2008 10 06

Page 1

SPORTS: CSUF men’s soccer team still struggles for victory, page 6

FEATURES: Page 3 ‘Baile Folklorico’ in the Quad, photo essay Since 1960 Volume 87, Issue 19

OPINION: Why your vote won’t count in California, page 4

Daily Titan

Monday October 6, 2008

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

Guest speaker Valerie O’Krent will talk to students, staff and faculty about elements of leadership in Room 205 of University Hall today from 12-1 p.m. O’Krent will be asking audience members questions like, “So, what do you ‘see’ when you hear the word leadership? And, what does/should leadership look like?” O’Krent has a master’s degree in child and adolescent studies and secondary education. For more information contact Sue Passalacqua at 714-2783651. There are 40 registration spaces available for this event.

‘Ignorance’ proves fun and hilarious for readers (MCT) – A word to those students who forget to read over their papers before submission: you are being watched. Or maybe just chronicled. But in “Ignorance is Blitz: Mangled Moments of History from Actual College Students,” compiled and edited by Anders Henriksson, the reader benefits from these students’ lack of knowledge. A mix of errors and made-up facts from real college students’ essays, this little book is laugh-out-loud hilarious. It provides a short history of the world, from the Stoned Age to the fall of the Berlin Mall. It is filled with bad cliches (historians and others attempt to pin the tail on the reluctant monkey of change), creative spelling (liberals insisted on a lily fair economy, where it was hands off the lily) and a general ignorance (Christianity was just another mystery cult until Jesus was born). Author Anders Henriksson has said the book is a compilation from 30 years of teaching at a college in West Virginia, plus submissions from a few professors at other universities. In a postscript, he attributes these “mangled moments” to deadline pressure and an overreliance on spell-check.

Palin thrills local crowd Despite California’s traditionally Democratic standing, the Republican vp candidate is motivated to rally voters By Edgar Rascon

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

On a cloudy day in Carson, thousands of Republican supporters with umbrellas in hand gathered at the Home Depot Center to catch a glimpse of Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin. There was a buzz in the air as supporters gathered up to an hour before doors opened to the event. For many, it was their first look at the former mayor from Wasilla, and it was Palin’s first look at them. With California being historically Democratic, past GOP candidates have skipped over the Golden State to focus on key battleground states. Palin declared in front of the fervent crowd of supporters that California was “still Reagan country,” and warned that her opponents should think twice before assuming California was in their pocket this election. “I like Sarah because she is an unashamed conservative, and that’s what I am,” Nicholas Romero, a CSUF alumnus, said. “I don’t consider the Bush administration conservative. We believe in limited government and he has built the biggest bureaucracy since FDR.” Palin has brought much-needed star power to the Republican ticket. Part of the draw, supporters say, is her ability to relate to everyday

Dems show tenacity

Reporter commits a bit too much in: ‘Grape stomping lady falls!’


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I am tired of stupid ‘C’students running the country. I want someone with an IQ bigger than their shoe size. – Julie Ball, Long Beach resident (Not pictured)


This reporter is doing a great job covering her story. That is until she loses her balance and faceplants onto the grass beneath her. The audio may be funnier than the video footage. Try closing your eyes when watching this.

We need change. Can’t have an archaic form of government for four more years. Sarah Palin scares me. – Todd Clarke, Laguna Beach resident (Not pictured)

Americans. “I consider her a renaissance woman. She’s a working mom with five kids, one of which is serving in Iraq. I think everyone can see a little bit of Sarah Palin in them,” Romero said. The excitement of the crowd was contrasted by a protest held by Barack Obama supporters. “You can say anything in a speech,” Tanti Loa, an Obama supporter, said. “The fact is there are still many questions, like the report of rape victims having to pay for their own rape kit while she was mayor, the Troopergate scandal while she was governor and the banning of books while she was mayor – just to name a few – that need to be answered and fact checked,” Loa said. A group of guest speakers, highlighted by Oscar-nominated actor Jon Voight, fired up the crowd before Palin spoke. Voight spoke fondly of Sen. John McCain and Gov. Palin, but had harsher words for the members of the media. “The media was a great negative force in trying to destroy her (Palin),” he said, as the crowd booed loudly. Palin was introduced by Shelly Mandell, president of the Los Angeles chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW). The organization has publicly endorsed Barack Obama. “There are a lot of issues Sarah and I don’t agree on. But just like she said she’ll press John McCain on ANWR, I will press her on some of those issues,” Mandell said. Palin opened her speech with a quote from her Starbucks cup. The quote was from former Secretary of State Madeline Albright, a fact that was also booed by the raucous crowd. “’There’s a place in hell reserved for women who don’t support other women,’” she said. “Let’s see how that comment is turned into whatever it’s turned into in tomorrow’s papers.” She immediately went on the offensive against her Democratic rivals and stepped up her attacks on Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama. While commenting on the new fascination with what she is reading, Palin slipped in a jab at Obama. “Well, I was reading a copy of today’s New York Times and I was interested to read about Barack’s friends from Chicago,” Palin said. “Turns out one of Barack’s earliest supporters is a man who, according to The New York Times, and they are hardly ever wrong, was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that, quote, launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol.” She was referring to William Ayers, an anti-Vietnam War activist who founded the radical group The Weathermen in 1969. Federal charges against Ayers were dropped in 1974 due to illegal wiretaps, according to the same Times article. The article points out that since earning a doctorate degree from Columbia University, Ayers has gone on to teach education at the University of Illinois, authored or edited 15 books, and is an advocate of school reform. Obama’s first contact with See PALIN, Page 2

By Kristy Harris/For The Daily Titan Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin speaks to an estimated crowd of 15,000-20,000 at the Home Depot Center in Carson on Saturday.

