Monday, May 5, 2014

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MONDAY, M AY 5, 2014

Volume 95, Issue 50

MARIAH CARRILLO / Daily Titan Headliner Waka Flocka Flame performed with high energy to a packed house Friday night at this year’s ASI Spring Concert. His hour-long set included hits “Hard in the Paint” and “No Hands.”

Flocking to Spring Concert Eclectic acts bring thousands to their feet at highlyanticipated concert in Titan Stadium

Waka Flocka Flame looks forward to the future, with new album set to drop later this year



Cal State Fullerton’s annual ASI Spring Concert was held Friday night at Titan Stadium, welcoming a crowd of students anticipating to hear an eclectic array of music including the alternative pop-rock band Basic Vacation, electric dance musician Dirty South and rapper Waka Flocka Flame. Basic Vacation opened the show, proving they were not so basic with their performance characterized by their singalong lyrics and uplifting sound. Their set consisted of their hit single “I Believe” and new music featured from their upcoming album. The group consists of a three male members, vocalist and guitarist Chris Greatti, bassist Jon Paul and drummer Mike Montalbano. They met after playing various shows with other bands

Before making his way onto the Titan Stadium stage as the headliner for this year’s ASI Spring Concert, Waka Flocka Flame sat comfortably on the incline of a nearby stairway. Dressed in all white, with the word “dope” printed across his shirt, even his off-stage energy is nothing short of contagious. Waka is no stranger to the stage. He has been touring since the release of his debut album in 2010. “I haven’t been off tour since 2010. I’ve literally been doing shows nonstop since 2010,” he said. Maintaining his unparalleled energy can be difficult to manage, especially while on tour. Waka said he does it by eating a lot of fruit and not eating past 10 p.m. Waka started rapping at 24, and now at 27, he has attained a level of success

WINNIE HUANG / Daily Titan Crowds surround Waka Flocka Flame during his set Friday.

throughout the east coast before they collaborated to create Basic Vacation. “I just recall reading this story in class … there was a phrase in it where the antagonist or protagonist … was like ‘at that point we took what we deemed to be a basic vacation’ … and it just kind of stuck with me,” said Greatti about how the band’s name came about. After moving to Los Angeles over a year ago, the band has not taken a break since being signed to Atom Factory Music,

a record label discovered by Lady Gaga and John Legend’s manager, Troy Carter. Fans can expect a fulllength album this year with about ten new songs. Basic Vacation will also perform at various festivals around the nation. EDM DJ Dirty South brought his progressive, vocal house music to the stage, including his global smash hit “City of Dreams” to open his set. SEE CONCERT, 5

many aspiring entertainers endlessly strive for. “I’m an entertainer. I’m not a rapper. I’m not a singer. I’m an entertainer. I entertain,” he said. Success hasn’t been an easy feat for Waka. Even with a booming career, his persistent work ethic and humility continue to remain unchanged. “You can’t imagine how many mistakes … I made to get to where I’m at,” he said. “But at the end of the day, if you don’t take advantage of this and you get comfortable, it’s over.”

His highly anticipated album, Flockaveli 2 rings reminiscent of the late Tupac Shakur’s Makaveli alias. “Tupac introduced me to Machiavelli. I named my album from the real Machiavelli. ‘Cause Machiavelli was so opposed by everybody around him. Nobody wanted to see him win, and at the end he was the man. So I feel like that’s how my position was at the time in my life,” he said. SEE WAKA FLOCKA, 5

WINNIE HUANG / Daily Titan Waka Flocka Flame has been constantly touring since 2010.

Criminal justice students put on a show Specialized course focuses on acting out Moscow trials ELIZABETH MUÑOZ Daily Titan

Criminal justice students will take the bench Tuesday to demonstrate their understanding of the 1930s Soviet Russian justice system. An upper-division elective course taught by Julius Wachtel, a criminal justice lecturer, will reenact the infamous Moscow Show Trials, which Joseph Stalin used to squash his opponents in a very public way.

Wachtel’s course focuses on the justice system during pre-World War II Soviet Russia in two parts. The first half of the semester is dedicated to learning the history of the Soviet system, while the other is spent learning the script and rehearsing for the cumulative class project. Students must memorize the script that Wachtel wrote. Although it has been adapted and edited over the years, it always encompassed the show trials from 19361938, condensed into one performance. They assume the roles of the defendants,

prosecutors and judges for the performance, as well as behind-the-scenes jobs like stage managing. However, it isn’t all stage lights and costumes, it’s a way to learn. “One of the ideas is that ... through performing you develop a more organic or a more intuitive understanding of what was actually taking place during that time,” Wachtel said. The Soviet justice system, under the rule of Joseph Stalin, was distorted through a political lens, Wachtel said. The communist ruler used these trials to liquidate people who he believed were his

competitors or who had ever disagreed with him. The phenomenon of falsification and false confession were prevalent during the trials. Defendants in these trials often felt compelled to confess to a crime they didn’t commit to avoid retaliation against them and their family by the communist party. By re-enacting the trials, students are able to understand how that process occurred and the consequences of it, Wachtel said. His fascination with the subject and era derives from his family history. His mother was a Jew in a

INSIDE BUSINESS PLAN Winning CSUF team hopes to continue success competing at other universities NEWS 3 FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @DAILY_TITAN

concentration camp until the Soviet army freed the prisoners. This interest in Soviet justice compelled him to eventually write and publish a historical novel called Stalin’s Witness. Despite his passion for the period, his opportunities to teach it are far and few between. This is the third semester that this course has been offered at Cal State Fullerton. The first time was about a decade ago, in 2012 and again this semester. He has taught the class all three times. It can only be offered every couple of years because

it is expensive to have a class with such a low enrollment rate. It doesn’t pay for itself, Wachtel said. Because of the time-consuming and intensive work that must be put into the reenactments, the maximum number of students who can enroll in the class is 15. This semester, there are 11 students registered. Wachtel hopes that CSUF can offer the course more often, but said it depends on the curriculum and if there’s somebody wellversed in the subject to teach it. SEE TRIALS, 2

SOFTBALL Titans win Saturday doubleheader against UC Davis Aggies, but come up short Sunday SPORTS 8 VISIT US AT: DAILYTITAN.COM




MAY 5, 2014 MONDAY

More than 6,000 converge for 29th Special Games Courtesy of Cal State Fullerton Julius Wachtel wrote a historical novel titled Stalin’s Witness concerning how the former Soviet leader meted justice.

