Daily Titan: Wednesday, September 30, 2009

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Since 1960 Volume 85, Issue 15

Wednesday September 30, 2009

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton


DAY OF OPPOSITION By Gilbert Gutierrez III Daily Titan Staff Writer

news@dailytitan. com

FEATURES: Couch-hopping makes travel more affordable, page 3

OPINION: Protesters make a ruckus on campus but was an impact made? page 4


Women’s rugby back after 21 years, page 6

Students, faculty, alumni and staff joined forces to shout passionately about the California State University’s economic turmoil. Tuesday at Cal State Fullerton just before noon, the group began it’s march and tore through the Titan Student Union, Becker Amphitheatre, Pollak Library, the Quad and along Nutwood Avenue to protest student fee increases, faculty furloughs and enrollment reductions. President Milton Gordon witnessed the protest when the pack traveled to Nutwood Avenue. “The students have a great opportunity to protest, and I agree with them. I think they should. I too disagree with the way the state has acted, but you know we were all cut $584 million, and for this campus alone it’s going to be reduced over $38 million,” he said. Students inside the Humanities-Social Sciences Building stood out on the balcony to look down as the flock ended their tour to rally and show their collective support. Lauren Vondracek, a senior in women’s studies, shouted to the crowd, “We need to fight back for the faculty that teaches us.” The crowd erupted with clapping and cheers. “We are tired of having fee increases and faculty cuts,” Vondracek said. “We are fighting for students’ rights as well as those that cannot afford to go to school because of fee increases.” The crowd came together at noon to march around the Quad and yelled at the top of their lungs to get the attention of the students and faculty on break: “Hell no, furloughs! Hell no, furloughs!” “No cuts, no fees, education should be free!” and “They say cutbacks! We say fight back!” “Today it’s kind of a very impromptu campaign to get the message out that students, faculty, staff, everyone, we are sick and tired of being the open wallet to the state’s mismanagement and the CSU’s mismanagement,” said professor of social justice Jarret Lovell. “(Students) have got to get involved,” he added. “There’s a line over by the TSU; it’s called the free money line that ASI is putting out. You want your free money, you’ve got to come here and fight for what’s yours. If they think that people are just going to hand out free money, they’ve got another thing coming

to them. People in power don’t give things away, they have to be taken; and for too long faculty, students, staff have been willing to sacrifice for higher education, and we’re not getting anything in return. How do you pay 32 percent more in student fees, and get 10 percent less professors, less classes, it doesn’t make sense.” At 12:15 p.m. after yelling out their chants to the cars passing by, which gained supportive honks, the demonstration marched down the Titan Walk. In a line, the group entered the TSU lobby to the surprise of the students in the lounge area. TSU lobby-employees did not wish to comment about the protesters’ disturbance. Immediately after, the congregation took the stage of the Becker Amphitheatre where the Associated Students Inc. was holding its fall fashion show. Joe Lopez, ASI vice president, said that he was glad to see a group come together at CSUF, but there’s nothing in the works as far as a collaboration with the student activists. He would be pleased if the students used ASI’s open door policy to express their grievances. The crowd then quietly moved through the Pollak Library, but their numbers clogged the entrance and exit security gates. Students stopped working to stare as the crowd continued its protest. Professor Mougo Nyaggah, chapter president of the California Faculty Association, said, “CFA is joining the students here who are protesting the tuition increases. It went up 32 percent this year, and that will keep off very many students from accessing a university education,” Nyaggah said. “For every one dollar the state invests in educating a student, they stand to get $4.41 down the road in revenue and taxes generated by that person in the future. So it’s a good investment to put money in to educating students in California. And it is important to keep the access available to the students, and this cannot be done by continued increases of the fees for the students.” Nyaggah said that the most important thing is for the people who are concerned about the budget crisis to tell the state, “not to balance the budget on the backs of the students.” Despite some of the protesters dwindling away after an hour, dozens stayed to spread the word throughout the day. Psychology major Jamie Lynne Hunt said that her father was recently released from CSUF after 15 years of service. “He’s not exactly fired, but his job is placed on the backburner for now,” she said. The group also has a demonstration planned for Oct. 13. (Greg Lehman contributed to this article.)

Students react to demonstrators

I think it’s a little pointless for their purpose because they’re complaining that we’re not having class, yet they’re going to walk out of the classes they do have.

