Thursday, May 9, 2013

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DAILY TITAN The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton T

Volume 93, Issue 49


How history remembers Einstein OPINION 5

An activist’s allies are his strength FEATURES 8

Titan pays her way through school SPORTS 10

Basketball programs get new coaches


LOCAL | Missing student

Search continues for CSUF student Maribel Ramos, an Army veteran, has been missing since last Thursday TIM WORDEN Daily Titan

Community members have expanded the search for a Cal State Fullerton student and Army veteran who has been missing for a week. Campus officials from University Outreach and Veterans Certification have begun a campaign to search for Maribel Ramos, 36, a criminal justice major, who was last seen May 2. A makeshift resource center has been set up in Langsdorf Hall Room 540 near University Outreach, where Ramos works as a coordinator with student veterans. The room is equipped with maps, posters and resources for people to aid the search for Ramos. The civilian search effort is headed by University Outreach assistant director Delia Tijerina and veterans certification officer Brenda Estrada. About 30 volunteers searched on Tuesday, focusing around Ramos’ house in Orange, according to Estrada and Tijerina. Dozens continued searching Wednesday. Estrada said the search pairs scour possible places Ramos may have gone as well as area trails. “Yesterday we had a group of volunteers that went out and pretty much targeted the area where she lives. We did bus stops, we did businesses, we pretty much went everywhere with fliers,” Estrada said. SEE MISSING, 4

Photo Illustration by ROBERT HUSKEY & JOHN PEKCAN / Daily Titan

Online cheating is a growing concern with the emergence of online education embraced by the Cal State University and University of California systems.

Technology combats online cheating ProctorU and TurnItIn are being used to reduce cheating in online courses KEVIN BLACKBURN Daily Titan

The Cal State University and University of California systems are looking to bolster their online education programs in order to make room for the growing demand of students

enrolling in California institutions while combatting online cheating. Private colleges, public universities and corporations have widely embraced online education, investing millions of dollars to tap into the vast pool of potential students. Next year’s CSU budget contains $10 million in online strategies in an attempt to get students through highdemand or over-crowded courses. Although online courses have ex-

CAMPUS | Competition

isted for more than a decade, the debate over cheating has heated up in the last year with the emergence of massive open online classes (MOOCs), according to a Los Angeles Times article. The article included that MOOCs can accommodate thousands of students in one class, making it difficult to reduce cheating. Despite worries about online deception, studies show that there is not

much difference in the amount of cheating that occurs in online versus real classrooms. A 2010 study in the Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration found that 32.7 percent of online students self-reported cheating at least once on a test, compared to 32.1 percent of those in on-campus classes. A Cal State Fullerton junior, who preferred to be left anonymous,

admitted to cheating on a test he had in a past class that had a large amount of students. “I cheated in classes with a lot of students, I’d pull out a cheat sheet or take out my notes because it’s hard for a teacher to look over all the students,” the junior said. “I would think an online class with that many students would be even easier to cheat.” SEE CHEATING, 2

CAMPUS | Science

Professor researches pupfish behavior The small fish species inhabits Earth’s harshest aquatic environments LAUREN DAVIS Daily Titan

ROBERT HUSKEY / Daily Titan Mariann Howland, 22, a psychology major, (center) is flanked by her advisers Jason Baker and Rachel Fenning inside the psychology observations lab. Howland is one of 10 CSUF students that will compete on Friday and Saturday.

Students gear up for competition

Participants will present creative capabilities of research at national event ANDY LUNDIN Daily Titan

Ten Cal State Fullerton students are scheduled to compete against

students from the 22 other Cal State Universities in a national research competition Friday and Saturday. The 27th annual CSU Student Research Competition will be held at Cal Poly Pomona, where students will contend by exhibiting their academic research and creative capabilities via an oral presentation to an audience


and a panel of professional experts. The competition is to be grouped into several different categories, including education, creative arts and design, social and behavioral sciences and physical and mathematical sciences. SEE RESEARCH, 2

A biology professor from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo spoke on his research about the behavior and flexibility of pupfishes, a small sized fish species in the Death Valley region of California and Nevada, in McCarthy Hall on Wednesday. Sean Lema, Ph.D., discussed “phenotypic plasticity,” which is the flexibility of pupfishes to show different structure in different environments among the several species of pupfishes in Death Valley. Lema said the two main goals of the pupfish research is to better understand how organisms are connected to their environment in an effort to comprehend how species change over time, while also helping to conserve the many imperiled pupfishes that evolved in deserts. “The other thing is receptors,” said Lema. “We are trying to un-

ROBERT HUSKEY / Daily Titan Sean Lema, Ph.D., discusses phenotypic plasticity of pupfish in different environments among the several pupfish species in Death Valley.

derstand more of this system and how you can couple and decouple these different traits in evolutionary context and in plasticity context, that are regulated by the same hormone by looking at different

ABT receptor regulations.” Lema said his interest in pupfishes developed when he would take camping trips to Death Valley SEE PUPFISH, 2






CHEATING: Proctors observe online test taking to prevent dishonesty CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

CSUF offers online degrees in sociology and business administration. Students who enroll in this program are required to log into their course on a regular basis and engage in online discussions. CSUF combats online cheating by using an online proctoring system called ProctorU. When a student picks a date to take their tests, a proctor is scheduled to observe the student. Before a student starts their online test, a webcam is activated on the students computer for the proctor so they can watch and listen to the student taking the test, according to the ProctorU tutorial. The student must take the webcam and scan the room by moving it 360 degrees around the room. This way, the proctor can see what is on the desk, desktop screen, or elsewhere to make sure there are no opportunities to cheat, accord-

ing to the tutorial. The tutorial added that the student is required to show picture ID so the proctor knows the right person is taking the test on the computer. Throughout a test, proctors observe everything the student is doing during the test. The proctors are looking to see if eyes are consistently moving away from the monitor or if students are listening to someone give them answers, according to the tutorial. If the proctor is suspicious about anything, they can either freeze or cancel the test. J.P. Goodman, a senior criminal justice major, is taking two online courses. He has not used ProctorU yet, but he does use other anti-cheating systems. “I have to turn all my papers into a website called Turnitin for my advanced college writing course,” said Goodman. “It tells the professor whether I plagiarized

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or not by scanning the Internet to see if I copied material without giving it the proper accreditation.” In Goodman’s online course, his professor proctors the amount of time it takes students to answer each question. “In my introduction to computer applications course, my professor looks for patterns in the length of time it takes us to answer the questions. He looks for anything suspicious in the length of time it took to answer each question on tests,” Goodman said. Goodman has used Turnitin since he was in high school and said the anti-cheating website helps deter him from cheating on any of his papers. Kryterion, an anti-cheating service, reported suspicious activity in 16 percent of tests it monitors. Most of suspicious activity spotted are students answering their cell phones or somebody entering the student’s room during a test.