Learning Soviet justice TRIALS Continued from PAGE 1

The performance aspect of the class is something that most students are unaware of when they register for it, Wachtel said. Even though none of them are theatre arts majors, he said that students recreate the show trials on stage without any problems with performing in

public and actually find it interesting. Wachtel said his students put on the first show last week without any hiccups. One student forgot a couple of his lines, but managed to think quickly and improvise. The class will host two performances this Tuesday at 7:30 and 8:45 p.m. in UH-252.


In the issue published April 28, in the article titled “Special Games to draw 6,500,” the 2014 Cal State Fullerton Kathleen E. Faley Memorial Special Games are cited as the 28th annual event. The 2014 games were the 29th annual event.

A nail salon manager in Orange has been arrested on charges of pimping and pandering, according to the Orange County Register. Garden Grove resident Cam Da Le, 47, has been accused of coercing an employee into performing sex acts on an undercover cop at Rose Beauty Care. Le is facing one felony charge of pimping and one felony charge of pandering. The Orange Police Department is investigating if the salon has been used as a brothel. A press release from the Orange County District Attorney’s Office described Le as a modern-day slave owner, saying that he required his employees to turn over all payment received from customers for sex acts.


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Local schools seek funding after quake

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A landslide in a village in Afghanistan Friday is reported to have buried at least 2,000 people, according to the New York Times. Officials are calling the village located in Abi Barak a “mass grave,” because numerous residents are buried beneath 30 feet of mud. Efforts to recover the victims from the amount of earth that had fallen were futile, and the possibility of additional mudslides kept rescue crews on high alert. Afghan President Hamid Karzai announced a national day of mourning for the victims and ordered flags to be flown at half-staff in light of what was declared a “human tragedy.”

Orange man accused of pimping



Thousands possibly dead in landslide


Please contact Editor-in-Chief Ethan Hawkes at (657) 278-5815 or at editorinchief@ with issues about correction policy or to report any errors.

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ELEONOR SEGURA / Daily Titan Top: Gonzalo Garcia helps his son Adam Garcia, 7, reach the basket Friday at the 29th annual Special Games. Thousands of developmentally disabled athletes participate each year. Middle: Gonzalo Garcia helps another attendee make a basket. Bottom: Children participate in goal-kicking games.

The Brea Olinda School District is continuing to seek funds to repair two schools that sustained earthquake damage from the magnitude 5.1 temblor in March. About $2 million will be needed for repairs and other maintenance after the quake at Fanning Elementary School and Brea Olinda High School, district officials said. The school district has had difficulty acquiring the funds, and is currently waiting on the potential $25 million sale of Brea Corporate Place to help pay for the repairs. If the sale falls through, the district plans to postpone summer maintenance projects at Laurel Elementary School, and will also apply for a hardship grant. - NICOLE WEAVER



MAY 5, 2014




Federal task force urges action on campus rape Recommendations include ways to tackle underreporting of rape SAMUEL MOUNTJOY Daily Titan

The White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault issued its first report last week, calling for more stringent standards for preventing and responding to campus assaults. The task force launched a new website,, and recommended steps universities need to take to address rape on campuses, including campus climate surveys, engaging men and improving responses to incidences of rape. In April, a rape was reported at the on-campus housing complex at Cal State Fullerton. The victim was unable to consent, according to University Police records. It is being handled as an isolated acquaintance rape. The university has not

disclosed if there has been an arrest made. This is the case with 75 to 80 percent of campus rapes, according to a study quoted in the White House report. One in five women is sexually assaulted while in college, and a great majority knows her attacker. Many are assaulted while drugged or passed out. Most victims are either freshmen or sophomores. The rape reported on campus this year was the first since 2010, when two rapes in campus housing were reported. However, data overwhelmingly indicate that rape on college campuses is “chronically” underreported. Just 2 percent of incapacitated sexual assault survivors and 13 percent of forcible rape survivors report the crime to campus or local law enforcement, according to the report. “Sexual assaults on college campuses are one of the most underreported crimes that occur,” said University Police Lt. Scot Willey. “We

are always assuming that there are more (victims) out there that just don’t feel comfortable coming forward, so we just try to do our best to let people know that we’re here for them.” Survivors of acquaintance rape frequently blame themselves, according to the report. Both forcible and acquaintance rapes go unreported due to fear of treatment by authorities, not knowing how to report, lack of proof and a desire for privacy. These problems can be compounded by a university’s desire to protect its image. By drawing attention to it and encouraging survivors to report a rape, the university can appear to be a dangerous place, according to the report. When campus rapes are ignored, the university appears to be safer. Competition in highly-competitive college rankings lists can lead universities to keep occurrences of rape out of the public eye. “We have to change that

dynamic,” the report reads. On Thursday, the United States Department of Education released a list of 55 college and universities that are currently under investigation for possible violations of federal law on how sexual violence and harassment complaints were handled. UC Berkeley and USC are among those named. The task force recommended using campus climate surveys to gauge the true prevalence of sexual assault on campuses. The task force urged colleges and university to conduct the survey next year. The task force also recommended devising new prevention strategies. Among those strategies is a need for coaches, professors, administrators and campus leaders to set the tone that rape should not be condoned, according to the report. “If we get this right, today’s students will leave college knowing that sexual assault is simply unacceptable,” the report reads.