By John Wayne Maioriello/Daily Titan Staff Photographer James Goebel, a philosophy major, marches in protest against the budget cuts and furlough days on campus at CSUF on Sept. 29.

By ani Kellogg/For the Daily Titan

Library sit-in: A student activists who asked to remain anonymous sits on the floor handcuffed to the reception desk of Pollak Library, while other demonstrators protest at 9 p.m. in the lobby. When the Associate University Librarian Elizabeth Housewright came back to the library the student unlocked the cuffs and left when she finished speaking. Students last night protested in Pollak Library and demanded that a campus administrator answer questions. They refused to leave when the library closed at 9 p.m. until their questions about the budget cuts were answered.


– Christian Nall,

English major

I think it’s a good thing because [the cutbacks are] affecting a lot of people, so I’m glad they’re fighting for it.

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– Hannah Peltzer, Liberal studies major



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LA student newspaper faces cuts

LA City College administration has cut their student newspaper’s budget By Patrick Cowles

Daily Titan Asst. News Editor news@dailytitan.com

The Los Angeles City College student newspaper, the Collegian, lost 15 percent of its printing budget this year due to cuts, its 80th year in continuous production.


For a video news package on the protest at Cal State Fullerton, including interviews with students, ASI vice president Joe Lopez and vice president of Student Affairs Robert L. Palmer, go to Dailytitan.com/csuf-protest

However, Rhonda Guess, assistant professor of journalism and faculty adviser to the Collegian, said her department chair, Daniel Marlos, initially said the cut would be 40 percent of their budget, despite an agreed 15 percent cut with Shared Governance.That supposed 40 percent cut came from President Jamillah Moore’s office. “It just didn’t make sense,” Guess said. Guess said she found out about the 40 percent cut last Wednesday, Sept. 23, while walking past her chair’s of-

fice going to lecture her Journalism 101 class in the morning. “He called me over and handed me a budget,” Guess said. “He said, ‘Your budget has been cut.’” The Collegian’s $25,000 printing budget had been cut to $15,000, a 40 percent decrease. Marlos told Guess the $10,000 cut was counter to what was agreed to by Shared Governance. Marlos, along with Dean of Academic Affairs Allison Jones and Interim Vice President of Academic Affairs Kimberly Perry,

agreed to a 15 percent cut, not 40 percent. “We were all, many departments, to give back 15 percent, but the Collegian will be giving back 40 percent of its printing budget,” said Guess. The 40 percent printing budget cut came from a Contract Request Form with a period of services from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2014, with NewsType Services, Inc., LACCs long time printing vendor said Marlos. See LACC, Page 2

Page Two


September 30, 2009

IN OTHER NEWS UnitedHealth gives grant to nursing department


Britain’s Brown defends record as labor increases LONDON (MCT) - Prime Minister Gordon Brown attempted to rally a battered Labour Party Tuesday, defending the government's handling of the economic crisis and vowing to pursue policies that will benefit Britain's "hardworking majority." Brown said the Labour government's decision to come to the aid of the banking sector last fall served as a model for similar rescues around the world, while other measures boosted small businesses and helped save 500,000 jobs that would otherwise have been lost. But Brown vowed that the banks would repay the British people and pledged to continue a crackdown on bonuses in the financial sector and regulation of financial markets. "Markets need what they cannot generate themselves," he said. "They need what the British people alone can bring to them. I say to you today, markets need morals." Brown vowed the government would make tough decisions on public spending in future years and reiterated a pledge to implement a fiscal-responsibility law that will require cuts in the budget deficit.


Man found guilty of killing seven in Illinois CHICAGO (MCT) - After less than two hours, jurors on Tuesday found James Degorski guilty of the 1993 slayings of seven people at a Brown’s Chicken restaurant in Palatine, Ill. Relatives of one victim wept openly as prosecutors displayed photos of each victim on a giant video screen. During closing arguments, prosecutors focused primarily on the credibility of their two star witnesses – Anne England and Eileen Bakalla, who in 2002 broke open the case that had been unsolved for more than nine years. But prosecutors reminded jurors that each woman was unequivocal in their recollection of Degorski’s confession in the days following the January 1993 murders, and each had specific details that only the killers could have revealed to them. Neither woman, prosecutors argued, had a motive to lie.

