Clubs and organizations guide fall 2008

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The Daily Titan’s Fall 2008 Clubs and Organizations Guide



Clubs & Organizations 10.02.08

Campus Clubs

Physics Club, CSUF Pi Kappa Phu Fraternity Pilipino American Student Association Pre-Law Society President’s Scholar Student Association Primatology Students Association Professional in Human Resources Association-CSUF Psi Chi Psychology Honor Society Psychology Department Student Association Public Relations Student Society of America

and Organizations


Acacia Accounting Society African Americans in Science Afro-Ethnic Student Association Alliance of Students for an Equal Education Alpha & Omega International Student Association Alpha Chi Omega Sorority Alpha Delta Pi Sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Alpha Kappa Delta Sociology Honors Society Alpha Phi Sigma Criminal Justice Honor Society American Choral Directors Association American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics American Marketing Association American Psychological Society Student Caucus American Society of Civil Engineers American Society of Mechanical Engineers American Studies Student Association Anthropology Student Association Archery American Student Organization Arts Inter-Club Council As You Like Shakespeare Society Asian Pacific Islander Student Association Association de Alumnos y Ex-Alumnos de Espanol Association for Computer Machinery Association of Information Technology Professions


Ballet Folklorico de CSUF Beta Alpha Psi Business & Financial Information Honor Society Beta Upsilon Delta Fraternity Biology Club Biology Graduate Students Club Biotechnology Interdisciplinary Student Association Black Women in Psychology Business Inter-Club Council


C.S.U.F. Ad Club Cal State Fullerton .NET User Group Cal State Fullerton LULAC Young Adults Cal State University Fullerton Outdoors Club California State University Fullerton Cycling Club Cambodian Student Association Campus Compassion Crew Campus Conservation Society Campus Crusade for Christ Campus Greens Campus Outreach Ceramics Club, CSUF Chi Sigma Phi Sorority Child and Adolescent Studies Student Association Children’s Center Parent & Friends Committee Christian Students Circle K International College Democrats, CSUF College Legal Clinic Committee College of Health and Human Development Inter-Club Council College Republicans, CSUF CommGrads Comparative Religion Student Association Coptic Orthodox Christian Club of CSUF Council of Honor Societies Counterfeit Productions Creative Writing Club Cricket Club, CSUF CSUF Moot Court Association CSUF Students for Barack Obama


Daily Titan Delta Sigma Chi Co-Ed Fraternity Delta Sigma Pi Co-Ed Business Fraternity Delta Zeta Sorority

Queer Straight Alliance Real Estate Association Resident Student Association Roots and Shoots, CSUF

By MICHAEL THIELE/Daily Titan Photo Editor


Economics Association Education Inter Club Council Engineering & Computer Science Inter-Club Council Entertainment & Tourism Club Environmental Action & Advocacy Committee Equestrian Team, CSUF Eta Kappa Nu Electrical & Computer Engineering Honor Society Eta Sigma Gamma Professional Health Education Honorary European Studies Society


Finance Association Flying Samaritans at CSUF Freshman Programs Student Association Fullerton University Artists Future Business Leaders of America-Phil Beta Lamba


Kappa Omicron Nu Honor Society for the Human Sciences Kappa Pi International Honorary At Fraternity Kinesiology & Health Science Student Association Korea Campus Crusade for Christ


Lacrosse Club, CSUF Lamba Alpha Anthropology Honor Society Lamba Sigma Gamma Sorority Lamba Theta Alpha Latin Sorority Lamba Theta Phi Latin Fraternity Latin American Studies Student Association Latino Businesses Student Association Leo Club of CSU, Fullerton Liberal Studies Student Association Library & Information Science Students to Encourage Networking Linguistics Student Association


Gamma Iota Sigma Gamma Phi Beta Sorority Geography Club Geology Club, CSUF Golden Key International Honour Society Graduate Counseling Student Association Graphic Design Club Greeks Advocating Mature Management of Alcohol

Math Club Mesa Coorperativa Middle Eastern Student Society Model United Nations Movimiento Estudiantil Chicana/o de Aztlan Mu Phi Epsilon Music Honor Society Multi-Cultural Greek Council Muslim Student Association