Some classes are completely revamped in an effort to discourage cheating, according to the Los Angeles Times. High-stake cumilative final exams are replaced with frequent, small assessments. Kelsey Jordana, a sophomore radio-TV-film major, said it is better to have more assignments or tests that are worth less rather than have fewer assignments, or test worth a large percentage of the grade. “The pressure of finals or other big tests that can make or break your grade can sometimes drive students to make poor decisions like cheating,” Jordana said. “I believe it’s the fear of failing that drives students to cheat.” Students can now earn degrees without ever stepping foot onto a college campus. But, the addition of more online degrees comes with the responsibility to make sure proper procedures are in effect to fight online cheating.

Photo Illustration by ROBERT HUSKEY / Daily Titan According to 2010 study, 32.7 percent of online students self-reported cheating at least once on a test, compared to 32.1 percent of those in on-campus classes.

RESEARCH: 10 CSUF students will compete CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

Mariann Howland, 22, a psychology major, is one of the 10 CSUF students that will compete with her presentation titled “Expressed Emotion in Mothers of Children With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.” “We examined the emotional quality of mother-child relationships, as well as how this dynamic might influence the family as a whole in this unique and complex high-risk population,” said Howland. While conducting his research, Howland discovered that infants who were exposed to alcohol as fetuses often displayed a high level of cognitive, behavioral and emotional problems. These children are also often raised in high-risk or adoptive homes, according to Howland. Because of this, Howland believes that there is a significance in examining how the mothers from this sample emotionally relate to their children. In preparation for her project, Howland had been bringing families in for observational research visits and analyzing the results afterwards. She received assistance from Jason Baker, Ph.D., and Rachel Fenning, Ph.D., her project advisers, both of


Species can survive harsh conditions CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

“I have now been privileged to work on these pupfish for over 10 years and hope that I will continue to study them for many years to come,” said Lema. “It is an amazing biological system of fish

whom are from the Child and Adolescent Studies Department. “They have allowed me to formulate and pursue my own hypotheses within this sample, and they have assisted me with analysis and preparation of the presentations,” Howland said. “They make themselves extremely available to their students and provide them with unparalleled research opportunities. They are fantastic mentors.” Other students in the competition will each also have their own advisers assisting them with their research and presentation. Irena Praitis, Ph.D., an English professor, is the adviser for English major Charmaine Vannimwegen’s project, “Poetry and Science.” Vannimwegen will present a poem she wrote that analyzes the various methods people use to trace time and assign meaning to what they discover. “Charmaine uses the concept of telling time through tree rings, a process known as dendrochronology, as a metaphor for reading other surfaces in terms of time and meaning,” said Praitis. She has helped Vannimwegen with her project by offering encouragement, responding to her writing and provid-

ing feedback for her presentation. Binod Tiwari, Ph.D., acting chair and associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, is assisting Suzanne Moubayed, a civil engineering major, with a presentation titled, “The Effects of Soil Modification With Shredded Rubber Tires.” Moubayed is researching how to recycle scrap tires by using them in civil engineering projects to reduce the size of building foundation and retaining walls. “This also preserves our environment. It is a unique project and very important for California,” Tiwari said. Tiwari said that Moubayed had been working on the project for five months and believes that she will impress the judges. “She is putting lots of time and effort in the project. She already had published an article on this project. I am proud of her,” Tiwari said. Tiwari is also advising Richard Hastings, a civil engineering major, whose presentation is called “Experimental Modeling of Rainfall and Seismic Events to Trigger Landslides.” Hastings competed in last year’s competition and took first place in the undergraduate Engineering &

Computer Science category. The students will be given 20 minutes to present their projects to the panel of judges, with 10 minutes dedicated to the students giving an oral presentation and five minutes of time given to respond to questions that the audience or jurors ask about their research. The other CSUF students that are set to compete in the competition are Jenny Chang, a math major; Laura Barron-Lopez, a political science major; Ashley Chui, a biochemistry major; Michelle Gevedon, a geology major; Kerianne Murphy, a biology major and Andrea Duran, a kinesiology major. Students who are enrolled at any CSU campus this semester as well as alumni who graduated from the CSU at any point last year were eligible to enter the competition. The panel will judge the students based on clarity of purpose, appropriateness of the methodology, interpretation of the results, value of the research and creative activity. A cash prize will be awarded to the winner and runner-up contestants for both the graduate and undergraduate students, based on recommendations from members of the jury.

living in some of the harshest aquatic habitats in the world and in a geographic region that generally receives less than two inches of rain a year.” He said over the past few years, his lab learned that the ability for pupfish to be plastic, is the strategy behind how these fish survive in the intense conditions of Death Valley, being one of the hottest and driest regions in the world. Lema said that in the Death Valley region of California and Nevada, pupfishes became isolated over the past 18,000 years through a series of remote aquatic habitats which ultimately vary between the conditions of salinity and temperature. “It’s an amazing biological system of fish living in some of the harsh-

est aquatic habitats in the world, and in a geographic region that generally receives less than two inches of rain a year,” Lema said. Lema also explained that each population of pupfishes is therefore unique since the populations of these fish have continued to evolve through physiology and behavior. “What makes pupfish so interesting is that they live in some of the most stressful habitats for fish such as salt marshes along the coast, small isolated streams and seeps in the desert,” Lema said. “These habitats have environmental conditions that are too harsh for most other fish species to survive.” Bill Hoese, Ph.D., a biology professor at CSUF, said the presentation was

interesting since most of the time people do not associate fish in the desert. “These fish are doing these amazing plastic variable responses to their conditions,” said Hoese. “We think of the desert as being this hot place, but still these fish are really responding and that is really cool.” Lema said he hopes students gained an appreciation for how intimately connected species are to the habitats they live in. “It seems quite easy today to think of the environment as being external, and therefore separate the organism, including ourselves,” Lema said. “But that view can lead us to overlook key connections that organisms have with their environments.”

FOR THE RECORD: The photo caption for “Family night celebrates special needs education,” states that special needs children contributed to the artwork pictured, but according to Jenny Taylor, director of the CSUF Children’s Center, the artwork was not done specifically by children with special needs.

