2008 09 08

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SPORTS: OT goal nets second straight player of the week award, page 9

Features: Page 5

Check out the Daily Titan’s RNC photo essay

Since 1960 Volume 87, Issue 3

FEATURES: Student Recreation Center helps get students in shape, page 6

Daily Titan

Monday September 8, 2008

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

DTSHORTHAND Campus Life In 1997 radio host Art Bell first introduced his listeners to Mel Waters, a man from Eastern Washington who claimed to have discovered an ancient and apparently bottomless pit on his property. The subsequent events took an almost surreal bent — Mel was threatened into silence by the US military, exiled into cushy Wombat Restoration service in Australia, and tipped off to a second bottomless pit in Nevada. As the story unfolded over the course of several years, it garnered many followers, not just among connoisseurs of paranormal research, but among artists and writers as well. The “Aspects of Mel’s whole” exhibit at the Grand Central Art Center has free admission. The exhibit is 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday.

Mass arrests mar RNC Mayor

creates a ‘buzz’ Mayor of “We do not smoke marijuana” in Muskogee, Oklahoma is 20 years old by jessica terrell

Daily Titan News Editor news@dailytitan.com

Sausage, spice attack

St. Paul – Before the official protest could begin, a few groups, including self-identified anarchists, “moved into downtown and what followed was a winding tour of the city that grew increasingly more violent,” according to Tim Sherno of Minneapolis, channel five Eyewitness news. Several groups splintered off to form their own march, according to news officials. Windows along the procession route were allegedly broken by protesters. Police utilized mounted patrol, gas and more as crowd control. Over 800 protesters were arrested during the week.



High: 86˚ Low: 61˚ Partly cloudy

by jessica terrell

Daily Titan News Editor news@dailytitan.com

ST. PAUL - When 17-year-old Magdalena Kaluza left South High School in Minneapolis on Thursday morning as part of a planned walkout protest, her principal stood at the door and warned her not to go. Several protests at the Republican National Convention had already ended in violence, and leaders across the city were concerned about student participation in several rallies planned on the last day of the convention. Kaluza, who is an organizer for the group Youth Against the War and Racism, went anyway. Young activists from Minneapolis-St. Paul and as far away as California swelled the ranks of multiple protests across the city on the day that Sen. John McCain accepted his party’s nomination. Later that night, Kaluza was among several hundred protesters

High: 84˚ Low: 58˚ Partly cloudy

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This is honestly something out of ‘1984’ ... ‘Big Brother’ constantly watches over society

tal arrests during the RNC to more than 800. The arrested protesters were attempting to march without a permit from the Capitol building to the nearby Xcel Energy Center. The mood between police and protesters was already tense at the Capitol rally before the march began. When police arrested two protesters, they were quickly surrounded by a large crowd chanting “let them go, let them go.” The police responded by calling in reinforcements on horseback and in riot gear, which seemed to further agitate the crowd. Around 4 p.m., after police informed the crowd that they had to disperse within an hour – when the scheduled protest permit expired – the large crowd left the protest and began marching. “This is honestly something out of ‘1984’,” said 19-year-old Julia Shindel, referring to the classic novel by George Orwell about a fictional See PROTEST, Page 2

See MAYOR, Page 2

CSUF Police to enforce ban ASI leaders return for a final term of skateboards on campus The regulation mandates use of designated paths for bicyclists and bans skateboarding by skylar blair

Daily Titan Staff Writer


who were arrested on the last day was peaceful, Ty Moore, a commuof the RNC, after an antiwar march nity organizer and spokesman for turned into a series of standoffs be- the youth group, said. It was a later tween protesters and police. protest starting on the Capitol steps It was not the first time that Ka- that ended in crowd dispersal and luza had protested the war by leav- massive arrests. ing school. Previous walk-out proThe Capitol protest was aimed tests had involved at both protesting up to a hundred the war and the students at South presence of the High, Kaluza said. RNC in MinneBut on Thursday, sota. At one point, a large number of protesters chanted students listened that they wanted to the warning to end the occupaand it was a small tion of Iraq and St. group of around Paul. – Julia Shindel, 20 who walked Possibly hardout of South High, ened by previous Protester she said. protests that had “I think police ended in violence, and the city of St. Paul instilled the police were incredibly stern and a huge feeling of fear during the occasionally antagonistic in their RNC,” Kaluza said, adding that in demeanor – both to protesters and her opinion this feeling of fear de- journalists. terred students who normally would According to the Minneapolis have participated in the march. Star Tribune, police arrested 396 The student rally held by YAWR people on Thursday, bringing the to-


Do you ride a bike or skateboard to make that long journey from Lot A to class quicker? Skateboarders should expect more restrictions on their commutes than they have had in previous years as a part of the new President’s Directive 16. The directive sets out regulations regarding modes of transportation on campus. Now bicyclists will only be able to ride on designated campus bike routes and adhere to dismount zones, where they can only walk their bicycle, to avoid the risk of hitting pedestrians in areas with heavy student traffic. Also, the use of skateboards will be prohibited anywhere on campus due

to the unique risks that skateboards boards were prohibited on campus pose to pedestrians and campus long before President’s Directive 16. property, according to the campus- The signs around campus became wide e-mail sent out by the Dean of old and faded but now that the Dean Students. of Students has Cpl. Iris Corinitiated the new tes-Valle of the directive campus University Police police will be inexplained how forming students skateboards pose and enforcing the unique risks as rules. opposed to other Colby Conder, forms of transpora 19-year-old tation like bikes freshman, rides and scooters. his skateboard at “Students that Cal State Fullertrick ride can in– Colby Conder, ton and sees feljure other students low skateboarders Student as well as cause frequently riding damage to campus through campus. benches, which can catch and tear “I never see anyone doing tricks people’s clothing who sit on them,” and damaging school property. It’s Cortes-Valle said. also an easier way for students livShe said that there was no discrim- ing nearby to get to school,” Conder ination aimed at the skateboarders said, pointing out that skateboarding themselves – it is just that they are is an efficient way to get to campus just more unpredictable and unsafe. to avoid using a car. Cortes-Valle also said that skateSee SKATEBOARDING, Page 2

I never see anyone doing tricks and damaging property. It is also an easier way for students living nearby to get to school.

‘Instigators RNC convention,’ newsroom footage of protests

By jessica terrell/Daily TItan News Editor Mounted police were called in to assist in crowd control at a protest rally in front of the Capitol building in St. Paul during the Republican National Convention on Thursday. Around 400 people were arrested later that night after protesters tried to march to the Xcel Energy Center without a permit, bringing the total RNC-related arrests to over 800.

FRESNO, Calif. (AP) – Authorities say they’ve arrested a man who broke into the home of two California farmworkers, stole money, rubbed one with spices and whacked the other with a sausage before fleeing. Fresno County sheriff’s Lt. Ian Burrimond says 22-year-old Antonio Vasquez was found hiding in a field wearing only a T-shirt, boxers and socks after the Saturday morning attack. He says deputies arrested Vasquez after finding a wallet containing his ID in the ransacked house. The farmworkers told deputies the suspect woke them Saturday morning by rubbing spices on one of them and smacking the other with an 8-inch sausage. Burrimond says money allegedly stolen was recovered.

Like most young college students balancing school with a job and a social life, John Hammons finds that time management skills are crucial. The 20-year-old college sophomore has a busy schedule, juggling a tough major (pre-law) with work, family and friends. But Hammons’ job holds a bit more responsibility than that of the average student – he is the recently inaugurated mayor of Muskogee, Oklahoma. The idea of running for mayor was first suggested to him three years ago by an encouraging teacher. Then, when the incumbent mayor decided to step down, Hammons saw an opportunity and jumped on it. He took his place as mayor on May 13 and credits winning the position to running on a platform of change, having a little bit of luck and working hard. Muskogee, perhaps best known around the world for the Merle Haggard song “Okie From Muskogee,” is a town of around 38,000 residents, with an industrial- and manufacturing-based economy, said Treasure Ruttman, director of tourism at the Muskogee Chamber of Commerce. These days, Muskogee is under the national spotlight for the age of its youthful mayor. Hammons is attending Northeastern State University in Talequah, Okla. this semester, according to newsok.com, the Web site of the Oklahoma City Oklahoman. Muskogee has definitely gotten national publicity because of Hammons, Ruttman said. “He has created a buzz about Muskogee throughout the world,” she said. “That’s publicity that you can’t buy. The young Republican said his main focus for the city right now

President and VP will define their tenure at CSUF with an expanded student outreach BY Andy anderson