Habesha Club Hermanas Unidas de CSUF Hip Hop Congress Hispanic Scholarship Fund History Student Association Honors Student Advisory Committee Hot Glass Club, CSUF Human Services Student Association Humanities and Social Science Inter-Club Council

National Leadership Honor Society National Pan-Hellenic Council National Society of Black Engineers National Society of Collegiate Scholars National Student Speech Language Hearing Association Natural Science and Mathematics Inter-Club Council Newman Catholic Club, CSUF Nursing Students Association



India International Club Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers Computer Society Institute of Navigation at CSUF Instrumentation, Systems & Automation Society Inter-Fraternity Council Inter-Tribal Student Council Intervarisity Christian Fellowship Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Japanese Anime Club Japanese Culture Circle


K Kappa Omega Counseling Honor Society



Omega Psi Phi Fraternity One by One Order of Omega Greek Honor Society


Pan-Hellenic Council Peer Health University Network Pencil Mileage Club Persian Student Association Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society Phi Beta Delta Phi Kappa Tau Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity Philosophy Club


Schools for Schools Sigma Delta Alpha Fraternity Sigma Delta Pi Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Sigma Kappa Society Sigma Nu Fraternity Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity Sigma Tau Delta Sistertalk Society for the Advancement of Chicano/Latinos and Native Americans in Science Society of Automotive Engineers Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists Society of Museum Associates Society of Professional Journalists Society of Women Engineers South Pacific Islander Cultural Association Sports Club Inter-Club Council of the Associated Students, CSUF Student Athlete Advisory Committee Student California Teachers Association Student Chapter of the Council Of exceptional children Student Health Professions Association Student Managed Investment Fund Student Organizations Accessing Resources/Commun Student Science Alliance Students for Peace and Social Justice Symphony Orchestra Student Association


Taiwanese Student Association Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Club Tennis Club at CSUF The House on Campus Theta Delta Beta Third Wave Feminist Club Titan Archaeology Club Titan Golf Club TV Film Society, The Ultimate Frisbee, CSUF University Honors Society University Praise


Video Games Design Club Vietnamese Catholic Student Association Vietnamese Student Association Visual Anthropology Club Volleyball Club, CSUF Volunteer and Service Center Student Association


Water Polo, CSUF Women’s Studies Student Association Wushu Club, CSUF Young Entrepreneur Society Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority




Clubs and Organizations Guide

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF David Carrillo

Dempsey, Christian Brown, Dhawani Parekh, Skyler Blair

PAGE DESIGNER David Carrillo


COPY EDITORS Karl Zynda, Luis Delgadillo, Austen Montero, Michal Olszewski


PHOTO EDITOR Michael Thiele


WRITERS Jackie Connor, Crysania Salcido, Kelly Lamb, Jennifer Tat, Amy


Editorial 714.278.4415 / Editorial Fax 714.278.4473 / Advertising 714.278.3373 Advertising Fax 714.278.2702 The Back to School Guide, a student publication, is a supplemental insert for the Cal State Fullerton Daily Titan. It is printed once every semester. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students Inc., the College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSU system. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. Copyright ©2007 Daily Titan



Student Organization Resource Center connects students to clubs SORC is a great way for CSUF students to learn how to get involved on campus by dhawani parekh

Daily Titan Staff Writer

Students can choose from over 250 organizations to participate in, or they can even create their own club catering to their interests. What can be difficult is choosing the right one and figuring out how exactly to join. To maneuver through the maze of information visit the Student Organization Resource Center, the campus resource designed to help students get involved, located in Titan Student Union’s room 245. It’s primary goal is to inform students on how and where to get involved with clubs and organizations. Along with that, the SORC helps students choose an organization that fits their needs and helps them develop skills students cannot get in class. “We try to develop a student holistically in their academic and personal life,” said Esiquio Uballe, Associate Dean of Students for Student Life. “By helping students find a balance in their life, it helps them develop a sense of social consciousness, which they take in and apply it to the community.” The SORC works with the Dean of Students Office, Volunteer and Service Center, student clubs and organizations and club sports. By working with all the different areas, the SORC informs the students of the different opportunities available to them. Some areas of interests that students can participate in are councils and boards, cultural groups, academic departments, faith, Greek life, honor societies, political and social action, recreation, service, special interests and sports. And these are only the broader areas.

