Back to School Guide- Tuesday, September 3, 2013

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TUESDAY 3, 2013


Table of Contents Top 8 Study Tips Using Time Wisely on Campus Avoiding the Freshmen 15 Cheap and Easy Recipes Dorm Life Essentials What Food Trucks have to Offer Fun Majors Summer Trip Easy Yoga Poses Top 5 Phone Apps Affordable Electronic Gadgets

4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 14 15 17

New hairstyle yields new identity Titan changes her look to branch out during college years and learns a lesson YVETTE QUINTERO Daily Titan

In the Bible it is said that when Samson’s hair was cut, he lost all his strength. Delilah, after discovering Samson’s main weakness, chopped off his luscious locks for a bribe. If cutting one’s hair really does correlate with the loss of strength beyond biblical parable, then that explains why my first year of college sucked. In an effort to change my identity the summer before college, I reduced my medium-length hair into a pixie cut. New city, new people, new school, new hairdo, I thought. I felt emboldened at first, everyone always told me how gutsy I was for cutting it off, as they showered me with compliments. Though, I didn’t feel very bold. I struggled to be someone I thought others would like. Someone others wanted to be friends with.

In a confusing social paradox, I wanted to fit in, but also stand out. The idea of feeling comfortable in my own skin was a battle I fought on a daily basis. I wasn’t the edgy, bold, shorthaired girl my pixie cut made me out to be. I was quiet, skeptical and overflowingly nice. I cared too much about how the world perceived me. I didn’t make many friends my freshman year. My roommates evolved from fairly decent people to completely intolerable, and the feeling was mutual. I spent my days going to school, working at the paper and locked in my room doing homework. Every two weeks I would go home to San Diego with the ex-

cuse of needing to do laundry, but really, I was homesick and wasn’t strong enough to handle what was going on. I missed my high school friends, a lovely group of girls and guys who already accepted me for who I was and liked me despite my terrible story telling skills. I was miserable. Luckily, the year ended and summer brought a newfound conviction. My hair was growing back and I was finally feeling like myself. I felt stronger; I had survived my lowest point in my college years and my hair had grown out of its awkward mullet-like stage. All was well.

Courtesy of Yvette Quintero

“I reduced my medium-length hair into a pixie cut.”

In August, I met my best friend and embarked on a whirlwind of a year. I finally found someone to be myself with again, with no regards for the consequences. He reminded me that I didn’t have to be someone else to be loved; my hair didn’t have to change so I could be better. Nowadays, I get showered with comments about how quickly my hair has grown. I see quickly as a relative term. In that time, I’ve

learned, loved and lived. They say that when Samson’s hair was cut, he lost all his strength. For me, it was my sense of self that was lost. Luckily, my hair grew back. I’m ready to embark on my senior year, confident, at large and in charge. I still struggle sometimes with things like identity and making friends, but at the most basic level, I know who I am now.




Top 8 study tips for busy students Trying to keep up with classes can make studying a chore, but still important ADREANA YOUNG Daily Titan

As your professor passes back your midterm, you slump down into your tiny desk and think to yourself ‘I should have studied.’


Although many students find studying as a waste of time, taking time to actually study will not only make you feel accomplished, but you might actually learn a thing or two that can help you in the future. Good grades don’t hurt either. Turn off all electronics: It’s easy to get distracted by your cell phone’s alert tones or Facebook notifications when you’re reading a long and dry textbook chapter. Turning off your cell phone, closing your laptop and completely stepping away from all forms of social media for an hour or two can really help you focus on the task at hand.

tive and you’ll be more likely to buckle down and focus on your school work. Don’t rush through it, make time for studying: By not rushing through it you’ll be able to comprehend more of what you just spent the last hour doing, which will make it worthwhile. Moreover, by setting aside time to study, like you would for going to the store, doing assigned homework, work, etc., you’ll be more likely to actually do it. By valuing your study time

TUESDAY 3, 2013


and making it important enough to set time aside to study, and only study, you’ll get more out of it than you would if it’s only done last minute and in a hurry. Focus on one subject at a time: You probably have more than one class, and those classes probably encompass more than one subject. It can become distracting and complicated. Don’t try to cram all the information at once. Give yourself enough time to process what you’ve studied. And, that brings us to our next tip. Read the chapter review beforehand: In most textbooks there is a review in the back of each chapter. That way you will know what the chapter’s key points are before getting halfway through the chapter. Not only will it save you time,

but you’ll be able to understand more of the chapter because you pre-read some of it. Don’t cram the night before: You put off reading over your study guide until the night before your test. If you’ve been studying all week instead of just the night before you’ll have a better chance of acing your test. You’ll also have a better chance of getting a full night’s sleep, which might increase your test score as well. Take studying seriously: All of the tips above will only work if you really take studying seriously. Don’t just do it to say you studied, to get out of an event you don’t feel like going to, or to feel like you at least made an effort to study, but really put your mind to it. If you do the work necessary to comprehend the material your grades will be proof of your hard work.

