Daily Titan: Monday, October 12, 2009

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Monday October 12, 2009

Since 1960 Volume 85, Issue 22

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

CFA calls for chancellor to resign By Gilbert Gutierrez III Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

NEWS: Sigma Kappa walked in memory of suicide victims, Page 2

The California Faculty Association Fullerton Chapter Board will hold a day for faculty, staff and students to discuss budget cuts and furloughs on Tuesday from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the Titan Walk. The CFA will be voicing its opinion about the decisions made by the California State University, and they encourage anyone who has been affected from the budget cuts to express their feelings as well. The CFA is petitioning alongside the student activists who were involved in the protest that took place on Sept. 29. Their goal is to educate the CSUF community about the budget cuts and what steps to take to “fight back.” Volunteers will be distributing flyers, complaint forms and promotional placards for students to display as the public passes through the Titan Walk. Fullerton Chapter President of the CFA, Mougo Nyaggah, said that 9.23

percent of the staff and faculty’s salary has been reduced by furlough days this year. “CFA is joining the students here who are protesting the tuition increases. It went up 32 percent this year, and that will keep off very many students from accessing a university education,” said Nyaggah. The results of this budget crisis have forced students to pay more for their education, receive 10 percent less than what they paid for, a lengthened graduation wait, he said. The university has yet to disclose how many educators have been lost, but the number is significant, Nyaggah added. CFA Vice President Jarret Lovell said that Chancellor Charles B. Reed has failed to be a leader, poorly allocated education funds and has not been an advocate for the CSU. CFA’s ultimate goal is to pressure the chancellor to step down from office, Lovell said. Many students, staff and faculty are upset with Reed’s decisions about

budget cuts, furloughs and enrollment reductions. CSU spokesperson, Erik Fallis from the CSU Office of the Chancellor commented that the chancellor’s focus this 2009-10 year is on maintaining as many classes and services for students as possible and saving as many jobs as possible. “The 2010-11 framework would ask the state to fund a critical recovery budget that would restore the money cut from the system and begin to fulfill the promises made for higher education in California,” said Fallis. The state also cut funding to the University of California, community colleges and state agencies. Upon obtaining knowledge about the demonstration at CSUF, Fallis said, “It is also important that students stand up for the CSU and make their voices heard in Sacramento and convey to legislators that higher education must be a priority in California.” There have been flyers circulating around campus to urge students to join CFA’s demonstration. The fly-

ers read: “Remove Reed!” and “CSU tive through the 2009-10 budget Chancellor Reed and his administra- year,” Fallis said. tion have focused for years on their The flyer states that Reed’s salary own perks while filing to advocate for has increased from $254,004 in 1998 students, staff and faculty.” to $377,000 in 2007. CSU students In response to these accusations, have seen their fee increase from Fallis said, “The budget reduction $1,428 in 1999 to $4026 in 2009. was caused by a “The chanmassive decrease cellor’s salary is in funding by the set by the CSU state of California Board of Trustees and the CSU to and has not been take significant increased in two steps to protect years. His salary student services is frozen, as all exand academic ecutive salaries are, quality.” through the 2009The CSU is 10 budget year. In –Erik Fallis 1998-99, the state facing a $564 milCSU spokesperson lion deficit. “The of California proCSU has taken vided $11,075 per a number of acstudent. Today, tions to reduce the impact of budget the state provides only $4,669 per stucuts on students. In January, the CSU dent,” said Fallis. implemented a salary freeze for all vice “Education, faculty and students president/vice chancellor level posi- are worth fighting for, and education tions and above (including campus is meaningless if it’s limited to the presidents and the chancellor) effec- pages of a text,” Lovell said.

In 1998-99, the state of California provided $11,075 per student. Today, the state provides only $4,669 per student.


Beer and bands at Oktoberfest, Page 3 OPINION: California Faculty Association calling for the CSU chancellor’s resignation, Page 4 ABOVE PHOTO BY CHRISTINE AMARANTUS/DAILY TITAN FEATURES EDITOR, LEFT AND BELOW BY SHRUTI PATEL/PHOTO EDITOR Frankenrauber plays at Oktoberfest, which began in September and will be ending Nov. 1 at Huntington Beach’s Old World Village. Left: Shot hostess Phoenix Cook sells Jägermiester, apple schnapps and other alchoholic beverages. Below: Patrons enjoy free admission before 6 p.m. on Fridays.