“The SORC does an amazing job training. So when they graduate, by helping us get connected with they have a set of skills that will put other clubs, getting us resources and them ahead in life,” Uballe said. “In facilities needed for our sports club real life, nowadays, you need expeand supports the clubs,” said Randy rience to get a job, so we give that Mathis, a political science major experience to students.” and the vice president of the Sports As students become more acClub Inter-Club tive, they can Council. record their inThe SORC volvement and has information their experience about each of through the A the groups. They Co-Curricular host Discoverfest, Education prowhich is a two gram. This proday fair where orgram allows stuganizations come dents to track out and have a their involvechance to recruit ment in and out new members of the classroom. and inform stu“I just started dents about their using it and have group. They also become a firm do resource fairs, believer in ACE. promotional fairs I believe it is and go to freshone of the best man orientation programs there,” to get students –Esiquio Uballe, Mathis said. familiar with the So when a Associate Dean of SORC and make student is about Students for Student Life them aware of to graduate and the opportunities is applying for a available. job, grad school “My job is to answer questions, or internship, they can use this prohelp run the office, schedule stu- gram as part of their resume. Ultidents for workshops and provide mately, students put their achievethem any information they need,” ments together and identify the type Elizabeth Kuo, a student worker at of skills they have developed, which the SORC, said. will help them in their future. The SORC focuses on helping “This program was started last students develop their skills, Ub- year and so for there has been a good alle said. By joining organizations, turnout of students joining it,” said students will learn to develop their Jamaar Walker, who created the proskills in leadership, communication, gram and is the assistant coordinateamwork and socializing. Students tor of Student Life. “I am constantly also learn to take on responsibilities, meeting with students everyday and plan and coordinate events and de- advising them one-on-one.” velop confidence in themselves. For more information about how “By being involved, it is like stu- to get involved, visit www.fullerton. dents are getting an on (the) job edu/clubs_and_orgs.

We try to develop a student holistically in their academic and personal life. By helping students find a balance in their life, it helps them develop a sense of social consciousness, which they take in and apply it to the community.

Daily Titan

Clubs & Organizations 10.02.08

How to start a club on campus Starting a club at CSUF contributes to the college experience by christian brown

Daily Titan Staff Writer

With more than 250 student clubs and organizations present on campus, Cal State Fullerton aspires to change its commuter image by encouraging students to join a club

or start one of their own. This semester, the Student Organization Resource Center (SORC), which offers students information regarding clubs and organizations on campus, received more than 200 applications from students interested in forming new clubs. Maricela Alvarado, coordinator of Student Life Programs and Services, works to inspire students to get involved on campus and enhance their college experience by participating in a club.

“When students go to job interviews, employers will look for experience,” Alvarado said. “Students involved in our clubs and organizations can write agendas, plan events and bring other skills to the table.” With a diverse group of clubs available on campus, participation can take the form of designing a video game or serving the community through volunteer efforts. Each semester Student Life ProSee CLUBS, Page 7



Clubs & Organizations 10.02.08

Sailing Club teaches students the ropes Club has fun making its new members earn their sea legs by Crysania Salcido

Daily Titan Staff Writer

Photos By Ramzi Ibrahim/For the Daily Titan Sailors from all over Southern California enjoy a day of sailing on the calm waters of Long Beach Harbor. The Cal State Fullerton Sailing Club rents capri’s to take its club members out on the water, some of whom are sailing for the first time, to both relax and have fun.

offer help for students who want to with students who can’t make the join but have no experience sailing. on-campus meetings. “Ultimately we want to move “Even if people can’t attend the the club to a competitive racing meetings, we understand that,” Santeam,” Cardoza said. “But initially tiago said. “We’re all students and while we’re not we’re all busy, competing and so if they want we’re just rentmore informaing the boats, we tion they can can teach people talk to us. We’ll how to sail.” be more than Once more happy to give people begin them informacoming to the – Krystal Santiago, tion.” meetings, SantiSanitago also Sailing Club Viceago and Cardoza said that the President said that the club club is lookwould like to ing to get on start going out every Saturday. They the marquee in the student portal want to get students excited about so that students can see upcoming sailing and are very willing to work meetings and events.

