2008 11 06

Page 1

OPINION: Health in a Handbasket: the ins and outs of the flu shot, page 5

SPORTS: Page 10

Two Titans move into record book despite loss Since 1960 Volume 87, Issue 38

FEATURES: Student makes a name for himself as a playwright, page 4

Daily Titan

Thursday November 6, 2008

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

DTSHORTHAND Campus Life Dr. Goldstein will discuss how human embryonic stem cells can be used to develop new systems for understanding, and eventually treating Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS), Huntington’s Disease, and Alzheimer’s Disease by generating new approaches for drug discovery or therapy. Goldstein’s presentation will be held in the Titan Student Union Pavillions today at 5:30 p.m. For more information about this free public presentation, please contact Nilay Patel at (714) 278 2483. The presentation is free for the public.

Weightless inspiration

Improbable march into history is major (MCT) – Rosa Parks sat down. Martin Luther King Jr. marched. Barack Obama ran. And on Tuesday night, Obama’s marathon reached an unprecedented place in American history. The president-elect is an African-American, one whose face and words have come to define not just an election but a time in history. A nation dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal has elevated that principle to its highest office. “This is a central moment in American history,” said Michael Dawson, one of the nation’s leading authors and scholars on race and politics. “America’s reputation in the world is at its lowest point, maybe since the end of World War II. “Obama is an important signal to the world about the ability to overcome such a wretched history of conflict and hatred,” he said, “and to build a more democratic society through the sweat and tears of its people.” On its face, the achievement is plain. An African-American will soon be sworn in as president of a country built partly with the forced labor of black slaves. Michelle Obama, who unlike her husband is a descendant of American slaves, will become first lady.

The people who are suppose to take care of us are in a ‘fire truck fail’

Many cars pull aside for fire trucks when it’s on the road. Unfortunately, the communication between these two fire trucks was a complete fail. Imagine the emergency that these trucks are trying to reach and they caused their own emergency. Fire truck fail!



High: 80˚ Low: 53˚ Sunny


High: 80˚ Low: 55˚ Sunny

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Photo by Michael Tercha/Courtesy of MCT Linda Hogan, a science teacher at Lake Ridge Middle School in Gary, Indiana, is weightless with about 30 other science teachers, Oct. 21 during the Northrop Grumman Foundation Weightless Flights of Discovery training program aboard G-Force One, Zero Gravity Corporation’s parabolic flying Boeing 727-200.

Read the story on page 4

Violent video games still debated By EUI-jo Marquez

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

An appeal challenging the preliminary injunction against California’s failed violent video game law was held Oct. 29 in the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Sacramento. The law, authored by Senator Leland Yee (D- San Francisco), was created to prevent the sale and rental of violent video games to minors, and to enforce the labeling of such games. Yee’s bill became a law in 2005 but was stopped from going into effect for being unconstitutional by U.S. District Court Judge Ronald Whyte. Whyte objected to the law on the grounds that it violated the First Amendment rights of minors to information, according to CNET news. The lawsuit challenging the law was brought by video game in-

After California judge Ronald Whyte ruled the original 2005 law unconstitutional, Sen. Leland Yee is still moving forward with proposed legislation that would restrict minors from purchasing/renting such games

dustry associations, according to msnbc.com. “California’s violent video game law properly seeks to protect children from the harmful effects of interactive, ultra-violent video games,” Yee said in a recent press release. “Our efforts to assist parents in the fight to keep these harmful video games out of the hands of children should survive constitutional challenge under all levels of judicial review.” In his bill, Yee declared that violent video games lead to feelings of aggression and violent anti-social behavior in minors, and that even minors who do not commit such acts suffer psychological harm. He defined a violent video game as a game in which the player participates in

“killing, maiming, dismembering, or sexually assaulting an image of a human being.” These acts must meet conditions to be considered violent. They must seem “deviant or morbid” to a “reasonable person,” are offensive to the “prevailing standards in a community” and must “(lack) serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value for minors.” The game must also be “especially heinous, cruel, or depraved in that it involves torture or serious physical abuse to the victim” to be considered violent. These terms are defined in detail in the text of the law. Children traditionally have less rights under the First Amendment in order to protect them from harm, communications law professor

Genelle Belmas said in an e-mail interview. The problem with this law, according to Belmas, is that whether or not violent games provoke children to “imminent” violence has not been proven, meaning that children who play violent video games do not necessarily commit violent acts immediately after playing the games. “Most of the research suggest that watching a video game is not going to make a kid go out and kill somebody,” communications professor Cynthia King said. But studies have found that playing violent games can increase aggressive thoughts, feelings and behavior, and that games are more harmful than violent television and movies, because they are “interactive, very

engrossing and require the player to identify with the aggressor,” according to the second edition of King’s and Shay Sayre’s book “Entertainment and Society.” These games also reward players for violent actions, and show players that aggressive behavior is a solution to conflict, but no research has shown that violent video games lead to major violent crime, according to King’s book. Sociology professor Connie Brewer feels that such research findings make no difference. “It is illogical to deduce that an interactive game-playing experience does not also affect behavior,” she said. See VIDEO GAMES, Page 2

Obama won ... what now? ‘Roots & shoots,’ By Daniel Xu

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Behind President-elect Barack Obama’s crushing victory in the electoral college stands, the comparatively much less one-sided national popular vote between him and conceded opponent Sen. John McCain (Obama’s 53 percent to McCain’s 46), and beyond the historic moment with the new leader declaring anything is possible lies the record national debt and grave economic crisis. America’s 44th President announced to the crowd of 200,000 in Grant Park, Chicago and millions of others around the country, “this victory alone is not the change we seek.” After a bitter primary and even nastier general election campaign, what happens now could still be more meaningful than any monumental episode in Obama’s 21-month marathon. In a sobering message to his giddy supporters, Obama recognized those who have not voted for him. “I will be your president too,” he declared. Matthew Jarvis, political science professor at Cal State Fullerton, saw the potential of a favorable Obama administration. However, Jarvis said Obama must learn one critical lesson from President George W. Bush’s last eight years. He attributed the reason for the extreme partisanship in today’s government to Bush’s alienation of Congress. “Bush treated Congress like (an unwanted) red-haired stepchild. He basically comes up with a policy and tells them to pass it,” Jarvis said. For Obama to bring positive

CSUF professor says new generation of voters have more work ahead of them

change in the federal government, “he needs to hold big meetings, give his suggestions, and let the Congress work out the details.” Jarvis recalled when – decades ago – policies could receive passing votes from 90 percent of Congressional members. The professor said he couldn’t say how Obama will use his executive powers, but it should soon be apparent if the Democratic President will keep his promise and make efforts to reach across the aisle. Jarvis added that the policy making process is slow, and Obama’s campaign commitments will not come through the day after his inauguration. The Presidentelect himself acknowledged the hard work ahead in Tuesday night’s speech, preparing all in the audience for sacrifices they will have to make. Courtney Baxter, president of College Democrats at CSUF, said bipartisanship also depends on the Republicans. She said she heard McCain supporters gathered in rallies on Election Day boo when they heard Obama’s victory speech, and she was “disgusted” by their disapproval of Obama’s call for unity. “Even I don’t agree with some of Obama’s stands on certain issues,” Baxter said. “However, America has spoken (with their votes). Now, we should all support our new president and make changes come true.” She admitted to being a realist, saying she doesn’t See WHAT NOW?, Page 2

more than a club

Campus organization ties the community together by offering services and assistance for those in need By Allison Griggs

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Roots and Shoots is tying it all together. The anthropology club is made up of a small group of less than 10 selforganized students who participate in a program that is recognized on a worldwide level. The Jane Goodall-founded organization is geared at bringing people together; within the anthropology department, Cal State Fullerton, the community, the nation and ultimately the world. Alia Aynes, club president, is a senior studying cultural anthropology. She takes her role seriously not only within her department but the community as a whole.