Queer Straight Alliance members share stories By Jonathan Montgomery

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Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

In accordance with National Coming Out Day, CSUF’s Queer Straight Alliance shares coming out stories “You’re diseased. You’re sick,” he remembered hearing after he told his parents he was gay. He was told he could no longer be a proper role model for his younger siblings. His cell phone, door to his room and clothes were all taken away, replaced by a cross and pamphlets he was given which read: “Pray the gay away.” This is just one of the many stories told last Thursday during an event celebrating National Coming Out Day, held in Pavilion A in the Titan Student Union and hosted by Cal State Fullerton’s Queer Straight Alliance. About 75 people attended the event, which aimed at raising awareness of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender community and al-

lowed an outlet for anyone to share their coming out stories. “The more people know about the community, the more acceptance and peace,” said Diane Romero, president of QSA. Romero began the event by reflecting on the half a million people who marched on Washington for lesbian and gay rights on Oct. 11, 1987. Matthew Shepard, a prominent figure representing sexual discrimination, was also mentioned as a focal point for the fight against violence which the LGBT community has faced in the past and present. QSA’s events coordinator Edwin Shin said the event gives some people courage as well as informs others about what happens when someone comes out. “It’s really about being honest with yourself, being true to yourself. Coming out is a refreshing experience, kind of reaffirming who you are as a person,” Shin said. “We’re trying to share with other people who might not be part of the gay community about coming out and the experiences that people within the (LGBT) community

have to go through,” added Shin. then broke a glow stick, held it up “But at the same time,” Shin and walked down the stairs and out continued, “some of them aren’t of the closet as a way to signify their comfortable talking in a huge group “coming out” into the public. of strangers about coming out or “It makes the person feel better not being able to about themselves come out. It’s a because they can difficult balance tell someone. If that we had to deeverything goes cide upon for the well, people acevent.” cept them, and Shin said everyobviously they’re one was welcome, going to feel but they didn’t comfortable with actively promote themselves,” said the event so that Alvaro Mascorro, a safe and relaxed public relations atmosphere was officer for QSA. still provided for He said this those in the club would rid them –Edwin Shin of the feeling of to share stories. QSA events coordinator Inside Pavilion constantly havA, speakers stood ing to hide someon stage with only thing. a microphone and their life experi“Some people have not had the ences. At the bottom of the stairs best of luck when they had come attached to the stage, a makeshift out. We’ve had people discriminate cardboard closet door stood with a against them, their parents kicked rainbow flag draped over it. them out, stuff like that,” Mascorro After speaking, each person said. would state their name as well as The night reflected this same declare their sexual identity. They notion: Each person came from a

It’s really about being honest with yourself, being true to yourself. Coming out is a refreshing experience, kind of reaffirming who you are as a person.

Five former Titan stars inducted into Athletics Hall of Fame, Page 6

different life with different backgrounds and circumstances. Some speakers said they were embraced with open arms, love and acceptance. Others mentioned feelings of deep sadness and their suppressed emotions. “Told me I was going to die in an alley. Told me I was going to get AIDS,” said Loki Cornelow, 21, regarding what a family member had told him. But up on stage, he said he was able to reveal things he’s never said in front of people. “Mildly terrifying, but I’ve never been prouder of myself,” said Cornelow. Coming out isn’t one moment of their lives but an ongoing process or journey. Romero said coming out affects everything: family, friends, society, jobs, whether it be good or bad. She aims to let everyone involved know, “All our experiences – they are OK.” And after speaking in front of the crowd, Romero said, “I think everyone can say, ‘I think I feel better.’’’ Daily Titan Staff Writer Greg Lehman contributed to this story.

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October 12, 2009

IN OTHER NEWS Sorority walks for suicide prevention INTERNATIONAL Bombings in Iraq kill 23, wound 80

IRAQ (MCT) – The bombers who attacked the western Iraqi city of Ramadi on Sunday seemed determined to make sure none of their targets survived. First, they bombed a crowded parking lot outside the provincial government’s headquarters. Seven minutes later, they detonated a car bomb aimed at the rescue workers. An hour later, a third bomb exploded outside the hospital where survivors were receiving treatment. By the end of the day, at least 23 people, mostly civilians, were dead and more than 80 were wounded in the attacks – two parked-car bombs and a suicide bombing, according to local authorities. The Sunday bombings are only the latest sign of a stepped-up campaign to undermine Anbar security forces and the political process. The Iraqi government seeks to absorb 20 percent of the Sunni fighters into Iraqi armed forces.


Thousands protest at White House for gay rights

WASHINGTON (MCT) – Thousands of gays and lesbians claimed the streets of the nation’s capital Sunday in a demonstration for full equality under the law. The “National Equality March” snaked past the White House and streamed down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol. Demonstrators chanted “Yes we can” in English and Spanish, resurrecting President Obama’s campaign slogan and waved signs and banners. Organizers said the LGBT community, which encompasses lesbians, gays, bisexual and transgendered people, are not satisfied with a piecemeal approach to gaining civil rights. They are demanding “full federal equality” and singling out issues pertaining to marriage, adoption, military service and the workplace. The demonstration took place a day after President Obama addressed about 3,000 gays, lesbians and their supporters, pledging sweeping reforms including undoing both the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy in the military and the federal Defense of Marriage Act.


