Daily Titan: Tuesday, April 20, 2010

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April 20, 2010

Vol. 87 Issue 37

The battle for Los Angeles Who is the Southland’s team?


Angels or Dodgers? SPORTS, Page 6


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The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

High heels for healing Men ‘Walk a Mile In Her Shoes’ in a display of solidarity with victims of violent crimes

Multimedia Center receives new equipment

photo By christa connelly/Daily Titan Photo Editor The newly upgraded Multimedia Center in the Pollak Library draws students interested in editing, design and post-production of video.

By Gina Baxter

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

photo By Samantha saghbini/For the Daily Titan Cal State Fullerton males model women’s heels in the Quad on Monday afternoon. The purpose of the demonstration was to educate students about sexual assault and other violent acts.

By Ally Bordas

For the Daily Titan


The Orange County chapter of the Community Service Programs visited Cal State Fullerton on Monday to educate students about rape and violent acts toward men, women and children in Orange County. According to a flier handed out in the Quad titled “Gang Rape in Orange County,” 683,000 rapes occur

each year, which comes to 78 rapes per hour. The CSP organizes this annual event to bring justice to victims of rape, domestic violence and sexual assault, since many victims are afraid to speak of the crimes committed against them. The Quad was decorated with different colored T-shirts hung up on clotheslines, with each T-shirt representing a different crime committed. The Tshirts also featured stories, quotes and drawings that depicted violent crimes

that have not received justice, or of crimes untold due to fear or shame. “April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. We go to campuses throughout the year, but especially during April in order to show the clothesline project. We want to raise awareness (about these issues),” said Christina Beecher, a CSP event coordinator. Also occurring Monday was “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes.” This event took place for the first time and was organized by four CSUF students.

“What started out as a required class project has now evolved into something much more,” said Karen Garrison, a junior human services student. Garrison has been volunteering with the Rape Crisis Center for a little over two years. Professor Chip Royston is the instructor who inspired these four individuals to push themselves to make this event as amazing as possible. See ASSAULT, Page 2

Fight Night packs Long Beach, grows audience By Jon McAdam

For the Daily Titan


Mixed martial arts fans packed the Hall of Champions Gym on April 18, for Long Beach Fight Night, held quarterly at Long Beach City College. This up-and-coming mixed martial arts tournament, put on by Topping Events Inc., aims to “grow into the premier Southern Californiabased professional MMA promotion and beyond,” said event co-promoter Jason De La O. And grown it has. Even the stars came out to see the action. “I like this actually more than the higher level fights because you really get the raw, these kids want it so bad and they’re just fighting and scratching their way to the top and I love it,” said Mike “The Joker” Guymon,

about Fight Night. Featuring local Southern California talent, most fighters had fewer than 10 fights in their careers. Part of Long Beach Fight Night’s success is due to “the most competitive prices in the industry,” De La O said. Pre-sale ticket prices range from the $20 to $80. Another reason for the event’s rising popularity is its safe and familyfriendly environment. Well-lit and alcohol free, all ages are welcome to attend. Highlights of the night included how Kenny “The Spaceman” Quach of Ma Du Academy scored a first round, 33-second victory over Jerad “The Warrior” Jurgensmier. As the round started, Jurgensmier shot in right away for a takedown. “He tried to take me down and almost had a takedown on me but I bounced off the ropes and landed in

photos courtesy chad scott/For the Daily Titan San Bernadino’s Adam Rothweiler (left) and Tyler ‘Shinobi’ Aimer duke it out in the ring.

the mount,” said Quach. “I started punching him and he just tapped from there.” One of the most exciting fights of the night was when “Bay” Ray Cervera of Bakersfield BJJ, came back in the second round after suffering a devastating kick to the chin by Thor “Masta T” Skancke. A dazed Cervera regained his senses amid a flurry of punches from the guard. He butterfly-swept Skancke, who then “turned and gave me his back, and I finished with a rear naked choke,” Cervera said. But, not all fighters were males. Carla Esparza of Team Oyama won by way of submission via tap out in the second round. “I was just trying to stick with my strengths,” she said. “My coach gave me a good game plan, I executed it, and that’s about it,” Esparza said, referring to her rear naked choke victory over Karina “The Grasshopper” Hallinan. The nine-bout fight card culminated with the main fight of the night. Strategic and methodical, Reuben Duran of Pinnacle Jiu Jitsu guillotined Maurice “Syko” Eazel in the first round. “I knew Maurice was looking for the takedown, definitely, so I was just taking my time and waiting for that shot,” Duran said. “He shot, I saw it, and countered with the guillotine choke.” Judging the fights was judo master Gene LeBell, who trained such greats as Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris. Overall, it was an exciting night and the fighters showed a

lot of heart. Even though there were some quick knockouts, it is one thing to belittle a fighter, but another to actually have the courage to do what they do. Long Beach Fight Night 9 is scheduled for July 18 at 4:30 p.m.

While buying a computer or camera every time a new version is released can get pricey, so Cal State Fullerton has decided to provide students using the post-production studio within the communications department with a sizable gift. The Titan Multimedia Center has received new equipment in the form of six new Mac computers and several high-definition video cameras. These computers and cameras make it easier for students to produce and edit audio and video works due to their high-speed connectivity and quick downloading time directly onto a hard drive, which takes only a few minutes. “CSUF is pretty good at keeping up with new technology. We have a lot of resources at our disposal that other colleges don’t,” said Elias Saba, a senior business major. These resources now include more Mac computers in several buildings, such as the business college, a move that some students feel is an unnecessary expense in these uncertain budgeting times. “I know I’m lucky because I’m on the winning end and my major isn’t being cut (due to lack of funds), but other students could use the money that’s being spent on new technology,” Saba said. “We don’t need brand new Macs in the business building, but we have them. I think it’s really unnecessary (in light of other programs being cut).” See UPGRADE, Page 3