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MAY 9, 2013





DTBRIEFS Study says college can be a gamble for some New numbers show that college can be a risky financial investment for some, and that it would be wise for some to skip higher education, according to the Los Angeles Times. Further schooling remains a smart move for most people, but the analysis by the Brookings Center on Children and Families said college may not pay off for those in low-paying fields, or those who attend low-tier schools. Unemployment for college grads is low, at 3.9 percent, but more than 200,000 employed college grads are working minimum wage jobs, which has brought down the average grad wage by 2 percent. College graduates do generally earn more than high school grads but the value of a college education varies heavily based on major and the school’s level of prestige. The study looked at 853 schools and found that 170 of them had a negative return on investment. Brief by SAMUEL MOUNTJOY

Cleveland man officially charged in 10-year abduction case A 52-year-old man was accused of imprisoning three women in a house for over a decade in Cleveland, Ohio, according to USA Today. Ariel Castro faces three counts of rape and four counts of kidnapping. The kidnappings occurred between 2002 and 2004 while the three victims—Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, and Michelle Knight—were between the ages of 13 and 16 when they were abducted. Originally the three women were were locked in chains in the basement where they were allegedly raped, beaten and starved. Castro has a 6-year-old daughter with Berry, which adds another kidnapping charge to his case. The women and child were freed after a neighbor heard Berry screaming for help as Castro left the home. Two of the women were returned home to their families as Knight stayed in a hospital. Brief by CODY LEONG

Arias convicted of murdering ex-boyfriend After a high-profile trial that lasted months, a jury found Jodi Arias guilty for the murder of her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander on Wednesday. According to CNN, the jury found Arias guilty of first-degree murder and will meet again Thursday to for the aggravation phase of the trial that will decide whether she lives or dies. As news broke that Arias was found guilty, CNN reported a large crowd outside of the courthouse erupted with cheers. The penalty phase will take place to determine the consequences that Arias will have to endure after the aggravation phase is over. Alexander was murdered in 2008 and was found with multiple stabbings, a slashed throat and a gunshot wound to his forehead. Originally, Arias denied murdering Alexander, but eventually confessed to the crime and called the act self-defense. Brief by CODY LEONG


Courtesy of Craig McConnell

Craig McConnell, Ph.D., associate professor of liberal studies at CSUF, will present a lecture on Albert Einstein in Langsdorf Hall Room 321 on Thursday.

Professor explores perception of Einstein Lecture will focus on how history has remembered the famous physicist JULIA GUTIERREZ Daily Titan

A Cal State Fullerton professor will give a lecture Thursday to address the different personas of Albert Einstein. The lecture will begin at 5:30 p.m. in Langsdorf Hall Room 321. Craig McConnell, Ph.D., an associate professor of liberal studies, will present “The Nine Lives of Albert Einstein,” an exploration of public perceptions people had of the iconic physicist and how they have survived over time. McConnell, who is also the director of the Center for the History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Medicine (CHPSTM), said this exploration is completed by examining various biographies about Einstein. He said many early biographies were written with help from Einstein and other biographies were written by people who knew and worked with him. There have also been biographies written by people who have had access to Einstein’s papers. Obscure biographies dating back

to the ‘20s and ‘30s often illustrated the public’s fascination with Einstein’s origin and development, according to McConnell. McConnell said most people automatically recognize Einstein as a genius; it is the first word on people’s minds when his name is uttered. However, Einstein was not always looked at from this perspective. Einstein has also been seen as a pacifist, a philosopher and a “cuddly avuncular (person) … a guy who was nice to kids,” said McConnell. He became interested in the subject because of his background knowledge of the history of modern physics and because of his personal interest in Einstein biographies. The title of his lecture was inspired by Jan Sapp’s “Nine Lives of Gregor Mendel.” McConnell said he discovered the article during his time in graduate school. “The first thought I had was, maybe someone ought to write something like that about Einstein. And 15 years later, I decided maybe I better write something,” he said. He said he hopes his lecture will shed light on how physicists’ personalities affect their work. “One of the things I think is really important about this is the way we

tell stories about Einstein shapes the way we tell stories about every other physicist in the world,” McConnell said. “I think maybe hearing this talk will make people a little more critical of the stories they hear about

“I think maybe hearing this talk will make people a little more critical of the stories they hear about science ...” CRAIG MCCONNELL, PH.D. Liberal Studies Associate Professor science and how it gets done and who’s best suited to do it.” This research is a new project for McConnell. He added that he hopes to eventually turn his work into an article. Andrea Patterson, a CSUF assis-

tant professor of liberal studies, said McConnell has given talks on Einstein in the past in a different context. She said McConnell’s other research interests include cosmology from the ‘50s to the ‘70s, science in literature and science in popular culture. Patterson, who will introduce McConnell at the event, said she is looking forward to hearing what he has to say. She said the lecture should be interesting for everyone and students from all majors should able to understand what McConnell presents. “I think this event and events like these sponsored by CHPSTM are so interdisciplinary that they really reach everyone … this talk in particular talks about the popular images, it talks about perceptions, psychology (and) about culture,” said Patterson. She added that students will be able to find a way to connect with the subject matter, regardless of their majors. “The Nine Lives of Albert Einstein” will be the eighth lecture in CHPSTM’s colloquium series, which has included multiple interdisciplinary discussions throughout the year.






MISSING: No crime or suspect has been identified in case CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

Search groups call in the locations they travel to so that the fliers are efficiently placed, and the missing person posters have also been placed around campus. Ramos was still listed as missing as of Wednesday afternoon since no crime or suspect has been identified by detectives, said Orange police Sgt. Fred Lopez. Specifics of the investigation cannot be disclosed since the search is ongoing, he added. “They have been working day and night to try to resolve this,” Lopez said. A Facebook page, “Find Maribel Ramos,” has been set up by Ramos’ family to keep the family and community updated. Ramos gave a presentation in Chicago on Wednesday May 1 about transitioning from military life to being a student. She worked at University Outreach on Thursday, going home just hours before she was last seen at her house, Estrada said. She was last seen at her house around 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, Lopez said. Ramos, who is expected to graduate in May, was not present at the Veterans Appreciation Night ceremony on Saturday, where she was scheduled to give a speech on behalf of the graduating veterans. Estrada and Tijernia said they thought it unusual that Ramos did not show up since Ramos was anticipating speaking at the dinner. “She’s very responsible, it’s very uncharacteristic of her not to show up. At that point it just became concerning,” Estrada said. As a veterans coordinator, Ramos works at the University Outreach office to help fellow veterans on campus.

