Daily Titan: Thursday, September 24, 2009

Page 1

INSIDE: DETOUR Red carpet fashion breakdown, page 6


Titan ice hockey to face USC in third match of season, page 8


Controversial literature barred from libraries are honored, page 3


U.S. considers subsidizing newspapers, page 4 Thursday September 24, 2009

Since 1960 Volume 85, Issue 12

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

The day higher education died By Patrick Cowles

Daily Titan Asst. News Editor news@dailytitan.com

Photos By Shruti Patel/Daily Titan Photo Editor Above: BagpiperTucker Fleming led the procession of pallbearers and casket from the hearse to the funeral service on Sept. 23 outside of the CSU Chambers. Top Right: After about 200 students and faculty dropped their flowers and “hopes and dreams” inside the casket, they stood behind the casket to commemorate a day that will forever be in their memories. Right: Crowds of students and faculty members stood in union as they listened to fellow comrades speaking their minds on how the CSU has died with their broken dreams and hopes of the future. Below: Mourners display their grief over the loss of higher education.

Fog descended upon Downtown Long Beach the morning of Wednesday, Sept. 23. Under the same skies, faculty and students of the Cal State University system laid to rest their hopes and dreams for higher education in California. In a mock funeral for California’s master plan for higher education, Cal State Long Beach faculty and students organized an event to protest the CSU Board of Trustees and state legislators’ poor administrative and legislative leadership which has led to class cancellations, fee increases and furlough days, as stated in faculty and student speeches. “We are witnessing the systematic dismantling of California’s master plan for higher education,” said Teri Yamada, president of the Long Beach chapter of the California Faculty Association and professor of Asian and Asian American studies at CSULB. Around 11 a.m., a hearse carrying a coffin filled with a mannequin dressed in a graduation gown arrived at the CSU chancellor’s office. It proceeded directly to the funeral grounds at the outside lobby of the office building, which had 50 posts

Visit DailyTitan.com/mockfuneralcsu for more

Featured on the Daily Titan Web site alongside this story is video from the event. Log on to watch footage of the protesters arriving in the hearse, carrying the casket representing ‘California’s Master Plan for Higher Education’, and blocking the doors to the CSU Chancellors office in Long Beach. Over 200 protesters turned up at the event carrying placards and banners mourning the ‘death’ of the CSU’s plan for higher education.

representing a thousand students who were denied admission to a CSU this academic year. With four pallbearers carrying the casket, a cavalcade of black-clad students and faculty formed a procession toward the chancellor’s office. Bagpiper Tucker Fleming led the “mourners” with the sounds of “Amazing Grace.” The students and faculty treated the mock funeral as a protest against what they felt were wrongs perpetuated by CSU leadership toward the universities. Fleming treated the event as any other funeral. “This is definitely unique,” said Fleming. ”But I hope to bring about a real funeral experience.” After the pallbearers laid the ‘California Master Plan’ to rest, Yamada introduced the speakers, which included President of the California Faculty Association Lillian Taiz, Chico State senior Jamela Pugh, CSU Employees Union President Patrick Gantt, CSULB student Jaqueleen Larson, professor of Music and Digital Media Arts at CSU Dominquez Hills David Bradfield, and spokesperson for the California Nurses Association Gianne McKillan. See FUNERAL, Page 2

DT SHORTHAND Visually impaired artistically inclined Techno or Piano For those of you not attending the 15th Annual Nocturnal Festival in San Bernadino on Saturday, Sept. 26, there is another option you could explore right here at Cal State Fullerton. Eric Le Van, a Los Angeles born pianist, will be playing at 8 p.m. at the Meng Concert Hall. Buy tickets online at http://www.fullerton.edu/arts/events for $20 or $15 if you qualify for the Titan Discount.



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WWII internees honored with degrees Japanese Americans who attended Cal State University and were held in internment camps during World War II were granted honorary degrees on Wednesday. The CSU Board of Trustees voted unanimously. “Hundreds of students were removed from colleges and universities, forced to delay or abandon their dreams based solely on their ancestry,” CSU Chancellor Charles B. Reed said. “The internment of Japanese Americans and Japanese immigrants during World War II represents the worst of a nation driven by fear and prejudice. By issuing honorary degrees, we hope to achieve a small right in the face of such grave wrongs,” Reed said.

By Shruti Patel/Daily Titan Photo Editor Anne Sanregret, a former marketing teacher at Cal State Fullerton, admires the art on exhibit at the Southern California Eye Care Center on Tuesday.

By Jamie Iglesias

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

The Eye Care Center (ECC) at the Southern California College of Optometry (SCCO) held its fifth annual Shared Visions International Art Exhibit on Tuesday featuring 90 pieces created by blind and legally blind artists. “Our goal is to feature the art-

ist and show people the amazing talent they have and to show those with visual impairment are not limited just by their vision. In fact, some artists actually created their work after they lost their vision,” said Rebecca Kammer, associate professor and chief of the Low Vision Rehabilitation Department at the SCCO. “For a lot of the artists, this is their first time having their art exhibited. They are super pumped about hav-

ing their art displayed and educating people about their vision loss and how they were able to create it with that vision loss. I love to hear the buzz out here during the reception night and to hear the stories and hear them talk about their work,” Kammer said. Kammer got the idea from a patient of hers, Kurt Weston. “He asked about the blank walls and suggested the idea of having an art exhibit,” Kammer said. “After brainstorming for half an hour, he convinced me to get this done.” In order to be one of the artists, “They have to be at a minimum of 2200 central vision loss, which means they cannot see the big “E” on the eye chart with corrected vision (glasses),” said Arlene Kaye, director of marketing and curator for the exhibit. Other conditions that these artists have is tunnel vision or reduced visual field, which means a visual field that is 20 degrees less than the normal visual field status, Kammer said. The artwork was displayed along hallways where guests could roam and observe the variety of work. Along with each piece, there was a brief description of each artist and his or her condition. There were paintings, sculptures, photographs, sketches, and mosaics. Deni Sisoev joined her mother to see her uncle, Michael Tickenoff’s, artwork and was impressed. “I think that when you are weak in some areas

you are stronger in others, so being blind allowed him to develop more in art,” Sisoev said. “A lot of people have a knack for it, and they go for it. It’s incredible that these are blind artists. It’s unbelievable, “Sisoev said. Tickenoff has optic nerve damage, which limits his peripheral vision. Nina Goudy, Tickenoff’s sister, said, “He has been an adventurer all of his life. He’s just an artist all the way around. He never gives up. He is hoping that there might be stem cell research that might return his eyesight.” “What makes his art different is that it seems like he has a photographic memory, and he has stored all of that stuff in his brain all of these years. It’s all of his experiences. It’s hard for us to understand,” Goudy said. Juny Wendel has central vision loss and recently lost some of her vision. She describes her art as eclectic or whimsical: “I use more media. I throw in a lot of different things, and I think that is what makes my art different,” Wendel said. She used eye shadow to add color to one of her butterfly pieces. The exhibit will run from Sept. 22 until mid-August 2010. For additional information, contact Arlene Kaye at (714) 992-7865.

