Daily Titan: Thursday, October 15, 2009

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Since 1960 Volume 85, Issue 24

Thursday October 15, 2009

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

Medicinal marijuana easy to obtain

Veteran benefits delayed By Greg Lehman

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

By Lauren Felechner

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Aquiring a medical marijuana card nowadays is as easy as making a doctor’s appointment. Dispensaries and doctor’s offices are popping up all over Southern California to help those in need. Just like anything else, there is a method to the madness of receiving a medical marijuana card and where to buy your weed, said Joffran Gonzales, a volunteer in a collective in the Los Angeles area. “A collective is a group of people, including the patients, where everything is donated. There are no transactions. The money is donated from the patients, and the marijuana is grown by the volunteers within the collective, unlike a dispensary,” Gonzales said. The difference between a dispensary and a collective is that there is no salary at the collective for the people volunteering. The marijuana and money is “recycled,” according to Gonzales. Through a dispensary, the employees are able to buy their weed from outside sources, bring it to the dispensary location and sell it to their patients. A similarity between the two is that both locations require a doctor’s recommendation from the patient and identification of some sort, Gonzales added. However, patients like Jody Robinson, a mother of three and a businesswoman in Costa Mesa, visit a dispensary to buy medicine. Robinson, who is going through menopause, suffers from psoriasis, acid gas reflux and a lack of sleep. She sought out a medical marijuana card to ease her pain and help her sleep better. See LICENSE, Page 2

Will a dispenary open in Fullerton? In February 2008, the Fullerton City Council decided to keep medical marijuana dispensaries in the city. To many residents and law officials, this was a mistake, but to advocates of medical marijuana and patients who use the drug, this was an act of compassion. “We made sure that marijuana dispensaries would not be allowed unless we could have some control and regulations because other cities have no rules … that’s where problems come up. With rules it would help litigate, given the circumstances so many people worry about,” said Pam Keller, Mayor Pro Tem for the City of Fullerton. When the recommendations for the specific regulations came back to the council committee, the public became concerned. Police chiefs and older residents spoke out against the dispensaries. Organized groups that rely on the plant for medical purposes spoke for it. The regulation lost the vote with only Keller siding with regualtion. Laurie Levenson, professor of law at Loyola Marymount University, said that cities are more open to marijuana dispensaries because of the revenue it generates and because it helps keep the trade out of the black market.

T D E D I he t o S t INtay connecteTidtan S

Campus drug policy hazy

Photo Courtesy Keith Hyatt

By Nicole Park

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

When Eden Gonzalez, 21, first arrived at California State University Monterey Bay, she wanted to take her doctor-prescribed medication. Her resident adviser said “no.” The reason? Her medicine was marijuana. “The biggest problem we were having at CSUMB was the issue with residential life,” Gonzalez said. “Campus police were actually pretty cool, and I’ve had friends whose med-stash was returned after showing medical proof. But with Res-Life, you can have your medical marijuana, but you can’t smoke it, which is the problem.” Because of the dorm rules, Gonzalez had to either give up marijuana or her convenience of living on campus. She eventually moved out of the dorms and into an off-campus apartment nearby. Gonzalez now serves as the executive director of CSUMB’s chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. Gonzalez is one of many students trying to figure out how state, federal and university law applies to the use of medical marijuana. In 1996, California became the first state to allow marijuana for medical use when it passed Proposition 215, The Compassionate Use Act. The new law decriminalized the cultivation and use of medicinal marijuana, cannabis, for ill patients with a doctor’s referral. The guidelines also state that smoking within 1,000 feet of a school is prohibited, unless it is within a residential area. At Cal State Fullerton, police do not get involved with personal medication issues as long as the drugs are prescribed to the student, said Sgt. Nigel Williams of the CSUF police department. The California Health and Safety Code states that medical marijuana is to be used for treating a “serious illness” such as cancer, anorexia, AIDS, glaucoma, arthritis and chronic pain, among others. Because “chronic pain” can be linked to many health conditions, the code also allows treatment of “any other illness for which marijuana provides relief.” These range from anxiety and insomnia to premenstrual syndrome and nausea. In August 2008, Attorney General Edmund G. Brown, Jr. released the Guidelines for the Security and Non-Diversion of Marijuana Grown for Medical Use. In it there are several rules which patients are advised to adhere. The medication must not be consumed at the workplace, any correctional facilities, any place where smoking is prohibited by other laws, in a moving vehicle or motorboat, or within 1,000 feet of a recreation or youth center. Despite the Compassionate Use Act of 1996 and the further protection given in 2004 by Senate Bill 420, the Medical Marijuana Program Act, Cali-

fornia and 13 other states are currently in violation of federal law. The federal Controlled Substances Act of 1970 was written to minimize abuse of recreational drugs, including marijuana, and bans its manufacture, distribution and possession, making it a federal crime. About 50 medical marijuana dispensaries are operating in Orange County, according to the Orange County Register. The nearest to campus is in Santa Ana. The California Criminal Attorney blog reported that the Fullerton City Council rejected a ban on medical marijuana dispensaries, making it one of the few cities to do so. In February, State Assemblyman Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco) introduced the first bill in the state that proposes legalizing and controlling the production and sales of cannabis. This second marijuana revolution in California might be open for anyone over the age of 21 who is a resident of the state. Ammiano said the law will treat marijuana much like alcohol in its policies. The bill has not been decided upon yet. Other pending legislation include the Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act, which would reclassify marijuana as a Schedule II drug, a classification that allows for it to be legally prescribed just as any other Schedule II drug. Currently, medical marijuana is merely “recommended” because of its Schedule I classification. Schedule I drugs include GHB, LSD and psychedelic mushrooms. The new classification would put it on the same plane as other widely prescribed pain relievers like morphine and codeine. The most recent development in interpreting the marijuana law occurred on Aug. 25 when the California Senate passed a joint resolution that called for the federal government to stop interfering with California policy. See MARIJUANA, Page 2

Photo Courtesy Keith Hyatt Marijuana to be used for medicinal purposes is displayed in the showroom of Go N’ Green, a medical marijuana dispensary.