Campuses rally for safe-smoking option By Carolina Velazquez For the Daily Titan


With April marking National Alcohol Awareness Month, students across the country are encouraging their universities to authorize the use of marijuana as a safer alternative, rather than permitting students to choose the legal and most common party substance, alcohol. A nation-wide day of action was organized April 1, by Safer Alternative for Enjoyable Recreation in order to coincide with the start of Alcohol Awareness Month. Believed to have been a joke at first, many were convinced otherwise when 80 college campuses became involved in this campaign to promote marijuana as a safer option. A national attempt is well on its way in order to urge universities to allow the use of marijuana, instead of alcohol, as a less harmful substance option. See POT, Page 2

Photo courtesy mct



Germany tops poll about positive global influence TOKYO – Japan ranked second among 16 countries and the European Union as having a positive influence in the world, according to a recent poll jointly conducted by the BBC World Service and The Yomiuri Shimbun. The poll showed that 53 percent of respondents viewed the influence of Japan as positive, much higher than the 21 percent who viewed it as negative. The poll asked respondents in 33 countries whether they considered the influence of each of the 16 countries and the E.U. to be mostly positive or mostly negative. Of the nations featured in the poll, Germany was the most favorably viewed, with Japan and the E.U. ranked second. Japan was ranked fourth at 56 percent in a similar survey about a year ago, following Germany, Britain and Canada.


Supreme Court conservatives appear to back student group

WASHINGTON – Conservative Supreme Court justices appeared poised Monday to strike down a San Francisco law school’s refusal to recognize a Christian student group because it effectively prohibits gays from joining. With pointed questions and sharp tones, the court’s most vocal conservatives repeatedly challenged the University of California’s Hastings College of the Law’s treatment of the Christian Legal Society. The skeptics say the school violates the organization’s First Amendment rights to define its own membership. “It is so weird to require the campus Republican club to admit Democrats,” Justice Antonin Scalia said, using an analogy. “To require the Christian society to allow atheists not just to join, but to conduct Bible classes, that’s crazy.”

STATE Stabbing of Chico State student called a hate cime SACRAMENTO –The Chico State University student body president was stabbed several times early Sunday morning in what officials call a hate crime. Joseph Igbineweka, 23, who is of Nigerian descent, today was reported in stable condition at Enloe Medical Center. Chico police said Igbineweka was walking with friends on Warner Street near West Sacramento Avenue just off the north end of the university about 2:20 a.m. Sunday when a young man began yelling racial slurs at him. Police say the alleged assailant, Barry Sayavong, 19, of Chico then pulled a knife and began to slash and stab Igbineweka. Responding officers found Sayavong about a block away from the site of the attack and arrested him. Igbineweka suffered wounds to his neck, chest, abdomen and arm. Student Brian Ray, 20, a junior, said the attack stunned students. Ray, vice president of the Chico State Democratic Club, described Igbineweka as wonderful person who works well with all students.

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Newport film festival returns According to the Orange County Register, this year’s lineup includes sevDaily Titan Staff Writer eral dozen documentaries, action sports news@dailytitan.com flicks, shorts and collegiate productions From April 22 to 29, the Newport made by Orange County residents such Beach Film Festival will showcase a as a surfing documentary called “Living diverse collection of studio and inde- it Forever.” Organizers are also planning pendent films in order to support the to screen 365 films, including a numworks from emerging and seasoned ber of world, United States and West filmmakers. Coast premieres. Filmmaking students The festival will feature documenta- from Cal State Fullerton, Chapman ries, film shorts, parUniversity, Orties, a free seminar ange Coast Colseries, panels and lege, Saddleback more. College and Cal “Since the beginState Long Beach ning, the Newport will have the Beach Film Festival opportunity to – Jessica Mayo screen their films has been dedicated RTVF major to programming in front of a live that reflects the diaudience. versity of our comThe festival munity,” said Newport Beach Film will showcase this year’s selection of Festival Director of Marketing Todd radio-TV-film student films at the OrQuartararo. “This year, we will show- ange County Museum of Art on Saturcase films from 47 countries covering a day at 1 p.m. wide range of topics.” The selected films are: “Used Quartararo added that the festival Books” by Jacob Brookfield, “Costands out from other festivals because matose” by Peter Hebri and Javier of the beautiful coastal setting and its Descalzo, “Mad Sight” by Ricardo proximity to Hollywood. Perez Selsky and “Who We Are” by “Being so close to the entertainment Sean Willis. industry, we get a tremendous amount “The Newport Beach Film Festiof filmmakers and celebrities attending val is a great way for CSUF students the festival,” Quartararo said. to see works by fellow collegiate By Ashley Luu

I’m always excited to see young and new directors.


April 20, 2010

photo Courtesy Flickr.com

filmmakers that are destined to be tomorrow’s big stars,” Quartararo said. RTVF major Ryan McKeon, 22, said that he hopes to write and direct his own films and gain more of the necessary skills to break into the industry. “Movies always interest me and I am always entertained by new ideas,” McKeon said. “I also like the idea of creating stories or coming up with new worlds to explore.” Because of her love of storytelling, RTVF major Jessica Mayo, 22, said that films are a way to escape and to see different perspectives, which is

what she looks forward to seeing at the festival. “I’m always excited to see young and new directors. Their points of views are always fresh,” Mayo said. Quartararo said that last year the festival increased in attendance by 21 percent, above 51,000 people. He said that he is hoping to hit the same numbers this year. Gregg Schwenk, executive director and chief executive officer of the festival said that Variety, the trade publication, has chosen the festival as one of the top 30 film festivals in the U.S. according to the Orange County Register. The festival opens Thursday.