By Portia bode

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Cal State Fullerton’s Department of Nursing hosted an awards ceremony to celebrate a $2 million grant from UnitedHealth Group on Tuesday. The grant will help fund CSUF Department of Nursing’s $3.5 million Expanding Healthcare Access through a nursing project, which is “aimed at boosting the number of yearly graduates from the CSUF nursing program and providing more highly educated nurses for undeserved and low-income communities, stated a joint press release from CSUF and UnitedHealth Group. Chandra Torgenson, senior vice president and chief nursing officer of UnitedHealth Group, explained that California, as well as the nation, has a shortage of nurses. “UnitedHealth Group wanted to demonstrate the value of nurses by giving them this grant so they can grow their technology and get better equipment for their skill’s lab,” Torgenson said. “Because nursing education is


Owners offer $1 million reward for missing art PEBBLE BEACH (MCT) -Two Pebble Beach residents say thieves made off with $27 million of artwork Friday from their private collection – a fine-arts haul that included works by Rembrandt, Van Gogh and Jackson Pollock. Angelo Benjamin Amadio said he and his housemate, Dr. Ralph Kennaugh, a Boston radiation oncologist, returned to their rented Sunridge Road home about 6:50 p.m. to find 13 pieces of art and other items stolen. Amadio said Monday they were offering a $1 million reward for the return of the artwork. They issued a prepared statement with the reward offer and a list of artists whose pieces they said were taken. Monterey County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Cmdr. Mike Richards said: “We are investigating. Hopefully, we are going to get some information.” Amadio said they put out the reward offer on advice of their attorney and others who felt “the critical window had passed to recover the art.” The Sheriff’s Office said the burglary and theft apparently occurred between 1p.m. and about 6:50 p.m. Investigators are “exploring possible suspect leads,” deputies said. Deputies ask anyone with information to call detective Mark Stevens.

For the Record It is the policy of the Daily Titan to correct any inaccurate information printed in the publication as soon as the error is discovered. Any incorrect information printed on the front page will result in a correction printed on the front page. Any incorrect information printed on any other page will be corrected on page 2. Errors on the Opinion page will be corrected on that page. Corrections also will be noted on the online version of the Daily Titan. Please contact Executive Editor Skyler Blair at 657-278-5815 or at execeditor@dailytitan.com with issues about this policy or to report any errors.

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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSUF System. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. Copyright ©2009 Daily Titan

By Chad Uemura/Daily Titan Staff Photographer

By Chad Uemura/Daily Titan Staff Photographer California State University Fullerton’s nursing program receives a donation of $2 million from United Healthcare Tuesday, Sept. 29.

both labor and resource intensive, there is always a gap between the normal state reimbursement rate and the actual costs incurred by the university in operating the nursing program,” stated President Milton Gordon in the press release. Despite a shortage of nurses, there has not been enough funding for colleges to admit more students into their nursing programs, stated the press release. This grant was awarded to CSUF to help alleviate the problem. “The grant will allow admission of about 124 students over the next four years,” said Cindy Greenberg, chair of the Department of Nurs-

ing. It will also “help to maintain equipment, support faculty and provide adequate facilities.” “It will provide a great opportunity for nursing students who are applying and for those already in the program,” said Sara Barnes, a second cohort Entry Level Masters of Science in nursing. The nursing program has officially named its new training facility, funded by UnitedHealth Group, the “UnitedHealthcare Nursing Skills Lab,” stated the press release. “The lab is like a hospital unit with mannequins that students practice on,” which is safer than working with live patients, Green-

berg explained. There are different types of mannequins for students to practice on to give them diverse hands-on experience in their field. “The support of the lab gives us the opportunity to do hands-on stuff to take the knowledge and apply it. It’s the closest thing to the real thing,” said Boudsakhone Sundara-Nunez, nursing grad, third class. Barnes quoted Clay P. Bedford as she spoke at the ceremony and said: “You can teach a student a lesson for a day, but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives.”

