Monday September 10, 2018

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Monday September 10, 2018

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

Obama rallies Democrats in OC

Volume 104 Issue 3

Dan Black Hall evacuated

Authorities were dispatched after student reported a chemical smell. BRIGGETTA PIERROT Editor-in-Chief CAITLIN BARTUSICK Managing Editor


(Left to right) T.J Cox, Gil Cisneros, Barack Obama, Katie Porter and Harley Rouda at Anaheim Convention Center.

Former President Barack shows support of congressional candidates. CAITLIN BARTUSICK Managing Editor

Former President Barack Obama spoke at a rally Saturday in the Anaheim Convention Center to voice support for seven Democratic congressional candidates running for office in Orange County districts for the upcoming November elections. “If we don’t step up, things can get worse,” Obama said to an invitation-only crowd of 900 Democratic activists. “In two months, we have the chance to restore some sanity to our politics. We have the chance to flip the House of

Representatives and make sure there are real checks and balances in Washington.” The speech came one day after Obama made critical remarks at the University of Illinois about President Donald Trump and other Republican members of Congress for the first time since leaving office. In his Friday speech, Obama called Trump a “symptom, not the cause” of a widening divide among Americans. No mention of Trump was made at the Anaheim rally. In Orange County, a traditionally GOPheld district, Democrats are gearing up in their efforts to help flip at least 24 of the 435-seat House of Representatives. Battleground races will be held in the 39th, 45th, 48th and 49th districts where Democratic candidates are now attempting to win over Republican-held districts that were won by Democratic presidential

nominee Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. Orange County Republicans make up 36 percent of registered voters while Democrats follow closely behind at 34 percent, according to the county’s Registrar of Voters database. Those who label themselves with no party preference constitute 26 percent of registered voters. In the 39th District, Gil Cisneros (D-Fullerton) and Young Kim (R-Fullerton) will be competing to fill Ed Royce’s (R-Fullerton) seat, who announced in January that he will not be running again for re-election.



A 24-year-old male student at Cal State Fullerton was sent to St. Jude Medical Center for evaluation Saturday after notifying University Police at around 1 p.m. about a chemical smell released from an experiment he had been working on in the Dan Black Hall building. The student was immediately released with no reported injuries, said University Police Capt. Scot Willey. First responders helped evacuate about 50 people from the building, including students, faculty and staff. Two of the professors who evacuated said they saw flashing lights, but heard no alarms. A work order was sent to Facilities Operation to look into possible issues concerning the alarm system. “We were in the building for several minutes after the fire alarm went off because we thought they might just be testing the lights. There was no alarm sound, there was just the light,” said Danielle Zacherl, a biology professor, who said she and her students evacuated around 1:20 p.m. “Typically you would hear a sound with the fire alarm.” The alarms on campus are all handled by an outside company called Simplex, Willey said. The company tests all campus alarm systems once or twice a year and the alarms are managed by Facilities Operations. “I was in there since 10:30 a.m. and I’d been working on my talk in my office,” said Zhuangjie Li, a chemistry professor in the building. SEE HAZARD


UPD Sgt. Convocation promotes CSUF pride pleads guilty Thomas Higgs, a former officer, admitted to driving under the influence on campus grounds. DIANE ORTIZ & HOSAM ELATTAR News Editors

A former University Police sergeant pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor counts: driving under the influence of alcohol and having a blood alcohol content of 0.09 percent, which is 0.01 percent over the legal limit. Thomas Henry Higgs, 59, originally faced the maximum sentence of six months in county jail. However, he was officially sentenced with three years of informal probation and a three-month alcohol program after pleading guilty on Aug. 28. At approximately 8 p.m. on May 7, Higgs showed signs of intoxication during a Cal State Fullerton University Police briefing, according to the Orange County District Attorney’s press release. After the briefing, officers on shift notified their command staff that Higgs showed signs of intoxication. University Police Capt. Scot Willey was one of the three captains brought in to investigate the matter, along with Chief Raymund Aguirre. Higgs was on patrol in a police car when he was called to meet the command staff. The officers “noticed possible alcohol on his breath” and proceeded to take his car and get him back to the station. Higgs went through a series of field sobriety tests, Willey said. He was arrested and released that night, immediately being placed on administrative leave. The following day, Higgs retired. His arrest was not confirmed to be the reason, but Willey said Higgs was close to retirement before the incident had occurred. Willey described finding his fellow officer under these conditions as heartbreaking, but said the officers proceeded as they would with all other DUI cases. SEE DUI




This year’s convocation aimed to focus on welcoming students. In the past, the event was more faculty and staff-oriented.