Pot: a safer option, Industry experts to Organization says discuss leadership From Page 1

As California is currently dealing with its own issues involving the legalization of marijuana. The message SAFER is sending around the country is receiving mixed reactions from students at Cal State Fullerton. “I agree with their mission in trying to promote the facts and educating the public about the uses of marijuana as a safer alternative,” said 21-year-old criminal justice major Noel Gutierrez. “I’m just unsure on whether it should be allowed on campuses yet.” SAFER, headquartered in Denver, is a non-profit organization. It was founded in 2005 that is dedicated to providing education about the damage caused by the two most popular recreational drugs: alcohol and marijuana. SAFER’s mission is to inform the public that marijuana causes less damage than alcohol does. According to the group’s website, SAFER envisions a society where laws no longer “drive” people to use alcohol as a substitute for the less harmful option, marijuana.

“I personally do not support the idea of advertising marijuana as a safer choice,” said English major Angel Zehnder. Zehnder, 20, who also admits that she hasn’t used marijuana and believes that SAFER’s goal for a national agreement for marijuana as a safer alternative doesn’t sound very harmless. “They’re trying to be safe about it but I’m just looking at it through a legal aspect,” Zehnder said. “Marijuana is still illegal, and promoting it now is just too soon for college campuses all over California.” Addressing the legalization of marijuana is nothing new to the state of California. April 19, it was announced that hundreds of local medical marijuana dispensaries are to be closed throughout Los Angeles and other parts of Southern California, beginning in June. As general elections are coming up in November, a ballot initiative is to be considered for whether marijuana should be legal, taxed and regulated in the state of California. “At this point, it doesn’t seem like this issue is going to fade any time soon,” Gutierrez said.

By charles purnell

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

The college of business in union with the college of communications will be hosting an inaugural leadership conference that will bring together experts to talk about leadership in times of uncertainty April 23, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Steven G. Mihaylo Hall. The first panel is from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. and will consist of media executives who will address the question: “Are shrinking audiences a problem or do they present an opportunity for growth and new pathways?” Panel one is titled “Print Media Leadership in a Competitive Age of Technology.” It will include Rich Archbold, executive editor of the Long Beach Press-Telegram; Ken Brusic, senior vice president of content for the Orange County Register; Kate Lee Butler, vice president of newspaper markets for the Associated Press and Maria De Varenne, editor and vice president of the Press-Enterprise Co. The second panel is “Leadership Across Cultural and National Boundaries.” Peter W. Dorfman, a professor from New Mexico State University; and Jon P. Howell, Professor of Management from the same university will talk about which leadership styles are effective in different regions and cultures. They will be using facts from the 15-year Global Leadership and Organizational Behavioral Effectiveness research project. Twenty-five-year-old criminal justice and philosophy major German Caldera said he is very cynical about business practices, and therefore impressed with the panel and

discussions. “Anytime you introduce diversity or an exchange of ideas from different cultures I think it’s beneficial,” Caldera said. “Beneficial to the workplace in general and especially to the employees that have to be dealing with us. So, it’s a good thing.” The next panel discussion will be about neuroleadership research. “Improving a Leader’s Mental Skills: The New Science of Brainmapping,” is the title of the conversation taking place from 10:50 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. Panelist include: Dr. Louis S. Csoka, Apex Performance; Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin, executive director of the Center for Cognitive Enhancement; Dr. Michael Linden, director of attention learning centers and attention performance centers; and Dr. Wesley Sime, teacher/researcher of health psychology and sport psychology. “I think the idea of improving leader’s mental skills is really cool,” said 20-year-old art major Chris Price. “I know it’s really important to understand the way you think, that way you can take on challenges.” The luncheon will take place 11:50 a.m. to 1:20 p.m. Following the luncheon, Keynote Speaker Jay Cogner will talk about the best leaders and their awareness that a spotlight is on them. Next will be a break and an open leadership forum, followed by a networking reception from 3:30 p.m to 5:30 p.m. “We’re hoping that people will use this as an opportunity for their own professional growth and development,” said Associate Dean of the College of Communications and Associate Director of the event Dr. Irene Matz.

assault: Event provides awarness to students From Page 1 Professor Royston recently received an award for being the most inspirational professor in his department. Walk a Mile in Her Shoes was scheduled at the same time as the CSP clothesline project so, together, they could create heightened awareness while attracting more people to their causes. The walk began at noon, with many male students and professors trading their beat-up vans and topsider shoes for a pair of hot pink heels, red strappy sandals and other high-heeled shoes. Each walker, about 25 in all, was sponsored by someone who paid five dollars for them to walk. All the money raised went towards CSP, which provides Sexual Assault Victim Services to Orange County. Plenty of supporters were there to cheer on the guys who prepared to

walk a mile in uncomfortable-looking heels. A call-to-action speech was given before the walk to pump everyone up for the important event. The speaker stated that the point of the walk was to help men understand what it is like for a woman to walk alone in heels, especially at night, when fear is heightened and the threat of possible assault is plausible. “I first got involved by taking a 48hour training course about sexually assaulted victims. I want to help (the sexually assaulted victims) by raising awareness about these issues,” said Vanessa Ramirez, one of the four students who coordinated the walk. The walk ended back in the Quad after circling the entire campus. The Women’s Center and Students for Peace and Social Justice also supported both the clothesline project and the walk.