Photo by Todd Barnes/ Daily Titan Photo Editor


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Jon and Kate, bring on the hate! Page 4

Backstreet Boys’ ‘This Is Us’ misses mark, Page 6

Why the Lakers and Celtics will meet in the NBA Finals, Page 8

Veteran students guaranteed tuition, books and school supply stipends, and housing allowances were denied their benefits for nearly seven weeks in the 2009 fall semester when the money they were promised did not arrive in their bank accounts, said both veteran Marine Corps infantry sergeant Adam Brzezicki and coordinator for Veterans Student Services at Cal State Fullerton Joseph Chang. The Post 9/11 G.I. Bill, originally proposed by Senator Jim Webb (D-Va) gives veterans significant assistance for higher education after they have served at least 90 days of active duty since Sept. 11, 2001, according to a fact sheet detailing the bill linked to Senator Webb’s personal Web site. The bill was passed by both Houses and ensures that men and women who have served in the military would receive monetary assistance in their educational goals. Brzezicki, who had served in two combat tours in Iraq as well as serving in Okinawa, Japan, said that some delay was expected, but that waiting more than two months had put him at a serious financial disadvantage. “Two to four weeks is about normal,” Brzezicki said. “The problem is it’s been two and a half months since I first applied, and it’s been about seven weeks since I finished the process of applying. I got my classes certified and everything. Everything also got delayed because of the budget crisis going on at Cal State Fullerton. Since the G.I. Bill pays for all tuition and fees at a school, when the school decided to raise tuition, the contract that we had to go through the school all of a sudden was out of whack because they weren’t paying enough to cover the costs. So, they had to renegotiate the contract and that got everything delayed even further. It’s another problem caused by the fiscal crisis in California and also at Cal State Fullerton.” Carla Ruiz, data control and assistant supervisor of records at the Veterans Services Office at CSUF, said that the campus was not at fault for the extra time it took for veterans to receive their benefits. “It is my understanding that the processing delay was a result of delays from the Veteran’s Administration and not campus related,” Ruiz said. “It is also my understanding that this was a ‘one time’ delay based on this being the first term of eligibility for these benefits.” Chang agreed with the logic that the first time the new bill is put into action will be the most difficult. “This is the one, big-time trouble,” Chang said. “It’s a brand new benefit, and implementation has been very difficult because of the bottle-neck effect. Everybody was waiting, almost everybody who qualified for this benefit waited, and then they all just jumped on the wagon together.” Chang said that an emergency check distribution was enacted the week of Oct. 2 by retired Gen. Eric Shinseki, who was placed as head of Veterans Affairs by President Obama at the beginning of his administration’s term this year. When Shinseki approved the emergency distribution, veterans began to get their checks. See VETERANS, Page 2




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Man on the street: Should different cultures have their own month? Page 3

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October 15, 2009

IN OTHER NEWS Veterans: Money INTERNATIONAL BAGHDAD (MCT) – Eight people were killed and 14 were injured Wednesday in attacks on Baghdad’s Shiite Muslim neighborhood of Shula, police said. The violence started around noon when three mortar rounds hit the Jawadin marketplace in the center of Shula, wounding five civilians. Minutes later, gunmen attacked three goldsmiths, killing the store owners and five other people. As they left the area, the gunmen threw grenades that injured nine more people. “I cannot accuse anyone of the incident of Shula,” Gen. Mohammed alAskari, the Iraqi defense ministry spokesman, said “It is too early. The attack does not have any political motives. It’s clear that the incident is only a robbery that was implemented by an organized gang.” Iraqi security forces closed the area and started a search for the gunmen, and the Baghdad operations command ordered the arrest of six soldiers, including one officer, who were manning a checkpoint near the marketplace, according to a statement on the command’s Web site.

NATIONAL Lawmakers still face hurdles on health care WASHINGTON (MCT) – Now comes the hard part of crafting a new health care system – hard not just because a lot of corporate, consumer and political interests want to be satisfied, but because the next steps will proceed in secret. White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and other top Obama administration officials huddled for about an hour Wednesday afternoon with Senate Democratic leaders, trying to fashion a plan that can get the 60 votes needed to overcome procedural hurdles in the Senate. Democratic leaders of the House of Representatives have been meeting privately with their caucus members for weeks, seeking enough common ground to bring legislation to a vote. The Senate aims to begin debate the week of Oct. 26, but the House is unlikely to start floor consideration of its bill before early November. If the two versions win approval in each chamber, compromise negotiations will combine them into a single measure.

STATE Brown widens lead over Newsom, poll shows SACRAMENTO (MCT) – California Attorney General Jerry Brown has built a commanding lead over San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom in the race for the Democratic nomination for governor, according to the latest Field Poll results released Thursday. On the Republican side, former eBay CEO Meg Whitman remains locked in a virtual tie with former Rep. Tom Campbell, but half of the voters are undecided. Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner continues to place a distant third in his bid for the GOP gubernatorial nomination, the nonpartisan poll found. While rhetoric over voting records, past support for Democrats and other non-policy matters has heated up among the Republican candidates some eight months before the June 8 primary, the Field Poll found that GOP primary voters hadn’t changed their minds much since they were last surveyed about the race in February and March.

“VA has been behind the curve, behind the trend,” Chang said. “They were not excellent as far as providing services to veterans, especially when the new generation of veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan needed a whole lot more than what they used to give.” Chang did say that he believes the future will be better for veterans. “Once this beginning period ends, maybe end of October or beginning of November, it will be smoother, because everything will be set as far as implementation and distribution.” “Starting from spring things will be better, quicker, and the benefit is great,” Chang said. “So, our veterans should enjoy the benefits starting from spring, and they will see the routine go on.”