Applications to CSU triple during first week

(CSU PUBLIC AFFAIRS) – A total of 66,399 prospective California State University students submitted their applications through the system’s application website, csumentor.edu, between Thursday, Oct. 1, 2009 and Thursday, Oct. 8, 2009. Applications submitted last year, during the same first week period, totaled 35,020. The largest increase in applications came from community college students applying for upper-division transfer to a CSU. More than 33,000 prospective students applied for upper-division transfer for fall 2010, a threefold increase from last year. Applications for prospective first-time freshmen increased by nearly 50 percent. All 23 campuses will remain open for applications from Oct. 1 through Nov. 30. After that period, at least 12 campuses will stop accepting applications from prospective first-time freshmen and, in some cases, from community college transfers. The CSU encourages students to submit their applications early to avoid missing the closing date of campuses or programs.

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photos by shruti patel/Daily Titan Photo Editor (Above right and left): Family and friends of Adan Ransom, as well as members of CSUF’s Sigma Kappa sorority walk for Ransom, who recently took his life.

By patrick cowles

Daily Titan Asst. News Editor news@dailytitan.com

Around 350 people walked for the awareness and prevention of suicide at Bill Barber Community Park Oct. 10 in Irvine, Calif. Among them, Cal State Fullerton political science major Elise Larkin, 21, walked in honor of her late boyfriend Adam Ransom, 27. Ransom ended his life in August. The American Foundation of Suicide Prevention has been hosting “Out of the Darkness Community Walk” events since 2004. The AFSP has raised $12 million through participants and sponsors for suicide, which claims one life every 16 minutes, stated the AFSP Web site. “It went really well; it was unfortunate that I had to be a part of something like that,” said Larkin. “But doing it in honor of him (Adam) was a beautiful thing and a wonderful experience.” 25 teams participated in the walk held from 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. The Sigma Kappa sorority joined in support of Larkin, a Sigma Kappa sister. Larkin got 66 participants to join her team, and 55 sorority sisters came out to support her. “I was really impressed how it turned out,” said Tara Hussey, 19, a Sigma Kappa sister and pre-nursing major. “I felt that there was a good amount of people there.” The walks work on many levels. Within the walks, people dealing with the effects of suicide can come together and find support from their community. AFSP’s Web site stated many participants walk in remembrance of a single lost loved one, much like Larkin. However, participants also raise funds that are donated toward suicide prevention, giving the local events a national impact. Through promoting scientific research, the AFSP hopes to improve human understanding of suicide, mood disorders and ways of prevention. With the walks, AFSP has given people the ability to help themselves and others cope with suicide while actively participating in educating others about suicide and its effects. Kathy Yu, 21, a political science and public relations major at CSUF, brought the AFSP walk to the attention of her sorority sister Larkin. Yu had participated for AFSP before with the Los Angeles chapter at a walk in Santa Monica. With just two weeks until the event, Larkin did some research of her own on AFSP and decided to sign up a team. Her 66 participants raised a total of $620. When Yu finally saw Larkin on Saturday, Larkin began to cry. “She was really grateful we all showed up to support her,” said Yu. Ransom’s entire family, along with Larkin’s family, also walked in honor of Adam. The AFSP has scheduled over 190 community walks for 2009 throughout 47 states. They expect to draw a crowd of over 50,000 and hope to raise $4.2 million this year. Funds generated by the walks go to support suicide prevention research, programs for survivors of suicide loss, advocacy and educational programs for professionals. Other attendees at Saturday’s walk included mayor of Irvine Sukhee Kang and Mike Gonzales, who spoke about H.R. 853, a state bill that would prohibit individuals over the Internet from influencing those with suicidal thoughts to kill themselves. Gonzales’ daughter, Suzanne, swallowed potassium cyanide on March 22, 2003 at the age 19, after consulting with an online messaging group that led her to suicide.

Numerous groups made up of the family members, friends and loved ones of those lost to suicide, took part in the Out of the Darkness community walk on Saturday, Oct. 10 to spread the word on suicide prevention and Suzy’s Law.

‘Clothesline’ raises awareness

photos By Juan Velez/For the Daily Titan

The Clothesline Project addresses the issue of violence against women by providing women an opportunity to express their emotions by decorating a shirt and telling us their stories. Every shirt represents its own story; orange/red/pink represent rape. Blue/green represents child sexual abuse. Yellow represents domestic violence. White represents homicide. Black represents sexual harassment.


