2008 02 07

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SPORTS, Page 10

Titan track team preparing for March debut

Since 1960 Volume 87, Issue 6

NEWS: Music and tattoo exhibition set for the end of the month, page 3 FEATURES: Aviation museum dedicated to keeping history alive, page 6

Daily Titan

Thursday February 7, 2008


The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton


The Women’s Basketball Coaches Association’s is having its “Think Pink Week,” which supports Breast Cancer Awareness. CSUFs women’s basketball team will host its inaugural “I’ll Tell 2” game against Cal Poly on Saturday, Feb. 9 at 5 p.m. and encourages everyone to wear pink. This event is to raise awareness and show support for those fighting the disease. The event was CSUF’s Associate Head Coach Marcia Foster’s idea as a community service oriented program for Titan studentathletes. The goal of the team is to reach at least 1,000 women before Saturday night’s game.

Volunteer this month Sat. Feb. 16: The CSUF Hunger Coalition is having its Second Harvest Food Bank. Volunteers will sort fruits, vegetables and donated food at the Second Harvest warehouse that will help feed low-income and homeless families in Orange County. This event will be in Irvine from 12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sat. Feb. 23: Project Earth will host its guided nature hike. Learn about diverse habitats and wildlife, cultural history, conservation efforts and how you can get involved. This will take place in Chino Hills State Park (Yorba Linda entrance) from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Check out the Volunteer and Service Center Web site for more information or visit the TSU.

YouTube: Jacko’s revolution by Etch-A-Sketch

Fullerton’s friendly bar

Strangers mingle as friends and customers young and old enjoy drinks and billiards at the Yorba Linda establishment – See page 4 for an article about Brian’s

Bar Manager Sam Lee served up dollar beers last Wednesday to the loyal patrons at Brian’s Bar, located on the corner of Placenita and Yorba Linda. By Beth Stirnaman/Daily Titan Staff Photographer

Making a difference behind the scenes Indian Campaign volunteers work the phones to get more people voting By PAUL ARANDA

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

In this amazing video an artist shows his skills on an Etch-ASketch. Set to the background music of Michael Jackson, the video shows the evolution of the “King of Pop.” This artist also has other videos, drawing amazing things on the toy many of us remember from our childhood. For this video and more like it, check out YouTube.

Correction Due to an editing error, two articles in the Feb. 6 edition of the Daily Titan were printed twice and were not complete. The full versions of the two articles, titled "Still Close" and "McCain hosts get-out-the-vote rally," are available on dailytitan.com. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

WEATHER TODAY Clear / High: 70, Low: 47

friday Clear / High: 73, Low: 49

saturday Mostly Sunny / High: 75, Low: 49

Sunday Partly Cloudy / High: 72, Low: 49


Partly Cloudy / High: 73, Low: 49


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Among all the excitement of Super Tuesday was the story of one volunteer who is doing her part to participate in a conversation many her age would rather avoid. Led by 23-year-old volunteer manager Mayela Montenegro, volunteers continue to phone bank registered democrats to encourage a vote for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. This election is exciting for Montenegro because she only recently became a United States citizen. Born in Nicaragua, Montenegro holds dual degrees in political science and ethnic studies from UC Berkeley. She plans on pursuing a masters degree in public policy and eventually going to law school. While Montenegro said she has thoughts of running for public office one day she prefers the behind the scenes issues of politics. What brings volunteers from different personal and professional backgrounds together is the chance to assist the candidate they believe is best equipped to lead the country. Most of the volunteer work focuses on phone banking as well as displaying signs and talking to passing motorist on the streets. These efforts are part of a state wide strategy that all candidates utilize to reach voters. The majority of the names on the list used by Montenegro’s staff consisted of senior citizens and Latinos. Montenegro said Clinton has key positions on education and immigration and has the necessary experience to be president. As for Clinton’s Democratic competitor Senator Barack Obama, Montenegro acknowledges his “nice” speeches, but said his speech-

By NICOLE PADILLA/For the Daily Titan Mayela Montenegro makes calls from the Hillary Clinton volunteer campaign site in Santa Ana.

es do not translate into effective leadership. “I like him [Obama] alot, but in a couple years, not right now,” Montenegro said. “We can’t afford onthe-job training.” On Tuesday, the busiest primary night in history, Clinton and Obama were separated by 26 delegates, with 139 yet to be allocated. Montenegro said Clinton’s education policies, such as a college student loan program, should attract

young voters. As for those young voters coming out and participating, Montenegro is troubled. “I think it’s sad that there is so much apathy,” Montenegro said. “Young people have the potential to do so much more than vote for the next American Idol.” As the office begins to shut down, two volunteers taking a break shared their thoughts on why they spend the extra hours working to get out the vote for Clinton.

First-time volunteer DeAnne Faulkner is a substitute teacher in the Irvine Unified School District. “She [Clinton] sounds reasonable and provides workable solutions,” Faulkner said. “They may not sound grand, but they sound doable.” Sandie Weaver has been a third grade teacher at Gates Elementary School in Santa Ana for 30 years and is also volunteering for the first time because she said she agrees with Clinton on every issue. Weaver’s number-one concern is the Iraq War, and feels Clinton has the ability to lead the country in the international community. “I travel to Europe every other year,” Weaver said. “And when they [Europeans] realize that I am American, they always tell me that they are afraid of him [President George W. Bush].” The volunteer headquarters is located in an office suite in Santa Ana donated by a Clinton supporter. With the exception of a few desks, some telephones and a broken copy machine, the office suite is largely empty. Once the polls closed at 8 p.m., Montenegro and the remaining few cleaned up the office and returned to their respective full time positions. Most of the volunteers have fulltime jobs, volunteering primarily in the evenings and weekends. Most volunteer from 5 p.m. until 9 p.m on weeknights and many pull eight or nine-hour shifts on the weekends. Montenegro shifted to part time with her primary job as the Orange County Field Representative for Assemblyman Jose Solorio to focus on the volunteer effort. She has volunteered seven days a week for the past three weeks. While thrilled with the results of volunteer efforts, Montenegro conceded fatigue has set in with all the hours she has committed. “I think I will call in sick,” she said smiling. Information from the Associated Press was used in this story.

gaming measures passed Propositions 94-97 are supposed to benefit both the casinos and the state By Joshua burton

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Indian gaming measures survived the gauntlet of voter scrutiny Tuesday, while all the other propositions failed to make the cut. Proposition 91 had been doomed since its creators dropped support for the bill, saying Proposition 1A in 2006 accomplished the same thing. The legislation was originally created to prevent transportation funds from being put back into the general fund for use elsewhere. There wasn’t a response by the opposition on the Secretary of State’s voter information brochure. The bill managed to gain 42.3 percent of “yes” votes in Orange County – 41.9 percent statewide – despite that fact, according to the state secretary’s Web site. Proposition 92 also lost after contentious pre-election debate. The proposition would have allocated more money to community colleges and fixed the student fees at $15 per unit. Many people feared this would have sucked general fund money away from the Cal State system. Opinions varied at the on-campus voting place in the George G. Gelleher Alumni House on Super Tuesday. Caitlin Neiman voted “no” on Proposition 91. See PROPOSITIONS, Page 2

Page Two



Military confirms secret lockups for detainees

GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL BASE, Cuba (AP)–Somewhere amid the cactus-studded hills on this sprawling Navy base, separate from the cells where hundreds of men suspected of links to al-Qaida and the Taliban have been locked up for years, is a place even more closely guarded — a jailhouse so protected that its very location is top secret. For the first time, the top commander of detention operations at Guantanamo has confirmed the existence of the mysterious Camp 7. Guantanamo commanders said Camp 7 is for key alleged al-Qaida members, who must be kept apart from other prisoners to prevent them from retaliating against long-term detainees who have talked to interrogators. They also want the location kept secret for fear of terrorist attack. Detainees have been held in Camp Echo and Camps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Journalists cleared by the military have been allowed to tour some of these lockups, where 260 men are held, but aren't allowed to speak to detainees. Some lawmakers and other VIPs have passed through, and the International Red Cross has access, but doesn't divulge details of visits with prisoners.


Dozens of tornadoes kill at least 54 people

LAFAYETTE, Tenn. (AP)–One man pulled a couch over his head. Bank employees rushed into the vault. A woman trembled in her bathroom, clinging to her dogs. College students huddled in dormitories. Tornado warnings had been broadcast for hours, and when the sirens finally announced that the twisters had arrived, many people across the South took shelter and saved their lives. But others simply had nowhere safe to go, or the storms proved too powerful, too numerous, too unpredictable. At least 54 people were killed and hundreds injured Tuesday and Wednesday by dozens of tornadoes that plowed across Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and Alabama. It was the nation's deadliest barrage of twisters in almost 23 years. The storms flattened entire streets, smashed warehouses and sent tractortrailers flying. Hundreds of houses were damaged or destroyed. Authorities had no immediate cost estimate of the damage.