“We’re taking a more community service-oriented approach this year,” Aynes said. The group is taking on multiple projects this year that intend to have a positive impact on the school as well as the surrounding community. The club has recently participated in the Anthropology Student Association’s fundraiser for AIDS Walk in Los Angeles, for which the ASA was able to raise a total of $1,579.55 for AIDS research, Aynes said. Roots and Shoots has also participated in the San Diego Zoo’s Walk on the Wild Side to raise awareness of, and money for, endangered animals. See ROOTS & SHOOTS, Page 2

Page Two


November 6, 2008

IN OTHER NEWS video games: may cause violent acts INTERNATIONAL

Dalai Lama says talks a failure, Tibet ‘dying’

TOKYO (MCT) – Tibet’s exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, said Monday that talks with Beijing to win greater autonomy for his Himalayan homeland had been a failure and that Tibet was “now dying” under China’s firm grip. He said that six years of direct talks between his personal envoys and Beijing had brought no substantial achievements. “Inside Tibet, the situation (has) become much worse. Sometimes I describe Tibet as passing through almost like a death sentence. This old nation, with ancient culture, heritage, (is) now dying,” he said. Appearing fit a month after his sudden hospitalization for the removal of gallstones, the exiled 73-year-old leader said talks with China had dragged on too long without success. He said a meeting that Tibetan exiles would hold in India later this month would be a turning point in determining how Tibetans should press for greater self-rule. “My trust in the Chinese government (is) now thinner, thinner, thinner,” he said, adding moments later: “Things are not going well. I cannot pretend that something (is) OK. No, I have to accept failure.” The Dalai Lama is on a weeklong visit to Japan, where he has a large following among fellow Buddhists.


Democrats pick up Senate seats

WASHINGTON (MCT) – Democrats fell short Tuesday in their drive to win a decisive 60-vote Senate majority that would thwart Republican roadblocks to their legislative agenda. But their toppling of at least five Republican seats strengthens their hand after two years of often frustrated maneuvering with a slim 51-vote margin. With returns still being counted in several key Senate contests, Barack Obama’s coattails helped unseat at least two Republican incumbents and win three open races where veteran Republican lawmakers were retiring. Democrats were also making gains in the House, hoping to add 20 seats or more. In Senate races, Democrats defeated Republican incumbents Elizabeth Dole in North Carolina and John Sununu in New Hampshire. They also won three open contests where veteran Republican lawmakers were retiring. In Virginia, Democrat Mark Warner defeated Republican Jim Gilmore in a battle between two former governors. In New Mexico, Democratic Rep. Tom Udall defeated Republican Rep. Steve Pearce.


Social networking sites do double duty these days

MODESTO (MCT) – The old adage “It’s not what you know, but who you know” is unapologetically obvious on such social networking Web sites as Facebook and LinkedIn, where users are working connections to find job opportunities. With job security on shaky ground, tech-savvy job seekers are using social networking sites to take advantage of their connections and their friends’ connections. Although MySpace and Facebook have had widespread success, newer, more professional sites such as LinkedIn are increasingly popular. Professional sites help job seekers find openings through friends and friends of friends. But that’s just one benefit, said Krista Canfield of Mountain View, Calif.based LinkedIn. “You can stay in touch with people who move around and switch careers. In this economy, people are moving around and looking for new opportunities,” she said.

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From Page 1

“In terms of freedom of speech, one does not have the freedom to shout ‘Fire!’ in a crowded theater ... Freedom of speech is not absolute.” Brewer pointed out that constitutional freedoms are balanced against the rights of others, and that people in a crowded theater have a right to safety. “The question is, is it the video game, or is it the individual who seeks something out of that game,” sociology professor Lorraine Prinsky said. “Do the games cause antisocial behavior, or are these already withdrawn kids who turn to these games

to help them cope with whatever their feelings are?” Prinsky pointed out that millions of children play the same game, and only a few are negatively affected by it. “Most kids have no problem separating reality from the game, but there are a few that do,” she said. The bottom line is protecting children, Prinsky said, but people need to pay attention to the real problems, which she said were drugs, alcohol and family issues. “Should you deprive millions of people from having fun enjoying the comfort that the game gives them?” she asked. “Should you take away

that decision making from the parents and make it for them, or should you let the parents decide if their child can handle it?” Games already carry rating labels. The Entertainment Software Rating Board is the self-regulating body of the gaming industry and they have six ratings, from “Early Childhood” to “Adults Only.” The ESRB does not have the authority to force retailers to enforce its ratings, although it works closely with retailers to provide information about how the rating system works, according to its Web site (http:// www.esrb.org). Its purpose is to inform par-

ents and children of the content of games. At the appeals court level, three judges sit on the panel, and Judge Alex Kozinski usually puts First Amendment rights over all others, Belmas said. “The 9th Circuit is arguably the most liberal circuit in the country. I can easily see the law being enjoined from enforcement (i.e., prohibited from being enforced), particularly with Kozinski on the panel. It may be 2-1 but I would bet a cafe latte that it will be enjoined,” Belmas said. “And I would bet that the losing side will appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States.”

roots & shoots: saving the environment From Page 1

Other endeavors include participation in Peace Day as well as a variety of other peace rallies. The club was also involved in this year’s election as they actively supported a “yes” vote on Proposition 2. This worldwide organization also supports Community Supported Agriculture, a project that enables community members to purchase shares of a local farm and receive a portion of the produce. The CSUF Roots and Shoots club acts as a distributor for the farm, and a tie between the farm and the community. South Coast Farms in San Juan Capistrano produces the goods for the CSA program.

The farm focuses its energy on nutrient content and flavor of their fruits and vegetables, not shelf life like the majority of mainstream grocery stores do. South Coast Farms recently decided to dedicate their entire production output of goods to CSA. Every other Wednesday, CSA members can pick up their produce baskets under the big tree at the entrance to the Arboretum, where Roots and Shoots holds their meetings. Sara Johnson, club advisor and CSUF anthropology professor, considers the CSA program an extremely rewarding endeavor. “It’s providing something the community needs, wants, and cares about,” Johnson said. “It’s a service

to the community that is providing what was missing.” CSA baskets that are not picked up are never wasted, Roots and Shoots donates the unclaimed produce to a local group that supports 15 displaced and homeless families. The donated produce averages $180 per month that goes toward helping needy families. “I really appreciate and enjoy seeing the students interact with the faculty and community members,” Johnson said. “It’s a wonderful thing to watch.” Anthropology graduate student Janice Boston is participating in the club for a third year. As a club member and now the vice president, she has seen its growth in the past few years, and said the program is really

taking off. “This year is really exciting because we have a lot of new projects,” Boston said. “We’re really breaking out, there’s a lot more involvement!” The up and coming “Animals in the Spotlight” in March is an example of one of the projects that will bring about a lot of involvement within the club, the school, and community as a whole. The event will focus on local endangered species and showcase a variety of speakers, presentations and, of course, snacks, according to the group. The potential speakers include specialists on birds and wolves, who also hope to bring animals to the event. The event is geared at attracting not only CSUF students but hopefully families as well.

what now?: what will obama do next From Page 1

expect much policy accomplishments at the end of Obama’s first term. “I only look forward to things getting underway in the right direction,” she said. Baxter also regarded the singledigit margin in popular votes as significant enough, along with the electoral vote landslide, to declare Obama as America’s clear favorite. CSUF College Republican President Kelly Kim agreed that it was time to stand behind Obama regardless of party differences. However, she remained skeptical of whether he could bring the two sides together. “He was one of the most liberal candidates in this election,” she said, expressing also her fears that Obama

will abuse the “Democratic trifecta” just as Bush had created and passed policies without strong checks and balances between the branches. In addition, Kim said she was disappointed with the noticeably different margins between the electoral votes and the popular votes. Still, she said she wasn’t sure if the president should be determined by popular vote. Jarvis said it would be an interesting scenario if the electoral college was eliminated. “You would see the candidates actually campaigning here in California, because we have such a large and concentrated population,” he said, explaining further that the rural areas would see more TV and other forms of campaign ads because they

cost less than in larger cities. Although, Jarvis pointed out, change in electoral methods would be the exact reason why middleAmerican states would never vote to do away with the current election system. Whatever the rules, Obama’s success came with the campaign’s genius in selecting key areas and organizing there locally for a record setting national turnout this election. Many credit young voters as one of the principle reasons for the Democrat’s remarkable triumph, and both Baxter and Kim said they could see this new generation of politically engaged youth continuing activism in their communities. Jarvis said he was glad to see the enthusiasm among first-time voters.