Find the best location for you: Sometimes silence can be deafening and distracting. Some feel a busy, loud room is easy to study in, while others need the room to be dead quiet to comprehend even one sentence. In order to know what study environment best suits your needs it might help to try out new places. If you’ve struggled with studying in your quiet room maybe try taking your pens and paper to a Starbucks or a library and see if that makes it any easier. Give yourself incentive: Create a reward system. It’ll make you feel like you have a reason to study (other than better grades, of course). Tell yourself ‘If I finish reading this chapter in an hour then I’ll treat myself to frozen yogurt, or I won’t feel guilty for playing video games all night.’ Give yourself an incen-

illustration by MARIAH CARILLO / Daily Titan Instead of stressing over studying utalizing tips and tricks can make it quicker, easier and can help any student get more out of their study sessions.




TUESDAY 3, 2013


Use your time wisely on campus KRISTEN CERVANTES Daily Titan

Impatiently tapping your pen on the desk as you stare at the classroom wall anticipating the moment your professor says those three magical words—class is dismissed. Before getting too excited, the eagerness of leaving class is subsided by the fact that you have no clue what to do before your next class, which is a dreary two hours away. Fortunately, Cal State Fullerton is 236 acres full of endless possibilities which are sure to consume the minutes and hours before your upcoming class.

Refuel Your Mind One of the best ways to kill time in between classes is by doing something that requires no effort and is completely free—taking a nap in your car. Resting your mind mentally prepares you for your next class. Just remember to bring a comfy pillow and keep the windows rolled down on the scorching hot days. Catch a Show If you have a few hours to spare before a night class, consider taking in the sights and sounds provided by the talents

DYLAN LUJANO / Daily Titan

The new Starbucks location inside Pollak Library lets you get your coffee fix as you study or catch up with friends.

of CSUF visual arts, music, dance and theater students. There are always exhibits and plays occurring at the Clayes Performing Arts Center and Grand Central Art Center. To top it off, students receive a Titan Discount on tickets. Dates and times for shows and exhibits can be found at the Box Office located at the south-west corner of the Clayes Performing Arts Center. Visit the Underground Within the Titan Student Union lies a place full of fun and enough old school video games to bring back nostalgic childhood memories. The TSU Underground is an entertainment center where students can bowl, play pool and watch sporting events on three 73 inch big screen TVs. The Pub, located in the Underground, offers beer or wine to students of legal age. The Pub also puts on weekday entertainment with live bands and karaoke.

Walk Ins Welcome

DYLAN LUJANO / Daily Titan

Food trucks park in between the Humanities and Education buildings, providing a great place for students to grab a bite in between classes.

• $50 Minimum

337 North State College Blvd


Campus Shopping Center


Study at the Library For some people, the library may seem like the most boring place to hang out in. However, the Pollak Library offers many services to students ranging from the standard quiet study room or area to finish homework, to unique small art galleries to satisfy your creative palette. Exhibits at the library give students the opportunity to divulge in intriguing photographs, films and books. Occasionally, the library features a guest speaker on a specific subject. Coffee lovers will be excited to find a new Starbucks location inside the library. Students can study or hang out with friends while sipping on their favorite coffee and tea drinks.

Work out The Student Recreation Center (SRC) offers many unique amenities such as a rock climbing wall, an outdoor lap pool and special events. Students can sweat out their frustrations in between class by attending a drop-in fitness classes at the SRC. There are several types of classes students can partake in no matter their skill level, including, yoga, spin and Zumba. As for maintaining your hygiene before class, the SRC has men’s and women’s locker rooms which includes showers that are supplied with shampoos and blow dryers.