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Source: Associated Students Inc. MIKE TRUJILLO & KALEY WILLIAMS / Daily Titan


Courtesy of Cal State Fullerton Luis Herrera (left) and Andre Conde accept their first-place award in the Cal State Fullerton Business Plan Competition on April 11.

CSUF business plan winners keep going Team wins at Johns Hopkins, plans for more competitions MATTHEW MEDINA Daily Titan

The students behind White Light Medical, the winner of the Cal State Fullerton Business Plan Competition, are not resting on their laurels. They are focused on joining as many competitions as possible to refine their concept and attract attention from potential investors. The team developed AccuSpine, an improvement on the medical probe used by spinal surgeons. The device uses an algorithm to help surgeons insert screws more accurately, which could reduce time in surgery, recovery time and risks related to radiation exposure. Cal State Fullerton student Andre Conde partnered with two Johns Hopkins University biomedical engineering students to form White Light Medical, and they have been working on their pitch to investors. Conde, a business administration major with a joint emphasis in accounting and finance, represented the team at the California Dreamin’ Entrepreneurship Conference and Competition at Chapman University in April. He did not make it past the semifinal round, but he said he did gain some valuable lessons. “The competition was obviously tough, but we did get a lot of positive feedback,” said Conde, who is the chief financial officer of White Light Medical. “There are a lot of people that did like our device. We also took a lot from it, there’s some things we can change, some things we can adjust (for our business).” Conde’s partners focus more on medical technology, while he handles the business end. Luis Herrera serves as the chief executive officer, and Anvesh Annadanam is the chief technical officer. They devised a plan in 2012 when Herrera, Conde’s childhood friend, came back to Southern California during Thanksgiving break. Herrera told Conde about the problems he had with the business side of his other projects and Conde put himself out there. “If you ever do anything else and you need help, you can reach out to me and I’ll help you,” he told Herrera. By improving precision, AccuSpine helps prevent doctors from accidentally

breaching the pedicles, part of the vertebral arch, when conducting spinal surgery. “(Herrera) was actually sitting in on some spinal surgeries,” Conde said. “He was with the surgeons, and he was seeing how tedious the process is and how long it takes.” While Conde was at Chapman, his partners were competing in the Johns Hopkins University Business Plan Competition. The team finished in first place in the undergraduate division of the medical technology and life sciences category, earning a $10,000 prize. Working separately has its benefits, because team members are able to attend prestigious competitions on the west and east coasts, but the lack of physical interaction has its drawbacks. “The time difference is three hours, so sometimes they get home and I get home a little bit later, whatever it may be,” Conde said. “We’re a team, so we need to make executive decisions and sometimes being able to get back to people, having to communicate back and forth … (it’s) kind of a barrier for us.”

“The competition was obviously tough, but we did get a lot of positive feedback. There are a lot of people that did like our device.” ANDRE CONDE CFO, White Light Medical

Although the team wants to get as much exposure as possible, they are not yet accepting money from investors, Conde said. “We want to see what our options are,” he said. “When you accept money, you’re basically giving part of your company in return. And so sometimes, these investors want a big part, and I guess as an entrepreneur, that’s one of the hardest parts, to give up part of your company.” Herrera represented his group at the International Business Model Competition, which took place this weekend at Brigham Young University, but did not qualify for the finals. Conde and his partners hope to attend several more competitions, including the Innovation Quest iQ Competition at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo later this month.





MAY 5, 2014 MONDAY

Another case of Sarah Palin nonsense MIA MCCORMICK Daily Titan

Palin’s comparison of torture to a religious practice is intolerant Sarah Palin is notorious for her ridiculous, off-the-wall comments in high-profile public venues in which they are hardly appropriate. The most recent controversial utterance from the former Alaskan governor and pageant queen, in which she compared a method of torture to a sacred religious practice, is no exception. “If I were in charge, they would know that waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists,” said Palin during her speech at the National Rifle Association’s 2014 annual meeting in Indianapolis Saturday. Palin directed this comment toward “intolerant, anti-freedom, leftist liberals” on both the east and west coasts for their alleged double-standard thinking for gun control. Not only is this new addition to Palin’s list of idiotic quotes ignorant, but it’s also highly offensive. Unsurprisingly, the comment has stirred up emotions from both devout Christian conservatives who hold baptism on a holy altar and the liberals the comment was targeting. The comment has been described as “deranged,” “sacrilegious,” “inhumane” and “disgusting” among others, according to a discussion board on Although Palin has conjured up a considerable number of disputes with controversial statements she has made in the past,


this particular remark has created a new area of skepticism for Palin’s political aptitude. This specific instance of Palinism has prompted conservative Christians to question the legitimacy of Palin’s religious views, as she has claimed throughout her political career to be of the Christian faith. Aside from being utterly sacrilegious, comparing waterboarding to baptism is fallacious at best, which

comes as no surprise considering the comparison’s source. Palin has previously received criticism in her political career for comments of this nature that have hindered her reputation around Washington. Who could forget the soccer moms and pitbull comparison? And let’s not forget that this is the same woman who claimed that the people of the United States do

not elect their own presidents, but rather that God is responsible for that fate. It is one thing to advocate for the rallying of party lines for one of the most heavily disputed political issues in recent years. Thanks to a slew of recent events the conversation on gun control has been a popular issue among political debates within the last few years. It is an entirely different

issue when a topic as sensitive as religion is thrown into the mix. Even worse, when confronted about the heinous remark, Palin played the defensive. She told MSNBC she still supported her comment and would “absolutely” make it again. One would think that with a hot topic such as this, that anyone with any political decorum would tread lightly when approaching it.

