2008 12 03

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SPORTS: Wrestling team dominates at the Fullerton Open, page 6


Homeless night teaches students empathy

Since 1960 Volume 87, Issue 48

OPINION: ‘Health in a Handbasket:’ HPV and who’s at risk, page 4

Daily Titan

Wednesday December 3, 2008

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

Campus Life David Berliner, professor of education at Arizona State University, will be giving a speech today at Mihaylo Hall in Room 1502 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Berliner has taught at many universities, including Arizona, Massachusetts and Stanford University and has taught overseas in Australia and New Zealand. Berliner has won awards from the APA and American Educational Research Association (AERA). He has also written and coauthored numerous books. For more information please call (714) 278 4021

Britney Spears’ comeback takes disturbing twist (MCT) “What happened?” Britney Spears mutters during what is easily the most disturbing song of her career, “Blur.” It arrives in the middle of her sixth studio album, “Circus” (Jive), out Tuesday (which also happens to be Spears’ 27th birthday). It’s the latest comeback in a career larded with tabloid travail, marketing gimmicks and, not coincidentally, more than 83 million album sales worldwide since 1999. “Circus” capitalizes on Spears’ troubles by turning them into pop songs. And what twisted songs they are. “Blur” describes the aftermath of what sounds like a drug- or alcohol-fueled night that ends with the narrator passing out after a date-rape encounter. The arrangement adds to the unsettling atmosphere: The keyboards sound like they were recorded underwater and a hi-hat chatters like a gossip columnist. “Who are you?/What’d we do?” Spears sings in a shellshocked voice. “Hope I didn’t, but I think I might’ve ... Maybe I shouldn’t have given in/But I just couldn’t fight.” One hopes the song isn’t autobiographical, but who really knows? Such is the state of affairs on Planet Britney. Multiple divorces, a drawn-out custody battle and numerous public meltdowns including a woozy performance on the MTV Video Music Awards in 2007 have contributed to a public perception of Spears as a celebrity train wreck.

‘CSUF’s Gerard Anderson at the 2008 ‘76 Classic’

Titan’s forward Gerard Andersosn drives down the lane and slams one in for the home team at the 2008 ‘76 Classic tournament at the Anaheim Convention Center. Despite their efforts, the Titans lost and came in seventh place.



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From slavery to the White House The improbable journey of Michelle Obama’s family reflects the pain and progress of American history

(MCT) GEORGETOWN, ries within her the blood of slaves S.C. – Tiny wooden cabins line and slave owners.” Obama aides refused to disthe dirt road once known as Slave Street as it winds its way through cuss the report or allow Michelle Obama to be interviewed about Friendfield Plantation. More than 200 slaves lived in her ancestry. She has said she knew the white-washed shacks in the little about her family tree before early 1800s, and some of their de- the campaign, but census reports, scendants remained here for more property records and other histhan a century after the Civil War. torical documents show that her The last tenants abandoned the paternal ancestors bore witness to hovels about three decades ago, one of the most shameful chapters and even they would have strug- in American history. When Michelle Obama moves gled to imagine a distant daughter of the plantation one day calling into the White House – a mansion built partially by slaves – she the White House home. But a historical line can be will embark upon a life her greatdrawn from these Low Country great-grandfather never could have cabins to Michelle Obama, chart- envisioned for her. At antebellum ing an American family’s improb- estates such as Friendfield Plantaable journey through slavery, tion, past sins are being revisited segregation, the civil rights move- amid the celebration. Frances Cheston Train, whose ment and a historic presidential family purchased the property in election. Their documented passage be- the 1930s and transformed it into gins with Jim Robinson, Obama’s a hunting preserve for wealthy great-great-grandfather, who was Northerners, fights back tears as born around 1850 and lived as a she reflects upon how far the counslave, at least until the Civil War, try has come since Jim Robinson on the sprawling rice plantation. labored in the mosquito-infested Records show he remained on the rice fields along the Sampit River. estate after the war, working as Though her family never owned sharecropper and living in the old slaves, the 82-year-old heiress slave quarters with his wife, Lou- to the Drexel fortune recalls the iser, and their children. He could segregation laws that divided the neither read nor write, according Georgetown community. “It’s beyond to the 1880 healing,” Train census. said of the Robinson Obamas’ sucwould be the cess. “What it last illiterhas given everyate branch one is a sense of of Michelle pride that this Obama’s famamazing, intelliily tree. gent and attracCensus retive couple could cords show – Barack Obama, be connected to each genPresident-elect Friendfield.” eration of Little is known Robinsons about Jim Robinbecame more educated than the last, with Mi- son’s life at the plantation, beyond chelle Obama eventually earning the fact that he worked in the riverdegrees from Princeton University front rice fields after the Civil War. and Harvard Law School. Her old- Local historians don’t know how er brother, Craig, also received an or when he came to Friendfield, but census records indicate both Ivy League education. Barack Obama’s campaign hired his parents were born in South genealogists to research the family’s Carolina. The coastal Carolina city roots at the onset of his presiden- is often referred to as the Africantial bid, but aides have largely kept American Ellis Island because of the findings secret. Genealogists at the many slave ships that docked Lowcountry Africana, a research along its shores. A map from the early 1870s, a center at the University of South Florida in Tampa, scoured docu- time when Robinson was living on ments to put together a 120-page the plantation, shows three parallel report, according to project direc- rows of slave cabins, each with 10 tor Toni Carrier. She said the cen- to 13 buildings along Slave Street. ter signed a confidentiality agree- But by 1911, only 14 were still ment and is not allowed to disclose standing. the findings publicly. Five single cabins remain today. However, in his now-famous With their massive fireplaces and speech on race during the primary, wood plank walls, each tells a story Barack Obama stated he was “mar- about slave life on the plantation. ried to a black American who carSee MICHELLE, Page 2

Yalonda M. James/Charlotte Observer/MCT Johnnie Leach, 84, pictured May 12, formerly lived in a slave cabin with his family on the Magnolia Plantation where he has been working for over fifty years at the Charleston, S.C. location. African-Americans lived in these cabins until the late 20th century. The plantation is currently undergoing efforts to turn them into an exhibit.