Occupy your time in between classes with these activities




Steering clear from the freshmen 15 A personal account of a high school athlete affected by a college trend MAGGIE GUILLEN Daily Titan

Once you realize what’s happening, it’s too late. Your pants are more snug than when you last wore them, your tops are a stretched out and everyday becomes a “sweatpants day.”

You’ve gained weight. The dreaded freshman 15. It happens to the best of us. Myself included, and for a long time I was baffled on how and when I had gained weight.

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TUESDAY 3, 2013

All my life I was an athlete, followed a healthy balanced diet (with the occasional cheats) and had self-control around my mother’s homemade Mexican food. I wasn’t stick-thin, but I was toned, strong and lean. I arrived to college thinking I wouldn’t gain the freshman 15. I planned to hit the gym regularly. I thought I had it all under control. What they don’t teach you in high school is that once you get to college your life pretty much takes a 180. You encounter a yearning for caffeinated drinks instead of food to stay awake, you’ll skip lunch because you’re on a tight deadline or you’ll binge eat in the evening because of all of the above or because you simply forgot to eat. Del Taco and carne asada fries suddenly taste amazing at two in the morning, while guzzling it down with a fountain drink from the dollar menu because that’s all a broke college student can afford. The gym? Oh, you’ve managed to sneak maybe one workout during the week because after having four back to back classes a day, you’re exhausted and you just want to go home and take a nap. That was pretty much my situation my freshman year. I was consumed by school. After finishing classes for the day, all I wanted was to take a nap before tackling required readings or homework. I felt tired all the time and when I would finally eat, I just wanted to sleep right after. There finally came a point where I realized what was happening. It first happened with clothes, then finally taking a look at my body. I was disgusted. I never had taken worst care of my body the way I did my freshman year. I felt and looked gross. I wanted to go back to what I looked like. The


road to getting there (still trying) is hard, treacherous and frustrating. I’m not a nutritionist, but after many tests and trials I’ve found ways to get back into shape. While, I’ve come to terms that I’m an adult and won’t have my high school body back, I’ve applied a few tricks in the road to recovery. Eating four to six mini meals a day, will keep you satisfied and not desperate to binge on something sugary. Keep three of those meals in accordance with breakfast, lunch and dinner. Snacks will be your best friend. Fruit, veggies and almonds are always good options when you’re on-the-go. Be creative, a little peanut butter with apple slices won’t kill you. If you need to have your morning dose of caffeine, drink an Americano and skip the heavy creamer. If you need to have milk in your cup of joe, go with fatfree. Frappuccinos and caramel macchiatos should be reserved for special occasions. Watch out for carbs. Instead of white bread, go with wheat. Switch to whole-wheat pasta when making spaghetti. Mom wasn’t wrong when she said vegetables were good for you. Make sure half of your plate is filled with veggies. The other half should be some sort of protein (chicken, fish or tofu) and light carbs. Quinoa and brown rice are good alternatives to pasta. Hit the gym. Be committed to at least working out five times a week. Figure out fun ways to get a good workout. Drop-in fitness classes at the Student Recreation Center offer a variety of classes that cater to your fitness goals. Lastly, motivation is key. Grab a buddy and both commit to working out. Chances are you’ll keep each other on check and have a greater chance in achieving your goal.

(photo illustration) DEANNA TROMBLEY / Daily Titan




TUESDAY 3, 2013


Cheap and easy go-to recipes Try these quick and quirky food solutions for your college-sized hunger


Being a poor college student makes it easy to figure out quick ways to whip up a meal when short on cash. Eating purely cheap instant ramen noodles is no way to live. Actually, the best way to save money is to quit heading out and cook from home. Unfortunately, you might be sacrificing nutrition for a relatively easy meal, but on the bright side it will taste good! Easy Mac and Cheese Sure, you could settle for buying a ready-made box of macaroni and then dump a chemical powder of unknown substance on it, but wouldn’t it be better to just make it from scratch? Surprisingly, it’s not difficult and the biggest ingredient is the cheese itself. I recommend cheddar, but if you’re not a huge fan of cheddar, swap it out with mozzarella or whatever you feel like. It might take a bit more time, but the taste will be far superior and there won’t be a reason to go back. Ingredients 16 ounces package of elbow macaroni 4 cups shredded cheese, your choice 2 cups milk 3 eggs Salt and pepper to taste Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Cook macaroni according to package instructions. Grease casserole dish. Drain macaroni and place a thin layer in the dish. Sprinkle cheese over the macaroni. Keep layering macaroni and cheese until you’ve reached the top of the casserole dish. Mix eggs and milk, salt, pepper and other spices or hot sauce. Evenly pour egg/milk mixture over macaroni and cheese. Sprinkle a bit more cheese on the top of the egg/milk mixture. Bake in the middle rack of the oven for 45 minutes. Ice Cream Bread Probably the weirdest and simplest on this list is ice cream bread. It’s literally bread made out of ice cream. If you think about it, it makes sense. Ice cream has all the ingredients needed to make bread already inside of it. The fun part about it is trying out all the different kinds of ice cream to see how they taste in bread form. So far, the favorite seems to be pecan ice cream, but try it for yourself to find out. Ingredients 2 Cups Ice Cream, any flavor, softened 1 1/2 cups Self-Rising Flour Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Spray and flour a loaf pan or line with parchment paper. In a medium bowl mix the ice cream and flour together until

