Daily Titan: Monday, September 21, 2009

Page 1

Opinion: Nerdgasm explores the addiction of Farmville, page 4

INSIDE: Features

Coastal Cleanup celebrates anniversary, page 3

News: SoCal film festival happening in Huntington Beach, page 2 Monday September 21, 2009

Since 1960 Volume 85, Issue 9

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

Folklorico colors Quad By Jonathan Montgomery Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

For interviews and videos of the performance, visit www.dailytitan.com/ballet-folklorico At 12:20 p.m., the group of women comprising Ballet Folklorico de CSUF began dancing to the authentic acoustic guitar and bass playing out of the speakers. They wore colorful dresses and spun folded bandanas around in their hands. The make-up and red lipstick worn by the women accentuated the smiles that never left their faces. Chris Sandoval, 21, artistic director of Ballet Folklorico de CSUF, was the only male performer. He danced

By Shruti Patel/Daily Titan Photo Editor The Ballet Folklorico took the Quad by storm Thursday to show off their dancing specialties.

around the women in a playful flirting manner, sometimes crawling on the ground, imitating what appeared to be a bull. The dances performed were much more than simply moving a body to a beat; a story was being told. “(It’s) a different culture than what I usually see,” said Mudassar Haq, 18, a freshman health science major. Haq said he just happened to be sitting in the Quad and ended up staying for the performance. What started out as a small crowd grew as the dancing continued, but by 12:30 p.m. it was over. Sandoval explained they didn’t per-

form their entire show, just a small enough taste to entice students to want to see the full version or try dancing themselves at their weekly practices. Sandoval introduced each of the performers and thanked the crowd for coming out. He briefly explained Ballet Folklorico de CSUF’s main goals of showcasing different cultural traditions and connecting campus with Latino/Chicano ways of life. “We are part of your culture; we hope you are part of ours too,” said Sandoval, addressing the crowd after the performance. See Folklorico, page 2

Dean Pullen announces retirement

By Ron FU/Daily Titan Staff Photographer The heads of the College of Communications gather on the day Rick Pullen announced his retirement. Clockwise from left: Tony Fellow, chair of Department of Communications; John Reinard, chair of Department of Human Communications; Ed Fink, chair of Department of Radio-TV-Film; Rick Pullen, dean of College of Communications; and Irene Matz, associate dean.

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Dean of the College of Communications, Rick Pullen, announced last week that he will retire at the end of the next spring semester, which will conclude his distinguished 36-year career at Cal State Fullerton. “I’ve been extremely fortunate as a dean to have excellent chairs, good support in the dean’s office, excellent faculty who have really helped move this college, I think, to prominence at the local level, at the state level, at the national level and even abroad,” said Pullen. Perhaps Pullen’s most important accomplishment at CSUF was stabilizing the then newly-formed College of Communications, Irene Matz, associate dean of the College of Communications, said. “He came at a very difficult time when there were some challenges in the college, and it was really his leadership, his professionalism, his ability to bridge relationships and soothe people who had been somewhat unsatisfied in the college, that was really able to strengthen this place,” Matz said. Among the many other achievements in which Pullen was instrumental during his 14-years as dean was moving the College of Communications across the street to

College Park and separating the I wrote a national law book, and I radio-TV-film concentration into wrote a high school law book, so I its own department under the um- covered all the bases. The only one I brella of Communications. didn’t write was one for kindergarAdditionally, the enrollment in ten,” said Pullen. the College of Communications He was offered the job as Dean of has steadily inthe Communicreased during cations College Pullen’s reign, in 1995 after He came at a very difsaid Matz. having served “He’s been as associate ficult time when there were responsible for dean for four moving the col- some challenges in the colyears. lege forward,” Pullen is a said Matz, in lege, and it was really his staunch supadmiration of leadership, his professionalporter of First the man whom Amendment she has known ism, his ability to bridge rela- rights and is on since 1990. the board of ditionships and soothe people Pullen came rectors for the to CSUF in who had been somewhat California First 1973 at which unsatisfied in the college, that A m e n d m e n t time he advised Coalition. the Daily Titan was really able to strengthen He has also in addition to this place. received mulbeing a profestiple awards -Irene Matz sor of media throughout law, his area of his career, Associate Dean expertise. most recently, During his College of Communications the 2009 Sky many years at Dunlap award CSUF, Pullen for “lifetime penned one law achievement in book, “Keeping it Legal: A Hand- journalism,” which, Pullen said, is book of Student Press Law in Cali- special because it is usually given fornia,” and co-authored two more, to working journalists rather than “Media Law in California” and educators. “Major Principles of Media Law.” See Pullen, page 2 “I wrote a California law book;

By Katelin Paiz

By Ron Fu/Daily Titan Staff Photographer Jenna Lowery and Jon Giordano go all out on their version of Creed’s “Higher” at the Associated Students Inc. annual Block Party at the Titan Student Union on Thursday, Sept. 17.