After finding a local doctor’s office online that aids in the process of getting a medical marijuana card, she paid $150 and received her card the same day. “It was a very professional doctor’s office; it was like a regular office,” Robinson said. Robinson has found a blend of marijuana that is a good balance for the symptoms that she was experiencing. She said she buys enough to last her a week, at either $20 per gram; however, Robinson also said she sometimes stocks up with “quantity discounts” for $60 per eighth. “It’s like street prices but quality marijuana,” Robinson said. The dispensary makes it possible for not only their patients to smoke the marijuana by selling pieces and bongs, but they also sell baking accessories if a patient wanted to bake their marijuana into food instead, Robinson said. Caitlin Hardesty, 21, an employee of a beauty supply shop and a resident of Irvine, needed her medical marijuana card for her anxiety and insomnia. Hardesty found her doctor’s of-

fice in Long Beach through word of mouth. She paid $200 for her license and needed to show proof of her symptoms to obtain one. “I was taking Ambien at the time for my insomnia, so I had to show the doctor my prescription I had for that,” Hardesty said. Hardesty also explained that she was told to never come with someone in her car to the dispensary to purchase her marijuana and to put it in the trunk right when she got to her car to avoid it looking like a drug deal if she were to get pulled over. According to Robinson, after a year, the card will expire, but if a renewal fee is paid, much like a driver’s license, the medical marijuana license will be good for another year. Both Robinson and Hardesty agree that it is a very easy process to obtain a medical marijuana card. “Any individual that is over 18 and suffers from a myriad of medical conditions ranging from asthma to anxiety can be evaluated by a licensed physician to receive a medical marijuana recommendation,” Gonzales said.

Marijuana: Not legal License: easy to obtain to smoke on campus

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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSUF System. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. Copyright ©2009 Daily Titan

Photo Courtesy of Keith Hyatt

Photo by Todd barnes/Daily titan Photo Editor

Despite marijuana being legal- ical marijuana, it doesn’t protect ized for medical purposes more them from university rules.” than a decade ago, Cal State FulThere is some concern about lerton does not have a protocol having “high” students in class for handling patients medicating and affecting their learning peron campus. formance whether they are paCSUF police continue to stop tients or not. students from smoking mari“I have no idea if some of them juana. “It’s still a federal offense,” aren’t already high,” said commuWilliams said. nications law CSUF pop r o f e s s o r, lice Lt. Don Genelle Belmas. Landers conBelmas curred with added, “I Williams, “It personally is in violation would supof campus port the use policy, and – Lt. Don Landers, of medical if students CSUF police marijuana in bring maridesignated juana with smoking aror without a prescription, it will still be confis- eas. I’d be happier if there were separate marijuana and tobacco cated,” Landers said. CSUF police officers would smoking areas though, as I do probably not arrest a medical think that there should be a marijuana user. “However, the choice to avoid the area if desired. individual will be subject to a ju- If you are a cigarette smoker, you dicial citation and referral to the may not want to get second-hand judicial affairs officer on campus,” marijuana smoke.” Landers said. CSUF students are not showWhen asked why it would be a ing much resistance to medicinal problem at all, Landers said, “It is users smoking marijuana on camagainst federal law, and the uni- pus. “I don’t really care because versity receives federal funding, it’s not nearly as bad for you as not just state.” cigarettes are, and those can be “Crime of opportunity is big smoked anywhere on campus. I on campus,” Landers said. Crimes think it’s absurd that marijuana is such as burglaries and petty thefts still illegal at all,” said Nick Nevon campus are of more concern ins, 20, a political science major. and can directly affect students. Freshman Mitchell Loo, 18, Dale Gieringer, director of the said, “I think if smoking cigaCalifornia chapter of NORML rettes is okay, and it’s more harmsaid, “While Prop 215 prevents ful, then sure, smoking medical students from being criminally marijuana on campus is fine with prosecuted for possession of med- me. It’s legal.”

It is against federal law, and the university receives federal funding, not just the state.

8 killed on Shiite neighborhood in Baghdad

“They were relieved with this anxiousness and stress,” Chang said. “Also, I found that people who were concerned about the late checks, they were getting their regular benefits beginning last week. So it starts to be resolved, slowly.” Brzezicki was skeptical about why the old Montgomery G.I. Bill which had been in place since World War II could work so well while the new G.I. Bill could face so many difficulties. “I just think they had that one figured out,” Brzezicki said, “and they know how to disperse the payments in a timely manner. And why they can’t do that for this one, I have no clue.” Chang agreed that the VA was to blame in the past, and that Shinseki represented a change for the better.


TSU boasts open-door art policy

3 California is home to half of America’s Filipino population. Senator Leland Yee pushed for the resolution early in 2009 to recognize October as National Filipino Month in California.

Do you think different cultures should get a month to promote their culture?