Family awarded $319K in insulin overdose

LOS ANGELES (AP)–An arbitration panel has faulted Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Inc. for contributing to the overdose death of a patient in 2005, and awarded his family $319,000. The panel found the Kaiser hospital in Harbor City “fell beneath the standard of care” and that the insulin overdose was “a substantial contributing factor” in the death of 73-year-old Peter Lakos, the panel wrote in a decision dated Jan. 30. Lakos, a Type 2 diabetic, was injected with 10 times the normal dose of insulin and went into respiratory arrest in 2005. He died about two weeks after the overdose, said attorney Raymond Paul Johnson, who represents the Lakos family. “We’d like to express our sympathy to the family,” said Kaiser spokesman Jim Anderson, who declined to comment further. A three-day hearing was held last month with both sides giving oral and written testimony before an independent arbiter. Lakos’ widow, Rose, testified that besides being overdosed, her husband developed bedsores due to lack of care, Johnson said. The panel awarded Rose Lakos and her two sons $318,944.

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February 7, 2008

Live broadcast brings panel together The aftermath of Super Tuesday is discussed as candidates are scrutinized By PAUL ARANDA

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Cal State Fullerton was awakened with a live broadcast of Uprising, a KPFK 90.7 FM show that highlighted results from Super Tuesday presidential primaries. The broadcast panelists featured nationally syndicated columnist Norman Solomon, the MexicanAmerican Political Association National President Nativo V. Lopez, and Cal State Fullerton Associate Professor Nancy Snow. The results from the twenty-four state primaries across the nation show there is no definitive frontrunner in the highly competitive race for the Democratic presidential nomination between Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama. On the Republican side, even though Senator John McCain has distanced himself from the field, there is still heavy competition between former Governors Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee. The focus of the Wednesday morning panel was on which candidate better serves the needs of

By NICOLE PADILLA/For the Daily Titan People gather around to listen to the results for Hillary Clinton.

progressive voters and presents the best chance of a successful national campaign against the Republican candidate. While the policy issues between the two Democratic candidates are nearly identical, the panel said Senator Obama has the early support of progressive voters. Snow feels that Obama’s strength is his ability to draw the indepen-

dent voters across the country. She was encouraged that Obama did so well in Southern states, specifically among white male voters. “Hillary cannot get the support of white males, she’s too polarizing,” Snow said. Snow that the nomination of Clinton has the potential to cause many of the young supporters of

Obama to stay home in the November election. Snow said Obama represents a unifying figure for the international community, while the same is not being said about Clinton. Snow said Obama could win against McCain, while Clinton would face a serious challenge from McCain. See PANEL, Page 3

PROPOSITIONS: A way to help the budget From Page 1

“I think our economy is too trashed right now to support that bill,” said the 21-year-old theater arts major at Cal State Fullerton. “We already have a viable system set up to support community college students.” Candace Logan, a 21-year-old communications student at CSUF, disagreed. There are some people who need the bill, she said. “We need to help all the people we can.” Proposition 93 suffered a similar fate. This bill was designed to shorten state legislator’s terms from 14 to 12 years, but would have allowed them to serve all of these years in one chamber of the State Legislature. “The plan just seemed kind of sneaky,” Logan said. Much of California agreed. The bill would have given a maximum of six additional years to some legislators over their current 14. However, the winners of the night were those in support of propositions 94, 95, 96 and 97, each of which sailed through the election with over 55 percent of the vote. Orange County supported the bills with a commanding majority of 60 percent of voters in favor. Propositions 94-97 were written to allow increased revenue to be giv-

en to the state coffers in exchange for letting four of the large Native American tribes increase their number of slot machines and building plans for their casinos. Besides gaining as many as 5,500 additional slot machines, the bill will also give the state get a percentage of the money these slot machines bring in, up to 25 percent in one bill. How lucrative these bills will be is still uncertain. The amount that the casinos pay to the state general fund - the same fund the Cal State System draws from - would increase. However, the increase is said to be about $122.6 million dollars. The general fund receives about $100 billion annually from all of its sources. The amount of money in the general fund has been under a lot of scrutiny lately due to the budget cuts Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger proposed on January 10 to compensate for the state’s $14.5 billion deficit, according to the New York Times. “It’s a drop in the budgetary big picture,” said Matthew Jarvis, assistant professor in the CSUF political science department. The bill will also limit the effect the California Environmental Quality Act will have on certain projects

the tribes have on public land. Under the new mandates, the tribes would have to report environmental impacts to local governments. These will be presented for social comment and the tribes will have to try to reduce these effects “where feasible,” according to the Secretary of State’s report. Where the local governments and the tribes can’t agree, a third party arbitrator would step in to mediate. Other moral issues factored into the voting process for these bills. Moral scruples against gambling and working conditions at the casinos have been brought up as well. “I’m not sure we should be supporting the casinos as much as other viable gains,” Neiman said. “Plus, there’s no union support so the workers are still underprivileged. It just seems counter-intuitive.”

Others agree. The American Indian Rights and Recourses Organization spoke against the propositions on its Web site which said people “have been cut-off from or denied health care benefits, elder benefits, education assistance, and other social services, and most must now avail themselves of state and federal programs at taxpayer expense.” However, the bill does make provisions for social problems the casinos might cause. The amendment requires the casinos to give “reasonable compensation” to local governments, as described in the Voter Information Guide. This funding would go to programs that address public safety and gambling addiction. It seems to be a win-win deal for both the government and the tribes. The amount of winnings they get is yet to be seen.


On Wednesday the results showed the race to be virtually even. Snow said we are entering a “spin war” in which all candidates will highlight their victories. Lopez said a McCain candidacy will pose serious problems for Obama should the two square off in a national election for president. For the past eight years McCain has been perceived as a leader for immigration reform by the Latino community. This perception could lead to more support among Latino voters than President George W. Bush received in 2000 and 2004. Lopez said 62 percent of Americans support immigration reform. All the candidates that utilized harsh rhetoric when discussing immigration have dropped out of the race, such as Reps. Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo. Romney, Lopez said, is the only leading candidate who uses immigration as a divisive issue. Lopez said Obama is the candidate that best serves the interest of the progressive community. He also said if Clinton were to win the nomination “there would be a search for a third candidate among progressive voters.” “He represents a progressive opening for the Democratic Party especially in regards to the war,” Lopez said. “Hillary is the equivalent of John McCain. We cannot pursue the same goals with Hillary[as president],” Lopez said. Solomon said such a move would not be wise because there is only a fine difference between the two and Hillary is actually to the left on some key issues such as health care. “It would be a mistake to be the same as Bush-Gore in 2000,” Solomon said. Solomon said Obama is the ideal anti-war candidate. He said McCain being viewed by the media as a maverick for having an independent voice on Iraq is a misconception. He is very opposed to McCain and said the media triumphs McCain’s war hero status while never critically examining the Vietnam War that he participated in and supported. The broadcast was part of “Democracy in Action,” coordinated by Pi Sigma Alpha.



February 7, 2008

Musink brings the best of both worlds together Over 200 tattooers and headlining music acts set to rock Orange County By JENNIFER CHURCH For the Daily Titan


Any music lover can dream of a lineup for their fantasy concert, but tattoo artist and LA Ink star Kat Von D actually has the opportunity to make it a reality with her tattoo and music festival, Musink. “Going to concerts have become such a pain in the butt,” said Von D in a phone interview. “They are so expensive.” The 25-year-old tattoo artist has been tattooing since she was 14. She has been to many tattoo conventions since but was never really impressed by them with the exception of the San Jose Tattoo Convention, Von D said. Musink is a three-day event starting on Feb. 22 at the OC Fair and Exposition Center. The cost is $25 per day or $65 for three-day tickets. It will feature 200 tattooers from all over the world and with headlining musical acts from The Used, Tiger Army and Metal Skool. “I want it to be so you can go check out the tattooers during the day and at the end of the night, enjoy the music,” Von D said. “It’s fun to be had by everybody.” Friday’s musical acts will have a rock ‘n’ roll, ‘80s hair band feel to it, while Saturday’s Tiger Army will be more psychobilly (a mix of late1970s punk rock and 1950s American rockabilly). The Used would be one of the more mainstream bands playing on Sunday. Von D

said she wanted to have something for everyone. “I [want to] see artists from all over the world, cutting edge art and good music,” said Justine Brown, 33, of Fanatic Tattoo in Anaheim. Brown’s favorite style consists of Japanese art and a fresher, more 3D spin on traditional artwork called traditional new school. “Music and tattoos go hand-inhand,” Von D said, explaining the concept behind Musink.

Speed Dating Calling all CSUF students: For anyone single and possibly ready to meet that special someone in his or her life, just in time for Valentine’s Day, CSUF has you covered. Titan Radio host “Dr.” Mario will be hosting the 2008 Mix ‘n’ Match Speed Mixer on Wednesday, Feb. 13 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the TSU Pub. In association with Titan Tusk Force, SOAR-CICC, the Freshman Programs Students Association and the Daily Titan, this night of speed dating will also feature complementary food, games and dancing.