However, per her reputation, Palin is once again poking the metaphorical bear. Thankfully, that bear is roaring in response. Only time will tell how loudly that roar will be and how it will prove detrimental to any future Palin campaigns. With both parties taking offense to her most recent insensible comment, it should be interesting to see how the former pageant queen struts and waves her way out of this one.

Young voters are an integral part of nation’s democracy GINA VAN STRATTEN Daily Titan

Those in political power need to revitalize young voter interest Voting and the turnout of young voters are undoubtedly the root for a successful democracy. Candidates of public office have long targeted youth voters for that reason. The most difficult aspect of trying to encourage young adults to vote is their supposed lack of interest. Programs such as Rock the Vote have targeted younger voters. “Rock the Vote’s mission

Letter to the Editor The Daily Titan welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must include the sender’s first and last name. Students must include their majors and other writers must include their affiliation to the university, if applicable. Once a letter is submitted, it becomes property of the Daily Titan. Publication of letters is based on the validity of content and may be edited for length, grammar and spelling.

is to engage and build political power for young people in our country,” according to Rock the Vote’s website. Rock the Vote has registered more than 5 million young voters. The program intersects popular culture with new technologies to motivate the youth to participate in elections, according to the program’s website. Voters aged 18 to 29 have repeatedly voted at lower rates than all other age groups since the 1996 election. Forty-five percent of young people voted in 2012, down from 51 percent in 2008, according to the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement. The Millennial Generation makes up a huge

portion of the elector- they did not know where ate. However, the lack of or how to register or they interest is not the only missed the deadline,” acproblem. The Campus cording to The Campus Vote Project launched in Vote Project. 2012 and is They also a campaign found that The lack of to bridge the 87 percent of interest can be college stugap between students and eliminated when dents who public ofactually regvoting becomes istered also ficials “to make the proan easier process voted. cess of voting The Mileasier,” acand officials lennial Gencording to it’s eration grew pay attention to up in an era website. The Camgetting the issues that when pus Vote Projconnected to ect found matter to young someone or that registrasomething voters. tion is key for meant a few youth voter clicks on a turnout. mouse. The process of vot“Well over a quarter of ing is not as easy, which college students reported may be a contributing in 2010 that they did not factor for turning away register to vote because young voters.

“In 2010, less than 13 percent of college students said the reason they didn’t vote was they were not interested,” according to The Campus Vote Project. The lack of interest will always be an issue when it comes to voter turnout. However, the data shows this disinterest is decreasing. Youth voters are becoming more aware and in tune with the policies and practices of our government. Public officials are also becoming more aware of their duty to serve the youth. President Barack Obama has been known to reach out to young Americans in general. He recently appeared on Zach Galifianakis’ Funny or Die web series, Between Two Ferns. Young people make up a

larger portion of the Funny or Die fanbase. The gap between turnout of youth voters and other voters needs to be bridged. Young people are a major subset of the electorate and their voices matter. Public officials need to find ways to reach this audience. More programs like Rock the Vote and The Campus Vote Project need to be put in place to help young voters with the process of voting. The statistics of youth voters presents both a challenge and an opportunity. The lack of interest can be eliminated when voting becomes an easier process and officials pay attention to the issues that matter to young voters.


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May 5, 2014




Spring Concert lineup plays to full house waka flocka Continued from PAGE 1

Love or hate Waka Flocka Flame, it won’t stop him. Quite the opposite, he said haters are his motivation. “Nights,” “Scars on My Feet” and “Circles,” are three tracks off his highly anticipated third LP that hold meaning for him. Waka recently struck up a friendship while on tour with Steve Aoki and the two have gone on to collaborate on music to be featured Aoki’s upcoming release, Neon Future. “That’s my boy. He’s a lifetime friend,” he said of Aoki. Fans can expect music videos for songs like “Slippin” and Aoki collaboration, “Rage the Night Away” in the very near future. The high amplitude of cheering fans was infectious as Waka made his way to the stage at approximately 9 p.m Friday night. Upon his entrance to the stage, the crowd’s cheers were deafening. “How many of my dayone Flockaveli fans out here tonight?,” he asked. “I just want to let ya’ll know, I finished half of my album in California. I did some of Flockaveli in Orange County and I did some of Flockaveli in LA.” His DJ dropped the beat to “Karma” and the show took off. Waka’s fans are very important to him and he views them as an extension of his close group of friends. Nearly midway

through his set, he literally reached out to his fans, walked into the bleachers and embraced audience members. During his performance of “Rage the Night Away,” Waka recited every word with the energy that fuels his performances. For the duration of his hour set, every single member of the audience remained on their feet, appropriately raging the night away.

“You can’t imagine how many mistakes … I made to get to where I’m at ... But at the end of the day, if you don’t take advantage of this and you get comfortable, it’s over.”

mariah carrillo / Daily Titan Alternative rock-pop group Basic Vacation (bottom) and EDM DJ Dirty South (top) gave high-energy performances to a packed crowd at Titan Stadium as the opening acts for the sold-out ASI Spring Concert on Friday night. concert Continued from PAGE 1

Dirty South, known as Dragan Roganovi, is a Serbian-born Australian resident and has been in the electronic scene remixing, producing and creating his own music since 2004. The Spring Concert marks the first time Dirty South has been to the Orange County area, even after living in Los Angeles for a sixmonth residency. As Dirty South took over the stage, the crowd of students became in sync with a sea of hand waving and body swaying as the hypnotic sounds blared from the speakers. “It’s a pretty special feeling because there’s no other way to get a feeling like this … this is something unique,”

waka flocka flame

As he walked off the stage, thousands of students remained standing, cheering and applauding. Waka left Cal State Fullerton to continue his tour, but the memory of his performance will surely remain. Flockaveli 2 is set for an Oct. 5 release date, exactly four years after his debut album.