October 12, 2009

Old World oom-pahs for Oktoberfest By Greg Lehman And Ashleigh Johnson

Daily Titan Staff Writer and Copy Editor features@dailytitan.com

Old World Village in Huntington Beach is celebrating Oktoberfest with authentic German music, beer and food through the end of the month. Wednesday through Sunday night, the Old World pavilion is transformed into a bevy of German bands playing music from their homeland, thick brats being served on sauerkraut bread and hostesses wearing dirndls, the signature German dresses synonymous with Oktoberfest celebrations. Arguably the granddaddy of Californian Oktoberfest celebrations, Old World seemingly has all the German fun anyone could ask for. “We’re the best,” said Dolores Bischof, who with her husband helped create the Old World village in 1978. She added that Oktoberfest was the initial event which opened the center of German cuisine and shopping in September of that year. “We have, I think, one of the longest-running Oktoberfests,” said Bischof. “Thousands of people are coming.” There is a capacity of 2,000 people on weekends, and Bischof said they usually meet this limit. She added that the music at the event is played by bands flown in from Germany. The bands love Southern California and see Oktoberfest as a vacation for them to appreciate all that Orange County has to offer, said Bischof. By bringing in these bands, she said, people get a genuine German experience of Oktoberfest. Phoenix Cook, one of the “shot hostesses” at Oktoberfest who walks among the food stands and benches selling a variety of liquors, said her favorite part of Old World is working

with people. Shot hostesses walk around the pavilion with trays of test-tube shots of Jägermeister, apple schnapps and other hard drinks as well as small bottles of liquor for sale. “Everyone should come buy one, especially from me,” said Cook as she held out her tray of drinks. Cook said that people who feel like being competitive at Oktoberfest can participate in beer pong matches and chugging contests put on by Old World. Winners of the beer pong matches win steins, and T-shirts go to those who drink their beers the fastest. Cook also said that authenticity makes Oktoberfest at Old World a truly German experience. “Obviously, it’s very expensive with the recession to go to Munich,” Cook said. “So, your second best (option) is to come here to Old World, Huntington.” In fact, the place itself was created with the goal of remaining as authentically European as possible. The owners of the various stores and restaurants that are studded throughout the square often live above the shop in a traditional European fashion. Bernie Bischof, Dolores Bischof’s son and manager for Old World, said that while Oktoberfest is fun for collegeaged people, there are also scheduled events for families and children.

PHOTO By Shruti Patel/Daily Titan Photo Editor Kraustaler entertains the crowd at Old World’s Oktoberfest in Huntington Beach on Friday, Oct. 9, with familiar drinking and dance songs from chants to the chicken dance.

Weiner dog races, gem stone mining and kinder fest on Sundays make the event fun for all ages. Most of all, said Bernie Bischof, people should, “Eat, drink, dance and be merry,” when attending Oktoberfest at Old World. Old World’s Oktoberfest runs Wednesday through Sundays until Nov. 1. Admission is free Wednesday, Thursday and Friday before 6 p.m. Saturdays are $15 and Sunday admission is $5. A coupon on Old World’s Web site will save you $5 on Fridays and Saturdays before 7:30 p.m. and free admission on Sunday. If you can’t make it to Old World, here are some other local Oktoberfests. The Phoenix Club features bands imported from Germany – a few being Moor-Baum, Express Band and Guggenbach Baum – which perform live music, including traditional German songs. The club also boasts authentic German dancers. Every Saturday, the club also showcases an Irish dance group. “We can accommodate a lot more

University’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute recruits new members at open house Campus organization hosts Memory Motivator as part of ‘Taste of OLLI’

memorizing names by picking audi- out the need of required attendance, ence members who had hard names. readings or exams. With help from the audience, “It’s a lifelong learning program. names were rhymed, and members We take courses that we couldn’t take used mnemonic devices, which help in college. We come for the sake of to organize and remember informa- learning,” said OLLI member James By Jessica Chapula tion by connecting it to something Kashiwada, 59. For the Daily Titan features@dailytitan.com already known for easy recollection. Kashiwada helped create the She also Boomer Essentials and LecHave you ever been in a situation showed them ture Series for where you were introduced to a per- how to rebaby boomers son and all of a sudden two seconds member lists at OLLI-CSUF into the conversation you forgot of things to do and numbers. to aid them in their name? “Never joke their transition. Or you parked your car and when your OLLI offers class was over you had no idea where about – Karen Katz, morning, evememory,” Hilyou parked it? OLLI member ning and weekRest assured that there is nothing ton told the end classes. wrong with your memory. In fact, audience. “No It has over it is part of the Seven Second Syn- more saying, drome, which is when a person fails ‘senior moments’ because everything 50 different classes varying from to lock in the information given to you say or do goes into the sub- “Therapeutic Yoga” to “Wisdom them, that can be lost in as little as conscious, and (the subconscious) Exchange,” where individuals share myths and life experiences. seven seconds, said author Hermine doesn’t have a sense of humor.” Members can also come in the OLLI member Karen Katz, 65, Hilton. This and other tips were given said, “It’s nice to be reassured that morning to have breakfast, watch Saturday when The Osher Lifelong you don’t have a problem with your the news and catch up with friends. OLLI’s membership is $215 a Learning Institute at Cal State Ful- memory. I will never say, ‘I’m having year, which includes OLLI classes lerton held its first “A Taste of OLLI” a senior moment,’ again.” “‘A Taste of OLLI’ was a member- and parking in Lot J at CSUF; event to recruit more members. Hilton, known as “America’s ship drive,” said OLLI’s President members also have the chance to audit classes at CSUF with permission Memory Motivator,” and as “The David Musante, 78. “We have 867 members as of to- from the professor. Lady on the Mountain” in her For many members, OLLI is a hometown of Malibu, Calif., spoke day. When we get to 1,000 members, CSUF will get a $1 million great way to help the transition after at the event. grant from the retirement. She authored “It has been so helpful. Just to Bernard Osher such books as Fo u n d a t i o n , have the opportunity to learn all “FUHHGEDand OLLI will my life is amazing. I take ceramics DABOUTIT! get the proceed and sign language. OLLI has filled The Book That earnings for our up a big void in my life,” said Elaine Will Help You operations to Hentschel, 67, an OLLI member for Stop Worrykeep member- five years. ing about Your Continuing to learn and meet ship cost to a Memory – and low minimum,” new people makes OLLI a wonA l z h e i m e r ’s” – James Kashiwada, Musante add- derful place, said Janet Genow, 67, and “The ExecOLLI member a former teacher and now OLLI ed. utive Memory OLLI is a member. Guide.” As for Homer Neptune, 91, he non-profit, selfH i l t o n showed members how to work their supporting organization for retired said, “I wish more people will attend and semi-retired individuals that because there’s a lot to be offered memory for better usage. She got attendees involved with help them continue to learn with- here.”