ASI shivers TSU’s timbers By Beatriz Fernandez

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Students walking by the Titan Student Union could hear the music coming from the Garden Cafe. There’s something about loud music playing that attracts large crowds. The curiosity reeled people in, but the entertainment made them stay. Associated Student Inc. hosted its 11th-annual Block Party on Thursday, Sept. 17. The event began at 8 a.m. with complimentary doughnuts, coffee and tea stations located north of the Nutwood Parking Structure, in front of the Humanities Building and on the patio by the TSU. The stations were provided by ASI and the Daily Titan. The event continued with a vendor and resource fair on the patio east of the TSU. The fair provided information about the different programs and services of ASI. Students enjoyed complimentary cotton candy, kettle corn, and snow cones; a fortune teller and caricature artist were on-site to entertain students. The ASI Block Party ended with a dinner at the Garden Cafe. There was a line that started at the steps leading to the Garden Cafe to get free food at the “Swashbuckling Soiree;” stu-

dents enjoyed cold sandwiches and a joke; we’re not Creed fans,” Giordano added. free drinks. Not everyone in attendance The Student Governing Board was in attendance and served free was there to perform; some ice cream. There was also a give- came to watch, others to hang away booth that had ASI tum- out with friends, and a few came to do homework. The noise did blers. The event started to feel like an not seem to disturb those doing actual party when ASI Productions homework, though; it seems started hosting karaoke. The first they enjoyed being surrounded brave soul to tackle the micro- by the crowd. Amy Ramirez, director of phone was Hans Holborn, ASI’s public relations coordinator, who public relations of the TSU Governing sang TLC’s Board, thought “No Scrubs”. the event was There was a successful. “I sense of unity think the turnamong those out was great! in attendance. I loved that so The crowd many people showed its supcame to get port for those free food and singing, even – Mathew Lawton, do karaoke.” if they weren’t Political science major The Govon cue or were erning Board a bit painful to oversees the listen to. The crowd laughed when Jon operations and running of the Giordano, 19, and Jenna Lowery, TSU and the Student Recre19, got on stage to perform Creed’s ation Center. More people showed up than “Higher.” The duet made fun of lead singer Scott Stapp’s voice, expected to the event. “I thought the turnout was which put smiles on people’s face. During an instrumental break, great. We ran out of everything, Giordano did a Jesus pose with a and that’s always a good sign,” Mathew Lawton, a political scizen-like expression on his face. Those that had the courage to ence major, said. If you were unable to show sing in front of the crowd received up for karaoke at the event, ASI an ASI shirt. “I just think it’s really fun being Productions host Pub Karaoke with your peers,” Lowery said. “It every Monday from noon to 1 was a lot of fun. Obviously, it was p.m.

I thought the turnout was great. We ran out of everything, and that’s always a good sign.

Ballet Folklorico de CSUF performed in the Quad on Thursday, bringing traditional folk dancing from Guerrero, Mexico to a crowd of students and faculty. The performances wrapped up Mesa Cooperativa’s Unity Week, a kickoff to Chicano/Latino Heritage Month. Other campus groups of Mesa Cooperativa were also present, such as the Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science and Movimiento Estudiantil Chicana/o De Aztlan (M.E.Ch.A.). Music and banners drew students into the Quad. The different organizations had tables set up, offering information on times and dates of events and summaries about their objectives.


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This week’s happenings ASI’s Association for InterCultural Awareness will host an international food event from noon - 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 22. The Multicultural Taste festival will offer free food in the Quad from clubs of varying ethnic backgrounds. Have a Chinese bao, a South American empanada, Indian samosas and an enchilada all one plate. Marriage and Family therapist Susan Leavy will lead a talk on sex crimes Wednesday, Sept. 23 in University Hall 205 from noon - 1 p.m. “Sexual Assault Perpetrators: Fantasies and Fetishes” will

“take a peek into the mind of a sexual predator and examine ... a sex offender’s mental processing,” the campus calendar states. For more information, contact Sue Passalacqua at supassalacqua@ fullerton.edu. CSUF’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute is hosting a presentation on heart attack treatment Thursday, Sept. 24 from 7 - 9 p.m. The free lecture “Recent Development in the Treatment of Heart Attacks” will be lead by Dr. Dan Landa, a St. Jude Medical Center cardiologist, at St. Jude’s Rehabilitation and Wellness Center in Brea. For more information, call OLLI at (657) 278-2446.