said Dirty South after the performance Friday. “You’re touching people with music, whether it’s your music that you have made … or a set that you put together, which makes them feel a specific way.” Fans can expect much more from the DJ within the year. He has a new album and a short film in the works, set to be released simultaneously. “The short film was inspired from the music so the story from the film came from all the songs,” Dirty South said. “It’s a love story and it’s really beautiful.” This is a step in a new direction for Dirty South in his music career. “People that know me, they just know me for making music … so I think this is going to be something different for them to see, and

the music is very earthy … it’s just made to be listened to,” he said of his upcoming project. “For me, it’s the best thing that I’ve done to date … it’s the most complete thing I’ve ever done.” Finally after a much anticipated wait, headliner Waka Flocka Flame brought high intensity to fire up the crowd with new EDM collaboration music, along with classic hard-hitting rap songs like “Hard in da

Paint” and “I Don’t Really Care.” Mid-performance the Atlanta-based rapper hopped the railing and entered into the crowd of students giving them an up-close and personal performance, showing his gratitude for his college student fan base. Waka Flocka Flame introduced his new single “Always” as he exited the stage, concluding another successful ASI Spring Concert.

Be more competitive in the job market: Learn a language this summer! Get GE units to graduate early! Language


Course #

Course Title



GE Category

Session A: June 2 - July 3, 2014 Chinese



Intro to Chinese Civ

TWTh 3:00 - 5:50PM (Fullerton)


C3, Z




Fundamental Spanish-A

MTW 5:00 - 9:30PM (Irvine)






Intermediate Comp

MWF 8:00 - 11:00AM (Fullerton)






Adv. Grammar & Comp

MWF 8:00 - 11:00AM (Fullerton)






Intro to Spanish Civ

MTW 3:00 - 5:50PM (Fullerton)


C3, Z




Intro to Span-Am Civ

MTW 6:00 - 8:50PM (Fullerton)


C3, Z

Session B: July 7 - August 8, 2014 Spanish



Fundamental Spanish-B

MTW 5:00 - 9:30PM (Irvine)




540: 01


Teaching Adult ESL/EFL

MTW 6:00 - 8:50PM (Fullerton)





Session C: June 2 - August 9, 2014 MLNG



Foreign Lang Internship

For more information, please contact: (Chinese Coordinator) Dr. Jack Liu at (MLL Chair) Dr. Reyes Fidalgo at

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(TESOL Coordinator) Dr. Nathan Carr at

(BA Spanish Coordinator) Dr. Juan Ishikawa at


SPORTS Titans take one vs. LBSU


MAY 5, 2014



Bats struggle as CSUF loses two of three against LBSU JOHNNY NAVARRETTE Daily Titan

The Cal State Fullerton baseball team’s tough season continued to get worse as it dropped two-of-three games at Long Beach State, losing a series to its rival for the first time since 2008. Game 1

AMANDA SHARP / Daily Titan Sophomore Missy Taukeiaho went one for three at the plate on Thursday, driving in a run while scoring two more in the blowout.

CSUF dominates struggling Santa Clara in total romp Titan bats wake up during rout of struggling Broncos TAMEEM SERAJ Daily Titan

The Cal State Fullerton softball team returned to Anderson Family Field Thursday after a threegame road swing to San Luis Obispo and kept the Santa Clara Broncos’ disappointing season going with a 12-4 rout. “We had a very calmed, relaxed approach about us and that definitely showed on the field and it reflected on the score,” sophomore Samantha Galarza said. Head Coach Kelly Ford elected to go with Christina Washington (10-5) to start in the circle, and the freshman did not disappoint. Washington tossed four innings and surrendered only one run while striking out two batters. The game was lopsided from the get-go. After the Broncos (7-31, 2-7 West Coast) were sat down in order in the first inning, the Titans (28-20-1, 8-7 Big West) wasted no time getting on the scoreboard. A single by senior shortstop Gabby Aragon and a double by sophomore Samantha Galarza gave the Titans their first two runs of the game. The Broncos avoided a potential blowout inning by managing to strike out senior Jena Rubio with the bases loaded to end the inning. The Titans put the Broncos back on their heels again in the second inning. They doubled their output of the previous inning with four runners crossing home plate to make it 6-0. The big blow came off the bat of Galarza, who ripped a two-run homer that stayed just inside the leftfield foul pole. “I figured she was going to come with a first pitch strike so I just figured to hop on that,” Galarza said. “You can be ready but you just have to believe it’s possible, and that’s the key there.” Santa Clara starting pitcher Ciara Gonzales (416) was chased after just 1.2 innings. Gonzales was charged with the loss after giving up five earned runs on seven hits. It took until the third inning for the Broncos to finally tag Washington for a run. Small-ball paid off for


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4 Santa Clara when Rochelle Rivera moved Casandra Padilla over to second with a sacrifice bunt. Breezy Bernard broke up Washington’s shutout with a single to right-center field. CSUF answered back in the bottom of the inning, tacking on two more runs to give the Titans an 8-1 advantage. The outburst provided plenty of run support for Washington and gave her a boost in the circle. “When your team is hitting just backing you up with that much support, you just go out there and you’re so confident. It makes you feel great as a pitcher,” Washington said. Santa Clara pressured again in the fourth. A single and a double put runners on second and third, but Krista Jensen struck out on three straight pitches to end the threat. The Titans not only set themselves up for a runrule victory in the fourth, but they gave themselves a cushion after plating four more runs with a furious two-out rally. CSUF knocked two singles and worked four walks with two outs to pad its lead to 12-1. Ford inserted sophomore pitcher Monique Wesley to shut the door on Santa Clara in the fifth. The Broncos would not lie down, though, and almost clawed their way out of a run-rule loss. Padilla started the inning with a triple and Bernard knocked her in with a single. The Titan fans were quieted after Stephanie Fisher blasted a two-run homer over the center field wall, but came back to life after Wesley struck out the next two batters to complete CSUF’s ninth run-rule win of the season. “We’ve had some really great games and this was one that will go down in history as one of those offensive feel-good games,” Ford said. For more information on the CSUF softball team and all Titan Athletics, go to