He was ‘married to a black American who carries within her the blood of slaves and slave owners.’


Ed Suba Jr./Akron Beacon Journal/MCT Michelle Obama, wife of Democratic Presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, addressed supporters during a rally on Friday, Oct. 24, in Akron, Ohio.

RateMyProfessors.com rated low by professors Students like open forum but professors do not put much stock in the ratings By Derin Richardson For The Daily Titan news@dailytitan.com

Cal State Fullerton faculty and students express their praises and gripes Monday about a popular Web site used by college students to grade their professors based on their performance. RateMyProfessors.com may be the most popular Web site among college students to evaluate their instructors anonymously, but it seems to cause issues with some college professors. Holly Sneed, Cal State Fullerton Theater and Dance instructor, feels that the Web site is not very beneficial to the faculty and student body of colleges and feels that it is not helpful to her as an instructor

personally because she feels that it is based merely on how well the students “liked” the professors instead of how well they taught the class. “I’ve got ratings good and bad on the Web site, and I’ve looked at fellow co-worker’s ratings and seen the notes left from students, saying ‘hot teacher’ or other miscellaneous things and that just didn’t interest me to use the site, and doesn’t help me as a teacher,” Sneed said. Sneed thinks that the annual teacher evaluations at CSUF and RateMyProfessor.com are mutually exclusive, and feels that the school department-issued evaluations are more important because she has yet to see the administration of the Theatre and Dance department actually take the Web site into any serious considerations. Though she views the Web site as being inept and is not particularly supportive of it, she feels that students do have a right to express

their feelings in some way. However, she does not have any interest in participating on RateMyProfessor.com and feels that it cannot be taken seriously. John Patton, an anthropology instructor, said that RateMyProfessor.com is useful and feels that students are relatively truthful. However, he is cautious not to invest too much interest in the Web site because of its lack of objectivity. “The other thing that you have to be cautious of when reading (Web posts) is that it’s often based on whether students like you or not,” Patton warned. “At the last place I taught, students used a different Web site called ‘MyProfessorSucks. com’ and I actually had a good rating on that,” he chuckled. “I think it’s a good idea ‘cause people are pretty honest on there and you find out stuff on the inside that you wouldn’t know ordinarily,” Jesse Fritz, a freshman, said. Andrea Beltran, a communica-

tions major, says she has never used the Web site, but knows people in her classes who use it to choose their classes. “It could be a viable way for students to choose the right professor for them, but from what I heard, it’s not always correct. I mean obviously it’s all opinionated, so it’s going to be based on the individual and every individual is different,” Beltran said. Beltran said that she does not use the Web site because she determines which classes to take based on her work schedule. Nick Messori, a graphic design major, thinks it is great for students to use because it gives them a preview of what to expect from someone who can understand the learning environment best, which would be a fellow student. Messori mentioned that he heard about the Web site before transferring to CSUF this semester from Mount San Antonio College.

Though he has not used it himself, his sister uses it frequently. According to the Web site, it has an automated system that quickly retrieves records on one million professors, including their ratings, from more than 6,000 schools across the United States and other international territories. Every year, RateMyProfessor. com releases a series of ranking lists that detail the highest rated college professors and faculty, along with their corresponding schools, on the Web site. The rankings also include top ten listings, such as “Top 10 Universities/Junior Colleges with Highest Rated Professors” and “Top 10 Hottest Professors.” No. 1 on the “Top 10 Rated Professors at the Universities” this year on RateMyProfessor.com is Brigham Young University Professor Randy Bott, with St. John’s University Professor Joyce BolandDevito in second place.

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December 3, 2008

IN OTHER NEWS michelle: her journey will continue INTERNATIONAL

China’s anger at France unravels relations

BEIJING (MCT) – Relations between China and Europe have frayed suddenly, and a caustic diplomatic row has given way to suggestions that China is again targeting France as a favored whipping boy. Neither side backed down Tuesday over the main point of dispute: French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s plans to go ahead with a meeting with the Dalai Lama, Tibet’s exiled spiritual leader, in Poland this coming Saturday. Sarkozy holds the rotating presidency of the European Union, and last week China abruptly canceled a high-level annual China-EU summit set for this week. Then in short order, China last Friday executed an accused spy for Taiwan whose family had deep links to Austria, prompting anger among EU leaders who had appealed for clemency. China Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao warned France on Tuesday that political and diplomatic relations were at stake if Sarkozy went ahead with the meeting, and said responsibility for tattered Sino-EU relations falls on his shoulders. “It is because the French leader is bent on meeting with the Dalai Lama in disregard of China’s wishes,” Liu said.


