Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2014

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TUESDAY, M ARCH 11, 2014

Volume 95, Issue 23

Eight hope to join ASI board Two students will represent each college on board DENA HAMEDANI Daily Titan

A debate between candidates for Associated Students Inc. Board of Directors positions stirred up some friendly competition among eight Cal State Fullerton students who hope to represent their college on the board next year. The hopefuls debated for two hours at Becker Amphitheater, and students were given the opportunity to ask the candidate questions. The ASI board consists of representatives from each of the eight colleges on campus. Students in each college elect two representatives to serve on the ASI Board of Directors. Once elected, directors are responsible for setting policies for ASI, approving all funding allocations to programs and preserving student interests. Neha Ansari, a 20-yearold biochemistry major, is the current board director for the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (NSM) and would ultimately like to come back for another term to continue the momentum in the NSM department. “As a (part of the) board of directors, I think how I would approach that (diversity) is to never feel that you are above someone or that you can’t talk to someone, but actually go and talk to your constituents and try to understand them, and try to understand their backgrounds and how you can advocate on their behalfs,” Ansari said. Although the panel of hopeful candidates consisted of students from various backgrounds and majors, the debates seemed more conversational than contentious. Each of the eight candidates offered somewhat differing goals and objectives for the university, but ultimately shared a deep appreciation for the school and a desire to help future students. Ciara Redmond, 21, a candidate for the College of Communications, said she would gauge student interests as a way to help ensure students excel at CSUF. “I really became passionate about Cal State Fullerton through my involvements here,” Redmond said. “I’m a Titan ambassador, a campus tour guide on campus, and through that I learned about all of the amazing opportunities Cal State Fullerton offers a lot of students that I believe many of our students aren’t aware of, and I really want to spread that awareness.” SEE BOARD, 2

BRANDON HICKS / Daily Titan This hands-free crutch designed by senior mechanical engineering students at Cal State Fullerton mimics the natural motion of the leg. Hands-free crutches are intended for people who have suffered injuries to their ankles, but still require use of their hands or are otherwise unable to use traditional crutches.

Mechanical engineering students team up to develop new crutch SAMUEL MOUNTJOY Daily Titan

Five mechanical engineering students are trying their hand at constructing a better hands-free crutch. The team will go from a three-dimensional computer model to a working, usable product in just a few months. Improving on commercially available, hands-free crutches that look more like a pirate’s peg leg, their design uses a natural swinging motion to mimic the leg’s natural movement. Hands-free crutches are used by people who have had their ankles injured and require the use of their hands or otherwise cannot use traditional crutches. However, the team said, products on the market today are unnatural and disorienting. “The main goal is to come up with the natural trajectory

SAMUEL MOUNTJOY / Daily Titan The team poses with various iterations of hands-free crutches Larry Tlilayatzi (left) holds a crutch designed by seniors last year. Mike Villavecer (middle) holds part of this year’s project. Justin Chin (second from right) holds Texas A&M’s design. Salar Nostrat holds the iWalk Free, the product the team hopes to improve on.

of the ankle,” said Justin Chin, a mechanical engineering major. The device, a mechanical engineering senior project, attaches the thigh and knee of the user with the knee bent at

a 90 degree angle. It will have a swinging joint below the wearer’s knee that will mimic the range of motion seen in the human knee. The team used a treadmill to record how users would walk

with the crutch and employed motion-capture technology to analyze the biomechanics of how the human leg moves. “We don’t really cover that in mechanical engineering, so we’ve had to do a lot of research on that to figure out how does the human leg move,” said Mike Villavecer, the team leader. They’ve been analyzing the mechanics of human motion to make sure that they can dial in the spring tension of the knee, the weighting of the ankle and other aspects of the leg so it mimics the natural feel of the human leg as much as possible. Currently, there is no product on the market like the one the team is developing, but others have created similar projects. Texas A&M students fabricated a leg that wraps around the thigh and swings next to the wearer’s leg. SEE CRUTCH, 2

Fueling the drive toward an innovative future Evan Ewing, 22, is crowdsourcing to fund his class project GINA VAN STRATTEN Daily Titan

Cal State Fullerton courses require students to complete student projects that showcase their abilities in their major. For one senior, that project involves driving in a car and flying a plane. “One of the final projects is creating a short video, 30 seconds, about a product,” said Evan Ewing, a 22-yearold business administration

major. “It’s specifically sort of a promotional advertisement.” Ewing decided to use Kickstarter, a crowd-funding site, to finance his Visual Marketing 450 course senior project, which will cost thousands of dollars. Kickstarter is a platform where people can post their ideas or projects and set a goal for the amount of funding needed. Once a project is posted on the site, people can go to the website and directly support a vision they believe in or are interested in. Since Kickstarter officially launched in 2009, 5.8

million people pledged $1 billion and funded 57,000 projects, according to the company’s website. Ewing’s campaign is one of those thousands. He picked the Nissan GT-R project because he wants to promote how the high-performance vehicle can compete with sports cars like Lamborghini but at half the price. “(Nissan GT-R) is widely recognized in the car community as the most affordable ‘super-car,’” Ewing said. “If you look at it, it just looks like a normal Nissan, so it doesn’t get a lot of hype that I think it deserves.”

