Daily Titan: Tuesday, November 3, 2009

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Since 1960 Volume 85, Issue 31

Tuesday November 3, 2009

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

Student jobs decline Growing decline in youth employment has politicians concerned

Commit 5+ hours per week to plan your future.

By Gilbert Gutierrez III

Start your job search 5+ months before graduation.

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Photo courtesy leo lopez Pictured are the smoldering remains of the photo processing lab inside Dan Black Hall. A hazmat team was called to the scene because of the possibility of chemicals in the area.

Black hall scorched By patrick cowles

Daily Titan Asst. News Editor news@dailytitan.com

Smoke triggered a fire alarm in Dan Black Hall Sunday at 11:45 p.m. University police and the fire department responded within minutes of the alarm, entering a smoky hallway headed toward room 149, a research laboratory. When responders arrived in the room, no fire awaited them, only smoke and subsequent damage to the laboratory. Brian K. Barnes, communications project coordinator with university police, described the smoke damage as “smoldering” based upon photographs indicating something was burning, but without flame. University police initially believed a Bunsen burner may have been left on inside the laboratory, but no natural gas was fed into the Dr. Peter de Lijser Photochemistry Research Laboratory, said Sue Fisher, Cal State Fullerton’s campus radiation safety officer. “I’m sure that it’s not a Bunsen burner; there is no Bunsen burner used in that part of the lab,” Fisher said. Fisher and Steven Murray, dean of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, believe the smoke was caused due to an electrical short within a thermal-regulation tool used to gauge the temperature of a heating tool inside the lab. “Apparently a short occurred in a thermal regulation device. Some mineral oil heated up and caused some smoke,” Murray said. So far, the investigation has not determined the cause of the short since a number of reasons could lead to smoldering, Fisher said. “We are analyzing (the situation) to see how we can prevent this type of activity,” Murray said.

However “smoldering” damage is indicative of an electrical fire, Fisher added. “Those kind of things are really difficult to predict and prevent from happening,” Fisher said. A student also contacted the fire department, informing authorities that smoke had built up in the lab as the student returned to study, Murray said. Murray added that students and faculty involved with the college use the labs 24 hours a day and that safety is a priority. “We work very hard in the college to make sure we are doing everything in a safe and accurate way,” Murray said. Murray added that incidents such as this are rare. Sources indicated damage to the lab was minimal and the smoke was localized to one area of the lab. “Impact to the lab was relatively minor,” said Fisher. The surrounding container for the thermal-regulation device is fireproof, preventing any flames from further damaging the lab and its equipment, Murray said. Murray described the incident as a minor fire due to apparent equipment failure that resulted the scorching of some walls, a nearby door, and some damage to custom built glassware. A wall and the door for the lab sustained the most damage, but will only require fresh paint to restore. Murray added that ceiling tiles will also need to be repainted. Lab 149 remained closed Monday, with a single piece of yellow caution tape draped across it. “Fortunately (the fire) was very small and we got an excellent response from the campus police and the fire department,” Fisher said. (Kym Snew contributed to this article.)

An address to Congress was made on Oct. 1 about the decline of jobs available for college students. In a press release distributed by U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), many witnesses told the House Education and Labor Committee that falling youth employment is part of a much longer growing trend that needs to be addressed. “The recession has only made a bad situation worse for younger workers. Even in periods of economic stability, fewer young people do not make the transition to the workforce. They face challenges completing high school and obtaining the skills they need to succeed,” Miller said. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, at the end of September 2009, California’s unemployment rate was posted at 12.2 percent, slightly decreased from 12.3 percent in August. Paul Wessen an economist from the Employment Development Department in Sacramento said that the cause of this increase came from the housing bubble that had fueled much of the consumer spending and economic activity in the state which burst in early 2006. Problems in housing magnified over time, spilled over into the financial sector (first with sub-prime mortgage companies) and consumer sector then erupted into a global financial crisis, which forced consumers to cut back sharply on spending, later forcing businesses to stop investing, which plunged the global economy into recession, he said. “There was something of a perfect storm that hit the U.S. and California economies,” Wessen said. “The record high unemployment rates of recent months are showing just how severe and deep the current economic downturn has been.” Today’s increase of unem-

Think of your job search as a fifth course in your schedule. What are your biggest strengths and weaknesses? Practice for your interviews. Network with your friends, teachers, coaches and family. Thrive from rejection. Tell yourself, “I Just wasn’t meant to work there.” Don’t forget your resume!

Illustration By isa ghani/Daily Titan Multimedia Editor

ployment is just a reaction to the corrections being made to balance out the economy. “There really isn’t all that much you can do to change or alter the cycle,” Wessen said. “But what one can try to do is speed up the cycle (via stimulus) or mitigate the pain and hardship of those most in need (via targeted assistance).” “This is the realm of policy, and policy can be inherently controversial,” he said. In the address to Congress, witness Matthew Segal, founder and national co-chair of 80 Million Strong for Young American Jobs Coalition, said that the employment rate among 16 - 24 year-olds has declined by nearly

20 percent over the past decade to its lowest level since World War II. Congress recognized the history youths have faced and included as a part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act an additional $1.2 billion over two years to increase youth job programs. “They tend to be at a disadvantage when entering the workforce and competing for jobs because they lack the skill sets, workplace knowledge and track record that employers seek when hiring workers,” Wessen said when describing the youth. See CAREERS, Page 2

ASEE and AB 540 Task Force unite for Titan Dream Fund By Greg lehman

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

The Alliance of Students for an Equal Education and the Cal State Fullerton AB 540 Task Force hosted author and assistant professor William Perez at the Titan Student Union Pavilion A Monday evening. The night served as a time for the ASEE and the AB 540 Task Force to raise money for the Titan Dream Fund through a silent auction and donations as well as an opportunity for Perez to speak about his book “We Are Americans: Undocumented Students Pursuing the American Dream”. Janet Perez-Molina, an academic adviser at CSUF who coordinated the event, said, “This is our kick-off event to introduce the Titan Dream Fund on campus. The Titan Dream

T D E he D t I o t ISNtaySconanielycteTidtan

Fund is pretty much an account that we established in order to get donations for scholarships for AB 540 students on campus.” Perez-Molina said of the night, “It’s a combination of a couple of items.” Silent auctions for art pieces and gift baskets would bring in money for the Titan Dream Fund. Perez would talk about his book and then the ASEE would present their effort on how they assist undocumented students at CSUF. Dr. Esiquio Uballe, chair of the Task Force, said AB 540 legislation allows people to not pay out-of-state tuition. This includes people who have moved out of state and then returned to their home state wanting to attend school there. He added that a study done by University of California found that 70 percent of AB 540 students are permanent residents. “The majority of AB 540 eligible students are citizens

: S E R U T A E F

and permanent residents,” Uballe said. “There’s only a few who are undocumented.” Uballe said that it was important to remain sensitive to the needs of these undocumented students. “When you talk about these students, some of them who are undocumented, they come here and they become part of a marginalized community. Some of them live in fear of being discovered and that they could easily be deported, or their parents could be deported. “So they live with a lot of apprehension; they live with insecurity, and so those of us who work with students as counselors and administrators, we have to take that into consideration in terms of how we can help these students be successful, realizing what they have to cope with day to day,” Perez said. See AB 540, Page 2

: N O I IN


Photo By Lucio Villa/For the Daily Titan Students line up to get their copy of “We Are Americans” signed by the author, William Perez, at the book signing event put on by ASEE.