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Page Two



Obama to meet with leaders from Middle East WASHINGTON (MCT) - Palestinian and Israeli leaders will sit down with President Obama on Tuesday while in New York for a meeting of the United Nations, a three-way meeting that the administration has been trying to broker for weeks. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas have agreed to a three-way meeting with the U.S. president, Obama press secretary Robert Gibbs announced Saturday in a written statement. Each leader will also meet separately with Obama, according to the bulletin. It wasn’t immediately clear whether the scheduling of the meetings portended a full-scale resumption of Middle East peace negotiations.


Rocket launch creates ligh show along East Coast MELVILLE, N.Y. (MCT) - If you saw strange lights in the sky Saturday night, you’re not alone. Staff at several National Weather Service offices in the Northeast received calls of strange lights after NASA launched a rocket from Virginia, a meteorologist with the weather service said. And along the East Coast, reports of the bright, cone-shaped light poured into weather stations and news organizations, a Boston TV station said on its Web site. Amityville, N.Y., resident Bob Farwell said he spotted what looked like “a giant star” to the south while he was at a party in Lindenhurst, N.Y. After less than a minute, “it was like someone flipped the switch, and it just disappeared,” said Farwell, 62. The Black Brant XII suborbital rocket was launched at 7:46 p.m. to study clouds in the uppermost atmosphere, the TV station said. “It’s definitely possible to see lights from that rocket, given how clear and how dry the atmosphere is,” Upton meteorologist Michael Silva said.


Folklorico: culture celebrated from page 1

Sandoval said that each Mexican state is drastically different than the other. “Every state or region has its own culture, dress, stories and traditions,” added Sandoval. Sandoval related this idea to the concept behind Mesa Cooperativa. He said there might be different Chicano/Latino clubs on campus, “but we are all from the same place.” Because Mexico is a melting pot of different cultures, stories passed down through generations can be told through folk dancing. The stories themselves are translated using artistic dance to express historical Mexican heritage, said Sandoval. Ahmicqui Bribiescas, president of Ballet Folklorico de CSUF, said Folklorico is the traditional folk dancing of Mexico, including dances from a variety of regions. “These dances have been passed down from generation to generation and taught for years all over Mexico and the United States,” stated Bribiescas in an e-mail. Ballet Folklorico de CSUF has

been invited to perform off campus and in different communities such as Buena Park, Whittier and Montebello, added Bribiescas. Bribiescas said Ballet Folklorico de CSUF was asked by Mesa Cooperativa to perform as a way to proudly present heritage and culture of Mexico to the students of Cal State Fullerton. Funded by ASI, Mesa Cooperativa recognizes the need for unity among the Chicano/Latino student organizations on campus. Since being founded in 1992, the council of Mesa Cooperativa has brought cultural, social and educational events to CSUF students and the local community. “Mesa Cooperativa is much more than an organization. It’s a family!” the organization has stated. Ballet Folklorico de CSUF is open to all students at any dance level experience. Their practice days are Mondays 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. in the Kinesiology Building room 203 and Thursdays 9 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. at the Student Recreation Center in the Harvey McKee Studio.

Pullen: communications’ dean retires after 36 years from page 1

SACRAMENTO (MCT) - Facing the prospect of a trial with a weak case, the federal government has dropped its prosecution of Vang Pao, the legendary guerrilla fighter and patriarch of the Hmong people whose indictment on a charge of plotting an armed takeover of his native Laos set off protests in the streets of Sacramento, Calif., and concern in the halls of Congress. The defense contended that the agent “simply fabricated” his account of Vang conspiring to invade Laos. And while the government earlier insisted conflicting information about what Vang said was an “honest mistake,” federal officials announced Friday that all charges against Vang have been dropped. “In our measured judgment, and based on the totality of the evidence in the case and the circumstances regarding defendant Vang Pao, we believe that continued prosecution of this defendant is no longer warranted,” U.S. Attorney Lawrence Brown said. The government began its elaborate investigation of him and the others three years ago after receiving a tip that one of the defendants was seeking 500 AK-47 rifles for use by Hmong in Laos to defend themselves against the army. The case will continue against 10 other defendants originally charged and two added in a new indictment.