I will never say I’m having a ‘senior moment,’ again.

We take coures that we couldn’t take in college. We come for the sake of learning.


people than most places,” said Sigrid Kunkel who is in charge of customer service. “We have a beautiful tent and beer gardens, also lots of restaurants.” The Phoenix Club boasts an impressive selection of beers with over 20 different types, including Bitburger, which is “a very famous type of German beer,” Kunkel said. Once a week on Sundays, the Phoenix Club features either roasted ox or pig on a spit. If that doesn’t sound appetizing, a lot of other foods are available all week long at the Phoenix Club’s two restaurants: the Loreley and the Bierstube. Traditional European and German fare like bratwurst, strudel, potato pancakes and headcheese, to more familiar foods like chicken fingers, various sandwiches and burgers, fried trout, and french fries are all offered. The Phoenix Club will continue on the Oktoberfest festivities until Oct. 31. On the last day of all the Oktoberfest fun, there will also be a Halloween party beginning at 6 p.m. Admission is $5 on Fridays and

$10 on Saturdays and Sundays (Phoenix Club members get in for free on Fridays and $5 on Saturdays and Sundays), but is free for children 17 and under and active military personnel. Students can get in for half price with a valid student ID. The Phoenix Club is located at 1340 S. Sanderson Ave., Anaheim, 92806 and can be reached at (714) 563-4166. The Red Lion Tavern has an Oktoberfest-like atmosphere all year long. “It’s a totally German vibe,” said Melissa Coury, a manager for the Red Lion. “We have tons of German beer, German schnapps, and our menu is almost completely German.” In fact, the tavern is probably most famous for their boot – a behemoth that only the most hardcore of beer drinkers should attempt. The waitresses are clad in dirndls which adds to the German atmosphere. The Red Lion has live music every night, and on Oct. 29 will be hosting a Heino impersonator. Heino, for those who don’t know, is a popular singer and

celebrity in Germany. “We have the Heino impersonator out here once a month,” Coury said. “There’s also bands. It’s a totally crazy show.” The Red Lion Tavern is located at: 2366 Glendale, Los Angeles, 90039 and can be reached at (323) 6625337. Now in its 42nd year of Oktoberfest goodness, Alpine Village is said to have one of the best Oktoberfests in the world, let alone Southern California, boasts their Web site. Alpine has live entertainment, authentic food and a European atmosphere, not to mention a large selection of everyone’s favorite Oktoberfest staple: beer. Alpine Village’s Oktoberfest celebration ends on Oct. 25. Friday and Saturday is open for adults 21 and over only, and admission is $8; Sunday is Family Day and admission is free for children under 12 and $5 for everyone else. Alpine Village is located at: 833 W. Torrance Blvd., Torrance, 90502 and can be reached at (310) 327-4384.