: S T R O




CSUF host of NWCA All-Star Classic Nov. 22, Page 8

Student reaction to driving while texting DailyTitan.com/ drivebytexting

Collision survivor’s condition improves By jonathan Montgomery Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Last week, two San Bernardino women were killed in a head-on collision involving Cal State Fullerton student Jessica Shekell, 21. Shekell is currently being treated at the UCI Medical Center and a brief update on her condition has been issued by John Murray, head of media relations at UCI Medical Center. As of Friday Oct. 30, Shekell’s condition has progressed from “fair” to “good,” Murray said. Dr. Gracie-Ann Dinkins, trauma surgeon at Long Beach Memorial Center, said that “good condition” typically means the patient is responding well to interventions and surgical procedures; “stable” is the keyword, which means the patient is responding well and surgery may no longer be considered. At this time, Shekell’s family has not authorized the release of any more information. Sara Miguel was involved in the accident and admitted to UCI Medical Center for major injuries. She was discharged on Friday and is also in good condition, Murray said. Liz Raganold, trauma program director at Long Beach Memorial Medical Center, said head injuries are the most lethal and devastating injuries among head-on collisions. Second, she said, are abdominal and chest trauma. An impact could also drive the steering wheel into the chest, injuring the heart, lungs and ribs, Dinkins added. Raganold said the result of deceleration in a vehicle traveling at a certain speed results in a “deceleration injury;” the abrupt stop of the vehicle sends the energy and molecules of a driver forward, then back, Raganold said. Like Jell-O, the bodily contents and brain move forward and bounce back in a similar motion, Raganold said. “The speed of the vehicles and the position the passenger is in during the impact can greatly affect the outcome,” Dinkins said. “If your legs are stiff, you have a very likely chance of those same legs being driven backwards,” Dinkins said. Victims can even be injured by their own seat belts, she continued. When there is an intense back and forth motion, the seat belt can damage the aorta, as known as the “tree trunk of circulation,” Dinkins said. Motor vehicle accidents are the number one cause of trauma in the U.S. and are very often caused by someone being under the influence, Raganold added. “(For) half of the motor vehicle accidents in LA County, either the patient or the person that caused the accident has drugs or alcohol on board,” Raganold said. Raganold added that educational programs have been implemented into high schools in California to discourage students from driving drunk. Exhaustion is another factor to consider because it makes drivers “less alert, less accurate and quick to respond,” Raganold said. She added that, overall, trauma centers in close proximity to accidents have greatly affected the outcomes of similar accidents. “One good thing about the accident is that (those involved) could be admitted to nearby trauma center,” Raganold said. There are 13 trauma centers in LA County. Raganold said designated trauma centers carry staff with certain expertise and equipment specific for trauma victims.




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Project PATHE discusses human trafficking, Page 5

Wearing dead celebrity costumes, right/wrong? Page 6

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High: 81° Low: 54°



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November 3, 2009

IN OTHER NEWS Careers: youth Karzai declared winner of Afghanistan election

AFGHANISTAN (MCT) – President Hamid Karzai was vested with another five years in office Monday as an Afghan election commission canceled next Saturday’s runoff and declared the incumbent the winner by virtue of the votes he gained in the first-round election in August. The commission’s action came a day after Karzai’s challenger, former Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdullah, announced that he wouldn’t participate in the runoff because of concerns about vote fraud in the second round. “We declare that Mr. Hamid Karzai ... who is the only candidate for the second round of the election of Afghanistan in 2009, we declare (him) as elected president,” said Azizullah Ludin, the chairman of the Independent Election Commission, which is empowered to certify the winner. A few weeks earlier, many Afghans and Westerners here had viewed the second round as a way of producing a more credible winner than the first round, which was marred by widespread vote fraud.


White House asked about illegal immigrants WASHINGTON (MCT) – The Obama administration will enter the politically tricky immigration arena, courtesy of the Supreme Court. On Monday, the court asked the administration for its views in a challenge to an Arizona law that punishes companies for hiring illegal immigrants. “This case involves a question of exceptional national importance: whether state legislatures and municipal governments may override Congress’ judgment concerning United States immigration policy,” attorney Carter Phillips wrote in a legal brief. Phillips noted that “in the first three months of 2009 alone, over 1,000 immigration-related bills and resolutions were introduced, in all 50 states” and “at least 150 of these bills related specifically to employment.” A famed Supreme Court litigator, Phillips represents the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The business group is challenging the Arizona law as part of a coalition of corporate, labor and immigrant groups that range from the American Civil Liberties Union to the Arizona Farm Bureau Federation. The law “reflects rising frustration with the United States Congress’ failure to enact comprehensive immigration reform,” the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said in a ruling that upheld the law.

STATE Two boys attacked while trick or treating SAN JOSE (MCT) – A 12-year-old boy was shot in the head and his 13-year-old friend was stabbed while they were trick or treating in East San Jose on Halloween night. San Jose police believe the attack was committed by members of a street gang. “The motive appears to be gang-related,” Sgt. Ronnie Lopez, a spokesman for the department, said this afternoon. “But there’s nothing to indicate the two victims were members of any gang.” Lopez said the 12-year-old remains in “grave condition” at a local hospital after suffering a gunshot wound to the head. The 13-year-old was sent home after treatment for his wounds, which were not life-threatening. Police declined to identify the victims or release details of the attack because detectives were still looking for leads and suspects. Lopez said police officers rushed to the area of Story Road and Hopkins Drive after receiving a call about a shooting at around 10 p.m.