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Being a tattoo artist has gotten her in close contact with a lot of musicians and helped sign some of the bands playing at the convention. For Mike Sin, a 24-year-old tattoo artist at Westminster’s OC Tattoo, the festival presents a chance to see the work of other artists, catch up with old friends and enjoy the music. “[We] stay busy all weekend [and] make good money,” Sin said of his five previous conventions.

“[We look forward to] having a good time.” The tattoo community is closeknit and the festival culminated in artists coming from Japan, Sweden and Germany, just to name a few. “We contacted Musink,” Sin said of his shop’s inclusion in the artist line-up. As for the venue, Von D thought OC was a happy medium because it is close enough to San Diego and LA. A three-day event may sound ambitious to both music and tat-

too fan but it is broken up so that there is always something to do. Vendor and tattoo stalls are open from noon to the wee hours and tattoo contests are held every day from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. There will also be daily seminars, including that of fellow LA Ink star, Hannah Aitchison that range from tattoo machine tuning techniques to painting and drawing portraits. Veteran artist Charlie Roberts of Spotlight Tattoo has been to over 50 tattoo conventions or at least two a year for the last 20 years. “[Musink] could be good, it could be bad,” the Hollywood artist said. “The TV show [LA Ink] generated a lot of attention. People want to be there and not miss out.” Roberts said his focus is to produce art that is not offensive so that “it looks beautiful on people.” LA Ink fans are going to have the opportunity to meet the crew since they will roam the festival and host a meet and greet, Von D said. “It will be one of the biggest conventions of all time because it has Kat’s name behind it,” said Brown, who has been tattooing for 13 years. “Her following is huge, especially in OC.” Artists from Fanatic Tattoo also contacted Musink organizers to be included in the 200 spots open internationally. For anyone getting a tattoo for the first time, Von D provided some insight. “It is always great to do your research, do a printout. Look for what you really want,” she said. “Make sure you’re 100 percent into it.” – Urmi Rahman contributed to this story.



February 7, 2008

CSUF Alumnus, bar owner still in business Students who miss Off Campus Pub, Brian’s is right around the corner By Austen Montero

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

In this day and age, when meaningful conversations and cold beer are quickly being replaced by the race to see who can get and remain plastered the longest - often induced by Vodka Red Bulls, A.M.F.’s and Jaeger Bombs -- Brian’s Bar and Billiards has a tried and true recipe that keeps customers coming back for more. This beer and wine bar, affectionately known as “Brian’s,” serves many loyal customers. The atmosphere is warm, the customers are welcoming and the beer is just a bit colder. The music never seems to fail at Brian's, and when the likes of Guns ‘n’ Roses, Def Leppard or Journey ring out, it may feel like it's time for a group sing-along. Customers greeted each other with hugs and high-fives. Others walked straight to the bar to order their favorite item off the barbecue menu. Brian’s, owned by the former Off Campus Pub founder Brian Fairley, has been located less than two miles up the street from campus at 1944 Placentia Avenue for over 27 years. Fairley said he had his fair share of hopes and dreams when he opened this bar. He said he never could have imagined it to become what it is now. “I modeled Brian’s after bars I had always admired, bars with longevity, and those are still around today,” Fairly said. “The bar took on a life of it’s own and it grew out of great employees, great customers and a great community. This was my goal all along, but I’m still surprised at what has been created here.” The bar itself is made of solid oak and extends for almost the length of the building. It is the original, installed before the bar even opened. The sheer volume of customers that

have sat there over the years is baffling. “Wow,” Fairley said with a smile, reminiscing about the wooden slab’s journey. “If only this bar could talk.” The customers come in and know that any day of the week they will find a familiar face. Xavier Campos, 49, is a Cal State Fullerton alumnus who has been coming to Brian’s since it opened. “There is always someone you know, young or old,” Campos said. “There is [an] atmosphere of camaraderie, with the customers and the bartenders. Everyone likes to come here and drink, but, at the same time, there is great conversation.” It’s not only the patrons who make Brian’s such an enjoyable place. The bartenders are just one of the reasons people are attracted to the setting. Most of them have worked behind the bar for years and developed relationships with the customers. Sam Lee, a 2006 graduate of CSUF, has worked at Brian’s for five years. He is currently the manager and sees first-hand the dynamic that Fairly has created. “I’m amongst friends while I’m working and the feeling goes both ways,” Lee said. “Once you come in here, you feel like part of a legacy, and that’s really what it is.” The bartenders that move on to pursue other careers or interests are often drawn back to pick up shifts or become regulars behind the bar again. Paolo Sunia worked at Brian’s for six years and quit in 2003 to move back to American Samoa. He’s now back for his “second tour of duty” after visiting his mother in Northern California. “I went to visit my mom in the bay area and just decided to come back to what I call home,” Sunia said. “It’s great to see my old friends and start making new ones.” Brian’s is located next door to Fairley’s other business endeavor, Big B’s BBQ. Anything on the menu is available for eat-in or take-out any day of the week. Almost everything on the menu is

barbecue-oriented, but other sandwiches and appetizers are also available. The most popular item is the ribs. Delicious and messy, they are commonly accompanied by a cold draft beer. Brian’s biggest night of the week is Wednesday. All domestic beers are available for a dollar. Brian’s already reasonable prices are once again lowered and it attracts quite a crowd. Josh Duke is a 27-year-old management student at CSUF and comes to Brian’s about once a week, mostly on Wednesdays. “I like the atmosphere,” Duke said. “I don’t drink a lot, but the dollar beers are nice and I’m friends with the bartenders.” The later the night gets, the more students come in. Almost every CSUF student found at Brian’s is there because they know the bartenders and can afford the dollar beers. Most of the time they are playing darts or hanging out in “the dugout,” the lower area of the bar that also accommodates Brian’s original pool table. Other nights that prove to be busy are during CSUF and major sporting events. The bar also hosts most pay-per-view Ultimate Fighting Championship fights. Every St. Patrick’s Day there is green beer to go along with homemade corned beef. If you’re lucky enough, you may spot a few kilts in the crowd. Keep an eye out after St. Patrick’s Day for beer pong and flip-cup tournaments. Lee has been working hard to get the tournaments going and they should be starting in late March. He feels it will be another element to add to Brian’s long list of desirable qualities. Also, every Monday night, starting Feb. 25, sports trivia will be available to customers free of charge and prizes will be offered. Great games, awesome bartenders, loyal customers, classic music and cold beers are what keep Brian’s alive. As John Burkey, 55, describes it, “It’s the "Cheers" of Fullerton. Everyone knows everyone.”

By beth stirnaman/Daily Titan Staff Writer The outside of Brian’s Bar, located on Placentia Avenue. Brian’s offers dollar beers on Wednesday nights.


February 7, 2008

Former director of graduate studies impact still felt through Fleckles fund By John Synco

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytian.com

On May 2, 2005 Cal State Fullerton lost an integral limb from its academic body. Less than a year later, the college experienced a punch to the stomach. Ovarian cancer claimed the life of 60-year-old Gladys Fleckles on April 22, 2006. The impact the former director of graduate studies made at CSUF before her retirement in 2005 solidified in Titan history. Giles T. Brown, Dean of Graduate Studies, Emeritus, created the Fleckles fund and launched it during the 2003 and 2004 academic year to honor her 24 years of excellence and academic fervor at CSUF.

The fund is awarded once a year to a select number of graduate students who have prepared, or previously completed, a presentation for a professional conference anywhere in the world. With a maximum budget of $7,000, the fund offers approved graduate students traveling within the U.S. $500. Any graduate students traveling internationally will receive $800. "One of the outstanding qualities about Gladys was that she was passionate about friendships and I will always remember that about her," graduate studies specialist Pam Migliore said. "She was a long-standing member of Mariners Church, with a heart for missions; she traveled on missionary trips to Papua New Guinea and Egypt." The fund usually elicits 15 to 30 applicants a year. The application requests a brief summary regarding the project intended for presentation, a letter of acceptance or proof the student has

presented previously, a faculty sponsor signature and a faculty evaluation form, which must be signed and sealed in an envelope. "The fund advocates students getting involved in research. As long as they're graduate students, any program applies," graduate studies administrative support assistant Erinn Banks said. The Graduate Education Committee reviews the packets and the winners are contacted by email or phone within two or three weeks following the deadline. The deadline for the 2007-2008 academic year was Friday, Feb. 8. “We receive a variety of applications,” Banks said. “Certain fields here lends itself to research. Psychology is a big one. Basically a lot of sciences.” Committee member and associate professor of elementary and bilingual education Pat Keig enjoys the variety of topics received, but admits that choosing or excluding candidates is a challenge.