“She’s a leader within the veteran community on campus, and not only that, she’s a leader in the student community.” BRENDA ESTRADA Veterans Certification Officer “She’s a leader within the veteran community on campus, and not only that, she’s a leader in the student community,” Estrada said. A former sergeant who served in the Army for eight years and served in Afghanistan, Iraq and South Korea, Ramos was also active in the campus’ Student Veterans Association group, Estrada said. Estrada said it is important for students to know that even though Ramos has physical and psychological military training, something like becoming a missing person can happen to anyone. “I know that it wasn’t until this happened and it hit close to home that for me it made it more of an awareness,” Estrada said. According to the university website, Ramos had been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. Tijerina said that students can share the missing person fliers to help expand the search efforts. She expects to have an expanded search through Orange on Friday. “Don’t let this go, people can’t keep winning. There’s too much good in the world, and life is too special to miss. … We need Maribel, we need her back,” Tijerina said. Students can contact the Orange Police Department at (714) 7447313.

PETER PHAM / Daily Titan TOP: Fliers in different languages have been posted around Orange County with contact numbers for anyone that has information to the whereabouts of Maribel Ramos. BOTTOM: Delia Tijerina, assistant director for University Outreach, points to where volunteers are searching in Orange.




MAY 9, 2013




The final card: In memoriam, celebration and gratitude In my previous six columns, I have written about the principles, events and heroes of the gay rights movement. Now I am down to my second to last piece and I would like to honor the people in my personal life before it is all said and done. It is not just gay rights activists that have helped me in my journey to better myself and this movement. I could not have imagined the challenges that would come my way in the last decade, nor could I foresee the incredible allies that would appear to help me in those troubling times. The concept of a “best friend” seems outdated in mainstream society. I can’t remember the last time I heard that phrase uttered without irony in the media or otherwise. Yet I could never imagine calling Nicholas Fabrizio anything but my best friend. On the surface we seem to only share a first name, but anyone who knows us both can see why we have worked as friends for the most of the last eight years. Sure, we had our troubles. We even cut ties a few times. It’s not surprising that his temper—which has settled in recent years—clashed with my sensitivity. Regardless, we sensed there were some things in our friendship that were worth working for. They happened to be the most important ingredients in any friendship: respect, loyalty and a sense of acceptance necessary in a world where most kinds of relationships are intrinsically fragile. The bond of the best friend is not one of those relationships. Nicholas has taught me that, and I thank him so deeply for that.

It is not just gay rights activists that have helped ... in my journey to better myself and this movement. There is a girl, who I will refer to as “Noel,” that I have fallen out of contact with in the last year. Before this, she was my greatest ally in the activist world. It is because of her that I learned the importance of peace and rationale not only in gay rights but in life in general. I am ashamed to admit that before I met her, I had hate in my veins for many opponents on and off the social politics game board. I remember sitting at a bar with Noel one night, ranting about Sarah Palin, or someone of her ilk. My friend did not lecture me or tell me off; she just casually pointed out the destructiveness of my attitude. I’ll admit, it was a bit humbling, and that’s hard to feel sometimes. Whether Noel knew it or not, her subtle approach made it easier for me to accept the good word of peaceful protest into my life. This is why she is a successful figure on this campus. It is also why she will succeed at whatever she truly wants to achieve in this life. I hope that someday our paths will cross again so I can thank her

for a gift that will last forever. I would also like to mention my friend Victoria. I have known her for three years and even though we live on opposite sides of the country, we have grown together so much in that time. She has cheered me on through some of the worst times of my life. Vikki has worked hard to be physically and emotionally healthy, and that has inspired me to work toward the same goal. This woman also has the gift of candor when it comes to the important issues, and that will get her far in life. It used to be very difficult to acknowledge the gifts given to me so close to home, even if that is where the heart is. This changed when I learned how it felt to mourn the death of someone so important to my life, who I will get to in just a moment. I have shared a home with my sister for most of my life, so I have had the pleasure of seeing her grow into an empathetic, wise philanthropist who does work for a rape crisis hotline as well as cancer walks and other feminist activist organizations. I do not tell her enough how proud I am of her for all the effort she puts into helping others. There are many more people I can say have been invaluable to me over the years—too many to talk about here—but there is a final person I must mourn, celebrate and bestow gratitude upon. His name is Roy Gobrogge, and he is my mother’s late husband and my most vital father figure. We didn’t have much in common, to be honest, at least in personality. He was the gruff Ohio farm boy who kept much of his insecurity to himself. He rarely complained. Roy never hesitated to do what was right for his family, biological or not. So with a personality like that it was no surprise that he found a career as a firefighter for 45 years, many of them as a captain at Station 9 in Mission Viejo. During his tenure as an emergency worker Roy worked the rubble of the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995. He spent days finding bodies to provide a sense of closure to the family members of the victims. Before that, he worked amid the chaos of the 1992 Los Angeles riots. He and his unit were called in to contain the fires despite the mortal dangers that threatened them. It was his duty, so he did not cower or flee as many of us would. You would think my knowing all of this during his lifetime would have made me feel grateful in his presence, but that’s not the truth. I did not truly know the hero under my own roof until Roy was gone. On the morning of Jan. 23, 2012, he died of liver and pancreatic cancers. In the weekend preceding his passing, countless people—many I did not even know—visited him at death bed and it was so apparent how loved and respected he was. It was a comfort to my family and a secret shame to my sense of good, to feel surprised by the outpouring of support we received. When people ask me why I see such greatness in people, I think back to that weekend. I also remember the 100 or so people that attended the celebration of life we held in his honor. One of those who spoke was a family member of a vic-

tim Roy found at the bombing. It was then that I felt the complete impact of his legacy. I cannot reiterate enough how much I regret taking such an incredible person for granted. It has haunted me for over a year that I did not tell him exactly how I felt before he was gone. The only way I know to heal myself of this is to express gratitude for the loved ones in my life right now and urge others to do the same in their lives. Despite my new outlook on familial bonds, for quite a while now I have wondered about the point of life when everything wears away and everyone dies. Luckily there are countless philosophers and compatriots of my past, present and future that have and always will ponder this question. I now believe it is in that questioning where we often find our strongest reasons for living. One of them has been staring me in the face for years now, and it is Legacy, one of my personal virtues I covered in a previous column. A British philosopher, Bertrand Russell, could not agree more: “The happy man feels himself a citizen of the universe, enjoying freely the spectacle that it offers and the joys that it affords, untroubled by the thought of death because he feels himself not really separate from those who will come after him. It is in such profound instinctive union with the stream of life that the greatest joy is to be found.” About a year ago, I felt that with Roy, even if I did not feel the full significance of it until now. When he was alive, my hero often sat at the bar in our kitchen on his days off and played solitaire on his laptop. His oddest quirk was his habit of never putting the final card down onto the last pile to win the game. Roy did tell me once why he did not finish the rounds once he started, but I have forgotten. One night not long after he died, I sat in his spot at the bar. I saw the kitchen and the house from his perspective. It is then that I really understood why he never put that card down. Roy never thought his work in life was finished because he never wanted it to be.