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face challenges From Page 1

their approach to a career. In a strong and expanding economy, youths are hired more often than not and trained on the job site, acquiring the much needed skills to develop a healthy career. However, in a weak economy, youths are turned away for their lack of knowledge and experience, which is not what many employers are searching for, Wessen added. The few jobs that are available would be then handed to those with the experience and knowledge as opposed to the inexperienced youth. “It’s not just youth; it’s all ages. Because of the current economic times, a lot of employers want people with experience. I see a lot of people g o i n g back to school to sharpen their skills and eventually return to the workplace,” said Shirley Skeggs of the Brea Pridestaff office, a temporary job agency. There are not very many college students looking for work at this location at Pridestaff, Skeggs said. High school students are not entering the job agency at all because they are not legal to start work at many of the job sites that require an employee to be 18 and over. Once companies do see an increase in business, they will see staffing services increase, and the employment rate will start to climb again, she said. At Cal State Fullerton, the Career Center has taken a positive approach to the difficult job market

and responds by advocating their Take Five campaign. The campaign is a suggested plan of action that students should follow if they wish to be successful and find a promising career upon graduation. Jim Case, director of the Career Center, shared some advice recently with CSUF alumni, saying: “While it is likely to take longer to find a new opportunity in the current job market, there is a real danger of becoming discouraged, leading to an ineffective job search or in some cases no search at all. The emerging online professional networking tools can provide a competitive advantage for those who carefully invest a few hours each week to broaden their – Paul Wessen, networks. Be sure Economist to get beyond your needs, and focus on what you can do for a potential employer to improve their product, customer service or customer base.” With the gruesome job market being the way that it is right now, CSUF students can benefit from acquiring the skills they receive from their courses and prepare to put those skills to the test once the baby boomer generation retires and the economy rebounds, Case said. “Youths must be proactive in identifying what career options are available, what skills, knowledge, and training are needed to pursue a chosen career and what job search services are available to launch their career,” Wessen said.

Youths must be proactive in identifying what career options are available, what skills, knowledge, and training are needed to pursue a chosen career.


Halloween brings increased security By Eric Broude

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

San Luis Obispo Police Department was out in full force for Halloween on Saturday, authorities said. Sources told the San Luis Obispo Tribune that Halloween has become a more significant party holiday in recent years and has experienced an upsurge of alcohol-related incidents. Police Chief Deborah Linden said that if there continued to be a significant problem this year, she would consider proposing a “safety enhancement zone” program to the City Council for future Halloweens, similar to the program that exists during Mardi Gras. The zones would institute significantly higher fines for certain violations, such as nudity and public urination, the San Luis Obispo Tribune reported. Sgt. Jeff Booth said that the department was prepared for a much larger party turnout because the holiday fell on a weekend this year. “We had more officers out, and we put them in different areas,” Booth said. “We also did a lot of publicizing to inform the public.” The SLOPD also collaborated with the California Highway Patrol, Cal Poly Police Department and the Union Pacific Railroad Police, a SLOPD press release stated. “We work with them all the time,” Booth said about the Cal Poly PD. According to a press release, the SLOPD made 33 total arrests, 35 alcohol-related citations and 18 noise violation citations between Friday and Saturday. “I think (our enforcement) worked really well,” Booth said.

He added that the extra enforcement helped partiers respect other people’s property and avoid making bad choices. Locally, Fullerton had a much lower incident rate than San Luis Obispo and other party locations, such as Santa Barbara’s infamous Isla Vista. According to the Cal State Fullerton Police Department made only six traffic stops on Halloween night, all of them between the hours of midnight and 3 a.m. All six of the stops resulted in warnings. One report was taken by university police at 6:17 a.m. on Sunday. A black Scion was traveling northbound on Commonwealth Avenue, hit the north curb of Nutwood Avenue, went onto the sidewalk and hit a light pole, Brian Barnes, communications project coordinator, said. There was minimal damage to the university’s light pole. Fullerton has actually seen a decrease in Halloween activity in recent years. There were eight traffic stops during Halloween in 2008 and 12 in 2007, police records stated. There were no additional officers on duty on Halloween night, said Fullerton Police Department Sgt. Steve Williams. FPD Lt. Kevin Hamilton added that there were no checkpoints or saturation patrols either. “Our officers knew to be extra vigilant,” Hamilton said, “and to watch for any suspicious driving.” He added that they made 15 arrests for driving under the influence between Friday and Saturday.

AB 540: ASEE and Task Force unite From Page 1

Perez’s book provides first-hand accounts from undocumented students going from high school all the way up to graduate school. “The book is an attempt to provide the facts,” Perez said, “and to guide the discussion in a more constructive way so that we can get down to do the detail work of drafting and passing legislation and addressing this

sort of civil rights travesty.” One of the facts Perez presents in his book is an economic impact study conducted by Texas. The state was the first to pass legislation to provide in-state tuition and also allowed undocumented students to receive public funding. The state controller’s office conducted a study that showed that for every dollar spent on undocumented students’ edu-

cation, the Texan economy would receive $5 back. “That’s better than Wall Street,” Perez said. “The best Wall Street returns won’t give you a 500 percent rate of return, so it was an easy sell for Texas.” Perez said one of the primary issues was that while the federal government carries out immigration laws, each state is required to educate their residents regardless of legal status. While the federal government has jurisdiction in immigration laws, the state handles education, and frustration occurs when the trade-off cannot benefit the investment made in education. “Well, because the

federal government can’t get their act together and they can’t agree on legislation,” Perez said, “the state is not able to get a return on their investment from educating undocumented students.” Diego Gutierrez an ASEE secretary, said that the primary goal of their group is to provide support to undocumented students. “Support each other and help each other out,” Gutierrez said. Undocumented students have a lot to work through in their day-to-day lives, he said. “It’s a lot of emotional stress that you go through.”

November 3, 2009



Below: Erandi Oropeza, a member of Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (MEChA), prepares an altar honoring deceased activists such as Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King Jr., César Chávez, Che Guevara, Frida Kahlo and Malcolm X in celebration of Dia de los Muertos. Right: Fruits, candles and flowers surround a doll placed on an altar at MEChA’s Day of the Dead event Monday, Nov. 2.