April 20, 2010

Disc jockeys spin with Serato By Charles Purnell

Daily Titan Staff Writer features@dailytitan.com

While DJ’ing the Greek Week kick off celebration April 15, DJ Mikey O said the craze in DJ technology is the upgrade of Serato Scratch Live as he hurriedly stretched his arms over his two-turntable setup, placed his fingertips on his laptop’s mouse-pad and fumbled through MP3 files for the next song. The new version of Scratch Live, a vinyl emulation software application created by New Zealand-based Serato Audio Research, is called Serato Itch. Serato Itch is a DJ performance software that has all the features of Scratch Live, but is designed to work with hardware controllers, not with turntables like with Scratch Live. Wave files are easier to manage with Itch, and its virtual needle-drop feature is so new the patent is still pending. Meanwhile, the NS7 by Numark is a two-turntable emulation controller that ships with Serato Itch software. The controller consists of two seven-inch direct-drive turntable platters separated by a two-channel

mixer, and all-in-one metal chassis. The NS7 represents the “pinnacle of DJ performance control,” according to Pro Sound and Stage Lighting website. Mikey O says the NS7 lives up to its name as the ultimate digital DJ’ing experience, although it isn’t strong enough to render turntables obsolete. “It makes the whole DJ thing more compact. You have more control over your music because of all the knobs and controls for the software,” he said. “But nothing can beat the feel and control of a turntable. Nothing.” NS7s may not be strong enough to make DJ turntables extinct, but the NS7 has snatched the spotlight. For instance, DJ I.D. won the 2009 DMC Championship by scratching, mixing, back-cuing and sampling with the NS7. Chris Roman, product development manager for Numark, introduced the NS7 as the world’s first motorized DJ control surface at winter NAMM 2008. At NAMM 2009, patrons were able to demo the unit. It became available in stores in January 2010. The NAMM Show is the largest music product trade show in the

world. It’s held every January at the Convention Center. The motorized platters are topped with vinyl that have slip-mats beneath them. Therefore, scratching on the platters feels similar to scratching with turntables, but at NAMM 2008, Roman described the feel as second to none. “The NS7 is a nice piece from what it seems, but I’ll stick to my Techniques,” said DJ King Assassin, who is presently assisting with the production of Wyclef Toussaint, St. Jean’s new album “How the West Was Won.” “The NS7 is a technology change so let’s accept it like we did CDJ’s. It’s up to the individual what he wants to rock with,” he said. The CP Pro Crossfader, Numark’s most reliable crossfader, is built into the mixer. Also built into the unit is an ASIO audio interface that produces sound at better than 44.1 kilohertz. Simply stated, the highest quality audio parts are in the NS7. Numark and Serato engineers collaborated and installed one-toone mapping inside the NS7. Oneto-one mapping means that every control on the controller has a corresponding feature within the software. This way, the hardware and

They latest DJ’ing craze is the Serato Scratch Live, which has a two-turntable setup, and the NS7 by Numark.

software work together right out the box. There is no trying to map a particular knob with a function in the software like in older systems. The controller, though designed to work with Serato Itch, will work

with other DJ-performance software including Traktor, Virtual DJ and MixVibes. DJ Nu-Mark, who is the DJ and producer for the the gold-selling rap group Jurassic 5, said the NS7 didn’t

appeal to him at the 2009 NAMM show in Anaheim. He didn’t like the long line faders, turntable platters or the pseudo-mixing features like a button that when pushed will automatically beat match songs.

By Serena whitecotton

Amazon Kindle a run for its money. I did use the iBook application, but it wasn’t much different than a Kindle or any other e-reader I’ve used. The only difference is that the user can turn the pages with his or her finger instead of clicking a button. I would actually prefer the Kindle to the iPad because it has twice the amount of books to choose from and it’s smaller. The coolest application on the iPad, and the only reason I would suggest to people to buy it, is Pages. It’s a word processing application and will allow people who already have a desktop computer to replace their laptops with the iPad. After 45 minutes of play and dis-

covery, I have decided I will not buy the iPad. I already have an iPod, I already have a Macbook and I like reading real books. I would only recommend the iPad to people who have large hands (it was hard to type with my tiny hands), who don’t have a laptop, iPod/MP3 player or those who are very wealthy. It’s an expensive device, starting at $499 and it’s very unnecessary. Overall, I wouldn’t recommend buying the iPad. A message to those looking to get an iPad: Keep your laptops, your iPods and your money and use it for something worthwhile.

Testing out what’s new at Apple Daily Titan Staff Writer features@dailytitan.com

Photo courtesy ferrari

Ferrari goes green, invents hybrid By Juanita Vasquez

Daily Titan Staff Writer features@dailytitan.com

Ferrari, known for its roaring and dramatic engines, has joined the green revolution and unveiled the HYKERS hybrid concept at the 2010 Geneva Auto Shw. The moving force behind one of the world’s most iconic sports car brand is an impending European Commission legislation that will require automakers to significantly curb CO2 emissions. For a company that produces cars that get 12 to 13 miles per gallon, the challenge faced by Ferrari will be to make greener cars that are still true to the Ferrari character. Nonetheless, the HY-KERS’ higher efficiency operation would result in 35 percent lower CO2 emissions. And altogether, Ferrari announced it will cut fuel consumption of its cars by 40 percent and reduce CO2 emissions at least 25 percent by 2012. “Hybrids are yet to be fully developed and rely on batteries, which cannot hold an extensive charge and driving long distances. I doubt if the batteries are any better than those used by other cars,” said Jesa Kreiner, professor of mechanical engineering. Kreiner added that once inside a Ferrari, you find yourself squeezed between the steering column and the seat without being able to breathe. Ferrari’s chairman Luca di Montezemolo acknowledged that seeing a green Ferrari was unusual, but he reassured Ferrari aficionados that that the hybrids, which won’t be available for three or four years, will still feature the extreme performance and character traits that have always exemplified its cars.