Hudson’s estranged brother-in-law charged in slayings

CHICAGO (MCT) – Formal charges were filed Tuesday against the man authorities say killed three members of Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Hudson’s family. William Balfour, 27, who had been Chicago police’s lone suspect, was charged with three counts of first-degree murder and one count of home invasion and is scheduled to appear for a bond hearing Wednesday, according to the Cook County state’s attorney’s office. Police had worked slowly and methodically, hoping to amass physical evidence against the estranged husband of Hudson’s sister, taking time afforded them when Balfour was held for violating his parole. But the case against him is largely circumstantial, according to sources. There are witnesses who say they saw Balfour at the family’s home on the day of the slayings, cell phone tower records that tracked his movements, and a girlfriend who says Balfour confessed and that she saw him with a gun that matched the murder weapon. The motive, the sources say, was an ongoing domestic squabble among Balfour; his estranged wife, Julia Hudson; and Hudson’s family members.


From Page 1

The small shacks, only 19 feet deep, housed several families at once, says Ed Carter, who now oversees the property. Large stone fireplaces were used for cooking and heating. Attic space in the rafters beneath the gable roof offered a place for extra people to sleep. The plantation’s former owner, Francis Withers, built a “meeting house” for the slaves on the estate prior to 1841, and the South Carolina Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church assigned a preacher there. A fire destroyed the church in 1940, but a massive live oak still stands near the old site. By the time Withers died in 1847, the family had expanded Friendfield to include six plantations and more than 500 slaves. At the height of the rice trade, Friendfield was one of the most lucrative plantations in the area, producing what was called Carolina Gold on more than 500 acres of rice fields, Carter said. In his will, Withers, who was educated at Harvard University, provided for the care of his slaves, including the upkeep of the church and a salary for the preacher. He also requested that his slaves be treated with “great kindness and be fed and clothed.” He bequeathed $50 a year to Charlotte Nelson, described as a “mulatto woman” who had been

SACRAMENTO (MCT) – What is traditional marriage? That question lies beneath the surface of the debate over Proposition 8, the measure that bans same-sex marriage in California. After voters approved the measure, which defines the union as between a man and a woman, and is now being challenged in court. This, supporters argue, is as religious precepts and social customs demand. It is traditional. “The proposition is about restoring the traditional definition of marriage,” Bishop Jaime Soto, of the Catholic Diocese of Sacramento, has said. Many agree. Opponents aren’t so wedded to that idea. Marriage has been defined in a surprisingly number of ways by different cultures and historical movements. “Traditional marriage has varied immensely from society to society and time period,” said Stephanie Coontz, who teaches history at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Wash., and author of “Marriage, A History.” Coontz said one form of marriage has been supported by more societies prior to the 18th century than any other. And it’s not one man, one woman.

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named Rose Ella Cohen and had at least six children. Described by a family friend as an intelligent man who wanted his children to be wellread, Fraser Sr. always brought home his extra copies of the “Palmetto Leader and Grit,” a black newspaper that was popular in rural communities across the country. “He used to make his children read those newspapers,” said Margretta Dunmore Knox, who still lives in Georgetown and attended the same church as the Robinsons. “Maybe that’s how they became so smart.” His eldest son, Fraser Jr., was born in 1912 and graduated from high school. Census records from 1930 show that 18-year-old Fraser Jr. was living at home and working at a sawmill after earning his degree. At the time, Georgetown, a coastal town about an hour’s drive north of Charleston and the state’s third-oldest city, was split along racial lines. The basic human rights that blacks had known after the Reconstruction era disappeared as the Deep South sank into the Depression and segregationist ways. As Georgetown’s economy crumbled, Fraser Jr. headed north to Chicago in search of employment. Once there, he met and married LaVaughn Johnson. Their son, Fraser Robinson III who was Michelle Obama’s fa-

ther, was born in 1935. Though they never attended college, Fraser III and his wife, Marian, made education a top priority for their two children. Both would later attend Princeton and earn postgraduate degrees from prestigious universities. Fraser Jr. and LaVaughn Robinson lived on the South Side of Chicago for part of Michelle’s childhood, before retiring and moving down south. After returning to Georgetown, the couple joined the AME Bethel Church, which was founded by freed slaves in 1865 and is the oldest black church in the city. The couple sang in the choir and built a large circle of friends, Knox said. Michelle Obama returned to the same church in January while campaigning for her husband in the South Carolina primary. Addressing a packed audience that included at least 30 descendants of Jim Robinson, Obama talked about the need for change in the confident voice of a distant daughter of slavery. “Things get better when regular folks take action to make change happen from the bottom up,” she said. “Every major historical moment in our time, it has been made by folks who said, ‘Enough,’ and they banded together to move this country forward and now is one of those times.”

Cop Blotter: Petty theft still on the rise WEDNESDAY- Nov. 19

Proposition 8 generates questions about marriage

freed by his brother, for the rest of her life. He left $10,000 to purchase more slaves to work the plantation and provided financial incentives for his surviving relatives to retain his “Friendfield gang of slaves” as a group and not break up slave families. The plantation’s prosperity faded after the Civil War, and the family began selling off the property in 1879, according to land records. Jim Robinson, like many former slaves, continued to live on the farm. It’s unclear when Jim Robinson died, but local historians believe he is buried in an unmarked grave in a slave cemetery that overlooks the old rice fields on the edges of Whites Creek. Among Jim Robinson’s surviving children was Fraser Robinson Sr., Michelle Obama’s great-grandfather. Born in 1884, Fraser Sr. went to work as a houseboy for a local family before his 16th birthday. Census records show he was illiterate as a teen, but had learned to read and write by the time he had his own children. As an adult, Fraser Sr. worked as a lumber mill laborer, shoe repairman and newspaper salesman. He registered for the draft during World War I, but was turned down because he had lost his left arm, military records show. Fraser Sr. married a local woman