President Virjee welcomes new students, staff and faculty at annual convocation. BROOK FARIEN Staff Writer

President Framroze Virjee’s surprise rap video featuring Mihalyo College graduate, Rachel Herzog, received a standing ovation at the annual convocation. “First of all, I know how to make a fool of myself and second, I just demonstrated

to the entire campus that I can rap,” Virjee said. The 2018 University Convocation was held Thursday Sept. 6 in the Titan Gym to welcome new students, staff, and faculty motivating them for the new year, according to the Cal State Fullerton website. “When grads leave us, we fill arenas, number one in graduating women and Latinas,” Virjee rapped. He later tweeted the video to actor Ken Jeong who tweeted back saying, “I loved your video, sir. Dope mic skills.” Virjee went on to say students should

embrace each individual school experience. He challenged students to want more every day and to aspire to inspire, repeating “Titans reach higher” throughout his speech. “The whole point is be present, be active and above all else, be Titans,” Virjee said. Josh Borjas, Associated Students’ president, told his own story as a first-generation student and his struggle to embrace his role as a Titan. SEE TITANS



2 News


Elections: Former President in Anaheim CONTINUED FROM 1


Obama bids fans farewell as he exits the rally on Saturday.

Donovan Rinker-Morris, a volunteer with the Cisneros campaign, who attended the Anaheim rally, said there’s a lot at stake with this upcoming election and it’s important that people in the community are working together to “fix” the country. “The campaign is close. It’s a district that has always been in Republican hands and there’s a strong republican machine behind it,” Rinker-Morris said. “But we have a large crowd of people who never participated in politics before who are coming from all sorts of corners. I’m one of them.” Besides Cisneros, other congressional candidates Obama campaigned for at the rally included: Josh Harder, T.J Cox,

Katie Hill, Katie Porter, Harley Rouda and Mike Levin. Outside the convention center, counter-protests occurred with two people shouting Bible verses at the lined-up crowd waiting to get into the rally, who in turn responded with campaign chants of “Take it Back!” Another person, Drew, walked around after the convention wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat. Drew, who would not give his last name for fear of retaliation by antifa, carried a sign that read “Trump. More winning for the world. Vote red wave.” “I’m an Independent. I’m not a Republican or a Democrat, so both parties have to work for my vote,” Drew said. “Trump stepped up and went and solved

a problem that Bush, Hillary and Obama couldn’t solve.” In his speech, Obama said he wants to reach out to those who aren’t just “true blue die-hard Democrats.” He emphasized the need for people to organize around issues affecting their community and the nation as a whole and called on constituents to engage in the democratic process by casting a ballot in the November vote. “The biggest threat to our democracy ... is not one individual, it is not one big super PAC billionaire,” Obama said. “It is apathy, it is indifference, it is us not doing what we are supposed to do.” Briggetta Pierrot contributed to this report.

Hazard: Hazmat teams respond to call CONTINUED FROM 1

He also said he was not aware of the evacuation because of not hearing an alarm. “Nothing happened, and I knew nothing until I walked out about two minutes ago.” The student was in room 143 of the building conducting a weeklong experiment involving yeast and milk. After observing that the mixture had turned black, the student placed the experiment into an autoclave, said Kathy Schaefer, Fullerton fire marshall and division chief of administration. An autoclave is a machine used to sterilize harmful bacteria using high temperatures and pressure. “Once it was in the autoclave, he opened it up and smelled some chlorine and then evacuated right after that,” Schaefer said. Exposure to a high concentration of chlorine gas can pose certain health risks, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The student did not experience dizziness or shortness of breath on scene and could not


Firefighter stands with chemistry professor Zhuangjie Li after evacuation.

remember if he shut the autoclave upon evacuating, Schaefer said. A hazmat team proceeded to take samples from the incident’s location, Schaefer said. One other individual was evaluated by responders on scene but

signed a release form and was not transported to St. Jude Medical Center, Schaefer said. Fire battalions and hazmat teams from Anaheim, Fullerton, Huntington Beach and Orange County Fire Authorities

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Fire authorities closed off sections of campus after responding to call.

responded to the call. All of the county’s response teams get dispatched whenever there is an incident involving chemicals in Dan Black Hall because of the number of chemicals located within the building,

Willey said. Dan Black Hall was cleared by Huntington Beach and Anaheim hazmat teams as well as campus Environmental Health and Safety at around 4 p.m. that same day.