Page Two


September 24, 2009


Israel refuses to cooperate in investigation TEL AVIV (MCT) – Israel’s government erred in not cooperating with the Goldstone Commission, which investigated claims of human rights violations during operation “Cast Lead” in Gaza. In refusing to cooperate with the commission, Israel missed an opportunity to justify its position and insist that the international community adapt the rules of warfare to the reality of the 21st century. Even without cooperating, though, Israel’s claim that the rockets fired from Gaza into civilian areas constitute a war crime, possibly even a crime against humanity, was upheld over the claim made by many Palestinians that they are a “legitimate form of resistance to the occupation.” Israel’s decision stemmed from concern that cooperation would confer legitimacy on the commission’s conclusions. The United Nations’ Human Rights Council appointed the fact-finding mission in the midst of January’s fighting to investigate the “violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law by Israel.” Israel stated that it would not cooperate with an investigation that labeled it guilty in advance.


Late Senator Kennedy is granted dying wish WASHINGTON (MCT) – Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., is gone, but one of his dying wishes is coming true. The governor of Massachusetts has been given power to appoint a temporary replacement for the late, longtime Democratic “lion” of the Senate, as Kennedy wished. Because the governor is a Democrat, the new senator is all but certain to be a Democrat. That would restore a 60th Democrat to the Senate at a critical time in President Obama’s pursuit of a health care overhaul. Kennedy had written to state officials over the summer asking they move swiftly to replace him, rather than waiting for a special election. The Kennedy family – the late senator’s two sons, Edward Kennedy Jr. and Rep. Patrick Kennedy, D-R.I. – reportedly is recommending a family friend, former Democratic National Committee Chairman Paul Kirk, for the temporary appointment. The appointee will serve only temporarily, until the voters settle on a longer-term replacement with a special election in January. Photos By Shruti Patel/Daily Titan Photo Editor


Poll: Many Mexicans seek a better life in the U.S. WALNUT CREEK (MCT) – Frustrated by crime and the economy at home, most citizens in Mexico see a better life in the United States and one out of three would move here if they could, according to a poll. The recession and high unemployment north of the border have done little to dampen the favorable views that Mexicans have of their neighbor, although fewer Mexican immigrants now live here. About 57 percent of Mexicans think that those who settled in the United States enjoy a better life, compared with 51 percent who thought so in 2007, according to the survey released Wednesday by the Pew Global Attitudes Project. In addition, about 18 percent of Mexicans said they would move here even if they had no authorization to migrate, but the means and opportunity to do so anyway. About 81 percent of Mexicans surveyed said crime is a very big problem in their country, and high numbers also were concerned about economic problems, illegal drugs and corrupt political leaders.

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Funeral: CSULB mourns Education From Page 1 For the current academic year, the CSU cut about $560 million from the budget, said Taiz, during her eulogy speech at the mock funeral. The $560 million in question caused the CSU Board of Trustees to increase CSU fees on July 21 after students paid for the fall semester. It also led CSU administrators to initiate the first furlough days the CSU has ever had to endure. The original master plan, approved by the regents of the State Board of Education in 1960, focused on three collegiate levels of California higher education: the University of California, the CSU, and the community college systems. For the CSU system, the primary goal focused upon “undergraduate education and graduate education,” the UC Web site states. As for the 50,000 students denied enrollment to CSU schools this academic year, the proposed principles of the “Master Plan” have not been met for 2009-10. The top one-third of high school graduates are promised by the plan a spot in a UC or CSU campus, the UC Web site states.

These unfulfilled promises by CSU leadership prompted students and faculty, along with private education students, to protest the CSU Board of Trustees’ decisions. The issues being protested “affect all who want access to quality education,” said Mike Prysner, 26, an education major at USC. “The budget cuts are disgusting.” Prysner said he came out to protest because grassroots efforts have to directly affect the trustees so they can witness the affects of their decisions. For other CSU schools, the administrative fiscal decisions have been less extreme toward students and faculty. However, the effects have been felt across the whole system. For Daniel Santana, 20, a Chicano studies and history major at Cal State Northridge, the ride to class this semester has been daunting. Santana rides the bus for six hours round trip to attend his classes on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Although Santana now works two jobs, he estimated being on campus 15 to 20 hours a week. “I came here today to express my frustrations,” said Santana. Santana once lived on campus in the student housing provided by

CSUN. But increased living costs, both at home and at school, have forced him to remain at home and take the bus. “Now I live at home and help pay rent,” Santana said. For students’ parents, the fee increases have caused tremendous problems. “I have three children in community college,” said Monica Wettengel, a CSU San Bernadino social work graduate student. “I’m in debt now.” Struggling with paying for her children’s educations, each whom intend to transfer to state schools themselves, Wettengel has faced difficulties while paying off their tuition and books. The reason for Wettengel’s debt is the July 21 fee increases. “Where can I come up with $1,000? I had to take out a loan,” said Wettengel. Once the speeches ended, the crowd surrounding the mock altar formed a line to leave a message attatched to a lily flower for the CSU Board of Trustees. As soon as the last lily fell to the grass, the crowd erupted toward the doors of the office building. Led by Douglas Kauffman, 21, a

senior CSULB English major, the crowd enveloped the front doors of the building chanting, “They say keep back; we say fight back.” “I came here on behalf of Students Fight Back, a statewide organization,” said Kauffman. “Education is a right, and I came to support the faculty to stand in solidarity.” As for the faculty, Gantt said lecturers have lost the most jobs, but furloughs especially are lowering campus morale. As colleges cut classes, students begin to question if they can reach their graduation goals, said Gantt. As for faculty, full-time or part-time, tenured or not, furloughs have lowered their salaries, added Gantt. For the hundreds of students and faculty that participated in the protest, their voices remained proximally silent as police officers refused them entrance to the building to voice their frustration toward the CSU Board of Trustees, who were holding a meeting upstairs. However, “450,000 students can make a lot of noise in the legislature,” said Gantt. For the faculty, they don’t want the university system they helped foster “dismantled over night,” said Bradfield.

September 24, 2009



Photos By Jonathan Montgomery/Daily Titan Staff Writer Left: Customer Edith Castro and belly dancer Christina O’nan, “Perizad,” entertain diners at Sophia’s Greek Cuisine in Placentia. O’nan pulled Castro up to dance with her in the restaurant. Right: A cook flambées cheese tableside as part of the Greek dish, saganaki. The cheese is doused with a spirit, lit on fire and extinguished with lemon juice.

Greek restaurant entertains hungry diners By Jonathan Montgomery Daily Titan Staff Writer features@dailytitan.com

Sophia’s Greek Cuisine gives customers a side of rhythm and dance along with their gyros and baklava. Located on Kraemer Boulevard in Placentia, Sophia’s provides belly dancing entertainment every Thursday and Friday night, while customers dine on authentic Greek food. The entrance to Sophia’s seemed nearly hidden in the back, partially covered by green bushes. When customers walk inside, they will see a warm and cozy restaurant, thoroughly decorated in different statues and art, some of which were brought straight from Greece by family and other relatives. At first, the music was soft and acoustic; the workers were warm and inviting.