2:46 p.m. – In the Quad, police responded to a petty theft call. 4:18 p.m. – A petty theft was reported to have occurred at the University Police building. The call was canceled however. 6:45 p.m. – In Lot E, police responded to an assault on a person call. Police couldn’t give specifics as to what actually occurred. 9:40 p.m. – In the Humanities building, police responded to a medical aid call. THURSDAY- Nov. 20 2:55 a.m. – In Langsdorf Hall, police responded to a suspicious person’s call. Police warned the individual in question. 9:41 a.m. – Police responded to a suspicious person’s call occurring in the Nutwood parking structure. Upon arrival everything checked out okay. 10:36 a.m. – In the bookstore, police responded to a petty theft call. 1:20 p.m. – Police responded to a medical aid call occurring in the Health Center. 2:59 p.m. – In the Nutwood parking structure, police responded to a traffic accident. No injuries were reported to have occurred. 4:16 p.m. – In the Library South building, police responded to a med-

ical aid call. 5:41 p.m. – Police responded to a petty theft call occurring at the University Police building. 6:43 p.m. – In the Nutwood parking structure, police responded to a suspicious person’s call. A male in his 40’s was reported to be looking into vehicles and then continued to take a bag out of his pants. Upon arrival police were unable to locate the individual in question. 10:49 p.m. – On Nutwood Avenue and Langsdorf Drive, police responded to a traffic accident. It was reported that a vehicle and a bike ran into each other on the crosswalk pathway. Injuries were reported to have occurred. FRIDAY- Nov. 21 12:33 p.m. – In the Student Recreation Center, police responded to a petty theft. It was reported that property was stolen from a locker in the men’s locker room. SATURDAY- Nov. 22 3:03 a.m. – In the student housing complex area, police responded to an under the influence of a controlled substance call. Police couldn’t give specifics as to what had occurred other than stating that the call was cleared by an adult arrest. 10:33 p.m. – At the Cantina Lounge on Nutwood Avenue, police responded to a suspicious vehicle call. SUNDAY- Nov. 23

9:48 a.m. – In the Nutwood parking structure, police responded to a suspicious vehicle call. Upon arrival everything checked out okay. MONDAY- Nov. 24 5:03 p.m. – In the Student Recreation Center, police responded to a medical aid call. It was reported that a 21-year-old female student passed out and could not walk. She was also experiencing a shortness of breath and had a low pulse. TUESDAY- Nov. 25 2:57 p.m. – In the Golleher Alumni House, police responded to a suspicious person’s call. WEDNESDAY- Nov. 26 3:25 p.m. – Police responded to a traffic accident occurring on East Chapman Avenue and North Commonwealth Avenue. No injuries were reported to have occurred.

THURSDAY- Nov. 27 11:34 a.m. – In the Titan Student Union, police responded to a property vandalism call. SATURDAY Nov. 29 3:08 p.m. – At the Football Stadium, police responded to a disturbance. 5:10 p.m. – At the University Police building, police responded to a petty theft. It was reported that a bicycle was stolen. SUNDAY- Nov. 30 12:17 a.m. – Police arrested a minor for possession of alcohol on North Derek Drive and Andover Avenue. MONDAY- Dec. 1 8:40 p.m. – In the State College Boulevard parking structure, police responded to a traffic accident. Injuries were reported to have occurred.

December 3, 2008



The wealth of no-cost items to free up cash for holidays 4,000 music videos, all free. Another music site, Pandora.com, bills itself as an online radio station that builds play-lists from your preferences. If you’re willing to watch television on your computer, you might be able to lower or eliminate your cable bill. For instance, you can watch everything from “My Favorite Martian” to “30 Rock,” “Ugly Betty” and “Sons of Anarchy” for free at TV.Blinkx.com, a site in beta currently. Hulu.com is another Web site offering free television shows and movies. Also, don’t forget the networks offer many of their shows for free on their Web sites. Another online freebie: Comedy Central shows including “The Colbert Report” and “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.” If you’d rather read than watch TV, save money by checking out Free-eBooks.net. The site offers popular works, how-to guides, recipe books and more, including Adam Smith’s 1776

tome, “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” which might be pertinent today. At MrExcel.com you can download a free copy of “Learn Excel” by Bill Jelen, the selfproclaimed “Mr. Excel!” This is a book of more than 900 pages with 377 Excel tips. Jelen does caution: His book is designed for people who already use Excel 20 to 40 hours a week. The Sutter Lake Hospital in Lincoln, Neb., offers a free wellness book, titled “The 5 Keys to Wellness.” This is a hardcover children’s book not a download teaching whole body wellness. See the site at http:// www.harmonyhealinghouse.com/ order.asp If you have always wanted to write a book, April Hamilton offers free, downloadable copies of her book,

The trick is finding a unique offer about yourself that makes you viable for a company.