One of the outstanding qualities about Gladys was that she was passionate about friendships and I will always remember that about her. – Pat Migliore,

The Gladys Fleckles fund was created in the honor of her 24 years at CSUF

Graduate Studies Specialist

"The author of the application should present the study in a direct and clear manner so that individuals without specialized knowledge of that field can comprehend it," Keig said. "The best applications we see reflect quality in the research." The Fleckles fund expands beyond

simply receiving travel money. "Conferences, I think, both humanize the research process and contribute to our appreciation of the sometimes monumental individual efforts made in building our knowledge base," Keig said. "A university education is not just knowledge delivery, it's also professional socialization." Christian von Pohle, a graduate psychology student is a candidate for this year’s Fleckles fund. “I heard about the Fleckles fund in an e-mail sent out by the psychology department to psychology graduate students after intercession break,” von Pohle said. “After being informed of the [fund], I began writing a brief proposal explaining the principle components of our investigation.” Titled “Resemblance and Relatedness in Families with Twins: Implications for Human Cloning,” von Pohle’s presentation is geared toward inflating the scientific debate of individualism with additional perspec-


tive. “I chose this project because monozygotic twins are natural clones,” the 23-year old said. “In studying [monozygotic] twins, we hope to bring a more scientific perspective into the debate of what establishes our individuality and influences our perceptions of uniqueness.” As a graduate assistant, von Pohle is aiding in collecting data for Professor Nancy Segal, the developmental psychology and director of the Twin Studies Center. “If chosen, I would express my gratitude for her philanthropic spirit and the manner in which she has supported investigative students like myself, to share their findings with others. Opportunities such as this forever create a positive experience for the recipient,” von Pohle say if he had the chance to speak to Fleckles. Fleckles may not be at CSUF anymore, but she continues to serve the campus community through her graduate studies fund.



February 7, 2008

Museum honors aviation in films Planes of Fame Museum continues to preserve the history of aviation By Ericka Santos

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

A slight chill nips at the nose and pricks at the fingertips as the morning frost still sits, collected on blades of grass. The crisp air doesn't stop visitors from arriving or volunteers from working at the doors of the showroom hangar. A silver snack cart quietly glides across linoleum flooring so that its attendant can hoist its umbrella, brew its coffee and let the steam from its freshly cooked hot dogs hit the morning breeze to tell visitors the museum is open. Tucked away between green pastures lives a modest monument with an active voice that remembers those who have impacted aviation's evolution and celebrates the ingenuity and craftsmanship of historical aircraft. The Planes of Fame Air Museum, located at Chino Airport, is not only dedicated to restoring and preserving planes, but also devoted to keeping as many of their aircraft flying in monthly events, annual air shows and in plenty of television and movie productions. John Bryant of Hacienda Heights has been a volunteer at the museum for over 15 years and says participation in the movie industry has been a tremendous benefit for the museum. "I worked as an air traffic controller in '44 to '48 and I found out about volunteering through an L.A. Times ad one summer," Bryant said. "When I started here we only had one hangar." The museum now houses over six. Besides greeting visitors at the door Bryant has helped with the woodwork and painting of some of the planes and proudly mentions the work he has put into a particular aircraft, the Red Spirit. As a nonprofit and independently operated aviation museum, the facility depends heavily on support from contributors and volunteers like

By Ericka santos/ Daily Titan Staff Writer The Planes of Fame museum has six hangers, all filled with airplanes from different generations. Many of the planes housed here have been used in films. Some are still in flying condition, others are only for display.

Bryant. An elegant display of silver wings mounted on a black granite wall recognizes those who have supported the Air Museum in a display titled "Wings of Honor." Robert Vance, a museum volunteer, has donated time since 1990 and began his tenure after receiving a member's pass to the Air Museum as a Christmas gift from his son. Vance started over 16 years ago volunteering a few hours a week and now finds himself a familiar face to the facility’s staff. "I’ve always loved planes since I

was a kid," Vance said. "I worked on model planes when they were made of paper." Vance also has a history in the Air Force as a pilot from ‘46-’48 He remembers the experience vividly. "It’s sad because people think we don’t remember stuff that happened in the war, but we do," Bryant said. From memories and experiences like those of Bryant and Vance, the Air Museum is able to host informative and commemorative monthly events. The events will allow it to explore

themes such as Night Fighters, Air Commandos and Dive Bombers, which are scheduled for future dates. Aviation in the Movies, the most recent event, was held Saturday. "Shows are planned a year in advance, so we are open to suggestions and always looking for ideas," Planes of Fame Media Relations Coordinator and monthly event moderator for the museum, Frank Mormillo said. During the seminar Mormillo and Planes of Fame founder Edward Maloney, highlighted the museum's active participation in many past, present and future productions. Planes of Fame has had its aircraft used in movies like "Never So Few," "Sky Raiders" and "Battle of Britain," which Maloney said could be watched mostly on late-night TV; in recent films like "Con Air," "The Kid," "Space Cowboys" and "Pearl Harbor;" and are currently shooting scenes with a fixed-wing airplane for a new "James Bond" movie. Times for both the technology and role of aircraft in Hollywood has changed. "Back then, pilots did as they were told and worked with planes from WWI with men hanging in the back with huge, giant cameras," Mormillo said. Early-movie crash scenes were another source of danger for pilots. Directors and producers believed there

was an exhaustless supply of war birds and had pilots fly and crash them, Mormillo said. Advancements in movie-making, the need-to-knows about flying for film and television and accounts of old Hollywood’s involvement in military aviation from stars like Jimmy Stewart and Clark Gable were expounded upon. The less militaristic fascination of flying or celebrities like Angelina Jolie, Tom Cruise and John Travolta was also part of the seminar's focus. An added bonus awaits museum members at the end of these monthly events, when they are given a chance to win a flight in the "war bird" demonstration of the day. Photographer Marty Getz took his first "war bird" flight in a B-25 Mitchell Bomber. "The clouds are just so beautiful and it's such a smooth ride," said Getz. The excitement from his ride radiated through his smile as he searched for the perfect words to describe his experience. Vice President and General Manager for Planes of Fame Mark Foster has been with the organization for 22 years and is one of the museum's "war bird" pilots. He said aviation hasn't always been a passion of his though. Foster recalls visiting the museum for

the first time his junior year in high school after a friend who volunteered there insisted he check it out. "I really didn't know anything about planes when I first started here," Foster said. "I remember when I finally came out [to the museum] and I instantly got hooked and started reading all I could about aviation." From his days as a teenager volunteering for the museum to the "war bird" pilot he has become, Foster now creates lasting memories for visitors and holds plenty of unforgettable experiences of his own. Foster said that among his most memorable passengers was a tail gunner who saw the battlefields of World War II first-hand. While in the air, the war veteran sat in the exact position and in the same plane he had flown in as a young man during the war. The plane was a Scout Bomber Douglas. In a moment that may epitomize the importance of keeping institutions like Planes of Fame alive, which has been kept running since 1957 on the dedication of its founder, his volunteers, staff members and contributors, Foster flew a special guest in a B-25 bomber. The great grand daughter of Jimmy Doolittle, who was the general in command of the infamous Doolittle Tokyo Raid in 1942, got the chance to ride in the same war plane her great-grandfather had flown 60 years earlier to the day. "Each [flight] is wonderful because I get to share my love for flying vintage air crafts," Foster said. Connections like these have spanned across generations and will continue to inspire supporters of the Planes of Fame Air Museum as they celebrate 50 years of preserving the past and push ahead toward 50 more.

February 7, 2008


Dear Westboro Baptist Church, You’re totally bonkers Last week, the Daily Titan published an editorial (Titan Editorial: “To Mock, Divine” 1/28/08) rightfully condemning religious zealots for inappropriately using Heath Ledger’s death to promote anti-homosexuality. That day, someone claiming to be Margie Phelps (voted simply “Swamp Hag” in high school and often publicly mistaken for a gigantic pile of chewed-up carrots) posted a scathing, lunatic response. Margie Phelps is the daughter of Fred Phelps, founder of the Westboro Baptist Church, which you may know for their picket signs that read “God Bless Dead Soldiers” and “God hates fags.” In little Phelpy’s weak attempt to get someone to notice her, she calls Ledger “a filthy smirking feces-eating fag” and adds gems like “That’s also how you taught the parents of these thugs-called-students it’s a good idea to cheat on your spouse – with any gender.” But do you see what the real problem is here? It’s that batty religious nuts can’t appreciate all things awesome (as Heath Ledger clearly was). If only they admitted that they were down with a few cool items (Cartoon Network, bikinis, Coen Brothers’ films, tolerance, sanity),

