Daily Titan: Monday, March 15, 2010

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March 15, 2010

Vol. 87 Issue 20

Spring Break Guide: Tips and tricks to having a good week away from school SEE SPECIAL-SECTION INSERT


Titan basketball comes up empty in Big West Tournaments SPORTS, Page 6

KIDS THESE DAYS: Growing up is hard to do, but not that hard OPINION, Page 4

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

Powwow celebrates culture Students save

professor’s job

By Christine Amarantus

Daily Titan Editor at Large news@dailytitan.com

PHOTO By christine amarantus /Daily Titan Editor at Large Adorned with feathers, beads and porcupine fur, a young Native American performs a fancy dance during Grand Entry at Cal State Long Beach’s 39th Annual Pow Wow in 2009.

Eagle feathers floated in the spring-like breeze while a vivid assortment of brightlycolored ribbons, furs, beads and shawls whirled in the air, making up the clothing of a sea of energetically dancing Native Americans. Representing many different tribes from all over the United States, they participated in inter-tribal dances and competitions at Cal State Long Beach’s 40th Annual Pow Wow, March 13-14. The free event allowed people of all cultures to celebrate Native American heritage by observing the dances, indulging in some fry bread or hearing a story passed down through generations of Chumash, a tribe native to Southern California. Southern straight dancer Kelly Yackytooahnipah was among the many who came to take part in the powwow, decked out in traditional clothing with a porcupine headdress and an otter tail extending down his back. He said he has been coming to CSULB’s powwow since 1970. “It’s in my blood. I’m Comanche,” he said “It’s what I do. It’s what I am. I’ve been dancing since I was able to walk. I dance at powwows all over the United States.” Yackytooahnipah addressed his dual-identity; a balancing act between modern society and embracing his culture’s traditions. “I walk the thin line of being Native American and living in society here in Orange County,” he said. “I grew up here in Orange County, I’ve worked for Toyota for 21 years ... and on my off time I come to the powwows and dance and be who I am.” Cal State Fullerton students from the Inter-Tribal Student Council (ITSC) came to CSULB’s powwow to promote their own taking place in a couple weeks. ITSC President Anna Tiger, 19, said CSUF’s powwow, like CSULB’s, will have inter-tribal dancing so everyone from different backgrounds can get involved.

photo Courtesy John Leighton Professor Joe Cariati (right) assists students in his glass-blowing class.

By Jennifer Karmarkar Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

In the face of budget cuts, art department students recently took matters into their own hands by raising funds to hire back a popular professor and saving a critical class in the ceramics/glass department. Students were told late last fall that adjunct professor Joe Cariati would not return for the spring semester and his upper-division glassblowing class would be cut from the program. John Grace, 55, an extension student in Cariati’s class, was taken aback when he heard about the layoff. “Joe is an outstanding teacher,” Grace said. “He’s a unique teaching resource and I was amazed they would allow him to leave.”

See POWWOW, Page 3

Residents meet with two local politicians By Jennifer Karmarkar Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

A rare sunny Saturday and the chance to talk to Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (D-47) and Fullerton Mayor Pro Tem Pam Keller brought around 100 people to a campaign kickoff in the Maple neighborhood of Fullerton March 13. Both candidates used the opportunity to talk about the issues facing residents, register new voters and canvas the 3-square-block neighborhood just east of Harbor Boulevard. Sanchez has served the 47th Congressional District for seven terms. Keller was elected to the city council for her first four-year term in 2006. Both are up for re-election in November. Fullerton City Council member Sharon Quirk-Silva attended to lend support to both candidates, saying that it was exciting to hold the event in the Maple neighborhood. “It’s a very established neighborhood with longtime residents and that’s the way these campaigns are won,” Quirk-Silva said. She added that Congresswoman Sanchez likes to make sure that the residents are involved and that they have a voice. Susie Dittmar, 47, lives in the Maple neighborhood and attended the event with her sister, Jill. “I’m very civic minded and I’ve never been on a walk with either Sharon (Quirk-Silva) or Pam Keller so this was a good opportunity,” she said. “I’m hoping to ask Pam about the recent gang activity and trimming some hedges along the public sidewalks.” Live rock’n roll and the smell of pizza filled the afternoon air as the crowd gathered in the front yard of homeowner Vicki Calhoun. Con-

photo By Jennifer Karmarkar/Daily Titan Staff Writer Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (D-47) speaks to the Maple neighborhood in Fullerton on March 13, Fullerton City Council member Sharon Quirk-Silva (right) also attended the campaign kick-off.

gresswoman Sanchez arrived a little after 2 p.m. and spoke to the crowd for about 10 minutes. Education was foremost in the minds of many attendees, and Sanchez focused on what she was doing to help repair California’s troubled school system. “Orange County alone got about $178 million dollars to keep the schools open but we’re not out of the woods yet,” Sanchez told supporters. “Speaker Nancy Pelosi, being a Californian, understands that our schools are in trouble here in California and we’re doing everything that we possibly can to work on getting more money into the system because we know that 92 percent of all our kids go to public schools.”