Photos By Beatriz Fernandez/Daily Titan Staff Writer

MEChA celebrates lives of deceased Daily Titan Staff Writer features@dailytitan.com

On most days, death is something to be feared. People usually grieve for the deceased and have a difficult time accepting the loss. Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a time for people to celebrate the lives of those who have passed. On Monday, Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (MEChA) celebrated the holiday in front of the Humanities Building. A student played an acoustic guitar as members of MEChA sang songs specifically for Dia de los Muertos. Two altars were set up with pic-

tures and bread on them, and the smell of burning incense made for a spiritual ambiance. “It’s a very spiritual and ritualistic event that is very different from Halloween,” said history major Andy Olea. People walked by the altars and were attracted by platters of free sweet bread and MEChA members walking around with their faces painted like skulls. The members were more than happy to answer questions that people walking by had about the event and Dia de los Muertos. “We want to bring awareness to the day and explain that today is not a Mexican Halloween. It’s our roots, and we just want to honor the lives of those who have passed. Halloween doesn’t

do that,” Olea The celsaid. ebration dates “We celback over ebrate Dia de 3,000 years los Muertos to with the Azfind the funny tecs worshipside of death,” ing the souls said criminal of those who – Andy Olea, justice major passed. Dia de Isabel Gomez. los Muertos is MEChA member “It’s just celebrated on a big party All Souls Day, that people like to celebrate. It’s not Nov. 2, in respect to the Catholic remeant to be a sad day,” said Erandi ligion. The Spanish invasion brought Oropeza, a criminal justice major. about changes in the way the Aztecs Every year on Nov. 1 and 2 peo- celebrated certain traditions, and ple celebrate the Day of the Dead crosses and prayers were incorporatby visiting deceased loved ones in ed to avoid the Spanish ending such the cemetery. Family members clean traditions. the grave and spend time at the site Nov. 1 is known as Dia de los Inpraying and singing. ocentes, or Day of the Innocent, and

is meant to honor infants and young children who passed away. The next day is Dia de los Muertos which celebrates the life of adults. Many people spend most of Nov. 2 at the cemetery and also set up an altar in their home to honor dead loved ones. “The altar consists of three layers. The top layer represents the sky and usually has a picture of the person. The second layer represents the area between the land of the dead and the living and usually had candles to show the soul of the dead family member to the altar and food. The lower level represents the Earth and usually has favorite foods of the deceased along with water,” Oropeza said. Victoria Ramirez, a Chicana/o studies major, mentioned that every

schino cherry. This treat is for the pumpkin lover with a sweet tooth. The shake tastes like a sweet, blended slice of pumpkin pie. Jamba Juice blends a limited-time smoothie called Pumpkin Smash. Similar to the Jack in the Box shake, the smoothie tastes like a blended slice of pumpkin pie. Though the smoothie is not as sweet. It doesn’t skimp on taste. Think of it as a healthier alternative to the shake. Cold Stone Creamery even gets in on the pumpkin action with their two seasonal concoctions: the Harvest Crunch and the Pumpkin Pie in the Sky. Harvest Crunch is a mixture of pumpkin ice cream with Heath Bar pieces, caramel and walnuts. Pumpkin Pie in the Sky combines pumpkin ice cream with graham cracker pie crust, caramel and whipped cream. For flavored coffee lovers, Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf offers pumpkin-flavored coffee beans in 12-ounce bags. Although Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf does not offer pumpkin-flavored tea, it can easily be found online at Amazon.com or on eBay. The classic, American beverage beer even gets its own autumn make-

over. There are several types of beer that come in pumpkin flavor. Check out the Web site DrinkCraftBeer. com for a pumpkin taste-off to help you decide which pumpkin beer you may like. In the meantime, head over to BJ’s Restaurant for BJ’s Pumpkin Ale. It’s a good beer for both regular and irregular beer drinkers. For the people who love ambiance, Bath & Body Works’ Pumpkin Patch and Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin scents will make it instantly feel like fall in the comfort of your own home. Both scents are available as candles, concentrated room spray and home fragrance oil. Whether it’s bread or beer, their is a cornucopia of ways to get your fill of pumpkin flavor during autumn. Cal State Fullerton students commented on all the pumpkin that has invaded our lives. “I don’t like pumpkin-flavored things because they’re too sweet and don’t taste like pumpkin, but I love pumpkin pie because it’s just sweet enough and awesomely delicious,” said Jonathan Lee, a 20-year-old accounting major and Fullerton resident. “I love the fall season because it

it reminds me of fall and the cozy weather,” said undeclared major Lauren Gurley, an 18-year-old La Habra resident. “I like the pumpkin flavor. It’s a great kick-off to the fall season. It’s sweet but also has a hint of spice. I

We want to bring awareness to the day and explain that today is not Mexican Halloween.

By Beatriz Fernandez

family has a different way of celebrating the Day of the Dead but that the general idea is to show that family members still remember the deceased and welcome their soul into their home. Hermanas Unidas also had an altar he set up to celebrate the lives of women who lost their lives to breast cancer. The altar had pictures of family members who had passed away along with four calaveras, skulls, that represented the four stages of a woman’s life: the young girl, young adult, woman and mature woman. “We just want to let people know that Dia de los Muertos is not only a Mexican tradition; Central and South American countries celebrate it too,” said Christina Diaz, a child development major.

Warm climate dwellers welcome fall with pumpkin flavoring By Summer Rogers

Daily Titan Staff Writer features@dailytitan.com

Here in Southern California, the leaves don’t change color and fall, nor does the temperature drop below 50 degrees, so the question remains, how do Southern Californians know it is autumn? Why, when pumpkin flavoring invades our lattes, smoothies and beers, of course. However, it seems that pumpkin flavoring doesn’t stop at just those anymore; pumpkin is now taking over Hershey’s Kisses, pancakes, muffins, scones, bread, candles, tea and ice cream. Starbucks Coffee is a pumpkin lover’s dream. With the pumpkin spice syrup, any type of beverage can be made – from pumpkin spice lattes (hot or iced) to pumpkin spice steamers (just syrup and milk, no espresso) to pumpkin spice Frappuccinos (made with either coffee or cream). They also offer pumpkin cream cheese muffins, pumpkin scones and pumpkin bread. Jack in the Box offers a seasonal pumpkin pie ice cream shake, topped with whipped cream and a mara-

Photo courtesy Mct During the fall season, many companies and eateries offer pumpkin spice-flavored or scented foods, drinks and other products. Several beer companies have their own seasonal brew with pumpkin flavoring and can be found using DrinkCraftBeer.com.

brings chilly weather and fun flavors like pumpkin. Although, I really only enjoy pumpkin pie because it taste more natural compared to the flavored candies or pumpkin spice lattes. I love the spicy smells that the pumpkin scent brings because

enjoy the pumpkin spice latte, and my favorite pumpkin (flavored item) is the pumpkin loaf,” said Melissa Medrano, a 25-year-old Fullerton resident and returning student applying for the teaching credential program.