The HY-KERS, a hybrid concept based on the 599 GTB Fiorano, has the motor, batteries and related electronics as low as possible in the car to preserve interior space and keep the center of gravity low. Ferrari says the HY-KERS’ center of gravity is lower than that of the 599s, so the car’s dynamics have remained unchanged. Ferrari said the car runs under electric power under light loads and essentially around town, for everything else, the gasoline engine takes over, and with the assistance of the electric motor, additional force is provided. Auxiliary systems like power steering and powerassisted brakes are also electric. To accommodate the electric running gear, electricity is stored in a 3-kilowatt-hour lithium-ion battery pack said to be just an inch thick. The batteries, mounted under the floorboard are air-cooled. Although the starter has been removed and the alternator has been changed for a motor/generator that drives accessories when the engine isn’t running, the V-12 mill is essentially unchanged. Total weight of the system is 220 pounds, and Ferrari’s goal to make the production package lighter and reduce mass in other systems to compensate. The HY-KERS has regenerative braking – during deceleration braking sends kinetic energy back into the battery pack while the gas engine shuts off. At low speeds and light loads, the HY-KERS’ electric motor serves as the sole power source. In this sense, Ferrari’s HY-KERS hybrid concept maintains its high-performance characteristics that are typical of Ferraris while reducing fuel consumptions and emissions and thus becoming part of the environmentally-friendly trend.

Upgrade: New CSUF computers From Page 1 Others feel that CSUF’s attempts to keep its technology current have come a little too late. “Compared to other schools around here, like Chapman University, our equipment isn’t that up-todate,” said Alan Hanson, a senior radio-TV-film major. “The problem is that for some of the better cameras, only a limited amount of students actually have access to using them.” Hanson, who used to work in the RTVF equipment check-out room, is highly aware of the problems that this can create for students. “A lot of times students aren’t aware of the equipment we have

to use, which limits them when it comes time to create video. And other times, all of the good cameras are already checked out, which leaves students scrambling to find equipment to finish their projects.” CSUF has continued to provide students with the advanced learning tools that they will encounter after they graduate and attempt to find jobs in the multimedia world. With the addition of the new computers and high-definition video cameras, the hope is that more equipment will become available to a larger base of students. “It’s nice that the school can provide cameras and editing equipment so that students don’t have to spend a

fortune on renting them,” said Tony Infante, a recent graduate of CSUF who now works in the film industry in Los Angeles. “Professors need to make sure their students are aware of the equipment that is available to them.” For pricier cameras, the rule has become to deny access to students in lower levels of the media-based majors and save the quality equipment for those enrolled in certain upper division classes. Nevertheless, the equipment check-out website is quick to point out that while reservations can be made to save cameras, students may not always be able to get what they want when it comes time to sign out the equipment.

Photo courtesy flickr.com

So, let’s talk iPad. It’s the latest and greatest from Apple and it’s supposed to “revolutionize” the way we consume media. I took a trip to the Apple Store to test one out. When I first saw the gadget, I was shocked. I didn’t realize how big it was going to be! The screen is 9.7 inches measured diagonally according to Apple, but the gadget itself is almost as big as an 8-by-11-inch piece of paper. The store had about 20 iPads on display and I picked one in the corner since I was going to be playing around with the device for a long time. It doesn’t look very heavy, but when I picked it up, I was surprised by its weight. According to Apple, it’s 1.5 pounds, which I guess isn’t too heavy, but I was using it for about 45 minutes and when I left the store, my wrists were sore. If you’ve ever used an Apple touch product, you know that it’s unbelievably easy to use. The iPad is no different. Simply click the “home” button on the bottom and select whatever application you would like to use. I could scroll through pages of applications as easily as the iPod Touch or the iPhone and there weren’t any glitches or problems. I selected the YouTube application first to see how the videos would display. Again, it worked like any touchscreen device; the video was just easier to see. Then, I went into the Reuters application – the only news application that was on the display iPad – and read the news. Like I’ve said before, members of the media said this device would save the newspaper and magazine industry. I hate to break it to them, but it’s not going to happen. The Reuters application was nice, but it wasn’t much of a difference to its website. My mom really wanted me to buy the iPad because of its iBook application, which is also supposed to revolutionize e-readers and give the

Photo courtesy flickr.com


April 20, 2010


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“Exploring the highs and lows of nerd culture”

The ‘Citizen Kane’ of crap opinion@dailytitan.com

It’s time I confess I am in love. Granted, Valentine’s Day has passed, but still, it is only right that you all know the object of my affection, lest you visit my Facebook page and become wildly jealous of my feelings for another. That person is, of course, Tommy Wiseau. A mere mortal like myself cannot ever hope to win the heart of one as perfect as Wiseau, but I hope, somehow, some way, this column will make its way into the hands of the famed writer/director/ producer/actor of the greatest film of this generation – nay! – of all time, “The Room” (dubbed the “Citizen Kane of bad movies,” according to the many hours of research I did on the subject, aka the movie’s Wikipedia page). Words cannot express the ethereal perfection that is “The Room.” Regardless, I shall try. “The Room” is pure, orgasmic bliss. The glorious, half-retarded brainchild of a European and/or American mind. “The Room” is the peas to my carrots, the peanut butter to my jelly, the bland to my Twilight saga – to paraphrase a line from a movie that sucks donkey balls when compared to the elegance of “The Room.” You might even say that “The Room”

Letters to the Editor:

completes me. Wiseau’s masterpiece tells the story of Johnny (played by Wiseau), the last surviving Neanderthal who overcame his disadvantages (only being able to articulate a small number of phonemes sucks incredible ass) and make it as a successful … um … well, his job title isn’t clear, but we do know that he works at a bank. He is engaged to Lisa, who is both beautiful and sexy, as the movie reminds the audience constantly. Some scientists theorize that the actress who

‘The Room’ is the peas to my carrots, the peanut butter to my jelly, the bland to my Twilight saga. ‘The Room’ completes me.