INSIDE PALEONTOLOGY Professor unearths fossils of whales and other marine life in Chilean dig NEWS 3 FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @DAILY_TITAN

Ewing said he saw the project as an opportunity to promote his “favorite car.” Ewing said he needs the money for multiple complex aspects of his project and wants to rent the Nissan GT-R for the project. Ewing also said he is a pilot, so he wants to buy cameras and a drone to mount on the bottom of the plane for aerial footage. “That’s kind of the big kicker to the project,” Ewing said. “We’re going to get crazy aerial footage out in the mountains.” Kickstarter is designed in such a way that requires a project to reach its goal for

funding in order to actually receive the money. Ewing realizes the possibility that the project may not receive full funding, but is hoping that does not become a reality. “I’ll just find something else cool, but this is really where I had my heart for the project,” Ewing said. Ewing said he will use “every single penny” of the $2,500 needed if the project receives full funding. He has created incentives for people who fund his project on Kickstarter. SEE PROJECT, 6

BAG ESSENTIALS Titans explain what they carry in their backpacks and purses every day FEATURES 6 VISIT US AT: DAILYTITAN.COM





Candidates present platform at debate BOARD Continued from PAGE 1

The common connection for all eight candidates lies in their desire to help fellow students. But first they need to gain the attention of members of the CSUF student body in an effort to best preserve campus diversity, keep students involved and sustain the school’s strengths. Candidates would like to spread awareness and help CSUF students feel like one big family, where school ultimately becomes a home away from home. Rather than just coming to campus to attend class, ASI candidates said they would like to see students make more use of their time spent on campus. David Rosen, 21, a candidate for the Mihaylo College of Business and Economics, said even though CSUF is known as a commuter school, no one really enjoys sitting in traffic anyway. “I definitely think that there’s a mentality that you

come for class and you get out of here,” Rosen said. “We got to put some facilities up ... those facilities where you want to come and make a day out of being here. You know, you spend all the gas money. Come for 10 hours. Enjoy it.” The ultimate goal of the candidates is to get students involved and engaged on campus. The eight candidates include Alex Foy for the College of Education, Brandon Ngo for the College of Health and Human Development, Rosen for the Mihaylo College of Business and Economics, Redmond and Jourdan Luedeke for the College of Communications and Melissa Fryling, Brian Vu and Neha Ansari for College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. ASI urges students to participate in the upcoming election taking place from March 18 through March 20 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. each day. Votes can be submitted online or in person at voting stations throughout campus.


In yesterday’s issue, in the story titled “SFAC to decide fate of new fee,” some parts of the article incorrectly said the final cost of the Student Success Initiative would be $240.50 per year. If the fee is approved as initially proposed, it would be $240.50 per semester. Please contact Editor-in-Chief Ethan Hawkes at (657) 278-5815 or at editorinchief@ dailytitan.com with issues about this policy or to report any errors.

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MARIAH CARRILLO / Daily Titan Ciara Redmond, 21, explains her goals as a representative of the College of Communications to the student audience as other candidates for the ASI Board of Directors look on. Elections are scheduled to take place next week.

Students hope to build a better crutch CRUTCH Continued from PAGE 1

Last year’s seniors designed a leg that the user straddles like a bike seat and straps to the torso. The leg uses a carbon fiber ankle with just a bit of spring and a spring-loaded knee. The team has already built a moving knee joint from aluminum and stainless steel sheet metal cut with a laser. The stainless steel makes the product strong enough to support the user’s weight and the aluminum makes it light enough so it is comfortable enough to wear. Current products on the market, such as the iWalk 2.0 and iWalk Free, cost about $150, and the team estimates a product of their design could hypothetically cost about $200. Students are given a maximum budget of $4,500, and while they need to stay within their budget, they are not necessarily concerned with ensuring that their projects

are ultimately profitable and suitable for mass production. “We don’t go into trying to figure out how much it’s going to cost if it goes into production, and all that stuff, the only thing we consider is like, hey, we have a budget. Let’s choose materials that are not going to be too costly,” said Larry Tlilayatzi, a mechanical engineering major. “Because we can go with really costly materials and make the whole thing out of carbon fiber, but they would be a ton of money.” When the team assembles their final product, it enters the testing phase, an important part of the project. Users will test the leg to not only make sure it works, but also verify that it’s comfortable and safe to walk on. “If you have a natural walking gait, it’s easier to walk and it feels more natural,” Tlilayatzi said. The team will compare their design with past iterations of the leg and

products currently on the market. Teams of mechanical engineering students meet with assistant professor of mechanical engineering Nina Robson, Ph.D., every Thursday to discuss their progress on their projects and get advice. “She’s very willing to help and tries to be involved with the project, and make sure that we’re on the right route. She’s super helpful when it comes to that,” said Bryan Halloway, another member of the team. Robson’s current research is in biomechanics and biorobotics, and she said she is trying to get at least one team each year to work with developing technologies to help people with disabilities. She advised the team at Texas A&M, and they won an award from the NASA Texas Space Grant Consortium for Best Design Methodology. The students are all in Robson’s mechanical design project course. This

year, 54 students in seven teams are all working on separate projects. “This course provides structure to the pursuit of a major student lead design projects, and in the process, provides a template for the organization and execution of engineering projects,” she said. The team is also being mentored by manufacturing company Össur, the company that produced the prosthetic running blades used by Olympic runner and double belowthe-knee amputee Oscar Pistorius. Ankle sprains occur in an estimated 27,000 Americans every day, and they are the most common ankle injury among athletes, according to the UC San Francisco Medical Center. The center suggests giving the joint a rest, icing, compressing and elevating the joint. If swelling continues, see a doctor, and you might be fitted for a hands-free crutch of your own.