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Since its inception in 1957 the Associated Students Inc. has existed to help every Cal State Fullerton student get the most out of their college experience and give each as many opportunities to get involved on campus as possible. For over 50 years, they have promoted student’s interests on and off the CSUF campus. This year, ASI welcomes back fiveyear ASI veteran Curtis Schlaufman as president and Maryam Marzara as vice president. This year, they hope to “bring a different flavor to ASI, and establish a one-on-one correspondence with as many students as possible,” according to Marzara. With a combined total of 18 years

experience in student governments, Schlaufman and Marzara are more than qualified to represent a student population of just under 40,000, Bryan Lucept, a philosophy major, said. “Our personalities mesh so well,” says Schlaufman of Marzara. “She has such a passion for serving students. We have very similar mindsets, and she is clearly in it for all of the right reasons. I was very lucky to get her as my vice president. If she had said no, I probably wouldn’t have run.” As president, Schlaufman has many responsibilities. He represents the student body with the administration and faculty, maintains a regular correspondence with President Milton Gordon regarding student affairs and manages the ASI executive staff. “I’ve been involved with ASI since the first day of my freshmen year,” Schlaufman said. “I’ve always been interested in politics and through ASI I have really grown a passion for advocating on the behalf of See ASI EXECUTIVE, Page 2

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September 8, 2008


Health chiefs battle to bring back Iraqi doctors

BAGHDAD (AP) – A kidney specialist who fled Iraq’s bombings, kidnappings and sectarian killings 20 months ago has reported back to work at his Baghdad hospital — one of some 800 doctors who have returned over the summer. Doctors are just a tiny group among Iraq’s more than 4 million refugees and displaced, but Iraq’s health minister says their homecoming sends a message to other emigres that security has “improved dramatically.” Still, the nephrologist, who came back from Britain in July, remains cautious. He mostly sleeps at his workplace, Baghdad’s Surgical Hospital, because he fears being attacked en route to his hometown, an insurgent stronghold north of Baghdad. He refused to give his name for publication because he still fears being targeted. For every doctor who comes back, nine stay away.


ABC News’ Gibson lands first Palin interview NEW YORK (AP) – Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has agreed to sit down with ABC’s Charles Gibson later this week for her first television interview since John McCain chose her as his running mate more than a week ago. Palin will sit down for multiple interviews with Gibson in Alaska over two days, most likely Thursday and Friday, said McCain adviser Mark Salter. The interview with Palin was confirmed Friday, ABC News spokesman Jeffrey Schneider said. The first-term Alaska governor has given speeches alongside McCain since becoming his surprise pick on Aug. 29. But Democrats have already begun to question why Palin has not been put before reporters to answer questions. McCain, who appeared on CBS’ “Face the Nation” Sunday, said he expected Palin to start doing interviews “in the next few days.”


Bradbury speaks out against closing library LONG BEACH (AP) – The City Council’s budget oversight committee dropped its proposal this week to close Long Beach’s 84-year-old main library. Could its members have heard that the 88-year-old author of “Fahrenheit 451” was on his way to town to make things warm for them if they didn’t? “Without libraries, we have no true education,” Ray Bradbury told some 300 people at Long Beach’s main library on Saturday, a day after the budget oversight committee recommended instead that the library be closed only on Sundays and Mondays. The full City Council must still take up the measure. On Saturday Bradbury reminded his listeners of how he wrote the first draft of “Fahrenheit 451” on a typewriter that rented for 10 cents a half hour in the basement of a library at the University of California, Los Angeles. The novelenvisions a future in which books are burned to keep people in ignorance. City officials, facing a general fund deficit of $17 million, had looked at closing the library as a means of saving $4 million a year. In November the city will present voters with a ballot that would raise $571 million in infrastructure improvements, including $20 million for a new library.

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From Page 1 students. This is something I’m truly passionate about; I love coming to work every day and doing what I do.” Marzara, as vice president, has different but equally important duties that focus mainly on keeping a direct correspondence with student leaders across campus. She oversees the Greek organizations on campus, as well as all eight of the InterClub councils of the academic colleges. Within these organizations Marzara ensures that money allocated by ASI is spent wisely and with the best interests of students in mind. She is also responsible for overseeing schol-

arships awarded by ASI. “I’m basically there to empower student leaders, to help them grow in their organizations and overall to help students as much as possible,” Marzara said. In addition, the ASI executive staff consists of four other members, each appointed by Schlaufman and Marzara. “We believe that we have one of the most outgoing staffs yet,” Marzara said. “These are the kinds of people who are not afraid to talk to students and introduce themselves. They are devoted, like us, to empower each and every student and get to know as many as possible throughout the process.” So what can the student body ex-

pect from Schlaufman and Marzara over the next year? “We’ve never been able to have a one-on-one relationship with students, however, this year we are really going to try to get our names out there and try to work with students as directly as possible. We both plan to just be as accessible as possible to students,” Schlaufman said This year will mark the last year of involvement in ASI for both Schlaufman and Marzara, as each wind down their college careers and pursue other ventures. Both truly hope to leave a lasting impression on the organization however, one that will remain for years to come.

“I feel that as a student leader, you are a failure if you don’t leave a legacy behind and develop future student leaders to take our place after we’ve gone,” Schlaufman said. “I can already see the people who are sticking around next year, some of the freshmen from last year who are now sophomores, really taking the reins of the organization, feeling empowered and trying to make a difference within ASI and the community. That really is what we are all about.” “They both seem like hard working, nice people and I am sure they will do a great job this year on ASI,” student Andrew Johnson, 22, an English major, said.

mayor: 20-YEAR-OLD RUNNING A CITY From Page 1

is improving energy efficiency and public health. Hammons holds regular open office hours, when city residents can come and discuss their concerns or problems with him. So far, most of those discussions have centered around smaller problems, like trash pick-up or recycling. Surviving his harried schedule in-

volves a lot of prioritization. “Going to events that I have to, not going to events that I don’t really have to attend, helps balancing my schedule in a way that lets me go to school,” Hammons said. A delegate from Oklahoma to the Republican National Convention, Hammons said that he is a Republican because the party platform espouses a lot of his ideals. The prolife mayor said he is concerned about

family values, a market economy and national security. He will cast his presidential vote for Sen. John McCain because he believes that McCain is strong on national security issues. He also identified with the scrutiny vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin was facing. “I can understand what [Gov. Sarah] Palin is going through with people questioning her worth and

her abilities. Obviously on a much, much smaller level ... but when everyone around you is questioning if you can do it and you are the only one that really believes you can, that’s hard,” Hammons said. In the future, Hammons could see himself running for a higher office. “I wouldn’t mind being governor one day,” Hammons said. “But right now my focus is on being the best mayor Muskogee has ever had.”

SKATEBOARDING: FINE FOR SKATING From Page 1 So far the ban on skateboards seems to have had little effect on students traveling to class. Officers have only given warnings to firsttime offenders; up to 150 in the first two days of school according the Orange County Register. Beginning October 6, however, University

Police will cite those they catch disobeying the new rules. The fine for riding a skateboard on campus can be up to $112.50 according to the OC Register. Student and faculty safety is the priority of the new directive. The intentions are not to alienate students who skateboard. The directive is in response to

students falling off their skateboards and injuring themselves or propelling the board into unwary walkers said Cortes-Valle. Jason Ines, a 20-year-old junior, trudges across campus with his skateboard in hand, upset that he cannot ride his board. “I hate it. The campus is big and the parking sucks. They should have

designated zones like the bicyclists,” Ines said. “It’s cultural discrimination.” Despite skateboarders’ objections the directive is in effect. They will have to keep the board slides and kick-flips far away from campus. Until then student skateboarders will have to remember the manifesto, skateboarding is not a crime.

protest: hundreds arressted at rnc From Page 1

weapons such as tear gas and sticks. “I think the cops will back down,” said Tara Lebaron, a 21-year-old psychology major at Metropolitan State University. “They said we could protest and march if we were peaceful and we haven’t done anything wrong,” she said.Despite the tense mood, the protesters maintained humor with their chants. “You’re sexy, you’re cute, take off your riot suit,” the protesters chanted. Eventually, a vote was taken and the crowd dispersed from the bridge. But the march was not over.

The crowd moved towards another street leading to the Xcel Center, only to be met by more officers blocking the road. Police warned the crowd that they were part of an unlawful assembly and ordered an immediate dispersal. When that did not happen, the police dispersed part of the crowd and began arresting protesters. The march then moved to another street, where police used tear gas and percussion grenades to disperse the crowd, according to Fox News. “We were trying to reach the free speech pen. You were supposed to

not need a permit to go there,” Kaluza said. “All of a sudden we were attacked by gas.” Kaluza said that protesters, along with reporters and shoppers from a nearby Sears who were caught in the middle of the fray, were herded onto a bridge where they sat for several hours while police processed them for arrest. Kaluza, along with several fellow YAWR members, were released the next day. “My mom was most concerned about it taking time away from homework,” Kaluza said.