LACC: Funding cut 40 percent sounds ‘death knell’ from page 1

The contract was prepared and signed by Marlos on Sept. 8, with a budget of $25,000. However, the president’s signature is dated on Sept. 22, with a pen mark through the $25,000 figure and $15,000 handwritten above. Perry stated this contract was a mistake and another has been prepared. She did not know why $10,000 had been reduced from the budget. However, Marlos said he submitted two duplicate contracts, the second with an understanding that the vice president needed to reduce the budget by 15 or 16 percent. Marlos submitted the first on Sept. 8, and the second request one week later after no response came from the president’s office. Marlos went to the dean and the vice president, both did not know where the contract went. “Time was running out, and we needed the contract done so we

could come out on schedule,” Marlos said. The Collegian could not be allowed to print without a renewed contract because printing funds are encumbered in advanced each year, added Marlos. With a printing contract that had expired June 30, Marlos needed the contract renewal finalized so the Collegian could continue printing. When Marlos finally received the contract from Administrative Services, he noticed that resubmission was not written across the top, which meant that the original contract had been signed, not the duplicate. That contract had a note attached which stated, “For your files, please note the total amount was reduced to $15,000 per Dr. Moore.” “So the president took the $25,000 request and lined through it and did not consult me, did not consult the dean, did not consult the vice president … the 40 percent came from me doing the math, nobody ever

said 40 percent to me,” Marlos said. “And to the best of my knowledge, this was a unilateral decision.” “Now the story we’re getting is this was a miscommunication,” Marlos said. The president was apparently not aware of the other contract, added Marlos. “But there is no explanation why this time-sensitive contract sat around for two weeks without getting a signature,” Marlos said. “There was no indication on why this amount was selected, and there was no input on behalf of any interested parties.” For a biweekly newspaper, that miscommunication could have forced the paper to run weekly, cut circulation drastically, or constrict the amount of pages the students could publish, said Guess. Based upon the service dates of the contract, the fallout would last five academic years. “I was absolutely frantic,” Guess said. “The last person it goes through is the president. What kind of mistake is that?” So frantic, Guess drove to Los Angeles Mission College, approximately 22 miles away, to address the cut which she believed to be a retaliation against incidents between Collegian staff and President Moore from last year at the Los Angeles Community College District Board of Trustees Meeting. At that meeting the Board listened to Guess, but said that this was something that the board was unable to take up. Mars Melnicoff, a broadcast journalism student with the Collegian, also spoke at the Board meeting, describing an incident at a Town Hall Meeting she covered on campus. During that meeting, which she recorded with her iPhone, Moore singled out and embarrassed Melnicoff publicly simply for recording a public meeting on public property, which is protected under law. “People have a right to know if they are being recorded if they want that information released,” said Moore during the meeting. However, administrators of a public college are “state figures” while on campus, and their personal rights to privacy are transparent regarding administrative matters, said Guess. Even though the Collegian will print $21,250 per year given 15 percent, Guess projected the paper, which students have filled anywhere from eight to 14 pages, will adhere strictly to eight pages. She also mentioned the circulation may have to drop from 5,000 copies per issue to 4,000. The Board also addressed a proposal by the Shared Government Council to shift the Collegian from academic affairs to student affairs, making the paper a co-curricular activity. That proposal came from Tammy Robinson, chair of the English and ESL Department and member of the Budget Task Force within Shared

Governance, during an LACC administrative meeting Thursday, Sept. 24, attended by Marlos and Guess. But for a college on accreditation probation trying to regain its accredited status, faculty have been perplexed as to why the administration would attempt such a drastic reorganization of the Collegian when the student journalists have continued to win awards for their work. Under student affairs, the college administration would be responsible for the student media. Academic discipline would no longer apply to the Collegian staff. Also, the Media Arts Department may not be able to offer courses numbers 217, 218 and 219: publication laboratory, practical editing, and techniques for staff editors respectively, said Marlos. “We would not have those classes if we did not have a newspaper,” said Marlos. “We would be basically cutting an academic program.” Essentially, the Collegian would be in the same realm on campus as the math team and debate team, and therefore, susceptible to nonequivalent budget cuts. However, a college newspaper is not a club, said Jean Stapleton, chair of journalism district discipline and chair of the Journalism Department for East Los Angeles College. “The paper is part of a degree granting department,” added Stapleton, “and the students get college credit for it, so it has no business being outside of the academic departments.” During the meeting last Thursday, Guess was told by Earic Peters, dean of Student Life, she was responsible for students in the classroom and that given the paper is a “co-curricular” activity, student journalists out on campus are the responsibility of the student services, not the academic faculty. Yet Perry said the Shared Government Council for LACC proposed the shift to save the budget by consolidating certain programs into different spheres of revenue, those programs are the math team and debate team, not for the purpose of shifting a “co-curricular” activity out of academic affairs. Under academic affairs, the paper brings revenue to the college as a Full Time Equivalent Student program, the paper would lose that revenue for the college under student affairs, said Marlos. Although there would be more fund potential under student affairs for the paper, none have been proposed since the administration has only been discussing budget cuts, added Marlos. “I think our budget is safer under academic affairs where it is than going into student services,” added Marlos. For the oldest community college publication in LA, the advent of campus life under student affairs,“will be the death knell of the paper,” said Guess.


