Daily Titan: Tuesday, April 6, 2010

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Vol. 87 Issue 29

April 6, 2010


Find out student reactions regarding the recent Earthquake:

Learn about Bubble Fest at the Discovery Center:




Snow team balances books and sports SPORTS, Page 10 OVERSLEEPING: How much is too much? STUDENT BODY, Page 4

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

Candidates brew discussion Duke wins

Two days before ASI elections begin, Coffee with the Candidates presents the platforms of the presidential candidates Joseph Lopez & Andrew Lopez

Joel Thayer & Beth Velasco

its fourth national title By Gilbert gutierrez III

Daily Titan Asst. Sports Editor sports@dailytitan.com

Khang Pham & Mark Gonzalez

Raymond (Austin) Nation & Krystal Santiago

photos By nick marley/Daily Titan Photo Editor Students gather in the TSU to ask ASI presidential candidates questions. Pictured left: Candidates for president (seated left) and vice president (seated right).

By Juliana Campbell

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Students gathered in the Titian Student Union Monday at 7:00 p.m. for a question and answer session with the Associated Student Inc. spring 2010-2011 presidential candidates. The potential leaders patiently waited to present their ideas while enjoying freshly brewed coffee and tea provided by ASI. Pavilion C was filled with tables decorated with pens, balloons, pins and balls displaying ASI’s logo and promoting students to vote in the upcoming election. Due to the time of the event, not many students showed up to hear how

plans will be implemented at Cal State Fullerton. Students were encouraged with free ASI souvenirs to ask the candidates questions. “People need the chance to be heard, you have to choose your battles very wisely,” said Austin Nation, presidential candidate, regarding how to stay focused in ASI. Most of the candidates agreed that changes need to be made, but Khang Pham was quick to share his opinion on the Pollack Library protest. “ASI is being passive when things like the library protest happen. The library hours should not have been cut and students should not have had to sit in the library,” Pham said. “I even heard one

person even handcuffed themselves to a desk.” One of the many things the candidates agreed on was expanding the ASI events to other clubs and organizations due to lack of involvement from other students. Pham made his point regarding student involvement with ASI by asking the audience to look around and see how many people were actually present, not including family or friends of the candidates. Pham added that they were wasting money on decorations when that really does not matter. “We do not need the pens, balloons or coffee, none of that stuff is important,” Pham said. “The flier approach also needs to be changed because it rare-

ly works, we need to try something new by going to the different clubs, organizations and people who are semi-involved and ask them to attend,” Pham said. Joe Lopez, current ASI vice president and ASI president candidate in the upcoming election, understands that students want the best and has plans to expand not only on campus but also in the surrounding community. “We want to expand in the community and clubs, giving (students) a voice they never had,” Lopez said. “Through our talents, the arts, theater and tremendous athletic programs we want to make sure we advocate any concerns giving students a voice in unity.”

At Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Ind. No. 1 seed Duke and No. 5 Butler, scrapping for every loose ball. The 2010 NCAA Div. I National Championship goes to... the Blue Devils in a 61-59 victory over Butler, who did not have a happy ending to their Cinderella story. With 1:30 left in the second half – after nearly eight minutes of a Butler field goal drought – they were only down by three, until forward Matt Howard broke the seam and dropped in a layup for the Bulldogs to take a 60-59 lead. Duke turned the ball over with less than 30 seconds left to play and no shot clock for the Bulldogs to worry about. Enough time to set up a play for their star of the night, Gordon Hayward. After their final timeout, Butler took the floor with 13.6 seconds left. The court was spread out, Hayward dribbled the ball to the baseline for a fade away attempt over 7-foot-1-inch Blue Devil center Brian Zoubek. The ball grazed the rim and into Zoubek’s hands. The Bulldogs fouled him immediately to send him to the charity stripe to make one of two. On the second attempt, Hayward snatched the missed free throw from the rim and dribbled to halfcourt for a desperation shot. The heave had the distance and sailed before the buzzer sounded, but bounced off the rim and the backboard, ending the game with the Blue Devils piling up on the floor.

See ELECTION, Page 2

Tanning salons to suffer higher taxation By Brenna Phillips

Daily Titan Staff Writer features@dailytitan.com

The new health care reform is imposing a 10 percent tax on tanning salons, assailing those hoping to achieve the healthy glow that has been made popular by western culture. Although tanners may be feeling the burn of higher taxation, both their wallets and their bodies may benefit from avoiding artificial sunlight altogether. Although the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) only considered tanning beds “probably” carcinogenic to humans last year, they have now confirmed that they are, in fact, poisonous. “As per my knowledge, the risk of developing skin cancer is seven times higher than being in regular sunlight,” said Dr. Tapan Pandya, who has recently completed his observership at A.I. Dupont Hospital in Delaware. “Those using tanning beds are more susceptible to developing carcinoma.” Despite the repeated warnings from doctors, federal organizations and health organizations, many are still willing to lie photo courtesy flickr.com/evilerin between lights that emit harmful UVA Erin Vermeer goes tanning on an overcast day in Washington even though her chances of developing melanoma increase by 75 percent. and UVB rays into their skin. “I am always concerned with the tan- der 18 years old; otherwise, minors are ture aging of the skin, non-melanoma The likelihood of developing melaning beds harming my skin just as much required to provide a signed parental skin cancers and they weaken the skin’s noma is far greater in people who are fairas the sun,” said Sara Duncan, 23-year-old consent. inner tissue causing damage to the im- skinned and those who have a family hiskinesiology major. “I tend to use no sun “People should make an informed mune system,” Pandya said. Many tan- tory of skin cancer, according to Pandya. screen, just products that will enhance my decision and understand the risks,” said ning salons to market tanning beds as a However, it is important for all skin types tan.” Jackie Marhoff, 22-year-old health sci- “safer alternative” to sun ray exposure; to take steps in protecting their skin from Tanning salons generally use beds that ence major. “A lot of teens are probably however, studies have shown that those both tanning beds and sunlight. emit both UVA and UVB rays, which af- unaware of the consequences since salon who use tanning beds more than 10 “When people go out they should use fect different levels of the skin. UVA rays employees aren’t offering the information times per year increase their risks of get- sunscreen lotion and cover exposed body are more powerful and can penetrate the very openly.” ting melanoma, according to Pandya. parts, especially light skinned people,” skin at deeper levels to the inner tissues, The FDA also found a correlation be“Every time I have signed up at a tan- Pandya said. “Skin cancer is hereditary while UVB rays cause damage to the su- tween exposure to UV-emitting tanning ning salon they would always ask me if so if you know somebody in your family perficial layers of the skin, Pandya said. device, cancer of the eye, and a 75 per- I have used a bed before,” Duncan said. has skin cancer, then you should going In a meeting held March 25, 2006, the cent increased risk of developing mela- “They also make me sign a waiver that avoid out in extreme heat and take extra FDA ruled that the use of tanning beds noma when used before the age of 35. warned me on the risks of tanning and precautions. Remember, there is no safe should be banned for those who are un“Tanning beds may also cause prema- skin cancer.” tan.”