Once powerful Pennsylvania senator faces long fraud trial

mark on nearly every major Pennsylvania law enacted in the past 20 years, from the state’s school funding formula to the 2004 law that legalized slot-machine gambling. Fumo was the ranking Democrat on the Senate Appropriations Committee until his 2007 indictment. Over three decades in the Senate, he had come to control 90 state jobs and many more positions on civic boards and agencies. The indictment says he unabashedly assigned many of those loyalists to carry out his personal and political chores. “Fumo made demands on Senate employees regarding everything in his life, from the significant to the trivial,” the indictment says. Senate staffer Christian Marrone, who married Fumo’s daughter, says he spent 18 months on the state payroll mostly overseeing renovations at Fumo’s mansion. Fumo also awarded little- or nowork contracts to friends, including state turnpike authority chairman Mitchell Rubin, prosecutors said in

court filings. Rubin’s wife, Ruth Arnao, did little Senate work for her $95,000 salary as Fumo’s executive assistant, they said. The couple vacationed with Fumo, and she later ran the neighborhood nonprofit, Citizens Alliance for Better Neighborhoods.

totalitarian government where a sinister entity, “Big Brother” constantly watches over society. Following no orderly path, several hundred protesters – who seemed to be predominantly in their teens and early 20s – moved across grass and bushes, down a path toward a highway overpass where they were blocked by mounted police. For over an hour, protesters sat on the bridge, blocked by several rows of police wearing gas masks and carrying a variety of crowd control

PHILADELPHIA (AP) – A longtime power broker in Pennsylvania politics earned nearly $100,000 a year as a state senator, up to $1 million a year as a rainmaking lawyer and millions more from the sale of a family bank. However, prosecutors say freewheeling Philadelphia Democrat Vincent Fumo used little of his own money as he took yachting vacations with friends, spent lavishly on a 33room city brownstone and hired operatives to spy on ex-wives and political foes. Fumo faces trial Monday in federal court on charges alleging he used $3.5 million in what he called “OPM” other people’s money to keep his political machine well oiled and fund a lifestyle that included three vacation homes and heated When you help the American Red Cross, you help America.

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sidewalks outside his mansion. The trial is expected to last a full three months. Fumo is accused of misusing nearly $2 million in Senate funds and of raiding the coffers of a neighborhood charity after using his political clout to steer $27 million in corporate donations to the charity. Fumo, 65, argues that he did nothing illegal and worked tirelessly to serve his constituents in blue-collar, parochial South Philadelphia. He takes credit for securing more than $8 billion in government and corporate benefits for the region. “I spent half my life here and I spent it here with every fiber in my body,” Fumo said in a farewell speech to the Senate this summer, after deciding not to seek another term this fall. Fumo, who beat two indictments early in his political career, made his



September 8, 2008

Alumnus dies in Grand Canyon fall By Edgar rascon

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

When you hear Tim and Sean Presley talk about their dad, it’s easy to understand how they respond with utter disbelief at the fact they will never get to speak to him again. They will never see that smile, which everyone who knew him said was seemingly always on his face. John R. Presley, an alumnus of Cal State Fullerton, died last Thursday in a

tragic fall at Grand Canyon National Park. Presley was born on a military base in San Diego in 1945. With his father in the military, he moved from base to base up and down the West Coast. These early years no doubt influenced his decision to enroll in the Marines, with whom he served in Vietnam. After returning home, John received his degree in business administration and began a career at Bank of America that spanned 28 years. “John had no acquaintances, everyone was a friend,” Patti Hughes, his wife, said. “He was the kind of person you would send to the store for one thing, and he’d be back three hours later because he stopped to

talk to everyone in the store.” However, there was something irking him. John was troubled by the rate of returning vets falling through society’s cracks and slipping into homelessness. He wanted others to have the same opportunities he had. He linked up and began working with the Bay Area non-profit organization, Swords to Plowshares, which helps provide employment, training and legal assistance to the growing population of low-income and homeless veterans. John was known as a person who put everyone else’s needs before his own. “He would be in Tenderloin (a notorious neighborhood in San Francisco) at 10 in the morning try-

ing to help out vets,” Tim, his oldest one to be happy.” son, said. After his retirement, Presley conThat support is what friends and tinued his work with Swords to Plowfamily members will shares, remember him for serving on most. “I was always the board into art,” Tim said. of direc“When I told him tors beI wanted to pursue ginning in music, he supported 2000. He me all the way and also got a – Sean Presley, that just felt really chance to Son of John Presley special.” explore his “He definitely other paswouldn’t want peosion, being ple to feel bad for too long,” Sean outdoors. Presley said, of how his father would “He just loved anything outwant to be grieved. “He always put doorsy,” Hughes said. “Hiking, people first and just wanted every- camping, skiing; he was never afraid

He always put people first and just wanted everyone to be happy.

John Presley served with the Marines in Vietnam, helped struggling vets

and just loved to be outdoors.” John Presley will not only be missed as a loving father and husband. He will be remembered for the compassion and sincerity he brought to any situation. A military man with a strong connection to the plights of service members, he made sure to do his part to make sure as many veterans as possible received the same opportunities he did. A businessman who was so proud and fascinated with his son’s love for music, he would call his sons and put the phone up to the speaker anytime he heard a song he thought they would like. “He was the glue that kept this family together,” Sean recalled.

Students awarded pre-doctoral scholars Biden says he BY ALLiSON GRIGGS

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Five Cal State Fullerton students were selected as 76 of the 200 applicants to receive the Sally Casanova California Pre-Doctoral Scholars Award. According to the California State University at its Web site, http:// www.calstate.edu, the California Pre-Doctoral Program is intended to increase its pool of potential faculty. Through guidance and financial support, the Sally Casanova fellowship aims to encourage the doctoral aspirations of CSU students who have experienced both economic and educational disadvantages. The program is open to doctoral students across the country, but they must have a CSU faculty advisor to help guide them, according to the Web site. The application also requires three essays that describe personal back-

ground, experience and state goals, without the scholarship,” Cortes according to the California Pre-Doc- said.Cortes also teaches mathemattoral Web site. ics at CSUF, as well as tutoring and “The program’s not just based on administering workshops at Santa your GPA,” Angelica Cortes, a Sally Ana College. Casanova scholar, said. She aspires to teach at Santa Ana The other esteemed CSUF College. students who “I believe in achieved this creating a curhonor include Rericulum through becca Hernandez, social justice, Deepali Mehta, that is relevant to Kylie Nguyen and student lives in Daniel Vidrio. Santa Ana,” CorCortes, who tes said. is a graduate stuEllis aided dent majoring in Cortes in budgetmathematics, was – Angelica Cortes, ing and the alloraised in Santa cation of money, Scholar Recipient Ana. and helped CorShe earned her tes decide on bachelor’s degree schools to travel from UC Berkeley and came back to to in pursuit of finding her ideal CSUF for her master’s. doctorate program. Cortes and her sponsor, Mark W. “She has great energy,” Ellis said. Ellis, assistant professor of secondary “She has a very strong resume of exeducation, said they were apprecia- perience.” tive of the program and the $3,000 Another recipient, Deepali Mehta, scholarship, which was awarded. works with her sponsor, Zhuangjie “I know that if I hadn’t been Li, assistant professor of analytical awarded it’d be difficult for me to and physical chemistry, to advance apply to different schools, and I her education in chemistry. couldn’t have afforded to visit them Mehta was a National Sciences

The whole process takes a lot of work. It’s also about life experiences and future goals.

Five Cal State Fullerton students elected into the statewide Sally Casanova Scholar Program

Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates program student participant in summer 2007, during which she worked on a research project developing an analytical method, said Li. “As a sponsor, my role is to advise her both in research and career, encouraging her to make maximum academic achievement at CSUF, challenging her with real world problems, and guiding her to attack these problems to get the job done,” Li said. A grad student of history and ethnic studies, Daniel Vidrio, also works hard inside and outside the classroom. Vidrio can be found working in the Chicano Resource Center of the Pollack Library on campus, Alexandro Gradilla, assistant professor of Chicana and Chicano studies at CSUF, said. “The whole process takes a lot of perseverance and hard work,” Cortes said. “It’s also about life experiences and future goals.” For more information, or to apply for the 2009-2010 Sally Casanova California Pre-Doctoral Scholars fellowship, visit www.calstate.edu/ predoc.

looks forward to debate with Palin

WASHINGTON (AP) – Democrat Joe Biden says he’s debated “an awful lot of tough, smart women” throughout his career and next month’s vice presidential debate with Republican Sarah Palin will be no exception. But he’d like to know where she stands on issues. “She’s a smart, tough politician, so I think she’s going to be very formidable,” Biden told NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday. The Democratic senator from Delaware and the Republican governor of Alaska are scheduled to debate Oct. 2 at Washington University in St. Louis. Biden, serving his sixth term in Congress, said, “There’s a lot of very tough, smart women in the United States Senate I debate every day.” So, he said, “It’s not new” to be going up against Palin. He also mentioned his wife, Jill, who has a Ph.D. Asked whether he’d debate Palin differently than he would Republicans Mitt Romney or Tom Ridge,

two former governors who figured into speculation about John McCain’s running mate, Biden said the only difference is that he knows their positions on issues. “I have no idea what her policies are. I assume they’re the same as John’s. I just don’t know,” he said of Palin. Biden said she delivered a great speech to the Republican National Convention last week in St. Paul, Minn., but “her silence on the issues was deafening. “She didn’t mention a word about health care, a word about the environment, a word about the middle class. They never parted her lips ... so I don’t know where she is on those things.” Later Sunday, Biden held a rally in the heart of conservative Montana, saying his campaign with Barack Obama will make good on its pledge to compete in places that have previously spurned national Democrats.



