2008 09 30

Page 1

OPINION: MTV is anything but music television, page 4

SPORTS: Page 6

CSUF student trains to conquer a mountain

Since 1960 Volume 87, Issue 16

FEATURES: CSUF Professor survives breast cancer and runs for cure, page 3

Daily Titan

Tuesday September 30, 2008

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

DTSHORTHAND Campus Life The Public Science Lecture Series is hosting the “What a ‘Chaotic’ Election Year!” lecture today in the Titan Student Union’s Theatre. The event will start at 6:30 p.m. and will run until 8:30 p.m. The lecture is intended to inform students about the “unexpected election surprises that should be, well, expected,” according to Donald G. Saari, director of the Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences, who will be leading the discussion. Refreshments will be supplied at the event.

Thefts reported at the SRC

‘666’ road sign thefts bedeviling roadways BARNEGAT, N.J. (AP) – Is the Garden State Parkway the highway to hell? Or is the New Jersey Turnpike the road to damnation? Someone keeps stealing the metal signs at mile marker 66.6 along the heavily traveled toll roads, and the New Jersey Turnpike Authority is having a devil of a time keeping up with the thefts. It’s been happening all over the country, particularly on roads with names like Route 666. Officials aren’t sure if the thefts are being committed by religious zealots upset about the number’s association in the Bible with the devil, by Satanic scavenger hunters, or by college students who think a ‘666’ sign would look cool in their dorm room. Joe Orlando, a spokesman for the Authority, said officials have no idea who is taking the signs. “Maybe it’s just some kids with a Devil-may-care attitude,” Orlando said. The latest theft involved someone swiping the 66.6 mile marker sign on the Parkway’s northbound lanes. It’s in a sparsely populated section of the Pinelands far from any entrances or exits. In short, you’d have to know the sign was there and go looking for it.

How to be a good goalie: ‘This will make you laugh, visit senorkevin.com’

By todd barnes/Daily Titan Staff Photographer Multiple thefts reported at the Student Recreation Center have students, staff and faculty on alert. Anything from bikes to electric gadgets have been reported stolen by SRC members. SRC staff are taking precautions and are encouraging students to purchase locks to secure their belongings in the center’s lockers.

Thefts in the Student Recreation Center keep students and staff on alert By David ponce

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Although the Student Recreation Center is still relatively new on campus, students have already had personal items stolen while using the new facility. University Police have responded to at least two incidents of students claiming their personal items had been stolen or missing. “We have had a lot of thefts since school started,” Nicolé Nicholson, building manager for the SRC, said. “People put faith in putting their items in a locker without a lock. They think people won’t steal from

CSU’s to offer online degrees Universities are using the Internet to meet students educational needs By Scott Fahey

This clip, as short as it is, will make you laugh. If you’re a soccer player, even a former soccer player, we’re sure you can empathize with this athelete. In one sense, the goalie should be happy he stopped his opponent from scoring. In the other, his ego may have taken more of a hit than himself.



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them but that’s not the case.” Upon entering the facility, students are made aware of the SRC’s policy over stolen or lost items. Signs are posted, in some places only five feet from each other, reinforcing the importance of securing belongings. The signs tell SRC members that all personal items must be secured in a locker. It also points out that all unsecured items will be confiscated by the facility and staff and the SRC member must then pick up their items at the staff desk. When students sign up, they agree to a clause releasing the university from any liability over lost or stolen property. Hermes Pagulayan, a 24-yearold human communications major, wonders about who is taking individuals’ belongings. “You don’t know if it’s the em-

For The Daily Titan news@dailytitan.com

For many Cal State Fullerton students, getting to school can take almost as much time and effort as their actual coursework. Students often have to commute through dense Southern California traffic only to compete with other students over parking spaces once they arrive at school.

However, some students at Cal State East Bay, south of Oakland, Calif., will not have to worry about traffic or parking. East Bay, which is on the quarter system, is offering three bachelor’s degree programs and two master’s degree programs that are entirely online starting this quarter. “We wanted an online sort of campus starting this quarter,” said Nan Chico, Director of Online Programs at East Bay, which has its main campus in Hayward as well as a satellite campus in Concord. See ONLINE DEGREES, Page 2

ployees or not. It just makes you think,” Pagulayan said, concerning the confiscation of unsecured items by the staff. In response to Pagulayan’s concern about employees possibly taking personal items, Nicholson said, “We don’t take anything out. We put the locks on (the lockers) and a note. In all reality we are doing them a favor.” With the increasing theft rate and students not locking up their personal belongings, the staff has taken it into their own hands to secure SRC members’ lockers for them. The staff lends a lock to the unsecured locker, along with a note telling the SRC member to visit the staff desk in order to access their belongings. The note states that in order to retrieve the property, one must visit the front desk and give a detailed

description of the items inside the locker. Diana Becerra, a political science major and frequent visitor to the center, said that “they’ve put a lock on once for me and it made me feel safe.” The staff, however, doesn’t want to deter students and faculty from using the SRC. “I hate to have this reputation of this place,” Jason Ng, who is also a building manager for the SRC, said. “We’ve been getting stricter about people locking up their stuff. This has created fewer thefts and has seemed to help a lot.” Unfortunately, Ng himself has been a victim of thefts occurring at the SRC. His $2,000 bicycle was stolen from the bike racks located in front of the building. “I rode it here and went inside for about two hours,” Ng said, still

showing disbelief of what happened. “I came out and was like, ‘hey where’s my bike?’ ” Ng is still devastated and heartbroken about his bike being stolen but said he has forgiven the person who took it. The staff isn’t taking any precautions and has placed six more of the aforementioned signs warning SRC goers of the dangers of not keeping their valuables locked up. The locker rooms also have signs posted for all to see before entering each aisle of lockers. A camera is placed outside the locker rooms in case thefts should occur. Nicholson has some advice for the people using the facility. “It’s so simple to keep your valuables safe. It’s going to cost you $5 to buy a lock and I’m sure your valuables are worth more than that,” he said.

Race for a cure

By Kymberly Snew/For The Daily Titan Over 30,000 participants showed at Fashion Island on Sunday to support the Race for a Cure marathon, including breast See featured story on page 3 cancer survivor and CSUF Professor Cheryl Cooky (not pictured).