Eight pieces of art encompassing a wide range of eclectic styles hang in the Center Gallery at the Titan Student Union for all to see, analyze and experience as a part of the Graphic Services’ annual Student Art Show. “It’s just an art show that’s open to students and that we do every fall,” said Greg Hansen, manager of Graphic Services at the TSU. “We’ve been doing this since 1992.” Hansen, who has worked at the TSU for 10 years, said the art show is a competition that any graduate or undergraduate student can enter regardless of their major. It also provides them with a chance to display their art in the TSU gallery PHOTO By Jeff Lambert/Daily Titan Staff Photographer for a month. “Luke,” center, a painting by Gayle Warfield depicts her friend with a cigarette in his mouth, hangs in the Titan Student Union’s He said the art has been on dis- Center Gallery for viewers to admire. Graphic Services’ annual Student Art Show runs through Oct. 30. play for about one week and that he She said that it had an “Alice in she said, adding that the portrait took has noticed about 600 students stopThe art acquisition committee seping at the gallery for a glance at the lects pieces to be purchased for the Wonderland” concept to it. her eight hours to make. “I used a The subject is supposed to repre- program called Corel Painter, which pieces. TSU’s private art collection, accordsent Alice when she’s growing and simulates your painting on canvas The artwork being exhibited include ing to a flyer. newer styles such as digital paintings Hansen said his personal favorite is everything else is shrinking around without actually painting.” and alternative process photography Charlie Nguyen’s surreal piece “Un- her, so the subject ultimately becomes Espino, a senior majoring in graphas well as traditional forms like acrylic titled,” which portrays a feathered oc- cramped in a small space. ic design and illustration, said the “Alternative process requires a liq- painting is part of a collection of 10 and oil on panel paintings. topus catching terrified birds attemptuid light,” she said, adding that the pieces that were on display at the Exit “There’s not really a theme to this ing to fly away. show. There’s only a size limitation,” “Untitled” placed third in the com- process takes place in the darkest part Gallery on the CSUF campus. Hansen said, adding that each 2-D petition and was made of gouache, of a darkroom. “It’s similar to tradiOther pieces that were part of the tional photography, but it takes more art show included Ingrid Marrero’s art piece needed to be 24 by 36 inches pen and ink. in size and 3-D artwork needed to be oil on panel paintings, “Beach” and Gayle War- time and it’s more contrasted.” Warfield, a senior majoring in “Brickell Boy,” Rabiya Chaudry’s mi12 by 12 by 24 field, who inches. placed first for graphic design, also entered an acrylic cro pen piece titled “Thirty Squared” Although her alternative piece, “Luke,” that depicts one of her and Andrea H. Ruygt’s graphite, Hansen noticed process pho- male friends wearing a sweater and acrylic painting, “Father’s Time.” a drop in parThese pieces will be on display at tograph titled holding a cigarette in his mouth. She said she had taken a picture of the TSU Center Gallery and Plaza ticipation this “The Room,” fall, six students said she was her friend four years ago and always Center through Oct. 30. participated in Warfield said that one of the best – Mikaela Espino, delighted with wanted to make it into a painting. Mikaela Espino, who finished sec- things about the art show is that she this year’s comfinishing first “Mama” artist petition, which in the competi- ond for her digital painting entitled got the chance to share her art with “Mama,” said she was humbled by her peers and friends such as Espino, allows a maxition. mum of two entries per participant. “The art show is kind of like a the fact that she placed so high in the who she has known for three years. The competition also included cash breath of fresh air because it allows me competition. She added that she hopes everyone Espino’s piece depicts the face of enjoyed the exhibit and if they are artprizes. The first place winner received to display a piece that would’ve gone her grandmother, an elderly Filipino ists themselves, that they will join the $200, second place $125 and third unseen,” she said. place $75. Warfield’s photograph is on color woman, in front of a white back- show next year. Participants can also choose to sub- paper, and it depicts a woman who’s ground. “I really love my grandma, so I remit their art in the TSU’s art acquisi- cramped in a compartment that really wanted to do a portrait of her,” tion competition. sembles a kitchen cabinet.

I really love my grandma, so I really wanted to do a portrait of her.

By Greg Lehman

Daily Titan Staff Writer features@dailytitan.com

I think it’s a great idea. America’s always been ... a diversity of different cultures ... and it’s great to see the roots of that. – David Danley,

Philosophy and American studies major

Sure, why not? Since a lot of different cultures have been persecuted over the years, they may as well get a month out of it. – Meagan McMillen,

Communications major

In a country where ethnicity is kind of everywhere, it’s important for everybody to celebrate their own culture ...

By Juan Saucedo

Daily Titan Staff Writer

Graphic Services’ art show displays pieces that would have ‘gone unseen’

October 15, 2009

– Kevin Bringman,

Business major

Log on to DailyTitan.com/filipinoamericanmonth for a video with more questions and answers about cultural history months.



Titan Editorial

Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

Marijuana ban too little too late The California Second District Court of Appeals Team? recently set precedence allowing Los Angeles County What financial benefit could come from this ban? the right to ban pot dispensaries without violating the The California State Board of Equalization (taxaCompassionate Use Act of 1996. tion) will lose the sales tax from the approximate 800 The intention behind this ruling is interesting. Af- dispensaries in LA. ter spending billions of dollars fighting marijuana use If storefront over-the-counter dispensaries are not in the hills and homes of LA County, they have also protected by the Compassionate Use Act, why did chosen to ban its largest public supplier of the plant. you allow more than 800 to bud up? Pot dispensaries are not even the largest proprietors We cannot sit back and watch a profitable busiof marijuana. California’s Central Valley is home to ness, which is a medical benefit to LA County citimillions of dollars worth of pot farm operations in zens, simply disappear because of an ill-thought ban. the back forests. If you want to truly combat the problems you see, the LA suffers from similar suppliers, and much of the laws in this state must change. pot from up north finds its way down into the streets Rally behind Assemblyman Tom Ammiano (Dof LA. San Francisco) and Assembly Bill 390, The Marijuana This ban is unnecessary in its attempt to reduce Control, Regulation and Education Act. crime, but there are alternate ways to combat illegal The BOE even estimated that AB 390 has the marijuana distribution and possession within Califor- potential to raise $1.3 billion in annual tax revenue nia. The current ways our law enforcement combats through production and sales. pot is insufficient in its attempts, and it is a drain on But first, the county’s attitudes must fall in line the California tax payer. with that necessity for change. In 2005, Harvard economics professor Jeffery A. The criminalization of a plant is absurd unless that Miran calculated the state could save up to $7.7 bil- plant is used to kill. The criminalization of distribulion on governmental and law enforcement expendi- tion is only effective if you enforce the illegal aspect of tures if marijuana was legalized. the plants distribution, not the legal aspects. With 1,429 inmates incarcerated for marijuana If you want to truly combat the problems you offenses as of see, you need Dec. 31, 2005 to lobby in in California, Washington. the yearly cost You need of $25,000 per precedence inmate cost the to walk on state approxiWashington mately $35 miland proof lion in 2005. that a re-draft Why ban disof the maripensaries that juana laws is have the pothe only way tential to draw to solve the demand away marijuana from illegal opproblems in erations? this country. Why continGive Caliue the crusade fornians the against marifreedom to juana through relax after a the massive long day, not expenditure of just the freethe Marijuana dom to get Enforcement drunk. Illustration By Jon Harguindeguy/For the Daily Titan