Reporter’s : k o o b e t o N at the RNC

Sitting on an old and near-dilapidated plane Tuesday night, I found myself unable to sleep, my mind consumed with curiosity about what lay before me. I was on my way to Minnesota to cover the Republican National Convention in Minneapolis-St. Paul. Fresh from the Democratic National Convention in Denver, I wondered how my experience in St. Paul would differ from my adventures in the mile-high city. I had driven to Denver to cover the DNC with two fellow Daily Titan editors. For this next assignment, I was literally flying solo. I had a hotel booked and the phone number of a political reporter for the Orange County Register, where I had recently started an internship. Everything else, from coverage to transportation, I would have to figure out as I went.

Protesters feel strong solidarity

A tale of two convention cities By Jessica Terrell

Daily Titan News Editor news@dailytitan.com

Covering two conventions backto-back offered a rare opportunity for comparison and perspective. The first and most striking difference between the conventions was a shallow matter of the senses – the weather. When I left Denver it felt like the end of summer, warm and almost muggy days that made covering long protests a losing battle against perspiration. St. Paul, at least to a reporter coming from Southern California, was already in the the midst of fall. The second thing that was incredibly different was the attitude in interactions between police and protesters. Perhaps because several protests in St. Paul had already ended in violence before my arrival, the attitude between protesters and law enforcement was far tenser than it was at the DNC. Even grandmothers seemed to be going toe-to-toe with the officers. The first protest that I ran across on Wednesday, was by a group called Code Pink. I had remembered them having a very visible presence in Denver as well. Mostly women, the Code Pinkers dress in – you guessed it – bright pink and go around handing out pink stickers advocating peace. Standing in a downtown St. Paul square, the Code Pink group was singing a protest song while standing literally pressed up against police in full riot gear. Janice Ward, a 57-year-old grandmother from Code Pink, was yelling

at the police while first one, and then two, officers videotaped her. “Do you want my name?” she asked a female officer who was holding a video camera. “No,” the officer replied. “I have your picture.” Ward said she objected to the the RNC being hosted in her state. She said that the previous day she had seen police “jump” a child and a member of the press. “Aren’t you ashamed?” she asked the officers. Other protesters said they have had very positive interactions with the police, but it was easy to observe that the mood was far more somber then at the previous convention. Except for key speeches, the crowd at the RNC seemed calmer than it had at the DNC. The convention floor seemed more organized and easier to navigate. The crowd seemed smaller, the rush around the hall, slower. If the DNC had the feel of a chaotic rock concert, in the earlier part of the night, the RNC seemed more like a well-organized business convention. Of course, after Palin and McCain took the stage, the decibel level of the crowd turned up to maximum volume and the atmosphere completely changed, transforming into an exuberant chaos. Because of recent violence by selfdeemed “anarchist groups” many delegates said they were nervous, but the area outside of the Xcel Energy Center seemed surprisingly quiet after the convention let out. Local businesses seemed deserted – banners and flags welcoming convention-goers flying over empty restaurant courtyards.

Election confuses enthusiastic teens While the convention attracted politically active students on both sides of the spectrum, the event also had a fair share of enthusiastic but perhaps less politically-aware young people. Recent Orange High School graduates Grace Malaihollo and Evelyn Hurtado traveled to the convention through a program started by their former high school teacher. Both Malaihollo and Hurtado come from Republican families. Hurtado said that she was a McCain supporter, but based her decision on a somewhat astounding mistake. The 18-year-old said that she was supporting McCain because she did not like the way Obama couldn’t get along with his running mate Sen. Hillary Clinton. When Malaihollo and I explained that Clinton was not Obama’s vice presidential nominee, the enthusiastic Hurtado seemed

genuinely confused. Malaihollo, on the other hand, was more aware of the issues even if it took some thinking to relate them to her life. If Obama raises taxes it will make it harder to go to the mall,” she said, adding with a giggle, “which is really important.” On the liberal side, I found some equal evidence of enthusiasm that lacked a bit of grounding. Protesting in a downtown square with the group Code Pink, Chelsea Larson said the war was the most important issue in the election. But the 19-year-old undecided voter admitted that she was not registered to vote.

September 8, 2008

Anthropology major Julia Shindel from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. was arrested while protesting at the Democratic National Convention in Denver and then drove through the night to St. Paul to protest theRNC. The 19-year-old activist, who was crashing with friends in Minneapolis, said that the most memorable part of the conventions was the feeling of unity and camaraderie amongst the protesters. If you are tear gassed, people will drop down to their knees and give you water, she said. If you are hungry, fellow protesters will give you food. There was a feeling of solidarity amongst her fellow protesters that Shindel said can’t be found in “corporate America.”

“It’s how life should be,” Shindel said. There were many young protesters in St. Paul who had driven or flown from distant places. Political science major Mathew Magee from the University of Houston drove to the RNC with fellow Congressman Ron Paul supporter Tamara Shippy. It was a whirlwind trip for the friends, who attended a Paul rally before heading back to Houston. Shippy and Magee said they know that the candidate has no chance of winning the presidential election, but they want to spread the idea that it is important not to vote just for the lesser of two evils, and that the only wasted vote is the one that you don’t cast.


Police in riot gear watch over the Capitol steps in St. Paul during an anti-war rally.

What McCain offers young voters It is fairly well covered by the media that young voters tend to gravitate towards Obama. According to the Orange County Register, 15 percent of delegates to the DNC were so-called youth delegates, but under two percent of the delegates at the RNC fell under that category. Because of this, my mission at the RNC seemed clear – find young voters and discover what draws them to the Republican Party. What attracts teens and twentysomethings to McCain? What are the issues that matter to my generation and how does McCain address those issues? Many of the young Republicans that I talked to said they related to McCain because of his stance on the issues that mattered to them. Another common answer was was that their parents were Republicans. Kimberly Dena, a 19-year-old alternate delegate from Texas, said that she is a McCain supporter because she has friends in the Army and she wants a strong commander-in-chief in the White House. “I am looking for substance and reform,” the political science major at Texas Christian University, said. “Obama is a very entertaining speaker, but when it comes down to it I am looking at the resume and the policies,” Dena said. A graduate student at Marshall College, Nora Ankrom, said that McCain’s avowedly strong stance on national security makes her feel safe. Like many of the young delegates who I spoke with, both Dena and Ankrom felt energized by the addition of Gov. Sarah Palin to the presidential ticket. The 22-year-old Ank-

rom, who described herself as a social conservative, said she was originally a supporter of Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. Having a strong woman like Palin on the ticket helped make Ankrom a McCain supporter. When it came down to why young people support Obama in greater numbers, Ankrom said she thought college students naturally tend to be liberal. “It’s taught in college. It’s an intellectual thing to discard the past for quote-unquote ‘better ways,’” Ankrom said. But Dena disagreed with the perception that young people are mostly rallying for Obama. “Obama has mobilized the youth vote, but I think there has been equal young Republican response to fight for our beliefs just as vocally,” Dena said. In August, a Reuters/Zogby poll showed that the gap between McCain and Obama in young voter support had shrunk slightly, with 52 percent of young voters supporting Obama and 29 percent of voters in the same demographic favoring McCain.

A reporter in the midst of the fray “You know you are in no-man’s land, right?” I looked at the friendly old man in bright yellow jacket that said “peace team” and nodded yes. He offered me a purple handkerchief to help shield my face from pepper spray and I shook my head, pulling out a white washcloth that I had borrowed from my hotel that morning. I was covering a protest march that had been blocked by police on a highway overpass. We had been warned that the police would possibly move soon, and that cops were not differentiating between reporters and protesters. I moved to the side of the bridge and wrapped my fingers around an iron fence, using it to pull myself up onto a concrete wall on the highway overpass. I wished, pointlessly, that I had not brought my laptop case. The black briefcase held not only my laptop, but both a still and video camera. Clinging precariously on the less than two-foot-wide ledge, aware that the police could move in to disperse the crowd, it seemed foolish and

cumbersome to have the heavy bag strapped across my shoulders. The crowd smelled of sweat and the tension on the bridge was so real that it seemed visceral. I jumped down from the ledge, thinking that there must be a safer spot to stand. I wondered for a moment how far I was willing to go as a reporter. Was I willing to go to jail? Get maced? I had gotten the clubbing part out of the way earlier when I inadvertently found myself in the path of a police officer who used his club as a way of clearing a path through the crowd. While I was lost in thoughts, the crowd moved off the bridge, off to another street and another standoff. I followed the protest for four hours, having been warned several times by police that they did not care why you were there – staying could end in arrest. I left an hour before the police arrested nearly 400 protesters. Which I suppose means that some other day I will have to really answer how far I will go for a story.

My political ride comes to an end On the last night, after I filed my blogs for the Orange County Register, I walked out to the main convention floor. The building had all but emptied, workers moving swiftly to clean up, the sound of cheering replaced with the popping of thousands of balloons. My exhaustion for a moment was replaced with a feeling of emptiness and calm. Convention season had

finished. There would be two months of manic campaigning now, but for me, the ride was coming to an end. It was time for me to get back to school. Time to throw myself into my senior year of college. I was sure that I would help cover election night for the school newspaper, but my two-week stint as a fulltime political reporter was over.