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Skyler Blair Monzerrath Gonzalez Sergio Cabaruvias Kymberly Snew Meghan Alfano Damon Lowney Patrick Cowles Jeremiah Magan Christine Amarantus Brittny Ulate Adan Vasquez Simon Liang Rachel David Ashleigh Johnson Todd Barnes Shruti Patel Isa Ghani Anne Beck Derek Opina Jason Shepard

Outside of school, Pullen is known Additionally, Pullen’s oldest daughter Melinda Pierson is chair of the De- as a car fanatic who has an affinity for partment of Special Education and his MG British Sports Cars among many youngest daughter Erica Howell is an other eclectic interests that promise to assistant professor of special education, keep him busy in his retirement. Pullen seems reluctant to leave his making him a member of perhaps one long time of the only multiniche at CSUF generational famibut looks forlies on campus, ward to new said Ed Trotter, adventures. acting associate “I love Cal vice president of State FullerUndergraduate ton. My whole Programs and life has been longtime friend of committed to Pullen. – Ed Trotter, Cal State Ful“I think Rick Acting associate vice lerton, and I is known around president of Undergraduate know I will the campus to be Programs miss it, but I a very kind man, a look forward very fair man and to having some a very level headed man,” said Edward Fink, department time to play with my cars more, spend chair of radio-TV-film, who has known more time with my grandchildren and spend time at the beach,” he said. Pullen for almost 20 years. The campus will feel the loss of such Fink’s colleague Anthony Fellow an influential man, Trotter said. shared his sentiment. He’s truly enjoyed being dean … and “He’s represented the College of Communications well,” said Fellow. he’s done a good job,” added Trotter. “I wish him well in retirement. He de- “You don’t work somewhere for nearly 40 years and not leave your mark.” serves it.”

He’s done a good job. You don’t work somewhere for 40 years and not leave your mark.

Charges dropped against suspected conspirator

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ANTIOCH, Calif. (MCT) - The waiting that Sharon Murch has endured the last few weeks is much like the waiting she’s endured for the last 21 years – only recently, it’s been more intense, more exhausting and more emotionally draining. Since Jaycee Dugard resurfaced alive and healthy last month after 18 years of captivity, Murch found herself “high with this hope” that her daughter, Michaela Garecht, might come back into her life.

It’s been almost 21 years since Michaela was snatched from a Hayward, Calif., parking lot at the age of 9. Authorities last week searched the home of Phillip Garrido, Dugard’s alleged abductor and father of her children, for clues linking him to Michaela’s case and that of 13-year-old Ilene Misheloff, who went missing from Dublin, Calif., 20 years ago. Murch said reality has dampened her spirits some.

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By dylan kent/For the Daily Titan Jose Lopez, a CSUF radio-TV-film major, said the SoCal Independent Film Festival has helped him make connections in the industry. The festival runs until Sept. 23.

Festival takes Orange County to Hollywood by Dylan Kent

For the Daily Titan


The red carpet treatment and the flashing camera lights are pretty standard for Hollywood. Whether it is a movie premier or a movie festival, one can almost anticipate the bright lights, red carpet, celebrities and moviegoers flooding a film festival in Hollywood. The fifth annual SoCal Independent Film Festival, going on Sept. 14-23, has everything a Hollywood film festival has, except for one small detail: it’s not in Hollywood. For the past five years, the festival has been nestled discretely in the humble confines of the Huntington Beach Public Library and Cultural Center. The festival started out four days long and showed only 30 movies. This year the festival has grown to 10 days long and will be showing over 130 films. There will be 23 programs shown throughout the festival’s 10 day run, each highlighting a particular genre, such as comedy shorts, drama shorts, documentaries and animated shorts. While there are many films being shown from Hollywood, there are also many from around the country and several international films, from places like Europe, Australia and Canada. However, the festival still spotlights the local filmmakers. “We’re showing about 50 films from local filmmakers,” Brian Barsuglia, event director for the festival said. “It gives them the opportunity to network with each other, network with the professionals that serve on our jury panels and, of course, get their works shown.” The festival has had a longstanding tradition to help aspiring filmmakers from the area, many