Health insurers may cover AIDS/HIV screenings Gov. Schwarzenegger can approve a bill that would amend insurance policy By Laura Olsen

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

The health of Californians is at risk due to the fact that 40,000 residents unknowingly have HIV, according to the state’s Office of AIDS, but Gov. Schwarzenegger could drastically lower those numbers by signing

AB 1894 into law. The bill is authored by Assembly Member Paul Krekorian, and if approved, will require private insurers to cover screenings, which cost as little as $20 per test, according to emaxhealth.com. AB 1894 was already approved by the Assembly Committee of Health on April 14 with a vote of 12-5, and is awaiting Schwarzenegger’s approval, according to the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. As if the stressors of exams, paying bills and keeping gas in the car

were not enough, Project Inform, a program that advocates for people living with HIV, said STDs such as HIV affect more college age people than anyone else. In 2006, most infections occurred among young people between the ages of 13 and 29, making up 34 percent of those infected, Project Inform confirmed. “I think the governor should sign the bill because if HIV is affecting so many people it is better to take care of the problem now, especially because there is no cure for it right

now,” criminal justice major Elvira Suazo, 18, said. The Center for Disease Control estimates that 50-70 percent of all new infections are contracted from individuals who are unaware they carry the virus. In 2007, Schwarzenegger signed into law AB 682, which simplified approval for HIV testing in California. The law eliminated the requirement of written patient consent and parent or guardian consent for minors to get the screening, according to Project Inform. Thus patients

only need to verbally agree to HIV testing. If AB 1894 is approved it will make California the most proactive in the nation with regards to the HIV, by adhering to the CDC’s recommendation and requiring all health care plans to pay for HIV testing whether or not the patient is showing symptoms, as stated on medicalnewstoday.com’s Web site. The bill analysis estimated that if AB 1894 is approved, and goes into effect Jan. 1, 2009, the total anSee AIDS/HIV, Page 2

Page Two


September 30, 2008

IN OTHER NEWS online degrees: Masters now offered INTERNATIONAL

Suicide attacks kill 1,188 in Pakistan since ‘07

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) _ Suicide attacks have killed nearly 1,200 people in Pakistan since July 2007, most of them civilians, according to military statistics Monday that underscored the ferocity of the threat facing the U.S. ally in the war on extremist groups. Meanwhile, heavy fighting between Pakistani troops and insurgents in the lawless tribal regions of the country’s northwest has caused some 20,000 Pakistanis to flee across the border into Afghanistan, the United Nations said. Nuclear-armed Pakistan has seen a surge in attacks by Islamic extremists since the July 2007 army attack on militants holed up in Islamabad’s radical Red Mosque, during which about 100 people were killed. The most recent major suicide attack was the Sept. 20 truck bombing at the Marriott Hotel in the capital, which killed at least 54 people, including three Americans. Figures released at a military briefing Monday said 88 suicide attacks had taken place across Pakistan since the Red Mosque siege, killing 1,188 people. Of those, 847 were civilians and 341 were troops or police. More than 3,000 people were wounded.


Six killed in Fla. tractor-trailer crash with van

MOORE HAVEN, Fla. (AP) _ Six men in a van were killed when a tractor-trailer loaded with sand hit their vehicle Monday in south-central Florida. The Florida Highway Patrol said the tractor-trailer ran through a stop sign around 6:30 a.m. and struck the van’s right side. Both vehicles rolled over and landed on the shoulder of State Road 29, a two-lane highway about 60 miles east of Fort Myers. Four of the six men inside the 1993 Chevrolet van were thrown from the vehicle. Only two were wearing seat belts. All six were pronounced dead at the scene, Lt. Christopher Miller said. “It was just a tremendous impact,” Miller said. Late Monday afternoon, investigators were still working to find family members and determine the identities of the victims. Some were not carrying any identification, and authorities were working with Hispanic advocates to help determine who they were.


Marines train at Calif. post’s Afghan ‘village’

TWENTYNINE PALMS, Calif. (AP) _ Marine Capt. Mike Hoffman sat on the floor of a shack with an Afghan mullah and village elders and accepted a meager meal as he sought their help in the fight against the Taliban. It was loud and confusing as he tried to listen to them debate what the town needed most — water, electricity, a police station. “I want to hear everything you have to say. But I can only understand one of you at a time,” Hoffman said through a translator. Hoffman would later learn from culture and language instructors that he had made a serious error by seeming to dishonor the elders by quieting the debate. That could make villagers refuse to aid his troops — or even aid Taliban insurgents. But this was not Afghanistan. And on this day there would be no retaliation. This was just practice. The training taking place this month in the Mojave Desert at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center aims to give troops deploying to Afghanistan a preview of not only the terrain but also the culture and customs. Helping out with the training are native Afghans under contract with the military.

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From Page 1

Chico voiced optimism about the quality of education in the online programs. Chico attributed this to the fact that one of the online master’s degree programs that East Bay offers is a master’s in education in online teaching and learning. “Our students – in the process of learning – provide us with a lot of material for faculty development. There is a lot of student engagement with courses,” Chico explained. While many CSU schools, including CSUF, already offer master’s degree completion programs online, very few offer degree completion programs for undergraduate students. At East Bay, students must

still complete lower-division courses on campus, but can complete the upper-division coursework of their bachelor’s programs online. However, some students prefer the direct interaction that comes from a traditional classroom environment. “Part of the experience is meeting people and getting first-hand knowledge,” said Jennifer Montez, a liberal studies major at CSUF. “I love how you can ask questions,” she said, “and the atmosphere, walking around ... personally I like going to school and getting involved.” Tim Green, a CSUF professor with the Department of Elementary and Bilingual Education and a former director of distance education,

believes CSUF and other CSU’s will also adopt similar programs in the future. “It’s driven by demand,” Green said, “If others see it, it’s going to happen. There’s going to be the demand and we want to meet that demand. It will be student-driven.” East Bay is planning to expand their online programs to include three to four more degrees by fall of next year. Currently, they are working through the accreditation process. As for CSUF, Green said, “Time frame, who knows? But I think it will happen.” Online degree programs can be very valuable to students who have family or work situations that make

attending classes difficult, Green said. However, it is also simply a matter of convenience for other students. “You don’t have to fight parking, you don’t have to commute, and you save gas, time and distance,” Green said. Green, who teaches online courses, said that he does miss what he calls “hallway conversations,” the ability to have dynamic, face-to-face conversations on the fly. However, he added, online classes are beneficial for students who regularly may not speak up in class. “Students who may not talk in class are pretty much forced to online,” Green said.