Model U.N. team places in competition By Melissa Hoon

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

The club placed third at the National Model United Nations New York conference, the most prestigious Model United Nations (MUN) conference in the country, according to the club’s adviser of 21 years, Choudhury Shamim. Amber Hwang, 28, senior political science major, and Henoc Preciado, 21, senior English major, won the Outstanding Delegate Committee Award. Shamim said MUN has placed consecutively for at least 10 years. This year is a special accomplishment, according to several MUN delegates, considering the club’s high placement after only two months of training, compared to their second place win last year after entire year of training. MUN spent eight days in New York City, returning Sunday, acting as United Nations delegates from Cuba and debating current real-world issues with over 400 schools from countries across the globe like Venezuala, Spain, Germany and Turkey. See MODEL U.N., Page 2

photo By angel melchor/For the Daily Titan


April 6, 2010

IN OTHER NEWS Debate team masters the art of argument


Security gaurds killed in attack on U.S. Consulate PESHAWAR, Pakistan – Taliban militants reeling from American and Pakistani attacks launched a sophisticated raid on the heavily guarded United States Consulate in Peshawar on Monday, killing at least five security personnel in suicide bomb blasts and barrages of grenades and automatic gunfire. The midday attack failed to penetrate the U.S. facility in the volatile city near the Afghan border, and none of the staff was injured or killed. The consulate is instrumental in channeling millions of dollars of U.S. aid into Pakistan’s impoverished tribal areas and the Swat Valley region.

NATIONAL U.S. seeks 16 milllion penalty over Toyota recalls WASHINGTON – The Obama administration fined Toyota $16.4 million Monday for a four-month delay in announcing defective accelerator pedals in 2.3 million vehicles that could trigger sudden acceleration and warned that more could be coming. The fine is the largest ever levied by United. States auto safety regulators against an automaker, and puts Toyota in the position of either accepting a government judgment that it ignored U.S. consumer complaints of sudden acceleration or fighting a court battle with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The U.S. Department of Transportation said Toyota knew about the pedal defect at least as early as Sept. 29, when it told dealers how to handle customer complaints about the problem and what to do to fix the pedals. Toyota did not issue a recall for the same problem in the U.S. until January. Under federal law, once automakers discover a possible safety defect, they have five days to report it to the U.S. government.


Department of Fish and Game dealt major blow SACRAMENTO – California’s ability to protect its wildlife was dealt a major blow Saturday when a car crashed into airplane hangar in the Southern California city of Hemet. Two airplanes used by the Department of Fish and Game to search for poachers and monitor wildlife were destroyed in the crash, which happened at about 2:30 a.m., Saturday. Fish and Game spokesman Patrick Foy said the two aircrafts were valued at between $1.5 and $2 million, and the department doesn’t yet know how they will be replaced in a time of severe state budget troubles. Destruction of the planes, which were responsible for all aerial wildlife operations in Southern California, leaves the state with severely diminished capabilities over a large part of its territory. Officials alleged that an out-of-control driver in a Ford F-150 pickup ran a stop sign near the Hemet-Ryan Airport, sheared off a fire hydrant, crashed through a fence and then into an aircraft hangar.

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By Donald C. Stefanovich Daily Titan News Editor news@dailytitan.com

Three plastic, pastel Easter eggs sit amidst papers, notes, pens and highlighters strewn about three oddly sized and mismatched tables pushed together in a makeshift conference style inside College Park 430. Pushed up against one end is a faded podium on top of which are handwritten and highlighted arguments. Save the eggs, Cal State Fullerton’s debate team headquarters sits unoccupied just after spring break. Today at 4 p.m., the teams will meet for the first time sans two of their top debaters. Just before the break, the teams returned with respectable finishes from the Cross Examination Debate Association (CEDA) Nationals – the largest collegiate championship debate tournament in the country – at Idaho State University. A respectable loss to Idaho State marked the last time Bryce Bridge and Caitlin Gray would debate as Titans, finishing 52 out of 200. “If there’s a team that’s going to end our career, it’s ideal to go out to your friends,” said 22-year-old Bridge of his Idaho opponents. The senior psychology major said the emotional exclamation point punctuated an eight-year run as teammates, but he and Gray will return as coaches next semester. The CSUF debate team has a long history of competing, and often winning, against top-rated and ivy-league schools despite disadvantages in terms of budget and resources, said human communications studies professor and team coach Jon Bruschke. “We are outspent 20 to 1 by the big schools,” Bruschke said. “The USC scholarship budget … is 10 times larger than the total budget we have for

Photo Courtesy Brian Leslie From left to right: Joel Salcedo, Caitlin Gray, Marvin Carter and Jeanette Rodriguez. All current debate students.

travel and scholarships and supplies and everything.” One thing seems unanimous among the team members. An unorthodox approach to argument has more than made up for the restraints that have only gotten tighter during the current economic downturn. “Usually we’re able to beat teams like Harvard … not because we have more resources than them, or more research and technology,” said 20-yearold political science sophomore, Lee Thach. “It’s more because we’re able to win them at a game they’re not prepared to play at, which is being able to talk about ourselves.” It’s this personal approach to argument that appears to not only unite the team but provide an often unexpected edge. “The ethos that we’re able to portray is a lot of times on a different level from other teams, which is nice,” said

19-year-old political science sophomore, Marvin Carter. “We’re pretty much the only ones who engage in our type of debate.” Bruschke, who believes that debate teams are all too often “white boys’ clubs,” claims that having such a unique group allows for passionate and effective arguments to be drawn from personal experience as well as research. “What we have done is embraced diversity,” Bruschke said. “There’s a lot of knowledge you can get from textbooks, but there’s also a lot of knowledge you get from first hand experience, especially when the issues are things like poverty.” If the piles of boxes, plastic totes labeled in permanent marker, collage style photo board and pages from a “My Little Pony” coloring book adorning the room are representative of the diversity among the group, two tall shelves filled with trophies and medals

and a wall of haphazardly hung plaques and awards speaks of the result. “We are kind of a funny collection,” said Bruschke’s grad assistant, Brian Leslie. “A lot of what we do in terms of doing research is coming up with what are called peformative arguments; trying to look at our lives and being creative with what mattes to us, and trying to present that in an argumentative setting. That in and of itself is part of what … is the key to being successful in debate when you don’t have the budgetary advantage, to reach in and find what you really care about.” The brightly colored My Little Ponies hanging behind Leslie somehow seemed to compliment rather than contradict the hard-earned plaques on the same wall. “You can be silly and show your personality at the same time,” he said. “Which is kind of what speech is all about.”