Clubs to raise awareness on bullying Events will coincide with International Stand Up to Bullying Day on March 28 REBECCA HARDMAN Daily Titan

From March 25 to 28, Cal State Fullerton student clubs will be raising awareness on the different forms of bullying and ways to address the problem. Students will share their experiences with bullying and will discuss bullying prevention and ways to increase self-confidence. Coordinated by Linda Hoang, the president of the CSUF branch of Circle K International, the event will offer activities for students to participate in throughout the week. The Circle K International Club consists of 40 members and will be teaming up with CSUF Rotaract, another community service club on campus. With similar interests and goals to prevent bullying, both community service clubs have decided to team up

and work together to address the implications of bullying. “We decided to team up, because we are both community service clubs and the whole premise is anti-bullying,” Hoang said. Bullying is a problem that not only hurts children, but also affects teenagers and adults. “(We plan to talk about) the statistics and facts that students may not know about bullying, just to make them aware that there are different forms of bullying and that it has a very tragic impact,” Hoang said. Hoang, a junior and double major in public relations and political science, will encourage students to participate in the many activities taking place in the Quad. They will offer various activities in the Quad to engage students. “We will also have either white boards or posters where people can write down their experiences,” Hoang said. “We’re going to write negative words on the white board, and they can cross it off and write something positive instead.”

Organizers will also have paper chains of stories to loop around the Quad and anti-bullying kits to donate to the Boys and Girls Club. They will hand out bracelets for International Stand Up to Bullying Day, which takes place on the final Friday of each month, according to the day’s official website. “Just to emphasize the fact that positivity is the way to escape bullying,” Hoang said. “The way that you perceive yourself and you perceive others is the way to combat bullying.” On March 28, there will be speakers, discussions and video screenings in the Titan Student Union from 5 to 7 p.m. “We are going to have people who can speak about their experiences being bullied,” Hoang said. Bullying can have detrimental effects on anyone, regardless of their age. Whether it is physical, mental or cyberbullying, there are many proactive ways to prevent and stand up to bullying. For more information regarding the events, contact CSUF Circle K.

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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, Inc. College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSU. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free.



MARCH 11, 2014





Professor unearths whale fossils

DTBRIEFS Crash kills 2, injures teen in Anaheim A man and woman from Anaheim have died and a 15-year-old boy is in critical condition after their car collided with parked vehicles and a block wall, according to the Orange County Register. The driver, Hector Manzo, 23, was speeding and lost control. His car crashed and landed on its roof in the backyard of a home. The front passenger, Georgina Gallegos, 33, was thrown from the car and pronounced dead at the scene. Manzo also died 40 minutes after. Gallegos’ 15-yearold son, who was in the back seat, suffered severe injuries, but authorities expect he will survive. A dog that was in the car also died. - CHRISTINA NGUYEN

Courtesy of Smithsonian Institution A team of 14 paleontologists, including James Parham, Ph.D., an assistant professor of geological science at Cal State Fullerton, discovered numerous whale fossils in good condition in Chile in 2011. This set of fossils is nicknamed “La Familia.” The team published research concerning the fossils and their origins on Feb. 26.

James Parham was part of paleontology team in Chile CHRISTINA NGUYEN Daily Titan

James Parham, Ph.D., and a team of 13 other paleontologists discovered over 40 fossils of whales and other marine mammals in an unusually fossil-rich area of Chile. The work began in 2011, almost by accident. Parham, an assistant professor of geological science at Cal State Fullerton, was interested in coming to Chile because of his half-Chilean heritage. He wanted to begin a separate excavation project. After getting started there, he heard about how road construction in a nearby area had revealed whale fossils under the surface. That area became the paleontological site known as “Cerro Ballena,” or “Whale Hill,” which prompted him to get on board. “We happened to be in

the right place at the right time doing this other project, and one of the first days there, some people said ‘Hey, there’s been some fossil whales uncovered in this road; you should go check it out,’” Parham said. Good timing enabled Parham to change his plans at the last minute, and he was also able to shift the funding through grants awarded by National Geographic to be approved for this new project. Parham’s team, led by Nicholas D. Pyenson, Ph.D., the curator of fossil marine mammals for the Smithsonian Institution, published its findings in Proceedings of the Royal Society, a London-based scientific journal, on Feb. 26. The article, “Repeated mass strandings of Miocene marine mammals from Atacama Region of Chile point to sudden death at sea,” proposes the reason for the occurrences of mass whale strandings. Ideal conditions meant the skeletons that were found were complete and well preserved, which makes the discovery even

more unique. Cerro Ballena is now one of the densest marine fossil sites in the world. As such, Parham has been able to talk about his experiences even in the classroom, particularly bringing geological sciences into reality. In his physical geology class, he has cited Cerro Ballena as an example of how fossils can be preserved naturally. The accumulation of fossils were distributed in “four discrete horizons at the site,” indicating that the mass mammal strandings had brought in the bodies of the whales to four different occurrences in the same location. The published article speculates the cause of the deaths of possibly hundreds of whales in the “murder mystery” of sorts. It states that the whales died at sea due to toxins from “harmful algal blooms” and their bodies were washed up into the estuary as a result. Documentation of the fossils involved the use of advanced 3-D scanning technology, called photogrammetry, where multiple

images of the fossils are reconstructed into a 3-D form. Graduate student Peter Kroess, who specializes in bird and dinosaur fossils and works in Parham’s lab, said the 3-D scanner allows for people to view the fossil specimen in a more interactive way than a standard photo. “As the 3-D scanner takes an image of any item from multiple views and angles, it provides the ability to view said item from any direction without having it in hand all the time,” Kroess said. Parham also works closely with the John D. Cooper Center as a faculty curator. Jere Lipps, Ph.D., the director of the center, said this research in Chile is relevant to the whale fossils found in the Orange County region that the center studies. When examining whale fossils found in the local area, researchers need knowledge of whale fossils found elsewhere in the world to help them reach conclusions about their specimens, Lipps said. “When you deal with

really big animals like this, just to look at the environments in which they are deposited, we need to know how all whales are being deposited just to know what we’ve got,” Lipps said. Though the environments of the whales from Orange County and those found in Chile are different, Lipps hopes to compare Parham’s work done in Cerro Ballena to the whale fossils at the Cooper Center. “I’ve been trying to see how this work that they have described compares to what we have,” he said. “We have a lot of articulated whales in Orange County, we have one collection of 16 whales that we are working on right now, and what we are finding out is that the depositional environments are quite different from what they describe here.” Parham said he is excited about the future of Cerro Ballena. Alhough the team managed to uncover dozens of whales, there may be many more specimens beneath the surface, and much more possibility.

