2008 09 17

Page 1

FEATURES: Page 3 Teens art on display at the Fullerton Museum

Since 1960 Volume 87, Issue 9

SPORTS: Soccer player chooses college over the pros, page 6 OPINION: How sleep deprivation effects my scholastics, page 4

Daily Titan

Wednesday September 17, 2008

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

Campus Life Susan Leavy of Cal State Fullerton’s Women’s Center, will look at the myths and misconceptions regarding sexual assault. “Prevailing social attitudes weigh heavily against the victim and contribute to the rape culture in which we live.” The event will be held in University Hall, Room 205 on Sept. 17. The event starts at 12 p.m. and is expected to run for one hour. For more information students can send an e-mail to supassalacqua@fullerton.edu.

Guiness Book’s world’s shortest man and leggiest woman meet LONDON (AP) - Trafalgar Square routinely serves as a stage for mimes, jugglers and other acts, but the tourist attraction drew an exceptionally curious crowd Tuesday when the shortest man who can walk met the woman with the longest legs. He Pingping, of China, was born with a type of dwarfism. Pingping, 20, stands precisely 2 feet 5.37 inches tall. The pair met to publicize the release of “Guinness World Records 2009.” This year’s version of the popular book is due out Wednesday. He called Svetlana Pankratova’s legs “very beautiful.” Pankratova, 36, who is Russian but lives in Spain, has legs that are nearly 52 inches long, or more than 4 feet long. Her upper body has nearly typical proportions, giving her a giraffe-like appearance.

Artist creates masterpieces using sand and lights in: ’Sand art’

Ilana Yahav is a multifaceted artist whose talents include sketching, sculpture and three dimensional art. The artist draws on sand using only her fingers. As she weaves together sand, lighting and music, Yahav creates incredible three dimensional vistas that play out in perfect time with the musical accompaniment. It is difficult to decide if the music accompanies the work of art, or vice versa. Yahav is now showing her Sand Fantasy video art around the world.



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SoCo Walk to stir it up Panel

sparks interest

A 2004 business and housing project gives business owners hope By Allen D. Wilson

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Tom Lee doesn’t have to worry about gang members writing graffiti on his store’s walls anymore. Since old single family homes were either razed or relocated in 2004 to make room for SoCo Walk, a mixed-use project of condos and businesses, gang members are no longer loitering outside of Fullerton Center, his market on East Commonwealth Avenue. Typical of a new condo development, SoCo Walk is a large structure, holding 120 residential units. It stands in stark contrast to the old homes of the predominantly low-income Latino families they displaced. All former residents rented their homes from the Bushala family, according to Rob By Allen D. Wilson/Daily Titan Staff Photographer Zur Schmiede, Director of the ReThe last phase of the SoCo Walk will complete the redevelopment that started in 2004. The SoCo Walk is being designed by the same development Agency for the City developers who helped design the Depot Walk in Orange and the Promenade Walk in Long Beach. of Fullerton and Cal State Fullerton alumnus. The family owned name many of his patrons affectionthe entire row of homes north of ately called him on a recent Monday Truslow Avenue that SoCo Walk afternoon. In one instance, he was washing replaced. Redevelopment always chang- his windows with a hose when the es the way business is done in a owner of a car came out to yell at him for getting neighbora little water hood, and on the car. The some local new residents business ownalso cause parkers appreciate ing problems for the transition. his customers, Jim Dalhover, forcing them to who has park far away owned a upor come in from holstery shop since 1982 – Jim Dalhover, the back of the store, Gutierrez on Harbor Shop owner said. Boulevard, City street has seen the sweepers have neighborhood transformed greatly since the re- even stopped coming since the new condos initially hired their own. development. But recently the condos discon“During the ‘80s, every Saturday morning I’d find blood, vomit tinued the service and the streets have not been swept for months, or feces outside,” Dalhover said. He discussed the rowdiness of according to Gina Ortiz, a nearby the age-old bar scene in his shop resident. Ortiz lived three doors down on a recent afternoon, while tacking leather onto a motorcycle from La Jalisco Market on the 100 block of East Truslow since she was seat. The neighborhood has been born in 1975. She and her family cleaned up since the old residents moved out in 2006. “People either love his meat or his have been relocated, Lee said, who has ran his business in the tacos and everybody’s accustomed to location since 1995. Though his the store,” Ortiz said. “It’s not just about them (SoCo store doesn’t attract many SoCo Walk residents, the “bad activity” residents.) Customers travel miles from all directions to shop. “I was has stopped. Yet not all owners have ben- 14 when Tony Bushala started talkefited from the change. Antonio ing about selling the entire block,” By Allen D. Wilson/Daily Titan Staff Photographer Gutierrez, who has owned La she said. Jim Dalhover, owner of Commonwealth Auto Upholestry Shop since 1982, works on The Olson Company bought the Jalisco Market for 22 years, said he has seen a significant drop in row of homes in 2003, Zur Schmie- putting leather on a motorcycle seat. business since the condos opened de said. The developer specialized in up across the street from his store urban redevelopment and has built Marcos Market, east of Harbor ers and panhandlers outside of his such projects as Depot Walk in Or- Blvd., doesn’t see any problem with store when he opened in 2006, but two years ago. “The people across the street ange and Promenade Walk in Long the demographic shift. Though La he has since ran them off. Jalisco Market is directly across the “It’s built for the MTV generation rarely come in to buy anything,” Beach. Yet even Zur Schmiede admits street from some condos, Vallejo still because it’s safe and it’s not outside Gutierrez said through a translathat tensions arise when old makes attracts a few SoCo Walk customers the confines of the norm,” Alex Higtor. who enjoy his deli meat. Vallejo ini- gins, a 21-year-old health science The new residents have had room for new. Ezra Vallejo, the owner of San tially had a large number of teenag- major, said of the new condos. confrontations with “Tony,” the

During the ‘80s, every Saturday morning I’d find blood, vomit or feces outside.