A taste of life at rock bottom; Homeless night teaches empathy Homeless night teaches empathy (MCT) N.J. – Fifty-five temporarily homeless teenagers huddled against the cold in cardboard huts on the grounds of Paramus Catholic High School on Sunday night. The teens were homeless by choice to show support for those who have no choice but to be homeless. The outdoor sleepover is intended to increase the students’ empathy for the less fortunate. But participants said the economy is already doing that, by making them realize how quickly someone’s fortunes can change from good to bad. “There’s a lot of people who didn’t think they’d ever be homeless, but if you lose your job on Wall Street it could be you out there, too,” said Matt Sartori, 18, of Lodi, N.J., a Paramus (N.J.) High School graduate. You don’t have to look hard to see growing numbers of homeless, said Sartori, a freshman at Seton Hall University. “I can walk two blocks off campus and see homeless people at the Dunkin’ Donuts.” Sartori was one of a handful of Paramus Catholic grads who showed up to encourage the students. They’ve had their consciousness raised by helping hand out food and toiletries in twice-monthly visits to areas in New York City where homeless people congregate. The trips are coordinated by Paramus Catholic’s Dean of Campus Ministry Joseph Wilson, along with Bridges Outreach, a homeless support non-profit based in Summit, N.J. Lois Bhatt, the executive director of Bridges Outreach, visited the Paramus Catholic box city Sunday and said the need for services for the homeless is growing every day. “We’ve seen the demand for help increase over the last couple of months,” as the economy has cratered, she said. “People who have part-time jobs are losing hours and people who are day laborers are see-

Courtsey of MCT campus Anthony Valente and Zach Zoccolli, 16 year-old juniors from Paramus Catholic High School in Paramus, New Jersey, repair cardboard sleeping areas after the wind had knocked them down. Students slept and ate outside to learn what it is like to be homeless.

ing those jobs drying up.” The Paramus Catholic teens arrived at the school midday Sunday, with refrigerator and appliance boxes they or their parents had scrounged from Route 17 stores. They then staked out spots in a section of the school grounds sheltered from Sunday’s gusty winds by a stand of trees. Some of the cardboard huts had whimsical touches. One had a castle-like turret fashioned out of flattened boxes. Another had a small American flag mounted on the cardboard roof. Temperatures were in the 40s during the day, but were expected to dip into the low 20s overnight. Last year, the first night the school staged the outdoor sleepover, the temperature fell to 5 degrees, Wilson said. “Depending on how you look at it, we either got the worst possible day or the best possible day,” Wilson said Sunday afternoon as the students shivered around him. It was the best possible day, Wilson said, to achieve his goal of making students understand what it’s like to not have a roof over your head. The event tries to simulate homelessness as closely as possible. The students turn in their cell phones, watches and iPods at the start. They are fed “soup-kitchen style”, made to line up for their bag lunch

“The IndieAuthor Guide.” See the site at http://www.aprillhamilton. com/FreeIAG.html Almost everyone these days knows Craigslist.org, which offers free and barter listings online. For an alternative, try Freecycle.org, a rapidly growing online community where people post stuff for others to take. Or ask for items you want. One user, –Mike Essex Robin Bectel of Alexandria, Va., said she’s amazed at the items she’s found there. See the site. http:// www.freecycle.org/ “I got a brand-new, tags still on them, pair of snow pants for my toddler, and a few months ago, I got a whole snowsuit for myself, also with tags still on them. I have gotten hundreds of dollars worth of garden plants, landscaping pavers and winter clothing. And, I’ve given away a lot of stuff that I would have just left

and for their dinner. The teens couldn’t bring blankets or sleeping bags with them, and had to depend on whatever blankets were donated to the school’s clothing pantry, which collects clothes and bedding for the poor. Today, they will report to class dressed in the sweat pants and sweat shirts and jackets they slept in overnight. “We’re going to be rocking the grunge look,” said Erin Waller, 16, of Maywood, N.J. “I hope I don’t smell too bad tomorrow.” But the students did have some comforts of home. The dinner was provided and served by a volunteer team of moms and dads. And the students got a two-hour break from the cold at night while they watched a movie about the importance of serving others. Paramus Catholic senior Ryan Ritchie of Mahwah, N.J., participated in the homeless experiment last year and returned Sunday because he now sees the homeless he serves meals to with new eyes. “After I did it last year, it really helped me relate to them better,” he said. Stephanie Sims of Hasbrouck Heights, N.J., one of the parents providing the evening meal, said she was glad her daughter, Ashley, was participating, although she was a little worried about the cold night ahead. “This helps them realize how blessed they really are,” Sims said.

(MCT) San Francisco – In uncertain economic times like these, it is comforting to know you can still find items that are free. And one way to avoid going into debt this holiday season is to find free items to fulfill your own needs, thus freeing up your cash for holiday purchases. The Internet reigns supreme when it comes to finding no-cost stuff. Sure, you might have to provide your e-mail address and sometimes a bit more information, and you might be put on a mailing list, but the end result is plenty of free goods and services. Want to control your holiday shopping? FinancialRecovery.com offers a free holiday planner. This spreadsheet will help you track spending so you don’t bust your budget. After Napster, free downloads died but not for long. There are a number of ad-supported sites where you can download songs by musicians from Adam Ant to ZZ Top. One is SpiralFrog.com, offering more than one million songs and

piled in my basement or thrown in the trash,” Bectel said. There are a number of blogs that direct readers to free offerings, including Gayle Bu’s AffluentPauper. com. Bu, from Grayson, Ga., said she started her blog out of a frustration many middle-income American families share. “I’m not rich enough to reap the benefits of the wealthy,” she said, “and not poor enough to qualify for government assistance programs that provide free food, education and services.” Bu has received free meals at Zaxby’s just by signing up on the restaurant’s site. She’s received free tacos at Taco Bell, a free cappuccino from Barnes & Noble, and free ice cream at Ben & Jerry’s. Some recent offers: Free sample products from WalMart at http://walmart.triaddigital. com/In-Stores-Now-free-samples. aspx. Instant coupons for free meals at Captain D’s http://www.captainds. com/files/home.aspx. Free museum visits sponsored by Target, at http://sites.target.