Titan Editorial

Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

CSU chancellor challenged As the “Day of Action” approaches quickly, the pay for classes. Use of the system automatically imCalifornia Faculty Association Cal State Fullerton poses a 2.9 percent processing fee when paying with a Chapter is preparing its proposal to have Chancellor credit card. There is no fee for paying with a checking Charles B. Reed removed from his post within the account. California State University. State legislators claimed that the project was $300 On Tuesday, students, faculty and administrators million over budget and two years behind schedule will be asked to sign a petition which will be submit- when they requested Reed’s removal from office. This ted to the Board of Trustees, requesting Reed’s im- movement failed due to a lack of evidence to prove mediate removal from office. their accusations, according to the Sacramento Bee. At first glance, this appears to be a witch hunt to Additionally the Sacramento Bee reported in single out one person to blame for the problems that 2004, that former Governor Gray Davis proposed a the CSU has endured this semester. This is something 25 percent fee increase for CSU students, which Reed we should be wary of. countered by saying that there should be a 30 percent The budget cuts, furloughs and fee increases are a increase to keep the CSUs from being too vulnerable product of the $584 million budget deficit that was to the $38.2 billion budget shortage at the time. allocated by state legislators. The fee increases were “The feeling is the CFA, locally and statewide, feel voted on and approved by the CSU Board of Trustees that we are where we are now because of the chanto help curtail this deficit. There is plenty of blame to cellor,” Nyaggah said. “If the chancellor had acted go around. sooner, when things were good, we would not be in “The Chancellor is not solely responsible, but he the same place.” is part of the problem,” said Mougo Nyaggah, CSUF When the CFA voted to approve furlough days professor and CFA chapter president. over layoffs, members also voted on whether they Reed has had a long and storied history of doing still had confidence in Reed’s ability to lead the CSU. things that are not in the best interest of CSU stu- Only 4 percent voted “yes.” dents. During an interview with the Daily Titan at the In 2003, Reed was accused of inappropriately beginning of the fall 2009 semester, CSUF Presimoving funds from “student-funded dormitory, dent Milton Gordon addressed the issue saying, “The parking and extension-learning accounts … to help chancellor didn’t create the $584 million deficit, the pay for the sysstate of Califortem,” according nia did.” to an article from It is obvious the Sacramento that Reed’s time Bee. The project as chancellor is in question was running short. to develop the If he wants to PeopleSoft system keep his posithat is currently tion, he needs used by all CSU to show the enstudents. tire CSU comThe system is munity that he known as “Tiis committed tanOnline” at to improving CSUF and is our situation. used to pay stuIf he is not dent fees and regwilling or able ister for classes. to show us that TitanOnline is he is dedicated the only way for to helping us, CSUF students then it is time to register and Illustration By Jon Harguindeguy/For the Daily Titan for a change.

October 12, 2009

That’s So Gay “Out of the closet and into the limelight”

Coming out for myself by Daniel Batalla

Daily Titan Columnist opinion@dailytitan.com

National Coming Out Day is observed every year on Oct. 11. It’s a day in which closeted individuals are encouraged to take the next step in living openly gay lives. It’s also a day that was founded in order to promote discussion about gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender issues. Coming out to my parents was a difficult decision to make. Actually, it wasn’t so much my decision as it was my mother’s inquisitiveness that led to my outing. I come from a long line of Catholics and, from an early age, I was expected to partake in the Catholic faith’s religious markers. I was baptized, made my first communion and was confirmed in the Catholic Church. But when it came time to accept my faith as an adult, I found I had reservations about the religion that had essentially been handed down to me. I no longer felt the connection to Catholicism. Frankly, I never understood how my romantic interests would be my ticket to hell. But I did know that I couldn’t actively participate in a religion that deemed homosexuality to be a “violation of divine and natural law.” As a child, I went through the appropriate motions during church

services – I sat when everyone else did, kneeled when I prayed, stood for blessings and confessed when I was told to. I confessed my sins to my priest on a weekly basis, though, I omitted the fact that my “impure thoughts” involved one of the three altar boys assisting him during mass. As I matured, I began to question whether or not I wanted to continue following the Catholic faith. I decided to stop attending services altogether until I figured out what spiritual path I wanted to take. Months went by before my mother asked me why I was no longer attending church. “I’ve noticed you haven’t been going to Mass lately,” she mentioned one day. “Is there any reason why?” I could tell by the tone in her voice that she was ready for my answer, and not just about my absence from church. I nervously responded, “I dunno.” But I did know. I didn’t want to attend a church that asked me to leave my sexuality at the door. She proceeded to ask me if there was anything I wanted to tell her. She had an anxious look on her face. Here it was, my opportunity. She was giving me the “go ahead.” By now, my nerves had me in a cold sweat, and my hands had turned to ice. But before I could think of the appropriate words to say, “I’m gay” just seemed to spill from my lips. For a moment, there was silence. I could see my mother’s eyes tear-

ing up. I think it was as much of a relief for her to hear as it was for me to say it. An enormous weight had been lifted off my shoulders, but I was unsure of what to do next. Should I be the first to speak? Should I not have told her? But then came another question, how would I tell my dad? My dad is a man’s man. His idea of fun consisted of changing the oil in my car and watching soccer on TV. So when it came time to tell him, I was especially worried that he would think less of his sissy, artsy, sensitive son. But as it turned out, he didn’t really care. His response to my 18year-long secret was quite literally the last thing I would have expected him to say. “Are you a flamer?,” he asked. To this day, I don’t think he actually knows what a flamer is, but somehow I managed to answer him between the explosion of laughter and the sigh of relief. “No, Dad. I’m not what you would call a flamer.” Coming out, like religion, can be an enlightening experience. But it has to be done at a person’s own discretion. National Coming Out Day only encourages people to take the step toward living openly. No one can dictate when or how a person should come out. Just know that my life has become much richer and happier since uttering the two words, “I’m gay.”