Pro-Palin voters speak

There are a lot of issues Sarah and I don’t agree on. But just like she said she’ll press John McCain on ANWR, I will press her on some of those issues.

– Shelly Mandell, NOW President, LA Chapter

By Don nguyen/For The Daily Titan Although California typically votes Democratic in presidential elections, Palin claims California is “still Reagan Country,” and is hopeful in rallying Republican voters.

The media was a great negative force in trying to destroy her (Palin). – Jon Voight, Actor

Campus Life


Bilingual journalists in demand CSUF debates the debate By Fryda Gonzales

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Communication students and professionals gathered to speak about new opportunities for bilingual journalists at the second annual Orange County Spanish Journalism Conference Friday. The event, which took place in the Portola Pavilion of Cal State Fullerton’s Titan Student Union, was organized by the Society of Professional Journalism in collaboration with Iris Preciado from CSUF Public Affairs, as well as

members of Casa Guanajuato and Yanga Veracruz Foundation. State Sen. Lou Correa, D-Santa Ana, participated in the opening ceremony. The conference was conducted in Spanish and focused on multicultural journalism. According to Telemundo Reporter Martin Plascencia, bilingual journalists are in demand and have a responsibility to inform the Hispanic market on issues concerning immigration, education and consumer information. Plascencia encourages students to improve See BILINGUAL JOURNALISTS, Page 2

By Allison Griggs

Daily Titan Staff Writer new@dailytitan.com

This election season’s first and only vice presidential debate left the words “change” and “maverick” echoing in the ears of viewers at a live airing in the Titan Student Union Pavilion C, Thursday. The crowd of students and faculty watched the political rivals debate on a large screen projected above the stage. A panel of Cal State Fullerton faculty and students sat in to watch the debate, discuss it’s outcome and answer

questions following the debate. Afterwards, the panelists, apparently rivals at times as well, discussed the performance of the nation’s potential vice presidents. History major Jason Bensley and CSUF professors Renae Bredin of women’s studies, Stephen Stambough of political science, and Jack Bedell of sociology, made up the night’s panel of speakers. The debate between vice presidential candidates Sen. Joe Biden and Alaskan Gov. Sarah Palin was scheduled to discuss the debate’s See VP DEBATES, Page 2

Page Two


October 6, 2008

IN OTHER NEWS debate: asi hosts vp debate viewing INTERNATIONAL

11 Iraqis killed in U.S. raid in Mosul

BAGHDAD (MCT) – Eleven members of an Iraqi family were killed Sunday during a U.S. raid in Mosul, including three women and three children, officials said. Neighbors told Iraqi police in Mosul that the family was peaceful, but the U.S. military said five of the dead were terrorists who had targeted American soldiers. A military spokesman said at least some of the Iraqis were killed when a member of the family detonated a suicide bomb inside the house the Americans were raiding. It’s unclear whether gunfire from U.S. soldiers is responsible for some deaths, Navy Lt. Cmdr. David Russell said. “At this point we’re still working with the hospital to try to sort that out,” he said. A police spokesman in Mosul, Brig. Gen. Khalid Abdulsatar, said most of the dead appeared to have been killed by shrapnel from a bomb. No U.S. soldiers were reported killed or injured. Seven other Iraqis died in two additional incidents of violence in Mosul this weekend. According to a military statement, American soldiers were in the northern Iraq city Sunday morning looking for a wanted terrorist.


Wachovia says order doesn’t affect Wells deal

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (MCT) – Wachovia Corp. said Sunday it does not believe an order by a state supreme court judge in New York has “any effect on the validity” of a merger agreement between the Charlotte bank and Wells Fargo & Co. The $15 billion Wachovia-Wells deal announced Friday upset a transaction brokered Monday that would have sold most of Wachovia to New York-based Citigroup Inc., with help from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Citi fought back Saturday by getting New York State Supreme Court Judge Charles Ramos to grant an emergency injunction that extends an “exclusivity agreement” that Citi argues prevents Wachovia from negotiating or entering into a merger agreement with any party other than Citi. Wachovia, however, said it “continues to believe its agreement with Wells Fargo, which involves no government assistance, is proper and valid,” adding: “The agreement is in the best interests of shareholders, employees, creditors and retirees as well as the American taxpayers and it imposes no risk to the FDIC fund.”