September 30, 2009

Seeing the world one living room at a time

PHOTO COURTESY MCT Andrew Rivlin has made his couch (here converted into a bed) available to couch surfers and has done some couch surfing around the world himself, including China and India.

By Christina Ziemer For the Daily Titan


Imagine spending the upcoming furlough days partying in Miami or laying on a beach in the Caribbean. No, the recession has not ended, but couchsurfing.org has arrived. CouchSurfing.org is an enormous database of people from all over the globe who are willing to lend their couches, or even rooms, to travelers for free. Founder Casey Fenton, with the help of friends, Daniel Hoffer, Leonardo Silveira and Sebastien Letuan, started the Web site in 2004. Fenton, a proclaimed child of hippies with a love for traveling, came up with the idea after deciding to travel to Iceland on a whim. With nowhere to stay, Fenton decided to access the University of Iceland’s student directory to ask people if he could crash with them. To his surprise, his inbox was soon filled with many “yeses” to count. After a long plane ride, an amazing adventure and plenty of new friends, Fenton decided there was no other way he would rather travel, and couchSurfing.org was born. CouchSurfing.org just may be the

solution to traveling on a college student’s budget; and many Cal State Fullerton students have jumped on board or, at least, would like too. Edgar Escobedo, a criminal justice major, can’t wait to use the sit after hearing about it. “I’ve been wanting to travel since airfare is low, but couldn’t because hotels are really expensive. Now I’m deciding where I want to go first.” Fellow CSUF student James McKenney has used CouchSurfing. org and had great experiences. “As a new traveler, I thought inviting people in, or staying with people I didn’t know was either unsafe or just unappealing, and just a way for dudes to get traveling ladies into their living rooms,” he said. “But money got tight, and I decided it wouldn’t hurt to sign up. I decided to host a French-Canadian duo. It was an awesome experience, and we stayed up all night talking about whatever … You can learn something from everyone.” For those who also may be hesitant about letting a stranger sleep on the couch, CouchSurfing.org has created a way to ensure the site is safe through a verification process. The site has a way for members to post references, as well as a vouch-

ing system in which only members who have met in person can vouch for each other. For those who are still afraid to camp out with someone they just met, there are other options. CSUF student Andy Surman enjoys the many options the site has to offer. “I don’t have a big enough place to let people stay the night, but I like meeting up with people and showing them around. It ’s a great way to make new friends.” Being a member also means getting invites to the monthly events as well as other events happening in the area. This month’s event is “One-Dollar Taco Tuesday.” Some past events include a Pajama Barhop, art walks and club night. Couch surfing is a great way to make new friends. According to the Web site 1,613,972 friendships have already been created. McKinney perfectly sums it up by saying, “The best part about couch surfing is the people involved. It’s a network of professionals, students, travelers, gypsies, hippies, and anything else you can think of, all with a shared passion for meeting people and living life to the fullest.”