It’s not just sitting in a boat. You are actually doing it and you are actually sailing.

When people think of sailing, some imagine large yachts going long distances. The Cal State Fullerton Sailing Club, however, shows the more fun side of the sport. The Sailing Club rents a 14-foot capri that Club President Arjun Cardoza said requires about two people to operate; one to work the main sail and the tiller, and the other to work the smaller sail, or jib. The sport requires balance and coordination to keep the small boat from tipping over, and that’s what Club Vice-President Krystal Santiago said is the most fun about it. “It’s not just sitting in a boat. You’re actually doing it and you’re actually sailing,” Santiago said. As a newer club that was officially recognized on campus in the spring semester, the Sailing Club is working on encouraging students to come out and give sailing a chance. They are currently meeting on Wednesdays at 5 p.m. on campus, but have also been able to go out to the Long Beach Sailing Center a couple of times. Cardoza said that while they’ve only taken about five people out so far, they have had good reactions. “The moment people get out there and see that it’s fun, then the word should spread pretty fast,” Arjun Cardoza said. Club member David Cooley said that being a newer club makes it harder for the Sailing Club to spread word, but he hopes to gain some experience when it’s his turn to go out during the next trip. “I’m hoping to learn the basics of sailing,” Cooley said. As of right now, Cardoza said the Sailing Club is renting boats from the Long Beach Sailing Center and are going out there every other Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. He also said that the club is willing to

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By Douglas kim/For the Daily Titan Members of CSUF’s WuShu Club poses for a group photo in room 202 of the Kinesiology Building.

Clubs & Organizations 10.02.08


CSUF Wushu Club kicks students butt Ancient martial art comes to CSUF to teach students self-defense in a fun environment

“I am Chinese and I wanted to identify with my own culture,” said Tommy Leng, who graduated in 2005 with a business marketing degree. The words “Kung Fu” literally means a skill learned over a period of time, whereas “Wu” means marby jackie connor tial and “shu” means art, according Daily Titan Staff Writer to Chen. There are two major styles of There is a not-so-new club on Wushu, one being long fist and the campus and they are waiting for other known as southern fist. some new members. Long fist consists of flashy aerial The Cal State Fullerton Wushu movements, a lot of front kicks and Club, founded in 1997 by Phil a fancy move known as the “butChen, is based on terfly horizontal Chinese martial twist.” arts practices. Southern With only a fist consist of handful of mema strong stance bers, the club and floor movewelcomes beginments. ners and the most “Wushu is advanced martial about flexibility, artists. speed and pow“Wushu and er,” said Douglas Kung Fu are the Kim, the Wushu same martial art club president form,” said Phil and kinesiology Chen, founder major. and faculty staff Values and – Phil Chen, advisor for the style vary from WuShu Club advisor club. different culWhen Chen tures. was 14 years old, he developed a “The standards between Chinese passionate interest towards this art athletics and American athletics form. are very distinguishable,” Kim said. When Chen, now an alumnus, “The government pays for everycame to CSUF, he wondered why thing in China because that is their there was no class or club dedicated life.” to this highly popular Chinese marIn the spring 2007 semester, the tial art. Wushu club put on a demonstration Chen was on the United States of the art form in the Quad in front Wushu team in 1999 competing of the library. in Hong Kong and again in 2001 “We gained a couple of people competing in Armenia. who are our current members,” Kim Chen not only started the club, said. “It was a big success.” but he also taught several classes, The club meets every Tuesday including the one-unit Wushu class from 7-8:30 p.m. in Kinesiology that is offered to students as Kinesi- 202 and is open to anyone who is ology 153. interested, regardless of their level of “In China, it is a national sport,” experience. Chen said. “Every province has “When we’re in that room worktheir own team and they spend their ing, everyone has different values, whole lives training to be the best.” creeds and beliefs,” Chen said. “But This 5,000-year-old tradition is we put aside those petty differences an art and physical activity practiced and come together in a spirit of coamong some of today’s elite martial operation.” artists, such as Jackie Chan and Jet The Wushu Club meetings conLi, according to Chen. sist of 15 to 20 minutes of warmIn China many who take on up stretching and running and then Wushu attend prestigious sports move on to learning a series of kickacademies and pursue this practice ing drills and various body moveas a full-time career. ments.