DUI: Officer Sentenced

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FOR THE RECORD It is Daily Titan policy to correct factual errors printed in the publication. Corrections will be published on the subsequent issue after an error is discovered and will appear on page 2. Errors on the Opinion page will be corrected on that page. Corrections will also be made to the online version of the article. Please contact Editor-in-Chief Briggetta Pierrot at (657) 278-5815 or at to report any errors.

© Copyright Daily Titan 2018 All Rights Reserved The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, Inc. College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSU. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @THEDAILYTITAN


Officer Matt Bauer (left), with Sgt. Thomas Henry Higgs (right). CONTINUED FROM 1 “On a personal level it was brutal, on a professional level we just had to do the right thing,” Willey said. “We’re police officers and the public has an expectation of us. We agree with that and we have to be held to a higher standard. We stood by that and did the ethical thing.” The department takes drunk driving very seriously with 16 DUI arrests so far this year, Willey said. “We pride ourselves in the DUI arrests we get here every year,” he said. “We have officers that are recognized by Mothers Against Drunk Driving every year for their service and for being able to do as many DUI

arrests as we do.” Higgs worked at the CSUF police department for over 20 years. He was promoted to sergeant in 1999 after serving as a public safety officer on campus for over eight years. Willey said he has known Higgs his entire career and described Higgs as a “very great guy that made a poor decision.” “I hope the public understands we handled this as professionally and appropriately as anybody would. It wasn’t a professional courtesy type of a situation. This was something that was brutal but needed to be handled appropriately. We believe we did that,” Willey said.


News 3


Associated Students to hold town hall meeting

Titans are encouraged to attend public forums.


The first official Associated Students’ town hall meeting will be held on Nov. 1 at 1 p.m. at the Titan Student Union Grand Staircase, bringing a new method of engagement between the campus community and its student government. The forum will be led by Associated Students’ leaders including the president, vice president, the respective chairs of board of directors and board of trustees, and other lead members of the student government. Associated Students President and CEO Josh Borjas and Vice President Ana Aldazabal said they intend to promote collaborative communication between students by encouraging discussion about campus issues and hope to interact with the individuals affected by their decisions. “We don’t want students to see us as intimidating figures, and not just us, the board chairs and all of our other executives. We want to make sure there is an open line of communication,” Aldazabal said. The town hall meetings was an idea Borjas and Aldazabal came up with as a way of following through on promises made by their campaign to increase

collaboration, engagement and development within Associated Students and the Cal State Fullerton community. The representatives said they want the town halls to be made up predominantly of students to keep the conversations as open as possible. “We want to minimize (the presence of) university staff and staff within ASI (at this event),” Borjas said. “We know that students can perceive and communicate differently with those people present, so we want to have this with mostly students.” The executive team is working on finding ways where students can ask their questions a week in advance, to encourage the engagement with the town hall and to have backup questions if students do not ask any at the meeting, Aldazabal said. Tristan Torres, board of directors chair, leads the board of director meetings ,and is responsible for acting as the liaison between the board, campus administration and students. He said he hopes the town hall will encourage other leaders on campus to become involved with campus government conversations. “I would like to see a lot of involvement, especially from organizations on campus to come out,” Torres said. “Those are our student leaders that aren’t necessarily in traditional student government but do a lot of work, and I would like to see them come out and voice their opinions because sometimes I think those get lost.”


November’s town hall meeting will be held on the steps of the Titan Student Union’s grand staircase.

Student voices will be the forefront of town hall forums. The forums will be a direct conversation between students and their government, and will differ from commenting during an Associated Students board meeting said Borjas and Aldazabal. “It is different in a sense that we are not discussing business between each other. We are here to hear what the students want. It is dedicated for students to talk



to us and not just ASI talking to each other,” said Aldazabal. Borjas and Aldazabal said they hope to see a broad spectrum of students attend to gain information and awareness about topics on campus, as well as, hear the voices of individuals following issues closely. The outcome of the first meeting will determine how the student leaders will proceed with future town hall meetings. If

November’s meeting is successful, Borjas and Aldazabal hope to hold two next semester. An official agenda and some logistics on how the town hall will run are still being finalized. Students are encouraged to express their concerns or opinions regarding the event by contacting the leaders of Associated Students.