“It is in such profound instinctive union with the stream of life that the greatest joy is to be found.” BERTRAND RUSSELL Philosopher


ALL Despite the inevitability of ... death, I will live for him and for the generations to come. In a way he was right, because our work for the good of mankind is never done. As long as there is injustice and suffering this will remain true. I have chosen to carry on this task of bringing peace and healing since he is no longer able to. It is because of this I can put that final card down for his life. His work is finished, but mine is not. That is why, despite the inevitability of decay and death, I will live for him and for the generations to come. In memoriam, celebration and gratitude.


Monday, May 13

Monday, May 20

All Night Study Giveaway Garden Café, 10pm

TV Screening Titan Theater, 7pm-1am

Tuesday, May 14

Cup of Noodles The Pub, 10pm

Math Tutoring Titan Pride Center, 7pm-10pm

Thursday, May 16

Math & Biology Tutoring Titan Pride Center, 7pm-10pm

Massages Fireside Lounge, 11pm-2am All Night Study Giveaway Garden Café, 11:59pm

Tuesday, May 21 TV Screening Titan Theater, 7pm-1am Laser Tag SRC, 10pm-11:45pm Massages Fireside Lounge, 11pm-2am


Wednesday, May 22

The Daily Titan welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must include the sender’s first and last name. Students must include their majors and other writers must include their affiliation to the university, if applicable. Letters must refer to an article published within the last week. Once a letter is submitted it becomes property of the Daily Titan. Publication of letters is based on the validity of content and may be edited for length, grammar and spelling. Letters may be sent to

TV Screening Titan Theater, 7pm-1am

Coffee and Donuts Titan Pride Center, 10pm Massages Fireside Lounge, 11pm-2am T8919 5/13







TITANS UNWIND IN NATURAL OASIS A fresh, cool breeze makes its way through dirt trails. The paths are aligned with bright poppies, dandelions, orchids and milkweed blossoms. Some are surrounded by prickly cacti. A mother duck and her ducklings are nestled at the edge of a large pond, where numerous turtles can be found swimming peacefully in the cool water. Established in 1979 and located at the north end of campus, the Arboretum is a nature getaway right in Cal State Fullerton’s backyard. Students settle on the numerous benches under the shades of redwood groves and palm trees, kicking back and unwinding on the green lawns. They hike and stroll through the “desert oasis” and the Channel Island gardens. Others taking advantage of the tranquil gardens in between their busy class schedules and workload is a common sight here, particularly during finals week. And the Arboretum isn’t just for its Titan neighbors

either. Many people throughout Orange County, as well as surrounding communities, have visited and explored the botanical gardens throughout the years. Elementary school field trips are occasionally held at the Arboretum as well. Young children get to take part in walking around and observing the different environments during their visit. Children learn about the wide variety of plant species and working on activities related to what they encounter. The Arboretum staff works each day to maintain and take care of the grounds for visitors as well as occasional events. Yoga classes, nature photography classes, cooking classes and special dinners have also been held at the Arboretum. Overall, this 26-acre sanctuary has something for everyone looking to unwind and be in touch with nature.




The Arboretum is equipped with benches where vistors can sit, relax, unwind and enjoy the lush landscapes it has to offer.


MAY 9, 2013





IDENTITIES: Titan stories paint a picture of diversity Weekly series highlights struggles, triumphs and identities of students and their lives on campus ADREANA YOUNG Daily Titan

During the course of the spring 2013 semester, the features section of the Daily Titan ran a series of articles focusing on the different experiences, lives, purposes and voices of students on campus. We chronicled the everyday life of a student mother––a 24-yearold woman balancing her family life as a mother and fiance, internship as a dance teacher and fulltime schedule as a student. We heard about a student’s journey to quit drinking and drugs to become straight edge. He traded in drugs and alcohol in order to live a healthy lifestyle and overcome his heart problems. We came upon a student working his way back to a normal life after a brain injury, who with help from the Disabled Student Services program, will graduate this semester. We heard about the adventures of student veterans, working through the transition from military life to school life. We got a glimpse of the lives of graduate students about to get their degrees and heard about the challenges and successes of an

What these articles represent is the perseverance of students to push through adversity. They tell the stories of people who truly deserve to be called Titans. older student returning to school. An older student who, after many years working in a struggling economy, came back to CSUF as a means of accomplishing her dreams of becoming a teacher. We talked with two students living their lives for God, one who found his purpose in life through God and another who found motivation through his faith. We spoke to a Titan running for Congress, learned about the impact Greek life has on students and heard the story of Cal State Fullerton’s new ASI president and his journey to the top. Throughout this series we learned more about these people’s lives––about the struggles and the triumphs. These individuals allowed us to peer into parts of their lives, and in each one of them was a lesson in strength and perseverance through adversity. Hearing their stories allows us

all to see that you don’t have to be rich or famous to be extraordinary. Every story helped paint a deeper picture of the lives and experiences that walk on and off of the CSUF campus. Our purpose in writing these stories was to accurately portray student life. It was to show that sometimes student life comes in the form of college dorms, weekend parties, finals and essays, but it also can be a second chance—a new chapter or adventure, the catalyst to finding one’s path or a stepping stone into the future. What these articles represent is the perseverance of students to push through adversity. This series tells the stories of people who truly deserve to be called Titans. To read each of the Identities profiles, go to and type “Identities” into the search bar. ROBERT HUSKEY / Daily Titan

Titans shared aspects of their lives that help define their identities and bring diversity to Cal State Fullerton. LEFT COLUMN: Krista English, Nick Ballinger, Jessica Deakyne, James Hodge, Nicole Hensch (Top to bottom) RIGHT COLUMN: Sean Price, Sergio Lopez, Jennifer Maddock, Gregory Raths, Rahullah Latif (Top to bottom)







Titan juggles a full schedule and three jobs to pay for school KRISTEN CERVANTES Daily Titan