When we are in that room working, everyone has different values, creeds and beliefs. But we put aside those petty differences and come together in a spirit of cooperation.



Clubs & Organizations 10.02.08

College Republicans aim to inform


Club’s activity encourages all students to get involved in campaigns and political issues regardless of their political affiliations and beliefs by jennifer tat

Daily Titan Staff Writer

For students looking for a way to be more involved on campus as well as get politically aware, the Cal State Fullerton College of Republicans is a great option. One of the main goals of the club is to educate and get people to be aware of the issues, said Kelly Kim, 18, the Chair of the club. “We’re not here to persuade, but we want people to be informed of the issues that affect us,” Kim said. The club meets every Monday at 12 p.m. for about an hour in the Stearns room in the Titan Student Union, Kim said. Stephen Chang, the club’s vicechair, said students who want to join do not have to have any sort of political knowledge, much less

know if they are a Democrat or Republican. “More than half our members don’t really know if they’re a Democrat or Republican,” Chang said. “These are the best people to have though because they’re open to discussions and ideas.” So far meetings have consisted of increasing voter registration and helping to raise funds for local political campaigns, Kim said. “We are working closely with Congressman (Edward) Royce and (Fullerton Mayor Pro Tem) Dick Jones’ campaigns,” Kim said. “We also plan to attend the California Republican Convention in Anaheim.” Students also have firsthand experience of meeting local congressmen up close

and personal, Chang said. “We had Jones speak during one of the meetings,” Chang said. “He was there for about two hours, and the students who were there got to talk to him one-on-one.”

Since this is an election year, the club is doing several things to raise awareness, Kim said. Kim said the club is collaborating with the College of Democrats and the Associated Students Incorporated to continue hosting the debate viewings. Matt Schenk, the club’s treasurer, said they also plan on having voter drives in the weeks leading up to the election. The club’s members are also looking for the candidates to discuss issues that affect college students during debates. “I’m curious to see what the candidates will talk about regard-

ing the war and our financial situation. I think these are the biggest concerns that directly affect students,” Chang said. Stephanie Benvenuto, a 21 yearold member of the club, has had her views solidified by the club. “My biggest issue is the economy, personal rights and affirmative action,” Benvenuto said. “The club is what solidified my conservative views. It’s a good place to hear about issues based on Republican ideology.” Schenk said that the club is open to all people looking for lively discussion and another way to get involved on campus. “Students should join if they like a good debate, or want to stay informed on the issues that impact us most,” Schenk said. “It serves a very different purpose than say a fraternity or a sorority.”

Frisbee club looks forward to fun competition Ultimate Frisbee is a combination of football and soccer, but with a flying disc by skyler blair

Daily Titan Staff Writer

If action and adventure peek your interest, Cal State Fullerton Ultimate Frisbee Club Treasurer Dustin Harrison says to check out team OBang.

Ultimate Frisbee is a growing sport with participants who share a strong spirit of sportsmanship and competition. Team O-Bang, the name of the CSUF club team, will begin practicing Tuesday between 6 and 8 p.m. on the intramural field on campus. If you’re not familiar with Ultimate Frisbee, it can be summed up as a combination of soccer and football, but played with a disc. Teams score by passing the disc up the field until a player catches it in the opposite team’s end zone and

scores a point. Tournament rules can be more specific, but the best way to learn is to get out and play for yourself. The club was started in 2005 but not officially recognized by CSUF until the spring of 2006. All members are registered with the Ultimate Players Association, which has an annual fee of $30. It allows them to compete in tournaments (mostly in the spring) and have results posted on the UPA’s Web site, The club’s president, 21-year-old