By Daniel Monzon


The Federal Communications Commission has rescued the moral fabric of America from a woman’s behind. Children rejoice! The FCC has slapped a fine of $1.4 million on 51 stations for a 2003 episode of “NYPD Blue” in which a woman’s behind and a side view of partially covered breasts were exposed to adults. Ladies and gentlemen, that comes out to $350,000 per cheek and breast. Money well spent in my opinion, but I will have to take the FCC’s word that her butt is worth that big of a fine. Of course, “NYPD Blue” struck me as a confusing show, what with

then people might listen. Instead of appealing to the masses by presenting God as warm and necessary for proper spiritual growth, they act like junior high school kids with rocks and build God as the Anti-Christ (yes, I said that). The WBC tries to gain popularity by being outrageous, mean-spirited and hateful, much like a blasphemous army of nomad mutants who mistook Helter Skelter for The Bible (Live Freaky, Die Freaky, right?). The only people they associate with are themselves and are rarely invited to hayrides and barnyard dances in Kansas. They hate homosexuals, Jews, Catholics, Muslims, America, Ireland, Mexico, Canada (seriously?) and Sweden (oh, come on). I always suspected the Phelps family of being terrible people, and then God spoke to me*. Here’s an excerpt from our conversation: “Jake, you understand that there are times that I should punish mankind.” “Like when You killed Buddy Holly?” “Actually, I was referring to that one famous flood.” “Oh, right.” “Now it has come to my attention that a group of acid-tripping do-hillies...” “Do-hillies, Sir?”

cops getting shot, bleeding, encountering unsavory characters, having a life outside of work and generally displaying real life as much as you can in a fictional setting. I didn’t realize until now that adults subjected themselves to mature content that is only suitable for children. Oh wait, it’s not – the reason being “NYPD Blue” was a show for grown-ups. However, children and families are exactly whom Parent Television Council President Tim Winter said needed the FCC to take a stand for them. At what point did television become the sole property of children and families? In all artistic forms of expression, you will invariably run into controversy of some sort, but that contro-

“Jake, will you just let me finish? Anyway, there are some loonies abusing my existence.” “There’s a lot of those, God.” “More specifically, Kansas.” “Either you’re talking about L.B. Baum or the Westboro Baptist Church.” “The latter.” “The Mormons? They seem like good people. I actually have a friend ...” “Jake! Focus! The latter, not the Latter-Day Saints. Jesus Christ, pay attention. I need you to tell Cal State Fullerton about those kooks and come up with a solution.” “Yes, God, I will.” “Good. As your reward, one day Natalie Portman will brush up against you accidentally to get to the bathroom at a really swanky Hollywood party.” “So she’ll touch me?” “Barely.” “Cool! I’m in!” Anyway, God wanted some kind of solution to the WBC’s laughable efforts. I’m pretty sure that these people are just unloved (for obvious reasons) and relentlessly bored. I mean, there’s not much to do in Kansas besides Kansas City and Prairie Dog Town. I think that’s why Westboro gets extreme all the time instead of deal-

versy should not be a blanket statement on the merits of that form of artistic expression. Too many shows would be affected if the sensitive nature of certain people were taken into account when deciding on what to air and, if aired, how much to fine them. Someone is going to find something to complain about. It never fails. If a woman’s behind is offensive, why not fine television stations for showing scantily-clad women or women who are showing even a little skin and not fully covered because it offends Muslims? Does it seem hypocritical to anyone that TV is allowed to show a woman’s behind in a thong, but must blur out the same backside if that little strip of cloth isn’t there? See FINE, Page 8

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Titan Editorial

Jake’s Take

FCC sees red over ABC’s ‘Blue’ Daily Titan Staff Writer


Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

By Jake Kilroy take.kilroy@gmail.com

ing with real issues, like a real church. But what if their work mattered for once? Maybe they’d lay off if, finally, just once, they were right about us all being heathens. So, let’s overload their system. Go to the WBC’s homepage of www.godhatesfags.com (yes, that’s actually their homepage) and in the upper right corner, click “Contact.” Then tell them the craziest sin you’ve ever committed in grand detail and talk about how much you enjoyed it. Margie, if you read this, my e-mail is take.kilroy@gmail.com and I’ll frame anything you send me. And if anyone reading this would like to speak with God Himself, His e-mail is SAVOR. THE.SAVIOR@gmail.com. You’ve got questions, He’s got answers. Both of us are here to help. *Truthful by Westboro Baptist Church standards of “truth.”

Microsoft’s monopoly In a shockingly curt message to Jerry Yang, Yahoo’s chief executive, Microsoft’s Steven A. Ballmer offered $44.6 billion to completely buy out the one-time leader of the dot com world. Microsoft, previously criticized for monopolizing personal computer software, assumes its efforts are acceptable since it is an Internet bid, the New York Times reported. But Microsoft has persistently outwitted market leaders by copying their methods and then crushing their chances of survival through basic innovation. The software giant has cheated out companies numerous times. During the desktop days, Microsoft aggresively took over Apple’s creative user interface and used it for its own Window’s operation system. Then came the XBOX, an intentional response to Sony’s PlayStation gaming system. But a common characteristic has surfaced amongts Microsoft’s past competitors: They have all surrendered. They stopped innovating, creating or simply competing. That is, except for Google, which stands as the only obstacle to the seemingly unstoppable juggernaut that is Microsoft. In an intense battle in the technology world, Google has con-

Letters to the Editor:

tinually outdone both Yahoo and Microsoft through savvy search and advertising techniques. As the No. 1 search engine, Google is presenting Microsoft with some good-old-fashion competition, and rightfully so. Microsoft has no way of outdoing Google without actually buying out another company. And rest assured, without the aid of anti-trust lawyers, Bill Gates will spare no expense to top his competitors. The combination of Yahoo and Microsoft would create a powerful competitor for Google and would give Microsoft boundless advantages. If the two companies do merge, Microsoft’s list of advertisers and publishers will increase dramatically. The company will become a leading seller of ads not only on its own site but on sites all throughout the Web. If the companies converge, the partnership of Microsoft and Yahoo, or Microhoo, will present threats to competition and policy makers here and around the world must be willing to examine them. Without strict scrutiny and oversight, Microsoft will become this generation’s Standard Oil. Fortunately, as history has shown, monopolies never last and Microsoft’s greed will bring its downfall.

Any feedback, positive or negative, is encouraged, as we strive to keep an open dialogue with our readership. The Daily Titan reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar and spelling. Direct all comments, questions or concerns along with your full name and major to Executive Editor Ian Hamilton at ihamilton@dailytitan.com



February 7, 2008

CSUF student faces his ‘moment of truth’ fine: TV stations owe $1.4 million By Austen Montero

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitna.com

A few months ago, I tried out for a reality/game TV show that, had I been a contestant, probably would have incorporated a bit of drama into my life. The concept is fairly simple: answer 21 questions truthfully and win $500,000. I thought I’d walk away half a million dollars richer. I have nothing to hide so why wouldn’t I win? Each question has a simple yes or no answer but these one word answers have incredible repercussions. On Fox’s new game show, “The Moment of Truth,” contestants reveal the most personal aspects of their lives by answering yes or no questions. The only problem with the show is that the producers have made it their goal to start as much contro-

versy as possible. flirt with other women since they’d They have gone as far as saying been married. that the show could ruin careers, She also found out that he has friendships and even marriages. touched female clients – he’s a perI don’t understand the satisfaction sonal trainer – inappropriately at that these producers get from ruin- work. Because he lied about it, he ing these peoples lives. lost out on $100,000. What is even more baffling is that They walk away arguing, with no the rest of America enjoys watching extra money, and the viewers get the drama unfold what they want. before their eyes. It’s hard for the My need for But I’m the same contestants, enjoyas everyone else. I money is much greater able for us, and it hate being involved doesn’t stop there. than my need for in drama. This week, we’ll But I won’t lie, self-respect – and the get to see if a pagI love watching ev- producers know this. eant queen risks loseryone else’s pain. ing her crown. Obviously, the Awesome! writers strike has In the future had an effect on what people choose we’ll find out if a self-proclaimed to watch, but can we really say that “wholesome girl” has ever been paid we’re watching “The Moment of for sex. Truth” out of sheer boredom? Even better! No, it‘s morbid curiosity. When I met with the casting It’s a sad but true fact that we like agency, I filled out a 10-page questo watch people expose the secrets tionnaire, which was followed by a we all keep and, even better, it’s not one-on-one interview. scripted. I didn’t know what to expect so One woman found out that her I was completely blindsided when husband has used the Internet to they proceeded to ask me very per-

There is more to gain from game shows than just the grand prize

sonal questions. “Who in your family do you like the least?” “Have you ever been in trouble with the law?” Those weren’t too bad, but when they asked about past drug use, sexual partners and if I had ever cheated on my past or current girlfriends I could see why people might feel the need to lie. I was 100 percent truthful in answering, which is why I think I didn’t get on the show. That, and I have no shame. I’ll tell anybody anything. When all is said and done, I would have participated on the show if they asked me to. My need for money is much greater than my need for self-respect – and the producers know this. They put it out there and we’ll keep watching. Had I the chance to ask them where they draw their moral line, I’m sure their response would have something to do with where the contestants draw their monetary lines. But that’s another issue and we’ll tackle that at a later date.