Sanchez added that she was working toward passing legislation that would improve the student loan program and increase Pell Grants, “so that Cal State Fullerton will have more money for students, teachers and programs.” That idea resonated with Fullerton resident Rose Matthews, 54, who recently earned her master’s degree in education at CSUF. “When she was talking about the Pell Grants and that they’re increasing them to Cal State Fullerton, that’s so important,” she said. “I know it was so tough for me to go to college and it’s even harder now with tuitions rising and rising to uncontrollable rates.” After the speech, Sanchez addressed concerns about the nearly $6

million dollar budget shortfall facing the city of Fullerton. “The reality is (Fullerton) has been a really well-run city. I know that as the city makes their cuts they’re going to try to eliminate those things that least affect people,” she said. “They have come to me to ask for more money for the Boys and Girls Club, more money for the Seniors Program, more money for police and fire protection as well as infrastructure projects like the train crossings. I’m going to work as hard as I can to bring back money here to Fullerton.” Later, Sanchez, Keller and about 30 campaign volunteers canvassed the neighborhood to meet homeowners and pass out information about the candidates.

See GLASS, Page 2




Americans killed in Mexico shootings

MEXICO CITY – Three people associated with the U.S. Consulate in the Mexican border city of Ciudad JuArez have been killed in drive-by shootings, U.S. officials said Sunday. Two of the dead were U.S. citizens, and the third was the Mexican spouse of a consulate employee. President Obama expressed outrage at the slayings in a statement from the White House. In response to escalating violence, the State Department told employees they could send family members and other dependents home to the U.S. from six northern Mexico cities where Washington maintains consulates. The three who were killed Saturday March 13, in broad daylight in the middle of the city, are the latest casualties in Mexico’s raging drug war, which has claimed thousands of lives in recent years.


House likely to pass health care, officials say WASHINGTON – Senior White House officials predicted Sunday that President Obama’s health care initiative will pass the House this week, and warned Republicans if they make it an issue in November elections they do so at their own political peril. “We’re happy to have the 2010 elections be about the achievement of health care reform,”said White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. “That’s a debate I think we’re obviously comfortable having.” “Make my day,” said Senior White House Political Adviser David Axelrod. “Let’s have that fight. I’m ready to have that and every member of Congress ought to be willing to have that debate as well.” But top Republicans said they were not walking away from the struggle over health care, whether it passes or fails and ultimately spills over into the midterm congressional elections.


Medical marijuana enforcement clouded by ambiguity

SAN BERNARDINO – Despite a countywide ban on marijuana dispensaries, newly formed medical marijuana “delivery services” appear to be increasingly popping up throughout San Bernardino County. On March 11 investigators with the county sheriff’s Narcotics Division busted an alleged medical marijuana delivery service in Phelan, charging the owner with maintaining a place for marijuana sales but declining to provide more details on the ongoing investigation. Aside from that bust, “the county’s not aware of any delivery services,” said county spokesman David Wert. “Not a single one.” But a quick online search pulls up active phone numbers and locations of dozens of self-proclaimed delivery services operating in San Bernardino County, including several in the Victor Valley. Multiple individuals who answered the phone lines to marijuana “delivery services” listed online said they were complying with the guidelines as best they could.

For the Record It is the policy of the Daily Titan to correct any inaccurate information printed in the publication as soon as the error is discovered. Any incorrect information printed on the front page will result in a correction printed on the front page. Any incorrect information printed on any other page will be corrected on page 2. Errors on the Opinion page will be corrected on that page. Corrections also will be noted on the online version of the Daily Titan. Please contact Executive Editor Sergio Cabaruvias at 657-278-5815 or at execeditor@dailytitan.com with issues about this policy or to report any errors.