“Many of them will follow what’s going on (in politics) and keep on voting their whole lives,” he said. “Whether you agree or disagree with Obama’s policies, write letters to your local congressman and let them know.” Jarvis said one call to Obama is “just a drop in the pond” now that he has more than 63 million constituents, but it might be more valuable to call congressional districts. “You would be surprised how your view could be shared by 10,000 others in your community, and the politician up for election in two years will listen to you and take your concern to Washington.” That, he said, is how the new generation of voters will change the country.

Cop Blotter: More and more problems THURSDAY- Oct. 30 9:19 a.m. – In McCarthy Hall, police responded to a suspicious person’s call. It was reported that a male with a duffel bag was sleeping in the hallway by the vending machines. 9:49 a.m. – In the Visual Arts building, police responded to a property vandalism call. The vandalism occurred in the 1st floor men’s restroom and the 2nd floor men’s restroom. 10:13 a.m. – In the Engineering building, police responded to a vandalism call. It was reported that a vehicle was parked illegally in the ROTC parking space.

10:55 a.m. – Police responded to a medical aid call at the Kinesiology building. 1:13 p.m. – At the Titan Student Union, police responded to a medical aid call. 1:54 p.m. – Police responded to a blue phone emergency call in the Nutwood parking structure. 3:23 p.m. – At the College Park building, police responded to a medical aid call. It was reported that a male student was feeling dizzy. 4:55 p.m. – At the Visual Arts building, police responded to a suspicious package or mail call. Upon

arrival everything checked out OK.


5:25 p.m. – At the Education Classroom building, police responded to a medical aid call. It was reported that a faculty member needed assistance.

9:28 a.m. – At the football stadium, police responded to a medical aid call.

6:14 p.m. – In the Student Recreation Center, police responded to a petty theft. It was reported that a student had their purse and backpack stolen. FRIDAY- Oct. 31 3:27 a.m. – In the Oak student housing complex, police responded to a suspicious person’s call. It was reported that four males who were not residents were wandering

10:42 a.m. – In Lot G, police responded to a blue phone emergency call. No responses could be heard over the phone other than people walking to their cars after the football game. SATURDAY – Nov. 1 1:29 p.m. – In Lot A, police responded to a blue phone emergency call. 7:11 p.m. – In the Student Recreation Center, police responded to a blue phone emergency call.

November 6, 2008



Family bonds, service to country unite siblings By Rae nguyen

Daily Titan Staff Writer features@dailytitan.com

Irvine mom Cyndi Loxsom knew her identical twin sons, Frank and James, would eventually serve in the military in their prime years. They had expressed an interest in serving ever since they were 4 yearsold, playing with GI Joe action figures, shooting at each other from their plastic machine guns and using living room furniture as a makeshift fortress. But when Regina, Cyndi’s firstborn daughter, came up to her two years ago, Cyndi was surprised at Regina’s decision to join the Army Reserve Officers’Training Corps “I was literally shocked. I knew the boys wanted to but when she came up to me and told me how the (ROTC) program offered nursing, I knew I can only support her decision,” Cyndi said. With all her children in the program, Cyndi knew it was a lot to sacrifice. For one, there is a possibility they may all be deployed to Afghanistan or Iraq after finishing their ROTC commitment. “It is a very scary reality. But you know what? When you have children who are driven to do something, you can’t do anything but to support them,” Cyndi said. “I’m going support whatever they decide to do and my husband’s right there with me.” Cyndi, a small business owner and Mark, her husband, an architect, have no military background. The only person with any military experience is the Loxsom family’s paternal grandfather who served during the Korean War. Regina, a sophomore or military science level 2 student, said she has always wanted to be in the field to help those in need. Frank, a fresh-

man criminal justice major is older of 40. Aside from nursing their bruised than his brother James by two minutes and known in the family for egos from the last training, they his serious demeanor. The youngest readily admit their sister would alsibling, James is a political science ways be there for them. The brothers are interested in serving on the front major and the family comedian. It is a close-knit family and the lines and have chosen the infantry as siblings acknowledge having a happy their branch of service. “(Regina) will be there to bandage childhood. There was teasing, practical jokes and occasional bickering, us up if we get hurt,” James said. “She’s our nurse.” much like an averFrank and age suburban famJames are gungily. ho to serve as “It’s a typical soon as they finbrother and sister ish the program rivalry where we but Regina adpicked on each mits she’s not other and then ready. we’d be best friends “I still have the next day – we’d nursing school, go back and forth,” Regina said. “If I I have to go picked on them through boards too much, they’d and pass them gang up on me. I – Regina Loxsom, ... get training ... had to be careful.” I’m not ready. I Sister Master Sgt. Wilhave a long way liam Tramel, who to go,” she said. has both boys in Regina must his class, recalls the first time he met go on active duty for four years due the boys and their mother. to the terms of her scholarship. “She practically held the back of Even though the Loxsom’s are the boys’ collar and marched them separated within the two companies to the ROTC office,” Tramel said, of Titan Battalion, Regina still gets his arms raised and fingers clasped, asked which brother is which. Instrutting to pantomime Cyndi. “I stead of asking the twins, many of couldn’t believe it.” her fellow cadets would come up It was a different version from and ask, whispering their question how Cyndi explained it. to her. “You can’t tell them apart,” she She was in the office with Frank and James to finalize the contract said. “Master Sgt. Trammel has it when Tramel, looking somber and down pretty well, though. He has soldier-like, came in and offered a identical twin sons and learned how weak “hi.” That first impression of to tell Frank and James apart,” she Tramel made Cyndi chuckle. said. “So far, he’s the only one.” “He came in, looking all tough Apart from their commitment and I couldn’t help but laugh. He’s a to ROTC, the Loxsom siblings still funny guy,” Cyndi said. maintain a social life. Their groups Since their last field training exer- of friends, including many outside cise at Camp Pendleton, each of the the program have accepted their life siblings participated in Basic Rifle views. Marksmanship where 26 out of 40 “It doesn’t matter what circle of points is needed to pass. Frank and friends we have, they all understand James, however, didn’t want to talk why we want to do this,” about their dismal scores, especially Frank said. “We want to serve our when their older sister scored 36 out country.”

It’s a typical brother and sister rivalry where we picked on each other and then we’d be best friends the next day– we’d go back and forth.