Elections: new faces Model u.n.: Proves From Page 1

The elected president and vice president serve as heads of ASI and oversee the operation of programs like Titan Recreation, the Children’s Center and the TSU. In addition to these responsibilities the ASI president and vice president also appoint members to their executive board, including a director of public relations, director of statewide affairs, vice president of finance and director of administration.

ASI Elections take place twice a year during the eleventh week of each academic fall and spring semester. This year’s election for president and executive vice president will be held on April 7-8.

M u lt i M e d i a

Learn more about ASI Presidential Candidate Joel Thayer at dailytitan.com/coffeecandidates

Their strength through competitions From Page 1 MUN needed to know as much as possible about Cuba to succeed in the conference. To prepare, delegates simulated the conference and gave informational in-group lectures. “We researched everything from (Cuba’s) social and economic stance to world agreements it signed,” said Andrele King, 24, senior political science major. “Some of us actually went to the Cuban Embassy and interviewed their United Nations representative.” The hard work was worth it but it did not come easy. According to some delegates, preparation got off to a rough start due to lack of organization and communication. “I got a total of about 10 hours of sleep the entire week (we were in New York),” said Maurine Mikhail, 21, senior political science major. “But I knew Cuba like the back of my hand, so it really paid off.” The club itself and specifically the New York conference has helped delegates utilize and strengthen their debate, analytical and public speaking skills to become more active in the global community with careers such as foreign correspondents, professional UN representatives or college professors.

“I’ve learned that students from other universities domestically and internationally share the same concerns about international issues,” said Angel Melchor, 25, senior political science major. “I hope to gain the tools and skills to become a great global citizen and to help solve the world’s problems.” The New York conference didn’t only help delegates for their future career plans, it gave them an immediate taste of diversity by being surrounded by so many worldly cultures. “The best feeling was getting high fives and compliments in different languages on how great we were doing (at the conference),” Melchor said. According to MUN, some delegates were nervous about the New York conference because of the unfair judging they said that they experienced at the Harvard conference in February. But they said they put that aside and focused on living up to their winning streak. “Rules are more clear at the New York conference (compared to the Harvard conference),” said Omar Torres-Vasquez, 28, junior political science major. “To get points, we needed to stay in character, work diplomatically, promote ideas, constantly make active motions and lead large groups of people to write a resolution.” MUN learned to work together to achieve these points and win. “We learned to leave our differences behind and engage in dialogue (regarding) our similarities,” Melchor said. “We learned how to compromise.” MUN plans to continue taking home awards for years to come. But the state budget crisis is on the delegate’s minds, especially considering MUN’s success at the New York conference. According to several delegates, they believe they have what it takes to make Cal State Fullerton and MUN known internationally, so they hope to continue receiving proper funding. “I am really hoping to participate abroad and officially put CSUF’s MUN program on an international elite level,” Melchor said. “We are elite domestically and now it’s time to show the world what we can do on their turf.”


April 6, 2010

Officials confidant about earthquake safety

photo courtesy MCT A hospital technician surveys a crack on the hospital floor after a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck Mexicali, Mexico.

By Juliana Campbell

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Cal State Fullerton officials dedicate a lot of time and effort to insure the best educational experience, along with providing a safe environment for students attending the university. However, following the recent rash of earthquakes, campus experts remain confident in the integrity of the buildings on campus as long as students make themselves aware of the dangers. California is notorious for earthquakes and students are aware of the dangers that could be imposed on them if buildings were unsafe. According to CSUF Chairman of Geological Sciences, David Bowman, a big enough earthquake could damage any building, but that is not the biggest danger. People are unaware of the falling hazards that surround them such as unsecured books, computers and mirrors. “All of the buildings at CSUF are life-safe,” said Bowman. “Life-safe means that the building may be destroyed, but it’s designed to let you get out. CSUF also adheres with the California Building Codes.” One of the buildings students worry about collapsing is the 24,000 square foot Titan Gym designed by Woodford and Bernard Architects. The gym has been a landmark of the campus for years and some believe since it was built in 1965, it might be an unsafe building to occupy during an earthquake. Director of Environmental Health and Safety Tom Whitfield, who has been at CSUF for 36 years, has found himself in the Titian Gym numerous

times. “The Titan Gym is safe because it is built to California construction standards,” Whitfield said. “The most hazardous part of an earthquake and the CSUF gym is probably going to be the lights and possible flying glass. Even though the building may be leaning or swaying, it will still stand.” According to Associate Vice President for Facilities Management Jay Bond, every time there is an earthquake, people learn more about

pened, anything would collapse,” Bowman said. “The San Andreas is locked and loaded, ready to go. It can produce a big earthquake today, tomorrow or 50 years from now, it’s time that people realize that.” CSUF has been very aggressive in doing seismic retrofits to buildings as issues to be become known, including the library, Humanities Building and College Park, Bond said. “We have also retrofit the falling hazards around campus,” Bond said. “We have a good track record relative to seismic safety.” Students should be aware in the event of a large earthquake, all institutional buildings, including the Titan Gym, will be unable to be occu– Tom Whitfield, pied until they are director of environmental health and safety inspected for safety. “People need to be prepared when a earthquake strikes, how buildings behave and how they the way people react can be a matter of life and death.” Whitfield said. should be designed. “The Titan Gym has been looked “Students should also be prepared to over and reviewed in great detail by be at school for a while.” Whitfield believes that one of the the CSU system-wide seismic review board, which is composed of some most dangerous things that people of the best and brightest structural do during an earthquake is to inengineers in the world,” Bond said. stinctively run outside a building. “They do not believe it is unsafe to The dangerous thing about running during earthquakes is the falling hazoccupy and neither do I.” Since the beginning of 2010, ards and congestion of people trying Southern California has had a few to do the same thing. “Any building could collapse earthquakes. The more memorable March 6 earthquake, inconveniently given a large enough seismic event, around 4:00 a.m., was a slight re- although collapse is very rare in ademinder of the devastation a larger quately designed institutional faciliquake could cause, and it was only a ties,” said Bond. No one can predict when an4.4 magnitude. According to the United States other earthquake will hit SO CAL, Geological Survey, California gets one that may cause colossal damage. earthquakes daily; fortunately, they Therefore, it’s always a great idea to be aware of what to do in case stuare too small for people to feel. “If a big enough earthquake hap- dents are on campus.

People need to be prepared when a earthquake strikes, the way people react can be a matter of life and death.