By 7:30 p.m., the music drastically changed to fast rhythmic guitar and drums. The click and clanks of finger cymbals were heard before the dancer, Christine O’nan “Perizad,” was even seen. Then, she appeared in a flash, wearing sequins that reflected light as she moved. She sported a black dress which exposed her stomach and a vibrant red scarf danced gracefully in the air around her. Even her polished red toenails seemed to add to her exuberant appearance. Her movements were beautifully sexual, consisting of vibrating and pulsating jerks of her hips and body. Her fingers maneuvered delicately, inching slightly but producing quick sounds from the tiny cymbals wrapped around them. And this wasn’t just a one-wom-

an-show. Diners were also asked to participate and learn the art of the dance; Edith Castro, 43, was the first. Castro stood next to Perizad following her instructions, looking as if she’d belly danced before. “It was fun,” said Castro, despite being “a little nervous.” Castro said this was her second time visiting Sophia’s. A disco ball attached to the ceiling added to the feel of the music, spinning swiftly while Perizad danced underneath it. She moved to another table to teach a man how to do the dance before returning center stage, with all eyes on her. At 7:44 p.m., she was finished. The lighting had changed, and the room went back to the soft, romantic ambience. Perizad, has been belly dancing

Sutra Lounge hopes to attract gay club frequenters at an Orange County venue By Lauren Felechner

Daily Titan Staff Writer features@dailytitan.com

Sunday nights to most mean the end of a weekend, or a day meant for rest and relaxation. However, that is all going to change starting next month with the grand opening of Sutra Lounge’s new gay club nights. Sutra Lounge has hired the mostestablished gay promoters in Orange County – Club Lucky Presents, consisting of Dave Leon and his partner Zach Moos, who also acts as DJ and VJ – to come in and give a new twist on Sutra’s Sunday nights. On Oct. 11, not only will Sutra be opening its doors on a normally off night to guests, but will also include an 18 and over crowd – Sutra is normally a 21 and over venue. “These nights will be geared towards anyone who likes to have a good time, but primarily gay men,” Leon said. The opening night will consist of a dinner and drag queen show from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m., followed by a performance from Kaya Jones, who is a member of the well-known pop group, Pussycat Dolls.

Jones, Lady GaGa and many Disneyland performers, are among the artists that the duo were able to pull as entertainment in the past. Having been promoting gay clubs in Orange County for six years, Leon and Moos’ saga started with Quan’s Rockin’ Sushi in Orange and their gay night, “Thrust.” “We went out and looked at different possible promotional nights and opportunities for the venue’s off nights, and then we found Dave with his successful gay nights at the House of Blues in Anaheim,” said Rob Arellano, the director of entertainment at Sutra Lounge, of how the relationship between Club Lucky Presents and Sutra was born. These two powerhouse companies have the same intentions of being the best in their field, which means keeping on the lookout for new ways to up the ante. Edwin Shin, 21, a geography major and the events coordinator of Cal State Fullerton’s Queer Straight Alliance, thinks it is a good thing that clubs branch out like Sutra. “It’s always a nice thing to see predominantly straight clubs branch out to the LGB community,” Shin said.

“In Orange County, I’d definitely like to see more gay nights open up. From personal experience, me and people from the group usually go out to West Hollywood or Long Beach to find a gay club.” Long Beach is another part of Leon and Moos’ territory, as they throw their lesbian Thursday nights at Hamburger Mary’s. The new Sunday nights at Sutra are going to uphold the upscale standard the club holds on its weekend nights, with bottle service, VIP tables, bigname performances, theme nights and go-go dancers. These guys will be adorned in sassy sailor outfits or sexy schoolboy numbers, depending on the theme of the night. “Sutra has committed itself to diversifying its entertainment format across different nights in order to attract different clientele,” Arellano explained. In addition to the gay night, Sutra is getting creative with their talent and promotions in order to appease their following. Sutra Lounge is located at 1870 Harbor Blvd. in Costa Mesa. For more infomation, visit www. sutrabar.com.

for eight years, but has a background in both modern and jazz dance. She said it took about a year to learn how to belly dance, but that it is always an ongoing process. “(I’m) always striving to improve,” said Perizad. She said a lot of the dance she performed that night was improvisational and interactive. She works off the mood of the crowd each night she dances, making each performance unique. Additionally, she works as a dance instructor, teaching three classes a week in Laguna Niguel. She graduated from Cal State Fullerton with a BA in art, with an emphasis on commercial illustration, but she lives for the beauty of creativity, love of people and self-expression which dance brings. When asked when she will stop

dancing, Perizad responded, “Until I can’t walk.” According to owner Marwan Dababneh, 35, Sophia’s has often been regarded as “the hidden jewel of Placentia.” The front room is decorated not only in statues, but also past reviews and recently attributed awards. One picture shows Dababneh standing with former professional basketball player Kareem AbdulJabbar. “He’s pretty tall. He likes his lamb chops,” said Dababneh. He said the implementation of belly dancing in Greek restaurants started in the United States but has extended over to Greece. For those looking for something different, Sophia’s also hosts folk dancing once a month. Dababneh has no managers un-

der him, but that doesn’t mean he is doing all the work by himself. Instead, Dababneh said they work like a family, which keeps things running smoothly and helps to avoid the feeling of a chain restaurant. Sophia’s has gone through different owners and changes over the years; the original restaurant was located across the street. Dababneh gained ownership of the restaurant four years ago and only added about 50 percent to the menu, most of which were his mother’s recipes passed down through generations. Diners looking for a night of live entertainment, authentic cuisine and a full bar in a family-style environment, may want to check out Sophia’s Greek Cuisine for a “fun, comfortable, enjoyable evening,” Dababneh said.



September 24, 2009

Alien in America “From the inside looking out”

Should the government fund newspapers and turn them into non-profit organizations?

By Nicole Park

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

Could the “government watchdog” soon roll over on its back and turn into the government’s lapdog? With bill S.673, Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin, D-Md. is sponsoring the regression from a free press to that of a state-controlled newsroom. “State-controlled” might sound too harsh, but in reality that is what would happen, in a sneaky and manipulative way. The wolf in sheep’s clothing, S.673, offers a seemingly heroic hand to struggling publications by renaming the newspaper industry. The capitalistic “fourth estate” currently thrives on advertisements as a “non-profit” organization. Along with the more humanitarian persona, newspapers would also receive the same tax breaks other nonprofits enjoy. The publications, if made non-profits, would also be able to happily receive monetary gifts from donors without being taxed on them. President Barack Obama called the press “critical to the health of our democracy,” which is why he must think it is worth saving, using any means possible; even if that means government interference. He said he would be “happy” to look at the bill, but hadn’t yet.

It seems rather odd that a president in search of a healthy democracy would make the bold step to indirectly sponsor the media of the United States of America. Apparently the newspaper industry is suffering enough for its leaders to consider abandoning journalistic independence in return for tax exemption. If the public senses that the publication no longer has the readers’ best interest at heart, all the funding in the world wouldn’t attract a large readership, and the industry would still be in jeopardy of extinction. Has the industry’s indignant loyalty to truth and ethics soured with its selling power? It seems that the search for truth and passion in modern-day newspaper reporting went out the window with the budget. Democracy is governance by the people, for the people. That means what we say counts; we have a voice, and it is heard. If Obama is in search for democracy, it seems he should let the people be heard, listen and respond accordingly by ignoring this irresponsible proposal and instead devote time to saving journalism as an independent institution by exploring outlets other than print. The future is upon us, and we needn’t drag our feet and waste tax dollars in resistance to saying goodbye to print journalism on paper, but let the natural progression develop and foster a quality set of standards for online and other alternative media outlets. The primary priority in journalism, as we know it, could shift from the current dedication to truth, to dedication to the state. Perhaps this is a worst-case scenario side effect of becoming non-profit, but it is highly advisable for journalism to remain completely independent and free of any obligatory strings.