Mother supports her children’s choice to serve in the military

Event to auction off rare wine By rae nguyen

Daily Titan Staff Writer features@dailytitan.com

Even though she was fulfilling a class requirement for her servicelearning project, public relations major Anne McNulty was excited to work with Share Our Wine, a nonprofit philanthropic organization, to set up their fourth annual “Auction Orange County” on Nov. 22. “It’s a great opportunity for the wine community to come together in supporting neglected and abused children,” McNulty said. McNulty and four other classmates volunteered their public relations services for the fundraiser. The event is a silent and live auction of rare cases of collectible wines, dinners at posh restaurants and weekend getaways. About 400 attendees are expected to come, most of them wine connoisseurs and philanthropists. Since its inception in 2005, Share Our Wine has been a catalyst in raising funds for local charities and programs that aid abused and neglected children in Orange County. Proceeds fund Orangewood Children’s Foundation and Child Guidance Center of Orange County and will be distributed to the many

programs, which include mentoring, guidance programs and college scholarships for former foster children, said Sarah Bazant, marketing director of Orangewood Children’s Foundation. The Orangewood Children’s Home, is Orange County’s only emergency shelter for children of abuse, neglect or abandonment. Organizations like Share Our Wine have made a difference in the many children affected by physical, mental and sexual abuse by their time and generosity, Bazant said. “It’s great that people can utilize their hobbies and their love for wine into a fundraising event that helps Orangewood Children’s Foundation and many other local charities here in Orange County,” Bazant said. Cal State Fullerton alumnus Steve Johnson founded the organization after he volunteered at the Share Our Selves free clinic in Orange County, a volunteer-based organization serving impoverished and working-poor populations. Initially, Johnson wanted to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina but was apprehensive that money donated to the Red Cross would not reach the victims. Johnson and his friends formed Share Our Wine and began soliciting for donations through wine auctions. So far, large corporations

like consulting company KPMG, American Business Bank and Patina Restaurant Group have agreed to sponsor this year’s event. Throughout the night, guests 21 and older are welcomed for endless wine tasting and sample hors d’ oeuvres catered by the Patina Group. A commemorative Riedel glass wine is given to each attendee. Registered attendees are also invited to an exclusive after-party dinner at Savannah’s Supper Club. Tickets begin at $150, VIP tickets at $500, McNulty said. Share Our Wine sold its top corporation sponsorship of $25,000 but has two more open to bid on. Johnson claims his organization may seem like every other business. The only difference, Johnson said, is there are no administrative costs and expenses for the event are minimal. “Our auction is fun and not another typical fundraising event,” Johnson said. “We did not want to create another gala where attendees have to pay a lot of money. Our event has a low admission rate in order to fill a big venue with potential bidders.” McNulty agrees. “People can be charitable through their time and money. Share Our Wine has a vision to make sure donations goes directly to these charities,” she said. “It’s a worthy cause to get involved in.”

Photo courtesy of Share our wine

By Rae nguyen/Daily Titan Staff Photographer Left to Right, siblings Frank, Regina and James Loxsom all signed up for the Army Reserved Officers’ Training Corps



November 6, 2008

Novice’s play to be featured in Kentucky By Jesica Eastman

Daily Titan Staff Writer features@dailytitan.com

At practically any time of day, Eric Czuleger, a senior theatre arts major, can be seen roaming the halls of Cal State Fullerton’s Performing Arts Center. While he looks like just another student on campus, Czuleger is making a name for himself within in the theater community as a professional playwright. In January, Czuleger will travel to Kentucky to see a play he wrote in its first live performance. Czuleger’s ten-minute-long play, “Craigslist: Last Post/Last Days” will be produced by The Actors Theatre of Louisville. “It is funny to think that the people I made up are sending me to Kentucky,” he said. “Actors Theatre is essentially the mecca of new play writing in America. I

am terribly moved to be a part of it.” contest, said Kyle Shepherd, media The play is about a group of people and publicity coordinator for Actor’s posting messages on Craigslist one Theatre of Louisville. week before the world ends. Czuleger “The Humana Festival is a world credits his interest in Craigslist as in- premiere of plays for new and emergspiration for the piece, especially the ing playwrights,” Shepherd said. section “Missed As a son of a C o n n e c t i o n s ,” novelist, Czuleger, which is for people 21, grew up around who have lost conbooks, writing and tact with ex-lovers. theater. He spent “All of these time moonlightpeople are casting as a stand-up ing lines, hoping comedian in Holsomeone bites,” lywood, but was Czuleger said. “It is drawn to dramatic an inorganic piece works, particularly of human connecbecause they are tion worth explormore challenging ing.” – Kari Hayter, to write than comCzuleger’s play edy sketches, he Graduate student will not only be said. produced by AcAt 16, he had tors Theatre, but is his first play pubalso in the running to be a part of the lished. “It was a small, really bad National Ten-Minute Play contest, little play,” Czuleger said. “And I which is a part of the Humana Fes- think since publication I have made a tival of New American Plays. If the whopping $12 off of the royalties.” Humana Festival accepts Czuleger’s Recognizing his talent and drive, play he will be eligible to win the his high school drama teacher, Kari Heideman Award, a prestigious dis- Hayter, urged him to attend CSUF tinction given to the winner of the because of the hands-on experience

Eric is so ambutious and needed to go to a university that would put him in situations that would make him work.

Student’s work also has a shot at being featured in a national competition

he would receive in the theater department. “Eric is so ambitious and needed to go to a university that would put him in situations that would make him work,” said Hayter, who is currently studying directing as a graduate student at CSUF. Hayter and Czuleger are now colleagues, working together on productions and projects. “She taught me everything I know about theatre,” Czuleger said. “What he has accomplished here is exactly what I wanted for him,” Hayter said. “Eric is an old soul and we have always had a working professional relationship and we will continue that for a very long time.” Next semester, the theater department will produce another original play by Czuleger, “Moonburn,” a family drama exploring themes of forgiveness and building trust. Czuleger is working on the last play he will complete while at CSUF. It is written specifically for the graduate student acting class. “The first time I got all of the actors together, I was like a kid in the candy store,” he said. “The sky is the limit with them.”

By Allen D. Wilson/Daily Titan Staff Photographer Eric Czuleger, senior poses on a staircase

Teachers try weightlessness for inspiration (MCT) – The passengers wore flight suits and nervous grins. As soothing music played in the background, a smiling woman on a video cautioned them about motion sickness, falling on one’s head and the No. 1 rule of the weightless flight ahead of them: “No jumping.” “I’m scared,” admitted Rob Rand, a St. Paul, Minn., science teacher. He and 53 other middle and high school teachers were guests of the

Northrop Grumman Foundation aboard a specially converted Boeing 727 that rose and dipped in the sky above Chicago recently so that they could experience weightlessness and then bring the lessons back to their students. “I work in a city with kids who have no idea this is a possibility,” said Pam Greyer of the Marine Military Academy in Chicago. “This will help me inspire them.”

The teachers brought simple experiments with them and duct-taped them to the floor. Then they lifted off from O’Hare International Airport with a whoop. The sensation of weightlessness came when the jet dove from 35,000 to 15,000 feet, then climbed again. On each drop, the passengers floated, giggling. On each climb, they grit their teeth as they lay on a padded floor, twice as heavy as they

For more feature stories, as well as the most recent in news, sports and opinion, make sure to go to www.dailytitan.com

are on the ground. This happened 15 times. The rides provided little opportunity for science trials, even modest ones. The teachers drifted among loose M&Ms, other pocket contents and droplets of water. Science took a back seat to somersaults and trying not to barf. But if the goal was to send energized teachers back to classrooms and science labs, it succeeded. The general public could expect to

pay $5,000 for such a flight _ $9,000 for the “platinum” experience of a less crowded cabin. The plane belongs to the commercial venture Zero Gravity Corp. What does zero gravity feel like? Chaos. With a sensation like stepping off a merry-go-round and over a cliff, each zero-G dive sent screaming teachers laughing and bouncing off the ceiling and one another for 30 seconds.

Lying again on the floor, the 2-G intervals between weightlessness felt as if the skin of one’s temples might unite behind one’s head. By the time the teachers returned to O’Hare, the formerly raucous crowd had grown quiet and pale, and walked as if finishing a long and punishing night on the town. But the weary smiles summed it up. “Fabulous,” Greyer said, fighting tears.

Versatile speakers affordable (MCT) – The iHome iH70 speakers are a three-in-one system that charges an iPod/iPhone, syncs with a computer (Mac or Windows systems) or functions as standalone multi-speakers. Unpacking the box to playing music took less than two minutes without even opening the instructions. However, I suggest reading them to avoid any potential problems. All it took to get my iPod playing was unpacking the box, plugging in the AC power source and hooking up a cable to join the two speakers. Then I docked the iPod and started playing.