Standard check-in equals standard rip-off By Heather Perry

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

Now travelers have more to worry about than their headphones being broken. Starting May 5, United Airlines is going to charge $25 for each additional bag a person checks in. United Airlines said this new plan will churn out $100 million a year, and it was either this or raising ticket prices. The corporation said it is trying to combat the cost of fuel. In 2007, United Airlines lost $89 dollars in the first quarter, according to the Bureau of Transportation. That is most likely not due to the cost of fuel. That number may explain their “great new strategy” for check-in. Also, the corporation claims the reason is to prevent the increase in ticket prices, but if you’re paying extra to check baggage, it is not going

to save the customer money anyway. They are just trying to find a suitable explanation for a ridiculous and unfair charge. It is not the customers’ responsibility to dig United out of whatever hole it has dug for itself. Of course, if you are a member of one of its frequent-flyer program, Mileage Plus or Star Alliance, you can submit two bags free of charge. The only catch is that you have to qualify for “Premier Status” or better in the Mileage Plus program, or “Silver Status” in the Star Alliance plan. United Airlines is coercing people into spending more. One positive aspect is that United is getting Americans to travel more; Americans are famous for their busy, non-stop lives and only spend about three to four days on vacation. But maybe we just cannot afford it. Those of us who are not apart of the programs feel like second-class citizens or cheap because we are not OK with paying more for the stan-

dard. So unless you travel more than 25,000 miles a year with United, you’re going to be packing light. Once a customer checks in their baggage and pays the ridiculous fee, there is a good chance that United Airlines will lose it. In August 2007, United lost 29,331 bags according to the Bureau of Transportation. United was No.1 that month for the amount of bags, mishandled overall. Those statistics prove that no customer will be paying $25 per bag if there is also the chance that United will lose it. If United does lose it, the corporation has said nothing of any reimbursement. They’re passing off costs that are not the customers’ responsibilities. United Airlines researchers have said that only 25 percent of their customers check in more than two bags, so they will be the only ones

affected by this new rule. However, if more people are carrying on luggage to save money, every passenger will be affected. Sure, there is a cut-off on the size of your carry-on, but all this new rule is going to do is force tourists to bring their gigantic treasure chests on the flight with them. If you thought getting on and off the plane was a painfully timeconsuming experience before, you haven’t seen anything yet. And forget over-head storage. Unless you get to the terminal gate eight hours before everyone else so you can enter the magical little passageway to the plane first, you’re going to be stuffing your luggage under your knees. It is unbelievable that United is using fuel as an excuse to charge more money. So better start packing those bikinis and luau shorts into your carryon luggage when this takes effect right in time for summer.

From Page 7

Only those stations that aired the episode in the 6 to 10 p.m. hours will likely suffer the wrath of the FCC. Message to stations: Exercise your First Amendment rights and you will be fined. Why the doesn’t the FCC fine the WB for allowing “7th Heaven” to go on as long as it did? Talk about offensive. I mean all that saccharine goodness was just nauseating. I know exactly what I should do – I’ll file a complaint. The complainers desperately need someone to keep them close to their breast (clothed, of course, lest we offend their delicate sensibilities) and coddle them. There should be a family hour, or at the very least, an hour where children are not in any danger of being exposed to any images or words potentially harmful to their upbring-

ing. To be fair, though, there does seem to be less and less of a traditional family hour on television and more of a lesson in how not to start a family, starring Jamie Lynn Spears. Something constructive with their voices and their passion to do good for others would work wonders. Knocking on the doors of all those network executives and demand that they use the public airwaves that you and I own to showcase positive family programming would be a start. The fines are not ridiculous in the amount, but in the fact that they were proposed at all. Hear the voices, FCC, of the millions of fans of television programming for adults, some of whom didn’t have an issue with the show’s content. A woman’s behind and partially covered breasts: $1.4 million. Government incompetency: priceless.


February 7, 2008

L.A. adds marijuana to vending machines By Thao Le

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

Marijuana has hit the vending machines in Los Angeles. Yes, it’s true – a dispenser that supplies pot. But before you jump in your car and head to L.A. where the machines are located, think again. Not just anyone can go in and pop some money in the vending machine for a high. Vending machines are mostly known for the array of things they dispense, like cheap snacks and drinks. In Japan, it’s condoms, cigarettes and ice-cold Guinness. Well, the arrival of yet another new product has been stocked in the oh-so-convenient vending machines – medical marijuana. Marijuana is surfaced along with legal products in a novelty way, which poses the question, will a drug like marijuana being exposed in a vending machine give kids the wrong idea that it’s okay to have when it is sold in the most mainstream all-American way? The machine, developed by L.A. medical-marijuana cannabis owner Vincent Mehdizadeh is specifically designed for patients who suffer from chronic pain, loss of appetite, and other ailments that marijuana is supposed to ease. Let’s hope there’s a vending machine with snacks nearby when the munchies kick in. The vending machine not only eliminates the degree of human contact, but also provides convenience. The invention of the ATM machine provides easy transactions minimizing the association of people just like the vending machine. In this case, both are supplied with a different kind of green. But is it too convenient? Today’s children are not only influenced from the media of all sorts, but now face being induced with the thought of whatever is sold in potfilled vending machines is OK. Similar to the cigarette machines, which are now exceedingly rare in the U.S., kids were easily

able to get it. It’s too accessible because unlike the stores who have someone checking ID, the cigarette machine just requires money without having any regulation implemented. Children can mistake the drug for something such as candy because it does come from a vending machine. Marijuana flavors that can be mistaken as sweets include Platinum Kush, Fire O.G., Bubba Kush and Wild Cherry. In the future, talks of Vicodin and Viagra may pop up in vending machines. Next thing, birth control may be offered advertising to children that sex is okay with the convenient of pressing B19. It’s not OK and it’s not OK that Marijuana machines exist. There are other methods to getting the medical marijuana. It should stick to traditional route and dispense it the pharmacy way and nixed future plans of marijuana vending machines multiplying. Although the chances of children even know that there is a marijuana vending machine operating in L.A. are low, it’s still a chance where it is exposing negative means that should be. This 24-hour machine located at the Herbal Nutrition Center in L.A., where it discharges the drug, has a full-time security guard for around-the-clock for protection. A prescription is required for all transactions along with fingerprint identification and a prepaid card. Once everything is verified, a green envelope is dropped down the slot filled with up to an ounce per week of marijuana. Even though the state law is still at odds with the federal law because they still considered medical marijuana illegal, it’s only a matter of time until the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will crack down on all pot vending machines. The world isn’t, and may never be, ready for a vending machine that solicits drugs of any kind. The dispenser should strictly be kept for the convenient cheap snacks and drinks it’s made for.

Spotlighting going green U-Wire

EUGENE, Ore. – Do you remember the ‘80s, when environmentalism was code for dealing with toxic waste, stopping the clubbing of baby seals and protecting spotted owl habitat? Well, the spotted owls have taken roost in new-growth forests, the baby seals are a dead cliche and addressing toxic and radioactive waste just never had the sex appeal of our new cause de decade – green, sustainable, zero emissions carbon sequestration. Sorry, Captain Planet. While the sheer marketability of the new environmentalism may be its undoing, it is also the core of the plan. The whole idea of keeping the environment in a condition that will keep us alive means that we have to live in, wear, want, build and buy new stuff that will emit zero greenhouse gases. So, if this sexy marketing is really well done and we literally buy into a product cycle that is all that, then we will have achieved our goal simply by continuing to consume. It sounds a lot like President Bush compelling us to go shopping in late Sept. 2001, but really it’s the same logic – if we don’t buy “green” products, then global climate change has already won. We can already recognize that we

live in a changed world. The Golden Globes were canceled and we can imagine a night without the Oscars. In light of these developments, we can see it is the time for the new environmentalists to intervene. It has already begun. What I’m presenting to you now is a completely organic, sustainable, zero-emissions, locally grown alternative to the massmarketed awards shows. So here it is. Based on their noteworthy achievements and performances, I am proud to present the Golden Carbon Sequestration Device Awards – formerly known as the Golden Tree Awards – given out to those who would give the appearance of doing something for the environment, but can’t for the fact that gold does not grow. Energy is always near the top of the list. The nominees are: The MidAmerican Nuclear Energy Company, Eugene Water and Electric Board, and the Oregon State Law requiring 10 percent ethanol in all gasoline. Backed by Warren Buffet, MidAmerican scrapped plans to build a nuclear reactor on the Oregon-Idaho border. However, it wasn’t because they wanted to invest in wind or solar; it was because they couldn’t find cheap enough parts due to an upsurge in nuclear power’s new popularity. Also,

another company, Alternate Energy Holdings, is still trying to fund a new reactor south of Boise, Idaho. EWEB has decided not to include photovoltaic panels on its new operations complex. The company says that it is too costly, but earlier in the month they attended a neighborhood meeting to sell Eugene residents on the idea of investing in solar energy panels for homes. Oregon state law now reads that by fall 2008 all gasoline sold in the state must be 10 percent ethanol. However, corn is still the main raw material for ethanol production, and the petrol and chemicals needed to grow the crop merely displace the carbon emissions and air pollution to elsewhere. And so the GCSDA for energy goes to – EWEB! If it’s really a worthwhile investment, which I believe it is, then you’d better step up and help lead the way, otherwise you’re just selling us dirty product, giving only the facade of emissions change. On the other hand, rather than a GCSDA, a Breath of Fresh Air goes to Lucky Lab Brewing Company in Portland, which installed a solar thermal unit on the roof of its operation to help brew its beer.