ca.gov. A 2006 study by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control found that most people who progressed to AIDS within a year of their initial HIV diagnosis had up to five doctor visits within the previous year. “Public health is important. I don’t know why an insurance company wouldn’t cover screenings,” CSUF history major Todd Rosewitz, 18, said. “It would even cost them more money in the long run if they don’t test people and then treat them for HIV later on when their symptoms have gotten worse.” A person who is HIV-positive may feel completely healthy and not have any apparent HIV related symptoms for several years after infection, according to Anthony Distefano, assistant professor in the department of health science at CSUF.

AIDS is the final stage of the HIV infection where the immune system is deteriorated as stated by www.essortment.com. “People need to be tested and learn their status, and they need to be able to do so regularly. The fewer barriers we have to that occurring, the better,” Distefano said. According to Project Inform, African Americans suffer seven times the infection risk as whites. And Latinos suffer three times the number of infections as whites. Distefano stated that the reason minorities suffer a higher infection rate is a result of many factors including poverty, access to health services, cultural beliefs and practices and the various ways racism is manifested in our society. Not all individuals will develop the characteristic flu-like symptoms of HIV, thus it is important to be

tested regularly, according to epigee. org. “When talking about heterosexual transmission of the virus specifically, it is biologically easier for a woman to contract HIV,” Distefano said. He also said that, because of persistent power dynamics in heterosexual relationships overall, it’s often difficult for a woman to insist on the use of condoms or otherwise control sexual encounters with men in a way that would protect them from HIV. According to the California Department of Health, rapid HIV testing may help to reduce the number of people who have HIV and don’t know it. It has also been proven that when people learn they are HIVpositive they are less likely overall to exhibit behaviors that cause further transmissions, Project Inform said.

aids/hiv: bill could change policy

From Page 1 expenditures would increase by $554,000 per year, due to administrative costs and costs for tests previously not covered. It would increase insurance premiums by $512,000, but it would amount to an increase of less than one cent per member, per month, according to info.sen. ca.gov. Opponents of this bill – including America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), the Association of California Life and Health Insurance Companies, California Association of Health Plans (CAHP) and Kaiser Permanente – argue that this bill will drive up costs of insurance that could otherwise be used to provide uninsured people with health coverage. They also contend that it will drive employers to self-insure, leaving consumers with no health care benefits, according to info.sen.

Cop Blotter: Grand thefts reported MONDAY, Sept. 22 9:59 a.m. – In the Nutwood parking structure, police responded to a traffic accident involving an SUV and a 4-door sedan. No injuries were reported. 11:16 a.m. – A suspicious vehicle was reported on S. State College Boulevard and E. Orangethorpe Avenue. Officers initiated contact and the vehicle checked out OK. 1:00 p.m. – Police responded to a medical aid call at the Titan Walk. 2:41 p.m. – In the College Park building, police responded to a petty theft call. It was reported that someone stole a cell phone out of the person in question’s backpack. 4:12 p.m. – Police responded to a traffic accident in the Arboretum Lot. The accident occurred in the dirt area of the lot. No injuries were reported. 6:33 p.m. – In University Hall, police responded to a disturbance call. It was reported that a male was making inappropriate comments, specifically asking students if they wanted marijuana. It was also stated that he smelled of marijuana and was also under the influence. 9:25 p.m. – Police responded to a grand theft call that occurred at College Park. It was reported that a bicycle with an approximate value of $1,100 was stolen. 10:04 p.m. – In the Nutwood parking structure, police responded to a disturbance call. A group of about 10-15 people gathered in the southeast corner of the structure. Officers initiated contact and everything checked out. TUESDAY, Sept. 23 12:49 a.m. – Officers noticed a suspicious vehicle near the Arboretum. The vehicle checked out OK. 10:03 a.m. – At the Children’s Center, police responded to a parking disturbance call. Police assisted in the situation. 10:42 p.m. – Police responded to a traffic accident in Lot A. No injuries were reported, however, it was reported that one party involved was refusing to give information to the other party. 12:47 p.m. – A traffic accident occurred in the Nutwood parking structure. No injuries were reported.

3:12 p.m. – A petty theft was reported in the north side of the bookstore. 8:11 p.m. – Police responded to a disturbance call in the Performing Arts building. Police warned a male that was complaining that he was nearly ran into by a golf car. 8:25 p.m. – In the Student Recreation Center, a petty theft was reported. WEDNESDAY, Sept. 24 9:09 a.m. – At the Engineering building, a grand theft was reported. Somebody stole a bicycle from the north side of the building. 11:28 a.m. – Police checked out a report of a suspicious person in Lot A. Officers gave the individual a field interview. 1:58 p.m. – In Langsdorf Hall, police responded to a medical aid call. An 18-year-old female was conscious and breathing but was complaining about having abdominal pains. 2:52 p.m. – In the State College parking structure, police checked out a report of a suspicious vehicle. The vehicle had its driver’s door open but showed no signs of burglary. 2:58 p.m. – A petty theft was reported in the Valencia student housing complex. A black bicycle was stolen in the early morning. 4:50 p.m. – In the Nutwood parking structure, police responded to a suspicious person call. The person was said to be sitting in the back of a truck. THURSDAY, Sept. 25 8:47 a.m. – Police responded to a traffic accident near the gymnasium. No injuries were reported. 11:12 a.m. – In Mihaylo Hall, vandalism was reported. Graffiti could be seen on some walls in the building. 11:36 a.m. – Police responded to a parking disturbance in Lot E. 1:42 p.m. – In University Hall, a grand theft was reported. 4:52 p.m. – Property vandalism was reported in the Visual Arts building. It was reported that the men’s restroom contained graffiti.