By Skylar Smith

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

The ever-rising hurdle for journalism to get over is the financial one. All journalists in the United States can agree on the fact that the recession is putting pressure on the industry, and access to free articles on the Internet aren’t helping things. Advertising and corporate funding alone can’t help the newspapers survive, so what can? A bill put forward by Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin D-Md., would allow newspapers to become non-profit organizations, thus allowing them to accept tax-deductible contributions to fund production. The only thing holding back this bill’s potential is the belief that if newspapers accept money from the government directly, they will become biased by the government’s influence. The bill is not perfect, but restructuring newspapers into non-profit organizations could certainly help to find a new status for newspapers in the business world. The controversy surrounding the bill is that the newspapers would be working for the government, thus, putting their role as watchdogs of the government in question. However, all that the newspapers would really need is tax law changes

that would benefit all businesses under pressure. This bill is a step in the right direction. Although newspapers have seen a slight sales increase, the tax reduction would only further help the industry, as well as allow papers to support their Web sites. This isn’t a bailout or a handout; it is an attempt to allow newspapers to exist in an age where they must provide online and print editions. Even the Daily Titan, a paper primarily funded by advertising and annual support from Associated Students, Inc., has been forced to reduce its size and the amount of hard news it produces, just to reduce costs. The other benefit of becoming a non-profit organization is that if you donate to that organization, or in this case newspaper, you can receive tax deductions. This would encourage companies to support newspapers more than they do already, simply for the financial benefit. Depending on how the bill gets written, subscribers to these newspapers could claim they are donating to non-profit organizations in their taxes. President Barack Obama has been quoted saying he is a “newspaper junkie,” so why has this bill been sitting in Congress since March? If Obama wants to continue reading his newspapers, not just small, rushed articles because journalists don’t have time or money to spend, then he should push Congress to pass the bill. As it stands, the bill needs some rewriting and a lot more support, but it should not be written off as something unethical or as just another bailout for yet another dying industry.

Living in ethni-city by Isa Ghani

Daily Titan Multimedia Editor opinion@dailytitan.com

I think I’m racist. See, I used to make a terrible faux pas on a regular basis when I first got to California. When meeting someone new (who is not obviously Caucasian), I always tended to ask: Where are you from? Turns out, this is a big no-no. In most cases, I got the reply: “I’m from here, from California.” Then I dug myself into a deeper hole by saying something along the lines of: “No, seriously, where are you from? Like, where is your family from? Are you Japanese, Korean or Taiwanese?” “No, I’m American,” they would reply, before giving me the cold shoulder and ruining my chances of continuing the conversation/making a new friend/getting laid. California is such a diverse place – Cal State Fullerton itself is one of the most diverse campuses around – anyone, be they Asian, African, Latino, Indian, Polynesian or Caucasian, could be “American.” People may be from different cultural backgrounds and different ethnicities, but when you ask them what they are or where they’re from, they always reply: “I’m American.” There’s something about the distinct patriotism that Americans seem to have. A friend of mine, whose family originally crossed the Mexico-California border when he was a child, is now a U.S. Marine, serving the country he has now grown to love and call home. I am envious of American patriotism, and the love its people have for their country. By that same token, I also think it’s strange that on paper people are referred to by their ethnicity first

and their nationality second. Like I mentioned before, when people describe themselves verbally, they refer to themselves as American. But on paper, non-Caucasian Americans always put down their ethnicity first, such as Asian-American, AfricanAmerican, Hispanic and so on. I think this is completely the wrong idea. For a nation comprised mostly of immigrants, or the descendants of immigrants, it is strange that people feel the need to identify themselves first by their nationality because technically they all fly under the same banner: American. In Malaysia, which is also a multiracial country, there is no such thing as Chinese-Malaysian or IndianMalaysian. We have Malaysians of Chinese descent, but never are they referred to by their nationality. Maybe I am racist for seeing the discrepancy here, or maybe you guys are racist for not noticing it in the first place. I feel that while it is great that people feel the need to emphasize their ethnicity and race, is there really a need for the division when everyone here is technically American anyway? Especially since, so many of us (the Generation X, Y or Zs) are of mixed parentage anyway (both parents of different ethnicities). If the problem is the color of our skin, why don’t we all do our part to make everyone the same color? What if we all made it a point to procreate with someone who’s a different race than ourselves? I think this is a brilliant idea, and the results could be stunning. If we kept this up, I think we could eradicate racism in a couple of generations. After all, it’s hard to be a racist if we’re all the same color.


September 24, 2009

Obama delays, military pays By Patrick Cowles

Daily Titan Asst. News Editor opinion@dailytitan.com

Afghanistan is in a region of the world populated by many hazards to American military success against the Taliban and al-Qaida. The region hosts 24 of the 25 tallest mountain peaks in the world. Some of them, such as Karakorum 1 and K2, are among the deadliest to professional climbers. Although our military does train mountain regiments in areas of the United States, the volume of troops being trained at these facilities is low because of deterrents to the war effort. Last week, President Barack Obama postponed troop increases due to Democratic pressures from Congress. It’s because they can’t figure out how to fight the war. Democrats influenced Obama’s administration to delay increases to “reassess” and “refine” the war strategy in Afghanistan. The administration issued the current strategy back in March. Yet, Democrats refuse to simply listen to military command, as both Joint Chief of Staff Chair Adm. Mike Mullen and Army Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal have requested an increase in troops recently. Much akin to the latest Bush administration, suits in Congress are playing “Risk” with the American military. Does anyone remember Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Rumsfeld telling Lt. Gen. Eric Shinseki his assessment for the number of troops in Iraq was “wildly off the mark”? How ridiculous is it for two businessmen, a banker and pharmaceutical CEO respectively, to tell a general who served two tours of combat against an insurgent force, he is wrong in his assessment on how to fight them? Rumsfeld, although he served in the Navy, retired in the reserves with-

out obtaining command experience. Yet, that is how we currently allow our military to operate, by the hopes and prayers of suits, helplessly clogging our military’s ability to conduct warfare with tons of bureaucracy. But delay is something we cannot afford right now in Afghanistan. An old enemy has recovered to tremendous strength during our time in Iraq, and the government is vehemently unstable. We currently have 62,000 soldiers in Afghanistan, with a proposed 68,000 by the year’s end. But this number is vastly insufficient to properly engage the enemy we are fighting. As we have recently begun to see in Iraq, success cannot be achieved with a smaller but well-equipped force against an insurgency in a large country with a vastly rural population. Fight with the population against the aggressor, or submit to a game of cat and mouse. The Taliban is the aggressor against the peace. As we have seen in the news recently, the Taliban is violently threatening their democratic process and daily lives. The Afghan people cast their votes for the presidency one month ago, yet no victor is within sight due to fear and voter fraud. For America, the military not only faces the Taliban in Afghanistan, but eventually the war will shift towards al-Qaida. They only live in the mountains, which means the American military must find a way to sway the hearts of the Afghan people in our favor, while the armed forces increase the volume of troops. We cannot expect to simply bomb al-Qaida into submission; we need to encapsulate them. What former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush found out is that dropping cruise missiles on the mountainous villages that our satellites find is a million dollar way to pound sand. Blow them up Sunday, they’re back up Monday. That means the military has to en-