November 3, 2009



November 2, 2009

Human trafficking discussed in TSU Project PATHE hosts talk on the capturing and exploitation of children

Project PATHE president Karina it is thriving everywhere. There are Gutierrez co-founded the club a year more slaves today, 27 million, than in any other time ago after learning in history. about human trafA 2004 report ficking in a wom... Slaves are to Congress from en’s studies class. By Nate Hamblen cheaper today than Attorney Gen“Our main For the Daily Titan eral John Ashcroft goal is to spread features@dailytitan.com at any other time in found that an esawareness about history. According to Vintage cars, antique paintings or human trafficking timated 14,500 to the latest item you’re watching on in California and ‘Dreams Die Hard,’ 17,500 people are eBay probably come to mind when the United States, trafficked into the the average cost for a you think of auctions, not children as well as help out U.S. each year. slave today is $90. being sold to the highest bidder. Children as the victims who Cal State Fullerton’s Project have already been young as 6 are PATHE (People Against Trafficking trapped in this taken from their and Human Exploitation) provided situation,” Gutierrez, a 21-year-old homes to be sold in other countries students with information on hu- senior double majoring in psychol- for anything ranging from prostituman sex trafficking and slavery Fri- ogy and political science, said. tion, agricultural work to domestic day night in Titan Theatre. Slavery is not legal anywhere, but service. Project PATHE members began the event Friday night with a short play showing one of the many ways children are tricked into leaving their families. Often, children are persuaded into leaving their homes and families with promises of a good job and a better life, but this is hardly the case. They are taken captive and sometimes lined up shoulder-to-shoulder and auctioned off to the highest bidder. The seminar also featured two films, “Children of the Night” and “Dreams Die Hard.” Both films showed how prevalent and widePhoto courtesy mct spread human trafficking is today. Danh Thi Anh, 20, sorts plastic bags to sell to recyclers at a garbage dump on the outskirts of One of the reasons huRach Gia City in Vietnam. Anh was one of the seven girls rescued from a sex trafficking scam in December 2008, after she accepted a phony job offer to work in a cafe in Ho Chi Minh City. man trafficking is able to

HPV vaccine now offered to males from ages 9 to 26

photo courtesy mct Truong Thi Nhi Linh, 17, collects plastic bags from fresh garbage to sell to recyclers, at a garbage dump on the outskirts of Rach Gia City in Kien Giang Province, Vietnam. She earns the equivalent of $1.75 for a full day’s work. She had accepted a fake job offer to work in Ho Chi Minh City and found herself in a sex trafficking ring which she was rescued from in December 2008.

thrive is that slaves are cheaper today than at any other time in history. According to “Dreams Die Hard,” the average cost of a slave today is $90. The majority of the children being trafficked are illiterate, making it easy to trick them into leaving. Their captors will threaten them using coercive physical and mental control, breaking them down to the point where they are too petrified to run. The children are beaten and captors will often threaten to kill their families if they do not do as they are told.

Muzzamil Ayaz, 21, joined Project PATHE because he thought more people needed to be aware of the growing problem. “Many people actually don’t know that there is a problem, and it is here in the United States and all over the world,” the junior economics major said. The seminar ended with members from groups who are trying to fight the human trafficking problem answering questions and giving their perspective on the issue. Jessica Anderson, a 21-year-old history major, came to the seminar

to learn more about human trafficking and to see what was being done in the community to combat the problem. When asked if she planned on doing anything to help spread the word she said, “Yes, I am going to try and volunteer for one of the local organizations and do whatever I can help stop this horrible problem.” Other students who wish to help fight human trafficking in both their local community and the world are encouraged to join Project PATHE. The club meets every Monday from noon to 1 p.m. in the Titan Student Union’s Stearns conference room.

By Lauren Felechner

Daily Titan Staff Writer features@dailytitan.com

PHOTO COURTESY MCT The Food and Drug Administration announced that males can now receive GARDASIL, the Human Papillomavirus vaccine, in mid-October.

aware of it unless they are affected by genital warts. Even then, there are no long-term effects of HPV for them, Hermann said. Women infected with genital warts carry the risk of it turning into cervical cancer. “Some people think ‘this isn’t going to happen to me,’” Hermann said, “and we don’t have women rushing to the Health Center to get this vaccine and protect themselves, so how are we going to expect men to do the same?” Psychology major Megan Forte, 22, agreed with Hermann. “I didn’t even know there was a vaccine available for guys. I think that if more people knew about it, and knew

the reasons for getting it, then a vast amount of more guys and girls would be getting the vaccine,” Forte said. Forte, who is single and dating, believes this vaccine is something that she would bring up with future boyfriends. She has not received the HPV vaccine, but is not opposed to it either. “I think the majority of young men in their late teens and early twenties have other things on their mind than getting a shot that’s going to possibly prevent cancer from their potential partners ... I think that guys that are in committed relationships would be more than willing to get it,” Forte said. History major Dustin Fisher, 28, is in a monogamous relationship and agreed with Forte on her standpoint with men who are in committed relationships. “First off, one of my biggest fears is catching an STD, so I protect myself. And I see this shot as just another way to do that – to protect me and my girlfriend,” Fisher said. “But she has to get it too then.” The vaccine is a set of three injections over a six-month period, Hermann said. It is offered at $130 per injection at the Health Center, which could be pricey for most students, which is is why they are also encouraged to look into their personal health insurance if interested in the vaccine. Due to the cost, Hermann has noticed that people who begin the immunization process don’t often finish it. “I think it takes a real man to realize it can only benefit them in their future to actually go get it. But hey if you want a bump on your junk, then so be it,” Fisher said. Hermann believes the decision whether or not to receive the injections is a controversial issue amongst the age group it is directed toward. “This is definitely a protective shield for women for the men to get this vaccine,” Hermann said. Although the vaccines may be running a bit high cost-wise, there is no price for the possibility of jeopardizing our future health and future relationships.

Screen capture By shruti patel/Daily Titan Photo Editor MyPsychoEx.net allows people to post their own stories of relationships gone wrong in the same vein as FML.com and TextsFromLastNight.com.