FRIDAY, Sept. 26 7:56 a.m. – An individual used the blue emergency phone to report that he was stuck in the elevator in the Titan Student Union. 11:55 a.m. – Police responded to a disturbance in the Quad. 12:53 p.m. – Police received a call about a suspicious person in their own building. The person checked out to be OK. 1:59 p.m. – A display case was reported stolen in the Titan Student Union. SATURDAY, Sept. 27 12:31 p.m. – In Lot E, a traffic accident occurred. No injuries were reported. SUNDAY, Sept. 28 1:09 a.m. – Police responded to the 4th floor of the Psd student housing structure after the blue emergency phone was activated. No voice could be heard over the phone however.

3:36 a.m. – A disturbance was reported in Lot E. Two males were reportedly making noise in front of the dorms. Upon arrival officers were unable to locate the two men. 1:22 p.m. – In the Titan Student Union, police responded to a medical aid call. A female in her late 20s fainted but was still breathing. 7:36 p.m. – A suspicious person was reported at the softball field. The person was trying to get into the back gate. MONDAY, Sept. 29 12:03 a.m. – A suspicious person was reported at the Gamma Phi Beta sorority on E. Chapman Avenue. A male in his late 20’s rang the doorbell and was standing outside the house for 10-15 minutes. The individual was reported to look intoxicated. 11:25 a.m. – Police responded to Lot A where a person in a white Chevy Astrovan was trying to sell stereo equipment out of the car.

September 30, 2008


Survivor races ahead after breast cancer

Top and right, Breast cancer supporters walked for the cure at Newport Beach on September 28.


By Kymberly Snew/For the Daily Titan

cancer research and for local education programs, classes and medical services. Cal State Fullerton’s Zeta Tau Alpha sorority members – whose philanthropy supports and assists breast er lump and discovered that the can- cancer patients – also attended Race cer had spread to her lymph nodes, for the Cure. The sorority members shouted which indicated her cancer was adwords of encouragement, clapped vanced and aggressive. and cheered from “While in treatthe sidelines, ment I trained which brought and ran in the smiles to the 2005 Chicago walkers and runMarathon, I got ners. married, I finished Other cammy dissertation pus organizaresearch and I retions, such as the ceived a job offer honor society for here at Fullerton,” human sciences, Cooky said. Kappa Omicron Cooky is just Nu, formed their one of the breast own teams. cancer survivors The society’s celebrated during team name, Tithe Susan G. Komen Race for the – Cheryl Cooky, tans For The Cure, was creatCure, held each Cancer survivor ed to support its year to honor advisor, Cheryl those who have Cooky. both won and lost Lauren Nefos, secretary of Kappa their battles with the disease. The race was expected to raise Omicron Nu, explained that memmore than $3 million for breast- bers formed the team three weeks

For Professor Cheryl Cooky the completion of Sunday’s Race for the Cure was just another stepping stone after brave fight features@dailytitan.com

Breast cancer did not limit her life activities, but instead motivated her to stay alive and active. Cheryl Cooky, an assistant professor of kinesiology at Cal State Fullerton, is a breast cancer survivor. Cooky joined a crowd of over 30,000 at Fashion Island on Sunday at the Orange County Race for the Cure. Musicians, volunteers, and cheerleaders from various cities and schools throughout Orange County were stationed along the crowded streets on the foggy morning to encourage and entertain each supporter who walked or ran the race. Cooky was diagnosed with breast cancer in May 2004 at the age of 30.“I had done self-breast exams and found a lump,” Cooky said. “My doctors told me that I was too young to have breast cancer.” Six months later she found anoth-

While in treatment I trained and ran in the 2005 Chicago Marathon, I got married, I finished my dissertation research and I received a job offer here at Fullerton.

By Kymberly Snew

For the Daily Titan

prior to attending Race for the Cure and were able to raise more than $1,100. “Our goal was 15 team members but we got over 80,” Nefos said, as she walked the race beside other teammates. “It is very touching to see these men running in memory of their wives and to see the shirts with the cancer ribbon logo underneath wings.” Titans for the Cure was composed of members of the Kinesiology/

Health Science Student Association, the CSUF Women’s Basketball Team, Titan Recreation, Kappa Omicron Nu, CSUF students, CSUF faculty, and their friends and families. As the last of the participants crossed the finish line and the event was near its end, members of one particular family remained energized. As the parents of a child struggled to keep him and his siblings in one place, Susan’s son, 6, shouted and cheered for the family’s team which

was called “Susan’s Pink Pirates,” named for Susan Salvador, a cancer survivor. “As a survivor of breast cancer I am grateful that my son will not have to grow up taking care of me,” said Salvador. “I can take care of him as we experience life together.” According to http://www.kintera. org/, a Web site that is tracking donations for the event, $1,441,652 has been raised as of Monday afternoon.

Campus Blood drive a success By Amy Dempsey

Daily Titan Staff Writer features@dailytitan.com

The TSU made it accommodating to prospective blood donors who waited for their names to be called. The donors waited in Pavilion A, where there was a food station filled with pizza from Little Caesar’s, snacks and refreshments, and music blaring from the nearby DJ booth. The on-campus blood drive, sponsored by the Student Health Professions Association and the Volunteer Service Center, collected 311 units of blood from Cal State Fullerton students, doubling last year’s 188 units. Each person filled out confidential paperwork and had their

finger pricked to test the amount of feel uncomfortable or weak for a few minutes, but their donation can save iron in their blood. There was a weight requirement three lives.” The blood drive could of 110 pounds, and donors could not have been successful without the not have been tattooed within the Red Cross, whose nurses were in Palast year, or have traveled to coun- vilion A Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 3 tries where there p.m. are malaria outOn the first breaks, according to Bernice Avila, day of the blood a registered nurse drive, 60 CSUF and Red Cross students donated team supervisor. which – Bernice Avila, blood, SHPA sponsors Avila called a Red Cross team two blood drives huge success. supervisor each year, and “People unthis semester partderstand the imnered with the portance of doVolunteer Service Center. According nating blood,” Avila said. “They feel to Jose Soza, president of SHPA, the service-oriented and want to help goal was for 350 units of blood to be the community. The students are recollected. sponding very well.” “It is our job as a community Margaret Cabanero, a human serto support each other, and donate vices major and first-time donor, saw blood as often as possible because of the booth on Titan Walk that was set the shortage of blood in California up by the VSC. hospitals,” Soza said. “People may They also posted fliers around

People understand the importance of donating blood.