Illustration by ETHAN HAWKES / Daily Titan

Two cups of ice cream (flavor of your choice) and one and a half cups of self-rising flour creates a loaf of bread.

combined. Pour into loaf pan. Bake for about 45 minutes or until a toothpick stuck in the bread comes out clean. Egg in a Basket Toad in a Hole or Egg in a Basket is the best way to have your carbs and proteins in one go. Having a piece of bread to soak up the juices from the egg is delicious. Plus it’s fried, what isn’t good fried?

Ingredients 1 slice of any bread 1 Egg 1 tbsp. of butter Allow butter to soften, and spread a half tablespoon of butter on each side of the bread. Use a small, circular glass or punch or tear a medium-sized circle out of the center of the bread. Turn the stove to mediumhigh heat. Add the remaining table-

spoon of butter to a small skillet and place on heat. Place the bread in the skillet, and crack an egg, depositing the yolk into the middle of the hole. Cook for 3-5 minutes, until egg begins to fry into a solid state on the bottom side. Flip, and let cook 2-3 more minutes. Enjoy!




TUESDAY 3, 2013


Handy dorm-life essentials

(illustration by) JESSICA PINEDA/ Daily Titan

Improve communication with your roommates by leaving notices, reminders and an occasional doodle to each other on a community whiteboard.

Five items to simplify and organize your on-campus college experience JESSICA PINEDA Daily Titan

With all the back to school sales and shelves stocked with an endless supply of home goods, it can be overwhelming deciding what to buy for your apartment or dorm. You may even move in and realize you forgot a few things. Here are five essential and inexpensive items that are sure to help make your living experience much easier. 1. Command PictureHanging Strips From mounting putty, tape and tacks, there are a myriad

options to adorn your walls with posters and decorations. Command Brand PictureHanging Strips prove to be the most durable and leave virtually no damage or residue to walls. Each strip consists of two Velcro-like pieces that are strong enough to hang pictures, posters, frames and even hooks. Simply stick one side of the strip to the item and the other to the wall, and you have a strong, easy-to-remove solution for decorating. 2. Dry-erase Board Effective communication between you and your roommates is necessary for a happy housing experience. A dry erase board comes in handy when you want to leave

your roommates a quick note such as what chores need to be done or what time you’ll be back. Placing a dry-erase board in a common, most looked at area like the refrigerator or next to the front door ensures that everyone will get the memo. Adding jokes, doodles or quotes of the day could be a fun added bonus. 3. Disaster Kit Although shopping for decorations and groceries can be exciting when you’re first moving into to your new place, it is important to also invest in emergency evacuation supplies. Some things to pack include a flashlight, batteries, a couple of water bottles, extra cash and a first-aid kit. Be sure your first-aid kit contains rubbing alcohol, gauze, bandages, pain relievers and any prescriptions you may have. Store everything into a backpack and put it in your closet for safekeeping. Hopefully, you won’t ever have to use it, but you’ll have peace of mind knowing that you’re prepared. 4. Water Bottle with Filter Water from the tap isn’t the best tasting, and some argue that it may not be healthy either. Faucet water filters can be expensive and cumbersome to install. However, water bottles with small filters built inside provides clean water at home and on-the-go for a fraction of the cost. With these bottles, you can trust your water is clean, whether it is from your kitchen or a drinking fountain at a theme park. 5. Goo Gone Tough cleaning problems such as stickers that won’t come off, gum and scuff marks are a breeze with this product. A few drops of Goo Gone can easily remove sticky substances from hard surfaces, carpets and more. Goo Gone makes a handy and reliable addition to your arsenal of cleaning products.