Scams a cause for concern CSUF Professor warn to not fall into scams that are “too good to be true” By Damian Kelly

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

As Cal State Fullerton students go about their daily routines, they are often greeted by an epidemic of enticing financial offers. Catch phrases adorn booths proclaiming slogans that offer giveaways and no startup fees. Credit card proposals sweetened with free gifts are just one example of offers that students encounter

promising financial assistance. But below the large text and persuasive salesperson are consequences that could result in financial loss. Department of Finance Professor John Cross said he warns students to think realistically about an offer. “If it’s too good to be true, it probably is,” Cross said. Cross taught a personal finance class until this semester, in which he reminded students of advice they often forget when managing their finances. The class was divided into two parts – money management and long-term investing and retirement. Cross said that when students spend, they lose their other purchasing options. Cross said college students are often at a tough time in their life,

where wants are misinterpreted as needs and therefore cause financial difficulties. Cross said to avoid this problem, which may lead to being scammed, students should stick to paying in cash. If you cant afford to buy something with cash, with the exception of buying a house or a car, then chances are you can’t afford it, Cross said. Cross, who is teaching four classes this semester, advises students to ask themselves an important question when contemplating a purchase. “What are you giving up to make the purchase?” Cross said. “A lot of the time you’re giving up something important.” The something that a college student could be giving up is their

financial freedom, if they choose to pay for a purchase they can’t afford with a credit card. Americans for Fairness in Lending helps advise college students about credit card scams. The non-profit organization was founded by consumer groups in March 2007 to raise awareness about how lenders abuse students and to regulate the lending industry. Sarah Byrnes, campaign manager for AFFIL, said the organization tries to warn college students to be wary of credit card offers that have unfair terms, such as high interest rates. Byrnes said AFFIL plans on making campus visits to college campuses in Vermont and Ohio this semester. During campus visits, “Maxed Out: Hard See COLLEGE SCAMS, Page 2

Five speakers discussed the 2008 elections on Constitution Day By Allison griggs

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

The U.S. Constitution, this November’s presidential election and civil liberties were just a few of the topics discussed yesterday by a panel of Cal State Fullerton faculty during part one of a two-day Constitution Day celebration that continues tomorrow. On Sept. 17, 1787, the Constitution was signed by 39 men, leading to the formation of the American government, according to the Constitution Day Web site (http://constitutioncenter.org/ConstitutionDay/). The event is a federally mandated commemoration for any school receiving federal grants said Scott Spitzer, assistant professor of political science. The panel was a way to get faculty out there to raise interest in the Constitution. “The Constitution holds our national identity, it ties us together,” Spitzer said. “It allows for adaptation, yet is still the same Constitution.” He added that Constitution Day is a way to get people thinking about what the components of the Constitution really mean, and that people don’t really think about the Constitution unless their rights are being trampled on. Frances Teves, director of state relations and advocacy for CSUF, assisted Spitzer in organizing the event that was held at the Becker Amphitheater. “Our hope is that our Constitution Day events highlight the continued relevance of the Constitution, it’s impact on our lives, and more importantly, promotes the importance of civil discourse,” Teves said. Joining Spitzer on the panel were fellow political science professors Stephen Stambough, Matthew Jarvis, Bert Buzan, Shelly Arsneault (who served as moderator) and Professor of criminal justice Max Dery. The speakers discussed a variety of topics including the presidency, the election process, Congress, civil liberties, criminal justice and the Supreme Court. “It was interesting,” said Sareen Mahroukian, a junior studying political science. Mahroukian, who is a Democrat, said she found it intriguing that all the panelists seemed to lean toward being liberal. The event attracted listeners beyond the political science department. Students and teachers interested in the upcoming election, in politics in general and some passersby stopped to listen. Jessica Wilson, a freshman and a musical theater major, said it was good for people to hear the panelists speak, regardless of their political interest or major. “It’s important,” Wilson said. “Hearing about the Constitution, elections and basic rights, that’s about as important as it gets.” The celebration of the American government’s birthday continues on Thursday with a talk presented by Eric Lichtblau, New York Times reporter and winner of the 2006 Pulitzer Prize for national reporting. Lichtblau’s presentation, titled “A Free Press in the Age of Terror: How Much Does the Public Really Need to Know?” will be a discussion of his book, “Bush’s Law: The Remaking of American Justice” as well as the role of the the press in politics. “Bush is using the Patriot Act See CONSTITUTION, Page 2

Page Two


September 17, 2008


US imposes sanctions on 5 accused in Iraq violence

BAGHDAD (AP) – The Bush administration said Tuesday it was imposing economic sanctions against five people accused of supporting violence in Iraq, including an Iranian who allegedly planned one of the most sophisticated attacks against U.S. forces since the war started. The list released by the Treasury Department also includes a Syrian television station that allegedly has been airing Iraqi insurgent propaganda videos as the U.S. steps up pressure on Damascus to clamp down on supplies being funneled to extremists in the neighboring nation. The department’s action freezes any bank accounts or other financial assets found in the United States belonging to those listed and prohibits Americans from doing business with them. The Iranian, Abdul-Reza Shahlai, was identified as a deputy commander in the Quds Force, an elite unit of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps that U.S. officials believe is supporting Shiite extremists in Iraq. “In one instance, Shahlai planned the January 20, 2007, attack by JAM Special Groups against U.S. soldiers stationed at the Provincial Joint Coordination Center in Karbala, Iraq,” the statement said. JAM is the Arabic acronym for the Mahdi Army militia one of the most feared groups in Iraq before anti-U.S. cleric Muqtada al-Sadr ordered it to uphold a cease-fire. In that attack, up to a dozen fighters with false IDs disguised themselves as an American security team to penetrate security and open fire.