com/site/en/corporate/page. jsp?contentId=PRD03-002065 Leah Ingram writes a blog called “The Lean Green Family,” which offers a wealth of free items and resources. See the site at http://suddenlyfrugal.blogspot.com/2008/08/ getting-something-for-nothing-oralmost.html. C&T Publishing produces howto arts-and-crafts books dozens of free projects are available on their site. See the site at http://www.ctpubblog.com/category/projects/ Some people create a blog with the specific goal of receiving free items. Mike Essex, Birmingham, England-based writer of Blagman, said he’s received over 250 freebies worth more than $8,000. He encourages others to do the same. “The trick is finding a unique offer about yourself that makes you viable for a company,” he said. “Whether it’s starting an online book club, becoming a product tester, offering to show products to others at work or emailing all your online friends, everyone has something they can offer.”



Titan Editorial

Health in a Handbasket

Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

Uniting the country With President-elect Barack Obama’s announcement of Sen. Hillary Clinton’s nomination to become the new Secretary of State, he may have effectively united the Democratic Party, and hopefully the rest of the country. During Obama and Clinton’s campaigns for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination, many hurtful things were said by both sides. However, combining the two forces is the best thing for the country right now. In the midst of a crumbling economy, the Iraq War and just about everything in between, the United States needs stability and the best people possible for each position in the presidential cabinet to return the country to its high status in the world. Obama and Clinton were wildly supported by Democratic voters and many people questioned why Obama would now turn to Clinton after he worked so hard to push her out of the picture during his campaign. And the answer is simple: he needed to push aside his personal agenda for the good of the country, which is exactly what a great leader does. Obama appears to be placing the right people into his cabinet who will work toward putting

Letters to the Editor:

aside personal agendas and rebuilding the image of the United States on an international platform, as well as fixing problems on a national level. By nominating Hillary Clinton, Obama is showing the rest of the country that he realizes there are more important things at stake than one person’s reputation. Obama knows that it is important to show the public that he is ready to do whatever it might take for the United States to get the country back to being the powerful entity it should be. And by bringing Hillary Clinton on as the Secretary of State, Obama brings in someone who has differed from the previous Bush administration on nearly all the foreign policy positions which have arguably put the country in its current international funk. The New York senator also has great experience in working on an international platform by working with her husband and former President, Bill Clinton. So now, moving forward, the country looks to be in capable hands with Obama, Senator Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. The trio will undoubtedly turn the corner of how the United States is seen by the rest world and reclaim the title of an “elite” country.

Any feedback, positive or negative, is encouraged, as we strive to keep an open dialogue with our readership. The Daily Titan reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar and spelling. Direct all comments, questions or concerns along with your full name and major to Daily Titan Opinion Editor Austen Montero at opinion@dailytitan.com.

December 3, 2008

If you have a best friend like the one I have, she (or he) has brought up HPV in every conversation and pushes you or the person you are dating to get tested for it, even though you have no idea what HPV is. With so many acronyms floating around these days, I wasn’t sure if I should go to the cable company and ask to upgrade to HPV, or if this was a new exit exam I needed along with my EWP. I eventually found out that HPV, Human Papillomavirus, is a sexually transmitted disease, also referred to as a sexually transmitted infection – neither of which has anything to do with my cable company. So what is the difference between this STD and all the others? Well, if you are sexually active you very likely will become, or already are, a carrier of HPV. According to the Food and Drug Administration, 50 percent of Americans who have had sex will get HPV at some time in their lives. Getting nervous yet?

HPV encompasses nearly 100 different strains of the virus, of which about 40 affect the genital area. However in many cases, HPV may not cause any adverse health effects. Of the forty strains, four – 6, 11, 16 and 18 – are highly linked to cancers and genital warts, according to the FDA. The good news is that 90 percent of the time the body will eliminate the virus in about two years, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The bad news about HPV is that it is one of the main causes of cervical, vulvar and vaginal cancers, according to the CDC. Luckily we have some more good news; there is a relatively new vaccine called Gardasil, which is referred to as a quadrivalent vaccine because it protects with 95-100 percent efficiency, against the four forms of HPV most linked to cancers– 6, 11, 16 and 18, according to the FDA. So out of 100 different forms of HPV, why these four?

By Brittany Kunza Daily Titan Columnist

HPV: Just another STD for students to fear

According to the FDA, strain 16 and 18 cause about 70 percent of the cervical cancers, and 6 and 11 cause about 90 percent of genital warts, 20-50 percent of the vulvar cancers and 60-65 percent of vaginal cancers. Men, don’t think you are not included in this! You get to partake in genital warts as well as the possibility of developing penile or anal cancer, according to the CDC. What we are lacking for the guys is a reliable test to determine the presence of the virus. While cancer causing HPV can be detected in women via a Pap test, there is currently no equivalent test available for men. So if this seems like something that you would like to avoid, what do you do? Because HPV is a sexually transmitted infection, it is contracted by genital or skin-to-skin contact during sex or sexual activity. The 100 percent effective way to avoid contracting HPV is through abstaining from all sexual activity.