Titans: Students join CSUF family

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Students settle into their seats in anticipation for the 2018 Convocation. CONTINUED FROM 1 He spoke of apprehension and a weighing anxiety about where to start and how to fit in at a new school. “I had no idea what college was about. I didn’t know how to be a good student. I didn’t know how to be a good community member and that was really prevalent on my first day of orientation,” Borjas said. Borjas then led the crowd in the Titan Clap to energize the audience. The applause echoed loudly throughout the gym. Students, faculty, staff and alumni joined in what Borjas described as a tradition that has been passed down from Titan to Titan. Afterwards the Associated Student president had new Titans, promise to care for other Titans, to challenge one’s self and to be dedicated to excellence by repeating a pleadge. Matt Olson, deputy chief of

staff and director of executive communications in the president’s office, said the convocation was slightly different from previous years because it focused on welcoming students. When Olson arrived in 2014, he said students were invited to the welcome event but it was very faculty and staff-centric. Virjee visited the 23 CSUs and ultimately was inspired to hold a better convocation, that could center on all of the new members of CSUF leading to “the best kind of Titan experience,” according to Olson. “He just is inspired by you all, what you do, how you do it,” Olson said. “The fact that you guys work multiple jobs, and take a bus, and raise families and are the first in your family or whatever situation, there is 40,000 of you. Whatever situation you are in, that you really do reach higher to achieve your academic goals.”


4 Lifestyle


Discoverfest showcases a myriad of diverse clubs



Two Tyrannosaurus rex prepare to face off in the central Quad at Cal State Fullerton.

Nothing says spirit like the inflatable Tuffy the Titan cheering “Go Titans!”



Titans dance in unison as Power 106 (KPWR-FM) plays in the background.

Students share their thoughts by writing them on a club’s oversized beach ball.


Students check out booths for different clubs and organizations on campus.

issues and extends the constitutional rights of free speech. Club president Tristan Krogius says he likes to stray away from social issues due to its inherent TANYA CASTANEDA controversy. Lifestyle Editor “We like to really get into the fundamental basics of the ideAs music blared through the ology that we’re proclaiming, Power 106 (KPWR-FM) speak- which is free market capitalism. ers and tents took over the We need people to understand,” quad, one event worked to con- Krogius said. nect over 40,000 students, enKrogius said his desire to couraging them to get involved start a Turning Point chapter and thrive on campus. this semester on campus beDiscoverfest took place on gan when he took an American Wednesday and Thursday, al- studies course. He said it was a lowing students to hop from revisionist history course and booth to booth to gather infor- said the sole textbook for the mation on clubs and organizaa left-wing rewrite FULLERTONclass was N. Harborhistory. Blvd. tions at Cal State Fullerton.COSTA MESof: 215 American goal A (The LAB): 2930 Bristol His Clubs like Turning Point LON capwas460 to foster freedom ofSt. speech G BEACH: 8 E. 2nd St. tured the attention of students BUFFALOEXand CHANGEallow .COM • other students to passing by the booths. speak up for what they believe The club discusses economic in. “There’s been atrocities,

Students come together as one student body.


we’ve committed them. Every government around the world has, but for teachers to be tearing down American values because of what certain administrations have done in the past is not something I’m here to learn. I’m here to get something student-led to kind of attack the other side of the debacle,” Krogius said. In addition to freedom of speech, clubs on campus also focus on networking, leadership skills and giving back to the community. Jorge “Jay” Ramos, president of the Latino Business Association, said those are his three main goals, along with ensuring all graduating seniors secure job offers and all juniors internship at positions that will help them succeed. He said that building a


Information booths direct students to their desired location.