TUESDAY 3, 2013


Satisfy your curb side cravings with food trucks serving up authentic street cuisines CSUF is home to cultural sustenances ranging from Spanish to Asian

tossed in Spanish paprika and chorizo and topped with sunny side eggs).


Dos Chinos Twitter: @doschinos Website:

Daily Titan

Originality, a quick and creative menu selection, plus a strong social media presence equals the perfect concoction for a successful food truck business. Though, it may be a long stretch to satisfy your particular food truck craving, the chase is worth it. However, Cal State Fullerton acknowledges the popularity the food truck industry has gained, especially among broke, starving college students. More than often, you’ll find a food truck parked right outside of Humanities. No more waiting for your favorite food truck to tweet out their next location, which will probably result in a long, demanding line. CSUF hosts street cuisine on-the-go cravings so you can make it to class in time. Here’s a list of food trucks that were spotted on campus last year. Barcelona OntheGo Twitter: @BrcelonaOntheGo Website: BarcelonaOnTheGo. com Barcelona OntheGo, which was launched Feb. 2010, around when the food truck trend began to gain popularity, was one on the first gourmet food trucks in Orange County. This truck puts a modern f lare on authentic Spanish cuisine. From quesadillas, to paninis, to their fan favorite sweet potato fries, Barcelona OnTheGo dedicates quality fresh Spanish recipes. Must-try: Papas, Huevos and Chorizo (French fries

This Latin Asian Fusion truck combines traditional Asian food wrapped in tortillas. The Dos Chinos Truck serves a wide variety of Asian dishes, such as Vietnamese pork belly, Thai chicken, Vietnamese beef, Korean barbecue, as well as Hawaiian shrimp. Dos Chinos was also featured on the Cooking Channel, and the founder and co-owner, Hop Phan was a contestant in a recent episode of the Food Network’s Chopped challenge. Must-try: Dos Chinos Asada (Vietnamese Chimichurri beef, “Dos Chinos” salsa verde) wrapped in a taco, burrito tortilla or crispy iceberg lettuce. “Make it a stoner” and add Vietnamese roasted pork belly and fried egg to your order. Spudrunners Twitter: @spudrunners Website: Spudrunners takes a unique spin on an American favorite, the potato. This American comfort style food truck centers their menu around their signature baked and fried potatoes. Spudrunners also offers unique sauces, such as “baconnaise” and “wasabi ranch,” and custom grilled cheese sandwiches. Must-try: Chipotle Chicken Grilled Cheese Sandwich (Grilled Lime Cilantro Chicken, Cheddar Cheese, Red Onion, tomato, fire roasted green chili and chipotle ranch on sourdough). With a side of Irish Fries (Applewood bacon. cheddar cheese, green onion).




TUESDAY 3, 2013


DYLAN LUJANO / Daily Titan Students can enjoy a wide variety of cuisine on campus with the gourmet food trucks every week, serving everything from grilled cheese sandwiches to French-inspired dishes.




TUESDAY 3, 2013


American studies goes abroad Students deciding between majors can take an interdisciplinary approach ELLIOT LAM Daily Titan

Enter University Hall, head up three f lights and arrive to the humble abode of Cal State Fullerton’s American Studies Department. According to the university’s course catalog, American Studies aims to “give students a thorough understanding of the past and present nature of American culture and society.” With classes that explore

nature, love and consumer culture, the curriculum seeks to help students develop skills in writing and analysis as well as recognize connections among complex and diverse phenomena. Through personal experience, after taking AMST 301, American Character with Professor Amanda Perez, I was able to uncover the visual cues that may indicate socioeconomic status. I would have never guessed that one could posit anything from the type of bread one ate and the degree of publicity to which one consumes alcohol, if it

weren’t for the writings of scholar Paul Fussell. The topics the class covered included the survivalist movement, the Westborough Baptist Church and Live Action Roleplay, also known as LARP. The department emphasizes humanities as well as social science to make the pursuit of American studies more holistic, so students who decide to major may end up taking classes that touch on different subjects, including sociology, political science, history, art history and English. Although there is a great deal of students unfamil-

Courtesy of the Guardian Historian Paul Fussell’s writing is a part of the curriculum in American Studies.

iar with this field, American Studies programs are rapidly expanding abroad.