Titan Editorial

Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

Students rally for rights, where were you? It only took six weeks of school, two fee increas- students from the UC, CSU and community college es, three scheduled and three unscheduled furlough systems organized protests regarding budget cuts, tudays, classes cut during the first week of school and ition increases and furlough days at the request of the zero future students admitted until next fall to get Cal student organization: “Students Fight Back.” State Fullerton students to mobilize and make their Cal State Long Beach’s mock funeral last week voices heard. The fact that 200 plus students joined for the death of California’s “master plan” brought a the protests against the California State University- crowd of hundreds, including faculty and students, mandated fee increases is an impressive feat. while “700 UCLA students and faculty walked out Though it pales in comparison to the 35,000 stu- of classes, along with thousands at UC Berkeley, hundents that attend CSUF, it is an admirable effort dreds at UC Riverside, UC Irvine and elsewhere,” nonetheless. If yesterday’s protests had not gone as stated the “Students Fight Back” flyer distributed well as they did, we planned on writing this editorial throughout various public colleges and universities, calling out the students for their incessant whining including CSUF. coupled with a lack of drive to do anything about it. The number of students who complain about the But with only roughly 200 students joining in the new changes implemented on CSU campuses did not march around campus, it seems there is still room for mirror the crowd that walked through the campus that to be said. yesterday. It is not enough to sit back and complain The protesters made an impact. They made an im- about the current educational economic downfall; pact when they gathered in the Quad and chanted, you must be able to backup your words with actions. “They say cut back, we say fight back.” They made Close to 40 students met in the quad at 8:30 p.m. an impact when they marched around the campus yesterday. They entered the library with one purpose: and rallied more students to their cause. They made to get answers from someone in charge; and they sucan especially impressive and respectful statement ceeded, to a degree. Associate University Librarian when they marched Elizabeth Housethrough the Polwright was the one lak Library, but reto answer the call, mained silent while she spoke with the they protested inside students and anthe building. swered their quesOne of the most tions. At least they powerful statements got results. made by the group, This movement other than the fact can be something they were actually more than what we able to coordinate saw yesterday. that many students, True change can was when they be attained if all marched through members of the the Becker AmphiCSUF community theatre while Assoband together for ciated Students Inc. this purpose. It is was holding its fall bigger than one fashion show. While student, one group the group was not or one school. as polite as it had This issue affects been to those in the all of us, and we all library, an equally need to do more powerful statement than just sit back was made. and watch as our Over the past school crumbles week, thousands of Illustration By Jon Harguindeguy/For the Daily Titan around us.

September 30, 2009

Alien in America “From the inside looking out”

‘Have a nice day’ by Isa Ghani

Daily Titan Multimedia Editor opinion@dailytitan.com

Waitresses, servers, cashiers, even the weird lady at my laundromat all tell me to “Have a nice day.” And I used to fall for it, every single time. When I first got here, I would get really excited anytime I went out, and I would call my parents and friends back home and tell them, “Americans are so friendly! Everyone tells me to ‘Have a nice day!’ It’s great!” Gone was the stereotype I had about gruff Americans who hated the weird foreign exchange student. I even got really excited when I would get checks after dinner because all the cute waitresses would write their names and a little heart or smiley face on my check. I would think, “Hey, she likes me!” It was all a sham; people weren’t being nice to me to be nice to me. I eventually realized that the reason for this is very simple, and sadly non-altruistic: they just wanted my money. I won’t tell you how long it took me because it’s longer than I’d like to admit, but I eventually did get with the program. Service industries cost a lot in America. A professor on campus told me that his plumber made more than he did in a year. My hairdresser charges about $40 for a haircut (I stopped going there, though, because it was too far, I was too broke and they kind of messed it up one

time), and waiters can make more than double their basic monthly salary in tips. Paying people for their service and time in America isn’t cheap, as opposed to where I’m from. In California, minimum wage is $8.50 per hour. Exchange rate included, waiters in Malaysia make exactly USD $1.428 per hour and in there are no tips. Instead of a tipping system, we charge an extra 10 percent to the bill and call it a “service” charge. That money is then used to help pay the waiter’s wages; i.e. their monthly paycheck. I know all this because I used to be a waiter, and when you don’t get tips, believe me, you don’t really care to be nice to people. That’s why I’m used to indifferent service in restaurants, where waiters yell out orders across the room, plates are unceremoniously dumped onto your table and you better not ask for that second glass of free ice water unless you want some bubbly spit in it. It was a rare occasion when you would find a nice waiter or waitress who was not only polite, but helpful too (because one without the other is pretty useless). But it was kind of nice to get that “no-nonsense” approach. You come, you order, you eat, then you get the hell out of the restaurant because someone else wants your table. Here, everyone is really friendly. But that’s because they want more than the usual 15 percent from you.

Waiters know if they are rude, unhelpful or slow, they will not get as big a tip from you that night. But if they are friendly, helpful and efficient, they might get a couple dollars extra. Oh, and it helps if they are beautiful and flirty too. Call me a sucker, but hey, that approach works on me. It’s kind of nice when waiters go out of their way to be nice to you, from writing smiley faces on your checks, to checking on you throughout your meal. But being used to the no-nonsense approach, there are times when it can get annoying. It annoys me when waiters bring the check early, before you’re finished with the after-meal chitchat. It bugs me when waiters come in to take my plate or drink before I am actually completely done with it (that last piece of rib-eye was there for a reason: I was saving it for last). And I absolutely hate it when your server drops by your table every five minutes to ask: “How is everyone doing tonight? Is everyone okay? Can I get you anything else?” I usually just want to reply, “We’re fine. Can you just leave me alone now?” But I know better than to mess with the people who bring you food. When people in restaurants tell you to “Have a nice day,” they usually don’t mean it, which I find a little depressing. But when I say it, I actually mean it. So really, have a nice day.