Daily Titan Editorial

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March 15, 2010

Students ‘Rally Against Hate’ By Brenna Phillips

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Associated Students Inc. and the Association for Intercultural Awareness (AICA) hosted a “Rally Against Hate” cookout March 11 to bring awareness and tolerance in their fight against hate. “The event is mostly geared towards AICA and is held because of recent events that have happened on campus, like people hanging nooses up at school,” said Genevieve Eldred, ASI supervisor of elections. “We are a community and we need people to get together.” Students congregated at the Quad to get their free hot dogs, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and drinks throughout the afternoon. There were also several booths set up by members of AICA where students were able to sign pledges on cards detailing what they would do to counter hate and learn about recent issues of hate on campus. “There are a series of things we do for the 'Rally Against Hate,' ” said Mark Hizon, administrative chair of AICA. “It shows ASI's commitment to the fight against hate.” Students were allowed to write

out any acts of hate that they have experienced on a white shirt as a part of the Clothesline Project, a program that began in 1990 in Cape Cod, Mass. to address the issue of violence against women. However, at Cal State Fullerton the “Rally Against Hate” has expanded the Clothesline Project to include any person on campus who has been affected by violence, stereotypes or hate. The shirts that were collected were added to the existing ones and will continue to be hung throughout the semester at future ASI events. “We are also giving away necklaces with one puzzle piece on them to remind students that they are pieces of the solution,” Hizon said. Even though the main focus of the cookout was to educate students about instances of violence and hate, ASI also had a booth that encouraged students to get involved on campus by running for office in the upcoming ASI elections. Members of ASI also encouraged students passing by to express their concerns about campus and school life by writing them on a large piece of parchment paper, which contained statements like: “Classes are too packed.” “I don't pay not to go to class.”

photo By Brenna Phillips/Daily Titan Staff Writter As a part of the ‘Rally Against Hate’ that occurred March 11 students wrote their experiences with hate on T-shirts later displayed in the quad.

“I miss having money.” “Keep the guitar program.” Members of ASI then take these comments and send them to the state legislature as an act of lobbying on behalf of the students. “It is always good to raise

awareness,” said Andreana Pettersen, a 26-year-old communicative disorders major. “Supporting these causes is always important especially if there are instances on campus that allude to hate and intolerance.”

Glass: students save professor’s job From Page 1

Grace decided to do something about it. He put up part of the funds to hire back Cariati and then rallied other students with a challenge grant to come up with the remaining funds. Another glass student heard about the layoff and contributed, as did the student’s mother, an art patron. The funds were funneled through a Cal State Fullerton philanthropic account called Friends of Glass, which allowed Cariati to be re-hired as a visiting artist for the spring semester. To date, enough funding has been raised to pay for nearly half of Cariati’s salary for the fall semester. Kimberly McKinnis, 27, a bachelor of fine art student with a concentration in ceramics/glass, said she wasn’t

surprised to hear about the layoff given the cutbacks and tuition increases that had already taken place. “It’s very disheartening to not know what is in store for you as you try to plan your upcoming semester,” she said. “We were given very little warning that this upper division class was being canceled.” McKinnis heard about the challenge grant through word of mouth and was relieved when the glassblowing class was reinstated and Cariati was hired back. She called Cariati one of the best teachers she has studied with at CSUF and credits his teaching methods with pushing her forward in her art-making abilities. Cariati said when he was told that he was not returning for spring he felt a “tremendous amount of loss.” He

heard about the challenge grant but didn’t get involved in the details. “My responsibility on campus is generating energy and excitement about the creative process of glassblowing for 22 students, so my head is always a little bit in the clouds about anything outside of that, even during a budget crisis,” he said, adding that he is honored to carry on and continue to educate students in the glass program. Cariati was hired at CSUF in 2004 as a part-time lecturer and to help redesign the glass curriculum. “Joe is a major asset to our glass program and it seemed especially tragic to loose this amazing adjunct professor to save a few thousand dollars per semester,” said John Leighton, an associate professor of glass. Leighton said that in his 35 years of

glass education, he has never met another instructor who can excite and inspire his students to worker harder and improve more in less time than Cariati. Cariati’s students attend workshops like the prestigious Pilchuck Glass School and the Penland School of Crafts in North Carolina. Many receive scholarships to attend regional and national conferences. In 2009, his students were invited to do glassblowing demonstrations at the International Glass Art Society’s annual conference in Corning, NY. Many of Cariati’s students go on to win international competitions and have their work displayed in the most prestigious galleries in the world. Although the university provides some of the major pieces of equipment, like the glass melting furnaces, much of the funding for the program comes from the students themselves, Leighton said. The Hot Glass Club holds sales each semester with the proceeds providing about half of the operating budget each year, which is a substantial amount, Leighton explained. To contribute to Friends of Glass, contact John Leighton at (657) 2782771.