September 8, 2008



Clubs and organizations find voice at Discoverfest Quad fills with 150 clubs, organizations and departments By Muey Saephanh

Daily Titan Assistant News Editor features@dailytitan.com

Discoverfest, a bi-annual event that allows clubs, organizations and different departments the opportunity to share and educate students about their purposes, featured 150 campus organizations that gathered in the Quad Sept. 3 and 4. “Discoverfest is pretty much the time for clubs, organizations and departments to have the chance to promote their organization,” Maricela Alvarado, coordinator of Student Life Programs and Services, said. The quad was lined with tables and umbrellas for this semester’s Discoverfest. This two-day-long event usually

occurs during the second week of a new semester. “Discoverfest also promotes school spirit,” Alvarado said. This event also gives the chance for everyone to socialize with one another, Alvarado said. Discoverfest also gives clubs the opportunity to plan future events with one another. Heather Manlapeg, administrative support coordinator of the Dean of Students office, said this event is run through the Student Organization Resource Center and the club sand organizations must register with them. Manlapeg and Alvarado assign tables and organize the delivery of the tables from Create-A-Party Rentals. Alvarado also held two workshops prior to Discoverfest to help clubs and organizations prepare to speak with potential members. She had them role play, prepare proper information and explain

what they should do and what they should not do. This year Alvarado said that the registration for tables went quickly compared to how long it took clubs to register the year before. Alvarado said she wants to get more tables for next year so more organizations and clubs can be a part of Discoverfest. Alvarado said that Discoverfest receives some support from assistant deans from other colleges but that it is mainly supported by CSUF’s Student Life Programs and New Student Programs. She said the only reason the event can take place is because of the sponsors. “This was a great opportunity to discover the clubs and organizations on campus,” Kevin Kuhia, 20, a Radio-TV-Film major, said. “It was very interesting and it will definitely help guide me in the right path for my career.”

By Don nguyen/Daily Titan Staff Photographer Jamel Shamiyeh stands at the Multicultural Leadership Center table waiting to pass out pamphlets about the organization on September 3, 2008 in the quad here at CSUF campus.

Photo Essay: Republican National Convention

By don nguyen/Daily Titan Staff Photographer Chris Brown and Natalie Bueno handout information regarding the clubs during discoverfest at CSUF on September 3.



September 8, 2008

SRC has Fall Fitness Fling with students By Muey Saephanh

Daily Titan Assistant News Editor features@dailytitan.com

On September 4, the Student Recreation Center had a Fall Fitness Fling to promote drop-in fitness programs. “This event is basically a show case for all the different drop-in fitness (classes) and programs we have available at the SRC,” Alain Bourgault, rock wall and group exercise coordinator, said. The SRC offers a variety of classes such as street dancing, kung fu, drumming and a triathlon training program. The Fall Fitness Fling was a four-hour-long event that allowed students to preview classes offered

during the semester in 30-minute students to get a real feel for the difsessions. ferent activities here,” Jacque Fran“We wanted to create a buzz about cisco, 19, a belly dance instructor, all the programs,” Bourgault said. said. There are a total of 45 classes that Ruben Martinez, a 22-year-old are offered throughout the semester psychology major who frequents the at the SRC with certified trainers as SRC, said he enjoys coming to the the instructors, Bourgault said. SRC to take the many free classes. There are also in“It is a gift to structional courses us students who offered that stuhave to pay so dents and faculty much for tucan register for. ition,” Martinez These classes are said. “I think the not offered during drop-in fitness – Alain Bourgault, classes are great the drop-in fitness class hours and Group Exercise Coordinator because there is there is a fee for the such a wide range six-week training. of classes being “For this speoffered and it is cific event, after students try out the so enjoyable.”Martinez said that the drop-in fitness class we have a raffle times that the classes are offered are for free giveaways,” Alison Bennett, perfect for students who have breaks group fitness coordinator and rock in between their classes. wall attendant, said. “I have not missed a yoga class “This was a great opportunity for since it started,” Martinez said.

We wanted to create a buzz about all the programs.

Students learn about drop-in fitness and other Rec center programs

By Joel Rosario/Daily Titan Staff Photographer Jackie Ramirez, center, teaches Student Recreation Center members salsadancing in the SRC on Thursday. The lesson was a preview of all the classes available in the SRC during the fall semester, from salsa to street dancing to an African drum circle.

By Joel Rosario/Daily Titan Staff Photographer Jackie Ramirez, center, teaches a salsa class in the SRC on Thursday. Classes are available in the SRC during the fall semester, and range from street dancing to an African drum circle.

CSUF Resource center forms African American organizations AARC provides networking opportunities and career workshops By Allen D. Wilson

Daily Titan Staff Writer features@dailytitan.com

When Wacira Gethaiga arrived at Cal State Fullerton to teach AfroEthnic studies in 1969, there were only about 20 black students on campus. As the demographic makeup of CSUF has shifted over the years to more realistically represent the Southland, Gethaiga, the retired chair of the department, has wit-

nessed several African Americanbased organizations form. With their advent, Gethaiga saw the need for unity and communication between the groups, out of which grew the African American Resource Center. Before its creation in spring 2005, black students and organizations were rather disenfranchised, Gethaiga said. They had no central location to congregate. Since the AARC came into existence in spring 2005, it has become what Gethaiga calls “the nucleus of what’s happening.” Clubs such as Alliance and Preservation of African Consciousness, SisterTalk, and the Afro-Ethnic Student Association gather monthly at

the center. Informal education plays a big role in the AARC, hosting open dialogues as well as graduate school and career workshops. The dialogues aim to cover current issues. One dialogue last spring involved about 60 students, split in two groups, one male and one female, battling about aspects of romantic relationships. “It got really intense because it involved the gender factor,” Alysha Young, a 20-year-old public relations major, said. Keeping up to speed on all issues African American is vital to the center’s goals. The university had 1,332 African American students in fall 2007, according to Institutional Research and Analytical Studies at CSUF. “AARC promotes the education, success and awareness of African American culture,” said Aaron Jackson, a 21-year-old public administration major and AARC student assistant. “It expands horizons as far as African American culture.” CSUF faculty participate by giving workshops. Graduate school seminars help inform students on the application procedures, entrance exams and the importance of attending graduate school. The center, found on the second floor of the Humanities Building, possesses a library compiled through faculty and community contributions. Most of the titles aren’t contained in Pollak Library. “It’s a great place to wind down during the day and all students are welcome,” said kinesiology major Lamar Jackson, 22, vice president of APAC and assistant at the AARC. “I envisioned a place black students could feel at home, and bring other friends to meetings,” Gethaiga said. “Most of these students are the first of their family to go to college.” Yet students at the AARC emphasize the openness to students of all races. “The key is the family vibe here,” AARC student assistant Jackson said. Political science and business major Andrele King, 22, said older students have helped with past courses taken. “It gives the opportunity to play a big brother role,” he said. The center not only serves the CSUF community, but also takes outreach seriously. Upcoming events include the Black Student Mixer, and a High School Conference in November. For more information, visit http:// hss.fullerton.edu/aarc/about.asp or call (714) 278-3230.


September 8, 2008

Titan Editorial Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

Convenient eating: The silent killer The convenience of fast food restaurants coupled with parents’ lack of free time has directed the nation’s children to health risks usually seen among adults.

When we think of an epidemic, what usually comes to mind is the bubonic plague, yellow fever or AIDS. What is scarcely recognized is that America is at the hands of what is considered the worst epidemic of our time. Obesity rates have been skyrocketing, and one of its prime victims is now children. One out of three children are now considered to be either overweight or obese. There are many reasons for this – reasons that could easily be avoided. What it all boils down to is convenience. It is easy for a parent to plop their kid down in front of a television or computer to watch a show, play video games or surf the Internet. Instead of going out and playing tag or hide-and-go-seek with friends, children seek solace in electronics that require no physical activity whatsoever. A sedentary lifestyle has become more and more prominent. The biggest contributor to this is probably television. Kids younger than six spend an average of about two hours a day in front of the TV. Older kids and teenagers spend even more time, watching about four hours of television per day. These statistics don't include time spent on the computer or on video games. If you include these, it comes out to over five and a half hours per day. That is a lot of time per

Letters to the Editor:

day spent on non-physical activities. Combine that with the unhealthy diet being fed to children then it is no wonder that so many kids are overweight, obese and facing serious health risks. However, this is not entirely the child's fault. Most of the blame has to be placed on the parents, who are also caving in to the convenient ways that are leading to life-threatening diseases in their children. Among others, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease are disorders that childhood obesity can bring about. Some of these were thought to be exclusively adult diseases. This isn't including the fact that low self-esteem is almost always prevalent in childhood obesity cases due to the teasing and bullying. As parents succumb to the busy lifestyle that Americans seem to embody, the kids are the ones who get the short end of the stick. Parents do not have the free time day-in and day-out, to prepare healthy, nutritious meals for their kids. Instead, fast food restaurants like McDonald's and Taco Bell become the first choice for a meal. Foods saturated in fat and high fructose corn syrup have become daily meals for children. The biggest key to preventing this epidemic comes down to the parents. Being a parent requires being responsible for what your child eats and does. Families have to take a wholesome-family approach in order to combat childhood obesity. Eating healthy and exercising has to be a family affair. If you don't practice what you preach then your child will not take you seriously. Educate your children about healthy diets and exercise and you will ensure they lead a healthy lifestyle.