The speakers look like a set of bookends and produce great sound for what you’re paying. If you expect a surround sound system, don’t get these, but if you want something simple, this is a great choice for small-room sound. Each speaker has 15 watts of output power with the 2.5-inch speakers. The cable attaching the speakers allows them to be spaced about 5-feet apart. A wireless remote is included and it worked very well, even when not pointed directly at the unit. The remote has volume and next/ back buttons along with adjust-

ments for speaker sound. One of the speakers also has volume control buttons. Ports on one of the speakers (cables are included) include a line-in for listening to other portable media players, a computer out port to hook up to a computer and a headphone jack for private listening. Information: www.sditechnologies.com, MSRP is $129.99 but you can find it for less online. GPS units are not as much of a novelty anymore since many companies make them and prices have become affordable. The TOMTOM GO 930 does what most people need from a GPS unit it gets you where you need to be without getting lost. A mount allows you to attach the unit to the windshield and a car charger makes for a simple hookup to a 12V power port (cigarette lighter plug). The unit’s touch screen is very responsive and gives you all kinds of choices. Users can also input an address with a voice entry. Destinations can be saved as favorites and the unit will do research for you by getting points of interest in seconds. Examples include gas stations, restaurants, hotels, airports, movie theaters or parking garages. Users can also get traffic information displayed on the 4 \-inch flat screen display. When directions are given, the unit advises what lane to be in for the upcoming turns. When hooking it up to a computer, users can use free software called TomTom HOME to manage maps, transfer music and video to the unit and update the unit with the latest software. Information: www.tomtom.com, $499.95. Serif, a company that makes designer and graphics software for Windows-based PCs, has released a product called Digital Scrapbook Artist. The software creates pages combining creativity and digital photos. The program enables users to edit every object on their scrapbook page and perfect their designs to look exactly as they would in a traditional scrapbook. Included is a built-in photo editor along with hi-res paper backgrounds and embellishments. Additional features of Scrapbook Artist include designing pages on 8 inches by 8 inches, letter-size or 12 by 12 pages, crafting tools, shadow and effects along with 10 free themed digikits. A one-click share option allows users to email, print or export as an image or PDF.


November 6, 2008

Titan Editorial Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

Keep the nation united Yesterday was a unique and peculiar day. The air was crisp and the cool breeze blew briskly through. A few people stood by Titan Walk advocating their propositions, but for the most part, the campus was tranquil and serene. “Every vote counts!” and "Welcome" signs decorated and encouraged registered voters to come into the George G. Golleher Alumni House and cast their ballot. The line to vote was so long that it wrapped around the courtyard and people waited for at least 15 minutes to reach the front. Nearly two years of campaigning finally led to the moment that the nation was anticipating. For the rest of the day, voters went to the polls to join in the common goal of having their voices heard. The most eye-opening part of election night was the amount of people from all demographics who turned out to vote. The alumni house voters were old and young and of all ethnicities, waiting together. No matter what candidate or what side of a proposition voters supported, everyone was gathered for the same reason. The country has been divided on many issues for so long that seeing unity among the masses seemed unreal. Both candidates spoke of change. Each in their own way, they united

Letters to the Editor:

a country for a common cause. The next step in that vision is to unite the country by working towards the change that both candidates wholeheartedly preached. The only way to fix the current problems within the country is to come together and create practical solutions. Whether a voter was rooting for or against President-elect Barack Obama, everyone can agree that during these troubling times some serious reform is needed and unconstructive criticism does not create a productive environment for change. The best solution to combat the lengthy list of problems the nation has accumulated is for both parties to set aside their differences, stop blaming each other for everything and create strong and comprehensible legislation. Both candidates did such a great job inspiring people to vote that they should continue that inspirational mission. They should push their party members together to enact the change that the people of our country are so desperately begging for. If both sides cannot do this, it will be hard for any groundbreaking legislation to pass. The next step in this nation’s progress depends on whether or not Obama can bring about the change he used as his platform.


Reality Politics By Joshua Burton

Daily Titan Columnist

Time to relax ... at least for now

Can you feel that? That’s the weight of the nation being lifted from our shoulders. Election 2008 is over. Finally. Breathe freely, we’ve earned it. This past campaign inundated every corner of the media for over a year. I love politics, but I’m happy that the election is over. I’m saying that we have earned our American pride this year. The hell we have gone through and the promises we have been offered allow us to be angry, bitter and patriotic citizens for the next two years, at least. We have done our civic duty to our country by listening, absorbing and judging all the politicking and now all we want is for our newly elected officials to go to work and leave us in peace. I mean, it lasted for two years! Some people can’t even stay in a relationship for that long. We have put half of the Senate, all of the House of Representatives and two presidential hopefuls to the test and came up with a new balance of power for the coming year. We had the candidates call us, text us, e-mail us and stare at us from out of our screens (all of them!) for so long I don’t remember not seeing them. It will be nice to go back to ignoring simple advertisements for cheeseburgers and other crap I don’t need again.

Virginians tromped through rain to cast their votes, sometimes waiting in 200-person lines due to polling places opening late. Ohio voters had to deal with their voting machines having paper jams. Florida, aside from having to deal with humidity (the terror of any Californian, especially this one) and their own infamous electoral history, also had to endure touch-screen voting machine failures. We even had to surrender the network darling of couch-potatoes ever ywhere,

Comedy Central, to the election machine. “Indecision 2008” took over after 7:00 p.m. as Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert stormed into our homes. I mean, I knew CNN, MSNBC and FOX News would give me an overdose on election coverage, but even my usual safe haven from the deluge was suddenly corrupted! Thank heavens that Cartoon Network didn’t co-opt Batman and Ben 10 to give me election updates. It pays to be a geek sometimes. I have heard “change” so often in the past month that the word has

Any feedback, positive or negative, is encouraged, as we strive to keep an open dialogue with our readership. The Daily Titan reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar and spelling. Direct all comments, questions or concerns along with your full name and major to Daily Titan Opinion Editor Austen Montero at opinion@dailytitan.com.

Health in a Handbasket Around this time each year, people start talking about the holidays, pumpkin pie, snowflakes and … the flu shot. I personally avoid this shot and all conversation related to it. I like to think that the flu shot makes me get sick, so instead I go to Bath and Body Works and buy cucumber melon hand sanitizer in lieu of getting stabbed in the arm. Being a girl, this plan sounds nice and smells good. Being a biology major, I am forced to punish myself for being so stupid. Many of us take flu shots for granted and laugh in the face of flu season, while eating our pumpkin pie outside with Frosty the Snowman. In all reality, the flu can be a serious disease. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (http://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/viruses/index.htm), nearly 200,000 people are hospitalized each year due to flu complications and about 36,000 people die from the flu annually. The flu is a viral infection; therefore it cannot be treated with antibiotics. Viruses are microscopic entities lacking some of the characteristics of life forms. They contain viral genomes that take over our own cells and use them to replicate the viral genome and any other proteins needed to produce a mature virus. The flu is a viral infection caused by the influenza virus A and B, according to WebMD.com. Flu virus strains (i.e., types) change constantly due to a process called antigenic drift, according to

the CDC Web site. The site also states the flu shot contains three influenza viruses (one Type A H3N2, one Type A H1N1, and one Type B ) that are killed and injected into the arm of the patient. If needles make you squeamish, there is also a nasal-

spray flu vaccine available which, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, contains a live but weakened virus. So how does exposure to something that causes the flu prevent us from getting the flu? According to the CDC, approximately two weeks after vaccination your body responds to the presence of the weak or killed viruses by making antibodies that fight the influenza virus, thus protecting us from a real, full-effect infection. So, who should be getting the flu shot? Anyone who wants to avoid getting the flu should invest in an annual flu shot. More importantly, who should NOT get the flu shot? According to the CDC, those who are less than 6 months old, those who are already ill with a fever, those who developed Guillain-Barre Syndrome (body damages its own nerve cells) after getting the shot previously and those who have had