Although short of goal, blood donations increased by over 100 units from last year

campus promoting the blood drive. “I’m glad I donated,” Cabanero said. “The needle was a bit painful, but it is rewarding to know that I’m helping people.” Some students were lucky enough to receive extra credit from their instructors. Dr. Madeline Rasche and Dr. Christina Goode, who are professors of biochemistry, and Dr. David Drath, professor of biology, each offered extra-credit points to their students, according to Soza. Dr. Drath, who was the previous faculty advisor to SHPA, gave students in his immunology course a five-point incentive for donating blood. “I want the students to understand that what they do benefits the people around them,” Drath said. “Giving blood saves lives, and they should know their efforts are appreciated.” The blood that was donated will help stock hospitals ranging from Ventura County to Orange County, according to Avila.

By Muey Saephanh/Daily Titan Assistant News Editor On September 10, the Student Health Professions Association recruited donors by setting up a booth on the Titan Walk for the Campus Blood Drive.

Halloween style for grownups Associated Press Decorating for Halloween need not be scary. Neither does it have to be a kid-frenzied free-for-all of skeletons and spiders. Believe it or not, this is a holiday on which style can shine, but it requires a “less is more” aesthetic. “The moment you tack a jack-olantern on your wall, you’ve crossed the line,” says Vern Yip of HGTV’s “Deserving Design.” For adult appeal, he recommends shying away from the traditional Halloween orange and moving to a more interesting, unexpected shade of that color. “Think about orange with a brown undertone,” Yip says.

“It’s more sophisticated, as opposed to the really saturated, bright orange.” A splash of this warmer orange — in a chenille blanket, decorative pillow or pillar candle — may be enough to ready a room for the holiday. Yip also recommends accenting with floral arrangements in various hues of orange. Don’t worry about whether the oranges match.“You can mix several shades of orange into one space and it’ll work beautifully,” he says. Reach for the October issue of “Martha Stewart Living” magazine, and you’ll see similar advice: It recommends placing a variety of pumpkins of all colors and sizes both inside and outside the home. “There are so many different varieties avail-

able,” says Marcie McGoldrick, the magazine’s Holiday and Crafts editorial director. The magazine’s Halloween stories feature pumpkins, squashes and gourds in butterscotch and cream, and pale green and dark, mossy green. McGoldrick advises combining the pumpkins with other items from nature that have a similar feeling. For example, golden pumpkins with gingko leaves on a fireplace mantel.“We’re using the colors of the pumpkins to create a more sophisticated environment,” she says. Yip also recommends reaching outdoors for tree branches or driftwood to keep the decorations inside simple and subtle.

“It’s kind of Halloween-y, the whole idea that there’s this dead thing inside, but it has a sculptural quality,” Yip says. He also advises using accessories already in the home to spice up the holiday. For example, last year he used orange-and-whitepatterned dinnerware to punch up his Halloween dinner table. He combined the plates with black trays and had a centerpiece of concrete cats painted a smudgy black. (He advises substituting black chargers or napkins for the individual trays he used.) McGoldrick recommends creating little vignettes of creepiness — such as plastic bugs on a candle or spiders crawling up a window — that visitors don’t see right away.



Titan Editorial Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

President Bush used what little political clout he had left and practically pleaded with suspected naysayers before the vote in hopes of converting them to vote ‘Aye’ instead of ‘Nay.’

Letters to the Editor:

verting them to vote “Aye” instead of “Nay.” A little deeper look into the issue shows why so many Representatives voted against the bill. With the November election just around the corner, members from both parties appear to only be worried about one thing: their own skin.

In a moment of such historic importance for the country that we live in you would think that the politicians who are trusted to run the country would have one thing and one thing only on their minds and that is to solve the potential financial meltdown of our country. But instead we have a bunch of politicians who are worried about political suicide with their possible re-election coming up if they vote in

Castle’s Corner

By Ryan Castle Daily Titan Columnist

$700 billion bailout rejected: Selfish politicians are to blame In a moment of defiance – against not only the President of the United States, but also to both Presidential candidates and Congressional leaders of both parties – the House of Representatives voted on Monday to reject a $700 billion bailout package for the financial industry that was intended to prevent a widespread financial collapse. In the end, the tally of members against the measure versus the supporters was 228 to 205, with the majority of those opposed being Republicans and the majority of those in favor being Democrats. Many were shocked after the final tally, as most people thought that the dire need of the situation would lead many to be in favor of the bailout. There are many reasons as to why this bill was not brought to fruition but there is one that far outweighs any of the others: politics. This is a classic case of politics being politics. With only a couple more months left in office, President Bush used what little political clout he had left and practically pleaded with suspected naysayers before the vote in hopes of con-

September 30, 2008

favor of the bailout bill. All one has to do is look at the numbers. Of the 205 members who voted in favor of the bailout bill, only two were Representatives who face tough re-election races in November. On the other side, the opposition list is rife with Representatives who do not exactly have a cakewalk to their reelection. It is no wonder that the American people are losing their faith in politicians. At this time what the country needs most is to have Republicans and Democrats put aside their party associations and work in a bipartisan manner to do what is best for the country, not what is best for their political careers. Fortunately, this is far from over as members of the House of Representatives look to reconvene on Thursday to discuss, and hopefully come to an agreement, on a plan that would put us on the right track to recover from this financial fiasco. A fiasco that can easily turn to disaster if we continue down the road we are heading.

Any feedback, positive or negative, is encouraged, as we strive to keep an open dialogue with our readership. The Daily Titan reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar and spelling. Direct all comments, questions or concerns along with your full name and major to Daily Titan Opinion Editor Austen Montero at opinion@ dailytitan.com.