March 15, 2010

Students put on their ‘Sunday’s Best’ By Ashley Luu

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Sunday’s Best, a gospel talent show hosted by the Divine Servants, was filled with singing, praise dancing, poetry and spoken word at the Titan Student Union Thursday. “BET had a talent show called ‘Sunday’s Best’ that was looking for the next big gospel singer. So we thought that would be a great title to put on,” said Chaunte’l Riser, president of the Divine Servants, a Christian-based club. The event focused on celebrating God and gospel music, Riser said. “There’s a lot of Christian students on campus that really haven’t had an opportunity to express themselves in an artistic way and a way where we can come together and appreciate God,” Riser added. Riser and her co-host, Max Barnes, liberal studies major, kicked off the night with Bible trivia that included questions like: “How many books of the Bible are named after women?” “In the Bible, who did the sun and the moon stand for?” Charity White, Sociology major, was a crowd pleaser, performing a spoken word with conviction, without having to use a microphone. “I discovered that champions are not birthed or made. They are born again. I may not get the ribbon but I wear

photo By Ashley luu/Daily Titan Staff Writer Runner-up winners Kay Hunie and Sunny perform a song entitled, “Hands of War.”

the crown. I may not be on the number one team but he says I’m chosen. I may fall down a million times but I know how to get back up over and over again because I was born again to win,” White said. First place went to Charmaine Crutchfield, dance major, who performed a unique praise dance to display her technical skills and versatility. The performers consisted of friends and students. “They (Christian performers and supporters) heard their friends of friends were in the club and wanted to come out and support,” said Communications Officer Jessica Norwood. To end the festivities, performers and audience members held hands, closed their eyes and prayed for ailing

friends and family members to get better and for God to allow them to work on their time management. Kristiana Hardy, junior, said that she came to show support because it is important that people have a voice by performing on stage. “It’s a good encouragement for other cultures and religions to have events like this," Hardy, 21, said. Sunday’s Best is the first gospel talent show hosted by the Divine Servants. “We just wanted to try something more spiritual and see how well that works for kids here,” Norwood said. The Divine Servants hold Bible study every Wednesday from 6 to 7 p.m. and a church service is held at Cal State Fullerton every Sunday.

Pow-wow: CSUlb celebrates From Page 1

“There will all different categories of dances there. You’ll see different regions, different regalias... It’s like a melting pot of Native American tribes,” she said. Tiger, whose heritage is comprised of Navajo, Choctaw and Creek, said CSUF’s powwow has been going on for around 20 years, but due to a budget problem it was not held in 2009. CSUF criminal justice major Jamie Gordon said CSUF’s will be the first powwow in Orange County since the Southern California Indian Center moved its powwow to Los Angeles. “We’re very happy to have (our powwow) back on,” she said. “I’ve been to that one before I started to

going to (CSUF).” Gordon, who is Navajo, explained that powwows are important for exposing others to Native American culture. “There’s over 500 tribes, a lot of them are gone. We’re still trying to keep our blood flowing,” Gordon said. “Not that many people hear a lot about who we are and people think of us as one group, one language, one culture, but there’s so many different tribes and cultures and languages. Unfortunately some of them have been lost.” The U.S. Census Bureau had booths throughout CSULB’s powwow encouraging Native Americans to fill out their forms and send them in. “The American Indian population utilizes a lot of services and different methods of outreach for our commu-

nity... Our community lost a lot of services that are derived from census figures,” said Eric Sanchez, a Tribal & Urban Indian Partnership Specialist working in the Native American community within LA and Orange County. “It’s important that we get an accurate count of the American Indian population, so that we can continue to have our non-profit organizations, our churches, our businesses.” Sanchez said powwows are not only great for people to learn about Native Americans, but for coming together. “It’s always been a chance for friends and family members to come together and socialize, have a good time, eat some fry bread, dance around the powwow circle. It’s a great event,” he said.