By Brittany Kunza Daily Titan Columnist

There’s nothing like a flu shot this time of year

a previous severe reaction to the influenza shot or are severely allergic to chicken eggs. It is also important to note that the CDC discourages pregnant women and those under 2 and over 49 years old from using the nasal-spray vaccine. What are the side effects of the flu shot? Basically … flu symptoms. Although the vaccine will help prevent a full influenza attack of the body, the CDC says it may result in side effects including low-grade fever and aches. In the meantime, what precautions can we take to limit our chance of contracting the flu? According to WebMD, there are several things people can do to help avoid catching a cold or getting

the flu. These include: Washing hands: this will help eliminate some of the germs covering our hands. WebMD also mentions that hand sanitizer or rubbing your hands together for about a minute will also help to eliminate germs. Don’t sneeze or cough into your hand. Use a tissue or turn your head away from people. Don’t touch your face! The cold and flu virus enter through the eyes, nose and mouth. Drink plenty of fluids. Hint: your urine should run clear to denote enough fluid intake. Get outside for some fresh air and also try to get aerobic exercise often. Eating yogurt has also shown to decrease chances of contracting the cold or flu due to an increase in immune system responses aided by yogurt’s live bacterial cultures. For more information on how to stay healthy during cold and flu season, visit http://www.webmd.com/ cold-and-flu/default.htm.

lost all meaning to me. I don’t like looking at a penny and thinking “Barack Obama.” I want to go back to thinking of it as “that thing I’m not going t o bother to pick up off of the ground.” But now … it’s over. It is time to take a breath and collect ourselves.

Now is the time that we all need to rest up, because the real entertainment is about to begin. Once Obama goes to work, we can sit back like real reporters and cover the news again. Not news about what our politicians promise, but news about how well they are doing with the power we just gave them. Can Obama make good on his plan for health care reform where Sen. Hillary Clinton, the maverick of the Democratic Party, failed twice? Will he be able to give the economy the adrenalin shot he promised

that would put money in the pockets of the middle class? Hopefully he can make good on his promise to try to heal the nation that has been divided by politics for the past two terms. "I will listen to you, especially when we disagree," he said in his acceptance speech, adding that we need to "resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long." The next few years will be a test. We will see whether or not the government has the power to take on the responsibility of a more dependent population. We will find out if the hopes of one president can be realized in this modern time with these modern politics. Until we find out, go back to work. Get your papers in on time. Turn on your TV and see a celebrity that doesn’t have political power for a change. You’ve earned your rest. Just consider this: In the case of our politicians, the first term is their probation period. A good boss watches the employees carefully, especially the new ones. If you keep paying attention then we’ll keep letting you know how they are doing. Stay tuned.

yo u r w e e k ly d o s e o f e n t e rta i n m e n t


Live Wire November 06






Thursday TV on the Radio The Wiltern Los Angeles thursday Steel Train Chain Reaction Anaheim Friday Bouncing Souls House of Blues Anaheim Saturday Face to Face House of Blues Anaheim Sunday Preservation Hall Jazz Band Cerritos Center Cerritos Tuesday Method Man and Red Man House of Blues Los Angeles

November 6, 2008

detour@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-5027

KROQ’s Local’s Only showcases a fiery rock set by female punk five-piece by Skyler blair

Daily Titan Staff Writer detour@dailytitan.com

The blood-thirsty foursome of “femme fatale” punk rockers, Civet, performed for a packed crowd of all ages at Slidebar in Fullerton along with other popular So Cal bands for KROQ’s “Local’s Only” show last Thursday. Dressed to kill and executing an aggressive, no-holds-barred rock ‘n’ roll style has made Civet a force to be reckoned with among the local music scene. Soon the band will unleash their rough and tumble tunes to the rest of the country on their tour promoting their newest album, “Hell Hath No Fury.” It’s the perfect soundtrack for a riotous night out at pool halls and punk rock shows. Ms. Liza Graves fronts Civet on guitar with throaty, growling vocals similar to Brody Dalle from The Distillers, supported by abrasive rhythm and rockabilly guitar. Graves described what to expect from the newest album produced by their new label, Hellcat Records, founded by Rancid frontman Tim Armstrong. “We wanted to be a lot bigger sounding,” Graves said. “The last album was more dirty and punk rock and done in a smaller studio. With this album we wanted that stadium feel.” Civet­, comprised of Graves along with Suzi Homewrecker on guitar, Jaqui Valentine on bass, and Danni Harrowyn on drums, performed a blasting set from the new album for fans at Slidebar. A throng of enthusiasts anxiously waited outside the doors to Slidebar waiting to get in to see their favorite local bands at a free show sponsored by KROQ.

‘Hell Hath No Fury’ like Civet photos By Todd barnes/Daily Titan Staff Photographer Civet played to a crowd packed wall-to-wall at Slidebar in Downtown Fullerton on Thursday Oct. 30. The line to watch the band wrapped around the building.

Other acts at the Local’s Only energy in their set to instigate a brief show included Beardo, The Pricks yet considerable mosh pit within the and the masked Hollywood Undead. throbbing sweaty mob of fans while Once Civet hit the performing the stage the audience single “Son of was primed for a a Bitch,” before good rocking, and Slidebar bouncers by the looks of it stepped in. Suzi they weren’t disHomewrecker appointed. described the jam Marci Stone, a as a dancy, me19-year-old stulodic surf-punk dent from Cersong. ritos Community “‘Son of a College, said that Bitch’ was the last she had been a – Liza Graves, song written for fan of Civet since the record,” she Civet band member 2000. said. “It started “They really out with the bespeak what’s on their mind,” she ginning riff and then we struggled to said. make it into a whole song, but after Civet was able to rile up enough it was recorded it just felt like a wall

We wanted to be a lot bigger sounding. The last album was more dirty and punk rock ... with this album we wanted that stadium feel.



of sound coming at you.” According to the band, influences that contribute to their balls to the wall sound include The Clash, US Bombs, Social Distortion, No Doubt and Nirvana. Now Civet has joined the ranks of other artists like Dropkick Murphys, Tiger Army and Rancid on Hellcat Records. Armstrong collaborated with the women to write the fourth track on the album, “All I Want.” Probably the poppiest song on the record, it has an old-school poppunk feel. “We rewrote the lyrics and put a Civet spin on it and I think it came out pretty well,” Armstrong said. Civet will be playing at Chain Reaction in Anaheim next Thursday, Nov. 13 along with tourmates Aiden.

d et o ur

November 6, 2008

detour@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-5027


By Diana corpus

Daily Titan Staff Writer detour@dailytitan.com

In 2003, fans of Christian pop would be hard pressed to name a rising star bigger than Matthew West. But after a stack of hit singles on Christian radio, West suddenly suffered from a vascular polyp and a hemorrhaged blood vessel on his vocal chords. In his documentary, “Matthew West: Nothing To Say Documentary,” audiences can travel with the seasoned singer-songwriter every step of the way on his long road to vocal recovery. Before entering the studio to record a new album in 2007, West’s vocal chord condition was diagnosed. Doctors ordered him to stay completely silent for two months after surgery. In the documentary, West mentions how he struggled and doubted he would have a future as a successful singer. The documentary takes a look into his life at home while he recovers. His parents Sharon and Joe West make you feel like part of their family by showing pictures of Mat-

thew when he was in school, when he played football and participated in theater and music. His parents were very inspirational because they spoke about accepting their son’s decision to become a singer. West and his wife, Emily, have a strong relationship and their devotion to each other and their daughter Lulu is undeniable on film. Watching West use a whiteboard and marker to communicate his thoughts challenges viewers to wonder what it would be like to have everything they’ve worked for in their careers taken away from them. Fortunately, West’s perseverance through pain paid off. Two months after West recorded an album titled “Something to Say” he embarked on a U.S. tour despite his uncertain future as a singer. “Matthew West: Nothing to Say” is an inspiration to those who have doubted their beliefs, lost hope in their dreams or faced major hurdles in life.