To date, there are over 20 foreign universities in more than 17 countries that have their own American Studies departments; and the number continues to grow each year. Countries such as Iran, Bahrain, Slovakia and New Zealand are implementing American Studies into their curricula. The growing interest is due in large part to the gradual acknowledgement that American culture has a huge impact on the world’s economy, security and international development. There is also a closer examination of the American dream, which may be crucial to understanding whether there is a formula for success that other countries are able to use back home. Since American studies is an interdisciplinary major, career tracks can vary quite extensively. Sources within the department say that graduates have gone on to take employment in communications, business, government service, social work and education. Maria Shriver received her degree in American Studies from Georgetown University in 1977. Journalist and talk show host, Katie Couric, graduated with the same degree from the University of Virginia in 1979. Students attending Cal State Fullerton are at a unique advantage, as Fullerton is one of only two public universities in California that has its own American studies department, the other being UC Santa Cruz and the only public institution in the state that offers a master’s degree.




TUESDAY 3, 2013


Student avoids the couch Summer break brings sweltering heat and nerdy fun to a Titan’s vacation JULIA GUTIERREZ Daily Titan

Typically, I spend summer vacation lounging on the couch, watching Supernatural reruns and sleeping in for as long as I can. But this past summer I decided to be adventurous and took two trips away from home. The first on my summer todo list was to camp in a new place. While many Cal State Fullerton students choose to stay away from the heat, I decided to go somewhere even warmer—Arizona. Camping is one of my favorite activities. And after months of trying to convince my mother that camping was not all about sleeping in the dirt and getting eaten alive by mosquitos, she finally agreed to go with me. Unfortunately, my body decided to crash during our excursion. My bags were packed, my

work week was done and I was developing a terrible and unusual summer cold. Stuffy, sneezy, stressed and exhausted, I loaded my bag into the car hoping for a miracle cure to an awful cold.

“While many Cal State Fullerton students choose to stay away from the heat, I decided to go somewhere even warmer—Arizona ... Our six-hour drive to the Grand Canyon state was a living hell but we eventually made it. ” Our six-hour drive to the Grand Canyon state was a living hell but we eventually made it. We arrived to an area near Payson, Ariz. called Bear Canyon Lake. Unfortunately the beauty of it was suppressed by drowsi-

ness from Sudafed. A Tylenol later, I was well enough to explore the area. The smell of pine needles was strong enough to make my cold seem nonexistent and not far off from our campsite was the lake. My cousin, who lives in Arizona, and I decided to explore the lake using an aluminum canoe when suddenly, we heard thunder. Aluminum canoe, plus thunder and lighting meant we needed to get out of the water. Our trip was short but sweet and camping was a success, even in the sweltering Arizona desert. Home at last, but not for long Just a short week after Arizona, I left home again. This time I was heading to San Diego for the event I had anticipated and saved money for all year—Comic-Con. A few friends and I were lucky enough to get a room at the Hard Rock Hotel right across the street from the convention center. Our room overlooked The Float (the hotel’s pool area),


Bear Canyon Lake in Arizona offers a cool reprieve from the sweltering summer heat.

which was the location for many VIP parties throughout the weekend. Finally over my cold, I was excited to spend five days in the city around people who love the same things that I do. I met John Barrowman, an actor in Torchwood and Doctor Who, Felicia Day of Geek & Sundry and various convention attendees from all over. Our hotel was wonderful and the Comic-Con “swag” gifts were decent, but this year the highlight was camping out from 5:30 p.m.

Saturday evening for the Doctor Who panel, which wasn’t until the following day. My friends and I sprawled out in the grass underneath the white tents and did our best to survive the night. By the next morning we were sitting in Hall H, waiting for our panels to begin. Now school is back in session and everything is as ordinary as it usually is. However, I look forward to what the rest of the year has to offer.