from local schools such as UCLA and Chapman. There are also internships available for film students looking to better understand the competitive world of movies. “Since I’ve been working here, I’ve been able to meet with many filmmakers,” said Jose Lopez, a Cal State Fullerton senior radio-TV-film major, who is one of several CSUF interns at the festival. “I’ve learned a lot about the business and made some connections. Maybe I could work with them someday.” Besides showing films, the festival has also added a screenplay competition for both short form and long form scripts. There are also question and answer sessions with many of the directors, actors and industry specialists offering a great insight into the business. While the festival shows off plenty of local talent, there are some big Hollywood names that have made the trek down to Orange County. Thursday saw the premier of Christina Ricci and Matthew Lillard’s new film, “All’s Faire in Love,” a campy romantic comedy about two rival performing troupes at a Renaissance fair. This Tuesday will feature a question and answer session with the director of photography from the summer blockbuster “District 9,” Trent Opalach. The festival also put on the SoCal Movie Night series, which ran every Thursday in August, showing many family friendly movies such as “Wall-E” and “Kung-Fu Panda,” and should be returning next year. Ticket prices for the SoCal Independent Film Festival range from $4 to $8 per program, and the All Fest passes are available for $35. For video of the event, visit dailytitan.com/ socalfilmfest

Authorities search Garrido home


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September 21, 2009

(MCT) Phillip Garrido and wife Nancy Garrido appeared in El Dorado Superior Court during their hearing on Monday, Sept. 14 in Placerville, California.

“As much as I hope, as much as I believe, I do realize...” her voice trailed off, and she started again: “For her to be found alive and come home would be so good - it would be too good to be true.” Earlier in the week, police from the cities of Dublin and Hayward served search warrants on the Garrido home, just outside of Antioch, Calif., to look for clues in the 1988 case of Michaela and that of Ilene, who went missing from Dublin a year later. The Garrido property and one next door also have been combed by the El Dorado County Sheriff’s Department and the FBI, both investigating the Dugard case, and the nearby Pittsburg Police Department, which is looking for links to the murders of several young women in the late 1990s. On Friday, the day after cadaver dogs “alerted” on an area of Garrido’s backyard, authorities announced the discovery of a bone, the third pulled from the property. Testing is needed to determine if they are human and, if so, who they come from, officials said. On Friday, an archaeologist using “ground-penetrating radar” in the Garrido yard found an “anomaly” in the sandy soil, which could indicate digging has been done in the area that once was covered in orchards. But the contrast in the soil could mean many things, including the presence of roots, said Bill Silva, an archeologist with B.A. Silva Sensing Systems. At the request of police, Silva declined to discuss the size of the anomaly, but said the radar had reached as deep as 24 feet into the ground. However, Hayward Police Lt. Chris Orrey said the anomaly was detected in the same general area

where the cadaver dogs showed interest, and officials hope to begin digging Monday. Authorities also will bring cadaver dogs back, as well as bonesniffing dogs. News that a cadaver dog alerted in Garrido’s backyard alarmed Murch, who said she realized her “worst fear” that day – that Michaela had been killed recently enough that dogs could detect her body. “I guess I always thought that if Michaela had died, it would’ve happened soon after she was taken. .... She would’ve spent the last 20 years in peace,” Murch said. She said she is paralyzed by the thought that her daughter instead could have endured “horror and suffering.” Alameda County Sheriff’s Sgt. J.D. Nelson said it’s not out of the realm of possibility for the cadaver dogs to detect a body buried for 21 years. A number of factors, including soil, heat and moisture, can affect decomposition and the ability of dogs to sense it. Also waiting for closure is the family of Ilene Misheloff, who could not be interviewed by The Sacramento Bee on Friday because of a family emergency. Dublin Police Lt. Kurt von Savoye said the Misheloff family is doing “as well as can be expected, given what they’re experiencing.” Von Savoye said authorities hope the search will produce clues in either of the cases. But even if no link is found, von Savoye hopes the attention might lead to other tips. “It’s making people aware these kids are still out there. We’re still trying to find answers,” von Savoye said. “Somebody knows something.”

September 21, 2009



Campus club pitches in for environment By Greg Lehman and Jonathan Montgomery Daily Titan Staff Writers features@dailytitan.com

The California Coastal Cleanup Day celebrated its 25th anniversary on Sept. 19-20. Volunteers turned out on beaches, lakes, watersheds, and rivers to help preserve the natural beauty of California’s coastline. Director of Education for the California Coastal Commission, Chris Parry, said the Coastal Cleanup in 2009 would focus more on inland bodies of water as they suffer from pollution just as much as the beaches. “We’ve really been striving to move the cleanup inland to the inland waterways and watersheds,” Parry said. “So more and more counties every year are participating on creeks and lakes and rivers. So it’s become truly a statewide event these past few years, and this year we’ve extended it yet in several more counties inland.” Angeline Santiago, volunteer services coordinator for Orange County parks and co-coordinator for Coastal Cleanup Day in Orange County, said that in 2009, “We wanted to break 11,000 volunteers in Orange County. Last year we had (from) 10,400 (to) 10,600.”