March 15, 2010

Kids These Days

Titan Editorial

Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

Protesting in the modern age Once again the students of Cal State Fullerton We live in a modern age, where more people are have stood up and made their voices heard. At 2:30 going to school and working full-time. Where stua.m. March 4, a couple dozen or so students from dents have responsibilities beyond waking up from CSUF, University of California, Irvine and Clare- their hangovers before class starts. College life has mont Community College barricaded themselves in changed, and so should campus protests. the Humanities building. This was a bold move made Instead of handcuffing yourself to the library’s inin opposition to another potential bold move from formation desk (with the key hidden in your pockCSUF. et), take advantage of your college education and do The students took action after seeing a document something worthwhile: do your research, organize to released by the University Planning department that plan out your intentions and prove “The Man” wrong. insinuated that courses and concentrations under the Don’t just organize physically, organize mentally. If College of Humanities were expendable in the grow- these students truly wanted to prove how essential ing global market. humanities is as a major for the global market, they This may have been a bit of an overreaction on the should have prepared a report that displayed how a part of the students. The likelihood that the univer- degree in humanities can be used to get a job. sity would cut an entire The very wording of department and college the University Planning out of its curriculum is document could have rather slim, but certainly been used against it. possible. The students The College of Humandid the only logical thing ities and Social Sciences they could, they descendis home to majors that ed upon the Humaniwere directly addressed ties building and locked in the University Planthemselves inside. ning document: philosIt is difficult to gauge ophy, literature and fine whether their occupaarts. A degree in any of tion of roughly 20 minthese, although potenutes was more effective tially useless by themthan starting a petition selves, when applied to or holding another rally, other majors such as poPhoto By Nick Marley/Daily Titan Photo Editor litical science, criminal but a message was sent to the administration of Graffiti in the Humanities building left behind by protesters. justice, psychology and CSUF; and that message many others, can prove was: “If you want to keep us out of the building, then to be incredibly useful. Many of the classes in these we will take over the building ... until you tell us to departments would not be considered general educaleave.” tion or collateral courses if this were not true. The actions of these students should not be considFor anyone in the Strategic Planning department ered representative of the entire student body. While to insinuate that the College of Humanities does not we should all be upset at the prospect of losing an provide students with access to the global market is entire major because of budget cuts, we cannot all foolish. For students to assume that the University be compared to a handful of students who decided would so hastily do away with such a large program, they were going to play a quick game of Civil Rights with 25 undergraduate and 17 graduate degree proMovement: For Kids! grams, is nothing more than a paranoid delusion that Don’t get us wrong, we applaud them for taking the school is out to screw us all. a stand and letting the administration know that So far the student protesters have done a good job their actions are being watched, but if you are going in making their voices heard, and at times their acto take a stand, you might want to stay on your feet tions and statements are very well thought out. Howlonger. This is nothing more than a romanticizing of ever, if the student protesters wish to make a greater the protest era from the, 60s. It is every angry, dis- impact, they need to take less from the pages of their enfranchised student’s dream to relive their parent’s father’s past, and more from the pages of the textglory days by standing up to “The Man” for what they books and powerpoint lectures that all students are believe in. Great idea, poor follow through. paying far too much for.

“Observing teen culture so you don’t have to”

Breaking high school habits by Danielle Flint

Daily Titan Copy Editor opinion@dailytitan.com

High school sure was fun, wasn’t it? A bus/minivan took you to school in the morning, hierarchies of social circles ruled who you talked to and the way you dressed, all of your financial needs were met by your parents (having to buy your own movie tickets with the money you earned bagging groceries doesn’t count as financial independence) and your insatiable thirst for gossip was nursed consistently by an influx of “he saidshe said and he kissed-she kissed” diatribes. Too bad you’re in college now, huh? I know that the switch was difficult and you may still be going through withdrawal, but there are a few high school-fueled habits that end now. 1. Sleeping in class If you missed class in high school, chances were very high that an angry recorded message would end up on your parents’ answering machine by the end of the day, warning them that unexcused absences lead to a life of crime, debauchery and general nastiness. We know now that those warnings were entirely true, but the answering machine message has disappeared. Why? Because you’re an adult. No one is going to call home when you miss class. Please, if you’re really so tired that 50 minutes of Elizabethan history will reduce you to droopy eyelids and incoherent

Letters to the Editor:

muttering, stay home. Pillows absorb the drool better than laminated wood, and you won’t personally insult your professor. Home too far away? I recommend the arboretum for a mid-day nap – the grassy hill by the pond is perfect. Although I caution: Watch for duck poop. 2. Walking the halls shoulder to shoulder Cliques were my personal favorite part of high school. Doing your lipstick in the opaque mirror in the bathroom, making fun of girls with cankles – ah, youth. The best part of having a clique was walking side-byside down the hallway, arms linked and heels clacking. You formed an impenetrable wall, resistant to all outside forces – including the pathetic nobodies trying to find a way around you. Now there are more nobodies than ever, completely unaware that you’re more important than them, yelling silly things like “Move it!” and “Don’t stop right in front of me, you’ll make me swerve and hit that group of ahhhhhh!” 3. Bragging about excessive drinking Alcohol was a taboo and forbidden fruit in high school. Was your brother 21 and willing to buy beer for you? Welcome to popularity! There wasn’t anyone too good to listen to your stories about binge drinking with an aftermath of painful purging if it meant you could hook them up to do the same. We have a new word for that kind of behavior – Alcoholism. Annoy-