As the case has been for most of this season, the Titans (23-20, 7-8 Big West) found themselves in another closely contested game and unfortunately came out on the losing end, falling 1-0 in the series opener versus the Dirtbags. The game was an impressive pitchers duel with both starters throwing complete games. Thomas Eshelman continued a strong sophomore campaign, allowing four hits and one run in eight innings, but without the support of the Titan offense, suffered his second loss of the season. Eshelman also struck out seven. The deciding play came early in the game. The Dirtbags’ Richard Prigatano led off the inning with a double down the left field line. After advancing to third on a Michael Hill ground out, Prigatano scored the lone run of the game when Cameron Prongs grounded out, allowing Prigatano to score. The run was more than enough for Long Beach State’s Andrew Rohrbach, who allowed seven hits while striking out nine. The Titans were once again unable to generate offense to back their starting pitcher. Although they recorded seven hits on the day, they left five runners on base and made a couple of crucial mistakes on

AMANDA SHARP / Daily Titan Clay Williamson was one of the few offensive threats for the Titans over the weekend, recording a team-high four hits in their three games. CSUF struggled at the plate, not scoring until Sunday.



the base paths. Junior Clay Williamson was picked off at first base in the sixth inning and was also caught stealing in the eighth inning, killing momentum for a Titans’ rally. Williamson was the only Titan with multiple hits, going two-for-four with one strikeout against the Dirtbags. Game 2 Just like the previous day, the Titans bats were nowhere to be found as Long Beach State shut out CSUF, 5-0, on Saturday night. The Dirtbags went in front in the first inning after Hill reached on a fielder’s choice that scored Colby Brenner, followed by a Pongs sacrifice fly to center field that gave the home team a 2-0 advantage. After adding a run in the second inning, the Dirtbags tacked on two more in the bottom of the sixth to extend the lead to 5-0. The Titans were held to five hits for the game, with no player having more



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than one. Long Beach State starter Josh Frye improved to 5-0 on the season with eight innings of shutout ball. He struck out four while issuing no walks. Titan starter Justin Garza put in a solid performance on the mound, allowing five hits over seven innings. The sophomore allowed five runs, with three being earned and recording three strikeouts. The offensive struggles for CSUF were so tough that sophomore Tanner Pinkston was the only Titan to reach scoring position with his double in the first inning. The Titans were never an offensive threat for the rest of the game. For the Dirtbags, Brenner was three-for-four with one run batted in. He was the only Long Beach State player with multiple hits. Game 3 On Sunday, the Titans offense came alive in a 6-0

victory over the Dirtbags. With the win, CSUF avoided a sweep at the hands of Long Beach State, which would have been the first since 2002. The Titans collected 11 hits, which was more than enough support for Grahamm Wiest, who tossed his third complete game of the season. Wiest allowed just four hits as he improved to 3-4 on the year. The junior struck out five with no walks, snapping the Dirtbags’ five-game winning streak. Leading 1-0 in the fifth inning, Keegan Dale and David Olmedo-Barrera both had RBI singles to push the Titans’ lead to 3-0. Austin Diemer was threefor-five with one run scored and one run batted in. His RBI single in the sixth inning extended the lead to 4-0. Next up for the Titans is a road matchup against the UCLA Bruins on Tuesday night where they will look to improve on their 7-14 road record.

Lacrosse falls to Concordia CSUF drops third straight SLC championship game MICHAEL HUNTLEY Daily Titan

The Cal State Fullerton men’s lacrosse team lost in the finals of the Southwestern Lacrosse Conference tournament Sunday for the third consecutive season. The Titans (12-2, 4-0 SLC) played against the Concordia Eagles, the regular season champions of the SLC South division. The Eagles (7-7, 4-0 SLC) lost to the Titans in an earlier matchup this season, 11-9. In its previous matchup, the Titan defense held Eagles leading scorer Josh Fagan to just one goal. The Titans were unable to contain Fagan this time around. CSUF was playing without senior defenseman Jackson Wyatt, who tore his ACL Saturday in the game against UC San Diego. Wyatt is a leader of the Titan defense and frequently matches up against the opponent’s top scorer. “He usually takes their best player and shuts him down. He’s very vocal and it’s really nice to have on the back side knowing somebody is there talking to you,” junior defenseman Austin Ray said of Wyatt. Freshman Mathew

Mantovan began the scoring for the Eagles, putting in a goal with a man advantage after a pushing penalty on junior Walter Wakeman. After a double penalty on Ray and senior Austin Garcia, the Eagles had a sixon-four advantage for one minute. Fagan scored with the two-man advantage to give the Eagles a 4-0 lead. The Titans managed to cut the Eagles lead in half in the last two minutes of the first quarter. Jeff Lyon fed fellow senior Gabe Alamillo for a goal to put the Titans on the board. Just 60 seconds later, sophomore Matt Martinez scored. After a holding penalty on Concordia, Alamillo scored with the man advantage. Three minutes later, despite being shorthanded, the Eagles managed to control the ball and get a goal by freshman Sean Wilson. Lyon scored two goals over a three-minute span to put the Titans within one goal of the Eagles. Titans’ goalie Chris Laurino stayed tough in the net despite his defense playing with a man down for 15 minutes of the game. Laurino made a save and junior attackman Sean Lee picked up the rebound and scored. The Titans’ 15 penalty minutes were the most in any of their games this season. “You’re never going to