community and offering support is what will push minorities forward and provide first-generation students with a positive college experience. “I’m so passionate about (the club) because I really care about not only the Latino community, but humanity as a whole. There’s probably someone at the Black Student Union or at the other multicultural clubs with the same mission. We’re all uplifting all our races together, but we all have open minds and that in turn can help all humanity,” Ramos said. Divine Servants is another club striving to provide support to minority groups on campus. Currently consisting of about ten members, the club meets to study bible passages and have open discussions about how the passages relate to their

lives. Originally formed to create a safe space, the members often talk about issues that people of color may be going through from a faith-based perspective. “I started the group because I wanted to grow more in my faith but also help others grow in their faith as well,” said Caleb Mack, president of Divine Servants. Although the goal of most clubs was to attract the attention of potential new members, it also served as a good way to inform students of the things they can do to enhance their college experience. “This is just more of a fun way to get involved. It’s more inviting, I’d say,” transfer student Austin Reilly said.


Opinion 5


Column: The struggles of a student mother Balancing school work and a new baby is difficult but worth it.


I was never a firm believer in love at first sight - until my daughter was placed on my chest for the first time after nine months of eagerly waiting to meet her. That moment I understood the true meaning of love. It felt like the world fell away and created an overwhelming sense of calmness and completeness. But then came time to leave the hospital with my daughter and to enter the reality of motherhood. My allotted recovery and bonding time came to an end, pushing life into full speed, welcoming work and school into my new routine. Like many single parents attending college, I am fighting several time demands. Almost 56 percent of single parents may devote upwards of 30 hours per week to watching their children, according to a 2014 study from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. It’s a juggling act: rotating work, school and mommy duties. Pumping in three-hour increments each day ensures my four-month-old daughter’s food supply maintains production. In between pumpings, I squeeze in all of my school responsibilities as well. My mornings are full of

laundry folding, washing and preparing bottles, and tending to my daughter’s needs. School work is done while she is content in her rocker or asleep in bed. I constantly receive suggestions to sleep when the baby sleeps, but I feel if I follow that advice, nothing would ever get done. Most of the time, I wish I had a few extra limbs to help finish everything. With so much to do before leaving for class, I usually only have a few minutes to focus on myself. Therefore, I sport the messy mom bun. It keeps my hair out of the strong grip of my daughter as I kiss her goodbye, and hides the tangles I have no time to brush out. My mom and aunt help watch her so I don’t have the extra worry of leaving my daughter with a stranger. At first, I was hesitant to accept help from family because I wanted to prove to myself, and them, that I can do everything. Now, I see it as a blessing because without their help and support I don’t know how I would make it through this semester. I considered taking this semester off by doing a stop-out to adjust to my motherly duties and ensure that my daughter was being taken care of. For many Cal State Fullerton students, a stop-out during spring or fall semester is an option that requires no form to fill out. For one semester, a student may be unenrolled, but they must enroll in classes the following semester. It is also possible to use the stop-out policy more than once, just not for consecutive semesters according to registration and records. Instead of choosing that route, I was able to feel safe in the decision to return to school


for my last semester with some of my family’s guidance. It’s only for a few hours a day, which allows me to return home and spend my nights with my daughter. In the evenings I return home tired, but eager to sweep my daughter into my arms and witness for myself her new habits and abilities. She amazes me with her tenacity and dedication to her development. After a night of feedings, bathings and readings, I fall

asleep knowing that I must wake up the next day and repeat it all again. The number of single mothers finishing school and receiving their degrees is low. In 2015, only 31 percent of single mother students attained a bachelor’s degree or higher, according to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. There are days where I want to collapse in bed with my daughter safe in my arms, forgetting the world and the

Removing bail won’t fix bias This new elimination will cause further inequality.


On Aug. 28, California became the first state to eliminate cash bail. The newly-passed law, under the bill name SB-10, goes into effect October 2019. It will give judges full authority to discern whether or not a person awaiting trial stays in jail or is released during that time. In theory, this sounds like a step forward, but in effect it fails to address systemic bias toward race and class. Whether or not a person gets released while their trial pends is determined by judges who will rely on technology known as pretrial risk assessments. These tests are essentially algorithms that collect data from law enforcement, victims, prosecutors and the defense. Once obtained,



the system then attaches a score to the arrested person: ranging from high, medium or low risk. According to the bill, their score estimates the probability of that person failing to appear for their court date or committing another crime. If the person arrested is considered low risk, they will be released from jail because they are unlikely to threaten public safety or abscond from court. Those who are deemed medium risk, pose a moderate threat and would either be released or jailed until their court date. High-risk people, unless the judge decides otherwise, would be held until their date because according to the risk assessment algorithm, they have the highest probability to reoffend or not appear for their arraignment, according to the law. This is a problem. Some risk assessment tests can be racially or economically biased as the tests collect data that ultimately end up punishing people who live in bad neighborhoods, have little education or come from unsupportive families. According to ProPublica, the data that this particular test takes into account, is no different. If the data given to the judges from law enforcement factors in how many arrests someone’s had, their prior arrests might be used against them even if they weren’t convicted of that crime. SEE LAW