Web site domains in names of politicians

SACRAMENTO (MCT) – A Rocklin, Calif., man who claimed dozens of Web site domains in the names of local politicians says he won’t budge until they’re ousted from office. Joseph Scharrer, owner of a research and development company, registered the domains through GoDaddy.com and is using elected officials’ own names against them. He targeted those who he believes opposed a new charter high school, including the Rocklin Area Chamber of Commerce, City Council incumbents and Rocklin Unified School District trustees. “I’m against anybody who’s against charter schools,” said Scharrer, who serves on the planning team for a proposed college-prep charter school, Western Sierra Collegiate Academy. “I’m hoping if I tear down the existing incumbents, useful people will be elected to office and make good decisions for the people they represent.”

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From Page 1 focus on domestic and foreign policies, which quickly led into other areas. The current state of the economy and potential energy policies were also discussion topics at the St. Louis, debate. The slogan “change” was originally a focus of Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign efforts. The idea has since become a constant that both parties target. The word was used by both vice presidential candidates repeatedly throughout the night. Palin jumped on board with Sen. John McCain’s media title of “maverick” and took it a step farther in deeming the two of them a “team of mavericks.” The term describes nonconformists or reformers. Biden was quick to argue that McCain has been no maverick on the issues that matter to people’s lives. There was a good turnout for the second in a series of four debates being aired on campus by CSUF’s Associated Students, Inc. and Lobby Corps. The two groups are aiming at encouraging students to get involved

with the upcoming election. Providing pizza, chips, drinks, and raffling an iPod helped to bring in students who may not otherwise have been quite so interested. A patriotic Tuffy the Titan in a red, white and blue hat was at the center of the stage, separating moderator Leo Otero, ASI chief governmental officer, from the discussion panel table. The panel said their consensus seemed to be that Biden did well, and Palin did better than anticipated. “Expectations were low,” Bredin said. “She exceeded expectations.” The panel did not agree on everything, though, and some of their responses left the audience wondering. More often than anything, the panelists responses left the audience laughing at the expense of one of the candidates – usually Palin. One crowd member asked “Who did a better job of actually answering the questions asked?” After the panel finished laughing at the question, they responded. Stambough said Biden answered the questions more directly. He said

that only five minutes into the debate Palin admitted that she would not be directly answering the questions. She was there to give a speech and she was going to make sure she did just that. Many of the CSUF viewers argued that the debate was not heated enough. The panel even admitted that it was a little boring. “It was a little too civil for my liking. It was just too nice,” Otero said. Bredin agreed she would have liked to see a little more to the debate. While Bedell pointed out that the debate was controlled by format, Bredin was still not convinced. “I felt like I was at a beauty pageant. There were times when I really just wanted more substance,” Bredin said. “And what was with her (Palin) winking at the audience?” The only woman on the panel, Bredin said that despite her blatant disapproval of McCain’s decision to make Palin his running mate, it is necessary for Palin to conduct herself appropriately. “It’s been so hard to get where we (women) are now, it’s very impor-

tant that she be professional. I think for the most part she did a very good job of that. She was very articulate,” Bredin said. But she was quick to point out again that Palin’s winking was not necessary or professional. Mario Orozco, a 21-year-old anthropology student, said he was unexpectedly pleased by the candidates throughout the debate. “Both candidates seem wellprepared for the upcoming responsibility. They both held their own,” Orozco said. “I expected to see Palin get torn up, but she handled herself pretty well.” The Biden versus Palin debate has since been deemed the most watched VP debate in television history according to Bloomberg.com, citing Nielsen ratings. The vice presidential hopefuls reached almost 70 million viewers while the Obama vs. McCain presidential debate only tallied 52.4 million. The second Presidential Debate will be held at 6:00 pm next Tuesday in TSU Pavilion C. The night’s focus is scheduled to cover issues raised by audience members in Town Hall.

Palin: touts mccain’s position on taxes From Page 1 Ayers was 26 years later in Chicago at a meeting about school reform, the Times article said. Ayers was already a professor at the University of Illinois. The Obama campaign has said the relationship is exaggerated by opponents in an attempt to smear

his reputation. Palin failed to mention that many media outlets, including the Times, have acknowledged that records show Obama and Ayers did not have a very close relationship. Their interactions were limited to school reform projects during Obama’s first run at office and sporadic encounters as neighbors in

Chicago. She also reiterated what she said in last Thursday’s debates that Barack Obama “is going to raise your taxes … he voted 94 times to raise taxes.” The rest of Palin’s speech contained much of the same rhetoric that she has used on the campaign trail. She called John McCain the

true advocate of change and the only one of the candidates who has actually fought for the American people. “In politics there are candidates who use change to promote their careers,” Palin said to a cheering crowd. “And some, like John McCain who use their careers to promote change.”