business marketing major Ryan Johnson, said he is optimistic about the team’s latest roster. He said that it is an extremely new team, with approximately 60 percent of its members new to the club this year. They were able to sign up 15 students during the club recruitment last week on campus, Johnson said. Dustin Harrison, a 22-year-old biology major, was out in front of the club’s booth recommending Ultimate Frisbee to passers-by. “Ultimate Frisbee requires agility and finesse,” Harrison said. “And

it’s a self-officiating game, so you have to make the right call.” To play for the CSUF club, players need football or soccer cleats and an O-Bang team jersey. The club uses the UPA standard Discraft 175 gram Ultra-Star Ultimate Disc during practices. It is a versatile disc with a steady flight and perfect for the varying throwing techniques, such as the backhand, flick or hammer throw. Team O-Bang meets twice a week to practice, which includes See FRISBEE, Page 7

Brittany Lietz didn’t think that indoor tanning could hurt her. She didn’t know UV light from indoor tanning can actually increase your risk of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. Brittany, a frequent indoor tanner since she was 17, was diagnosed with melanoma when she was 20. She is a melanoma survivor, but current estimates show that one person dies from melanoma about every hour. Don’t be one of them. Indoor tanning is out.

To read Brittany’s skin cancer story or to learn more about protecting your skin go to


Clubs & Organizations 10.02.08

College Democrats get out the vote


The Cal State Fullerton chapter of the club is determined to make an impact on this year’s election with the help of eager new members by kelly lamb

Daily Titan Staff Writer

The College Democrats are a political club at Cal State Fullerton determined to get the youth of America to vote and make a difference in the upcoming election. Stephen Stambough, the club’s advisor at CSUF, said that the club’s mission is to enhance opportunities for students to become a part of the democratic system. He also said that finding a way for students to get involved is the ultimate goal of the College Democrats. Getting the word out and getting young people to the polls is what drives the club.

“I take more of a hands-off approach,” Stambough said. “I think that the students should learn a lot of these things for themselves.” Stambough lets the students take the wheel so they can make a real difference in the political climate by learning with his assistance and making their own judgements. “Our goal is to get Democrats elected in California,” Christine Smith, the Executive Vice President of the California chapters of the College Democrats, said. Club members from all over California are going to Nevada at the beginning of October in order to help Sen. Barack Obama in the critical election swing state, Smith said. They will be precinct walking and

spending time with fellow College Democrats in order to try and turn the habitually red state blue. The College Democrat’s Web site ex-

presses a clear goal in regards to their trip to Nevada: “This year we are making history all over the country, stu-

dents are mobilized and energized and want to make the

difference.” The club has somewhere between 700-1,000 members in California and is a part of 23 college campuses statewide, according to Smith.

“Candidates for president ignore (the youth’s) potential and their communications channels at their peril,” Ben Goddard, a political consultant quoted on the College Democrats of California Web site, said. This club is founded and run on the basis that those who say the youth of American are disinterested in politics are wrong and they aim to prove that. These Democrats want to make a difference in the upcoming general election and every following election, no matter its size. Their commitment makes it seem like a possibility that the young people of America could be a key demographic in this rapidly-approaching election.

clubs: Student involvment From Page 3

grams co-hosts Discoverfest, a twoday fair that showcases cultural, departmental, recreational, religious, Greek and special interest clubs and organizations. During this event, clubs gather in the Quad to recruit new members and inform students of their mission. As president of the Latin sorority Lambda Theta Alpha, Yesenia Salcido, 21, hopes other students on campus will participate and learn in the process. “By joining a club you get to meet new people and build lifelong connections,” Salcido said in a telephone interview. “Getting involved can teach you to be a leader and it helps you acquire vital skills.” For those interested in starting their own club or organization, an online application must be completed. Along with the application, new student organizations must have

five members who are students currently enrolled at CSUF. Student clubs and organizations also need a president and treasurer who maintain a 2.0 GPA and a CSUF advisor, who is a full-time or part-time faculty or staff member. Alvarado serves as a club adviser and understands the role that advisers play in helping to keep the clubs cohesive and productive. “As an adviser I help with budgeting, event planning and offer support as a conflict mediator,” Alvarado explained. “Students can choose anyone they want as an adviser, including professors and supervisors.” Before a club or organization can be established, a constitution must also be drafted that lays out the group’s purpose, guidelines and leadership. As the Assistant Coordinator of Student Life Programs and Services, Jamaar Walker works closely with club leaders and believes that participating in a club can take students to new levels of professional