Student’s Web site collects ‘psycho’ stories of past significant others Open forum lets people open up about their love gone awry By Nicole Park

Daily Titan Staff Writer features@dailytitan.com

Everyone has an interesting story about at least one ex-girlfriend/ boyfriend said Todd Favela. “That’s what make exes fun.” Favela, a 21-year-old illustration major at Cal State Fullerton, along with Amanie Al-Faris, Kyle Cannon and Ryan Magallanes, launched a new Web site featuring stories – funny and freaky – about ex-significant others. Co-creator Al-Faris, 22, explained the Web site as a lovegone-wrong version of FML.com or TextsFromLastNight.com. Users generate the content by telling their best, or worst, stories of love gone awry for the Web site and reader’s amusement. “It’s more of a forum where people can read stories about other people’s psycho exes and get a laugh out of it,” Al-Faris said. However, despite being funny, Favela did say that some of the psycho exes can indeed seem psychotic. “We’ve had so many. There was one guy with a micro-penis that held a woman captive with an ax. I know the person who told

the story personally, so it was just the Web site’s operations. shocking,” Favela said. “Amanie brought me on board The Web site is new. The four because I’m a viral Web site and friends found themselves discuss- marketing geek,” Favela said. ing ideas for a Web site over lunch “Ryan really grounded us in saying when Favela brought up the idea that exes would be the best idea to of having a “psycho ex” section. run with. Kyle does the coding and Because of all the excitement it did so for the entire summer.” stirred within the group, the foThe Web site is funded only cus was turned solely to psycho by the four students, but they are exes and MyPsylooking to choEx.net was become large born almost two enough to months ago. gain adverThe open fotisement revrum Web site enue. has generated “As far as approximately advertising, 40 posts and is we’ve been still trying to – Todd Favela, posting in reach out to a forums and Web site creator larger audience. spreading the “I haven’t site through heard of it until now, but it sounds word of mouth. Just recently I’ve like a great concept,” said Bri Ken- been doing some press to promote drick, a 23-year-old Fullerton the site so we can get even betresident and student at Cal State ter stories to share with people,” Northridge. Favela said. Favela realizes that the site is There are other plans for the still new and will eventually garner future of the Web site including more attention was a college-aged the implementation of an iPhone demographic given time. application, a Twitter account and “The site just went up ... We’re links to other Web sites. babies to the Internet world hopFavela said there are also many ing to grow up quick. We were in unpublished stories that have beta stage the entire summer. It failed to be taken seriously. “I was just recently that we decided think the only problem we might to launch it because of school face is credibility. That will be hard starting up,” Favela said. to sort out since some things just He explained the structure of aren’t believable.”

There was one guy with a micropenis that held a woman captive with an ax.

We have all seen the commercials for GARDASIL, the vaccine for Human Papillomavirus (HPV) for girls and women. However, with the recent Food and Drug Administration approval of the vaccine for guys, maybe we will be seeing boys and men in those commercials as well. The vaccine was approved for the use in boys and men ages 9 to 26 on Oct. 16 by the FDA for the prevention of genital warts in males. Warts can be caused by HPV types 6 and 11 which cause about 90 percent of genital warts cases, according to MERCK. com, the vaccine also protects against types 16 and 18. Mary Hermann, director of Health Education at CSUF, said the Health Center has been offering GARDASIL to female students for some time now. With the recent approval of the vaccination for men, appointments may become available to male students as well. “It’s the same exact vaccine for both men and women,” Hermann said. “It immunizes (against) the four strains of HPV which are all linked to cervical cancer and two for genital warts.” Men can carry HPV without being



November 3, 2009

Porsche buyout will drive away customers By Damon Lowney

Daily Titan Asst. News Editor opinion@dailytitan.com

Is it distasteful for people to dress up as recently-deceased celebrities for Halloween?

By Greg Lehman

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

Halloween has its roots in a few different places. Some believed that dressing up as spirits would protect them from the restless souls that wandered the night. Today we dress up in costumes and go out and try to have the best time we can on the one night it is excusable to be skanky, scary and, at times, even offensive. Unless you’re just waking up from a six-month coma to read this, you might have noticed that a lot of celebrities have been dying lately. According to the laws of probability, these things are bound to happen; good and bad things occur in clusters and occasionally those clusters can get pretty big. Walter Cronkite, Patrick Swayze, John Updike and Farrah Fawcett, among others, will all be missed. The families of these people suffer the most, and we as the public look on and might be reminded of our own mortality. Then comes Halloween. Party invitations stream in, and we wonder what we are going to be this year. Do we risk offense

and put on our Billy Mays beards and hit the town? Mays’ own son set up a contest this year where the best Mays lookalike would win various Maysrelated prizes, including a tub of OxiClean. Is it all right to poke fun at the dead? We can go too far. A picture sprang up online last year of a young man wearing a Virginia Tech T-shirt riddled with bloody bullet holes. Whenever someone gets offended by something said in jest, we should ask ourselves who we are offending, what is at risk if we continue offending them and why we are doing it ourselves. Is dressing up like a dead celebrity wrong? In some ways, it can be disrespectful. Yet the basis of most humor is a put-down of some kind, an offense at someone else’s expense. Halloween, in many ways, is a way to laugh at death, the night to make a joke out of death and have a blast while doing it. Different people have different definitions of what they find appropriate or tasteful, and of course, these boundaries are going to be pushed and even violated at times. With so much fertile material with over a dozen well-known celebrities recently passing, can we really put a limit on people dressing up as the King of Pop? Would we ever be able to have fun if we always kept ourselves from laughing? I do not think so, and I think we have to run the risk of getting offended if we truly want everyone to have an opportunity to celebrate as they see fit.

By Brittny Ulate

Daily Titan Detour Editor opinion@dailytitan.com

Wearing costumes of recentlydeceased celebrities is usually a safe bet for getting a good laugh, but if you stop to think about it, it isn’t worth it. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but when that person is recently deceased, it becomes less an act of flattery and more an act of mockery. It’s in good taste in general to keep jokes about dead celebrities to a minimum right after they pass away. The same code of conduct should be upheld when choosing what you’re going to parade about town in on Halloween. Not all of the costumes of dead celebrities were in bad taste this year. Michael Jackson definitely lives on thanks, in part, to his many admirers who thrilled the night away as the King of Pop. These were cases of flattery and sincere appreciation for a man who revolutionized pop music. Billy Mays on the other hand, not so much. What was the purpose of dressing up as the semicelebrity salesman? If he wasn’t dead, nobody would have dressed up as him, so the fact that people

did it now seems like a sign of disrespect. According to a People.com article, Mays’ son, Billy Mays III is fine with people dressing up as his father for Halloween. He even held a contest to find the best look-alikes of his father. But just because the son endorses the imitators doesn’t make it right. He knew the costumes would be inevitable, even if he didn’t like people dressing up as his father, people would still do it. So instead of getting upset about it, he decided to embrace it. Celebrities as costumes isn’t a bad idea. I’m all for seeing the Lucille Balls, Elvis Presleys and Marilyn Monroes strut their stuff on the streets. It crosses the line when these celebrities have passed away recently and the only reason they are costume ideas is because of their death. By dressing as Mays, we sensationalize his death and bring more attention to the fact that he’s gone, something I’m sure his family doesn’t need to be reminded of. I was surprised this year when I didn’t run into someone dressed as David Carradine, especially the postmortem version. The unusual circumstances surrounding his death would have made it prime material for ridicule, which I would not put past people to try. The line should be drawn when it comes to the recently departed. These people are no longer around to defend themselves, and even if ridicule doesn’t hurt them anymore, it might affect their family. It’s something to take into consideration before gluing on that fake beard and walking around with a tub of OxiClean.