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win a game when you have 15 minutes of penalties,” Head Coach Mike Ansel said. At times, the officials swallowed their whistles, letting the players play without interruption. Other times, the officials threw the flag on what appeared to be minor violations. Fans from both teams, as well as both coaches, were vocal about their frustration with the officiating. “They’re calling different things. You feel one ref out and he’s letting you play a little bit and then the other guy is not going to let you go,” Ray said. “It’s really difficult to get in a rhythm out there during that.” Almost every player noticed the inconsistent calls by the referees. “Typically during the playoffs they let you play a little bit more,” Alamillo said. “A couple of calls definitely dictated the game and set the tone.” Concordia pulled away in the second half, scoring the first four goals of the half. Fagan had four goals and the Titans began to focus on him, which led to


other Eagles finding open shots. The win clinches Concordia a spot in the National Championship tournament. The loss put the Titans at the mercy of the selection committee, who would decide if the Titans resume was solid enough to earn them an at-large berth in the tournament. However, the committee decided the Titans were not worthy of a spot in the tournament. Despite the early end to the season, the 2014 Titans finished with the best record in the program’s seven-year history.


Eric Adams, M Gabe Alamillo, A Austin Garcia, M Jeff Lyon, M Matt Martinez, M Paul Morgan, D Austin Ray, D Graham Seigler, M Jackson Wyatt, D


The Daily TiTan’s


MAY 5, 2014






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(MARCH 21 - APRIL 19):

Make time to play with family and friends today and tomorrow. Your fun is contagious. Add small luxuries to your routine. Creating a work of beauty fulfills a hidden urge. Cook a gourmet meal to incite the senses. Invite someone intriguing to join you.


(APRIL 20 - MAY 20):

Increase the comfort level at home. Cleaning house could lead to the discovery of a treasure. Offer encouragement to someone with homework (or accept it if it’s you). Discover what’s at the bottom of a situation. Express your love as well as your concern. Talk about freedom.


(MAY 21 - JUNE 20):

Study the angles today and tomorrow. Plan, organize and review the data. Make sure an important person understands. You’re exceptionally clever with words. A unique opportunity may arise, with an unexpected bonus. Call home and get another perspective before you commit. Choose with your heart.


(JUNE 21 - JULY 22):

Today and tomorrow can be extra productive. Spend a little to keep things flowing, but keep to the budget. Take care of family. Your morale gets a boost. Ask authorities about an increase in your benefits, and get promises in writing. Treat the kids.


(JULY 23 - AUG. 22):

Your confidence and energy overflow today and tomorrow. It could get innovative. Handle your chores, and then develop a hot idea. Feed off small successes. If something fails, call in reinforcements or try a new angle. Advice from an elder increases your bottom line.


(AUG. 23 - SEPT. 22):

Thoughtful planning and coordination over the next two days produces powerful results. Follow through on details. Learn new skills. Write marketing copy, promotions, or project descriptions. Aim to inspire. Handle old tasks to free time for new ones. Travel later. Slow down and contemplate.




(SEPT. 23 - OCT. 22):

The spotlight’s on you. Friends offer good advice. Keep sarcastic comments to yourself. Diplomacy works much better today. Expect trouble with scheduling for the next two days. Handle old business first. Help adversaries communicate. Get the word out, and your status rises.


(OCT. 23 - NOV. 21):

Today and tomorrow favor study and research. Set long-range goals and work towards your own inspiring future. Tell the truth and demand the same back. Talk about what you love, and hear less complaining from others. It’s contagious. Make experiments and note results.


(NOV. 22 - DEC. 21):

Review shared financial arrangements today and tomorrow. Confer with family. Reassure someone who needs it. Friends help you advance. Send packages and documents. Sign papers. File tax information and keep insurance current. Incentivize participation with diversion. Find a fun way to celebrate together.


(DEC. 22 - JAN. 19):

Share the load with a partner today and tomorrow. Talk is cheap. Put your back into it. Divergent ideas come together in collaboration. You’re growing more interested in another’s situation. Choose how best to participate. Consider the resources in your network of friends.


(JA. 20 - FEB. 18):

Envision sharing fun with family and friends, and getting something done at the same time. Generate the funds. Choose a new paint color. Listen to your intuition. Get the family to help. Imagine fantastic results. Re-affirm a commitment with a partner.


(FEB. 19 - MARCH 20):

There’s plenty to keep you busy today and tomorrow. Family comes first. Chores and practical work needs attention. Get farther than expected. Expand in the direction of least resistance. Serve others with generosity. Speak words of comfort and hospitality. Treat yourself with the same kindness.





MAY 5, 2014 MONDAY

Softball tames Aggies with potent offense The Titans swept the doubleheader to clinch the series IAN O’BRIEN Daily Titan

The Cal State Fullerton softball team hosted a threegame series with UC Davis and took two out of three against the Aggies. The Titans (30-21-1 overall, 10-8 Big West) won both games in the doubleheader on Saturday before falling to the Aggies, 9-6, on Sunday. CSUF won the first two games in the series by scores of 5-4 and 10-5. The win on Saturday was a comeback victory for the Titans. The Aggies took a 4-3 lead in the top of the seventh inning on a wild pitch by sophomore Monique Wesley. The Aggies’ lead didn’t last long as the Titans tied the game in the bottom of the inning thanks to a solo home run from junior Carissa Turang. Sophomore third baseman Missy Taukeiaho worked a one-out walk, and two batters later scored the winning run on a double by junior Eliza Crawford. Freshman Christina Washington made the start for the Titans and allowed three runs in five innings. Sophomore Monique Wesley pitched the final two innings of the game and earned the win, boosting her record to 5-6. In the second game, the Titan offense exploded with 10 runs. The Aggies’ defense helped as well, committing three errors. The game was an offensive battle with the teams combining for 12 runs in the first four innings. But a three-run fifth inning for the Titans put the game out of reach. Washington shined in the circle with four innings of action by allowing only one run, as she was able to improve her record to 11-5. Wesley had made the start, allowing four runs in three innings. The offensive outburst continued on Sunday, but the Titans’ pitching staff struggled in the loss. They allowed four home runs to the Aggies, the most CSUF has allowed this season. “I think that yesterday we did what we were supposed to do. We came out on top and took care of business, and today we just came up a little short. We didn’t catch much breaks, and that’s