bilingual journalist: helping students From Page 1 their Spanish writing skills by reading novels written by Carlos Fuentes or watching cultural programs on Spanish language TV. He also recommends students gain experience in local or small town stations prior to applying for Telemundo or Univision, the two largest Spanish language TV networks in the nation. The presenters showed an array of opportunities for the bilingual journalist in the Spanish language market. Lilian de la Torre-Jimenez, editor and owner of Bodas USA magazine, said that changes in demographics and technology are opening new doors for the bilingual students. Latina magazine and Hispanic Business magazine are English-language publications that cater to the bilingual generation and the Hispanic community. “I’m seeing a drastic change, of course, in demographics, but in the Hispanic media. There are many bilingual publications that are opening up; newspapers, magazines, bilingual radio,” Torre-Jimenenez said. “There are opportunities for journalists that are bilingual. Not only in Spanish publications, but in English publications that cater to the Hispanics.” Patricia Garcia, director of advertisement agency Power Media Group, said that the buying power of Hispanics in California has been on the rise since 1990. It is currently at $244 billion and is expected to increase to $322 billion by 2012, according to data provided by the Selig Center For Economic Growth. According to Garcia, the bilingual student not only can seek jobs in print or broadcast news, but in other fields like the marketing sector. Garcia graduated in public relations and funded Power Media Group, Inc. from her family room. Garcia received the LBA Sol Award for Business of the Year in 2008 and has also received several government recognitions throughout the years. America Arias, president of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) at CSUF, is concerned that the younger generation is losing its

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language. She helped organized the conference as a way to give back to the students and to prepare them for the promising future. “It is great that the population is growing, but if we are losing our

pride and we are losing our language, we our losing our identity,” Arias said. “This is how powerful Spanish media really is. This is how powerful you can be if you reach out and inform the public, and I think if

we bring that back to the youth, to our own students here at Fullerton, I feel like I’m contributing to making sure that the next generation, the next big boom, is well informed to inform the public.”

October 6, 2008



Photo Essay: Ballet Folklorico in Quad

By Joe Von Regius/Daily Titan Staff Photographer The Ballet Folklorico de CSUF organization held their first public performance in the Quad on Thursday from 11a.m.-2p.m. The event was a fundraiser for costumes. Guest performer Francisco Andrade captivates the crowd as the “Floreo de Riata,” which means Mexican cowboy roper. His final trick for the performance was displaying his roping skills as he spun a lasso around the dancers.

Aid program for CSUF students STAND UP in the TSU features@dailytitan.com

Free groceries and clothing will be distributed every Friday in October at UH 141. These items will be given to Cal State Fullerton students who are in need through the Extended Opportunity Program Student Association, a club of students who are aided by CSUF Extended Opportunity Program, and the Care S.H.O.S. (Students Helping Other Students) program. This is the first year the program is being implemented on the CSUF campus. It is also a great opportunity for any students and their family to receive a helping hand, said Dameion Renault, a human services major and the program’s founder and coordinator. “We’re all students. We can all share the resources that we have,” said EOP Student Association president Adriana Cortes, 19, a political

We are all students. We can all share the resources that we have.

Renault eventually was able to give up to $2,800 in clothing for children and thousands of pounds of food. The Orange County Food Bank sells food for 6 cents a pound to nonprofit organizations like EOP, which is a major benefit for the Care S.H.O.S. program, according to Renault. International business major Diana Lira, 22, a senior, benefited from the program. She said she was encouraged by the availability of resources. “Sometimes, even as college students, we think everyone comes from similar backgrounds. But even students have additional needs. EOPS is doing something about it which is awesome,” Lira said. According to Cortes, over the past year the EOP Student Association at CSUF has established itself enough to become the political and social association it aspires to be. Programs like Care S.H.O.S. reinforce the value of EOPS’s presence at CSUF, Cortes said. “We want to make sure that underrepresented students can have access to higher education and services that help them stay in school, and ultimately finish,” he said.

Zune player forum makes teen a fortune SANTA ANA (MCT) – Young entrepreneur Hansup Yoon, 15, recently sold his creation ZuneBoards, an Internet forum devoted to Microsoft’s Zune media player, for $62,000. The teenager, who lives in Fullerton, created the site months before Microsoft introduced its answer to Apple’s iPod in 2006. “It was the most perfect time to start a Web site about Zune, and I was one of the first few to create a Zune-related site,” he said. Yoon built the site using the free MyBBoard software, later shifting to vBulletin and Joomla. In less than two years, it grew to 60,000 members with more than 270,000 posts,

all about Zune. It has been making about $1,000 a month from Google Adsense and TribalFusion, both with tools that place ads that are relevant to a Web site’s visitors. When he decided to sell, he posted it on SitePoint.com and other sales Web sites for a minimum of $30,000 or “Buy It Now” for $60,000. Two bidders chose the latter option, and crowdgather, a Woodland Hills, company that has bought more than 70 message boards and forums as a foundation for Internet advertising, upped its bid to $62,000. “Bidding was getting close to the Buy It Now price, and I didn’t want to lose (ZuneBoards) over a few

thousand dollars,” said crowdgather founder Sanjay Sabnani. Sabnani wasn’t surprised to learn that his acquisition was created and owned by a teenager. “I’m getting more and more used to that,” he said. “My first acquisition was a graphic site from someone in Italy. I was blown away when I found out he was 16.” Because Yoon is a minor, crowdgather negotiated with his parents, and the deal closed in a day. They used escrow.com, an Irvine site that acts as a shield against fraud between buyers and sellers of businesses, Web sites and other ventures, Sabnani said. Yoon’s ability to build a profitable site would be the envy of older entrepreneurs. “At first I tried to teach myself with books I would buy from bookstores. ... However, ultimately, I was mostly self-taught from other Web development communities like Forums.DigitalPoint. com, SitePoint.com and NamePros. com,” Yoon said. “The Internet is an amazing place. You can practically learn anything you want if you’re