Breaking the ‘nice guys finish last’ myth You’re out on the big date with that special girl you’ve had your eye on. It’s the night you’ve been anticipating for what feels like an eternity. Cupid’s arrow has leaked optimism and excitement into your blood. You now believe this is the absolute perfect girl for you, and the only way you can go about life as a happy man is to make her your girl. Everything has been going well all night. You’re being a gentleman and treating her with all the respect she deserves. The end of the night rolls around and your nerves don’t let you possibly do what would ruin what’s been a lovely evening. You choose to pass on making a move, and settle for an awkward goodnight hug. A few days go by and you give her a call hoping to recreate the magical evening, only to hear the dreaded words every guy hates accepting: “I think we should just be friends.” It’s amazing that such an innocent-sounding statement can establish such fire in the pit of a man’s soul. Women’s code for disinterest that was so brilliantly crafted sometime in the dawn of female existence, so uniquely developed to make a rebuttal virtually impractical. A month later you run into your dream girl and your body can’t help but tingle with excitement upon seeing her again. Then you actually feel your heart tear in half upon her next

statement: “This is my new boyfriend, Spike,” she says as she stares at him with lustful eyes of infatuation. Spike grips your hand as he stares coldly in your eyes. " 'Sup, bra,” he spits, as he puts his arm around the girl you’ve come to believe is your one and only, demonstrating full possession. Does this sound like a familiar tale to you? Have you found that being the "really good guy" doesn’t seem to get you any further than a smile and a wave? Then you are probably also quite familiar with the old saying, “nice guys finish last.” This is an expression that has tied confusion and frustration into a hurricane of heartache for countless men. As crushing as the term can be, do not succumb to the myth. “Nice guys finish last” has developed an even stronger fictional theory among certain males that girls enjoy being treated like trash. Plenty of guys believe the more malicious they are to a girl the more attracted she is to them, and oftentimes this idea is based upon resentment from previous rejection. While this strategy may inexplicably work for some guys, it is definitely no way to carry oneself. It targets weakness in females and exploits their insecurities, and thus it is my belief that the girls this strategy

works on are weak themselves. The general problem the majority of nice guys who feel they’re finishing last have is not a result of their goodnatured intentions, but rather their self-confidence, or lack thereof. Some people go wrong with the concept of self-confidence, however, while secretly struggling with their own self-acceptance. When someone tries exhibiting their confidence with underlying insecurities, it creates a flaw in character that is easily detectable; this results in cocky and pompous personalities. True self-confidence doesn’t need to be shown, it just needs to be felt. If you believe your clothes look right, your music taste is legit and your conversation is entertaining, then they are, and you can take it from there. I don’t claim to have the key to what women want. I believe pursuit of that key is a complicated maze that will leave you delirious – but self-confidence is a good start. So if you’re a nice guy who’s drowning in the vicious pool of relations, don’t stop paddling, because everyone likes being treated with respect. It’s your own shoes that need to be comfortable. Accept that before stepping on anybody else’s. The walk through the tunnel of love can be dark, but a true gentleman always shines through.

reader response: a Letter to the Editor Bike riders and skateboarders on campus I am very concerned about safety on this campus. I walk to and from Lot G and the main campus on a daily basis and am constantly trying to avoid bike riders and skateboarders who ignore the rule about which lane to use. These lanes must be marked more clearly! It is also my understanding that skateboarding is not allowed on campus, yet this does not seem to be enforced. I wonder who is responsible for this? A year ago there was a terrible accident involving a faculty member who was hit by a bike rider who never stopped to help her. It will be getting dark soon with the time change, making this program more urgent than ever. I trust that these oversights can be remedied before anyone else is injured.

– Dr. Nancy L. Segal

Department of Psychology

MMTV: Minimal Music Television With “reality” shows dominating, MTV is no longer pumping out the music it once prided itself on. By Alyssa Bonavita

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

Driving home on the freeway staring at the rear windows of the pickup truck in front of me, I noticed a distinct sticker that stood out from the others plastered on the small panels of glass. It read "MTV SUCKS" in bold, red lettering. I couldn't help but smirk and have the slight impulse to want to befriend the person driving. Not because I liked the sticker necessarily, but because it was a pleasant reassurance that there are other people who realize that something is off about the "music" channel. I know I don't speak alone when I say MTV is hardly "music television." The music aspect of it is sinking, and many people seem to be soaking up the channel's reality – and "reality" – shows like thirsty plants. Perhaps the channel's name should be changed to MMTV, Minimal Music Television. Maybe then the weak amount of music videos and the background music and theme songs of the shows will be suitable enough to be considered "minimal" music content.

At least it would gain some accuracy points with a name like that. Or, MTV could go back to its roots, and the reason I think it was created in the first place, which was to get a variety of music to the public. It would be respectable if the channel stood by its name. Just knowing that if you tuned in to MTV you would be assured some type of "music television" is much more respectable than tuning in now, where

you experience the bombardment of reality shows and poorly-scripted wannabe reality shows. Some examples of the sadly-attempted scripted "reality" shows are "Parental Control" and "NEXT," where you hear different people in each episode reciting similar lines as the people in previous episodes. Even the genuine reality shows on MTV that are actually pretty entertaining, such as "True Life," still fuel the fire by consuming a channel that

is supposed to be devoted to the music scene. It's extremely comforting to be in love with music that not everyone knows the lyrics to, or is constantly blasting, like anthems in their cars. However, it's pretty sad that we music lovers and musicians (who might not even like the limited music featured on MTV) have to hold on to any kind of music show the channel still airs to feel like we aren't being robbed of the televised display of music. Even TRL, "Total Request Live," is going off the air, after years of music video countdowns. It's a relief because the show is so predictable in terms of the videos that will be played for the week, and it's downright disengaging. It seems like people continue to vote for the limited number of songs that are being fed to them by MTV's confining and repetitive programming. I have to give credit to TRL for sticking it out for so long and being one of the very few shows on the channel that actually gets music heard, no matter how predictable and overplayed it is. However, the fact that TRL has lasted this long and is one of the few sources of actual music television on the channel is pretty disheartening. TRL is going off the air in November 2008, according to the MTV Web site, http://www.mtv.com. MTV is not living up to its bold, music-emphasizing name and it should be doing just that. Sadly, this isn't the case. On a positive note, at least MTV will have an opening to squeeze a "reality" show in TRL's place.