AMANDA SHARP / Daily Titan Freshman Christina Washington tossed 12.1 innings in the UC Davis series, giving up six runs and striking out three batters.

what this game will do,” Taukeiaho said. “The takeaway is we’re just going to keep on going and keep on pushing. We got one more series, and we’re going to go out how we should and try and sweep.” Things started off well for the Titans as they took a 2-0 lead in the bottom of the first inning. Sophomore Samantha Galarza hit an RBI single to center, and an error by the Aggies allowed senior shortstop Gabby Aragon to score. Taukeiaho extended the Titans’ lead to 3-0 in the second with a double down the right field line. Washington took the circle once again for the Titans on Sunday and threw 3.1 innings allowing five runs, three of which were earned. Wesley again filled in for Washington in the fourth inning, but gave up three runs in only 0.2 innings. An intentional walk with the bases loaded with two outs was followed by a costly fielding error by Aragon, which allowed two more runs to score. Wesley later allowed a three-run homer to give the Aggies an 8-3 lead. Ford defended her decision to stick with Wesley despite her struggles. “I think Monique actually did her job. We did an intentional walk to load the bases. We asked Monique to throw a ground ball,” Ford said. “She threw a ground ball. We

didn’t make the play behind her, so it gives a good swinging team like that a second chance.” Taukeiaho led the Titans in hitting with a three-forthree effort that included a home run in the bottom of the fourth inning that trimmed the Aggies’ lead to 8-6. Taukeiaho also took over for Wesley and pitched the final three innings. She carried her dominance at the plate over to the circle, allowing only one run and striking out one batter. “We’ve been working on pitching since before conference started. Today was just more of I need to hit my spots. I worked with Ariel. She did a great job today,” Taukeiaho said. The Aggies extended their lead to 9-6 in the fifth inning on a solo home run. The Titans had a prime opportunity to stun the Aggies in the bottom of the sixth inning when they loaded the bases. However, Crawford grounded into a fielder’s choice to strand the runners, and the Titans went down in order in the seventh to end the game. The Titans will conclude the regular season with a road trip to Cal State Northridge. A three-game series will be held May 9 and May 10. For more information onthe CSUF softball team and all Titan Athletics, go to










TAMEEM SERAJ / Daily Titan Defenseman Walter Wakeman bursts by two UCSD players. Wakeman and the Titans held the Tritons to only eight goals in their semifinal victory. The win gave them a spot in the SLC finals.

CSUF lacrosse punches ticket to SLC championship with Concordia Kowalski scores five goals to send the Titans to the finals MICHAEL HUNTLEY Daily Titan

The Cal State Fullerton men’s lacrosse team won its semifinal game in the Southwestern Lacrosse Conference tournament against UC San Diego, 13-8, Saturday in Carlsbad. The Titans (12-1, 4-0 SLC) finished the regular season in first place in the SLC North and earned a bye in the first round of the tournament. UCSD won its quarterfinal matchup against Biola. The Titans jumped out to an early 4-0 lead in the first quarter. Freshman midfielder Alex Kowalski scored two of those goals and senior attackman Gabe Alamillo scored one of his own. The Tritons battled back with two goals near the end of the quarter to dig into the Titan lead. “It’s always scary. That’s a good squad, they don’t go away easily so it’s tough to have a four goal lead and keep going,” said junior defenseman Austin Ray. Kowalski tacked on a goal in the beginning of the second quarter for his third of the game and 50th of his young career. The Tritons would not go away quietly, however. After a slashing penalty against the Titans,

senior midfielder Dane Malone scored with the man advantage. Sophomore Matt Martinez added a goal for the Titans with three minutes remaining in the first half. A scary moment occurred before halftime as Kowalski went down with an injury. Fortunately, he managed to make it off the field under his own strength and continued playing in the second half. Triton goalie Andrew Simon had a difficult time clearing the ball. The Tritons had multiple failure to advance turnovers that contributed to Titan goals. “Our biggest game plan was to mainly pressure out the (long) poles and to let the goalie make the decision,” Alamillo said. “You could tell he struggled a bit. When the ball did get to the poles we were able to pressure them out really good.” After a save by Titan goalie Chris Laurino, sophomore attackman Braden Goebel scored on the fast break to extend the lead to 7-4. The Titans got called for a holding penalty in the middle of the third quarter. The defense forced a turnover and the Titan offense managed to hold onto the ball long enough to kill the penalty. After getting back to full strength, Kowalski scored his fourth and fifth goals of the game to put the Titans up 9-5.


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8 The Titans pulled away in the fourth quarter. Alamillo scored three goals in the fourth to put the game out of reach. UCSD did not rotate midfielders often and fatigue was apparent for the team in the second half. “They play very few players. They have some good players so they try to keep them on the field as much as possible,” Ray said. “But it gets to you. Late in the season everybody is dinged up, you’re going to play hurt. Especially today, it’s hot. You got to get some water in you but you can’t go forever.” The Titans advanced to their fifth straight SLC title game where they will play Concordia, a team they beat in their previous matchup in April. “We know the stigma of losing in the championship the past two years. The seniors know what it’s like to win the championship our freshman year. We know what to do and what to expect,” Alamillo said. For more information on the CSUF lacrosse team, go to





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