For the record Articles written for the Daily Titan by columnists, other Cal State Fullerton students or guests do not necessarily reflect the view of the Daily Titan or Daily Titan Editorial Board. Only the editorials are representative of the views of the Daily Titan Editorial Board.


septtember 30, 2009

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Crossword FOR RELEASE SEPTEMBER 30, 2009

5 Puzzle

brought to you by mctcampus.com Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

ACROSS 1 Used a spade 4 “Look what I did!� 8 Accident 14 Fertility lab eggs 15 Baghdad’s country 16 Francia neighbor 17 *Evil Asian doctor in Sax Rohmer novels 19 Contaminates 20 Blow, as one’s lines 21 “There oughta be __� 23 South American mountain chain 24 Second largest planet 26 Scalawag 28 Seek damages 29 Category 30 Polish Nobelist Walesa 33 Workout aftereffects 36 “We’ll always have __�: Rick, to Ilsa, in “Casablanca� 38 “Get off the stage!� 39 Satisfied laugh 41 Transfers to a central computer 43 Whisperer’s target 44 Smooths, as wood 46 Wetlands bird 47 Compact __ 49 Sheet on the road, perhaps 50 Cartoonist’s frame 51 Like steamy prose 53 Ogden native 57 Alexander of “Seinfeld� 59 Truth stretcher 61 Daffy 62 Thunderstruck 64 Each answer to a starred clue is a type of this 66 Wall Street worker 67 Yemen coastal city 68 “__-Tiki� 69 Tijuana snooze 70 Lean to one side, at sea 71 Lay down the lawn

Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

By Chuck Deodene

DOWN 1 Tips in a gentlemanly manner 2 Soft palate dangler 3 Full range 4 Main element in pewter 5 Mysterious 6 Wonka’s creator 7 Sea-life displays 8 Queens ballplayer 9 Violinist Stern 10 __ cord: chiropractor’s concern 11 *Scooter feature 12 Pot starter 13 Student’s permission slip 18 Maligning sort 22 *Tusked mammal 25 Deteriorates, as iron 27 Hop along happily 31 Programmer’s output 32 Emcee 33 Served perfectly 34 Indian spiced tea 35 *Trotter’s footwear item


Tuesday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2009 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

36 *Eyebrow cosmetic applicator 37 Hard rain? 40 CafÊ lightener 42 Dakota Native American 45 Point in math class? 48 Froggy chorus 50 Foiled villain’s shout 52 First stage


54 Pawns 55 Cold sufferer’s outburst 56 Incessantly 57 Setup punches 58 Prefix with culture 60 Bavaria-based automaker 63 Musical syllable 65 “The Closer� TV station

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Answer Corner September 29 Caricature: Kate Winslet


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Women’s rugby revived By brandon angel

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

Women’s rugby at Cal State Fullerton is returning for the first time in 21 years. Recruitment has been difficult according to club president Vanessa Kelly and marketing and fundraising coordinator Randy Odhiambo, who spearheaded the effort of bringing back women’s rugby to CSUF for the first time since 1988. According to Kelly, a huge problem is that most women on campus are unaware that there is a women’s rugby club being formed to begin with. “I work out at the student fitness Center and ask other women if they would be interested in playing rugby on campus,” Kelly said. “Most of

the time I get a surprised look, and a look of ‘women play rugby here at CSUF?’” Rugby has been a sport played by men up until the 1970s. A U.S. Women’s National team was formed in 1987, so the sport is relatively new to women in the U.S. The stereotype that only men play rugby has been part of the reason why it has been difficult for Kelly to get more women to come out and play. Another reason why women refuse to play is because rugby is a rough game. In rugby there are no pads, unlike in American football. Kelly insists that although rugby is a physical game, it is an intelligent, skilled and technical game as well. “A lot of women are afraid to play because men play the sport,” Kelly said. “When the girls see no pads

By Randy odhiambo for the daily titan. Women’s rugby club President Vanessa Kelly works on techinique.