by ashleigh johnson

Daily Titan Copy Editor

plays her can survive the freezing temperatures of the Arctic Circle, thanks to a thick layer of blubber that protects her from the inclement weather. She’s a massive whore. There’s also Denny, Johnny’s son who is possibly adopted – again the movie’s not clear. He’s a kind of guy who isn’t allowed near elementary schools, and who no one is surprised when they find the mutilated corpses of all those hookers he picked up in

the crawlspace. Then there’s Claudette, Lisa’s mother. Wiseau seems to desperately want the audience to believe Claudette is a huge bitch, whose only purpose is to enhance the level of the high-pitched shrieking the movie’s packing. Mark is another character. He bones Lisa. That’s the extent of his character development. My favorite character, however, is Football. It’s a football. Anyway, Lisa and Johnny are engaged. They have sex, a lot. Lisa is also screwing Johnny’s best friend, Mark, behind his back. In a side plot, Lisa’s mom announces she has cancer. In another side plot, Denny admits he takes drugs. These two side plots only last for a single scene. Most of the movie is Johnny greeting people. SPOILER ALERT! Anyway, Johnny finds out that Lisa will spread her legs for anyone and anything with a pulse. This tears him apart. He shoots himself. The end. END SPOILER. As you can tell, Wiseau has crafted the single greatest plot known to man. Now, I think I’ll be off, it’s hard to type one-handed. Thus, I am proud to present “The Room” with Nerdgasm’s highest honor, the Golden Lolcat. Yes, “The Room,” you can haz cheeseburger.

Any feedback, positive or negative, is encouraged, as we strive to keep an open dialogue with our readership. The Daily Titan reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar and spelling. Direct all comments, questions or concerns along with your full name and major to the Daily Titan Opinion Desk at opinion@dailytitan.com.


By Cort Tafoya

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

If I could ask President Obama one question, it would be this: When you wipe your butt, do you use toilet paper or the Constitution of the United States? I’m sure it’s been a while since anyone in the media, or politics, has made a worthy argument as to why the constitution still matters. After all, it’s been violated more times than a mute catholic schoolboy. I’m neither a legal scholar, nor political science major. Yet, off the top of my head I recall numerous examples of the federal government acting beyond the scope of the Constitution and, unsurprisingly, they are all a detriment to the well being of our country. Consider the recent news report from the The New York Times, “The Obama administration has taken the extraordinary step of authorizing the targeted killing of an American citizen, the radical Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki.” Apparently, Obama has given himself the authority to assassinate U.S. citizens. Had George W. Bush done this, every left-leaning American would have declared it the end of democracy and the birth of dictatorship. And quite frankly they’d be right, because assassinating U.S. citizens is a dictatorial move. What-

ever happened to the right to a trial by jury? Isn’t that somewhere in the constitution? I almost wish Bush were still in charge; there’s no way he would get away with half the illegal activity Obama is guilty of committing. What makes us so sure our government is going to assassinate only the guilty? Remember they held countless hundreds of innocent men in prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. When you combine this with Obama’s extension of the Patriot Act, it’s hard to imagine he was actually the editor and president of the Harvard Law Review while in college. The recent healthcare reform bill that was passed is sure to be met with hundreds of lawsuits from individuals and states over the next decade. Of particular controversy is the mandate that says every U.S. citizen has to buy health insurance. Where the federal government claims the right to make us all buy a certain product is anyone’s guess. Back in 1994 a Congressional Budget Office Memorandum stated, “A mandate requiring all individuals to purchase health insurance would be an unprecedented form of federal action. The government has never required people to buy any good or service as a condition of lawful residence in the United States.” The IRS, who will collect enormous fines from non-compliant citi-

zens and also threaten people with jail time, will enforce this mandate. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has vaguely pointed to the Commerce Clause as a legal justification for requiring Americans to buy the insurance. The Commerce Clause, set forth in Article I, section 8, grants Congress the authority “to regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes.” However, as the Heritage Foundation points out in regards to the Commerce Clause, “it has always been understood that some limit exists beyond which Congress may not go.” It’s hard to believe a country founded on the idea of limited government and economic freedom could so perversely interpret a clause in the Constitution as to justify bailouts, absurd regulations, the drug war and the governments now unlimited ability to tax and mandate. The failure of the courts to interpret the commerce clause rationally has allowed the federal government to control virtually the entire U.S. economy. Until these wild interpretations of the law cease to be mainstream, Americans can expect to see more actions from their government that are sure to leave them scratching their heads, wondering why we still even have a constitution at all.

‘Double Down’ on everything, a top-5 list By SKYLAR SMITH

Daily Titan Opinion Editor opinion@dailytitan.com

Alright, KFC, you win. I ate your Double Down Sandwich and it was disgusting. All 540 calories – 1,380 milligrams of sodium and 32 grams of fat – sloshed around in my stomach for an entire night. I could feel the large wad of chicken, bacon and cheese roll around until it became an entity itself chewing at my intestinal system. For those of you who haven’t dropped by your local KFC, or glanced at the many articles about this affront to the digestive system, the Double Down is two pieces of the finest quality of bacon and two slices of cheese, sandwiched between two pieces of well-greased, hormone-injected, breaded chicken breast (just the way Mama made it). Hungry yet? KFC stated the Double Down is part of the “other side” of the menu, meaning it’s for those who want to indulge. I say, screw it! Don’t let KFC tell you what you can “double down.” Don’t let KFC limit your dreams of what is considered an “indulgent” meal. I give you my do-it-yourself list of items you can double down on. Buy a pallet of toilet paper from Costco and get ready to let your stomach perform its wicked alchemy to give you a horrible night on the porcelain god. The Morning Sickness. First, let’s start with two pancakes. Not just any pancakes, mind you, but pancakes with about a full shaker’s worth of bacon bits thrown into the batter. In another pan, start cooking two eggs, sunny side up. Once those pancakes are firm (they had better be for what’s about to happen to them), make Paula Dean proud by throwing a tick of butter onto the steaming hot pancake. As the butter melts, act fast because the butter is the glue that holds this together. Throw on those eggs, and add another layer of bacon bits and two freshly opened powdered doughnuts bought from the nearest 7-Eleven. Hope you have some sick days left at work! Custer’s Last Stand. I’ll bet you