Any feedback, positive or negative, is encouraged, as we strive to keep an open dialogue with our readership. The Daily Titan reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar and spelling. Direct all comments, questions or concerns along with your full name and major to Daily Titan Opinion Editor Austen Montero at opinion@dailytitan.com.

Feedback Wanted We here at The Daily Titan want to hear more of what our readers have to say. In past years we have had excellent student responses, but starting today we would like our readership to be even more involved. A student paper is supposed to be the voice of a college campus, and because of this, any questions, comments or concerns you have are greatly appreciated. In our effort to put out a better newspaper, we need you, our readers, to communicate with us in the newsroom. If there is something on campus that we have not reported on, we encourage you to send in a question and we will do our best to send a reporter and figure out exactly what is going on. Also, our four opinion columnists write on topics relating to health, politics, celebrity gossip and life observations. If you have any questions or comments relating to a particular column, please feel free to send them in to opinion@dailytitan.com. Our columnists will be happy to answer any pertinent questions you may have. Many people do not know that all CSUF students have the option of contributing to the paper. So if you are interested, stop by the Daily Titan office at CP-670 to inquire about writing as a guest contributor. Finally, make sure to pick up a paper whenever you are on campus and enjoy all that the Daily Titan has to offer.


The perfect Titan body is a few steps away By Breanna Moore

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

As I look down at my quickly fading tan, I can't help but lament the loss of another summer lounging in the sun. Another school year has hit and already I feel bogged down by the boring sameness that plagues the academic year. Every semester, it's the same basic experience. Though my brain may be working overtime – studying for tests, writing papers, hiding the fact that I'm really sneaking peeks at MySpace during class – the only exercise or excitement my body seems to get is when I lift my daily cup of coffee to my lips or make the milelong trek across campus from car to class. But this semester, I am predicting a change. Because this year, Cal State Fullerton's Student Recreation Center has finally been completed, and I must say, just a step through the large glass

doors and a glimpse at the outdoor pool deck is an inspiring experience. In fact, this year the new recreation center just might inspire a change in many CSUF students. After over 4 years since its conception date, and $40.6 million later, the SRC had better be impressive. And it is. The SRC is a total body experience to rival the best 24-Hour Fitness gym. Among its more impressive features are the indoor rock climbing wall and the outdoor pool and deck. Among some of the less exciting but more useful features are the numerous cardio machines, weights, medicine balls and other workout equipment. Not to mention the ever-stunning gymnasium, indoor track, racquetball courts and workout rooms designated to specific activities such as dance or martial arts. Now the workout junkies out there may be salivating at this point, but the rest of us are still probably rolling our eyes.

It sounds great, but its still working out – not exactly everyone's favorite thing to do. But in a day and age where time is money and convenience is everything, (not to mention the idea that health, fitness and looks seem to be high on almost every modern American's priority list), an on-campus gym could be just the kick in the butt that many college students need to start exercising. Or at least to become more active than merely typing out papers and picking up that cup of coffee. As excuses to avoid the gym dwindle, the prospect of climbing that rock wall or swimming a couple of laps in the pool are beginning to sound better and better. And to think that each student has already paid his or her membership dues – without much of a choice, I might add – as a part of their semester tuition, it makes sense for students to take advantage of the SRC. It's not exactly something we

can return like last year's birthday sweater from Grammy, is it? In addition, with personal training at record low prices–compared to my sister's private personal trainer, who charges $100 per hour – and drop-in fitness classes to fit just about any time constraint, activity level or area of interest - the list of excuses to stay out of the gym continues to shorten. After all, here in sunny Orange County, this is our college experience. Some college campuses may find their students cheering at a football game. Others may find their students demonstrating on the front steps. And still others may be entirely run by the Greek organizations. CSUF students were nowhere to be found. But thanks to the Student Recreation Center, CSUF students can now be found lounging by the pool with their hot new bodies. How's that for the O.C. college experience?

The Gossip Girl

By Amy Robertson Daily Titan Columnist

To bomb, or not to bomb? Britney Spears bombed at the Video Music Awards on MTV last night! No. She kicked butt! She blew the audience away. No. She sucked. No. She had an amazing comeback. Unfortunately, she did neither because as I write this it’s still only Saturday, the day before the VMA's. I wish I could settle this argument, but unfortunately I do not have time-traveling capabilities. I cannot tell the future, nor do I have the power to stop the presses Sunday night – less than 12 hours before the paper comes out – just for some celebrity gossip column about pop star Britney Spears. And so, I have instead decided to do like my fellow journalists have done in similar crucial, historical events – like presidential elections. They write up two possible stories. For example, they’ll have one story ready with a huge headline and a full spread about Obama winning the election. And there will be T-shirts made with “President Obama” plastered all over them. Then, they have another story about McCain becoming president and T-shirts proclaiming, “We love President McCain.” However, instead of sending the useless T-shirts to third world countries or trashing whatever story ends up to be untrue, I will print them both. This way, you can choose which one to read based on the evening’s events. Or, if you love my writing so much, you can read them both, then frame it and write me tons of letters about how big of a fan you are of mine, or e-mail me at dtgossipgirl@

yahoo.com. Britney Bombed: It looks like history repeated itself last night as Spears embarrassed herself at the VMA's for the second year in a row. I don’t know why she even agreed to appear. It was less than a year ago that she held her kids captive in her home, the police were called to the scene and she ended up being hospitalized. Instead of taking on such a huge public appearance, she needs to just be taking it easy right now. Someone doesn’t heal to the extent that she needs to in just nine months. It was a huge mistake, and detrimental to the possibility of a big comeback for her. Who is going to take her seriously now that she’s

blown so many opportunities to change the public's perception of her? You’d think she would have taken this more seriously. I give it one more year and she’s back in rehab, along with Miley Cyrus. Any takers? Britney Rocked: I was on the edge of my seat last night when the clock hit nine. Britney Spears opened the show. It was critical that she nail it this year to make up for last year. And, boy, did she ever. I was so proud and happy for her; it was almost as if I really knew her. Although with all the stories that have been written about her, that feeling of familiarity would come easy to anyone. Spears has put on such a show for the tabloids in recent years that it’s been hard to take her seriously. I was very hesitant when I heard

she’d be appearing at such a huge televised event. It was a big chance for her, but it had the potential to ruin any possibility of a triumphant comeback. Yet, with the success of last night’s appearance, she proved that she wants it and wants it badly. Also, Spears has shown that the sexy pop star who once adorned the walls of millions of teenage boys still exists. I wish her well and look forward to what she has in store for us all. Oops...She’ll do it again: Whatever the outcome of the VMA's is, the fact remains that Britney Spears will always be seen in news and gossip pages around the world. I don’t know how she does it, but the girl is one fascinating character. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for the once famous Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer.


Daily Titan

September 8, 2008

September 8, 2008



Overtime goal nets Player of the Week award Jenae Gibbens wins her second career Big West Player of the Week award and becomes second Titan to win the award in the season’s first two weeks By Melissa Caster

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

By Don Nguyen/Daily Titan Staff Photographer Cal State Fullerton defender Jenae Gibbens, right, watches during the Titans 3-1 victory over Alabama on Friday at the Titan Stadium. Gibbens scored the game-winning goal against Alabama in the 69th minute. She was also named the Big West Player of the Week last week for her performance in the California Invitational Tournament.