The use of condoms still leaves skin exposed and does not fully protect against the contraction of HPV, according to the FDA. Gardasil, the most recent vaccine, is another option which has been found to be a safe and effective way to prevent infection by HPV strains 6, 11, 16, and 18 thus far, according to the FDA and CDC’s evaluation of vaccine information. If you feel overwhelmed by all of these words this late in the semester, just know this: HPV is a sexually transmitted disease. You have sex, you have 50 percent chance of contracting a new friend, which can be cleared up by your own body in some cases or can lead to cancer or genital warts in other cases. If abstinence is not an option for you, I would recommend looking into the vaccine at http://www.fda. gov/cber/safety/gardasil071408.htm to find out if it is right for you. For more information about HPV check the Web sites out through cdc. gov and fda.go.

Black Friday just isn’t what it’s cracked up to be By Daniel Batalla

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

I have never been one for a sale. Sure, the idea of saving a few bucks on a camera or getting an iPod for a fraction of the cost is definitely appealing, but every year around this time I wake up the morning after Thanksgiving to hear on the news that people have ravaged stores beyond recognition. It’s nothing new. Black Friday has existed as far back as I can remember. I used to work at a bookstore, one that wouldn’t offer discounts beyond the already reduced prices. Yet we would still have people lined up as the doors to the store

opened at 9 a.m. I would try and get into the holiday spirit, but it was hard when already stressed parents would bring their kids to the children’s department where I would often work and let them loose to wreck the displays it had taken hours to arrange the night before. I no longer work in retail but I still see the effects of Black Friday. I now work at a bank and again, the day after Thanksgiving, people were out shopping in full force, charging up their credit cards and overdrawing their accounts. As members would come up to my teller window they would brag of all the bargains they received by waiting in the cold weather for hours on the sidewalk.

Again, I didn’t really care. That is, until a woman came in and claimed she had bought a 60inch plasma screen for $450. I don’t exactly know what I would do with a screen that large but I have to say, it did sound appealing. She told me she had her husband buy one as well, managing to find the loophole in the one-TV-purchase-per-customer rule. A man came in just a few minutes later to boast of a Nikon camera he had purchased for $150. Damn! I could have definitely used a new camera. So, maybe there is something to this Black Friday deal. It just seems a bit excessive to me. I like being comfortable at night when I am sleeping.

I do not want to huddle in a group to stay warm all night only to wake up and find that I have to wrestle an elderly woman for a DVD player that I probably don’t need to begin with. On the other hand, our economy is in the toilet, something you probably could have purchased on sale on Black Friday – a toilet. And sales for toilets this year exceeded those of last year. So I guess the joke’s on me. However, while everyone goes home to enjoy their newly purchased gadgets and await the dreaded monthly bank statement, I think I’ll just wait for the crowds to die down and for the latest trends to become outdated before I go and charge my credit card.


December 3, 2008


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Humorscopes brought to you by humorscope.com

Aries (March 21 - April 19) You will discover that you can raise one eyebrow by itself, but not the other. This will aggravate you, and you’ll spend the majority of the day in front of the bathroom mirror, trying to correct the situation. Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Terrific day to saunter. Don’t let it turn into a mosey, though. Gemini (May 21 - June 20) Excellent day to walk around wearing a white lab coat and carrying a clipboard. Cancer (June 21 - July 22) Beware of iguanas, today. Leo (July 23 - August 22) You will spend another full day attempting to shuffle a deck of cards with your toes. Fortunately, nobody will find out. Virgo (August 23 - September 22) Beware of rodents. Libra (September 23 - October 22) You will wrestle with your conscience today, but will be disqualified for using an illegal hold. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) Today you will deliberately annoy people by standing too close to them when waiting in line. Tomorrow: standing just slightly too far away. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) Nothing especially remarkable will happen today. You will get a strange urge to talk like Ziggy Marley, but it will pass. Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) Today you will deliberately annoy people by standing too close to them when waiting in line. Tomorrow: standing just slightly too far away. Aquarius (January 21 - February 18) It is a joyous time to vaccuum. Yes, you’ll have more fun than you can stand, pushing that new vac around. So what, if other people don’t understand? Unfortunately, an evil asian gentleman named “Fu” will kidnap your beloved vaccuum cleaner, a few years from now, and you will be faced with an ethical dilemma. Enjoy life while you still can, is my advice. Pisces (February 19 - March 20) You will finally figure out what the problem is, with your car! Basically, it has developed a sense of humor.


HOW TO PLAY: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

Brought to you by the people at www.dailysudoku.com



December 3, 2008

Titans dominate Fullerton Open VOLLEYBALL


Wrestling team has strong showing at home tournament and looks to ride success to Las Vegas Invitational Moore headlines five CSUF All-Conference selections By Ryan Castle

Daily Titan Coulnist sports@dailytitan.com

The Cal State Fullerton wrestling team dominated its home mat on Nov. 23, representing the school well at the Fullerton Open, with five wrestlers advancing to the finals and three winning their weight classes. The open tournament featured 190 wrestlers with about 15 teams competing. “It gets fans a chance to see Division I,” CSUF Head Coach Dan Hicks said. The tournament hosted at CSUF has become a good warm-up for the Fullerton wrestlers, as well as competitors from all over, for the grueling season that lies ahead. The teams competing in the tournament featured combatants from Cal State Bakersfield, Cal Baptist University, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and various junior colleges, such as Cerritos College, Palomar College and Rio Hondo College. “It helps us out a lot, the competition here helps with things we can work on in the upcoming week,” freshman Steven De La Fuente said,