gage this enemy head-on, grunt-togrunt. We can’t expect a small force to be able to handle the amount of terrain that needs to be occupied to ensure that once the Taliban is gone; we can trap al-Qaida within our sphere of modern warfare. The country spans 652,230 square km. That’s a lot of room to roam, and you don’t want insurgents running around. Give them space and guerrilla tactics and they become viciously effective. We’ve seen their deadly effect in both Afghanistan and Iraq in the form of well-hidden roadside bombs. Numbers are vital to victory here. The country is not small, and the current insurgent force is thriving between our lines. Russia had 120,000 troops in the country at the peak of their 10-year war and produced few results. We cannot fail due to similar, or even worse, decisions. Attrition doesn’t defeat prideful cunning and determination when you offer the enemy free range. We need hundreds of thousands of troops in the country to suffocate the insurgencies’ ability to move and hide. Plus, if the Department of Defense wants to bulk up the Afghan army to 250,000 and the police to 160,000 by 2012, we need to get thousands of advisers in the country to train them. We should not allow Capitol Hill bureaucracy to impede the jobs of our military’s highest command. Although sending insufficientlytrained troops to combat will only cause more problems, we cannot delay in allocating our forces toward Afghanistan. The shift of focus from Iraq to Afghanistan has already begun, and for the Obama administration to swim up stream against the current will be more costly than democratic concerns over presidential goals in a combat zone. Let the generals fight our wars, Congress. You write the laws.

account and access to unprecedented military technology, Wayne rose above the physical constraints of monitoring an entire city and having access to any location in enough time to do something about the act in progress. The “Watchmen” graphic novel depicted regular law enforcement officers starting a band of masked heroes, who patrolled society outside the parameters of governmentsanctioned crime fighting. To operate on their own our real-life superhero would need bottomless funds, incredible dexterity and strength, a non-existent sleeping schedule and an encyclopedic knowledge of how to stay one step ahead of the law. Do the same inte-

rior mechanisms that keep us from killing our own kind also keep us from confronting and stopping evil? This is most likely the case. Grossman also found an interesting hybrid of the sociopath and the normal human in his research. Coining the term “sheep-dogs,” Grossman said there are individuals who have the will power and strength to protect the innocent, while still maintaining a sense of responsibility and care toward people. Much more prevalent than the sociopath, it is possible that this quality is latent in all people, waiting for an opportunity to be exercised. In the end, the question might come down to who will step out of line to create good in any form, large or small.

Heroes functioning in the real world By Greg Lehman

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

Why are there no real superheroes? A superhero, usually a vigilante with exceptional strengths of some kind, has a considerable presence in society. In comic books, movies, novels and TV shows, superheroes typically see a problem, find nothing of worth in the majority’s reliance on the authorities and take it upon themselves to exact justice. My question is: why has no one done this in real life? This is in fact only half-true. The Guardian Angels in New York is a civilian group dedicated to unarmed crime patrols. The Davao Death Squads in the Philippines are a group who operate outside of the law to stop criminals. Recently Jonathan Idema, a selfproclaimed vigilante according to BBC News, fought his own personal war by allegedly capturing and torturing suspected terrorists in the Middle East. While these examples fill the job description, the effectiveness of the Punisher or even Iron Man leave something to be desired. So why do most people say no to taking the plethora of social ills and issues upon themselves? First, a little investigation is in order. In his book “On Killing,” Lt. Col. Dave Grossman shows that there is an innate sense in 98 percent of humans that keeps them from killing one of their own species out of empathy and feeling revulsion toward violence. Grossman’s book delves into the 2 percent of people who can be described as having no guilt or hesitation in killing others. Classified today as “sociopaths,” these people pass through wars without any psychological issues following them into civilian life. While definitely rare, these individuals do exist. Sometimes they become war heroes. Other times they can be some of the most horrifying people in history; forcing their will with no consideration for others. The question is: why has no one taken this talent for unusual psychological indifference and used it for good? In literature and film, we can see the requirements for the superhero. Genetic mutations or power-rings notwithstanding – an individual rises above fear, self doubt and pain to do what they believe is right. In our world, there are unfortunately very real limits which keep people from ascending to superhero stature. Batman (Bruce Wayne) was a normal human charged with the need to avenge his parents’ murder. Through a seemingly limitless bank


yo u r w e e k ly d o s e o f e n t e rta i n m e n t

September 24, 2009



Canadian rockers sting Hollywood

Fashion floods the 61st Emmy red carpet By Adrian Gaitan

For the Daily Titan


Glitz and glam graced the red carpet last Sunday, as celebrities took a break from filming to attend the 61st Primetime Emmy Awards with hopes of winning a golden statue. Held at the Nokia Theatre, which is adjacent to the newly-constructed LA Live, an entertainment complex, host Neil Patrick Harris charmed the audience with his singing, dancing and attempt to crack a few jokes. Around 2 p.m., stars began stepping out of their air-conditioned limos and into the scorching heat. Some of the first to arrive were nominees Chandra Wilson of ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy, and Bravo’s Top Chef host, Padma Lakshmi. As stars walked the red carpet,

the heat began taking its toll. Sweat dripped down brows, and makeup on men and women alike began to melt away. Even with fall fashion in full effect, color was no stranger to the Emmys. Numerous celebrities wore richly-colored gowns that glistened and gleamed in both the sunlight, and the spotlight of the stage. There was no doubt that Debra Messing captivated the public with her glittering gown by American designer Michael Kors. Messing also wore matching gold rings, bangles and earrings by jewelry designer Lorraine Schwartz that complimented her gown with utmost perfection. Grey’s Anatomy star Sandra Oh ditched her pale blue scrubs for the night, and was dubbed another bestdressed celebrity. With a dark-stained Marchesa crocodile clutch in hand, Oh walked the read carpet with a glowing face that complimented her finely-crafted gold Marchesa gown and Tacori earrings. With ravishing shoulder-length red hair, Kate Walsh sported a pale blue J. Mendel dress with a matching Aldo clutch. Her Stephen Russell earrings and bracelets as well as Christian Louboutin heels all completed the lightly-draped outfit. Mila Kunis of That ’70s Show dressed in Monique Lhuillier for the night. This foreigner-turnedAmerican rocked her dress made of tulle, which was a perfect mixture of deep maroon and crimson, with a thin black strap cinched acround her waist. Giant feather-like earrings, an

opulent silver bracelet, and gorgeous deep-red stilettos completed her outfit. Red carpet veteran Drew Barrymore also dressed in Monique Lhuillier. Her blush-pink tulle-detailed gown with matching Raven Kauffman clutch and dazzling pearls were a crowd favorite. Pregnant stars, such as Project Runway host Heidi Klum and Keeping Up With the Kardashians Kourtney Kardashian, also graced the red carpet with their presence. Among the worst dressed, or to put it nicely, not so fab, for the night included Gossip Girl stars Blake Lively and Leighton Meester. Lively wore a red Versace gown that was just too plain and exposed too much of the young actresses' body. Lively tried going for sleek hair but was unsuccessful, so she simply braided her hair and pulled it back into a tight ponytail that hung down her exposed back. Meester, on the other hand, wore a white chiffon Bottega Veneta dress that looked like a Greek goddess gone wrong. The chiffon straps on her shoulders were too fluffy and the red lipstick to match her red clutch didn’t help the situation. Soap star Victoria Rowell was another head-turner of the night, but for all the wrong reasons. Rowell wore a strapless blue Obama dress with tribal symbols which exposed her tan lines. To compliment her outfit, Rowell also wore a pair of gladiator heels and giant silver earrings. With 28 categories that ranged