willing to make a time commitment. “It is so easy to make money on the Internet. Web development. Madefor-Adsense sites. Affiliate marketing. Paid to post. And the list goes on,” Yoon said. “I guess that’s one reason why I am so thankful to God. Not everyone has the mentality and understanding of how things work online as I do.” After he designed ZuneBoards, he marketed it by exchanging posts with other small forums. In a few months, he had several volunteer administrators and moderators who made sure the forums were organized and all posts obeyed the site’s rules. He is a sophomore in high school and plans to try out for the football team. Also, he wanted to give some financial support to his family. “Thirdly, I felt that I wasn’t doing my best to really make ZuneBoards grow to its full capabilities,” he added. “I felt a new ownership would really bring in fresh leaders that were really motivated and focused on the growth of ZuneBoards.” He said he will continue as a site administrator.

SCTA presents a multicultural diversity play from Los Osos High School

being judged for gang violence. It also dealt with the students being afraid to speak their minds in the classroom and defend themselves. The next scene put students in segregated lunch groups and had them saying hurtful things about By Crysania Salcido Daily Titan Staff Writer each other. features@dailytitan.com It showed the hypocrisy of students calling people their friends but Every student has likely been ste- dishing out racial slurs the second reotyped by either a teacher or peer they got with their “own” group. The play ended with another at least once in their life. The feeling of being judged by poem that encouraged the audience the color of your skin or your sexual in its last line to search out “the pospreference rather than the person sibility, the experience of each other” you are can leave hurtful, lingering instead of marking each other with color lines. effects. After the play, STAND UP enThose kind of issues are what Socially Together And Naturally Di- couraged audience members to voverse United Performers (STAND calize their opinions in a questionand-answer session. UP) dealt with The audience in their play at got to hear the the Titan Student high school stuUnion Theatre on dents’ opinion of Wednesday. what they were The event was doing, and the hosted by the Cal high school stuState Fullerton dents as well as chapter of the Stutheir adviser were dent California more than willing Teachers Associato share their extion and included periences. multiple perfor– Sydney Evans , “We want to mances. Performer change people’s “We would perception of hope to get the everything. We word out on campus to have everyone come together don’t want people to judge other and see that diversity is an amazing people for what they are,” performer thing, but only if you support it to Sydney Evans said. The play was well-received by its fullest,” SCTA chapter President CSUF students who attended, makKristina Hohmann said. STAND UP is a group made up of ing them think about their own acstudents from Los Osos High School tions inside and outside of the classin Rancho Cucamonga who perform room. First year teaching credential stumulticultural diversity plays. Brian Jeffrey, STAND UP advis- dent Erin Bailey said she thought the er, said at the beginning of the per- plays could be applied to students on formance that the plays were based campus as well as the future teachers on experiences the students have en- who will have to deal with these situcountered with racism and intoler- ations in their classrooms. “To be able to come and hear ance in the world around them. “I thought it was really moving people’s real experiences, not just a and powerful and brave of those stu- play, but testimonies of what people dents to get up in front of their peers have experienced, it’s eye-opening. and talk about such strong issues,” It makes us question our own prejuAmanda Powrie, a first-year teaching dices and how we act towards other people,” Bailey said. credential student, said. The SCTA hopes to do more The play began with a powerful poem that Jeffrey described as a events like STAND UP in order to “cry and call for unity and diversity,” promote diversity for student teachthen moved into a play dealing with ers as well as other students on camsituations students encounter in the pus. “Some of the subjects are really classroom. The scene dealt with issues such touchy and people can get sensitive as teachers judging them based on about them, but I think everyone stereotypes like Asians always doing can relate to it in some way,” Hohmtheir homework and Hispanic kids ann said.

We want to change peoples’ perception of everything. We don’t want people to judge other people for what they are.

By Sarah De mers

For the Daily Titan

science major. a hard time speaking up and getting The EOP program is distribut- help, that’s what this is about,” Reing donations that include adult nault said. clothing, children’s toys, children’s He originally began the program clothes, beverages, canned goods, at Orange Coast College, where he dry goods, and produce from the helped service “thousands of students Orange County Food Bank. who needed an extra something.” Information will As a student, also be provided to Renault received connect students counseling and fito living assistance nancial assistance programs that can through Extended help with utilities, Opportunity Prorent, food, furnigrams and Serture and bus passvices at Orange es. Salvation Army – Adriana Cortes, Coast College, Assistant Manager, and was inspired EOP President Sylvia Ramirez, 48, to do something will volunteer every for other students Friday to give this information. who need a helping hand. He had alDonations of food, clean cloth- ways been interested in missions and ing, toys, books, or bedding made now he could incorporate the theme by other students can be dropped off locally, he said. in bins that say “Donation” or “Help While Renault was able to obtain Your Fellow Students.” The bins are the benefits of EOPS, he understood located at the Pollack Library, Mc- that there was a financial cutoff point Carthy Hall, Titan Student Union that left many middle-income stulounge, and the EOP office in the dents with needs without being able Humanities Building. to qualify for many of the assistance Renault is implementing the pro- programs offered on campus. gram on CSUF’s campus, after much S.H.O.S is a bridge that he hopes success at Orange Coast College. hundred of students will take advan“If I can help someone who has tage of, Renault said.