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October 12, 2009

CSUF Hall of Fame honors former greats

photo By damon lowney/Daily Titan Asst. News Editor Former CSUF softball pitcher and Hall of Fame inductee Connie Clark, left, talks with her parents Kathy and Tom Clark before the sports banquet Saturday evening.

By Sammie Dabbs

For the Daily Titan


Five former Titans were inducted into Cal State Fullerton’s Athletics Hall of Fame as a tribute to their many athletic achievements on Saturday night in the Titan Student Union. Among them were a former national softball player of the year, a legend of Titan baseball, professional football’s career passing leader, Titan football’s last head coach and a former CSUF All-American gymnast who were all celebrated for their accomplishments. The third biennial event drew

around 200 guests who cheered on the honorees during the four hourlong induction. Also in attendance were CSUF President Milton Gordon and director of Athletics Brian Quinn. Gordon congratulated the inductees on their successes and also recognized Titan Athletics for its 12 national championship titles. “Not only do we celebrate you, we also celebrate those of you who were a part of their teams,” Gordon said to the inductees, teammates and coaches present at the event. Quinn described how important the Athletics Hall of Fame tradition is for CSUF’s current athletes. It is

essential for the younger athletes to be able to look forward to this event and strive to possibly be honored themselves one day. “It is always wonderful when Titan legends are brought back to be celebrated,” said Quinn. Titan softball’s inductee and 1986 national championship pitcher, Connie Clark, said that she feels blessed to be a part of such a prestigious gathering. “If I could bring the whole ‘86 team up to go in with me, that would seem more appropriate,” Clark said. Clark’s former coach, Judi Garman, and former catcher and current Titan softball head coach, Mi-

chelle Gromacki, introduced Clark who was the 1987 Broderick Award winner, an award that is presented to the nation’s best collegiate softball player. The duo made the audience laugh when describing the many good times shared on and off the field with Clark. Clark is currently the head coach for the Texas Longhorn softball program, and according to Gromacki, they both look forward to facing each other on the field every season. Garman said that she couldn’t be more proud of both Gromacki and Clark coaching at the Division I level.

Major leaguer Dan Boone was another one of the five honored in the induction ceremony. The lefthander pitched on the first ever Titan baseball team, playing for former Head Coach Augie Garrido. “Boone is the single most important person in Titan baseball history,” Garrido said. Boone is remembered for setting the tone for Titan baseball during its first season in existence, winning the conference title as well as making it all the way to the College World Series, Garrido added. Titan Athletics honored another member of Titan baseball, Damon Allen, who played baseball and football for CSUF. Allen won two football conference championship titles and one baseball national championship with the Titans. After his time at CSUF, the quarterback went on to play in the Canadian Football League, where he currently holds the record for total passing yards in the history of professional football. Allen’s former CSUF football coach and inductee Gene Murphy was also recognized for his contributions to Titan football. Murphy, the Titan football head coach of its final 13 seasons, talked of the departure of CSUF’s football program and how disappointing it is. Another sore subject that was raised was when former CSUF gymnast and 2009 inductee Barbie Myslak-Roetert talked about this year’s gymnastic program suffering from budget cuts. It is no secret that the gymnasts now have to fundraise to keep their program afloat. Myslak-Roetert said that she hopes former Olympic gold medalist Nastia Liukin’s appearance at the 2009 Southern California College Preview will help with the program’s financial difficulties. Nine-time All-American award winner Myslak-Roetert described her gymnastic career before CSUF as unstable, which is why she decided to become a Titan. “Fullerton was a place I could belong,” said Myslak-Roetert.

IN OTHER NEWS VOLLEYBALL Davis, Calif. – The Cal State Fullerton volleyball team dropped its second straight Big West Conference volleyball match Saturday night as UC Davis defeated them in three straight sets behind 14 kills and 16 digs by Aggie junior Kalya Varney. The Aggie had to grind out victories in set one and two, beating the Titans by the required two points in the opening frames, before running away with set three. Davis hit a respectable .244 (.409 in set three) while holding the Titans to just a .204 mark (.086 in set three). Titan junior Erin Saddler led all players with 15 kills, while freshman Kayla Neto, the reigning Big West Conference Player of the Week, added 10 kills and four blocks in the loss. Libero Cami Croteau recorded a match-high 20 digs, including 10 in the first set, as she continues to challenge the all-time Fullerton dig record in just her third season in a Titan uniform.