Judge voids scores of Guantanamo cases MCT – A federal judge has dismissed more than 100 habeas corpus lawsuits filed by former Guantanamo captives, ruling that because the Bush and Obama administrations had transferred them elsewhere, the courts need not decide whether the Pentagon imprisoned them illegally. The ruling dismayed attorneys for some of the detainees who had hoped any favorable United Sates court findings would help clear their clients of the stigma, travel restrictions and, in some instances, perhaps more jail time that resulted from their stay at Guantanamo. U.S. District Judge Thomas F. Hogan wrote he was “not unsympathetic” to the former detainees’ plight. “Detention for any length of time can be injurious. And certainly associations with Guantanamo tend to be negative,” he wrote. But the detainees’ transfer from Guantanamo made their cases moot. “The court finds that petitioners no longer present a live case or controversy since a federal court cannot remedy the alleged collateral consequences of their prior detention at Guantanamo,” he wrote. Hogan’s ruling, issued last Thursday, but not widely publicized, closed the files on 105 habeas corpus petitions, many of which had been pending for years as the Bush administration resisted the right of civilian judges to intervene in military detentions. The U.S. Supreme Court resolved that issue in 2008, ruling in Boumediene v. Bush the detainees could challenge their captivity in civilian court. Since then, judges have ordered the release of 34 detainees while upholding the detention of 12. Attorneys for the ex-detainees were deciding Monday whether

photo courtesy MCT Detainees conduct morning prayers on March 28, 2009 at Camp 4 for cooperative captives at the U.S. Navy base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

to appeal the ruling to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, said Shayana Kadidal, an attorney at New York's Center for Constitutional Rights, which has taken the lead in championing Guantanamo habeas petitions. The former prisoners who had filed the dismissed suits ranged from “people who disappeared in Libyan prison to people who are home living with their family and can't get a job,” Kadidal said. The “vast, vast majority” of former Guantanamo prisoners are under some form of travel restriction, he said, as a result of either transfer agreements between the U.S. and where they now live or the stigma of having spent time in U.S. military custody. “If you want to do haj at some point in your life,” he said, referring to a Muslim’s duty to make a pilgrimage to Mecca, a freed detainee would need to get those restrictions lifted. Moreover, he added, CCR affiliated attorneys have tracked former

captives to a prison at Policharki, Afghanistan, which was once run by the U.S. military. He said "the U.S. may be pulling the puppet strings" of their continued captivity. In the case of two men sent home to Sudan, according to an affidavit filed by an investigator with the Oregon Federal Public Defender’s office, which is representing them, the U.S. required as a condition for their release that Sudan seize their travel documents and prevent them from leaving the country. Hogan said the attorneys for the former detainees hadn't offered enough proof that other countries were operating essentially as U.S. proxies. “Petitioners are short on examples, except for the fact that former Guantanamo detainees from Afghanistan transferred back to Afghanistan have been detained at a detention facility built by the United States,” he wrote.


April 6. 2010

Avoid chemicals with eco-beauty By Melissa Maldonado

Daily Titan Staff Writer features@dailytitan.com

Photo courtesy of flickr / planetchopstick No matter why you oversleep, getting a good night’s rest (seven to eight hours) will help in maintaining good health.

Too much sleep imposes unhealthy effects By Allie Mosier

Daily Titan Staff Writer features@dailytitan.com

College students are notorious for not getting enough sleep. Pulling all-nighters while cramming for exams leads to exhaustion, sleeping in between classes and sleeping until noon on weekends. Yes, this isn’t the healthiest of lifestyles to lead, but it gets the job done. We all know that not getting enough sleep is bad for our health, but oversleeping can be just as bad. Oversleeping has been linked to a variety of medical problems, including diabetes, heart disease and depression, according to WebMD. But don’t think you’re in trouble if you sleep more than the recommended seven to eight hours. The amount of sleep you need depends on your age, activity level and general health. During times of illness and stress, your body may require more sleep. Oversleeping is actually a medical disorder know as hypersomnia, which is characterized by excessive

daytime sleepiness. People who suffer from this condition experience anxiety, low energy and memory problems as a result of their constant need for sleep. Just because you oversleep, does not mean you have this disorder. Oversleeping can also be caused by drinking alcohol. Alyse Murguia, 25, human services major, didn’t know oversleeping could be bad for one’s health, but wasn’t surprised. “It makes sense. Overdoing or under-doing something is always bad for you,” Murguia said. In a study of 9,000 Americans, people who slept more than nine hours each night had a 50 percent greater risk of diabetes than people who slept seven hours per night. The study also found that people who slept less than five hours per night were also at risk. Veronica Quiroz, 23, human services major, was shocked to find out oversleeping was bad for one’s health. “I actually thought that sleeping and resting would be healthy because the body needs rest,” Quiroz said. Some side effects include head-

aches and back pain. People who sleep in on weekends are more prone to headaches. Researchers say that oversleeping has an effect on neurotransmitters in the brain, including serotonin, which regulates mood, appetite and sleep, among other functions. If you experience back pain, it could be due to sleeping in. Back pain can be a result of not getting enough physical activity. In order to curtail this side effect, one recommendation is to exercise regularly. Kimberly Nelson, a technical director of the sleep lab at Southern California Sleep Disorders Specialists in Anaheim, said there are a few reasons that could cause people to oversleep such as constructive sleep apnea. “This causes the patient to not get good quality sleep which causes them to be very tired,” Nelson said. In order to maintain a regular sleep habit, experts recommend going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at the same every day.

From hybrid cars to eco-canvas shopping bags, environmentallyfriendly products continue to make their way into the lives and homes of people all across the world. Now, even cosmetics are getting their own “all-natural” makeovers. Most students are familiar with the different varieties of environmental hazards such as air pollution and pesticides, but there are also dangers in using products with synthetic ingredients. The skin is the body’s largest organ and absorbs the most toxins. Products such as lotions, makeup and deodorants seep into the bloodstream and the chemical ingredients can accumulate in certain organs. “Chemical sensitization is a condition whereby a person can be exposed to a chemical in small amounts for years and not experience any adverse effects until a certain threshold is reached in the body. And without warning, that person can have a serious reaction to the material,” said organic and inorganic chemistry

professor Hal Rogers. According to Rogers, chemicals are stored in various tissues in the body including the liver, spleen and brain. As experts learn more about the effects of the chemical substances found in our daily beauty regimen, the benefits of natural personal care seem exponential. “A product is considered to be ‘all natural’ if it contains absolutely no man-made chemicals. For example, a product that uses vanilla as a component for its fragrance may use natural vanilla, obtained from the seed of the vanilla orchid plant,” Rogers said. This is more than just a passing trend as more and more consumers are discovering the myriad of advantages associated with these products. According to the NPD market research company, the value of the natural beauty market is over $8 billion, and while experts claim that 2010 may be a difficult year in terms of revenue, some products continue to fly off the shelves. Here are some all-natural alternatives to look out for: 1. BareMinerals: This foundation

contains only five ingredients: mica, zinc, oxide, iron and titanium dioxide. 2. Sexy Hair: This company’s certified organic line provides products that are safe for the environment and healthy for consumers. 3. The Health Deodorant: Lavanila’s The Health Deodorant has no parabens, sulfates, synthetic dyes or harsh chemicals and uses beta-glucan technology to fight odor. “One of the major ingredients in antiperspirants is aluminum chlorhydroxide or similar compounds. Some chemical additives or altered products can cause cancer but this is difficult to prove since it can take years or decades for a cancer to develop and be diagnosed,” Rogers said. 4. Korres Body Butter: Blends sunflower, almond and avocado oils to nourish and restore skin. 5. Suncoat Nail Polish: According to Good Housekeeping Magazine, Suncoat Water-Based Nail Polish had great reviews for easy application and resistant to chipping. Each bottle runs about $7 and can be found in natural health food retailers.