By Cameron Harp

For the Daily Titan


Photos By Ani Kellogg/For the Daily Titan Below: Pretty in tulle and pink, Drew Barrymore strikes a pose Sunday night. Above: Mila Kunis’ eyes smoldered against the background of a stunning crimson dress.

from Outstanding Actress in a Drama Series, to Outstanding Made for Television Movie, many winners were awestruck and joyful when their names were announced. Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series winner, Kristin Chenoweth, accepted her award while holding back tears of joy. This was the mood for most of the night with

winners being so jubilant to win a sought-after award. Stars lost this past year were also recognized with a slideshow at the end of the night. Some featured stars included former "Golden Girl" Bea Arthur, “King of Pop” Michael Jackson, “Dirty Dancer” Patrick Swayze and “Charlie’s Angel” Farrah Fawcett.

A taste of rock ‘n’ roll from the ‘Sons’

day tore up and down the neck of his guitar, boasting gut-busting riffs that would turn the head of even the most die-hard Zeppelin fan. This was The Rival Sons' first show of a three night run at The Viper Room in support of their debut album Before the Fire, which they self-released in June. “We wanted to take classic blues music, put our own spin on it and turn it into rock ‘n’ roll,” Buchanan said about their debut album. “Dirty, fuzzy, aggressive rock ‘n’ roll,” Holiday added with a smile.

By Eric Irizarry

For the Daily Titan


Hollywood, with its numerous music venues and clubs, provides its citizens with a multitude of bands to choose from on any given night. Some of these bands will fall between the cracks of the city's flourishing music scene, while others are inevitably destined for greatness. The Rival Sons can be found in the latter category. On Monday, the Los Angeles four-piece band took the stage of Sunset Boulevard's Viper Room with one thing on their mind: to rock the house so hard people would talk about it for days. “We’re trying to make some dirty, raw rock ‘n’ roll,” said guitarist Scott Holiday. “We want to give people rock ‘n’ roll the way we think they deserve it.” The avid performers wasted no time in their set, churning out song after song of their unique style of blues-infused rock music. Sporting an ear-to-ear grin on his face, Holi-

By Shruti Patel/Daily Titan Photo Editor Robin Everhart, Jay Buchanan and Scott Holiday of The Rival Sons sang out to a very enthusiastic crowd at the Viper Room on Sept. 22.

Hard rock fans invaded the infamous Viper Room in Hollywood last Friday night to see a no-holdsbarred performance by rock band Danko Jones. Lead singer and guitarist Danko Jones and bassist John “JC” Calabrese met in high school and formed the Toronto-based band 14 years ago. Over the past ten years, the band, named after its lead singer, has made a name for themselves as a premier live act. They have toured across North America with high profile bands such as the Rolling Stones, Our Lady Peace, Flogging Molly, and Nickelback. Calabrese said that Danko Jones have found coming to the U.S. as a self-managed band to be their biggest chalenge because there is so much turnover in the music industry. “In order to do things on your own, the road is less traveled by. It takes you a long, long time to get there,” said Calabrese. “Slowly, slowly we keep chipping away, and now we are here in the U.S.” The band recently worked with Grammy-winning producer Nick Raskulinecz on their fourth album Never Too Loud, which was released in February of 2008. “Working with Nick was amazing because he is a producer that has a cache behind him,” Calabrese said of producer Raskulinecz who has worked with the likes of the Foo Fighters, Rush and Stone Sour. Following an enthralling performance of “Sugar High,” last Friday night Jones lightened the mood with some self-deprecating humor. “Thank you for your warm welcome,” said Jones. “People are telling me they love me and stuff. If they actually knew me, they would not be yelling that.” The set ranged from songs, such as “Play the Blues” off the album Born a Lion to “Samuel Sin,” which has been covered by Jack White’s Raconteurs. Jones’ deep-scratchy voice commanded the room, while Calabrese rocked out to the bass line and drummer Dan Cornelius set the beat. Danko Jones is currently working on a new album to be released worldwide next year. The band is hoping to follow the album with a worldwide tour, said Calabrese. “We have, like, over 25 new songs already,” said Calabrese. “I think they kind of choose themselves in the end. That’s that; we will just keep recording and keep touring. That’s all we do.”




By Rachel david

Daily Titan Copy Editor detour@dailytitan.com

Oh, Mika, you've done it again! You've created a "Golden" album that leaves listeners in a classic, marvelous Mika mood. Mika's second uplifting and rhyme-filled album titled, The Boy Who Knew Too Much, picks up where his first album, Life in Cartoon Motion, left off and is filled with as much glitz and glam, hand claps and high-pitched vocals as his first album. Enough cannot be said about this 12-track flamboyant album and its ability to leave listeners with a smile on their face and in a good mood throughout the day. Mika, who has been compared to such greats as Freddie Mercury, Elton John, Prince, and David Bowie, does not disappoint old or new listeners with his latest offering. I find it difficult to get past the first track, "We Are Golden," with its quick tempo and wide range of pitches. Be prepared: you will find yourself chanting along with Mika and his back-up singers, "We are not what you think we are! We are golden!" as you drive in your

car or walk through the Quad. Track two, "Blame It On The Girls," is packed with girl-group hand claps that make it difficult to sit still as you listen to it. Boys, don't be fooled by the title, as the lyrics explain: "Blame it on the girls. Blame it on the boys." "Good Gone Girl," track seven, has an upbeat piano melody running throughout, and quick and clever lyrics filled with alliterations (evident by the title) and rhymes. Track 11, "Toy Boy," sounds like a song that could be played in Fantasyland at Disneyland, but is filled with classic Mika lyrics: "But your mama thought there was somethin' wrong / Didn't want you sleeping with a boy too long." Be sure to take a look at his liner notes; they are by far the most creative ones that I've seen in a long time. Listen to Mika, he is fast becoming the solution to the tough economic and political times that we are in the midst of. Download: "We Are Golden."