Riding out Ike on an island, with a lion

BOLIVAR PENINSULA, Texas (AP) – Many years from now, a small group of Hurricane Ike survivors will probably still be telling the story of how, on the night the storm flattened their island, they took sanctuary in a church — with a lion. The full-grown lion was from a local zoo, and the owner was trying to drive to safety with the animal when he saw cars and trucks stranded in the rising floodwaters. He knew he and the lion were in trouble. He headed for the church and was met by a group of residents who helped the lion wade inside, where they locked it in a sanctuary as the storm raged. The water crept up to their waists, and two-by-fours came floating through broken windows. But the lion was as calm as a kitten. When daylight came, everyone was still alive. “They worked pretty well together, actually,” said the lion’s owner, Michael Ray Kujawa. “When you have to swim, the lion doesn’t care about eating nobody.” Amid the destruction in places like Bolivar Peninsula and Galveston, where row upon row of houses were scoured from the landscape, seemingly impossible tales of survival have begun emerge. Whether through faith or fate, luck or resourcefulness, dozens of people who stayed behind made it out alive, and have harrowing stories to prove it. As of Tuesday, the official death toll from Ike stood at 47. Only 17 were in Texas and many of those were people killed by fires or generator fumes after the storm had passed.

For the record SEPTEMBER 16: ASI Productions will be playing Kung Fu Panda, not The Dark Knight. Also, an article on Chicano-Latino Unity Week incorrectly identified the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán as a nationalist organization. According to the M.E.Ch.A Web site, the national student organization “promotes higher education, cultura, and historia.”

For the record It is the policy of the Daily Titan to correct any inaccurate information printed in the publication as soon as the error is discovered. Any incorrect information printed on the front page will result in a correction printed on the front page. Any incorrect information printed on any other page will be corrected on page 2. Errors on the Opinion page will be corrected on that page. Corrections also will be noted on the online version of the Daily Titan. Please contact executive editor David Carrillo at 714-278-5815 or at execeditor@dailytitan.com with issues about this policy or to report any errors.

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From Page 1

Times, Easy Credit and the Era of Predatory Lenders,” a documentary about the modern financial industry, will be shown to students. There is a discussion afterwards and students are encouraged to share stories about their own financial issues. One CSUF student who was able to evade a scam was senior and his-

tory major John Quach. Quach, 21, said that about three years ago, a salesman on campus solicited him. The salesman explained if he signed up for a newspaper subscription, Quach would be helping him pay for his school tuition, because he got paid based on how many subscriptions he sold. The salesman went on to explain that Quach would pay only about $11 to $20 a month.

Quach said that he then decided to buy a subscription because he believed the salesman’s cause was legitimate. Quach, however, said that he soon found out from his friends that what he signed up for was a scam. The man who claimed to be a student trying to pay for school tuition was really a salesman who was selling subscriptions. After two weeks,

Quach called the newspaper to cancel his subscription. Although Quach did not incur any financial losses, he advises students to be skeptical and not accept things at face value. “The power of sales is to connect with your customer,” Quach said. “Keep that in mind the next time you encounter a offer that seems to be honest.”

Constitution: PANEL INFORMs students From Page 1

to make our homeland secure, but at the expense of infringing on the publics civil liberties,” Spitzer said. “Eric (Lichtblau) is going to talk about that and his personal experience as a victim of the govern-

ment’s efforts to intimidate, or limit, the freedom of the press.” Spitzer said that Lichtblau’s lecture will be important because it raises issues about how far American citizens are willing to go for national security. He also said that the program is looking forward to a good turnout, and

encourages students and faculty of all departments to attend. Mahroukian said she definitely plans on attending the Thursday event. “Lichtblau’s talk should embody a set of principles that are particularly relevant,” Spitzer said, “And even

more so in an election year than any other time, citizens need to understand the Constitution.” Lichtblau will deliver the keynote address Thursday at 7:00 p.m. at Titan Student Union Pavilions, followed by a question and answer segment and a book signing.

September 17, 2008



Local students turn their ideas into art at museum exhibit

By Allen D. Wilson/Daily Titan Staff Photographer The Fullerton Museum Center coordinator, Aimee Aul, looks over showcased artwork.

By Allen D. Wilson/Daily Titan Staff Photographer The exhibit “Self and Satire: Teen Art from Project Safe and TEPP” is being presented at the Fullerton Museum Center as part of the museum’s “Focus on Fullerton” gallery.