didn’t know this, but bacon and chocolate taste mighty fine together, or at least that’s what I noticed at the Orange County Fair last year. With that fairground spirit in mind, let’s begin this process. Acquire two funnel cakes (cinnamon or powder topping only), about five strips of chocolate-covered bacon (turkey bacon for those watching their weight) and custard – lots of custard. You probably know where this is going. Slap one funnel cake onto an extra-large plate, plop some custard on that bad boy and add a generous drizzle of chocolate sauce, caramel sauce or anything with corn syrup and sugar in it. Place the “choco-bacon” on the custard-covered funnel cake in a star pattern that resembles an asterisk. Apply more custard. Top with the second funnel cake. Place it in the refrigerator to cool for an hour. Prep the table with trash bags to cover the mess you are about to make. Prep

money can buy – about a pound will do. Now it’s time to bring out your inner wine snob. Find the best red wine in Fullerton (preferably Pinot Noir), aged at least 20 years. Last but not least, grab a cut of blinded and tortured baby cow – I mean, veal – from the best butcher in town. Stack all the ingredients in any order you’d like in between the two slices of foie gras, pour the wine into a bowl and dip your classy creation in the wine like it’s an Arby’s French Dip Sandwich. The Ted Nugent. Kill a deer. This may take several days and will test your hunting skills, but it is necessary. You can choose your weapon – just don’t ruin the meat. Is it dead? Good. Kill some quail. Awesome. Let’s begin the cooking. Wait! Oh, my god – a wild boar! It’s coming right for us! Kill it. Perfect, now we have more meat for the pile. Now that you are back at camp, pluck some of nature’s finest ingredients (some wild berries and mushrooms will do) and sauté them with butter. Next, grill two thick slices of deer meat over a fire you made with just two sticks and some wood from the tree you chopped down. Turn your wild boar into bacon using a machete. Wrap that bacon around your newly plucked quail and grill. Finally, place the quail on a slice of deer meat, pour your natural-ingredient sauPHOTO BY CHRISTINE AMARANTUS/Daily Titan Editor at Large té onto the meat and place the second hunk of deer your bathroom for the additional meat on top. Enjoy with all of your mess you are about to make. Devour National Rifle Association buddies. your creation as if your finishing it Well, if they’ll let me do it, why is the last hope for humanity to sur- not? Go up to the counter at KFC. vive. Order a Double Down Sandwich. Almost Classy. This recipe is ded- Ask employees to put another piece icated to those who watch the Food of fried chicken on the sandwich. Network religiously. Who says all This will cost $2.49. Add more fried your Double Down ingredients need chicken according to how hungry to be bad for you? I hope you are and suicidal you are. Enjoy the next ready to go on a food hunt in all of five minutes while your sandwich downtown Fullerton’s finest restau- is being made because that’s all the rants, ‘cause this stuff is expensive. time you’ll have left to live. Good Start with two slices of foie gras luck to you, dear readers! (stuffed duck liver). This should Disclaimer: Do not try any of cost at least $50. If you opt not to these recipes at home. If you do, the make this purchase, then you aren’t Daily Titan is not responsible for classy enough. Next, find the finest terrifying events that could consecaviar and roe (fish eggs or ovaries) quently occur.


April 20, 2010

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5 9 4 1

7 2 8 3

2 7 6 5

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4 5 8 7 2 6 3 1 9 2 3 7 5 1 9 6 4 8

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9 1 6 8 4 3 5 7 2 5 8 3 4 6 1 9 2 7 7 9 1 2 3 5 4 8 6 7



2 8

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6 2 4 9 8 7 1 3 5 3 4 9 6 7 8 2 5 1

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Daily Sudoku: Wed 14-Apr-2010

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7 9 1 6 9 3 5



Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) You truly enjoy the company of your favorite people now. Surprise them with a unique new game, or see a movie. Indulge in popcorn or treats.

3 1 5 7

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Arrange today’s activities to allow plenty of time for fun and romance. You know your deadlines, but relax. You’ll make them.

4 6 3 8

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) You start the day feeling lucky. Add to that your ability to choose exactly the right method, and you’ll achieve the goal easily.

How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

8 4 2 9

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) By the end of the day, you’ll feel most fortunate. You took on a complicated, detailed task and completed it well within budget and on deadline.

Daily Sudoku: Wed 14-Apr-2010 (c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2010. All rights reserved.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) By choosing a direct path to your own personal comfort, you indirectly satisfy the needs of an elder you respect. How fortunate!

6 3 1 4

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) If love truly does make the world go around, then your world is spinning nicely. Keep your feet on the ground by taking time to savor it.

7 9 1 4 8 6 6 9 5 3 8 2 5 1 2 5 9 7 2 8

1 8 9 2

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Group effort gets you a long way today. Take charge of persnickety details, because no one else will do it right now.

2 7

9 5 7 6

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) This is the day you’ve been waiting for! As luck would have it, the females in your life are right there beside you, aiding and abetting your every move.


3 1 6 9 1 6 8 5 1


Cancer (June 22-July 22) If you have a long meeting, bring drinks and snacks for everyone. That way, no one becomes restless. Bend rules to maintain the focus.

8 7

3 4 9 6 7 8 2 5 1 8 6 2 1 5 4 7 9 3 1 7 5 3 9 2 8 6 4

Gemini (May 21-June 21) The work you do in private will be appreciated when you finally reveal the completed assignment. Others may worry about deadlines. Don’t add to their concern.