Items such as food and clean clothing may be donated at bins around campus.

20% OFF to CSUF students with valid I.D.



Titan Editorial Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

‘Blacklisted’ gets voices heard For decades, the black community of the U.S. has been the subject of thousands of authors, journalists and movie directors the world over. Whether it’s the fascination of mainstream America or the struggle of black professionals to bind together a roadmap of the culture’s roots, the question always seems to be the same: “What is it really like to be black in today’s American society?” Some media manage to do a fair job of answering this question, and some are Fox News. But in the wake of the slightly watered-down CNN approach to black culture in the “Black in America” series, it seems relevant to wonder if the voice of the mainstream media would ever find the pitch to match the voice of a community that is historically viewed as a mysterious minority group. HBO did just that in an interview documentary created by Timothy Greenfield-Saunders and Elvis Jones called “The Blacklist: Volume 1,” which originally aired in August. The premise of the documentary involved a full roster of black icons and professionals who ranged from performance artists to the CEO of Time Warner Co., from unknown movers and shakers to rappers and box office

celebrities. Each had several-minute interview segments with Jones, who asked the questions and stayed out of frame during the interviews. The roster itself was enough to get people to tune in. Colin Powell, Sean “P. Diddy” Combs, Toni Morrison and Al Sharpton were a few of the bigger names on the documentary. But it was equally as remarkable to watch people like Thelma Golden, art curator for the Whitney Museum, or Former Time Warner CEO Richard Parsons talk about their experiences as black Americans. All of these various professionals experienced struggle, diversity and triumph to get where they are today. This was a step in the right direction for Americans perception of black culture because it showed people talking without filters or a CNN narrative that is dubbed over the true voices of the struggles happening in American cities. If CNN’s “Black in America” could be redone, they could take some hints from HBO’s documentary. When all is said, done and written, there will be a call to examine the true history of the U.S. and there is no better way to chronicle it than through the voices of the people who lived it.

October 6, 2008

Not in a swing state? Why bother voting? By Christian brown

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

On Nov. 4, millions of Americans will proudly take the time to step into the voting booth and elect the next President of the United States. Unfortunately, in many states, like California, those votes mean absolutely nothing. Since the general election began in June, political pundits and analysts have reintroduced the American people to the infamous swing, or battleground, states. These states are unique as they tend to waver between patterns of voting for Democratic and Republican presidential candidates. As a result, they can easily decide who wins a presidential election. Remember the 2000 presidential election between then Vice-President Al Gore and Gov. George W. Bush? For 36 days after that election, the country stood and watched as officials in Florida rummaged through hanging chads on punch card ballots in order to determine who really won the Sunshine State’s 25 electoral votes. In the end, Bush squeaked out a victory and won the state by 537 votes. Like it or not, a mere 537 people chose the 43rd President of the United States. In 2004, the country faced a similar situation where yet another swing

state decided the presidential election in favor of the Republicans. This time it was a win in Ohio that allowed Bush to defeat Sen. John Kerry by only 118,600 votes. Could these past, narrow elections foreshadow what is to come on Nov. 4? It seems more likely than not. Since the 2000 election, many states have moved to the center politically, meaning the majority of voters tend to agree on pivotal issues while a minority resides staunchly on the right or the left. This moderate trend divides the political map, creating a handful of battleground states where the people there become targets for each campaign. This year is no different, as recent polls in the states of Pennsylvania, Colorado, Michigan, Wisconsin, Virginia, Nevada, New Hampshire, Indiana, North Carolina, Ohio and Florida all show Sen. John McCain and Sen. Barack Obama in

a statistical tie. On Election Day, these states will ultimately decide who will win the presidency. Liberal and conservative states such as California and Texas only serve as a political base for their candidates by raising millions of dollars that will go into television ads used in the battleground states.

T h i s year alone, California has raised nearly $53 million for Obama, which exceeds contributions from any other state,

according to MSNBC.com. Though the state of California has donated generously to both campaigns, the candidates themselves have not visited the state nearly as often as they have Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Colorado. Just Monday, Obama campaigned in Denver, while McCain rallied supporters in Columbus. Both understand that it is critical to have these voters on their side. One way to solidify support from these voters is to choose a vice-presidential running mate that has appeal with the demographics in these battleground states. McCain and Obama both used their running mates as an effort to capture these swing voters. Look at Sen. Joe Biden, the Democratic vice-presidential candidate. His upbringing in Scranton, Pa. and his ability to connect with blue-collar voters in states like Ohio and Michigan put him at the top of Obama’s list. Likewise, Gov. Sarah Palin’s conservative beliefs and small-town values made her an instant celebrity within the GOP and gave McCain a short-lived lead over Obama in national polls. With that, it’s simple to determine who will win the 2008 presidential election. No matter what happens in the decided states, who ever can convince these battleground states in middle America to vote for their ticket will be the next commander-in-chief.