High school students use self and media to express themselves.

reflected the outer part of them that on the transparencies. But the coleveryone sees. lage underneath The collage undepicted somederneath served thing different as a reflection of altogether, like who they really expensive watchfelt they were on es, perfumes and the inside. clothes. “It’s like the One collage idea of a mask, even had a picwhat people have ture of a cross on to look through it. to see you,” Aul Aul said that – Ashley Fernando, said. the TEPP stuBoard Director of The collages dents from La the College of Health and done by the stuVista High Human Development dents were colorSchool, who ful and meticumade pieces for lously put together. the exhibit, were told to think about Many of them depicted a rough how alcohol and tobacco companies and tough exterior with pictures of target underage consumers. skull and crossbones and even a devil The students dubbed their col-

Daily Titan Staff Writer features@dailytitan.com

Opportunity school students from Troy and Sunny Hills high schools, along with art students from La Vista High School, are collaborating with the Fullerton Museum Center to create artwork for “Self and Satire: Teen Art from Project Safe and TEPP.” This art exhibit is displayed in the museum’s “Focus on Fullerton” gallery. “Project Safe” is a program that is run by the museum center and the

Here at Fullerton this new program is going to try and help students learn inside and outside the classroom.

Take a walk on the wild side The Arboretum holds educational nature walks that everyone can enjoy. By Diana Corpus

Daily Titan Staff Writer features@dailytitan.com

Tucked away in the corner of Cal State Fullerton is a secret garden. Behind the baseball field, in a section of campus that few people venture to is the Arboretum. One of the best features of The Arboretum is that every second Saturday of each month nature walks that are open to the public. The nature walks are therefore intended to educate adults and children about plants and their role in nature. The 26-acre garden has a collection of more than 4,000 plants, including rare fruits, an herb garden, a children’s garden and plants from all over the world. “It is a wonderful place to do homework, a wonderful place to bring a date, and learn about nature,” said Chris Barnhill, living collections curator for the arboretum. There are four seperate sections in the park. One collection is the cultivated plants that houses rare fruits, oranges and herbs. The Woodland Collection has Redwoods, figs, and palms. The Mediterranean Collection has Chaparral and plants from the Channel Islands. “We have a magnificent Channel Islands exhibit and all of these plants were brought from the Channel Islands,” said Doug Miles, a volunteer for The Arboretum. If you’re looking to experience a faraway place but don’t have the cash, a nature walk to The Arboretum is a good way to spend an afternoon. Nature Guide John Shea guided a group of 20 on a tour this past Saturday from 10-12 p.m. Besides housing plants in The Arboretum, it also has wildlife. There are also a few ponds which have turtles, fish and ducks. Shea said there are often coyotes and foxes that are seen wondering The Arboretum. Everyone on the tour was fascinated by its end. Many people learned information like the purpose of a flower and the process of pollination. For more information visit http:// arboretum.fullerton.edu.

By Michael Thiele/Daily Titan Photo Editor The Fullerton Arboretum hosts educational nature walks through its four sections .

By Brittney Lange

Fullerton Joint Union High School District. It aims to provide the city’s youth with alternative outlets for their feelings rather than turning to drugs or gang activity. TEPP stands for Tobacco Education and Prevention Program, the goal of which is to educate students at local high schools through mediums such as art to prevent the use of tobacco products by minors. Aimee Aul, who organized the exhibit, said each program served a different purpose. The “Self Portraits” done by the “Project Safe” students were part of a way of “looking at different ways to define self,” she said. Each student made a collage with two layers for their self-portraits. The top parts were transparent and

lages “Badvertisements,” and they were just as colorful and insightful as the “Self Portraits” but much more graphic. Many collages showed dying cancer patients and their grieving families next to beautiful, busty women smoking cigarettes. One piece even had a picture of a man with a bleeding tumor on his throat next to a cutout of a small baby. “The idea was to put truth and reality side by side,” Aul said. When the newly appointed Director of the College of Health and Human Development, Ashley Fernando, found out about this exhibit, she said it sounded like a great project for the youth of Fullerton. Fernando would like to start a health and wellness educational program on the Cal State Fullerton

campus. “Here at Fullerton this new program is going to try and help students learn inside and outside the classroom,” she said. “I think these high schools helping these kids learn about their own health and wellness outside the classroom is a wonderful thing.” Josh Resnick, a self-proclaimed “awesome volunteer” at the Fullerton Museum Center, shared Fernando’s sentiments about the exhibit. “It’s good to see the youth of Fullerton contributing to the community in a positive way,” he said. The Fullerton Museum Center is located at 301 N. Pomona Ave. in downtown Fullerton and is open daily. The “Self and Satire” exhibit runs through January 31.



Titan Editorial Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

Sarah Fey or Tina Palin? For the past few decades, the cast and writers of Saturday Night Live have entertained and enlightened its viewers by using the show as a microphone on the national stage. Whether it has been making light of serious subjects in the world or embracing moments that were hard to cope with -- such as having former New York City Mayor Giuliani and members of the New York Fire Department come onto the show following 9/11 -- the show has hit the right tone on a wide variety of subjects. The same can be said about the recent sketch featuring Tina Fey as Vice Presidential Nominee Sarah Palin and Amy Poehler as Sen. Hillary Clinton. The duo was able to capture the nuances of both women while poking fun at a very serious subject. Both of the cast members showed the positive and negative sides of Palin and Clinton in a quick four-minute sketch that raised questions about both candidates. In doing so, the show, using comedy as a crutch, spared no feelings either way, keeping it one of the only programs that can still be considered non-partisan. Their representation of Clin-