What does Porsche have in common with Audi, Bentley, Bugatti and Lamborghini? Volkswagen owns them all. Known for its famous 911 sports car and a lenghty history in motor sports, Porsche received a financial blow because of the recession just as it was about to take ownership of Volkswagen. But the plan backfired, and the company is now Volkswagen’s bitch. For Bentley, Bugatti and Lamborghini, Volkswagen ownership has been a dream come true. The German automaker has improved its subsidiary brands’ quality and increased their sales immensely since they were acquired in 1998 (this doesn’t include Audi, which was acquired in 1964 when it was called Auto Union), this was done in part by sharing parts between companies to save costs. If you ever wondered why you might spot the occasional Volkswagen part in a Bugatti Veyron or see a Lamborghini Gallardo V10 in an Audi S6, part-sharing is to blame. The Audi R8 is, in essence, a Lamborghini Gallardo. If Volkswagen used Porsche parts and technology in its subsidiaries, it would be sacrilege to the sports car maker. It shouldn’t be done. Porsche will lose a large chunk of enthusiasts loyal to the company if Volkswagen decides to share the 911 platform with other cars. An article on MotorTrend. com only confirmed my fears that Volkswagen might ignore Porsche’s most loyal fans. New Porsche CEO Michael Macht said in the article that Porsche’s Panamera and 911 platforms may be shared with other Volkswagen Group brands. Plenty of people have reached

the same conclusion in their comments posted after the Motor Trend magazine article. Here are a few: “If you don’t want to ruin Porsche, don’t share the 911 chassis,” said one comment. “I hope the CEO of Porsche will have the gonads to stand up for the 911,” said another. “I feel that the 911 should be exclusive to Porsche. If you make a ‘cheap’ variant, it just won’t be the same.” Imagine the identity crisis that Porsche owners would go through if their $70,000 sports cars were basically identical to a Beetle. Many people buy Porsches because of the image that comes along with it. If someone rolls up to the stoplight in a new Porsche, you know they carry a heavy wallet. Porsche owners do not want to associate their cars with everyday car owners. And there is proof that if you mess with Porsche’s formula, people will turn away from the brand. When the 996 generation 911 came out in the 1990s, people declared that it wasn’t a real Porsche because the traditional air-cooled flat-six engine was replaced by a water-cooled variant. If Volkswagen thinks it can get away with sharing the 911 platform, it better think again. Even earlier, the front-engine water-cooled 944 and 928 were met with skepticism, not just because they were water-cooled, but because of their front-engine configuration. It ended up being a success but is most likely a reason the company hasn’t revisited a front-engine configuration since. As long as Porsche maintains a good amount of independence from Volkswagen, it will make it through this transitional period unscathed and thrive with Volkswagen’s vast funds and resources.


November 3, 2009

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The Walk-Off

By Brian Whitehead

Daily Titan Sports Columnist sports@dailytitan.com

Clint Eastwood. Joe Namath. Brooke Shields. The LeBron James Era. The commonality between the four? They were all born on May 31. Eastwood, 1930. Namath, 1943. Shields, 1965. James’ Era, 2007. It was an innocent Thursday night, with the NBA playoffs winding down and the San Antonio Spurs sitting comfortably at home waiting for a Finals opponent. The

November 3, 2009

The LeBron James era is among us, and when it is all said and done, a new man may be called the greatest basketball player in history.

top-seeded Detroit Pistons hosted the Cleveland Cavaliers in Game 5 of the Eastern Conference Finals: Chauncey Billups, Rip Hamilton and Rasheed Wallace vs. LeBron James, and uh, well, LeBron James. (If you look up the definition of “one-man team” in the dictionary, you’ll find the following: my high school basketball team, every fantasy football team that had DeAngelo Williams last year, Vince Young’s 2005 Texas National Championship team and James’ 06-07 Cleveland squad. Remarkably, the hometown, fourth-year phenomenon had the city of Cleveland two wins away from a shot at their first championship since 1964.) I still remember that night. Vividly. My friend and I sat in his room, watching the game like any other: first quarter, second quarter, third quarter. Then, in the blink of an eye, it happened. Remember at the end of “Training Day” when the Russians bumrushed Denzel’s 1979 Chevy Monte Carlo

photo courtesy mct Cleveland Cavaliers’ LeBron James is pumped up during Game 5 of the NBA Eastern Conference finals against the Orlando Magic in Cleveland, Ohio, on May 28.

and unloaded approximately 18,504 rounds of ammunition into the car, then fired another 500 more into Denzel’s helpless body just for good measure? Well, the final 22 minutes of Game 5 went something like that, with LeBron assuming the role of the Russians. Throughout the fourth quarter and two overtimes, LeBron proceeded to have the most memorable, physically dominating, awe-inspiring and entertaining scoring outburst of his career. To summarize, he scored a career playoff-high of 48 points, 29 of Cleveland’s final 30, and the final 25 Cavalier points. Amazing. What can you possibly say? This wasn’t an Amateur Athletic Union, 24-Hour Fitness, intramural light-hearted basketball game. This was an Eastern Conference Finals game in a hostile environment. Amazing. After the 109-107 Cleveland victory, my friend and I just sat there, staring at the screen, trying to make sense of what had just happened. Why didn’t they just go ahead and put all five players on him? Was Flip Saunders coaching this game drunk? You think they’re gonna fire him now or after the press conference? It was unbelievable. The LeBron James Era had officially begun, and we couldn’t have been more excited. And here we are. Two and a half years removed from May 31, 2007, still excited about the potential of this seemingly ceiling-less LeBron James Era. When LeBron entered the league in 2003, the news coverage was nothing short of suffocating. The man couldn’t fart without it being front-page news. Everything he did was analyzed like a federal subpoena, from his $80,000 Hummer (a gift from his mother) to his $90 million Nike contract (a gift from the heavens), no intricacy of his life was undisclosed. The 18-year-old phenom hadn’t played a professional game yet, and he was already being dubbed “The Next Michael Jordan.” During this time, the NBA was desperate for an era-defining face. The Kobe/MJ comparisons never stuck (mainly because Kobe was so