Humanities and Social Sciences Week

WINNIE HUANG / Daily Titan Jawad Ali, a lecturer in the Liberal Studies Department, explains what graduates can do with degrees in the humanities and social sciences during a lecture Monday. The event began Humanities and Social Sciences Week. Students, guest speakers and professors will present research throughout the week.


Motorist dies while fixing his vehicle A man working on his vehicle parked on the side of the road in Huntington Beach died Monday afternoon, according to the Orange County Register. The man, who was in his 40s and has not been identified, was pronounced dead on the scene when he became stuck underneath the vehicle. Authorities said the man had pulled to the side of the road as he was attempting to make repairs on the tractor trailer. He became stuck between a tire or wheel and the tractor trailer he was repairing. The mechanical problems with the truck and the exact cause of death have not been determined. - CECILY MEZA

Pro-Russian forces take Crimea base An invasion at the Bakhchisaray base by apparently pro-Russian masked troops Monday was one of the latest encounters in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, according to CNN. It occurred in efforts to solidify control of the contested region of Crimea within Ukraine. The incursion occurred a day after the base commander Vladimir Sadovnik was reportedly kidnapped. The bloodless takeover took place after German Chancellor Angela Merkel told Russian President Vladimir Putin that such action would be illegal. Crimean officials are preparing to go ahead with a referendum to join the Russian Federation. - CHRISTINA NGUYEN






Devil’s Advocate

MIKE TRUJILLO / Daily Titan The ban on e-cigarettes was a unanimous 14-0 ruling by the Los Angeles City Council. This decision has stirred up arguments from both supporters of the ban and those opposed to it.


People smoking e-cigarettes casually in public places has the potential to attract younger smokers Over the past few years, the popularity of the e-cigarette, or vaporizer, has grown dramatically. E-cigarettes have been advertised and thought of as a less harmful alternative to traditional smoking. However, growing concerns about this popular trend have arisen among the most popular cities in America, including New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles. Some vaporizers look similar to a traditional cigarette, with a white body and light brown top part as well as a glowing light on the tip. The reason these metal and plastic devices are thought to be safer than traditional cigarettes is because they lack more than 4,000 chemicals that a cigarette has. The vapor of jet these e-cigarettes create consist of a heated-liquid nicotine solution, which isn’t as harmful as the cloud of smoke created by traditional cigarettes. But some experts are worried about the unknown factors associated with vaporizers. Considering the product is relatively new, the potential problems that may come as a result of smoking a vaporizer are still being discovered. Some people see vaporizers as a method to quit smoking but it can also do the opposite of getting people to quit: enticing new people, especially young adults into picking up a nicotine habit. Both of these issues are important ones to consider when dealing with overall American health. Just last week, the Los Angeles City


Council agreed in an unanimous 14-0 vote to ban the use of vaporizers in public places. Just like there is ban on smokers smoking a traditional cigarette in nightclubs, restaurants or bars, the ban has now spread to those who “vape.” Some vaporizer users and others who support the product are upset, saying there is proof that vaporizers are safer than cigarettes, therefore they should not be treated the same. However, according to Dr. Jonathan Fielding, the county’s public health director, that is only partially true. “Safer does not mean safe,” Fielding said. “Although they are less harmful than traditional cigarettes, some e-cigarettes contains some health risks.” Regardless of what may or may not be better for the user, these two items are closely related. Call it what it is—smoking. “Even if it were determined later on that the emissions from e-cigarettes aren’t dangerous to a bystander in an outside environment, the existence of devices like this … in public places does threaten to renormalize the behavior of smoking,” said City Attorney Mike Feuer. For years, America has stressed the problems that a habitual smoker endures from addiction, such as breathing troubles or cancer. There have been advertisements today that are solely for promoting anti-nicotine awareness. “E-cigarettes threaten to make smoking socially acceptable after years of advocacy to discourage the habit,” said Jonathan Fielding, director of Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. Vaporizers need to be put outside where they belong with its closely related cousin, cigarettes. “When you’re 15, you want to be cool,” said Council President Herb Wesson. “And I will not support anything—anything— that might attract one new smoker.” The important debate isn’t really about what alternative is safer or if it’s an easier way to quit. The argument is about protecting the curious and young adults who watch these “smokers.”