Letters to the Editor:

ton and Palin’s extreme personalities gave the audience a chance to laugh during another election that could divide the country. SNL did their usual stellar job in poking fun at all parties involved, in the most respectful manner possible, but what has been the most eye catching (and talked about) part of the segment was Tina Fey’s spot-on impersonation of Sarah Palin. The two went back and forth, with mostly Poehler talking, about the politics involved with each party, including Clinton’s drive towards diplomacy and Fey’s line: “I can see Russia from my backyard.” Fey, dressed in red, donned Palin’s hairstyle and her usual spectacles, which were dubbed “Tina Fey glasses” during the skit. Was Sarah Palin copying Tina Fey? Or was Tina Fey impersonating Sara Palin copying Tina Fey? It’s like the chicken and the egg; we’ll never know. Lost in the shuffle was Amy Poehler, but while she did a great job, it just wasn’t enough to stand up to Fey. As with any election year we can be sure to see SNL give the candidates a good rousing, and maybe if we’re lucky, we’ll see one of them make an appearance

Any feedback, positive or negative, is encouraged, as we strive to keep an open dialogue with our readership. The Daily Titan reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar and spelling. Direct all comments, questions or concerns along with your full name and major to Daily Titan Opinion Editor Austen Montero at opinion@dailytitan.com.

September 17, 2008

Phelps +14 Golds = $100,000,000 By Daniel Xu

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

When people talk about Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps, a few magic numbers usually pop into the conversation. Eight: the number of gold medals he earned in a single Olympics. Fourteen: the number of gold medals he has achieved overall as of Beijing. Twenty-three: his young age.

What about $100 million, the amount of money he could make in his lifetime? Phelps' agent told the Wall Street Journal that Phelps' unprecedented marvels will cash in an amount never before seen in the sport of swimming. For some, Phelps just fell into that category of “sports players who make too much money;” for others, a debate over his pocketbook may turned out to be just the extra spotlight America’s golden boy needs.

Can he achieve it?

Peter Carlisle, Phelps’ agent, seems confident. Unlike Jerry Maguire screaming “show me the money,” Carlisle is far from stretching his client’s potential. Another superstar Olympian recently challenged similar benchmarks. The New York Times reported that Liu Xiang, hurdles gold medalist in Athens and China’s only athlete more revered nationwide than basketball player Yao Ming, made $23 million in just one year from endorsement deals. In Beijing, Liu never made it through the qualifying rounds, but Phelps has been and surely will add more gold to his gallery. Of course, Liu’s 1.4 billion supporters may seem an overwhelming match, but since Phelps’ record smashing extravaganza, his declared fans – or “phans” as they call themselves on Facebook – has grown to 1.5 million. That’s 1.5 million people with buying power on one Web site alone. Mark Spitz, whose most gold in

one Olympics record was broken by Phelps, never had the Internet as an advertising venue, but the fact that people still admire his 1972 accomplishment today signifies Phelps’ incredible outlook to his marketing potential. He may never be Michael Jordan, whose first comeback to the NBA made his client firms more than $1 billion, but few major corporations would pass up capitalizing on the Phelps fever. Carlise, however, has carefully planned strategies to keep the Phelps fever heated long after the Olympic flames faded. In addition to touring every major media outlet in the country, Phelps’ continuing exposure also include participating in Web chats and appearing on variety shows in line with his hosting of the “Saturday Night Live” premiere. After September, his face will show up on 10 million boxes of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes and Frosted Flakes. Nobody forgets a face on a cereal box.

Does he deserve it?

Are you kidding? Those medals are not simply numbers; they are a source of national pride. Few in the U.S. emphasized our gold medal count as we settled for second place for the first time since 1992, but without Phelps’ contribution, the count would fall to barely over half of China’s leading 51. No one would be able to ignore that. Phelps may not be dubbed a “national hero,” like the gold medalists in China, but in America, where free trade runs in our nation’s veins, being paid handsomely by prestigious major corporations could mean the same thing – even more practical,

for that matter. Phelps also trains extremely hard for his achievements. His diet speaks best for his work ethic: he eats and drinks at every meal six times the amount of calories of an average male at his age. Now picture his streamlined body shape, and imagine the long daily workouts that spend every bit of that energy. Phelps can’t be blamed for American media only broadcasting one week of swimming competition every four years, and he certainly deserves to reap the rewards of his hard-earned glory when he has the chance. Besides, he could use the money for his grocery bills.

Should he go for it? Indeed, the big question comes down to how Phelps’ commercial success will affect the sport of swimming. NBA Legend Bill Russell said, “I remember that the game lost some of its magical qualities for me once I thought seriously about playing for a living.” However, Russell also brought basketball to a new high standard during his professional career. It’s all well and jolly to let amateurs scrimmage away for their 15 minutes of fame, but the sport itself won’t find its pinnacle unless athletes commit their days to training and competing.

Phelps stands on those medal podiums as the very example of what swimmers and the sport of swimming could attain. In regard to the publicity of the sport, no amateur’s success has brought FINA World Aquatic Championships, the second biggest swimming competition in the world, to American TV. Phelps’ popularity led NBC to acquire the event’s broadcasting rights for 2009, and for the U.S. Championships in 2009-2011. If only they realized there are other swimmers in the pool...