adamant about being the “First Kobe Bryant” and not the “Next Michael Jordan”). Tim Duncan never boasted a “Look At Me” attitude; Kevin Garnett and Allen Iverson never won anything; Shaq’s position stamped him as an “effective but not quite exciting” player; Tracy McGrady wasn’t doing anything people hadn’t seen before; and Steve Nash was still a year away from his back-to-back MVP seasons. Thus, the NBA was banking on this St. Vincent-St. Mary prodigy to give us, the younger generation, our Jordan. And honestly, he hasn’t disappointed. At all. His six-year resumé looks something like this: Rookie of the Year (2004), three All-NBA first teams, two All-NBA second teams, five AllStar selections, two NBA All-Star game MVPs, one All-Defensive team selection, the 2008 scoring champion, the 2009 MVP, and a spot on the Mount Rushmore of one name athletes. Yowzers. The only accolade eluding LeBron? The most important of them all: an NBA Championship. I predicted two things about LeBron a couple years into his career: 1. He was going to average a tripledouble over the course of a season. 2. He was going to be the best NBA player in history. Yep, history. Will you mock me for thinking that? Of course. Will you completely disregard my opinion now? Absolutely. But am I that far off? I don’t think so. Obviously, James needs to win at least a handful of championships before he can even be mentioned in the same breath as His Airness, but just give the man some time. Greatness isn’t achieved overnight. You think

photo courtesy mct Cleveland Cavaliers’ LeBron James drives to the basket between Charlotte Bobcats’ Stephen Graham and Raja Bell during a preseason game on Oct. 6, in Cleveland, Ohio.

Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel in 24 hours? Michael Jordan won his first NBA Championship in his seventh year, LeBron is going to win his first soon enough. Jordan’s first MVP award came in his fourth year, LeBron’s first came in his sixth. Jordan’s championship teammates included Scottie Pippen, Steve Kerr, Hor-

ace Grant, Dennis Rodman, Luc Longley and Tony Kukoc. LeBron’s teammates have been a collection of stiffs including someone nicknamed “Boobie.” I’m not saying LeBron James is Michael Jordan; I’m not. I’m simply saying LeBron is getting dangerously close to Jordan territory. Quickly.

20-Man field for NWCA All-Star Classic at Titan Gym announced Titans John Drake and Adin Duenas will take on CSU Bakersfield wrestlers in featured bouts A rematch of the 2009 NCAA Championship bout at 197 pounds between champion Jake Varner of Iowa State and runner-up Craig Brester of Nebraska highlights the list of matches to be held at the 44th NWCA All-Star Classic presented by the Wrestling Alumni – College of William & Mary on Nov. 22 at Cal State Fullerton’s Titan Gym. The field of 20 nationally-ranked wrestlers (all in the top seven) plus six highly-regarded competitors from local schools was announced Nov. 2. The Titans, who are also hosting, will be represented by Adin Duenas and John Drake. Duenas will face Elijah Nacita of Cal State Bakersfield in a featured 141-pound bout, while Drake will face Riley Orozco of CSUB at 197. The Wrestling Alumni – College of William & Mary are sponsoring the event which supports collegiate wrestling at every level. Many programs are threatened with extinction, including Fullerton’s. William & Mary had its first and only All-Star Classic participant in 1975 but continues to pledge its support. Notably joining the ranks in 2009 with their first ever NWCA All-Star participants are Kyle Borschoff (149) of American University, Andrew Rendos (165) of Bucknell and Josh Patterson (184) of Binghamton. These three programs are no strangers to adversity. Bucknell and Binghamton were both dropped but later reinstated due to the diligence of alumni, and American’s program was evaluated with the potential to be eliminated. Over the past few years these three programs have been on the rise with National Champions, All-Americans, All-Academic Team members and more importantly support behind their programs. In the numbers game, Oklahoma State has had the most participants in the history of the event with a total of 81. Iowa comes in closely behind with 74, while Iowa State has had 69. Matt Moley of Bloomsburg will join other Huskies of the past as the seventh Bloomsburg wrestler to compete in the event, the last being Dave Morgan in 1989. Chris Henrich will be the third

photo courtesy mattbrownphoto.com Senior John Drake looks to make a move on his opponent during a match last season. Drake will be featured in a 197 lbs. bout on Nov. 22 at Titan Gym.

University of Virginia wrestler in the event. He is preceded by his current coaches, Steve Garland (2000) and Scott Moore (2004). Joining Varner as returning National Champions this year are Nebraska’s Jordan Burroughs (157) and Missouri’s Mark Ellis (285). From past experiences, Kirk Hankla, a wrestling alumnus from Wil-

liam & Mary knows that, “It is much harder to start or restart a wrestling program than to save one that is still in existence. When wrestling was dropped at William & Mary, a knife of sorts was driven into the cores of our souls; it twists each time another wrestling program is dropped.” Story courtesy titan media relations

2009 NWCA All-Star Classic Competitors 125: Anthony Robles (Arizona State) vs. Zach Sanders (Minnesota) 133: Steve Bell (Maryland) vs. Daniel Dennis (Iowa) 141: Nick Gallick (Iowa State) vs. Alex Krom (Maryland) 149: Lance Palmer (Ohio State) vs. Kyle Borshoff (American) 157: Jordan Burroughs (Nebraska) vs. Matt Moley (Bloomsburg) 165: Jonathan Reader (Iowa State) vs. Andrew Rendos (Bucknell) 174: Chris Henrich (Virginia) vs. Stephen Dwyer (Nebraska) 184: Max Askren (Missouri) vs. Josh Patterson (Binghamton) 197: Jake Varner (Iowa State) vs. Craig Brester (Nebraska) 285: Mark Ellis (Missouri) vs. David Zabriskie (Iowa State)

Featured Bouts: 141: Adin Duenas (CSUF) vs. Elijah Nacita (CSUB) 184: Zach Giesen (Stanford) vs. Enoch Francois (Cal Baptist University) 197: John Drake (CSUF) vs. Riley Orozco (CSUB)

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