Maria Sandoval walks across campus with a bright smile on her face, pep in her step and an aura of positive energy around her. At first glance, most would not realize the heavy burden that rests on her shoulders. Sandoval, a junior, spends every day either working at one of her three jobs or attending one of her five classes at Cal State Fullerton in order to obtain a bachelor’s degree in art education. Sandoval said she works hard because she is paying for much of her college education on her own, with some assistance from financial aid. “I’m actually doing what I said I’ve always wanted to do,” said Sandoval. Sandoval said her drive to succeed started when she was a young girl growing up in an extremely strict and traditional Mexican family. Growing up as the middle child with three brothers and one sister, Sandoval said her mother always tried to make her stand out. “I felt like I was always the one that wanted to go outside that box,” she said. Sandoval said her sister was the one who mainly inspired her to attend college and pushed her to go, but it was also because she wanted to impress her parents. Before transferring to CSUF, Sandoval attended Orange Coast College and was later scouted to play soccer at Santa Ana College where she eventually received an associate degree. The associate degree was more for her parents, she said, but obtaining her bachelor’s degree is something she is doing more for herself. “I love art. It’s my passion, so

getting an art degree is for me. It’s a good feeling,” Sandoval said. In the beginning, Sandoval said she was doubtful that she could attend college because of the staggering costs. The cost of tuition fees for a full-time student at CSUF is $6,188 per semester, according to the Office of Financial Aid website. “My initial reaction was: ‘No, I just can’t do it,’ and that was my excuse,” Sandoval said. Sandoval has paid $800 in art supplies for this semester. She also spent about $200 for books and $220 for parking. She also paid the difference of what grants didn’t cover. Sandoval’s parents help out with school by purchasing small items, such as art supplies. “Small little things like that, it’s such a big help because it’s expensive,” she said. Sandoval said she became more excited about going to college after she found out that she would be getting financial aid in the form of grants. Sandoval’s parents offered to pay for her college expenses, but she declined because she wanted do it on her own. She said she didn’t want to live with the fact that if she started to go to school and ended up not finishing, then her parents would have wasted a lot of money. The grants she received from financial aid have helped her pay for a good portion of her school expenses. “I know it’s not all of it, but it’s some help … I’m truly grateful for it,” she said. Students can fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to see if they qualify for loans, grants and scholarships. There are 24,067 CSUF students getting some type of finan-

cial aid this semester, according to Monica Coloso, CSUF assistant director of financial aid. Coloso said she would advise students to “complete the FAFSA and mind the deadlines … even if they don’t think that they’re going to get anything.” She added that there is a large amount of scholarships on the financial aid website for students to look through. “(Financial aid) makes higher education more an obtainable goal,” said Coloso. Sandoval pays for the rest of her college expenses by working three jobs. One of her jobs is at Victoria’s Secret as a sales associate. Sandoval was offered a manager position there twice, but had to decline because she couldn’t work the extra hours while going to school. Her other jobs are at the Mission Art Center in Tustin and the City of Santa Ana. Both positions allow her to work with children and art. Anthony Novella, community services supervisor for the city of Santa Ana, has been Sandoval’s manager for 10 years and knows her work ethic well. “(She) has always been driven and if it were any other person, I might be concerned about them working multiple jobs and going to school full time,” said Novella. Novella added that he is proud of Sandoval’s hard work. He described her as organized, determined and an optimist. “She keeps her schedule like a well-oiled machine without compromising her responsibilities at work with me and the city,” he said. Sandoval receives a lot of support from work and her family because they know how hard she works towards her goal of graduating.

JOHN PEKCAN / Daily Titan

Maria Sandoval, art education major, is enrolled in five courses at Cal State Fullerton while working three jobs.

“I’m doing it for myself, but also to push others to do it. It’s possible even if you don’t get the help that you can still work your way through school on your own,” Sandoval said. She said she finds time for herself during the weekends to go out with friends, hang out with family and go to Disneyland. “It balances out my whole schedule, if not I feel like I will freak out,” Sandoval said. Sandoval said she is considering quitting one of her jobs in order to finish school and have more free time. However, she has to consider

how she will pay for school as well. “I don’t know if I’m going to continue doing it like this next semester because it is pretty tough,” Sandoval said. Sandoval has tried to save money, but said it is hard for her since she started paying rent at her parent’s house and pays her own bills. However, paying for school has helped her learn how to budget and save money. “It’s a learning lesson for sure,” she said. Even though there may not be many art jobs out there right now, it hasn’t stopped Sandoval from

working towards graduating in a few years and then continuing her dream of being an art teacher. Her advice to someone in a similar situation is to be happy, positive and motivated. Through the long days at school and work, Sandoval continues to look at the positive side of life. “I like doing what I do, coming to school and working … I’m happy,” she said. Sandoval wants to show people, especially high school graduates, that if she can do it, so can they. “Now, I want to inspire people … there’s no excuses,” she added.

International student gets a taste of Southern California sunshine A first-time visit to the beach yields sun, sand and lasting memories SASHA JAIKRISHIN For the Daily Titan

College is all about transformations. Some students have physical transformations, others have emotional transformations—but for some, the transformation occurs when a light bulb clicks in your head and you learn a little something about yourself. As an international student, I wanted to transform my experience here in the U.S. by seeing and experiencing as much as I could in what little time I had here. My American experience so far had only included two places, both beacons of American consumerism: Wal-Mart and Costco. Now I love those two places, especially the free samples in Costco (hear! hear!), but I thought that perhaps it was time to move on to greener pastures, or rather sandier ones. Since I’ve been here, the number one question everyone asks me after they find out I’m an international student is if I have been to the beach. I decided to ask my Californian flatmate for advice. She suggested that I check out Newport Beach and Huntington Beach, so I decided to go to the shore with my other international roommate, Nicole. Now, going to the beach is not as easy as one may think, especially if you don’t have a car, like us. We took the 57 bus at 8 a.m., and while it was tiring, it gave us a chance to see a lot more of Southern California than we would have in a car. It was fun to see regulars get on the bus and greet and make small talk with each other while they commuted. It was like there was a whole

Since I’ve been here, the number one question everyone asks me after they find out I’m an international student is if I have been to the beach. community inside that very bus. Meanwhile, the non-regulars, or outsiders, as I like to call us, just sat by a window and stared avidly out of it, watching the intriguing flashes of grey, blue, white and green pass by us. We had to transfer buses to get to Laguna Beach. (We found out that Newport Beach was a whole area, not just a beach—who knew?)