Health in a Handbasket By Brittany Kunza Daily Titan Columnist

What is sleep deprivation doing to you? We make time for fun, school, work, and the gym, but maybe we should be spending more time in bed. You might be concerned about paying off your college debt, but what about your accumulated sleep debt? Many of us can flash back to elementary school and the days of our dreaded standardized testing. These tests required horrific things from us innocent kids such as; filling in itsy-bitsy bubbles, eating a well-balanced breakfast, and most importantly, getting at least eight hours of sleep. Oh darn, they made us eat and sleep. What many of us would give to hear our professors nag us to sleep and give us fruit snacks and juice boxes before class. Instead, we walk down the hallway and are glared at by unreasonably brightly colored paper that lets us know so politely that we should study 25 to 35 hours per week or two hours per unit per week. Why thank you, extremely bright paper, I guess we can just add those 20-some hours to our commuting hours, work hours, school hours, extracurricularbecause-school-is-not-enoughanymore hours, and deduct all of those from our sleeping time, which we will end up supplementing with Monster and an occasional espresso. Dragging myself through last semester on an average of three or four hours of sleep per night

with granola bars as my largest food group, got me thinking that maybe those elementary school teachers were on to something. If you are like me and consider five hours a solid amount of sleep, you may be selling yourself short. According to the National Sleep Foundation, www.sleepfoundation. org, the amount of sleep needed varies from person to person. However, the average is about seven hours, so hit that snooze button and get a few more hours. A journal article in Essential Psychopharmacology claimed that a lack of sleep can in-

crease chances of obesity, diabetes, decreased memory, and quality of sleep. The National Sleep Foundation names a few hormones which are affected by lack of sleep, including cortisol, growth hormone, and leptin, to name a few. Cortisol is usually released to wake us up and induce alertness at the completion of a sleep cycle.

A lack of sleep results in blood cortisol levels to increase around mid-day and early evening, according to Essential Psychopharmacology, a medical journal. This increase of cortisol is linked to an out-of-balance glucocorticoid (another hormone) level which is linked to poor memory function and premature aging. For you guys who spend more hours in the gym than getting some rest, you may find your actions to be counterproductive. According to the National Sleep Foundation, growth hormone is secreted during sleep and regulates the muscle-to-fat ratio in young men. A lack of growth hormone contributes to obesity and that belly that sit-ups can’t seem to conquer, especially in older men. Another fun hormone is

leptin, which may explain your latenight high-calorie cereal or pizza craving when cramming for finals. The National Sleep Foundation says that leptin regulates carbohydrate metabolism and results in carb-cravings despite overall caloric intake. It seems counter-intuitive to spend less time studying and more time sleeping amidst finals, but perhaps you will find your memory, recall and pantry will all benefit from a few extra hours of sleep.

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brought to you by humorscope.com Aries (March 21 - April 19) You will find an alien artifact behind the cushion in the sofa. Point the pointy end away from you, if you push the little bumpy thing. Personally, I’d just leave it alone. Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Good day to sip tea. Remember to extend your pinkie! Gemini (May 21 - June 20) If you act now, you could be the first on your block to have an actual moat and a working drawbridge. Something to consider. Cancer (June 21 - July 22) If a wolf is chasing your sleigh, throw him a raisin cookie. That, of course, is a metaphor for what will really happen. Leo (July 23 - August 22) You will dream about arrows without points, tonight, and it will have a deeply spiritual significance for you. You won’t know what to make of the episode with the lime jello, though. Virgo (August 23 - September 22) While poring over some old historical documents, you will discover that the Norman invasion was actually supposed to be the “Bob” invasion, but Norman stole the credit for it. Sadly, it will turn out to be too late to change it now. Libra (September 23 - October 22) You’ve been a little down lately, and it’s time to snap out of it! You’ve got to smell the roses while there’s time, since you’re not going to live forever. Which is good, since you’re already seeing hair in funny places... Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) Today you will notice yet another large freshlydug mound of dirt in your neighbor’s back yard. It’s probably nothing -- he probably just digs at night if he can’t get to sleep. I know I do. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) A very pale young woman wielding a broadsword will approach you today to ask if you’d like your carnations pruned. Be nice and say yes. Reincarnation is tough on some people. Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) You are coming down with a truly horrendous cold. The kind of cold that makes everyone else miserable, just by looking at you. That’s just the kind of inconsiderate behaviour people are starting to expect from you, too. Aquarius (January 21 - February 18) You will begin a bitter and drawn-out battle with a gopher. You don’t stand a chance. Pisces (February 19 - March 20) While cracking your knuckles today, you will be a bit startled to hear a “ping” sound rather than a “pop”. That’s a bad habit, anyway.

1T O



September 17, 2008


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September 17, 2008

German player declines professional contract

Freshman forward Deniz Sevinc comes to Cal State Fullerton after playing professional soccer overseas and serving a nine month stint for German Army. By Melissa Caster