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Daily Sudoku: Wed 14-Apr-2010

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Your fondest wish is to finish work from yesterday. Fat chance! You’re not in the office. Write down ideas and then let them go, and then go play.



Aries (March 21-April 19) Turn your attention away from work to encourage those closest to you. Mutual support gets everyone through a ticklish situation. A bit of caution is advised.


Who is LA’s team?

Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim

April 20, 2010

Los Angeles Dodgers

By gilbert gutierrez III

By Brian whitehead

Daily Titan Staff Writer

Daily Titan Asst. Sports Editor

Up until the 2002 season, the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim had a implacable rap for being the “other” baseball team in Southern California. They were the team owned by “The Singing Cowboy” that recruited aging, Hall of Fame-caliber veterans on the downslope of their careers and showcased them as the incumbent “Franchise Player” – See: Jackson, Reggie. During the early ’60s, the Angels were the “other” inhabitants of Chavez Ravine, the upstart team in Anaheim with the cute logo that wrapped a halo around the “A” in “Angels.” And up until 2002, the Angels were one of the dozen or so teams that never competed in the Fall Classic. But all that changed after Darin Erstad recorded the 27th out of the 2002 World Series. Since the dawn of the Mike Scioscia Era (2000), the Angels have not only cemented their place as the preeminent southern California baseball team. They’ve done it rather convincingly. For the last six years, the Halos have imposed their will on their AL West counterparts to the tune of five division titles since the ’04 season. Don’t get me wrong, I’m the biggest “Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades” advocate, but in case you haven’t noticed, only one team can win the World Series each year and with free agency, “Father Time,” injuries and salarydumping trades reeking havoc on franchises everywhere, competing for a championship year-in and yearout is not as easy as it sounds. Yet, the Angels have managed to do so better than any California team. Their owner, Arte Moreno, has done a superb job avoiding land

Seriously. Do we need to have this conversation? Who has been playing in Los Angeles since 1958? Who has drawn the largest crowd at the Coliseum besides U2? None other than the LA Dodgers. Despite the fact that the Angels had their very first game played in Wrigley Field in LA 50 years ago, does that allow the Angels to call themselves the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim? Since when did Anaheim extend their city boundaries to stretch across the 101 Freeway to be known as an LA team? Oh that’s right, in 2005, the Angels decided to give themselves a face lift and classify themselves as a part of LA. OK, how many World Series titles have they won? Their lone championship came in 2002, and that was when they were known as the Anaheim Angels. How many titles have the Dodgers claimed for LA? Five, with a total of nine World Series appearances under two of the most well-rounded managers of all-time, Walter Alston and Tommy Lasorda. Between them, they have produced 23 winning seasons in their 44 years of managing the Dodgers. Can you name an Angels manager that has made such an impact as they have had? Who comes to mind besides Mike Scioscia? That’s right, no one besides Scioscia, who by the way has won two World Series titles as a player for none other than the Dodgers of course in ’81 and ’89. Outside of Scioscia and Bill Rigney – who produced four losing seasons in his eight years of struggle during the ’60s – there hasn’t been a manager for the Angels who



photo courtesy mct Hideki Matsui (right) high-fives coach Deno Ebel after hitting a home run.

mines in the free agent market. The great thing about trying to reason with Dodgers fans (in regards to their place as Southern California’s “team”) is you can see their points coming from a mile away. In fact, I’ll list a few of them. 1. “Eight World Series titles” – Well, considering you’ve been around since the birth of Christ, you should have more titles than a team established in 1961. Come to think of it, why don’t you have more? The Yankees have 27 and they haven’t been around nearly as long. And, in case you forgot, your last title was in ’88. 2. “Vin Scully” – Great point. Can’t argue, he’s undoubtedly one of the best sports announcers of alltime and if I remember correctly, he

lead the National League in slugging in 2007. 3. “Chavez Ravine” – Again, can’t argue there. Beautiful ballpark. Only been there once, but I have to admit, it was majestic. The hour-and-a-half wait to park? Not so much. I could go on and on about the give-and-take between Angels and Dodgers fans but quite frankly we wouldn’t get anywhere so I’ll say this, if you look at on-field success alone, the Angels’ 900 wins this past decade trumps the Dodgers’ 862. If that’s not enough, dating back to their first meeting in 1997, the Angels lead the all-time series 4133. I guess the passing of the torch started sooner than I thought.

photo courtesy mct (Left to right) James Loney, Blake DeWitt and Casey Blake celebrate at home plate.

has surpassed four years of service to the Angels. Still not convincing enough? How about the players? Wiping away the dust and spider webs, standing for the Angels is Rookie of the Year winner Jim Fregosi, Carl Yastrzemski, Clyde Wright and batter’s box bruiser Chili Davis. Who? Well, they were the players with some of the most difficult names to remember, but regardless, stars of the franchise. The only Angels that deserve to be called “saviors of baseball” were right-hander Nolan Ryan and power hitter Rod Carew but none of them ever made it to the World Series. For the Dodgers, their history includes southpaw Hall of Famer

Sandy Koufax, Pee Wee Reese, lefty Fernando Valenzuela, catcher Mike Piazza, outfielder Raul Mondesi and right-hander Hideo Nomo. The last four players all earned the Rookie of the Year Award. In today’s time, there have only been a handful of Angels’ ballplayers by the name of David Eckstein, Troy Glaus, John Lackey, Vladimir Guerrero and Garrett Anderson. Anderson sits at the top of Angels’ alltime record list for career totals in: hits, bases, extra base-hits and RBIs. Where is he now? With the Dodgers. Where is there home field at again? Oh right, in Anaheim. Not LA. Sorry Angels fans, but with all due respect there’s only one baseball team in LA, the Dodgers.

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