The Gossip Girl By Amy Robertson Daily Titan Columnist

Letters to the Editor:

Any feedback, positive or negative, is encouraged, as we strive to keep an open dialogue with our readership. The Daily Titan reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar and spelling. Direct all comments, questions or concerns along with your full name and major to Daily Titan Opinion Editor Austen Montero at opinion@dailytitan.com.

Happy birthday Miley Cyrus, now wise up Nobody does it bigger or better than Miley Cyrus. And, what’s a more perfect time of your life to go big or go home than your sixteenth birthday? I don’t know why sweet 16 is as big of a deal as it is.

If anything, 13 and 18 are more monumental birthdays than 16. You become an official teenager at 13 and an official adult at 18 (though some 18-year-olds don’t act like adults). However, despite the importance of both those years in our life, 16 still remains the most memorable. I remember my sweet 16 party. I had a big party at my house. And, by big, I’m talking 20 people came over. Let me also add that my parents were there to supervise and embarrass. Parental humiliations aside, there are two things I will always remember about my sweet 16. Firstly, I had a cavity filled the day before, and the dentist accidentally hit a nerve. My cheeks were swollen and bruised for the entirety of my party. Additionally, my mom ended up walking in on one of my ex-boyfriends making out with my friend in my bedroom. Needless to say, she wasn’t my friend after that. While my sweet 16 wasn’t so sweet, I can’t say the same for a certain pop princess extraordinaire who had a birthday bash at Disneyland yesterday. The thing that sets her party apart from mine (aside from the fact that

she’s wealthy and famous) is that her party had room for 5,000 guests, according to Disney’s official Web site. Those guests also paid $250 just to attend, according to perezhilton. com. What’s also unique about this bash is that it took place over a month before her actual birthday. I guess you can never start celebrating too early. That’s one thing I foresee a lot of in Miley’s future – celebrating. I bet that that girl knows how to have a good time. Unfortunately, I’m not saying this in an “I think she’s so cool and want to hang out with her” way. If you knew me, you’d know that Miley Cyrus is in my top three young celebrities I don’t like – right up there with Vanessa Hudgens and Heidi Montag. While Montag is on a playing level all her own, I think that Hudgens and Cyrus share a lot in common. The main commonality they share is their "sluttish" tendencies. This week’s column is not about Vanessa, though. I have to give her a little more credit. She hasn’t been making any scandalous headlines lately. I hope that means she’s staying out of trouble. Miley, on the other hand, is not even 16 years old. The things she does – dressing way more scantily

than I ever have or would, taking provocative pictures of herself with other girls/guys, and having provocative pictures taken of her (thank you, Vanity Fair) – is not what a 15year-old should be doing. Maybe I’m just old fashioned or completely out of touch with the way of the world these days. I just think that Miley is not acting how she should for her age. For some reason, it gets under my skin so much. I can’t stand her. Or, maybe I just can’t stand how she doesn’t admit to any wrongdoings. Miley – I say go crazy when you’re in your twenties if you want, but not while you’re still illegal and in the spotlight as much as you are – supposedly being a role model for young children and a representative for the ever-wholesome Disney. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again – Miley Cyrus is the next Britney Spears. However, not the successful-popstar Britney Spears. She’s the Britney who shaves off her hair, wears a hot-pink wig and tattered fishnet stockings everyday. With that in mind, I’d like to raise my glass to Miley Cyrus. Happy birthday! I look forward to the many crazy headlines of yours that are bound to come.


October 6, 2008

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Humorscopes brought to you by humorscope.com

Aries (March 21 - April 19) You will get together with several friends, and start an extremely exclusive club. Mostly, this will just be so you can have your own secret handshake, of course. Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Fungus day today. Interestingly, you will discover that in order to engage in mycological research, you need go no further than your toes... Gemini (May 21 - June 20) Poit twoonie squaggle? Floon morble tid bubbu taha, hen? Hen? Cancer (June 21 - July 22) You will be attacked by a man wielding a ham sandwich. Fortunately, you will remember your self-defense lessons, and should be able to drive him off using a bunch of celery. Leo (July 23 - August 22) More fun with twine, today. Isn’t it great!? Virgo (August 23 - September 22) You will discover, today, that you can whistle and hum at the same time. This will entertain you for hours. Libra (September 23 - October 22) Today you will seek out new life, and new civilisations. You won’t find any, of course, but you will discover a really excellent Chinese restaurant in the process. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) Hmm. Hard to read this one. The carrot stopped right between “kidnapped and tortured” and “wins the lottery”. Probably a little of both, I’d guess. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) You will receive a “Dear John” letter from a loved one today, but much to your relief, your name isn’t “John”. Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) Try to praise in public and criticise in private. Just never, ever, criticise privates. Aquarius (January 21 - February 18) Today is an excellent day to wink slyly at people, just as they are turning away. When they look back, smile innocently. Pisces (February 19 - March 20) Try to avoid nibbling on things today. Despite recent developments, you don’t actually know your friend that well yet.