Photo BY CHRISTINE CIRILLO Anita Sougu tests out all-natural makeup options for eyeshadow at the MAC counter in Nordstrom’s at the Irvine Spectrum.

April 6, 2010

CSUF provides nutrion plans for new moms

Photo Courtesy MCT The Student Health and Counseling Center provides nutrition advice for new moms.

By Victoria Graciano

Daily Titan Staff Writer features@dailytitan.com

Finally, after nine months of a ruthless struggle of feeling nauseous and tired all the time, maintaining your sanity, making sure you are eating healthy and not to mention the shock after discovering you are gaining weight in places you never thought you could, all of that comes to an end. That is only scratching the surface of the pregnancy symptoms. But yes, on delivery day, we expect to do a couple of pushes, baby comes out and boom, we are back to our skinny selves again, right? Wrong. Sorry ladies, but unless you are Heidi Klum, you are going to have to put some work into getting back in shape after you give birth to your new bundle

of joy. Of course there is nothing more precious than to spend all morning, afternoon and evening starring at the new life you’ve created. But then you take a look at yourself. That’s right, mom, it’s time to get you back to looking fabulous. According to WebMD, the best way for a new mom to get back in shape is not to diet, but to be patient, eat healthy and exercise. Toni Arteaga, 29, mother of an 11-year-old girl, is a human services major at Cal State Fullerton and recommends having a plan and sticking to it. “Remember that there is no such thing as a magic pill,” Arteaga said. Don’t push for a crazy diet. Your body needs time to recover from delivery and being pregnant all together. Just like it took nine months

to gain the weight, it will take just as long, or maybe longer, to lose it. “Being a mom means having no time, but I try to work out when I can,” Arteaga said. You can work out and be with your baby at the same time, by putting the baby in a stroller and going out for a walk. Another time to take advantage to work out is while baby is napping. What does CSUF have to offer to get these weightloss steps in place? Jerri Freeman, special events coordinator for the Women’s Center at CSUF, recommends stopping by the Student Health and Counseling Center and asking information on the Health Education and Promotion program as well as the nutrition education program. “These programs are free to students,” Freeman said. This is a great place for a new mom to complete their daily workouts, especially between classes. “The Recreation Center is a wonderful place for students to get their exercise and connect with others,” Freeman said. CSUF moms are lucky to have a gym on campus – convenience is a new mom’s best friend. As for mothers who are nursing, you’ll be glad to know that breastfeeding burns up to 500 calories a day. “If a new mother is nursing and needs to ‘pump’ while on campus, she can contact the Women’s Center to arrange an appointment for a private area we have available to accommodate them for this purpose,” Freeman said. Darany Hoang, health educator at CSUF’s health center, says she is able to create and encourage a healthy individual nutrition plan on a budget and be able to set realistic nutritional and exercise goals. “I provide a one-on-one nutrition consultation that provides a general overview of nutrition,” Hoang said. Nutritionists suggest loading up on “super foods,” which include lean protein like chicken or salmon, nuts and almonds, vegetables and fruits, and dairy products like milk and nonfat yogurt. With the right combination of supper foods, you will feel full longer and energetic. A calorie intake of at least 1200 a day is recommended. Patience is key when trying to lose the baby weight pounds, so catch a reccomended 7 hours of sleep.



April 6, 2010

Is President Obama’s decision to allow offshore drilling in the Atlantic a sensible one?

By Melissa Maldonado

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

President Obama’s April 1 approval for offshore drilling on seems like it could be a cruel April Fool’s joke. But we’re still waiting for the punch line. In what appears to be an attempt to gain support for Republicans in Congress, Obama reversed his campaign promise and opened 500,000 square miles of United States coastal waters for oil and gas exploitation, undoing the policy for the first time in over 20 years.Even though our precious Pacific Ocean was spared of the new plan, areas off the Atlantic coast, northern coast of Alaska and eastern Gulf of Mexico were not so lucky. Whether it was a compromise or attempt to maintain some miniscule of environmentalist support, Obama banned offshore drilling in Alaska’s Bristol Bay, the largest source of seafood in America and home to endangered whales. However, the ban on this treasured body of water could be lifted in 2017. Then what? Obama stated that the decision was not made lightly but “drilling alone cannot come close to meeting our long-term energy needs,

and for the sake of the planet and our energy independence, we need to begin the transition to cleaner fuels now.” So let’s build off shore plants, dig into the ocean bottom and spew gallons of oil around for the mere sake of our mother Earth. Can you say catch-22? Economists acknowledge the fact that it will be at least a decade before the offshore oil will enter the economy and it won’t be until 2030 to see a noticeable effect, a mere three or four cents cheaper per gallon of gas. Is the potential and inevitable environmental damage worth that? The August 2009 oil spill in Australia reiterated the catastrophic effects of offshore oil drilling gone wrong, yet our president still believes it’s a good idea. According to the Committee Against Oil Exploration (CAOE), an oil rig can dump up to 90,000 tons of drilling fluid and metal cuttings over its lifetime, including produced water, which is excess water from well drilling or production consisting of oil, drilling fluid, and other chemicals used in or resulting from oil production. Sound yummy? Yet, there is a simple and passable solution to offshore drilling. If our cars and trucks got an average of just a couple more miles per gallon, we’d save more oil that exists off the entire coast of Florida. Still, federal gas mileage standards leave much room for improvement. Doesn’t that seem like a more logical alternative than spewing oil into the ocean, killing wildlife for a few cents off per trip to the pump? It won’t be long before Obama’s latest slogan “drill, baby, drill” will turn into “drill, baby, oops.”

By Brian Zbysenski

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

Photo Courtesy MCT Drilling engineer Mike Shaw looks over the water from the Discoverer Spirit in the Gulf of Mexico; one of the many already established offshore drilling locations.