Defender Jenae Gibbens assisted the Cal State Fullerton women’s soccer team by scoring an overtime game-winning goal against UC Berkeley in the California Invitational Tournament. For her performance in the game, Gibbens was named the Big West Player of the Week for the second time in her career and became the second Titan in two weeks this season to earn the honor. She was also named to the Soccer America and Soccer Buzz national weekly teams. “I was chosen Big West (Player of the Week) because I scored the goal, but the only reason I was able to do that is because of what my teammates did to get it in that situation,” Gibbens said. However, Head Coach Demian Brown was quick to complement Gibbens’ performance. “I feel the honor is right in line with her performance. She is very deserving and this reflects her importance to the team,” Brown said. The senior scored two goals in the championship match against Saint Mary’s while also leading a defense that held the Belles to just two shots

Martinez, right back for the Titans, said. Gibbens came to CSUF after playing her freshman year at San Diego State before she tore her anterior cruciate ligament. She said her main reason for coming to CSUF was that the program had a better coaching staff. Gibbens grew up in San Diego with her mom, Kim, and older brother, Rylan. Kim Gibbens works as director of the San Diego Center for the Blind, a nonprofit organization where, when Gibbens was younger, she enjoyed helping her mom hand out fliers for the center. Rylan Gibbens is a musician and composer. Gibben’s interest in soccer began at a young age while watching her brother play. Her mother said she would follow the ball

on goal in Fullerton’s 2-0 win. For her performance in the tournament, Gibbens also earned Most Valuable Player at the California Invitational. Gibbens said she was happy with her team’s performance against Berkeley. The team was down 0–2 at halftime, but Tamara Dewey and Christina Murillo each scored to bring the game into overtime. Gibbens said her teammates’ goals stand out more to her because she said the game was a team effort. “Jenae is very encouraging. She’s a good leader, (who stays) positive, and always gets the most out of every player,” Geminesse

while on the sidelines and could not wait to play herself. At age five, her soccer career began. Gibbens played club soccer until she reached college. The senior found a role model when the women’s U.S. national team won the World Cup in 1999 against China. Brandi Chastain, who became famous after scoring the winning goal and taking off her jersey in excitement, has always been Gibbens’ role model. During the summer Gibbens played with the Women’s Pro Soccer League where she played against Chastain. “She is a defender, same as I am, but in the summer league game I played against her she played forward. I got to mark her and it was one of the coolest moments of my life,” Gibbens said. Gibbens’ team, San Diego United, won 5–0. The redshirt senior is a business marketing major and is hoping to graduate in December but would like to continue her involvement with the team throughout the year. If she does not play she would like to attend practices to keep in shape. She is also interested in possibly coaching. Gibbens has been encouraged by her coaches to pursue a professional career after graduation. If that does not work out she wants to play in Europe. “Jenae is a tremendous player and a great leader on the field,” Brown said.

Working group hits airwaves Dodgers sweep Diamondbacks, with football comeback talk extend NL West lead to 1.5 games By Raj Modha

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

Members of the Bring Back Titan Football committee made an appearance on Titan Radio’s The Sports Kingdom to update the progress of the working group assembled to conduct a feasibility study concerning bringing back football to Cal State Fullerton. Former Titan running back Danny Pasquil was in studio and David Lamm of Bring Back of Titan Football was a call-in guest to the weekly show hosted by Chirag Hiranandani and Dara Laos. Lamm and Pasquil updated the audience on the progress of the program and the newly assembled working group. The working group is composed of Athletic Director Brian Quinn, Associate Athletics Director Steve DiTolla, Lamm, Pasquil, alumni, former players, and two student representatives, ASI President Curtis Schlaufman and ASI Vice President of Finance Daniel Ramsey. “It was the official go ahead for the

committee to start gathering comparable data of other schools that have football and that are similar to CSUF – Sac (Sacramento) State, Cal Poly SLO (San Luis Obispo), UC Davis, etc.,” Lamm said. “We plan on coming together in two to three weeks and sharing what we found.” Pasquil also came to the show bearing gifts. He gave out the new T-shirts being sold on Bringbacktitanfootball. com with the front of the shirt reading “Got Titan Football?” The committee consulted the athletics department about using the Titan logo on the back. “The back of the shirt has the official Titan helmet from 1992. We got the approval from the Athletics department to use the helmet on our shirt. They will be sold on our Web site for $19.92, the last year of the program. Proceeds from the shirt will go toward fundraising in order to continue our marketing efforts for reinstatement,” Pasquil said. Pasquil also spoke of the reunion that occurs once a year with former Titan football players and coaches.

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The Dodgers appear to have the Arizona Diamondbacks on the run, although they won’t dare admit it. James Loney had three RBIs and Los Angeles completed a three-game sweep of Arizona on Sunday with a 5-3 victory that gave it a 1½-game lead on the Diamondbacks in the NL West. It was the eighth series of three or more games that the Dodgers have swept. “We’re excited, but we’ve just got to continue,” said Nomar Garciaparra, who drove in the go-ahead run with a sacrifice fly. “Obviously, they’re the ones we’re competing against trying to win this division. But there’s no time to let up and start patting ourselves on the back. We’ve got a long way to go.” Los Angeles tied a season best with its eighth straight win, following an eight-game skid. Hong-Chih Kuo (5-2) pitched 1 1-3 innings of relief for the victory and Jonathan Broxton got four outs for his 13th save. “I think it’s pretty incredible to expect to come back and take those eight losses and turn them around

He would like all those who are in favor of bringing back the program to attend the reunion this year. “Every year we get together with the former football coaches and players; normally it’s in November. Our former head coach Gene Murphy is always there and the last two years Steve Mariucci has been there,” Pasquil said. “He got his start in coaching here at Cal State Fullerton. This year we would like all those in favor of bringing the program back to attend. We haven’t set a date yet, we will announce it once we have decided on a time and location.” The committee is making itself visible by getting out onto the radio shows, making T-shirts and organizing events. Sports Kingdom’s Hiranandani, aka King C, said the committee is the main reason the program is getting so much publicity lately. “I believe that the committee will play a huge role in bringing the program back because these people really care and are showing a huge commitment to their goals,” Hiranandani said.

in that big a hurry,” manager Joe Torre said. “It’s one of those Dramamine trips — it’s up and down and you strap yourself in, because that’s what’s going to happen this time of year.” The Diamondbacks, who won their fourth division title last season, had no worse than a share of the division lead for 137 consecutive days this time around before the Dodgers beat 19-game winner Brandon Webb for the second time in a week on Saturday. The Dodgers’ final 19 games are against teams that have losing records and are a combined 83 games under .500. They have six left with San Diego (55-88), three with Colorado (67-77), four with Pittsburgh (60-82) and six with San Francisco (62-80). “There is no psychological advantage,” Torre said. “The only thing is that you can control your own destiny. You don’t need to watch the scoreboard. If you win your share of games, you’re going to finish in first place. What that share is, we don’t know. And if you don’t win, it’s no-

body’s fault but your own.” The turning point in this race may have come after the D’Backs took the opener of a three-game set with the Dodgers in Phoenix on Aug. 29 to open up a 4½-game margin. Los Angeles came back the next two nights with victories. The Dodgers won the season series by a 10-8 margin for the third straight year, after losing seven of the first 10 meetings. They have won five straight against Arizona, including two each against Webb and Dan Haren. Broxton gave up a two-out double in the ninth to pinch-hitter Chad Tracy and walked Adam Dunn, bringing Conor Jackson to the plate as the potential go-ahead run. But Garciaparra robbed Jackson of a hit with a diving catch of his line drive in the hole between first and second for the final out. “Right there I’m hugging the line because he’s the go-ahead run and you don’t want him to get to second base,” Garciaparra said. “I’m glad I was able to see that ball. I don’t know how I saw it, but I saw it good enough to make the play.”

team. If this is his idea of helping the team, maybe it was better when he was trying to hurt them. Someone needs to tell Ocho Cinco that football is a team sport, and by continually drawing attention to himself, he is taking away from what should be a very potent offense. And while he may be an attentiongrabbing cancer in the locker room, at least he’s not a whiner. Sadly for tennis fans, that is more than we can say about Novak Djokovic. As if tennis didn’t already have enough trouble proving its chutzpah to the football-watching faithful, Djokovic practically cried over innocent ribbing by Andy Roddick. After defeating Roddick in the quarterfinals of the U.S. Open,

he was interviewed in front of the crowd. In this midst of being booed for his boo-hooing, he actually uttered the words “That’s not nice.” Seriously? I don’t care if Roddick threatened to pimp slap his mother while the crowd collectively chanted “pansy” in the middle of his serve – you just don’t complain about it. Who cares that Roddick insinuated you faked injuries last week? Let him do it from home while you play in the next round. Why athletes do these things is beyond me. Djokovic, Ocho Cinco, Arthur and Chalmers all angered/ mystified me over the course of last week, and many more are sure to do it in the future. But one thing is for sure. I sure am happy it’s fall.

The Fullerton Sports Guy With every sport coming back in the fall, it may be must see TV for sports fans, but the players are making it hard to enjoy with their off-field antics By David Carrillo

Daily Titan Executive Editor sports@dailytitan.com

For the avid sports fan, the transition from summer to fall is a special time of year. While many students are sweating out the back to school blues, sports fans are basking in the start

of college football, the excitement of the MLB playoff races, and of course, America’s most popular sports league, the NFL. With all of these great events going on at once there is just one thing, ironically, that I sometimes cannot stand: athletes. I know that must sound crazy, but with a 24-hour sports news cycle we know more about athletes than I sometimes care to know. The reality is, there are a lot of athletes who make bad decisions, do stupid things, and complain about a life that many of us would kill to have.