MEN’S SOCCER Davis, Calif. – Celso Alvarez fired a hard shot from about 18 yards past goalkeeper Ryan McCowan and into the lower right corner of the net 4:54 into the second overtime period Saturday afternoon to give Cal State Fullerton a 3-2 men’s soccer victory at UC Davis. The win was the second in a row in extra time for the Titans, who are now 6-5-1 on the season and 2-1 in the Big West. Davis fell to 5-8 and 2-2. It was Fullerton’s fifth overtime match in the last six and sixth overall with a combined 3-2-1 record. The Titans hadn’t won an overtime Big West match in five years but now have two in succession. Alvarez’ unassisted goal came out of a corner kick and ended a see-saw match. Fullerton twice took onegoal leads but each time UC Davis came right back to tie. Courtesy Titan Media Relations

The Walk-Off

By Brian Whitehead

Daily Titan Sports Columnist sports@dailytitan.com

I’ve always loved playing video games. Baseball games, in particular. Back in middle school, I played “MVP Baseball 2004” till my thumbs blistered and my pupils dilated. (Now, I know better. I just take breaks in between pitches and sit farther from the screen.) I could’ve played that damn game till I looked like Al Davis. What I’d do was start a new franchise with the then “Anaheim” Angels. The last thing I wanted was a team that boringly manufactured runs and milked pitch counts. So, before I took the field for Opening Day ’04, I’d go into the “Game Options” tab and shamelessly turn off the “Fair Trade” option. This simple, slightly deplorable modification allowed me to swing riotously lopsided trades. I’m talking trades even Memphis Grizzlies GM Chris Wallace wouldn’t endorse. By the second week of the season, my line-up looked like the Mitchell Report (it was 2004 after all). Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, Alex Rodriguez, shoot I would’ve traded for Mark McGwire had he not retired in 2001. In essence, I wanted anyone who could hit the ball to the Arrowhead Pond and beyond. It was great. Despicable, but fun nonetheless. (Sidenote: Bonds’ character in MLB ‘04 looked like a cross between King Kong and Shaq. His body barely fit on my 20-inch screen. Everything he hit went 600 feet. I loved it. I absolutely loved it.) So what does all this have to do with anything? Well, the New York Yankees have been playing their own tainted version of “MVP Baseball ‘04” for years now, and this year has been no different. Since the dawn of civilization, the

photo courtesy mct The New York Yankees’ deep pockets could land them a 2010 World Series championship.

Yankees have by far spent the most money of any professional sports franchise. The figures have to be somewhere near the trajillions and kabillions. (Yes, I had to make up currency figures to accurately approximate their spending.) Over the last decade, the Yanks have been notorious for overspending on aging free agents and wellpast-their-prime, possibly-comingoff-their-last-cycle veterans. Every Yankees team for as long as I can remember has flaunted a talented, possibly juiced, definitely overpaid superstar(s). In 2004 it was the duo of Alex Rodriguez and Gary Sheffield. In 2006 it was Johnny Damon. And in 2009 it was CC Sabathia, A.J. Burnett, and Mark Teixeira. Though the Yankees have struck gold on a few of their prized investments, the overwhelming majority of their big-name signees have fizzled under the bright lights of the New York media (see: Randy Johnson). For every Alex Rodriguez, there’s been a Kei Igawa, for every Gary Sheffield, a Carl Pavano. One thing’s for certain, the Bronx Bombers certainly aren’t scared to swing and miss. And swing and miss. And swing. And miss. The only difference between the Yankees and every other team in baseball is their resilience. When the Yanks make a seemingly-costly mistake – say sign a Miguel Cairo, an aging Randy Johnson/Kevin Brown/ Mike Mussina – they have the resources to fully recover. In other words, they can literally flush mil-

lions of dollars down the toilet and not think twice about it. Now, certainly money can’t buy you championships, per se, but it sure can assure you a competitive season. Of the eight teams that made the playoffs this year, five had a payroll of over $100 million, and Detroit, who would’ve made it six, collapsed harder at the end of the season than Ruthie on The Real World Hawaii. Since the 1999 season (the last year someone other than the Yankees have owned the top payroll in baseball), the Pinstripes have only missed the postseason once, 2008. In the last handful of years, they’ve essentially been trotting out an allstar team every night, which has ironically been a far cry from their World Championship teams of the late ‘90s. Inevitably, if the Yankees go on to win the World Series this fall, everyone outside New York is going to claim they bought it. And rightfully so. Over the years, they’ve routinely outbid smaller-market teams for marquee superstars, most notably this year with the Sabathia, Burnett and Teixeira trio. However, if they come up short once again, the world is going to give them crap for not being able to win with such a payroll. It’s phenomenal. There’s no “Rudy” angle with this Yankees team. Not with this payroll. So what does all this mean to Derek Jeter and company? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. They don’t care. I mean, I didn’t, so why should they?

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