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

As Head Coach Bob Ammann wraps up the soccer practice with a couple of announcements about uniforms and the upcoming game, Deniz Sevinc stands nearby, chatting with his new teammates. Unlike most young men Sevinc’s age, he has experienced a lot in a short amount of time. Not many people can say they have served in their nation’s service and been offered a professional soccer contract all before the age of 21. Sevinc, from Nagold, Germany, is a freshman forward with the Titans. The 5-foot-11-inch forward will be looked upon to be a legitimate scoring option for the Titans in the coming years. “We (the coaching staff) hope that he will bring a goal scoring option for us up top. He is mature, strong, fast and has a hard shot,” Ammann said. Sevinc’s teammate, and fellow forward, Josh Meyer agreed with Ammann’s critique of the German’s powerful shot as well as his play so far. “He’s good to play with and there hasn’t been too much of a culture barrier,” Meyer said. “Sometimes he doesn’t understand our slang though,” he added jokingly. Sevinc’s road to where he is no began when he started playing soccer at age five. He has played for various clubs in Germany, mostly for VFB Stuttgart, a professional club. In order to play sports in Germany you have to join a club. Schools do not offer sports in the education

system. Sevinc was never pressured to play. He played for the love of the sport and for himself, but was always supported by his family. His biggest inspiration has been his father, who has been a hero and a friend to Sevinc. After graduating from high school last year Sevinc was required to serve in the army, as it is mandatory for every citizen in Germany to serve at least nine months. When he completed military service Sevinc decided to move to California. While on vacation in California several years earlier, Sevinc started thinking of ways he would be able to make the move. “I was thinking, ‘I don’t want to stay in Germany, I want to live in the U.S., especially California.’ So I thought, ‘what opportunities do I have to stay in the country?’” Sevinc said. “Since 9/11 everything got a little bit harder for foreigners and I always wanted to study here.” Sevinc found out about Cal State Fullerton through Soccer for Hope, a nonprofit organization founded by Oliver Wyss, a professional soccer player, which gives back and brings awareness to people in the soccer community of the needs of children with life-threatening diseases. Through this organization he met coaches from CSUF, UCLA and the UC San Francisco. His decision to attend CSUF was based on meeting the coaching staff and the business program, as Sevinc is majoring in international business. “My feelings just somehow said, ‘Come to Cal State Fullerton,’ and that’s what I listened to,” Sevinc

said. During the process of being in the army and deciding whether or not to live in California, Sevinc was getting offers from professional teams. One team was SSV Reutlingen in Germany and the other was FC Wohlen from Switzerland. Switzerland invited him to train with them, but he turned it down. His experience with the professional clubs in Germany made him realize that there are more important things in life that playing professional soccer. “For me, my first priority here is to get a good education, then see what happens,” Sevinc said. Sevinc said his family, which remained in Germany, and his friends support his decision. They noticed that he is making wise choices for himself and that he is not wrapped up in what is going on right now, but he is looking to his future to determine what would be the best road to take. Sevinc said he knows anything can happen, which is why he does not want soccer to be his only option for a career. Not long ago, Sevinc tore his anterior cruciate ligament in his knee. Doctors told him it would take at least eight months to recover, but Sevinc pushed himself to the limit and recovered in just three months. He said without ambition and discipline he would not have been able to recover and advance his soccer career and education this far. Outside of soccer and school Sevinc says there is little time for much else. He love to travel and go to the beach, and he enjoys reading. Adjusting to American culture has been a bit difficult, although he says

By Don Nguyen/Daily Titan Staff Photographer Deniz Sevinc, freshman forward for the Cal State Fullerton men’s soccer team, prepares to scissor kick the ball during practice. The Titan came to Fullerton after serving in the German army and playing professional soccer in Europe.

he loves it already. “Here when I meet someone for the first time they ask right away, ‘How are you?’ ‘What’s your name?’ ‘What do you do?’ People are much more open here then they are in Germany. You would never go up to a random person when you meet them and ask them so many things about their life. Europeans would

consider that superficial. It might be a little, but I don’t consider it as that, it’s just being friendly, outgoing, and curious,” Sevinc said. Sevinc has been in California for a couple of months and it looks like the sun as if it has already made its mark on him. He wants to learn more about the culture here, and is especially look-

ing forward to Thanksgiving. “I really want to know what Thanksgiving is like, because I only know it from the movies. I want to learn the sense of it. There are a lot of things I want to learn about American culture,” Sevinc said. In the meantime, Sevinc will be spending most of his time studying and playing soccer.

By Melissa Caster

predominately inexperienced at the university level. Defender Jenae Gibbens said that although the end result was not what the team was hoping for, overall it was a good experience. “We have a young team. We learned a lot about ourselves in this game and know what it is we have to improve on,” Gibbens said. The Titans also played Virginia Tech during the Nike Invitational, also dropping the match 3–0. “Unfortunately luck wasn’t on our side and we didn’t get the results we wanted on the scoreboard this weekend,” Gibbens said. Fox led the Titans with a pair of shots. The first she dribbled up the middle where her teammates were able to create a clear path. At about 30 yards from the goal line she attempted to sink the ball into the net. She just missed and sent it sailing over the goal post. The first Demon Deacon goal was made by Bianca D’Agostino in the 38th minute, making it her second of the season. The shot was from seven yards out off a cross mishandled by Shannon Simpson. Allie Sadow and Sarah Winslow followed that with goals each in the second half that were just

minutes apart. Five other Titans finished the match with shots. Only two were on goal as Demon Deacon keeper Laura Morse made her second shutout of the year. Simpson made seven saves in goal for the Titans. “We played a great team in a very good conference and they made it very difficult for us,” Brown said. The 31 shots against the Titans was the third-most taken in the history of the program. Pepperdine is first with 38 and San Diego took 33 in 1993. Following the shutout by Virginia Tech, the Titans were also shutout in back-to-back games for the first time since matches at UC Santa Barbara (2–0) and Cal Poly (1–0 OT) on Oct. 5 and 7, 2007 according to Titan Media Relations. “We are going to get back into our team concept. Leave last weekend in the past and not dwell in it,” Brown said. CSUF is looking forward to breaking its longest losing streak of the season Friday at 7 p.m. in the match against Southern Methodist at Titan Stadium. Information from the CSUF Athletics Web site was used in this story.