The event does not come without difficulties. “It’s always difficult with volunteer recruitment,” said Santiago. “It’s easier if it’s a one-day, especially if it’s a half-day event, and it’s easier because everybody ... in the community is really pushing environmental awareness nowadays.” Santiago had high hopes for the good that would come from all the organization and planning that went into the cleanup. “It really is going to be an amazing experience,” she said, “personally, as well as for Orange County as a whole. I’m just really excited to see it all come together.” In Fullerton, the event came to Craig Park where 75 people gathered to help clean. Around 9 a.m., people started showing up at the park near the dam, congregating on benches underneath a blue tent. A box of doughnuts, water and waivers were consumed and filled out, respectively. Park Ranger Christopher Lorenzi coordinated the cleanup at Craig Park. Lorenzi explained that Coastal Cleanup has changed to now include locations such as Craig Park despite the fact that it is located away from the coast. “Even though we’re inland, we’re close enough,” said Lorenzi. Lorenzi said that at the end of the day the trash collected would end up being part of a countrywide “compe-

By Shruti Patel/Daily Titan Photo Editor Society for Advancement of Management President Roland Bassily retrieves a baseball from the lake at Craig Park in Brea on Saturday, Sept. 19, while participating in the California Coastal Cleanup. Bassily, along with seven other club members, found three baseballs on top of the 20 pounds of trash they picked up at the park.

tition.” Whoever gets the most trash wins. “We’ve won every year,” said Lorenzi. “I don’t know if that’s good; I don’t know if that’s bad. I’ll let you guys be the judge of that.” Along with local residents and students from different high schools, a number of Cal State Fullerton students also attended. The majority of CSUF students came from the campus’ business club, Society for Advancement of Management, or SAM. “All right guys, everybody ready to go?” asked Lorenzi around 9:20 a.m. Each person suited up, grabbed a few trash bags and gloves, and prepared to start their few hours of By Shruti Patel/Daily Titan Photo Editor environmental service. The groups were split Cal State Fullerton club SAM brought in 20 pounds of trash during the California Coastal Cleanup, a day in which cleanups are held on beaches, wetlands and parks all over the state. up into three smaller parties: those who wanted to

go short, medium, and longer distances. Roland Bassily, an operations management major and president of SAM, said the club tries to do as much community service as possible. SAM is designed to enable the success of students in the future, said Bassily. Through working with their community, Bassily said each member is able to develop key personal and team building skills, giving them the edge over other students in the business field. Cleaning up Craig Park is, Bassily said, “another thing to show we’re not just limited to business.” Rockey Bustamante, a sophomore majoring in business management and event planner for SAM, said he told his club about Coastal Cleanup Day as a way to help out and give back to the community. “(There is) more to life than just doing business,” said Bustamante. For the current year, he said he aims to “create events that will benefit

the students and the campus as a whole.” The cleanup groups could be seen from all over the park. Each group acted as a collective unit, contributing to overall environment beautification. Lorenzi said a local event such as the Craig Park cleanup was just as important as the cleanups at the beach. “(It) gets a lot of stuff people don’t quite pay attention to,” said Lorenzi. He added that there is, “always volunteer work to be done.” While the Coastal Cleanup is held once a year, a large part of the event is targeted at informing people on how they can change the way they live to create a better environment year-round, according to Parry and Santiago. “The biggest challenge is not so much the organization of the event,” said Parry. “It’s the problem in itself, the marine debris problem. We clean the beach on this one day every year, which was fantastic. We get great re-

sponse from the media; we have great turnout from volunteers. Everyone’s so excited, and the beaches are pristine on Coastal Cleanup Day. And then the next day they’re dirty again. That’s a little bit discouraging. “It’s the educational message that we’re trying to get out,” Parry said, “that people need to not litter and be stewards for our coasts and to really take care of them. The challenge is getting them at the job and getting people to change behaviors.” Education on changing current habits is a crucial part of the Cleanup. “It’s the 25th anniversary so we really did want to push for environmental awareness in Orange County,” Santiago said. “(We want to educate people) on how they can, on an everyday basis, clean up not just their homes but their parks and their neighborhoods. We’re just trying to let everybody know that Orange County parks and their state parks and the beaches are out there and they are really hidden treasures, so that’s what we wanted to push.”