By nate jackson

Daily Titan Detour Editor detour@dailytitan.com

In an attempt to add another fist-full of box-office glitter to the increasingly plotless world of adult films, “Pirates II: Stagnetti’s Revenge” sails into its fourth week at No. 1 on Adult Video Network’s Retail Buzz Top 100. Along with another major budget and elaborate sets, the film stars insatiable, silicone-stuffed vixen Jesse Jane and a cast of the adult industry’s sexiest, sword-swallowing female starlets. Directed by Joone, founder of the adult production Digital Playground, the film first hit shelves as a 4-Disc collectors edition in late September and will be sold on Blu-ray starting Nov. 7. Jane returns as lusty pirate hunter Jules Steel along-side her partner, bona fide leading man Evan Stone, as the two embark on a journey that more or less mimics the plot of Disney’s “Pirates of The Carribean II.” Imaginative, right? OK, maybe not, but that doesn’t necessarily make it a constant battle to fast forward every scene that

doesn’t involve a gang bang. Though the glory days of conceptualized flesh flicks like 1972’s “Behind the Green Door” are, at best, a dying breed, the second chapter in the Pirates’ saga still makes an ernest attempt to appeal to audience’s throbbing sense of imagination. The clothed parts of the movie retain their thrust, thanks to over-the-top battle scenes, corny theater humor, and special effects that are at least as good as anything you’ve experienced on the Sci Fi Channel. But of course, what would a porn movie be without the juicy parts? In that case, Pirates II is a treat for the loins, Whether it’s the on-screen heat from Jane and fellow actress Bella Donna during an intense lesbian love scene, or the vigor displayed by the line-up of swashbuckling studs who dominate some noteworthy pirate booty, the cast obviously take their roles very seriously. Who says plots and porn can’t mix?




By Brad goldman

For the Daily Titan


The Chicago area punk rock band Rise Against recently released their third mainstream album “Appeal to Reason.” Following up on the 2006 smash hit, “The Sufferer and the Witness,” the band is flying higher then ever before. The album, written and recorded in between touring and playing festivals in the U.S. and Europe this summer, is what you would expect from a group whose first mainstream album came out in 2003 and spent most of their time touring since 2001. Songs like “Re-Education (Through Labor),” which has made it to the top of playlists nationwide and on KROQ since it’s release, seem to sum up the current political landscape and climate. The members of Rise Against are all active vegetarians and PETA supporters, and do not just pay lip service to their causes but are actually doing something about them. The

album even comes in an eco-friendly cardboard case. “Hero of War,” an aggro-folk tune, tells the tale of an American soldier who decides to join the army, like many others in this time of uncertainty, and is faced with the realities of war. This song shows high-hoping young adults ready to join the army just what the side effects of war can be, bringing listeners back down to Earth a bit by serving a hard dose of reality. As they grow, Rise Against is reminiscent of the ghosts of the left-wing punk bands from the Reagan era, like Anti-Flag, that weren’t afraid to tell it like it is. At the same time, they also seem to be influenced by early Offspring and Green Day albums, judging by the raw energy. Not only is this band promoting and supporting their causes, but they are making music that does not bow to the corrupting forces of the mainstream.



November 6, 2008

Women gear up for new season Strong core of returning players have led to high expectation for women’s basketball team By Katherine Bilbrew

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

By Joseph Von Regius/Daily Titan Staff Photographer The CSUF basketball team scrimmages during practice on Wednesday at Titan Gym in preparation for their preseason game versus Cal State Los Angeles.

With the start of 2008-2009 season approaching, the Cal State Fullerton women’s basketball team will prepare with a preseason match-up against Cal State Los Angeles on Saturday at 1 p.m. in the Titan Gym before their season-opening game against Santa Clara next week. The Titans, who finished sixth in the Big West Conference (11-19 overall, 8-8 in the Big West) last year, will look for a better start to the season against the Santa Clara Broncos. The Titans have four starters returning to their lineup, including reigning Big West Freshman of the Year Lauren Chow and First Team All-Conference forward Toni Thomas. The team also features newcomers in guards Sabrina Gonzalez (transfer from Palomar College) and Me-

gan Richardson (Mira Costa High School) and forward Nneamaka Anyanwu (Skyline High School), who could contribute from the bench this season as the team makes a run for a top spot in the conference. “We have a good chance of finishing in the upper division of the conference, which with would mean the top four,” Head Coach Maryalyce Jeremiah said. “If we do that, it would be the first time we’ve been able to do that in many years.” Last season the Titans scored 63.8 points per game against their opponents in the Big West, tying them with UC Riverside for fifth in the conference. Jeremiah said the team plans to improve their scoring with a more motion oriented offense that would allow them to have better shot selection. The new offensive scheme is anticipated to be unpredictable for Titans’ opponents defensively, Jeremiah said.

Youth Academy teaches baseball, life skills By Melissa Caster

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

Getting children involved in athletics is one way parents can keep them out of trouble. However, sometimes they cannot afford the costs. The Major League Baseball Urban Youth Academy, which opened in May 2006, is a nonprofit organization aimed at motivating inner-city children to enhance their standard of living. Major League Baseball’s Executive Vice President of Baseball Operations Jimmie Lee Solomon wanted to teach youths about baseball, life and the great opportunities they offer, according to Darrell Miller, director of the Urban Youth Academy. Solomon noticed not many AfricanAmerican and inner-city children played baseball. The academy is a way to make the game more readily available to them. The academy is part of the MLB Urban Youth Initiative. It encompasses more then 15 acres on the campus of El Camino College, Compton Center. The facility features four fields, including a “show field” with a scoreboard, grandstand seating, dugouts, lights, an auxiliary field, softball field and youth field. It

also has a 12,000 square foot clubhouse with a weight room, locker room, and other training facilities, as well as batting cages and pitching mounds, according to the MLB Urban Youth Academy Web site. They are open year-round, offering free baseball and softball instruction, as well as clinics to youth throughout Southern California, according to the Web site. “This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these kids and the world,” Miller said when asked why he got involved. Since opening their doors in 2006, the academy has gone from serving several hundred to more than 5,000 youths, according to Miller. Within the past two years, 54 players who have participated in the academy programs have already been drafted by MLB clubs, according to the academy’s Web site. “Just last year we had one player drafted in the first round and another in the second,” Miller said. The academy has become a leader in the urban community by showcasing underserved talent and introducing young student athletes to higher education, according to Miller. “We teach them about life and morals. So, it’s not just about softball

or baseball, it’s about everything, how sports can also help in everyday life,” Kristen Aufdemberg, a senior majoring in communications at Cal State Fullerton, said. Miller is a family friend and told Aufdemberg that they needed another girl to help with the softball program. At the time, she was attending Cypress College. In June 2006 she completed her classes and started volunteering. She, along with Elizabeth Vasquez, a student at Cal State Dominguez Hills, go to schools within a five-mile radius of the academy and recruit girls for teams. They begin with 10-andunder girls, then go into the middle schools and finally to high schools. “The middle-school girls really enjoy playing. Sometimes they don’t want to play in college, but they do want to go to college. Before, they weren’t even thinking about that,” Aufdemberg said. Aufdemberg said the Academy has started a communications program for broadcasting. When the young players are having trouble deciding what to major in, Aufdemberg said they suggest trying the communications program and they love it. “We teach them how to interview, write and the proper way to talk during a broadcast,” Aufdemberg said.