are a few players that are still available in a majority of leagues, according to ESPN.com. Quarterbacks: Chad Pennington is available in 55.2 percent of leagues and is a solid number-two starter, but if you’re looking for someone who can put up big numbers, take a shot on Kerry Collins. In his first week replacing the injured Vince Young, he completed 14 of 21 passes and threw for a touchdown. While his 128 yards passing were modest, the Titan offense has nowhere to go but up. Running backs: Warrick Dunn is available in 82.6 percent of the leagues and is worth a roster spot on most teams. He has gotten 21 carries thus far – only four less than starter Earnest Graham – and has rushed for 103 yards and one touchdown. Nobody knew if Tampa Bay was going to give Dunn enough repetitions to make a fantasy impact, but

now that we know they are, Dunn is a great flex option or bye week starter. Wide receiver: Isaac Bruce deserves an honorable mention, but I have to give the nod to the Jacksonville Jaguar’s Matt Jones. Jones is owned in only 16.2 percent of leagues, but he has 11 receptions for 130 yards (one more yard than the Johnson-Houshmandzadeh combo). He has yet to reach the end zone, but as the Jaguar offense starts to pick up some steam, expect the 6-foot-6inch target to get balls thrown his way in the red zone.

Women’s volleyball wins Soccer’s hot start gets halted its third match in a row Daily Titan Sports Writer

Editor’s note: The Titans defeated San Diego State in three sets on Tuesday (25-19, 25-21, 25-16) to improve to 5-6. For full coverage on the game check tomorrow’s Daily Titan or www.dailytitan.com

By Katherine Bilbrew/Daily Titan Staff Photographer Alex Wolinsty, No. 11, signals the women’s volleyball team during the Titans first game win versus San Diego State on Tuesday at the Titan Gym. The Titans went on to win the match in three sets (25-19, 25-21, 25-16).


The Cal State Fullerton women’s soccer team lost its third consecutive match 3-0 to host Wake Forest on Sunday at the final match of the Wake Forest Nike Invitational in Winston-Salem, N.C. The No. 19 Demon Deacons outshot the No. 21 Titans 31-8 during the game, dropping CSUF to 4-3 on the season after facing its second top-20 team so far. Freshman forward Stacey Fox said the Titans could have taken it a bit easier and not forced so many plays. “We should have had more movement off each other and played more as a unit,” Fox said. “We didn’t play the game plan we know how to play.” Head Coach Demian Brown said the team has fallen off a bit lately after tying the school’s best start to a season in women’s soccer. “In the beginning of the season we did really well, which got us a national ranking. But the traveling and competition with a young team like ours put us at a disadvantage,” Brown said. The team has 17 freshmen out of 32 total players, making the team

The Fullerton Sports Guy Two weeks into the NFL season and fantasy owners are scrambling to fill the void left by injuries and poor play By David Carrillo

Daily Titan Executive Editor sports@dailytitan.com

Two weeks into the NFL season and already fantasy owners have seen breakout players rise and perennial greats fall. One of the great debates prior to people’s draft days was where to draft Tom Brady. After throwing for 4,806 yards and 50 touchdowns last season, many people jumped on him as early as the fourth pick in this year’s draft. A torn ACL and MCL later and the people who did are scrambling to fill the void. The Patriot’s misfortune did get me thinking about other upper echelon players who haven’t been living

up to expectations, and the result is a list of five players who have been disappointing to owners thus far in the season. Larry Johnson – After two great seasons in 2005-06 where he produced a combined 3,539 yards and 37 touchdowns, LJ had an off year in 2007. Fantasy experts projected him to rebound in 2008 and possibly be a top-10 back, but unfortunately for those who drafted him, that hasn’t been the case. In two games this season he’s rushed for 96 yards with no touchdowns and a fumble. The Kansas City Chiefs’ offense looks absolutely anemic, and unless Head Coach Herm Edwards starts getting LJ more touches, it looks like he is in

for another season as a fantasy bust. Chad Johnson/T.J. Houshmandzadeh – One of the most pathetic fantasy performances thus far has come from the two elite receivers, who have combined for a paltry 129 yards and zero touchdowns. To put that in perspective, there are 19 receivers in the NFL who have more yardage by themselves, including old man Isaac Bruce, who has 153 yards for the struggling San Francisco 49ers. Derek Anderson – Perhaps the biggest disappointment this season, Anderson has simply been dismal. The Browns offense was explosive last season and Anderson was supposed to be a second-tier fantasy quarterback, but he is currently ranked 29th in passer rating. He is also ranked 25th in passing yardage, has only one touchdown, and has tossed two picks. While it is unlikely the Browns will be this bad

all season, it is unlikely Anderson will live up to his preseason hype. Joseph Addai – This one is hard for me to swallow because I drafted Addai with the sixth overall pick in my draft. Although I am not ready to give up on him and I still believe he will ultimately rebound, his first two games have been atrocious. He is currently ranked a woeful 41st in rushing with 64 yards and one touchdown. The silver lining to the Addai train wreck is that these gaudy numbers were put up against two talented defenses in Minnesota and Chicago, and as Manning starts to get the offense rolling, they won’t be able to focus as much on Addai. Players to watch out for – fantasy owners would be crazy to drop these players (with the exception of Brady) so early, but every owner is looking for players they can claim off the waiver wire to fill in for a bye week or round out their bench. Here

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