TUESDAY 3, 2013


Easy wake-me-up yoga poses

Up Dog

Warrior 2

Down Dog

Warrior 1

Tree Pose

Forward Fold




TUESDAY 3, 2013


Top 5 phone apps for your education needs Apps can assist in making college life less cluttered for college students ASHLEY BINON Daily Titan

Lose the cluttered mess of agendas and note cards along with the unorganization that comes with being a student. The following apps are catered to student needs that help with the delicate juggling act of keeping up with classes. iFullerton Made exclusively for Cal State Fullerton students, this app comes with many functions specific to this campus. For those who commute to campus, the parking function that displays available parking spots in each of the three structures. The app includes features especially helpful to new incoming students. iFullerton’s map options help you locate your classes as well as the parking lot or structure most convenient for you. The app has a quick access to Titanium, the ability to check TitanCard balance and lab availability, and hot dining spots. App Price: Free

myhomework Juggling four or five classes during a semester can seem hectic. Organization is a key for success. Instead of carrying around a bulky planner that you misplace or forget exists, download this app. Myhomework acts just like an agenda would, only as a digital version. The user is able to input their class schedule and it alerts you to your upcoming class. In the homework section a student’s tests, projects and assignments are available to be assigned by priority. App Price: Free gFlash One of the most popular ways to study for a big exam is to memorize terms by using f lashcards. Instead of carrying around bulky f lashcards, gFlash discreetly puts all those study terms in a convenient, easy-to-use medium. Within the app, the user is able to create their own unique set of f lashcards. With one finger swipe you are able to f lip each card to see the answer. App Price: Free

Evernote Welcome to the new generation of note taking. Evernote is a high-tech solution to the built-in iPhone app notes. As well as taking regular notes, the app is multifunctional. It allows users to take pictures, record audio, email notes and map their location. Sometimes it can be difficult to get the built-in camera to focus on a document, but this app has an ability to transform the picture with their Page Camera. The app also allows the user to search the note for a highlighted word, much like searching for a specific phrase in a Word document. App Price: Free Dictionary and Thesaurus Sometimes finding the right word to use in a paper can be tedious. Instead of cracking open a dictionary and searching through the list words, download Dictionary. com’s mobile dictionary and thesaurus app. The app also translates several languages. App Price: Free

Courtesy of Apple Applications as seen on-screen.

There is such promise and excitement at the start of every new academic year. As classes begin, I wish all of our new and returning Titans the very best for a successful, rewarding semester. Cal State Fullerton has so much to offer, so get involved and make the most of every moment. I look forward to seeing you on campus throughout the semester! ~ President Mildred García



Getting REC’D at the Student Recreation Center is an opportunity to receive all the benefits of choosing a healthy lifestyle and putting yourself first on the “to-do” list every day. Whether you are looking to get in shape, join a team, try a new class, get CPR certified, or just relax by the pool... the SRC is the place to get REC’D!



Each semester 40 hours of Drop-In Fitness Classes are offered at no additional

Come try the Rock Wall your first time for free! Classes are offered to teach climbing

charge to SRC members. Fall 2013 brings a variety of Cardio Classes, Guts, Butts,

and safety basics. Open Climb hours and Special Events are also available.

& Thighs, Hip-Hop, Martial Arts Fitness, Pilates, Titan Cycle, Yoga, Zumba, and more!

FALL 2013 HOURS Monday – Thursday: 6am - Midnight


Friday: 6am - 10pm Saturday – Sunday: 11am - 10pm

For a nominal fee, learn something new from one of our experienced instructors, get CPR certified, or get some 1-on-1 training from one of our Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialists. Opportunities this fall include: Ballet, Belly Dancing, Boot Camp, CPR Certification, Dance Funk, Jazz, Kobudo, Mixed Martial Arts, Muay Thai Kickboxing, No-Gi Grappling, Performance Swim, Personal Training, Salsa, Spin to Fitness, Swing/Lindy Hop, Tap Dancing, Titan Bag Workout, and More!

CSUF STUDENT MEMBERSHIP No Additional Fees Required (Paid through ASI/TSC Fees)

STUDENT RECREATION CENTER FACILITIES 35 ft. Rock Wall, Cardio Room, Indoor Jogging Track,


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Opportunities to participate are offered on a competitive or recreational level.