October 15, 2009

Five Across the Eyes “A slap in the face to those most deserving”

Bad actors that need to be put down by Jeremiah Magan

Daily Titan Opinion Editor opinion@dailytitan.com

For some reason, there are still people in this world who are willing to spend their hard-earned money on bad movies featuring bad actors. These actors are rewarded for their half-assed efforts with roles in good movies, wherein they drag down the entire cast surrounding them. Nicolas Cage, for instance, needs to be stopped. Someone needs to tie him to a chair and make him sit through his own movies or take away his membership card for the Hair Club for Men. Cage is, by far, one of the worst actors today who still gets work on a regular basis. Did anyone see “Ghost Rider” in theaters? If you did, then I’m surprised you didn’t hang yourself from the balcony. I was dumb enough to rent the DVD, and after watching it, it took three people to wrestle the broken shards of disc from my hands as I tried to slit my wrists. How about the “National Treasure” films? If it weren’t for the fact that “The Da Vinci Code” movie came out after “National Treasure,” it could be pegged as a rip-off. In-

stead, it’s just a really bad movie with even worse acting. Leave it to Disney to create a completely fictional reality where America’s Founding Fathers were actually pirates leaving ridiculously vague clues leading to their buried treasure. Maybe in the third film they can have Johnny Depp play President Jack Sparrow as he and Cage’s character, Clue McFinder, team up to expose the secrets of Area 51. While Cage may have an occasional gem like “Adaptation” and “The Weather Man,” the bad far outweighs the good. Matthew McConaughey is another person I wouldn’t mind watching die slowly in a burning car. With films like “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past” and “Fool’s Gold” under his belt, I cannot seem to find a justification for his continued existence. There are also reports of McConaughey starring in a film based on the Bible story of Jonah and the whale. I can’t wait to see him giggle as he lights a bong within the belly of a whale. This film has Oscar written all over it. There are times when I personally struggle with my ability to separate

my penis from my mind. This usually happens when Megan “toe thumbs” Fox is onscreen. Fox is arguably the most attractive woman working in film today, but she has only one purpose, to bend over things and stare off into the distance. The sexiestlooking brick laying around the set could easily have replaced Fox and all of her films would have been exactly the same. Now we come to the ultimate in film killers, the Godfather of overacting himself: Keanu Reeves. It would be unfair to judge Reeves’ acting based only on his early work. But if he had taken any acting classes after he made “Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure” and “Point Break,” then I would have something else to judge him by. The only reason anyone thought Reeves was any good in “The Day the Earth Stood Still” is because his character had no emotions other than moderate surprise. Someone needs to put a stop to these people and their poor excuses for acting. I’m not saying that someone should systematically destroy each of these people and their careers, but I’m also not saying that it’s not a bad idea.

Jon and Kate plus hate By Rachel David

Daily Titan Copy Editor opinion@dailytitan.com

In case you have been asleep for the past couple of weeks or just have a life, here is an update for you on the nonsense that is Jon Gosselin of the TLC reality show “Jon & Kate Plus 8.” The 32-year-old immature father of eight attempted to shut down production of the new series “Kate Plus 8,” reportedly claiming that the reality show is detrimental to his children’s well-being. Nancy Grace went head-to-head with Gosselin and his lawyer on “The Insider” panel on Oct. 5 and pointedly told Gosselin, “For years, Jon, you had your children on TV ... but suddenly when it’s no longer ‘Jon & Kate Plus 8,’ it’s ‘Kate Plus 8,’ you suddenly have a problem with it, and you want it all to come to an end, and I don’t believe that.” The reality show, centered around

a set of twins, sextuplets and two parents (soon to be divorced), is now in its fifth season of production; the show needs the consent of both Jon and Kate in order to continue filming each year. Jon said he had an “epiphany” on “Larry King Live” and decided to stop production on the show by posting a misspelled sign on the gate of his Pennsylvania home that stated, “Notice: No film crew or production staff from TLC is permitted on this property under penelty of trespass.” However, Jon was recently taped saying that the children “loved the show” and the crew was “like a family.” Jon is notorious for being passive, which is one of the main reasons he has allowed the reality show to continue on for five whole seasons. It was often almost unbearable to watch Kate dominate the relationship during various episodes. However, it soon became evident that with a husband as passive as Jon, it

was almost like Kate was raising nine children, rather than eight. Both he and Kate have turned their children into “prostitots” (especially the sextuplets) from day one and taken home a hefty paycheck over the years. The only reason Jon has not fought harder on ending the reality show is because exploiting his children bought him his Ed Hardy apparel; a beautiful home and practically all the land in Pennsylvania; a newly renovated kitchen; an apartment in Manhattan, N.Y.; a vacation in France with his 22-year-old girlfriend; a Nissan Nismo 350Z; etc. After going to court on Tuesday, a judge ordered Jon to pay back $180,000, which he withdrew from the family account. Although Jon claimed that he had only taken $22,000, he must now give back the full $180,000 by Oct. 26. If the show continues “minus” Jon, then he will be forced to give up his lavish lifestyle of hanging out with such “winners” as Michael Lohan and may have to consider going back to being an information technology analyst. Look at it this way, Jon, you now have more time (maybe less money) to spend with your 22-year-old girlfriend. Enjoy livin’ it up in France and rockin’ your Ed Hardy T-shirts, while Kate takes care of your eight children. Monzerrath Gonzalez contributed to this article.