ing alcoholism. That story about that time you got totally drunk and hooked up with Amy – Bro, listen … Bro – is less impressive and more pathetic. It isn’t forbidden anymore. If you aren’t 21, most of your friends are. Getting alcohol isn’t hard, getting drunk isn’t taboo and spending an evening with your girlfriends holding your hair back while you empty the contents of your stomach into a dirty dorm toilet isn’t neat. 4. Nonconformity Do you remember the look on your mom’s face the first time you sewed a “Dead Kennedys” patch to the back of the leather jacket she got you for your birthday? Or that one time when you put a safety pin through your ear and spit (mentally, not physically – that’s gross) at all of the stupid conformist kids you went to school with? They’re all sheep just blindly buying into corporations, man. You would have deep conversations about how dumb Abercrombie & Fitch Co. is with the cashier at Hot Topic as you bought a few more Ramones pins (for the low, low price of $15.99) for the checkered messenger bag you just bought at Tilly’s. Faking nonconformity by dressing like all of the other nonconformists was dumb then, but it’s even dumber now. You don’t have that “Oh, he’s just being a teenager” excuse anymore. Grow up, buy a pair of khakis and stop trying so hard. Leave high school behind.

Any feedback, positive or negative, is encouraged, as we strive to keep an open dialogue with our readership. The Daily Titan reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar and spelling. Direct all comments, questions or concerns along with your full name and major to the Daily Titan Opinion Desk at opinion@dailytitan.com.


March 15, 2010

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You have a deep appreciation of the arts and music



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Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) You may not have a PowerPoint presentation, but you have a powerful message to deliver. Add sugar to make the medicine go down.

9 5 3 4 1

6 3 2 7 9

4 1 5 6 8

4 9 1 6 5 3 7 8 2 8 5 3 2 1 7 9 6 4 7 6 2 8 4 9 5 3 1 4 1 2 6

3 4 1 8

2 7 9 5

5 6 8 9

ku Ltd 2010. All rights reserved.

8 9 6 2

4 2

1 7 8 3 2 6 4 6 2 9 1 2 8 9 3 6 1

7 5 3 1


9 8 4 7

Daily Sudoku: Tue 9-Mar-2010

1 3 7 4

(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2010. All rights reserved.

6 2 5 3

4 9 1 6 5 3 7 8 2

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Your associates believe they have the final say, yet an older person has reserved veto power. Focus your persuasion on that person.

How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

7 9 4 1 2

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) To love your neighbor, you must take care of yourself first. Work out a winwin agreement, then fulfill your end of the bargain.

very hard

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Add feminine touches to your home (even if it’s a home full of guys). Water the plants and check supplies. Everyone benefits today from a softer touch.

Daily Sudoku: Tue 9-Mar-2010 (c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2010. All rights reserved.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Redirecting your mind to the task at hand takes some doing today. Get practical, and get going on necessary changes. It’ll be worth it.


6 2 9 1 2 8 9 3 6 1


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) The office despot arrives early and stays late. Create a diversion with a female associate or friend. Chatter abounds. Distract with chocolate.


(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2010. All rights reserved.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Clear the decks in order to do all your work as quickly as possible. Order in your work environment goes a long way.

1 4 8 9 6

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Break out of a dull pattern at work and bring in some new data to shake things up. It won’t take long for people to get the picture.

5 3 1 6 7 2 4 9 3 1 7 8 3 2 6

2 8 7 5 3

Cancer (June 22-July 22) Your partner puts everything into perspective. The new view includes more harmonious furnishings in a room the two of you will share.


3 2 9 8 4

Gemini (May 21-June 21) Share your weekend experiences with the female who set you on the right path. Notice how much more relaxed you are?

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5 6 1 3 7

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Prepare for the drill sergeant to run everyone ragged. Extra effort is needed to please a powerful female. Don’t try to get creative today.


8 7 6 2 5

Aries (March 21-April 19) Although harmony is in the ear of the beholder, you choose to power your way to gratification. They put a soft pedal on the piano for a reason. Use it to tone it down.

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Daily Sudoku: Tue 9-Mar-2010



March 15, 2010

Titans fail to advance in quarterfinals Women’s Basketball By Nicholas Fortes

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

The Cal State Fullerton women’s basketball team couldn’t match the physicality of the UC Riverside Highlanders in their quarterfinal match in the Big West Tournament falling 73-54. “We’ve played bigger teams and we’ve beat them, I mean we out rebounded them, it’s just the shots didn’t fall for us today,” said sophomore guard Megan Richardson. That could be an understatement seeing that the Titans shot 32.8 percent from the field, 58.3 percent from the free throw line and missing the front end of one-and-ones three times in the second half.