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TUESDAY 3, 2013


Affordable electronic gadgets Keep up on the latest tech trends with devices from Google and Nintendo ERIC GANDARILLA Daily Titan

The two syllable, five letter word that college students can all agree they need more of: money. Students enter college in hopes of one day walking alongside a busy professional, suitwearing crowd on Wall Street, for example, making a lot of money. But thanks to the high cost of tuition, books and general college-life expenses, students don’t have a lot of this so called “money” lining in their pockets. It’s the 21st century. Keeping up with the latest electronic gadgets has almost become a

necessity. Fortunately, not every new piece of technology that comes out is going to cost you an arm and a leg. 5. Chromebook

Courtesy of MCT Laptops are somewhat of an essential to a student’s life nowadays. Students need something that they can research and write their papers on but still

carry around during their hectic schedules. Most classes even allow their students to write their notes using a laptop. So as long as note-taking, paper-writing and web-browsing are enough features in a laptop to warrant a “buy” then the Chromebook might be the right choice. The Chromebook is a $249 laptop. In order to offer this low price there are a couple things that it sacrifices. Most notably is its operating system, it runs Chrome OS which is pretty much the same as the Chrome web browser. This means that it won’t be able to run a lot of programs that students may be familiar with. It comes with 16GB of internal solid state memory, which

isn’t a lot but the SSD component will make it boot up super quick. Along with the internal memory, the laptop also comes with 100GB of cloud space in order to supplement the small internal memory. 4. Freedompop

Courtesy of MCT Freedompop isn’t so much a device, as it is a service. Basically, it’s free internet.

In order to sign up for it you need to buy one of their devices that’ll give you their 4G signal. There are three purchasing options, with each varying in price. The cheapest one is priced at $39. This includes a USB dongle that’ll transmit their signal to any device with a USB port. The other two both serve as hotspots so it’ll be useful for any devices you might have that don’t have a USB port. One of them is a portable pocket-sized version that costs $89 while the other is a bigger “for-home-use” version that costs $50. After you receive any of the three devices in the mail, you’ll have 500MB of free 4G internet every month. If you feel like you need more, you can pay for extra data.


THE DAILY TITAN There are three purchasing options, with each varying in price. The cheapest one is priced at $39. This includes a USB dongle that’ll transmit their signal to any device with a USB port. The other two both serve as hotspots so it’ll be useful for any devices you might have that don’t have a USB port. One of them is a portable pocket-sized version that costs $89 while the other is a bigger “for-home-use” version that costs $50. After you receive any of the three devices in the mail, you’ll have 500MB of free 4G internet every month. If you feel like you need more, you can pay for extra data. 3. Chromecast This device should be useful to anyone who has an HDTV along with a tablet, smartphone, laptop or desktop. After you plug this little dongle into an available HDMI port on your TV, you’ll


Courtesy of MCT be able to stream media from your devices onto your television. So instead of having to watch your favorite YouTube videos or Netf lix movies on your small phone or tablet screen, you can watch it on a big screen TV. As an added bonus, Chromecast also allows you to display any website tab you have open on your desktop browser through your TV, as long as you’re using Chrome. Unfortunately, the only big name services that currently support Chromecast are You-

Tube, Google Play and Netf lix. Anything else you want to stream will have to be through Chrome. This will work, it just won’t be optimized. But hopefully more companies will add official support in the coming months. Although for $35, the Chromecast is still a great deal. 2. Nintendo 2DS The Nintendo 2DS is pretty much a 3DS minus one or two things. Given the difference in names, it shouldn’t be too hard to guess that instead of having a 3D display like the 3DS, it’ll

Courtesy of MCT

TUESDAY 3, 2013

instead have a 2D one. From a personal account, that really won’t be a huge loss. Many times I forgot that I even have a 3D slider. Instead of sharing the 3DS’ foldable book-like body, the 2DS will have a f lat slate like design. Apart from that it’s still the same device, it’ll play any of the new 3DS games that come out. You’ll save $40 if you buy the 2DS instead of the 3DS. The only real downside is that it’s not out yet. It’s set to release on Oct. 12 at the cost of $129.99. 1. Nexus 7 FHD Sometimes a phone screen just isn’t big enough. For people who want a decent tablet, but don’t want to spend a crazy amount of money in order to get one, this year’s Nexus 7 is a bang for your buck. It’s on the smaller end of the tablet size spectrum at 7 inches. But even still, you’ll still get a good tablet experi-


Courtesy of MCT ence from it. This is the second iteration of the Nexus 7 and with a new model comes plenty of upgrades. Its full HD display with a 1920 x 1200 resolution proves to have the best resolution out of any 7-inch tablet on the market. The Nexus 7 has a faster new and improved processor and still keeps its great nine to 10 hour battery life. But one of it’s best feature is it’s price. The base model which is the 16GB version starts at $230.

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