Huntington Beach had a whole different energy than Laguna. While Laguna was laid back, Huntington was bustling with people. We went there first because my roommate had already seen Huntington Beach and she wanted to go somewhere new. We reached the beach around


10:15 a.m. and opposite the bus station was a farmer’s market. We decided to go and explore the fresh produce of the Californian farmers and I enjoyed the best strawberries that I’ve ever had. After that, we hunted around for a place to eat and we came upon Shirley’s Bagels, a small, crowded shop in Laguna Beach. The bagels were fresh and amazing, they even had their own variety of cream cheeses. I got a chocolate chip bagel with strawberry cream cheese to satisfy my sweet tooth, while my roommate got something a little more savory, an onion bagel with chive cream cheese. After eating—or rather, inhaling—those delicious bagels, we walked towards the beach, finally. The beach itself was fun and the water so cold and numbing that I felt like I was plunging my feet in a bucket of ice. Huntington Beach had a whole different energy than Laguna. While Laguna was laid back, Huntington was bustling with people. Unfortunately, we only got to see the Huntington Beach pier and while it was nice to look over the whole beach, I didn’t really get to see the whole place. Now that my U.S. travel repertoire has expanded to four places, the only question left to ask is, where to next? FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @DTFEATURES


May 9, 2013




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ACROSS 1 Atkins diet credo 8 Medicare section 13 Freight lineup 14 Asian electronics giant 16 *Classic paradox 18 Fjord relative 19 Extended break from svc. 20 Together, on a score 21 *Memorable site of a 1965 Beatles concert 26 Aetna’s bus. 27 Salmon for bagels 28 LBJ’s veep 29 Residents along the Gulf of Bothnia 31 “A nickel ain’t worth a dime anymore” speaker 33 Self-effacing 36 *Comes up with a solution 41 Horace works 42 Card game for three 44 Some choristers 46 Down 49 Where agua flows 50 Assam export 51 *Body shop’s reappraisal 55 Spheres 57 Reid or Robbins 58 Deg. for Dilbert creator Scott Adams 59 Device useful in navigation, or in discovering the hidden theme in the answers to starred clues 65 Honeys 66 Lowly laborer 67 Party animals? 68 Responds to the MAILERDAEMON DOWN 1 “30 Rock” network 2 Cry of wonder 3 One-fifth of DLV 4 West African capital

5 Sporty 6 A little fresh air? 7 Phisher’s target: Abbr. 8 French meatand-veggies dish 9 Silvery gray 10 South American bird named for a Greek Titan 11 Associated 12 Many air rifles 14 Half-human Enterprise counselor 15 Gets on 17 Antediluvian 21 Wily 22 Place for a shoe 23 Military vet 24 Name of three Ottoman sultans 25 Falls spray 30 Ordinal extremes 32 “__ that a lot” 34 Verb ending 35 Antibiotic allotments 37 “__ further reflection ...” 38 Icing buds on fancy cakes 39 Vegetable also called lady’sfinger


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Aries (March 21-April 19) Venus enters Gemini for over a month of learning. Study with passion. In a conflict of interests, walk a thin line. Follow rules, and complain only to someone who can do something. Trust your heart. Taurus (April 20-May 20) It’s easier to make money for the next month, and you’re in the zone. The New Moon solar eclipse in your sign today provides confident energy for six months. Follow your own drummer.


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Gemini (May 21-June 20) The urge to run and play tempts. You’re irresistibly lucky in love, with Venus in your sign. Use the New Moon solar eclipse to organize and clear space. Cancer (June 21-July 22) You won’t wear your heart on your sleeve as much this next month. Sweet dreams and fantasies abound. Allow yourself more quiet time to consider. Sort, file and discard. Don’t reveal all your secrets. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) You’re especially popular, and group activities go well. It’s a good time to get your message across. Evaluate accounts. Settle an old debt. Reconsider a decision a bit longer. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Divide the necessary tasks more equitably. Then sell, sell, sell! For four weeks, it’s easier to advance your agenda, and social networking is key. Take your time with complex computations. Give and receive love. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Don’t push too hard or you’ll break something. It’s good for travel and setting goals this coming month. Make a list. Sidestep a conflict of interests. Confer with your team. Think (and reserve) ahead. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) It’s easier to save this month and to push forward. Increase assets by being aware of expenditures. Stay out of the argument yet soak up their enthusiasm. You’re gaining confidence. Re-assess your aspirations. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Provide leadership. Partnership and compromise arrive more easily. Watch out for misunderstandings. Question tradition. You don’t need to tell everyone everything. Accept an invitation to expand a boundary. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Your work is more fun and creative. A feminine touch colors your workplace. You can afford to save. Shop carefully, and don’t lose receipts. Provide support. Talk it over. Passion ignites. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Artistic efforts blossom. You’re lucky in love for the next month, and beauty abounds. Finalize creative plans with discipline. Calm your mind. Cutting corners costs you. Avoid reckless spending. An inheritance is possible. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Start from practical basics, and toss out the superfluous. Your home can become your love nest. Domesticity thrives for the next month. Use your own good judgment, and don’t be afraid to change routine.

How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.


By Mark Bickham

Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

40 Tarry 43 Little piggy 44 Mountaintop homes 45 Unwitting test taker 47 Charge to bank non-members, often 48 Shinbones 50 1860s presidential inlaw


52 Some Nintendo consoles 53 Angst-filled genre 54 Parson’s home 56 Shot contents 60 Slangy smoke 61 “This American Life” airer 62 Speed-skating gold medalist Jansen 63 Stop 64 Blockers for QBs





First-time head coaches take helm of Titan basketball This Just In JUSTIN ENRIQUEZ

Mayweather worth the ‘Money’? Undefeated boxer Floyd “Money” Mayweather, Jr. proved his dominance once again this Saturday as he cruised to victory over Robert Guerrero. Mayweather has established himself as the pound-for-pound king of boxing time and time again. The sport is often referred to as the “sweet science,” and the artist formally known as “Pretty Boy Floyd” can be considered the Albert Einstein of it. Though both hardcore and casual boxing fans could be witnessing one of the greatest of all time in the ring, I believe it’s possible for Mayweather to do much more to save the sport that is considered to be dying. Mayweather may be dominant and an engaging personality, but he has only finished seven of his last nine fights, including a controversial one over Victor Ortiz. It’s blatantly obvious that the casual fans love to see knockouts, just like they like to see fighting in the NHL and crashes in NASCAR. It’s sad to say that Mayweather’s amazing footwork, head movement and ability to not damage isn’t enough to make fans pay to see him fight. Nothing showcases this more than the early Pay Per View (PPV) numbers from this weekend’s bout. ESPN boxing writer Dan Rafael tweeted “No official PPV #’s yet for Floyd but 2 industry sources tell me