Categorizing e-cigarettes in the same vain as traditional cigarettes is a premature judgment by LA Last week, the Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously to ban vaping anywhere that smoking is banned. This means e-cigarettes, including vaporizer pens, will not be allowed in bars, clubs, beaches, parks, restaurants and other places where smoking is prohibited. The decision to place e-cigarettes and real cigarettes in the same category is outrageous when there is no scientific proof to support it. Vaping is the latest trend around town and just about anywhere you go in Southern California people are enjoying their flavorful pens.While some of these devices do let off a cloud of vapor when exhaled, that issue concerns only the smokers themselves and should be treated that way. Inconsiderate patrons are found everywhere. They can be found in bars spewing whiskey breath on their neighbors or on the bus suffocating passengers with their overwhelming perfume. Is it annoying? Of course, but the problem is with the person not the product. Those who are considerate about where and how they vape shouldn’t be punished. This ban will have LA joining the list of cities that have prematurely judged the habit. That list includes New York, Boston and Chicago. These restrictions were put in place before any real issue was and those in favor of the ban are using speculation to argue their case. Some have said that e-cigarettes look too similar to traditional cigarettes,

giving children and the public the wrong message about smoking despite the fact that there are endless campaigns to remind people of how bad smoking is in the first place. Drinking, smoking and vaping are all designed for adults and should be regulated to enforce that. That being said, placing a ban that includes adult-only establishments, such as bars, doesn’t make sense. The LA City Council is out to protect grown adults that should be more than capable of making their own decisions about their personal health. If adults choose to start a habit that is bad for their health, that is their prerogative. No amount of laws or regulations will prevent them from doing what they want. So why punish everyone else? Eliminating e-cigarette usage will not eliminate cigarette usage. If anything e-cigarettes are a way to fight the rising number of cigarette smokers. There is not enough proof showing the usage of vape pens is a gateway for cigarettes so why not use them to help people already struggling with their cigarette addiction? With this ban city council is saying that protecting the individual that may or may not be tempted to give vaping a try is more important than helping the decade -long smoker that is using a vape pen as a healthier alternative to cigarettes. They’re also saying it’s better to send that addict back outside with the real smokers where they will be exposed to the smell of temptation rather than risk someone being attracted to vaping. Does that make sense? No. At the end of the day, there is no scientific evidence proving that the effects of vaping or second hand vape smoke is harmful. Other than being a nuisance to some, it isn’t hurting anyone. If anything the ban is hurting the people that are trying to make positive changes in their lives. Well done council members.

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Letter to the Editor The Daily Titan welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must include the sender’s first and last name. Students must include their majors and other writers must include their affiliation to the university, if applicable. Once a letter is submitted, it becomes property of the Daily Titan. Publication of letters is based on the validity of content and may be edited for length, grammar and spelling. Letters may be sent to editorinchief@dailytitan.com


MARCH 11, 2014





Letter to the Editor Response to George Giacumakis’ lecture


Plugged In Too much good stuff ETHAN HAWKES Daily Titan

My mom told me there were only three channels on TV when she was a kid. When I was a kid I had about 20 channels at home and over a hundred when I visited a house with cable. If my theoretical kid would was born now, he or she would have access to not only thousands of channels, but thousands of shows at his or her fingertips. Today’s generation is now facing an information overload. I am sure most of us have faced this situation. Opening Netflix with a group of friends to decide what to watch and then the arguments begin. “I don’t feel like that movie. I want to watch something short. That looks stupid. I have to watch TV shows in order.” The quarrell goes on and on. This situation generally ends up with nobody compromising on what to watch and turning off Netflix without actually watching anything. Too much choice is paralyzing in anything. I have hundreds of games on my PC and choose to only play a select couple over and over again. Why not play the other games? After thinking about if for a few minutes, I realized I am too nervous to try out something and want to play it safe by sticking to what I know. The new trend of everyone being able to rate a product doesn’t help much when trying to find quality entertainment. Netflix is basically useless as most movies hover around three to four stars regardless of their quality (Zodiac deserves more than three and a half stars, you cultureless

swines). In my mind it puts in perspective how important critics are in their particular fields. A faceless score of four stars does not explain why it received that rating. I can stand some bad acting if the storyline is good, but a rating doesn’t tell me the strengths and weaknesses of a movie. I use apps like Yelp as a way to gauge if a place is acceptable to eat. If the restaurant has over three and a half stars, it’s probably pretty good after factoring out all of the snobs and those out to “take down” the business. Occasionally, some reviews are insightful and well written, but a majority of negative reviews are complaints about the service. Critics and experts still have their place in society. The phrase “everyone is a critic” should just say “everyone has an opinion but can’t explain why.” Even then, so many movies and television shows are being produced and it’s hard to keep up with all of the best shows and movies. Maybe it’s the fact that becoming an adult and maturing comes with, responsibility, also known as less time. But it’s becoming more difficult to stay on top of everything. Oftentimes, great movies and shows slip through the cracks among peers, so I resort to reading professionals’ blogs and critical reviews on entertainment to see what is worth what little time I have. The problem is, I barely have time to keep up with just reading about entertainment let alone engaging with them. What a good problem to have. Congratulations on reading a long rant about the biggest first world problem one could have. This could have been a Seinfeld episode.

After reading the current article titled “CSUF professor addresses Israel-Palestine conflict” based on George Giacumakis’s lecture, I can surely say the people that have attended his lecture have been strongly misguided and uneducated about the actual facts of the whole issue. Giacumakis stated that the United States has taken a “passively neutral side” when it has come to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which isn’t true at all. Starting from 2012, the United States has been sending Israel $3.1 billion a year (or an average of $8.5 million a day) through military aid while the Palestinians have not received a single penny in military aid, according to IfAmericansKnew.org The United States doesn’t even give Palestinians a quarter of the amount of money that they are giving the Israeli military. A recent example showing how our country helps Israel happened just recently when California Gov. Jerry Brown was meeting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to sign an agreement that will “boost economic, cultural, and academic cooperation between California and Israel,” not even considering the Palestinians that are daily harassed and denied entry by Israeli security airports and other border crossings just on the basis of their ethnicity.