who claimed the 157 pound weight class win for CSUF. “We got all these tournaments that are coming towards the end and we got to be in shape and this is a big test for us to see where we’re at.” The Titans continued the momentum they carried from Nov. 21 when they came two bouts away from shutting out Stanford, dropping only the last two matches of the ten-match contest. “We made some progress from Friday night,” Hicks said. “The two guys that lost (De La Fuente and Velasquez) won today, so they turned it around and competed much better.” Seniors T.J. Dillashaw (133) and Devin Velasquez (165) were the other Titans to be crowned champions Sunday along with De La Fuente. “It definitely puts us on the map, we got teams coming from NorCal, the last couple years we’ve had some teams coming from other states, it recognizes Fullerton wrestling,” Velasquez said. Several teams that came to the tournament previously did not come this year, decreasing the level of competition somewhat from years past. “It was down a little bit because

some of the Division I’s didn’t come; Cal Poly, Davis, Stanford, Arizona State, they had scheduled other things,” Hicks said. Despite the lack of Division I teams, the tournament still drew tough competition, featuring wrestlers from various schools who represented themselves without a team, or “unattached” as it is referred to. “On a scale from 1-10, I would rate it an eight or nine,” said Boris Novachkov, a former two-time California state champion who took first at the 141-pound weight division wrestling unattached out of Cal Poly Pomona. “I had a couple close matches and an overtime match, so it was pretty tough.” As the wrestling season kicks into full swing, the Fullerton Open is just another stepping stone wrestlers use to improve the unbelievable condition needed to succeed in the ranks of Division I wrestling. “Every day, not just matches here at the tournament but matches in the room against my coaches, against my teammates, prepare me every day to push myself harder and take myself to the next level,” Mitch Montiero, a junior from Cal State Bakersfield,

who won the 285-pound heavyweight class, said. Eleven CSUF wrestlers placed in the top four at their respective weight classes, including senior Teddy Astorga and redshirt junior Tim Hawkins, who both took second. Finishing in third were juniors John Drake (197), Kurt Klimek (285), sophomore Andre Gonzales (125) and senior Nick Blackshaw (149). “It was a good start for us. We got some young guys who needed some time,” Hicks said. The Titans now shift their attention to the Cliff Keen Las Vegas Invitational on Dec. 5-6, which features some of the toughest wrestling in the country. “Now we go to Vegas and get some serious competition,” Hicks said. “We’ll go back to the room this week and work on some things; it gives us a good launching point.” From the dual with Stanford, to the Fullerton Open and to Las Vegas, the Fullerton wrestlers continue to work and build their momentum. “We’ve come a long way,” Hicks said, “We hadn’t won a Pac-10 dual in five years, now we’ve won nine straight so it’s pretty cool.”

The Orange Curtain’s numbers look to rise

Senior Brittany Moore was named Big West Conference Player of the Year while teammates Cami Croteau, Erin Saddler, Jennifer Edmond and Andrea Ragan also earned recognition as the league office announced the 2008 all-conference selections Tuesday morning. Moore is the first Cal State Fullerton volleyball player to take home the conference’s highest honor and the 2008 group becomes the largest group of all-conference honorees in the program’s existence. Moore and Croteau were both named to the All-Big West First Team becoming just the sixth and seventh Titans to ever land on the elite squad and it’s the first time two CSUF teammates have ever graced

the first team in the same year. The Titans’ 2008 co-captain, Moore, guided the Titans to their first conference winning record in the program’s history by leading the league in both kills (456) and kills per set (4.04) where she also ranked 35th in the nation. Moore also had 350 digs (tied for 10th) and had her share in 62 total blocks. Moore was awarded the Big West Player of the Week honor on two occasions during the season with her last selection coming after one of the greatest back-to-back offensive outbursts in school history. The outside hitter scored 60 kills and 34 digs including a career-high 31-kill effort in a pair of road wins on Nov. 14 and 15.


Former Titan Oughton earns MLS Championship Former Cal State Fullerton forward Duncan Oughton has joined the list of former Titan atheltes with professional league championship rings after his Columbus Crew side defeated the New York Red Bulls, 3-1, in the MLS Cup Sunday at the Home Depot Center. Oughton is a veteran of eight MLS seasons. The native of New Zealand is the Titans’ career scoring leader with

97 points in the 1997-2000 seasons and he shares the single-season scoring mark with Colby Jackson. Some of the other Titans with championship rings are Bruce Bowen of the San Antonio Spurs (NBA), Mark Collins of the New York Giants (NFL) and Mark Kotsay (Florida Marlins), Dan Naulty (NY Yankees) and Aaron Rowand (Chicago White Sox) from major league baseball.

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL Titans fall to former rival in tournament finale

By David Carrillo/Daily Titan File Photo Originally started by five CSUF students, the Orange Curtain has grown to hundreds in two years. It looks to increase awareness and support for Titan athletics this Saturday before the men’s basketball game with a tailgate at 4 p.m. that will give all attending students free Red Bull energy drinks and dinner courtesy of In-N-Out Burger.

LAS VEGAS – UNLV’s Shamela Hampton had 24 points and 13 rebounds and the host Rebels used a 22-2 run over a six-minute span in the second half to pull away for a 76-65 victory over Cal State Fullerton in the consolation game of the Lady Rebel Round Up in Las Vegas. The loss dropped the Titans to 2-3 on the season and 0-2 in the tournament while UNLV moved to 4-1

overall and 1-1 in the tournament. Toni Thomas led the way once again for the Titans, scoring 14 points and grabbing six rebounds. Ashley Richie came off the bench to add 13 points while Daviyonne Weathersby scored 11 points and grabbed eight rebounds and Jasmine Scott led all Titans with 10 boards on the night, narrowly missing a double-double with nine points. Stories courtesy of Titan Media Relations

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