yo u r w e e k ly d o s e o f e n t e rta i n m e n t

Thom Yorke @ Orpheum theatre/ Photo Courtesy of Ani Kellogg

October 15, 2009



‘God’ and ‘Lillies’ in the OC Fullerton’s Grand Central Art Center offers an alternative night out By James bean

For the Daily Titan


Would you like to get out of Fullerton for just one night and enjoy a few drinks, maybe some dinner, followed by a night out at the theater? Evening of One Acts had the pleasure of opening in the Grand Central Theatre last Friday, where it provided a splendid getaway from mundane nights in Fullerton. The location in Santa Ana isn’t that far away; in fact, it is only a 15minute drive from the Cal State Fullerton campus. Still, Grand Central proves to be a veritable mecca of culture, and its theater will have a short run of three CSUF-produced shows. For the next two weeks, the double feature of Woody Allen’s God and For Tiger Lillies Out of Season will be headlining at the Grand Central

Theatre. Every year, the graduating class of CSUF directors receive the honor of being offered the chance to direct a one act play at the Grand Central for the annual Evening of One Acts. The directors chosen this year were Theresa Elliot, who will open the night with Andrea Green’s For Tiger Lillies Out of Season, and Ric Perez-Selsky who will close out the evening with Woody Allen’s God. For Tiger Lillies Out of Season follows Justine Danieu, a young woman who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. The show follows her strength through the ordeal and the strength of her friends and family as she battles the difficult decision of treatment. “It really places the power back into women,” said Tiffany Toner, who will be portraying Justine Danieu in this heartbreaking account. For Tiger Lillies promises to be a breathtaking, eye-opening one act. Woody Allen’s God showcases an incredibly non-sequitor idea of bringing an ancient Athenian actor

and an old Greek writer together to discuss how to begin and end a play. The show switches back and forth from the present day to ancient Athens and spoofs many theater classics, including A Streetcar Named Desire. In fact, the entire show is one gigantic spoof on the theatrical tradition. “The audience is made very aware of their surroundings,” said Vernon Taylor, who will play The Writer. Indeed, the script was minorly tweaked by Perez-Selsky and the cast to suit its Grand Central home. It makes references to being located in Santa Ana, as well as being right next to The Gypsy Den, a local café which is a favorite among studentss. “I wanted to do something that was just incredibly funny, so I looked to Woody Allen,” said PerezSelsky. Grand Central Theatre is located off of the I-5 freeway. For further directions and parking information, visit GrandCentralArtCenter.com. Tickets are $10 for general admission and $5 for CSUF students.

Photo by james bean/For the Daily Titan The Grand Central Art Center in Santa Ana is not well-known by the general student body but offers professional theater productions.

Ghastly comic movie release thrills fans of horror By Matt Holland

For the Daily Titan


Halloween came early for horror movie fans at Golden Apple Comics’ Trick 'r Treat DVD release party on Oct. 1 in Los Angeles. Golden Apple hosted a ghastly gala to celebrate the release of the

new horror film Trick 'r Treat with the film’s writer and director Michael Dougherty who was on hand to sign DVDs and other items for fans. Also in attendance was comic book scribe Marc Andreyko who wrote the graphic novel adaptation of the film. During the night, the film was projected behind the store, and Trick

'r Treat cocktails and snacks were served to the party goers. If you have never heard of Trick 'r Treat, don’t feel too left out. Despite featuring an all-star cast including Anna Paquin, Dylan Baker and Brian Cox, it never got a full theatrical release by Warner Bros. There have only been a handful of sneak previews around the country before Tuesday’s official DVD release. Originally slated for a theatrical 2007 release, the film was continually delayed until the studio settled on its current direct-to-DVD release. Inspired by such works as Creepshow, Tales from the Crypt and Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Dougherty set out to produce an anthology film with four interlocking tales of terror: a high school principal moonlights as a serial killer; a young virgin looking for Mr. Right but doesn’t exactly get what she was looking for; a teenage prank takes a turn for the worst with terrible consequences; and a cranky old man goes toe-to-toe with a trick-or-treating demon. Making the film was no small feat. “It’s been a really long road from conception to tonight. I started it as

an animated short in ’96 which was the introduction of our main mascot character, Sam. It’s been a long eight, nine year process,” said Dougherty. Obstacles also arose during its creation. “It was a challenge to write it. It was a challenge to convince people to kill kids in a horror movie. It’s been done a lot, but everyone thinks it’s a taboo. Go watch The Shining. Go watch Jaws. Spielberg kills an 11year-old kid. But it’s still seen as this thing you shouldn’t do in movies.” To coincide with the release of the movie, a graphic novel adaptation of Trick 'r Treat was also released. Written by Andreyko, the comic book was adapted directly from the movie’s script. “I didn’t see the movie until afterwards,” said Andreyko. “There are four different artists on the book, and they each bring their own thing to the table. There are some things in the book that aren’t in the movie in the final cut. It’s a different interpretation of the movie, and they compliment each other very well,” he added. Comic book store proprietor Ryan Liebowitz is no stranger to these types of events at his shop. “We do a ton of events around

Photo By Matt Holland/For the Daily Titan Writer Marc Andreyko and director Michael Dougherty let loose at the long-awaited release party for Trick ‘r Treat in Los Angeles on Tuesday, Oct. 1.

here; it’s sort of the cornerstone of our business. Some are huge grandscale events with huge celebrities, and some are with local artists and creators.” The party can’t last forever, so everyone is hard at work on their next project. Dougherty has a few features coming up which he could not comment on as of yet. Andreyko

is currently penning DC Comics’s Manhunter and will also be writing an upcoming G.I. Joe comic telling the origin of the Baroness. Liebowitz will also be hosting a signing with Lost co-creator Damon Lindelof, who will be promoting the release of the hardcover edition of Ultimate Hulk vs. Wolverine which will be happening in a few weeks.



