily Titan than a celebrity gossip tabloid magazine, please don’t 714.993.7893 give me a reason to do otherwise.

Style Cuts CSUF Students & Faculty save 10% w/ I.D.

-Nathalie Espinoza De Oliveira human services and sociology major


September 12, 2007

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Humorscopes brought to you by humorscope.com

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Good day to go out and play in the mud. Or at least, find some way of making squishy sounds.






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Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Continue hiding.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

You will spend another full day attempting to shuffle a deck of cards with your toes. Fortunately, nobody will find out.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Today will mark the first time you’ve ever actu ally “wrestled” a largish reptile. Although an unexpected experience, you will find it strange ly stimulating, and may decide to pursue it as a career.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

A package will arrive for you today, from a dis tant relative in Tibet. Scarlet-robed assassins will begin following you.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Privacy will be an issue today. This may pos sibly be because a group of foreign tourists will follow you everywhere, smiling and nodding the entire time.

Libra (September 22 - October 22) Good day to mumble. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Today you can have lots of fun by beaming at people, and telling them how fresh your brand of soap makes you feel. If that doesn’t work, try explaining how your detergent gets your shirts their brightest.

How to Play:

Previous Puzzle

Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9, each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9, and each set of 3 by 3 boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Today you will turn over a new leaf. Good for you! We were all getting a little tired of you, you know, as you were.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

You will hear a strange “clicking” sound today, as you are walking through the kitchen. Time to trim the toenails, don’t you think?

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18) Today you shall laugh your bitter laugh. You’ll

also sneeze your bitter sneeze.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

You will meet a tough challenge in a very resourceful way, today, using only a Swiss Army Knife, a transistor radio, and oven cleaner.


Sudoku is made possible by the people at www.dailysudoku.com

just read it.



September 12, 2007

Women’s soccer looking to make progress Team optimistic heading into a three-game homestand at Titan Stadium

Snyder Says...

Andrew Snyder

Talking trash will feel so good after Saturday

by david carrillo

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

By karl thunman/Daily Titan Photo Editor Junior center fullback Jenae Gibbens (right) attempts a header against Biola University in an exhibition earlier this season. Gibbens and the rest of the Titans soccer team have high expectations for this season.

I think we’re off to a really good start ... I think we’re going to go all the way.

Off to a slow start by their own standards (1-2-1), the Cal State Fullerton women’s soccer team is beginning to put the puzzle pieces together. Coming into a three-game home stand at Titan Stadium, first-year Head Coach Demian Brown is confident his veterans will be able to step up. “The senior leadership that we have is going to carry us through this year,” Brown said. “That on top of some talented underclassmen that come off the bench and do a really good job for us.” Those talented underclassmen include freshman Shannon Simpson, who has, at least temporarily, won the starting goalkeeper job. “[Simpson] got the start against Washington and I think she’ll start again,” Brown said. Simpson won the game against Washington, allowing only one goal on 16 shots. She had two saves on net in the Titans’ 3-1 win over the Huskies. “I think we’re off to a really good start,” Simpson said. “We’re seeing what we have to work on and we’re going to build from it.” Brown said the most important thing his team can do is to continue to build on their successes of each game. “I think for us the most realistic goal is to make progress every day and to learn and make progress from every game,” Brown said. “And obviously [our long-term goal] is to win our conference and for us that’s our ticket to the NCAA Tournament.” Brown is in his first year as the head coach of the Titans soccer team, after spending three years as the top assistant. Players were excited with Brown’s promotion after former Head Coach Ali Khosroshahin left

– Shannon Simpson, Titans’ Goalkeeper

to take USC’s head coaching job. “I couldn’t be happier that he’s in charge now and taking care of the team,” junior center fullback Jenae

Gibbens said. “I have full confidence in him and the rest of the coaching staff.” Gibbens said she believes the Titans can reach the NCAA tournament this season. “We definitely are a tournament team. We want to win our conference, our tournament and get in the NCAA [Tournament] and win [it].” Assistant Coach Scott Alexander is also optimistic about this season. “This year the girls should be good, they’ve been training hard,” Alexander said. “It should be a very good season.”

Simpson agreed with Alexander’s outlook. “We have quite a few [goals] for the team,” Simpson said. “I think we’re going to go all the way.” The Titans kick off their threegame home stand on Friday against undefeated No. 12 UC Berkeley. The Bears (4-0) are off to their best start since 2000 when they went 8-0 before losing to Washington. The game starts at 2 p.m. at Titan Stadium. “I encourage people here to come out and watch us play,” Brown said. “We’re an exciting team.”

I have been waiting for this Saturday ever since I was leaving the Coliseum last Sept. 15 and was asked, “Did you fly all the way out here just to see you guys get your ass kicked?” I was at last year’s match-up between my team, the Nebraska Cornhuskers, and USC and I left feeling disgusted with what I had just seen. Sure, the game didn’t go the way I would have liked since we ended up losing. But what was even more disappointing was how USC fans went about their victory. Trash talking as we walked to our cars, waving Trojan banners in our faces (the banner literally touched my face), and calling us vulgar and disrespectful names. Don’t think that I can’t take a little friendly trash talking, but there was nothing friendly about what these fake fans were saying. They were taking it way too far for way too long and I think that is why I don’t respect most USC fans. They can dish it and dish it good, but when they are on the receiving end they put their tails between their legs and keep their mouths shut. Where’s the Trojan pride now? When Saturday arrives I will once again put on my gameday shirt, because this game means so much more to me than any other this season. This is the game that I want to win the most. This is a game that I would rather win than a National Championship. Well, maybe I wouldn’t go that

far, but I think you now understand how much beating USC means to me. It would give me the power to trash talk. It would give me the power to be rude, crude and talk about their mommas. But you see, I am a real fan, so I won’t. I truly love my team and I have truly been a fan all of my life. I’m not fake and I don’t stop supporting my team when they are losing. I don’t cheer harder and louder when they are winning. I watch my team. I love my team. I have so much more respect for my team than some other fans have for theirs. I will take the opportunity to talk a little smack should the Big Red and I be granted it. But you won’t see me being ridiculous. I’m not going to bring a Husker banner to work and throw it in all the faces of the USC fans that I see (all of which have said something about Nebraska having no chance). You won’t see me using profanity or vulgar hand gestures. But you will see me asking for the respect that Nebraska deserves. Maybe it will be a repeat of last year or maybe I will be the one smiling for the rest of the season, but either way, I’m excited to see my team play. Snyder says that by Saturday’s end, you will know who the Nebraska Cornhuskers are and why I love them.

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