Daily Titan Staff Writer detour@dailytitan.com

Dan Brown doesn’t disappoint in his new thriller The Lost Symbol, but he does leave you scratching your head. In his third book featuring the adventures of Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon, Brown whisks his readers away from the art of Europe and into the heart of Washington D.C. and the strange history of Masonic society. In The Lost Symbol, Robert Langdon arrives at the U.S. Capitol expecting to present a lecture for his dear friend Peter Solomon, a highorder Mason. But to his horror, Langdon discovers his friend has been kidnapped by a violent mystic occultist intent on uncovering the greatest of the Mason legends and destroying the Masons forever. With the help of the CIA, Solomon’s sister and the Masons themselves, Langdon must rescue Peter and prevent the greatest of Masonic wisdom from falling into the wrong hands. The book falls short of rivaling

the shock and controversy of The Da Vinci Code, but it is still a thrilling page turner that gives you plenty to think about. The Lost Symbol contains more theories and philosophies than Langdon’s previous exploits, but continues Brown’s focus on illuminating the world around you. Once again, Brown fills the book with fun facts that will help you win Jeopardy! and throws in plenty of surprises- including one incredible jaw-dropping twist. And while a few explanations are a stretch, you accept them because it is Dan Brown, who makes even the most unbelievable possible. The story’s scientific and religious theories could cause some heated discussion, but Brown moves into new territory, validating religion and faith instead of breaking it down like in his previous novels. While less gripping than The Da Vinci Code, Brown has still produced an entertaining and thoughtful read.

September 24, 2009


By Adan vasquez

Daily Titan Sports Editor detour@dailytitan.com

World renowned hip-hop artist Jay-Z released his eleventh studio album, The Blueprint 3 on Sept. 8, bringing a close to the Blueprint trilogy. Jay-Z has proven over the years to be a durable artist. Nowadays it is hard to find many artists who survive into their thirties, yet the H.O.V.A proves everyone wrong with every new album he drops. When Jay-Z dropped the Black Album back in 2003, it seemed like the end of a magnificent era. But then in 2006, he dropped Kingdom Come, and the following year in 2007 he came out with American Gangster-and they were all albums worth talking about, as if anyone would expect anything less. The Blueprint 3 is another one of those albums, and despite the heavy commercial flavor behind it with songs like "Run This Town" and "Empire State of Mind," it is still able to do what every other Jay-Z album has done in the past: connect with its listeners through life strug-

gles and hope. It is really a tribute to Jay-Z and his ability to still reach out to his fans. At age 39, it is a true testament to his talent and simply solidifies his place among the legends in music. Although the sound of the album is nothing to be surprised aboutTimbaland and Kanye West both dominated the production of the album- it still maintains what everyone can come to expect of a Jay-Z album, and that is yet another number one album on his list of musical accomplishments. In fact, with The Blueprint 3, he made history by surpassing Elvis Presley for the most number one albums by a solo artist. It speaks volumes about how great he has been in regards to his musical talent. With artists such as Alicia Keys, Kanye West, Mr. Hudson, Rihanna and Young Jeezy making featured appearances, this album has it all and should easily appeal to just about anyone.



September 24, 2009

Assistant coach lives for soccer pitch Baseball hauls By maureen fox

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

Coach Diego Bocanegra’s life revolves around soccer. Bocanegra, the new assistant coach for Cal State Fullerton’s women’s soccer program, has been working at CSUF since March. But while his career at CSUF is just beginning, he has been passionate about soccer his entire life. “I had a soccer ball at my feet from the time I could walk,” Bocanegra said. Bocanegra, 34, was born in Fontana, Calif., and grew up in Alta Loma with his younger brother and sister. His father and mother moved to California from Mexico, and while soccer is an important part of Mexican culture, Bocanegra’s father never played it himself, preferring baseball and basketball. However, he put Bocanegra in soccer when he was four years old. “I loved it, and I was good at it,” Bocanegra said. “It became part of family life.” Since then, he has been dedicated to the game. Bocanegra played as a midfielder throughout his youth for a variety of teams, including the Alta Loma High School team. But his favorite experience was playing for the Arsenal Football Club, a successful club team based in Alta Loma that Bocanegra believes is one the best club teams around. While playing for Arsenal FC, his team won three state championships, a national title, six surf-cup titles and the Dallas cup, the oldest international youth soccer tournament in the United States. “That was my first really big experience in soccer, just playing for that team,” Bocanegra said. His siblings followed in his footsteps and have careers in soccer as well. His sister plays for the San Diego Sea Lions in the U.S. Women’s Premier Soccer League, and his brother is captain of the U.S. Men’s National Team. Bocanegra always wanted a career

By chad uemera/Daily Titan Staff Photographer Assistant Coach Diego Bocanegro poses for a photo following a Titan soccer match.

in soccer, but he didn’t plan on becoming a coach. After high school, he played at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Ariz. But after two years there, he was ready to move up from GCU’s Division II league to a Division I team and transferred to University of California, Los Angeles. When he settled on studying physical therapy, he transferred again, this time to Cal State University, Fresno for their competitive physical therapy program. “When I got to Fresno State, I started coaching youth kids while I was playing and realized I liked coaching and playing and being a part of soccer more than anything else,” Bocanegra said. Bocanegra graduated from Fresno State and became a high school teacher, coaching at the high school and at club level. After about five

years, he felt burnt out on soccer and took a position as a financial planner. He did well, but it only took a year for him to realize how much he missed the sport. “I came back to soccer and realized that is what I want to do with my life,” Bocanegra said. He returned to coaching, moving up to the university level. Bocanegra was an assistant coach for three seasons at University California, Riverside, and then an assistant coach for two years at California State University, San Bernardino, before eventually becoming their head coach. When the assistant coach position became available at CSUF, Bocanegra was eager for the opportunity to coach at the Division I level and to move to Orange County. Demian Brown, head coach for the women’s soccer team, has known Bocanegra for 20 years. The two

men grew up playing soccer against each other, and when the previous assistant coach, Scott Alexander, resigned at the end of the 2008 season, Brown approached Bocanegra with the job. “He’s proving to be tremendously valuable,” Brown said. Since he is a defense-oriented coach and Bocanegra is an attackoriented coach, Brown feels their styles complement each other well. “It’s helpful to have someone with head coaching experience, someone who I’m familiar and comfortable with,” Brown said. On the field, Bocanegra works with the midfielders and forwards, focusing on running attacks. Off the field, his duty is recruiting and bringing in top-quality players. He appreciates the freedom Brown gives him and sees a lot of potential with this year’s team. “I think we keep getting better every day, and I think if we continue to do what we do, then we should contend for the Big West title,” Bocanegra said. “We have definitely gone through some challenges, and we have come out stronger on the other end of it. We just need to keep moving forward.” Bocanegra’s wife, Kellie, said Diego is 150 percent passionate about soccer. “Sometimes it disgusts me!” she said with a laugh. But she supports her husband’s career and love of soccer. “I’ve never played soccer, but now I watch it all the time.” Bocanegra is very grateful for his wife’s encouragement. “I could not do it without a supportive wife because of the amount of time that I spend away from home, especially during the season,” Bocanegra said. He appreciates his entire family’s support and enjoys encouraging them in return. His parents and sister attend his games when they can, and he watches his siblings’ games when possible. “In my family, soccer is pretty much a way of life,” Bocanegra said. “It is what we do.”