By Skylar Smith

Daily Titan Staff Writer detour@dailytitan.com

Electronic Arts’ NBA video game series has received harsh criticism from reviewers and NBA fans alike over the past few years. However this year’s installment, NBA Live 10, finally fixed several of its many issues, while still missing a few important beats. As far as the basic game play is concerned this game is a huge improvement. You can no longer sprint up sides and dunk, and if you stay still for too long in the paint, even more than three seconds, you will get the ball swiped from you. The game is very challenging, but because of its pick-up and play approach anyone can get into it and will want to improve. The graphics are also much improved. The player models still seem to look like Barbie dolls, but the crowd graphics and reactions, the courts/venues and even the frame rate are better than before. However, the games features are where the game seems lacking compared to series such as NBA 2k10. In games such as NHL 10 or MLB 09: The Show there is some form of a be-a-pro mode where you create a character and play him up through the rankings, get traded, and eventually play for some of the top teams in




the sport. It really makes no sense to me why they would not include something like this in NBA Live 10. What NBA Live 10 did well is the “Dynamic DNA” system that allows the game to interact with real life games and stats. NBA players and teams will have their stats updated, including injuries, with every game, every day, throughout the season which could drastically change people’s game plans online. “Dynamic DNA” also introduces a new feature called Dynamic Season which allows players to play all the games happening in the season at home on NBA Live 10. Excited about Lakers versus Magic match? Start up NBA Live 10 and play it before it happens and possibly predict the outcome. Although much has been improved for NBA Live 10 including game play and graphics, EA still has a while to go before it can claim the throne of best NBA game franchise. If they create a cleaner and more realistic presentation, an interesting menu system and, for the love of God, include some kind of be a pro mode, then maybe they can become the go-to NBA game series.

By Ashleigh JOhnson

Daily Titan Copy Editor detour@dailytitan.com

Ladies and gentlemen, the Backstreet Boys are back (all right!). I have seen the future of music and it is good. This is Us, the latest endeavor by the ‘90s boy band, ushers the group to a new level of maturity. The lyrics are heartfelt and soulful, the best that I have heard in a long, long time. Picture a beautiful stream filled with choirs of angels… Pffft… Singing… Songs… About beauty and— HAHAHAHAHA! Sorry, I couldn’t keep a straight face. Seriously though, it’s difficult to eloquently explain the experience of listening to this album without the use of a shotgun. Here is the best explanation that I can give after several hours of thought. Remember the movie Old Yeller? It’s the one about a boy and his dog and the priceless friendship that they developed. Remember when the dog got attacked by a wolf and you were all relieved that he survived? But then he started getting progressively more aggressive. “It’s OK,” you tell yourself. “Old Yeller is the titular character, and he and the boy share a love that cannot be destroyed. He will get bet-

October 15, 2009

ter!” But then at the end of the film, the boy is forced to shoot his beloved pet in order to end his misery. Cue credits and a lifetime of mental scars. This is roughly the same as listening to This is Us without all the classic movie trappings and likeability. In short: this album is less enjoyable than watching a movie about a dog being shot in the face. I was a child of the ‘90s and I remember the boy band experience well. Hell, I was even a Backstreet Boys fan; and then I turned 12. Who thought that it would be a good idea for them to release a new album? Their fans are all grown up and have since moved on. The only people who may even remotely find this CD enjoyable is anyone under the age of 10, and even then they would probably only tolerate it for a short while. They would only be drawn to it for the first listening, though granted that would be long enough to—. Holy crap, I just found the target audience. Download: This whole CD. And then don’t forget to update your NAMBLA subscription, you sick bastard.

By Jeremiah magan

Daily Titan Opinion Editor detour@dailytitan.com

Everyone dreams of living in a different world; a world filled with all of their favorite things where they can be the hero who saves the day. For professional roadie Eddie Riggs (voiced by Jack Black), this has become a reality. While working a show for an ungrateful band, Riggs is involved in an accident. When he comes to, he is transported to a world of heavy metal. Riggs takes to the world of Brütal Legend surprisingly quickly, never stopping to ask any questions even when he is attacked by demon monks and realizes that his guitar has the power to electrocute and blow up anything in its path. Riggs is also equipped with a medieval axe that he swings with expertise. Containing elements of third person hack-and-slash, role-playing and real-time strategy games, Brütal Legend's game play is smooth despite its complicated nature. Switching from commanding your troops to form a mosh pit around an enemy to shredding a solo on your guitar to melting the faces of your opponents is seamless and keeps the player feeling more involved in the battle than most RTS games. The game play is innovative,

though there are a few games that follow the same formula. Because the game is based on music, the player does not have a health bar, instead the sound becomes fainter as your character takes damage until it fades out completely and he dies. Brütal Legend also features an online-capable multiplayer that lets players take control of their enemy’s army against other players. There is a rich history that the player learns about as they free statues that have been restricted in bondage gear by the game’s antagonist. The game also features cameos from several metal legends: Ozzy Osbourne as The Guardian of Metal, Lemmy Kilmister of Motorhead as The Killmaster and Rob Halford of Judas Priest as General Lionwhyte. Brütal Legend's single player campaign is relatively short, but there is a lot to discover and explore. The side missions are repetitive and short, but are an easy way to earn upgrades. Developer Tim Schafer has struck something special with Brütal Legend, and this is something that should be explored again with a sequel, or at least a healthy dose of downloadable content in the near future.