September 21, 2009


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“Exploring the highs and lows of nerd culture”

My growing addiction by ashleigh johnson

Daily Titan Copy Editor opinion@dailytitan.com

Previously on Nerdgasm: “(Editor’s note: after realizing that Ashleigh has displayed the poor taste of using an ‘Alien vs. Predator’ reference and deeming it funny enough to be used for print, she has been taken out back and shot. ‘Alien vs. Predator’ was truly a terrible movie and there is zero reason to bring its memory back into the public consciousness. We sincerely apologize for any psychological trauma that may have caused. XOXO – the Daily Titan editorial staff).” It’s OK guys. I’m alive! You can call off the search parties now! Wait, what do you mean that there weren’t any search parties? Well screw you guys – see if I ever show you all how to stop a bullet with your freaking mind using telekinesis. Do you have any idea how long it took me to learn how to do that? Hmmm? Aww … Come here, champ! I can’t stay mad at you. Which reminds me, I’ve been wanting to talk to you about something important for awhile now. We’ve had our fair share of fun over the last few weeks haven’t we? But right now, I want to talk to you about something serious. No, don’t roll your eyes, this is important. We live in a strange world now, and there are a lot of things that might seem, well, a bit scary and confusing. Take this week for instance. Swine flu continues to cause concern on

campuses all across the nation; the health care system may be undergoing some very real, very major changes; a respected actor died; scientists have discovered that T-rexes were once travel-sized. But there is a more gripping problem facing this country, and I’ll be damned if I sit by idly while my colleagues yap on about subjects of lesser importance – like terrorism. Prepare to have your minds rocked so hard that those of you who are still alive after they clean your brain matter from the paper/computer screen (depending on your preferred form of media) will instantly storm the Nobel Foundation’s headquarters and will refuse to rest until I have won the Nobel Prize for overall awesomeness (Is there such a thing? Wikipedia wasn’t really clear on that point). I am referring, of course, to the Facebook application called “Farmville.” The Internet is a great thing. It allows anyone, anywhere the chance to access infinite amounts of information. But with all this information comes a price. Maybe you have friends who have been trying to tempt you into taking part in this supposedly-wholesome world of farming delights. Don’t do it. Addiction is a fickle mistress – one day you’re adding the application for the first time, maybe plowing some fields so you can plant some strawberry seeds. “Huh…” You’ll think to yourself. “Well, sure this is mildly entertaining. But I don’t see what the big deal is.” The next day you’re doing things

in a back alley that you’ve never dreamed of, all for the chance of adopting an ugly duckling for your farm. It’s called “Raising the Barn,” “Line Dancing” and “Crack” on the streets, and it has ruined countless lives. “I’ve lost my family, my job and my soul,” said an unnamed source that I did not just now make up. “Yes, my soul. Farmville was created by the devil himself. Now I must wander the night, feeding on the blood of innocents to sate my hellish thirst.” When asked if being cursed to consume human flesh was worth receiving a pink barn, my source instantly began speaking in tongues, and I was forced to throw holy water on her which caused her to give an ethereal scream before exploding into flames. It was actually kind of awesome, in retrospect, but seriously, winners don’t use “Farmville,” and if any of your friends ask you to join them, just say “no.” There are much more safer things for you to spend your time doing – like downing an entire bottle of Jack Daniel’s and then practicing driving in a schoolyard (note: don’t actually do this). I, for one, am definitely glad we had this talk. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to – oh, hey there, Kanye West. What are you doing here? Hey! That’s my mic! Give that back! “I’m really happy for you, I’m gonna let you finish, but Beyoncé had one of the best anti-Farmville columns of all time.” ... Dick.