Take, for instance, the recent story about former Kansas Jayhawks teammates Darrell Arthur and Mario Chalmers. The duo was found in a hotel room with two women, and reports allege that there was a strong smell of marijuana. Both were kicked out of the NBA’s rookie transition program though they subsequently denied the use of marijuana, but what’s done is done. Rather than a summer of stories about their development on the court, we all must wonder about their development off of it. I’m not here to chastise them for their fraternization with women or their pot use. I think there are more than a few college students who dabble in both, but in their position, which is on the

brink of everything they have ever dreamed of, why risk it? Speaking of odd decisions, how about the latest publicity stunt from Chad Javon Ocho Cinco? For those of you who haven’t heard, the Cincinnati Bengal wide receiver formerly known as Chad Johnson legally changed his last name to Ocho Cinco last week. What I would like to know is how Ocho Cinco could possibly think this was a good idea. When he decided to put Ocho Cinco over Johnson on his jersey last season, Head Coach Marvin Lewis referred to him as “Ocho Psycho.” Ocho Cinco spent the offseason complaining about his team, demanded a trade and threatened to sit out, and then at the last moment decided to come back and help his




09/10/08 vs UCLA TITAN GYM San Diego Tournament 09/12/08 at San Diego San Diego 09/13/08 vs Texas A&M San Diego vs Southern Miss San Diego

7:00 p.m. PT 7:00 p.m. PT 12:00 p.m. PT 5:00 p.m. PT


Aztec Invitational

San Diego

9:00 a.m. PT

09/12/08 09/14/08

at Air Force at University of Denver

Colorado Springs, Colo. Denver, Colo.

6:00 p.m. PT 2:00 p.m. PT

WOMEN’S SOCCER 09/12/08 09/14/08

at Virginia Tech at Wake Forest

Winston-Salem, N.C. Winston-Salem, N.C.

2:00 PM PT 10:30 AM PT



September 8, 2008

UNLV shuts out men 1-0 in home opener By Melissa Caster

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

It only took 96 seconds for UNLV defender John Crawley to score the first and only goal in the 1-0 win over Cal State Fullerton on Saturday at the Titan Stadium in CSUF’s home opener. Crawley retrieved the loose ball, trapped it, and shot it into the top right corner of the net just past goalie Trevor Whiddon’s outstretched hands. The lone goal by the Rebels’ Crawley was scored 30 yards out off a rebound from the corner. The Titans fought aggressively to prevent UNLV from increasing their lead. From the onset of the match it was evident that this would be a hard-fought game. The loss dropped the Titan’s record to 1-2 and improved the Rebels mark to 3-0. “Apart from the goal they scored, which was a goal of a lifetime, I wasn’t really too concerned with them. We had most of the chances. The goal that they had allowed them to sit in a little more. But I thought we played really well,” Head Coach Bob Ammann said. The Titans dominated possession from that point on, but to no avail. They took 17 shots to the six by the Rebels. The Rebels’ goalie Hawk Mum-

The aggression on the field intenmey made nine saves and looked desified when Rebels’ defender Drew termined not to let any shots pass. “I think we did a good job, un- Gleason slide tackled a Titan playfortunately we couldn’t score. But er hard enough to lift him off the we did good with touching the ball. ground. The players started shoving each They didn’t outplay us at all. We did everything we could, it was just the other and the shoving spread to their goals we missed,” Titan midfielder teammates. Jose Gomez said. Thinking a Ammann said UNLV player he felt his team was going after was a little imanother Titan, patient around forward Deniz the goal. A young Sevinc jumped team like the off the bench Titans – with and went onto 17 freshmen, the field. He five players with was immediately 4-year-college stopped by Amsoccer program mann. – Bob Ammann, experience, and As a result Titan Head Coach three players Sevinc received with junior cola yellow card. lege experience – “Unfortumay need time to grow and develop nately he stepped onto the field; he chemistry as a team. should know better, I don’t condone With many new players, the Ti- that. That’s why I got so upset. If the tans hope they will pull it together referee gave him a red card I couldn’t more as a team within the next cou- have said anything about it. I think ple games. he deserved a red card actually,” Am“We got the ball up into the front mann said. third, we did well to get it there in Gleason also received a yellow the first place, but crosses were a card making it four for the Rebels little off, finishing was a little off. In and one for the Titans. the next few games that will come. Officials extinguished the shoving It’s only the third game of the season match and sent the players back to and we have a lot of new boys in. their positions on the field. We’re still coming together,” Titan captain Shay Spitz said. Editor’s note: The Titans game Titan Omar Tena fired the ball versus Cal State Bakersfield into the goal 15 minutes into the on Sunday night finished after first half, sending the crowd of 500 the newspaper went to print. to their feet. For coverage on the game However, officials called the play check tomorrow’s issue. offside so the goal did not count.

Apart from the goal they scored, which was a goal of a lifetime, I wasn’t really too concerned with them. We had most of the chances.

Titan’s relentless offense held off scoreboard despite outshooting Rebels, 17-6

For the record September 2: In “By the Numbers: National Team statistics,” Josh Fellhauer was incorrectly labeled as leading the team by hitting four home runs and a .628 slugging percentage. Fellow Titan Jared Clark was the leader in both of those categories for the US National Collegiate Team. We regret the error.

By Joel Rosario/Daily Titan Staff Photographer Titan forward Omar Tena, right, struggles for the ball against Daniel Cruz, forward for the UNLV Rebels, in the men’s soccer home opener at Titan Stadium on Friday, September 5. The Titans lost against the Rebels 1-0 after allowing a goal in the second minute of the game despite outshooting their opponent 17-6 in the match.

Men’s basketball team goes 2-1 in preseason trip to Canada By Michal Olszewski

Daily Titan Sports Editor


With so many new faces on board this season, the Cal State Fullerton Men’s Basketball team decided to start early this season with a preseason three-game road trip in British Columbia. The Titans went 2-1 on the trip defeating Trinity Western and Simon Fraser University before dropping the last game of the trip to the University of British Columbia. Senior Josh Akognon led the way by averaging 26 points per game, but was held to just 11 points in the loss to UBC. Junior Ray Miller and newcomer Aaron Thompson each made an impression on the trip. Miller averaged 11.7 points and 7.7 rebounds per game and Thompson chipped in with 11.3 points and 7.7 rebounds per game. Head Coach Bob Burton and his staff organized the trip in order for the team to get familiar with each other prior to the start of the season. By playing in the preseason, Burton said that NCAA rules permit the team to practice up to 10 times before the trip. Otherwise the team would not be allowed to play together until mid-October, he said. Burton said the lineups used on the trip have no implications on a permanent starting lineup. “I told our guys before we went up there that we would use different lineups because we don’t really know who’s going to play yet,” Burton said. “Their playing time is completely wide-open (heading into the season).” The team has only two players returning from its rotation last season (last season’s leading scorer Josh Akognon and backup shooting guard Marcio Lassiter) so the staff said it felt that the team needed a way to practice and get a few games in together. “It’s unbelievable,” Burton said. “I had them over for dinner and it was the quietest group I’ve ever been around. That dinner at my house was the first time that they have been together.” Akognon said his teammates were trying to figure each other out on the trip, but in the end, the team bonded. “It (the trip) was real successful compared to before,” Akognon said. “It opened us up and we feel much

closer now.” Burton echoed his shooting guard’s statements. “We got every accomplished that we wanted to get,” Burton said. “The number one goal was to get them to play together as a team and get to know each other.” However, Burton said the team was also there to win. And in the end the Titans top-scorer was shut down. After scoring 38 points against Trinity Western and 29 against Simon Fraser, Akognon was doubleteamed by UBC. “I’ve never been double-teamed

like that before,” Akognon said. The tactic will undoubtedly be used in the regular season as well, so Akognon said his teammates will have a lot to prove, but added that they are motivated to do so. For now Burton’s staff is playing Akognon at both the point and shooting guard positions, but the coach said Akognon will start at shooting guard when the season begins. “I have the best coaching staff in the country,” Akognon said. “They study film all the time and they’ll let me know what I need to do, but that may not be until opening night.”

By David Carrillo/Daily Titan Executive Editor Cal State Fullerton guard Josh Akognon drives into the lane versus Wisconsin in the NCAA Tournament last season. The senior is only one of two returning players for the Titans this season.


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Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)

If only those jerks from high school could see you now. Too bad you’re still completely invisible to most of them.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20) Your failure to follow last week’s horoscope has resulted in the loss of thousands of innocent lives.



You’ve always had a funny way of showing affection, which is unfortunate, as your wife’s getting pretty tired of all the pies in the face.

Life will sneak up on you when you least expect it this week, knock you unconscious with a baseball bat, and drag your motionless body into a nearby alleyway.



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Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)




A lump in your left breast will soon confirm what you’ve long feared: You have breasts now.



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Aries (March 21 - April 19) You’ll lean on friends and family members this week, slowly drowning all of them when your boat capsizes. Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Turns out it’s not the ability to reason that separates us from the animals, but rather a very thin, very flimsy wire fence. Gemini (May 21 - June 20) Love can move mountains and part the seas, but this week it’ll be mainly used to terrorize women. Cancer (June 21 - July 22) Your biggest enemy is yourself. Smash him over the head with a large frying pan when he’s not looking. Leo (July 23 - August 22) The important thing is that you tried. Not that you failed. Which you did. Though that’s not important. No, the fact that you failed is not important at all. Virgo (August 23 - September 22) You’ll draw a line in the sand this week, followed by two other lines, a large half-circle and several small curlicues. At this point, people will call you disgusting. Libra (September 22 - October 22) Remember: When people say that children are our future, they’re talking about much healthier infants than yours. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)



September 8, 2008

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September 8, 2008

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