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responsibilities it comes with. But, in this role as a working and studying mother, I am learning that I must be flexible, versatile and patient. The odds of achieving an education aren’t in a single mother’s favor, it is important to fight against them. Completing mine is a key factor in providing my daughter with the secure life she deserves. I want her to have a mommy she can look up to for care and direction throughout her life journey.

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6 Opinion


Nike’s campaign is worth the risk Consumers express mixed emotions with Kaepernick’s ad.

MATTHEW MENDOZA Asst. Sports Editor

On Sept. 3, Nike announced the 30th anniversary of the “Just Do It” campaign with former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick as the focal point of the ad, featuring his headshot captioned “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.” The original ad was followed by a commercial, also narrated by Kaepernick, in which he talked about dreaming big. The release of the ads upset people across the country. Some unhappy customers cut the Nike logos off their clothes, while others burned their Nike gear. Despite a lot of backlash from those who took offense to Kaepernick’s actions, the ad has received a lot of praise from people all over the nation. By supporting Kaepernick, Nike is not only putting its relationship with the NFL at risk, but it is also putting its consumer appeal at risk as well. #BoycottNike has gone viral on Twitter, with many people saying they will no longer be purchasing Nike products. The ad debuted on television Thursday during the opening night of the 2018 NFL season. From Sept. 1 to the day after the ad appeared, Nike’s online sales jumped 31 percent according to Edison Trends. Whether or not this is directly because of the ad, is unclear, but it is a


marked improvement from last year when Nike’s sales only jumped 17 percent following Labor Day weekend according to Edison Trends. In 2016, Kaepernick became the hottest topic in football after he took a knee during the national anthem prior to kickoff. Kaepernick said in an interview with that his decision to do so was influenced by the injustice that was taking place in America, and that he would not stand for a country that oppresses people of color. He was aware of the repercussions of his actions before the lawsuit, but didn’t care. “I have to stand up for people that are oppressed ... If they

Law: CA justice system is flawed

take football away, my endorsements from me, I know that I stood up for what is right,” Kaepernick told NFL Media. Kaepernick’s ability to play football in the NFL has been taken away for now, but he still has his Nike endorsement, both financially and politically. Despite the risk of upsetting a large number of its consumers, Nike took this chance with Kaepernick anyway. CSUF lecturer in communications Keith Kesler, who is also a former advertising and marketing executive, believes that Nike’s decision making was unique. “I’m still trying to figure out if they are marketing geniuses. Why did they need to use him

for this ad, knowing that they could go in and alienate part of their audience?” Kesler said. In the grand scheme of things, one important question needs to be asked: Despite the controversy, would Nike as a brand suffer because of its decision to run this ad? Nike has always been on the side of equality, as exemplified in its 2017 “Equality” ad. So ultimately, its decision to use Kaepernick for the new “Just Do It” ad shouldn’t be a surprise. “They knew there was controversy around it,” Kesler said. “That could have been one of the reasons they did it. They saw he identified with their

brand voice.” Nike was obviously well aware of the potential backlash it would face by taking a stand (or a knee) with Kaepernick, but maybe that’s why it was done in the first place. From making Michael Jordan the face of the brand in the ‘80s one year after being drafted, to keeping Tiger Woods around after his scandals and giving a 90 million dollar contract to LeBron James right out of high school, Nike has proven that it is not new to risk taking – even if that risk means potentially losing money.