Because ‘I’m that guy’ By Todd Boldizsar

For the Daily Titan


It seems as though whenever tough issues surface and the question goes out, everyone sits down and shuts up. However, the first hand (and often the only hand) that rises in the air is mine. Yes, I am that jerk that states the obvious and stomps on feelings. I believe in utmost honesty, and I will always be frank. That being said, you know this is the truth: I will never intend to bash professors who are taking the time to educate the future. That is an admirable act that deserves its recognition. However, there are times when I see an issue that I just have to put my three cents into (I say three cents because two cents just isn’t enough to describe the barrage of opinion I dish out). Now, I’ve been in college for four years, and I’ve seen this issue hundreds of times: Professors take attendance and base students’ grades largely on how often they show up for class. Tell me something: (I know,

I know. I use a lot of parentheses and colons; but don’t complain because until now you didn’t know how to spell parentheses) When you bought your brand-new Xbox 360, did WalMart tell you how and when you could play it? Something tells me they didn’t. Did you pay for the class? I bet you did. There is certainly something to be said about the correlation between attendance and overall grade performance. Sure, it looks great on an application or cover letter that you graduated with honors and attended every class. Start counting how many people around you that didn’t even finish college, then how many people even went to college. There are millionaires in the hills and CEOs by the ocean that are laughing at us, with our student loans and conditional grants. I am going to graduate after this fall (unless my professors are reading this. In which case, there will be several more articles by me in the Daily Titan for your enjoyment), and I can’t remember ever showing up for every class of every term of ev-

ery year. I don’t have the best grades, and I won’t be graduating at the top of my class. However, I have confidence you will be hearing my name, or even chanting it. If it weren’t for students, professors wouldn’t have a salary, and if it weren’t for professors, we’d all be screwed at a book reading and wandering around looking for our pacifier in the world. You see? We need each other, but we should have an understanding. You get what you put into it. I am content with what I have, and a few extra classes are not influential. And as much as professors hate it, the 18 - 22 year old bracket is above the legal limit to be an adult (the maturity influence excluded). As adults, we all make choices that make the world go ‘round. My choice is to skip a few classes and steady the course. That’s right, I said “choice.” I will take my laptop to class, and I will put the effort in to get the grade I’m seeking. I will speak up while others shut up. I will point out the obvious during silence, and I’m going to step on a few toes along the way. Why? Because I’m that guy.


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September 21, 2009

Titans rally for win By simon liang

Daily Titan Assistant Sports Editor sports@dailytitan.com

The Cal State Fullerton men’s soccer team came away with a 2-1 victory against visiting Saint Mary’s College on Sunday at Titan Stadium. Senior forward Matt Sanders scored the game-winning goal in the 65th minute as junior forward Celso Alvarez and redshirt sophomore midfielder Oscar Aguero penetrated the Gaels’ defense to set up Sanders for the score. Coming off a close loss to UCLA, it was the first home game for the Titans after starting off the season with five straight games on the road. “In all honesty, it was our weakest performance,” Head Coach Bob Ammann said. The Titans were happy about finally playing a home game. “We were excited; we knew we were going to get a good fan base,” sophomore goalkeeper, Trevor Whiddon said. Right from the outset, the Titans were sloppy with the ball, and the Gaels took advantage. Just over four minutes into the game, St. Mary’s redshirt sophomore midfielder Justin Grider connected for the first score of the game off a great pass from redshirt junior midfielder Dylan Leslie. Ammann said that the early goal against his team helped wake them up and be more aggressive. Halfway through the first period, the Titans had three close chances to tie up the game with three shots on goal, but they did not prevail. “We are usually good with the ball, and it seemed like we had a number of players who had off games,” Ammann said. The Titans were having trouble getting the ball out of their own backfield. The Gaels were in control of the possessions for most of the first half. In the 32nd minute, tempers flared up as several Titan and Gaels players got into a shoving match.

By chad uemera/Daily Titan Staff Photographer Senior Jamall Farquharson makes a play on the ball as a St. Mary’s player looks on.

The result was St. Mary’s freshman defender Trevor Newquist and CSUF’s Aguero both receiving yellow cards. It was a physical game throughout, as players from both sides could not keep their composure. “Their style of play is a little more direct. They like the ball probably in the air more than the ground, and when you get the ball in the air, there’s going to be aerial battles and physical confrontations,” Ammann said. In the 40th minute, CSUF tied up the game with a great goal amidst suffocating pressure from the Gaels defense. Under much duress in front of the Saint Mary’s goalpost, senior Shay Spitz made a great play and put the

ball right into the net for his second goal of the season. Spitz’s goal tied the match at 1-1. This pushed momentum into the Titans’ favor as they seem rejuvenated. “We will have a lot more better performances this year,” Spitz said. For the Gaels, it was their first loss of the season. “We didn’t play well, but we still came through,” Alvarez said. The Titans look to improve their 4-2 record against Coastal Carolina on Friday, Sept. 25 at Titan Stadium. For video highlights of the game, log onto www.dailytitan. com/2009/09/sports-csuf

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