September 30, 2008

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Humorscopes brought to you by humorscope.com

Aries (March 21 - April 19) You will tell a total stranger that you’re “sick and tired of salad”, today. The stranger will recoil in shock and horror. Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Today you will discover that you have no real friends. Or at least, that they don’t cast a shadow. Gemini (May 21 - June 20) You will stack furniture in the bathtub, today. That’s just the sort of thing you would do, your friends will say. Cancer (June 21 - July 22) You will walk into a door frame today, and people will smirk. Remember though, they’re smirking with you, not at you. Leo (July 23 - August 22) Leek soup day, today. Despite your recent tendency towards shoplifting vegetables, I highly recommend you buy a leek, not take one. Virgo (August 23 - September 22) A good time to learn to laugh at yourself. Or, develop multiple personalities! That way you won’t be laughing at you, you’ll be laughing with you. Libra (September 23 - October 22) Late in the day today you will notice that people seem to be staring at your nose. Don’t worry, though. It’s probably nothing. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) You will dream about arrows without points, tonight, and it will have a deeply spiritual significance for you. You won’t know what to make of the episode with the lime jello, though. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) Beware of Doug. Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) Nothing unusual today. Unless you count that episode with the iguana... Aquarius (January 21 - February 18) Excellent day to run a new metaphor up the flagpole, and see if anyone salutes. Pisces (February 19 - March 20) Your requests are being ignored. Often you can get people to pay attention by simply adding a few words to the end of your request, such as “Pick up your socks, dear, or die screaming.”

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September 30, 2008

SRC helps students escalate toward success By Nicole Grodesky For the Daily Titan


Photos By Nicole Grodesky/For the Daily Titan Right: CSUF student Matt Lopez works on his technique on the boulder feature of the rock wall in the Student Recreation Center. Top: Two CSUF students are able to develop teamwork skills at the rock wall in the SRC.

Standing on the ground, peering up at the ominous rock wall and the dangling rope, Cal State Fullerton student Sarah Macias has no doubt that she is going to climb all the way to the top. Committing herself, she grips the hand-holds on the wall and launches her body off the ground. She’s now all on her own; it’s just her and the wall. Focused and determined, she must figure out how she’s going to get to the top. She skillfully pulls herself up each notch bolted into the rock. Methodically and deliberately, she makes her way to the top. “Rock climbing is a competition within yourself. It’s amazing how much stronger you are the more you climb. It’s also about consistency, working hard and having passion. That’s how life is; you have to work hard to get somewhere,” Macias said. As soon as CSUF opened the Student Recreation Center in March, Macias did not hesitate to take a crack at it. The facility offers state-of-the art climbing complete with top roping and bouldering features. The SRC invites students to take the classes offered at the rock wall. “To start off we have a session where people who have never climbed before can come out and try the wall. This is a chance for people to come out and see what a great facility we have. If people are interested and want to continue climbing, then we offer what we call a Climb I class. The Climb I class is basically where we teach safety preparation which includes, knot tying, using the belay (a safety device) and learn-

ing the verbal commands,” CSUF Recreation Coordinator Alain Bourgault said. Rock climbing gives people a fun and different way to exercise and get a full body workout. The rock gym at CSUF offers a place to learn safety techniques and hone your rock climbing skills. These skills are essential for anyone that desires to go climb outdoors. For Macias, that is the ultimate goal. “I think that I want to do outdoor because I want to reach the top of a mountain. Life is like a mountain, and when you look at the mountain it looks completely overwhelming, but somehow little-by-little you get there. Once you reach the top, it’s a great feeling. So that’s what I look forward to when I get to the out-

doors,” Macias said. Rock climbing is different from engaging in other sports. Many team sports put pressure on individuals as to not let the team down. Rock climbing is great for people that would like to work out without the stress and pressure of a team environment. “Rock climbing is a very individual experience. It’s not a competition. You can find a way to climb a problem your way and it might be the opposite for someone else, but it works for you. That’s liberating as well as a chance to be creative,” Bourgault said. Another advantage rock climbing offers is the mental stress relief. During a busy semester many students may reach a point where their

brain feels like it’s going to explode. Focusing on one thing can be nearly impossible when balancing multiple classes on different subjects. Rock climbing at CSUF’s rock wall is a great way to take your mind off everything. “I’m totally focused on one thing and I’m not focused on anything else around me, and I kind of lose myself,” CSUF student Claire Hund said. Macias takes advantage of the rock wall at the recreation center by regularly learning something new with each climb. Everyday spent practicing at the rock wall she builds strength, bringing herself closer to achieving her ultimate goal, climbing to the top of a mountain.

CSUF grad student heads Fox’s ‘Tailgate’ IN OTHER NEWS CSUF grad student lands job as co-host of Fox College Sports Tailgate Tour for college football’s biggest games By Morgan McLaughlin Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

Kent Walls left the sunny state of Arizona for the spotlights of the Southern California coast. His college experience had fostered a love of sports in his heart and he was determined to find his dream career of working in television. Walls, a journalism graduate student at CSUF, will co-host Fox College Sports Tailgate Tour, a sports show that will air on FCS and Fox Sports Networks. “It’s a college football show that travels the country going to the biggest games in the nation and it’s not about the game necessarily, but it’s about the college football experience,” Walls said. He went on to explain the show will be about hanging out with college sports fans and learning about their college sports pride. Walls’ experience in college helped pave the way for his professional career. “I used to work for the Arizona Diamondbacks and Phoenix Suns all through college in various roles and

for a year after college before moving to Los Angeles,” Walls said. But it was in the bright lights of Los Angeles that he found his ticket to stardom. “Upon arriving in Los Angeles, I covered a variety of sports including various extreme sports (pro skateboarding, surfing and Olympic sports) before arriving at Fox College Sports,” he said. Walls has never questioned his passion, as it has been with him throughout his life. “I have always wanted to work in sports journalism/broadcast, but I’ve also always wanted to work in television in general,” he said. “I’ve done a lot of entertainment and lifestyle TV as well, but sports is definitely the ideal.” Walls’ personality has helped him become successful in TV and possibly may have been central to his dream of broadcast in the first place. “Kent is one of those guys who manages to leave a lasting impression with anyone he meets, he’s an extremely motivated person, who really won’t settle until he reaches – and usually exceeds – his goals