they look bad (under 1M). We’ll see. If true, heavy $$ losses for Showtime.” These numbers may be more a testament to Mayweather’s opposition. Though Guerrero may be a proficient boxer, he didn’t have the name or a threatening enough skill set to make this an intriguing match-up. However, if the self proclaimed “cash cow” of boxing was who he said he was, wouldn’t his name alone sell that fight? He was a part of the fight that produced the biggest live and PPV numbers in 2007, but let’s not forget who that fight was against. Just six years ago Sunday, the Mayweather and Oscar De La Hoya fight produced a near $19 million live gate, good for the No. 1 gate in Nevada history. Mayweather has a lot to live up to in addition to those early PPV numbers, as he signed a deal with Showtime that has been called the “richest individual athlete deal in all of sports.” The deal is for six fights and 30 months, and was a huge blow for competitor HBO whom Mayweather previously had a deal with. Another problem with casual fan interest in Mayweather is the frequency (or infrequency) in which he fights. He only had one fight in 2012 and one this year. In fact, he has only fought six times since the De La Hoya fight, which averages out to one per year. Casual fans take on a “what have you done for me lately” mentality, and

the infrequency in which Mayweather fights could be pushing them away. Some believe that making the “super fight” that never happened between him and Manny Pacquiao take place will still garner much interest. However, Pacquiao was just announced to be taking on Brandon Rios in Macau, China later this year. Additionally, Pacquiao was knocked out by Juan Manuel Marquez in December and must get a few wins under his belt to make this a sexy fight again. So what is my solution to this Mayweather problem? An end of the year fight with undefeated Saul “Canelo” Alvarez, who just recently handed Austin Trout the first loss of his career. Though I do question if Alvarez is ready for such a drastic step up in competition, I’m not sure if there is a way to be any more ready for Mayweather. The biggest reason this matchup will garner attention is because both of these fighters stand undefeated with more than 40 fights under their belts, so to speak. The marketing writes itself; two undefeated fighters enter the ring and only one comes out with an unblemished record, much like Mayweather’s fight with Ricky Hatton. Also, Alvarez has quite a fan following from the Latino fight fans, and anytime you can amass pride, culture and hope into a fighter, it usually means fireworks in those marquee fights.

Dedrique Taylor and Daron Park are now the coaching future of CSUF basketball ANDY WALLER For the Daily Titan

While baseball has been garnering the most spotlight at the moment on campus, both the men’s and women’s basketball teams wasted little time making splashes of their own to start a new era of Titan basketball. It was formally announced on April 3 that Daron Park would be taking over the women’s program, while Dedrique Taylor would lead the men’s team. Park takes over for former Head Coach Marcia Foster, who was let go after her contract expired in March. Foster lead Fullerton to a Big West Conference semifinal appearance after going 11-22 (5-13 Big West) this past season, including two Big West Tournament victories. Park is just the 10th head coach in the program’s 44-year history, and the first male head coach ever in the program. He started his coaching career at the Division I level as an assistant at the University of Utah under Head Coach Elaine Elliott. “I felt like the more people I could surround myself around, the more prepared I could be for my first heading coaching job,” said Park. “Going to a school like Utah and coaching with the legendary Elaine Elliott helped me prepare for when I went to Maryland, which is in the ACC and one of the best basketball conferences in the country.” From Utah he made the jump to Maryland where in his first year as interim head coach he helped guide them to a 33-4 record while helping them reach the Elite Eight in the NCAA Tournament. He would also guide them to another Elite Eight appearance the following year as an assistant head coach. After a successful run at Maryland, Park made stops as an associate head coach at Louisiana Tech, UC Berkeley and USC before finally being picked to lead the CSUF women’s team. Overall, Park comes in with a 219-85 record in his nine years at the Division I level.

“We are going to play hard and play with energy.” DARON PARK Women’s Basketball Head Coach “We are going to play hard and play with energy. When I say we, I mean the players. I tried out in ninth grade and got cut from four different teams. I figured at that point I needed to instruct people on how to do things,” said Park. While Park takes over as the new women’s coach, Athletic Director Jim Donovan plucked another Pac-12 Conference coach with the hiring of Dedrique Taylor CONTACT US AT: SPORTS@DAILYTITAN.COM


TOP: Daron Park is introduced as the first male head coach in the history of the women’s program. He is 219-85 in his nine years at the Division 1 level.

BOTTOM: Dedrique Taylor, a Pomona, Calif. native, is introduced as head coach of the men’s program. He is the 11th coach in the program’s history.

for the men’s team. Named as one of the top 25 assistant coaches in the nation by in 2010, Taylor has spent the last seven seasons helping rebuild the Arizona State Sun Devils program, leading ASU to four 20-win seasons, including a trip to the second round of the NCAA Tournament in 2008-09 with a 25-10 overall record. He takes over for Interim Head Coach Andy Newman who led an injury-plagued Titan squad to a 14-18 (6-12 Big West) record before losing in the first round of the Big West Conference Tournament to rival Long Beach State. Taylor, a Pomona native, is also said to have strong ties in recruiting players in the Los Angeles Area, something that will help the Titans compete with rivals Long Beach and Cal State Northridge after former NBA coach Reggie Theus was hired as to coach the Northridge Matadors. “We are going to play our game. Offensively, we are going to play a fast, up-tempo style. Defensively, we are going to play an aggressive man defense mixed in with a couple different zone looks,” said Taylor. “If we execute on those things we will accomplish a lot on and off the court.” Taylor has a strong history of recruiting and an eye for talent. During his tenure at ASU, Taylor helped bring in top talent, including Houston Rockets star James Harden. Before coming to CSUF from ASU, Taylor also spent time UC Davis, Loyola Marymount, Portland State and Nevada. He has been on a staff that has reached the NCAA Tournament three times (ASU 2009, Nevada in 2005 and 2006). While Taylor has had success at

many other schools, the opportunity to be able to come home and get a head coaching job is a dream come true. “I have waited a long time for this moment. Its an incredible feeling being able to return home

“Offensively, we are going to play a fast, up-tempo style. ” DEDRIQUE TAYLOR Men’s Basketball Head Coach

and coach here at Fullerton. All my friends and family are out here,” said Taylor. It was announced last week that joining Park’s coaching staff will be Steven Fenelly of Iowa State and Taja Edwards of Ole Miss. The men’s team also got their first recruit in the Taylor era by signing 6-foot-5 guard Sheldon Blackwell from Etiwanda High School in Rancho Cucamonga. Blackwell helped lead the Eagles to a CIF title this past season. Former Titan standouts D.J. Seeley and Kwame Vaughn were selected to play in the Portsmouth Invitational Tournament recently, and both had a strong showing. Vaughn averaged 11 points per game while Seeley averaged nearly nine. For 60 years, the tournament invites some of the best seniors across the country to take part in a four-day, 12-game tournament. For more information about men’s and women’s basketball, visit


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