Freshman forward Mya Olivier was the leading scorer for the Titans with 11 points on 4-7 attempts, one of three Titans in double digits. The Titans had trouble with physical play from UCR, forcing senior captain guard Jasmine Scott to the bench with two fouls just six minutes into the game. “When one of your starters gets into foul trouble early it definitely changes your game plan,” Foster said. UCR kept trying to get the threeball working early but could only get 2-11 shooting from three-point land, but still held the lead going into the locker room at the half 32-24. Since CSUF lost control of the physical play in the second half, they found themselves on the losing end. The second half was the same as the first with the Highlanders main-

Photos By Chad Uemera/For the Daily Titan Freshman forward Mya Olivier tries to defend UCR’s guard but is stopped in her tracks.

taining a double-digit lead throughout, extending the lead to 23 with 6:04 left, but it just wasn’t there for the Titans after their strong performance Thursday night. “Riverside was sharp from the start, we weren’t and we couldn’t get back on track,” said Titan Head Coach Marcia Foster. “We battled the whole game but we put them on the line too much.” CSUF blew out UCR in their first meeting this year in Titan Gym, and lost a two-point game at Riverside Feb. 6. Although the outcome wasn’t what the Titans were hoping for, UCR had nothing but good things to say about their conference foe. “It was a hard fought game, we had to play hard, and Fullerton has a great team and is well coached,” said Highlander Head Coach John Margaritis. “They have players who can score from all over and we had to make them catch the ball where they didn’t want to and we did that today.” UCR continued on to win the Big West Tournament over UC Davis on Saturday. This was the final game of Scott’s career at CSUF; unfortunately, it had to end on a sour note, but what she did for the program is evident. “I’m going to miss her leadership, her persona, just her,” Foster said. “I just wish she could have been here and win a championship but that’s where this team is headed and she did her part to get us to where we are today.” Foster finishes her first year as head coach with a 15-17 record, up from last year’s program 10-20. She is confident about where the program is headed implying that the program is still young and is heading in the right direction, citing Richardson making all-conference as a sophomore and Olivier on an allfreshman team. The depth of their roster has proven just that.

Men’s Basketball By Simon Liang

Daily Titan Sports Editor sports@dailytitan.com

The last ride of a roller coaster season that Titan Head Coach Bob Burton termed as “consistently inconsistent,” has ended for the Cal State Fullerton men’s basketball team. In the quarterfinals of the Big West Tournament, the Titans lost to UC Davis 68-65 for the third time this season in a game that went down to the wire. “I would like to congratulate Davis, they deserve to win,” Burton said. “I thought they really competed and made baskets when they needed to.” With 1:07 left in the game, UC Davis redshirt freshman guard Ryan Howley made a layup to break a 6464 tie, which ultimately decided the game. On the next possession, senior forward Gerard Anderson missed 1-of-2 free throws. After an Aggie miss, Anderson took the ball the length of the floor only to be stripped when he took it to the basket. “It was a tough play,” Anderson said. “I just tried to penetrate and ended up losing the ball and if I would’ve made the free throw the play before that, we probably would have gone into overtime.” Burton would not have drawn it up any other way. “There’s nobody else I’d rather have shooting the ball than him in that situation,” Burton said. “That’s why we didn’t call timeout because he’s just been absolutely terrific all year long.” The difference was free throw shooting. CSUF shot 58.8 percent from the line, as opposed to the Aggies, who knocked down 14-of-16 from the charity stripe.

Gymnastics falls to Michigan State on Titan Senior Night By Jenna west

For the Daily Titan


Although Cal State Fullerton’s gymnastics team was defeated Friday night, March 12. Spirits remained high as the seniors were recognized and a Titan junior took first place all-around. CSUF came in second with a 191.250 while Michigan State won with a 194.850. Scoring first place on floor with a 9.900 and first place on all-around with a 39.075, junior Alaina Baker took individual honors for the Titans. Baker, 18, has perfected her floor routine over the past two years. Humbly accepting her accomplishments, Baker honors her fellow Titan gymnasts. “I am really proud of the whole team and everything they’ve done. And they do their best every time,” Baker said. Michigan State senior Rochelle Robinson, took first place in vault with a 9.850, bars with a 9.825 and beam with a 9.825 to help push the Spartans ahead of the Titans. But the night was all about