Last week, President Obama announced that he approved offshore drilling off the United States coasts of Virginia, Alaska, mid-Atlantic, south-Atlantic and the eastern Gulf of Mexico. This is something that hasn’t been done in decades, and may be the most significant advance in offshore energy in decades. In order to sustain our energy costs and perhaps lower the cost of energy, this is a huge step in the right direction. Not only that, but doing so could also be the beginning of the end of dependence on foreign oil, and ultimately help out our already dwindling economy by keeping our own money in the country and creating more American jobs. The major reason we are not doing this today is because of environmental concerns. In 1969, there was a major oil spill in Santa Barbara that triggered an environmental movement and this movement has made sure oil drilling platforms were seen as dirty and thus helped to get them banned. However, oil spills have dropped significantly since the

1970s and are safer more than ever, according to NorthJersey.com. “There have been no catastrophic oil spills from U.S. platforms since 1969, even as more than 4,000 offshore platforms operate in U.S. waters.” They also mention that from 1971-2000, offshore facilities only accounted for two percent of the oil in American waters. Sixty-three percent was from the oil naturally making its way into the water and the other 22 percent can be chalked up to industrial runoff. So generally, over the past four decades, spillage is a minor concern due to new ship designs and more strictly enforced safety procedures. This country uses massive amounts of energy each day and something has to be done. We are all trying to be a little “green” by shutting off lights. We are using less and recycling more products. But this will not be enough, and our dependence on energy doesn’t seem to be decreasing any time soon. According to an article on cnn. com, senior economist at the American Petroleum Institute Sara Banaszak said that there could be an “immediate impact” if drilling were to start. It would be a “strong signal” to the future of the oil markets and could benefit us in lower costs of fuel and energy as a whole. Since our economy is still below ideal, and domestic energy can be cheaper, creating jobs for our own people, let’s see this as a step forward. Technological advances make it safe for us to do so, and since nuclear energy still isn’t popular for the same reason as offshore drilling, we need to start somewhere.


April 6, 2010


Letter to the Editor I read with interest Maureen Fox’s December 9, 2009, article about the Cal State Fullerton protests following Ronald Reagan’s appearance in February 9, 1970. As this was a life-changing series of events for many, including myself, a freshman at the time, I would like to add another perspective to Maureen’s fairly accurate story. At Reagan’s talk, his first at any state college or university as governor, the cameras were turned on the crowd, not the guest speaker. Only weeks before had Reagan passed legislation making it a felony to “disrupt a school sponsored event,” a move ostensibly designed to halt classroom protests at San Francisco State over teaching atomic weapon design. As a member of the Board of Regents, he was on campus as a guest of the campus lecture series, but as it turned out, it seems that he was there more to test the new law enabling him to arrest hecklers in the crowd under the new state law. I also “boo-ed” when Reagan claimed that “No students were denied admission to the state college or university system as result of his budget cuts.” It was a boldfaced lie, as I and thousands of others knew first hand. Like Bruce Church and Dave MacKowiak, noted campus activists, I too could have been arrested. None of us suspected we were committing a felony for heckling a politician and exercising what we thought was free speech. Reagan’s talk was not seriously disrupted by the few outbursts, certainly no more than any other ordinary political speech. The crowd was actually quite respectful, as I recall. Fullerton was, and still is, the rhinestone on the Orange County belt buckle of conservatism, after all. But Maureen Fox misses a few key points in her story. One is that it was not the Faculty Council, but the Student Council, of which I was a member, that was asked to expel Bruce and Dave. This was a cowardly request from the acting school president who was too intimidated by the Reagan camp to “just say no!” to their pressure. It was not enough to arrest Bruce and Dave; the neo-cons wanted them expelled as well! It was our council regular meeting that was visited by the “200 protesters.” But we quickly said, “Hell no!” to the administration and adjourned to reconvene over at the Velvet Hog restaurant across the street for beers and revelry, protesters and councilors

Letters to the Editor:

alike. We were off-campus by the time the 119, not 20, Fullerton and other community riot squad police arrived. The police surrounded the Quad looking for the “protesters” when they panicked as classes broke out at noon. Lord knows we, the radicals and the councilors, tried to get into the fray from the outside. But the police were already cracking the heads of regular students who we nicknamed “Holly Housewife and Biz-Add Charlie” and the usual throng of undergrads at the most a-political and ostensibly pro-Reagan campus in the entire California school system. With an estimated 5,000 ordinary students cordoned in the Quad for hours, after 56 were hospitalized and 19 arrested, it was this mindless police riot that radicalized many thousands of students and embittered many hundreds more. Can you imagine witnessing the bloodying of so many for doing little more than leaving class for lunch? Watching from outside the police line and witnessing the ambulances, I can affirm that police riots are absolutely terrifying. I, for one, will never support chiseling Ronald Reagan’s face on Mount Rushmore or have to see his smiley face on any denomination of U.S. currency. How could anyone who was there have any fond feelings toward a governor that deliberately set up and arrested hecklers and then put pressure on the school administration to not only expel them, but to get the student government to do their dirty work? As a result, CSUF was on strike a week before the Kent State shootings. It was that week on strike that I made a commitment to work for social justice, only a few weeks after helping to organize the first April 22 “Earth Day” activities on campus where I previously made the commitment to work for environmental protection. This series of events was so galvanizing for me that I work to this day for environmental protection and social justice. I still endeavor to “Be a part of the solution, not the problem.” The campus may be quiet today, but 40 years ago it was a hotbed of confusion and confrontation over Reagan’s botched attempt to, to... Heck, what was he thinking? Name of sender: Jim McNelly Subject: Reagan’s 1970 Police Riot Submitted: March 22. 2010

Any feedback, positive or negative, is encouraged, as we strive to keep an open dialogue with our readership. The Daily Titan reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar and spelling. Direct all comments, questions or concerns along with your full name and major to the Daily Titan Opinion Desk at opinion@dailytitan.com.

For the record Articles written for the Daily Titan by columnists, other Cal State Fullerton students or guests do not necessarily reflect the view of the Daily Titan or Daily Titan Editorial Board. Only the editorials are representative of the views of the Daily Titan Editorial Board.