They plan to install units at their other locations as well. In the emissions category we have two nominees – the Environmental Protection Agency and the United States. The EPA rejected a petition by Oregon and 16 other states to require tougher tailpipe emissions than federal law. Though several EPA staff members termed California’s petition “compelling and extraordinary,” the final official answer was that the petition in fact did not meet these “extraordinary conditions,” and that in effect requiring stricter standards would cramp the federal style.

Self-motivation crumbles with bribery By Thao Le

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

Get paid to learn, if that only existed at Cal State Fullerton. Money will get you to do anything these days. Bribery has come a long way in persuading people, especially children who get allowances for those petty chores like mowing the lawn, vacuuming and washing the dog. Everyone has been paid one way or another to get them to do things. Call a motivation factor if you will. Two schools in Fairburn, Georgia are paying students $8 an hour to study. It’s more understandable if, say a parent rewards their children for good studies, but an institution paying students seems ridiculous. What happened to self-motivation?



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Truth be told, bribery does work, but it’s only short-term. What happens is that when the 15-week program is up, the drive and determination will quickly wear off. Forty students from eighth to 11th grade who struggle in math and science were picked to be in their “Learn and Earn” 15-week pilot program and will attend study hall for four hours a week. Money has proven to be a motivation tactic. Getting paid to study is no different from briberies from parents, who have for decades, done so to get their children to do well or do the “right” things. Children expect “something” in return for doing stuff they know they can get. But if school systems can’t seem to find a tool that works in prompting them to want to be educated and

succeed without getting a prize every hour, the school system clearly needs to re-evaluate their teaching mechanisms. It’s a desperate attempt to get these kids motivated about school. Money should not be the stimulator in a child’s education. The whole point of school for a child is to socialize, learn, behave and grow. Getting paid $8.00 an hour is more than minimum wage and children shouldn’t be paid for what they’re supposed to do. Students who were chosen for the “Learn and Earn” program attend Bear Creek Middle School and Creekside High School, both in the Atlanta suburb of Fairburn. The students were chosen based on their attendance records, grades and test scores in math and science as well as their reduced-lunch meals.

The reward system has a time and place both with positive influence with negative implications, and the school system should emphasize the benefits of an education. And if they need help in their studies, teachers should be right there to help. Instead, they should take their money, which is funded by Atlanta businessman and philanthropist Charles Loudermilk, and use that money and hire tutors and create new and better programs and activities to propel the students to do well instead of waving cash in front of their face. Although it’s only an experiment, paying these students to study will hopefully give them a taste for the real world; if they continue with studying well, the intrinsic and monetary rewards will come in the long run. Gold stars for everyone.


Bram’s Breakdown The Super Bowl: Where sports meets religion. by bram makonda Sports Columnist


Karma’s a bitch ain’t it? Seven years after winning their first Super Bowl under the Bill Belichick regime as 14-pointunderdogs against the St. Louis Rams, the heavily favored New England Patriots of 2007 lost to the 14-point-underdog New York Giants. Going into the game, Belichick’s Patriots had won three championships in six years, a remarkable feat in its own right. A win this year would have cemented them as a modern-day dynasty and possibly the greatest team ever. The possibility was remarkable as it was improbable. After being caught taping the New York Jets in the first game of the regular season, new allegations surfaced about the Patriots video staff taping the Rams practices in prelude to the 2001 Super Bowl. Are they legitimate winners or did the competitive nature of the game cause them to win at all costs by cheating? This was the question the Patriots team had to answer all season long, and the monster within Belichick and his team surfaced, crassly obliterating all those in its path. They wanted to prove to others that they were the real deal and we watched in awe. It was an amazing performance of sheer force. The team averaged a league-leading 36.8 points a game, as Tom Brady threw for a record 50 touchdown passes. They played angrily, they played mercilessly and they played heartlessly. The monstrous Goliath, a team of all teams, coached by perhaps the most prolific and brilliant mind the NFL has ever witnessed, found themselves matched up against an insignificant, opportunistic Giants team led by a boyish-looking, little brother quarterback. A David to Belichick’s Goliath. Sports and religion seem to cross paths more often than one might think. To the casual observer, the state of religion in America has been replaced altogether by sports. Instead of churches, synagogues, mosques or any place of worship, Americans have found a new medium to worship; the NFL and its biggest event, the Super Bowl. The football game drew 97.5 million viewers, the most watched Super Bowl game in history and second all-time only to the series finale of M*A*S*H*. There’s something tangible, something real about following a football team. It takes us away from our everyday life and into the realm of the faithfuls. It is the accumulation of all our hopes and dreams being played out right before our eyes. While the rest of the NFL

community collectively dismissed their chances, the Giants players knew in their hearts that they could win the game. Just as David told Saul that he is the chosen one and that he will stand up to the Philistine Goliath, wide receiver Plaxico Burress proclaimed that his team would win by a score of 23-17. Such a bold prediction was dismissed as foolish and irrelevant. How could one say such things against a team of conquerers? “What I said is what I said,” Burress said. “I believe in my guys just as much as they believe in me.” Eli Manning, the brother of heralded and decorated brother Peyton, son of the great Archie, found himself in a precarious position. The man grew up right before our eyes and yet, he doesn’t look a day past 19, but all it required from him was one shot to slay the giant. On a critical thirddown play, Manning escaped from Patriots defenders grabbing on to his jersey. Three defenders were after him and three times he would’ve been brought down, but in a sudden act of confidence rarely seen before, Manning rifled a pass into double coverage to a receiver who hadn’t caught a touchdown pass all season. In dramatic fashion, David Tyree leaped at the same [time] as probowl safety Rodney Harrison, grabbed on to the ball and was wrestled to the ground. It was a leap of faith, an act derived from the belief the players had in one another. All that was left was the kill. After the completion to Tyree, the Giants believed that they were going to score. “I just told myself, ‘God, if you could just get me out here tonight, based on what I’ve been through all year with the knee and the ankle and the back and everything.’ I’m just so grateful for the opportunity,” Burress said. Burress capitalized on his opportunity to play despite injuries by snatching a third down pass over the smaller defender and in one play cut off the head of the monster. Burress’ touchdown catch gave the Patriots and their faithfuls the perfect punishment fit for their crime, an 18-1 season with no championship to show for it. Is there such a thing as Karma? Maybe, maybe not. Depends on who you ask. Was it an act of God? No one will really know. Only God himself knows. Nevertheless, Americans are as faithful as they come, rooting for their team or any team for that matter. Something fascinates us about the spirit of the underdog. Stories are told from generation to generation, in every major religion around the world, of the weak overcoming their dispositions. Last Sunday, something happened to a game of football -- It crossed boundaries into the divine.

February 7, 2008

CSUF Track ready to win New faces and strong discipline may help keep the athletes in sync by dawn pettite

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

The Cal State Fullerton Men’s and Women’s Track and Field Team strides into the 2008 season with a few new faces, valuable veterans and optimism about filling the void the seniors left behind. Head Coach John Elders, now in his 20th year with the program, said he thinks the team will step up following the loss of eight key players. “We’ve got a real talented group of kids,” Elders said. Among those new faces is Assistant Coach Brandit Copper, a former U.S. Military Academy coach who joined the staff in Oct 2007. Elders said the team has improved tremendously because of the high level of intensity and discipline she’s brought to the program. “We have a very young group of sprinters and hurdlers and I think they’ve benefited greatly from her mentorship and her approach to coaching,” Elders said. The women’s team will compete in a high profile meet at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Saturday, then the official start of the sea-

By Nicole padilla/Daily Titan Staff Photographer Sophmore David Soto, left, and sophmore Eddie Perez, right, lead a pack of distance runners during practice.

son for both the men’s and women’s team will begin on March 1. The annual Ben Brown Invitational on March 7-8 is the only meet the Titans will host this season since renovation of their track and field facility was delayed. “Our most important meet of the

year will be the Big West Conference Championships in May,” Elders said. Prior to the conference championship, the biggest regular season test for the Titans is the Big West Challenge, an annual rivalry meet with Long Beach State, UC Irvine

and UC Santa Barbara on April 12. Elders is counting on returning veterans like sophomores Chelsae and Channing Moreland, Brenetta Wallace and Chazz Evans to help guide the team toward victory. “I feel like there are higher expeSee Track, Page 12

Titans drop fifth consecutive CSUF Tennis suffers a tough beat; dropping to 0-2 in conference play by jon castillo

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

The Cal State Fullerton women’s tennis team suffered their fifth consecutive defeat on Wednesday afternoon, losing to Cal State Northridge, 6-1, at Titan Courts. The loss dropped them to 0-2 in Big West Conference play. Cal State Northridge struck quickly, sweeping all three doubles matches, awarding them the doubles point. Erin Wiesener and Kathleen Doran dropped their match, 8-0, to the Matadors’ Sandra Kukla and Nina Jaworowski, while CSUF’s Jerusha Cruz and Brandy Andrews lost to Kanykey Koichumanova and Brooke Doane, 8-2. The closest doubles match involved the Titans’ Karina Akhmedova and Shelly Injejikian, who lost 8-5 to CSUN’s Victoria Brymer and Canna Furuta. One possible cause of the inconsistent play in doubles matches is the fact that the Titans have had to deal with illnesses and injuries. Head Coach Bill Reynolds said the squad has had to deal with four different doubles combinations, stopping them from building any continuity. “We have had trouble with ill-

I wanted to rise to the challenge. I really wanted to step up for the team.