Not to mention that the illegal settlements in the West Bank have doubled in 2013 compared to 2012 as Israel has proudly reported. How ironic is it that Brown signed historic legislation to give Californians “human rights” to safe and clean affordable water yet completely disregards the fact that the Palestinian counterparts receive only a fraction of the settler’s quota or is left dependent on rainwater alone, according to the Jewish Voice for Peace. There are a lot of politicians out there like Brown that are willing to help Israel but not help the Palestinians. Talk about double standards and hypocrisy. It’s sad that some people believe human rights only belong to a certain group of people and not others. Whether the Israeli government accepts it or not, Palestinians are also humans and should be treated just as equally as them. Giacumakis talked about different ways to resolve the conflict but the questions he has to consider is “why is the conflict still going on?” and “how did the conflict start and why?” It’s not as simple as he makes it sound. The state of Israel has to accept a lot of things before they even try talking about peace. They have to accept that: Palestine is indeed under Israeli military occupation, Palestinians do not have the same rights as the Israelis, and both sides right now are not equal. The problem is that the Palestinians are

being treated unjustly and the Israeli government is okay with that. Jewish Zionists can sugarcoat words all they want about the living conditions of the Palestinians, but that only shows that they are fooling themselves and are delaying peace talk even more. There are over 30 laws in Israel discriminating Palestinians solely on the basis of their ethnicity, according Institute for Middle East Understanding. As Sara Salama, president of Muslim Student Association (MSA) mentioned in her essay “Is Zionism a Violation of Human Rights,” it is well established that Israel has committed and continues to commit countless crimes against humanity, violations of human rights and international law; including but not limited to: use of torture on detainees, suspended habeas corpus, demolition of homes, militarized occupation, land theft, severe restriction of movement and construction of illegal settlements on Palestinian land,” according to B’Tsleem. How could the Israelis talk about peace with the Palestinians when they are not even giving them basic human rights? And how could Palestinians reach out and try talking about peace when the Israeli government won’t listen to them or consider what they have to say? Maybe the Israeli government’s version of “peace talk” is proposing a bunch of things and having the Palestinians nod their heads and agree to everything they

say. As nice as that may sound to the Israelis, in reality things don’t work that way. Another unrealistic solution Giacumakis thinks would resolve the conflict is through a natural disaster such as in earthquake. This will endanger both Israelis in Palestinian lives and can destroy several homes of the citizens there. Over 4,000 Palestinians civilians and 1,519 children have been killed as an excuse of Israeli retaliation at the end of 2006 according to the Israeli Center for Human Rights in Occupied Territories. And over 27,000 Palestinian homes have been demolished just so the Israelis could get more land. If it is not clear enough, thousands of Palestinians are already getting killed and have their homes destroyed and no one is doing anything about it. So what makes Giacumakis think an earthquake will do anything? Giacumakis also said war could end the conflict. Not only is that a terrible and violent way to think, but it’s quite funny because it shows that Giacumakis doesn’t even know what the conditions of the Palestinians are. Palestinians don’t even have the basic rights to own land let alone have an army in which they can stand up and fight for themselves. The only way a country can fight is if they have an army. So until and unless Mr. Giacumakis can magically build a strong military army for the Palestinians equivalent to the Israeli army he should really keep his useless proposals to himself.

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Photo illustration by Amanda Sharp Some of the more popular items students carry in their purses and backpacks are laptops, cellphones and costmetics.

Daily essentials for CSUF students KAYLI CRAIG / Daily Titan Cal State Fullerton freshman, Stephanie Weisman, 19, is majoring in child and adolescent development and spends a few hours on Thursdays assisting in a fourth grade classroom at Trinity Lutheran. She is also a daycare supversior.

certain devices, such as cell phones, laptops and iPads, are increasingly imperative to bring to school. Students do this to stay in touch with their friends and colleagues outside of the classroom. Some students find that bringing only a few essential items with them on campus is beneficial. Cellphones and laptops can help students with planning homework assignments and keeping in touch with friends or professors. “I only bring my laptop and my iPhone because that is what’s most important; all of my other information is stored on there like my emails and papers and homework. I use my phone everyday to keep in touch with everyone,” said Artip Pokpongkiat, a 20-year-old engineering major. “Maybe I’ll bring my notebooks and textbooks from time to time, but that’s it, because I don’t feel like I need anything else to get stuff done.”

Students share what they bring to school everyday MICHAEL CHEN Daily Titan

In elementary school, most students would carry what was needed to complete their classroom assignments, such as textbooks, paper, notebooks and a pen or pencil. Once in college, however, that changes completely due to new technology and classrooms that require students to bring more than just a pencil and paper. Many students at Cal State Fullerton bring laptops, iPads and makeup with them on campus. A variety of things can be found in students’ backpacks, purses and other bags, and they can drastically differ based on what they find necessary. “Im the type of person that likes to over prepare,” said 21-year-old marketing major Erika Liu. “I bring everything; I’ll bring notebooks from all my classes.” Liu said she also puts pens, a calculator, planner and iPad in her bag everyday. Some students, including Liu, put cosmetics in their bags on top of their school supplies. Liu said she always brings her lipstick or chapstick with her to school. Cindy Quan, 22, an engineering major, said makeup is one of her essential school supplies because she needs it for late mornings and accidental smudges. “I always bring my makeup because I need that throughout the day, especially if it gets hot,” Quan said. Although makeup is a popular item among many female students, the advent of new portable technology and social media is making

Major Spotlight Child Adolescent Development

Starting at a young age, Stephanie Weisman knew she wanted to work with children KAYLI CRAIG Daily Titan