they go running in the opposite direction, but I believe that it’s cool and refreshing to see a girl get hit and roll around and get down and dirty in the dirt without a skirt.” Freshman Marin Jensen, a fellow rugby club member, just wants women on campus to give it a shot and look past the stereotype that it is a man’s game. “My mom hasn’t exactly come around to me playing rugby,” Jensen said. “But my dad on the other hand, told me to go for it. He said ‘if something happens to you we’ll just take you the doctor and get you fixed.’” As of right now there are only 16 women on the team. Ideally, Kelly would like to see 22 women on the team because that is the amount of jerseys she has available. It takes 15 to play a game, but with only one sub available, Kelly won’t have much to work with. In rugby, once a player is substituted, the player cannot return to the game. “Realistically, it will be hard to get 30 to come out, but if I could get 28 women to come out, that would be great,” Kelly said. “If I could sub one squad for another squad I would be ecstatic.” Kelly knows that recruiting more women for rugby is going to be a difficult process, but she insists she is up for the task. As a freshman at CSUF, she will have four years to build the rugby program into what she hopes will become a permanent mainstay here on campus. “I’ve always believed that you have to do what drives you and be passionate about what you do,” Kelly said. “When I graduate from CSUF I want people to be able to say that rugby isn’t just a man’s sport, it’s a woman’s sport too.” The women have begun practicing in preparation for the league, which starts in January. The team practices on Mondays and Wednesdays in front of the Student Health Center on campus.

September 30, 2009

Titan juniors tabbed as top 25 college draft prospects By juan saucedo

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

Cal State Fullerton baseball infielders Gary Brown and Christian Colon share similar mindsets when it comes to approaching the game – work hard and good things will happen. But that’s not where their similarities end. Brown and Colon, both juniors, were selected as freshman All-Americans during their first year with photo courtesy mattbrownphoto.com for the daily titan. the Titans; they both played in the Gary Brown helps Christian Colon to his feet during a 2009 pre-game warm-up. infield last season and they’re also roommates. named this year’s summer league they heard the news. This is just a Now the duo shares one more Player of the Year by Baseball Amer- small step towards his ultimate goal distinction by being selected as two ica. of playing professionally. of the top 25 college draft prospects Brown, a .319 hitter with eight “My goals were always to play in for next year’s 2010 Major League homers and 67 RBI’s in his career at college and then in the MLB,” CoBaseball Draft by Baseball America, CSUF, acknowledged that making lon said. one of the premiere baseball publica- the top 25 is an honor but he feels Mike Greenlee, assistant media tions. that the list is just someone’s opin- relations director for baseball and Brown and Colon joined Univer- ion. It doesn’t guarantee that they’ll women’s volleyball at CSUF, said the sity of Arkansas’ Brett Eibner and make the MLB. primary focus of publications such Zack Cox as the only schools to “Obviously I feel good, but it’s as Baseball America is to evaluate have multiple players on this year’s not something that I’m worried talent at all levels. list, according to the CSUF athletics about right now,” said Brown, addGreenlee said he sees the whole Web site. ing that he’s thing as an infinite cycle: having a “It’s huge more focused player being considered a top prosfor the proon trying to pect facilitates the program’s recruitgram to have prepare for ing, which helps the team get better two guys on the upcoming players year in and year out. the list,” CoTalented players definitely help season. lon said, also However, the team do well during the season, adding that Brown did which leads to some of these stuhe thinks they find it excit- dent-athletes being considered top have the greatthat he prospects. – Michael Greenlee, ing est coaches in To have Colon and Brown being was picked CSUF Media Relations the country a l o n g s i d e selected as two of the top prospects on their side. Colon, who this year demonstrates the high caliColon, who played beside ber of student-athletes at the school, has a hitting average of .343 in his him for most of last season. he said. career at CSUF, said he is delighted “CSUF strives to go out there and “He has been my closest friend,” to be chosen as a top prospect, but Brown said. find talent that they could turn into that he’s not going to let it get to his Colon, who is rehabbing from a extraordinary talent,” Greenlee said. head. broken leg which he suffered near “We continue to provide, in and out, “We still have to go out there the end of summer league, said his year by year, talent that competes at and perform,” said Colon, who was parents were really excited when the highest level.”

CSUF strives to go out there and find talent that they could turn into extraordinary talent.


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