Titan hockey ready for Trojans By gilbert gutierrez iii Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

The Cal State Fullerton hockey club faces off against the University of Southern California Trojans at the Anaheim Ice Arena tonight at 7:25 p.m. The team looks to redeem itself after coming off a couple losses to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas over its opening weekend, which included a 7-2 loss last Friday, and an 11-7 loss on Saturday. Senior defender and co-captain Cyrus Raagas, said that the team is in good spirits and that they really came together as a team following the loss to the Rebels. “The first game I was a little flus-

tered, but in the second game I was able to put some big hits on our opponents early,” added Raagas. One of the players that made a huge impact against UNLV was junior forward Kallan Smith, a new addition to the team who made some very smart plays on the ice, Raagas said. In the second match, sophomore forward Elan Dunaev stepped up and scored three goals for the “hat trick” and senior forward/center Chris Houlihan won 19 of 23 faceoffs, said Assistant Coach Steve Jobbit. “Both of our goalies, Brandon Heethuis and Alex Miller, did very well in front of the net to fend off the Rebels’ attempts to score,” Jobbit said.

“UNLV is one of the best teams in the division that the Titans were up against and they competed really well,” said Brian Evans, a former player who works closely with the team. Freshman forward Jacob Daniel lifted the team’s spirits in the second match when he took the puck on a break-away to score while the team was skating one man down. “The guys will have to dig deep and put it all together for 60 minutes as a team and they will be a force to reckon with,” Jobbit said. “This weekend we had played with intensity. If they keep that up, they will be competitive on the ice.” Raagas enjoyed the physical nature of the match with the Rebels and competing.

“It felt good to take some big hits, and now that the first game jitters are gone we feel even more confident holding the puck and putting it in the net,” Raagas said. Raagas also said that the team feels pretty confident going into its two matches against the Trojans and has high expectations to come out victorious. The team bonded in Las Vegas and looks forward to facing off with the Trojans twice in the next two days in Anaheim. “We lack size, but we can win with our speed and agility,” said Raagas. Tomorrow, the Titans are set to meet the Trojans again at the KHS Ice Arena in Anaheim at 9:40 p.m. for their first regular season home game.

in top five class By juan saucedo

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

It’s often said that college sports programs are only as good as the student-athletes they recruit. If that’s the case, then the Cal State Fullerton baseball program has something to look forward to in years to come. On Thursday, Sept. 17, the Titan’s recruiting class for the upcoming 2010 season was ranked fifth in the nation by Collegiate Baseball, a long-time running baseball publication. “We’re excited,” said Head Coach Dave Serrano. “I think that this is another great collection of players that will fit into the great nucleus of players that are returning from last year’s squad.” Earlier this year, the Titans had been hit hard by the Major League Baseball draft, and the recruits added depth to important positions on the team, Serrano said. The Titans added five catchers, five infielders, two outfielders, four right-hand pitchers and one lefty. These recruits will fill spots left vacant by seven CSUF players taken in the draft and three departing seniors. This year’s recruiting class consists of 17 players, including 12 freshman, four junior college transfers and one four-year college transfer. Five of these recruits were selected in the 2009 MLB First-Year Players Draft, according to the CSUF athletics Web site. The recruits drafted were righthand pitcher Dylan Floro (Tampa Bay Rays), catcher Geno Escalante (Milwaukee Brewers), left-hand pitcher David Hurlbut (Minnesota Twins), outfielder Anthony Hutting (Texas Rangers) and utility player

Ivory Thomas (Houston Astros). “There are numerous guys who could come in and help the team,” Serrano said, adding that he doesn’t like to focus on one player. Yet Serrano said it was important for the team to pick up a left-handed pitcher since that’s a spot that has lacked depth in past years. Assistant coaches Sergio Brown and Greg Bergeron did an extraordinary job of recognizing, evaluating and recruiting players who will help the team continue to compete at a high level, Serrano said. “As a whole, it is a very exciting class,” Serrano said. “The early signs show that this class will help us continue the excellence of CSUF baseball.” Brown, who is the recruiting coordinator/assistant coach, said the coaching staff started the recruiting process early this year. “We always try to find good kids who are good players and who will fit into our system,” Brown said. “We look for kids who would be fun to coach.” “It’s going to be a class that’s going to be the foundation for years to come,” Brown said. “They’ll keep us as one of the top five teams in the country.” Junior Gary Brown, a returning infielder and outfielder, said it is not going to be hard for the recruits to fit in with the rest of the team. “We all got along with them,” Gary Brown said about working out with them. “They all blended in.” Last year, the Titans ranked fourteenth in recruiting and finished 4716, which concluded with playing in the College World Series for the sixteenth time. The Titans will begin fall practice on Oct. 5, and will open the season against University of Oregon on Feb. 19, 2010, at Goodwin Field.

By brian evans for the daily titan Senior Chris Houlihan preparing to move the puck up the ice against the UNLV Rebels.


septtember 24, 2009

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Tutoring Offered/Wanted Private Tutor wanted for CSUF Calculus 150B (integration). Meet at least 2x/wk on campus or in Anaheim Hills. $15/hr 714-458-0778

ACROSS 1 One with a code name, perhaps 4 Strokes on a green 9 Terrible 14 What the Mad Hatter served 15 Apple’s instant messaging software 16 No longer tied up 17 Uncooked 18 Barton of the Red Cross 19 Divided country 20 See 48-Down 23 Piano part 24 Bando of baseball 25 Airport waiter 28 Sheds feathers 32 Stereotypical eye patch wearer 34 Start of an order to an attack dog 37 Partner of woes 39 Fed. org. concerned with workplace woes 40 See 48-Down 44 Ill-advised 45 Pageant topper 46 Old draft org. 47 Clothes 50 Slow mover 52 Canada’s smallest prov. 53 Fashionable boot brand 55 Starbucks offering 59 See 48-Down 64 Descendant 66 Walking __: euphoric 67 Whatever 68 Fill with wonder 69 Three-card scam 70 Cocktail party bowlful 71 Chair craftsperson 72 Wrapped up 73 Va. clock setting

Homework Helper for Second Grader.10$/hr.Fullerton. Start date ASAP. Reply to cwedner@ mac.com.

6400 Child Care Offered/Wanted Sitters wanted $12+ per hour. Register free for jobs near campus or home. www.student-sitters.com

6600 Actors/Extras Wanted EXTRAS NEEDED Movie Extras, Actors, Models Wanted - Up to $300/day! All Looks Needed! 1-800-458-9303

7600 Room For Rent Bedroom Furnished or Unfurnished - nice home in quiet neighborhood near corner of Kraermer/ Yorba Linda Blvd $400 month/ deposit $200 (714) 839-3589 Room for rent with privileges and amenitites- laundry, pool, tennis, jacuzzi, kitchen. In a quiet upscale area; utilities included. $765 monthly. 714-448-9142

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the Daily Titan’s revamped

Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

By Jack Sargeant

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Room for rent in Fullerton. Nice neighborhood.Close to freeways. Walking distance to Fullerton College. 3 miles from CSUF. Share bathroom/kitchen.All basic utilities paid. No drugs/alcohol/ smoking. $450.00/month, $200 deposit. (562)944-0604

Crossword FOR RELEASE SEPTEMBER 24, 2009


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Answer Corner September 23 Caricature: Michael Jackson

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