Many students anxiously await the day they graduate from college and never have to step foot in a classroom again. The opposite is true for some child and adolescent development majors. They are eager to get back into the classroom on the opposite side of the desks and start their career as a teacher. Stephanie Weisman, 19, is a freshman at Cal State Fullerton who is majoring in child and adolescent development, or CHAD as she calls it. The Department of Child and Adolescent Studies is dedicated to promoting the well-being of children, adolescents and families through teaching, research and reflective practice, according to the department’s webpage. Before coming to CSUF, Weisman not only knew that she would be majoring in CHAD, but also had a firm belief that it would lead her to her career path. “I’ve always wanted to be a teacher,” Weisman said. “When I was younger it was because I always wanted to write on the whiteboard as much as possible and then it actually changed into ‘I love working with kids and helping them.’” A love for children is what often directs child and adolescent development majors into their field, and Weisman is not the only one who fits this description. “My passion for children is something that influences a ton in my life,” said CSUF freshman McKenna Case. “I love bettering my community and seeing children grow in their education because of the effort I put forth.” Kaitlyn Lambert, 21, a senior at CSUF, said she always had a passion

“I only bring my laptop and my iPhone because that is what’s most important ... I use my phone everyday to keep in touch with everyone.” ARTIP POKPONGKIAT Student

From makeup to computers, what each student brings to campus differs from person to person. The new generation of students has shown that they are technologically integrated, and the items they bring to the classroom today are different than what previous generations took to school years ago.


PROJECT Continued from PAGE 1

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for working with children, and knew she always wanted to be a teacher. This semester Weisman is taking one course specific to her major. She said she is enjoying her course since she is learning about how humans develop, including the different theories involved. In Weisman’s University 100 class, also known as Freshman Programs, she is required to spend a few hours a week in the specific field that she is majoring in. She is able to fulfill this requirement by performing similar tasks that a teacher’s assistant would participate in. For a few hours on Thursdays, Weisman helps at her old elementary school, Trinity Lutheran. She currently is assisting in a fourth grade classroom. Working in the classroom continues to inspire Weisman to be a teacher. She looks up to the teacher, Mrs. Serrata, and believes that she is what a teacher embodies. “(Mrs. Serrata) is so good with the kids and she controls them, but it’s a good learning environment,” Weisman said. “The kids love her

He said he is going to send pictures of his team and a thank you card to supporters who donate amounts ranging from $1 to $30. Supporters who donate $500 will be able to drive the car and help him shoot some footage for the project. One of Ewing’s biggest supporter is his professor Steven Chen. Chen appreciates the fact that Ewing is pursuing his passion while



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executing the project. “It is always encouraging to see students pursue the things that they enjoy and apply the concepts that they learn in school,” Chen said. Chen said he is using Ewing as an example to show the extent students can go to produce a high-quality project while focusing on their true passion. Not only is Ewing an inspiration to his professor, but to students in his class as well. “I used Evan’s campaign


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We are currently seeking article submissions from all students with an interest in journalism and writing for


but also get a lot out of what she is teaching too.” Besides working in the classroom, Weisman also spends time with children in a more fun and laidback setting as a daycare and playground supervisor at Trinity Lutheran. Although she loves spending time with the children, Weisman said working those shifts can be difficult, especially on Fridays when the children want to go home. Weisman, Lambert and Case said they are looking forward to their lives after graduation when they are able to put their majors to use by becoming teachers. “I have always wanted a job where I am able to go to and from work with a happy attitude because I am doing what I love,” Case said. Weisman said the ideal grades to teach would be fourth or fifth grade because she likes the age group and the fact that they are still interested in learning, but don’t have an attitude yet. The importance of finding a job that one loves often comes into conversation for students.

Titan kicks off fundraiser for class


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KAYLI CRAIG / Daily Titan Weisman wants to be a teacher since she enjoys working with children and helping them learn.

the Daily Titan. We are especially interested in students who would like to become regular freelancers or involved in the production process.

Nereida Moreno, Managing Editor managing@dailytitan.com

Ethan Hawkes, Editor in Chief editorinchief@dailytitan.com

in my courses as an example of what any student can do given the time, effort and inclination,” Chen said. Chen said he recognizes that Kickstarter is becoming a new model that didn’t exist five years ago for students to merge financial entrepreneurship and product development. Kickstarter’s increasing popularity is making it a new way for students to learn about marketing. “Kickstarter is an excellent tool for students to flex their marketing knowhow,” he said. Ewing said he urges people to support and have high hopes for the finished product. For information on Ewing’s campaign or to help fund it, visit Kickstarter. com and search “The Ultimate Nissan GT-R Film.”


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(MARCH 21 - APRIL 19):

You’re on top of the world, enthusiasm soaring. Be patient and respectful. A partner joins you. You have everything you need. Don’t waste your money. Don’t argue with a brick wall. Flow like water. Get creative!


(APRIL 20 - MAY 20):

Focus on each activity as it comes. Something that worked before doesn’t work now. What you know in your heart is accurate. Keep checking the data. Get expert assistance. Go slow and savor a particularly delicious moment.


(MAY 21 - JUNE 20):

Stick to tested methods and procedures. Reaffirm a commitment. Aim for the raise or better job. Listen to those who disagree. Relax and gather more information before taking action. Consult with a respected elder.


(JUNE 21 - JULY 22):

Move assertively. Allow your passions to awaken. Do it for love, not money. Don’t waste your money, or tell anyone. Do some of the work yourself. Act on your deepest feelings. Your fame precedes you.


(JULY 23 - AUG. 22):

A new assignment could disrupt the status quo. Work interferes with travel. Accept a responsibility you’ve been avoiding. You can learn from a dream. Consider it all. Allow time for ideas to clarify, then make your point quickly.


(AUG. 23 - SEPT. 22):

Invite friends to share some inexpensive fun. Think about practicalities. Don’t brag about winning while the game’s still going on. You’re on the right track. Walking gets more than talking. Get outside and play.