making bail more equitable for everyone,” Meehan said. “The lonNow, instead of judges making ger you wait in jail, the more you decisions, a discriminatory algo- want to get out. Especially if you rithm will presume guilt before have any responsibility for, or you they even get a fair trial. This ul- believe you have responsibility for, timately contradicts the presump- say a spouse or children or whattion of innocence enshrined in the ever it is you are committed to. Constitution. People will ultimately plead guilty This law is also worrisome be- to charges simply so they can get cause it doesn’t provide oversight out of jail.” for judges and prosecutors who What the law is trying to acare making the decision to have complish is respectable, but it isn’t people released from jail or not. addressing the real problem: bias. Judges hold a great deal of power, Bail doesn’t need reformation, but they are still people and peo- bias does. Unfortunately, the jusple can become jaded, especially if tice system is deeply flawed.While they are overworked. Dealing with some are actively trying to fix it, criminals, many who are repeat of- it’s far from perfect. Therefore, fenders, can drain someone’s hope it’s a mistake to award an already and unintentionally create an atti- faulty system with more power. tude of bias. California needs to prove the However, some believe that the justice system is fair and honlaw isn’t all bad. Kevin Meehan, est and that it works for the betassociate professor of criminal terment of the people. While the justice at Cal State Fullerton, sug- state does try and eradicate the gests that by eliminating cash FUL bail, notion of innocent people taking LERTON: 215 N. Harbor Blvd. it seeks to create an equal playdeals and offers the ilCOSTA MESguilty A (The plea LAB)reducing : 2930 Briitsstoovercrowdl St. ing field between the economic lusion of LONG BEACH: 4608 E. 2nd St. classes. ed jails, the good does not offset BUFFALOEXCHANGE.COM • “It accomplishes the goal of the bad. CONTINUED FROM



MONTEBELLO Saturday, September 8, 2018 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Montebello Senior Center 115 S Taylor Ave Montebello, CA 90640

ANAHEIM Thursday, September 20, 2018 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Brookhurst Community Center 2271 W Crescent Ave Anaheim, CA 92801

SANTA FE SPRINGS+ Wednesday, September 12, 2018 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Gus Velasco Neighborhood Center 9255 S Pioneer Blvd Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670

BUENA PARK Monday, September 24, 2018 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Buena Park Community Center 6688 Beach Blvd Buena Park, CA 90621

DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES+ Monday, September 17, 2018 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Nishi Hongwanji Buddhist Temple (Gym) 815 E 1st St Los Angeles, CA 90012

+English/Spanish Meeting +Live webcast presentation starts at 6:00 p.m.

For more information, please visit

LANGUAGES AND OTHER NEEDS Interpretación en español será disponible en todas las reuniones. Downtown Los Angeles및Buena Park미팅 시 한국어 통역사를 이용하실 수 있습니다. Magiging available ang mga enterpreter ng tagalog sa mga pagpupulong sa Downtown Los Angeles. Downtown Los Angeles 會議將提供華語翻譯. 日本語の通訳は Downtown Los Angelesでのミーティングでご利用になれます。

Meeting facilities are accessible for persons with disabilities. All requests for reasonable accommodations and/or language services must be made three working days (72 hours) in advance of the scheduled meeting date by calling (877) 669-0494. For TTY/TTD assistance, please call the California Relay Service at 711. CaliforniaHighSpeedRail

@cahsra CAHighSpeedRail

@cahsra | (877) 669-0494 | VISIT US AT: DAILYTITAN.COM

Leisure 7




ARIES (Mar. 21 - Apr. 19) Looking into the mirror is not quite the same as being mirrored. Stay alert for how others reflect your energy today. A partner who gets frustrated with you may point out that you are putting too much effort into your career and not into your connection.

Like the Daily Titan on Facebook & message us with your answer for a chance to win!


Jenn He

Ideally, if you achieve balance in your daily schedule, satisfaction at work will follow. However, as soon as you implement your routine with extra passion, the pressure mounts instead of dissipates.



GEMINI (May 21 - Jun. 20)


WORD OF THE DAY leucocholy

What are you most excited for about this semester?

a state of feeling that accompanies preoccupation with trivial and insipid diversions

Check back next week for a new question!


CANCER (Jun. 21 - Jul. 22) Your family nestles itself firmly somewhere between your recent growing desire to flex your creative muscles and your mental overstimulation. A current or former partner wants something from you, which prompts you to take a sober look at how you are balancing everything.

Creation of one Thomas Gray, an 18th century poet. There has been little recorded uses of the word leucocholy.