and expectations,” choice in graduate said Jeremy Parsons, schools over University host and producer of Texas at Austin and of ReelzChannel, a University of Colorado national satellite and at Boulder partially becable network. cause it allowed him As the duo were past to be so close to Los college roommates, Angeles and allow him Parsons is confident in to pursue his goals in Walls’ ability. working in television. “There’s no doubt Walls’ move to the that Kent will bring coast isn’t the only his ‘A’ game to this thing that helped him show,” he said. “He’s into his dream career. Kent Walls witty, has an electric His co-host on FCS personality, and a commanding Tailgate Tour, Sarah Karges, is confipresence on-air. That’s really going dent in Walls’ natural ability. to carry him through.” “It seems like hosting comes very It’s no doubt his charisma and natural to him ... I think Kent is a personality are an asset to a spot great success on the show because of in hosting a national college sports his chemistry with people,” she said. show, but Walls also credits CSUF “He knows how to engage in converwith helping him in preparing for sation while still being witty. I feel this job. like you could put him any situation “CSUF has been good for me. I and he could get a story.” was a business marketing major in FCS will continue its Tailgate college, so the M.A. in journalism Tour with five more BCS destinaprogram has really improved my tions on FSN. Its next stop will be writing ability, which entail, im- in Oklahoma for the Oklahoma vs. proves my communication skills on Texas game on Oct. 17. paper and on-air,” Walls said. He added that CSUF was a top Photo courtesy of Fox College Sports

Think Different. Think Simon.

Athletes of the past have paved the way for others to succeed in the sports world By Simon Liang

Sports Columnist


I recently finished a fantastic book called “The Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch. It got me thinking about perseverance and trying to achieve our dreams. A quote that motivated me was, “Brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough.” I’m sure we all get inspired from

that in some way, shape, or form. How does this relate to sports? Well, in history there have been numerous people who have broken down these “brick walls” of discrimination to achieve great things. Some names that come to mind are Jackie Robinson, Jim Thorpe and Babe Didrikson Zaharias. Robinson broke the color barrier in baseball when he broke into the majors in 1947. He paved the way for all African-American athletes in a time of racial unrest. Thorpe was the most versatile athlete in the 20th century. He was part Native American and faced a great deal of racism during his rise to the

top. He excelled in football, baseball, basketball and even won Olympic gold medals in the pentathlon and decathlon. Zaharias was a pioneer in woman’s athletics in a time when women were not greatly respected as athletes. She is the only woman ever to make the cut in a PGA Tour Event, and that occurred in 1945. All female athletes have her to thank for paving the way for them to excel in today’s world of competitive sports. These three individuals not only challenged the race/gender card, but they were on the top of the totem pole in their respective sports. They worked hard and didn’t let the possibility of failure defeat them. Speaking of remarkable women, current Dodgers Assistant General Manager and Vice President Kim Ng is herself, a pioneer. She was the first woman to be named as an assistant general manager when she was hired by the New York Yankees, and you know they don’t mess around. Ng is the first woman to interview for a general manager position and I’m sure she won’t be the last. She is also a viable candidate for the vacant Seattle Mariners GM position.


Second-half rally carries Titans past Bradley, 2-1 Peoria, Ill. – Celso Alvarez scored in the 79th minute to cap a secondhalf rally that carried Cal State Fullerton to a 2-1 non-conference men’s soccer victory at Bradley. Alvarez chipped the ball past onrushing Braves’ goalkeeper Drew Van Kampen with 11:07 to play for his team-leading fourth goal of the season and the Titans improved their record to 3-7. Bradley, which had not allowed more than one goal in a game this season, fell to 4-3-1. Bradley led 1-0 at the half on a goal by Chris Cutshaw in the 9th minute. The Titans tied the match in the

eighth minute of the second half. Mario Alvarez scored on a diving header off a pass from Kevin Venegas. “I am so happy for the boys,” said Head Coach Bob Ammann. “We finally got the result that we deserved against a tough opponent in a hostile environment on the road. This team is starting to believe in itself and its character is really developing. “I thought the game was similar to many we have had this season. We dominated most of the first half only to find ourselves down, 0-1. I was extremely pleased with our attitude and keeping to our plan.”

CROSS COUNTRY Titan men improve from last meet, place 16th Palo Alto – Brent Handa, Jeff Mackay and Joey Divizia ran onetwo-three for the Titans as they placed 16th Saturday evening at the Stanford Invitational Cross Country meet. Handa placed 48th overall in a time of 25:52. Mackay was 68th in 26:17 and Divizia ran 85th in 26:34. “We placed in the middle of the pack which was a step forward from our meet two weeks ago in San Di-

ego,” Head Coach John Elders said. “We were closer to our Big West competitors. I thought Brent ran his best cross country race as a Titan and Mackay did a nice job and Joey did, too. “It was a positive thing and now we have three weeks until our next meet and hopefully we will keep closing the gap.” Stanford won both men’s and women’s competition. Only the Fullerton men competed in Palo Alto. Stories courtesy of Titan Media Relations

Another woman who has been the epitome of success is Phoenix Suns’ vice president Ann Meyers. Not only does she work in the Suns’ front office, she is also the general manager for the WNBA’s Phoenix Mercury. With her success, her past accomplishments seem even more impressive. She is the first woman to be signed to a four-year athletic scholarship in collegiate sports, and also the first woman to sign a contract with an NBA team. Yes, you heard it right, the N-B-A, more specifically for the Indiana Pacers. Although she never got the chance to suit up for the Pacers, it is still an amazing feat. From their stories you can get the feeling that in this day in age, experience and skill can bring you a long way no matter what you look like. So go on people, don’t be afraid of anything and defy the odds because as these athletes have proved, nothing is impossible.


at Cal Poly* vs Houston Baptist

San Luis Obispo 7:00 p.m. Titan Stadium 7:00 p.m.


Summer Camp Reunion Night: vs Hawai’i Titan Stadium

7:00 p.m.

Friday Sunday

Fan Appreciation Night: vs Cal Poly* Titan Stadium vs. UCSB* Titan Stadium

7:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.


at UC Riverside* Riverside at UC Irvine* Irvine

CROSS COUNTRY Saturday Oregon Invitational (women only)

7:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

Eugene, Ore. TBA *Big West Conference Game

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.