Fullerton’s seniors. Seniors Britni Echeverria, Shannon Kawada and Kori Underhill were praised before the meet for their accomplishments as their last season will soon come to an end. It was a big night for Kawada who competed in two new events, scoring a 9.625 on vault, 9.675 on bars and a 9.300 on floor. Echeverria was part of a threeway tie for fourth place on bars with a 9.775. Underhill scored an 8.750 on beam and an 8.700 on floor. “We had a strong start on vault and bars, we didn’t do so well on beam, but made up for it on floor,” Kawada said. Kawada was seen cheering on her teammates and giving hugs and high-fives to keep their spirits high. “I cheer as loud as I can hoping the girls will feed off my positive energy and I say positive works to motivate them,” Kawada said. The Titan gymnasts’ spirits were high, but Titan Head Coach Jill Hicks thought the scores should have been higher. “Their performance was aver-

age,” Hicks said. “They did really good on two events, poor on beam and average on floor.” Hicks explained that the team experienced some falls on beam and floor that were out of character for the athletes; nerves may have played a part. Overall as a team, Hicks feels they could have done better. Michigan State took advantage of CSUF’s falls earning a score of 48.575 on beam compared to CSUF’s score of 46.500. However, Hicks did not hesitate to praise those who strived to keep up the team’s morale. Apart from congratulating Baker, Kawada and Echeverria for their performances, she was very proud of junior Shelly Cooper’s performance. Cooper tied for third place on vault, her bar routine earned her a 9.750 and her 9.625 floor routine gave off so much energy that some audience members got up and danced. “Shelly Cooper did very well tonight,” Hicks said. The CSUF team lost a couple girls to injury but they are said to

Photo By Camille tarazone/ Daily Titan Staff Writer Senior Britni Echeverria handstands on the uneven bars.

be able to compete for next week’s competition at Southern Utah. Titan gymnastics will be hosting its final meet of the year at Titan Gym for the Western Athletic Conference Championships March 27 at 6 p.m. Last year at Sacramento State, the Titans finished fifth in the WAC Championships.

Senior forward Gerard Anderson floats above the rim for the score against UC Davis.

In a matchup of polar opposites, the Aggies controlled the second half by playing their style of basketball and it took a toll on CSUF’s defense. “They just came out and they got it going,” Burton said. “We had huge breakdowns defensively.” Anderson had another great allaround game with 17 points, five rebounds and five assists in his last game as a Titan. Redshirt junior forward Jer’Vaughn Johnson had 15 points and six rebounds. UC Davis junior forward Joe Harden scored 20 points and matched up with Anderson all night. “It was a battle,” Harden said. “We’ve gotten after each other for two years.” Both teams came out firing and there were six lead changes but the tide changed after Johnson’s layup with 7:14 left in the first period and the Titans did not relinquish the lead for the remainder of the half. Back-to-back three-pointers by sophomore guard Jacques Streeter pushed the Titan lead to 24-17. CSUF got in a comfort zone and Davis could not gain an edge. Anderson committed his second foul with 6:24 left in the first half and came out of the game with the Titans only up by four. That’s when other players stepped up. After senior guard Aaron Thompson’s layup with 1:24 to go, the Titans jumped out to a 10-point lead. CSUF committed on the defensive end by only allowing the Aggies to shoot 37.5 percent from the field. The Titans led 33-25 at intermission. Anderson continued his aggressiveness as he was fouled three times when he went to the basket in the early part of the second half.

However, Davis countered and caught the Titan defense sleeping with five scores inside to a tune of 11 points in the first five minutes. The Aggies took the lead back after Harden’s layup with 12:25 left in regulation. Davis slowed the game down and their backdoor cuts wore CSUF down. With 5:22 to go, Streeter spiked the ball to redshirt sophomore forward Orane Chin for an uncontested dunk. Thompson then hit a corner threepointer to put the Titans up 61-60. The game was tied at 64-64 with 3:28 left until Howley’s score two minutes later. After the CSUF’s last effort to win failed, junior guard Eric Williams’ cross court heave nearly went in as time expired. “Even when it got close at the end, I thought we had a couple of opportunities to really break it and get up two or four at crucial times,” Burton said. UC Davis went on to lose to conference champions No. 15 UC Santabarbara who will face No. 2 Ohio State. This ends CSUF’s season with a 16-15 overall record, with five seniors, including two starters, departing. “We have great seniors, I loved them and I’m really going to miss them but I’m looking forward to seeing where this guy (Anderson), continues his basketball career,” Burton said. Anderson shared the same sentiment and broke into tears when reflecting on his three years as a Titan, with his first year as a redshirt. “I’m happy to be a Titan and I wouldn’t trade it for anything,” Anderson said. “All in all, a great three years here for me and I’m sad to see it all come to an end.”

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