(SEPT. 23 - OCT. 22):

Make a long-term goal. Listen to your partner’s ideas. Finish work quickly. Your good judgment serves as an inspiration to others. Hold back criticism, and don’t take big risks. Postpone travel and soak in some bonus empty time.


(OCT. 23 - NOV. 21):

Stick to your principles. Hold your horses... don’t act on impulse. Get advice from an older friend, and consider consequences. There’s a prize available. Postpone romance or travel. Keep a secret or it gets awkward. Patience is required.


(NOV. 22 - DEC. 21):

Attend to practical details like paperwork and insurance. Hold your temper. Nice profits could come your way. Don’t make a loan or big expense. Postpone expansion or bold action. Handling quiet clerical tasks pays off.


(DEC. 22 - JAN. 19):

Get family on board with your plan. Let your partner take the lead, and offer encouragement. Keep costs down. Wait for the deposit. Discipline is required. Information flows like water. Soak it up and share.


(JA. 20 - FEB. 18):

Assess the situation. A conflict of interests could arise, or communications breakdown. Study, and provide facts. Don’t get stuck in impractical details. It’s a good time for a clan gathering. Prioritize health and well-being.


(FEB. 19 - MARCH 20):

Take some time to play with hobbies today. Games, crafts or music provide refreshing fun. Words and actions don’t go as far today (they can get stuck), so stick to basics and then go play or rest.






Judo subdues older martial art forms CSUF offers a free judo club for students of all levels JOSEPH ANDERSON Daily Titan

Traditional martial arts programs and activities are well known for their self-defense lessons, but they are also an excellent source of physical activity. Judo is one particular martial arts program that very few people understand. It remains relatively unknown to the general public despite its rising popularity in other countries. Judo originated in Japan in 1882 as a more modern take on the martial arts field. It has remained a staple of the Olympics since the 1964 games. In 2012, Cal State Fullerton students started a judo club that is open to anyone interested on campus. Masato Fukushima has practiced judo since he was just 4-years-old. He is now president of the Judo Club at CSUF as well as an instructor at the Long Beach Judo Dojo. As much as he enjoys the martial arts activity, Fukushima said that it is more “up-and-coming” when compared to traditional programs such as karate, Muay Thai and Tae Kwon Do. “Judo is not really a popular sport, especially in the U.S.,” Fukushima said. “It is extremely popular in Europe and Asia, though.” Some national judo tournaments are held throughout the United States, which is the desired destination for those interested in improving their belt class or making a name for themselves in the martial arts world. “It teaches self-discipline, and it’s a great way to stay in shape,” Fukushima said. The use of certain holds and throws can build upper body strength, while grappling with opponents is an excellent form of cardio, according to boxinginsider. com. Fukushima said there are several different moves each competitor can use, but executing them perfectly is the difference between being an average judo fighter and being one of the best. “You learn throws, you learn chokes, you learn armbars. Technique is really the most important part of it,” Fukushima said. Taking the time to properly teach the technique is one of the most important parts of any martial arts activity, especially when the pupils

MARIAH CARRILLO / Daily Titan While judo is notorious for being a calming and enlightening form of martial arts, various take downs can quickly change the mood. Proper form, in moves like this, are key to staying safe in physical activities such as judo. It is an instructor’s duty to properly instruct their pupils to prevent any unnecessary injuries during classes.

are novices to the style. “It’s something new for everyone, actually most of our guys are white belts so they have no experience whatsoever in martial arts so they get a little taste of what martial arts is,” Fukushima said. Despite the lack of experience that many students have, several have picked up the sport and are now preparing for various local tournaments. Alberto Camargo, one of Fukushima’s prized students, has earned the respect of his teachers, as he trains for upcoming judo competitions and tournaments. Ironically, Camargo had no intention of joining this particular club when he first attended CSUF. “I was always a fan of martial arts, and then at Discoverfest for fall I just saw the Judo Club and it looked interesting so I decided to join it,” Camargo said. One of Camargo’s favorite parts of the activity is the physical aspect, which serves as a good supplementary workout to his usual fitness plan. “I like it because it’s a workout,” Camargo said. “I like the concept of not having to be the biggest guy, you can be the smallest guy but it’s just all technique.” The undeclared freshman said he is not as physically gifted as all of his opponents, but he enjoys the challenge of going against larger foes who are not as focused on technique, like himself. Understanding proper technique is a way for any

smaller opponent to defeat a larger, more muscular foe. While judo is primarily a self-defense workout, it also serves as a way to work out the mind, according to Boxinginsider.com. Self-confidence, trust, defense and respect can be built through learning the art of judo, as many rules and regulations must be followed and enforced at all times. One key tradition that has always existed throughout the history of judo is that the competitors must always shake hands before and after matches to show respect and good sportsmanship. For those looking into a new way of working out that carries much less physical risk than traditional martial arts classes, judo is the ideal physical fitness class. The club has no membership fee, and offers two classes each week that don’t require previous martial arts experience. If nothing else, the class teaches various life lessons while relieving stress and providing an excellent fullbody workout. While judo classes provide a well-rounded physical activity, they do so in a non-threatening environment that focuses on fitness, the mind and spirit. The CSUF Judo Club meets Tuesday and Thursday at 6 p.m. in room 264 of the Kinesiology and Health Science building. The club is open to anyone who is interested, so don’t be afraid to drop by and learn judo in a relaxed environment right on campus.

MARIAH CARRILLO / Daily Titan Judo classes preach the importance of using proper technique when attempting any of the various martial arts moves. If the moves are not done properly, it is possible an injury could occur.


Food City Pick up our food guide on Thursday, March 20th!



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