“Exploring the highs and lows of nerd culture”

Jobs: The Chosen One by ashleigh johnson

Daily Titan Copy Editor opinion@dailytitan.com

This past weekend, something happened; something historic. In the future, legends will speak of that day with awe and marvel. Bards will sing with praises of the wonderment of April 3, 2010, for it was a sacred day; a holy one. For lo! On this most excellent of days, the prophet Steve Jobs descended from on high (the Apple corporation) to deliver unto the douche bags and technophiles an artifact for the ages – a tablet, carved from the finest obsidian by the most gifted of dwarven craftsmen, and blessed by a Yagudo high priest with holy magic. Long ago, Jobs, son of Ffhsjktjhr the blacksmith, lost his family after the evil lord Bill Gates summoned his orc hordes to attack the small village Jobs and his people dwelled in. For Lord Gates was a jealous and crafty man, and he knew that the day drew nigh when Jobs, the Chosen One, would realize his fate and would set out to destroy the dark lord. But Jobs, being a scrappy young lad, escaped. Holding aloft his father’s sword, he swore to avenge the deaths of his people, no matter what the cost. Thus, the boy Jobs set out to make his fortune. He wandered from place to place, relying solely on the kindness of strangers for shelter and sustenance. His journeys were arduous and fraught with peril, but still he pressed on, determination and righteous fury lighting his way. Upon reaching the village of the Sonyites, many of whom were in league with the dark lord Gates. As Jobs reached the city gate the king of the Sonyites, Sir Howard Stringer challenged Jobs to hand-to-hand combat, confident that his many tentacles of joy would make short work of our hero. “King Stringer!” Shouted Jobs. “I

accept your challenge! Let us meet on the field of battle so that I may prove my worth.” “Bleeehhh! Guuhhhgggghh!” gurgled Stringer in agreement through his mandibles. The battle was long and bloody, as both men were equally matched in skill. Ultimately, it was Jobs who delivered the killing blow, piercing Stringer’s heart with his father’s sword. With this dying breath, Stringer acknowledged Jobs’ superior ability and bestowed upon him a black tablet he called the iPad. The tablet, Stringer explained through gasps was thought to have been a gift from an ancient clan whose name had been forgotten by time. “Heerrrrgggghhh!” Stringer explained before closing his eyes and breathing his last breath. Jobs eventually reached the city of Microsoft where he demanded an audience with the dark lord Gates. The door to the throne room opened with a creak, then and there, on a throne made of dead babies, sat Gates. “Well, my child, I see you have come to kill me,” Gates smirked.

“Unfortunately, the only one who will be dying today is you!” In a flash, Gates reached beneath his robes and pulled out a tablet of his own. “Prepare to be incinerated by my Microsoft Hewlett-Packard Slate!” But before Gates could destroy Jobs with the Slate’s Windows 7 operating system and multiple browser choices, Jobs held out his iPad shouting, “Behold! The Apple App Store with new applications developed just for the iPad!” “Nooooo!” shrieked Gates, before disintegrating into a pile of ash. Thus, Jobs turned and left, journeying once again, this time to spread the magic of the iPad to the latte-sipping masses. Epilogue: Hi, my name is Ashleigh and the above account is the impression I get whenever Apple fanatics mention the iPad. Fanboyism is a terrible, often fatal disease that effects millions of Americans. If you or a loved one suffers from fanboy-ism, don’t wait, get help now before it’s too late. Please, please for the love of all that is good and holy shut up about the iPad; it looks like an iPod Touch that lost a fight to a steamroller.

Photo Courtesy of MCT


April 6, 2010

World’s best golfer is back on the course Woods did well in his first press conference since his Thanksgiving incident

to ask the tough questions that peo- bien, and how he would love to keep his lucrative sponsors and that only a ple want to know the answers to. He took full responsibility for change in his behavior would prove his actions and was clear about not that he is a “good investment.” He admitted to receiving bloodblaming anyone but himself. “I was rationalizing, denying, in spinning treatment from a doctor By james gobee who was under suspicion for having total denial at times,” Woods said. Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com Woods went on to say how he performance-enhancing drugs and giving them to athletes, but denied needed to “heal.” “One of the hardest parts for me ever taking any illegal drugs, includIn front of five cameras and 206 media members, four-time Masters was having to look at myself in a ing PEDs. While Woods took complete champion Tiger Woods answered 39 light that I never wanted to look at blame for everything that happened questions in his first press conference myself,” Woods said. There were still questions that in the past few years, he talked about since his single-car accident Thanksbecoming a betWoods was refusgiving night. ter man. Woods sat down and spoke about ing to answer, like “I realized how the day on the course but first ad- why he was in remuch I under apdressed matters about his family, the hab for 45 days. preciate my fans,” In respose to accident, his injuries and his future Woods said. without once being provoked or the question he Woods vowed said, “That’s perquestioned. to be more apHe said that he was nervous about sonal.” – Tiger Woods proachable to his Another queshitting off the tee on the first hole fans and the metion he did not but not for the press conference. Professional golfer dia. was Woods also extended an apology answer His past interto fellow golfers who had to deal whether or not with the constant badgering and be- he was on either Ambien or Vicodin actions with fans was minimal and sour at times. ing forced to answer questions about Thanksgiving night. His newly vowed interaction to This only means that journalists Woods and his fall from grace. The questions reigned over Woods are going to continue to dig for an- be more approachable will do good things for his image, not to mention for 33 minutes and overall, it seemed swers. Woods was upfront about a lot of his social skills. that Woods handled the situation Woods called most of the reportwell, although they were nearly all things, including how he was accusgolf writers and they are not known tomed to taking Vicodin and Am- ers in the room “friends” and said that they would be friends forever, which is strange because he has been described as crude and smug at times. He promised to be a better man, warmer, nicer, more honest and less unstable. “I wasn’t having any fun winning the tournaments in the years past,” Woods said. “Look what I was engaged in, lies and deceit, life was not fun.” It must have been so difficult and so boring to take home cocktail waitresses, nightclub hostesses and porn stars. Seems like it was an overabundance of fun and not a lack of fun. All in all, he handled the press very well and did not shy away from answers with a great deal of poise. Woods is no dummy, unless it involves leaving behind incriminating Woods hits his tee shot on No. 12 during a practice round for the Masters at Augusta voice mails or text messages. National Golf Club in Augusta, Ga. April 5. He has not played since mid-November.

Look what I was engaged in, lies and deceit, life was not fun.

photos courtesy MCT Tiger Woods jokes with Fred Couples, not pictured, after hitting his tee shot on No. 12 during a practice round for the Masters.

Tiger Woods to play in the Masters April 8 Four-time Masters champion: 1997, 2001, 2002, 2005


April 6, 2010

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9 2





5 2

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Your partner points you toward unknown territory. There are benefits to going there, accompanied by some prickly problems.

How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

6 1 2 8

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) You and a partner work to develop a long-range plan. Consider each facet according to your personal philosophy.

Daily Sudoku: Thu 25-Mar-2010

2 9 3 5

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Messages arrive from a variety of sources. Narrow the field by eliminating stressful concepts. Go with what feels good.


7 8 4 6

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) You’re torn between two options. Follow advice from a reliable source, or take a leap of faith on an associate’s enthusiasm? Either choice works out.


4 9 1 4 2 5 3

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Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Get out and about today to maximize career opportunities. Take a shopping list. Multitasking works today.