growth. “As students get involved there is the opportunity to develop and demonstrate those skills in, what I call, the arena,” Walker said. “In the arena, you can apply those skills such as effective communication, managing relationships and delegating duties.” Walker also supervises the Sports Club Interclub Council, the governing body for all sports clubs, such as lacrosse and achery. “They are increasing. I’m seeing them grow,” Walker said. “Last year we had nine clubs and now we’re at twenty. It’s important to me that they develop.” Alvarado agrees that as the roster of student clubs grows, it will quell impressions that CSUF lacks a vibrant campus life. “We want to get away from thinking that CSUF is a commuter campus,” Alvarado said. “We’ve got school spirit. We just have to make students feel a part of the university.”

FRISBEE: friends and rivals From Page 6

scrimmaging and running plays. The team has several different plays, including the Vertical Stack and the Moses. These plays come in handy when playing other experienced clubs such as their biggest competitor, Long Beach State’s club team. “We’re all good friends, but games are always close,” Johnson

said about the rivalry with the Long Beach State Stalkers. “Almost every game goes to overtime.” The club also spends time holding fundraising events for support. One fundraiser last year was held at the Rockin’ Taco Cantina, from which a portion of proceeds went towards team O-Bang. The funds help pay for the team to take road trips for two to three

days to participate in tournaments in places such as Santa Barbara and Las Vegas. The people on this year’s team look forward to a promising season and can always use fellow Titans to cheer them on. Tuesday is the first day of practice for those interested in playing a fun new sport and meeting other CSUF students.



Clubs & Organizations 10.02.08

Welcome to the Greek community Fraternities and sororities offer students a positive way to get involved by amy dempsey

Daily Titan Staff Writer

For anyone looking to get involved with clubs and organizations on the Cal State Fullerton campus, being a member of the Greek community allows an individual to play an active role in philanthropy, fundraisers and be part of a close-knit group. “Generally, Greek life is about developing well-rounded individuals, promoting camaraderie and allowing them to become involved in their school and community,” said Gus Nuno, president of Delta Chi. “When we do community service projects, it is also a great way to represent our school and organization.” Delta Chi’s members pride themselves on four core values; character, justice, education and friendship. According to Nuno, Greek organizations are the biggest contributors to Camp Titan, Associated Students Inc.’s philanthropy program that

helps local disadvantaged kids experience an outdoor summer camp. There are requirements for being in a sorority or fraternity. “Being involved with sororities or fraternities is a big commitment,” Nick Katz, Greek Life Coordinator said. “Other than fun things like mixers, socials and fundraising events, members are held to the GPA requirements and monthly fees.” The fees do not include the cost of rent if a student chose to live in a fraternity or sorority house, Katz said. Gamma Phi Beta is a sorority from the Panhellenic Council. Suzanne Cohen is the president of the chapter, which encourages strong leadership skills, confidence and a support system for all of its members. “With stereotypes and misconceptions aside, Greek life has so many positive things to offer such as philanthropy and being involved with other student organizations,” Cohen said. “I wish more people would give it a chance. They might find that they actually like being Greek.” According to Nuno and Cohen, the best way to get involved with

By Michael Thiele/Daily Titan Photo Editor The outside of the Sigma Phi Epsilon house, a Cal State Fullerton Greek fraternity located along “Frat Row.”

any of the Greek councils is to go through fall recruitment. “It’s really important that everyone is true to themselves during recruitment,” Cohen said. “That is the only way someone will find that chapter that suits them best.”

CSUF’s Greek community consists of four diverse councils. The Panhellenic Council, which has six chapters for women, and the Interfraternity Council, that has five chapters for men are the traditional Greek Councils. The Multi-cultural

Greek Council has ten groups that consist of Latino, Asian, multi-cultural groups and one coed group. The National Pan-Hellenic Council has eight chapters of primarily African American students, according to Katz.

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