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HOW TO PLAY: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

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October 6, 2008

Titans upset No. 23 Gauchos, 2-0 at Titan Stadium


Recruiting class ranked 14th in the nation

By John Klewer/For the Daily Titan Freshman Caitlin Mellano takes a slide-tackle during the first half against UCSB. Cal State Fullerton freshman Janae Deas’ two goals led the Titans to a 2-0 victory over the No. 23 Gauchos. The win improved the Titans record to 6-6-1 (1-1 in Big West) and dropped the Gauchos to 8-5 (1-1).

Tucson, Ariz. – Collegiate Baseball has ranked Cal State Fullerton’s 2009 recruiting class, the 14th-best in the nation in its 26th annual evaluation, announced today by the Tucson-based publication. This is the first recruiting class for second-year Head Coach Dave Serrano and his coaching staff since the regime change prior to the 2008 season. Serrano was the Titans’ recruiting coordinator from 1997-2004 as an assistant to Titan skipper George Horton. “We are honored to be recognized as having one of the top 15 recruiting classes in the nation,” Serrano said. The Titans, coming off a 41-22 season, are returning a strong core of starters but have replenished the squad with a fine crop of young men primarily from the Southern California area. Fullerton has brought in 19 players, six from junior colleges and 13 from the high school ranks, to vie for one of the 35 roster spots in 2009.

Kyle Witten (Jr., RHP/INF, Bakersfield College), Tyler Pill (Fr., RHP/UTIL, Covina HS), Nick Ramirez (Fr., LHP/1B, Katella HS), Noe Ramirez (Fr., RHP/INF, Alhambra HS) and Kyle Mertins (Jr., RHP, Santa Ana College) headline the 2009 class, all of whom bring much needed pitching experience to the table with the departure of the Titans No. 1 and 2 starters as well as a valuable reliever. The Titans will be without Jeff Kaplan, Cory Arbiso and Adam Jorgenson who combined for 25 wins and over 265 innings during the 2008 season. Arizona State earned was No. 1 in the year’s rankings followed by Oregon, Vanderbildt and Ankansas. Other West Coast teams in the top 40 ranking include: UCLA (6), defending national champions Fresno State (10), Oregon State (12), USC (16), UC Irvine (22), Stanford (26), San Diego State (29), Pepperdine (33), Long Beach State (39) and Cal State Northridge (t-40). StorY courtesy of Titan Media Relations

Huskies defense shuts out men’s team at home Daily Titan Sports Writer sports@dailytitan.com

The Cal State Fullerton men’s soccer team came up short again in Saturday’s matchup with Houston Baptist, losing 1-0 at Titan Stadium. The lone goal of the game came on 20-yard shot after a long dribble by Huskies forward Ruzhdi Halili in the first half. The Titans had chances to score all night, outshooting the Huskies 17-4. After getting their goal, the Huskies (4-3) sat back and played more defenders in the backfield, making it

difficult for the Titans (3-8) to get times.” any good shots. Titan sophomore Alvarez finished the game with forward Celso Althree shots, one varez said this has on target. been typical of the The only goal games they have of the game came played this season. when Halili broke “Every game we away from the Tihave opportunities, tans’ defense and we just don’t capihad a strike inside talize on them,” Althe box, getting – Bob Ammann, it just past Titan varez said. “We always outshoot the goalkeeper Kevin CSUF Head Coach teams but can’t get Puder. goals. We were get“Everybody got ting inside on them, we just couldn’t caught forward on a corner kick put any in. We hit the post a few and unfortunately they got behind

...it was important not to give up an early goal, and unfortunately that is exactly what we did.

By Raj Modha

us, got on a break away and had a decent angle and he put it where I couldn’t get to it,” Puder said. Titan Head Coach Bob Ammann said that the goal was due to a missed assignment by a Titan defender. “It starts with the frustration on how we let in the goal from our offensive corner. We had someone in there that it was only (in) his second game because of Matt Sanders being out. Unfortunately he made a mistake and I’m sure he regrets it. It is something we need to get taken care of,” Ammann said. The Huskies played a physical game, consistently knocking the Ti-

tan players to the ground and picking up yellow cards throughout the match. The Huskies had six yellow cards to the Titans’ one. The Titans were in Huskies territory most of the game, but they could not convert any of the chances for goals. Several shots bounced off the crossbar, but it was the closest they would get all night. “We had them figured out. We dominated the ball and game. We just need to improve on the finishing product,” Puder said. Ammann said the result was like others this season. “It was similar to some of the

games we have seen already this year. UNLV is a perfect example,” Ammann said. “We told the guys going into the game they were going to make it difficult for us offensively, so it was important not to give up an early goal, and unfortunately that’s exactly what we did.” The Titans have about half the season to right the ship as the team is 0-1 in conference play and its remaining games are all against Big West opponents. The Titans will next play a conference game against UC Davis on Wednesday at 7:00 pm at Titan Stadium.

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