Isaac Gonzalez


Play is the secret to your genius. Everything is fun until you remember you owe someone something. Luckily, you find your way right back to your source of joy fairly quickly after you get this debt sorted out.



LEO (Jul. 23 - Aug. 22)

Looking to find a roommate?

Trying to sell that used car?

Your health is a gauge for your stress. You may reach a sudden stopping point when you are out and about today. If you have been pushing too hard taking care of odds and ends, you may extend yourself too far.

Need some part time help?

You’re looking at the right place.

VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sep. 22) Forging any body of work consumes resources. You can’t help but worry whether you have enough to make your project succeed. Someone who seemed supportive at first appears to be wavering today.

HIGH SODIUM FOODS: Chips Luncheon Meat Salad Dressings Cottage Cheese Green Olives Garlic Salt Frozen Meals Crackers Marinades Pretzels Corned Beef 1 Bacon Bouillon 6 Soy Sauce 2 Pancake 3 5 Mix 1 Bread

The question of self-worth and value is blown wide open today. You tend to define yourself against others, absorbing their talents into your repertoire without acknowledging your innate authority.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) Your dreams are speaking volumes now. The messages they bring dominate your thoughts and how you communicate. On the instinctual level, you sense everything that happens around you.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

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SUDOKU Daily Sudoku: Fri 24-Aug-2018

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2 6 1 4 7 5 9 8 3 Last Issue’s Solution Daily Sudoku: Fri 24-Aug-2018

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5 3 9 4 2 1 8 7

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)



6 1 8 3 9 7 4 5

Wealth is not just measured in terms of financial resources, but also in terms of your relationships. Take the time to acknowledge all the ways others add value to your life. Show them how much they mean to you.



6 9 1




2 9


4 9

Daily Sudoku: Sat 1-Sep-2018



Your professional focus is sharp, and you are clipping along at an even pace. Yet, sometimes words confuse more than they clear up. As you attempt to deliver a message, be as clear and precise as possible.


AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

7 5 9




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2 7 7 6

LIBRA (Sep. 23 - Oct. 22)

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Logic can’t account for the fact that letting your mind wander into far-off worlds helps to re-energize your body and revitalize your spirit. There’s no need to hold back as you delve into the philosophy and wisdom of distant civilizations.

PISCES (Feb. 19 - Mar. 20) ©


Intimacy remains your primary concern as you navigate the space between you and another. A friend might issue a stern warning today, or a lover may suddenly go cold. You must decide whether others are being fair or not.




Sports 8


Titans’ winning streak ends


CSUF volleyball defeated the University of Akron, 3-0, during its six-game winning stretch before it dropped all three matches at the Rebel Challenge in Las Vegas.

Fullerton ends its six-game winning streak with three losses while on the road. JARED EPREM Sports Editor

The record-setting start for the Cal State Fullerton volleyball season came to an end this weekend as it dropped all three games at the Rebel Challenge in Las Vegas. The Titans entered the

weekend with the highest winning record of 6-1 in the Big West conference, and are now tied for third place with Long Beach State. Fullerton took Eastern Kentucky University to five sets in the first game of the tournament. After dropping the first two sets, the Titans forced a fifth set with six and five-point wins in the third and fourth set. However, they came up short in the final set, 15-13. The

Titans gave up six points by attacking errors, four of which were made by outside hitter Maddie Schneider. Those two sets were the only victories CSUF saw in Las Vegas. By the final game of the tournament, Fullerton was swept by Fordham University. The Titans’ hitters struggled in the match, committing 26 errors for a 0.125 overall hitting percentage. Outside hitter Felicia

Marshall and right-side hitter Tyler Fezzey led the Titans with nine kills a piece, while setter Courtney Mueller added 22 assists. CSUF was also swept by host school University of Nevada, Las Vegas. The Titans could not create points at the end of sets, but never lost a set by more than five points. Schneider (14) and Marshall (9) dominated on the outside, accounting for 23 of Fullerton’s 33 kills.

Throughout the entire tournament, CSUF struggled to limit hitting errors. Over the first 10 matches of the season, the Titans hit 0.217. In Las Vegas, they recorded 80 over their three matches, leading to a 0.130 hitting percentage for the team. Fullerton will play its first home games since Aug. 25, in the Titan Tournament. It will host University of San Francisco on Friday, Sept. 14 and University of Idaho on Sept. 15.

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