4 5 7 1

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) What starts out as a thorny problem eventually gives in to creative concepts developed within your group. Team up to break through resistance.



8 2 9 3

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Figure out a logical set of priorities. Then, work closely with a partner, even if you irritate each other now. Finally, mobilize your enthusiasm.




Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) To ensure a solid foundation for your ideas, reach out to a professional for needed advice. Although you don’t like everything you hear, you glean some gold.

8 7 2 6 9


Cancer (June 22-July 22) You may be dealing with moral questions. Spiritual inspiration comes from meditation or dreams. Remember to keep your feet on the ground.


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Gemini (May 21-June 21) What you think ought to be simple instead has many perplexing thorns. Even the greatest imagination would need to adapt big ideas to limited means.

5 8 3 6 9 1 4 2 7 7 6 1 4 3 2 5 8 9 4 9 2 7 5 8 6 3 1

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Take extra time during the planning phase of a project. Let ideas simmer until you taste the magic. Then translate mental images into practical displays.


Daily Sudoku: Thu 25-Mar-2010

Aries (March 21-April 19) Let your optimism simmer. Everyone needs to adapt to the demands of the moment. Save emotions for later.


April 6, 2010

Snow team shreds the slopes Skiers and snowboarders learn to balance classes and ride time

Titan Spotlight:

Ari Cervantes

By jim so

For the Daily Titan


A sentinel in the form of a gargantuan woolly mammoth stands guard at the base lodge, greeting visitors and snow riders as they prepare to carve up the mountain powder. This is Mammoth Mountain, Calif., the home turf of the Cal State Fullerton ski and snowboard team. Their mission: to ride fast, shred the gnar and have fun. Athletes who aim to give it their best need to commit time to their sport. Extreme sports participants are no exception. But student athletes have an additional challenge: they need to balance time between classes, work, social life, training and traveling. And unlike team sports, whose training and practicing is usually held on campus, snowboarding takes place on the mountain. The CSUF ski and snowboard team manages to incorporate all these activities into their schedules. “I space out my classes so that I have an hour and 45 minutes in between classes so I can do homework,” said snowboarder Jason LaManque, 23, international business major. Snowboarder Jessica Lane, 22, psychology major, also uses technology to help her manage time efficiently. “There’s a Starbucks there in Mammoth, so I’ll bring my laptop and access their Internet and get my homework done,” she said. “I hate cramming and I prefer to get my schoolwork done before a competition.” Team captain Shea Helms, 22, a public relations major who also works and attends school full time, is big on multitasking. “I’ll be doing homework on the way to Mammoth during the sixhour ride, or reading while working out,” she said. “If our evenings are free, we might head up to Mountain High for night riding. You have to use every part of the day wisely. You have to be on top of things from the get go.” Helms says that online classes are a great help in time management.

photo courtesy shea helms Ashley DeLuca, Jessica Lane and Shea Helms celebrate after the Southern California Collegiate Ski and Snowboard Conference.

“Online classes can help me manage my time better because I don’t have to be in class and I can go at my own pace,” she said. Central to her time management system is the usage of an everyday device. “My iPhone is critical in maintaining my lists and calender. I’m really big on planning,” she said. “It helps me to organize myself so I can keep up riding, stay competitive, and still make time for my friends.” Helms, who participates in other boardsports, has the added task of being team captain. She said the role involves helping out with budget planning, reserving overnight lodging, setting up seeding priority, contacting sponsors, organizing fundraisers and social events and overseeing the club’s Facebook and Myspace pages. According to Helms, the team consists of 20 members, two of which are skiers. Helms keeps the team closely knit by organizing activities outside of school and riding. For example, on a previous weekend, she hosted a party at her house, and after, a few members went to a

club in Downtown Fullerton. Even though the team’s collective goal is to forge ahead with making a name for themselves at competitions and representing CSUF snowboarding, each member has their definitions of why they ride. “It’s such an adrenaline rush when you land a trick that you didn’t before,” LaManque said. “You’re in a race, you beat other people, it’s such a good feeling, nothing really matches that for me.” Helms said that snowboarding frees the mind. “I don’t have to stress about anything going on in my life,” she said. “I just let go of everything, let go of stress, have fun and focus on my next trick.” For Lane, it’s the thrill of competing. “I wanted to see how I am to other girls skill-wise,” she said. “I love the feeling of the mountain snow and being connected to nature.” With all their varied reasons for riding, the members all agree that the club is about like-minded people who share a common interest. “Joining the team has been a great positive experience while at college,”

Lane said. “It’s been benefical to my riding skills.” “For anybody who wants to get started or want to get better and progress, this is a great club,” LaManque added. Helms, who occassionally surfs, wakeboards and skateboards, has some advice for other women who are either currently involved with boardsports or thinking about taking up asport like snowboarding that’s heavily male-dominated. “Let’s take our ability to the next level. Girls have the potential,” she said. “Let’s prove we can do it.” Lane recommends to stick with it, don’t get discouraged, and be observant. “Ride with guys. They take more risks skill-wise and can show girls more than female friends can,” Lane said. The CSUF snow team shows that one can balance time between academics and shreddin’ the gnar, while sharing a common passion for snowboarding and having fun. The team’s next competition is April 10 at Mammoth Mountain, where they will be competing in the slopestyle event.

photo By lucio villa/For the Daily Titan Junior pitcher Ari Cervantes throws a pitch during a non-conference matchup.

By james gobee

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

Cal State Fullerton junior pitcher Ari Cervantes was named the Big West Player of the Week April 5 and nominated for Pitcher of the Week for her amazing performance at the plate and in the circle over the weekend, playing an intricate role in sweeping Big West rival UC Santa Barbara. “I’m super excited for Ari,” Head Coach Michelle Gromacki said. “She stepped up and has pitched a lot of games and it had to pay off sometime.” Cervantes is the second Titan this season to be awarded Player of the Week, following sophomore infielder Trina Harrison, who was named player of the week March 22. A year ago, Cervantes was named Pitcher of the Week March 16. Cervantes finished the weekend with two hits in each of the Titans’ three victories. She also is

batting a team-high .545, going 6-for-11 and hammering out .818 over the weekend, earning herself a pair of wins in the circle. “Her hitting was critical for us,” Gromacki said. “And we talked about confidence, starting fresh and with a clean slate, and Friday we went out there with a total new outlook on the game.” In the circle, Cervantes was 2-0 with an ERA of 0.78, winning the first and last game of the three-game series against the Gauchos. “We talked about pride and how this was the start of a brand new season,” Gromacki said. Eight hits were scattered throughout the games and Cervantes carried a shutout into the fifth inning of the opening game prior to allowing three hits in four innings of relief pitching. Softball sweeps the Gauchos. Visit: www.dailytitan.com/beatucsb

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