Event Calendar 15 thursday • Bob Dylan Hollywood Palladium • Nelly Furtado Gibson Amphitheatre • The Streets Club Nokia • The Academy Is... Glass House • Pete Yorn Hard Rock Cafe Hollywood • Yo La Tengo Avalon

• Dan Deacon Echo • The Jesus Lizard Music Box at the Fonda • BLK JKS Spaceland • The Devil Makes Three Echoplex • White Buffalo Detroit Bar • Tito Nieves Conga Room

16 FRIDAY • Sean Kingston Canes • Pat Benatar The Canyon • Common Hollywood Bowl • Fountains of Wayne The Wiltern • Los Lobos HOB Anaheim • Lacuna Coil HOB Hollywood

17 SATURDAY • Ghostface Killah Key Club • Kaskade Hollywood Palladium • Mayday Parade HOB San Diego • Gogol Bordello Ventura Theatre • KMFDM Club Nokia • The Bangles Cerritos Center

• Jamie Foxx Nokia Theatre • Brand New Hollywood Palladium • Brandi Carlile The Wiltern • The Pogues Club Nokia • Mexican Institute of Sound Vice Party • Roger Daltrey Orpheum Theatre

• Dirty Heads Galaxy Theatre • Wavves Echoplex • Tierra Sacred Church • Tribal Seeds Galaxy Theatre • Robert Francis Seven Degrees • Rise and Fall Chain Reaction Photo Courtesy of Ani Kellogg


October 15, 2009

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Expect Lakers-Celtics in NBA Finals By Jonathan Potts

For the Daily Titan


The first drops of rain fell on Tuesday and Wednesday, and Halloween is right around the corner. What could all this mean? It’s time to lace up your sneakers and hit the hardwood because the NBA season tips off in less than two weeks, and this year promises to be as thrilling as any. With all the crucial player movement that has occurred over the off season, many teams have gotten better while some have gotten worse, a few have remained abysmal. With the addition of two-time defensive player of the year Ron Artest and the crucial re-signing of match-up nightmare Lamar Odom, the Los Angeles Lakers are the clear preseason favorite to repeat and win the NBA championship, something that hasn’t been done by any team since 2002 when, ironically, the Lakers completed their three-peat. Although they are the favorite, the Lakers will be hotly contested by four other teams that round out the upper echelon of the NBA: the Cleveland Cavaliers, Orlando Magic, San Antonio Spurs, and of course, the Boston Celtics. In Cleveland, the entire city was in dismay at the end of last season when their Cavaliers were embarrassed by Orlando in the Eastern Conference Finals. In doing so, the Magic slammed the door shut on the dream of a Lebron James versus Kobe Bryant finals matchup and left King James and his crew in stunned silence, literally. However, the King has a new toy in town, and he runs on diesel. With the addition of Shaquille O’Neal, assuming he stays healthy, the Cavs now have something they never had: a huge physical body that is going to clog up the lane on defense and pull in about 10 rebounds a game. Also, James will now be able to have more freedom on offense because opposing squads won’t know who to double team. If you double

up on O’Neal, James will kill you off the dribble. Throw the double at James and he will just dump the rock to O’Neal for an easy deuce. Moving West to San Antonio, the Spurs will likely be the Lakers’ only threat to make it out of the conference. The Spurs entered training camp with almost half the team wearing silver and black for the first time. This is something the Spurs have desperately needed as they have seemingly put the same squad on the floor for the last five seasons. Everyone knows about the trio of Duncan, Parker, and Ginobili, who are single handedly responsible for most, if not all, of the Spurs’ success over the last decade. It is the new and young faces, however, that are going to keep this team among the elite. Point guard George Hill, who came on at the end of last season, is having a particularly impressive preseason. The addition of forward Richard Jefferson, who can shoot the three ball, makes the Spurs the only team that will likely be able to compete with the Lakers in the West. Onward to Orlando, the Eastern Conference champions, who were dismissed by the Lakers in six games in the finals last year. The Magic dropped Hedo Turkoglu, who was an overachiever last season, and added the scrappy Matt Barnes and experienced veteran Vince Carter. Carter joins fellow All-Stars Dwight Howard and Rashard Lewis, and as we saw from the Celtics overnight turnaround in the 200708 season, any team with three superstars and a solid supporting cast (Jameer Nelson should not be taken lightly), should be on the fast track to the NBA finals. Last but not least, we find ourselves in Boston, where a hungry and disgruntled Celtics team gears up for the coming season. Last year, the Celtics were ousted by the Magic in the Eastern Conference Semifinals after two long, grueling, seven game series took their toll on a team that was without its best

October 15, 2009

Upcoming games at CSUF Oct. 15

Volleyball vs UCR 7 p.m.

Oct. 16

Women’s soccer vs UCI 7 p.m. Volleyball vs CSUN 7 p.m. Hockey vs Utah 9:40 p.m.

photo courtesy mct Los Angeles Lakers’ Kobe Bryant dunks for two points against the Denver Nuggets during first half action in Game 1 of the NBA Western Conference finals last season.

player and driving force, Kevin Garnett. It is safe to assume that had KG been healthy the Celtics would have trounced the Magic and dismantled the Cavs on their way to facing the Lakers in the finals. However, nothing is ever accomplished by dwelling on the past and that is why the Celtics added veteran big man Rasheed Wallace, who gives them yet another offensive threat in addition to Garnett, Ray Allen, Paul Pierce and the proven, yet still developing Rajon Rondo. The Celtics seem to be the favorites to win the Eastern Conference this season.

While these four teams are the only clear-cut threats to dethrone the Lakers, the beauty of the NBA is that sometimes all it takes is one trade by a mediocre team or an injury to one of the elite for the balance of power to shift. This means that good but not great teams such as the Denver Nuggets, Dallas Mavericks, and Portland Trailblazers could all be knocking at the door come playoff time. However, look for the Lakers to run away with the Western Conference and beat down the Celtics come June.

Oct. 17

Men’s soccer vs UC Davis 7 p.m. Hockey vs Utah 7:15 p.m.

Oct. 18

Women’s soccer vs New Mexico 1 p.m.

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