– Shelly Injejikian,

Junior tennis player

nesses. We have not played with the same lineup in two matches in a row, it has always been different lineups,” Reynolds said. “So we have had illnesses and injuries ... we just have to get everyone healthy.” The Titans dropped five of their six singles matches but had a new star step into the number 1 spot for the team, as Injejikian played her first match in that role. Injejikian defeated Koichumanova in straight sets, 6-4, 6-2. Reynolds said Injejikian’s hard work has paid off as evidenced by her big win over a strong opponent who was named to the All-Big West Conference first team in singles a season ago. “I kinda wanted to rise to the challenge. I really wanted to step up for the team,” Injejikian said. “I am reaching my peak ... I [am] just hoping to continue what I have.” The next closest match involved freshman Titan Erin Weisener, who lost to Matadors’ Victoria Brymer, 4-6, 1-6. Weisener is in a learning role as a freshman and said she looks See Tennis, Page 12

By Xavier hernandez/Daily Titan Staff Photographer CSUF Junior Shelly Injejikian uses a back-hand to get the only Titan win of the day.

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Humorscopes brought to you by humorscope.com

Aries (March 21 - April 19) Try to think of life as a game, today. For fun, make up new rules.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) In one of those amusing mix-ups that hap pen so frequently in modern life, a friend of yours will have mistaken your reference to “her suit” and thought you said “hirsute.” Still, this may prove a little awkward.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)


Things aren’t going as well as they should for you. The main thing to do is to find some one else to blame, and move on.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22) Through a casual remark in an elevator, you will realise that both you and your fellow passenger have seen John Cleese’s infor mational film called How To Irritate People. By the time you reach the 10th floor, you will both be severely vexed with one another.

Leo (July 23 - August 22) You’ll get your big break today! Try not to blow it. And stand up straight - shoulders back! That’s better.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) Several extremely hungry creatures will look at you strangely, today. Throw them a raisin cookie.

Libra (September 22 - October 22) Vlad The Impaler continues to come up in casual conversation. You might want to con sider wearing a silver cross, despite your theological leanings.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) This is not a good day to start a new romance. Particularly not a new romance based on a personals classified ad in the back of Mad magazine.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) Don’t worry -- that fortune cookie was wrong.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) This may be a little late, but heck, late is better than never. You know when they said to shop naked? They meant shopping online...

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18) Ooh! Oh. I should have warned you. I’m sorry.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20) You will lurk, today. There’s noth ing that wrong with lurking, after all, and it’s ccasionally somewhat refreshing.

HOW TO PLAY: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

Sudoku is made possible by the people at www.dailysudoku.com


Think Different. Think Simon Former Laker Shaquille O’Neal heads back west after being traded to the Phoenix Suns. by simon liang

Sports Columnist


The beauty of the NBA is that you never know who is going to be traded. The superstars are never safe. Kevin Garnett, Tracy McGrady and Allen Iverson have all been traded. Who’s next? News of Shaquille O’Neal leaving the Miami Heat wasn’t all that shocking. Shaq going to the Phoenix Suns out of all teams, which doesn’t make sense considering they are the fastest team in the league. I can’t imagine the ‘Diesel’ in a Suns uniform. It’s just plain weird. Seeing Shaq running alongside Steve Nash and Leandro Barbosa is awkward to say the least. After the Heat won the NBA Championship in 2006, I felt that it was a great time for Shaq to retire and salvage his legacy. Of course, after two injury-ridden seasons, we still see O’Neal struggling to get up and down the floor while watching his production decrease every year since his arrival in South Beach. Even so, I have a lot respect for the man. He’s been the most dominating presence in the NBA for the last decade and we might never see such a player ever again. However, it is tough to see how much Shaq has to go through in the post. He looks tired and slow most of the time, so how is it going to work in Phoenix? It’s a questionable move for the Suns, especially for first-year GM Steve Kerr. Why break up the No. 1 team in the West in the middle of the season? They have always been good in the regular season, but have yet to reach the NBA Finals and the formula they had hasn’t been working. The run-and-gun offense was great during the season, but in a 7 game series, teams exploited the Suns’ weaknesses.

Defense and size is definitely their Achilles heel. They say Shaq will provide them with defense inside and much needed size. This move will also put Amare Stoudemire at his natural position of power forward, so he will not be dominated defensively by bigger players every night. But honestly, how much does the Diesel have left in the tank? I say about one gallon, maybe one last championship run. He says he will play out his contract, so that means at least two more years of Shaq in Phoenix. At least he’s been a winner everywhere he’s played. In Orlando he took his team to the finals. In Los Angeles he won three championships. In Miami one. The guy flat out knows how to win. The problem is he is way past his prime and can no longer play with the young, athletic big men in the world today. On the other side of this trade, the Heat get the most versatile player in the NBA, Shawn Marion. There is a reason they call him “The Matrix” -- [It’s] because he can just do it all. They finally got rid of Shaq and his massive contract, so if Marion chooses to opt out next year, they can attract free agents to come play with Dwyane Wade. Shaq will definitely make an impact no matter where he is. His dynamic personality and charisma makes heads turn everywhere. Unfortunately for Phoenix, even if Shaq can return to the Shaq of old, they still won’t be hoisting up any championship trophies. This years championship banner will be hung up in Shaq’s old stomping ground; the Staples Center.

February 7, 2008

Track: Overcoming departed seniors From Page 10

tations on us [as] a whole,” said Evans, a 19-year-old kinesiology major. “We’ve been working our butts off.” Also returning to the team is senior Heather Leidle, who underwent major knee surgery in 2006. “She’s a very talented heptathlete and jumper who is in outstanding shape,” Elders said. Returning to the men’s team are sophomores Roberto Archibold, the 2007 Big West Champion in the 400-meter hurdles, along with Lamar Jackson, who placed third in the 110-meter hurdles at the 2007 Big West Championships. Elders said to also keep an eye on sophomore Laron Brown, and junior Garrett Myers, two of the top returning jumpers in the 2008 Big West Conference. Some new faces to watch out for this season are freshman Michael Stokes and Andrew Sullivan for the men’s team, and Lauren Williams and Jameena Hunt for the women’s team. As a freshman, Hunt qualified for NCAA West Region ChampiBy Nicole Padilla/Daily Titan Staff Photographer onships in the discus and hammer Freshman hurdler Lauren Williams, a women’s studies major, takes her mark during a CSUF track and field pratice. throw.

Tennis: hopeful despite another loss “ From Page 10

to build on these losses. “My serve and forearm felt good. I need to work on being faster and work on my footwork,” Weisener said. “I am not really worried about what number I am playing ... just trying to focus on the match.” Things were not so bright for the rest of the Titans squad, as they were dropped in straight sets by bigger margins. CSUF’s Cruz lost to Kukla, 1-6, 2-6. Akhmedova fell to the Matadors’ Furuta, 1-6, 0-6, while Titans’ Andrews and Lani Agsalud both dropped their matches, 0-6, 0-6, to Jaworowski and Kristy Fournell, respectively. Reynolds said he is seeing improvement in his squad, however, and hopes to pull positives from these losses. “We still have a ways to go, but [there is] improvement. Their work ethic has been good, they work hard,” Reynolds said. “As long as we

I am not really worried about what number I am playing, [I’m] just trying to focus on the match


– Erin Weisener, Speaking about losing her number one spot.

keep improving [and] keep learning from these matches, we will be fine.” Team unity is important when going through tough patches and this Titans squad is staying positive, as evidenced by a couple of the players coming up with new cheers following their loss. The Titans next match is Friday at 1:30 p.m. against UC Santa Barbara at Titan Courts.

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