When professional athletes arrive at the academy to talk to the players, they enjoy helping them with their video projects by being interviewed. Aufdemberg said many professional baseball and softball players go to the academy to talk to the young players about sports and everyday life. “In Compton, sometimes those girls and boys need direction. That’s what we’re there to help them with. They don’t know what they want to do after high school,” Aufdemberg said. On Nov. 7 the academy is hosting the third annual MLB Urban Youth Academy Celebrity Golf Tournament. Proceeds from the tournament are going to fund the academy and baseball Hall-of-Famer Frank Robinson will be the celebrity host. Many current and former MLB players will also be participating, including Hall-of-Fame players Rod Carew, Tony Gwynn, Joe Morgan and Dave Winfield, who are all scheduled to attend, according to Miller. Shotgun start is 11 a.m. at the Pacific Palms Conference Resort in the City of Industry. For more information on the academy and the golf tournament, visit www.YouthBaseballAcademy. com or call (310) 763-3479.

The new offense will also allow pressure to be taken off of the Titans’ two leading scorers, Chow and Thomas. Last season, the duo led the team in scoring by averaging 29.6 points per game. Chow averaged 12.5 points per game and finished 24th in the nation in three-pointers per game, while Thomas averaged 17.1 points per game and led the Big West in scoring for the second consecutive season. For their efforts, Chow was named to the All-Freshman Team and Thomas made the All-Conference First Team for the second time. Thomas has been on the All-Conference First and Second Team all three years at CSUF. “We have vital players that can

play at any position,” Thomas said referring to the new offense. “We have big guards that can post up and we have post players that can play on the wing.” Sophomore guard Lyndsey Grove agreed. “It’s going to get us ... open with a lot of different cuts instead of us trying to work so hard individually for a shot,” Grove said. Another area the Titans are working on is rebounding. In the Titans meeting against the Broncos last December, the Titans were outrebounded 29 to the Broncos 36. “If we don’t shoot the ball well and we don’t offensively rebound, we’re going to have an awful time winning,” Jeremiah said.

November 10, 2008

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brought to you by humorscope.com Aries (March 21 - April 19) Today you will discover a hair growing in an odd place. Don’t worry about it, unless the odd place is your eye. Taurus (April 20 - May 20) You will spend another day surrounded by idiots, or perhaps by well meaning but simple folks, who will drone on and on until your smile becomes forced, and you will begin to look like a deranged rodent. Gemini (May 21 - June 20) Your plans to take over the world move forward to the next stage, soon, right on schedule. What you need now is a hunch-backed henchperson with pale protruding eyes. Fortunately for you, a suitible candidate will soon show up at your door, dressed as a peanut. Cancer (June 21 - July 22) Good week to greet everyone with great enthusiasm. For example, “Bob! You’re still alive!” (Everyone likes to feel appreciated.) Leo (July 23 - August 22) You will spend this week trying to get to the bottom of things. The good news is, you will succeed! The bad news is, the bottom of things is sometimes ugly, and often smells bad. Virgo (August 23 - September 22) This might be a good time to refer to your roommate as “Watson” and say things like “The game’s afoot!.” Eventually, you’ll be able to reconstruct an entire evening’s events from a spilled drop of raspberry vinaigrette. Libra (September 23 - October 22) You need to stop accepting responsibility for your own life. Everything is actually the fault of that darned liberal media, you know. You’d be nearly perfect, or at least much thinner, if it wasn’t for them. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) You will casually mention the German term for “exit ramp”, and bring a conversation to a rapid close. That’s hardly your fault, though, is it? Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) It was a simple mistake, which anyone could have made. What’s more, now you know better. I think, though, that the expression is too widespread for you to actually get it changed to “never look a gift horse in either end.” Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) Today will be Mexican Food day, for you. In fact, chances are better than 1 in 3 that someone will refer to you as “Frijole-breath” before the day is through. Aquarius (January 21 - February 18) Good day to curl up with a good book. Later, you will build a fort out of your furniture and some sheets, and shoot rubber bands at people. Pisces (February 19 - March 20) You will aquire a slight sniffle, today. (A sniffle is a cross between a dachshund and a cairn terrier, bred especially to spot helicopters.)


HOW TO PLAY: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

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November 6, 2008

Postseason hopes may be spiked Big West-leading Long Beach State tops women’s volleyball team in four sets as two Titans move into school single-game and career record book By Crysania Salcido

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

Despite a strong start, the Cal State Fullerton women’s volleyball team lost to Big West-leading Long Beach State in a four-set match on Tuesday at the Walter Pyramid. “I feel like there were some victories within the match even though we didn’t get the outcome,” CSUF Head Coach Carolyn Zimmerman said. Those victories included Brittany Moore’s 13th double-double of the season. She finished the game with 23 kills, 10 digs, two block solos, and five block-assists, which tied her with CSUF alumna Alyssa Opeka for the most Titan block-assists of all time. In set one the Titans were aggressive from the start with a dominant

double-block from Sydney McDowell and Moore that gave them a 7-4 lead. The Titans took advantage of a slow start from the 49ers and took control of the match until one of Moore’s seven kills in the set finished the job. “We came out with a lot of momentum and fire and had no fear. We just played and didn’t worry about our mistakes,” sophomore Cami Croteau said. The 49ers woke up in the second set and battled the Titans until a service error sent Long Beach on a three-point run to open their lead to 14-9. The 49ers found their momentum and showed the Titans why they are the No. 1 team in the Big West Conference. “I think they were waiting to see what we could do. In set two they came out swinging a lot harder,”

Moore said. The Titans were not going to give up though. After another slow start in set three, the Titans went on an eightpoint run led by three kills by Moore and an ace by Croteau to come within two at 17-19. Unfortunately, it was not enough to conquer the 49ers and the match went into its fourth set. Set four was a battle from the start with Moore tying it up at 6-6. A kill from Erin Saddler gave the Titans the lead at 9-7 but the 49ers fought back to take the lead. Moore would again tie things up at 12-12, but after winning a long volley the 49ers capitalized on their momentum and closed the match. Although they lost, the Titans out-blocked the 49ers 14-11. Croteau led all players in digs with 23, Andrea Ragan had her third straight double-double with

34 assists and 11 digs, and Saddler and Jennifer Edmond added seven kills each. Overall the Titans were pleased with the fight they gave the 49ers, but they know that they have some kinks to work out, even at this point in the season. Zimmerman said that some of the inconsistency in the match may have come from nerves, but said she thinks that the team has gained more experience from the game and still has a chance when they play the 49ers at home. Before the two teams can have their rematch, the Titans face Cal State Northridge to try and defeat the Matadors a second time this season on Friday at 7 p.m. at Titan Gym. “We need to make sure we don’t wait to see what they can bring and just bring what we know we can bring,” Moore said.


Photo of the Week

Cop Blotter


Blog: Finding family in volleyball

Photos By Tracy McDannald/Daily Forty-Niner Above: Long Beach State’s Brittney Herzog, No. 23 in white, spikes the ball during the 49ers’ four-set win over Cal State Fullerton on Tuesday at the Walter Pyramid. Right: Titan right-side hitter Jennifer Edmond, No. 18, gets her spike attempt blocked by 49er Ashley Lee, No. 12 during Tuesday’s game.

For the rest of this blog, and others, visit: www. dailytitan. com/sports/ blog By Crysania Salcido

Brownies, lasagna and volleyball, I couldn’t ask for more. As I walked off the bus and up the steps to Walter Pyramid I couldn’t help myself; I was excited to be there. As a volleyball addict since I first got the chance to learn what the sport was in fourth grade I thought of the history of Long Beach State and the first time I heard about the school. At my first volleyball camp, right before my sixth grade year, we watched a video on how to set. The setter was from Long Beach and watching her made me want to be a setter. Her form, her grace, the fact that she wasn’t a giant (I always knew I never would be very tall) and still got to play volleyball fascinated me.

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